> An Afternoon in Canterlot > by garatheauthor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An Afternoon in Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The carriage bumped along, heading down the narrow streets of Canterlot. This far removed from the urban core the path ahead had narrowed to a point where only two carriages could traverse the cobblestone, one heading in each direction. This was a residential neighbourhood, made up of slightly opulent townhouses that cost enough to finance a modest castle elsewhere in Equestria.  Twilight surveyed the environment, remembering that she had grown up in a place like this though it was a place on the other side of the city. She was thankful for this as she wanted to minimize her chances of running into any… awkward encounters. Rainbow Dash cracked her neck, letting out a yawn. “Is this going to be fun?” “I don’t know, Rainbow,” Rarity replied, looking unimpressed. “Is engaging in sexual intercourse with a dozen of the finest ponies in Canterlot going to be fun for you? A dozen ponies, may I remind you, who collectively have more than a century of knowledge in the art of bondage, dominance, and sadomasochism.” “I mean I’m used to Soarin’s key parties. So, once you’ve fucked your way through the entire Wonderbolts you kind of wonder how other groups are going to compare,” Rainbow retorted, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “When I hear you talking about some stuffy Canterlot social group, I start to worry that it’ll be full of boring ponies who will want to talk about stock portfolios while they fuck.” “Well, the only pony in this carriage who is going to be stuffy is going to be me,” Twilight replied, throwing off a nervous smile. “If you uh… if you know what I mean.” Rainbow snorted but couldn’t help but let out a string of laughter. “Okay, that’s pretty good, babe.” “My dearest Twilight’s first gangbang,” Rarity chided, dabbing at her completely dry eyes. “They really do grow up so fast.” She shook her head. “But I can assure you that the regulars who attend these kinds of things are perfectly suited for your skill level, darling.” She then glanced towards Rainbow. “You must admit that a group of Canterlot nobles are a more appropriate fit for Twilight than the Wonderbolts.” Rainbow nodded, saying nothing as she conceded the point. Twilight shuffled a little in her seat, turning her attention back towards the window. She could feel the familiar unease of anxiety starting to worm its way back into her mind, toying with her thoughts and threatening to blossom into something far greater.  A part of her disliked her own inexperience and nerves but another part appreciated that she was nowhere near as well-versed in this type of stuff as either Rainbow Dash or Rarity. Sure, the three of them had engaged in their fair share of daring bedroom activities but this was her first time doing something with… well stranger was a bold word in this city but something along the lines of a vague acquaintance rather than a seasoned lover. There were so many things that could go wrong, so many chances for miscommunication and… “We’ll ensure that one of us will always be by your side,” Rarity cut in as if she were somehow able to read Twilight’s thoughts from across the carriage. “Me and Rainbow aren’t about to throw you to the wolves.” Twilight managed a terse smile. “I know, it’s just… this is a pretty big leap for me.” “Just remember that communication is key,” Rarity stated. Rainbow nodded. “I don’t know these guys but if Rarity can vouch for them then I know they’re a group of ponies who are going to back-off if you say no and are only going to do stuff when you ask them to do it to you.” “I know that on a logical level,” Twilight replied, biting her lip. “But emotions can be such an irrational little bitch.” “Understandable,” Rarity replied. She got up and wobbled as she crossed the carriage. With care, she plopped down by Twilight’s side, draping a comforting hoof over her shoulder. “Would you like to back out?” Rarity asked. Twilight shook her head. “And are you saying no because you feel pressured by either of us?” Rarity then asked, looking towards Rainbow. Rainbow snorted. “If that’s the case then I’ll let you know that I’d much rather just roll in the sheets with you, babe. Doubt there’s tail even half as hot at this place.” “You do know Fleur De Lis is hosting,” Rarity stated, playfully glaring at her. Rainbow pursed her lips together. “I stand corrected.” Rarity couldn’t help but scoff. “I want this,” Twilight stated, sounding resolute, “but I think my brain is going to be a little messed up until we actually… you know… start doing things.” “Understandable, nerves are extremely common during a pony’s first time at one of these events,” Rarity said, brushing a hoof across her beloved’s cheek. “But don’t you worry. Your Mistress will take very good care of you. That I can guarantee.” Her horn suddenly sparked and she retrieved an ornate box from her saddle bag, holding it out and flipping it open. Inside was a thin band of white leather with little cyan and red gemstones dotted around the exterior. “Rarity,” Twilight whispered. “We’re still in…” “Relax, dear,” Rarity teased. “The walk from the carriage to the house will be obscured from all prying eyes. For all intent and purposes, we’ve been secluded away from the general populace since getting in this carriage.” “Rainbow,” Twilight whined. Rainbow smirked. “Do I look like the kind of mare who wants to avoid making a scene in public? You’re lucky that Rarity is your Mistress and not me because…” She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth before winking at her. “I’d make you wear that collar in public all of the time. Let all of the ponies in Equestria see what a pervert their favourite Princess is.” “You’re evil,” Rarity quipped though couldn’t help but smile at this scenario as well. “I just know how to have fun,” Rainbow rebutted. “What are ponies going to do, say mean things behind my back because of it? They can suck my dick for all I care. I’m a motherfucking Wonderbolt and my girlfriend is the god-princess of this kingdom.” Twilight bit her lip and looked at the collar then at Rarity who lifted an inquisitive eyebrow. The choice was totally up to her she realized, so she nodded and surrendered herself to her Mistress. Another bead of Rarity’s magic found hold within her mane, tugging back upon her locks roughly enough that she was forced to lift her muzzle to reduce the strain. The movement took some of the pressure off but made her whine, realizing that her neck was utterly exposed. Rarity took advantage of this, wrapping the leather around her throat before securing it tightly in the back. She then wedged a little bit of magic between her beloved’s coat and the material of the collar, ensuring that it was at the ideal tightness, noticeable but not enough to impede breathing or swallowing. “There, now how about you leave all of those pesky little worries up to your Mistress?” Rarity asked, kissing her on the cheek. “Your only duty this evening is to look pretty and have fun, am I understood?” “Crystal clear, Miss Rarity,” Twilight said. The sudden shift in their dynamic did have a cathartic effect, making the worst of her worries bleed away in an instant. There was something so nice about surrendering herself and succumbing to Rarity’s influence. Her inhibition suddenly felt fluid and the task ahead didn’t feel nearly as daunting. But still, there was a low nagging worry that lingered, wondering if she would be brave enough to be intimate with so many other ponies. It seemed that this question would need to be answered soon as the carriage came to a shuddering halt. As Twilight looked outside, she saw that they were in front of a townhouse that was more opulent than any they had passed on the way here. It was nearly three times as big as its neighbours and done up in a style inspired by the famed architect Baron Horssemann, like he’d done in Prance. There was also a sizeable yard out front, a luxury in a city where space was at a premium, filled with many exotic plants and gorgeous hedges. There were few who could afford such luxury, a handful of families at most. “Oh, we’re here,” Rarity said. Twilight swallowed a lump in her throat though it seemed that her girlfriend sensed this, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “Remember,” Rarity said. “Look pretty and have fun, that is the only task that your Mistress requires of you this evening. She’ll be most cross if you commit to any situations that make you uncomfortable.” Twilight chuckled. “Are you domming me into being responsible?” “Only because you’ve shown that you need it,” Rarity chided, winking at her. Rainbow got up and opened the carriage door. “Since I’m not your sub, am I allowed to make reckless decisions?” “Oh Rainbow, I wasn’t aware that you could do anything besides that!” Rarity beamed. “When did this sense of self-preservation develop?” Rainbow chuckled and stepped out of the carriage. Though she didn’t retort. After all, why would she? All three of them knew that Rarity was telling the complete and absolute truth in this regard. Rarity grabbed a leash from her saddlebag and clasped it to Twilight’s collar before sliding the bag over her submissive’s withers. It would seem that she was destined to be a pack animal for now. Her Mistress then stood up and grasped the leash, using it to lead Twilight out of the carriage and onto the street. Once outside, Twilight could feel her pulse quicken and cheeks warm, looking around the expensive neighbourhood. But as Rarity had promised, there wasn’t a single set of prying eyes that she could detect. The only questioning look she received was from the carriage driver which made Twilight blush. Though he clearly saw a lot in his line of duty as he merely nodded and started to drive the carriage away without any further questions. “Thought this place would be more bougie,” Rainbow quipped. She led the pack, heading through the iron gates and along a path of stepping stones. “This is bougie by Canterlot standards,” Rarity quipped. “This townhouse probably cost around six million bits.” “Fuck!” Rainbow barked, glancing toward her. “Really?” Rarity nodded. Together the three of them approached the front door which Rarity placed a hoof upon, knocking three times in quick succession. “Password?” A posh voice called through the door. Rarity rolled her eyes. “Last I checked, there wasn’t one. But if you’d like…” Rarity started to get a little louder, threatening to alert the neighbours. “I’m sure I can go into graphic detail about how much Fancypants likes sounding and…” The door bolted open and Fancypants glared at her. “You’re no fun.” “I think we both know that’s not true,” Rarity teased, offering the leash to Rainbow before stepping forward and embracing her friend. “You look good.” “Yes, that would be all the dark magic that me and Fleur have utilized,” Fancy teased as he returned her affection. Rainbow cocked a brow. “Dark magic?” “Why yes, haven’t you ever wondered why there are no orphanages in Canterlot?” Fancy replied, looking gravely serious. Rainbow’s eyes widened. Though Rarity and Twilight both started to giggle. Twilight at least had the shame to look a little guilty. “Gods,” Fancy teased. “What have they been teaching you lot in Cloudsdale? I promise you we keep the orphan murder to a minimum in this household. We’re actually close to zero orphan murders around these parts. It’s a title that this neighbourhood holds with pride in fact.” “Hardy, harr, harr,” Rainbow grumbled. “Very funny.” Fancy glanced towards Twilight and offered her a rosy smile. “Why hello Twilight, I see that you’re looking rather good. Did you do something with your...” He circled a hoof around his own neck. “Mane?” Twilight giggled. She had to admit that Fancy was pretty good at the whole dispelling her anxiety thing. It turned out that humour was an excellent remedy for any tense situation. “A new shampoo,” Twilight teased. Fancy grinned and stepped inside of the townhouse. “And here I thought it was that beautiful collar that you were sporting this afternoon.” Twilight flushed but once more she let out a few giggling snorts. “Bastard.” “I am known for being both a brat and a brat tamer at times,” Fancy replied. “Some ponies would call that versatility.” All three of them stepped inside, looking around the space as they entered. The home was ornate and filled with the accessories that someone would associate with wealth with plenty of paintings and decorations littering the entryway. As they passed a living room, Twilight noticed two things. First, all of the furniture was covered in plastic. Second, she saw an earth pony mare currently giving it to another mare, the two of them in the midst of some rather intense anal. The mare of the bottom was moaning loudly, her cock bobbing between her legs and showing exactly why the plastic coverings were a must in this kind of situation. “Hey Rarity,” the mare on top growled, nodding towards her. Rarity smiled. “Emerald.” “I’d come over there and say hi but…” Emerald yanked back on the other mare’s mane before slamming deep inside of her, ushering forth an excited moan from her companion. “But as you can see, I’m a little preoccupied at the moment.” “That’s most alright, dear,” Rarity said. “I’m sure we’ll have another opportunity to catch up later in the evening.” She winked at her. “At least, I hope so.” Soon, the three of them were once more following Fancy, heading towards another room in the house. They passed a few clusters of ponies as they advanced. Most of them were simply chatting though a fair few had progressed to something a little more intimate in nature, being shameless with their depravity. The sight of such open sex was enough to make Twilight’s nerves re-emerge though Rarity managed to quell such rowdy things with her mere presence alone. She made small talk in passing, introducing Twilight as her pet, a role which Twilight felt oddly comfortable in. It was a lot harder to be nervous around ponies when you were viewed as a functional lesser, not a peer but a plaything. Playthings could fuck up, playthings didn’t need to be perfect, playthings just needed to… well be played with. Finally, Fancy brought them to their destination. It was a room full of plastic-covered furniture like all the others. Though in this room there was a padded pommel in the very centre. There was also a table to the side of it which had plenty of lube and condoms upon it. And against the wall were a few other tables with various sex toys and trinkets. It was a proper arsenal of depravity with things for stimulation, pain, and humiliation present. All in all, it seemed like a very good time. “Everything that you requested, dear,” Fancy said to Rarity before looking at Twilight. “Am I to assume that our darling Princess is going to be the subject of this little gangbang that we’ve been putting together?” “Correct,” Rarity replied. Twilight bit her lip. “Will my uh… divine stature impede any of the other guests in any way?” Fancy chuckled and moved over to the pommel. “Dear, if you require it, I can have my guests become such ardent Republicans that we’d make the Jacobriddle Club blush.” “Well hopefully not that extreme,” Rarity teased. “I would prefer if my beloved were to keep her head.” “Well perhaps we can be a more moderate voice than that,” Fancy replied, tapping a hoof against his chin. “Maybe something along the lines of the Marquis and less that of Musket Jaw.” “Musket Jaw?” Rainbow asked. “Yes, one of the Jacobriddle’s leaders. He has a rather weird name considering his special talent has nothing to do with taking a musket to the jaw,” Fancy murmured. “For his sake, I hope that this isn’t foreshadowing of some sort.” Rainbow nodded and moved over to the collection of toys, picking up a crop and giving it a nice once over. “You got some good products.” “Me and Fleur have plenty of disposable income to splurge on our unique hobbies,” Fancy quipped. “She likes her BDSM and I’m very partial to model trains myself. For some strange reason, ponies seem to enjoy her hobby more.” He nodded towards Twilight who came over, moving to the pommel. She took the hint and mounted it, biting her lip as her legs dangled in the air on either side. It didn’t take long for Fancy to grab one of her forelegs and clasp it in a shackle, doing so with each of her legs in quick succession. The shackles were each attached to a short chain, which allowed for some movement but kept her more than effectively restrained in place. It was strange. She knew Fancy, of course, but she had only known him in this capacity for so few moments. Yet, she already trusted him to manipulate her body and bind her. It was amazing what a few well-placed jokes could do. “Comfortable?” Fancy asked. Twilight opened her mouth to speak but nodded slowly when she realized that it actually was. “This isn’t that bad. What’s the secret?” “I once had this extremely comfortable office chair,” Fancy explained. “So comfortable, in fact, that I contracted the company to take a swing at designing a few other pieces of furniture for myself and Fleur. Let me tell you, memory foam has nothing on what these ponies did to bedding.” Twilight cocked a brow. “Really?” “No, but I’m glad my lies are believable,” Fancy teased. He moved away and observed her. “Do you want any accessories? Maybe something to dock your tail or a blindfold or something for sensory deprivation?” Twilight bit her lip. “Perhaps something for my tail. Oh, and a magic-suppression ring, of course. But no blindfold, I want to see the ponies who are going to be using me.” Fancy nodded and went about gathering the requested supplies. Rarity came over and took a seat in front of her, eying her up with a playful little smile. She didn’t speak but merely kept an eye on her beloved just like she promised. Her presence was enough to assuage some of the worries lingering within Twilight’s mind. Fancy came back over and stepped in front of Twilight, holding out a plain black ring with various runes etched into its archaic-looking metal. It seemed oddly simple in its design. “Now this is the only model that I have. It’s intended to restrain your average unicorn,” Fancy explained, motioning with his hoof. “So, uh… you may have to roleplay a little bit as I doubt it will hold up very long against your magic. I do apologize for the inconvenience but we’ve never really had an alicorn attend one of these events before.” He slipped the ring over her horn before moving onto her hindquarters. Twilight tested it, noting just how much mana she could channel before she felt it start to move beyond the ring. It would be enough to block the majority of her basic cantrips and spells just as long as she didn’t go overboard with her reactions. She also doubted that there was even a suppression ring out there that could honestly hope to contain a full-fledged alicorn for long. Such a device would likely be a risk to national security after all. Soon, she felt Fancy at her backside, groping at her tail and lifting it upwards. He let out a breathy note of amusement as her lips were exposed to him. “My, my, are you excited?” he teased. Twilight flushed. “I would be shocked if I wasn’t at this point.” “Fair enough,” Fancy stated. He wrapped a band of fabric around the base of her tail before drawing back upon it with a short chain. His magic then groped at her collar and moved it around so that the ring on the front was facing backwards. He attached the chain to this ring, ensuring that there was just enough pressure to keep her tail high in the air but not so much that it would put needless stress upon her body. It was also enough pressure that she was unable to lower her tail, leaving her pussy completely and utterly exposed. “May I indulge in you, Twilight?” Fancy asked. Twilight bit her lip, realizing that this was the moment of truth, that final little barrier where she ran into her anxieties. With a deep breath, she nodded slowly, granting him her consent to proceed. “Go for it,” she said. Fancy dipped forwards, pressing his lips against her lower counterparts, planting a rough kiss against them. His tongue pressed inside, rolling around and prodding at her inner walls. He moved swiftly and with quite some vigour, finding all sorts of interesting little spots to toy with. Twilight couldn’t help but moan, her eyes going wide. Rarity scoffed. “Fancy, you’re showing off.” Fancy let out an amused little note though didn’t take the opportunity to slip away from Twilight’s lower lips. Instead, he remained there, swirling his tongue around in tight little circles. This was a stallion with his eye on the prize and it didn’t seem like there would be anything stopping him from reaching it. “He is…” Twilight gasped, nickering. “He is really good at this.” Rarity snorted. “As he likes to show it off with every mare that he can get his hooves on.” “Now, now,” Fancy murmured, drawing back and glancing at her. “I only do this with most of the mares that I can get my hooves on. Some of them have penises after all. Plus, what am I supposed to do, not devour this absolutely delicious pussy presented to me?” He held a hoof to his chest. “That would just be rude of me.”  He shook his head and glanced at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, dear, would you do the honour of wrangling up a few suitors for your marefriend? I believe you would have a far better eye for it than myself.” Rainbow snorted. “Yeah, I’ll see if I can find some ponies. Any preference’s babe?” Before Twilight could respond, Fancy dipped forwards once more, pressing his lips firmly against her cunt. He showed no reservation at pushing his tongue deep inside of her, probing at her walls and gliding around with a practiced ease. He clearly liked to explore, keeping an ear open for her reaction to every little movement. “Fuck!” Twilight barked. “Just…” She gasped as she was rudely cut off by Fancy probing at a familiar little spot inside of her. One that was quite sensitive to the touch. “N-nice mix of genders, make sure they all have fat cocks, uh… uh…” More coarse moans escaped her lips, bringing her sentence to an abrupt and anticlimactic end. She couldn’t focus on talking, merely succumbing to Fancy’s oral performance. This stallion clearly had quite the dexterity. It wouldn’t surprise her if he could fold a cherry stem with his tongue and it showed as he moved with a fluid ease throughout her folds. Soon, his horn sparked and a bead of familiar magic formed around her clit and coated her lower lips, stimulating them with a firm vibration. It was strange; such a thing should’ve bordered on the realm of overstimulation but Fancy seemed seasoned, managing just the right amount of intensity to make the act pleasurable but not painful. This was a magician in the art of eating pussy, a sagely master, in fact. Rarity chuckled. “My darling little size queen, always so eager for the most well-endowed ponies imaginable.” She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “You know, darling, I had no idea that you were such a shameless slut when we started this relationship but honestly it fits you. Quiet little bookworm, anxious, and a social mess. It’s so obvious, in hindsight, that you would grow to become a sexual deviant.” She leaned back upon the sofa and dipped a hoof between her legs, rubbing away at her tender flower. It seemed that she spared no reservation as she clopped away at it quite liberally, rubbing at her folds and unleashing quite the hurried little moan from the back of her throat. Fancy’s tongue now pressed even harder, flowing so naturally between each and every one of Twilight’s g-spots. The pitch of his performance grew increasingly potent and Twilight could feel a fire catch within her loins. She was used to a slow build up but this was rapid in its intensity. The flames brought about something greater as she started to feel her hindlegs quiver. Her moans were now relentless at this point, her eyes filled with an intoxicated quality.  “I’m close,” Twilight whispered. Fancy drew back. “Feel free to cum whenever you’d like, dear.” He chuckled. “It isn’t like I’m working you over with endurance in mind.” And with that, he shut up and crammed his face against her cunt, delving back into things with all of his prior reckless abandon. Against something like this, Twilight was utterly hopeless, confronted by the reality that she was about to climax As such, she saw no reason in resisting as she succumbed to Fancy’s relentless tempo. She spilled over the edge and allowed him to edge her orgasm further along. It came swiftly and it came hard, splashing against his maw with a liberal ration of her lust. It should’ve been a brief note of euphoria but he continued to apply pressure, guzzling down her arousal as he did so, working his tongue and prolonging her orgasm for several long blissful seconds. It was enough to make Twilight’s mind go white, devoid of all thoughts. By the end, Twilight was left sapped, panting for breath with her gaze turned towards the floor. Sweat clung to her complexion. As she looked at Rarity, she saw that her girlfriend was smiling coyly at her, blowing a kiss in her direction. “Don’t look so shocked, darling, I scarcely held up ten seconds longer against Fancy’s relentless little tongue,” she teased. Twilight chuckled. “That was… wow.” “If eating pussy was a sport I would be in contention for a medal,” Fancy declared, drawing away and using his magic to grab a towel to dab his complexion clean. Another voice giggled and Twilight looked over to see a lithe pink pony enter. She recognized her as Fleur De Lis. “You’d have to settle for silver, no?” Fleur teased. “You know what?” Fancy leaned forward and kissed her. “I can live with being the second best at something like that.” Fleur seemed surprised by the kiss, smacking her lips together and glancing towards Twilight. “Your pussy tastes like Rarity’s. Did you know that?” She came over and started to walk in a lazy circle around Twilight, taking her in from every angle possible. There was an amused twinkle in her eye as she did so, a little hint of superiority perhaps at being so in control of the situation. “You know,” Fleur stated. “I was a little skeptical when I first heard that you wanted to attend today’s party. But seeing you like this…” She kissed her hoof. “You look like a work of art, dear. If you still have some energy left after having a train run on you, I would love the opportunity to try out some shibari.” Fancy scoffed. “Let’s see if she survives the gangbang first.” “Of course, of course…” Fleur’s horn glowed and some mana materialized between Fancy’s legs, making him draw in a sharp breath. “I am just putting the seed in place if it turns out that she would be interested.” Fancy’s breathing deepened a little and Twilight saw that his pride started to harden between his legs. His complexion warmed as he became exposed to the princess, his full length proudly on display. It seemed that he was a sizeable pony in this regard “You’re lucky, Your Majesty,” Fleur said, ensuring she put plenty of mock into her usage of this title. “I have allowed my little pet out of his cage tonight. I wanted to ensure that we had only the finest selection of breeding stock available for you.” Twilight felt a mixture of things at the usage of her title. First there was annoyance as she didn’t want to feel noble this evening. Though this was undercut by the way Fleur used those words, managing to channel tone and context and make it come across as an insult as if Majesty was just as vile as bitch or whore. So, she was left stunned and silent, struggling for a rebuttal against something like that. Fleur snickered. “Don’t worry, I have no intention of treating you with even an ounce of respect this evening.” She turned towards her, smirking. “I’m just here to keep Rarity company as we watch the show.” She finished that sentence by drawing in a ball of spit and sending it hurtling towards Twilight’s cheek. It impacted, making her flinch. Her discomfort seemed to amuse Fleur, who let out a single note of pleasure before making her way over to Rarity, joining her. Though before settling upon the couch, she sparked her horn, grabbing something out of sight. Its presence was soon known as a firm strap of leather clapped loudly across Twilight’s flanks, making her gasp with indignation. With that, Fleur finally climbed upon the sofa.  It didn’t take long for either her or Rarity to become engrossed in one another’s company as they started to mingle together, becoming a mess of hooves, lips, and forelegs. Fancy recovered from his little escapade and studied Twilight closely. “Would you be opposed to me sating myself, dear?” He paused, holding the towel. Though he placed it aside, likely sensing that she looked better with a fat glob of spit upon her cheek. Twilight could only imagine that it added a certain charm to her already whorish appearance. “It’s what I’m here for,” Twilight teased. “That it is,” Fancy replied. He came up behind her and mounted her, bracing his legs upon the pommel on either side of her back. His stallionhood rested against her pussy, the unflared tip brushing against her lower lips. It was so warm and she could feel her slickness start to coat it. It wasn’t the largest that Twilight had ever handled, not by a longshot. But she still tensed, waiting for him to press forwards. Fancy seemed to pick up on this, leaning over and kissing her on the back of the neck. “Don’t worry, I’ll take things at your pace.” He pressed forwards, nice and slow, working the first inch of his pride into her at a nice teasing pace. After a couple of inches of sluggish penetration, he started to ease back, delivering his first shallow thrust into her. Twilight let out a little approving knicker, moaning softly. “Y-you can get a little rougher than that if you’d like.” “I’m sure that I could,” Fancy stated. Though he seemed to adhere to her request, drawing back and pumping into her a little harder than before. A thin grunt escaped his lips as he pistoned away, gliding deeper and deeper with every well-timed thrust. Twilight’s voice rose in approval, her melody slipping free and filling the room with a euphoric song. “So, I hope five is…” Rainbow began though paused as she stepped into the room. “Ah… I see you two got started without me.” “We held out as long as we could,” Rarity bemoaned, slapping a hoof against her forehead. “But Fancy and Fleur besieged us with their wiles. We stood no chance against…” Rainbow scoffed. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” She then addressed her entourage. “Guess you lot need to wait your turn because the Princess is too impatient.” She strutted over to Rarity and then nodded towards Fleur. “Mind if I use her mouth?” Fleur chuckled and started to trail a line of kisses down Rarity’s body, heading along her chest and down between her legs, leaving Rarity’s mouth open for use. Twilight managed to catch a look at Rainbow’s pride which stood half-erect between her legs. Her marefriend gave it a couple strokes before mounting the sofa and positioning herself overtop of Rarity’s face. A position which Rarity was more than willing to take, allowing her marefriend to slip between her lips and invade her mouth. Though Twilight’s attention was abruptly pulled back to the moment as Fancy started to go to town at a more animalistic pace, hammering away at Twilight’s pussy with little reservation or delay. He growled under his breath as he used her, soon plunging in so deep that his hips clapped firmly against her backside. “Rarity, dear,” Fancy grumbled. “Your pet has an utterly divine cunt.” Twilight chuckled and let out a thin moan. “Y-you can thank Doctor Buckssard for that one.” “Stallion does fine work,” Fancy teased. He bottomed out inside of Twilight’s pussy, lingering at the base for a good long moment and allowing Twilight to attempt to milk him with reflexes alone. Her walls caressed his pride, flexing against it. The penetration felt divine in a way, still being such a foreign concept to Twilight, his erection toying with her sensitive walls. “F-fuck,” Twilight whispered. “H-harder.” “Harder it is,” Fancy groaned. He drew back and slammed his hoof down, clapping it firmly against Twilight’s backside. The blow reverberated loudly and Twilight’s voice broke out into such a wonderfully indignant little gasp. The explosion of pain was a nice accent to the pleasure and she could feel herself starting to get hot and bothered again, her slickness abundant and showing no signs of slowing. Fancy hammered into her harder and harder, practically growling for breath. Twilight could feel his body quiver, struggling against the labour required of his position. Yet, he was a stallion on a mission and it didn’t seem like mortal qualms would not stop him for long. With each thrust, his power started to fade, his rhythm devolving into nothing more and a few desperate pumps into her backside. His hips clapped roughly against her flesh, pumping away with more and more of a hurried pace. Until finally, he slammed into her one final time, lingering down at the base for a good long while. “Fuck,” Fancy hissed before repeating the phrase over and over again. Twilight whined as she felt his essence start to flood her inner walls, coating them in a sheen of his thick seed. It was abundant and fertile, filling her to the brim. The ropes were warm and a sense of accomplishment washed over her as they clung to her insides. She was tired from the experience though tried to settle herself. After all, this was just one stallion in an event that surely had plenty of ponies desperate to use her. Fancy drew back, pulling out of her cunt with a nice wet slurp of fluids. His essence belched out of her, draining along her inner thighs. “That was very good,” Fancy murmured. His horn sparked and he offered a bottle of water to Twilight, something that she was very thankful for as she started to chug it down. She almost finished the entire thing, impressed at how parched a round of lovemaking had left her. Fancy then lumbered over to the mares on the couch, plopping down upon the edge of it and watching the three of them mingling together. They were a mix of limbs, a chaotic cluster of personalities joined together into a writhing and moaning mess. Rarity, for her part, seemed to be on cloud nine with a mare between her legs and another roughly fucking her face. Rainbow also seemed to be enjoying herself, her brow knitted as she bucked her hips away again and again with surprising vigour. And Fleur just looked dopey and more than sated from her position between Rarity’s legs. Twilight’s attention then returned to her own situation as she felt another pony mount her pommel, hovering over her. Their frame was lithe and nimble and she could hear their wings ruffling slightly. “You know,” they said. “I’m not really used to mares but… I think I could make an exception if it meant getting to breed a Princess.” As their hoof rested beside Twilight’s head, she could tell that it was an orange pony with an ill-groomed fetlock covered in rugged hair. Though what was more important to her was the presence of a cock as it brushed against her lower lips. “Can I fuck you?” the pony asked. Twilight nodded. “Please do, it’s what I’m here for.” It seemed that this was all the permission they were waiting for as they pumped their hips forward, pressing their erection into her. Their cock was a little smaller, a little slimmer, being the pride of a nimble pegasus compared to the more elegant shape of a unicorn or the raw and bulky girth of an earth pony. Still, they showed remarkable ability with it, soon pumping away with ease. “Goddamn,” they growled. “How did you manage to set this up Fancy?” Fancy took a sip of water and shrugged. “Our dear friend asked that I provide such a service and I was only too happy to oblige, Sandstorm. Now you lot can’t tell me that I’ve failed to keep things interesting, can you now?” “Fair enough,” Sandstorm growled. They pressed down upon Twilight’s back and leaned forwards, drawing close to her ear. Their breath came out in raspy bursts as they still managed to thrust into her, ensuring that they only used a couple inches of their erection in order to accomplish such an endeavour. “You feel divine, Your Highness,” Sandstorm whispered, their breathiness curling against her ear. “A royal little…” “Please avoid titles,” Fancy stated. “Our guest would like us to be a group of radical republicans this evening.” He scoffed. “As crazy as that idea seems.” Sandstorm chuckled. “Fair enough. It’s not like I need a whore to be regal in order to fuck her. And I especially don’t need an excuse to do this…” Twilight wondered what this was until she felt a pair of teeth bite down upon her ear, digging firmly into the cartilage. The pain was euphoric, drawing forth a gasping moan from the back of her throat. Between the ache and the sensation of having her cunt hammered, she couldn’t help but feel a familiar heat start to take hold within her loins. “This bitch has a thing for getting hurt,” Sandstorm teased, nipping at her again. “Lucky for you, I also have a thing for that too.” They drew up and braced their hooves upon the pommel, using their new leverage to really give it to her. Whatever they lacked in size they made up for in raw determination as they hammered into her with more and more force, slamming themselves into her repeatedly. Soon, they were left panting for breath and Twilight could feel their forelegs shaking against her back. Fancy chuckled. “My my… is the pegasus already starting to get a little fatigued?” He pouted out his lower lip. “And here I thought you lot were supposed to be renowned for your athletics. What a shame to your lineage.” “S-shut up,” Sandstorm growled. Their tempo was starting to fade as they pounded themselves into Twilight a couple more times. They were like a supernova, being swift and beautiful before fading into nothing.  Even Twilight could tell that this pony wasn’t long for this world, feeling their pace grow weaker and weaker until they inevitably clapped their hips against her backside one final time, letting out a guttural grunt as they did so. “Fuck!” Sandstorm barked. Their cock twitched inside of Twilight, painting her insides with a fresh sheen. Much like their endurance, their load was also weaker than Fancy’s though it was still a nice warm treat, making the humiliation that Twilight felt all the more real. Sandstorm then dismounted and lumbered away, leaving Twilight’s pussy leaking with two separate loads. This was her first time with two different seeds inside of her and she couldn’t deny that she kind of loved the sensation. “Thanks Princess!” Sandstorm called, winking at her as they made their way towards the door. Fancy offered the bottle of water to Twilight but she shook her head.  In the brief moment of post-nut clarity, she noticed that Rainbow had also finished, thudding back against the couch and looking towards her. “How ya doing, babe?” Rainbow asked. Twilight smirked. “I’m doing excellent, thank you for asking.” There was suddenly a body pressed down upon her, one that was a little on the heavier side though constructed out of nothing but muscle. This stallion grunted and didn’t speak as he prodded at Twilight’s hole with his unflared pride. Even before it slipped inside, Twilight could tell that this was an earth pony, based on raw girth alone. Her little size queen pride exploded and her eyes widened with raw lust as she slowly licked her lips. “Oh, hi there,” Twilight teased. The figure grunted. “Twilight.” That was his only greeting as he pressed forwards, slowly working his way inside of her. He needed to be gentle with his advance, his raw size intimidating. Twilight had no idea what it would be like when it was actually hammering into her but she felt her anticipation growing with every passing moment. “Please be gentle with her,” Fancy teased. “Regicide via dick would be…” He smirked and let out a thin note of amusement. “It’d actually be an extremely funny story to tell but I would like to avoid it if it were at all possible.” The pony grunted. “I’ll be gentle with the stock, don’t worry.” “N-not too gentle, I hope?” Twilight stated, biting her lip. “I… I can take it, I promise.” She in fact had no way of knowing that but her eye was on the prize and she wasn’t a mare that was going to back down from a challenge. “What do you think, Fancy?” the stallion asked. Fancy shrugged. “I mean, I won’t lie, it would be pretty amusing to watch either way. Let’s see if our darling toy’s eyes are a little too big for her own good.” “By the gods,” Rarity whispered, looking over from her affair with Fleur. There were many marks of crimson lipstick present upon her body and a sheen on Rainbow’s sin around her lips. “Are you sure that you can handle that, dearest?” “She’s lost to the sauce, babe,” Rainbow teased. “Just let her try.” The stallion grunt and drew back, pumping forwards at a lethargic pace. Still, his stature was so impressive that even something slow felt amazing as his cock ground against her inner walls. Then he drew back and tried again, slowly but surely working his way forwards. Soon, he had managed a respectable tempo, pumping repeated into Twilight with far more confidence. Twilight couldn’t help but moan, panting for breath as her hole was treated in such a fashion. She bit her lip and tented her brow, trying to will herself into relaxing. Thankfully, it seemed that her abundant wetness had made her a rather easy toy to use as the stallion’s pace continued to embolden with every little thrust. It wasn’t long before he managed to push himself inside all the way to the... Twilight’s eyes widened. That was just the medial ring!? Oh gods, what had she just committed herself too. The stallion huffed, brushing a burst of warm breath against the nape of her neck. His effort emboldened further as he continued to push inside. Twilight’s poor pussy surely couldn’t take all of it, could it? Yet, her body endured, taking him like a champ. It was like she was a vessel consumed by a truly lustful spirit that craved the impossible. Miraculously, she could soon feel his pelvis rest against her hindquarters, his entire length lingering deep inside of her. He remained motionless for a moment before wiggling his hips slightly and allowing her to appreciate the full size of his erection. It really was impressive, managing to stuff her so utterly. The stallion then growled and drew back, pumping his hips forward once more. His progress was initially halting as he only sawed about an inch or two into her. Though his vigour soon emboldened along with his tempo as he really began to work himself into a frenzy. Twilight’s eyes were wide and her moans muted, her mouth left partially agape. “Let me know if I get too rough,” the stallion murmured. Fancy smirked. “I do believe our dear guest is a little too preoccupied to be worrying about something like that. She looks like the textbook definition of: ‘getting fucked silly’” The stallion snorted and shook his head. “Don’t worry, I’m used to it. Most mares aren’t familiar with handling someone of my…” He chuckled. “Unique stature.” Soon, he worked his way back to the medial ring, hammering about half of his cock into her with increasing speed. Every thrust was paired with a masculine grunt that mingled with Twilight’s elegant little moans. Each sound was supported by the deep percussion of his hips clapping roughly against her hindquarters. Twilight closed her eyes, surrendering to the sensation. She breathed through her nose, drawing in the powerful scent of her companion. He smelled vaguely of apples and farm work, reminding Twilight of Big Mac in a way. “Harder,” Twilight whined. The stallion scoffed. “Are you sure?” Though he gave her exactly what she wanted, pounding forcefully into her. The action was mechanical and rough, his cock slapping away at her tight little hole. Still, Twilight took it like a champ, her voice rising and the fire inside of her loins growing with every passing motion. She panted for breath, barking out curse words in-between every thrust. Her world became dominated by the presence of this stallion, controlled by the cock inside of her. She could feel her walls clenching around him, her arousal making his progress smoother with every thrust. The stallion repositioned his hooves, placing one upon her back and using it to press her down into the pommel. Soon there was a loud clap or flesh against flesh, as he hammered into her with caution utterly thrown to the wind. She was a hole for him to use and it showed in the way he used her. “Fuck you’re tight!” the stallion snarled. Twilight nodded. “Harder.” The stallion obliged, slamming his entire length into her, pounding away rapidly and with the last inhibitions removed. He snarled like some sort of feral beast, succumbing to the moment and allowing himself to grow increasingly brutal with her. He treated her like the toy she wanted to be, slamming away as if she were some cheap fleshlight that he wasn’t afraid to break. And Twilight loved the sensation, she craved the feeling of being used, the sensation of being abused by a potential suitor of his calibre “Fuck!” the stallion growled. “I’m getting close.” Twilight nodded, just at a loss for words. All she could muster were little squeaking sounds of approval. The fire inside of her loins was broiling, threatening to consume her utterly. She was on the brink, balancing on the precipice once more. It wouldn’t be much longer now before she plunged into the waters of bliss. The stallion practically snarled as his hips clapped roughly against her hindquarters, hammering into her again and again with increasing vigour. His stature was so potent and body so powerful that Twilight bounced forwards with every single one of his thrusts. She couldn’t do anything to hold off the inevitable nor would she want to at this point, allowing herself to succumb to his brutal treatment. Her entire body shook and an intense wash of orgasm ebbed throughout her form, crawling along her frame. Her eyes widened as she felt her body quiver and her juices splash back against him, bathing his pride in her warmth. The orgasm made her walls cradle him even tighter and it seemed to have an effect upon his pace as it continued to tarry, weakening with every successive thrust, trading speed for raw power as he plowed ahead. Until finally, the stallion grunted and bottomed out inside of her. His seed was potent and plentiful, virile as it filled her. It gushed out and coated her inner walls in a shroud of his pleasure. If Twilight was a mare with such interests, this would’ve been enough to knock her up a million times over with such bountiful surplus that some even gushed out, splattering backwards upon the stallion and floor. The two bodies lingered together for a moment, united in their sinful pleasure. Twilight knickered softly, shivering as the stallion slowly drew back. His sudden absence was more than noticeable as she felt her lower lips agape, his seed draining along her inner thighs. “Not bad,” the stallion grumbled, patting her on the rump. “Hope I didn’t take too much out of you.” Twilight’s eyes remained wide and her thoughts fractured. They were so woefully hard to put together at this point, a random collection of memories and pleasures that refused to weave together into a coherent narrative. She didn’t know what she wanted and barely remembered who she was at this point. All she knew was that her pussy ached so wonderfully and this stallion had helped make that possible. Fancy snorted. “Good job, you seem to have broken her.” “Can you blame him?” Fleur snickered. “He’s about the size of a tree trunk.” “I could take him,” Rainbow teased. “In a fight?” Rarity asked. Rainbow smirked. “In a fight, darling?” Rarity tried again. Fancy stood up and approached with a bottle of water. His posture was commanding as he looked out upon the room. “How about we disengage for a quick breather and allow for our party favour to recoup some of her vitality.” There were a few snickers from the guest, most of them aimed at the stallion who had just broken the collective toy. Though all of the guests were good spirited about it, giving Twilight the space she needed. Twilight’s mind finally snapped back to the present. “That was so fucking hot.” “Yeah, it was,” Rarity teased, flashing a playful smile. “Though do remember that you’re just getting started, darling. So, do try and pace yourself, if you would.”