> A Thousand Words > by CrazyGreenFluff > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Just pick one, Twilight. Just one. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle was an intelligent mare. As a filly she’d discovered her love for books, and her prestige in magic and science had even gotten her into Celesta’s school. She'd aced every test throughout her school life, and her thirst for knowledge only grew as she got older. Twilight could probably come up with a thousand words to describe any specific subject, for her well of knowledge was very deep. As deep as her well of magic, probably. She could burn through a thousand books in a month and read a thousand words in a minute. She definitely had more than a thousand thoughts as she examined a special subject. A thousand words ran naked through her mind, her tongue twitching in her mouth as she tried to catch even one. Twilight Sparkle was an intelligent mare. So, why was it that, as she stared bemused into those ocean blue eyes, she could only stammer out "Bwua?" Rarity giggled, the melodic sound making Twilight’s cheeks grow hot. "Are you alright, darling? You look a little warm," Rarity said as she rested her cheek on her hoof. "I- I'm f-fine, Really," Twilight said, she gave a loving smile as her heart fluttered. "Here," Rarity pushed the plate of cookies across the table, sharing Twilight's expression. Twilight looked down at the cookies, her horn lit up with magic and she lifted one, giving it a tentative bite. "Now, what restaurant would you like to have dinner at? Nothing is too expensive, so pick anything you like," Rarity said. Oh Celestia, the cookie was sweet, had Rarity baked these herself? A thousand words, just pick one, Twilight. Just one. "Yes," Twilight squeaked. There was an awkward silence, Rarity holding a hoof to her mouth as she suppressed another giggle. Twilight Sparkle was a smart mare. So why was it that she was struggling so hard with this? It was just a question, Twilight loved answering questions! Oh Celestia, why was it so hot in here? Rarity fluttered her long eyelashes, waiting patiently for Twilight to say something. Twilight gulped, cringing as the mushy cookie muck slid down her throat. "I don't really mind, why don't you pick a place to eat?" Twilight asked, her voice almost as soft as Fluttershy's. "Of course I can, darling, I know the absolute best restaurant that serves the best quality pasta! It’s a tad on the expensive side, but you absolutely must try it,” "Sounds good…" Twilight's eyes were locked on her cup of tea, her hooves fiddling under the table. "You know, I've been dying to ask you out for ages! I'm just so thrilled you've accepted; I promise I'll make it a night to remember!" Rarity said jubilantly, then she relaxed in her seat and took a sip of her tea. “You really have no reason to be nervous, Twilight, I don’t bite~” Rarity said in a much gentler voice, giving Twilight a soft smile. Twilight looked up, and their eyes met. Twilight inhaled slowly as she examined Rarity’s sapphire eyes, sparkling in the pale sunlight like the deepest depths of the sea. Rarity in turn appreciated Twilight’s eyes, realizing for the first time that they looked like a field of stars. “Rarity,” Twilight started, taking a quick sip of her cooling tea. “I’m sorry, you’re just so beautiful and kind, and generous, and I never expected you to ask me out…” Rarity frowned softly, but she gracefully reapplied her smile, although it was a bit forced this time. “Why would you ever think that darling? You’re wonderful in your own ways, why I’d say you’re the most intelligent pony I’ve ever met! You have a beautiful mind Twilight, and let’s be honest, you’re adorable as well~” Twilight’s pensive look remained. “You’re just so, I don’t know, classy! And elegant, I figured you’d be more interested in nobles and high society-esque ponies. Not a nerdy little librarian who sometimes gets so lost in books that she’s detached from the world for days.” Rarity had been afraid that this would come up. Despite being friends for a couple of years now, Twilight was still a bit aloof around her. Not hostile, or even unfriendly, heavens no! But Twilight and Rarity were two extremely different mares, they had different tastes in fashion, different views on gossip, and sometimes it seemed like they were only hanging out to be polite to the other. But Rarity desperately wanted to have things in common with Twilight, and she’d been pining for her for a few months now. She didn’t know what had set it off, but she could tell that Twilight felt it too. It didn’t help that Rarity had shown a strong preference in rich pompous stallions in the past, she was just glad that Twilight hadn’t asked about that yet. “While it’s true that my preferences have been different before. You make me want to spend hours with you, reading together, and discussing our mutual thoughts. Even if it's some fantasy book rather than my preferred novels, just spending time with you makes me feel all warm inside,” Rarity placed her hoof on Twilight’s. “I think your nerdiness is cute, I think your passion to learn is inspiring, and I think your fashion, despite being on the plain side, looks good on you,” Rarity’s voice had dropped to a whisper, as she leaned closer to Twilight. Twilight’s face grew redder with every word Rarity emphasized; the ivory unicorn having leaned in so close that their noses touched. “So please don’t degrade yourself, hm?” Twilight gave a little nod, smiling as Rarity gave her that loving look from before. “Thank you, Rarity.” “Now then! I’m going to get ready for our date, I’ll meet you at the library at seven?” Rarity asked. “That’s perfect, see you then!” Twilight answered, she waved Rarity goodbye before she exited the boutique. A thousand words to describe one subject, and there was only one Twilight could think of. The most important word: love.