> The Strong, Silent Type > by Some Leech > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sweet Relief > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All but pacing a hole in her bedroom rug, Celestia fretfully glanced at the door. The hour was late, her nerves were worn thin, and a glimmering trail of juices seeped from her winking marehood. A nigh-immortal alicorn though she was, she was still a mare - a mare who suffered through periodic heats like any other, yet this time was different. Having grown weary of going to the guards to scratch her itch, she’d done something she didn’t think she’d ever do - she’d listened to her sister. Nearly a week prior, just as the throes of estrus had begun to seize her, she’d lamented her impending condition to Luna. It wasn’t uncommon for her to vent to her sister, nor for her sister to vent to her, so the exchange wasn’t as off-putting as one might expect. Both being millennia old, there weren’t many secrets, no matter how scandalous or taboo, between them, though her young sibling had made a rather bold suggestion; instead of approaching the soldiery for some sensual relief, why not call upon one of the biggest, strongest, and allegedly most well-hung stallions in all of Equestria? It was a wondrously outrageous idea to summon somepony purely for sexual gratification, yet Celestia couldn’t help herself - not just because the notion struck her fancy, but because Luna had apparently called upon the stud less than a month prior! Not to be outdone, having heard her little sister wax poetic about the stallion’s carnal prowess, she penned and sent a letter that very afternoon. She was the oldest alicorn on the continent - heck, maybe the entire world, and she saw no reason why she couldn’t get the same heavenly treatment as any of her divine colleagues! The sound of approaching hooffalls snapped her from her reverie and brought her eyes to the exit of her chamber. Stars above, the anticipation was killing her! It would have been nerve-wracking enough to know he was coming, but she didn’t even have that; she’d simply sent him a letter, requested an audience with him at a specific time, and prayed he wasn’t going to leave her hanging. Too anxious to move, holding her breath, she noticed the shadow of two hooves appear from beneath the crack in her door. “Yes?” she called out, doing her best to sound composed. Silence - pure, cold, unfeeling silence greeted her, yet her visitor still lingered just outside. Had it been a guard, maid, or anypony who usually haunted her castle, she would have gotten a reply, leading her to believe her guest had arrived. Her mind racing, momentarily considering lying in wait while striking a seductive pose, she shook her head and cleared her throat. “You may enter,” she placidly stated, her serene words standing in stark contrast to her leaking, engorged marehood. As the door swung inward, revealing the titanic silhouette of her much-anticipated visitor, she nearly climaxed on the spot. Standing a head and shoulders above most stallions, with an absolutely stunning physique, he was one of a kind - unrivaled by his peers. Only eventually remembering her manners, she demurely trotted forward and dipped her head. “I…I’m glad you were able to come, Big Mac ~ can I call you Big Mac?” she softly inquired. Without saying a word, the giant strutted in and kicked the door closed behind himself. She had little doubt that he knew exactly what he’d been called for, considering her sister had sought his services just a short time ago, so she could understand the lack of formality. As unthinkable as it was to be invited to a Princess’ personal chambers for something taboo, he’d obliged her with all the stoicism for which he was renowned. Well aware of how tacit and practically mute her visitor was, she sheepishly smiled. “So - um -” she began, lowering her head to peek at his loins. Squinting in the dim light, she scrunched her snout. Luna had told her that his endowment was obscene, bordering on the unbelievably large, yet she saw no trace of his package whatsoever. With the slightest cough, drawing her attention back to his face, he smirked and balanced on three hooves. His smug expression smacked of something, sending a thrill up her spine, but she couldn’t fathom why he looked so proud - that was until he tugged at something on his waist. Like some sort of magical act, his stallionhood unfurled from his groin, flopped to the floor, then jerked into the air. It was fair to say she’d seen all manner of nonsensical things over her preternaturally long life, but she’d never - never witnessed something so jaw-droppingly arousing. Staring in wonder, heedless of the bead of saliva creeping down to her chin, she inched closer to him. Unsure of what she was seeing, she cocked her head. “How…?” As he extended a hoof to her, as if offering something, his smile broadened. It was only when she extended her foreleg did she comprehend what he’d done. Though she couldn’t see it, the soft, yielding fabric of what had to be an invisibility garment caressed her frog. The revelation was as amusing as it was logical, considering just how much the big lug was packing, and she levitated the article over to her vanity, while she turned her focus back to his nethers. In contrast to his crimson coat, emerald eyes, and golden mane, his equipment was a deep mahogany. Even from a few feet away, she could instantly tell she’d have to apologize for doubting her sister; he was definitely, without the slightest bit of doubt, the most well-hung pony she’d ever crossed paths with. As a slight, sonorous chuckle crept to her ear, she straightened up and awkwardly rubbed the back of her head. “W…would you mind - uh - if I get a closer…” she trailed off, watching him shift to the side and cock his hind leg. Not only had he heeded her call, but he was willing to sate her curiosity! Unable to control herself, her marehood angrily clenching upon itself, she cantered over and practically thrust her head beneath him - a move she swiftly regretted. While she was able to get a much closer view of what he had to offer, his ambrosial musk hit her like a sack of bricks. She shuddered from horn to hoof, wholly unprepared for how amazing his natural scent was - nevertheless, she forced herself to focus and keenly inspect the godly endowment dangling before her. Nearly as long as her leg, and just as thick, his stallionhood was a miracle made manifest. Covered in dark flesh, with a massive vein snaking down one side, his length gradually swelled and twitched under her awestruck gaze. As if his endowment wasn’t phenomenal enough, his gargantuan cock was accompanied by what had to be one of the biggest pair of cum-tanks in Equestria. Eyeing his weighty nuts, she wondered just how prolific he was. Though she had every intention of finding out how much foal-batter he could produce, she was left to presume he was more than capable of knocking up a hooffull of mares several times over. Realizing he’d only just arrived, not to mention they were standing in the middle of her room, she reigned herself in and backed away. It didn’t seem like he minded the attention - heck, he actually looked quite happy to let her do as she pleased, yet it hardly felt fitting to indulge herself in such a fashion. Pointing to the bed with a wing, she shuffled to the side. Mac turned and trotted to the bed, confidently hiking his tail as he strolled along. While she’d only ever had a passive interest in stallion rumps, watching his muscular glutes slide over one another, while his meaty nuts and stallionhood hanging beneath him, was more exciting than she cared to admit. As he reached her bed, he wheeled around, hopped onto the mattress, and lewdly splayed his hind legs. Yeah, he knew exactly what he was doing. Following along after him, feeling her cheeks glowing, she tried and failed not to ogle his package. “You don’t mind if I…” she gulped, unable to finish her question. Fortunately for her, as she peeked up at his face, he shook his head and reclined. She felt like she should say something, if only to drown out the sound of her thundering heart, but words escaped her. There she was, suffering through an exceptionally powerful heat, and an adonic paragon of masculinity had been all but literally plopped into her lap. With her self-restraint crumbling, feeling like a lucky filly on prom night, she drifted toward his stallionhood, closed her eyes, and kissed the tip of his shaft. The sensation of his soft flesh against her lips proved too much to bear. Though she couldn’t bring herself to look up at him, fearful of what she might see, she opened her muzzle and made out with his stallionhood. Simply gazing upon his equipment was thrilling, smelling it was a marvel, but tasting it - ancestors forgive her, the taste of his sweat sundered what little control she had left. She’d never once, not in her entire life, tried to fellate something so insanely large, but her enthusiasm demanded she try. Pressing her head forward, she was barely able to force the battering ram-like head of his cock into her maw. Her tongue was stuck to the floor of her mouth, her lips strained and her jaw creaked, as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She would have never thought that sucking somepony off could ever be gratifying, yet she was driven to the brink. The sensation of something brushing against her ethereal mane broke her focus and caused her to glance upwards. With all the patience of a saint, he grinned down upon her and mutely reminded her that she had a job to do. She’d asked him to come, he’d made the long journey from Ponyville, so the least she could do was try to make sure he enjoyed himself. Summoning her courage, she rammed her head forward and plunged his length into her throat. Though she couldn’t see it, she felt the bulge of his dick creeping down her neck and below her collar bone. It was uncomfortable, she couldn’t breathe, and she genuinely wasn’t sure if she’d be able to accommodate his entirety in her gullet, but she’d never been more turned on in her entire life. Quickly shuffling closer to him, she eased herself to the floor and began bobbing her head. Despite quite literally choking on a dick that would put most grand dragons to shame, she had a few things going for her. For starters, being an accomplished swimmer, she had quite a talent for holding her breath - secondly and more prudently, the sheer size of his unit allowed her to comfortably sit and rub her marehood while continuing onward. Swabbing her throat with Mac heralded a number of firsts for her. Aside from it being extremely rare for her to suck anypony off, she’d never once gotten off while doing something she considered demeaning - still, she couldn’t help herself. While she was a veritable demigod, she was compelled to venerate him in all his stallionly glory. Shifting her focus from his adonic face to his groin, seeing she’d only barely managed to inhale half of his shaft, she steeled herself. Inch after impossibly thick shaft slipped into her snout, until she hit a snag; his medial ring, the girthy band of flesh marking the lower third of his length, pressed to her lips and caused her motions to falter. Truth be told, if he’d taken the initiative and bucked into her face, it wouldn’t have been an issue, but that wasn’t the case. Left to rely on her determination alone, she clamped her eyes shut, stroked her clit, and leaned in. With an all but audible pop, after struggling for several seconds, her efforts were rewarded. The trunk-like root of his cock plunged into her muzzle, nearly dislocating her jaw and causing her eyes to water, yet the discomfort was overshadowed by an intoxicating sense of accomplishment. Though she had no way of knowing for certain, she’d like to think that Luna hadn’t been able to accomplish such a herculean feat. Inordinately pleased with herself, she torqued and bobbed her head while mopping the base of his stallionhood with her lips. She could practically feel the tip of his length tickling her stomach, filling her esophagus more than anything ever had, and the thought drove her wild. Teetering on the cusp of her first climax, she couldn’t imagine how staggering it would be to have him mount and breed the living daylights out of her. On and on she went, only periodically withdrawing just enough to get a sip of air, until she eventually took note of just how good of a job she was doing. Lifting her eyes, hearing a particularly heavy breath, she peered up at him. His face was twisted in bliss, biting his lower lip, while his hips twitched and jerked. Without fully realizing it, not knowing how long she’d lingered between his thighs, she’d brought him to the brink - a development which she had every intention of capitalizing on. She moved with renewed vigor and fucked her face on him, hellbent on earning a midnight snack for herself. Ignoring her burning lungs and slavering loins, she forced herself to continue. While she couldn’t say if it took hours or the blink of an eye, her wish was eventually granted. Going to pull back, she found herself unable to move - not because of any weakness on her part, but because his stallionhood flared and locked inside her. A flash of panic washed over her, comprehending she may asphyxiate in a less than becoming way, yet her concern was washed away when he grunted and pulled her head to his crotch. Sheathing his shaft in her snout, he winced and clenched his jaw. If his expression wasn’t telling enough, the throbbing in her gullet, paired with a scalding heat filling her, told her everything she needed to know; he was blowing a load straight into her stomach, and that knowledge cast her over the edge. In contrast to a deluge of her nectar gushing to the floor, an absolute tsunami of cum surged down her throat. Her airway spasmed, her mind nearly went blank, and her gut grew heavy from his deposit, yet she couldn’t look away from him. As unbelievable as it was, though she was one of the most powerful ponies on the face of the planet, she’d climaxed from pleasing a commoner - a hulking, big-dicked commoner, but a commoner nonetheless. The taste of spunk tickling the back of her tongue was the only warning she had, before jizz crept from past her lips and squirted out of her nose. She’d had no doubt that he was cumming like a fire hose, yet she’d failed to comprehend just how productive he could be! As she slammed her hooves to the floor and threw her weight back, she uncorked his shaft from her gorge so she didn’t pass out. As his shaft sprang from her lips, bathing her face in the final few shots of his essence, she weakly coughed and cleared her stinging airway. She shuddered to think how dreadful she must look with ropes of seed crossing her face and clinging to her hair, yet that was a trivial concern. Hearing him shift, likely in concern, she held up a hoof. Though she’d just had a climax, she was far from finished with him yet - at least she hoped she wasn’t. Most stallions needed time to recover after peaking, unlike their marish counterparts, so she fully expected to give him a few moments to catch his breath. Having finally wiped the tears from her eyes, she looked over and went rigid. Just as hard as he’d been when she’d started blowing him, he quirked a brow and met her gaze. Yeah, buck it, the time for subtlety, if her conduct thus far could be called such, was at an end. Turning in place, standing atop her carpet, she bent over and pressed her chest to the floor. Seeing as how he wasn’t much of a conversationalist, she decided to follow suit and let her actions speak for her burning desires. She spread and braced her hind legs, flicked her tail to the side, and invitingly waggled her tush at him. It was a shameless move, something more befitting a whore than a Princess, but she was beyond the point of caring. She wanted - no, needed him to mount her, to claim her like she was his bitch, so she silently presented herself and waited. Seconds passed, leading to a minute or more, as her expectations metamorphosed into concern. Feeling as though she was going mad, wondering if she’d done something wrong or - heaven forbid, he didn’t like what he was seeing, she peeked over her shoulder. “Why aren’t you…” Mac hadn’t budged, resting right where she’d left him, and nonchalantly stroked his obscene tool. The twofold powers of her desperation and lust sundered her composure, reducing her to little more than a needy, whimpering harlot. As her primal instincts seized control from her better judgment, she filled her lungs. “Don’t just sit there,” she pleaded, willing herself to scowl. “Come over here and rut me this instant!” He paused and studied her for a moment, then slipped from the bed and slowly approached her from behind. She would have thought he’d be eager to get down to business, since few if any were ever lucky enough to become intimate with royalty, yet he moved at a snail’s pace. Intended or not, his relaxed, unhurried approach only served to heighten her arousal. Bringing his snout to her marehood, he loudly sniffed her sex, gave an approving snort, and reared onto his hind legs. Feeling his forehooves slip around her hips, savoring his weight atop her, and hearing his heavy breaths above were everything she’d dreamed of, but the sensation of his stallionhood kissing her entrance - by the Elements, knowing he was about to impale her sent her into a frenzy. Driven by her lecherous cravings, she threw her ass back, ground her marehood against his cock, and jammed him into her confines. She’d assumed feeling him enter her would feel good, but it was so much better than that. Purely by being penetrated she came, spontaneously climaxing and baptizing his stallionhood with her juices. As she reeled from the sudden and wholly unexpected wave of ecstasy, barely believing that she’d orgasmed so swiftly, he steadied himself, secured his grip, and plunged into her depths. Her howl echoed throughout the chamber, possibly reaching the very foundations of the keep, while she fought to remain standing, but he wasn’t done yet - not by a long shot. No sooner did his blunt cock-head batter her cervix did he withdraw and give a second thrust, then a third and a fourth, until he was plowing her like a fertile field in spring. “Yes,” she bleated, heedlessly swinging her ass to meet his plunges, “fuck me, you big, magnificent bastard!” Draped atop her, he did just that - he pounded her with all the unstoppable force of a glacier. The intensity of it, of being fucked by somepony so absurdly huge, was beyond reproach, more perfect than she could have ever imagined, and he’d only just started. Only vaguely aware that she was subconsciously wailing with the full might of her royal Canterlot voice, she rocked back to meet his pounding hips. Had she not known better, she could have sworn she was being screwed by some sort of sensual machine. He was relentless, railing her and stretching her confines to their limit, yet she was no slouch herself. Clenching on his backstrokes, picturing her marehood clinging to his shaft, she relaxed on his plunges. Though she was reluctant to admit it, she’d worked more than a few stallionhoods in her day, and this was no different. The scene was the epitome of depravity, not unlike something from a pornographic display, and every little detail only magnified her bliss. A sinful, cacophonous symphony was crafted from his grunts, the drumbeat of his nuts against her clit, the slapping of their colliding bodies, and her rapturous braying, yet their motions didn’t cease - if anything, they grew more impassioned with every passing moment. As she pushed her torso up, hoping for a kiss, she glanced down her chest and stifled a gasp. It was obvious that Mac had been gifted with a god’s endowment, yet she struggled to wrap her head around what she was seeing. Snaking up to and just beneath her rib-cage, moving in tune with his body, was the imprint of his stallionhood. Clear as day and larger than life, bulging her belly, the unbelievable sight of his endowment rearranging her insides brought a moan to her lips. Tearing her eyes off the swell in her gut, she looked further back and came to a startling realization. Though her taut marehood was more stuffed than it had ever been, he hadn’t hilted her - he hadn’t even come close. It was at that moment that an absurd concept struck her; if she couldn’t handle all of him, what good was she as a mare. “Harder,” she murmured, slowing to a halt and prompting him to do likewise. He scrunched his snout and angled his head to look at her face, as she turned and curled her lip. “I said harder! Rut me like you mean it!” A look of concern washed over him, as he lazily began to move again. More than displeased, she channeled arcane might into her horn, surrounded him with her magical aura, and forced him to buck into her. So help her - if he wasn’t willing to do the job properly, she’d do it herself. Mac glanced back at himself, seeing the sorcery surrounding his body, then furrowed his brow and smirked. A split second before asking what he was so darned happy about, he pressed his hooves into the carpet and thrust with full force. The air was driven from her lungs, her forelegs collapsed, and she was wracked with yet another climax, as he finally - finally stopped holding back. The difference was night and day. Minutes prior, he’d restraining himself, possibly for fear of hurting her, but that had changed in an instant. Using her like a flimsy sex-toy, nothing more than a warm hole to sate his marish urges, he growled and hammered her from behind. It was crass, it was hedonistic, and she loved every nirvanic second of it. Screaming to the heavens did nothing to stop him - on the contrary, it somehow fueled him to hammer into her harder and faster than ever. Somehow, as impossible as it seemed, she’d unlocked his true potential. Feeling him shift, instinctively turning to look up at him, she had no time to react as he opened his jaw, bit down on her neck, and gave a particularly forceful plunge. It may have been the passionate bite which made her climax, feeling him burrow into her womb, or some combination of the two - whatever the case, she came with the full force of a dying star. Unlike every other orgasm she’d had that night, her mouth hung open noiselessly. Saliva dangled from her chin, her vision blurred, and the world closed in around her, while she weaved in and out of consciousness. Merciless felt like a lackluster description for how ruthless he was, yet it was the closest word in Equestria to explain it. This wasn’t lovemaking, this was far from tender sex, this was domination incarnate. Rocking forward and back beneath him, groaning with every thrust, she did what she could to constrict her battered snatch around him. As her body went haywire, the flow of time seemed to distort. Each time she came, she was wracked with multiple aftershocks of rapture, leading to an ouroboros of pure, unfettered pleasure. Only vaguely aware of the world around her, loss to her bliss, it was all she could to keep from passing out. A small eternity or a beat of her heart passed, unsure of which, until she felt it - the gradual swelling of his crown. The sensation of his flaring was unmistakable and wrenched her back to the present. Ordinarily speaking, on the occasions when she’d allow one of her praetorians to slake her licentious wants, she never let them finish inside her, but this was far from an ordinary situation. Collecting herself and willing herself to move, she pushed back against him to ensure he was as deep as possible. “Do it,” she blared, her voice tinged with frantic desperation, “ruin me for any other stallion! Pump a foal into me and give me an heir!” As wildly scandalous as her plea was, she knew exactly what she was saying. She’d been alive longer than almost anypony, and she’d yet to have a foal - a prospect which she viewed with a mixture of disdain and pensive regret. While she’d watched her friends, colleagues, and even a good number of her castle staff raise families, she’d never known such joy, though that was going to change. Motivated by her lust and biological need to bear fruit, every fiber of her being demanded he knock her up, and knock her up he did. With a final, triumphant snarl, he clamped his jaws on the nape of her neck, fully hilted himself, and exploded within her. As his stallionhood pulsed in tune with his heart, she felt it - the absolute torrent of his essence filling her womb. The sensation was like none other, astonishingly intense and unfathomably blissful, but knowing he was sowing his seed, filling her with what felt like gallons of his rich, virile essence, was what did her in. Groaning and whimpering, smearing her saliva on the carpet, she was beset by images of herself heavy with foal flashed through her mind. Simply the thought of being a mother was enough to make her orgasm over and over and over again, robbing her of anything but rapture, yet she was ignorant to just how true her fantasies would be. Spurred by her longings, her body went into overdrive. Not one but two eggs drifted into her cum-drenched womb, each eager to be fertilized, as her belly rounded from the influx of his seed. Even before his climax finished, her fate was sealed. Remaining standing only because her hind legs were locked upright, her abdomen swelled and gurgled, making her appear positively gravid. Bearing the full weight of his passion, knowing what she’d wrought, she slipped into the euphoric abyss. ~ The remainder of that fateful night was a blur, no more than flashes and vague memories, but much had changed in the months following. While her day to day duties had remained the same, her temperament and physique had shifted quite notably. Markedly more chipper than usual, overjoyed with the life-altering evening, she’d been given a gift she would enjoy for the rest of her days. Wallowing on her bed, she turned when she heard a knock at her door. “Who is it?” “Me,” a familiar voice intoned. “Are you decent?” “As decent as I can be,” she giggled, lifting the cover to peer down at herself. She was nearly a month from delivering and, though carrying all the additional weight could be a bit onerous, she loved her new look. Every curve she had had been accentuated and grown, her udders had ballooned to more than thrice their usual size, and her belly was massive. While once she’d been tall and relatively slender, she’d ascended to the pinnacle of impending motherhood. “Good morning, Luna,” she began, seeing her sibling trot into her room. “I trust your night has gone well?” Languidly moving toward her, Luna winced. “It would have been, had these foals not been so energetic…” Peering down her sister’s barrel, Celestia’s smile grew wide. Much like herself, her sibling had been thoroughly knocked up by their farmcolt suitor. With a due date which was supposedly weeks before herself, the umbral Princess was carrying a colt. She would have been happy enough to raise a pair of twins, but knowing her offspring would have a cousin to grow up with warmed the depths of her heart. Unconsciously pawing at her bosoms, feeling her frog grow wet with the milk leaking to her sheets, she scrunched her snout. “I can sympathize. It’s bad enough when the little ones get rambunctious, but these infernal teats never fail to make a mess.” “I did have the same problem,” Luna tittered, noticing the dampened sheet over her sister’s abdomen, “until the father of our progeny paid me a visit.” Celestia shifted in place, her interest piqued. “Oh? And what did he do.” “What did I do,” the younger Princess corrected, smugly smiling. “Let us say that Big Mac has a bit of a soft spot for dairy cows.” The elder alicorn’s eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat, as her marehood reflexively clenched. “You didn’t…” “Oh but I did,” Luna mused. “I was a bit reluctant to purchase, much less wear a fetishistic cow bikini, but let's just say Mac was very, very eager to help relieve the pressure from my aching bosoms - that and I’m sure the good stretching he’s been giving me will make the birth much more bearable.” Celestia gnawed her lip, the carnal portions of her mind going alight. She’d never considered Mac would have such an outrageous interest in lactation, but she certainly wasn’t opposed to indulging his kinks. As she wondered where she could procure a dairy-themed outfit, her sister softly cleared her throat. “If you’d like, I could let you borrow the costume I have. It’s not much, little more than a string bikini with cow print, but it should fit you decently enough - after all, it’s not like he’d keep it on you for long,” Luna hummed, her cheeks darkening. “And fair warning, he’s prone to bringing a milking machine for such occasions.” And just like that, Celestia’s mind was made up. “Sister, if it’s not much trouble, could you fetch these garments for me - oh and that camera of yours. I’m sure that Mac would find an invitation all the more appealing if I included a few sultry photos.” Luna rolled her eyes and shook her head, before lazily turning and marching to the exit. “You truly are hopeless, Sister, but I’ll oblige you. Just please remember to put a noise dampening spell on your chamber when he visits…”