The Cheating Pear

by BrawnyBold

First published

Pear Butter ends up spending time with Burnt Oak and they do something they shouldn't do.

Pear Butter and Bright Mac were deeply in love with each other. That was something Burnt Oak knew already. When Pear Butter is forced to spend time with Burnt Oak, things take a completely different turn.

Story was requested by maxxx7491

Barn-Related Fun

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At Sweet Apple Acres, a dark gray stallion with light gray manes was tilling the fields. He wore dark blue overalls over a dirty, white shirt. This was Burnt Oak and he sometimes helps out with the farm work for the Apple family. Although he was smaller than most stallions his age, he was still able to pull his plow very easily. Burnt Oak was pulling his plow in a fast pace as he wanted to stay ahead of a certain stallion behind him. The other stallion was a large, yellow earth pony with red manes that was mostly covered with a brown stetson hat. He wore a green shirt and a pair of blue work pants. Unfortunately for Burnt Oak, the other stallion was able to pass him. Burnt Oak became a bit irritated as his friend, Bright Mac, had more of an advantage. Thanks to Bright Mac's large structure, he was able to lift ten times the average stallion. Bright Mac kept running as fast as he could until something caught his attention. Burnt Oak turned to see a familiar light orange mare with frizzy, orange manes working on a nearby field. She wore a light yellow tank top that covered her E-cup breasts and a pair of short, jean shorts. Burnt Oak knew this mare as Pear Butter and her family owned the pear orchard right next to Sweet Apple Acres. Pear Butter reached down and allowed her perfectly round rump to go upwards. Burnt Oak quickly turned away as he thought it was wrong to see a mare's rear without her knowing. Burnt Oak also noticed that Bright Mac kept looking. Bright Mac accidentally turned and he ended up crashing through the fences. Before Bright Mac could stop, he ended up hitting the Pear Family's water silo. All of the silo's water spilled out and spread throughout the fields. Burnt Oak hurried to see that Bright Mac wasn't hurt. Burnt Oak panicked when he recognized Grand Pear running towards the silo. Grand Pear was an older, pale yellow earth pony stallion. He had brown manes with a single gray streak on it. His clothes were made up of a green bandana on his neck, a green flannel shirt, and brown pants. Burnt Oak grabbed Bright Mac and pulled him into the bushes to avoid getting spotted. Grand Pear was the head member of the Pear Family, arch rival to Granny Smith, and father of Pear Butter. Burnt Oak was scared of Grand Pear as he could be very strict, especially when it came to his family and their pear orchard. Burnt Oak and Bright Mac peeked to see Grand Pear making his way to Pear Butter.

"Pear Butter, what did you do?!" Grand Pear asked with anger.

"I-I'm not sure," Pear Butter said in confusion. Burnt Oak noticed Bright Mac getting up and leaving the bushes. Although Burnt Oak wanted to stop Bright Mac, Burnt Oak really didn't want to face Grand Pear's wrath.

"She didn't do anything, Sir." Bright Mac said as he approached Grand Pear and Pear Butter.

"Excuse me?" Grand Pear said.

"The water silo, it was my fault." Bright Mac said as he removed his hat. Pear Butter couldn't help but giggle as she thought it was sweet of Bright Mac to do that. Grand Pear noticed this and grunted.

"You owe me a new silo, boy." Grand Pear said before he turned to his daughter. "And you, come with me." Grand Pear said as he and Pear Butter walked away from Bright Mac.
"No daughter of mine is going to make goo goo eyes at an Apple." Grand Pear said. As the Pears, left, Burnt Oak slowly got out of his hiding spot. Burnt Oak went to check up on Bright Mac to see that Bright Mac had a goofy grin on his face as he watched Pear Butter go.

For the next few day, Bright Mac would go over to the Pears' farm to rebuild the water silo. Grand Pear wasn't going to let his daughter watch the Apple stallion work. So Grand Pear sent her daughter to temporarily work at the Oaks' tree farm until Bright Mac left. Grand Pear even paid the Oak family to watch Pear Butter in case if she sneaks off to Bright Mac. Pear Butter was infuriated as she doesn't get to spend time with with Bright Mac. As Pear Butter worked at the Oaks' farm, some members of the Oak family would take turns staying close to her. The current Oak watching over Pear Butter was Burnt Oak and he felt really uncomfortable from being with her. Burnt Oak could sense Pear Butter's anger from the distant between them. He thought talking to her would be like poking a really pissed off bear. So Burnt Oak tried to avoid making eye contact with Pear Butter while he chopped some of the lumber. The day went on and the sun was shining brighter. This caused Burnt Oak to sweat more than usual. No matter how much sweat he wiped off, he was still hot from the sun.

'Sheesh Princess Celestia, could you at least move back the sun just a bit?' Burnt Oak thought as he looked at the bright sky. He turned to check on Pear Butter to see that she was still near him. Burnt Oak then saw Pear Butter taking off her shirt to show off her white tank top. Due to all of Pear Butter's sweating, this made Pear Butter's shirt almost see through and it was almost revealing her yellow bra. Burnt Oak blushed and turned away from Pear Butter.
'What are you thinking, Burnt Oak?!' Burnt Oak thought to himself. 'Bright Mac and Pear Butter like each other!' Burnt Oak turned again to almost have his eyes popped out when he saw Pear Butter opening a water canteen and pour it on her face. The water drizzled down to her chest where her shirt became more soaked. She then flipped her manes to get most of the water off. Her breasts bounced along to her movements.

Burnt Oak had to admit, Pear Butter was quite stunning. He remembered times when Pear Butter walked through Ponyville while nearby stallions would turn and look at her sexy body. Pear Butter was like the ideal farm mare every stallion in Ponyville would imagine in their wet dreams. Not a lot of stallions approached Pear Butter thanks to her overprotective dad. Whenever a stallion did get close to Pear Butter, Grand Pear would be there to glare and threaten the stallions. There were even times when stallions would approach Grand Pear and ask him permission to go out with Pear Butter. The result was Grand Pear beating the crap out of those stallions until they ran away with their tail between their legs. Even though Grand Pear kept the stallions away, that didn't stop Pear Butter from seeing Bright Mac.

As Burnt Oak continued to look at Pear Butter, he felt something strange between his legs. He looked down and was shocked to see that he had a pitched tent. Burnt Oak quickly covered it with his hands and turned away. This caught Pear Butter's attention.
"Are you alright, Burnt Oak?" Pear Butter asked.

"Y-Yeah, I'm just feeling a little dizzy. That's all." Burnt Oak said while his back was still turned.

"I got this canteen full of water. You could have some if you want." Pear Butter said as she walked closer to Burnt Oak.

"No no! I just need to lay in the shade to cool off. I'll be right back." Burnt Oak started to run to while his hand was on his crotch. Pear Butter shrugged before she went back to pick up some more logs. Burnt Oak kept running while looking for a safe place to hide. He spotted his family's storage barn where they kept all of the chopped up wood. Burnt Oak hurried inside to collapse on to some pile of hay. He panted from all of the running he did. Burnt Oak looked around to see that no one else was inside. This made him more relaxed as he didn't want to draw more attention. Burnt Oak looked down to see that he still had a pitched tent despite being completely away from Pear Butter. He thought about waiting for a bit until his erection died down, but he remembered that he had to watch Pear Butter until Bright Mac was done with the silo. Burnt Oak tried to push his boner down, only for it to stay back up. He grew more frustrated while trying to think of ways to reduce his erection. Burnt Oak could only think of one option and he really didn't like it.

Pear Butter was finished putting up the last of the chopped up logs. She looked at around to see that Burnt Oak hasn't returned yet.

'Guess he must've fell asleep.' Pear Butter thought. She thought about leaving the Oak farm but she remembered that she has to stick with Burnt Oak until Bright Mac left. So Pear Butter searched for Burnt Oak all around the Oak farm. Pear Butter was getting confused as she had no idea where Burnt Oak was. She spotted the barn and made her way to it. Pear Butter opened the barn doors very slowly before she peaked inside.

"Burnt Oak, are you in here?" Pear Butter said as she entered the barn. She walked passed several stacks of wood until she heard some grunting. Pear Butter made her way towards the haystacks and heard the grunts much louder. When Pear Butter peaked around the corner, she was stunned from what she saw. It was Burnt Oak with his overalls undone and his long dick was out in the open. He was busy using one hand to jerk his dick off while laying on a hay pile.
"Oh! Oh, Pear Butter!" Burnt Oak said loudly while his eyes were closed. A part of Burnt Oak felt really ashamed for jerking off inside his families' barn. He tried to remember all of the nude mares he had seen from the porn magazines he hides in his room. But the image of Pear Butter kept appearing in his thoughts and he started to imagine making love to her.

Pear Butter was shocked to see Burnt Oak masterbating in his families' barn. She was also surprised to see Burnt Oak's long, hard dick. It was dark gray just like Burnt Oak's fur and small veins were pulsing from his touching. Pear Butter has seen what a stallion's penis looks like when she and Bright Mac had sex for the first time. But Pear Butter thought Burnt Oak's dick looked way longer than Bright Mac's. Pear Butter was starting to feel heated from watching Burnt Oak relieve himself. Pear Butter's crotch was starting to feel wet and her hand was already reaching down into her shorts.

Burnt Oak kept rubbing his dick while feeling the heat. In Burnt Oak thoughts, he was seeing Pear Butter rubbing her breasts against his chest before she turned and rubbed her own butt against his hard dick. Burnt Oak could feel himself getting ready to explode. He began to rub his dick much faster and let out some louder grunts.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Burnt Oak hollered before his dick shot out a few strings of cum from its tip. He panted heavily as he laid down on the hay. Burnt Oak felt worn out from all of his jerking off and also from chopping the wood. Burnt Oak felt his dick and he grumbled as it remained up. "Damn, it's still hard after all I did." Burnt Oak said out loud.

'His dick hasn't went limp yet?!' Pear Butter thought in surprise. She formed a small smile and made her way towards Burnt Oak.

"My, that was some nice handy work you did there." Pear Butter said as she stood in front of Burnt Oak.

"P-Pear!" Burnt Oak said as he tried to cover himself. "I-I'm so sorry! Please turn away! I was" Burnt Oak tried to think of a good excuse until Pear Butter sat down. Pear Butter was amazed to see Burnt Oak's long dick much closer. She didn't say anything as she placed her hand on the tip of Burnt Oak's dick. Burnt Oak didn't know what was going on before he felt Pear Butter's hand moving a bit to feel his rod. Burnt Oak's mind ordered him to stop Pear Butter from touching his dick, but his body was too tired to do anything. He shuttered from the warmth of Pear Butter's hand.

"Wow, I had no idea there was such a hard and warm log attached to little old you, Burnt Oak." Pear Butter said as she used both hands to feel up Burnt Oak's dick. "I guess it's true, great things do come from small packages." Pear Butter's hands moved down to give a good rub on Burnt Oak's shaft.

"P-Pear, please!" Burnt Oak begged. "Think of Bright Mac!"

"Oh, it won't hurt if he doesn't find out." Pear Butter responded as she rubbed her hands up and down. "Besides, you need to take responsibility for making me feel so horny. Ever since my daddy forbid me from seeing Bright Mac, I haven't had a lot of sex from Bright Mac."

"T-Then why not go to Bright Mac?!" Burnt Oak questioned.

"True, but his dick wasn't as hard as yours." Pear Butter purred.
Burnt Oak gulped as he realized that Pear Butter was extremely thirsty for sex. Pear Butter opened her mouth to take one gulp of Burnt Oak's dick. She tried to be careful and not choke while Burnt Oak's dick was inserted in her mouth. When Pear Butter's mouth reached its limit, she started to suck off Burnt Oak as if his dick was a straw. Her mouth and tongue explored all parts of Burnt Oak's hard dick. Pear Butter recalled that when she sucked off Bright Mac, his dick was just about average. But for Burnt Oak, it was as if she was swallowing a large corn on a cob. Burnt Oak couldn't help but moan from how good it felt to have Pear Butter blowing him. Pear Butter pumped her head in and out to cause a steady pace.

'Whoa, Pear is really good at this.' Burnt Oak thought. 'She must've gotten a lot of practice when she and Bright Mac had sex.' Burnt Oak let out another long moan as he felt Pear Butter's tongue wrap around his dick. 'Yep, a lot of practice,' Pear Butter moved one hand to feel up Burnt Oak's balls. She was really surprised that Burnt Oak's balls felt hard as well. Pear Butter went on to rub down Burnt Oak's balls while she still blew him. With the addition of Pear Butter rubbing Burnt Oak's balls, Burnt Oak felt like he was ready to shoot another load from his dick. Pear Butter increased her pace with her mouth and her hands to speed up Burnt Oak. With all of the built up pressure, Burnt Oak finally came and shot out his first few loads into Pear Butter's mouth. Pear Butter couldn't help but gag from how much cum Burnt Oak was ejecting. But still, Pear Butter swallowed some of the load so she could have that salty goodness. Burnt Oak released a few more loads before he completely stopped. Pear Butter removed her mouth from Burnt Oak's dick and licked her lips in satisfaction.

"Hmm, you were really tasty, Burnt Oak." Pear Butter said in a pleasing tone.

"That's good." Burnt Oak said as he tried to get up.

"You were had so much inside of you." Pear Butter claimed. "If I had to guess, you could practically fill a whole gallon with your recent load."

"What about Bright Mac?" Burnt Oak asked. "Wasn't he as good as me?"

"If I have to be honest, most of Bright Mac's loads would only fill up half pints." Burnt Oak couldn't help but chuckle from learning such a thing about his best friend. Burnt Oak then felt Pear Butter sitting down on his lap.

"Whoa there, Burnt Oak." Pear Butter said. "Don't think that we're done. I'm hungry for some more." Pear Butter started to grind her hips on Burnt Oak. He blushed as he could feel how nice Pear Butter's butt felt. This actually caused Burnt Oak's dick to rise up again much to his surprise. Pear Butter turned to see Burnt Oak's dick and smiled. "Looks like your not-so-little buddy is ready for some more too." Pear Butter stood up so she start striping down. She started with unbuttoning her shirt and then she took off her tank top to show off her yellow bra. Pear Butter moved on to unhook the back of her bra to completely show off her breasts. Burnt Oak was lost for words from how nice Pear Butter's breasts looked. They were large, yet not too saggy. The nipples were dark brown and were really perked up from possibly Pear Butter being aroused. Burnt Oak thought it was no wonder most of the stallions of Ponyville would go after Pear Butter. Next, Pear Butter pulled her shorts down. Burnt Oak's jaw dropped from seeing Pear Butter's completely exposed pussy. Burnt Oak guessed that Pear Butter pulled down her panties too. Pear Butter started to rub her hand against the front part of her pussy. "Hmm, my pear pussy is just itching to meet your oak dick. Shall we let them get to know each other?" Pear Butter moved down to have her crotch extremely close to Burnt Oak's dick. Just for fun, Pear Butter rubbed her pussy against Burnt Oak's shaft. Pear Butter was amazed to feel the rough texture of Burnt Oak's rod. She actually thought that Bright Mac's dick was soft in contrast to Burnt Oak's. Burnt Oak on the other hand was completely overwhelmed from how nice and fleshy Pear Butter's pussy felt. "Hmm, it seems that they really like each other." Pear Butter commented. He could feel himself getting ready to fired his load just from his and Pear Butter's privates touching. Before Burnt Oak could shoot his load, Pear Butter stopped her rubbing and positioned herself with her above Burnt Oak's stiff dick. "I did enough teasing for now. Let the real fun start." Pear Butter squatted down and allowed Burnt Oak's dick to penetrate her pussy. Pear Butter cried out as Burnt Oak's dick was pushing roughly through her insides. "Ah! It's so big!" Pear Butter claimed. Burnt Oak felt how warm and moist Pear Butter's pussy was. Burnt Oak could imagine how Bright Mac felt when the apple stallion was fucking Pear Butter for the first time. Pear Butter couldn't help but groan as she was having a hard time inserting Burnt Oak's dick in her pussy. "Sorry, Bright Mac's dick would usually fit me like a glove. Your dick is a lot more challenging." Pear Butter kept on pushing Burnt Oak's dick until two-thirds of it went in. This was when Pear Butter stopped. "I think this should be enough." Pear Butter said as she started to move up and down with Burnt Oak's dick rubbing against her pussy's walls. She was feeling completely bliss as she pumped herself against Burnt Oak's dick. 'This is WAY better than fucking Bright Mac!' Pear Butter thought as she kept going. Burnt Oak grunted as he watched Pear Butter having her way with his dick. His eyes were specially glued to Pear Butter's breasts as they bounced from each thrust. "Oh Burnt Oak! You're making me feel so good!" Pear Butter claimed. "Bright Mac would have came after a few of my thrusts, but you're already breaking his record!" Burnt Oak could feel himself getting ready to ejaculate again.

"I'm gonna cum!" Burnt Oak hollered.

"Yeah! Fill me up, Burnt Oak!" Pear replied. Both of them cried out as they shot their loads. Pear Butter's pussy was completely overflowing with the large amount of cum Burnt Oak's dick shot out. A few more seconds passed before Pear Butter and Burnt Oak were done with their orgasms. Pear Butter was so tired that she collapsed on top of Burnt Oak, causing her breasts to press against his chest. They panted heavily from their first time fucking each other. "So much," Pear Butter said. "You have so much tasty seeds!" Pear Butter did her best to lick off as much of Burnt Oak's load from herself.

"I wouldn't say that." Burnt Oak said. "This was actually my first time doing it with a mare."

"Really?!" Pear Butter asked in surprise. "With a large log like yours? How can any mare turn you down?"

"I don't really get that much attention from the mares in Ponyville." Burnt Oak said sheepishly. "Mostly because the mares would usually go after Bright Mac since he's all big and strong like that."

"Geez, those mares were really missing out on your huge oak." Pear Butter said as she gave Burnt Oak's dick some small strokes. "If I had the authority, I would've given you a blue ribbon for having the best dick in Ponyville." Burnt Oak smiled from hearing such a praise. He was also really enjoying Pear Butter's handjob. Pear Butter got up and looked at Burnt Oak. "Alright, time for another round." Burnt Oak noticed that he was able to regain his strength while he and Pear Butter fucked. Burnt Oak first thought that he should stop Pear Butter and talk her down before she went any further, but that disappeared and his mind was thinking of all kinds of dirty ideas. He got up to plant his lips against Pear Butter's. Pear Butter was shocked at this until she slowly give in and joined in on the make-out session. Pear Butter wrapped her arms around Burnt Oak while he did the same. They went back down on the hay pile with Pear Butter at the bottom. Their tongues wrapped around each other as they kissed. They stopped their kiss to catch their breaths. "Wow, a great dick and great kisser? Boy, I have been missing out." They then went back to their kissing. Burnt Oak started to move his arms so he feel up Pear Butter's smooth back. It wasn't long until Burnt Oak's hands made their way to Pear Butter's butt and gave them a nice squeeze. Pear Butter gasped from Burnt Oak's bold move. Burnt Oak started to grope and massage Pear Butter's asscheeks that were really soft in his hands. Pear Butter couldn't help but moan from how nice it felt for Burnt Oak to feel her up. He then moved his hands to grab hold of Pear Butter's breasts. Burnt Oak was ecstatic from being able to feel a pair of breasts for the first time. He never thought that mares' breasts would feel so soft yet firm. As Burnt Oak continued to grope Pear Butter, he didn't notice that Pear Butter had a smirk on her face. "You really like em big, don't ya?" Pear asked. Burnt Oak laughed nervously as he felt really embarrassed for feeling up Pear Butter.

"I'm sorry," Burnt Oak said. "It's just that it was my first time touching a mare's breasts."

"It's fine," Pear Butter assured. "Bright Mac was kinda like that when we first had sex. He was such a horn dog that he gave my girls too much of a squeeze. You on the other hoof, you're more gentler when you touch em." Pear Butter lifted up one of her breasts. "How about you give em a taste?" Burnt Oak blushed as he was just given a chance to suck on Pear Butter's breasts. How could he not turn down such an opportunity? Burnt Oak lifted up one breasts and gave it a good lick on its tit. It actually tasted really nice for Burnt Oak. He also notice that Pear Butter's tit was hard. Burnt Oak guessed that is where mares' get aroused at too. Burnt Oak went on to suckle each of Pear Butter's tits and made sure each get equal sucking. Pear Butter was also enjoying Burnt Oak's sucking as she remembered Bright Mac being so rough when he sucks on her tits. Burnt Oak removed his mouth from Pear Butter's tits and sighed from satisfaction.

"Your tits tasted so fine." Burnt Oak commented.

"Why thank you, Burnt Oak." Pear Butter said as she repositioned herself. She was now on her hands and knees with her butt facing Burnt Oak. "Now, how about you mount me up?" Pear Butter gave her butt a small wiggle in an attempt to bring in Burnt Oak. It absolutely worked as Burnt Oak grabbed hold of Pear Butter's butt and inserted his long dick in. Pear Butter couldn't help but moan from how good it felt to have Burnt Oak's dick back inside of her. Burnt Oak grunted as he carefully inserted his dick all the way inside of Pear. He was surprised that he was able to fit his dick all the way inside of her. Burnt Oak started to pump his dick forward and back while inside of Pear Butter.

"Hmm, you feel so good, Burnt Oak. If only Bright Mac could pound me like you do. He would just keep rushing it." Burnt Oak looked down and smiled as he was enjoying the view of Pear Butter's plot bouncing from each thrust he made. As Burnt Oak continued, Pear Butter tried her best not to climax as having such a hard rod inside of herself was already enough for her. Burnt Oak lifted one hand and slapped it against Pear Butter's butt cheek. Pear Butter gasped from feeling the sting on her flank.

"Consider that a punishment for being so naughty." Burnt Oak said as he slapped his hand on the other butt cheek. Burnt Oak went on to slap each of Pear Butter's butt cheeks.

"Yes! Yes! Spank me so hard, Burnt Oak!" Pear Butter hollered. Pear Butter started to feel really good from each butt slap she received. She always thought spanks were the worst considering all the times her father spanked her flank when she misbehaved. But Pear Butter thought that Burnt Oak spanked in a such a manner that she was actually enjoying it. "Bright Mac would never spank me like you do. Probably because he doesn't want to hurt me." Pear Butter cooed when she felt a few more spanks. "Oh my, I must've been a really bad girl." Pear Butter commented. Burnt Oak kept up his pacing with his spanks and his thrusts to make them in sync with each other. "Ah! You're so perfect at this, Burnt Oak!" Pear Butter cried out. He soon stopped with his spanks as he didn't want to hurt Pear Butter. Burnt Oak did increase his thrusts and Pear Butter felt how hot Burnt Oak's dick was as it rubbed faster in her butt. He moved closer to Pear Butter and this caused his dick to go in her further. Burnt Oak's hands reached around Pear Butter and grabbed hold of her breasts.

"Don't think that I have forgotten about your succulent, pair of pears." Burnt Oak said as he squished Pear Butter's breasts with his hands. Pear Butter moaned some more from how good Burnt Oak's hands were to her breasts. Burnt Oak moved his hands to feel up her already hardened nipples. He remembered when he had to help out the Apple family by milking some of the cows for milk. Thanks to that experience, Burnt Oak was able to give Pear Butter's tits such a nice squeeze that Pear Butter really enjoyed.

"You're so good with your hands, Burnt Oak." Pear Butter cooed from enjoying the touch of Burnt Oak's hands on her nipples. There was also the fact that Burnt Oak was way deep within her butt that she was prepared to cum. "Burnt Oak! I'm getting ready to cum again!" Pear Butter warned.

"Me too!" Burnt Oak said as he increased his thrust speed. He kept on thrusting until he eventually did cum and filled Pear Butter's buns with his cream. Burnt Oak fell back with his dick stained with his own cum. Pear Butter also collapsed to the ground.

"That was amazing." Pear Butter whispered.

Burnt Oak had a look of surprise as he couldn't believe that he was able to get through another pounding with Pear Butter. He was sometimes afraid that he wouldn't last long in bed due to his small size. But all of those insecurities were proven wrong from what just happened. Before Burnt Oak could get back up again, his vision was blocked as something was planted on his face. His hands moved up to feel what he immediately knew was Pear Butter's butt.

"How about for the next session, we blow on each other." Pear Butter said as she grind herself on Burnt Oak's face. "Think you can handle it?" She got her answer when Burnt Oak stuffed his face on to her pussy. Pear Butter moaned as Burnt Oak started to lick with his tongue. It went up and down to glaze up Pear Butter's pussy and Pear Butter was enjoying every minute of it. Pear Butter didn't want to be left in the dust, so she swallowed up Burnt Oak's dick and pumped it in her mouth. She made sure that Burnt Oak's dick could feel every part of her mouth once again. Burnt Oak kept licking until he decided it was about the time to insert his tongue into Pear Butter. Burnt Oak's tongue struggled a little before it was able to penetrate Pear Butter's pussy. Pear Butter couldn't help but groan from the sensation of Burnt Oak's tongue entering her. She removed her mouth from Burnt Oak's dick to get some air. "Ah!" Pear Butter groaned. "Even your tongue is so skilled, Burnt Oak. Bright Mac's tongue was too large and it was hard for it to move around in me." Pear Butter went back to sucking off Burnt Oak. Burnt Oak's tongue kept going forward until it reached it limit. Once Burnt Oak's tongue was all the way in, Burnt Oak began to move his tongue around and explore Pear Butter's insides. Pear Butter returned Burnt Oak's tongue fucking by wrapping his dick with her tongue. Now the both of them went on to suck and lick each other off. It was hard to tell who was winning as Burnt Oak and Pear Butter were too horny to keep score. Pear Butter and Burnt Oak came at the same time with them tasting each others' essence. "Wow! You really know how to pleasure a mare, Burnt Oak. Bright Mac never made me cum with just his tongue like you do." Pear Butter said. She and Burnt Oak took a small break before they changed positions. Pear Butter spread her legs out and Burnt Oak stood tall with his hard dick ready for more action. "Come on in, Burnt Oak. Penetrate my cave once again." Pear Butter teased. Burnt Oak grabbed Pear Butter's legs before he reinserted his dick right into Pear Butter's pussy. She moaned as Burnt Oak went on to pound her nonstop. "Hmm, my pussy really missed this dick so much." Burnt Oak thrusted as hard as he could so Pear Butter could once again feel all of his dick inside of her. Burnt Oak stopped his thrusts and tried something new. He turned his hips to have his dick turn left and right to actually screw inside of Pear Butter's pussy. Pear Butter moaned louder as she felt a new kind of bliss. "You're getting better at this, Burnt Oak! Bright Mac would never improve each time we had sex!"

"Thanks!" Burnt Oak grunted as he continued to screw his dick in Pear Butter. When Burnt Oak was getting ready to cum again, he went back to thrusting but in his fastest pace. Pear Butter tried not to scream as she didn't want anypony outside to hear them. She too was getting ready to blow her load.

"Oh Burnt Oak! You're the greatest! You're way better than Bright Mac!" Pear Butter cried out in joy.

"I know that!" Burnt Oak said. Burnt Oak made several more thrusts in Pear Butter before the both of them came for another time. Burnt Oak removed his dick from Pear Butter again before he sat back down. Before Pear Butter could move, she saw Burnt Oak getting up and spreading her legs once again.

"B-Burnt Oak, you could stop now. I'm too tired." Pear Butter begged.

"Oh no, you had your fun with me." Burnt Oak talked back. "I'm just making sure you remember that I was way better than Bright Mac." Burnt Oak began to suck on Pear Butter's pussy for one last time. Pear Butter tried her best not to cum too soon as it would make her feel weak. That was difficult for Pear Butter as Burnt Oak used his tongue to lick all parts of her pussy. His tongue got back inside Pear Butter's pussy and Burnt Oak was licking Pear Butter's inner walls. Burnt Oak spun his tongue around to make sure he felt all parts of Pear Butter's pussy.

"Burnt Oak! Stop! Please!" Pear Butter begged. Burnt Oak ignored her begs and thrusted his tongue much deeper into her pussy. Pear Butter couldn't take anymore of Burnt Oak's tongue fucking and she immediately came with Burnt Oak's tongue still in her. Burnt Oak felt very satisfied as he got to taste Pear Butter's cum for one last time. With that, both ponies were completely done with having sex with each other.

After what had happened between Pear Butter and Burnt Oak, they decided to keep what happened in the barn between the two of them. There was no telling what could happen if Bright Mac found out that his marefriend and best friend just had sex with each other. Although it was suppose to be just one time, Pear Butter and Burnt Oak ended up seeing each in secret. As much as Pear Butter loved Bright Mac, she really wanted to keep having sex with Burnt Oak. Burnt Oak was completely against going behind Bright Mac's back. But Burnt Oak thought this could be great as he finally had something that made him better than Bright Mac. In order for Pear Butter to see Burnt Oak, she would secretly release termites on the silo. This made Bright Mac work much longer and Pear Butter could get to see Burnt Oak for a few more months. When Bright Mac did eventually fixed the silo, he was able to go back to see Pear Butter. Although Bright Mac was happy to see Pear Butter, she didn't exactly felt the same ever since she had sex with Burnt Oak. That was when Pear Butter proposed to her father about her and Burnt Oak taking trips throughout Equestria to find new kinds of woods she kept hearing about. Grand Pear agreed as this allowed her daughter to be completely away from Bright Mac. Little did Grand Pear knew, Pear Butter made up the new kinds of woods to allow her and Burnt Oak to run off and have sex wherever they would go. Before Pear Butter left, she assured to Bright Mac that she will return safely and this will make their love much stronger. Unfortunately for Bright Mac, that was nothing more than a scandalous lie.