> A Haunting Prize > by Silver_Cloudsky27 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Time to clean up a totally not creepy mansion! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sunset from Canterlot helped Rarity feel a bit better now that it was time to announce the contest winner. The award for winning the fashion contest. IS. A. MANSION! So, she was sure the judges would probably be more professional-like than any competitions the unicorn had been in. She owns a boutique in Manehattan, Ponyville, and Canterlot but so does everyone in the competition. She's never really met any of these ponies and creatures yet but she's heard of them. Each and every-creature here has at least 2 boutiques all over Equestria or in their land. "Alright, top 5 creatures! Places!" Someone yelled. If the white unicorn pony wasn't nervous before, she sure is now. It's indeed been a relief that she made it this far but what if that's it? No, she won't let it. She will make sure of it with her final dress! Each and everyone on the stage showed their dresses in their mannequins as the judges got out of their seats, went on the stage, and looked at the dresses presented to all of them. No one said anything as the judges went back to their seats and wrote their thoughts onto a card. "The votes of the judges are now on my wings every-creature!" The host yelled out in excitement as everyone in the audience cheered. "Who will it be?" Everyone in the audience yelled out names while some just cheered. "And now for the moment, every-creature has been waiting for..." The audience suddenly went silent and the top 5 contestants gulped. "The winner of the Equestria Fashion Contest is... Rarity!" The host yelled with joy as the judges clapped. The shocked fashionista is now surrounded by cheers and applauds from every-creature. After all of it, the unicorn still can't believe it as she was heading to the train station. I can't believe it... I just won a mansion. A MANSION! I can't wait to tell my friends about- BOOM! Rarity's thoughts were cut off when she heard a loud explosion coming from the south of Canterlot with a rainbow accompanying it. She realized that it was Rainbow Dash's famous Sonic Rainboom and it was coming towards her! "Ahhh!" Rarity yelped as she shielded her face with a hoof as a little crate was created from Dash's landing. "Rarity! I am so sorry I couldn't make it sooner! The Wonderbolts needed me for something important at Manehattan. But I'm free for the weekend. Is it over?" The once flying pony said as she held the unicorn's shoulders. "It has been over an hour ago, Dash," the cyan pony hung her head low in defeat as she also let go of Rarity's shoulders. "Don't worry, I was gonna tell you and our friends about the new mansion I have now anyway." Rarity said with a smirk. "Wait, did you just say you won?" Rainbow quickly asked as she looked at the fashionista curiously. The smirking pony nodded. "Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! OHMYGOSH! You won! Whoohooo! Way to go to start summer, Rares!" The pegasus was now up in the air doing loop-de-loops but suddenly stopped and looked at her friend with a sad expression. "I wasn't there to see it though... ~gasp~ Is there anything I can do to make up for it?" Rarity smiled at her friend's concern and was about to decline her offer until something popped up in her mind. "Well... You could help me clean up the mansion." The purple-maned pony offered. "Of course! Now let me help you with that," Dash offered as she carried half of the fashionista's things. "You do know that our friends are busy for the whole weekend, right?" "I know but Pinkie said that the cakes will be coming back tonight and will be in charge of the bakery again. I could invite her to come with us." "Sure, but where is it located?" "Manehattan," "Oh come on! I was just there!" The hovering pegasus whined but stopped when she almost let go of all the luggage she was carrying and pouted. "It's not like we're going there today," chuckled the unicorn as she and the now confused pegasus entered the train. "We aren't?" "Princess Celestia will soon set the sun and we can't just clean up a fortress-like place at night!" "I know we were going to Ponyville but just stopping there to get Pinkie, some tools that'll help us clean, and drop off these bags but I guess that makes sense." Dash ended as she sat down across from Rarity. A few hours later and they finally arrive in Ponyville. Rainbow assisted Rarity by getting all the bags to her house. After that, they both went to Sugarcube Corner to tell Pinkie about the house. She agreed to come and even suggested having a party but the two ponies refused, knowing that their friends were busy. The two ponies left Sugarcube Corner and went to their homes for their big day tomorrow. _____-----------*********-----------_____ "Food, check. Cleaning equipments, check..."Twilight said as she looked at Pinkie Pie. "Whatever Pinkie Pie is bringing, check?" chuckled the purple alicorn. "Are y'all sure, those are everything y'all will need for this whole 'cleaning up a mansion' thing?" Applejack asked. "If it's just cleaning up, then this is it for me! I don't know about Pinkie and Rarity over there." Rainbow Dash said as she pointed towards the said ponies. "I have everything I need, thank you very much," huffed the unicorn. "I can handle cleaning up, Dashie! Don't you remember that time when we were cleaning up Rarity's boutique at Manehattan?" The pink pony said as she bounced past the talking ponies. "Oh yeah... You know what forget I asked. Now let's go already! I have a feeling that cleaning up a mansion will take us all day!" Dash said as she was putting everypony else's bags on the train and went outside again to say their goodbyes. "Please be careful, I heard the house you'll be going to is going to be a few miles away from the city," Whispered Fluttershy. "I'm sorry we can't come Rarity. Fluttershy is as busy now since more animals are coming into the sanctuary every day! Do I even need to say something for Applejack? It's Apple Buck Season! And I'm busy with Princess duties and I need to reorganize the books at the castle with Spike." The alicorn explained. "About that. Ah really need to be heading back to the farm to help Big Mac, goodbye y'all! Safe travels!" Applejack hugs the 3 ponies and tips her stetson to them and gallops towards the Apple farm. "Me too. Well, I'm not going to the farm but I'll be heading to the- Oh you know what I mean," chuckled the shy pegasus. "Goodbye everypony! Be safe." The yellow pegasus said as she walked away from the train station after hugging the departing ponies. "Me three! Spike says sorry for not making it, he's doing a head start on reorganizing the books. Goodbye! We'll see you soon!" Twilight said as she walked back a bit to see her friends get inside the train and see them off on the train to Manehattan. _____-----------*********-----------_____ "Are you sure this is the place Rares? I mean it is huge and it looks a bit disty but it kinda feels weird doesn't it?" The creeped-out pegasus asked as she looked over the property. "What are you talking about, Dashie? The mansion isn't that bad. I don't see anything broken on the outside and it just looks dusty!" The party pony exclaimed. "And the map was very specific. I slightly agree on the weird part only because it says right here that it hasn't been used for a couple of months but it looks oddly new despite its surroundings. I mean, a beautiful estate in a forest does seem unfitting," The white pony thought aloud as she placed the map back in one of her saddlebags and looked toward the manor. "I guess," The pegasus shrugged as she landed and trotted towards the house. Time to clean up a totally not creepy mansion! The nervous pony thought as her friends began to follow her. Link to the art > Chapter 2: Ghost Mansion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The dark-lit mansion received little light from the giant windows covered by thick white curtains enough almost to block out the outside light until the three visitors opened the giant mansion door and revealed light into the mansion. The said place was weird on the outside as Dash said but it was creepy on the inside as it contained sofas, couches, cabinets, and types of furniture covered with thick dusty ivory blankets. That wasn't the only thing dusty, everything in the palace-like place was dusty. "It's not that bad. It's just dusty, so all we have to do is clean the dust from the walls, floor, ceilings, and the types of furniture just in case the blankets that had covered them had holes and some dust went through. We want this place spotless. I didn't know what to use this whole place for but I'll figure it out," Rarity explained as she looked back to the others and took out the little pieces of a broom and connected all of them and there were 3 brooms. She also took out more cleaning equipment. "Alright, I'll work down here, Pinkie you'll clean the 2nd floor, Rainbow Dash you clean the ceilings of both floors, and is it alright if you also clean the attic?" "I clean things fast but now that I'm cleaning and flying? Consider it done!" The pegasus gave a salute and snatched one of the brooms, a little towel, a big plastic bag for the dust she'll be collecting, and a spray from the unicorn's magic grip, and started immediately. "Same for me!" The enthusiastic pony said as she also took the same items that the pegasus got and started heading towards the stairs until the fashionista stopped her with a hoof. "We need to give Rainbow Dash a little head-start so that before we start cleaning the floor, the dust from the walls and the ceiling will get cleaned at once. Dash will drop some of the dust with the broom from the areas she's cleaning and after that, we'll start cleaning too as she heads towards the attic." The purple-maned pony explained. "Okey-dokey-lokey!" The party pony exclaimed as she watched the cyan pony clean the walls and the ceiling precisely and perfectly while keeping her speed. As the rainbow-maned pony started heading to the second floor, Rarity quickly started her work while Pinkie Pie followed the flying pony. Pinkie was watching the pegasus with awe at how fast she was cleaning the higher walls and the ceiling that was out of reach from the pink pony but became a bit worried as the once blur pegasus started getting slower as she moved from room to room... to room... to room. "Wanna take a break, Dashie?" The pink pony yelled out to the pegasus who had just come out of another room and looked at her. "I-I'm fine, Pinks. I'm almost done anyways," Panted the exhausting pony as she slowly landed next to the now glaring pony who suddenly became a pink blur as she fetched a cold bottle of water and handed it to the confused pegasus. "Did you even see Rarity carrying that blue box? Turns out that there were drinks and some food in there! So here you go!" The smiling pony said to the Wonderbolt. "Thanks, Pinkie." was the last thing Dash said to Pinkie as she continued her cleaning and headed to the attic to start cleaning there but once she entered she was half surprised to see that the attic was as huge as a masters bedroom. She sighed and started cleaning, singing the sweeping song she had sung with Applejack and Twilight as they were cleaning while Pinkie Pie was just giggling. She sang a bit louder until she felt like she was being watched. She continued singing and quickly turned around to see a little pink blur and then she noticed that she was late. Pinkie Pie? Probably, Pinkie was full of pink! But why would she try and scare her? Pinkie is a prankster, yes, but Pinkie clearly knows how important cleaning this place is for Rarity and saw me all tired-like. Pinkie couldn't have done this but who else? Rarity? The confused pony just shook her head and chuckled. It would have been either a purple or white blur, not pink and Rarity would never go all the way up here just to try and scare me... Wait, I'm not scared! The frustrated pony growled and turned around again to continue cleaning. "Whoever you are, stop it! I have better things to- GAAH!!" _____-----------*********-----------_____ Rarity stopped cleaning for a second. Was that a scream? It sounded like Rainbow Dash... Probably saw a rat. The fashionista's eyes widen as she shivered at the thought but giggled. She continued cleaning until she saw a fading green blur in the corner of her eye and looked side-to-side and turned around but saw nothing except mud in the middle of the area she had already cleaned. The confused unicorn looked around and went towards the mud. How did this little mud get here? This area was dusty and dirty but she didn't see a single mud until now. She just shook her head and wiped the mud off the floor with one of her wet towels from a bucket and turned around to continue cleaning the living room. RIP! The once-cleaning pony turned around and gasped as she saw the teared-up ivory curtain. She heard another rip on the other side of the room towards a slightly glowing pony. "H-hey! Who are you? Stop tearing the curtains!" The confused pony yelled as she was unsure of what to do. The glowing pony turned around and was now standing a few feet from Rarity. The glowing pony was a unicorn, with lime fur, and a slightly dark green mane and she was wearing a green dress. The only thing that scared Rarity was that the glowing pony had faded green eyes that she could barely see. If she didn't look enough, she would've thought that the pony had no eyes. The frightened unicorn backed away until she hit the ripped curtain and the window behind it as the green ghost closed in on her, grinning at her despite missing a tooth. The white pony closed her eyes as if waiting for an attack to come but opened one eye and saw the other unicorn still grinning at her. The curious pony looked at the green pony with both eyes open and waited... The white pony was about to speak until the other unicorn quickly stuck a tongue out and galloped away. Tearing curtains and somehow leaving mud behind as the prankster laughed. Rarity blinked in surprise for a moment and blinked again, seeing the mess the green unicorn has left. "That... That bratty little unicorn! Come back here!" She yelled out and galloped after the trouble-maker. _____-----------*********-----------_____ The party pony stopped cleaning for a moment as she heard a scream that sounded like Rainbow Dash. She ignored it as she thought that the tough pony can probably handle the thing that scared her. She continued cleaning again until she heard some noise downstairs and out of curiosity she went near the door to go outside the room and look at what was happening. She opens the door but she only sees a blue blur as she was pushed back into the room and fell on her back. "Hey! What gives!?" She rubbed her head, opened her eyes to see who it was, and gasped when she saw a glowing pony. It was a unicorn who had an azure blue coat, navy blue mane, wearing a blue dress, faded blue eyes, and was also wearing one black glove on her left hoof. "Oops. Didn't see you there," The blue unicorn said with sarcasm as she jumped over the shocked pink pony. Ignoring her as if nothing happened and proceeded to go open a drawer that contained one of her gloves. She puts it on with her magic on her right hoof and turns around to exit the room to still find the pink pony looking at her. "Move it, pink stuff." The unicorn said harshly but the bubbly pony sat there and eventually stand up. But they just stared at each other until the dressed pony got irritated. "Ugh, I don't have time for this." She complained as she pushes the now angry pony and went towards the door. "Can you please stop being such a meanie? I didn't even do anything!" exclaimed Pinkie as she came up with an idea and gave the cruel unicorn a big smile. "How about a game of tag? That'll surely cheer you up!" "Oh, you think you can catch me?" The glowing pony then chuckled when she saw a hard nod. "Even Emerald got tired of chasing me when she got mad at me! Think you can do better clown? Come and get me." She said the last sentence with a challenging grin and she galloped away. "I guess I'm it!" Giggled the cheery pony as she gave chase. The earth pony didn't realize that they were now in the kitchen until she saw a cake that she secretly made for her friend. They were gonna eat it after cleaning up and the cake was supposed to be inside Rarity's cool box. She used them before, she just didn't know what they were called. She went towards the cake to put it back inside the box until she saw a blue blur go past her and went towards the cake. "Is this yours?" "Eeyup! But it's not just for me, I made it so my friends and I can eat it. You can get a slice or two if want!" The enthusiastic pony informed the unicorn who gave a grim smile. "No thanks." A white light was then portrayed through the whole room and when the party pony put her hoof down from covering her eyes, she didn't see the cake anymore! "Huh? Where did it go? Where did you teleport it to?" "Some place where you can't find and you don't know that much about this place, and that only increases my chances." "Oh! Let me guess!... I have to chase you aga-" The earth pony said enthusiastically but was cut off when a smudged cupcake was suddenly on her face and the pony responsible was now galloping away. Pinkie ate the cupcake with her tongue that somehow leaving nothing at all on her face. "Delicious!" She complimented and gave chase again while the unicorn randomly threw food at her which only encourages her more to continue chasing the suspect since she was able to dodge or eat some of the food thrown at her. _____-----------*********-----------_____ The jumped wonderbolt turned around and met faded pink eyes meeting her wide magenta ones. She jumped back to give herself space from the pink unicorn and observed the stranger. The unicorn had fuchsia fur, a hot pink mane, wearing a pink dress, and was carrying a hand mirror with her magic. But all our brash pegasus mentally noted in her head is that the stranger was all pink and could probably get along with Rarity with that mane style. She was about to say something when the glowing pony cut her off. "I know I'm dead but I've never seen an angel as beautiful as you before..." The pink unicorn said as she was looking at the rainbow-maned pony while covering her mouth with a hoof. The pegasus mare was in complete disbelief as she looked at the pink unicorn. How could she think that she was an angel! She was tough, confident, and element of loyalty and she's also the fastest pony in the world as she was able to break the sound barrier and the light spectrum - she learned this when Twilight made her do a couple of rainbooms so she could see how she did it and there was this thing called a Mach cone where the alicorn got her lead - and she had received multiple and different comments about what she does and her appearance but no one has ever called her an angel. "H-hey! I-I'm not an angel and by beautiful, you mean cool, right? But, anyway, don't call me that again!" The flustered pegasus stammered as she quickly tried to sweep the unicorn away with the broom. "Now get out! I'm trying to clean here!" "Clean? A mare as beautiful as you? Cleaning?" The unicorn then proceeded to teleport the broom out of the pegasus's hooves. "Until you call yourself beautiful, I won't give this broom back." The glowing pony winked as she galloped towards the door and galloped away with the broom and her mirror in her magic grip. The pegasus gave chase but every time she gets close, the unicorn teleports a few feet away and this repeats as they reached the stairs leading to the ground floor. "Stop calling me beautiful and give me the broom back!" Pleaded the nervous pegasus as she wished her friends didn't hear what she had just said. "But you are beautiful! But I feel like something's missing... AHA!" She then grabbed a fabric that was once covering a sofa, dusted it with her magic in the air, and suddenly stopped galloping and wrapped the now surprised pegasus. "Let me go!" Squirmed the wonderbolt as she tried to get out of the rope-like blanket. Her hind legs weren't tied up, it was only her front hooves and wings but the main reason she couldn't move was because of the magical grip the unicorn has on her. "Not until I give you a makeover, darling." The pink unicorn said as she floated a box towards her and scanned them to make sure she had everything she needed and started taking out some makeup equipment from the box. "I am not getting a makeover!" The pegasus squirmed more once the unicorn started to do her work on the pegasus's face. "Not with that attitude." Chuckled the dressed unicorn as she started working on the cyan pony's mane and formed a beautiful bun with it. "Just who are you anyway!" The cyan pony yelled in frustration. The unicorn stopped what she was doing for a second and somehow got a rainbow dress out. "Oh dear, where were my manners!" She giggled as she levitated the once-tied-up pony and got the dress on her. "I am-" She stopped as the both of them heard a commotion coming towards them. They didn't have any time to react when they all collided. "Rarity!?" "Rainbow Dash!?" "Pinkie!" The pink pony exclaimed as she got between the fashionista and the wonderbolt as both of them rolled their eyes and saw glowing colors behind the pink pony. The party pony followed her friend's eyes and saw three glowing unicorns in front of them, just a few feet away. The unicorns in front of the three of them were the ones they'd encountered already but they didn't know all of them. "What are you two doing here!? I thought I was doing the thing?" The green unicorn asked the other two glowing ponies. "I was looking for my glove." The blue unicorn bluntly said. "I found this pretty mare and I thought something was missing so I gave her a makeover and now she's gorgeous!" The pink unicorn said as she looked at the blushing pegasus. "I am not gorgeous or beautiful!" If looks could kill the brash pegasus probably did it long ago to the snickering pink unicorn. "So you did this?" The purple-maned pony asked the glowing pink pony as she gave her a nod. "I absolutely adore it! I don't know how you did it to Rainbow here but it is simply divine! I love what you did to her mane!" She exclaimed as she looked over the flustered and angry look of her friend. "Me too!" Added the party pony. "Rainbow? Now that's a name I won't forget! I'm Rose. Rose Quartz," The pink-dressed unicorn introduced herself. "And these are my siblings. Emerald," She pointed at the smirking green unicorn. "And Sapph Fire." She pointed towards the bored-looking unicorn. "Pleasure to meet all-" She paused when she saw the green pony and shook her head. " Almost the three of you. I am Rarity and these two are my friends. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. You can probably already guess which one is Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie." Explained the white unicorn with a giggle. "Now that that's out of the way. Why are you three planning to mess with us!?" The wonderbolt yelled towards the glowing ponies. Before Sapph Fire and Emerald could yell back, Rose stopped them with her magic. "Let me explain." She said calmly and gently put the others down once they stopped struggling. "Despite the three of us turning into ghosts... We meet here every year because this was our house and then we saw you. Emerald decided to mess with you three. Sapph didn't really care and I didn't agree, it would be unladylike to do so. I was looking at myself in my hand mirror here until I saw a rainbow streak that went inside the attic, I decided to follow it out of curiosity and I saw Rainbow Dash cleaning! -" Before she ranted about how somepony with such a magnificent mane like her clean, she reminded herself that it was not the time and remembered a question she had in the back of her mind. "Which reminds me, why are three beautiful ponies cleaning such a dusty mansion?" "Well... I won this fashion contest..." The fashionista uncomfortably said because she didn't know how they would react when their home was now hers but before she could say anything, her friends chimed in. "And won this huge mansion!" The pink pony hopped happily next to the surprised white unicorn. "We didn't know this place was yours and we only came here 'cuz Rares won the contest she's been working hard for." The cyan pony made sure she emphasized certain words to let the ghosts know how her friend technically earned the place. "If you want this mansion, you guys should've said so!" The green pony said in a cheery tone. "Because we were gonna give you three activities that you will finish to earn it!" She added with a challenging grin. "We are?" The other ghosts said. The green unicorn then grabbed her other siblings and made sure the other three won't hear them. "We aren't just going to give it to them! There has to be some sort of challenge!" She whispered. "Why are we even giving them a chance of giving them the mansion? This is our home!" The blue unicorn whispered back. "They said that this was the award from the contest they won so this place is now technically theirs. I mean everypony just thinks that the place is abandoned since nopony can see us and we can go anywhere for that." The pink unicorn whispered. "That's why I gave them this challenge, we have nothing to lose. Second, they're the only ponies who can see and hear us and I wanna mess with them some more." The green unicorn explained and grinned when her siblings smiled at her. They turned around and the green ghost stepped forward. "If you do what we tell you to do, you get the mansion and do whatever in here but if you don't, it's ours and you three will leave!" The other three huddled up. "Maybe we shouldn't. We have nothing to lose and this mansion does belong to them." The white unicorn suggested. "What!? No, it doesn't! At least, not anymore. You worked hard to win this place! You can't just give up! We are doing this!" Encouraged the wonderbolt while trying to maintain it in a whisper. "Yeah, we are!" Laughed the party pony. "Fine." The fashionista agreed and smiled at her friends as they met the stares of the three ghosts. "We accept!" > Chapter 3: Let the games begin! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The three friends flinched as they realized what they've gotten themselves into. They were told that one of them was to be picked by one of the ghosts, and the ghost assigned to them will be able to make them only do one thing, once they've completed them, they get the mansion. They knew, understood, and accepted all of the rules but one. They didn't like that one of the ghosts was going to pick one of them and they are pretty sure which one of the triplets would pick them. They hoped that they were wrong but they weren't. "I choose Clarity!" The green unicorn said with confidence as she already had an idea in mind for the purple-maned pony. "My name is Rarity" Grumbled the unicorn to the shrugging prankster as she stepped back. "I choose Rai-" The blue-dressed unicorn said bluntly, not wanting to get stuck with the cheery earth pony but was unfortunately cut off. "Rainbow Dash!" The pink unicorn yelled as she leaped forward and pointed at the grumbling yet blushing pegasus who immediately stepped back next to Rarity to hide her blush. The blue ghost was angry for her sister to do that! It was supposed to be her who was going to say something first since she was the eldest but the youngest one of them beat her and it was put on from youngest to oldest! But she pushed it aside, not wanting to show her emotion, and showed it slightly when growling at the cheery and waving pink pony as she hopped towards her. I guess that makes us partners!" The pony cheered as the blue unicorn growled under her breath. She just wanted this over with. "What are you going to tell me? Huh, huh, huh?" The party pony asked as she jumped all over the place. "Is it gonna be exciting? Challenging?" She asked as she got even closer to her face. "Oh, oh! Maybe-" "Shut. Up!" After a moment of silence and as soon as she realized what she said, she took a furtive smile. "Yeah, that's right. You will remain quiet until everyone is done doing... Whatever it is they're doing." She smiled even more when she saw the shock and the sadness in the once cheery earth pony but she nodded regardless. They both started heading towards the green ghost and the fashionista but saw them with the other two who looked nervous about the purple-maned pony. They went closer and heard the conversation happen with the green ghost holding some kind of book and when they arrived, the brash pegasus yelled something in the white unicorns' direction. "-y would you bring that here!? We were just gonna clean the place!" "I-I couldn't just leave it at home. After what Sweetie Bell has done, I bought it here with me just in case somepony was going to steal them again!" Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes as Pinkie Pie walked right next to her. "Pinkie, can you tell Rarity how ridiculous it is for her to bring her diary here?" Diary? Pinkie was about to speak until she remembered that she wasn't supposed to. She sadly shook her head to the now confused pegasus. "No? That's fine but why didn't you just tell me? Why do you look so down? What happened?" The wonderbolt asked. The once cheery pony pointed at the blue unicorn and then to her mouth. "Did she cast a spell on you to not talk anymore?" Pinkie shook her head. "Oh, did she-?" The pegasus continued but was cut off by an approaching unicorn. "I just shut her up." Sapph Fire said with a blank face. "Why? That sounds a bit too much doesn't it?" "That's because I can, skittles. And don't you remember the deal for the mansion? Heh, shouldn't have expected somepony like you to remember such an easy thing like that." The merciless ghost began burying Dash with his insults and walked away. "Oh, I'll show you skittles!" The brash pegasus started to fly towards the cruel unicorn but her tail was bitten down by Pinkie. "A sonic rainboom ought to shut you up!" "Sonic Rainboom?" The pink-dressed ghost asked as she got in the conversation. "Oh, that's when Dash flies five times the speed of sound which creates the sonic rainboom and when done, she doubles up and gets her up to ten times the speed of sound. Not only leaving her breaking the sound barrier but also the light spectrum!" "Our friend Twilight did a thing or two to Rainbow and the cone that forms around her was Twilight's lead. It was surprising to us when we knew how fast she's going, even to Rainbow Dash herself." Rarity explained. The pink unicorn was so shocked that her jaw was probably about to call it quits and hit the mansion floor right there, but the pegasus was confused. "How do you even remember all that, Rares? I'm impressed." She smirked at her friend. "Impressed? Such achievements as those would be impossible to forget and Twilight's meltdown when she told us all that is also hard to forget. Considering how she couldn't explain how you could be going to those speeds, especially when you were a filly! Might be your determination and love for flight." "Oh, yeah." The pegasus chuckled when pinkie approached them with her scrapbook on her hoof, a pencil on her mane, and a huge smile on her face. Stop it, Rarity! You might end up boosting her ego up by 20 percent! Rarity and Pinkie then began to laugh while Rainbow was blushing but joined in on the laugh. "Are you three done? Because if you are, I'd like Polarity to go back to reading some stuff from her diary aloud." The bratty unicorn smirked as she hovered the book of secrets towards the white unicorn. "Remember that if you don't, the mansion goes to us." Rarity looked nervous, Rainbow looked angry and Pinkie opened her jaw. "F-fine." The wonderbolt still looked angry but also worried at the same time. No one should be forced to tell their secrets. She kept quiet to not disturb her friend. "One secret and that's it." "At least it's a secret that you haven't told anypony." The green pony shrugged. "I-I u-used to... I used to... I used to hate fashion and everything that surrounds it." After she received gasps from her friends, she continued. "I hated fashion so much that I would tear some of the clothes that I don't like. One day I was tearing a dress apart and I found the now little skirt looking cool," "I tore more parts from the dress to match the little skirt and I was amazed. The first 2 or 3 clothes that I made had tears in them because of that and I made more and more until I realized how I loved fashion. Months after I participated in making the costumes for a school play and you know the rest." "...Eh, good enough." The green unicorn shrugged once more as the fashionista's friends had their jaws dropped. Pinkie then pulls out her sketchbook and a pencil and begins to write down things as if she was saying them. Wow... Rarity... That was epic! I thought I knew everything about everypony! "E-epic? That was awesome! I never thought the famous fashionista used to hate fashion!" The pegasus then had her hoof around the flustered purple-maned pony. "A-anyways... I did it now can we move on? Uhh, Pinkie is done doing her part, and what about you Rainbow?" The white unicorn quickly moved on as it was now Rainbow Dash's turn to feel nervous. Not wanting to hear what the pink unicorn has to tell her. "No, not ye-" "I was just getting to that! Rainbow Dash I want you to say that you're beautiful aloud, right here, right now, and in front of everyone. Sincerely and slowly too." The pink ghost grinned. The brash pegasus was blushing for a moment but shook it off and stood her ground. "No way! I'm not saying that in front of everyone." "Yeah, you are." If I don't do it, Rarity won't get this mansion. She growled and sighed heavily and looked at the pink-dressed unicorn in the eyes. "I'mbeatutiful!" She quickly yelled. "There, done!" "Pretty sure I said sincerely and slowly." The unicorn was now practically touching noses with the wonderbolt. "It's that simple. And If you can do the impossible sonic rainboom, I don't see how you can't say two words." She pushed on but stepped back when the pegasus sighed. "Ugh. Fine... I'm beautiful... There! Happy?" "Very." The unicorn chuckled. "Now that that's done, I guess this mansion is now yours now." She smiled sadly at the fashionista. "I-I guess it is..." She wondered sadly and hung her head low. "Don't worry, this mansion has so many uses. You can do absolutely whatever in this place! Some rooms can be your closest, gym, office, theater, and more!" The pink pony encouraged the now-smiling white unicorn. "It can also be your home." She then got looks of surprise from everypony else in the room. "I probably won't do much to this place than make it my storage, a place where I can go to as a vacation place, and a place where I can go with my friends and relax." Her friend's shocked faces turned to smiling faces like Rarity's but the 3 siblings retained their shocked expressions. "You... You'd do that for us?" The eldest said while trying to hide a bit of emotion in her voice. "Is this some kind of prank? Or do you just pity us because you think we have nowhere to go? If that's the reason then you better stop it right now! We don't need your pity!" The youngest pony said harshly. "Whatever it is. Are you sure you want to do this? We... We did nothing but mess with your ponies. You did nothing to deserve those things we did and instead of being angry at us, you'd still let us keep half of the mansion?" The pink unicorn looked at the three friends. "Oh, you made us angry alright. But no one got hurt, right?" Dash smiled. "And we had tons of fun!" Pinkie added with her usual smile. "And not just half of the mansion. This mansion can be yours as if nothing happened. But I hope you don't mind me and my friends coming here from time to time." Rarity giggled. "O-of course not! Wow... Thank you all!" The grateful pink unicorn said as they all hugged. After their long hug, they finally separated and decided to help the three friends clean the dusty mansion and ate all kinds of food that Pinkie and Rarity bought. The blue ghost teleported the cake back as they ate which surprised the party pony for she thought that it was gone forever. They laughed, talked, ate, and did many things until the three friends had to go. They would be back soon and they cannot wait to see the 3 siblings. A certain party pony showed this as they made their way to the train station. "That was a crazy, fun, and crazy and fun day! I can't wait to see those 3 ghosts again, they look pretty when they glow." The pink earth pony beamed as her friends nodded happily but suddenly stopped, eyes wide. "Something wrong?" She asked her friends. "G-ghosts?" The fashionista stammered. "That was why they were all glowy-like!?" The wonderbolt questioned, hovering slightly higher. "Uhh, yeah. The other pink one... Rose, said they were ghosts remember?" "I-I do now but I was too angry and confused about why they messed with us." The brash pegasus explained as she landed next to Rarity, facing the still-smiling pink pony. "I... I guess it just slipped my mind." The unicorn added with a nervous chuckle. The pegasus joined in and it turned into a laugh as Pinkie joined in. They all laughed together and continued their trek towards the train station. The End