> A Princess's Debaucherous Delights. > by xombiekilla > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Twilight lets loose. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Tax forms, political meetings, and of course, hearing what the imbecile Blueblood and his elitist snobs want. Oh, joy. I now understand why Celestia needed time to let loose and unwind. Good thing I have... him to help me with that." Twilight then gradually began to crack a peaceful and relaxed smile; he always knew how to make her happy, no matter how bad her days ruling Equestria might get. Neo Star, when they first met at a nightclub of all places, he wasn't like the rest of those pigs; Neo Star had class and manners and was a timid and reserved guy. Twilight would have typically chided herself for preying upon someone who felt so sensitive about close encounters, but then again, she could recall that time in her life when she, too once, was just as reserved as a unicorn. After her brief moment of nostalgia, Twilight was hoping to dear Faustia that her court session would be over for tonight; this was an all-day affair with the nobles' proposal of wanting all the tax breaks because "it'll help them with their expenses in their businesses." How laughable that would be; they would like that if she approved their request, wouldn't they? After what felt like a grueling eternity, "the court's adjourned! Please form in a neat and orderly fashion to exit the room. anyone still found here will be considered a trespasser if they do not have an official summons. Thank you for showing up today. Good night, everypony." Oh, thank Faustia. It's finally over. "Okay... they're finally gone. Now then. Time for a little bit of... fun for me. I'll head into our bedchambers; then we can have dinner afterward. I know he'll be a very happy stallion tonight. Especially with my new spell, I want to show him." Twilight cantered down the hallways of her castle until she reached her room and what used to be Celestia's Room before they retired. Neo was lying on the bed and snoring peacefully. "Hey, Neo~ Time to wake up, honey. Momma's feeling a bit... stressed tonight." As it also turned out, Twilight had a parental fetish but only wanted to be called by momma; it just felt good, domineering; it felt like she was in control. He stirred awake as he sat up and looked at Twilight before having a smile on his face- it was finally time. "Oh. Uh.. y-yes, momma. what can your little man do for you tonight?" Neo couldn't hide behind his guilty blush, a cherry red on the white fur of his cheeks. She then approached the bed, sauntering over to him like a cougar that was either in extreme heat or hadn't eaten a decent meal in weeks; Neo felt the anticipation in the room, and it could be cut with a knife that it was so thick. "Such a well-behaved boy for your momma. Guess what, Neo? Momma's little man is gonna have a really hard time tonight." She wasn't kidding there; fighting back his oncoming erection was like trying to fight back the army of three hundred Spartans; it was an exercise in futility. Now fully at the mast, his cock was throbbing, and it slightly pulsed from the attention it was about to receive. "Y-Yes, momma... W-What are you gonna do to me tonight?" Neo looked at Twilight as she lit her horn with her lavender magic, and it sparkled into a concentrated aura before massaging her own already plump asscheeks with a lecherous moan "O-Oh buck yes, this party is j-just getting started." Twilight's ass was slightly expanding and growing bigger?!? Oh yes, this was going to be a good night for him. "I-I've been so... p-pent up, Neo. You have no idea how stressed momma can get from dealing with those stinky nobles. They don't realize that they're not the only ones capable of being stinky. Now you get to have all of this ass, all for momma's little man." Twilight then leaped onto the mattress as her hips swelled up to nearly more than twice their original side and rounded shape. Each cheek, however, was bordering on beach ball size. "W-Woah... momma..." Neo couldn't help but stare at Twilight's beautiful body as she grinned at him smugly. "Don't worry, she's right here with you, Neo~ Now lay back... and relax for momma, okay?" As if being an obedient puppy, he certainly did not need to be told twice as he immediately obeyed. "Good boy, Neo." Twilight then pressed her face up against Neo's stiff rod as she whiffed in the potent musk of a horny stallion; she licked her lips hungrily as she then began to trail her tongue from the tip of his cock, down to its base; she settled down at one of his tender spots, knowing from experience what made him mewl in bliss beneath her. "Y-Yes... Momma- ahh... d-damn." Neo shuddered from the sudden blow of pleasure dealing with his shaft as Twilight could be heard giggling as if she was proud of nearly sending him over the edge like that. Looking at his plump balls, she pressed her snout into them and whiffed in Neo's scent. She then popped one of two orbs into her mouth and gingerly suckle onto his testicles as Neo lightly fidgeted on the bed. Twilight knew how to make him feel the most devastating bliss that could end whole wars. "M-Momma... aaiieee... t-that felt intense. Gah. P-Please keeps pleasuring your little man." She certainly didn't have any qualms about doing that to him. Alternating between both plump testicles, she gave each one a tender kiss as she brought her head back up to the base of his cock. "Such a strong man, Neo. Momma's so proud of you for not exploding right there and then. Time for the next phase of our fun tonight." Twilight then hoisted her immense hips as she pivoted her body around so that her giant rear would be pushing up against Neo rock hard shaft as he felt his throbbing erection pulsing up against the supple fat of her asscheeks "O-Oh my god... t-this is the b-best part, momma. Let me have it~" Neo was lost in the throes of his libido, completely at Twilight's mercy as she was fully in control of this situation. Neo felt completely outclassed, with his more lithe frame being dwarfed by her chunkier one. He was both Heaven and Hell, and he never wanted to leave. "Are you ready, Neo? This is going to be a very rough ride." Not waiting for him to reply, she acted with haste, rubbing and smearing her massive butt up against his flagpole to make him groan and helplessly flail under her as she chuckled, "I'm not holding back tonight, Neo." "G-Gahh... oh god, that f-feels good, momma. K-Keep going, please." "Your wish is momma's command, Neo~" Twilight was eagerly mashing his cock, relishing in his feeble attempt to hold himself together under her assault. "You're going to try harder than that if you want to last." "I-I cannot h-help it, Momma... it f-feels too good." "Then this should make it much better for you." With a rumbling hiss, she let loose a nearly silent fart that blew back into Neo's face as he felt the warm and cloying mist sticking to his sense of smell like an angry omen. The raw and pungent stink of processed veggies and rotten eggs was the first smell he noticed from her rump as he reached his forehooves around them to hug into her supple ass fat. "Phew... how's momma's little man holding out against her poisonous gas? Good? Great. Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I drenched you in my fetid fumes, right?" Either Neo was too dazed from the nasty fart to nod his head or silently in agreement as he waited patiently for more of that divine stench from her goddess, her momma, her beloved Twilight. "That's right. Just deeply indulge yourself in momma's yucky gas. Take it all in as she slowly edges you into a forced orgasm. Nothing you can do to stop me now, not that you'd ever want to, right?" She felt him obediently huffing in her stinky rear as she smirked, "I didn't think so." Twilight then blasted out a slightly longer fart that sounded like a muffled motor as she was blowing more warm and pungent fumes into Neo's face, and all he could do was just sniff like a good boy. "Ooohh... that was the result of what I had for dinner tonight, Neo. I wonder if you tell me what it was I ate?" She let loose another puff of her deadly gas in Neo's face. The rich effluvium of beans could be identified, at least, along with some kind of acrid cheese. His nostrils were burning from her hot fumes, sodomizing his snout. The smellier, the better. He was so going to ride this out for as long as she could. "Uuughhh... that stinks, momma... give me more." "Ahh~ It's your nose's funeral, not mine." Twilight then hit Neo's nose with a fourth blast. His vision was slightly blurred from the methane flooding his senses. The malicious purple vapors of her gas were looming all around his head as he continued to take everything in. "Mmmmm... such an obedient boy for momma. you deserve a reward for taking this like such a man." "W-What do you m-mean, m-momma- ooohh my god!?" Neo felt his cock sinking into her buttcheeks like an animal caught in a tar pit and helplessly squirming to free itself. the base of his cock was brushing up against Twilight's fetid rosebud as she moaned and was ready to continue blasting him to Hell and back again. "Y-You're gonna... blast me to k-kingdom come, a-aren't you, momma?" Neo was squirming a lot like the aforementioned animals would have been doing in the said metaphorical tar pit that was Twilight's asscheeks. The waves of brutal pleasure ad nauseating stink were anything but sickening to Neo; he relished being nothing more than momma's stink cushion for her to take all of her frustrations out. "Well... because you have asked momma so nicely... sure." Twilight snickered as she toyed with Neo, not that he'd ever complain about something as incredible as this. Neo felt his cock gliding into her pussy as it consumed his cock down to his base, "Whoops. Wrong hole. You were supposed to plug up momma's butt. Now suffer the consequences!" As Twilight lightly bounced herself onto his shaft, her ass gradually let loose her foul gas as it slowly replaced all of his oxygen. Big deal; he didn't need something as dumb as oxygen when he had momma's fumes instead. Twilight was showing no quarter to her bouncing; for each bounce made, she let out an airy or sputtering fart that produced more lethal fumes. "O-Oh gosh... that's so... y-yucky... k-keep blasting me, momma, I deserve to be punished by your butt." "Momma hears you, and momma obeys you, Neo~" Twilight then kept her fetid barrage going as Neo's vision was nearly spinning; each bounce had forced his stiff cock to sink deeper into Twilight's cunt as she mewled in bliss from his shaft grazing all of her g-spots as she was moaning like a melodious siren and Neo was the sailor that was caught in her grasp. "I-I feel like I'm gonna... r-real soon, Momma. but... I-I'm trying... for you..." Neo was in pretty bad shape now, being bludgeoned by Twilight's lewd bouncing and being suffocated by her noxious farts; he was receiving quite the unmerciful beating from her. His body then began to convulse slightly from the powerful pleasure racking through him like the tides violently crashing upon the shore during a wicked storm. "Oh? Is momma's little man nearing his limit? Well, that's just too bad, isn't it? I'm still full of poison gas in my bowels. You know what that means, right?" She was then grinding her tush into his cock while he hilted inside of her. Oh, god, he was flailing about in painful bliss. He must have been at least twice at the cusp of an orgasm. Twilight knew how to toy with him effortlessly. "G-Gah... t-this is both the b-best.. and the worst. B-But I-I don't w-want it to ever stop. Yes. Punish me, Momma." Twilight was eager to keep the pressure going until Neo genuinely could withstand no more of the rough stuff. Twilight was definitely not a mare you should either cross or underestimate. She would give you this punishment which, if it weren't being done, Neo and anypony else would be an unstable and drooling mess before they were inevitably knocked out. "I feel your cock throbbing violently. But momma is also closer to cumming, Neo. Let's ride it out together!" Twilight tilted her head back as she moaned out like a harlot. She then glares down at Neo underneath her and smiles, "you'll be driven to the edge of insanity if you keep me from cumming, Neo. I'll clamp down onto your cock, and I'll keep slowly milking you until momma is satisfied." "Y-Yes, momma, make your little man go absolutely balls to the wall c-crazy under you. I-I deserve it for b-being so n-naughty." Neo was already nearly driven insane from the brutal pleasure that was assaulting him at all angles of his smaller body. Twilight was also getting closer as she blew out more pungent fumes to further hasten Neo's demise under her. "I-I am s-so close... m-momma's is so proud of you, Neo. K-Keep going for momma. Oh.. oohh.. yes! Y-Your cock is driving me closer to my climax. Aaauuuhhh." Twilight was also slightly drooling as her body was twitching from the harsh build-up of pressure in her cunt as both her pussy and Neo's cock were going to burst together as one. "Y-Yes, momma... I-I feel it too. I-I'm at my limit... Aaauughhh. K-Kepp going. Bucking Hell, this stinks so good." Neo kept inhaling her toxic gas, knowing that with each huff, both he and she would be even closer to their explosive finish together "I-I am going to blow real soon, Neo... l-let's cream together, shall we?" "N-Not calling y-yourself momma anymore, huh?" "Gah... oh my... s-shut up, you and j-just keep pounding me!" "Yes, honey. Oh man... this would easily have to be the roughest orgasm that we've ever had together, huh?" "Y-Yeah, Neo... of my... I-I feel it... Aaughhh. I'm going to cum, Neo." "M-Me, too, babe. Aauguhhh, h-holy buck on a duck, this is intense. Aaarrughhh?!?" Neo blew his load at long last into Twilight's cunt as she blasted out one last plume of lethal gas in his face as he caressed and snuggled into her stinky buttcheeks like a lewd body pillow. "Y-Yes... Neo. I love you so much... AAAUUGHHH?!? Oh my god... yes..." Twilight then came as they both moaned and hollered in bliss as they both came together. Twilight then laid down on her stomach as Neo lounged weakly into the crack of her asscheeks as he worshipped her giant butt. "A-After we recover, Neo. Want to go and have dinner with me? I needed to let loose some of that steam with you. It w-was either that or strangling Blueblood with my magic." "Y-Yeah, sure, babe. R-Right after I t-take a nice little nap in your sexy booty." "Aww, Neo. You're so sweet. I knew what was gonna make you feel good tonight. I hope you enjoyed it?" "Y-Yes... yes, I did." Neo then passed out after having one final whiff of her potent asscrack and taking a nap before they had their dinner. > Twilight surprises Neo! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Wow. Dinner is great as always, Babe. Those cooks know how to make a good meal, don't they?" "Yup. I've hoof-picked the very best to serve us. When you run all of Equestria, with you too, of course, you have to take advantage of its fringe benefits." Twilight exclaimed as her meal choice was deliberate; her staff selected a panoply of gas-inducing food as they knew how she liked her meals. Neo knew better than to ask any questions about that as he both understood Twilight and was also greatly enjoying the... side effects of her overindulgence in such cuisine. She burped lightly, quite contrasting with what he usually hears from her. That adds to her beauty in his eyes; soft exterior but tough interior. "After We're done with dinner, I have something special to show you, Neo. I think you'll like it a lot." Twilight happily exclaims as she scarfed down glob after glob of what looked to be freshly caught beans that were fixed with rice. Did Twilight plan on nuking Neo with her ass or something? Not that he'd mind about that all too much; he always enjoyed being underneath his beloved "momma," as they often like to call Twilight during their roleplaying in the bedroom. "Oh, if it's anything from you, Babe. I know it'll be nice. So what is this special thing that you want to show me?" "It's a surprise, Neo. But half of it does involve this bodaciously bombastic booty of mine if that's what you're wondering." "O-Oh my... yeah, this will still be an exciting night. Lead the way, Babe." Twilight, not needing to be told, had led the lucky stallion through the castle, out the back into the courtyard, and towards the mountain on its side connected to Canterlot. Inside that cave was a dank tunnel that led to a hidden cavernous room with a strange silver-like pond. Neo has heard tales of this pond. The Mirror Pool. "Here we are, Neo. This is no ordinary pool, you know. It nearly put Ponyville in danger at one point, but I've been studying its anomalous effects to know how to use it successfully and safely." "That's awesome, Babe. So why do you need to use it exactly? Unless... oh. O-Oh my... You'll use it to clone yourself, won't you?" That wily grin and cute little nod was all Neo needed to see to know that he would be in for a rough ride, far rougher than a few hours ago when they were in their bedroom. "Are you ready for the stinkiest and most incredible night of your life, Neo?" "Y-Yeah...." Neo had an astonished look, and this was the greatest moment of his existence. "Good, then I'll take my dip in. I won't have to be there for very long as the pool copies my genetic code to replicate my body and consciousness for each body." As Twilight dipped her forehooves in, the silvery, almost metallic-like substance was rippling on her body as it adapted to the new intruder inside its pool. Twilight then calmly submerged the rest of herself in it. She was in there for almost four minutes, and Neo did begin to worry before bubbles rose from the shiny pool of mysterious liquid; four blobs were rising out as they held within each a clone of Twilight; one was the real one, the other three were also both real and clones at the same time. "T-Twilight? Babe? Are you okay? Oh... holy momma me... four Twilight clones who all share the same brain and have gigantic booties. O-Oh dear... I'm going to get rocked hard, aren't I?" "Yep!" They all said in unison. "If I am dreaming, please, for the love of Faustia, don't pinch me right now." Neo walked up to the four clones and dived on them to snuggle two of their asses in his forehooves. "My God, I've got the big booty lottery. I'm rich in sexy Twilight butt. Yeah, baby! Woo!" Then, they all glared at him like starving predators, all at once as Neo suddenly began to feel like the little fish in the tank with four big sharks. The anticipation was making him slowly get erect again. He snuggled two sets of asses as he could swear that all of them together had multiplied the potency of her natural sulfuric butt stink to a high degree. "I think he likes us, girls." One of them said to the rest, "Of course he does. Neo is such a dirty and naughty boy." Another of the clones had replied. "Well, let's give him exactly what he wants; all of this ass, all for him." They all four agreed by giggling mischievously before using their enormous asses to block off any path Neo could have used to escape, not that he'd ever want to anyway. "Oh my god, this stinks so well. You ladies know how to make me happy. This is p-paradise." Neo turned to kiss each butt as much as he could, tenderly offering his affection to Twilight and her three clones' posteriors. They were all supple and dense as he massaged them with his hooves. They, in turn, have all decided to rub and smear their butts all over his smaller body, completely drenching him in their special backward scent. "Well... now I think it's time to get a bit rougher, wouldn't you agree, ladies?" They all three replied with a universal answer of "Yes," altogether. The original Twilight decided to sit on his face and smother him deep into her crack as the first clone used her butt behind Neo's head like a pillow for him to rest his head on it; both his head and most of his upper body were already entombed within her soft butt fat. This made his cock shoot up like a stiff rod as the second and third clones came in to slam their posteriors together to give Neo one helluva flank sandwich. His cock could no longer be seen. It was in there so deep into their asses. His voice was understandably muffled, being covered up by their asses at all angles of his body. The second and third clones began to bounce and squish their asses together unmercifully. This caused Neo's hind forelegs to twitch and slightly convulse from the gentle pressure and the foul stench- it was perfect for him. "He's going to stank up when we're through with him, girls. let's give him our best efforts!" They all cheered together collectively with a chorus of giggles and moans. They were destroying Neo with their asses as they continued to slam, crunch, and bounce him deeper into them. This felt like a waterbed that stunk like a sewer system. They began to pepper his senses with volumes of their noxious fumes, each varying in length and noise. "Oof... he's lightly wiggling and twitching in our booties, girls. Good, he's already feeling good." This more, he ate out the original Twilight's butt and massaged her and the first clone's asses. He was humping into the second and third clones' asses as they slowly milked him well. "He's no match for us, girls, that's for sure." They sounded so chipper and enthusiastic as they kept bludgeoning his smaller body with their expansive flanks. The foul and cloying stench of sulfur and veggies was flooding the entire cave interior as Neo was being consumed by both butt fat and butt stink; they then shifted so the second clone would sit on his stomach, and the third clone would sit on his cock. Neo moaned into the original Twilight's asscheeks as he felt his stiff cock sinking into the third clone's asshole. The original Twilight sloppily made out with the second clone sitting on Neo's stomach as they both treated themselves as much as they all treated Neo when working together as a pack. Then two more clones, a fourth and fifth, rose from the silvery mirror pool as they approached Neo's prone body. Twilight momentarily broke her kiss with her second clone as she spoke to Neo, "you're completely outnumbered, Neo. It's over for you." They moaned and giggled as if they knew this was a funny joke. "We'll milk you for the night tonight, multiple times. It'll take a lot to satisfy all of us." The fourth and fifth clones grabbed Neo's hindlegs and pushed his hind hooves into their asshole as they mewled like harlots. "Neo's so small and cute, buried beneath all of us. Right where he belongs, too. Do you have any objections, Neo? Say them now or forever hold your peace." He moaned in the original Twilight's butt as she took this as a form of acceptance. "Well, it looks like he's speechless. But then again, who can blame him for his preferences with mares as beautiful as we are?" Neo then pushed his snout into Twilight's backdoor entrance to prod at her anus as she cooed in delight, "Aauuuuhhh... naughty boy, Neo's being naughty." Neo decided to use his snout as an anal dildo to please his beloved. Twilight wasn't complaining, and she knew what made him horny as he did her. "Y-You're going to make me f-fart all over your cute little snoot, Neo." "Go on then, let's blast Neo together, ladies. At all angles." The original Twilight moaned with bated breath before she spoke this in a seductively sinister tone. Each clone giggled in collective horniness as they all wasted no time but to use their immense rears as they plowed Neo's body and senses with their booties. A series of farts that neither lessened in sound nor degraded in stench was filtered out from their rumps and into Neo's lungs. Neo groaned deep into The original Twilight's asscheeks as his stiff cock was being milked in the third clone's gassy butthole. Each bounce was playful and deliberately set him off like a creamy bomb. He was closer to cumming in her ass as he quivered, surrounded by all sides with toxic butt fat. "He's close to cumming in my butt... mmmm." The third clone said as she felt his stiff ock twitch and throb in her ass. Neo then felt the rushing flow of his cum filling her butt as she mewled in bliss, "I-I feel it. His warm cream is filling up my butt... Oh, Yesss..." The third clone was satisfied as she swapped places with the second clone and kissed the original Twilight. "You still alive in my butt, Neo? Cause we're not finished yet." The original Twilight was then wiggling her tush on his face as he groaned in bliss, "yep. He's just fine in there. Let's keep going, ladies." They were all happy to do that as the second clone then hotdogged Neo's shaft to get him hard again as the now satisfied third clone was making out with the original Twilight. "Neo is going to cum again, and again, and again. This is going to be a lot of fun for us." The fourth clone said as everyone was in mutual agreement. Their collective foal stench was flooding his synapses with lust. He was stiff again as the second clone sat down and mewled in pleasure as she felt his cock sliding in. Their supple rears have guaranteed any extra movement impossible for Neo to perform, but he was fine with that if it came from Twilight. More bludgeoning came from all the clones. Juxtaposed evenly at all angles as they all work together to bring Neo to his second orgasm. He was feeling the butthole of the second clone squeeze on his shaft like a muscly vise; each movement Neo and the clones were making made him moan more into Twilight's supple asscheeks. The second clone let loose smaller, more controlled farts that would stink up his cock and massage him gingerly. "He's going to cum in me soon, too. He's getting closer, girls." The second clone was panting as if she would have her butt filled as Neo was futilely squirming from the overwhelming amount of pleasure he was feeling. His nerves and muscles were all jolty and erratic from the bliss he was forced to handle all at once. With a long and drawn-out groan of bliss, Neo came into the second clone's butt as she mewled in pleasure, too. After pulling herself off the flaccid flagpole, the first clone holding Neo's back of his head in place for the original Twilight came forward to rub her posterior onto his shaft. He couldn't help it as he was getting hard again. When Twilight said he would be cumming again and again, she wasn't kidding. As the first clone sat down on his shaft, this would make him inevitably stiff again. The fourth and fifth clones were slowly and blissfully panting, pulling their asses off Neo's hind hooves. After completely removing his hooves from their asses, they took their spots, waiting for their next order. Twilight gave them both a subtle nod as the two clones waited and then nodded; the fourth clone used her butt instead of where the first clone used to be. The fifth one worked with the first clone; the first clone pulled herself off Neo's shaft so they could both slam onto it together using their jumbo-sized asses. This was the most wicked hotdogging he ever had, and he loved every moment. "Now we're getting serious, Neo. All good things have to end, but we can still give you a finale to remember, right, girls?" They all mutually responded with the word "yes" as Neo groaned more into the Original Twilight's buttcheeks. Still, he was so focused on worshipping his beloved, his mistress, his queen that he continued eating out Twilight's butt like groceries. "Mmm... such a good boy, Neo. Worshipping my butt like that. It makes me glad that we met and quickly became lovers; I couldn't imagine anypony else having as much fun with my booty as you." Between bouncing and mashing their butts up against Neo's shaft, the fifth and first clones were also taking turns sitting on his cock to milk him, giving him a double helping of anal fun. Each press was like a rhythm; they both were in mutual synchrony. As they milked Neo's shaft, they moaned out in bliss like two harlots. They possessively hammered onto his shaft as if to say to the world, "this is my property. Touch it, and you're dead." Neo writhed in place as he was moaning into the original Twilight's butt, just as he's been doing this entire time. He then began to feel his last orgasm slowly rising. "I think he's about to cum. So, Neo, any last words before my two clones roughing up your cock with their asses finish you off?" He groaned and moaned into her butt as his voice was muffled, "great. then let's finish this, girls!" They all collectively chimed in with mutual agreement as the ones that were satisfied were napping on the cave floor; the fourth Clone and Twilight were boxing in Neo's entire head within their asses, and the two clones that were working him over both came as they mewled in bliss. The fifth clone decided to sit down entirely on Neo's shaft after she came to make him cum in her butt. He let out a long and satisfied groan into Twilight's supple asscheeks before being slowly put to sleep with the combination of their fetid flatulence, colossal rears, and lustful teamwork as they made him cum multiple times. They all decided to snuggle with him like a makeshift bed with their pillowy asses for his immense comfort. "Good night, Neo, honey. We should do this again in the future."