Refuge going to be updated

by Bruticus

First published

A week ago Beings like me appeared in Equestria. also I'm Orion packs. I have a few friends Powerglide and wood chip and a few others. There are many beans like me and Powerglide Autobots to be exact. And well at the moment we are giving them Refuge.

Don't really remember anything from my past.  Well it Doesn't really matter?  well anyway I am Orion pax. And I have a few friends Powerglide and wood chip a few others too. Well anyways a couple weeks ago  me and power glide just appeared  out of nowhere. And well we weren't the only ones Who appeared out of nowhere. Basically everyday another Autobot appears. And each time we've tried at least to give them Refuge. At the place that we are staying at. But then that isn't the main worry the Decepticons are.  Even then we shouldn't be worrying about the Decepticons at the moment because there is something much bigger happening.

Also Constructive criticism is welcome here.

P.s I suck at writing.

also P.S this Takes place after G4 had ended.

Prologue fire

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Pov ????

Fire surrounded me. The Comic-Con had somehow caught fire. Inhaling the smoke caused me to repeatedly Cough. And get lightheaded. I Then fell to my knees as tears went down my face. I then got up and tried to get away from the fire. I then turned my head to see the spot I was just in being engulfed by fire. I then bumped into someone. I turned around to see someone in a weird outfit standing behind me.

“ heeeey ya Wanna trade? ” he asked. I don't know if it was just because I was inhaling too much smoke. but I decided to do it. Then I just tossed him my wallet. The fire blazed around us as it crept near. It wouldn't matter we were just going to die. He then placed a weird looking robot in front of me. Then I picked it up. I remember when I was young. and I would beg my parents to buy these. It was a Transformer I think. The fire crept closer surrounding both of us. I didn't Speak I just accepted that I was going to burn to death.

“ Hey boy cheer up” He said as he placed his hand on my shoulder looking into my eyes. I shakely look up.

“ You won't remember this fire, you'll be in a different place in less than a couple minutes. ”

“ W wait, what do you mean?” I said As a feeling of lightheadedness overcame me.

“ Are you serious? It took me forever to fix this damn outfit. and now it got burnt!” My fellow human yelled.

Pov ????

I ran through the Comic-Con. There was Fire everywhere. There were burn marks on my knee, arm and my head. I saw a man surrounded by fire. that Caused me to slide to a Holt. Then an Explosion Caused me to go flying. Landed in the same Ring of Fire the man was in.

“ Oh great , it's another one,” he said.

“ h help me” i said. Then he walked Towards me. and Placed a toy in front of me.

“ don't worry, you're going to live. in a way” he said then i was in the air.

Third person POV

The Merchant walked throughout the burning building. The white tiled floor melted and cracked, as he walked above them. He looked around to see that there was no one left. He attempted to save as many people as he could. He did accidentally cause this fire but he did attempt to help as many people as he could. Then part of the roof fell down, right in front of him. As he then stopped walking.

“ Well looks like this is my cue to go,” he said. As more parts of the roof began to fall down. The fire had finally spread to the roof.

And then with a hand gesture a portal opened up behind him he stepped back through the portal and then the portal closed.

ch 1 Three-headed psycho

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Pov powerglide.



I was in the air. And I felt more robotic and I began to fall quickly. I had to do something. And Why couldn't I remember anything? there was a fire but that's all I know. Then a memory popped up in my head. I had transformed in that memory. I had to transform and it was almost like instinct kicked in. my arms Folded out. And my Legs clamp together and my feet folding in. My body changed and I felt different. It was like I was in some sort of mode. But still I was falling. Then instinct kicked in Again. it felt like something was coming out of my legs. Then I began to fly.



“ whooo hooooo” I said as I began to fly. Right below the clouds. I could See Throughout my windows as well. It was like I was in front of the windows. It felt Amazing I looked down to see an extremely colorful land. and a weird Forest I began to fly over.

Then pain went through my Left wing. As I looked to see that there was a gash.

“ AAAHHH! ” I yelled as a plane went by me.



Then the jet went up into the clouds. Then out of pain I transformed.

“ S s shit!” I said as I began to fall to the ground.

Then from behind me. The jet came out of the clouds. Then the jet Transformed. The transformation was so quickly. that it was just a blur.
Then in a quick motion he grabbed me. And lifted me up to his face.


____ A better look at his face.


“ I am” He said, then his face changed in a blur.


“ going to make!”



“ You suffer! ” he said As he then ripped out a piece of my wing.

“ AAAHH” I yelled out, then he dropped me. and I plummeted to the ground.


Orion Pax POV.

my eyes shot open as I looked around. I was panicking. I didn't know why. Then I calmed down and looked around. I was right next to a lake. And surrounded by trees. Then I walked towards the lake and looked at the reflection of myself.


“ Wow,” I said. as I admired my Appearance.

“ Are you awake now?” A voIce said behind me. The voice was feminine and slightly high pitched.

The Voice caused me to Yelp and fall into the pond face-first. Then I got up out of the pond. and looked in the direction of The Voice. I saw A blue box on wheels. and a trailer right behind it.

“ Who the hell are you!?” I said as I took multiple steps. away from the water.

“ Well Orion Pax I'm Roller your companion” Roller said. Then spinned around.


Roller Design.


“ Well um Roller do you know where we are?” I asked, then I stepped towards her.

“ nope, ” she said. Then I noticed the trailer.



“ Well do you know what that trailer is for?” I asked as I noticed the trailer fully. The trailer was right next to the trees.

“ Well, it Stores your weapons,” she said.

“ Wait, Weapons?” I questioned as I Walked up to the trailer.

“ yes There is a button that you can press.”

“ Where?” I asked. as i begane to look.

“ The button is The part of the trailer. where your vehicle mode connects” Roller said.

“ Wait, what's a vehicle mode?” I asked as I stopped looking.

“ A vehicle mode is when you transform into a vehicle” she Responded.

“ Well ok ” I said. Then I stick my hand underneath it. And began to look for the button Again. Then i Found the button. and pressed it Then it sprung up. And Caused me to back up . And fall on my but.



“ Wow,” I said As I then got up. and then picked out a sword, And a shield. Then I clenched the sword causing it to spark to life.



Then I made a slashing Motion. in the air With my sword. Then a twig snapped. and caused me to drop the Medieval weapons. Then I turned my head to see a weird looking horse. Right next to me. The horse was short. and had dark brown fur. almost being black while the main was dark green.

“ um hey ” The horse said, sounding extremely feminine.

“ Hi, ” I said as I waved towards the horse.

Then a red and white being. Came Crashing Down right next to us.

Wood Chip POV.

I walked throughout the forest.This forest was the forest I got my cutie mark from. I remember when I was little. I had begged and pleaded to go out to these woods. And we went to these Woods. me and my parents picked up a bunch of wood pieces. Once we went home I begane to make a miniature pony out of the pieces. It was also an earth pony like me. It was a mixture between chipping off wood and gluing it together. And It took me over 2 weeks. And when i Finished it. I was so happy I didn't even notice I got my cutie mark! My cutie mark was a wood Pony. and my parents were so happy. that i had got my cutie mark. my parents, my parents just thinking about them cost tears to go down my face.

“ It isn't fair! ” I yelled as I bucked a tree. The buck caused wood splinters to go everywhere.

I hadn't cleaned or washed myself in the past 2 weeks. Two weeks ago I had lost them. My family The sound of talking interrupted my thoughts.

“ Wow,” a Voice said. Then I walked towards the voice. wondering who would even be in this Forest. Then I approached a clearing. I saw a red and blue robot. swinging a sword in the opposite direction. I began to back up but then I stepped on a twig. The Twig snapping caused the being to drop the weapons. Then it turned in my direction.

“ Um hey ” I said.

“ Hi, ” It said as It waved towards me.

Then a red and white being. Came Crashing Down right next to us.

powerGlide POV.

When I hit the ground I felt something break. I was On my chest. I had tried to use my arm to cushion the fall. Then pain went through my arm. I've looked to see it hanging off.

“ sh shit” I cried out as I then rolled on my back. I looked around to see a red and blue robot just like me. right next to a horse. The horse was dark brown and had a green mane. Both of them rushed towards me. I looked back up to see my attacker flying straight towards us. Then they both came right next to me.

“ He's coming,” I said Trying to warn them.

“ What do you mean?” The horse asked. Then the thing that attacked me landed right in front of us.

“ him ”

Orion Pax pov

me and the horse looked at the being who landed in front of us. He had a weird demonic face.

“ Oh look, the autobot made a few new frieeeend. oh and a pony” he said. Gleefully as he began to walk towards us.

‘’ Leave him alone!” I spat as I then brought my fist up and two blades emerged.

Ps Just imagine that there are two blades instead of 1.


“ fuck of or ill hurt you” I said. feer evident in my tone. as I stepped forward. Then his face changed. His face looked normal now. and it looks like one of his eyes had a monocle on it.

“ You shouldn't have brought blades to an element fight” He said then 2 cylinders on his back pointed at me. it was so quick I could barely notice anything coming out of it
Then I was turned to ice. Then he walked past me. completely ignoring the pony. then picked up the red robot. With one of his arms. Then his face changed again. His face was red now and he looked extremely pissed off.

“ I am going to rip you apart!” He said. Then roller came rushing towards their Attacker. She repeatedly hit him multiple times. but then their attacker brought his foot up and Smashed roller to Pieces. And the pony just stood there Frozen in fear. Then our attacker began to rip pieces off the red robot. the robot began to scream. in a mixture between Terror and pain. I couldn't let this happen! I had to stop this! Then I began to break through the ice. Then I broke the ice. then ice shards went everywhere. It also caused the pony to snap out of it. And caused the pony to fall on its but. Then I swung my blade, cutting off the arm. that the attacker had held the red robot. My attack caused our attacker to scream out in pain. and then look towards me.

“ I will rip you to shreds!” he Yelled as he then kicked me. The kick caused me to go flying. and land right next to a few trees. Then he marched towards me. Once he was right in front of me. He began to repeatedly beat me. Repeatedly beat me in the chest and the head.

powerGlide POV

I looked on as our attacker repeatedly beat into my savior. Then I looked at the pony. Then I looked to see a bunch of weapons. The weapons were attached to a weird Circle standing up.

“ We needed to get to those Guns” I said.

“ Wait what!” She said but was cut off. by the sound of metal cracking. and being ripped off. I look to see The blue and red robots Getting a piece of its chest ripped off.

Then I got up. and began to shamble towards the weapons. The pony began to also help me. go towards the weapons. It wasn't much but at least it was something.

“ so What's your name?” I asked, trying to ignore the pain.

“ yours?” She replied.

“ powerglide. ”

“ wood chip. ”

Then we were right next to the weapons. I Then took out a weird looking rifle.


Then I pointed it At our attacker. then I fired it. The shot caused me to go flying back. And the bullets completely missed our attacker. Then he turned towards us.

“ You are a complete idiot that was a shotgun!” He said then transformed again into a weird looking vehicle.



Orion packs pov

I looked on to see our attacker. preparing to hurt them again. I couldn't let this happen! I was beyond damaged and half of my face was missing. and I was missing most of my chest. and a blue glow came from my chest as well. I then got back up. and jumped on top of him. I repeatedly bashed the barrels. The damage caused the barrels to be bent pointing down. Then an explosion erupted causing me to be thrown back. As I hit the ground I could feel that my legs weren't attached anymore. and my chest begin to glow blue even more.

Wood chip pov.

I looked on in fear. as our attacker began to March towards us. He was incredibly damaged. He was missing his arm and most of his back. and his chest and arm was little more than pieces of metal and wires.

“ i'll! Rip! you! Apart! ” He said each word phrase. buy his head changing.

Now he was in front of us. powerGlide Was behind me. The kick back from the gun caused him to land right behind me. Now the being that has been tormenting us. for the past 5 minutes stood in front of me.

“ Get out of the way, child” One of the heads said. This head had a monocle on it.

“ n no” I stammered as I took a step further.

“ no ” I said as I began to Gallup towards him. Then I jumped up into the air. and aim my huffs Directly at his chest. He tried to Shield himself with his remaining arm but I was able to break through it. Then I went through his chest. and I also took out a weird blue ball. That had wires attached to it. I turned back to see our attacker go limp.

Then my vision was covered in blue.

Orion Pax pov.

A blue light encompassed my vision. And once it had faded. I had no more pain. I looked to see my body was fully healed. I looked over to see the red and white robot Completely repaired. Then I got up and began to walk towards him. while I walked towards him and saw our attacker's dead body. And saw rollers body two. Then I was right next to the pony. Then I took a knee and checked up on the pony.

“ You good?” I asked as I gave her my hand to jump up on.

“ Basically just a little cut up,” she said as she jumped up on my hand. Then we began to walk toward the red robot. Then the red Robot got up. And waved Towards us.

“ hey powerglide” The pony said as she waved to him.

“ Hey wood chip,” Powerglide said.

Now I was a few feet away from him. Then I put down wood chip.

“ So who is the Name of our Knight and Shining Armor?” he asked.

“ Well I'm Orion Pax ” I said as I picked up the Shotgun. that Powerglide had used. And put it back. Then I looked at the remains of Roller.

“ Hey, do you think we could get out of this Forest? I don't want to get attacked by another psycho” powerglide ask.

“ oh yeah my p- I mean I own a few of Abandoned warehouses” Wood chip said.

“ All right then. All I have to do is put. it back in its original mode, "I said. Then I pressed the button. and Caused the trailer to Transformed back into its trailer mode.

“ wow” powerglide said.

“ How are we going to get this out of here? I don't even think we can all carry it together?” wood chip said as she looked at the Trailer.

“ Just give me a second,” I said. I thought of transforming like the trailer. Then I transformed.



Then I connected myself to the trailer. Also I was able to see through my mirrors and my windows.

“ wood chip can get in. and powerglide can go on top of the trailer,” I said. As I open my door. Then wood chip jumped in. and powerglide Jumped on top of the trailer. Then we began to drive away.

“ Hey wood chip, do you think you can tell me the way out of here?” I ask As I then began to drive through the trees.

“ Oh yeah it's easy really. you just need to remember a couple landmarks” she said. Then we Began to leave the clearing.

“ What about the bodies?” powerglide asked.

“ we Will get them tomorrow,” I said as we Began to drive away.

ch 2

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Wood chip pov.

I opened the Bathroom cabinet. Then I brought out peroxide.Then I Shakely brot peroxide to one of my cuts. The stinging sensation of me Pouring. it in the cut caused me to slightly cringed. At the fizzle Of the cut. It has been two days. 2 days since I met Orion pax And Powerglide. And in those two days. I stupidly hadn't cleaned up the wounds. I repeatedly Put peroxide on each cut. Once I was done I put the peroxide away. and closed the cabinet. Then I walked out of the bathroom. The bathroom was connected to my room. And what greeted me was an absolute mess. There were fast food boxes everywhere. and there were comic books. And a bunch of wooden figures were All around the room as well.

“ I need to clean this place up” I mumbled as I walked out of the room. Right next to my door was another door. My parents' room. I hadn't touched that room ever since that day. tears begin to come out of my eyes. Then I shook my head causing the tears to stop. I had new friends. I wasn't alone, I had new friends now. Then I began to walk down the hallway.

My family made a lot of money. it wasn't like Millions. but still They made more than a regular family. would make in a year. they would make in a month. They were also able to buy a really big plot of land. And on this land they made two warehouses. These two warehouses were close to the house. I never knew why. Because right after they were built. My parents died. And I was mostly in my home just crying. Then I went out in the woods. that we had gotten the wood from when I made my first sculpture. Then I met Orion pax and Powerglide and we kind of fought that weird other robot. While I was thinking to myself. I had already gone through the living room and was now at the door. Then I opened the door and walked outside. I would get some actual food. and not fast food. and then go and see what Orion pax and powerglide we're doing. Then I began to walk towards town.

Orion pax POV

As I laid down right next to the wall. I was right next to a tiny door that led outside. I looked around again to see a giant door right next to me. This giant door was connected to a hallway. and the hallway was connected to three rooms. each one of them the same size. and one of them containing rollers and our attackers' dead body’s. Then I Looked on as Powerglide had laid down on top of my trailer. He also was reading that damn book. Then I was able to get a glimpse at that book again. The pages were just squiggling lines. I don't know if he hit his head somewhere. But for some reason he was able to understand it.

“ How can you even understand that?” I asked As I then got up.

“ It's easy, you just need to keep reading over the lines. and soon you'll understand it. Plus it's the only interesting thing to do,"he said. Then I opened up my chest. And pulled a weird object out.

The Matrix of a leadership was black and dead powerless.
P.S The upper sentence is not meant to be a part of Orion's POV.


“ Do you think this is interesting?” I asked as I sat it down right next to him. Then he took a quick look at it then shook his head no. my thoughts were then cut off by wood chip bursting into the room. And also dropped two apples from her mouth.

“ blue robot “Inhale” Apple “Inhale” Orchard “Inhale”!” She yelled as she then began to catch her breath.

“ Wait what?” Powerglide said as I saw him place the book. on top of my trailer Then jump down. Then Wood chip took multiple gulps of air. And then looked at us again.

“ You won't believe what I just found out!” She said as she walked towards us.

Wood chip pov
It was the Afternoon
As I walked through town I looked around to see One of my old friends. Apple slices I had known her ever since I was a filly. I hadn't talked to her ever since I lost my parents. I Hadn't talked to any Pony since I lost them. Plus it looked like she didn't get an ounce of sleep. Black circles were entrenched around her eyes.

“ You awake apple slices!” I yelled As I approached her, causing her to startle awake.

“ Wh what?” She said, as she began to rub her eyes.

“ Hey, don't you remember me apple slices?” I asked as I Then standed right in front of her stand.

“ I'm fine, I should be worrying about you. since you've lost your parents ” She said as she fully woke up now.

“ I am fine, I should be worrying about you. it looks like you haven't gotten any sleep.” I said as I gave her the best smile I could give anypony.

“ Hey, can I tell you something?” She asked as she then looked right and left multiple times. Seeing that no pony was around us.

“ sure”

“ Well Last night I was awoken by multiple noises that I can't really describe. But when I looked out my window. I saw a blue robot fighting a weird red robot. And when I came out of my house I couldn't find them. But there were markings of a fight. And there was a crater. And multiple of my trees were knocked down. My Orchard is a small place but still I look through that place like seven times. I didn't find anything!” she said at the end of it sounding extremely mad. And thankfully there was no pony around us to hear her.

“ Well, do you think There's any place you didn't look?”

“ Well there is this old barn on the edge of the forest. That my family used to use. Before we had enough bits. To build a new one closer To the house. But why would you want to know?” She said as she looked at me.

“ Well how about this you get some rest. And I can go look at the barn tonight” I said as I placed my huffs on the stand.

“ Well fine But promise me this”don't die, She said.

“ I promise but I would also like to buy two apples,” I said. As my stomach growled. Then I placed 10 bits. Then she gave me two apples. I turned around and galloped away.

“ Also take a shower. Ya smell like you haven't taken one in two weeks!” She said causing my face to become red.

Orion packs POV.

“ So youre saying that a Sleep deprived friend of yours saw a blue robot fighting other robots?” I asked as I sat right next to wood chip.

“ Yes and with the night soon coming. We will be able to investigate it!” Would chip said As she then picked up one of the apples. And took a bite out of it.

“ wait So you're saying that we will be able to leave this place?” Powerglide said as he sat down right next to wood chip as well.

“ Plus He might know something. About why we're here” I said as I looked at the window.

“ Yeah you guys can get ready I'm going to go and take a shower” Wood chip said as she then got up and went out the door. Still eating the apples.

“ Do you know why she needs to take a shower? ” I asked as I then got up and began to walk towards the trailer.

“ I have no idea,” Powerglide said. As he Catched up.

Then I picked up that weird thing that was in my chest. And put it back in my chest.

“ Are you sure that isn't a bomb?” Powerglide asked as he picked up his book as well.

“ Well it hasn't exploded on me yet. Plus I think it might come in handy again.” I said as I then pressed the button to transform the trailer. The trailer spring up causing Powerglide to Yelp. And causing me to chuckle a little bit.

“ Hey that ain't that funny!” he said As he then chuckled as well.

“ All right it was kind of funny”

Then I picked out the sword I had used On my first day here. Then Powerglide picked out a pistol.



“ Let's just hope we won't have to use these,” I said. As I brought the sword to my back and attached it.

Wood chip POV.

I walked out of the shower. As I used a towel to dry myself off. I then looked at myself in the


. I was much more lighter.

“ Wow” I said I had regular brown fur and light green hair. It has been a while since I've seen my regular coat. Then I repeated the same actions that I had did in the evening. While leaving the house. I gazed up at the stars. Then I began to walk towards the warehouses. In front of them there were giant Medal doors. I still wondered why my parents had them built like this. And the giant Metal doors were open. And outside of them were Orion packs and Powerglide. powerglide I had a weird looking crossbow. And Orion had a sword on his back. I am pretty sure that it was the same sword. He had used when I first saw him. And had his trailer behind him.

“ Are you really going to bring that Trailer with you?” I asked, gaining there attention.

“ I would rather be prepared,” he Responded .

“ well ok then”

“ So what's the plan?” Powerglide asked.

“ Well we should check the barn. That she was talking about” I said.

“ And what if there's something in there?” Orion asked As he Looked towards the forest. Remembering The events that had happened before.

“ Well if there's someone who wants to attack us. We will show him who's boss” powerglide said as he pumped his fist in the air.

“ Well, Wood chip lead the way,” Orion said as he then transformed. And attached himself to his trailer. And then Powerglide jumped on top of his trailer. Then Orion door opened and I jumped in. Then he began to drive. And I began to point him in the direction of Apple slices farm.

5 minutes later.

Powerglide POV.

I was on top of Orion pax trailer.I looked At the stars. They were beautiful. There were many sculptures. Made out of the stars in the air. There were a few Ponies. And a weird bear Just to name a few. I then looked at Orion pax. On top of Orion packs vehicle mode was a sword. It was the same sword he had used A few days ago. I crept closer towards it . My movement was muffled by wood chip telling him where to go. I then detached it making a loud click. Then they both went silent.

“ Powerglide What did you do?” Orion pax asked As he stopped Driving.

“ Nothing” I responded quickly. As I placed the sword behind my back.

“ We're here now,” Wood Chip interrupted. Then I Foley looked ahead. Ahead of us was a small apple Orchard. And the woods that I had Landed in a few days ago. And sandwiched between them was a big and old looking Barn. Then Orion transformed. Quickly I tossed the sword right next to him. Then when he was done transforming. He gave me an are you serious look.

“ hehe” I said as I placed my hand behind my head.

“ Hey come on let's go!” Wood Chip interrupted as she began to trot towards it.

“ What about the trailer?” I asked Orion as we both began to catch up. He was carrying his sword.

“ We won't most likely need it. Plus I'm pretty sure we won't run into a psycho.” He said as we both stopped at the barn.

We were right next to Wood chip. As she Began to open the doors. When she opened the doors All of us went in at once. Not much of the barn was illuminated by the outside Moon night Then in a Quick motion we were lifted up into the air by rope. And hanged upside down.

“ Hey let us go!” I yelled as I began to untie myself. I was stopped by a plasma shot going right past my hand. I then looked to see a blue being. Wood Chip and Orion were stunned.



“ Who the hell are you!?” He asked as he pointed his arm cannon at us. I also noticed that there were multiple wooden pillars around us.

“ Hey I'm Powerglide. The pony is wood chip. And the tall dude is Orion pax. we don't want to hurt you, ” I said. As I pointed to Each one of them in order.

“ How do I Not know if you're working with those flying robots who attack me!?” He asked as he slightly brung his arm Cannon down.

“ Hey we also got attacked by a flying robot as well” Orion said.

Then I noticed he had the same badge as me. And I remembered what our attacker called me. Autobot.

“ Hey we're on your side you can see we have the same badges. Where are all Autobots here” I said.

“ Hey I'm not an Autobot, I'm just an pony!” Wood Chip interrupted. Then outside of the barn the sound of two bodies hitting the ground. And gained everyone's attention. and everyone went silent.

“ Look what we have here. The autobot helped us catch the other autobots!” I turned my head to see two robots. There was one on our left and one On our right.

The one on the left.


The one on the right.


“ Hey, we can help you!” Orion pax said. The blue robot Looks at us but then before he could do anything else The two Other robots began to shoot at him. The blue robot then began to shoot back with his arm Cannon. The blue robot blasted the left one's gun and caused it to explode in his hand.

“ Snapdragon” The other attacker Yelled. Giving us a name.

“ I am fine, Apeface!” he said Giving us their names.

“ Screw this shit!” Orion said as from his arm emerged A sword that came out. Then he used the sword to cut the rope.

Then we began to fall. In a quick motion Orion catched me and wood chip in mid-air. When we hit the ground we also began to get shot at. One of the shots barely missed wood chip. Then Orion glared at them before rushing forward. He used his left arm to cover his face. Then he tackled Apeface to the ground. Then I took out the pistol I had. And begin to shoot at snapdragon. The blue robot also began to shoot at Snapdragon. with His pistol and shoulder Cannon.

“ Hey, what's your name?” I asked as SnapDragon began to March towards us. our Blaster shots doing barely anything to him.

“ I am Deep Cover ” He said. As we both began to step back. As Snapdragon began to get close to us. No matter what we did, snapdragon Got closer and closer. Until he was right in front of us. Then he picked me up by the throat. And held me up in the air.

“ Hey, leave them alone!” A voice said Wait , I know that voice. that's woodchip's voice. Then Snapdragon dropped me. We both turned around to see Wood chip glaring at snapdragon.

“ I am going To torture you to death you Insect” Snapdragon snarled. Then DeepCover aimed his arm cannon at the back of his head. Then firing The impacts of the blast cost Snapdragon to stumble.

“ Aim at the back of his head!” Deep Cover yelled As we both began to shoot. At the back of his head. Then his head exploded. A mixture between blue blood and pieces of metal went flying. Then the dead body of Snapdragon fell down right next to wood chip.

“ You okay wood chip?” I asked wood chip. Then wood chip looks at snapdragons dead body.

“ Oh my Celestia,” Wood chip said. As she then stepped back away. From Snapdragon's dead body. Then Orion pax Came flying towards me. I ducked as he went Over me. And he crash landed on one of the pillars in the barn. With a crack That caused me to cringe. And to take multiple steps back.

Optimus Prime POV A few minutes ago.

I had to tackle Apeface to the ground. I had punched him multiple times in the face. He had also punched me multiple times in the face. Then with an uppercut I was sent flying up into the air. Then when I landed on the ground. Apeface was nowhere to be seen. Then he jumped onto my back.

“ I am going to make sure this hurts a lot!” He yelled as he ripped out a piece of my head. The piece he had ripped out was my left ear. With a pain-filled scream. I gripped him by His shoulders And threw him to the ground In front of me.

“ Is that all you got!” I spat as I noticed I could barely hear out of one of my ears.

The sound of something exploding caused me to Freeze. A Apeface seeing his chance to rush forward and picked me up.

“ This is what I got!” He growled as he threw me into the barn. I flew right past snapdragon's dead body and hit one of the wood pillars.

Deepcover POV.

I looked on as powerglide backed up towards me. His back facing me. I turned my head to see apeface marching toward us with a psychotic grin on his face. Then he noticed snapdragons dead body. Then his eyes panicked as he then rushed forward towards the dead body. He fell down to his knees as he was right next to snapdragon's body.

“ Brother no please no!” he pleaded as he picked up remnants of his brother's head. Then he looked up and glared at us. His once sad eyes turned into Anger. And the cause me to step back.

“ I am going to make sure you all suffer! I'm going to rip you all piece by piece. And make you scream!” He yelled, causing me to aim my guns at him. Powerglide then turned around and aimed his gun at him too.

“ I am not going to get into a fist fight. last time I did that I got my butt kicked.” Powerglides said as we both prepared the shoot. Then Orion pax got up. Then From his arms emerged two blades.

Then apeface rushed forward. Out of nowhere a Piece of wood that was cracked. Came flying from behind us. And hit one of his eyes shooting right through it. I turned behind us to see Wood chip throwing multiple Pieces of wood at him. Wood chip turn her head and noticed me looking at her

“ What do you think I'm just going to Go and fight him?” she said as she then picked up another fractured piece of wood and threw it at him.

I turned back to see Orion pax And Apeface Fighting. They were brawling it out. Orion pack stabbed into Apeface's Chest. Causing him to scream out in pain. Then Apeface punched him in the face causing him to take out the blade and a blue liquid to spill out. I then looked towards my gun And my hand Cannon. My gun was gray and my hand Cannon was black. I then got an idea. Then I aimed the bottom half of my gray gun into the front of my black Canon. When I connected them it made a click. I then aimed it at Apeface.

“ Please don't explode in my face,” I pleaded. That It wouldn't explode in my face.

“ Orion get away from him!” I yelled as I prepared to shoot Our remaining attacker. Orion seeing what I meant duct out of the way.

Apeface then turned towards me. I fired, causing the rocket to shoot out of my Cannon. and hit Apeface directly in the chest. Apeface let out a roar before exploding. What remained of his body was his ankles and down.

“ Holy shit” I said. As I collapsed onto the ground. Powerglide also collapsed right next to me. And Orion pax followed suit.

“ That was intense,” Powerglide said. As I then noticed wood chip was walking towards us.

“ I think it's time to go,” Wood chip said. As she let out a yawn.

“ Hey DeepCover?” Orion pax asked as he got up and helped up Powerglide as well.

“Yeah?” I asked as I got up.

“ Can you transform?” he said as we all began to walk out of the barn.

“ If you mean by changing into a weird vehicle then yes” I said as I then transformed.



“ Oh I can do that too!” Powerglide said as he then transformed.

“ Wait, you were able to transform?” Orion said as he began to walk back into the barn.

“ Yeah it just seemed never important. also why are you going back in there?” Powerglide asked. Then I transformed back into my robot mode.

“ Well you're not going to ride on top of my trailer. so I'm going to bring What remains of the bodies with us. We shouldn't just leave the body's here” Orion stated. We waited out there for a couple minutes. Then he came carrying out. With what remains of the bodies. He then Placed the bodies on top of a trailer. I hadn't noticed until now.

“ Well let's go home” Orion said as he then looked at me.

“You can come with us”

“ I'm Definitely going with all of you,” I responded. As I then transformed into my vehicle mode.

“ Well then let's go” Orion pax said. As he then transformed.Then he attached himself to his trailer. Then his door opened and wood chip jumped in.

“ Last one there is a rotten egg!” Powerglide said as he zoomed off into the air.

“ I'll lead you the way there but it might be slow. Because of the bodies I don't want anything to fall off.” Orion said as he began to drive away. I followed right behind him.

“ Also don't worry if anything falls off. I'll put it back onto your trailer” I said as we drove off.

“ Wait, did you not use your sword?”

“ All right I forgot about that”

??????? pov

I dug deeper into the tunnel eating my way through the Cave, my brother's and sisters following suit. We need to get more Energon for the mother. She needed more of it. and I will follow her words until I die .