> Lynx; The Saiyan Warrior of Equestria > by AlienXtreme > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Volume I: The Visitor > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- An earie lack of noise is an unnerving familiar feeling during a hot summer’s day. With everypony avoiding as much exposure to sunlight due to the hot sun, everything was unimaginably static. Twilight, just like any other day, is reading one Starswirl’s volumes of magic for beginners with Owlicious accompanying her, and as she was just to turn to the next page, an incomprehensibly loud explosion disturbed her noon affairs. She rushed outside as quickly as she could to see what the commotion was about. As she opened the library door, smoke filled the Ponyville town square resembling huge forests fires. The smoke was beginning to cleanse, and a circular shape started to form. As the smoke settled a mystifying sphere was fully realized. Twilight started to approach the strange object with outmost care and a very slow gait but as she was nearing, the sphere opened in two, revealing a perplexing creature that even she with her extensive knowledge could not recall. The creature seemed to be comprised of four limbs, but it was only standing with the two. Its vertically elongated body seemed most bizarre with its very short snout, spiky pink mane and small grey eyes. Even its attire was peculiar, ostensibly a soldier type cold black uniform and yellow and white pattern vest and boots with white gloves, wearing a golden-colored amulet with a weird symbol that resembles Celestia's Cutie Mark. The whole situation was surreal for Twilight and could not distinguish between threat or innocence, so she adhered to side of caution and she prepared for battle. However as she was readying up an immobilization spell, the creature fell to the ground unconscious. Upon this turn of events, it was clear that the creature was greatly injured and of no threat yet, so Twilight used levitation and hurried him to her bed to nurse him and study him. She moves frantically through the library reading every book she could find with slightest mention about creatures outside of Equestria, although the knock of the library door halted her thought cohesion and when she opened the door to find Rainbow dash along with the rest of her friends behind her. "Twilight are you ok?! What was that thing?!" Rainbow Dash says, as she grabbed Twilight's cheeks but Twilight freed herself using teleportation. "I don't know, nothing in my books even comes close to what this could be!" Twilight explained, as she walks back to the group."Fluttershy you think you can help me?" She added. "Um...I'm not sure Twilight, if your books didn't help, how could I?" Fluttershy said. "Come on, y'all stop chitchatting so we can figure out what that monster is." Applejack said. "Couldn't agree more, darling!" Rarity agreed, as she opens the door. "Oooh, investigation time!" Pinkie said, as she walked in , while wearing an Inspector Gadget coat. They quickly climbed the stairway. Fluttershy studied it a bit but just like Twilight, she couldn't figure out what it is. "Wh-what is that Fluttershy?" Rainbow asks. "I-I have no idea." "Me neither, but it looks mysteeeerious!" Pinkie dashes and starts touching its limbs but while trying to find out what this is , she rouses it. "Wh-What the...what the hell?!" The creature wakes up surprised. "Where am I?!" "WHO ARE YOU?!" He quickly gets up from the bed. "Hi I'm Pinkie Pie, and this Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle." Pinkie said, pointing at her friends. "Who are you and what kind of creature are you?!" Rainbow asserts, getting ready to fight if necessary. "My name is Lynx, you low-life , I am the prince of every single Saiyan there is!" Lynx claimed while pointing at himself. "Why did you brought me here?!" He adds. "A Saiyan? I've never heard that before. Maybe I should contact Princess Celestia." Twilight thought to herself. "We brought you here because Twilight didn't want you to die." Applejack responds to his question. "Is that so? Well then don't bother, I'm not going to accept help from ponies!" Lynx denied Applejack's response and crossed his arms. "I'm out of here." He adds. Upon this turn of events, he creates a never-seen-before white ,flame like, aura and flies away, even though he doesn't have pegasus' wings, making a hole at Twilight's Library's roof. Twilight and her friends get out of the library. Lynx flies through the whole town and sees a lot of ponies being scared of his sight, which makes him grin. He soonly finds a cave outside of the town and decides to rest there . "Heh...I guess this should do the job for now." He talks to himself as he enters the cave. "Wow, this is a big one. I would say, it is around 500cm." Giving his current residence one final look, Lynx nods in improvement, before turning around and taking a battle stance, facing the opposite. He feels his inner energy ran through his body as he focuses it on the palms of his hands, an action so natural to him at this point, that he needs less than a thought to perform. With a battle cry that echoes of the stone wall, he pushes that energy out of his hand, a ball of energy blasting towards the wall, only for it to bounce back at him, its speed not even diminishing a little. In fact, the Saiyan notes with pleasure, it seems to have picked up speed as he dodges it, taking the opportunity to through several other identical balls all around the room. He gets no more than a moment to appreciate his handy work, before the young prince is forced to dodge again and again, as the balls of Ki keep on bouncing around the room, threatening to strike him down. The real training begins now. Meanwhile Twilight and her friends start watching him from afar. "Wow, th-this guy is pretty good." Rainbow is left speechless by Lynx's power. "You are right Rainbow Dash, even though he is greatly injured, maybe he could be a great ally for Equestria." Fluttershy agrees with Rainbow's statement. "A-Are you sure about that Fluttershy? He is an outsider after all..." Spike shakes in fear. "Have you ever heard of the word Irony?" Applejack nods. "Hehe...He looks like a funny guy alright." Pinkie eats a cupcake. "Whatever the case is girls, we should be careful to how we approach him?" Twilight says, with small tone of worrying in her voice. Two hours passed and Lynx continues this routine, and even though he is severely damaged from his travel, he manages to continue this routine perfectly. That is until he missed a counter-attack, which results to him getting blasted by all the others, and starts falling to the ground. "I got ya!" Rainbow yells, as she bolts so he can catch him and she succeeds on doing so. "Come on, let's get you to the hospital, you look hurt." Rarity says. "No, I...I am a Saiyan! I need no one's help! Now put me down, you animal!" Lynx asserts, barely keeping himself conscious. "Ugh! Okay we get it! You're a tough guy, but you need to let others care about you too!" Rainbow dishes him. "Nobo...dy..." He falls unconcious ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Oh, come on! He is a guy in pain, can't you just help him a little bit?" Twilight yells at the staff. "The rules are simple Mrs. Sparkle, if he's not pony then he's not gonna get treated! Why should we cure him?" "Because I say so!" Princess Celestia orders the nurse pony. The nurse quickly moves Lynx and she puts him to a hospital bed. She puts a hospital oxygen cylinder on his mouth. "Um...Princess Celestia, do you know anything about the Saiyans?" Twilights asks Celestia. "Not much, the only thing me and Luna know about this race is that they are a furious warrior alien race." Celestia remarks. "Alien? I had never thought about that! Once he wakes up I'm going to ask him everything about his kind!" Twilight says, with a face full of excitement to learn. "I don't know Twilight, doesn't he seem kind of s-scary to you?" Spike asks, terrified. "Hmm, I don't know Spike, should we gift and take away virtues based on anypony's appearance? This is not the foundation of friendship this land was endowed and built upon and even if it was, this shall not be our legacy nor our destiny." Celestia cautions them. An hour passed ,Celestia and the girls are still in waiting to see what will happen to him and Lynx is still in bed, unconscious hooked up to the oxygen cylinder. "I know this might sound strange, when he is sleeping he looks so peaceful and innocent like...like my little sister." Applejack points it out. "You know, Applejack, a warrior always shows what is in his heart by the way he rests in the bed." Celestia remarks. "Really?" Pinkie questions Celestia. "Yes, if he rests on the right side, that means that he is not trusting the environment and he's vigilant. But if he rests on the left side, that means that he feels secured and he has a desire to protect those, who he cares about." Celestia informs the group. "B-But what does it have to do with that? He sleeps at the center." Twilight asks Princess Celestia. "Well if he sleeps at the center , then that means that he is not sure about what to do with his situation. Perhaps one da..." "Girls it's an emergency a Maulwurf is attacking Ponyville!" Spike informs them. "On it!" The mane 6 say all together. Twilight teleports them to where the Maulwurf is located. Meanwhile, Celestia stays at the hospital to watch over Lynx. He finally wakes up. > Volume I: Bravery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "What the...what?! Where am I again?!" Lynx gets up and drops the oxygen cylinder. "You are at the hospital Lynx, the girls wanted to help you." Celestia informs him as she walks into the room. "Is that so? And who are you? You look different than the others." "I am Princess Celestia one of the two rulers of Equestria." Celestia says as she opens her wings proudly. "So you're a Royalty like me huh? I didn't know that the land of ponies had such a thing." Lynx grins. "Also it is good to see someone at the same height as me." He adds. "I want to know why you are here, if you came to attack us then there will be no mercy!" Celestia threats Lynx, opening her wings. "Pfft...Don't worry I'm not here to destroy any low-lives here. I just saw a weird rainbow thing coming from here years ago , I thought it could make me even more powerful than I am now, so I decided to come." Lynx walks past her. "Interesting...So are you here to make frie-?" "Don't say that word! Don't tell me that you believe in that childish propaganda too!" Lynx immediately interrupts her. "How old are you?!" He adds. "Ch-Childish propaganda?" "Of course. What, you truly believe that caring about others will make you stronger? Man, the land of ponies is doomed." Lynx was about to walk away until he feels a weird energy being near the girls. "W-What are those ponies doing right now?" He turns around. "They fight a creature from Tartarus, if you want you can help." "No. I don't fight to protect others." Lynx turns around. "Then why do you fight?" "Because seeing the enemy's hopes crushed ,as you dominate over him, is such a delightful sight!" Lynx grins. "Although that creature's battle power seems pretty darn high, maybe it could be fun." He says to himself. "Fine, I'll go." Lynx puts his two fingers on his forehead. He closes his eyes and finds the girls' energy and teleports to their location. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girls are all defeated and are about to be destroyed until... "Lynx? W-What are you doing here?" Twilight asks him. "Isn't obvious, purple pony? I am here to fight." Lynx says as he takes a battle dance. The Malwurf rushes at him, but Lynx grabs its claw. "I wish you could take this seriously!" Lynx smirks and crushes its claw. He once again feels his inner energy ran through his body ,but now the white aura from before is surrounding him. He throws a spinning kick and grabs its teeth. He throws it to the ground, breaking it , which results to the Malwurf falling into a cave. But just a moment before the monster is landed, Lynx flies from behind it so fast, that it seems like he teleported. "Hey can you do me a favor and die? GALICK GUN!" Lynx curls his fingers and places both his hands together at chest level facing the same direction ,so that the palm of one hand is on the back of the other. Then, once enough ki is gathered, he thrusts both hands forward and fires a powerful, huge, fuchsia-colored ki beam that emanates from his hands and body, destroying the Malwurf, with a smile on his face. "Hehe...Pathetic." Lynx grins. "THAT WAS AWESOME!" Rainbow dash claims, as they run towards him excited. "W-What was that? I have never seen any spell like this." Twilight asks with her usual nerdy behavior. "That is because it's not a spell! It's a technique passed down to the Royal Saiyan Family for generations." Lynx explains it to her. "Now leave me alone." He flies back to his cave. "Wow...that guy is really strong and I can not wait to challenge him to a brawl!" "Now, calm down Rainbow Dash. You still have to help me at the farm, remember?" "Oh come on AJ!" Rainbow and Applejack leave their friends alone. "Yeah, maybe it is enough for now, we should all just go to our homes." Rarity says and they all go to their homes. Several minutes have passed and Celestia and Twilight are in Twilight's Library fixing the damage Lynx had done. "Phew...glad that's settled, I appreciate the help princess Celestia." "No problem Twilight, you know I'm always offered to help." Celestia says. "Can you do me a favor Twilight?" She adds. "Of course what is it?" "Can you check this book once again?" Celestia points at the book about the Elements of Harmony. "The elements of Harmony again? I thought there was nothing more to it." Twilight , using levitation spell, opens the book and goes to the page , where it says about the elements. "Yeah, see that's it." She adds. "Did you ever turn to the next page?" Celestia mocks her. She goes to the next page and sees something marvelous. "Look Princess Celestia, this page says about a...seventh element?" Twilight informs Celestia, confused. "Hmm...Interesting." "The page says: 'It has been heard about a myth that includes a seventh element, that is presented by the one who is a bridge between worlds, the one who is selfless enough to protect others for their own safety but takes pride at his achievements. It is known as the Element of Bravery." > Volume I: Origin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Twilight decides to visit Lynx in his cave. She is very excited to ask him about his species, whereas she knew he would deny her. But even so, she finds him in a lake near his cave and studies him from afar, hiding in a bush. Lynx powers up at his max and tries to surpass that limit. Unfortunately, the pressure was too much for his body to handle. He quickly stops and heavy breaths. "You can come out from the bush, purple one!" Lynx walks near her. "What?! How did you...?!" Twilight raises her head from the bush. "Your Chi is pretty big , which makes it easier for me to notice you." He walks past her. "My...Chi?" She follows him. "Ugh! And I thought you were the smart one...it's the general term for the life force energy that flows through every living thing." They arrive at the cavern. "And you can feel all of that?" "Yes, it takes years of training to perfect it, but since I am a Saiyan, I have been training for it ever since the age of 4." "Oooh...interesting and what were you trying to do before?" Twilight asks him, as she notes the information she has given. "The Super Saiyan." They sit in a wood right outside. "The who and the what now?" She asks, confused. "Seriously?! You've never heard of the Legendary Super Saiyan? You idiotic low-life!" Lynx says, surprised. "It is a legend of the Saiyan race. It has not been performed for over a thousand years. The last one was a female Saiyan named Son-Dranko, she possessed a level of power so overwhelming that even she couldn't contain it, which lead to the planet's complete destruction. It is unknown how she was able to achieve this power, even to this day." He adds. "Wait, what?! The timeline doesn't make any sense, you said that your planet was destroyed over a thousand years ago, but you don't look no older than 20! Are you...immortal or something?!" Twilight freaks out. "Ugh! I knew you were stupid, but not that much!" Lynx facepalms. "Do I look like an immortal to you?! No, I'm at the legit age of 21 , after the destruction of our original home, planet Juged, the remaining survivors conquered a planet, which became our new home, planet Lynx, and they rebuilt the Saiyan Race." He adds. "Oooh...fascinating. So what do you know about that Super Saiyan girl?" Twilight continues to write her notes. "Not much...she was a low-class warrior and yet-" "Wait...what's a low-class warrior?" "First of all, don't interrupt me, Glittery light! And second, in the saiyan society there are ranks: the elites, which are the high-ranked warriors, the ones with the highest battle power, then there are the scientists, the ones with an average battle power, and last but not least the low-class warriors, the ones with the lowest battle power and the lower your battle power is the less respect you will have." Lynx says, as he smashes the wood they were sitting on. "And if a low-class like her could do it, there is no reason a Saiyan Elite like me cannot!" He adds. "It's Twilight Sparkle! And that whole legend starts sounding kind of silly to me." Twilight get up. "Ugh! Why do I even bother?! Just leave me alone!" Lynx walks inside. "Oh yeah, thanks for your help...I guess." She mocks him. "Oh...and just because you are strong, doesn't mean you can tell other ponies what to do!" She adds. "You...!"Lynx clenches his fists. What she said to him...,he couldn't focus ,it was just like back then... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Take this!" A young Lynx attacks to a much taller figure. "Too slow, kid." The figure counters with a knee attack. "Stop mocking me, Owlto!" Young Lynx yells. "I'm your prince, you will bow before!" He adds. "I will bow to you, when you become a leader." Owlto's figure is revealed: He has a tall and muscular body, with define muscles, formed and shaped by years of tireless training and numerous battles, a fact obvious even to the most clueless observant. He has softer jawline and sharper eyes. upper hair style stands firmly upwards like, while having a "V" shape hairline and has two bangs sticking out downwards. He wears a blue gi and sash with an orange undershirt and also he wears white gloves and boots. "I am a leader!" "No, you're not." Owlto brings Lynx down to the ground. they decides to sit on the grass of the island they are located. He sighs "Remember this Lynx...just because you have the power to do something, doesn't mean you should. Those with the greatest power on their hands, carry the greatest weight on their shoulders." He adds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...The prince closes his eyes, trying to dispel his past memories. "...,if I'm not mistaken, I told you to leave me alone!" "As you wish..." And with that Twilight leaves him be. 'What he said to me...Why am I remembering it now?!' Lynx thinks to himself, punching the cave's wall. 'Master...are you...alive?' He looks at the clear sky. "Heh...It has been a while since I performed this one." Lynx runs outside and takes his battle stance. He then draws his cupped hands to hiss side and concentrates his Chi into a single point ,between his hands. The hands are then thrust forward "Ka...me...ha...me...ha!" He fires blue coloured beam. 'Man, that takes me back...' Lynx grins. "Those with the greatest power on their hands, carry the greatest weight on their shoulders...I am the prince of all Saiyans...but what does that mean...and with what does that come?" Lynx whispers to him, on the verge of tears. "What kind of question is that? Being their prince means, I need to be the strongest one out of them all." He snaps himself out of it. "But since I am now stuck in the land of ponies, maybe I should try prove that this stupid, thing called friendship is nothing more than a propaganda, and I'll do the damage from the inside, those ponies are going to be crushed!" He puts his middle and pointing finger to his forehead once again and teleports outside of Twilight's Library. 'Well...here goes.' He knocks the library's door. "Come in!" Twilight says, while Spike transfers her notes to papyrus. "Hey...Uh...Twilight Glitter, isn't it?" As he enters the building, he sees the mane 6 and Spike having fun. "Twilight Sparkle...but close enough." She mocks him. "Whatever...listen...uh...I was wondering if...I..." Lynx scratches his head, nervously. "Ugh! I can't handle this bullshit! I was wondering if I could join your squad?!" He snaps out of it. "You mean becoming our friend?" Pinkie dashes at him. "Yes." He says annoyed. "But just so we're clear, we're not gonna make flower bracelets, candy necklaces or whatever you low-li...you ponies do, when you are friends!" He says to everypony in the library. "Wow, your suit is pretty warrior-like outfit , it looks fabulous!" Rarity says, as she gets a closer look to his battle armor. "EVERYPONY RUN!THAT MONSTER IS BACK!" Ponies from outside were running away due to Lynx's presence. 'A...monster?' Lynx looks at them from the window. 'Maybe this was a bad idea.' He feels a small burn in his stomach and his clenched fists are starting to tremble. "Uh...Don't worry about them Lynx, they'll get used to it." Rainbow hides the window. "Heh...what are you talking about, blue one? Like I care about their opinion." He lays against the wall with his arms crossed. "But as far as I can tell, you ponies don't really like outsiders, do you?" "Uh...So, I forgot to ask you...what happened to planet Lynx?" Twilight changes the topic of the conversation. "Planet Lynx?" Fluttershy asks. "I'll explain later." "Planet Lynx, my home planet, was enslaved ,and many years later, was destroyed by a tyrant named Lavra." He says, with a form of disgust in his voice. "Oh my...I am so sorry, it must be tough for you." Fluttershy comes closer to him. "I don't need your pity! Because I am going to kill Lavra!" Lynx says, as he clenches his fist. "Hey guys! You want to play a board game?" Spike asks them all. "Sure!" The mane 6 say it all together. "Hey, are you coming or what?" Applejack asks Lynx. "What place do I have in your little game?" He leans against the wall with his arms crossed again. "Come on, it is going to be fun." Rainbow grabs his neck and pads his shoulder. "Ugh! Fine!" He finally sits down with the ponies and start playing Planetpoly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Oh come on, you beat me again!" Twilight says, as she laughs. "It is all about strategy, Twilight." Lynx smirks. "So how is the score?" He asks Spike. 'This is just like when I was in her army.' "Twilight=3, Lynx=4, Rainbow Dash=2, Applejack=2, Rarity=2,Fluttershy=1 and Pinkie Pie=0." Spikes says. "Oh...! No fair! It always come down to you two!" Rainbow complains. "Come, Rainbow, we got a couple of wins too!" "Agreed, Applejack!" Rarity agrees. "Anyway, let's continue! The fight...uh the game isn't over yet!" Lynx says, as he resets everyone's positions with a broad smile. 'Wait, why am I liking this?' > Volume I: The Pariah > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another sunrise, means another day full of training for our young Saiyan. He walks outside of his cave , but as he stretches his limbs , he starts hearing a child's scream. "What the hell?" He whispers, as he walks towards the screams. He finds a couple of little ponies playing a weird football-like game. "Hey kids , why the hell were you screaming?!" He arrives at them. "U-Uh...h-hello...w-we were just playing...and...I tripped over." One of the kids answer, as they are trembling due to Lynx's intimidating figure. "Is that so?...I suppose what I should say is... are you ok now?" He kneels down, getting closer to their height. "U-Uh...yeah, I am." They run away as fast as they can. Lynx sees them running, with a face full of discouragement. "Ugh! Why do I even bother?! There is no way, I can change their opinion on me!" He turns around back to his cave and takes his usual pose, when he is about to teleport. 'Damn it! Where is he?!' He starts sweating. 'I cannot find him anywhere! Well, never mind that...I have a better priority right now! Let's go Super Saiyan.' He bursts his aura and makes all the rocks near him lifting. The pressure is again too much for his body and stops, although he lasted longer than the last time. 'Come on! How did she do it?!' He lays down to the ground, trying to relax. "Maybe I should go and check on the girls, they said there was an enemy." A small is drawn on his face. "I can not wait to see his face when crush it!" He teleports to Sweet Apple Acers. "Hey, Lynx!" Applejack greets him as she runs through the apple trees. "Oh...What happened? Why are you running?" He flies towards her. "Tonight is the Grand Galloping Gala, and we have to make two barrels of apple sider." "The grand gallo....what now?" He asks with his arms crossed. "It's a gala in our land and you need to an invitation ticket." Rarity says, as she walks near them. "Oh...so...that means no planetpoly tonight, huh?" He asks, as he scratches his head, nervously. "Yeah, sorry Lynx...but we have been preparing for a whole month." Rainbow flies in. "W-Wait the enemy that Applejack told me about was the time?" Lynx asks confused. "Yup." "How can I help you with that?!" "Well you are pretty strong and fast, so maybe you can help to accelerate the process." Fluttershy joins the rest. 'Come on just help them, you idiot! No, this is just what they want , I will NOT start supporting this CHILDISH propaganda!' He sighs. "Fine but only this time, ok?" He flies up to the sky. "Oh and Fluttershy, please work on your approach on me, I'm not some kind of monster, and cowardness disgust me!" He adds. Giving his viewpoint one final look. He allows his inner energy ran through his body once again as he focuses it on the palm of his right hand, which hand looks up to the clear sky. He closes his eyes and turns his energy into a disc-shaped ki blast. He throws the ki blast and with the utmost carefulness he cuts the stalk of apples of one tree. "Rainbow, catch them quick!" Lynx yells at Rainbow. Rainbow flies quickly, catches the apples and puts them on baskets. "Wow...nice call!" Rainbow flies up to him. "Thanks Lynx!" Applejack yells from the ground. "Hey! Where is Twilight and Pinkie Pie?" He slowly lands on the grass. "Pinkie Pie is right now baking some cupcakes and Twilight is already at Canterlot." Fluttershy says. "Canterlot? And what exactly is that Rar...?" "Are you kidding me? You have never heard of it! It is Equestria 's capital!" He gets interrupted by Rarity. 'I think I already told them to not interrupt me!' "Anyway, I'll leave you be..." He flies to the Sugar cube Corner. "Hey Pinkie Pie! I heard that you are baking." He walks in, and lays to the wall with his arms crossed. "Yeah, I do Lynx. Thanks you for coming for help." She puts a group of cupcakes on the oven. "I never said I came here to help!" "Then why did you come?" She walks near him. "Well...I...uh...I came here to...to eat a cupcake!" Lynx says, as he starts sweating once again. "Well here! Take a whole box!" She gives him a box full of cupcakes. "Ah...thanks! How much do I owe you?" "Nothing." She says, with a broad smile. "But why?" "Why? Because you are my friend, silly!" "Your...friend?" He whispers, surprised. He leaves and flies towards his cave. On his way there, he once again sees everypony run away, due to his own presence. He sights 'Why am I even bothered by THIS? Everyone ,that I slayed back then , was scared of me. No, don't tell me that I'm turning into one of THEM.' He finally arrives at his cave. He enters in, eats a cupcake and decides to train once again. He tries to focus but his constant frustration , about the current lifestyle he's in, doesn't let him think or do anything else. "Great! And now I can't even power up properly!" He punches the ground. 'I need to get out of here! I'll go to my pod, I have a house capsule in there.' He flies back to where his pod was crushed. "Heh...eureka!" 'Why are they so scared of me, it's not like I killed anyone that they care about?' He gets the house capsule and the pod, back to the cave. 'If my calculations are correct, my pod will be ready in 2 weeks.' He opens the capsule and his new home is revealed: The dome shaped building has 2 floors and an extra, smaller, dome shaped building fused with it. As he enters, there's a living room with a blue colored floor and yellow colored walls, with a red sofa. Right next to it there is a kitchen, with the same floor and walls , and normal kitchen furniture, such as an oven ,a fridge etc. "Alright time for training!" He enters the smaller building. It includes , once again a blue colored floor, but this time it has white walls and a bizarre machine on the side. He turns the machine and all of a sudden, the gravity of the room is now 10x heavier than before. For several hours, he is doing push-ups, and tries to surpass his limit on how high he can unleash his power. That is until he hears a knock in his door. "Who is it?" He disables the machine and goes to open the door. When he opens it, he finds the mane 5 with a bunch of outfits, cupcakes and makeup. "What in the...?" "Hey Lynx, we have an idea!" Rainbow says, as they rush into his house. "Wow! Nice house, Lynx! How did this happen though?" Rarity takes a look inside. "I'll explain some other time, why did come here, weren't you suppose to go that Gala?" He asks, confused. "That is what the idea is about!" Rainbow dashes at him. "I don't understand." The girls throw an outfit at him. "And I am not sure that will fit me." "Well, you'll come with us, after all when you get a ticket, you are allowed to get a guest with you." Fluttershy explains to him. "Oh I forgot to ask, what is this amulet about?" She adds, pointing at his amulet. "As far as I know, it is an artifact , that shows what is deepest to your heart, or at least that is what I heard before I stole it." He explains as he is playing with it. "You stole it?!" "Yes, Pinkie ,I was a mercenary, destroying planets, killing ton of alien races! I was working for the tyrant named Lavra!" He yells at her. "Wow...that is awesome!" "No, Rainbow Dash! This is a serious crime!" Applejack yells at her. "It is, I haven't done anything like this for years though, due to me seeing that weird rainbow-like thing coming from here." Lynx says , as he scratches his head. "Listen, I know this is important, but if he doesn't dress up right now, we are going to be late!" Rarity throws another outfit at Lynx. "But I..." "Don't worry, I made this specifically for you!" "Listen, Rarity, Lynx ,telling us what he was, is way more important than a yearly gala!" Applejack yells at her. "Oh yeah, and how do you know?! We were waiting for the Gala for the week, it is more important!" "Girls..." "No, it is not Rarity!" Applejack says, but as she does it, Lynx clenches his fist and feels a small burn at his stomach. "Girls, stop it this instant!" Lynx bursts out, making the ponies to back out from the pressure of air, coming from his body. "I shouldn't go there, because...I am not a pony. Now please leave me be." The girls leave the house. "You idiot! What do you want anyway?! Why are you liking this?! This is a childish propaganda!" Lynx says to himself, sitting on the couch. He hears another door knock once again. 'Who is it now?!' He opens the door once again. "Um...hey...mister...I just wanted to thank you for earlier today." The filly , from earlier today, says. "Oh...ok." He closes the door. He sits back and tries to clean up his thoughts. "How am I going to deal with this kind of battle?!" He says to himself. "What would master do?" "Lynx, you need to look within yourself, to find your best self , only then your true self will reveal itself." He makes an impression of Owlto. "Even when I am mimicking him, I cannot understand what he is saying." He facepalms. "Wait, what in the...this energy...could it be?" He feels a familiar energy near Canterlot. "This...can't be real!" He flies as fast as he can to Canterlot. 'Damn it, why am I sweating again?' He arrives at Canterlot after a half hour trip. 'Crap, I am late!' He finds all the top of the castle being destroyed and something even worse... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Girls! Take the elements there are ins...!" Celestia yells at the girls, and before she can even complete her sentence, she creates a shield to protect herself from a green spell like attack . The mane 6 run inside, without a second thought. "Equestria is done for, your last defense is down! Let's kill all of you!" But unfortunately, the shield isn't enough, Celestia is about to get blasted until... "This land is done? Who decided that?! Their last defense is down? Who decided THAT?! I'll be the one, who decides the fate of this battle, you got that?!" A figure as tall as Celestia is revealed, and it is none other than Lynx. He is protecting her with a blue energy barrier. "What's up Celi, mind if I jump in?" Lynx says, doing his best to smile. "Heh...never thought YOU would show up!" The female figure, that attacked Canterlot, is revealed: An alien woman ,with black skin, V-shaped green hair, claws so sharp, they can tear through titanium like nothing, a black-colored dragon tail and dragon wings, that are black from the outside and green from the inside, holding a golden spear that also features a golden protrusion at the top. "Well...if it isn't Lavra's bratty sister! Why did you come here Lira? You want to prove yourself to her by killing the traitor?" Lynx disables the barrier. "Grrr...Soldiers attack!" Lira orders her minions to attack Lynx. Lynx flies at them and starts fighting the army. He hits a bunch of soldiers with knee attacks, breaking their spines. He fires others with a bunch of Ki blasts. His body is focused on the fight, but his mind is still focused on what happened the last week. A soldier was going to sneak in and attack, but Lynx back-hits him, knocking him unconscious before he could take a moment process what happened. "Grrr...Those useless minions!" Lyra says, frustrated from the air. "If you thought your minions would hold me off, then you got another thing coming!" Lynx takes his battle stance. 'Glad that my training here has paid off!' "Oh...Is that so? Fine then...let's fight!" She fires her green spell-like attack once again from her spear. "Super Galick Gun!" The attacks begin to clash. Her spell is at an advantage, but Lynx isn't ready to give up. "Let's go everypony!" Twilight and the girls rush in, with the elements of harmony. "No girls! You're no match for...Grah!" Lira wins the clash, destroying the chestplate part of Lynx's battle armor and ripping some parts of his black full body outfit. Lynx is laid down, barely alive, on the whole that the attack made. "Lynx no! Are you okay?!" The mane 6 run towards him as fast as they can. "No...stay...back...she will...!" Lynx says, barely keeping himself conscious. "Hmm...what an interesting chemistry? I wonder what will happen if...!" Lira charges her attack , targeting the girls this time. "NO, DON'T DO IT LIRA!" Lynx begs her, but Lira doesn't care. She fires at the girls successfully. The girls fall unconscious right next to Lynx. Lynx gets up, but doesn't say a single word. He has nothing to say as the prince feels time being slowed down right before his eyes. The image that is thrust upon him in such a way that even a Saiyan can feel something. Voices. Explosions. Impact. All have been unified in his ears as a buzzing noise. A buzzing noise that is just a mere distraction from that image. These ponies, they threw themselves into danger just to check if  he is okay. Why? Why would they do that? He's just an outsider. An alien. A pariah. And he's not exactly the type of person who would do the same.  The young Saiyan tries to reach his hand, in order to check if they're dead or not. But he can’t do it. He can’t reach. His will isn't strong enough. However, he can feel his heartbeat being elevated more and more by the second.  Now he realizes. The prince realizes that he does care. These ponies are the only ones in Equestria who trust him.  These ponies give him a reason to smile. These ponies…are his friends. "You…" A strange and wild energy is suddenly present on his back as it starts expanding to all of his body. "You're gonna pay for that…" The rasp in his voice is stronger, like a raging beast  is about to be unleashed any minute now. The debris from the castle ruins, the rocks from the hole Lira's blast made,  and the dozens of destroyed decorations start to get lifted from the ground. Denying gravity in order to correspond to the sheer power the Prince of All Saiyans is letting out. "You…bitch!" The most primal part of his mind is currently screaming at him two words; Kill her. And this primal part is starting to feel overwhelming. Everything is suddenly more…red. Anger is fueling his will to fight. Anger is pushing him to just give in. Give into his desires. Give into his emotions. And give into the wildness that comes with them.  And that's exactly what he will do. His hair is waving wildly, thanks to this new energy now having been spread through his entire being. His muscles are getting more and more tense. And it is then that his hearing comes back. "I will…" His fists clench so hard that veins are visible through his gloves."...make you…" The anger reaches its peak. "…suffer!" In that moment, Lynx snaps. In that moment he doesn't care. He doesn't care about his heritage. He doesn't care about fulfilling a legend. He doesn't care about his revenge. He doesn't care about his pride. All that the royal wishes right now, is for them to be okay.  His scream is a warning to his enemy for what's about to come. A message to the ponies who are here, that a warrior has awakened. And a sign to all the Saiyans in the galaxy that might still be alive, that their legend is here! The screaming stops as everypony sees what just happened to their visitor from the stars. His whole presence is different, with a look of pure fury on a pair of two emerald green eyes. The golden light from his aura is touching everything around him, and the sheer power of what is standing in front of them is felt through the very air. 'He did…it.' Twilight says in her mind, just before she falls completely unconscious. "Everypony…" He seems to have trouble speaking right now. "....get…out!" But everypony is too stunned to do anything, which further angers the alien. "Now!" The sudden raise of his voice, combined with the increased rasp, scares them and they finally do as they were told. Noticing that the ruler of Equestria is still here, he turns at her and for the briefest of moments his look softens. "Celestia…" Pointing at his unconscious friends, he finishes his sentence. "...help them."  Celestia takes the girls away, but not before she notices that his left bicep is still glowing, not able to be seen. With the place finally secured, there's only one left thing to do. "No more playing around, Lira! You will die today!" The Prince of All Saiyans yells, as for the first time in years his mask has been taken off. > Volume I: The Legendary Super Saiyan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "N-No this can't...be!" Lira says, as she is shaking in fear, due to Lynx's achievement. Before she could do anything else, Lynx punches her in her left cheek, something that would be impossible without his current evolution. Then, as she was getting knocked back, Lynx flies at her and kicks her upwards in the back with the use of his feet. He quickly teleports above her and blasts her with his Kamehameha, bringing her down to the ground. Right after that he lands down to the ground as well, making the whole earth shake. "You can destroy planets, but you can't destroy a single Saiyan?" He slowly walks towards his enemy. "Y-You...wh-what are you?!" Lira says, in the verge of tears. "You mean, you haven't figured it out yet?" A small grin is drawn on his face. "I am the prince of the ultimate warrior race and the pariah of this land. But above all of that..." His fists clench. "...I am the Legendary Super Saiyan!" Lynx bursts his golden aura, making all the castle ruins getting covered by his light. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Could he be...the one?' Celestia thinks to herself, as she gets everypony in order, and a nurse pony, who was invited to the gala, helps the mane 6 to recover. "W-We should leave this land! Did you hear what he said to us?! He will kill us all!" Prince Blueblood says. While he was saying, the mane 6 recover successfully. "Don't just s-say whatever you want." Fluttershy responds to Blueblood, even though she struggles to do so. "You think just because he is an outsider, he can't protect us!" Applejack supports Fluttershy. "Look at this!" Twilight soonly joins them too, pointing at the Super Saiyan's aura's light. 'Wait is it possible that he could be the one?' "His beautiful aura is still lighten up!" "Rarity is right, do you know what that means right now?!" "To answer Pinkie's question for you, idiots, Lynx is right now fighting for those, who excluded him the moment he arrived here!" Rainbow flies back to the sky. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lynx stops to burst his aura and uses his new and enhanced speed against Lira. The prince glides forward, he lands a salvo of invisible blows on the opponent, landing behind them while they are stunned. Then he hits Lira in her forehead with an elbow, and he follows it with a spinning kick, which knocks her back, crushing even more walls at the process. "No, I won't accept defeat, I am Lira, sister of the greatest tyr-!" As Lira is whining about her current state, Lynx flies forward and grabs her by the face, slamming her head in the ground. "Doesn't matter who you are, I'll bring you to your knees." He kicks the foe away. He opens his left palm, then he focuses his Chi and hits her with an wind pressure blast, with the use of his palm. The hit from that blast makes Lira to get knocked back, breaking the wall, and ends up to where all the ponies are located. At the same moment, Lynx teleports there using his Instant Transmission. "This arrogance...will be your downfall." He takes his battle stance once again. "Grr.,.You...will...suffer!" Lira rushes, using her spear. Without saying a single word, Lynx curves his hands downwards redirecting the blow as he dodges Lira's attack. Before the young tyrant has time to react, with a swift move, he slammed his elbow into Lira's gut, a painted ground escaping her, before following it up with a spinning downwards kick. "Are you six, ok?" Lynx turns around and asks his friends. "Yeah, don't worry we're ok." Applejack says. "Hey! Don't ignore me!" Lira charges her energy attack, just like before. Before she could fully charge it, Lynx grabs her spear and instantly smashes it. "At least, face your death with some honor." Lynx punches her in the face, and knocks her back once again . He throws both arms open, hands held vertically and fingers wide as he gathers his Chi. Then Lynx straightens his arms to the front, forming a sphere of energy in the space between the palms of each hand. "FINAL FLASH!" Finally, Lynx discharges a massive golden beam of energy with electric Chi streaming around it towards Lira, destroying her. As the battle is over, the guests are left speechless once again. Lynx raises his hand to the sky, as a sign of victory. With no reason to stay as a Super Saiyan, Lynx returns to his base form. Celestia slowly walks towards him and everypony, including Celestia and the mane 6, bow before him. Lynx is shocked seeing something like that. "Get up." Lynx says to everypony's surprise. "I am the destined ruler of the Saiyans, not the ponies so stop bowing." As they all get up, the mane six walk near him. "I knew it!" Twilight runs at him and shows his new mark to the rest. "You knew what? What exactly are you talking about...wait what is that?" Lynx looks down to his bicep, confused. He sees a red circle, broken down between multiple rings, much like an uroboros symbol, though instead of a serpent, the tattoo is far more reminiscent of a dragon swallowing his own tail. "Ooh, could it be a cutie mark?!" Pinkie rushes to Lynx, falling at him. "Ouch, I'm still injured from the battle, you know! And Saiyan don't get cutie marks." He gets Pinkie gently off of him. "Well, first time for everything." Fluttershy walks near them. "Lynx remember, when we told you about the elements of harmony?" Twilight asks and the mane 5 and Lynx are confused. "Yeah, If I remember correctly: Fluttershy's element is kindness, Pinkie's laughter, Rarity's generosity, Applejack's honesty, Rainbow's loyalty, and yours is magic." Lynx sits down, trying to relax. "But, what does THAT have to do with this...let's just call it a cutie mark." He adds, exhausted from the fight. "The same day you arrived, I checked the elements of harmony book. Turns out in the next page girls, it was talking about a seventh element." Twilight tells to everyone. "A seventh element?" The mane 5 say it together. Twilight walks to Lynx once again. "Yes! To quote the book: It has been heard about a myth that includes a seventh element, that is presented by the one who is a bridge between worlds, the one who is selfless enough to protect others for their own safety but takes pride at his achievements. It is known as the Element of Bravery. Sounds familiar?" Twilight nods to Lynx. "Yeah, I'm not sure about that Twilight, I'm not a pony after all." "That doesn't really matter." Celestia approaches them. "So I'm the...element of bravery? Sounds kind of silly to me." Lynx scratches his head, confused. 'So that's how Son Dranko did it...It is based on the emotion of anger, no there's something more.' He thinks to himself, as he stretches his shoulder. "But to be completely honest, if it wasn't for friendship, I wouldn't be able to achieve this legendary form." He turns to the girls' direction "If that mark has something to do with that element of bravery, then we'll need to see, what we'll happen in the near future." "Hey girls, you wanna go to grab something to eat?" He is doing his Instant Transmission pose and gives them his hand. "Sure!" The mane 6 say it all together, as they put their hooves in his hand. "Before you go, can you do something for me Lynx?" Celestia walks near them. "What is it Celestia?" He turns around, confused. "Can you open this?" She points at his amulet. "Huh? This?" Lynx grabs his amulet. "Yes, as far as I know, this treasure shows what is closest to your heart." "Yeah, but I don't know why you want me to check that. It will probably be something like me killing Lavra or..." He opens the amulet and he sees what is truly closest to his heart. "...no way." He sees the 6 ponies, that were nice to him from the moment he arrived, and the man, who taught him everything he knows, not only combat-wise but about life as well. 'Ma-master a-and the girls.' "What did you see Lynx?" Rainbow Dash flies at him. "Wow." "What is it?" Pinkie asks. "It's just you guys and my master." He closes it and is ready to teleport them once again. "Let's go." He adds, as he finally smiles. The mane 6 put their hooves in his hand once again. He teleports them to Sugar Cube Corner. "Sooo...who wants some of my latest cupcakes?!" Pinkie hands them a whole box of cupcakes, as they are sitting on a table. "So now that you've achieved that power, you're going to leave us, aren't you?" Twilight asks him. Lynx swallows his cupcake and teleports everypony outside of his home. He walks near to his pos, with the girls watching him. He extends his right arm and opens his palm, with the other arm supporting it. "Explosive Saiyan wave!" He fires a powerful energy wave shot, destroying his old pod. "Well, there's goes all my energy for today." He whispers, as he breathes heavily. "I think that answers your question..." He turns around, as he grins. The girls smile too in response and hug him. 'I hope that you're proud of me, master.' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So she is dead huh?" "Yes Lady Lavra, and it seems that the Saiyan who killed her had achieved some kind of evolution." "Evolution?" 'Did he just achieve that stupid myth?' "Do we know who exactly is that Saiyan?" "We're not sure, but a lot of us believe that it's the traitor, who did this." "Hahaha...don't be stupid! But now that you mention it, I'll give you a mission." "And what exactly, my lady?" "You will go to kill the traitor, giving our current state, it will around take to 3 months for you to go there." 'It will take a year before I find the Saiyan, ready to take my revenge!' "Of my course, my lady." > Volume II: The return of the lord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a normal day in Equestria, Lynx is finally fully recovered from his battle with Lira, and is flying towards Ponyvile to make a surprise. However as he travelling from Canterlot, he noticed something...chaotic. "What the? A pink cloud? Hold up." He talks to himself. He focuses his inner energy and bursts his aura. Such an action has the result of him being able to fly towards whatever direction he wants in mere seconds. He dashes at the cloud and tries to destroy it with a spinning kick. However his boot stuck on it, the moment he applied pressure. "What? This thing is pink AND sticky?! I don't remember Rainbow mentioning any clouds like these?" Lynx continues to talk to himself, as he burst his aura once again to free himself. "Maybe I should go and check on the girls, probably they know what is going right now." He closes his eyes, put the pointing and middle finger in his forehead and searches for Twilight's energy, since it is the highest out of the six. He eventually succeeded and teleports to them. Meanwhile in Sweet Apple Acers, there are way more pink clouds in the sky and starts rain chocolate milk, but that's not all. Every single corn in the farm is starting to become pop corn. Rainbow is trying clear the sky from the clouds, Applejack is cleaning the pop corn with the use of a shovel and Pinkie is helping her by eating the pop corn. "Don't worry, everypony , I found a new spell that will fix everything." Twilight uses a spell that restores everything, but it doesn't work. Everything is the same. The same pink c louds that also have chocolate milk rain. The same transformation from corn to pop corn. "My failsafe spell...failed?" Twilight says, surprised. "What do we do now?" "Give up?" Spike suggests. Lynx appears right next to them in a blink of an eye. "Lynx!" Everypony say, as they run to him. "Greetings!" He bows to greet them, the right way of greeting for a royal. The ponies falls at him as a way of hugging. "Why did you come soon? I told you to rest!" Applejack yells at him and Lynx grins in response. "First of all, that is kind of ironic coming from you, AJ. And second, the doctors said it will take only a month, and it has been a little more than month since the Gala." Lynx gently gets them off him and gets up. "So what do you think is happening right here?" Lynx points at the chaos in the farm. "I don't know, but we gotta do something...Got it!" Twilight finds a solution, with a face full of joy. "Rainbow dash, can you corral all those clouds in one corner of the sky?" Rainbow salutes in response to Twilight's question. She zips and gather all the clouds in one corner of the sky per Twilight's request. "Lynx and Applejack, I need you to those high-strung storm clouds down to earth." Applejack uses her wip and brings them down to the ground, with the help of Lynx, who is bringing them down to the ground with the use of a dive kick, giving her a little boost. Twilight whispers her plan to Fluttershy. "Oh, dear. I hope that none of the animals see these delicious chocolate-filled cotton candy clouds. I'd hate to have to share them" Fluttershy speaks outloud. Meanwhile Applejack and Lynx the cloud to a fence of the farm. "Ah! You and me both, sister." Pinkie munches. The animals rush at the cotton candy clouds and start eating, blocking Pinkie path to do the same. "Hey!" "Hey, when y'all are done with that, feel free to have some popcorn for dessert." Applejack says, as all of the group gather in one place. "So cotton candy clouds, that rain chocolate milk. Heh...No wonder Pinkie likes them so much." Lynx lands to the ground and cleans the cotton candy that was stuck in his left boot. "You see, Spike? You should never give up. There's nothing we can't overcome if we all work together." Spike suddenly burps and a scroll from Princess Celestia has appeared. Twilight slowly picks it up with the use of her levitation spell. She opens it up and starts reading the Princess' scroll. "Come on, guys. Princess Celestia wants to see us all in Canterlot immediately." She gaps. "Alright then, everyone grab on me now." Lynx does his Instant Transmission pose once again. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile in the Canterlot Castle, Celestia is waiting nervously for them. When all of a sudden they appear in the blink of an eye. "Princess Celestia, we came as fast as we could." "Thank you all." "Is this about the weather and the animals' weird behavior? What's happening out there? Why isn't my magic working? Is there...?" Twilight is ready to freak out, until Lynx pads her in the back. "Calm down, Twilight. Whatever it is, we can fix this, you have the Legendary Super Saiyan on your side!" Lynx points at himself with his thumb and smirks. "R-right...follow me." Moments later, they are walking towards a strange room. "I've called you here for a matter of great importance. It seems an old foe of mine, someone I thought I had defeated long ago, has returned. His name is Discord." As they hear Celestia's speech, Lynx is starting to look around at the stained windows until he notices a weird creature, that looks like a fusion between four types of animals, possibly even more. "Discord is the mischievous spirit of chaos and disharmony. Before my sister and I stood up to him, he ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Me and Luna saw how much ponies had suffered during his rule, so after discovering the Elements of Harmony, we combined our powers and rose up against him. Turning him to stone!" They continue walking towards the room. "Meh...Kind of a lame solution, if you ask me." Lynx comments on her. "I thought the spell would keep him contained forever, but since Luna and I are no longer connected to the elements, the spell has been broken." They finally stop at the hallway. "What is this place?" Rainbow asks, pointing at the door in front of them. "This is the Canterlot Tower, where the elements are kept inside, since all of you recovered them." Celestia opens the door and a purple box with golden details is revealed. "I need you to wield the elements of harmony once again and stop Discord, before he thrusts all of Equestria into eternal chaos." She adds. "But why us? Why don't you..." Twilight is about ask, but Pinkie stops her. "Hey, look! We're famous!" Pinkie points at two stained glasses: The one shows the 6 ponies we all know and love, defeating Princess Luna who had fallen to her own ego turning into Nightmare Moon. And the other one shows our beloved Saiyan prince in his Super Saiyan form with his arms thrown open just like when he used his Final Flash, rising above Lira, and a mighty red dragon behind him. "No way." Lynx whispers. "You seven showed the full potential of the elements and even gone beyond of that, by harnessing the magic of your friendship to beat a mighty foe." Celestia explains to Twilight. "Although Luna and I once wielded the elements, it is you who now control their power, and it is YOU who must defeat Discord." She adds. She opens the box, where the elements of harmony are secured but something is wrong. The box is completely empty. Everyone is left speechless with mouths wide open. "Oh, well. If anyone needs me, I'll be outside in the chocolate puddles with a giant swizzle straw." Pinkie walks towards the window. "No it can't be that chamber is protected by a powerful spell that only I can break. This doesn't makes sense." Celestia starts mumbling until she hears a maniacal laughter. "Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?" A strange voice echoed through the entire hallway. "Discord...Show yourself!" Celestia says, frustrated, knowing full well to who she is talking to right now. "Hahaha...Did you miss me, Celestia? I've missed you." On a stained glass window, a drawn Discord is starting to move and talk as well. "It's quite lonely being encased in stone, but you wouldn't know that, would you, because I don't turn ponies into stone." He starts to move around from stained glass to stained glass. "ENOUGH! What have you done with the elements of harmony?" Celestia is starting to lose her cool. "Well, I just borrowed them for teensy little while." "You'll never get away with this, Discord." "Oh, I'd forgotten how grim you can be, Celestia. It's really quite boring." "HEY! NOPONY INSULTS THE PRINCESS!" Rainbow zips at the stained, where Discord is sitting. "Ugh!" But it only resulted on her getting slammed in the glass. "Oh, you must be Rainbow Dash, famed for her loyalty, the element of harmony you represent." "That's right! I'll always be loyal to the princess!" "We'll see about that." Discord disappears from the glass. "So you know who we are, big deal." Applejack disses him. "Oh I know way more than that, honest Applejack." Discord appears once again in another glass. "You seem to know all of our strengths too." Twilight comments on him. "Yes, Twilight Sparkle and yours is the most powerful and elusive element...Magic. Fluttershy is kindness, Rarity is generosity and Pinkie Pie's is a personal favorite of mine...laughter." Twilight notices that Pinkie giggles. "Pinkie!" "Hahaha...he's dancing on you head!" Discord is shown to dance on a portraited Twilight's head. "Enough with those cowardly tricks! Just show yourself so I can pulverize until there's nothing left!" Lynx is laying on the stained glass, that shows himself, with his arms crossed and his eyes closed. 'What is with this guy? His energy so chaotic a cannot feel anything else.' "Well hello there, Prince Lynx the fourth." Discord appears on Lynx's stained glass, and catches the prince's attention with what he said. Lynx's eyes are now wide open. "I've done my homework on you. You are the one that I am the most interested in, since there's not much information about your element...Bravery." He adds. "But in all honesty, you Saiyans are such barbarians." "What did you just say?" Lynx asks, a little frustrated. "Oh please, you are acting like you are the prince of the so called ultimate warrior race, but in all honesty you are just spoiled royal of a dead race." Lynx takes a deep breath and ignores him. "Stop stalling, Discord. What have you done with the elements of harmony." "Oh so boring Celestia, really. Fine, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you my way." Discord vanishes once again. Now he appears to every single window at once, stained or not. "To retrieve your missing elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan, then find the elements back you began." He adds. "Stop with those little puzzles of yours, it's infuriating!" Lynx is starting to lose his temper. "It's kind of ironic, isn't it Prince? When I started learning about you, I never thought you would be the Legendary Super Saiyan. I thought that someone else would do be best fitted. By the way, how's he?" Discord stops moving right next to Lynx. "If you are talking about my master, I don't know if he is even alive right now." Lynx closes his eyes. "No, no I'm talking about the other one." Lynx's fists are starting clench. "Speak already! Which Saiyan are you talking about?!" His white aura is now fully visible. "You know that low-class warrior, that has a gentle spirit. I can't really remember his name. Maybe it was Tree, no Key, oh yeah it's B-" Before Discord can finish his sentence, a loud explosion explosion is heard inside the room. When the smoke clears, the Prince of all Saiyan appears with his hand extended towards the window and smoke coming out of it. A golden aura coming out of his body. "I'm gonna kill him!" He turns around to his friends. "C-Can we go home now?" Fluttershy walks near Twilight. "What do you reckon he meant?" Applejack asks the lavender mare "Twists and turns. Twists and turns." Twilight walks and looks at the window. She sees a labyrinth. "Twists and turns! That's it! I bet Discord hid the Elements in the palace Labyrinth." She adds. "Well then, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!" Lynx lets them his hand and does his Instant Transmission. The mane put their hooves in his hand and Lynx raises his head. "Wait, shouldn't we make a pl...?" Twilight goes to ask Lynx, but he interrupts her. "Celestia, can you tell me the coordinates of the labyrinth?" "I think it is: -44 15 20." "Wait, didn't you say that you track the Chi of living things to teleport?" Rainbow asks him. "That usually is the case, but with how much chaotic HIS Chi is, it will take a while to get used to it. So I just think of the exact location, I want to teleport. But it is necessary to know the exact coordinates, not even a digit wrong." Lynx explains. "Alright, let's go!" They teleport to the entrance of the labyrinth and now they are ready to face the lord of chaos, Discord. > Volume II: Attacking from the inside > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as Lynx and the mane 6 teleport to the labyrinth, they meet the lord of chaos at all his glory. His head is horse-like, much different from other ponies' head styles. He has a deer antler on the right, a blue goat horn on the left, one long fang, different-sized pupils, a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows. He has the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, he has a bat's right wing, a Pegasus' left wing, a horse's mane, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft. The shape of his body resembles that of a snake. Discord bears a resemblance to a Chinese dragon, a creature often depicted with a serpentine body, facial hair, feline claws, and antlers. Suddenly, Twilight's and Rarity's horns disappear as well as Fluttershy's and Rainbow's wings. Every is confused about this, until they hear Discord bursting into laughter. "Hahaha...You should see the look on your faces! Priceless! Hahaha!" "Hey! Give us our horns and wings back now!" Twilight puts her hoof down. However she is greeted by Discord blocking her mouth. "Oh no, you will have to play my game to take them all back." Twilight remains silent and everypony enters the labyrinth, although there was some resistance from Rainbow Dash and Lynx. As they take their first step in the place, ginormous leaf walls raise up from the ground and are so strong that even the Saiyan Prince can not budge through them. Lynx raises his head into the cloudy sky and closes his eyes, focusing his mind on the task ahead. With little effort, he starts bumping himself up and down, his boots barely above the ground, as he takes a deep breath. After a few moments, he stops and his eyes are now wide open. The game starts now... He lets his energy move freely through his body, making the white aura fully visible. As he does that, he raises himself up into the sky, but it only resulted on bumping his head into some kind of invisible wall. "So...no flying for me either ha?" Lynx whispers as he slowly gets down to the ground. He starts sprinting on a straight line and, to his surprise, finds Discord right in front of him. As he stops sprinting, Lynx greets the Lord of Chaos with a small grin. "So...you finally show your face, huh?" The prince bursts his aura at full power and his pink spiky hair start floating in rapid shape. "It's the perfect opportunity for me to show to everyone, that the Legendary Super Saiyan is the most powerful being there is!" The young saiyan's entire body is engulfed by a golden glow, as he lets out a monstrous roar, reminiscing that of a raging dragon. The glow is soon turned into a giant pillar, that can be seen by anypony near him. The ground right beneath him is shaking as it starts breaking into pieces, which results on every rock starting to lift, from the smallest pebble to gigantic boulders. His hair is flashing between pink and golden. His eyes are already turned into an emerald green color. As Lynx lets out one final scream, the golden pillar is erupted into the same aura he had when he fought Lira. The Legendary Super Saiyan is reborn. As soon as the transformation is completed, he gets ready for battle: He now has a low stance, one hand in front for defence and the other pulled behind to strike, the signature battle stance of the royals. "You brought this on yourself, Discord! Thanks to you, I'm in one hell of a bad mood!" "If you say so, go on. It's quite fun seeing you trying to do something that is out of reach. It's not like you have the power to stop me. " Discord rises both hands into the air, as Lynx rushes at him with all his might. However as the prince was about to successfully land a blow on Discord, an obscure portal appears out of nowhere and absorbs his right fist. Not even a second later another portal appears right next to his face. Outside of that portal appears the absorbed fist and punches his owner into the face. Lynx gets knocked back by the impact of the punch. A drop of blood rolls down from the side of his mouth as the young Saiyan breaths heavily. "Heh...Gotta say I'm impressed." Lynx grins, as he cleans off the blood. "But...don't think I'm going down that easily." Lynx bursts his golden aura, releasing even more power than before and throws both arms open, hands held vertically and fingers wide as he gathers his Chi. "You think I'll be bested to a weird beast I just met today?! I am the one who stands at the pinnacle of all races, and that includes you too!" Then Lynx straightens his arms to the front, forming a sphere of energy in the space between the palms of each hand. Lighting starts to spread from the energy sphere to the entire labyrinth. The whole ground starts shaking. "You claim I'm no threat to you, I assume that means you won't act like a coward and try to avoid this blast!" The pressure of ground the starts to make Lynx's feet shaking. "Bring it on. Prove why you are better than him." Discord creates a target on his chest and puts sunglasses. Lynx's mouth forms a huge sinister smile, as his hands start to shake as well. "Hehehe...Final Flash!" Finally, Lynx discharges his massive golden beam of energy with electric Chi streaming around it towards Discord, creating a huge cloud of smoke and a huge path of destroyed dirt. As the smoke clears, Lynx is still shown with his hands straightened and starts heavy breathing. "Huh huh...you see that Bee? That is why I am the strongest!" The prince falls to his knees. He raises his head and sees parts of Discord's body spread out across the entire room. "Hehe....Hahahahaha! So much for your title as the Lord of Chaos! Serves you right for not taking me seriously! You may be all about Chaos but I am all about ego!" Lynx points at himself with right thumb. Suddenly he feels a claw touching his shoulder. As he turns around, he sees Discord, not having a single scratch. "I have to say, I didn't expect something that strong from you." Discord forms a grin in his mouth. "Wait what?! How?!" "It's so fun seeing mortals try their hardest to do anything to me." As Discord says that, Lynx punches him in the gut. But his fist simply pierces through the body, like it's a pillow. The Saiyan prince is trying pull his hand but with no avail. "Grrr...Hey! Let...go of me!" He bursts his Super Saiyan aura once again, but he still can't free his hand. Lynx's frustration starts to grow more and more frustrated by the second. Suddenly he hears Discord saying something... "Just give up already." That short sentence was just what Lynx needed to snap. The Saiyan Prince creates a huge sinister smile. "You know what...I think I just came full circle!" Lynx bursts his golden aura and draws his left hand to the side, cupped. He concentrates all his energy to the cupped hand. "Don't underestimate a member of the Owl School!" A whitish-blue sphere appears in his hand. His energy is flowing to only a single point. "Kamehameha!" The hand is then thrust forward to shoot out the signature attack of the Turtle School. Discord is completely caught by surprise as both him and Lynx's hand get blasted by the beam. Lynx gets knocked back and falls down to his knees. As he opens his eyes, he notices, to no surprise, that his glove is completely destroyed and his hand covered in blood, which makes him grin. 'Damn! That hurts like hell! But as I'd expect from myself.' He gets back to his feet and gets his battle stance once more. As the smoke clears, Discord is shown again with no scratch at all. Lynx's smile vanishes immediately. "No, how can this be?! How can you survive two of my strongest attacks like they're nothing?!" Discord teleports right in front of him and Lynx immediately jumps away. However, the moment he lands, he missteps and falls down to the ground. "It's over kid. You're starting to bore me." The lord of Chaos starts to snore. Lynx gets up and gets his battle stance once more. "I...am not about to give up!" Lynx tries to release more power than before but the pressure is too much for his body to handle. Even though he tried, he couldn't stay into Super Saiyan anymore. His hair is back to pink and his eyes back to grey. 'Damn it! I thought I got rid of the energy drawbacks!' Discord appears right in front of him with a huge grin and speaks... "What's wrong? Is your ego trying to save you from this?" The lord of Chaos pads Lynx in the head. "I guess this young Saiyan isn't so Super after all." Lynx grabs Discord's hand and he squishes it as hard as he can. "I...won't lose. I am not afraid of you or anyone!" In one swift motion, he moved his left leg backwards, drawing his hands close to his chest, one palm atop the other as he started gather his Chi. He could feel it gather between his curled fingers as a sinister smirk came across his limps, letting his enemy witness the ball of energy appear between his fingers, and know his demise is now certain. However, Discord simply teleports Lynx behind him. He turns around his head and sees the Saiyan Prince being utterly confused by what is happening, but still in the same pose. His mouth once again forms a huge grin. "Oh really?" He snaps his fingers and something rather strange appears right between them: It's quite a tall shadow which he has four red triangle symbol on his chest then a red circle symbol at the center and it is surrounded by a purple aura. Suddenly Lynx gets to a neutral position and he feels something quite unfamiliar to him: He feels vibrations scattered through his entire body, maybe it is that "shuddering" thing that Fluttershy told him. A mere second later, all twelve of his fingers start to shake, just like when he charged his Final Flash but this time it was a different situation. Sweat is starting to drop in rapid shape. Even his teeth are shaking in rapid shape as well and his vision gets quite blurry. The Saiyan prince feels a weird thing in his throat, just like he wants to vomit. He falls to his knees once again and tries to hold it, but to no avail. He leaves huge piece of puke on the ground. He looks up and asks Discord... "H-How d-did y-y-you know?!" "Heh...I told you I did my homework on you." Discord snaps his finger and the shadow starts walking near Lynx. "N-No stay away! Please I beg you...no. Nooo!" > Volume II: The owl's way > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lynx's screams are heard across the entire labyrinth. Twilight runs towards the royal at top speed, passing walls of leaves and sticks, some of them sticking to her mane. She eventually finds him, but she wishes she hasn't. The Saiyan prince is on his knees and he looks grayer than usual, literally. She slowly approaches him and one look at his face says everything. Lynx is scared, terrified some might say. He is even shaking in fear. "Hey, are you ok?" "H-He is here. H-He is going to...he's going to...destroy us all." Twilight is stunned by the sight of this. She's never seen her friend, like this. It doesn't make any sense. What did Discord do to him? "No, not you too." Just as she was about to observe him further, the lord of Chaos pops out of nowhere, scaring the mare. "My my...looks like you've found him too." The unicorn gets into position and grits her teeth, trying to use her magic, despite her lack of horn. "What have you done to them?" She points at all of her corrupted friends. "Me? I didn't do anything. They were the ones, who couldn't overcome their own weakness." The embodiment of Magic can't believe what she sees, her friends' personalities. They've been completely switched. Rainbow Dash has completely abandoned them for her wings, Applejack just can't stop lying, Fluttershy acts like a jerk, Pinkie Pie is, what she would call, a Party Pooper, Rarity has become greedy and Lynx is scared of his own shadow. The Saiyan Prince raises himself to the sky and flies at his home at top speed. Upon entering, he immediately shuts all the windows, locks the front door and lowers his power level, so nobody could sense him. Even though, no one besides him can sense Chi in Equestria. He lays on his bed, covering his body with a blanket. 'Ok. I need to think of a plan to counter-attack Discord.' Suddenly sweat starts dropping. 'B-But what if he b-brings him again.' His shuddering starts returning. 'Perhaps he was right. Bee should have been the legendary Super Saiyan, not me.' The young Saiyan tries to get up from the bed, but he can't. His legs just wouldn't obey him. 'Damn it, I'm a failure. A fucking failure!' Seconds, minutes, hours pass and the royal continues to fall deeper and deeper into his thoughts. Suddenly a zap is heard right next to Lynx, that made him jump out of the bed. He looks up and sees all six of his friends right in from of him. The ponies walk towards the scared warrior, their hoof-steps echoing through out the entire building. They are trying to get close, but when they take one step forward, he takes two back, his fingers still shuddering. "Wha-What are you doing here?" A whisper is heard from the blue maned unicorn. "It will all be okay." Suddenly his trembling starts to slow down as Twilight walks towards him. He closes his eyes. A cast of spell is heard. Memories start flashing through his now open eyes. And in a brilliant flash of light, the Prince of all Saiyan returns He gets back on his feet, his color is back to normal and on his mouth is drawn one heck of a grin. "Now we're talking!" All of the ponies rush at him, going for a hug, but due to the height difference they end up hugging his knees. The Saiyan flinched at this and immediately breaks the embrace. "Alright, what happened?" Says Lynx, with a serious glare on his face. Twilight's ears drop as she rubs her mane. "Well..." "We tried to use the sparkly amulets that contain the elements, but we couldn't bring their super-duper mega powers to the fold, because Discord had turned us into really big meanies, but then Twilight used the shiny spell, so now we're back are normal selves, but..." Suddenly Applejack covers Pinkie's mouth. "He gets the idea." Lynx can't help but chuckle. "Alright then, let's go!" Before he could leave, Twilight blocks his path. "Wait Lynx, maybe we should make a plan this time!" "Okay? How 'bout this? I fight Discord, while you go and grab the rest of the elements of Harmony?" He points at the crown on Twilight's head. Everypony is left quite dumbfounded. "What?" Says the prince, while raising an eyebrow. "Y-You're going to act as distraction?" Rarity's eye starts twitching. Lynx realizes what he had just said and his face starts to look like a tomato. "I-I didn't say that! It's just that...that I don't want you to interrupt my fight!" The mane 6 start to chuckle at this sight. It's the first time they've seen their Saiyan friend like this. Without a moment to waste, the royal shrugs this off and changes the subject. "A-Anyways, how do you defeat an opponent that can warp reality with a snap of his fingers?" He puts a hand on his chin. "Maybe if you beat him into oblivion?" "As much as I would like to Rainbow, that didn't work the first time, so it's not going to a second one." "Well, what if you use an even greater power than that ancient story?" Rarity gives him one of his backup battle armors. "There isn't a greater power than the Legendary Super Saiyan." "You have a teacher, right? Maybe you can ask him for advice." Says Pinkie. "Yeah, I used to do that all the time with Princess Celestia." Twilight supports her. Suddenly she notices Spike, giving her quite the glare. "And sometimes I still do." The purple unicorn blushes. All of a sudden, an idea pops on the warrior's head. "That's it! Pinkie Pie, you're a genius!" Everypony is left puzzled by this. What the hell is he planning now? "Give me three hours!" With that he enters the gravity room. Inside the room, there is only one thing left to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Equestria has most definitely seen better days. Once upon a time, this was a land of peace and Harmony, but now it's a complete and utter mess. Rabbits running around with the legs of a horse, chocolate rain coming from cotton candy clouds and more. And there's only one person who is fit to rule a land like this. The lord of Chaos himself, Discord, who has decided to place his throne in Ponyville. Suddenly he hears a zap, echoing through the field. "My, my...you seven are more stubborn than I thought." He turns to the group. "Well, I guess when you have individuals like Rainbow Dash and Lynx in the group it makes sense." Rainbow starts to feel anger fueling over her, so much so that she is about to rush towards the chaos spirit. Then the confident flier feels somepony pull her tail back. She turns around expecting to see Applejack, but to her surprise it's Lynx who is pulling her back. "Don't play his game, Rainbow. That's what got you in this mess in the first place." Lynx starts hearing laughter coming out of the Draconequus."Ooh...Looks like somesaiyan has learned his lesson, but unfortunately for you Prince Lynx; It's too late!" The royal lets go of the cyan pegasus and closes his eyes. An alicorn-sized yellow tornado surrounds him, milliseconds later the tornado turns into a golden aura, along with his hair which turns golden and his eyes into an emerald green color. The embodiment of bravery is now a Super Saiyan, however he doesn't appear angry at all, quite the opposite in fact. "What do you say, Discord? How about a rematch?" The Lord of Chaos can't help but chuckle at the young Saiyan's determination. "So what's the plan?" Says Discord, as the alien walks right in front of him. The prince of all Saiyans simply chuckles at this, as he crosses his arms. "That's the thing: There's no plan." Their small talk is interrupted by a freaked out Twilight. "What?! Are you crazy?!" Lynx looks back at the mare and raises an eyebrow. "Hey. You were the ones who suggested that I take a page from my Master's book. Well this is how he rolled." Twilight's eye starts to twitch. "Well, what in Celestia's name were you doing inside that room for the last three hours?" "Mastering the Super Saiyan form? What else?" He turns back to his opponent. "Just go and get the rest of the elements, I'll deal with this pest." The young Saiyan notices a smirk on the monster's face. "You think that you can just come here and do whatever you want?" The spirit of Disharmony chuckles a little. "This is Equestria, you space barbarian. We live in a society!" His chuckle turns into a full on insane laughter. Unfortunately it doesn't last for very long, as he is quickly interrupted by an uppercut in the jaw. "You know..." The prince spits blood on his opponent's face. "...I was never really a fan of hypocrites." Immediately Discord snaps his fingers and out appears the same figure that put a stop to Lynx before. The royal closes his eyes and starts to feel a sensation on his back. 'It's okay Lynx. He is not the real one, just an illusion of a trickster.' He walks right past the figure and reopens his eyes, facing said trickster. "Hmm interesting. It seems that you are trying to overcome your fear." A menacing smile forms on the Draconequus' mouth. "Well then, how about...?" Before he could finish his sentence, he was hit on his cheek by a punch from behind. "Careful Discord. You're starting to talk like me." The chaos spirit tries to knock the young Saiyan with his tail. However, Lynx quickly flies to the other side and kicks his opponent's arm. As the lord of chaos regains his balance, he notices the Saiyan flying circles around him, faster than ever before. "What's wrong, Discord? Can't catch me? Can't catch me? Can't catch me?" Says Lynx in an annoying tone. Before the trickster could snap the finger of his left arm, the royal grabs them and crushes them with relative ease. By now Discord has grown frustrated with the alien outsmarting him. So he decides to go for plan b and snaps the fingers of his other hand. Meanwhile, the warrior flies towards him, but suddenly he stops flying, in contrast he is sliding on the ground. He is completely surprised by this turn of events, however he quickly adapts to the situation and uses the momentum he's gained by the sliding to knock the spirit off balance. A small Chi blast is fired from him, however it doesn't go anywhere. It just sits there, doing nothing. Seconds later Lynx puts two fingers on his forehead...'So you take away my ability to fly, pathetic!'...he teleports right above Discord and slams him down to the ground. "Hey, moron. You wanna know why monsters like you only rule over the night?" All that the prince received was a low growl. "It's because I terrorize the day!" He punches him with all his might, a huge grin is drawn on his mouth. A gigantic hole is made in the ground. The Lord of Chaos can't believe what is happening right now, just a few hours ago the prince couldn't do as much as lay a finger on him. But now he was the one who was on the defensive. But that didn't make any sense. He's Discord. The creature who can warp reality with a snap of his fingers. He shouldn't be bested by a barbaric creature like Lynx. "This cannot happen." His teeth grit. "You can't be this strong!" The spirit starts to smash his fists to the ground. "None of this makes sense!" The embodiment of bravery bursts into laughter. It seems that this time Lynx is the one who dominates the fight. "Makes sense? What fun is there at making sense?" At this point he has made the chaos spirit break a new record of frustration. Not only has he broken his body but his spirit as well. "Heh...It's like I've told you Discord!" Just then he notices his friends have come back and with the elements attached on them. "You may be all about chaos..." The royal cups his hands and places them at the side. "...but I am all about ego!" He bursts his aura. The six ponies gasp by this, they've seen this stance. A blue light appears between his hands. "Ka..." Their eyes open wide, while Discord raises an eyebrow at this. "H-He can't be serious." The cyan pegasus whispers. "...me..." "Has he...Has he gone mad?" The generous mare's jaw drops. "...ha..." Fluttershy walks near the lavender unicorn. "Um...Twilight, maybe you should make a shield." However, Twilight is focused on the floating ki blast near the two fighters. Why would Lynx do that? But she soon snaps out of it and creates a barrier around the six of them. "...me..." The blue light grows even bigger. Discord creates a portal in front of him, ready to absorb the blast. Suddenly Lynx turns around..."...HA!" ...and fires down at the ground. The blue beam raises him up to the sky, so much so that at one point the Saiyan isn't able to be seen. He jumps from his self-made launcher, the force of his dive mimics that of a meteorite. Inches before his boot touches the portal, he teleports right behind the lord of Chaos, which catches everyone off guard. With one swift kick, the prince of all Saiyans throws the lord's head into the portal. In less than a second Discord's head appears from a portal above his body. Before he could even process what has happened, he is met by an open palm. "Game over Discord!" In less than a second, he charges a yellow energy sphere and fires it in the form of a large blast of energy against the opponent, inflicting a great amount of damage. The Draconequus' is split into multiple parts, spreading across the field. Immediately Lynx teleports right next to the mane 6. "Go for it girls!" The ponies look among each other. "Alright, ladies, let's show him what the magic of friendship can do!" The prince couldn't help but cringe at Twilight's words, however he soon shrugs it off. The six ponies start to charge their rainbow attack. Discord's body goes back to normal once again. Meanwhile, Lynx bursts his golden aura, releasing even more Chi than before and throws both arms open, hands held vertically and fingers wide. In less than a second, he straightens his arms to the front, forming a sphere of energy in the space between the palms of each hand. Lighting starts to spread from the energy sphere to the entire town of Ponyville. Applejack notices this and cracks a brow. 'What in the hay is he up to?' Their rainbow attack is fired, aimed directly at chaos spirit. Then suddenly... "Final Flash!" The multi-colored blast starts to become a part of the royal's beam, making it look like a harmony beam. Discord sees this, but he doesn't really care for it. Thinking this will fail like the last time. However as soon as it makes contact with him, he realizes he has made a grave mistake and in a span of a few seconds, he is turned to stone once more. Then the beam erupts into a Sonic Rainboom, which returns everything back to normal. Lynx sighed as he turned off his aura, however still in Super Saiyan. At the same time he and the girls land back to the ground. Discord's statue does the same as well. The Saiyan walked towards it and held out his hand. "Say goodbye Discord!" Joy starts to fill his mind, as he is about to kill the trickster. However he can't. It's like a part of his conscience won't allow him to do it. One look at his friends says it all. With a lot of hesitation, he puts his hand down. A sigh escaped his mouth. "Fine, as you wish." About a minute passes and..."3...2...1"...the floating Chi blast disappears. As soon as that happens, Lynx raises himself up into the sky. A chuckle escapes his mouth. "It worked!" Twilight raises an eyebrow at this but decides not to ask now, since they have bigger things to attend to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the defeat of Discord, the seven of them head over at Canterlot with Lynx carrying the statue. Once the statue was placed back at the garden they were summoned at the throne room, where a huge crowd of ponies greeted them. Princess Celestia and one more Alicorn were there as well, something that surprised him. "We are gathered here today once again to honor the heroism of these seven friends who stood up against Discord and saved Equestria from eternal chaos." Celestia uses her magic to reveal a new stained glass. This one represents the ponies and the Saiyan turning Discord into stone. Everypony stare quite confused by the Saiyan being at the painting, but it only lasts for a few moments before they begin cheering. The mane six were so happy that they couldn't help but start singing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The prince of all Saiyans has moved away from the party, wanting some time to think. He ends up sitting in the balcony of the castle, where he rests at the very end of it. Staring in the distance is something he has been always doing for years now, in order to clear his mind. He doesn't really understand why it works, but truth be told he doesn't really care. However it is also an escape from the ponies' praise. It's not that he doesn't appreciate their respect, especially he went through all that trouble to gain it, but it's like he said before; He is the destined ruler of the Saiyans, not them. The prince really wants to just enjoy the peaceful gathering. However his warrior instincts won't let him do such a thing. He still doesn't really understand why he didn't just kill Discord when he had the chance. His thoughts are interrupted by the sense of three special ponies approaching him. "So, you've finally stopped singing?" Says the royal, still staring at the distance. The three ponies can't help but chuckle at his comment. Applejack is the first one to approach him. "I've been meaning to ask ya. How come ya combine your attack with our spell?" This time it's the Saiyan who chuckles and turns around. "Well I am the bearer of the element of bravery, so it's only fair for me to join ya on that, isn't it?" He receives several nods from his comrades. All of a sudden Pinkie Pie dashes in front of him, with lightning speed. Lynx's eyes open wide. 'How does she do that?' "So Linki, why don't you turn off your Shiny Form, isn't it like super draining?" 'Linki?' His surprise quickly turns into frustration. "It's called Super Saiyan!" He sighs. "And also, thanks to my training after the Gala, this enhanced state is as draining as my normal one. So in a fight I can use it for as long as I want." Fluttershy approaches him and puts a hoof on his knee. With one gentle smile, she says. "Well, you are not in a fight now. We are just here to relax." A sigh escapes his mouth once, as he goes back to base form. "Now tell us, what's bothering you?" The young Saiyan decides to kneel down at their level. "Well it's just...I really wanted to kill Discord, but right when I was about to, something inside of me stopped me. But I don't know what that was?" "Perhaps you have learned a thing or two about friendship as well." Everypony is left gasped as they notice two Alicorns approaching them. Lynx however simply chuckles. "Yeah, I guess so." Seconds later he switches his focus to another Princess. "You must be Princess Luna, Celi's sister. I've heard a lot about you." A painful and remorseful face is drawn on the dark blue pony's face. 'I guess she still hasn't gotten over it.' Noticing how awkward this subject is for her younger sister, Celestia steps in. "I've been meaning to give you this as a thank you for saving us at the gala." With a use of her magic, she brings a sword from the castle. The Saiyan Prince picks the weapon and immediately he is a little surprised by the craftsmanship of just its case alone. "A blade, huh? Well I'm not a sword guy, but I'll take it." The second he takes the sword out of the case, his jaw drops. If the case's craftmanship was surprising, the weapon itself is downright impressive. Its pommel has a cyan diamond at the center and a golden ring around the gem, which looks like it's the same material as Celestia's amulet. The same gold can also be found on the cross-guard. Then there is the grip, which it looks like it's actually a whip curled up. And finally the actual blade. Just a look at it and it's clear that it's made of titanium. Something that he'd never expect to find on Equestria. 'How can the ponies be able to make a sword like that?' "Also, Twilight wanted to talk with you inside." Celestia receives a nod from the royal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When Lynx walks towards the female unicorn, he notices her saying goodbye to a white stallion with a blue mane. What really catches him by surprise is the stallion's cutie mark. It has a similar purple star on his cutie mark that Twilight has on hers. "Hey Twilight, who's that?" The embodiment of bravery nearly scares the embodiment of magic to death. She immediately turns at him and answers the question. "O-Oh...T-that's my brother Shining Armor, he is a warrior just like you." 'So, she has a brother.' "A warrior, huh?" He puts his hand on his chin. "Interesting." "A-Anyways I've been to ask you, what was that floating blast about before?" Before he could even notice it, Twilight had already gotten a paper and a feather. 'Now that's fast.' "Oh right, I guess I should explain this." Lynx scratches the back of his head. "Well I figured out that I am too powerful for Discord to do a permanent change on me. So I used a Chi blast as a clock, this one had a 5 minute countdown for example." The lavender mare is writing every single word the Saiyan just said. She didn't know that her friend can be so smart when it comes to battle. She really needs to get more information on this side of him. However one question couldn't help but escape her mouth. "And you've actually counted how much a blast lasts before it disappears?" A smug grin is drawn royal's face. "When you have a friend like Twilight Sparkle, you kind of have to, to keep up." A chuckle escapes from the mouth of lavender mare. > Volume II: Lesson Zero > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A couple of days have passed since the imprisonment of Discord and everything has seemed to return to normal. Lynx decided to take a walk on the town of Ponyville, right after finishing his daily morning workout. He hasn't been in town ever since he flew to fight Lira. Something that has caught him by surprise is the fact that the citizens aren't scared of him anymore, quite the opposite in fact. It's a nice change of pace for sure and maybe he shouldn't be surprised, after all he did save Equestria by himself once and then helped to save it again. His thoughts are interrupted by a loud growl near him. Everypony around is puzzled as to what is the source of this sound is. However the prince knows pretty well what that is. He starts rubbing the back of his head. "Sorry..." A nervous chuckle escapes his mouth, as he rubs his belly with his other hand. 'I guess I shouldn't be surprised, all of that training has made me hungry.' Without a second to waste, he rushes at the Sugarcube Corner at top. He is about to slam the door, but one certain pink pony opens it before he can even touch it. When the prince enters the candy store, he is greeted by Ms. Cake and Pinkie Pie. Immediately his eyes are focused at the seemingly infinite stack of cupcakes, his stomach purring grows even louder than before. Saliva starts dropping from his mouth, as his voice resembles that of a beast. "Food!" The shorter earth pony is stunned by what she just saw. While she has heard from Pinkie Pie, that Lynx can be quite...expressive when it comes to his desires, it's still pretty shocking seeing it with her own eyes. The Saiyan Prince notices this and calms his voice down. With one deep breath, he speaks once again. "May I get some food?" "Oh, well how much do you want?" Ms. Cake picks a box, ready to hear the order. "10 boxes, 32 cupcakes each." The ponies' jaws are dropped. Not even Pinkie Pie can eat so many cupcakes at once. "A-Alright." While Ms. Cake is preparing the order, the royal decides to sit right next to the pink pony. "So Linki, will you come to the picnic later this day or not?" The embodiment of bravery starts to think about his answer: on one hand he wants to train after he helps Applejack destroy her old barn, but on the other hand it will be nice to have some fun time with his friends. A sigh escapes his mouth. "I'll join you, but I will be a bit late. I've got to do some extra workout first." He answers the question. "Oh and don't worry, just one box for me will be enough." Hearing that made both of the earth ponies sigh in relief. Moments later the blue pony calls out his name. "Lynx! They're ready!" In an instant, Lynx teleports at Ms. Cake's location and is about to grab the boxes however..."Uh-Uh-Uh..."...the earth pony stops him. "...that will be 45..." "Oh right..." He pulls some money out of his armor vest. "Here you go." Three small diamonds shaped into a flat square gemstone, with the number 15 etched on them. "...bits." It seems like the more the alien is here, the more confused Ms. Cake will become. First he enters the store like a wild beast, then he orders an abundance of cupcakes and now he is giving some weird coins as payment. "W-What are these?" "Galacten, what else?" Pinkie Pie is absolutely amazed, her Saiyan friend can bring a lot of information about space in a lot of ways. She has to tell Twilight about this. In the same speed that Lynx had entered the building, the pink pony rushes at the Golden Oak Library. 'What's on with her this time?' His thoughts are interrupted, when he hears Ms. Cake clearing her throat. "Excuse me, but these things won't do it." Such a sentence makes the young Saiyan raise an eyebrow. However he soon gets the idea. "Uh...Give me a minute." He puts two fingers on his forehead and is about to teleport but the short earth pony stops him. "Wait!" "What now?" "Well it's just...I don't think that Equestria knows about those kind of coins, so I doubt that you can do an exchange." As much as he doesn't want to admit it, she is probably right. So he removes his fingers from his forehead and crosses his arms. "Alright, then you are going to give me the cupcakes." "What?! No! No way!" Seeing the pony's angry face, he decides to go further on with this and have some fun. "Ok, but I won't be the one to tell Pinkie Pie that you didn't give food to her friend, even though he paid you fair and square." At this point Ms. Cake is just completely speechless, Lynx is downright playing her. And this is a battle that she can not win. A sigh escapes her mouth. "Fine..." A grin is formed on the Saiyan's mouth. However as soon as he grabs the boxes, the short earth pony speaks. "...but..." 'Oh for Celestia's sake...' "What?!" A yellow spark flows through his body. "We'll make a promise..." "A...promise?" "Yup, a Pinkie promise." "Yeah, whatever. Just get to the point!" "You are going to work as my delivery pony." He is about to speak but the blue mare beats him to it. "If you refuse I don't mind, but I won't be the one to tell Pinkie Pie that you broke a Pinkie promise." Lynx is absolutely stunned by this. He has heard tales of what happens when someone breaks a Pinkie promise. The anger from the pony with the same name alongside her bizarre abilities can scare even bravest of creatures, even him. 'I guess I've underestimated her.' The baker starts to hear the sound of hooves clapping or maybe she should say hands clapping. "Well played Ms. Cake. Well played." The two share a grin. "Now then, I expect you to be here tomorrow at sunrise." She receives a nod. Seconds later, Lynx puts two fingers on his forehead and vanishes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm grateful for your pekoe and company, Fluttershy." "It's nothing. I'm always happy to enjoy a friend's company." It's been a whole month since Lynx found himself in Equestria, however he still can't get used to the shy mare's calm nature. It's like she is the exact opposite of Pinkie Pie, who he still can't figure out. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Even though he has pretty much accepted friendship in his life, that doesn't mean it's easy for a warrior like him to talk about his feelings, even at his friends. He is still a Saiyan after all. A race of savages that would genocide planets or (for better or for worse) kill one of their own without any hesitation. So with one heavy sigh escaping out of his mouth and a lot of hesitation, he speaks. "You see..." 'I can't believe that I'm actually doing this.' Another sigh escapes his mouth. "..., ever since my planet got destroyed by that...bitch." He adds the last one under his breath. "I have been through quite a long journey before I came here." A sad frown is drawn on Fluttershy's face. "Yeah, that whole mercenary stuff." She receives a nod. Yet another sigh escapes the young Saiyan's mouth. "Well, on this journey-besides my master of course-I..." He starts to feel a sick burn in his stomach. 'That's new.' He takes a deep breath... "...I..."...but nothing changed. In fact now it's even worse. "...met..." He covers his mouth, preventing the liquid from coming out. The yellow pegasus notices that her Saiyan friend is about to throw up, she points him at her bathroom. Without a second thought Lynx runs towards the room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After he finishes, Lynx comes to the realization that maybe it's not the time to talk about it yet. The moment that he looks in the mirror, his eyes open wide. "Wow! I know, I hate the guy but jeez!" Says the prince as he cleans his mouth. Without anything else to do in the room, he teleports at Fluttershy. The shy mare has been playing with her animal friends, when suddenly she hears somepony materializing right behind her. "Feeling better?" "Yeah, thanks for reading the room. And no I don't want to talk about that ever again." While the Saiyan prince stretches his body, he notices a small bunny approaching. It takes him only a few seconds to recognize that this bunny is Angel. The one animal that Lynx actually wants hurt. The reason? Simple. He is nothing more than a spoiled little brat, despite his name, and has been taking advantage of his friend's kindness. Even he wouldn't do that, although it's mostly due to his pride. The small animal has put an aggressive face and looks like he wants to fight him. Something that manages to make the young warrior chuckle. 'How cute...' Fluttershy immediately grows nervous and gets between the two of them. "Angel! What do you think you're doing? Lynx isn't someone you should challenge into a fight." The prince of all Saiyans can't help but wonder how can she keep up with that attitude for a pet! A small one in that matter. If only, he was the one to responsible for taking care of it or if Fluttershy decided to put her hoof down at least once. Then an idea pops to mind and he gently pushes the yellow pegasus to the side. "Don't worry, Fluttershy. I'm not going to hurt him, at least not physically." In just an instant, Angel starts to feel powerful pressure in the air. The grass seems to be drawn into one direction. It's like a black hole has just appeared. His tiny body is barely able to not get overpowered by this force of nature. At one point, the little bunny decides to look up and sees, what he thinks is, the very embodiment of power. If he had once thought that wild animal is scary, then the royal is downright terrifying. Especially with that white flame surrounding him. After a while, Lynx has decided he's had his fun, so he powers down. "Congratulations! You've survived the 7% of my base form!" To his amusement the pet instantly runs at his mama. His focus changes to Fluttershy, who looks more determined than ever. "Now listen up, mister! Just because you're a prince that doesn't mean you can pick up on small creatures, especially on someone as small and sensitive as Angel! Apologize this instant!" The shy mare uses her patented Stare, which can make even the mightiest of creatures cower in fear. She doesn't like using it, especially on a friend, but this time is a special case. The element of bravery looks in her eyes, but he isn't affected by the stare at all. A satisfying grin is drawn on his face. 'Heh...She actually looks kind of fierce. Too bad she is so weak.' "There it is! That right there!" The pony is caught off guard by this, and returns to her normal stare. "Never! Ever! Forget that feeling!" "Huh..." Seeing her confused look, he decides to fill her in his plan. "Your mighty stare, it reminds me a lot of the Super Saiyan transformation." She cracks a brow. "I've heard from Rarity, that you have this power to scare even the strongest foe just by looking at them." Lynx clenches his fists. "But it is only brought to the surface, when you are extremely angry." In less than a second, he transforms. "Sounds familiar?" It's at this point, that Fluttershy finally starts to get it. "But why did you even try to bring it out?" This time it's Lynx the one who raises an eyebrow. A sigh escapes his mouth. His gaze focuses to Angel for a moment. "I've seen how this spoiled little brat has been taking advantage of you. You need to put your hoof down from time to time, little pony." He goes back to base. "And if you can do that against the prince of all Saiyans, then you can definitely do it against a small bunny." He puts a hand on her shoulder. "Congratulations! You've passed!" "W-Wait you were testing me?" "Mhm." Taking one last look at the back side of her house, he decides to change the subject entirely. "Anyways, you said you wanted my help with one of the animals, right?" The prince receives a nod. "You see Harry over there?" One look at the bear and he can already tell what the problem is. Turning back at the mare, he says while gritting his teeth. "I'm a warrior, not a masseur." But then... "Pleeeeease..."...not even a heartless being can say to such a face. With a lot of hesitation, he starts to walk towards the bear. "Whatever, let's just get this over this. I've got a workout to do." He murmurs, as he lowers his power level as to neither kill nor hurt the bear too much. Taking the battle stance of the elite, he gets the attention of the animal. "Alright, big guy! Let's see what you're made of!" The bear roars and rushes at him but the royal merely flew behind him, and before the beast can react, the young Saiyan kicks him in the back. He then grabs its leg and pulls it hard. Just then he senses a certain lavender mare approaching them, however he quickly changes his focus back to Harry. Lynx jumps up and down onto the bear's back, and to finish it off he snaps its neck. "Lynx, stop!" The elite rolls his eyes, as the mare runs towards them. "Now listen, I know how it feels to be mad at somepony, but maybe we can talk about it?" Meanwhile the bear decides to lay on the ground, looking more relaxed than ever. "Mad at Fluttershy? What are you talking abou-Oh dear Darno, what the fuck happened to you?!" In the almost two months that Lynx knows the six mares, he's never seen Twilight like this. But given her studious personality, the thought of her stressing about something manages to come to his mind. The messy mane and the occasional eye-twitching definitely supports this thought. Fluttershy flies between the two and decides to ask the same question, however in a more polite way. "What do you mean? I am perfectly fine." The smile she gives though says the exact opposite. "Now..." Her gaze makes Lynx feel a bit weird."...why don't you tell me the reason behind your rampage against Harry?" He cracks a brow. "My rampage?" Now his eyes are the ones that are twitching. "That was a massage!" "Wait what?" Fluttershy decides to join in the conversation. "Yeah, I asked Lynx to help with Harry. That is all." Twilight's eyes start twitch in an even more rapid shape. The prince notices this and the idea of him talking to her crosses his mind, but ultimately he decides against it. He's already delayed his workout long enough. "Well, anything I can do to help you, as a good friend!" Before the conversation can delay him even further, he turns to the shy mare. "Sorry girls, but I have to go. Thanks again for your tea." Then his gaze is fixed on the purple unicorn. "And I doubt that you can help me with my training." In just an instant, he teleports. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "997..." "998..." "999..." "1000!" 150 times normal gravity has proven to be just the right amount handicap for the Super Saiyan's sit-ups. "Alright, now that the warm-up is done..." Just about a week ago, even 100 times normal gravity would be difficult since he was out of shape. But thanks to overworking himself for the past 2 days, he is now back to full efficiency. Unfortunately, he did receive a mouthful from his friends for that. Wanting to be a bit more flexible, he removes his vest. Now the full-body black uniform is fully visible and puts the removed part at the floor. Pressing one of the red arrow-like buttons, the gravity goes even higher, now going up to 198 times. 'First time for everything. I guess." Then he presses the blue button and out of the small vent-like door appear some dome-shaped drones. A grin is drawn on his face as Lynx takes his battle stance. "It's time for the real training to begin!" With a look full of determination, he fires a chi blast at one of the drone, however it simply bounces to another one. And then to another one. And then to another one, again. This process is repeated multiple times and each time the blast grows bigger and stronger, until it finds its final destination, Lynx. The Saiyan ,most of the time, dodges the incoming attack, but occasionally he counterattacks with a blast of his own. This routine is continued for about two hours or so. Eventually, he grows tired of it, so he decides to move on to some martial arts moves. First the royal starts with a simple kata, just to warm up more so than anything. Then to an axe kick that manages to relieve his tight knee. After that, he flies up and his the air with two spinning roundhouse kicks, something that actually requires a bit of effort thanks to the amount of gravity that the room now has being new to Lynx. "Drone #4, attack!" And on command, a drone rushes at him with a large amount of speed. The prince dodges the attack and is about to counterattack with an elbow, however he misses. His eyes open wide. 'That's weird.' Indeed it is, he's never messed up this move before. Perhaps it's just the gravity. He decides to not give it too much thought, it's obviously just an one-off thing. So he closes the gravity machine and puts back his armor. Exiting his home, Lynx takes deep breath as he enjoys the fresh air of this land. That's one of the things, that he's grown to appreciate. "I need to work on my flexibility." Says the prince, as he powers down to base. Taking a look the high trees, an idea pops in his mind. Just as he is about to jump, a reminder of Twilight's sudden appearance earlier this day comes to his mind. With one big sigh, he makes a mental note. 'Maybe it can wait till tomorrow.' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After taking a nice hot shower, Lynx decides it would be best to do some meditating before going to the picnic. But clearing his mind seems to be difficult, especially with all the stuff about Twilight and Bee. The royal isn't surprised by the latter at all. Ever since Discord mentioned him, it's like he's permanently stuck in his head. Quite the unpleasant feeling. However the former is a lot more complicated as to why she is now stuck in his head. The most logical reason he can think is the fact that she seemed off earlier today. But that just raises even more questions. Why did she seem off? What would make her think he needed her help about something? And why was she acting so weird, that could rival Pinkie Pie? A heavy sigh escapes her mouth. 'Maybe I should go and check on her. I'm already late to the picnic, anyways.' Getting to his Instant Transmission Pose, he locks to his friends' collective energy signals and teleports. When the Saiyan materializes right next to them, Twilight practically jumped on him. "Lynx! I'm so glad you're here! Maybe you can fix this disaster!" To say that the prince is confused is an understatement. The studious mare's mane is even more messy than before, then the tail isn't looking so good either, sweat dripping like she just did his workout and her face has the word desperate written all over it. Then there is all the chaos that he hears from the citizens of Ponyville, it sounds like the ponies are fighting over something. One glare at his friend is his only reaction. "Explain, purple one..." And so, she tells him her entire day. From checking her schedule, to searching for a friendship problem to solve and to now making a friendship problem. During her explanation, the rest of his friends explain what happened to the now finished picnic. 'Great! I ditched them.' At the end of it all, he fights the urge to not mock her or yell at her. 'No! That would make me a hypocrite.' After rolling his eyes, the warrior walks towards the crowd and picks the doll up out of pure curiosity. "I don't see what the big deal...is..." When his grey eyes lock in the toy something comes over him. A part of him really wants this doll, so when Big Mac takes it from him his first instinct is to run and grab it. However another part of him won't let him. It's like his Saiyan instincts try to fight over the spell. He falls down to his knees. Every time he crawls one foot forward, he crawls two backwards. Lynx starts to feel a terrible headache. The effect of the spell and his pride are clashing with each other. 'I...' His white aura bursts out. '...won't surrender!' The young Saiyan begins to power up even more. 'Come on, Super Saiyan!' But positive emotions from the magic overshadow his anger. The lavender mare falls down the ground. "How can this get any worse?!" Once the sun sets, a bright light shines throughout the sky. "Twilight Sparkle!" Princess Celestia shows up and uses her magic to get rid of the spell, returning everypony back to normal. The prince collapses to the floor, while the ponies stop fighting and clear out, and tries to catch his breath. It's like he just finished a fight with Lavra. 'Note to self: Never let anyone do that to you ever again.' Just when he is about to get up, the headache returns. 'Stupid magic!' After the spell is finished, the princess lands in front of her student. "Meet me at the library." She demands. "Goodbye, girls. If you care to visit, I'll be at magic kindergarten, back in Canterlot." The unicorn then walks away sadly. "Magic kindergarten?" Fluttershy says, confused. Rainbow adds, just as confused. "Canterlot?" "We're never going to see Twilight ever again!" The party pony states sadly. "What are we going to do?!" Rarity is about to add into that, but the young Saiyan does it first. "Well for starters, how about you lower your god damn voice?" The five ponies approach him and notice the state that he is in. He doesn't look different, but they can tell that whatever just that spell did to him was very painful from the inside. The farm pony can't help but raise an eyebrow at this. "Why did you even try to fight it in the first place?" The young Saiyan simply shrugs in response. "Meh...Saiyan pride I guess." With a lot of effort, he gets back on his feet and puts two fingers on his forehead. "Alright, we gotta go." Without needing to be told twice, they grab on his legs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike has been hiding behind a bookcase listening in on the conversation, and he doesn't like what he is hearing. Princess Celestia scolded her for what she did with the doll, after that Twilight tries to explain why she did it. "But...but... I'm supposed to send you a letter about friendship every week. I missed the deadline. I'm a bad student! I'm... tardy!" "You are a wonderful student, Twilight. I don't have to get a letter every week to know that." Twilight looks up at her right as she hears the sound of materialization. The five ponies and the Saiyan appear out of thin air, with Lynx falling down to the ground, exhausted once more. 'Stupid spells!' "Wait!" The loyal pegasus shouts. "We won't let you punish her!" "I'm listening." Celestia stated. "Please, your Highness. We all saw that Twilight was upset." Fluttershy says, as she gently caressing his exhausted friend's hair. "But we thought that the thing she was worrying about wasn't worth worrying about." Rainbow adds. Applejack is the next to defend her friend. "So when she ran off all worked up, not a single one of us tried to stop her." "As Twilight's good friends, we should have taken her feelings seriously and been there for her!" Rarity states. "Please don't take her away from us just because we were too insensitive to help her." The shy pony pleads. The alicorn turns her attention to the warrior, who has been silent this entire time. "What about you? Do you have anything to add to this?" The studious mare's nervousness returns once more. She isn't sure what words will come out of his mouth. The Saiyan sighs. "As a Saiyan, I fully support the idea of someone getting punished for their actions..." His gazed is fixed at the princess, as he raises his upper body. Sweat starts dripping from the unicorn's face."...but only when they are fully responsible for them." A sigh of relief escapes her mouth. "I saw how weird she looked today. I shrugged it off, because I wanted do some extra training." He grits his teeth. "I could have at least ask her 'What's going on'." "Looks like you all learned a pretty valuable lesson today." She receives nods from her subjects. "Very well. I'll forget Twilight's 'punishment' on one condition." She jumps over them and heads towards the door. Meanwhile the ponies all cheer. "From this day forth, I would like you all to report to me your findings on the magic of friendship, when, and only when, you happen to discover them." Everypony cheers. "Even me?" Lynx wonders. "Especially you. You're the newest to this whole thing, so I'd like to know what you've learned." He sighs in defeat, writing reports seems like such a drug. Before the princess of the sun could fly away Twilight ran over to her. "Princess Celestia, wait! How did you know I was in trouble?" "Your friend Spike made me aware that you were letting your fears get the best of you. I commend him for taking your feelings seriously. Now, if you will all excuse me, I must return to Canterlot. I'm expecting some mail." With that she heads back home. The ponies, Spike, and Lynx are all gathered in the library. "Y'all heard the Princess. Spike, take a letter." The dragon pulls out the parchment and quill as Applejack clears her throat. "Dear Princess Celestia, we're writin' to you because today we all learned a little somethin' about friendship." "We learned that you should take your friends' worries seriously." Flutteshy continues. "Even if you don't think that she has anything to worry about." The rainbow maned pony adds "And that you shouldn't let your worries turn a small problem..." " ...into an enormously huge entire-town-in-total-chaos Princess-has-to-come-and-save-the-day problem." Pinkie says. "And of course, when your friend isn't looking too well, you shouldn't ignore it just because you wanted to do something else." "Signed, your loyal subjects..." The honest pony is about to finish but then someone else completes it. "...the Seven Hearts." Everypony look at Lynx with a confused expression in their face. The prince's face turns red. "What? Only Pinkie Pie can come up with names?" They chuckle. Meanwhile, Spike glances around before continuing writing. "P.S. Obviously Spike did not have to learn a lesson, because he is the best, most awesome friend a pony could ask for. Unlike everypony else, he took things seriously, and-" He receives glares from everyone. "Eheh... uh... yeah... I'll just, um..." He crosses out the letter and the Seven Hearts all laugh. > Volume II:The new life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently standing on his hands Lynx is doing some vertical push-ups. This time he decides to remain in his base form for his warm-up. After all, if he wants to become stronger, he needs to improve every part of him, including his normal state. At 150 times normal gravity, the royal barely manages to do this without transforming. When his friends learnt about that, he once again received a mouthful for overworking himself. But it's all going to be worth it at the end. After all, he is a Saiyan warrior. An elite no less. "Okay, enough warm-up." After changing the gravity to 205 times normal gravity, the prince wastes no time and transforms into the Legendary Super Saiyan. "Let's see if this works." Lynx sits down in a meditating pose, trying his best to avoid thinking about the night at the Gala. That's the event he's been thinking about every time he wants to ascend, but getting angry is the last thing he wants right now. The space between his breaths starts to shorten. The form just takes a ton of his stamina, especially since he's not doing anything else to distract him from this handicap. All of a sudden the young Saiyan hears a buzzing noise coming from his living room. Lynx lets out a long sigh, while turning the gravity of the room back to normal. "Well, I guess it's time for work." After quickly cleaning off his sweat, he is about to exit his house when he notices a certain weapon hanging next to the door. 'What am I suppose to do with this?' He could try to infuse it into his fighting style, but like he said to Celestia, he's not much into using a sword. He's a martial artist, not a swordsman. 'But then again. Expanding my horizons can prove useful.' The prince of all Saiyans quickly shrugs his shoulder. "Whatever. This is not the time." Now out of his house, he takes a deep breath and ascends to the sky, but not before stealing a glance at the rising sun. That is something, he's enjoyed ever since his first day. The view of this land is amazing! His short flight to the Sugarcube Corner is greeted by ponies-mainly pegasi- giving him their cheerful applause, something that is surprising and kind of inevitable. After all, he saved all of their lives. Twice. But it's still is a sudden change of pace. 'From being scared of me to praising me as some kind of hero. How am I suppose to feel about this?' Before he can dive deeper into his thoughts. He hears a certain Earth Pony calling out his name. "Lynx! Over here!" The warrior lands on the ground right next to Ms. Cake. It doesn't take long for him to notice a cart ,that seems to be right about his size, right next to her. "Let me guess; This is what I'm going to be working with." He says with an unamused look. "Yup." Says the short pony. Lynx lets out long sigh before walking right next to the cart. One brief look at it is enough to tell that he can't use it the way it's supposed to, due to his different body structure. Turning his gaze back to Ms. Cake, the royal is greeted by a stare that is just as confused as his. "So..." He begins to rub the back of his head. "Maybe, if I just carry the cart..." "Yeah, probably the best way." With that the young Saiyan lifts the cart with one arm, before the baker gives him the list of the locations he has to go today. 'Four towns and ten houses on each town. Piece of cake.' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was not piece of cake. It seems that Lynx had underestimated his own speed. One too many times did he accidently crash at a bush, or a pit of water or mud, and then there was the incident where he crashed into a cart that was caring about dozens of paints. It also didn't help that Lynx was transformed into Super Saiyan during the entire thing. This whole experience forces him to make a mental note to include speed control in his training routine as well. Unfortunately though, his solution to the condition of his armor won't be as comforting. 'If I continue like that, I'll end up running out of clothes.' He thinks as he tries to clean off the now orange colored gloves and boots. 'Well, at least I'm done with work.' Now in the big city of Canterlot, Lynx tries to find some place to clean off his armor. But the only thing remotely close to that that he finds is a spa. And Rarity would kill him, if she learnt that he "wasted" a visit to the spa for that. So he ultimately decides to takes a small walk in the city before he continues his training. During said walk, he decides to pay a visit to a certain Draconequus. "So...enjoying your imprisonment?" The prince says as he looks at the statue that works as the prison for the lord of Chaos. To no one's surprise, there is no response coming from the stone construction. "Don't give me that." He says with gritted teeth. "At least you are free to put your mind at rest, while I have these stupid thoughts haunting me." The young Saiyan lets out a long sigh. "Honestly, the very fact that you are still alive is something that you should show gratitude towards me. Ugh! Why didn't I kill you?!" This question has been haunting him ever since that day. "I had you..." He opens his palm right in front of Discord. "One attack. Just one attack. A punch, a kick, a blast." The Prince of all Saiyans grits his teeth even more. "Doesn't matter what I choose to do, I can end your existence in an instant." He exhales. "Yet I can't at the same time. It's like...like..." He puts his hand down. "I have these voices...inside my own head. Their voices." He avoids to look at the statue. "Celestia said that it was just me learning about friendship." Lynx clenches his fists. "But doesn't make sense! I'm a Saiyan. I don't show mercy." Suddenly his eyes open wide, as if he just came into a realization. 'These ponies. They're changing me and...I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing.' The young Saiyan releases his aura and asserts into the air. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna has been standing on her tower for what seems like hours. Going from thinking about her past mistake to try ,to think about a way to atone, and to even having some friendly chat with her sister, something that she greatly enjoys. Just then the newly returned princess hears the sound of boots clicking against the floor. She turns around and sees Equestria's newest resident, standing with his arms crossed and a seemingly stoic poker-face. She chuckles before asking. "To what do we owe the pleasure of getting a visit from the golden warrior?" This time it's him who chuckles. "The golden warrior? Well, at least it's better than what Pinkie called the Supe-" His eyes suddenly open wide. "Wait a sec. Did you just use the royal 'We'?" The warrior receives a nod. "Well, of course! You are royalty yourself, why is that so surprising?" "Saiyans haven't used that in centuries." He cracks his shoulders. "And we didn't really make much use of it back then, since it was pretty much a hustle to prefer to a royal like that in the midst of battle." Luna's eyes open wide. "That...actually makes sense." The both of them close the distance between them. "So, what is your reason for being here?" He shrugs. "Celestia suggested me to talk to you. Don't know why, though." A chuckle escapes from the alicorn's mouth and a blush appears on her face. "Yeah...that does sound like her." Lynx notices this and raises an eyebrow at this. "We hear that you are quite courageous." That just makes the Saiyan's eyebrow raise even more. "Well, obviously. I am the Prince of all Saiyans after all." Luna lets out a long sigh before continuing. "How do you manage to do that? When we saw your fights with Discord and that alien creature from our crystal ball, you..." She pauses, as if she thinks of a way to phrase what she wants to say. "Most ponies either look determined during a fight or look like they completely hate it. But you fought with more joy than we've ever seen. Even when you were, without a doubt, absolutely livid, we could see the passion boiling inside your blood." The alicorn looks down. "How do you do that?" To her surprise, the immediate answer she gets is a light chuckle. "Welcome to the soldier side...!" He bows in a teasing manner. '...,where there is no one here but me.' This just makes Luna even more confused and Lynx seems to notice this. "In all seriousness, what you saw was just me being a Saiyan." For reasons unknown to the royal, the look on the alicorn's face makes him want to continue. "For you ponies, fighting is just a way to win a battle or at least protect something valuable. But to me..." He flexes his arms. "..., it's how I show my emotions. My anger, my love, my pain." The Prince of all Saiyans turns towards the inside of the tower. "I've heard about you, Luna. I...actually find you interesting." A grin appears on his face. "When I set foot here, I thought that no one in this land would have the balls to step up against authority for their own pride." He says. "But then I heard about you." Luna's ears drop. "I can tell that you want to correct your mistakes and an old man , that I was once close to, would approve of something like that. And I would personally advise you to act." The princess of the night cracks a brow. "So, I should apologize?" "No. Words are meaningless when it comes to atonement." He says before leaving the other royal alone. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm really glad that you decided to come Lynx." Princess Celestia says as she and her visitor are walking down the hallway of the castle. "But wouldn't you prefer spending your first Nightmare Night with your friends?" Lynx simply scoffs and turns his gaze away to see the beautiful moon. "I have no intention on putting on a dumb costume, and if I was in Ponyville right now, I'd have a bunch of kids interrupting my training to ask for candy that I don't have." He exhales. The Equestrian ruler seems to think for a moment as to how she should approach a conversation with the warrior. "How did your meeting with my sister go?" This seems to work as the alien's look softens. "It went fine." He exhales again. "When I talked to her, I could immediately notice the neurosis and doubts that she was filled with." Once again, Lynx exhales. "I still don't understand why she doesn't just use those as some kind of drive." The princess of the sun seems to take notice of the royal's constant exhaling. "Are you having trouble breathing, Lynx?" "I'm not a weakling you know..." He crosses his arms. "I'm just accelerating the process of my body getting used to the elevated state." A knowing smile is drawn on Celestia's face. "So, that's why you've been Super Saiyan all this time?" She receives a nod. "I guess my assumptions were correct..." The prince is left a bit puzzled by her statement and asks her to elaborate. "When you said that you've 'mastered' the legendary form of your race, I could tell it was just a spare in the moment. After all, the previous Super Saiyan's demise came from her own power, so there's no way anyone could be able to master it in just a few hours. Even a gifted warrior such as yourself." The young Saiyan scoffs at that. But he has to admit, the princess has a good point. After all, no Saiyan should be able to have it easy when it comes to the Super Saiyan legend. Son-Dranko was a low-class warrior, of course she wouldn't be able to use this power properly. "You speak of my people as if you've met someone other than me..." He turns back to the ruler. "Have you, by any chance, met a Saiyan that...had black spiky hair with two bangs hanging up in his face?" A look that Celestia never thought she'd see on Lynx, appears on his face. "And he..." An almost childish giggle escapes his mouth. "...he always had that feeling over him, that, no matter what, you just wanted to do your best to make him proud?" "No, I'm sorry." A knowing smile is drawn on Princess Celestia's face. "You miss him, don't y-" "None of your business." Realizing that she just hit a dead end, the alicorn decides to change the topic. "Say Lynx, how would you feel like giving a school a lecture on Chi one of these days?" The royal thinks about this. Teaching ponies Chi? What is there to teach to ponies? Sure, life force energy can be used by any living being, but from what he's seen, the residents of Equestria prefer on relying on "magic". He decides to share that thought with the princess of the sun. "How would your 'School for Gifted Unicorns' benefit by learning about Chi? It takes months to learn how to sense it and years to be able to properly utilize it in a similar way to your magic." A small chuckle escapes the ruler's mouth. "Actually, I was thinking more something in the likes of giving a lecture to a school in Ponyville, since it's closer. Your friends' younger sisters go to that one actually." He is genuinely confused, and his face conveys that pretty well. "Why would you care about them? You're a ruler and they are not elite." He stretches his shoulders. "And don't even get me started on their power levels." Much like Lynx, Celestia's face conveys confusion. "Y-You really believe in that kind of ruling system?" "Well, obviously." He says with a raised eyebrow. "In the Saiyan society, your power level determines your social status, which in turn determines your entire worth." Princess Celestia lets out a long sigh. 'I never thought I'd meet someone so similar to her.' She thinks. "You know, it's not really the wisest decision to be stuck in methods, that were obviously unsuccessful." The alien is about to retort, but it looks like his basic instincts got the better of him, since a loud growl comes out of his body. Immediately, a blush appears on his face. The equestrian lets out a small laughter before giving him a suggestion. "How about I treat you to dinner, Lynx?" The prince crosses his arms. "F-Fine." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a surprisingly delightful dinner with the ruler of all ponies, the young Saiyan finally has the time and energy to try something that he wanted to try ever since yesterday; swinging from tree to tree. It does take some time to get used to it though, thanks to him still being in the Super Saiyan form. But it's without a doubt, a valuable addition to his routine. 'If I do that every time before bed, then my flexibility will be at the top.' While he's doing that, Lynx manages to notice Princess Luna's energy signature being near him. Very near him, in fact. "What is she doing in there?" He mutters, as he walks towards his house. When the prince walks in the building, he finally goes back to base form and lets out a exhausted sigh. Immediately, the warrior hears hoofsteps from behind him. A small grin is drawn on his face. "I guess I'm not the only one who likes making dramatic entrances." He readjusts his gloves. His words manage to get a small chuckle from the princess of the night. "You previously spoke of what fighting is to you, golden warrior." She closes the distance between them. "Well then..." Luna opens her wings. "...show us your emotions." > Volume II:The old death > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well then..." Luna opens her wings. "..., show us your emotions." Lynx is left a little stunned by her request. He honestly never expected that anypony would want to challenge him to a fight. Mostly due to the fact that the ponies don't really seem to be a warrior race, more so a peaceful one. But then again, there is that whole legend about Nightmare Moon, so perhaps this alicorn is an exception. After giving it some thought, he chuckles and then speaks. "Alright, we'll use my training room." With that, they enter the Gravity Room. Immediately, the princess of the night is left aghast by the sheer appearance of it. The white circular wall. The hard, cold and blue floor. And the strange device that is installed on it. It all seems so...futuristic. As if the warrior can read her mind, he speaks... "Your amusement isn't really that surprising." He says as he stretches his body. "This Gravity Room is a level 8 tech. Equestria has level 2 at best, so your reaction makes complete sense." "Is that so? Well then..." Once again, she opens her wings and leans forward in an offensive stance. "...shall we begin?" Hearing those words, the prince takes his battle stance. With no need to say anything else, the two fighters rush towards each other. Luna tries get a hit with her horn, however Lynx dodges it, but not before getting scratched in the side of his vest. The prince quickly responds with a spinning kick, but the pony blocks it with her wings and counter-attacks with a hit with her front-hooves. The young Saiyan, thinking quickly, teleports behind her and kicks her in the flank. The princess is knocked back couple feet, but she then fires a magic blast. The attack is almost immediately deflected by her opponent, but seconds later the blast reverses its direction and is about to hit Lynx in the back. The alien notices this in time and neutralizes it with one of his own. The entire room is filled with smoke. 'Pretty smart...' Taking advantage of the smoke clouds, the Prince of all Saiyans flies to the roof and flings a single Ki Blast.'...for a pony.' To the royal's surprise, the pony actually manages to dodge it and then starts flying towards him with great speed. But her attempt on tackling him ends up unsuccessful. Both of them land back to the ground, boots and hooves clicking against the floor. "Not bad, Luna." He says, as he clears off dust from his armor. Truth be told, he's actually beginning to enjoy this. Even if he's limiting himself to his base form, the princess of the night is actually putting up a good fight. Well, for someone who doesn't actually take it seriously. "But I believe that this place is too limiting for us." He receives a nod. "You're right, golden warrior. We shall move outside." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The moment the two fighters step outside, they take it to the sky and continue their brawl. They've been using their-now open-environment to their advantage, but even so, Lynx has made sure that Fluttershy is not caught in the crossfire since her house and his are practically right next to each other. While the royal seems to be at the defensive, since he is only dodging Luna's blasts. In truth, he's merely luring her into the town square of Ponyville. The only place where his plan can be set into motion. "I didn't take you for the runner type, golden warrior." With a smug grin, the prince turns back at his foe. "Don't be so judgemental, princess." After putting two fingers on his forehead, he locks into Rainbow Dash's energy signature. "I'm just getting started!" With that, he disappears. However, Luna manages to spot him almost immediately and flies at his direction. It's no surprise to her that the Saiyan has chosen the very town that he has found shelter. When they finally land, their very speed makes the ground to lightly shake. Ponies from all over Ponyville come out to see them, something that Lynx notices. He also notices that some of the ponies are actually still in their Nightmare Night costumes. A small grin is formed on his face and a chuckle escapes his mouth. Good, the cards have now been set. "Heh...The low-class are coming to watch a battle between elite." His gaze returns to the princess of the night. "How nostalgic..." Having had enough, the alicorn rushes to stab him in the stomach with her horn, but he easily catches with his bare hands. "Don't destruct yourself, Saiyan." She casts a spell to quickly knock him back a couple of feet away. "The night is still young." With that, Luna dashes at Lynx, her wings managing to hit him ,although barely. Casting another spell, the princess fires a barrage of smaller blast at him, all at the same time. The young Saiyan is forced to block all of it. He tries his best not to crash into any of the buildings, but the constant attacks make it hard for him. Eventually, he blocks the last one mere inches away from Rarity's Boutique. This of course upsets the fashionista, but a brief look at her assures the warrior that she is fine. With the smoke covering her opponent, the pony royal takes a moment to breath. Although, it's hard to do with all of this adrenaline running through her blood. The fight is astounding. Probably tougher than the one with her sister over a thousands years ago. And it's so fun! But if she's honest with herself, the Saiyan doesn't seem to fight with as much passion as the ones she saw. There's something holding him back. But what is that? 'Not the time now.' She once again gets on an offensive stance and flies at where the smoke is. But Lynx is nowhere to be found. How is this even possible? She didn't see him flying. Did he become invisible? Did he shrink himself? Before her thoughts can become even more ridiculous, her first question is answered, when a bright yellow blast appears from above her. But Luna fire a beam to counter it. The two attacks clash, but it's clear who has the advantage. The princess of the night is pushed back, along with her spell. She's being overpowered, there's nothing she can do. Unless... The dark blue alicorn scoffs at the realization. 'I never thought I'd result to this!' Her pupils disappear, while her eyes glow pure white, and overpowers the alien's blast. The embodiment of bravery barely manages to dodge them. A part of his vest now having a burnt mark. It's a good thing he hasn't change since the accident. Looking back at his foe, he notices that her eyes are now different, along with her power being multiplied 20 times. And even though, she doesn't have pupils anymore, the warrior can see it. There's something makes her want to keep going. But...What's driving her? Why is she so passionate about this? He wonders, as his hand moves on its own. His eyes open wide, when the hand reaches the burnt mark. He now realizes. Luna actually likes this. She likes fighting; The passion on every she does, the adrenaline that is shown through both her stance and smile. It's so obvious. How could he not have seen this? A smile, that shows every single detail on his mouth, forms upon seeing all of this. "Hey Luna!" The youngest of the two sisters tilts her head to look at the warrior, who has the full moon behind him. Its light gives his backside a gentle blue glow. The sound of his knuckles cracking echoes across the town square. "Let's wrestle!" With that, the young Saiyan flies with all the speed he can muster at the moment, bursting into Super Saiyan while doing so. His opponent puts a shield around herself, but Lynx notices it. To counter that, he lets a small Chi blast explode at point blank range, which doesn't destroy the dome, although barely. The smoke blocks her entire vision, but that won't stop Princess Luna. She uses every single one of her other senses to try and find him, but she just hears someone hitting the ground or something like that. Though, that can easily be some sort of advantage from the royal. After all, when you're fighting a warrior who has more experience in the field than all of Modern Equestria combined, you should pretty much expect anything. Suddenly, the very surface right beneath her is starting to shake. Luna has no time to react, as the prince comes out of the ground and punches her in the gut. The pony is sent flying, shattering her barrier into a trillion tiny pieces. When the Saiyan hits the princess, many of the locals gasp, while he can briefly hear his friends whispering their own words of surprise. Despite him breathing rather harshly, this reaction from the bystanders does assure him that his plan is working. Following his previous, the elite flies at Luna, grabs her by the tail and slams her back to the surface. The impact alone makes the opponent bounce up and down a couple of inches. Without a second to waste, the alien warrior descends to the ground and blasts her with both hands. Both of the fighters are knocked back gathering themselves. All of the ponies are aghast! In all the years that they've spent on Equestria, they never thought they'd see something like this. Even the mane 6. They obviously know that their friend is a warrior, but they've never seen him in a actual fight like. And the girls have to admit. They are impressed. But more important than that, they all feel the urge to cheer for their princess. The very princess who has been viewed as threat during her entire imprisoment. They just want to support her, much like Celestia. Twilight, however, is only focused on Lynx. Just like after the defeat of Discord, she once again notices the intelligence that he possesses. Especially with the fact that it seems like he's thinking battle strategies on the spot. When the princess of the night recovers, she grunts, while glancing at the elite. It looks like she isn't the only one who is tired. In fact, this is probably the most tired she has seen him. His breath coming in and out in a heavy pace, his muscles looking like they're about to be pulled at any moment now, and him constantly flickering in and out of the legendary form, are pretty obvious signs of his exhaustion. But even so, all of this is nothing compared to the raging flame that burns throughout his body. He was right. Thanks to this fight, she can see his dilemma as to if he should have killed Discord or not, some kind of old grudge that he has been holding for years, and of course; his pure raw joy of...just battling. 'This is...astounding!' Luna thinks. It's way better than how Lynx described it to her earlier today. And it's quite ironic how such a battle is an opportunity of a lifetime for anypony, yet for a Saiyan...That's just part of the daily life. Looking at the alien's broad smile, she responds in kind. "It's time to end this, golden warrior!" With that, the dark blue alicorn fires her last spell at Lynx, and he creates a shield to block it. Normally, such attack would never challenge his barrier. Yet luckily for Luna, this busy day has made harder for him keep this for very long. The dome is being pushed back. Cracks start appearing. However, he is not about to give up! Not now! Not ever! Princess Luna may be strong, but she will never have what the Prince of all Saiyans has. And that is experience. Thinking quickly, the royal lets the energy sphere go and leaps high in the air. In a matter of seconds, the young warrior lands right behind the pony and kicks her at the town hall. The area goes silent, save for the Saiyan's aura, and the panting from both sides. A long sigh awaited comes out of his mouth, as his body forces him to go back to base form. Finally it's over. Despite Lira pushing him to go beyond the limits of his race, and Discord forcing him to think outside of the box. This is probably the hardest battle he's had since he got here. Maybe it's because Luna is the first ever pony to actually challenge him a little. Especially since they were pretty even in their base forms. Or maybe it's just the timing. Who knows? With the remainders of his strength, Lynx walks up at her and gets to one knee. The princess notices this and smiles weakly. "I guess this is is what you meant when you said emotions through battle, huh?" She says, not hiding how much pain she feels. He chuckles at the sight of this. "Yeah, I'm not really good at holding back in a real fight." "Not surprised; A Saiyan's life has been a survival of the fittest for generations." Hearing these words are able to crack a smile on his face. Finally a pony who he can have a good fight. An actually good fight. All of the other ponies-even Twilight who is probably the one with the most potential-can't even touch him. Well that's not entirely true. Celestia can actually go toe to toe with when he's at his fullest, but she's not really a fighter. At least from what he has gathered. So it wouldn't be fun. The elite warrior extends his fist. "I guess there is such a thing as a pony with a battle soul." Luna's hoof bumps with it. "This fight wasn't half bad. You just had to overdo it though, didn't you?" This time it's the alicorn who chuckles, although weakly. "Right back at ya." Just then, the two fighters start hearing many different voices, coming from all sorts of directions. Both of them look at their respective opposite sides. But they both see the same thing; Ponies cheering-no-, screaming their names. Princess Luna is aghast. Ponies are actually cheering for her. Their voices don't have even a sense of hesitation. They're genuine. It's like the whole Nightmare Moon incident never happened to begin with. A part of her mind, however, fears something; That this is all a dream. That she will just wake up and everypony will go back to either fear her or hate her. Or maybe both. Her thoughts are interrupted by the Saiyan getting her back on her hooves. "These ponies are cheering...for me." She mutters, still having trouble processing this. "Yeah, they do." The warrior's tone makes the pony royal wonder if she understands the significance of such thing. But even so, these words are enough for her to shred a single tear. "I..." She takes a deep breath, letting all of her emotions calm down. "I will let such thing as jealousy define me no more!" Lynx makes an almost unnoticeable grin. 'Good for you.' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Saiyan warrior lets out a loud gasp of air the very same moment that his eyes open. His body moves so that he can look at the roof of the house. His eyes feel heavy. A grunt escapes from his mouth, as Lynx tries to calm down his spinning head. Great another one of those dreams. "That damn clown..." Just like all of the other nights of the last month. The low-class warrior just keeps on haunting him in his sleep. Ever since the Lord of Chaos mentioned him, the Saiyan seems like he can't catch a break. Thanks to Discord being Discord. His last memory with Bee is now permanently stuck in his mind. He shakes his head. No, that's not the time now. Lynx gets out of the bedroom to go to the living room, but before he arrives, he makes a stop. That stop being a small door, placed right next to the bathroom. Thanks to the direction of the lighting and the color of the door, it makes it easy to miss. A hand starts approaching the knob, but it never reaches it. There's something stopping him. And that something actually makes the hand shake. The prince grits his teeth. It's always been hard to enter that room, but today is way worse. Shrugging it off, the warrior finally enters the living room. The first thing he does when he gets there is look at the calendar on the wall. After checking the date, all Lynx can do is sigh. Great, today is that day. Suddenly, the young Saiyan senses Rainbow's signature right outside the house. This raises his curiosity, so he exits the building. When he comes out, the alien notices that Rainbow Dash is…training? Maybe. Although just flying at high speeds isn't exactly what he'd call training. For him, that's as much training as breathing is. So perhaps, she is just warming-up. Wanting to get an answer, he yells her name. "Hey Rainbow!" The pegassus hears this and looks at the source of the voice. A small smile appears on her face as she waves. "Hey Lynx! Happy Hearthwa-"The warrior's eyes open wide for a quick second as he immediately interrupts her. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever..." His body and mind seem to be on guard, more than usual. "What exactly were you doing anyway?" "Training for the Wonderbolts Academy." She says with a clear smug look on her face, but the royal can't help but chuckle at her choice of words. "You call that training?" Rainbow seems to be pretty defensive at that response. "Yeah. What about it?" Unfortunately for her, Lynx notices this and decides to add more salt to the wound. "Well, your so-called 'training' only helps with your stamina. Your speed doesn't evolve, your reflexes are rusty as hell…" The knowing grin on his face makes the pony let off steam out of her ears. Clearly being angry. "Shall I continue?" The silence of his friend is enough of an answer. "Thought so." He turns to the house. "I'll show you how I workout." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Much like Luna, Rainbow was downright astonished just by seeing the Gravity Room. But Lynx quickly increased the gravity by two times, forcing the pegassus to start training. This training is by far the most difficult she's ever had. Not only is suddenly everything heavier than before. But it doesn't help that she has to do this in such a tight space. Strangely enough, the Saiyan Prince is actually good at supporting her like a coach. "Keep your powder dry, Dash." He says. "If you want to be a front-line soldier, your adaptability must be off the charts." After what seems like hours, the rainbow-maned pony finishes the first set of laps. Her exhaustion, along with a clear denial of wanting to admit it, are written all over her face. "So in other words..." She pants again. "I need to be perfect?" Perfect. The moment he hears that stupid word, the elite scoffs. It's like something has been triggered in him. "Stop striving to support a lie." His gaze shifts to the bottle of water next to him. 'Freaking weirdos.' Throwing the bottle at her, the alien quickly changes the topic. "Drink it and continue immediately. I've got stuff to do." Hearing that makes Rainbow Dash look at him with cracked eyebrow. "You seem to be a bit grumpy today." Noticing what she just said, she quickly corrects it. "Even for you." With a hard roll of his eyes, Lynx simply mutters. "Yeah. Yeah. Whatever you say." —-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that Hearths Warming has arrived, Twilight has decided to help Pinkie Pie with some last-minute holiday shopping. Unlike the last few years, she isn't as busy as she could have been. Normally the lavender pony would be doing around a billion tasks per hour, but not this year. This year is more relaxing. Pinkie sure as hell is lucky about that. She thinks. When Twilight arrives, the unicorn is greeted by another one of her friend's bone-crushing hug. "Hey, Twily!" Yells Pinkie, completely oblivious at how much strength she's putting at the hug Twilight Sparkle does try to tell her to let go, but no words can come out of her mouth. She thinks for a moment to teleport out of there. But being nauseous is the last thing she wants. Thankfully, for her sake, someone comes to her rescue. "Put her down, Pinkie." When the pink pony does as she is told, the prize pupil looks at who saved her from suffocating. A small smile appears on her face upon doing so. "Thanks for that Lynx." She takes a deep breath. "Happy Hearths Wa-" "You're welcome." Crossing his arms, the two ponies notice that their Saiyan friend is actually holding a little bag. Immediately Pinkie Pie's instinct to invade his privacy is kicked in. "Ooh. What's that? What's that?" Much like any other time, the party planner starts to circle around him. Jumping up and down, trying to get the bag. "Is it a gift for someone special?" This earns a glare from the prince, which thankfully disappears after he takes a deep breath. "It's none of your business." His answer is cold as usual. The unicorn raises an eyebrow at this. He seems a bit…on the edge. Even by his standards. Usually she'd just add this to the list of her not really understanding the culture of his pieces. But there's something more. He’s…hiding something. But just when she realized that there’s something wrong, Lynx’s expression changes when somepony calls out his name. "Prince Lynx! Here's the drawing you requested of me." The earth pony in question walks at the trio with a drawing of a…Saiyan on his hands? At least that’s what the man looks like to Twilight. “Thank you, Mr. Hoofpaint.” The royal gets on one knee and opens his bag, revealing what he’s had inside. “Put it here.” Inside the bag, there are…candles? Why candles of all things? And why so many of them? Now that his task is completed, the warrior turns back to his two friends before he’s about to leave. “See ya, girls.” The lavender unicorn tries to stop him from flying away, her curiosity is still…”Wait, Lynx.”..., but she’s too slow. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Much like every other year, Twilight and Spike spent the holidays on their own having dinner along with trading gifts. Their friends did come to briefly celebrate with them, but then they had to do the same thing with their families too. Although Fluttershy has stayed just to keep the two company. However, a certain thought can't help but cross her mind; Lynx. This morning, the young Saiyan was hiding something. There's no doubt about it. But what was that? What did he have that drawing? Or all of those candles for that matter? It just doesn't make any sense. And it seems like she's grabbed her shy friend's attention. "Twilight, are you alright?" Fluttershy asks. "Um..." She hesitates for a moment. Should she tell her about her worries? "...yeah." Her frown intensifies as her ears pipe down. "It's just...Lynx acts a bit weird today, isn't he?" Fluttershy seems to think what the unicorn said for a moment, before answering. "Yeah, now that you mentioned it." She puts her hoof below her mouth. "Rainbow told me something like that as well. And she told me that he looked like he was thinking something else." 'So this happened with Rainbow Dash as well.' This is enough for her. Not only has he behaved weirdly on Hearths Warming Eve. But Lynx is actually disconnected with the now. Lynx! The one who is always on top of his stuff. This is it for the purple-maned unicorn. Without needing to think it more, Twilight Sparkle sprints towards the Saiyan's house. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After running for two whole minutes, Twilight arrives at the building. With relative ease, she opens the door and walks in. The living room is cold, empty. And there are no lights. 'Lynx probably fell asleep.' She thinks. Part of her tells her to leave, but the curiosity in her gets the better of her. She continues to the left side. Everything though is still…empty. But there's a light near her. Right behind the door in front of her. The pony opens the door and is immediately shocked. Of course, it all makes sense now. The candles, the painting. This is a memorial. "Between you and Luna, maybe I should make my door magic-proof or somethin'." She practically jumps upon hearing his voice. "L-Lynx! S-Sorry I-" "Don't purple one!" He answers with a clear tone of anger, but then his voice softens and a clear pain comes out of his mouth. "Just…don't…" > Volume II:The Spark > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, remind me why we're here again this early..." Fluttershy asks yet again since she and her friends came here. Rainbow is the quickest to answer. "Are you kiddin'? This is my only chance to get more cider than Pinkie Pie this year." She finishes with a huff. This answer is pretty much what the yellow pegasus expected, so she shifts her gaze upwards to look at her friend from the stars. "I'm glad that you're here with us, Lynx. It's rare to see you be a part of our tradition." The immediate response from the Saiyan is a subtle shrug of his shoulders. "Hey, it's a chance for me to get some free booze. No way I'mma miss that." The cyan pony however seems to be focused on another thing about the royal. Her friend, and now personal trainer, seems to be a bit on the edge, even more than usual. Not only is he still in Super Saiyan, but he also seems focused on something else. She hasn't seen him like this since Hearthswarming. She's about to ask, when a unicorn and an earth pony approach the trio. "Hey guys!" Pinkie Pie yells. "Good morning, dears." Rarity compliments her, although in much more gentle way. After all of them give each other their respective greetings, they continue to wait in line much to Rainbow's dismay. "Oh come on just get on with it!" Her complaining echoes through out Sweet Apple Acres, which annoys everypony, including Applejack. Thankfully for their sanity, the prince is here to put her in her place. "Keep your powder dry, Rainbow." The agile pegasus looks at him with an annoyed scowl. "You've said that already!" "And I'm going to keep saying it until you start doing so." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waiting in line has turned out to be much less tedious than Rainbow gave it credit for, especially for Lynx. With all the gentle and subtle motions that he needs to do, it gives him the opportunity to test his Super Saiyan endurance in a non-world-ending way. Now that it's been a while since starting training in Super Saiyan, he feels like the form isn't as draining as it once was. So perhaps his routine of only going back to base form when he's about to sleep has paid off. His train of thought stops when the prince hears somepony calling out his name. "Sweet Celestia, Lynx look at your eyes." With a hard roll of his eyes, the young Saiyan gets in one knee to look at the pony in question. "Rarity, I swear, if it's about the bags again..." Rarity however just gives a mirror and allows him to see for himself. It is then that Lynx notices as well. His eyes...They're not the emerald green color they usually are when he's in the elevated state, they're actually a bit more in the bluer side, though there's still a hint of green in there. The generous mare walks near him. Her face though is actually more focused in the mirror. "Is this a permanent thing?" Rainbow jumps in. "I...don't know." And that actually makes him wonder. Is this suppose to happen? Did the last Super Saiyan experience such a phenomenon? Or is it something completely new? Either way, this change gives him a weird feeling. It's like a light pain in the chest, and... His eyes open wide, when something crosses his mind. The girls...He wo-He immediately shakes his head on that thought. No, he is not worried about them. Suddenly, the purple-maned unicorn's voice brings the royal back to reality. "Well, whatever the case, these eyes look spectacular on you, dear." Lynx cracks a brow at the sudden compliment, but responds appropriately, either way. "Thanks...I guess." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later in the morning, Twilight and Spike join in the line, both of whom seem eager to try the Fizzle Apple Cider. Even though Lynx decides to just wave silently and then continue to stare at the distance, Spike actually approaches him. With quite a smirk in fact, which at least grabs the royal's attention enough to kneel down at his level. "'Sup Spike?" The baby Dragon thinks for a quick second, wearing the same smirk again. "I started training on my own lately, and I thought you'd be the best to see the progress." When the little assistant flexes-what the prince assumes to be-muscles, he can barely hold back his laughter. Before, all that the smirk did was just raise Lynx's curiosity. But now...The Prince of all Saiyans can't stop thinking how adorable the Dragon looks in this pose. "Keep your powder dry, pretty boy. I've been training since I could walk." After a quick flex of his own muscles, he continues. "It's going to take at least a year for you to see any real progress." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moving further in the line, they're almost ready to get some Fizzle Apple Cider, until two ponies step into the scene. The two ponies have come with the intention of selling their own cider at a much faster rate than the Apple family. The situation gets out of hand however, and the two sides end up on a contest of who can make the most and best cider in a strict time limit. But the Seven Hearts make quick work of the two swindlers with their cooperative effort, even though Lynx wasn't fully concentrated. There are so many things that have been clouding his mind lately. The constant nightmares he has about Bee, his sparing of Discord, a familiar energy signature he senses approaching the planet more and more. But that's neither Bee's, Owlto's or Lavra's. It's someone else's. Someone who is probably the top third person that he hates the most. But nowhere near the amount of hatred he has for Lavra and Bee. The prince has way too much history with them to be replaced so easily. Though even outside of all of that, there are also fifteen strange signatures that just outside of Ponyville. One of them is mystical and it seems like it can never end, infinite. But the other fourteen are quite small, probably belonging to children, or even infants. All of these things have come all at once, and it starts to make the young royal feel uneasy. When he's about to face that upcoming visitor, will their voices stop him again, like when they did against Discord? Will he be able to fight at his all? Will a Saiyan be able to kill? Actually, does he even want to kill right now? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the sun now being set, the group has decided to stay and help with the chores, except for Pinkie and Rarity since they had to work early the next day. Lynx thought about leaving too, but he figured that if he went to sleep he'd still have Bee appear in his dreams. So helping the ponies it is. Now in the kitchen, the young Saiyan has taken the task of cleaning all the dishes and bottles that have been used. It certainly is a nice way to pass the time with some peace and quiet. Not that the 4 mares are a bad company, but they can be a bit overwhelming sometimes. Rainbow and Twilight especially. The Saiyan's thoughts are interrupted by the sound of two very recognizable voices. "Thanks for standin' up for me back there." "No problem." Looking at the reflection of the window, Lynx notices Rainbow Dash and Applejack...rubbing their heads against each other? That's...odd. Not that the royal doesn't understand what it means. He's not stupid. But it's still strange to see. He shakes his head. 'Nah, I'm probably just imagining things.' When the cyan pegasus exits the room, the farmer pony and the Super Saiyan warrior are left alone, with the former engaging a conversation with the latter quite easily. "You seemed to enjoy working on the farm." The alien thinks for a moment before shrugging his shoulders. "I suppose." He turns around, having finished the dishes. "It's probably the best training this planet can offer." Suddenly, he feels all of those signatures having gathered right outside of the farm. Curious, Lynx and Applejack go to the living room to check with the others what this is. Immediately, the orange mare is taken aback by what she's just seen. A creature that has similar proportions to Lynx. Its thinner body, along with the emphasis on the chest, makes the farmer assure that this creature is female and it's floating right above their floor. Her entire body is a pure dark glowing purple, with white pupil-less eyes, and her wavy hair is a mix of white and pink, looking more like a mane. Surrounding her, there are 14 blue moth-like creature that have green eyes, with pupils of a darker version of the same color. Their bodies have several black spots on them, with some even going up to their wings. All of them differentiate in size. From being the size of the females hands, to being the same size as a filly. Looking at the other ponies, Applejack notices Fluttershy gushing over how adorable the little ones look, and Twilight asking a billion different questions to the woman. Then her Saiyan friend steps in and approaches the oldest creature. "An Anodite and 14 Necrofriggians? Quite the rare sight." His words result on the creature that he deems to be an Anodite, to form a smile. "Ah, you must be the Legendary Super Saiyan. We've heard so much about you." Her voice echoes through their little house. "That would be me. Yes." The Saiyan's tone throws everypony off. It still has the same smugness that they've grown accustomed but there is also something else in there. He sounds a bit weary and the Anodite seems to notice. "Who are you? And what's up with the babies?" Now floating a little closer, their visitor answers. "I am Verdona . And these are actually my great-grandchildren." "Great-grandchildren?" Twilight says in confusion. "Then how come you be such a different species than them? No amount of cross-pollination can end up in 100% pure forms." Normally, Lynx would be annoyed by his friend butting in but he lets it slide this time, since these questions are some that have been bugging him for a while. Even so, Verdona seems to be cryptic as usual. "Well, my grandson is a special kid, with a special spark. So special in fact, that he recently ended the war between the Hybrid race and rest of the universe." All of the ponies are shocked by learning about the end of a war that they didn't even know it was happening. Yet the royal isn't. Yet, his face shows a tiny hint of anxiety. There is a sinking feeling in the stomach. There was a war happening that he wasn't even aware of. His Saiyan instincts have kicked into high gear. A war he didn't even participate? Now that's a bummer. But if that grandson of hers is so special, then perhaps he'll make an entertaining punching bag for the Legendary Super Saiyan. "And you prince, have a spark all too similar." Verdona's phrase brings him back to reality. A spark? A similar spark to her grandchild? That's...odd. But is this spark helpful? After all, those voices inside his head are definitely a new experience. If something within his own subconsciousness doesn't allow him to kill monsters like Discord, then what about Lavra? Or anyone like her for that matter? How is he suppose to face upcoming threats if he's not ready to kill? How can the Legendary Super Saiyan be merciful? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Much like any other time she has been here, Fluttershy has chosen to clear the dust of the furniture. Tedious, but she doesn't. And she can't really explain why. It just...relaxes her, giving her time to reflect on her day. And what a day it was? From walking up early with Rainbow Dash to get in line for cider faster, to helping their friend not lose her farm to a pair of swindlers, to even meeting some creatures from outer space. And the little blue creatures were adorable! If she remembers correctly the babies' species name is known as Necrofriggians. If that's the case then she definitely hopes she can run into the little ones again. Letting out the most silent yawn that can be let out, the yellow mare decides that it's finally time to go home. Well that is until she stumbles upon her warrior friend in the living room. And he actually seems relaxed for a a change. Laid on the floor, closed eyes, arms covering each side of his head. Lynx is actually sleeping. Fluttershy chuckles. She hasn't seen him in his normal form for months, let alone calm. She walks near him and puts a hoof on his chest. His heartbeat is slow, which means he's in deep sleep. The sleeping Saiyan hasn't been in that state for who knows how long. Who would've thought that a warrior, more specifically a Saiyan warrior, can sleep so peacefully? Fluttershy decides to stay and sleep by his side. After a while the rest of their friends join as well, with all of them sharing the same thought as the shy mare. And soon enough, four ponies and the last prince of the Saiyan race are sleeping together in peace. > Volume II:Humiliation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lynx feels as if he's floating. He can't feel any type of surface beneath his feet, nor the air on his skin. He can't feel...anything. His hearing is a little sloppy, but he can even swear that he is hearing six voices. Voices that belong to the ponies that he now calls "friends". The prince recalls the memories that he had with these friends. It's nothing. I'm always happy to enjoy a friend's company. One of them is a shy mare. He recalls the memories he's made with this mare. Remembering just how quiet and passive she is. Her cowardness has sometimes driven him to retch. But she is a great listener, and he feels comfortable opening up to her every once and a while. Ugh! Okay we get it! You're a tough guy, but you need to let others care about you too! Another one is a tenacious pegasus. He recalls that she's kind of bratty, and talks too much. But she's also strong and determinated. Always training to be better than before. Such a thing is something that a Saiyan can relate to. You seemed to enjoy working on the farm. The third one is a confident earth pony. One with an incredible sense of determination that can sometimes lead her to stubbornness. But despite not spending as much time with her as the other two, the Saiyan always finds it easy to get along with her, finding the chores she does for her farm, the best training that Equestria can offer. Well, whatever the case, these eyes look spectacular on you, dear. The fourth one is a unicorn, whose generosity knows no other. She has gotten on his nerves one too many times, mainly due to their clashing ideologies about clothing. However, Lynx remembers how great he secretly felt when he managed to protect her and her shop from Princess Luna's blast. Because you are my friend, silly! Then there is the pink one. No matter how hard the warrior tries, he just can't figure her out. She's so random, so chaotic, that she makes sense out of her nonsense. And yet, the prince can't help but admire her seemingly ever-lasting optimism. Her smile can give him one too, though he makes sure no one notices it. It will all be okay. And finally there's the smart magical prodigy. Twilight Sparkle. She's strong. Very strong for her species. If Lynx was a little kid, she would definitely be a challenge. And yet he can't count the amount of times that she annoyed with her overexcitement for learning. Beyond these six voices, there is a seventh one. One that feels distorted and unpleasant. He has heard of this voice before, and there's a weird urge for him to puke. Whose voice is it? He thinks for that it might to his master, Owlto. Though he shrugs off the though just as quickly as it comes to his mind. There's no way that his body would have such a reaction from hearing his master's voice. He respects him, he wants to see him again and clear things out. But now, it's too late. He doesn't even know if he's alive or not. And even if Owlto is still alive-which he doubts-who's to say that they can go back to how it once was. Maybe in the after life, he figures. Maybe he'll find him there, and he will then be happy. Are you? The distorted voice voice comes back. 'Happy? Well, depends on your definition of it.' "Are you ready?" The voice suddenly becomes clear and it forces him to open his eyes. Right in front of him there is a kid, a kid with an incredibly annoying face. Of course. Who else would make him want to throw up just by hearing his voice? "Come on, Lynx. We don't have all day." Their first ever fight. He still remembers it. Even after all these years. He still remembers it clear as day. Them starting the fight under moon's light, choosing to duel right outside the house they shared with Owlto. All of it, even their moves. Lynx chose to go first, leaping into the air and swinging his short legs to aim for the head. The attack was blocked but it was enough for the prince to force Bee to be on the defensive. The elite threw punch, after punch, after punch. Never stopping, never letting the opponent breathe, always using his perfected offense to break the opposing wall. For just the briefest of seconds, he stopped so that his co-student could counter-attack. But even back then, Lynx was fast. He grabbed the arm from behind and pulled him all over his shoulder, bringing him back to the ground. It really seemed that the prince had won, and Bee couldn't do anything but accept defeat. But then... "Kaioken;3x!" Just a few words. One short sentence, and the tables had turned. Bee vanished out of sight before punching the young royal in the face. After the hit, Lynx tried to get back up. But he couldn't. No, matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't . His legs just wouldn't listen to him. He couldn't believe it. He still can't The elite just...lost. To a low-class warrior. How is that even possible? It shouldn't be. But it is. Or at least it was. Nowadays, the Super Saiyan can probably destroy him without even trying. Yet back then, Bee always had the upper hand, thanks to that stupid technique! That dreaded question still haunts him to this day. Why? Why couldn't he beat him? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lynx's eyes open wide, as he is suddenly back in his bedroom. He puts a hand on his chest. It's fast. His heartbeat is fast. But his breath is catching up. The nightmare is over thankfully. Though it felt all too real. It has been years since he experienced humiliation for the first time, yet the bitter taste is all the same. But something tells him that this nightmare isn't random. Someone is coming for him. The prince can feel it. Yet it's not Bee. If it was, Lynx would have recognized the signature immediately. Though it's still familiar somehow. And if his suspicions are correct, then he has to do something. His time staying in the legendary form has lengthened, so he can definitely defeat the threat. No doubt about it. But Lynx still has these voices in his head that are telling him to wait. These voices in his head that are telling him to stop. These voices in his head that are telling him to not kill. How is he suppose to win if he's not able to able to take a life? Mercy is a weakness that his enemies will not share. He can't stop them though. But he has to in order to protect the ones who planted these in his mind. Before the young Saiyan can dwell in this thought, a loud knock on the door and a couple of familiar voices grab his attention. Opening said door, the royal is greeted by a mare that he starts to see more and more each day. "Mornin' Lynx." The brash pony waves at him with one of her wings. "Morning..." The prince says immediately walking towards the gravity room. "Come on. Today we're going to take things up a notch." Soon enough, the pegassus follows along, but not before pointing one little detail. "What's that for?" She asks, her hoof showing a small bag placed gently on a table. Having great awareness of his surroundings, Lynx answers without even looking back. "For emergencies." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Lynx told her that they will be taking it up a notch he was not kidding. In just the first few minutes, Rainbow has had to fly around the room, then do over a hundred wing-ups, and even try to evade some of the prince's small Chi Blasts. All of these have certainly been a challenge for the winged mare, but it didn't take long for her to adapt. And as she adapts, she can feel herself growing stronger. Yet, throughout this intense training, there is something that she has been thinking for longer than she likes to admit. She has a goal. Ever since, she was a filly she's had the same goal; Become a Wonderbolt. And she has been working herself out in order to achieve it. From doing 10 laps around Ponyville every day, to even training a Saiyan. But there's a question that's been popping in her head every now and then; Will all of this be enough? Will all of her efforts and training through-out the years be enough to even get accepted to the Wonderbolt Academy? Or will it all be for nothing? And this thought is now clouding her mind, to the point where she ends up making a sloppy mistake, which leads to her falling down to the surface of this room. Rainbow Dash tries to get back to her hooves, but she can't. Whether it is because of the intense gravity of this place, or her own thoughts right now, she doesn't know. The pegasus glances at her Saiyan friend, who is now looking down at her with a blank expression on his face. She can't read him. No matter how much time she spends with the Super Saiyan, he is unreadable to her. But it seems that it's the opposite the other way around. Because as the young prince approaches her, it feels as if he's reading her mind. "Let me tell you something you should already know;..." His voice is calm, and even welcoming. "Life isn't as perfect as it seems." Rainbow mentally scoffs at the comment. Life isn't perfect? Of course she knows that. She may be from Equestria, but that doesn't mean she hasn't experienced some hardships. But even though the rainbow-maned mare disagrees with his tone, a part of her decides to let him continue. "Throughout your time in its land, it teaches you sadness, grief, despair, humiliation etc." With just a clenched fist, Lynx shows her what he means. "And if you let things like that consume you, that's when you've truly lost." The prince of all Saiyans goes to return the gravity back to normal, allowing Rainbow Dash to take a moment to think about the hardships she's experienced through-out her life. Thinking about the lows, the highs, the metaphorical sacrifices she's made. But most importantly, thinking about her loyalty, the element of harmony, that she's come to represent. "You are strong for your kind..." The cyan pegasus is taken aback by his statement. She never thought Lynx would actually say that. It's true, but still unexpected, given how harsh and strict he can be sometimes."...,but life and death don't give a fuck about that." The last part of his sentence however does manage to bring her back to reality. With gritted teeth and clenched fists, he continues. "To them, you're nothing. To them, true strength lies in the ability to move forward, after the beating they gave you, as if nothing happened." One brief look at the Saiyan's body, she notices something odd. It's twitching. In a way so subtle and unorthodox to that of the ponies, that if it was anypony else other than Rainbow, they'd probably wouldn't even notice it. "The ability to get back in your feet, grit your teeth, and devour your prior versions." Now having turned back his gaze to the athletic mare, she sees once again the sheer power that he carries with him. "That's how you become faster. That's how you become stronger. That's how you survive!" With that, Lynx exits the room, leaving Rainbow Dash alone to dwell on these words. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Great job as always, Linki!" As always, the prince finishes his orders with a lot of efficiency, not really needing any supervision. And as always, he can't get through one day without feeling like someone's hunting him. Whether that's Bee, Lavra or someone completely new, he doesn't know. But it's still on his mind. The familiar energy is nearing. To the point, that he feels it in Ponyville. "...and then Mud-my big sister, I'll introduce her to you someday, don't worry-gives this amazing ro-"Before his extroverted friend can finish her sentence, Lynx puts a hand on her mouth. His eyes start to move, looking through every inch of Sugarcube Corner. But he sees nothing. He hears nothing. He feels nothing. This must be his imagination. All of it. The voices, the feeling of being haunted. A sigh escapes his mouth as he lets go of Pinkie Pie and exits the place. Finally, there's some pea- "Who would have thought that you'd be so hard to find?" The royal opens his eyes wide, showing his clear and sudden rage. There they stand, a warrior so bizarre in their appearance, so bug-like, that no-Saiyan would think of them as a worthy opponent. And yet... His fists clench harder and harder by the second. All that has happened to him, ever since he set a foot on this god damn land. Nightmares, reminders of that stupid clown, Discord, Lira, voices, and now...Parasit. "Son of a god damn cunt! Why the fuck does all this fucking shit happen to me?! For fuck's sake, always surrounded by these motherfucking useless cunts, always the motherfucking enemies having over a billion bullshit hacks! And that alicorn cunt just sitting on her fucking throne, telling us what to fucking do! But twist, my friends are! Too! Fucking! Weak! It's like this damn land, wants to bend me over, and shove its dick right in my fucking ass!" ... One breath. That was all it took. He really needed that, holding all of this anger inside him. As Lynx gathers his breath, he looks around. All of the ponies-including all of his friends-are completely dumbfounded, more or less because of the words that just came out of his mouth. Parasit however is as disinterested as ever. "Are you done?" The Prince of all Saiyans finally stops and lets out one last sigh. "Yes." His enemy scoffs as they take a stance that...just makes them look incredibly odd. "Then let's get to it, Super Saiyan." Once again, the young warrior is dumbfounded. So they know. And if they know, that means that Lavra knows as well. And yet, they still underestimate him. How foolish. It's finally the time to make them pay for said foolishness. His rage is still present. Out of instinct, his right fist is positioned at chest level and the other is positioned right next to his stomach, both of them clenched almost as hard as the time in the Galla. "When you get to Tartarus..." With a grin on his face, Lynx transforms into a Super Saiyan. "..., tell Lira I said 'Hi'." The two fighters rush at each other so fast, that the dust from the ground take awhile to catch up to them. Parasit swings their arm with great force, but are unfortunately too slow. Before the fist can reach its target, the alien vanishes out of sight. Only to appear from behind in a couple of seconds. He almost succeeds on hitting them with an elbow, but the bug-like warrior negates the attack with their energy. This results on the Super Saiyan getting knocked back. But he finds his footing quickly, dashing with his top speed, about to land a powerful kick right into Parasit's gut. But then... With a strong grip on their hand, his opponent grabs him and slams him down to the ground. Lynx pukes, out of his control. 'Shit.' Rainbow Dash is left speechless. The Legendary Super Saiyan is being overpowered! That...That can't possibly be true. His power is unmatched, isn't it? Unless...there's a trade-off. Now she gets it. Lynx could sense that someone was coming all this time. So of course, he would be on edge. However, her knowledge of fighting allows her to notice something more. Her Saiyan friend is getting slightly slower and weaker every four or five seconds. So this is why he has almost always stayed in Super Saiyan. He was training. Even in his spare time, the royal was training to improve. The Lavra Force underling forms a grin at the sight of the prince. "Ever since I joined the Lavra Force, I've been hearing about this mythical Saiyan warrior, who rise above the limits of their kind and become undefeated." A light chuckle escapes his mouth. "And now, his successor is being overpowered." The distance between the two warriors closes between them, to the point where they can hear each other's heartbeats. "Don't you hate when that happens, prince?" The element of bravery feels his anger building up again. It wasn't enough. Even after 5 whole months of daily training, Super Saiyan is still draining enough to make a difference. Gritted teeth, wounded pride. The Legendary Super Saiyan will not stand for this! His right hand closes into a fist. "There are a lot of things I hate, and only a few things I am liking." All of his energy is focused and harnessed to said fist. "Tell me, Parasit..." Lynx can already feel the toll that he's putting on his body. This has to work. "...ever heard of false sense of security?" In a blink of an eye, he plants his fist right into the gut of Parasit. All of the impact can be felt from both sides, as the young Saiyan continues with two more blows in the face. "'Cause I don't think you have." Extending his good hand, he fires a shockwave that throws the opponent near the Everfree Forest. Despite the knock back though, the bug-like alien has time to fire off a straight pink beam. Thankfully, the young Saiyan is able to throw it to the sky effortlessly, which surprises his foe. His raspy voice comes out in the form of a low whisper."Kaa…" The brilliant golden aura of his legendary form comes out of him, shining like a beacon. "...mee…" The warrior glides forward so fast that ponies and others alike only see him teleport behind Parasit, who is right now completely stunned. They feel thousands upon thousands of blows hitting every part of their body, all at once. "...haa…" They turn around to strike him, but he slams his elbow right in their forehead... "...mee…"...before doing a quick spin to hit them with a powerful roundhouse kick. The kick sends the bug flying towards the sky. And so, Lynx cups his hands together. It's ready. He's been gathering energy all throughout his assault, and now he will unleash it. The prince brings them to the side, and immediately energy appears between the palms. The power starts to light up everything in Ponyville with its blue color, as all four elements of nature start corresponding to his force. "...haa!" With one strong battlecry, the young Saiyan thrusts his arms towards the opponent, firing his strongest Kamehameha yet. Even though the elite has specifically aimed his blast directly to the sky, the sheer energy that is unleashed right now effects everything. All across Equestria, the wind swirls into many tornados that destroys hundreds of property, rocks rise from the ground straight into clouds, fire from candles are all collected to create majestic stars, and all parts of the Celestial Sea and Luna Ocean have all become raging waves that threaten to consume all of the near cities! All the while, his beam creates the image of a rocket launching into the vast vacuum of space! The near ponies are beyond speechless. Not once in their lives, have they seen anything like it. Such force unleashed in such animosity that no one else in here can muster. Not Discord, not Princess Luna, not even Princess Celestia. This is a warrior. And this might be Prince Lynx IV's full power! Seconds before the blast can be disintegrated fully, the royal leaps into it in a masterful way. Much like earlier, he harnesses his energy into one fist and punches Parasit square in the face, in a flash! When the smoke clears, both fighters are on the ground. The one that is still standing is Lynx, although a harsh exhale is let out of him. That took a lot out of him. All of his efforts aren't good enough. He realized this while being on the offensive. Every punch and kick he did, required more energy in order to maintain his momentum. Training alone won't cut it. It requires more for this legend to be conquered. Maybe something linked to his biology as a whole. Looking at Parasit, their body seems pretty much the same as always, except for one thing. Their arms. More specifically the absence of one. But as they get back on their feet..."Impressive."...a new arm suddenly spurts out in place of the one that was destroyed. The entire field suddenly has a sense of unease as the spectators watch something that they wouldn't even comprehend. Regeneration. The only one close to that is Discord, but even he doesn't do like that. On the contrary, Lynx grunts before grumbling. "And the bullshit continues..." A little chuckle is heard from the bug-like warrior, as once again their palm is extended. "Such tongue..." In a flash, a blast identical to the one before. And just like before, Lynx goes to deflect. But this time is different. A few seconds ago such a move was effortless, but this time the blast is faster. Or more accurately, he is slower. Boom The blast explodes upon impact, as the prince is thrown a few feet away. The pain on his body isn't anything special, but he doesn't have the time to think about it. From the corner of his eye, the alien warrior notices that his opponent is charging right at him. And out of instinct, the young Saiyan uses Instant Transmission, taking the high ground, before landing a devastating blow in the back of Parasit's head, making them bounce on the surface. Finally, the prince swings a powerful kick, ignoring the tole that he has already put on his body, pushing the limits of his life force to the max for the most simple move. He has to end this now. And there's only one way he can! With his opponent being knocked away, his arms swing to the side, before straightening back to the front, a yellow energy sphere already formed on the palms. "Say your prayers!" Just like before, his energy lights up all of Ponyville. Like a raging sun rising, ready to destroy everything in its path. Clouds zipping through the sky, thunderstorms bowing to his will and the very planet shaking to its core! His signature attack reaches its peak! This is it! "Final Fla-!" But then suddenly, his energy has disappeared. His blast stopped its charge and has now become sparkles. No. Not now. There they are again. This is exactly what he feared. Why can't they just go away? Why can't they be controlled? Why are they even here in the first place? His hands instinctively cover his ears. It hurts. It hurts way too much to be ignored. Why can't he just fight as he pleases? Why won't these voices leave him alone? Why? All of the little sounds around him have become a noise, much like how it feels going Super Saiyan. All of the ponies around him look worried or utterly aghast, as mothers cover the ears and eyes of their children. He can't take it anymore! He wants to be free! The voices in his head are preventing him from killing Parasit. All he wants... "Make!" ..is for these voices... "It!" ...to just... "Stop!" ...stop. And as if it can't get any worse, Parasit suddenly plants their knee in his gut, and what follows right after is enough to make the prince feel something. "You're not living up to the legend, Saiyajin." A strong chill is sent through his very body. But there's no time to really think about it. His enemy grabs him by the face and slams him down to the ground, only to pick him back up with both hands. Lynx's eyes open wide. No, they wouldn't. Surely they wouldn't, right? No way. Parasit is going to- Crack The Prince of All Saiyans screams in agony, as every sense he has, has become more tense. Oxygen is racing in and out of his body. Heartbeat is getting elevated so much that it is now felt everywhere inside him. Everywhere, except his back. Now ungracefully falling to the ground, he snaps out of his Super Saiyan form. It hurts. It hurts so much that the voices have suddenly been muted. Nothing is heard. Not from the outside or the inside. After the hit, the royal tries to get back up. But he can't. No, matter how hard he tries, he just can't . His back doesn't allow it. He can't believe it. The elite just...lost. His mind races back to that fight with the low-class warrior. And what he tasted all these years ago. He tilts his head and sees that somepony is approaching him. A pony with wings. The royal can't hear what she's saying, but he couldn't care less about that. "Bag...'Mergency!" Immediately, this pegassus flies up and disappears from sight. And then... She reappears with the bag on her teeth? That was quick. Much quicker than what he expected. And it is even quicker that opens his bag and out of it drops a small orange seed. 'Korono...Seed!' With every last willpower Lynx has left, he grabs it and immediately tosses it in his mouth. In what seems like a second, the royal finally gets back on his feet. He takes a look at his body. It feels amazing. It's as if he spent months resting in a hospital. And not only that. His power...It feels greater than even what it was before. He knows what this is. It's his race's greatest ability! Now putting two fingers on his forehead, he vanishes out of sight. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drip, drip, drop Cold water from the raging storm has fallen everywhere on him. And yet, he couldn't have cared less. Drip, drip, drop His fists are clenched hard enough to show veins through his gloves. "God, King, or whatever you want to be called!" The prince starts yelling at seemingly no one, his voice echoing through the top of the mountain, that he himself climbed on. "I have been informed that you are the strongest there is! If that's the case, then get down here so we can see if that's truly the case! Accept my challenge, and fight me!" Thunderstorms are roaring from the cloudy sky; The only response he got. And this only fuels his rage. Lynx can hear these voices again. What they're saying right now, he doesn't know. He doesn't care! Not after what they cost him! "Fight me!" Again he screams, and again no one is answering. "You're always throwing curveballs at me, aren't you?" Curveballs. Way too many to count. It wasn't bad enough that he had to accept that Bee defeated him! It wasn't bad enough that he had to accept ponies in his daily life! It wasn't bad enough that six of these ponies are now in his head! He lost! The warrior of legend lost! The Super Saiyan lost! For years upon years, he has been told that this is the ultimate power! 'This is the ultimate power!' So why did he lose? How did he lose? How are the voices in his head stopping him from killing? They shouldn't. The Legendary Super Saiyan should be the strongest there is. That's what he was told! His teeth grit hard. "Come on!" Thoom "Fight me!" The royal screams at top of his lungs. Any sort of sense of reason he had left is gone. The thoughts that have been clouding his mind start to come back at him. And this infuriates even more! His anger is manifested through his elevated state. An entire mountain is collapsing, and his scream starts to resemble the thunderstorms themselves. His aura has now become a giant beacon, as for the first time since his childhood, the proud Saiyan warrior has tasted humiliation.