> Gallus' Ticklish Secret > by Storm butt > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Not Ticklish? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first mistake Gallus made was lying to Sandbar. Truth be told if he had just been honest from the start the earth pony likely would have dropped it, but it was the fact that Gallus had been so adamant against it that Sandbar couldn’t help himself. Living with his best friend had for the most part been a wonderful experience for Sandbar. He went to his college classes while Gallus worked hard at his royal guard training. It was a good deal for the two of them to share their little one-bedroom apartment and split the cost while still hanging out together on their days off. After three months of living like this they hadn’t gotten into the slightest argument; at least not until the day when Gallus had dared to lie to him. “Dude, did you eat my cheesecake?” Gallus asked. “No, Dude, I would never!” Sandbar said. He was a horrible liar. “I can see the crumbs in the sink!” Gallus snapped at him. “You jerk! I was saving that!” That was when Gallus attacked him. He dove right on Sandbar and used his fingers to dive right for the earth pony’s ribs. Sandbar let out a squeal as he was pinned down and quickly overpowered. Gallus had always been bigger and stronger than him which made it quite the unfair fight. “Ahahaha! Stohohohop it! You jerk!” Sandbar cried out. “Not till you buy me more!” Gallus shouted back. He lifted up Sandbar’s shirt for a better touch on his flesh and raked his fingers along the ribcage of the poor squealing pony. As he writhed and kicked to no avail Sandbar did the only thing he could think of; he raised his own hands and struck his fingers out on Gallus’ own sides. He danced and raked and tickled as hard as he could, but Gallus still didn’t let out. “WHAHAHAAT THE HEHEHELL?” Sandbar squealed. “Not ticklish, dude!” Gallus shouted. “OHOHOHOKAY OHOHOHOKAY I’LL BUY YOU MORE!” Sandbar cried out. It was only after Gallus had stopped and Sandbar took a few moments to catch his breath did it dawn on him what Gallus had just said. Skeptically Sandbar sat up and looked quizically at his friend. “What?” Gallus asked. “Not ticklish?” Sandbar asked. “Like, at all?” “Hmph, nope!” Gallus said with a cocky smile. He always looked so cocky when he was trying to show off. As if to prove his point he lifted up both his arms and put them behind his head just to taunt Sandbar. “Go ahead! Try me! You won’t get a freaking peep!” Sandbar bit his cheek. He couldn’t help but take Gallus up on his offer. He tried his best to dig his fingers into every part of the gryphon’s upper body starting from his belly up to his ribs, but the only laughter he got out of Gallus was when he was mocking him with a playful chuckle. “Told you, dude,” Gallus said. “Guess I’m not a sensitive little earth pony like you!” “That’s so not fair,” Sandbar said with a groan of annoyance and a little blush spreading on his cheeks over Gallus teasing his sensitivity. He looked down at Gallus feet which were still trapped in his sneakers and socks. “What about your feet? Lemme check your feet!” “Wh-What?” Gallus said. “Dude, no! Sorry dude, you lose! I ain’t ticklish ANYWHERE! Now, are we gonna go and have YOU buy ME some more delicious cheesecake or what? Chop chop! I’m hungry!” That was when Sandbar’s ears perked up. He could have sworn he heard the slightest bit of fear in Gallus’ voice at the mention of his feet. More than anything that stuck out in his head. He put that aside for the moment, but for his life, he couldn’t stop thinking of it. It just didn’t seem fair that Gallus could get away with being so cocky and arrogant about his own lack of sensitivity. There HAD to be something he was hiding. That was when Gallus made his second mistake. Less than a week later he let his guard down big time. Sandbar had no classes and was at home reading a book when Gallus came home from his royal guard training clearly wiped. He did nothing but let out a groan when Sandbar asked him how his day went and drug his feet over to the bathroom, kicking off his clothes as he went. Clearly whatever he had been put through exhausted him, and as he took a long shower Sandbar couldn’t help but notice the discarded socks and shoes that were left in a trail to the bathroom where he turned the water on full blast and submersed himself in a shower. When Gallus came out of the shower still damp he was wearing nothing but a pair of black briefs, a sight Sandbar had to get used to ever since they became roommates, and he instantly crashed onto his bed. The scent of flowery shampoo was so strong on every inch of his body from his head to his feet. If there was one thing Gallus cared about it was cleanliness. He was out in minutes without even bothering to pull up a blanket. His feet dangled off the edge of the bed. His feet were the same brilliant cerulean color as most of his body. The way they twitched and curled slightly as Gallus stared at them made the earth pony blush. Was it weird to be staring at his best friend's feet like that? Probably. Maybe he was fooling himself when he told himself he was just curious if Gallus had been lying or not. Still, he knew that Gallus was an especially heavy sleeper from the few months they had been living together. Trying to wake up his roommate was like trying to wake up the dead. As such Sandbar felt no need to be sneaky as he got up off of his bed. He went to the back of Gallus’ bed and got down on his knees. His face felt warm now that he was up here close to the bare soles. He just had to know if Gallus was lying or not. Sandbar reached out one of his fingers and gingerly pressed it down to the arch of Gallus’ right sole. He almost gasped when he touched it. It was impossibly soft. Not only that, but Gallus made a noise when he touched it. It was just the slightest stifle, but he did react. His toes curled slightly as Sandbar reeled his hand back in fear that he had woken his friend up only for Gallus to scratch his beak and settle back down. One of his feet briefly and subconsciously scratched at the other right where Sandbar had touched him. Sandbar realized his heart was pounding. He had never so much as taken a glance at Gallus’ feet before so why was he sitting here like an idiot blushing? He briefly thought about forgetting this and moving on, but something kept him frozen right there. For the longest time, he couldn’t help but stare at the feet as he kept thinking about how soft they felt. So soft. It wasn’t just surprisingly soft for a royal guard, but just for a creature. Sandbar wondered if perhaps all creatures who flew around and spent little time on their feet had soles just as soft as Gallus’ own. The earth pony had to fight to tear his eyes away from Gallus' soles. “What the heck are you doing?” Sandbar asked with a bit of a whine as he put a hand over his pounding heart. “Staring at them like that? What are you, some kinda perv?” Before that question could really process in Sandbar’s head his eyes spotted something sticking out the corner of Gallus’ bed right between the mattress and the wall. A single long feather. It was the same color as Gallus’ own right down to the pale yellow tip. It must have been one that molted off of him in his sleep and slipped down between the crack. Gingerly Sandbar reached out his hand and gripped the feather to pull it out. It was long and fully intact. The quill right on the end was stiff as any he would use to take notes in his classes. He twirled it around in his hand for a moment before looking at Gallus’ feet. Sandbar wondered if this was silly. Even he himself wasn’t ticklish enough for feathers to do anything to him. He should know, because once when they were kids Smolder had convinced Silverstream to help pin him down and bully him into helping with homework. Her feathery wings certainly hadn’t done anything to make him laugh, but Smolder’s dragon claws certainly had. Still; Sandbar was curious. He took the very tip of the feather and placed it down right against Gallus’ toes. They twitched slightly. Sandbar drug the feather left to right so the tip would drag itself under the toes right on the flesh that he imagined would be the most tender on all of his soles. The reaction was… “Mhmhmh… Ehehe…” A sleepy Gallus giggled in his sleep before curling his toes and covering one foot with the other. “Holy. Crap,” Sandbar whispered to himself. Sandbar’s heart pounded even faster. Gallus wasn’t just ticklish on his feet, but he was feather ticklish. As he sat there Sandbar felt a sadistic grin go over his face. He thought of just how cocky Gallus had been a few days prior as he literally demanded that Sandbar try to make him laugh. “You cocky dummy,” Sandbar said with a whisper and a wicked grin crossing his lips. “You’re gonna get it now.” —------------------------------------- “Wakey wakey,” A sing-song voice invaded Gallus' dreams. The exhausted gryphon groggily groaned. “Five more minutes…” Gallus said through a face full of the pillow. He tried to roll over onto his side and reach down for a blanket to cover up his body which he was only realizing now was naked aside from his boxers. Very quickly he found out that he couldn’t move, and that was when the drowsiness began to fade. “Wha…?” Gallus groggily asked as he lifted his head. The first thing he saw was his wrists, and as his vision focused he realized they were bound by thick pieces of rope. The rope was looped up to the headboard of his bed, and when he tried to tug he was met only with the sting of the bindings digging into his wrists. “Sleep well, Gally?” “Sandbar?” Gallus asked. His voice was a bit frantic and high-pitched, which only made him blush. He looked over his shoulder to see his roommate standing there. “What’s going on?” “You are one heavy sleeper, man,” Sandbar said. “Seriously.” “Dude!” Gallus snapped. “Lemme go!” Gallus tried to kick, but that only resulted in realizing that his ankles were not only tied together but something was wrapped around his two big toes forcing them together. He couldn’t even move his legs from side to side. Sandbar seemed to have tied them rather taut right to the end of the bed. The only thing he could do was mildly flap his feet, and with the toe ties, and even that was difficult. “You know, Gallus,” Sandbar said. “You really shouldn’t lie to your friends.” “L-Lie?” Gallus asked. “What are you talking about?” “Not ticklish, huh?” Sandbar asked. “THAT’S WHAT THIS IS ABOUT?” Gallus practically squawked as he shouted. “Oh my Celestia I told you I wasn’t! I proved it to you! This is nuts!” “Still lying even now?” Sandbar asked. “Tsk tsk.” Sandbar was teasing him. Gallus could feel his heart pound so hard he was surprised the entire bed wasn’t shaking. Sandbar walked up to his head before suddenly something blue and yellow was placed right on the tip of his beak. It was one of his feathers. “Wanna lie again?” Sandbar asked. “I’m not ticklish!” Gallus snapped. “You are freaking insane, dude!” “Oh boy,” Sandbar said. “Guess we have to do this the hard way.” Gallus bit his tongue hard as Sandbar moved down. He kept looking over his shoulder even as it hurt from how hard he was craning his neck. He watched as Sandbar got down at the end of the bed and sat himself down. The next thing Gallus felt was a finger snagging itself on the toe-tie between his two big toes and forcing the soles taut. Gallus let out a gasp. “Dude! Dude, let’s talk about this!” Gallus said. “Hmm,” Sandbar said. He wasn’t even listening to Gallus. “You know, you were so cocky a few days ago when you said you weren’t ticklish. Where’d that go, huh? Surely a big tough guy like you wouldn’t have soft feet that are so ticklish even a FEATHER can make him giggle?” Gallus felt the horrible cruel touch of his own feather as the tip stabbed down to the arch of his left sole. The feather bent. It was stiff and rough, which made it easy to drag and dig in even with how soft it was. Instantly Gallus could feel his body tense. He held his breath, but already he could feel it rise up within him. The laughter. He tugged on his toes but Sandbar didn’t allow his feet to be anything but taut as he drug the feather down to his toes. “Ah! N-Not ticklish! Not ticklish not ticklish not ticklish…” “Liar,” Sandbar said to the mantra Gallus was saying to himself. That was when Sandbar did something cruel. Without warning, he flipped the feather around and stabbed the quill end down to the ball of Gallus foot. He began to scribble, and any hopes of Gallus’ crumbling willpower keeping himself from laughing were gone. “Ahahahaaa! Holy crahahahahap ahahaha! Nohohohoho stohohop! Sahahahahandbahahahaaar!” It. Was. Torture. The poor gryphon could do nothing but howl and plead, and pleading only seemed to encourage Sandbar. “No?” Sandbar asked teasingly as he scribbled the quill tip all over the poor defenseless arches. Every little scratch filled the horribly ticklish gryphon with squealing fits of laughter. “But I thought you weren’t ticklish at all!” “I AHAHAHAAAAM!” Poor Gallus squealed out. It seemed that Sandbar had found a sweet spot right along the curve of his arch. With one hand he scribbled with the quill tip while with the other he raked and danced his fingertips up and down. “I LIEHEHEHEEEEDDDD!” “Oh, so now you’re a liar?” Sandbar said. “Well, I guess that means I need to punish you EXTRA hard!” “NOHOHOHOOOO!” Quickly enough Sandbar abandoned the feather in favor of simply using his fingers to claw and rake at the helpless soles. They were clearly beginning to blush, which only encouraged Sandbar more. He raked and clawed without mercy simply listening to the helpless squeals of his roommate. “How are your feet this soft, dude?” Sandbar asked. “Must be all that flying around you gryphons do. I wonder if all of them have butter-soft soles like you? Or are you just an exception?” “I dohohohon’t know I dohohohon’t know!” Gallus squealed. Thinking straight was difficult, but one thing Gallus did know was that for one reason or another all that verbal torment was getting to him. The tickling was literal torture and the poor gryphon was sure he would spill just about any secret no matter how embarrassing to make it stop. Yet still, the mention of his feet being so soft as Sandbar ran his fingers over them made his heart skip a beat. If he wasn’t under such duress he would have a moment to examine why he felt that way, but of course, Sandbar refused to relent. It was right about that time that Sandbar stopped tickling Gallus. The poor gryphon lay there panting and whimpering as he let his muscles relax and his head fall deep into his pillow. Despite his nap, he suddenly felt even more exhausted than when he had gotten home. “Is it… Is it over?” Gallus said in a helpless tone of voice. “You wish,” Sandbar said. That was when something pressed down to Gallus’ sole that made him not only gasp, but let out a genuine squawk. His face flushed in total embarrassment as he looked over his shoulder to see his biggest fears confirmed. A hairbrush was right up to his feet, and all of the plastic bristles were pressing down. That alone made him start to giggle again, and every little instinctual tug his body made only caused the combs to glide ever so slightly which made it worse. For the moment Sandbar was just smiling at him with a cocky grin while Gallus looked back in fear. “Please please please,” Gallus said quickly. “No, dude! I-I’m gonna freaking die!” “Don’t be so dramatic,” Sandbar said. “I won’t let you die… you’re too cute squealing for me to let that happen!” Gallus' heart dropped. Sandbar grabbed him by the thread tying his toes together and held his feet taut. Then the pony began to drag the brush, and for a moment Gallus truly thought this was the end for him. The noise that escaped his beak was pure hysteria. If the quill alone was torture then there were no words to describe how the hairbrush felt. Every little plastic comb was its own individual quill, and they were digging into his tender soles all at once and gliding without mercy. Sandbar drug the hairbrush from his heels up to his toes and then switched feet to do the same. He would move slowly and then quickly, always making sure that Gallus never knew what to expect. Sometimes he would drag back and forth along the tips of his toes as Gallus squawked and howled for mercy, and other times he would focus entirely on his arches or the balls of his feet. No place on his hellishly ticklish soles were safe from Sandbar’s sadistic torture. “AHAHAAAAAAA! OHOHOHOHO MY GOHOHOHOHOSH! EHEHEEEEEE I CAHAHAHAN’T!” Gallus squealed. Though he was laughing words at the top of his lungs they could hardly be understood due to just how hard he was laughing. His eyes rolled back as tears brimmed in his eyes. His throat ached from how hard he was laughing, as did his lungs, but the discomfort refused to override his helpless desire to squeal. It seemed to go on forever, and all the while Sandbar continued to tease him about his sensitivity. He told Gallus that his soles deserved to be raked and tickled for lying before, and how they deserved it just for being so soft and tender in general. He would pull the brush away making Gallus think he was done, or at least switching to another tool, only to slap it back down at a new area and cause the hysterical laughter to start all over again. By the time Sandbar stopped Gallus was a twitching trembling mess. His feet tingled even when the brush was pulled away. His pillow was soaked with his own tears as he laid there continuing to giggle for several moments. He hardly registered as Sandbar unbound his toes and ankles. “Hey, buddy?” Sandbar asked as he crawled up onto the bed. “You okay?” “Ehehe… Ehehe…” Gallus continued to giggle between pants. “You’re… You’re evil… Oh my gosh…” Speaking was hard. Gallus felt lightheaded from just how much air he had used to howl. He rolled over onto his side, his hands still tied up to the top of the bed, and panted softly. “Um…” Sandbar made a noise. “Dude?” Gallus looked up to see Sandbar blushing. His eyes were focused lower down the bed, and when Gallus’ gaze followed he realized with horror what Sandbar was looking at. Gallus’ underwear was tenting. He was rock solid, and it was impossibly to hide now that he had rolled onto his side. The blush on his cheeks began to glow more intensely. “Oh come on,” Gallus whined. “Did you like that?” Sandbar asked. “Oh, man!” Gallus whined. He tried to cover his body up, but was reminded all too strongly of the rope keeping his arms up. “I dunno! You’re the one who kept saying all that stuff about how soft and cute my feet were!” “Well, they are,” Sandbar said before putting on a malicious grin and getting closer to Gallus. He put his hands on Gallus’ hips and kept him from moving as his fingers moved closer to Gallus’ crotch. “So not only are your feet ticklish, but you’re into it?” “Shut up!” Gallus whined. “Does my soft birdy boy love his feet being touched and teased?” Sandbar questioned. The way Sandbar just teased him made Gallus’ cock practically throb. He could do nothing but whine and whimper. With teasing fingers Sandbar put his hand over Gallus’ bulge. “If you want me to pull away just say so,” Sandbar teased. “But if you want me to jerk you off while I tickle your feet some more… well?” Gallus’ instinct almost kicked in to snap at Sandbar to finish untying him… but at the same time, the hand squeezing his cock over his underwear was making him want to moan by itself. He curled his toes and thought of the torture from before. As he did that his cock throbbed some more, and a wave of pleasure made him let out a little moan. “Just hurry up and get me off, you jerk!” Gallus said sheepishly.