> Bucking Up The Apple Tree > by Great Humanity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Jack Of All Tricks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Lunar Eclipse was a special thing in Equestria, just like back on Earth. Normally, it’d be done by Luna, who’d tell stories of the few instances that there was a Lunar Eclipse, but this would be the first time that Twilight would be raising the moon and seeing one as the princess of the Sun and the Moon. Anytime a Lunar Eclipse occured in Equestria, ponies would throw parties, stay up most of the night (fillies and foals included), and sometimes, scare other ponies, as if it was Nightmare Night. As excited as you and the rest of your family was about celebrating, Applejack seemed on edge as the days got closer and closer. Sometimes she wouldn’t eat, sleep, or speak with you or her family. Anytime you asked her what was wrong, she’d always tell you that she was fine or that she was anxious. As much as you wanted to pursue and find out, you had planned for other things. Apple Slice, your son, was excited for it, as Pinkie, Frosty, and Cheese Sandwich had all planned a party at Sugar Cube Corner for the fillies and foals who were gonna be sugared up out of their minds. When you told AJ, she felt bad that she’d miss tonight, saying that she really is sorry that she’d have to miss out on tonight, but she’d throw something special the next day with the whole family. Her behavior was also strange, as she seemed a lot more full of energy, but also very agitated as well, snapping at you out of the blue. When questioned, she simply just said that she was stressed out and she didn’t mean it. Sometimes, you even caught her moving on all fours, which, while very funny, was strange. Then again, this didn’t happen till after a certain ‘incident’. A couple years ago, three timberwolves from the Everfree attacked Ponyville. Twilight wasn’t ready right away, so AJ stepped in to fight them off and send them back into the Everfree. She managed to fend and send them off, but, when she had her back turned, a Timberwolf bit her side and whipped her around, dropping her and running off. She was rushed to Ponyville hospital, and In time too, as if you hadn’t gotten her there in time, she wouldn’t even be around. Presently, you were getting Apple Slice dressed for tonight’s party. Since it was a Lunar Eclipse, you wanted him to dress in the colors of the moon, which was mostly white, but it could have a design on it. You had him wear a nice white shirt with an apple slice pattern on it, along with some crescent pattern pants. “Aw c’mon pa, do Ah really need tah wear this?” Apple Slice complained, though you thought he looked cool in it “Aw, but you look so cool in it. If I was your age and wore what you wore, all my friends would think I’m the coolest kid on the block. Chin up, son, nobody’s gonna make fun of you for wearing it” you said, trying to cheer him up “Are you sure Pa, cause it looks like Ahm wearing pajamas” he said, true, the pants looked like pajamas, but the shirt just had some apple slices on the sleeves, while the pants had the design on the lower part. “Nah, nobody’ll notice, it’s fine kiddo” you said, “Besides, nopony else’s opinion matters except mine and your mother’s, and personally, you look cool, buddy” you said, patting him on the head “Alright pa, Ah’ll believe ya. Will mom be comin’ with us, or is this one of those nights where she has her business to attend tah?” Apple Slice asked as you both shared a glance at the ever-so-nervous mare known as your wife “Unfortunately kiddo, this is one of those nights. Don’t worry though, she’ll make it up to ya tomorrow, I know it“ you said, ruffling his hair and makin’ him giggle. “Alright pa, ah understand“ he said as the moon just peaked over the horizon, and Applejack came over to you and Apple Slice “Ahm not feeling too good, sugar cubes, ahm really sorry. Ah love ya both, with all mah heart, but ah rather y’all not be hurt because of me“ she said, kissing Apple Slice’s cheek. “Are ya sure ya can’t come with us, ma? It’d mean the world“ he whined “Apple Slice, ah can’t come! Why can’t yah undahstand that?!“ she snapped, causing Apple Slice to hide behind you as she covered her mouth, “Ah… Ahm so sorry…“ “Slice, go play with your aunt for a sec“ you said to him as he ran off in her direction. Now that you and AJ were alone, you could now try to figure out why she was acting the way she was, “AJ, tell me what’s wrong, please“ She sighed as she hugged you and whispered, “Ahm really sorry, Bucky, but for tah life ah me, ah can’t tell ya. Ahm fine, and that’s that, okay?“ You sighed in defeat, kissing her cheek, “Alright, I’ll believe you dear, just, trust me you’ll be safe?“ “Ah already did that, ya knobhead. Now Bucky, ah love ya, and make sure Apple Slice has a good time, okay?“ she asked you. “Alright hon, stay safe“ you said as she nodded, kissed you one last time, and left the house. Alright, change of pla- your thoughts were interrupted by footsteps, and it was Apple Slice “Pa, ahm concerned about ma, especially on a night like this. Are you absolutely sure she’ll be fine?“ he asked, his ears folded “Son, your mother is a tough mare, that I’ve had the pleasure of being engaged to, so I have no doubt that she’ll be alright, buuuuuuut… I am a bit worried myself, so… Apple Bloom!“ you said as she rushed in “What’s up, big brother?“ she asked you “You know how me and Applejack have trusted you with watching over Apple Slice?“ you asked her “Yeah… What, you need me tah watch over him?“ she asked you, looking down at her nephew “Well, if you have no other plans, I need you to supervise him at Pinkie’s party. Can you do that for me, Apple Bloom?“ you asked her as she hugged you and got close to your ear “Ah know what you’re gonna do, just… come back in one piece, okay brother?“ she whispered, and you nodded in response. Finally, she was done whispering, pulling away, “Not ah problem, brother, he’ll be safe with me, won’t cha, Apple Slice?“ “Okay Auntie, but why can’t pa take me?“ he questioned “I… have to help Big Mac with some chores beforehand“ you said, turning to Big Mac, who had just come back inside, “Right Mac?“ “’Eeyup“ he said nonchalantly “Ah undahstand, Pa. At least Auntie Apple Bloom knows how tah have fun“ he said, hugging Apple Bloom softly “Are you saying I don’t know how to have fun?“ you said, a little insulted “No no, it’s just that you and Auntie Apple Bloom have different… Ideas of fun“ he said defensively, so you patted him on the head and kissed his forehead softly “That’s reasonable, son. Have fun at the party, okay?“ you told him as it had come time for the party to start, so Apple Slice had grabbed Apple Bloom’s hand and began to lead her out the house. “We both will, pa, ah guarantee ya“ he said as him and Apple Bloom hussled out the door, hearing it close behind them. After a while, Big Mac came over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder. “Ah saw her heading into tah Everfree. Ah suggest ya be careful in there, Bucky, and come back in one piece, undahstand?“ he said to you, sounding serious as he locked eyes with you. “I know, Big Mac, I promise I’ll come back in one piece and not multiple, okay?“ you said to him, staring into his eyes “Okay, ah’ll believe you, and bring my sistah back in one piece, too“ he said, patting your back as you sighed and left the house, leaving him in the kitchen. AJ, I’m coming for you, and you’re coming home you thought to yourself as you left Sweet Apple Acres You stood at the edge of the Everfree. No doubt, it was a dangerous place, but one thing that confused you was why AJ would go into the Everfree every full moon, especially on a special night like this. You took a deep breath, and entered the Everfree. It was eerie, quiet, and downright dangerous. You passed by Zecora’s hut, and it was empty, so you assumed she was partying as you passed by. You got deeper into the Everfree, feeling the chill of the forest. “AJ? Honey? Are you out there?“ you called out, seeing a familiar track of bootprints. They matched Applejack’s, so instinctively, you followed them. After following the bootprints for a while, you saw that they ended up ahead, and ran towards them. What caused you to turn pale was what you saw next: AJ’s boots, all torn to shreds, and her wedding ring on the ground. You crouched down and picked up the ring, thinking the worst of what could’ve happened to her. As you were thinking, you heard a twig snap nearby, causing you to flinch as you looked around, “Is someone there?“ you said, unaware that a pair of emerald green, glowing eyes was looking at you from afar. After looking back and forth, you found a lone twig behind you. You stared at it, thinking it was probably a cockatrice nearby or something. That was, until you heard growling from nearby, and you looked, seeing a flash of orange sprint into a bush. Despite knowing curiosity killed the cat, you inspected the bush and got close to it. As you were getting closer, something tackled you to the ground and tried to bite you. Luckily, you were smart enough to stop its jaws or teeth from ripping you open. As you slowly opened your eyes, you saw what looked to be a mare, but different. Her mane was all messy, there was timber wood surrounding her eyes, and they were glowing green as she barred her teeth at you, growling in an intimidating fashion. The timber pony was also wearing clothes, strangely enough, and through the small tears in the jeans, you saw wood coating her hooves, and saw the very same on her… Wooden paws? It was very strange, but then it slowly hit you: The coat color, the mane ties, the clothing, and even though the cutie mark now looked like three rotten apples, it hit you: This timberpony was none other than your wife, Applejack. Still holding her jaws apart, you spoke, “A-Applejack?“ As she scratched your arms with your claws, she was about to bite into your neck and kill you, but she stopped, having heard her name. Instead of barking at you, she whined and got off of you, her ears folding as she slowly backed away. Not wanting her to run off, you reached out to her, “W-Wait, AJ, don’t go…“ you said, slowly getting to your feet. Instinctively, she took a defensive stance on all fours and whined, growling whenever you got close. You carefully approached as her whines turned into growling, “AJ, I just wanna help you, please…“ you said, reaching your hand out as she barked defensively, nearly biting into your hand, and you didn’t wanna get bit by her, as if you did, you’d be a Werewolf as well, so you pulled your hand back fast, “AJ, I don’t wanna hurt you…“ you said, trying to get through to her as you saw a few tears run down the timberpony’s cheeks. Knowing you had no choice, you ran towards Applejack and tackled her to the ground, getting a yelp and multiple barks out of her, narrowly avoiding her biting into your arm. You pressed the top and bottom of her muzzle together, silencing her as you looked into her glowing eyes, “AJ, listen to me! I can help you, I don’t wanna hurt you!“ you said, seemingly getting through to her as she stopped trying to open her jaw. So this is what she’s been hiding from me you thought as you looked down at her and all she emitted was muffled whines as she gave you her best ’puppy eyes’, having her ears completely folded as her eyes looked more sad then aggressive. You decided to see if she could be trusted, “You’re not gonna bite me if I let go, right AJ?“ you said to her as she nodded softly, so you carefully let go of her muzzle, expecting to be bitten, but instead, you felt her lick your face softly. You were expecting worse, but sure enough, she just… Licked your face like she was a puppy, and you were her owner. You got off her, giving her space, only for her to tackle you to the ground and begin licking your face again, giggling as your face was getting wet from pony saliva, “Okay AJ, calm down for a sec-“ you tried to say, only to be interrupted by an assertive growl from her, and when you went silent, she continued. You gently reached for her hooves, getting an antagonistic growl from her, but you went slow and rubbed her wood-coated hoof/paw up and down softly, getting an affectionate lick from her. After a while, she got off you and allowed you to sit up, then she crawled over and placed her flank into your lap, laying her head softly on your chest. Not wanting to be awkward, you broke the silence, “AJ, sweetheart…“ she looked up at you, eyes full of curiosity when you said that, “Why didn’t you tell me about this?“ you said as she just whined and looked down softly, “Was it because you were afraid I’d see you as a monster?“ That made her growl low, but nod. You carefully pet her mane as she barked once, then just growled at you. You felt bad, knowing that she went through this, so you said, “Applejack… Regardless of what you look like… I’ll always love you“ She gasped, knowing you meant that truthfully, and she hugged you tightly, licking your cheek softly. She really was like a puppy, and that was all the more evident due to how her tail wagged. After a while, she let go and got up, then back down on all fours. She stared off in a direction and ran off in that direction, and you pocketed her wedding ring before running after her. “Wait, AJ! Don’t leave me behind!“ you shouted, running after her as you wondered where she was leading you. After following her for a while, you saw her sitting in front of Zecora’s Hut, and you were confused, “Uh… AJ, why are we at Zecora’s? I’m sure she’s he-“ you tried to say as she pointed at a sign on her hut. You looked at it closely. Much apologies, you’re probably groaning But we are not home, we’ll return in the morning “This still doesn’t say anything, what is it, AJ?“ you said, seeing her panties getting soaked as she whined and panted a little, which told you that she wanted to do it somewhere private, but this felt wrong, “No AJ… we can’t, this is Zecora’s-“ she cut you off with an aggressive bark, and an even more aggressive growl. Sighing, you simply entered the empty hut with AJ, “This really doesn’t feel right, AJ. I only hope there’s no repurcussions to this whole thing“ AJ just groaned and licked your face, which assured you that everything would be alright. She led you through the hut and to the bedroom. She was the first to get onto the bed, and she looked at you, barking softly as she wanted you to join her on the bed. Knowing this’d be risky, you just got on the bed with her. AJ continued to pant, staring at your pants as you got the message, undressing yourself until you were completely naked. Now it was AJ’s turn, and even though her clothes were torn, she could still get them off as she tossed them aside. Seeing her wooden legs did make you smile a little as she met your smile with her own. She softly pinned you down and straddled on top of you. Mentally, you thought of calling her Timberjack, and in your head, that’s what you’d refer to her as. She bent down and licked your neck. You weren’t sure what she was doing, but then you felt her teeth gently press against your neck and you felt them pinch, “A-AJ, d-don’t go biting into my neck, please? I’d rather not have…“ you said as she sighed and sounded disappointed, but she understood, as she wouldn’t want you to have to bear the burden of being a Werewolf, so she softly nibbled on your neck, leaving a little ’love bite’ on your neck, which wouldn’t affect you, but rather, would mark you as hers. You felt her breasts press against you, except they felt… Bigger. Upon inspection, her breasts had gone from F-cup to a G-cup, maybe even an H, but definitely was a G. As you laid back, she scooted back as she saw your shaft. From what you could tell, she didn’t want to grip your shaft, as she was afraid you’d get splinters on your shaft, so instead, she brought her muzzle up to your shaft, kissed it with her lips, and began licking it, which got you nice and hard “Mmmmmm… Be careful with it, AJ…“ you said, getting an affirmative nod from her as she licked it some more, then carefully took it into her throat. She licked all around your shaft, being very careful with it. Despite her being a timberpony, she was very careful with your shaft, not going crazy like a Timberwolf would. Surely enough, her licking was enough to make you climax as you blew it all, and she gulped it down like a hungry Timberwolf. Having finished, she licked her lips seductively and laid on top of you, licking your face softly “Heh, good girl~“ you said, petting her and stroking her mane as she smiled at you with love in her eyes and barked happily, wagging her tail back and forth as she turned around and shook her flank at you, teasing you with it as you kissed it, making her blush as she hugged you and you kissed her. After she pulled away, she placed her marehood, which wasn’t covered in wood, like you guessed, but was just how you remembered it. You gave her a nod and she slowly lowered onto your shaft, whining a little with a smile as if it was the first time y’all bucked in the barn. Boy, that was one hell of a night. AJ rubbed her stomach with her wooden paw/hand, looking at you with puppy eyes. You didn’t understand at first, but from the looks of things, it looked like she wanted to be filled. “AJ, are you sure? W-What if you-?“ you tried to finish as she began growling, so you sighed and smiled, “Okay, do you at least want me to drink from your breasts or…“ She whined some more, twitching on your shaft. Then it occurred to you: She was in heat. Now you understood why she was so eager to get it on with you, “AJ, I understand now, but, should I start off soft or hard?” you said, and since she couldn’t really speak, you held up your left for soft, and right for hard. After looking at both, she put her paw/hand on your right hand, and you kissed it as you pushed her down, thrusting into her hard. She whined and yelped, feeling the intense pleasure you gave her, and even barked and growled at times, but after petting her, she’d always smile. You pounded her hard, making her moan a bit, but also bark excitedly as you pounded her on the bed. Her walls got tighter on your shaft, so it wasn’t like you were pulling out of her anytime soon, not that you’d want to. You saw her breasts bouncing, and you placed your hands on them, getting a moan out of your wife as she smiled up at you. Timberjack threw her arms around your neck and pulled you down on top of her, kissing you as your tongues danced. You were so in love with her, it was indescribable how much you did. You mixed in your energy with your thrusts, pounding her with great intensity. At this point, your shaft just about felt swallowed by Timberjack’s walls, so she wanted all that baby-making solution to go straight in her, and not anywhere else. “You’re such a good girl, AJ~” you flirted with her, getting a loving lick from her as her tail wagged rapidly. Feeling in the mood, you took one hand off of one of her breasts, using it to run through her leaf-covered, messy mane, and even scratched behind her ear softly, which made her kick her leg softly and bark happily. Then, unexpectedly, she hugged you tight and rolled you both. Now she was on top of you, and you were on the bottom as she bounced on your shaft. She placed one hand on your shoulder, and gently caressed your cheek with her other hand, and you couldn’t help but stare into those glowing green eyes of hers as she smiled seductively at you. At times, Timberjack would lean down and lick your neck, and you always gasped and blushed, as you weren’t sure if she was in control or not, but anytime you saw her teeth and fangs near your neck, she only playfully gnawed on your neck, often giggling afterwards, which told you she was in full control, but you made it a mental note to not upset her. Timberjack worked your shaft like it was a pogo stick, bouncing up and down on it like crazy, and all of that was enough to make your legs twitch and wobble a little. You placed your hands on Timberjack’s hips and thrusted upwards into her, touching her womb with your manhood That made Timberjack yelp and blush red, as she twitched a little on your shaft, and slowly began to twitch more, which told that she too was coming close to her climax, but she kept slamming on it. As you gripped her legs and thrust into her hard, she helped and growled low as her claws dug into your sides. “Rrrrrrgh! Easy girl!” you groaned. Timberjack immediately softened her grip, and bucked her hips with yours, slamming down on your manhood as you slammed into her marehood with great intensity. Timberjack’s breasts bounced as she slammed onto your shaft, so you just had to get a drink as you drank some milk from her breasts, placing your lips softly on one of her nipples. And that sold it, as Timberjack couldn’t take the pleasure anymore and gave a soft, seductive, yet loud ‘Awooooooo!~’ as she sprayed your crotch area with her love fluids, and that was enough for you to blow your hot seed inside of her womb, filling her up to the brim. Timberjack barked softly and panted as you both caught your breath. She hugged you, licking your face affectionately, though she nuzzled you, whining a little “I forgive you, AJ, it happens, but just remember, I’ll always be here for you, no matter what happens” you said, earning plenty of licks from the timberpony as you pulled out of her. She tilted her head in confusion as you grabbed hers and yours clothes, heading for the exit as she followed you, “AJ, we need to be outta here before Zecora and her family return, so let’s go” She nodded and followed you on all fours, staying close as she nuzzled your legs. Once the two of you got back to Sweet Apple Acres unseen, you both washed up, using a small shower behind the barn. After that was done, the two of you were smelling fresh as you both redressed. You thought about getting into bed, but you didn’t want to leave your wife, so you opened the barn, “AJ, we’re sleeping in here tonight” you said, leading her inside as she followed you in. You grabbed a blanket hanging up nearby and laid on a spare mattress with pillows, in case of any guests, and yawned. Timberjack stepped carefully onto the mattress, being careful not to pop it, and laying down next to you. Before going to sleep, she licked your face lovingly, in the same clothes she had taken off before, and yawned, resting her head on your chest softly, falling asleep, and snoring softly like a puppy. You hugged and pulled her close, kissing her forehead softly, “I love you Applejack. Sweet dreams, sweetheart~” You woke up the next day, still in the barn to your surprise, but AJ was gone. As you heard the rooster crow, you got up from the spare mattress and headed for the house, walking in and into the kitchen. You couldn’t tell whether what had happened was real, or fake? As you walked into the kitchen, you saw your favorite mare at the stove, making eggs for breakfast. She looked your way as you walked over to her, “Mornin’ Sugarcube, sleep well?” you nodded as you got close enough where she spoke into your ear softly, “You’re tah best, Bucky. Sorry I nearly killed ya, but… thank you for helping me, sugarcube~” “Anytime dear, I love you” you said, kissing her cheek softly as she blushed and did the same As the two of you were talking, you looked into the living room and saw Apple Bloom and Apple Slice playing, looked outside to Big Mac doing chores, and everything seemed in order. Having almost no one around, Applejack spoke to you, “Bucky, thank ya so much for last night. Ah should’a just told ya that I turn into a timberpony every full moon, but Ah was afraid of how you’d see me, and if you were in danger, it’d break my heart if you were to get hurt…” “AJ, I’d go to the ends of Equestria just to see your face, and besides, you said you had something prepared?” you said, locking a hand with hers softly, “Let’s prepare it together~” “Thank ya Bucky, but ah think there’s something you should know” she said as you got closer and she spoke in your ear, “I’m pregnant again, Romeo.” Your eyes widened a bit. AJ just smiled at you and giggled a little, patting you on your head softly. You put an arm around her as she took a second and hugged you softly. You hugged her back completely, patting her flank softly as she blushed and gave you a flustered look, “Save it for anotha time, ya hornball” “I’m just joking, AJ. I can only wonder what our second child will be like, I can’t wait” you said, kissing her cheek softly as she chuckled a little “Same here, Bucky. I love you much, master~” she teased, licking your cheek softly as she giggled. You giggled in response and you scratched behind her ear softly as she nuzzled you “Heh, that’s my girl~ I love you too, AJ~” you said as she nodded and pecked your lips with a kiss, continuing what she was doing.