> Loyalty and Kindness > by Pepper_2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Fluttershy ends up rescued. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was enjoying her day inside her Cottage when she noticed she was out of food for her pet Bunny Angel. The time was rather late in the night, but she knew she had to make the trip to the Everfree Forest to gather food for her pet bunny. Though shy, she was a little afraid to make the trip to the forest. Finally, Angel, who had been throwing a tantrum, convinced Fluttershy to go out in the middle of the night to get some food for him. “Alright, Angel Bunny, you win. I will get your dinner. You stay here and be a good bunny now, okay?” Fluttershy spoke to him as angle impatiently stomped his foot but finally nodded and decided to await her return with his dinner. Fluttershy then went to the ever-free forest, hoping to finish her errand before it became too dark, knowing full well that timberwolves may be out. She didn’t want to end up as dinner for a hungry timberwolf. As Fluttershy progressed to the forest, she noticed it was starting to get dark. So she could find some wild carrots and other vegetation for Angel, her eyes looking at the sky. Often to gauge how much longer she may have till nighttime. She sighed, deciding it best to pick up her pace, beginning to gallop toward the forest as fast as her legs could take her. “Oh, this is getting very bad. I need to hurry before the Timberwolves come out,” Fluttershy stated in a bit of a panic as she kept rushing toward to ever-free forest before finally making it to the entrance. Looking up at the sky, she sighed, realizing she still had some light to go by before entering the forest. And she was beginning to scavenge for wild vegetables fresh for her pet Angel. Starting to go deeper into the woods after a while, she finds what she is looking for and sets down the basket she was carrying, beginning to pick the vegetation to feed her rabbit. “Angel, better appreciate this it’s very late, and I am risking my life out here in this dark spooky forest; wait, dark?” Fluttershy whines, looking up and noticing that she had accidentally taken longer than expected. The sun had finally gone down for the night, causing her to whimper in a bit of fear as she quickly gathered the vegetables. Picking up her basket in her mouth and decided to try and find her way out of this forest only to notice she may have taken a wrong turn and was utterly lost. “Oh no, this won’t do, this won’t do at all. I must find my way out of here quickly before something dangerous finds me.” Fluttershy then quickly started flying around a bit, hoping to find her way out of the forest, only getting more lost after a while. She lands and whines, unable to find her way out, the darkness creeping more around her. She hears something nearby, causing her to recoil and drop the basket spilling her vegetables. She cringes and wraps her wings around her head, shivering in fear, before hearing a howl nearby. She turns her head only to notice the few eyes staring at her as some Timberwolves climb out of the undergrowth. Fluttershy opens her eyes in pure fear before trying to talk with them as if they are animals. “Umm, all you precious little Wolves, I am sorry for trespassing in your woods. I just came by to gather vegetables for my pet bunny. If you would be so kind as to point me in the direction of town, I will get out of your twigs. I mean, if that is okay with you?” The Timberwolves stopped and looked at her for a moment causing her to hope that they would be kind enough to let her go, only for them to growl and one of them to pounce at her with claws extended out of fear. She reacted only to be caught by the nails. A slash would go down her side, causing a bit of blood to flow as she tried to step out of the way of the pounce sending her to the ground poorly injured. As she looked up, starting to tear up as the wolves came closer, one pouncing on her and pinning her to the ground before shooting down and biting at her side. His teeth sank into her flesh, causing more blood to flow, ensuring she was adequately disabled. Their soon-to-be meal couldn’t get away tears in poor Fluttershy’s eyes before she heard something not too far. She looks up, catching a Blue pegasus as it swoops down and knocks the Timberwolf off her. “Hey, why don’t you beasts pick on someone your size? Come on; now I can fight all of you!” Fluttershy opened her eyes to see what pony had saved her from near-death. She watched the Blue Pegasus bucking and kicking at the Wolves, trying her best to scare them off before she finally succeeded. The wolves ran off into the forest whimpering before she turned around and walked toward Fluttershy, ultimately causing Fluttershy to notice who ultimately saved her. “Rainbow Dash...” she mutters before passing out from blood loss. The blue pegasus, noticing this, panics, gathers up her basket of vegies and runs her to the ponyville hospital as fast as Rainbow Dash could fly. Once she landed in front of the hospital, she walked in and called out. “Hey, I need some help over here, my friend. She is in terrible shape Timberwolves attacked her!” Rainbow Dash Cried out before Nurse Redheart rushed into the area and quickly noticed the injuries, stating to bring her to one of the hospital rooms. Rainbow Dash follows and helps the Staff place Fluttershy in a bed. Rainbow dash looks on with a very substantial concerned look before being ushered out of the emergency room, where she sits outside waiting to hear if her friend survived the encounter or not. Panic in her eyes as the wounds seemed very bad, and she fears this may have a lasting effect on her friend. Rainbow Sits down in the waiting room and begins to wait for word on Fluttershy..... > Chapter 2: Flutter's Recovers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash had been waiting in the Waiting room for what seemed to be hours, her heart racing crying out of fear that her Best Friend from school may not live through the night. Rainbow becomes so worried that she legit gets up, flying back and forth. As if she was pacing, turning her head to look toward the emergency room door every so often, her thoughts running rampant about adverse outcomes and anger. What the Timberwolves did to her friend swelled up inside and made her want to fly to the ever-free forest and pay them dearly for what they did. After a while, Rainbow Dash finally sat down, trying to compose herself before drifting off to sleep on one of the benches, curled up with tears in her eyes and pain in her heart. Rainbow dash finally woke up when Nurse Redheart came out to wake her, asking if Rainbow Dash was OK. Rainbow Dash then wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded before finally working up the courage to ask. "So how is she, Nurse Redheart?" Nurse Redheart looked at Rainbow with a warm smile which caused Rainbow's heart to feel glee that it may have seemed from Nurse Redhearts smile that Fluttershy would be OK. Rainbow waited for what seemed like a while to her before Nurse Redheart nodded. "She will make a full recovery. You're lucky you got her here when you did; Miss Dash Fluttershys injuries were quite severe. Would you like to visit her? She should be fine to have visitors now?" Nurse Redheart said her heart was happy that she could save the shy Pegasus mare before she nodded to Rainbow and motioned for her to follow her. She then walked through the hospital till she reached a room. Rainbow Dash could hear beeping from inside, causing her to assume that she was on Medicine to prevent infection through an IV. Nurse Redheart then nodded to Rainbow as Rainbow slowly flew inside the room Nurse Redheart shut the door behind her and walked about her other duties. When Rainbow Dash saw Fluttershy, she broke down crying. The Pegasus Mare was indeed on an IV, her beautiful body scarred from the assault from the wolves. Rainbow noticed the stitches and hoped the scars would not be permanent when she healed, as Fluttershy is too pretty to have imperfections. Rainbow Dash blushed a bright red as she realized she was thinking thoughts that she wouldn't believe she would have for her long-time friend, but deep down, she felt they were right. Shaking her head to try and clear the thoughts away, she walked up to her Friend before Fluttershy opened her eyes and turned her head to look toward her Savior with a smile. "Thank you, Rainbow, for saving me. Nurse Redheart told me everything. You saved me from a pack of Timberwolves and rushed me to the hospital. For that, I am grateful." Fluttershy smiled toward Rainbow Dash before sighing as she was still in quite a bit of pain from the injuries the wolves had inflicted on her. A bit of fear in her eyes that her unique ability couldn't stop them from attacking her. Still, she then assumed that maybe they were starving and unable to be reasoned with at the time. Her eyes scanned down her stitched-up body, counting herself lucky that Rainbow showed up when she did. Before looking over toward Rainbow, which had finally sat next to her. She found herself admiring the Blue Pegasus with a slight blush. Rainbow seemed exhausted, she thought, probably from staying up worried sick about what would happen to her. Fluttershy then moved a hoof and tried to comfort her friend with a smile which seemed to work quite well as Rainbow then gave her a warm smile. After a while, Rainbow and Flutters had been talking through the entire day, sharing stories and happiness. Nurse Redheart, of course, came in. A few times to check on Fluttershy and ensure she was healing correctly. Sadly, it turned out that Fluttershy would be stuck in the hospital for a few days, which upset Rainbow. She promised she would take care of Flutter's Animals while here, which Flutters initially refused to let her. Still, finally, she nodded to Rainbow and smiled. For the next few days, Rainbow flew back to the hospital daily to check on Fluttershy; finally, Rainbow Was given the OK to stay in the Hospital room with Flutters. After Flutters had given the OK as Fluttershy enjoyed the company, this didn't keep Rainbow from fulfilling her promise to care for Flutters Animals. At the same time, she recovered, being she is the element of loyalty after all. She demonstrated it quite well by fulfilling her promises to Fluttershy. The days went on; it seemed about a week, give or take, that Flutters had been stuck in the hospital. Her stitches and bandages were finally ready to be removed. Nurse Redheart and the Doctor came in one day. They began to carefully remove the applications and stitching, making sure not to hurt the beautiful yellow Pegasus Mare while they worked. Rainbow held her hoof while she stayed by her side the entire time. Fluttershy hated the sight of the stitches. It scared her, so she asked Rainbow if she could hold her hoof while they removed her stitching and bandages, which Rainbow Dash happily accepted. During the process, Fluttershy closed her eyes the entire time the dressing was changed. Once the stitching was removed, Nurse Redheart gently dabbed at the areas to ensure there was no pain, and lucky there wasn't much of a scar where wounds had been. It was almost intangible, which made both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sigh with relief that her spots were too ghostly to notice through her bright yellow fur. Rainbow Dash finally smiled as Nurse Redheart went to get the discharge papers. However, Fluttershy had been told she was to not over-exert herself as she would probably still be pretty weak from the ordeal and what she went through. Rainbow Dash finally spoke up and asked Fluttershy. "Would you like me to stay at your cottage with you for a bit, at least till your back on your hooves and not as weak?" Fluttershy, hearing this, would think for a moment before responding with a yes. Saying she would have a sleeping area made up for Rainbow, smiling before looking over the Blue Pegasus Mare as if admiring her Beauty? Fluttershy blushed, surprised she was starting to respect the young Blue Pegasus. After a while, Nurse Redheart returned and said to both of them. "OK, you two, her discharge papers have been approved, but Miss Shy. I suggest you continue having Miss Dash help you with your responsibilities until your strength is fully recovered from your ordeal. You don't just miraculously recover from being mauled by Timberwolves." Fluttershy nodded before looking toward Rainbow and smiling warmly before answering Miss Redheart. "Thank you for your concern Nurse Redheart and don't worry Rainbow and I have already worked out a plan." Fluttershy smiles toward the Nurse before Nurse Redheart nods to her and lets them know that she is free to go whenever she is ready to leave. Once Nurse Redheart left, Rainbow Dash and Flutter Decided to head to her cottage. As they arrived, Fluttershy told her Animal friends about the arrangement she and Dash had and that they were to treat Rainbow with the utmost respect. They would treat any guest to which the animals agreed, happy that Rainbow had saved their friend Fluttershy. That night Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy ate Dinner together and talked a bit which only led to them getting closer. Sadly though, this was just the start of Fluttershy's recovery, and soon Rainbow Would find out that her friend Needed her More than she ever thought possible. > Chapter 3: Dashie's Concern > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash finally went to bed as it was getting late. Though during the night, Fluttershy started tossing and turning before finally snapping awake, screaming in fear. This prompted Dashie to snap awake and fall out of the bed, only to rush to Fluttershy's bedroom to see what was going on and if her friend was in danger. "Fluttershy! Are you okay!" Dashie quickly said as she rushed into the bedroom, quickly taking Fluttershy into her forelegs, holding her close. Stroking her mane as she was crying, and started pushing away, which made Dash even more worried, finally trying to get her attention. "Fluttershy, it's me. I am here; calm down; everything is okay. You just had a Nightmare!" upon hearing this, Fluttershy finally started to calm down. However, Dash's heart was racing extremely fast from worry and concern. "Rainbow Dash? Oh, Celestia, I had the worse nightmare. I had a nightmare that I was being attacked by Timberwolves again, and this time, you were not there to save me." Fluttershy said, tearing up and crying into Rainbow Dash's chest, wrapping her forelegs around her. Her heart raced as she continued screaming into her friend's chest fur. The feathers on her wings were all ruffled and matted, her hair also a bit wet from work as she continued to cry in Dash's embrace. "Hey, it's okay, Flutters, don't worry, I am here, and it was just a Dream. I am not going to leave your side till I am sure you are okay to be left alone, so don't worry, no Timberwolves will be getting you, I promise." She continued to hold Flutters while saying these soothing words to her. Stroking her back and wings gently with a hoof, trying to comfort; Fluttershy. As she found herself starting to admire the yellow pegasus in a way she didn't think possible, starting to blush but continuing to try and comfort her. Fluttershy Sniffled while snuggling close to Rainbow dash, starting to calm down her heart, going back to a steady pace. "Thank you, Dashie Please don't leave me; I am afraid to be left alone right now. Please stay with me for a while." Fluttershy said, looking at the blue pegasus with admiration starting to feel her heart skip a beat as she admired the blue pegasus comforting her. "It's Okay, Flutters. I will not leave your side till I am sure you are back to normal and everything is fine, I promise." Rainbow Dash stated while keeping her cuddled close. She climbed into the bed with her, drawing Fluttershy into an embrace. She laid down next to her, smiling at the cute Yellow Pegasus with Fluttershy Smiling back at her as they both drifted to sleep on each other's forelegs. The following day was identical to Fluttershy's everyday routines: taking care of her animals by feeding them and caring for them. Still, she had Dashie to help her the entire time occasionally. She and Dashie would tease each other by splashing each other with water. They also went to the spa together. They got a treatment which Dash paid for both of them before the night started setting in, and they both headed back to Fluttershy's cottage. "So Fluttershy, did you enjoy the day with yours truly the most awesome blue pegasus around?" Dashie quickly joked with Fluttershy, smiling at her, her eyes continuing to trail along the yellow pegasus in admiration. Which brought a flush to her feathers which she hoped Fluttershy Overlooked. "Yeah, I had a lot of fun today. Dashie, it was great, especially the spa treatment. It was very relaxing and helped with a lot of my stress. Thank you for that. "Fluttershy smiled toward Dash as they continued to walk toward her cottage. The night set in before they finally made it to her door, which Fluttershy quickly unlocked, and they both walked into the cottage and sat down on the couch together. "Dashie, would you like some tea? I can make us some if you would like?" "Sure, why not, Flutters. We can also talk and chat if you like; we haven't spent much time talking." Dashie blushed as part of her wanted to get to know the yellow pegasus better, which felt strange to her but also right before she noticed Fluttershy nod before heading over and starting up the kettle. Dash found herself staring at the flanks of the yellow pegasus, causing her to blush as she started feeling strangely attracted to the Yellow pegasus while she made the tea. "So dash, what were you doing in the forest that night I am rather curious but also happy because if you weren't, I would probably be dead by now?" Fluttershy stated while boiling the tea and preparing the kettle before looking toward the blue pegasus, her eyes taking in her beauty which felt strange to Fluttershy. She had never felt anything like this before with another pony. "I was doing a bit of late night exercising have to keep my wings strong for the wonderbolts, after all. We did a lot of shows, but I was also enjoying the night air. May I ask why you were in the forest so late though you should know it's dangerous in the ever-free forest late at night?" Dashie then stretched a bit while she waited for Fluttershy to finish the tea, still finding herself checking out the yellow pegasus from behind. "I was trying to get some food for angel because I forgot to stock up that day, being the plants in my garden were still growing. I couldn't just get them from my garden." Fluttershy continued to make the tea before finally finishing the tea and grabbing her tea set, walking over to the couch set. The tea down before pouring her and Dash a cup of tea, handing the one to dash. And climbing up on the couch next to her blushing a bit as she felt herself wanting to get closer to the blue pegasus. "I see; next time, remember to stock up when there is still plenty of daylight because I won't always be there to save you as much as I would like." Dashie took the teacup offered and sipped on it before Fluttershy nodded to her comment before sipping on her teacup and asking a question out of the blue. "Umm, Dashie, do you have a special somepony, a Stallion perhaps?" Fluttershy asked, blushing a bright red before noticing dashes eyes widen and a blush form on her cheeks, quite apparent through her blue fur. She was trying to hide the blush with a sip of the tea and her wings before finally regaining her composure and answering Fluttershys question. "No, I.. um, to be honest, I never really found myself attracted to stallions for some reason." Dashie blushes a bright red, stuttering a bit as the question catches her off guard before letting it slip without knowing. "I tend to lean more toward mares anyway." Dashie blushed when she realized she had just let it slip that she was attracted to mares blushing and trying to find a way to cover up this realization. "Oh, I see, Dashie." Fluttershy blushed at the comment before moving closer to the blue pegasus, the blue pegasus gulping as Fluttershy got closer to her before Fluttershy commented. "Well, I also like mares more than stallions, so your not alone in that, Dashie." Fluttershy giggles smiling toward Dashie as she notices the blue pegasus turn beat red at that comment before drinking down the rest of her tea quickly. Fluttershy followed suit before all of a sudden kissing the blue pegasus deeply on the muzzle. "Fluttershy, what are you..." Her words cut off at the sudden kiss but don't stop her only wraps her forelegs around. Dashie returns the kiss passionately as they sit there making out with each other for a bit before finally breaking the kiss and seeing themselves smiling at each other. "Dashie, why don't you sleep with me tonight in my bed? It probably gets freezing out here on the couch, plus I find myself calmer when I'm sleeping and snuggled up next to you." Dash nodded before they both headed to the bedroom and laid down together, looking into the eyes of each other before Dash commented. "Fluttershy, I was concerned for you because of that night's nightmare. What if it happens again? After tonight, we should make a trip to Nurse Redheart again, and you can bring up your nightmare because that doesn't seem normal. especially with the state, you work up in." Dashie said, concerned, before cuddling Fluttershy close. "Oh, Dashie, no need to be so concerned for me. I will be fine; it was just a nightmare, nothing too bad." Flutters giggles giving Dashie another kiss before they finally drift off to sleep in each other's embrace. Sadly they wouldn't get a whole night's rest which would only further cause Dashie to be more concerned. That night while they were both Sleeping, Fluttershy started tossing and turning, which woke up Dashie. Only for Fluttershy to snap out of her sleep again, screaming. She tried her best to calm her down before looking into Fluttershy's eyes and saying straight up. "you're fine," before Fluttershy started to pant and cry. She was causing Dashie to wrap her forelegs around her and pull her into her embrace. "Okay, we're going to see the nurse tomorrow no ifs or butts, understood Fluttershy?" Fluttershy tried to argue, but the concern in Dashie's eyes made her stop before nodding toward the cute blue pegasus. Dashie pulled flutters into her embrace as they laid back down. Upon questioning Fluttershy, Dashie found out it was about being killed by wolves again, which made Dashie even more concerned... Both drifted to sleep again, waiting for tomorrow to come so that Dashie and Flutters could head to the Hospital about these constant nightmares of the same event. Finally, both got a whole night's rest after Dashie managed to calm Fluttershy again as the sunlight came out, and both finally woke up. Fluttershy got in the shower, and Dashie Made some coffee as they prepared for their trip to the Hospital to find out what kept causing these Nightmares in poor Fluttershy.