> Multiverse Hearts Volume 1: Sumarda's Interdimensional Singles Tournament > by RainbowRaptorDash1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Invitation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a great day in Equestria, and the Elements of Harmony were having a great time, doing fun activities with each other. "I still can't believe you invented those devices in your sleep." Twilight said with a laugh. "Neither can I, and I still can't believe they worked perfectly." Chameleo agreed. "Remember that match we did from excitement, AJ?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Eeyup. and Ah still can't believe it was a darn tootin' tie." Applejack answered. "Me neither, but it was fun!" Rainbow Dash responded with a laugh as Applejack laughed in agreement. "Well, I think those Bélourie were quite unique in their own way." Fluttershy said. "I can definitely agree with that." Viper replied. "Same here." Vaida agreed. "And the tailors for their clothes certainly helped me learn of the strength, durability and flexibility of clothing." Rarity remembered. "And they also gave us some Braeön to work with." Mamota added. "So what are we gonna do today?" Makoto asked. "Oh. I'm not exactly sure, Ms. Nanaya." Cream answered. "Chao." Cheese agreed. "Ooh! I'm sure whatever we're gonna do today, we'll have tons of fun!" Pinkie cheered. "Hey, aren't those Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, Sweetie Drops, Lyra Heartstrings and Derpy coming this way?" Amy noticed. "V-Vinyl?! Where?!" Vector panicked, before he noticed the others staring at him. "Ahem... I mean, why are they coming here?" "Well, me and the others decided to hang out with you guys for a while." Octavia answered with a smirk, looking at Vinyl Scratch, who had a small blush. "I'm still so so so so so so so so so SO glad that humans actually exist!" Lyra cheered. "Heh, like you having a crush on an Escavalier?" Sweetie Drops teased, making Lyra blush. "Or what about you eyeing that Accelgor, Bon Bon?" Lyra fired back, before those two started bickering like sisters. "Those two really are best friends." Vinyl noted. "No doubt." Morrigan agreed. "I don't see anything that could go wrong today." Derpy said before all of a sudden, a flash of light happened, but when it faded, only Chameleo and Vector was left. "Of course something would go wrong. The rest of the guys were either busy or sick, and Vector and I the only ones left." Chameleo said with a facepalm. "Discor-" Chameleo was interrupted by a piece of paper landing on his face. "What's this?" Chameleo wondered as he grabbed the paper, revealing it to be a letter. "Dear Discord, I hope you're having fun, because I saw what's been going on in Equestria, and frankly, I'm glad that you turned your life around. But you better get ready for a show, because I invited some of your friends, including your first one, Fluttershy to a tournament. And don't worry, they'll be back like nothing happened to them, except one of them might bring a championship belt home. Love, Sumarda" “Weird.” Vector noted. "Sumarda? That's a strange name." Chameleo wondered. "Well, I better get to Fluttershy's house and see if Discord knows anything about it." Later, Chameleo and Vector arrived at Fluttershy's cottage. "Hey, Discord." Chameleo said as he knocked the door, but no response. "Discord?" Yet still, no response. "Discord." Still nothing. "Discord!" No-go. That was it. "DISCORD!!!" "Alright! Alright! Stop, you'll make my ears shatter." Discord said as he opened the door, only for his ears to fall off and shatter. "Good thing I brought spares." Discord added as he brought out two new draconequus ears and put them on his head. "So what brings you here today?" "Well it has something to do with-" Chameleo tried to answer but was cut off. "Wait, where's Fluttershy?" Discord asked. "Actually, what we’re gonna ask has something to do with her and the other girls. They somehow disappeared in a flash of light, like how that would happen every time you use your powers by snapping your fingers." Chameleo explained, making Discord gasp. "Why Chameleo, you're not accusing me, are you?!" Discord panicked. “Not this time.” Vector answered. "No, normally I would, but it would be impossible for you to be responsible unless you somehow changed your identity and wrote a letter to yourself." Chameleo explained as he handed Discord the letter. "A letter? For me?" Discord asked in surprise. "You're actually surprised?" Chameleo responded in confusion. "Well no one sends a letter straight to me while I'm not in my chaos realm. I wonder who it's from." Discord said as he looked at the letter, before going pale. "Wait, something's actually scaring you?" Chameleo asked in surprise. "You've gotta be kidding me! My cousin Sumarda?!" Discord responded. "Wait, cousin?!" Chameleo and Vector gasped in surprise. "Yes, and if she's inviting all of the girls to a tournament, things will get weird." Discord answered. "Weird how?" Chameleo asked before Discord started whispering into his and Vector’s ears, confusing the Inteleon and crocodile greatly. "Tch... I'll believe it when I see it." “Ditto.” Vector agreed. "Seeing is believing, then? Very well." Discord said as he snapped his fingers, creating a window acting like a TV in static, before everything around the window and the two lost their color and slowed to a halt. "What-What happened?!" Chameleo asked in shock. “Something’s wrong!” Vector noticed. "Whenever I'm watching this tournament, everything in time freezes to a halt, except those watching the tournament, who stop aging, which are you two and me." Discord explained. "Oh. Then I guess that when the girls come back, it'll be like no time has passed by at all." Chameleo said before the window started clearing, showing him and Discord what was going on. Meanwhile, in a strange place, a flash of light happened, and when it faded, the Mane 6, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, Sweetie Drops, Lyra Heartstrings, Derpy, Makoto, Viper, Morrigan, Mamota, Vaida, Amy, Cream and Cheese. But for some reason, the Mane 6, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, Sweetie Drops, Lyra Heartstrings, Derpy and Viper were in their anthro forms, while the others were back in their normal forms. "What the?! Where-?!" Twilight stammered in confusion. "Seriously, Derpy? Did you have to say it?" Rainbow Dash asked in bemusement. "I just don't know what went wrong." Derpy simply shrugged. Vinyl Scratch lifted her sunglasses, seeing everyone here, including herself on two legs. "Well, this is new." "You're telling me." Octavia agreed. "Wow! We're on two legs! Like a human!" Lyra squealed in excitement. "Okay okay, Lyra. Calm down." Sweetie Drops said. "Oh my. I wonder where we are." Cream said as Cheese agreed with a "Chao!" "Me too." Fluttershy agreed as she had a feeling a presence familiar to Discord. > The Tournament Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Okay, I don't know what or how it happened, but we're in someplace entirely new." Twilight noted. "And something's telling me that we'll all be here for a while." Viper added, before Pinkie started shuddering. "D-D-D-D-Doozies! G-G-G-Gonna h-h-happen h-here!" Pinkie said, surprising all of the girls. "What?! You gotta be kidding!" Amy dreaded. "Oh dear!" Fluttershy gasped. "That can't be good!" Vaida dreaded. "Doozies are scary." Cream whimpered as Cheese agreed with a "Chao!" "Uh, anyone notice how small the area is around us?" Makoto pointed out as everyone looked around them, seeing that they were on a small island. "Well anyone else notice the skyscraper-sized gate?" Rainbow Dash added as everyone saw a gate where gigantic would be an understate, it was colossal. "Hoo-wee! That there's a huge gate!" Applejack awed. "You're telling me!" Morrigan agreed. But then Rarity noticed a white mineral as she picked it up with her magic. "Hmm... I wonder why I have the most distinct feeling that I've seen this before?" "Oh! Maybe it's a mineral from our world?" Mamota guessed. "Oh! The gate's starting to open!" Derpy noticed, catching everyone's attention as the gate was indeed opening. "I wonder where it goes!" Lyra said in excitement. "I wonder who's waiting for us." Sweetie Drops said in suspicion. "I hope the people will have sophistication." Octavia said. "And I hope that there's some fun around here." Vinyl added. When the gate opened up all of the way, all of the girls along with Cheese saw an anthro pegasus mare in a wild biker outfit. "Welcome, everyone. We've been expecting you since her Majesty invited you all to an event." The pegasus said with a bow of respect and greeting. "M-Ma-Ma-M-Ma-Majesty?!" Rarity gasped. "Why yes." The pegasus answered, making Rarity faint. "Oh, it's good to meet you too. My name is-" Twilight started to introduce herself, only for the pegasus mare to cut her off. "Yeah, the queen already informed all of us about you guys. Twilight Sparkle, Viper, Rainbow Dash, Makoto Nanaya, Applejack, Morrigan, Rarity, Mamota, Fluttershy, Vaida, Cream and Cheese, Pinkie Pie, Amy Rose, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, Sweetie Drops, Lyra Heartstrings and Derpy Hooves." The pegasus mare said, surprising everyone else. "Whoa! How did this queen of yours know about us?" Makoto asked. "Oh, she has her ways." The pegasus answered. "If ya say so." Applejack said. "Come on, follow me." The pegasus ushered as she went through the gate with the others following. What the female members of the Elements of Harmony and their friends saw was amazing, it was a huge city, and there were tons of anthro animals roaming the streets, talking to each other and having fun with friends. But when they looked at a citizen passing by, Cheese saw something else in its place, and it was humongous, scaring the chao. "Oh, Cheese, did something scare you?" Cream asked her friend in concern before a new female voice greeted. "Hey, Helia! How's it going?" The voice greeted as everyone turned around to see a big, tall and beautiful female anthro blue whale wearing summer clothes. "Christa! It's going great! I'm taking our new guests to the castle to meet the queen." Helia answered. "Yeah! The queen! I forgot I need to head there soon! I'll see you guys later!" Christa said in a rather suspicious manner before running off. "What was that all about?" Morrigan asked. "Sorry, it's me and my best friend heard some strange things going on. We heard that everyone looks normal on the outside, but when they're inside parks, buildings or arenas, the space inside them are way bigger! And something strange happens when they go inside those areas, they start to look different. And the source of the rumors are at the castle throne room." Helia answered. "Oh." Fluttershy said. "I see." Vaida added. "Let's keep going." Helia said as they continued their way to the castle. But when they entered the castle, it seemed that a part of the rumors were true! The castle is way way WAY bigger on the inside, it was like it was made for a giant. "Wowee! It's so huge! Yet the stairs are the same size, just longer!" Pinkie pointed out. "Whoa. Okay, something's definitely going on here." Amy said. "Agreed." Sweetie Drops added. "Wow! There's giants?!" Lyra gasped in excitement. "Although I do wonder what kind of queen lives here." Octavia noted. "Whoever she is, these are some nice digs." Vinyl said. "Come on. We're almost there." Helia said as they were close to the throne room. "Okay!" Rainbow Dash said. "Let's do this!" Makoto declared before soon, they reached the throne room. "*Gasp!* These decorations are simply marvelous!" Rarity awed. "They are quite amazing." Mamota agreed. "Alright. So we're here in the throne room." Viper said. "Yes, the source of all of the rumors." Helia added as she started walking up the stairs. "So, do you know where the queen is?" Twilight asked. "Actually..." Helia started off before she looked back at the others, snapping her fingers, which caused a flash of light to wash over her. But when the light faded, the Elements of Harmony and their friends were completely shocked, for in Helia's place was a female draconequus with the head and mane of a beautiful pony mare, left arm of a common ostrich, right arm of a tiger, left leg of a hippo, right leg of a painted tree frog, left wing of a wild turkey, right wing of a golden-crowned flying fox, and the serpentine body of an African twig snake, the tail of a gecko and antlers that are the mix of a fallow and a white-tailed deer. "I'm the queen of this kingdom. Allow me to fully introduce myself, I am Sumarda, spirit of Goodies and Love, and the cousin of Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony!" To say that Twilight, Viper and all of their friends were shocked was an understatement. "Hey, Sumarda! Did they like the surprise?" Christa's voice asked, causing the heroines to turn around, only for their jaws to drop at the sight. Christa was now humongous, the size of a colossal giant, being as tall as a mountain, her hands, feet and head were 300 times bigger, and her arms, legs, neck and tail 300 times longer than normal, not to mention that she looked completely obese, more specifically, 1,140,000 pounds (570 tons) obese, but for some reason, she was still standing on her feet as a perfectly fit person. Her belly, breasts, buttcheeks, tail, fat flabby head, hands, feet, arms, legs and neck as big as large skyscrapers, with her chubby cheeks being as big as large mansions. "How in Equestria are you still standing like nothing happened?!" Rainbow Dash asked in complete and utter shock. "What the hell?! You should be stuck on your ass or dead if you're that obese!" Makoto pointed out in agreement with Rainbow Dash. "Heeheeheehee! Maybe one of my BUSSBBWFFs, Sumarda can explain." Christa said mischievously. "BUSSBBWFF?!" Pinkie gasped. "Yep, BUSSBBWFF, which is a title in this dimension, stands for 'Best Ultra-Super-Sized Big Beautiful Women Friends Forever.' Christa's always been my equal and rival in sumo wrestling, we even have the same weight, even though manipulating appearances and feelings of touch are easily within my chaotic powers. Right now, I appear the same as Discord, and there is a major thing in this dimension; there is no such thing as immobility, pain or death from overweight." Sumarda explained, leaving the heroines completely speechless. "Wait, um... Why are we here?" Pinkie asked, snapping the rest of the heroines out of it after hearing the million-dollar question. "That's the most important question, isn't it? Well, you guys are here to participate in a tournament, which the first round starts tomorrow." Sumarda answered, surprising some of the heroines. "Tomorrow? That's a bit soon, don't you think?" Lyra asked. "Not at all, because everything and everyone will be ready for it the first round tomorrow. But now's not the time to worry, now's the time to feast!" Sumarda declared, as a long and large table appeared with tons of food, before all of the heroines found themselves completely famished. "I don't know how or why, but I'm totally starving!" Rainbow Dash said as she was the first to start eating the multitude of meals. "Hey! Don't eat all of it!" Makoto yelled as she followed Rainbow Dash and started eating as well. Soon enough, the only heroines not at the table, eating the food were Twilight, Viper, Fluttershy and Vaida. "Oh... What do we do now?" Fluttershy asked. "Maybe you can help yourselves." Sumarda suggested. "Well, it is probably for the best we don't go hungry. Come on, Fluttershy." Vaida suggested as she and Fluttershy started eating at the table with the others. "About what you said being Discord's cousin, is that true?" Viper asked in suspicion. "Yes, it is true." Sumarda answered in honesty. "Why are you inviting us to be in the tournament? Why are you letting us eat all this?" Twilight asked in suspicion as well. "Well, sometimes we all need to have fun and everything. And I thought that you couldn't enjoy a night here on an empty stomach. Besides, the participants and audience members will only be females, so there's no need to worry." Sumarda answered. "Now please, pamper yourselves." Twilight and Viper looked at each other, unsure if she could be trusted, but they decided to think about it later as they started eating with the rest of their friends. After the heroines had their meal, they were stuffed and bloated. "Hoo-wee... Ah can't believe we ate all that." Applejack uttered in amazement. "Tomorrow, we need to get ourselves into shape for the tournament." Morrigan said before Mamota gave out a yawn. "Yes, and I'm certain we could all use some sleep." Mamota pointed out as the rest of the heroines agreed, before finding their bedrooms. "Well, what do you know? It's like a slumber party." Rarity noticed. "Well, goodnight, everyone." Twilight said as the rest of the heroines said their goodnights before heading to sleep as the lights were turned off. But none of them knew what they would have become tomorrow morning as the bedsheets covering them started rising.