Partying Too Hard

by Great Humanity

First published

Vinyl stays true to her promise, returning to The Fountain Of Youth, despite it being filled with ponies who wear diapers and act like little fillies

Vinyl comes back to The Fountain Of Youth for a second gig. Sure, the diapers are a bit of an embarrassment, but the pay is well worth the "torture". Pacific keeps teasing her, and Berry isn't really helping all that much. Will this second gig convince Vinyl to stay, or will she ditch the club to save her friendship with Octavia?

Warning:Diaper, Diaper Usage, and ABDL Themes

(This story is different from the rest of my stories, so read only if you don't mind diapers. If you don't like them, then please don't read this story)
(This story is both a continuation of Something To Rave About, and a rewrite of Nights To Rave About)
(Go check out Wandering Pigeon to read the prequel to this story, he's a great writer and all credit goes to him for Something To Rave About)

A Rather Smelly Explanation

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“Vinyl, what on Celestia’s green Equis are you wearing?!” Octavia said, clearly not happy with what her roommate was wearing, and the smell wasn’t helping either. Instead of holding her coffee mug, she had set it down.

Vinyl carefully took her pacifier out and tossed it aside, “I can assure you, Tavi, I didn’t purposely come home like this! The club I work at has some strange thing going on! I didn’t realize that their alcohol was so strong, there weren’t even any bathrooms! Tavi, believe me when I say I’m not into this!” she said as she didn’t like arguing with her roommate, which brought some tears to her eyes.

“Never mind about that! Just get that bloody garment and undergarment off and take a shower! We’ll talk once you’re finished!” Octavia said, clearly still traumatized at seeing Vinyl dressed like she was

“Okay Tavi! I have an explanation!” Vinyl called out as she ran to her room, taking a shower

After thirty minutes, Vinyl had come out of her bedroom in a bathrobe. The messy diaper that once clung to her plot was now in a trash can, but her onesie and paci on the other hand she had put them in a well-hidden box in her closet. She debated whether or not to keep the onesie and paci, but knew doing so would only create more problems for her, so Vinyl decided to take the box with her when she would have to go back to the club

Octavia was now on the couch, still shaking a little from what she had seen, “So, care to explain why you came home looking like… a foal?!”

“Tavi, the last club I was working at just wasn’t paying well, and when the owner of the club I worked at last night offered me the job at her club, I was skeptical at first, but after suffering through the whole night dressed how I was, I got a pretty fantastic pay. There was at least 100-ish bits in there!” Vinyl explained, sighing as she sat on the couch

“That is true, this could very well cover your rent for the month. This club you talk about is very weird, and while the pay is great, it’s a shame you won’t be going back” Octavia said, finishing counting the bits and putting them back in the sack

“Yeah, about that… I kinda said I’d come back tonight as well, and I left my records there…” Vinyl said, which caused Octavia to look at her roommate with that ‘Are you bucking serious’ look

“You what?” she said, thinking odd thoughts about her roommate, “Vinyl, don’t tell me you actually like that sort of thing”

“Oh nonononono, I was too drunk and I wanted to leave, but it just came out. I promise you though, Tavi, this’ll be the last night, I promise! The owner’s very kind and I don’t wanna disappoint her, plus the bartender, Berry, is smart enough to not let me drink too much, so I promise you I’ll come home dressed normally and clean!” Vinyl explained carefully, getting a sigh out of her roommate, but an eyebrow raise too

“Who’s Berry?” Octavia asked

“She’s the bartender for the place, not sure why she works there though” Yeah, that works, Vinyl, she thought as she sweated internally

“Bartender? She wouldn’t happen to be a pony with a plum color coat, raspberry pink mane, and fandango-colored eyes?” Octavia asked, taking a sip of her coffee

“I… guess? I was pretty drunk, but her coat was purple-ish and she was an earth pony, like you, though I didn’t see her cutie mark due to her di-” Damnit, almost talked about her diaper, what is wrong with me? “-sco pants, yeah. They blocked her cutie mark, so I couldn’t see it”

“Hmmmmmm, seems there aren’t many ponies to fit that description, yep, it’s her. Berry’s an old friend of mine, but why is she working at a club like that?” Octavia asked, and the last thing she needed to hear was that an old friend of hers was a diaper-loving freak

“Same reason I was working there: Good pay. Trust me Tavs, she ain’t a freak, and neither am I” Vinyl explained, earning a sigh of relief from her roommate

“Well, that puts me more at ease, and if Berry’s there, that makes me more relaxed. She’s more responsible with alcohol than you, so I see no harm in you doing another night” Octavia explained, sipping from her coffee again

“No offense, Tavs, but I didn’t need your approval, I’m a fully grown mare” Vinyl said, taking out a small trash bag with her soiled diaper in it

“Your outfit coming home said otherwise, Vinyl” Octavia teased, giggling as she wiped her tail across Vinyl’s nose

“I WAS DRUNK, TAVI!” Vinyl shouted as she groaned and threw out the dirty diaper, sighing as she thought to herself about tonight, Okay Vinyl, as soon as tonight’s over, the diaper comes off, come home the same as before you got there, and things are a-ok!

Evening came around, and Vinyl had her saddlebags ready. She had packed the washed onesie and the pacifier in the saddlebags.

Night Two. So, this is what it feels like having an actual job and not just doing one-night-gigs, I could get used to this… minus the diapers, of course Vinyl thought as she got her saddlebags set up. She wasn’t going to make the same mistake two nights consecutively, so she planned to return the onesie and the paci so as to not have the same thing happen again and feel even more embarrassed. Maybe I should tell them that I’ll go steady with the drinks… she thought, but then proceeded to double back on that thought, Like hell I would! I’m gonna need enough alcohol to last me the night of torture. Her thoughts were interrupted as a knock was heard at her door, “Come in, Tavi”

Octavia came in, smiling a little, “Surprised you knew it was me. Look, we need to talk, Vinyl”

“What’s up?” Vinyl responded

“Look, I want you to have fun tonight, but please please please…… don’t come home in a diaper, much less a poopy one… okay? I’m trusting you to listen to me” Octavia said, hugging her roommate softly

“I know, Tavs, it won’t happen, just chill out” Vinyl assured, getting a smile out of her roommate

“Good. Have a good time tonight, Vinyl, and make the most of tonight” Octavia said, leaving the room. Vinyl sat alone, looking at the foalish stuff in her saddlebags

For foalish stuff, it is all rather cute… oh who am I kidding? I’m a grown mare, not some silly filly. Though the diapers felt a little comf- goddamnit no! Vinyl, you’re not a foal anymore and you shouldn’t be thinking like one! Enough silly thoughts, can’t let Pacific down… she finished her thoughts as she got up and made her way to The Fountain Of Youth

Vinyl made it to the club a little early, but luckily for her, the door was unlocked. She descended into the club and came up to the bar, seeing Berry cleaning out foal bottles.

“Hey” Vinyl said, catching Berry’s attention as Berry smiled a little

“So you decided to come back for a second night after all. Most of our DJs never make it to a second night, congrats” Berry said, sighing a little

“Yeah, though I’ve been thinking of taking it easy tonight” Vinyl said, leaning against the counter softly

“Why, so you don’t have to suck on a paci tonight?” Berry teased, causing Vinyl’s cheeks to turn pink slightly

“N-No… It’s my roommate, Octavia…” Vinyl said as Berry looked up at her with an eyebrow raised

“Octavia as in Octavia Melody?” Berry asked, wiping down the counter now

“Yeah, why do you-?” Vinyl tried to say

“I haven’t heard of her since she left Ponyville, how’s she been? Still obsessed with that cello of hers?” Berry said obnoxiously

“Pretty much, yeah…” Vinyl said, looking down a little

“So, why’s she on you about drinking?” Berry asked, a little curious

“I… came home in a diaper and a onesie… and she freaked out…” Vinyl said, still looking down, “Worst of all, I promised her that this’d be my last night, since she doesn’t exactly like how this club sounds…” Vinyl explained

“That’s a shame, especially when Pacific was talking to me about giving you a pay raise after tonight’s performance” Berry said, which caused Vinyl to look up

“Come again?” Vinyl asked. This was quite the surprise, and a pay raise would definitely make paying her rent easier, though again, the diapers were a bit of a con to all of it.

“You see, even though you only got about 100-ish bits from last night’s performance, we raked in about 1,000 bits. A couple of our patrons recognized you and said that it was a surprise to see one of Equestria’s best DJs working at The Fountain Of Youth, in fact…” Berry paused as she pulled up a sheet of ticket sales, “...your performance was so great, it’s actually brought some newcomers to the bar. Some say they knew you, others say their friends told them to come. Regardless, you’ve brought quite the attention to the bar, Vinyl”

“Agreed, you’ve helped us a lot, Vinyl” Pacific said as she sat in one of the high chair bar stools, “You’re one of the best DJs we’ve had, and we’d hate to lose you, and about your pay raise, I was thinking of increasing it from 100-ish to 200-ish, and it’ll stay that way if you promise me you’ll stay. So, will you?”

Vinyl thought carefully about this. The pay grade was definitely up her alley, but again, the diapers, onesies, and pacifiers just felt so degrading. At the same time, she did have a little fun last night being able to DJ, but the whole thing with degrading herself to a grown mare who wets and poops herself, she just couldn’t do that. She internally fought with herself, but decided to just go with it, as she needed the money. She sighed and looked Pacific in the eyes, “Fine, I’ll stay, but only if you got extra sma-” she was interrupted as Pacific pulled Vinyl over and hugged her tightly

“Yay! Thank you Vinyl! You’re the best pony we could ask for!” she said as she let go of Vinyl, “And to answer your question, yes we have extra smalls, but when I went to get some, they didn’t have any plain ones in stock, so I hope you’re okay with frilly flower-pattern diapers”

Vinyl internally sighed at the mention of ‘Frilly Flower-Pattern’ diapers, but nodded slowly, “It’s… not a problem, Pacific”

“That’s a relief, I was worried you’d be upset about that” Pacific responded

“At this point, I’m willing to take the good with the bad. The good being the pay, and the bad being in a foalish diaper” Vinyl said, getting a giggle out of the two of them

“Don’t worry, Vinyl, you’ll get used to it, trust me. If you think about it, diapers aren’t that bad. If it helps, think of them as pillows and not as foalish things, okay?” Pacific suggested, but that was easier said than done after being told about what pattern the extra small diapers had.

“I’ll try, okay?” Vinyl said, earning nods from the both of them

“Trust me, Vi, you’ll get used to it. It took me a while to get used to them” Berry said, making Vinyl shiver. She already tolerated them, but getting used to them meant that she’d end up getting used to using them, and that just didn’t sound, nor feel right

“Alright alright, I hear what you’re both saying, but I need your guys’ honest answers about something” Vinyl said. She was a bit worried when Berry had mentioned that some of the newcomers knew her.

“What is it, Vinyl?” Pacific asked, taking a sip from her foal bottle

“Did any of the… newcomers talk about me in Manehattan?” Vinyl asked

“Well, there hasn’t been anything in the newspapers so far, so I’d say you’re in the clear” Pacific replied. That put Vinyl at ease… for now, as it’d only be a matter of time before her image was tarnished completely

“How long until the club opens up?” Vinyl asked, sighing a little

“About 15 minutes from now, Vinyl, and we should get you into a diaper so that you’re ready” Pacific said, getting Vinyl to blush a little, but sigh too

“Alright fine, let’s get it out of the way…” she said as Pacific got down from the high bar stool

“Wonderful! Follow me!” she said as she headed backstage to a changing table. Vinyl followed behind, yet again seeing a padded flank in front of her. She’d never get a break from seeing that, that much she knew. After they got to the changing table, Pacific looked at Vinyl, “Do you need my help?”

“I’m sober, I can put one on myself” Vinyl said as Pacific frowned a little

“Oh… okay. I’ll leave you to it then…” Pacific said, sounding deflated as she gave Vinyl her privacy

Okay, I’ll admit, Pacific is nice and sweet, but I’ll die before I let anypony put a diaper on me… unless I’m drunk… she thought as she finished taping the diaper onto her plot, which made her face turn a little pink due to its softness, but she ignored it as she got off the changing table, landing on her hindquarters, then softly landing on all fours. She was yet again forced into a waddle, despite the diaper being an extra small. Vinyl even took a second to look at the diaper, and sure enough, it had frills and a flowery pattern on it. Sure, it looked cute on her, but it was too foalish for her liking. Regardless, she donned her shades and heard a certain voice.

“Vinyl~ club’s opening up, get to your turntables~” Pacific called out as multiple ponies were heard outside. Vinyl made her way out to the main stage where her turntables were, contained by pink bars, though the enclosure looked more crib-like

“Uh, Berry? Any Idea why the inner walls and flooring of my… area… look softer and plushier, except for the top of the bars?” Vinyl asked Berry, who looked up at her

“Oh, that was Pacific’s idea. She figured you’d like it better, since you wouldn’t bump into the bars and you’d be able to land a little softer as well” Berry explained, setting up everything at the bar. Vinyl sighed to herself.

While it’s more foalish and looks more like a crib, it’s better than backing into cold bars or landing hard, even with a diaper on… Vinyl thought as she gripped the top of the bars with her hooves, hoisting herself up and over the bars, landing softly on her diaper, which turned her face red. She shook it off, got her DJ face on, and took her position at the turntables, and luckily for her, her records were left exactly where she put them last night. She smiled as she put on the ‘Razzle Dazzle’ by Coloratura and smiled a little Show time… Celestia give me strength…

Getting Pretty Good At This

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The club had started filling with ponies, and Vinyl saw them all wearing diapers. It didn’t surprise her, but this time, her diaper wasn’t riding up on her flanks or constantly falling either. It was almost as if she was getting used to wearing a diaper. Feels better not having my- er, I mean, this diaper, riding up or slipping down my flanks. Was I seriously about to refer to this diaper as mine? This club is doing things to me with every passing hour

The energy of the club was more or less the same as last night. Ponies were jumping all over the place, shaking their padded flanks in the air, shaking it to the beat, or just simply sitting and giggling while bobbing their heads. One thing Vinyl failed to notice was that some ponies over by the bar who spilt their drinks wore bibs, which caught any spilt alcohol or alcohol that ponies just didn’t consume. She thought it was even more foalish than the bottles, but didn’t say anything about it. Though she was enjoying her diaper not riding up on her, she was feeling thirsty and had yet to even have her first drink, so she looked over at Berry and waved her hoof, signaling Berry as she waddled over.

“What’cha need, Vinyl?” Berry asked, just barely having her voice over the music

“A beer, please” Vinyl asked as Berry nodded.

“Comin’ right up” she said, waddling back to the bar. Vinyl would never really get used to seeing a pony waddle like that, even if it was herself in the mirror. Few minutes later, Berry came back with, of course, a foal’s bottle filled with beer, handing it to Vinyl over the rails.

“Thanks Berry, you’re the best” Vinyl said, which got a blush out of Berry

“Y-You mean it?” Berry said, clearly surprised that Vinyl would say that.

“I guess, yeah. You’re a good Bartender, Berry” Vinyl said as she continued DJing, but was interrupted as Vinyl heard someone land beside her, and then she felt a hug. She turned to see, and found that it was Berry, “Uh… what are you doing?”

“Giving you a hug, what’s it look like?” she giggled as she let go of Vinyl, “You’re a good friend, Vinyl, and I want you to know that”

“We’re… friends?” Vinyl asked. After last night, she was pretty sure Berry didn’t like her, much less consider her as a friend, but it made Vinyl happy, knowing she may have a friend in the club.

“Of course! You’re probably one of my favorite DJs! Anyways, enjoy the beer, I gotta get back to the bar, ‘duty’ calls” she said as she climbed out of Vinyl’s makeshift crib, and she giggled on the last part before she waddled back over to the bar.

Vinyl felt touched, knowing that she had a friend in the club. Vinyl had an intermission between songs, so she put on the song ‘Rainbow’ by Songbird Serenade. During that time, she looked at the foal’s bottle, its nipple enticing her.

C’mon, like Berry said last night: Nopony’s going to judge you she thought as she placed her lips on the nipple, suckling on it as beer flowed down her throat. It burned, but turned sweet as it went down. The feeling of suckling was quite enjoyable, and made her heart heat up, but now was not the time to be a silly filly, as after she downed half the bottle, she set it down and kept DJing.

Course, the smell of messy diapers was also bothering her, but at least her own wasn’t messy, that much she was thankful. She still had trouble closing her hind legs, but at this point, it surprisingly didn’t bother her.

As she was DJing, Vinyl heard a voice to her right. It was Pacific, dressed just like she was last night when she was offering changes to the other patrons, “Hey Vinyl, you in need of a change?”

“No, not exactly, but damn, it’s cold in here” Vinyl shivered a little, her coat hairs standing up a little

Pacific giggled a little, “That’s why we have onesies, Vinyl. They keep us warm, cause ponies don’t really like it when it’s hot in clubs, they want to have fun and not be sweating all the time”

“Makes sense, but I don’t wanna leave the turntables. Kinda in the zone here, y’know?” Vinyl explained, paying attention to how long the song had left.

“If you’d like, I can bring you one from backstage and put it on you inside your ‘crib’. You okay with that?” Pacific asked. ‘Rainbow’ was slowly coming to an end, so Vinyl wouldn’t have time to actually get out, put on a onesie, and make it back in time, so having no other choice, she sighed.

“Yeah, go ahead, I need to be here to put on the next track anyway” Vinyl said, searching through her saddlebags for another record. She planned to put on ‘How Long’ by Charlie Pony. Charlie Pony was also one of Vinyl’s favorite artists.

“You got it, Vi-Vi!” Pacific said as she waddled off backstage. Vinyl blushed a little, hearing that nickname. Vi-Vi… it was cute, but for her boss to call her that just felt out of place.. And she didn’t know why..

Octavia doesn’t even give me a nickname Vinyl thought to herself as she put on ‘How Long’ by Charlie Pony, and Pacific came back with a onesie in her hand. Surprisingly, it looked different, and it actually had a musical note pattern on it, similar to her cutie mark. Vinyl was surprised at it for the most part as Pacific climbed over the rails and landed in the crib-cage with Vinyl

“I saw your face, and it looked so cute. So, I had this custom-made, just for you. When you said you’d come back for a second gig, I had to give you something for your loyalty. Do you like it?” Pacific asked as Vinyl couldn’t help but hug Pacific, and she hugged Vinyl back, “I’ll take that as a yes”

“It looks so cool! A little foalish with the pink color, but the design is totally my style! Thank you so much!” Vinyl said as she let go of Pacific, clearing her throat, “Could you put it on me? I’m feeling kinda thirsty…”

“Not a problem! Forehooves up!” she said as Vinyl raised her forehooves up, allowing Pacific to slip the onesie on her. Vinyl pushed her forehooves through the sleeves, and to her surprise, there were no frills, so that put her at ease, regardless of the ones on her diaper. After the onesie was on Vinyl snugly, Pacific buttoned the bottom of the onesie as it hugged Vinyl’s diaper, making her blush a little and causing Pacific to giggle, “So, how’s it feel?”

“I definitely feel warmer, thank you” Vinyl said, smiling a little at her boss, and her boss smiled back and gave her a quick hug

“You’re welcome, Vi-Vi! Keep up the performance! And before I go…” she said as she carefully felt Vinyl’s diaper, seeing if it was still clean, and with the way she was pressing on the padding, it made Vinyl blush red.

“H-Hey!” she said, her hindquarters twitching a little, and Pacific backed off

“Relax, just making sure you’re clean. Have a good time, Vinyl!” she said as she attempted to climb over the railing, but was having trouble. Vinyl noticed and boosted her up with her muzzle, but that’d prove to be a bit of a mistake, as she got a whiff of what was in Pacific’s diaper, and boy, it smelled noxious, making Vinyl gag a little as Pacific got to the top and made it over, landing on her padded flank softly, “Hehe, thanks Vinyl! You’re the best!”

That may have been a bad idea… Celestia, I think I’m gonna be sick… Vinyl thought as she reached for the bottle of beer next to her turntables. She carefully unscrewed the cap and got a quick scent, sealing it afterwards. Wanting to forget that accursed smell, she placed her lips on the nipple and suckled from the bottle, drinking down the rest of the beer in the bottle.

Vinyl constantly saw how many ponies were blackout drunk in high chairs, getting changed at a changing table, or passing out like foals who had too much sugar. It amazed her just how many ponies liked diapers and acted like little foals, and she thought it was… cute? She actually thought it was cute, despite referring to them as freaks just the other night.

She also enjoyed just vibing to the song itself, as she’d bop her head to the music like everypony else. Though, one thing she didn’t do was just sit down, as she wouldn’t want to be seen. To think she had little wiggle room in the first place, with the soft padding on the bars up until about a quarter of the way to the top of the bars, she would’ve thought that she’d be compressed, but instead, her turntable was further infront of her than last time, and her crib-cage was a little longer in length. Then again, her legs were getting tired from all the standing, and the song had at least a minute or two to go, so she just slowly sat down, blushing as she felt the padding push against her plot, but she didn’t really care as she laid back, staring at the ceiling. The ceiling was illuminated by the club’s LED lights of multiple colors. She felt at peace for some reason, feeling undisturbed and actually comfortable, unlike last night.

Heh, maybe I could get used to this… but if Octavia found out… shit… Vinyl thought, and clearly, she was at a crossroads, as she wasn’t sure how to feel. On one side, she felt happy being here, despite how foalish the place was and having to deal with the embarrassment of… you know what, and the other side being her mature side, remembering that she was a grown mare who wasn’t a filly anymore. She just couldn’t stay on either side, she was locked in the middle, Damnit, if only Tavi understood, I wouldn’t be so damn bu-

“Hey, lazy lounger”

Vinyl was snapped out of her thoughts as she looked up at Berry, smiling a little as Vinyl sat up, soon on all fours as she sighed and stared back at Berry, “How long have you been standing there?”

“Bout a minute. Want me to get you another bottle, or are you good?” she asked. Vinyl did promise not to come home in a diaper, so she simply held off on going all the way with drinks and would just stick to 3 drinks for the night.

“I can handle another one” Vinyl responded as she sighed a little

“This isn’t gonna be like last night, right?” Berry asked, teasing a little

“No, of course not. I’m limiting myself to only 3 drinks, and don’t let me forget, okay?” Vinyl asked as Berry giggled a little

“Guess somepony’s doing her best to be a responsible ‘filly’, hehe” Berry teased

“H-Hey, i’m n-not a filly!” Vinyl argued, her cheeks a little red

“I know, Vinyl, I’m just teasing you. Anyways, I’ll get you that second beer, brb~” she said as she waddled away. Vinyl just sighed and kept her eyes on picking the next song. She sifted through her records, but glanced at the saddlebags she had brought. As she saw Pacific go by, she waved her over.

“Hey Pacific, I need to talk to you” Vinyl said as Pacific waddled over with a smile, stopping at the bars as she looked over the top

“What’s up, Vi-Vi?” she said as Vinyl pulled out the clean onesie and the paci from her saddlebags, giving it to Pacific, “Oh, the paci and onesie from last night. You didn’t have to return them, but thanks”

“Well, you gave me this onesie, so I don’t really need the one I gave you” Vinyl explained as Pacific smiled.

“Wait, you mean you’re keeping the onesie?” she said with excitement

“I-” Vinyl paused. The onesie was nice, and she liked the design really well, but what if Octavia found it, or even worse, caught Vinyl wearing it? She even promised Octavia that she wouldn’t come home in a diaper, but she only said not in a diaper. Even then, Vinyl didn’t want Octavia to see her in a onesie, but the onesie was very nice. Vinyl figured she’d just stash her onesie in her saddlebags and when she got home, store them in a locked storage chest that only she had access to. Since that was her plan, she smiled a little, “Yeah, I’m keeping it, how could I n-” she said as she felt a rubber bulb enter her mouth. It was a paci, “W-wha?-”

“Hehe, don’t worry, I’m not cutting you off, just figured I’d give you your own paci for your hard work. It’s the same color as your coat, and it has your cutie mark on it” Pacific said as Vinyl carefully took the paci out and inspected it, and she gasped, seeing how it was exactly as she described it.

“Pacific, don’t get me wrong, this is really nice, but… why are you doing this for me?” Vinyl asked. Pacific just giggled and petted Vinyl

“Well, you’re our most loyal DJ, for one, and you’re the best we’ve had, silly” she said, giggling a little, “You look a lot more comfortable this time around, why’s that?”

Her cheeks turned a shade of pink, but she kept her cool, “Well for one, my-” Ah, buck it, there’s no real harm in saying it, right? “-my diaper isn’t riding up my flank, nor is it slipping off or anything, so that’s a relief. And for two, I guess it’s also the fact that I don’t feel smushed in my space and have a bit more wiggle room, y’know?”

“Yeah, I understand. Also, did you just refer to your diaper as yours? That’s so adorable!” Pacific said, squealing a little

“Shut it. I’m just getting used to that as well” Vinyl countered, making Pacific deflate a little.

“Right right, not too pushy, got it. Still dry and clean, Vi-Vi?” she teased, looking at Vinyl’s diaper.

“Don’t call me that, and yes, still clean and dry” Vinyl replied

“Great! Keep up the good work!” Pacific called out as she walked- er, waddled away.

Still don’t get how anypony can dance with that padding on their flanks… she thought to herself as she drank from her bottle, watching the liquid empty itself from the bottle and into her mouth and down her throat. Vinyl looked through the crowd as she put on a different song, being ‘Troublemaker’, which was a song by Poly Murs (Pony counterpart of Olly Murs). As she looked through the crowd, all the ponies went silent and hoofsteps could be heard down the stairs. Vinyl stopped the music as a pony entered, one all too familiar to her eyes: Songbird Serenade.

What’s Songbird Serenade doing here?! I never would’ve thought that she was into this thing… Vinyl thought as she decided not to leave Songbird hanging, so she got the mic and spoke, “Ahem, fillies and gentlefoals, please give a warm welcome to popular singer, Songbird Serenade!”

The whole club erupted as applause and uproar filled the club, and even Pacific was surprised, as she had seen who had shown up. Vinyl saw Pacific clear through the many ponies to Songbird, shaking her hoof and sharing a hug with the pony. Pacific looked to be talking to Songbird, then pointed a hoof in Vinyl’s direction. Songbird nodded and smiled, making her way over to Vinyl. Vinyl instinctively got out of her crib-cage, landing on her hooves as Songbird approached her.

Songbird smiled as she spoke, “Vinyl Scratch, good to see you! Didn’t think I’d see you in a club like this” she giggled on that last bit. Vinyl took a second to look at Songbird’s diaper. It was black with gold gussets and frills, and as for the onesie, it was one that matched the color scheme of her mane.

“I should be asking you that question, Songbird… For being such a huge singer, you’re into this?” Vinyl asked, getting a giggle out of Songbird

“Want to take a break from your crib and get a drink with me?” Songbird offered as Vinyl blushed

“What about the music? Won’t it-” Vinyl attempted to say as Songbird took out one of her albums and put it on the turntable, allowing it to play

“There, all taken care of” Songbird said as she headed over to the bar. Vinyl glanced back at the half-full foal bottle, but just pulled her eyes away as she followed Songbird to the bar. Once she got to the bar, she hovered up with her wings, then lowered herself into a high chair, allowing herself to be buckled in. She looked over and just saw Vinyl leaning against the counter and her legs shaking, “Vinyl, dear, have a seat”

Vinyl looked at the high chair, sweating a little, “In that? No thanks”

“What’s wrong Vinyl? I can see your hind legs shaking, please sit down” Songbird encouraged, and Vinyl just sighed

“Fine” she said, climbing into the high chair as she sat there, “So, Songbird, what brings you to the Fountain Of Youth? Didn’t think this whole diaper thing would even be up your alley”

Songbird giggled as she took a sip of what looked to be a cocktail from her bottle, “Even the best singers in Equestria need a way to destress after a day of autographs, photoshoots, and everything”

“I guess that makes sense” Vinyl said, drinking a little bit of her beer. A burp slipped out of her mouth as she covered it, blushing pink in the cheeks

“Well excuse you, silly filly” Songbird said, giggling a little as Vinyl glared at her a bit

“Stop it, I’m not a silly filly” Vinyl said, still irritably blushing

“I’m just teasing you, Vinyl, I don’t mean nothing bad” Songbird said, smiling a little

“I know, I just don’t like being teased…” Vinyl said, sighing

“Awwwww, you’re no fun. I’m kidding though, you are, just that you’re bound to be teased in a place like this. Even my fans tease me and I end up getting all flustered and irritated, but I still love them” Songbird said as she paused and Vinyl heard something she hadn’t heard almost all day, and it wasn’t her this time


Vinyl looked down at Songbird’s diaper, and the front began to enlarge and become puffier as Songbird blushed, sighing as she finished, “Ahhhhhhhhh, much better…”

“You just went in your…” Vinyl said, as she was surprised to see a popular icon wet herself in front of all these ponies

“Yep, I did. Haven’t gone since lunchtime” she said, giggling like a foal as she took a sip of her cocktail

“But you don’t feel any embarrassment? No shame for wetting your diaper like a little filly?” Vinyl said, clearly flabbergasted that Songbird showed no shame

“Vinyl, let me be completely honest with you. In here, nopony judges you, period. Everypony has one common understanding: We all wear diapers, we all use diapers, and we have no shame wearing them” Songbird said, petting Vinyl a little

“But… did you at least feel somewhat… wrong for using your diaper?” Vinyl asked as Songbird looked down a little, “Wait, I didn’t mean it like-”

“No no, it’s fine, but would you at least like to know what got me into the scene?” she said, which got Vinyl’s attention as she tilted up her shades

“I’m listening…” she said as Songbird took a long sip from her fruit cocktail, then set it down

“It all started after the defeat of the Storm King. Even when he was defeated, I still had PTSD from what’d happen, and it badly damaged my performances, both on and offstage. Sometimes I’d curl up onstage, or run offstage crying. It was that bad…” Songbird said, and a few tears shed as Vinyl rubbed her back softly

“Yikes, sorry to hear that…” Vinyl said, getting a soft smile from the singer

“After unsuccessful attempts at controlling my PTSD through therapy, nothing was working. Eventually, I turned to Celestia and Luna, the only other two ponies that I knew I could go to for answers. I asked them for anything, and after multiple pleas, they told me all about it. I didn’t quite understand what was so relaxing about wearing a diaper, but when I tried one on, I went to my ‘happy place’. I sang a few songs I loved as a itty bitty filly. It made the princesses giggle like little fillies, and they told me there was a place that would love my singing, saying that I sang like a mother putting her foals to sleep, or putting them at peace. The place was called Royal Canterlot Kindergarten, which was a bit of a nightclub just like the Fountain Of Youth, except it was large enough to have multiple things, such as a small playground, an air hockey table, a hottub, and a stage fit for a true singer. And believe it or not, they also have swim diapers for ponies who want to dip into the hottub” Songbird finished explaining, and halfway through, Vinyl’s jaw had dropped. She was surprised that the princesses were into this whole thing, that Songbird had such a rough past, and that there was another club just like the Fountain Of Youth.

“Wow, that’s…” Vinyl said, but she was at a loss for words

“Amazing? Surprising? Unbelievable? All technically true, but I’m not finished. So, like the Fountain Of Youth, The RCK has no bathrooms, and at the time, I found that quite annoying, as I did what anypony would do and would hold their bladder and bowels back for as long as possible, but of course, it was only a matter of time before it all burst. I’d do shows and performances frequently at the RCK due to how patient and gentle they were, not demanding like my other performances. Even when I tried keeping my maturity and image intact, it just wasn’t enough, as during one of my performances was nearing the end, it was too late as my bowels and bladder just wouldn’t hold any longer. As I received applause from the crowd, my bowels and bladder opened and I filled my diaper right on stage. As the whole crowd saw it, they all awwwwwed at what they saw, and I felt so embarrassed. After bawling my eyes out, my boss comforted me and gave me a change. After that day, I kept doing performances there because of how nice everypony was” Songbird concluding, finishing her cocktail

“That’s amazing, Songbird. I’m happy for you” Vinyl said, getting a pat from the singer

“Thank you, Vinyl. Now, Pacific has told me about your uneasiness working here at her club” Songbird said, sounding a tad serious

“Well… I’m not exactly used to this whole thing, Songbird…” Vinyl said, scratching the back of her head softly

“Neither was I when I became Royal Canterlot Kindergarten’s regular singer. It took me two weeks worth of performances to get used to wearing diapers, using them, and eventually, loving them” Songbird said as she gave her onesie a soft pat, giggling as she did

“Define ‘loving diapers’” Vinyl said, confused

“Wearing them often, using them, y’know, foal stuff. Not everyone has to love them, some just wear them for comfort” Songbird explained. She finished her cocktail and got down from the high chair, “Well, it’s getting late for me, dearies. Vinyl, it was a pleasure chatting with you, and I wish you the best of luck on your endeavors” she placed what looked to be 50 bits on the counter, waddling over to the stairs, “Oh, and Berry, keep the change, you cutie”

Berry blushed a little, putting all the bits in the register, “T-Thank you Songbird, you have a good night!”

“Royal Canterlot Kindergarten? She said it was like the Fountain Of Youth. Is that true, Berry?” Vinyl asked, feeling her bladder twitch a little, but she held it anyway.

“Yeah, I’ve been there a few times with Pacific, but it’s not the only one. There’s Forever Filly in Fillydelphia, Pamp My Flank in Las Pegasus, Crystal Cuddlers in the Crystal Empire, and Little Pilots in Cloudsdale. There’s probably a few more, but that’s as many as I can list off the top of my head” Berry said, polishing a foal bottle and hearing Songbird’s album come to an end, “You ought to get that. Sounds like it’s coming to an end”

“Right, should probably get back to it” Vinyl said, getting down from the high chair with a waddle.

“Just curious, but you’re on your second, right?” Berry asked

“Yeah, I still have yet to finish it” Vinyl said as she waddled over to her crib-cage and gripped the top of the crib, hoisting herself over as she winced in response to her bladder coming close to detonation Ah, buck it, nopony cares, just let go! She thought as she dropped into her crib-cage on her hooves, and as soon as her hooves hit the soft padding on the floor, she felt relaxed as her bladder released and her tail softly raise


Once she was finished, she felt so relaxed. She didn’t know if it was a sign that she was drunk or if she genuinely didn’t care, but she just felt so relieved of that pressure. Was that a sign that she was… getting used to it?

Maybe I am getting used to it… but now’s not the time for that, Vinyl! She said as she took a stance at her turntables, looking through her records to see what to play next. There were many good choices, but she ended up choosing Rockabye by Clean Bandit featuring Sean Pony and Annie-Marie. She got a smile as she put it on and saw all the ponies in the club stop dancing for a second, soon sitting on their flanks as they just bopped their heads to the music. As Vinyl heard the music, she grabbed her beer and sat in her crib-cage, calmly suckling the nipple as she drank the beer from it, listening to the song.

She honestly felt so at peace with the song, it didn’t take her until she finished the bottle to notice it was even empty.

Second one… hopefully it’s enough… she said as she scooted back against the padded bars, relaxing until the next song

One Hell Of A Night

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Vinyl awoke to seeing the dance floor empty. Seems she had dozed off. Was she too drunk? No, she only had two bottles. Must’ve been the music, as it was getting even her to relax. She also found that she was sucking on something, and it was none other than the pacifier Pacific gave her. No wonder she slept so well. As she spat out the pacifier, she yawned, which attracted the attention of none other than Pacific.

“Seems the little filly’s woken up~” she said as she put her hooves on the top of the crib and looked over it at Vinyl, who looked like she had just woken up.

“S-Shut it… W-What happened…?” Vinyl said as she stood up on her hind hooves and leaned against the crib.

“Well… As the song came to a close, Berry went to check on you, only to find you asleep. It was honestly so cute, and let’s just say, we made a few mementos because of how cute you looked. I popped your paci in to keep you asleep, and you slept like a little filly” Pacific explained

“I’m not in trouble, am I?” Vinyl said. She clearly was very burnt out and wondered if this was a problem

“Not at all, Vi-Vi. I understand little fillies need their naps” she said, snickering a little

“I’m not a filly, and don’t call me Vi-Vi…” Vinyl said, pouting a little

“Right, I’m sorry” Pacific said, petting Vinyl’s mane softly, “I sometimes forget you don’t like it when others tease you”

“What time is it?” Vinyl asked, rubbing her eyes a little

“2 AM, actually. Berry’s gone home, but since you were still asleep, I stayed behind so that you wouldn’t be left in the club alone” Pacific said, smiling a little

“Thanks, that’s nice of you…” Vinyl said as she felt an all too familiar feeling: her bowels had yet to be empty, and they felt pretty full, too. Her eyes shrunk as she felt her stomach rumble and grumble, and she clenched her flanks together.

“Do you need to go, Vinyl?” Pacific asked, a little concerned

“Y-Yeah… b-but I don’t want to…” she said. Last night’s mess wasn’t her fault, as her position was less than great to be in.

“Vinyl, sweetie, it’s just you and me. It’s alright” Pacific said, trying to calm her down

“But it’s not… I’m a grown mare, not some filly…” Vinyl replied, fighting back her bowels as the pressure built up as her ears folded and she whined softly

“Vinyl, it’s not good holding it in. Just let it go, you’ll be okay” Pacific explained, caressing Vinyl’s cheek softly

“But I really don-” she said as her tail raised, and without warning, she started to slowly fill her diaper. She went pale as she stared back at her diaper and watched it fill, tearing up a little. After she was finished, she felt relieved, but dirty. She filled her diaper without even noticing, which, in her mind, was way worse than last night. Humiliated and embarrassed, she slumped down as she sat in her messy diaper, feeling the tears come again, and instead of fighting them, she just let it loose as she started crying

“Uh oh” Pacific said as she climbed into the crib and hugged Vinyl, gently rocking her and shushing her softly, “It’s okay, Vinyl, I’m here, you’re okay…”

“No… it’s not okay… I just… pooped my diaper like a filly… I didn’t even notice it until I looked back!” she shouted, crying into Pacific’s shoulder

Pacific rubbed her mane softly, “Hey hey hey… it’s okay… these things happen, Vi-Vi… will a change make you feel better?” she said as Vinyl looked up at her and sniffled a little

“Y-Yeah, I guess it w-would…” Vinyl said, getting to her hooves as Pacific did the same and hopped the rails, landing on the other side

“Waiting on you~” Pacific said, sitting on her padded flank patiently

“I’m c-coming…” she said as she put her hooves on the top, hoisting herself up as she made it up, and she landed right on the rails, which pressed her still warm mess against her plot, making her face turn pink, “e-eeep!” she said as she carefully made her way onto the ground and on all fours, shaking a little

“Hehe, you okay, Vi-Vi?” Pacific asked, putting a hoof on her shoulder

“Y-Yep… j-just fine…” she said, clearly having felt it a lot

“Let’s get you over to the changing table” Pacific said, taking Vinyl over to a changing table as Vinyl climbed up and sat down, feeling her mess press against her and her face turn red.

“I could cha-” Vinyl tried to say as Pacific silenced her with her own paci

“Vinyl, let me do it” Pacific said, wasting no time in undoing the tapes on Vinyl’s diaper, letting them fall to the side as Vinyl grabbed her hoof

“I pwomise chu, I-” Vinyl said, getting her paci pushed securely in her mouth

“Vinyl, I really don’t think you’d like to clean yourself after a nap, let me do this” Pacific insisted, getting a sigh from Vinyl as she laid back, suckling her paci, “Good girl~” Pacific said, grabbing foal wipes nearby and taking one, “Now, hold still” she said as she wiped Vinyl’s coat and plot clean, making her blush and squirm.

“C-C-Cwold!” Vinyl lisped behind her paci as she kept squirming. Course, Pacific did eventually finish as she went and got the foal powder, which made Vinyl quirk an eyebrow, “Wha’s dat fow?”

“The powder’s there so that you’ll smell nice and fresh” Pacific said as she put some of the powder on Vinyl’s plot, going and getting an extra small diaper from a case

“W-wait!” Vinyl said, prompting Pacific to stop

“What? What’s up?” Pacific asked

“C-Can I has a mediwum, pwease?” she said, covering her face as it blushed red

“Awwwwww, does the little filly like how thick the mediums are?~” Pacific teased as she grabbed a medium from a different case

“S-Staph it! Staph teasing mwe!” Vinyl said as her face got redder and Pacific came over. She unfolded the diaper and powdered it on the back and front, giggling a little.

“Hehe, you’re too cute, Vi-Vi. Definitely the cutest DJ I’ve seen” Pacific said, “Legs up, please”

Vinyl lifted her legs, allowing for Pacific to slip the diaper under her, “Y-You thwink I’m da cutest?”

“Definitely, you silly filly! You and Berry are like family to me” Pacific said, taping the diaper on Vinyl as the fresh padding touched Vinyl’s plot, making her blush

“T-Thank chu, Pacifwic…” Vinyl said, smiling behind her paci. Pacific then took Vinyl’s onesie, which didn’t get dirty, and pulled it over her and buttoned the crotch up

“Awwwww, you’re welcome, Vi-Vi” Pacific said, “So, even though you told me you’d stay, are you staying as our regular DJ?”

She thought it over carefully. Even though this club was a club with a rather… freaky fetish, she had taken a bit of a liking to how nice it was, as well as the diapers, as they brought her comfort, but if she was going to be the club’s regular DJ, she’d have to get used to going to the bathroom in diapers, and that may lead her to wanting to do it at home… and maybe getting Octavia into it… but that’d be something for another time. Deep down in her heart, Vinyl loved this club. She loved its vibe, its crowd, and her co-worker and boss. So it had been decided: Regardless of what Octavia says, Vinyl was staying at the club as their regular DJ.

“Pacific… I’m staying for good” she said, which got a gasp out of Pacific.

“Y-You really mean it?! You’re staying as our permanent DJ?!” Pacific squealed, barely containing her excitement

“I wouldn’t if I didn’t love this club. This is definitely one of the best clubs I’ve been a part of in years!” she said, which earned her a tight hug from Pacific

“You’re the best, Vi-Vi! I’m so happy!” Pacific said as she let go of Vinyl, petting her mane softly

“Heh, thanks” she said as she looked at the clock, seeing it was 3 o clock in the morning, “Shit! I gotta get home! Look Pacific, I’d love to stay, but I gotta get home before 5” Vinyl said as she packed her saddlebags with her pacifier and her records, heading upstairs

“Wait, Vi-Vi! If you plan on coming back tomorrow night, could you bring your friend? I kinda want to meet her…” Pacific said, twiddling her hooves.

“I’ll see what I can do, Pacific. Have a good night!” Vinyl said as she ascended the stairs

“Bye Vi-Vi! Get home safe!” Pacific said as the door to the club closed behind Vinyl

Vinyl had gotten home safely, due to not being blackout drunk, and had slept like, well, a filly. When she did get home, Octavia was asleep, so it was easy for Vinyl to sneak in and to her bed where she slept with her paci. It made her feel so happy to have these things. Eventually, 6:00 rolled around and Vinyl got out of bed and walked out to the kitchen, waddling a little.

Octavia was out in the kitchen, making a fresh pot of coffee as she heard Vinyl’s footsteps, “Ah, morning Vinyl. Seems you got home early last night”

Vinyl walked out, rubbing her eyes as she yawned, “Yeah, I wanted to get home early. How’d you sleep?”

Course, Octavia saw Vinyl’s outfit and it reminded her of last night, but instead of shouting, she just sighed, “Vinyl, what did I say yesterday about this?”

“This?” Vinyl said as she looked at her outfit. She was too tired to change out of it, so she just left it on, “Look, Tavi, I never told you about the club I work at”

“No, you never did, other than it was responsible for last night’s… nasty surprise…” she said, shivering on the last part

Vinyl had gotten a cup of coffee with her mug that had Equestria’s #1 DJ on it, “Look, sit on the couch with me, we’ll talk about it” she said, steadying her coffee as she walked to the couch and sat down with Octavia.

A few seconds of silence passed before Octavia said something, “So, what is this club you work at?”

“It’s called the Fountain Of Youth. It’s a… special nightclub” Vinyl explained carefully, getting an eyebrow raise from her roommate

“Special how?” Octavia asked as she took a sip of her coffee

“Well, if my outfit wasn’t obvious enough… it’s a club where ponies… wear diapers…” she said sheepishly, expecting ridicule, but got something else instead

“Hmmmmm, it doesn’t sound too bad… do they at least have bathrooms?” Octavia asked, but little did she know, it’d be mind-blowing.

“Unfortunately… they don’t…” Vinyl said, which got a bit of a gasp out of Octavia

“That does seem pretty ridiculous… but other than that, it seems like a nice club if you like working at it as much as you do and the pay is good. You know, maybe you should take me with you the next night you perform” Octavia smiled a little

“Tavi, you’re not serious, are you?” Vinyl said. This wasn’t the same Octavia from the night before last, something had changed her whole view on it, “Besides, why are you so calm about it?”

“Well, to tell you the truth, I went to see my old friend, Berry. She told me all about your experiences at the club, and I have to say, I think you’ve truly found your club, Vinyl” Octavia said, getting a surprise hug from Vinyl.

“Thanks Tavi, but are you serious about wanting to come?” Vinyl asked, clearly curious.

“Vinyl, we’re best friends, of course I’m serious!” she said as she hugged Vinyl, “Take me to your next performance, I’m very interested in it”

“Alright, I will, but for now, I wanna get a bit more rest…” Vinyl said as she stumbled back to her bedroom, still in her diaper and onesie as Octavia smiled

“Sleep well, my little filly~” Octavia called out

“I’m not a filly!” Vinyl said, flustered as she closed her door and plopped on her bed.