> Just Adore Me > by Shadic Midnight Blitzer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Rather Rough Start > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1:  Soft tender flesh passed between my hands as a curvy figure bounced on top of me. A huge pressure built up within me as the mare’s large ass slammed onto my balls, the powerful life-giving tanks twitching as another load of cum formed within them. Milk dripped from my mouth as I sucked onto my partner’s tits, her large mammaries stretching and bouncing while she moaned in pleasure. Her moans, angelic and blissful in nature, only continued to rise in volume as our speed grew, my large orbs acting like pendulums against her heart-shaped rear as I thrust my massive shaft into her. Our juices mixed as my cock traveled to where none other could possibly reach, deep in her womb and bumping the other side of it. With cannon ready to fire, I gritted my teeth as pounded faster and harder than ever before, my balls clenching as I prepared to pass the point of no return. Her moans turned into screams as she sensed my orgasm approaching, her legs tightening around my waist so that her fate could be sealed. “I’m going to cum!” I warned as I felt my entire body quiver, my shaft flaring inside of her and stretching her even more with my size. Nearly scratching my back, she clung for dear life as she tightened her grip on my shaft, her own orgasm imminent. “Midnight! I’m going to cum! Midnight! Midnight! MIDNIGH-” “Midnight wake up!” What would’ve been a roar of pride suddenly turned into a yelp of fear as I found myself getting flung through the air before falling onto the ground beside my bed. Bedsheets covered my body, pinning me as I was unable to unwrap myself free, and soon enough the cause of my demise appeared in my vision, a large grin forming on her face. “Good morning Midnight!” The light blue pegasus exclaimed, her lightning blue eyes sparkling as she stared at my downed form. She smirked as I continued to struggle within my soft confinement. “Did you have a nice sleep?” “The best one a stallion can ask for,” I said absentmindedly before blinking. I spun around and looked in horror as I could see my sister giving me a mischievous grin as she eyed the bedsheets that had trapped me in a tangle. “Oh, really~? Well then, let me see what all of this ruckus is all about!” She exclaimed as she immediately pulled on my bedsheets. To my luck, the sheets that were tangled around me were just twisted enough to resist the tug, however as she continued to pull I knew that it was only a matter of time until she either loosened it or worse, choked me to death. “Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait! Lightning! I’m naked!” I yelled as I did my best to keep the bed sheet from coming off my body, using my hands to hold it in place from the inside. The mare froze for a bit before lifting herself, my mouth letting out a silent yelp as my eyes unintentionally hovered over her large jugs as they jiggled within her sports bra. “Hmm, alright Midnight. Come down whenever you’re ready to have our hour-long run.” Lightning calmly said as she turned around and began to walk towards the door. Just when I felt like the worst had passed she turned around before giving me a mischievous grin, causing my pupils to form into pinpricks as I knew she was going to make things so much worse. “And if you don’t come down in one minute, not only am I going to drag you out of your bedsheets, I’m going to drag you outside so that we can run. How does that sound for motivation?” My mouth hung wide open as she began to laugh hysterically at me, her entire body shaking before she stopped to wink at me. “See ya in one minute!” The moment my bedroom door slammed shut I instantly began to struggle once more with my bedsheets. No way in Tartarus am I going to be running outside naked! I gritted my teeth as I forced a still sensitive portion of my body to bend just a bit, this being just enough to help me untie myself. After taking off the bed sheets I held in my breath as I saw my massive cock spring up, pre-cum *flowing* from the tip like a fountain, and soon the pain began to settle in my balls as I felt the effect of having my orgasm being denied by Lightning’s intrusion. I decided to just deal with it as I tried to put on my boxers, my teeth gritting as I found it difficult to push it in completely. Luckily I had bought a special set of underwear a few months ago, which allowed me to hide my incredible shaft size using magic, otherwise, everyone would be able to see it! That didn’t stop it from feeling uncomfortable, as both my balls and my cock felt like they were being squeezed to death. But given how little time I had I did my best to ignore it as I pulled up my shorts. Just at that moment, Lightning barged back into my room, her grin fading away a bit as she saw me finish putting on my shorts. Obviously, she had planned to actually drag me onto the streets, and knowing my luck, some government official or even Celestia herself might pop in and see me naked. And in no way in Tartarus was I going to risk that, even if such an event was as unlikely as my hard-on disappearing for the next hour or so. I already knew that with how hard my member was getting squeezed and knowing who I was going to be running with, having a moment where my cock wasn’t hard for five minutes would be a blessing. “Well Midnight, you know the drill, let’s go out and run for a full hour to reduce this drag that my body still has.” The mare said, glaring at her body. My eyes unintentionally hovered over her large DD cup boobs that were nicely contained in her sports bra as well as her large heart-shaped ass that was equally as curvy as her bust size. My face turned red for a moment, which she thankfully didn’t notice. I decided to say something to try and boost her morale. “They do say that curves are rather aerodynamic,” I said, knowing that she had an obsession to have as little drag as possible so that she could sign up for the Wonderbolts. Honestly, she could’ve just applied to the program already if she hadn’t been so insistent on training her already perfect body until her curves were removed, something that I repeatedly tried and failed to tell her wasn’t possible. Fact is, given that her stomach was thinning, her curves had become even more pronounced. She simply raised an eyebrow at me in disbelief upon hearing me say this. She quickly noticed that I had been blushing, making her slightly frown as she realized that I had been viewing her body in a not-so-appropriate way. “Look Midnight, I understand that you’re trying to help me, but you have to understand that when I’m flying these tits get in the way! And while I’m happy that you’re noticing mares now and that you find me hot, well it just feels weird having my brother look at me like that. And I’m sure that you feel weird too sometimes.” I simply nod in embarrassment as we head down the stairs. As we went down my eyes caught the image of a framed picture. My eyes slightly watered as I saw the image of our father and mother together with us. The dark blue pegasus stallion and the snowy blue pegasus mother both stood behind us as my sister and I both gave peace signs to the camera. Soon enough Lightning stopped as she realized I had gone to see the picture. She sighed as she looked at my saddened expression, her ears flattening as she too felt hurt by the image. “Yeah… I wished they were here.” Lightning said as she softly grabbed me by the shoulder to pull me down so that we could go outside. “Dad’s still in the mental asylum and mom… well… nobody’s seen her since the changelings attacked Canterlot…” We both stayed silent as we headed out the door, locking our small home before we both began to jog through the streets, the sun already peeking from the horizon as we headed out at 6 AM in the morning. The only reason we were able to stay together since that fateful day rather than be split apart and sent to foster homes was that our father had made a lot of connections during his time in the Royal Guard, one of which was with the Sparkles. It helped that I knew Twilight a bit before she went to Ponyville, and when I was asked who I think could be a good family to stay with I mentioned hers. After Twilight and Shining had gone to live their own lives their parents felt quite lonely, and thus we were quickly accepted into their home. Eventually like all grown birds, we moved away, but we made sure to visit them from time to time. Meanwhile, my father’s mental state was already questionable before the changeling invasion. He had become paranoid about the changelings infiltrating our society and launching an attack. Many, including Princess Celestia herself, ignored him, and when the changelings attacked, his worst fear came true. He fought bravely, but when he heard that his wife was gone and a building had killed me and Lightning, he just imploded onto himself, no longer having the urge to live. Of course, me and Lightning did survive, though it was true that a building had collapsed onto us. We even had a close call as a beam narrowly missed the spot where my sister was being pinned. Had it just been one singular foot to the right and she would’ve been impaled and my life would’ve gone an entirely different direction but thankfully that didn’t happen. We were rescued from the rubble by a pair of guards shortly after the changelings were blown out of the city, but by the time we were able to meet our father in the facility, he had already broken down, thoroughly convinced that we were dead and that changelings were impersonating us. I still can feel the tears I shed that day as I cried for the loss of both of our parents. My sister was equally as hurt but in the end, she held firm, helping me return to my original spirit over the years and helping me recover from the loss. In some ways, she almost acted like my mother, and well… it wasn’t uncommon for some people to confuse her as one, especially when her body filled up to what it was now. As we continued to jog through our neighborhood, another fellow female jogger was running by when she spotted us and gave me a wolf whistle. I simply blinked, wondering why she did that, before turning around, immediately regretting my decision as I saw her large bubble butt jiggle with each pace of hers. My cock, which already was being squeezed due to the fact that my leg would brush against it each time I took a stride, only became even harder. Thanks to my enchanted boxers it remained invisible, but upon seeing me nearly trip the jogger simply grinned before continuing on, knowing that she had just left me with an erection. “Honestly, it would’ve been easier for the both of us if I hadn’t explained to you what the birds and the bees were. I knew that it was wrong to keep you in the dark, but you have to agree that things became much harder for you afterward. But well, it’s also on you for not putting your shirt on.” I raised an eyebrow at her before looking at myself and seeing my toned chest and abs visible for all to see. No wonder why that mare whistled at me like that upon seeing the type of stallion I was! My sister simply frowned at me as she looked at my muscular body. If someone had asked me what my sister envied the most, it was my muscles. When she began her training to ‘remove her drag’, she quickly made me participate as well, causing my thin body to grow strong muscles over the years. No matter how hard she trained though. her curves never disappeared, instead, they became pronounced as her stomach slimmed. What annoyed her even more was that other mares had their bust sizes reduced when they trained, yet when she did the same thing it had no effect. Now, I don’t think Lightning hates her body entirely. I think she loves it, after all, how many mares could say that they had DD cups and a large sexy ass? And Lightning’s exercises did leave her with an athletic body everywhere else, making her the envy of those types of mares who had to sacrifice their curves in the pursuit of strength. It’s just that her dream career was in the Wonderbolts, and she doubted that they’d accept someone with her ‘drag’ into their ranks, even though I repeatedly told her that her top speed was well enough to beat most if not all the Wonderbolts, except for Rainbow of course. Ah, the irony of this world. “Well, you didn’t leave me much time to change sis. But you’re right, it has been difficult managing my… thing… especially since we both had little time for… uhm… ourselves…” I said, my face turning red as I knew what I was implying. It was true that when we moved, things got a lot more complicated, especially since we still had college to go through while working our jobs. Luckily we were both part of the weather team, so we helped each other in that at least. My sister blushed a bit before holding up what appeared to be two passes. They were colored black with a large yellow line going down the center. In the middle of the line was the unmistakable shadow of a very curvy mare posing. My blush only grew as I realized what my sister was showing me. “Uhm… w-where did you get this?” I asked as I hesitantly touched it as if they were hot coal. Her face blushed more as she tried her best not to look at me, instead deciding to scratch her mane in embarrassment. “Well I wondered when you’d realize today, but considering that you haven’t, I’ll tell you what it is. I decided that since we barely have any time at home to attend to our… personal needs… we will be celebrating our birthday in this pool club I just found. It opened about a month ago and people say it’s the best place they’ve ever been to. They like how all the girls are sexy, maybe we could uhm… find somebody to satisfy your urges?” The two of us stopped to awkwardly stare at each other. Both of our faces were red in embarrassment as we looked into each other’s eyes. Eventually, I decided to grab one of them, inspecting the pass before slowly nodding, much to my sister’s relief. “Well, uhm… I guess we could go. When will the place open?” “They open at 8 AM. They offer tons of services and rumors are that the owners of the club are the hottest mares in Equestria. They even hold a special raffle that allows a guest to bang one of them, and the odds are doubled if you’re a birthday colt. And since we both hold the same birthday, and since the odds are doubled yet again due to it being June 20th, the evening towards the Summer Sun Celebration, well I think we can take advantage of this. What do you say?” Lightning asked, grinning as she raised an eyebrow at me. I simply blinked at her. “Well, what about you? Would you be… comfortable being there?” I asked to which my sister rolled her eyes. “Midnight, remember, I was the one who bought the tickets, so I’m fine if the entire world sees my DD tits, and I bet you the owners of the club must have even bigger racks if they’re being called one of the biggest sets in Equestria. The only reason I’m having… issues… with my body is because I just don’t think the Wonderbolts would accept a mare that has tits this size.” “Spitfire has a D rack.” I quickly stated only to mentally groan as I realized I became a horny stallion again as my mind wandered to an image of Spitfire showing off her tits. My sister simply rolled her eyes as she slowly prompted us to get back to jogging. “Yes, of course you’d know. You have the playcolt edition of her don’t you?” Lightning asked as she formed a grin at me. “H-Hey! Y-You were the one who gave me that playcolt magazine to ‘educate’ me!” I stammered, blushing as I stared at her. She simply gave me another grin. “And you’re the one who kept it, didn’t you? Come on Midnight, don’t you lie.” Lightning said mischievously. “Her bust size is acceptable though because she also had a side career as a model. After all, who wouldn’t want to jerk off to the Captain of the Wonderbolts? Her D Cups was just a side bonus that added to her popularity.” “Then why don’t you become the next hot Wonderbolt? You’re faster than everyone else! Well maybe except Rainbow, but you pretty much have everyone beat!” I exclaimed to which my sister shook her head. “I wouldn’t be Captain of the Wonderbolts, instead, I would be standing out as some sort of bimbo that they happened to invite only because she’d be good in the after-party. What I want is to be just one cup size smaller. It’d still be a large enough cup but at least I wouldn’t stand out since Spitfire would be a fellow D cup.” “I really don’t think anyone would think like that. You should just go ahead and apply, and well if they somehow declined you, you could always ask them what their methods of slimming down are. Who knows, maybe Spitfire had a similar problem that she resolved, and she’d be willing to give you her diet.” I stated, giving up the idea that I could convince my sister to just live with her DD cups and just sign up for the Wonderbolts. She was doing great in the weather job department, but I already know she’s some top-tier Wonderbolt material, why in Celestia’s name would she still be waiting simply because she thought her rack was ‘too big’? Of course, maybe I’m not getting the full picture, after all, maybe it’d be tainting the Wonderbolt name of being an airshow since her juicy tits could be considered as something sensual, hot, and fuckable? … I simply hid my face under my mane, embarrassed by my lustful thoughts, as I continued to run, my cock and balls throbbing in pain as it tried to rip free from my boxers. If I had been in front of my sister then I wouldn’t have to be dealing with these problems, but of course, she’s better than me in everything physical. I wasn’t slow, quite the contrary, however for the longest time I could remember I was always behind her, and unfortunately, that was causing me to get an erection now that I was all grown up. “So it opens at 8 AM?” I asked, a bit anxious to finally have my constant erection get removed by a mare so that I could live a normal life. She nodded as she continued to run with me. “Yep, 8 AM. We’ll be getting some swimwear along the way. It’s a weird but interesting combination of all the clubs you can name. It’s a pool club, a nightclub, a strip club, a regular club…” “A volleyball club? A golf club? A basketball club?” I joked to which my sister rolled her eyes at my response. “Surprisingly yes to all of those. I think given the fact that any rapid movement would end up having a mare’s knockers bounce, they’ve decided to add all of those things and much more. The place has everything you need to the point where you could technically live there, and I’m sure the owners do that given that nobody’s seen them leave.” Lightning stated much to my surprise. Living in such a place sure sounds quite luxurious.  “Huh.” Was my simple short response until I realized something. “Wait, you said swimwear?” I asked nervously to which my sister nodded. “Yep. I did say it’s a pool club. Hmm, I hope I can find a bra my size in the time we can. The last bra I had was when I was still a D cup. Oh, where in the world did I go wrong?” My sister asked herself as she began to wonder what decisions she might’ve made that caused her to suddenly fill up by two cup sizes. However, upon hearing that my sister had yet to buy a swimsuit that had her updated size, my mind began to search for the last time she had worn one, which ended up dating to when we were 17. Memories began to flash to the pool we had been in and how my sister complained about not being a C cup at the time. My heart froze though as I remembered how she ended up tripping onto me at one point, her sizable chest pressing against mine and how I ended up running towards the bathroom. My mind had gone into a frenzy as I had no idea what I should do with my massive shaft as I didn’t have any enchanted boxers at that time. And then I remembered what type of swimsuit she had. Five seconds later I found myself groaning on the floor having tripped on my boner as I realized how screwed I was. > An Interesting Entrance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: By the time we finished our hour-long jog, the two of us found ourselves near the coast of Manehattan. When we had moved from the Sparkle family we had decided to settle in the city’s suburbs where access to the main hub and the shoreline was relatively easy. The rent was easy to deal with as we didn’t actually live near the beach. Instead, we’d usually use our time jogging to get to the shoreline. While it has been a long time since we were able to enjoy the place due to our schedules becoming extremely busy recently, I could easily remember all the wonderful moments I had on that sandy ground as well as some embarrassing ones I’d have whenever I found myself in the presence of a very hot girl, which unfortunately included my sister sometimes.  Dang it.   However, what was worrying me right now was the building in front of us. While it wasn’t the club we planned to go to, my shaft nevertheless twitched as I saw what was being displayed for sale, and already I knew that I was going to have a rough time yet again. “H-Hey Lightning… Y-You sure you don’t want me to stay outside while you go shop inside?” I asked nervously as I pointed to the store, seeing the swimwear being put on display. The fact that the ones at the window were already enough to make me horny all over again made me fear just how revealing the ones inside would be. For a moment my sister raised an eyebrow at me before she formed an evil grin as she knew what was going on. She began to giggle as she realized my predicament, as well as something else. “Oh really? You sure you won’t feel embarrassed that everyone can see your powerful chest?” Lightning Spark questioned, making me look down and remember that I hadn’t put on my shirt. I instantly groaned as I realized how many mares were giving me sultry looks. Dang it sis! If only you gave me more time to change! I simply hid in my wings as a random pony passed by and gave me a wolf whistle, obviously enchanted by my muscular build. Looking back up at the store’s name I simply shook my head as I realized I was stuck between a rock and a hard place.  A very hard place.  “I don’t think I’d want to be in a store called ‘Truly Bare’. And I have a feeling that you’re going to make me stand outside of your changing room while you try on some bras.” I stated, my mind visioning me peeking into her changing room and seeing her take off her shift, her large DD cups jiggling in her bra as she undid the back. I whimpered as I wondered why that thought suddenly crossed my mind. I whimpered again as I saw an evil grin forming on my sister’s face, and already I regretted what I said. “Well now that you told me this, I am going to ask you to stay outside of my changing room, ya know, to protect me. So thank you for that idea!” My sister grinned as I stared at her, my mouth wide open as I struggled to say anything due to shock, unable to believe that she would make me do that even though I knew she would after she heard what I said. She giggled as she opened the door, causing me to gulp as she took my hand and pulled me inside with her. Immediately I took a jagged breath as I looked and saw multiple mares walking freely in their swimsuits, many of which were very revealing. Mares casually talked to one another or flirted with nearby stallions who were equally as flustered as me for being here, while others headed towards a door at the back. As they opened the door and went through I immediately placed a hand to my face as I realized why they were acting like this. “Of course, there's a beach on the other side.” I thought to myself, hiding my face with my wings as I felt my large shaft twitching within my boxers again at the sight of all of these girls. Seriously, why did we have to enter the one store that had its doors opened to the beach as well? "Actually why did a store connect to the beach?” I wondered at the sudden revelation.  My sister simply blinked upon seeing the scene, surprised that so many mares were walking in their swimwear as well. “Huh, that’s strange. Didn’t know that this place was connected to the beach.” My sister said as she grabbed one of the swimwear to inspect it only to realize something. “Hey, this store belongs to the club we’re headed to!” I turned to face her and sure enough, on the tag that dictated the “clothing’s” price, if it could even be considered as one when it was just two thin strings, was the image of a shadow of a curvy mare in front of a black and yellow background. “You’re right. Guess this must be one of their many stores? Think they private the beach in the back?” I asked, pointing towards the door where many mares were walking in and out. It was then that I realized that the ones going towards the beach would hold up their passes to a female bouncer, who’d barely skimmed over the pass before letting them enter. “Well wouldn’t you know, they might have done it,” I stated as I realized that this store was one of their club’s entrances. My sister nodded before looking at the swimsuit she held. “Hmm, I think I’m going to try it~,” My sister said as she gave me a devilish grin. My pupils shrunk as my mind once again began to imagine how my sister would look in such revealing attire. “What!?” I yelled in panic, causing my sister to giggle. “Well we are going to be going to a very hot club so this should go well with the environment. You shouldn’t worry about it though, I imagine there’s going to be a mare that catches your eye, so please calm down.” Lightning Spark said with a soft smile before placing a hand on her chin. “You know, you could help me choose what swimsuit I could take, that way you wouldn’t be super uncomfortable ya know?” “... Fine…” I blushed as I tentatively helped my sister pick what swimsuit she should try in the clothing room, narrowing her options down to only a dozen. Unfortunately, most of them still gave me a hardon, but not to the extent that the first one had. At least I was able to help her choose what colors fitted her fur the best. As we walked toward the changing room my blush intensified as I heard a couple banging behind one of the doors. My sister apparently didn’t pick up their noise or ignored it as she chose a random room, which was thankfully relatively far away from the couple down the row. She grabbed the swimsuits that I carried for her before giving me a soft smile. “Don’t worry Midnight, we’ll be out of here in no time. Just stand nearby until I come back, then we can use that entrance we just discovered and we can quickly have some fun in the club!” My sister eagerly said, causing me to raise my eyebrow as she closed the door. Huh, guess she really was excited about going to the club.  I looked at the door behind me, using my ears to hear if somebody was behind it. After guessing that nobody was there I reclined against it, trying to tune out all of my sounds and become oblivious to everything around me, when the door suddenly opened inwards, causing me to yelp as I fell backward. Groaning on the floor I looked up only to freeze as I saw the valley between the hills as the thestral leaned over and looked at me. “Hey there hot stud. What brings you here? Are you enjoying the view~?” The mare said as she pulled on her the two strings that were her fabric, causing me to gulp as for a split second I saw her body in all of its glory. My face immediately turned red, causing her to giggle as I struggled to form a response. “U-Uhm… Well, I’m not going to deny it… you do look nice…” I hesitantly said as I looked away from her and turned to face the door where my sister was changing. “I’m waiting for my sister.” I simply stated as I tried to not pay attention to the thestral. The thestral raised an eyebrow at me before giving me a sly smile. “Oh really? I have a hard time believing that after you fell into my room and got a good view of my body. You’re shirtless and have a great set of muscles, are you sure you’re not here trying to flirt with mares to take them home with you?” The mare asked, causing me to open my mouth in shock as she continued to speculate. “Who’s to say that you didn’t purposefully ‘fall for me’ so that you could bang me in here like that couple a few doors down?” The mare said, making a pun and causing me to blush harder as I remembered and could still hear somebody fucking in one of the changing rooms.  “I-It’s n-nothing like that!” I firmly stated with a blush before slowly picking myself up, doing my best not to stare at her. Already I could feel how my cock became extremely hard from hearing and seeing her. She giggled as she saw my reaction. “Sure it is.” The thestral said before extending a hand to me, which I hesitantly took.  “Anyways… My name is Moonlight River, proud dancer for the Truly Bare club. Can I assume that you and your sister will be going to the club today?” The thestral mare asked. After hesitantly giving her a nod the mare formed a proud smile. “Perfect! I could take you two to the club once your sister finishes changing.” Moonlight exclaimed before switching to a more apologetic look. “Sorry about teasing you like that, I just have a thing for very hot stallions. And you’re a very hot stud! Bet you take a ton of mares to bed right?” I blushed while scratching my mane, not expecting her to ask that type of question. I looked away for a moment before looking back to address her. “No, not really. I don’t have enough time to do that.” I replied, causing Moonlight to pause before she formed a small smile. “Well, I’m guessing that’s why you’re going to the club hm?” The mare said before forming a seductive smile as she placed her hands on my chest. “Actually, why don’t I help you right now? You’d like to have your balls drained, don'tcha?” Moonlight asked as she began to move her hand down towards where my cock was hidden. She would’ve been able to grab my cock were it not for me hearing Lightning’s door being unlocked, causing me to step back from Moonlight as my sister opened the door. My jaw dropped as I saw Lightning wearing a black mini bikini, and while it was not as revealing as the thin strings that were the first attire, it still caused my shaft to twitch due to how stunning and sexy she looked. My heart pounded wildly as I stared. Soon I noticed how Moonlight gave me a knowing look, but before I could ask her what was going on, Lightning noticed us. “Hey Midnight! Who’s the hot girl next to you?” My sister asked as she looked at the thestral, who struck a sensual pose. “My name’s Moonlight River, proud dancer of the Truly Bare club, and I’m going to lead you to the club!” The thestral said with a grin as she stared at us with her yellow eyes. My sister formed a smile upon hearing this. “Oh really? That sounds cool! Let me pay this first and then you can take us!” Lightning Spark stated as we quickly went to pay for her new swimsuit. Apparently, it was common for mares here to pay for their swimsuits while wearing them as the cashier just examined the price tag before charging us the price. As the three of us walked towards the back door I couldn’t help but feel glad that, despite how hot Lightning’s current swimwear was to me, she wasn’t going to be wearing the older one she had, otherwise it would’ve covered even less of her body! We quickly showed our passes and like the cashier, the bouncer barely glanced at us before letting the three of us move on, so I assumed that she had a knack for knowing when someone underaged tried to go through to be this relaxed. As we stepped onto the sandy beach me and my sister’s eyes widened as we realized just how massive this whole club truly was. For starters, the amount of beach the club privated was absolutely massive. I had to strain my eyes to see a perimeter where bouncers would prevent people from entering from the beachside. I could also see how the store we came from jutted out from the rest, with only a few other buildings having a backdoor entrance to it. Whoever was in charge of this must’ve been rich as I could already guess this could cost several hundred thousand bits. What shot up the price was what appeared to be a long bridge that linked to a massive resort in the ocean! Tons of overwater bungalows surrounded a freaking island! An island! Me and my sister had once mapped much of the entire coast while we spent our time there, why was there suddenly a mini island just a swim away now?! “Huh, guess somebody must’ve brought a lot of sand here.” My sister commented as stared at the club in shock. It didn’t take long for her to shrug before forming a smile. “Well who cares, let’s go Midnight! Moonlight, lead us the way!” The light blue pegasus exclaimed, causing the grayish mare to smile. “Alright! Just hop onto this bridge and let's go!” Moonlight said with a grin as we all got onto the bridge that connected the coastline to the club. I was stunned to see this many guests going to this one club, though it didn’t take me long to notice how every single one who left the place had a very satisfied look, showing just what type of club we were about to go into. Small beads of sweat formed on my face as I couldn’t help but feel both nervous and excited about entering this place. As we reached the bungalows I noticed how people seemed to be living in these areas, and how some bungalows were designated as regular stores. I soon remembered how my sister said how one could technically live here with all the commodities that this place offered, was this what she meant? Wondering the same thing my sister soon nudged me on the shoulder, bringing my attention to her. “Ya know, if things go well here… we could always… ya know… rent a place here.” My sister stated, causing me to pause and simply stare at her. She nervously scratched her mane as she tried to come up with a reason that didn’t involve the club. “Like… it’s been a long time since we’ve been to the beach. We can finally make it a habit before or after work ya know? Wouldn’t that be fun?” “Yeah… that would be kind of cool…” I stated while forming a small blush. “Though I wonder how much it’d cost here and if we’ll manage to control the temptation of simply going to this club than going to work ya know? Though we’d be sacrificing the hour-long jog we have.” I continued, causing my sister to blink as she had forgotten about that. It was at that moment that Moonlight chirped in as she pulled the three of us together with her leathery wings. “Well, we do have a training gym here if you guys are interested in exercising. If you’re worried about forgetting about work due to this club though, we can offer you two jobs here!” The purple thestral exclaimed, causing the both of us to look at her with surprise. “What do you mean?” I asked though I had a good idea of what jobs she meant. She simply grinned at me as she pulled back from us a bit. “Well for starters you could be one of the many people who opened a store. The owners love the idea of having people live around the club, hence the bungalows. The owners also want it to always be warm and sunny all the time so as pegasi, you two could help with the weather! And of course, you could always work in the club itself if you want~” The thestral gave us a pair of lustful eyes, causing me to shiver upon receiving that type of attention. She stared at Lightning’s tits for a moment as she continued. “Look at you! I know you might have other ambitions, I wanted to be a Lunar Guard but filled slots made me unable to join. The club though allowed me to use my exotic nature as a thestral to make a living while having fun at it, and it could do the same to you! Like how many athletic mares like you can boastfully say that they have a DD rack? Heck, one of the owners also has a rack that big and she gets the best fun of her life! You could become a well-known dancer here at the club, and trust me when I say that the club gives huge benefits to those they employ.” My sister blushed upon receiving all of this praise, causing her to stammer her next sentences. “Well uhm, I don’t think I’m exactly cut out for that. Like, I know that here some guests are going to be checking my racks as I go into the club, but to be the center of attention in that matter? I don’t know…?” “Well, you did say you wanted to be a Wonderbolt. Wouldn’t you also be the center of attention there?” I asked as I looked at my sister. Lightning looked back while raising an eyebrow. “That’s different… I think… Uhm I guess I could consider it after we have some fun in the club.” My sister said hesitantly while blushing, though I felt that deep inside her mind she was considering the possibility of accepting such an offer. Moonlight simply grinned at her. “Trust me, they’ll want to have you once they see how hot of a mare you are~” The thestral purred before staring at me. “As for you, I haven’t confirmed how big you are down there, but based on how huge your wings are, if you took the role of a stud for even one day, you’d be the most wanted stallion in all of Equestria~,” Moonlight said as she lustfully whispered into my ear, causing my shaft to once again twitch within my enchanted boxers. Thoughts of mares lining up to get knocked up by a powerful cock filled my mind, making my face instantly flush as I thought about how that possibility could easily become reality if I chose. Moonlight began to giggle as if she knew what I was thinking but soon her next sentence surprised me. “Yes, think about it Midnight. Think about how many mares you came tame with that huge cock of yours~” The thestral asked, surprising me while causing my sister to blush as she awkwardly stared at the two of us. “Uhm… did you just read my mind?” I asked as I looked at Moonlight, who began to tilt her head from side to side. “In a way. I can hear your heart beating, and with context, I’m able to figure out what you’re thinking about. Again, I wanted to become a Lunar Guard and impress them with my ability, but slots were already filled so I lost my opportunity. It’s a good thing that the owners were around when I needed them, otherwise who knows where I’d be!” The grayish mare said, causing my sister to form a question in her head. “Now thinking about it, you speak as if you personally know the owners. How did you find them?” Lightning Spark asked which Moonlight River smiled. “Find them? They found me. Even after Luna came back, it's still hard to live as a thestral. Most of us tried to become part of the Lunar Guard, but once all slots were occupied it was hard for the rest of us to find occupations. Some of us took the night shifts of various jobs due to our sleep schedules, and others like me ended up becoming strip dancers at random clubs. I’m not going to say things were terrible, I still had some fun, but I wished that I could have had a better experience. That’s when they found me during their search for hot mares for their club, and they decided that I was perfect. One month later and here I am, one of the most sought dancers in this place. They say they have something special planned for the rising day of The Summer Sun Celebration, so I’m happy to bring you two here during this special two-day event!” “What are their names?” I asked as I saw how the thestral bounced around in excitement. She stopped for a moment as she considered telling us before ultimately shrugging. “They tend to keep their names secretive. I know their names as they trust me a lot, but other than that most guests just know them as The Golden Mares, despite only one of them being golden. However, I hear that they’ll be revealing their names soon and that whoever gets lucky to bang them today can get to know their names.” Moonlight revealed, to which I nodded. Soon the bridge ended, and we found ourselves on the miniature island, where I could begin to hear club music playing in the distance. Trees stood on either side of the road we walked on I could begin to see a large clearing that was easily the size of a stadium, if not bigger. And as we began to approach the large crowd of guests that surrounded the stage, a powerful smell filled my nostrils, causing me to almost stumble as I found myself becoming disoriented. As I pulled in the air again, my eyes widened as I easily identified just what I was smelling. “Well, this all but confirms exactly what this place is.” Lightning Spark chimed in as she too smelled the same thing that I did. “Yep…” I simply responded as I realized just how thick the smell of sex was in the air. Oh boy. Author's Notes: Here's the surprise! Previous color descriptions of Lightning Spark were iffy and confusing, so I had to somewhat start fresh. Still, here it is! > Into The Club > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3:  My heart beat wildly as the three of us made our way through the crowd, my eyes constantly staring at the curves of every mare we passed by. Some had huge racks covered only by small pieces of clothing, others were less gifted but were equally desirable as they showed off their leaner forms. A few though strutted naked, their knockers visible for all to see and their holes ready to be filled. They moved through the crowd, flirting with stallions, making them blush, and sometimes grinding against some. The mares would taunt them, goading them into dropping their shorts and railing them in front of the crowd, but whether the stallions were too stunned to do anything or there was some unknown rule they needed to keep, they barely withstood their moves, a bulge forming in their shorts after getting teased.  Soon the runes on my shorts activated to prevent anyone from seeing my cock hardened upon seeing such lustful sights. A blush formed on my face as I noticed Moonlight giving me a knowing look, as with her trained ears she probably deduced that I was getting excited due to my heartbeat getting faster. “Wow! This place is cool!” My sister exclaimed as she looked around before a grin formed on her face as she noticed something. “And damn these studs look good!” Lightning Spark stated, causing me to look at where she was staring at. My eyes widened as I looked up and saw six stallions and six mares on a stage, all of them naked and showing off their goods. Stallions stroked their large shafts or showed off their muscular builds while mares swayed their hips and acted as lustfully as possible, with one of the mares going so far as to grind on top of a male dancer’s cock, the stallion’s large mast brushing between her legs.  Immediately both me and my sister flared our wings in embarrassment, causing several nearby guests to turn and stare at us in shock. “Uh… did we do something?” I asked nervously as I saw many mares giving me a hungry look while many stallions gaze lustfully at Lightning, specifically at her sexy curves. Moonlight simply giggled at my confused and embarrassed face. “I think they like you~” Moonlight commented as she noticed a bunch of males giving her looks as well due to her status of being a well-known dancer here. Soon enough some stallions and mares began to bombard us with questions. “Where did you find these two Moonlight?” “Did you claim them yet or are they still available?” “Look at those wings! He must be BIG down there~!” “Can I touch your big juicy tits~?” “Hey, you want to have a good time girl~?” “Breed me with your huge cock!” Our blushes became more intense while Moonlight licked her lips upon hearing everyone commenting about our looks. It was at that moment that I noticed that an arctic blue pegasus was trying to grab my attention. I looked at her and wondered what she wanted only for the mare to grab her purple bandeau and lift it up, causing me to instantly do a double take as I saw her large tits on full display. “Sweet Celestia, she's as big as Lightning!” I thought to myself only to facepalm myself with both of my hands as I realized what I was saying. “DANG IT!” A shiver went down my spine as I suddenly felt a soft hand touch my shoulder. Looking to my side I blushed as I saw the pegasus right next to me, her large DD cup tits still visible as she looked at me with raspberry eyes. “Hey there! You look kind of hot! Can I feel ‘it’?” The mare asked with a hint of excitement as she looked down at my shorts. My heart pounded inside my chest as I saw her tug the skirt she wore, teasing me with the thought of seeing her fully naked. The mare was about to make that dream a reality when she was suddenly pulled away by a purple arm. “Hey what gives!” The arctic pegasus exclaimed as she turned to face a fuchsia-colored dancer. Her assets weren’t as impressive as the blue mare’s, but her arms certainly looked as strong as a boxer’s. Her mulberry eyes stared at the mare she was grabbing while a frown formed on her face. “Can’t you just wait for when the lottery is done to figure out who’ll be lucky to spend the day with us?” The purple earth pony asked with a hint of annoyance. The blue mare simply crossed her hands under her chest which pushed up her tits and caused me to blush even harder. “Oh, I’m sorry I thought this was a strip club. The lottery determines who gets to fuck us, it didn’t say anything about us not being able to flirt with some stallions. Plus, I think I found the stallion I definitely want to be in bed with~” The blue dancer said as she looked at me with a hungry pair of eyes. The purple dancer raised an eyebrow at me as if she was measuring me before returning her gaze to the arctic pegasus “You’re not thinking about hacking the system to guarantee him the spot right?” The topless mare simply smiled as she innocently swayed back and forth. “Maybe~” The mare replied before realizing something and turning to face me. “Actually, have you even entered the lottery yet?” After shaking my head the mare’s eyes widened before she grabbed me by the arm and began to pull me with her. “Oh dear! We’re about to close the lottery submissions soon, so we have to do it right now!” The mare exclaimed as I ended up getting dragged by her. The purple dancer simply muttered something before going her own way. As the blue pegasus dragged me to the entrance of a large building, my sister caught up to us. “Hey wait up! I don’t know much about this place!” Lightning Spark stated, causing me to raise my eyebrow as I realized somebody was absent from our little party group. “Where’s Moonlight? Isn’t she supposed to be guiding us?” I asked, to which Lightning Spark crossed her arms while rolling her eyes. “She went with the other girl, she had something to do with her and since I don’t know much about this place I quickly tracked you two. We’re experiencing this together after all.” The light blue pegasus stated before noticing the glass doors in front of us and how nothing was visible on the other side. She turned to the arctic blue mare, who had decided to flirt with one of the bouncers while we talked, and tapped on her shoulder. “Hm?” Was the pegasus’ initial response as she turned to face Lightning. Upon seeing my sister staring at the glass doors and remembering why she brought us here in the first place her eyes brightened up. “Oh, that! Basically behind these doors is where the real action takes place, and it’s also where the ‘night’ part of the club is. Thus we tinted these glass doors, it adds the feeling of mystery that makes your heart flutter.” The mare stated, causing me to become confused. “Wait so stallions and mares dancing provocatively around each other don’t count? Wouldn’t the crowd end up creating an orgy with that type of environment?” I asked, blushing upon hearing my own words. The arctic mare giggled at my reaction before responding. “While it’s possible for the crowd to trigger such a spectacular event there, as with every other section in this club, this specific place is designed to have sex going on 24/7. Expect to see nearly everyone doing something lewd inside here.” With that, the mare opened the doors to lead us inside. Almost instantly our noses were hit with the most powerful smell of sex we’ve ever experienced, even more powerful than the one we felt earlier in the opening. As we walked inside we could hear club music being played along with mares and stallions moaning as they fucked each other in the dim area. Shadows of mares bouncing on top of large shafts, cum firing several meters into the air, and asses jiggling as powerful balls slapped against them. These were just a few of the many things we witnessed. Everything caused our faces to turn red, our hearts to beat wildly, and for our bodies to become excited. We soon encountered a group of mares pole dancing, their bodies even more erotic than the ones we saw earlier as their ass and tits swayed with their movements. My jaw soon dropped as I noticed a golden unicorn with an orange mane in the center, her huge G-cup tits visible for everyone to see as she danced around the pole. “Yeah! That’s my sister!” The arctic mare exclaimed, grabbing the golden mare’s attention. As she noticed me though she gave me a mischievous smile before turning around to present her entrances to me, causing my heart to instantly accelerate as she began to twerk her large bouncing ass. “You like what you see, stud~?” The unicorn asked before giggling as she noticed my face fully turn red from embarrassment. Turning around, she walked off the stage, her massive tits bouncing with each step before she stopped in front of me, letting her girls rest on my chest as her face became very close to mine. “Hmmm… I can already tell you’re a large stallion based on those wings of yours.” The mare said, placing one of her hands on my wing before stroking it, causing me to instinctively shiver and let out a soft moan. Slowly guiding her other hand down, I let out a gasp as she suddenly entered my boxers and grabbed my cock, stroking its entire length before pulling out and showing her fingers covered in pre cum. Holding her hand in front of me, she slowly pulled it towards her mouth before licking my pre off, letting out a soft moan as she tested my taste. “Hmm… delicious~” The golden mare stated. I simply stared at her, frozen from shock and embarrassment, while my sister intensely blushed upon seeing everything that had occurred. “I hope you win the lottery, cause I’d be happy to ride that thick cock of yours later.” The mare smiled at me one last time before going back on stage to continue her dance, her eyes never leaving sight of me. Despite not being fully acknowledged by her sister, the arctic blue mare nevertheless bounced with excitement. “She’s interested in you too!” The pegasus exclaimed before stopping for a moment. “Quick! We have to get your name in the lottery!” The dancer stated before pulling me by the arm and once again dragging me along, with my sister quickly following. We eventually appeared in front of a table that had a large box in the center and a roll of tickets next to it. Taking the roll of tickets, the arctic mare soon gifted me and my sister two tickets each. “Here are your two tickets. Be thankful that it’s the day towards Summer Sun Celebration as your odds of getting chosen are doubled!” The mare said before a lightbulb appeared on her head. Quickly grabbing four more tickets, she gifted me and Lightning two more tickets each, making our total eight tickets. “There! Now it’s quadrupled individually, and octupled combined!”  Seeing that the dancer was willing to break the system a bit, Lightning Spark decided to step up to request more tickets. “Hey uhm, we both have our birthdays today, well technically both today and tomorrow based on how things work for those who’re born during the Summer Sun Celebration-” “Here! Take even more tickets!” The mare exclaimed as she suddenly threw a large bundle of tickets at Lightning Spark, causing my sister to let out an ‘oomph’ and fall to the ground as they hit her in the face. “Now it’s however the number you have now folded!” The arctic pegasus stated with a grin. I simply stared at the eccentric arctic pegasus. “Surely this is not legal,” I said before blushing as I looked down my eyes and noticed the tickets stuck in the valley between my sister's hills. The Pegasus dancer simply grinned. “Well, you could still technically lose.” The arctic mare stated, causing me to roll my eyes while Lightning began to wipe the tickets from her face. “Somehow I have a feeling that you’re going to rig the whole thing as the purple earth pony said.” My sister said with a smile as she plucked the tickets from her tits. The arctic mare simply swayed side to side in an innocent manner. “Maybe~” The pegasus dancer innocently said before looking directly at us. "Anyways there's still around an hour or so before we announce the winner, so I recommend you go out there and have some fun!" The mare stated before leaning towards me, a mischievous smirk forming on her face as she whispered into my ear.  "Feel free to knock up any one of our dancers. I'm sure they'll be happy to carry your foals once they realize how big you are~."  With that final sentence coming out in a sing-song manner the arctic mare left, making sure to sway her ass as much as possible at me to make me even more excited. However, what she had said was more than enough.  My heart pounded wildly as my cock hungrily pulsed at the thought of breeding one of the dancers. The heavy balls inside my shorts began to twitch while my brain began to become foggy, lust taking over every inch. Something she had said had caused a primal urge to burn inside of me.  As I stood there my sister tapped me on the shoulder, breaking me from my thoughts and causing me to look at her. Her eyes darted around as she thought of what to say.  "So uhm… I guess we go ahead and try to have some fun?" My sister asked. I paused for a moment before slowly nodding.  "Yeah, let's have some fun," I said, smiling at my sister.  "And breed every mare in sight."  I simply paused as I heard that thought before shaking my head. Either way, we planned to have some fun here, and that's what I planned to do. Nothing more, nothing less.  Just fun.  The arctic mare hummed to herself as she walked towards a door that read "Managers Only". Knocking on the door, the pegasus dancer waited for a moment before it opened, and soon the mare smiled upon seeing three familiar figures inside the room. "So Sonata, did things go well with the blue pegasus?" The golden mare asked, a smile forming on her face as Sonata quickly nodded. “Yep! Didn’t see any immediate results but I’m sure that after sing-songing my offer to him he’s more than likely to fall under our sway once we announce the lottery and get to claim him.” The pegasus stated before touching the bottom of her neck, undoing the concealment charm and letting a pendant with a large red gem appear. The arctic mare soon let out a soft moan as she felt the gem powering up, the room glowing in an eerie red light as power entered her body. She soon hid the pendant once more before smiling at her sister. “And do you have a backup in case he needs another push?” The golden mare asked, causing Sonata to giggle. “Oh, I don’t think that’ll be necessary with the gems we have, Adagio. I still must say it was a nice coincidence that the stallion that received us when we first entered Equestria was not only rich but had these fine gems laying around in his mansion. Skipped the whole long process we had to do to get the first set.” The arctic mare said before continuing. “If you really want to check on him though, we could always have someone spy on him. Why don’t we ask Moonlight River if she wants to volunteer?” Sonata offered as she turned her gaze towards the purple thestral. Moonlight River simply gave her a distant stare as ragged breaths came from her mouth. Sonata smiled as she saw Adagio along with the other pony both dive their fingers in and out of the batpony’s wet entrance. Underneath the bat pony was a large wet puddle, which came from the intense fingering she had to endure. The arctic blue mare giggled, realizing when this must’ve occurred. “You like giving Moonlight a good time eh, huh sis?” Sonata asked the purple pony, who simply frowned upon hearing her sister say this. “Only because we have to keep her in check or else she might break free,” Aria said with a frown before proceeding to suddenly finger Moonlight at an insane speed, causing the mare to squeal before orgasming, her love juices falling onto the floor and making the puddle bigger. “If it weren’t for the fact that these damn gems use lust instead of negative emotions to power them up, I wouldn’t be doing this.” “And yet here you are, as one of this club’s dancers instead of a bouncer. Maybe because you do like the idea of stallions looking at ya?” Sonata teased, causing Aria to growl. “As if! I just know you convinced Adagio to make me a dancer because ‘some stallions are into muscular girls’!” “I’m neither going to confirm nor deny that,” Adagio said as she allowed her two sisters to argue, and instead focused on fingering the batpony’s pussy even faster, causing her to release a series of ethereal moans. “Ah… Please… G-Give me… More…!” “Hmmm, yes~. Sing for me my little thestral~” The golden unicorn ordered, shuddering from the amount of power she was receiving, before beginning the final stride. The purple thestral soon began to scream and spasm in pure ecstasy as her body began to orgasm nonstop. Adagio grinned as her fingers continued to plunge inside of the mare, until the mare could no longer scream or move anymore, her voice too strained to make any sound and her body losing all of its strength. Her eyes became distant as her mind became completely numb and unaware of the physical world. It was only when Adagio activated her magic and transferred some of the stored lust inside of her that Moonlight was able to respond, gasping for air as her body once again began to function. Her eyes, while more focused, felt just as distant as before, and instead of being yellow, they now had a tint of red to them. After finally recovering her breath, the purple thestral looked to Adagio who was at her side, her body still trembling from the huge amount of pleasure she had gone through. “Ah… Is there… Is there anything you want me to do Adagio?” The purple bat pony asked, her voice sounding slightly monotone. The golden mare smiled at the purple thestral before nodding.  "Yes. Do you recall the stallion you just met? I want you to give him a little 'nudge' as you've done with the others." Adagio ordered, to which the bat pony nodded.  "You want me to help 'recruit' Midnight into the club? Sure, I could do that." The mare said before blinking. "What should I do with his sister?"  This time it was Adagio's turn to blink as she hadn't realized that the mare that had been next to the stallion was his sister. Her momentarily confused expression soon turned into a smile as a plan formed in her mind.  "Hmmm, actually…" The Golden mare soon whispered into Moonlight's ear, but despite this Sonata and Aria had a pretty good idea of where Adagio's plan was going as Moonlight's eyes widened. The mare stared at the owner of the club with shock before her eyes once again became blank as lustful energy calmed her nerves. She nodded as she understood what Adagio wanted.  "Alright Adagio, I'll do just that." The purple thestral stated before walking to her pile of clothes and leaving the room. The moment she left the room Aria sprung around to face Adagio.  "I don't think that plan is a good idea, Adagio." The earth pony stated to which the unicorn chuckled.  "So? Even if the worst comes to pass I'm sure we'll certainly be able to handle it. After all, if what I heard is correct, Chrysalis was able to beat Celestia after absorbing many days of love from Shining. We can take on the blue pegasus if it happens." Adagio replied while licking her lips, the image of the stallion on her head. Aria's frown only increased.  "I know where you're going, and if the rumors of what would happen if you did that with a Hyper Stallion ended up being true, we'd be screwed, especially if we ended up breaking these things like last time." The earth pony said as she held up her pendant at Adagio. The arctic mare right next to her simply shivered with excitement.  "Well, it would feel great to know how one feels, especially one from this generation. I imagine you’d like to know how it’d feel to get pounded by one, right Aria?” Sonata asked, to which Aria scoffed. “As if I would be thinking that!” The mare yelled before poking a finger into Sonata’s chest. “Ever since we’ve started this whole thing you’ve only been able to think about cocks! You were already annoying as a human and now this? Ugh, you’re so annoying!” The earth pony stated, causing Sonata. “Nu-uh! You are!” Sonata yelled as she poked her finger into Aria’s own chest, causing the mare to let out a growl. “No, you are!” “No, you are!” “You are!” "You are!” “Alright girls, let's just stop for a moment,” Adagio said as she pushed the two away from each other. She turned to face Aria who frowned upon seeing her sister. “Let me ask you this, Aria. Are you the one in charge?” Aria simply glared at Adagio, who simply smirked upon seeing her unable to say anything, before continuing. “Exactly. You're not the one in charge, I am. I get to set the rules and I hereby declare that we’re going to be following my plan. We’re going to be turning the pegasus into a True Hyper Stallion, that’s final.” Adagio stated, before frowning as she heard Sonata interrupt her. “Oh! Oh! Can I ride him first? I was the first one to meet him and I think he likes me the most!” Sonata exclaimed. Adagio was about to reprimand her youngest sister, stating that she was the best, she was their leader, and her performance to Midnight would’ve swayed the stallion right to her instead of Sonata when she suddenly stopped to think. Looking at her sister the unicorn smiled as she realized that perhaps she could use Sonata’s willingness to her advantage. “Hmmm… Alright, I’ll allow you to be the first one to ride him.” The golden unicorn replied, causing Sonata to squeal in delight before hugging her older sister. “Thank you Adagio! I’ll make sure to not let this go to waste!” The arctic mare stated before ending the hug and leaving the room. After seeing her sister leave the unicorn turned around to see Aria frown once more. "You're going to use her as bait," Aria stated, her eyes staring deep into Adagio’s, who held her ground.  "No, I'm not. Didn't you listen to what I said? Once we reach our full power, even a Fully Awakened Hyper Stallion won't be able to overpower us. I'm just allowing her to have fun first. She's the youngest. You could go afterward if you want." Adagio said before smiling at Aria. "See, I care for you girls."  "Sure." The earth pony sarcastically said before continuing. "Honestly we should just leave his sister out of this matter. I'm sure we can draw out the power of a Hyper Stallion ourselves, even if it would take some time.” Aria said before blinking. “Now that I think about it, how did we determine that Midnight is a Hyper Stallion? And why couldn’t we have just used another one from the beginning?” The purple pony asked, to which Adagio smiled, happy to explain things to her. “Well, for starters, I was able to feel his cock with my own hands, and from that, I gauged his size and determined he was a Hyper Stallion,” Adagio stated, causing Aria to cross her arms upon hearing that the unicorn had already touched the stallion. “Second of all though, he’s different from the other Hyper Stallions we’ve encountered. He’s a virgin. He’s never fucked another mare before and on top of that, he hasn’t relieved himself in quite some time. He’s as blue-balled as a stallion exiting No Nut November. He’s probably been too busy to realize that he’s a ticking time bomb. Add the fact that he has a smoking hot sister around and he’s basically been teased for a very long time now.” “Then if he had been in this state for a long time, wouldn’t it be better if we just knock him out, tie him in place, and repeatedly edge him until he goes insane from lust?” Aria asked, before quickly adding a few more words. “Not that I would, uhm, want to do that myself. I just find it more efficient.” The earth pony stated, causing Adagio to smile at her. “That’s more or less the second step of my plan. While it might sound counterproductive, I want Midnight to be fucking as many mares as he can. The reason for this is that his hormones and lust would rapidly increase, thus by the time we do begin to edge him, his mind is already weak and his cum production is very high. And this is where his sister comes in.” The golden mare said as she stood up and began to pace the room. “You remember how we were able to control Moonlight, right? I want to do the same with his sister, overwhelm her to the point where sex is all she can see. I want her to help us edge the stallion. Just think about it, the poor stallion, already overwhelmed by all of his lust, now has to deal with the taboo idea of knocking up his sister. We can make her blue ball her own brother until his mind reaches its breaking point and he ends up knocking up his sister. Wouldn’t that be fun to see?” Adagio asked, causing Aria to frown as she finally understood why her older sister was taking all of these unnecessary steps in the first place. “So all of this is for your own entertainment?” The purple pony asked, to which the golden mare nodded. “Yes. And after we tame him, since we’d be stronger than him, we can use him against Equestria and see how he knocks up every mare he sees. Who needs our siren magic when we have a Hyper Stallion?” The unicorn stated. The earth pony simply stared in disbelief before shaking her head and deciding that enough was enough. “You know what? Knock yourself out, but I feel like this entire plan of yours is unnecessarily complicated and can and probably will backfire, and I don’t want to get knocked up and lose my mind should he overpower us or worse, break our gems. We don’t know how powerful an Awakened Hyper Stallion would be, and this is assuming this plan works in the first place. You’re basically sacrificing all of the mares we acquired on a gamble.” “But as I said, it will work, and even on the rare chance it doesn’t, the lust we’d gain from just trying would put us above the alicorns and above Twilight and her friends,” Adagio stated before giving Aria a wink. “That’s why we’ve been trying to recruit those close to them, and if all goes well, we might even have some of the Element Bearers get trapped under our spell and then get knocked up by Midnight. Their friendship can’t work if their mind gets clogged with lust.” The golden mare said. “That… That does sound true…” Aria said as she processed what her sister was saying. “You see! Now you’re getting the bigger picture! If what happened with the girls from the human dimension occurs here, where our songs can’t affect them, we can always use a Hyper Stallion to help facilitate their corruption.” Adagio said before deciding that she had finished saying what she needed to say and began to walk towards the door. “I think I’ve said enough already. We’ll be following my plan and when everything goes, we’ll have a powerful Hyper Stallion on our side and maybe even an Elemental Bearer or two under our spell by then. See ya Aria.” With that the golden unicorn left, leaving the purple earth pony to stand in the room alone. Despite how both insane and potentially useful her sister’s plan was, Aria couldn’t shake off the memory of that day. The day when they had lost their most prized possession, their voices. They had been winning that day, they were able to successfully knock out the Twilight Sparkle from Equestria and her human friends with their siren magic. And yet all it took was Sunset Shimmer to walk up and join her magic with that of her friends to overpower their voices, their gems, and completely shatter them. She remembered the shock she had felt when she realized how out of tune she and her sisters were. Not just out of tune, just completely bad at singing! They had been naturally talented with it even before acquiring their gems, and yet that had gone away. She remembered the embarrassment and humiliation she felt as the crowd booed at them before pelting their bodies with food. She remembered the struggle to regain just even a fraction of their natural singing as their overreliance on the gems made them forget how to sing in the first place. And she remembered how mad she felt when they finally returned to Equestria only to realize that they were no longer sirens, just ponies. It was by sheer luck that they had found a random portal in the middle of the sea as they had tried to get over their loss of being unable to sing. It was by sheer luck that the portal spat them out in front of a mansion where they encountered a rich stallion that was more than happy to let them stay, with a price though. It hadn’t been a bad experience, he was a decent stallion to ride, it was just the fact that they had given up their identity as sirens in favor of the title of ‘the hottest mares in Equestria’ that bugged her. They were sirens! Beasts! Monsters of song that could cause towns to collapse under their voices. And yet here they were, submitting their bodies to others, in exchange for the sensation of power once more. Sure, now with the gems they had acquired from the mansion they were able to sing and use their magic again, but it wasn’t their main trait anymore. It was just a tool for them to further empower their seductive skills. Out of the three, it appeared that only she remembered how things were before. Sonata, once the innocent and idiot girl she was, was now someone who craved stallions. What redeemable trait she had, her ability to persuade others, was now being used to bring stallions to her. Adagio was a different but similar story. She appeared to be more in control of herself than Sonata, but Aria knew the truth. The siren-turned-unicorn liked the idea of trancing stallions with her body as much as Sonata, and while she probably did remember and miss the old days of singing, she had ‘adapted’. And worse of all, she viewed these things as entertaining, and even though they had lost their first set of pendants and should be more cautious, she was gambling their new pendants on the idea that they could take on a Hyper Stallion that had been driven past the breaking point! Of course, Aria was no exception to this change. Deep down, she liked the new feeling that the pendants gave to her whenever she acquired lustful energy from their lewd activities. It did feel empowering to absorb all of that power into her own body, and the times she did have sex and dominated her partner, she felt like the empress of the world! But despite all of this, it didn’t feel the same. She wanted her voice. She wanted power. And yet she couldn’t help but fear that Adagio’s plan could backfire.