The passion of a dragon and a bug

by Vinyl Snatch

First published

An adult Ocellus and Smolder have a fight. Smolder decides to work through it by physical means.

Ocellus didn’t think bringing up some sexual experimentation would have such a dramatic reaction. But if she knew it would have before hand she might have brought it up sooner.

They are older here, this is not Foalcon.

Written for Drop_it_like_its_clop for the Summer of Sin Celebration

Contains: mare on mare, oral, futa, changelings impersonating one of the mane 6

A lonely night.

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Ocellus lay in her bed staring at the wall. It felt so empty. Back in the hive they didn’t have beds, or even separate rooms. She had her own cavern, hollowed out from the bedrock, but it had no door, no way to be shut. The little changeling could always feel her parents and other hive members nearby. There was no isolation. Not like this.

Even in Twilight’s School of Friendship, the dorms were laid out in a more communal format. She had her own room but everything else was shared. She could still hear Yona snoring and Gallus talking in his sleep. There were the sounds of others so she wasn’t alone.

But growing up and getting your own place was different. The house she bought in Ponyville was isolated from the other homes. It was brand new and she still hadn’t gotten used to the sounds of the walls creaking or the foundation settling.

The worst was the empty side of the bed. She had gotten so used to it being filled that it was like a part of her was missing. She sighed and tried not to think about it.

But she couldn’t. Smolder was normally beside her, and it just didn’t feel right without her dragon. The weight of the bed was different, and she slid a little towards the crevice the heavier female had made. She could still smell the sulfur and sweat the dragon produced in her very sheets.

Where did she go? Was she ok? Would she ever come back? She didn’t think a conversation about sexual experimentation would get the dragon so mad. It wasn’t as though she suggested they have sex with different partners. Well not directly. Still the frustration was real enough to cause a smoke alarm to go off and a door to nearly beak off the hinges.

Ocellus hated worrying. It made her feel so weak and lame. She could change to enormous sizes, but that wouldn’t help her find Smolder, or stop the stream of fears in her head. She doubted the others worried like this. Smolder probably didn’t think about things like that at all.

She needed to stop this train of thought. It wouldn’t help her sleep. If Smolder chose to stay all night and carouse around town, there was nothing she could do about it. Laying there and not sleeping accomplished nothing. Smolder would be home by morning or she wouldn’t.

All the stories Ocellus had read said to look for her, go after her. It would be a testament to the love they shared. She had done so every time, and it normally just led to more fighting. This time she was too exhausted to try. She just wanted to sleep, and maybe she’d see it from a fresh angle in the morning. She closed her multifaceted eyes and prepared to let the world go. Then the door to the house opened.

Ocellus knew she should try to do something. A burglar or a murderous villain could be lurking just downstairs. But she just wanted it to be Smolder, and if it wasn’t, then she didn’t care who it was.

The door to the bedroom opened with an ominous creak, and Ocellus knew it wasn’t a burglar. A burglar wouldn’t have that familiar sulphuric smell, or those heavy, bipedal footsteps.

She pretended to be asleep. If she was asleep they didn’t need to awkwardly talk through it. Smolder would lay there filled with guilt, having missed the opportunity to work things out.

The dragon made no sound. The blankets shifted upwards and the bed shook as a large weight settled in. Was she just going to go to sleep too? Was she just going to ignore the issue? It suddenly felt mean and cruel.

The changeling opened her eyes. She was about to turn and say something when she felt a hand on her barrel, clawed and scaled, yet somehow soft and soothing. The gentle gesture brought tears to her eyes.

Another clawed hand joined its sister on Ocellus’s barrel, pulling her closer. The little bug closed her eyes again in glee. This was what she wanted, to be held close, like something precious and beloved.

Then Smolder’s hands started to move. One slid around her barrel, the other across her neck. One stopped on her thigh and circled it as the other reached her chin, then returned downward. Eventually, both hands were caressing her lower abdomen, searching, exploring. They glided over her like butterflies on flower petals.

Ocellus snuggled closer, trying to take in all the warmth that Smolder had. Being held like this was like having a bubble of safety and love. Maybe Smolder could be more affectionate, like she’d said. The bug’s heart raced in hope.

Then a small nip at the base of her ear nearly made her jump out of bed. Was Smolder getting frisky? As much as the bug hated to admit it, she loved sex, but Smolder was rather indifferent to it. It fell on Ocellus to start every intimate encounter they had.

A long tongue sliding across the underside of her ear interrupted her thoughts. Ocellus bit her lip. It was such a wonderful feeling she wanted to cry out, but she didn’t want the sound to bother any pony.

The hands started to move again with less delicacy and more need. They moved across the swollen teats that the changeling had replicated. They were based on Rainbow Dash’s; Ocellus knew how much of a fan Smolder was, and tried her best to give a similar experience. Plus, Rainbow was the least endowed of their professors, and the small size made them so much more sensitive.

“Oh!” She couldn’t hold it in as a jolt of pleasure rushed through her body. The fingers returned with a vengeance, caressing the erect nipples with a touch so feverish she thought they would become candles.

The second shock sent Ocellus’s tail up. The hardened shell covering on the top slid along the dragon’s inner thighs. It was a tantalizing feeling. The bug never tried using her tail before. There was so much heat in those thighs—had she never noticed it before, or was it the sensitivity of her tail?

The hands began squeezing her teats, delighting at the coos they produced. Normally Smolder just looked at them. Now Ocellus’s body quaked with each grip as her tail rose, finding a slobbering mouth between the dragon’s legs. She had never known Smolder to be this excited. Where had she gone tonight? Was this even her, or had she found a friend to do what she didn’t seem to want to?

“Smolder?” She had to know. She didn’t want this from anycreature else but her dragon.

“Shh, don’t spoil the mood. Just relax, please.” It was definitely Smolder’s voice whispering behind her. Ocellus relaxed completely, letting those strong hands knead her teats. The tail pressed harder between the drooling lips, fluid ran down her tail shell.

“Neyhh!” It was a moan! A moan of pleasure was released right by Ocellus’s ear. She had heard Smolder moan before, but not like that. The dragon normally stifled it. This time she either couldn’t, or didn’t bother, which excited the bug further.

Her tail switched back and forth between those soft orange lips. She felt like she put it in a hot spring as the heat behind her rose. The nibbling on her ear became harder.

Smolder’s hands let go of Ocellus’s teats and greedily plunged between her legs. She didn’t realize how wet she was herself. The claws danced around the edges of the Rainbow Dash-inspired vagina. Rainbow was tight-lipped, as Ocellus remembered, so she always adjusted herself to that level. The bug had to do a lot of peeping to get all the information she needed and it led to a strange awkward conversation with her professor. In the end, the pony speedster had only allowed a quick inspection and then ran off screaming it was too weird and lame. The fingers placed themselves on either side of her slit and began to rub.

“Oh!” The changeling couldn’t hold back the pleasure anymore. She released her moans much louder than she normally did. She was rewarded with a cascade of fluid on her tail and a grind on its outer shell.

The claws started to circle her clitoris and waves of excitement caused her body to arch. She reached out with her pelvis to suck in as much pleasure as she could. She wanted it all. All that Smolder’s fingers could produce.

One of the orange fingers brushed her light blue bulb. “Uuuhh!” It was the loudest Ocellus had ever been. Everything was so wet and warm around her. Her juices flowed like a river and the waterfall on her tail continued.

Finally, the finger entered her and everything else disappeared. The fight, the neighbors, adulthood, loneliness, all that mattered was that she could vibrate on Smolder’s finger.

Smolder used to find her vibrating unsettling. She didn’t thrust like ponies. Her instinctual instincts caused her body to shake and oscillate. The finger stayed firm as the bug’s lower half shook on it. She was getting close. All the intense passion was getting to her.

“I-I want to see you,” Smolder whispered in a fight against her panting. The dragon could barely put two words together. She must be close too.

The finger left the tight hole and grabbed the changeling’s hips. Ocellus spun around to meet her lover’s gaze. At first, she could barely make it out next to the blinding red cheeks of her dragon. But Smolder was still there under all that gleam.

The stronger dragon pulled her partner on top and quickly aligned their sexes. Smolder’s vagina was surprisingly soft considering the scales around it. It was hardly noticeable unless she was aroused,but then it bulged out in desire.

Ocellus’s emulated marehood matched Rainbow Dash’s texture. The soft pony lips met the flowing dragon’s mounds as their lower mouths began to caress one another. Fluids trailed from the hot boxes and squelched together.

Smolder grabbed Ocellus’s flanks and pushed their clitorises together. It was followed by a harmonious moan, and the changeling swore she heard her house windows rattle in response. Then silence as her mouth was covered by a dragon’s passionate kiss.

Smolder was thrusting like mad against the shaking bug bottom. They weren’t going to last much longer. An explosion of joy and relief spread through Ocellus’s body. It was followed by a dousing of her undercarriage by her partner. She didn’t know her lover could cum so
much. She felt the fluid run down her hind hooves and soak their bed.

“You’ve never made love to me like that…” the huffing bug whispered. She tried to snuggle closer, but she brushed against the dragon’s fountain and her legs became jelly.

“I wanted to show you that I really do find you sexy,” Smolder answered. “I know I haven’t been as ‘lovey dovey’ as you like, but I-I just still have a hard time with that stuff. Sex with you is amazing, but it makes me feel weak because I… I want it too much, or something. Like when we wear dresses and make-up, I love doing it, but there’s still a part of me that’s ashamed.” Smolder never took her eyes off the lover on her chest. Those eyes were filled with shame and frustration, but most importantly, with love.

“I appreciate this plan of yours, to get me more excited in bed, but I wanted to show you it’s not necessary.” The dragon nuzzled close to the bug’s ear. “I love you as you are and I’m aroused by how you look now. This is what I feel, I just don’t let myself show it.”

“Oh, you silly dragon!” Ocellus couldn’t help but laugh with the afterglow around her. Everything seemed made of light, especially her body. “I didn’t want to do this to arouse you more. I wanted to do it to see how it felt for me. It’s an experiment. I like the idea of seeing what it’s like to be other creatures when they have sex. But if you’re not comfortable with it, then I won’t ask anymore.”

“You just wanted to… I’m sorry Ocellus, I thought this was about me not expressing myself again. Like some sort of passive-aggressive thing to get me to do it. You don’t think it’s weird or demeaning to change into some creature else for this?”

“Ponies do this all the time. It’s called roleplay. They dress up as different professions or characters, sometimes different creatures, to try new things. I just don’t have to dress up.” Ocellus begrudgingly slid off her girlfriend and found the relevant source material.

“See? It’s all here in my research.” She held the magazine open for her love.

“That’s a porn mag, Ocellus.” The dragon flatly pointed out. She grabbed the suggestive material and thumbed through it.

“Doesn’t it look fun?”

“So, you want to, uhh. Try this? Now?” The blush returned to Smolder’s orange scales.

“Mmhmm! Do you have a preference on who you want to have sex with? I won’t get jealous. It doesn’t even have to exist.” Ocellus looked at the ground blushing as well. It was their first sexual experiment since the beginning. She had no idea it would lead to a fight but was glad her dragon finally understood.

“I mean, I would always pick you, but if you want a second choice…” The dragon stared off trying to look like she didn’t already know.

Ocellus could tell instantly who she was thinking about. She always had that same dreamy look when they were brought up. It was just a young fledgling fantasy, but the little bug got excited to fulfill it.

Her body grew a little and her frame became lighter. Wings morphed from her sides and a prismatic mane sprouted from her head. The changeling added an appendage to make things even more interesting.

“Well, what do we have here,” Ocellus mimicked in her Rainbow Dash voice. “Looks like a soggy dragon, never thought I would see that.”

“You’re doing the voice too? And did you give her a—?“

“Don’t stare at me like that, Smolder. I know my awesomeness is hard to look away from but, like, reel it in already.” Rainbow Dashling stomped over to the edge of the bed, whistle dangling from her neck. “Now get down here and give me twenty!”

“Y-yes ma’am,” Smolder smirked and put herself in a push-up position. She glanced up as her idol stood over her, making her addition obvious.

“Ocellus… ahem, Rainbow Dash, where did you get that—?--“

“Don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to, cadet. Now I’m going to stand right in front of you to make sure you do them right and don’t slack off.” The confident pegasus stood right next to Smolder’s face. The excited endowment stood still inches from the pumping dragon.

“Can I touch it? Ma’am?” The wide-eyed dragon slowed after her twenty reps and peered shamelessly at the swollen member.

“You have to finish your workout first.” The pegasus reared up, placing her hooves behind her neck. She shamelessly wiggled the prize in front of her. “This is your cheer cannon. If you want this to go off you have to give it one hundred and twenty percent!” The instructor smiled deviously.

The dragon hit the floor and pumped faster. Ocellus smiled. This was so much fun. In her new form, she felt so in charge and free. The penis was just a way to have a different experience. Smolder had already played with her “Rainbow Dash pussy” enough.

“Please, coach, can I pull on the cord?” The dragon was breathing hard already. Was it the push-ups or excitement? Maybe both.

“Let’s see what you got, rookie.” The coach sauntered over to the bed and laid on her back, the phallus standing straight up in the air. Ocellus was pretty sure it would do that.

Smolder looked at the large cock, lightly touching the base, running her finger along the ball sack. It was so delicate, the skin was even thinner than the folds of a vagina. Ocellus’s shaft flicked. She didn’t expect it to do that.

“We-well? This thing isn’t going to fire itself.” The changed bug tried to sound strong but she was wondering how intense this would feel.

The dragon wrapped her hand around the cock’s girth. She slid her hand up to the tip and Rainbow Dash moaned a little. The whole thing was so taunt and each touch sent quivers through the pegasus's body.

“So I just do this right?” Smolder looked at the large member and slowly stroked it again with more gusto.

“Yeah, you got this!” Rainbow Dash said with a satisfied whisper. She leaned back. Ocellus closed her eyes as Smolder’s hands slid up and down her shaft. Each stroke was an increase in pressure and pleasure. It never lessened, it just kept building.

A trickle of water dribbled on it, popping the transformed changeling’s eyes open again. Smolder used her saliva to moisten the tip and then spread the natural lube throughout. The roughness of her hands smoothed out as the wetness freed the penis from sticking.

Where did she even learn how to do that? Had Smolder secretly wanted a penis to play with? She knew Ocellus could have formed one, right?

All thought was expunged as the dragon’s lips curled around the thick head. Rainbow Dash’s lever was drawn between her bright orange lips with the power of an eager mare. The lips greedy drew it in until it became uncomfortable. There was slight gagging but no complaints from those lips.

Ocellus couldn’t see. It was like all the universe was held in her penis. All joy, laughter, pleasure, all was held there and it was being catered to by the most beautiful creature in the changeling’s life. She wanted more. She needed more. It needed to go deeper.

Smolder broke off, coughing and sputtering. “Hey, Rainbow, don’t thrust in like that. I wasn’t ready. Just just let me excite you more,” the scaled angel said. “Don’t worry, you’ll get to fuck me soon.

Fuck? Smolder never called it that. Just hearing her say the words was so thrilling that Ocellus felt some precum release. It was quickly cleaned off by a long soft tongue. It was so different from the bug’s vagina. The entire shaft was so sensitive that she could clearly feel the tongue’s texture.

The mouth returned to its work, inhaling the swollen stake. It looked like a yo-yo going up and down, but felt like fireworks about to erupt. The fuse was getting shorter and shorter. Ocellus’s hooves reached for the back of Smolder’s head.

“You’re about to burst, aren't you Rainbow?” Smolder said with a grin. “I can feel your cock grow stiffer. I don’t think I’m done playing with it yet.”

“Well, uh.” Shoot, what would Rainbow say at a time like this? “If you want to play with it so bad then put it back in.” The changeling needed it back in. It shook like an excited puppy.

“Mmm... I don’t know, Rainbow, you might have to work for it.” The grin widened, showing the true dragon of Ocellus’s love. The transformed pegasus squirmed. “Actually, I really don’t want to take it in the mouth. It’s a weird taste. Not like you usually do… I mean, not like I expected Rainbow Dash to taste.“

Smolder’s eyes turned to glistening, half-lidded orbs of need. She slowly climbed on the bed over top of her victim. A bright orange inner thigh brushed past the throbbing pole. Then she traced the tip with her lower lips, spilling its fluid down the sword edges to its hilt.

“Smolder, I- I need you…” the fake Rainbow Dash whimpered. Ocellus couldn’t even think of what Rainbow Dash would say or how she would say it. Luckily, her vocal cords were transformed, so at least the voice remained.

“Oh, my little professor Dashie,” the dragon took the power. “You want in me? You need to tell me.”

“I want it inside you.” There was no hesitation on the changeling’s part.

“In me where? Tell me exactly what you want to do.” The lower lips drooled over its victim as they spread a little, promising more heat and moisture to come.

“I want to stuff my cock into your cute little dragon pussy and fuck the hell out of you!”

“Can’t get clearer than that. But who says I won’t fuck you first.” The dragon’s slit pressed on the large head. Ocellus stared in wonder as she watched it devour her member in a fluid-soaked frenzy.

It felt like the changeling could finally take a full breath again. It was cloud-filled heaven, if clouds were muscular, wet, and pulled your penis like a firefighter unrolling a hose.

Smolder’s tightened ring of inner strength slid down her shaft with a moan of delight. The feeling was completely different than the mouth. It was a vise of pleasure. It clamped down onto Ocellus’s penis and drew it in like a straw does water. Smolder’s thick legs lifted and bulged as she hopped on it.

The changeling didn’t vibrate. It didn’t feel right. She wanted to thrust. Her new penis said it was the right thing to do. It had to go deeper, but the angle was wrong. The suction from before started to wane as her dragon’s moisture slickened the tunnel. It still felt great, but it wasn’t quite working for the changeling. She needed more. Smolder’s moans increased as she moved faster, but not fast enough. The bug needed to act.

“I-I need to be on top!” Ocellus screamed in Rainbow’s voice. She needed to plunge. She had to get into her mate as deeply as she could, the pressure rising so fast. Rainbow Dash’s form wavered as the pressure made her feel like an egg about to crack.

“Ocellus… wha—“

The dragon didn’t know what happened as the changeling turned the tide on her and placed her forcefully onto her back. The form of Rainbow Dash started to fade.

“You… uhh… can be… yourself… huh… just keep the cock.” Smolder was struggling under the weight of the increase in passion.

Ocellus dropped her form and began to stuff her probe as hard and as fast as she could. The soft vagina spread wide to let the new friend in as deep as possible. Smolder’s arms wrapped around the mare’s midsection and held her tight.

The changeling’s mind buzzed in a frenzy. Nothing mattered except thrusting. Smolder’s shouts stirred her further. Barely felt when the dragon’s mouth clamped down on her shoulder. She could feel her pulse in her eyes, but the penis pressed in and out.

Finally, a small quiver in it said it was about to explode. She gripped her girlfriend’s hips and thrust as deep as she could. The edges of those yellow lips leaked on her abdomen on either side of the cock.

Then the world exploded. Ocellus cried as the pressure valve opened to full. She was barely aware that fluid was rushing out of her and around her in a torrent.

Smolder let go of the shoulder to moan in her orgasm. It was like two timberwolves howling together in the night. Then they collapsed.

Neither form moved for a few minutes except to breathe rapidly. The world spun around them in a daze and neither cared what it had to say. Ocellus had a beautiful dragon's arms around her and a tail entwined with her own. She continued to gulp huge breaths of sulphuric scent around her. It was the best scent in the world.

“Well, uh, did you enjoy that?” she finally asked. She received a look of disbelief and then started to laugh.

“It was okay, “ Smolder answered, the sarcasm dripping from her words like the fluids from her pussy.

“Pffft.” The two began to laugh like the world was made of sweet cream and Dragon’s Milk (™). They huddled together in their damp, sticky bed, kissing the prior fears and anger away.