> Can I Touch You? > by BlackShuck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Can I Touch You? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey… can I touch you?" The question stirred slowly in Twilight's mind without truly sinking in. She stared back at the stallion before her, her mind an utter blank despite his intensity. At long last, Twilight blinked. "P-pardon?" Soarin chuckled, a low and thick sound. "I know it sounds corny at first, but that's how we run things, y'know." He gestured with one wing to the rest of the room. "These sorts'a parties get out of hoof without some basic rules of consent." Twilight screwed her eyes shut and drew in a small, wheezy breath. "Just as I'd managed to forget about the party…" It wasn't what she'd expected. She had to give it credit for that, at least. She had expected it to be hot. And sticky. And… a little bit smelly, if she was honest. Beyond that, she hadn't given it a lot of thought—her brain seemed to grind to a halt at that stage, anyway. Like there was a moth caught in the gears of her mind. It wasn't any of those things, though. It was classy. It was quiet. Reserved, really. She supposed that only served to make the tension grow. Soarin sighed. "I tried to tell Rainbow that this wasn't really your scene," he said carefully. "No offense." "None taken," Twilight muttered. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to," he said, giving her a friendly and sexless nudge with one wing. "We can just talk.” Twilight nodded slowly as her eyes took a tour of the room. Ponies seemed to be pairing off—or perhaps 'grouping' would be the more proper term, as there wasn't a limit on the number of ponies in each tense gaggle—and getting a little… close. A little touchy. She spotted Rainbow Dash to one side. The pegasus stood between Fleetfoot and Misty Fly, all of their wings intermingling, feathers tangling, eyes wandering along each other's necks and flanks. Misty even leaned in to nuzzle at Rainbow's jaw. Twilight quickly averted her eyes. She felt a bloom of heat growing in her cheeks and did her best to swallow down the feeling which spun up in her chest. Like a little bird trying to break free of her ribs. "Hey," Soarin said, stretching out a wing to wave between Twilight and the rest of the party. "You and Rainbow talked this out, right?" Twilight managed to lift her gaze back up to Soarin's face and nodded tersely. "Mhm." "So… this is nerves, then?" he guessed. A little sympathetic half-grin spread over his face. "Mhm…" Soarin nodded. His brows lifted and furrowed together as he tried to spread comfort without touch. "You wanna go sit over there?" he asked, pointing to an empty couch in a well-lit corner of the room. Twilight couldn't help but feel that it was the designated wimp zone, but she hung her head and allowed the Wonderbolt to lead her onto the cushions. They hissed under her as she pulled her legs up onto the faux leather and sighed wearily. True to his word, Soarin sat as far from her as he could—no chance for even an accidental touch at this distance. "Not what you expected, is it?" he said, gazing out over the party as if it were a buckball game going a bit poorly. Twilight shrugged. "I don't know what I expected, really. I'm not even sure why I agreed to come." "Because Dash loves it," Soarin said simply. "And because you love her. And you want to make her happy." "I guess." Soarin made a little sound, something between a laugh and a scoff. "These things don't always end in giant orgies, y'know," he said. "Loads of ponies come here just to watch." Twilight shot him a suspicious look. This time, he broke out into true laughter. "I'm serious! That's what Thunderlane and I do, at least. Mess around a bit here, get ourselves hot and bothered, then head home and fuck." The word caught Twilight's ear. It was the first time all night she'd heard anything remotely crude. Soarin smirked, and his eyes slid partway shut as he relished the shock in Twilight's rosy-red face. "What?" "Nothing," Twilight said quickly. "No shame thinking it's hot," Soarin teased. "That is the point, after all." He twisted around to look over the room again, spotting his coltfriend tangled up with another stallion. Twilight thought she recognized him as Silver Zoom, though she couldn't be certain—whoever he was, he was giving Thunderlane a fairly intense wing massage, and a bit of an overly-mouthy preening. Soarin sighed wistfully through his nose, and the sound seemed to shudder in his chest. Twilight tucked her face down into her own chest. Soarin held her gaze a moment longer, then snorted softly. "Look: do you want to participate?" he asked gently. "It's okay if you don't." "I…" Twilight bit her lip, and her eyes flicked over to Rainbow on the other side of the room. Fleetfoot was giving her a hickey. One that wouldn't show above her uniform. It gave Twilight another pang in the chest, another fluttering of bird wings caught in her ribs. Then Rainbow looked up at her. A fiery look, but also one that desperately hoped to see Twilight in similar throes of adventurous play. "Yes," Twilight said quickly, not breaking her gaze with her marefriend across the room. "I-I think so." Soarin arched an eyebrow, slowly and deliberately. "I do," Twilight said firmly, tearing her eyes away with some difficulty. "I do." “You do?” “With you,” she said. “If that’s okay. I mean, if you want. If you want to with me. If you’re even into—” “Sparkle.” Twilight’s lips pressed into a thin line. “Relax.” She cleared her throat. “Sorry,” she mumbled, allowing her mane to cover her face. “Don’t be!” A single stiff, strong primary pulled back the curtain of Twilight’s mane. Soarin’s smirk returned. “What sorts of foreplay do you do with Rainbow Dash?" The thought of foreplay with someone other than Rainbow Dash made her breath catch in her throat, but Twilight swallowed it and managed to squeak out, "t-talk, usually." A little bit of mischief flashed in Soarin's eyes. "Yeah?" "Mhm." "Dirty talk?" Soarin pressed. Twilight couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Tsk, yes," she said. "Dirty talk." "Just wanted to hear you say it," Soarin teased. Twilight grumbled wordlessly to herself, and felt the flare building in her cheeks. "How many ponies have you played with?" Soarin asked. That question really set her face alight. "Um… three." Soarin gave her a look bordering on approval. "Three, huh?" he echoed, his voice dropping to a husky almost-whisper as he slid a little closer. "That's including Dash, I'm assuming?" Twilight tried to resist the instinct to turn away, and allowed her wings to drop open. "It is." "I'm sure you and Dash fuck on the regular," Soarin said. "She’s a hot filly, and a choosy one. I hope you know you’re lucky to have her.” Twilight allowed the shadow of a grin to play over her face as she suppressed a nervous giggle. “Why don't you tell me about one of your favorite things to do with Dash?" "Um…" Twilight looked across the room again. Rainbow was nibbling on Misty's ear as Fleetfoot worked her shoulders. Her eyes were closed, and Twilight hoped to catch her gaze, but she seemed to be a little preoccupied. "It doesn't have to be with Dash if you're thinking about somepony—" "Oral," Twilight blurted out. Soarin's pride seemed to tick upwards. "That so?" Twilight drew in a steady breath between her teeth and nodded. Soarin smiled. "Would that be on you or on her?" Twilight made a tense little sound. "Ideally, both." That made Soarin laugh. It was a good laugh. A deep and round one. Not at all like Rainbow's. And yet, just like with Rainbow, Twilight found herself eager to make him laugh again. When he'd finished laughing, he locked eyes with Twilight again. "Tell me more." Twilight found that she couldn't draw her eyes away anymore. She also couldn't quite find a word. Any word. Not anywhere in that big, old brain of hers.  Her mouth gaped open like a trout for a moment. She managed to stutter out a few isolated syllables, but nothing nearing a word—and certainly not a titillating one. Soarin held his gaze with her. "Would it help if I touched you?" he asked. Twilight scoffed. "Yeah. Right." "Would you like to try?" She looked at Soarin. He managed to hold her gaze a moment longer, but his eyes began to wander—first down the curve of her neck, then out along her shoulder and to the wrist of her wing, flowing easily back in with the swoop of her feathers and towards her hip. He took a deep breath, a steadying one, and looked back up into her face. "O-okay," she said breathlessly. "Yes. Sure." Soarin didn't make a peep, but slid towards Twilight. He lifted his wing and wrapped it slowly, gently around her barrel, allowing his side to press into her feathers. Even through the protective layer of fluff, she could feel the quickness of his breath. She made a tiny sound of contentment and looked over at him. He returned the gaze. "Tell me about it," he requested once more. Twilight let out a nervous giggle. "Um… okay." She swallowed, and was acutely aware of the way her throat rippled with the motion. "She… she likes it when I spring it on her." "Mm?" Soarin encouraged, leaning a little heavier into Twilight's side. "She's asked me to surprise her with it," Twilight said softly. Soarin ducked his head slightly and rubbed his temple along Twilight's jawline. "And have you?" Twilight chuckled again. "Um… yes. Once," she said. "When she came home from a Wonderbolts practice once, I—" she paused to draw in a sharp gasp. Soarin had pressed his lips against her neck and sucked gently, pulling her skin against his teeth. At her gasp, he broke contact. "Don't let me distract you," he said simply. "Easier said than done…" Twilight mumbled. Soarin reached up with the wing he had wrapped around her to gently graze the other side of her neck. Twilight found herself leaning into the Wonderbolt's lips as he continued to gently explore her neck. "I… I waited for her to collapse onto the couch," Twilight continued, trying to keep control of her breath, "and I helped her pull off her uniform, and then I… well, y'know." Soarin pulled away for a moment. "I don't, actually." Twilight threw her head back and groaned in exasperation. Soarin leapt on the opportunity and began to kiss her along the exposed bit of soft skin, and her groan rolled gently into a contented moan. She smacked a hoof over her mouth in shock. Her eyes scanned the room, in a bit of a fluttery panic. Had anyone heard that? Were they looking at her? Some were. Some locked eyes with her. And, much to her surprise, a new heat bloomed in Twilight.  "Go on, princess," Soarin requested politely. "Um," Twilight cleared her throat. "I… I straddled her on the couch and kissed her." "Kinda like this?" Soarin asked. Twilight made another little strangled and meaningless sound. "Y-yes. A little," she agreed. "And eventually I sort of… made my way down and… you know!" "I don't." "You do!" "Well, I'm not gonna do it to you unless you can say it." Twilight's breath caught in her throat. Soarin chuckled, and the sound rippled through her own throat in a way that made her shiver. "Would you like me to?" he asked, lips still making their slow way down her neck. "Do it to you?" "Uh…" Twilight closed her eyes and tried to put her thoughts in order. "I thought you said these don't always end in… in orgies." "Not always," Soarin said with a little shrug. "Look around, though. Anypony getting fucked tonight?" That was a fair question. One that Twilight had managed to forget about. Twilight once again took stock of the Wonderbolt play party, less focused on the eyes and more on the limbs. The sounds. She was still wrong about it, of course. It wasn't hot or sticky, and it certainly didn't smell like anything besides potpourri and the alcohol drifting up from Soarin's mouth. Somehow, it managed to retain its classiness even as the Wonderbolts and their esteemed guests worked their way closer and closer. Some couples still appeared to be in the foreplay stage, even as it rose in intensity. A few tried to find closeness laying on the area rugs, several on pieces of furniture, and one against a wall, tails swishing fiendishly.  Thunderlane and Silver Zoom's massage had progressed to a heated make out session, and Twilight could make out their low sounds of passion from here. Rainbow Dash, however, seemed to be the mare of the hour. Fleetfoot was kissing her deeply, hooves thrown around her neck. Twilight thought she caught a glimpse of a wandering tongue. In the meantime, Misty seemed to be exploring Rainbow's nethers with her hooves. That pang hit Twilight again. She had pegged it as jealousy at first, but she was realizing now that the fluttering in her chest was something else entirely: lust. Pure lust. Twilight allowed her eyes to flutter closed. "I kissed my way all the way down her stomach," she said softly. Soarin said nothing, but his kisses seemed to grow in intensity. "And I ran my tongue along… a-along her…"  Sprain pulled away. "It's just dirty talk," he said softly. "Just like you do with her." Twilight sucked in a breath. "I ran my tongue along her slit. I remember how sweaty she tasted from being trapped inside that uniform all day," she said, trying not to think too hard about the words as they rolled out of her mouth. Soarin withdrew his wing from around the princess and swung one rear leg around her front, straddling her lap precisely as she had described. He gave her one kiss on the mouth, firm and tongueless, before he continued to move down her neck towards her chest. "Go on," he said. "I went slow," Twilight continued. "I didn't want her to feel like it had ended too soon. Since she—a-ah!" Soarin paused, withdrawing his hoof from where he had pressed it to the inside of her thigh and looking up at her expectantly. "Y-you can keep—it was a good sound," Twilight said quickly. "Please. Keep going." "So long as you keep talking, princess," Soarin said with a wink. Twilight suppressed a nervous giggle. "I-I took it slow. She really likes it when I suck on her…" She trailed off and looked down at Soarin, secretly hoping he might finish her thought. He didn't look up, only continued cutting a kiss-laden trail through the fluff on her chest. "She likes it when I suck on her clit," Twilight whispered. "Smart mare," Soarin mumbled, sliding down onto the floor. "So I tried to get her off that way," Twilight said. "Only sucking on her. No tongue." Soarin chuckled into her stomach. "Shoulda known you'd be the mare to challenge herself at sex," he commented softly. "I don't have to do that, do I?" Twilight shook her head. "N-no." "I can just use my tongue the old-fashioned way?" he asked. "Yes," Twilight confirmed. "Good to know." With that, Soarin slipped his forehooves under Twilight's rear haunches and drew her nethers in towards his face. Twilight gasped softly. "What was it you said?" he asked, warm breath flowing over the slick surface of her vagina. "You ran your tongue all the way along her slit?" Before Twilight could reply, Soarin's warm tongue had plunged between Twilight's folds, pulling itself slowly up and through her lustful drippings and stopping on her clit. He gave his tongue a little swirl, which made Twilight squeak again, and pulled back. Twilight put her hooves over her mouth and searched the room for Rainbow Dash. To her surprise and comfort, Rainbow was looking back at her, lust sparkling in her own eyes. She seemed to pull the mares by her side close and mutter something, before breaking away and trotting across the room towards Twilight. Soarin recognized the look in Twilight's eyes, and waited patiently for Rainbow to find her way over. Rainbow slid in beside her marefriend. "Hey, Twi." "H-hey," Twilight stuttered. "Look who's getting eaten out at a Wonderbolt sex party," Rainbow said with pride. Twilight could only chuckle in response. Rainbow smirked. "Can I touch you?" For reasons she couldn't fathom, that was the comment that made her face glow the brightest it had all evening. "Of course," Twilight said softly. Rainbow's smirk broke into a dopey grin, and she wrapped her hooves around Twilight's neck to pull her in for a kiss. Soarin, sensing his job was done, sat back on his haunches. "Hey," Rainbow said, looking down at the stallion. "Nopony told you to quit, hotshot." Soarin laughed. "Yes, ma'am." Twilight looked up at Rainbow. "You're not mad?" "Oh, my gosh—Twilight, we've been over this!" Rainbow exclaimed. "This is the whole point!" "It's not… weird that I'm here?" Twilight asked meekly. "Weird?!" Rainbow repeated. "It's super fucking hot!" Twilight giggled. "I'm gonna kiss you now," Rainbow said matter-of-factly. Twilight blushed. "Please do." "And, once Soarin finishes eating you out, I'm taking you home to fuck you," Rainbow continued. "So you better save your best screams for me. Deal?" "Deal." Rainbow nodded once, then dove in for a kiss. The thought struck Twilight quite suddenly: this was the first time in her life that she'd had more than one tongue inside of her. Soarin was something of a marathoner, working slowly and rhythmically at Twilight's clit. Every now and again, he would penetrate Twilight with as much of his tongue as he could, a feeling which caused her to shudder in delight every time. Twilight could feel the way his lips stretched at the corners as he opened his jaw open to probe deeper and deeper. Above her waist, Rainbow kissed her with passion of both love and lust. Her hooves wandered, too—one always cupped around the back of her neck and running through her mane, the other tracing delicately along the edge of her ribs. As her orgasm neared, and her body went rigid in anticipation, Rainbow pulled away. "If you like this, wait 'til Spitfire has a shot at you," she whispered. The orgasm that ripped through Twilight caused her to cry out, and she found she didn't care how many ponies were listening.