Can You Stop Progress?

by Thranx

First published

Applejack is a traditional pony. She never likes not managing her farm the "Apple Way". However, as war looms over Equestria, she has a choice to make. She didn't like that.

Magic. An essence that has existed since Faust created the world and is inside every living being. Everypony knows that. Applejack knows that. Her farm was proof, after all. All of the Apple Family thrived because of it, their Earth Pony magic was their blessing. However, as peace crumbles throughout Equestria, ponies recommend her to adopt machinery to her farm, to help the war effort. She doesn't want that. But as the war progresses, she has to rethink and she has to choose.

Adapt or left behind?

She likes neither.

An Equestria at War story.

Written for 2022 EaW Writing Contest

An Unexpected War

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"War! War! Changelings attack Acornage! Get today's paper!"

Applejack could hardly believe her ears as she heard the newsdealer. War? The concept seems foreign to her. This isn't Griffonia. This is Equestria, the land untouched by war for a millennium, thanks to the wisdom of the princesses. How did it come to this? She and her friends had beaten the Changelings eight years ago. That should be the end of it.

But they came back. Did she do something wrong back then? What should she do now?

Applejack shook her head. The thought could be addressed later. Her mind was too scrambled to think. She continued pulling her apple cart, leaving the stunned Ponyvillians to comprehend what had happened.

Her journey home was spent in silence, her mind was still unsorted. As she was trotting, she heard somepony calling from behind her.

"AJ! AJ!"

She turned her head back to see Rainbow Dash approaching and eventually landing in front of her.

"Hey, Applejack! You heard what's going on? We're at war!" shouted Rainbow.

"Ah know, Rainbow. Ah was there when the newsdealer broke the news," Applejack sighed.

"Oh, uh..." Rainbow stuttered before she continued, "Oh! Twilight's calling all of us to her castle, she said it was urgent,"

"No doubt about this whole war thing, I suppose," her tongue felt sick at the mention of war, the word was still foreign to her tongue. "Ah'll be there after Ah bring these apples home," she continued.

"Right, I'll help ya," Rainbow offered.

"Thanks, Rainbow"

"No problem, AJ."

Applejack was standing beside Rainbow in front of the door of the Cutie Map Room.

"You ready?" Rainbow asked.

"As Ah'll ever be," Applejack replied.

Rainbow opened the door and they both entered the room. They were greeted by Twilight, Pinkie and Fluttershy, all of them wearing various expressions, none of them were cheerful ones. Applejack grimaced and headed to her seat by the Cutie Map. They all sat in silence for a full five minutes. Applejack shifted in her seat, clearly uncomfortable of the silence.

So she decided to ask the whereabouts of Rarity, the last of their friends currently absent.

"So, where's Rari—"

The door slammed open.

"So sorry, girls! I tried to arrive earlier but the train station at Canterlot was so unbelievably crowded!" said Rarity as she gasped for air, no doubt galloping from the train station right after arriving.

"No problem, Rarity. Take a seat," answered Twilight. Rarity thanked her and nodded before she trotted to her seat. The room returned to silence again.

"Right, now we're all here, we can now start. Okay, so due to the current situation I have sent all the students of the School of Friendship to start packing and return home, we can meet them tomorrow at the school hall before they leave," Twilight began.

Applejack, along with the rest of the group nodded before Twilight continued.

"Other than that, I've received a letter from Princess Celestia. She offered me the position of Head of Research and Development in Canterlot. She also asked if any of us would volunteer to be generals on the front. Our General Staff is very understaffed at the moment. Right now, Equestria needs somepony to lead her armies, any of you would like to volunteer?"

"WHAT?! I thought we have Soarin, Spitfire and other high-ranking Wonderbolt captains?" Rainbow shouted.

"Yes, Rainbow. That we do. Soarin, Whiplash and Fast Clip are heading to their headquarters in Tall Tale right about now. Spitfire went to Cloudsdale to assemble the Royal Air Force. But they're not enough to handle the entire changeling army," Twilight sighed.

Applejack who had been listening intently, had a thought.

"Wait, wait. Hold up. Why don't we use the Elements of Harmony on the changelings or Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's Love Spell on them? That worked eight years ago right?" she asked.

Twilight flashed a wistful smile, "I wish it works like that, but the Elements of Harmony only works for individuals like Nightmare Moon, Tirek or Discord. Queen Chrysalis on the other hoof, had she lead her armies on the front, maybe we can use the Elements on her, but she's in Vesalipolis, her capital city, far away from the front, the Elements are useless against a million changelings along the frontline and a million more in reserve. Even if we are to infiltrate the changeling defense and try to reach Vesalipolis, there's over a million changeling soldiers between us and Chrysalis. Not to mention, VOPS is keeping a close eye on anything suspicious at home and the front. We can't possibly sneak past that much changelings without getting caught," Twilight sank into her seat and sighed.

"What's VOPS? Is it like their version of SMILE?" Rarity asked.

"You can say it like that, it stands for Vesalipolis Office of Public Safety, though they don't exactly do what their name says," Twilight muttered the last part. "They have a notorious record for infiltration, internal surveillance and censorship. They also like to make people disappear. Nothing gets past them. The letters I received from Thorax said that he's fleeing the country and now is in hiding after VOPS cracked down on his underground harmonist movement," Twilight finished. She then thought of Applejack's suggestion of the love spell.

Twilight continued. "The love spell... It's a good thought, Applejack. But remember, it only covered Canterlot when it was unleashed. The changelings right now are invading with a million soldiers across the 1500km border. How can the spell cover that much land? Right now, the Changelings are outside Vanhoover. Acornage and Fairflanks have already fallen in the first hour of the war," She sank further into her seat.

Applejack grimaced. Equestria is losing ground. She has to do something, anything to help the situation. She looked back at Twilight's offer to volunteer and join the General Staff. It sounded like a good idea, an Element Bearer leading one of Equestria's army would surely boost the morale of the military. But, she had never led an army before, she was just a farmer. What if she makes an error? How many would die? How many lives would haunt her in her sleep? She shook her head and dismissed the thought. She doesn't want to think about it. It sounded like a good idea, but the responsibility was simply too great for her, others would take the mantle on that front. She started looking at other ways on how to help the war effort and came across one.

Her farm. She could give her produce to help feed the soldiers on the front. Milk, Apples, Apple Cider, even Zap Apple Jam could be helpful. Surely the ponies on the front wouldn't want to eat drab military rations everyday? She smiled, a worthy idea perfect for a mare like her had just been laid out.

"Twilight," she began. "Ah'm afraid Ah'll hafta pass with the offer to join the General Staff. Don't think Ah'll be suited for it anyways. Ah think Ah'll be managing the farm, to help from the home front, ya see. Ah think Ah can send some produce to our stallions on the front. Keep them happy and fed," she said.

Twilight smiled "Oh, no worries AJ. I think your idea is splendid. Since Equestria's industry is still in shock at the moment to start to switch their production to weapons and rations, sending your produce would certainly help the production front," She turned to the others, "Anypony wants to volunteer?"

Pinkie raised her hoof, "Ooh, ooh, I do! I do! Everypony on the front has to be happy and what do you need for that? A party pony!" She pulled her party cannon out of nowhere and fired confetti in the room. "I'll make a telephone call to Maud too, we can build party bunkers!"

Everypony giggled at the pink pony. Even in the darkest times, she can still make everypony smile.

Rarity then cleared her throat, "Well darlings, I'm afraid, like Applejack I have to pass, being on the front is simply not for me, though I can design and make our stallions uniforms. After all, to go to war you need a good clothing for your comfort and for advantage in battle like camouflage or ventilation in uniforms. Oh, imagine how dashing they would look in a uniform. Oh, Idea!" Her eyes lit up as she pulled out a sketchbook from her saddlebag and started to sketch, "Oh, this is marvelous. You are smashing it, Rarity," she said as she continued to sketch away.

Fluttershy shifted in her seat as she started to speak, "Um... Twilight, I think I'll join you to Canterlot in the Research Division, maybe I can help to um... help with the war effort, maybe to integrate animals in our military?" the last part sounded more like a question more than a statement.

"Sure!" Twilight replied before turning to Rainbow Dash, "How about you, Dash?"

"Well, I think I'm going to Cloudsdale tomorrow to help Spitfire with the Air Force," Rainbow replied.

Twilight nodded and continued, "Alright, so let's sum this up, Fluttershy, Rarity and I will go to Canterlot tomorrow, Rainbow Dash is going to Cloudsdale to help Spitfire, Pinkie will also join me to Canterlot to meet with the General Staff and will be leaving for Tall Tale to assist the front and Applejack will be staying here to help the war effort on the home front," she nodded again, "Now with that settled, then I believe we are done here and everypony can go home to prepare for tomorrow. Remember, we still have to say goodbye to the students tomorrow so our timetable will be packed, better to rest now and get ready for tomorrow," she finished.

Everypony hugged each other and waved goodbye before heading to their homes, preparing for the dreaded tomorrow.

A Note of Warning

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Applejack was sitting on a chair with a pint of apple cider in hoof. Her friends had already left right after the farewell ceremony finished. However, she stayed back, she was content on watching the students leaving the School of Friendship after Twilight's farewell speech. Though some still stayed either waiting for their parents or did not want to wait at the train station instead they spent it on hanging out with their friends while there was still time.

"Professor Applejack?"

Applejack broke out her stupor and turned her head right to see Silverstream standing right next to her with a long face.

"Yes, Silverstream? Anything wrong?" she answered.

"No, no, I was just waiting for Terramar to pick me up."

"Your brother's picking you up? I thought your parents always pick you up?" Applejack asked.

"Well, you see, much like Equestria, Zebrica is also starting to rumble. Wingbardians to the north, Colthage is waking up. My parents are needed back home, everything is just so messy now," she replied sadly. "Turns out the whole world is going to have a bad year, Gallus said the Wingbardians are eyeing Griffonstone as well as Zebrica. Yona said the Jaks are preparing to cross the Yak border. Ocellus had to leave with Thorax when VOPS cracked down on him, Smolder was recalled to the Dragon Lands due to rumours of a Hauklander invasion and Sandbar returned home to say goodbye to his father who was drafted," she sighed.

Applejack could only look as Silverstream broke into tears, after a second of uncertainty she approached Silverstream and hugged her. "There, there, now don't keep that sad look. You gotta look up and pray that your friends and family are safe. Ah want you to believe that Harmony will win like it always did in the last disasters, Mah friends all went to help the war effort right after the farewell ceremony, even Big Mac went with Pinkie and I know they will return safely, just like your friends and family," she comforted her. However, Applejack herself wasn't convinced of her own claim. But, that seemed to work on Silverstream as her tears began to die down.

"Thanks, Professor Applejack," Silverstream said and then she asked a question, "Wait, Professor Applejack? Why didn't you go with them?"

"Well, Ah got mah farm to watch, so we can keep the ration production going. Granny Smith ain't as spry as she was long ago," Applejack replied.

"Oh, I see. But, um... do you think you can keep up with the quota?" Silverstream asked.

Applejack stumbled, "The whu— now? There's a quota?"

"Well, at least in Hippogryphia they did set up one, when the Storm King attacked," Silverstream drew circles with her claw. "If the war becomes more desperate," she added.

"Ah see, no worries! Us Apples are trained to work hard! Plus, Equestria is large, we'll kick them Changelings back before Hearth's Warming!" Applejack confidently replied. "Even if the Princess sets quotas, Ah can keep up!" she added.

"Oh alright then, if you're confident... But I warn you, demands in war will rise and it will rarely plummet," Silverstream warned.

"Of course,"

"Well, my family had a very big fishing industry back home, courtesy of Queen Novo herself. But when Storm King invaded 5 years ago, at first, we can keep up, half of our produce is nothing bad to give up. But then... as the war dragged on, the quotas rose as well, from 50% to 55% up until 75% of our produce. Until they found that our portion wasn't as much as other Hippogriff fishing industries. You see, my parents were traditionalists, they despise steam ships, fish bombs or using large gillnets pulled by machines as they said it's not the "true Hippogryphian way" and it's ruining the environment. But others have long bent the knee to machinery when the Industrial Revolution reached our home 30 years ago. But my parents refused to adapt and Queen Novo had to reluctantly seize their industry so they can catch more fish to feed our soldiers. In the end, we lost anyway and Queen Novo retreated underwater," Silverstream explained.

"Well, what does this have to do with mah farm?" Applejack raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you said that you're feeding the military right? Then you need to do what my parents didn't do. You should contact some industries that sell tractors and harvesters to raise the production," Silverstream pointed out.

"Now hold on a second! Ain't no darn machines tainting mah farms! The Apple Family prides itself on the hoofwork of our Earth Pony magic, nothin' can beat Earth Pony magic, not even those shining machines," Applejack huffed.

"Well, it's just a suggestion, you can not follow it, whatever floats your boat, I suppose," Silverstream sighed. The sound of the train whistle came from the train station. Silverstream looked toward the station then to Applejack. "I... I think that's my ride, I should go, don't want to keep Terramar waiting, I guess I see you later, Professor Applejack," Silverstream said.

"Right, don't wanna keep him waiting, do ya? Send my regards to your parents will ya?" Applejack replied as she took another sip of apple cider before asking, "Oh, Silverstream?"

Silverstream looked back, "Yes, Professor?"

"Ah'm sorry Ah got mad at you, Ah didn't mean to. It's just there's so many ponies told me that mechanization is the way forward and Ah'm tired of hearing that, Ah don't like watching the generations of Apple tradition to be replaced by machines, it just doesn't sound right, you know what Ah mean?"

"No worries, Professor. I understand," Silverstream smiled before her smile faded a little, "I just hope you can keep up with the demand. Goodbye, Professor Applejack, I pray for the best and hope we will meet again soon," Silverstream turned back and walked to the train station as Applejack watched her disappear in the crowd.

"Goodbye Silverstream, Ah hope to see you later too," Applejack replied but Silverstream had already disappeared into the crowd. She finished her cider and prepared to pack her apples and ciders on the cart to return home. The farewell party was long over and she needs to rest or else Granny Smith and Apple Bloom would wonder when she would return.

But most importantly, tomorrow, she needs to work.

A Letter from Canterlot

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It was nearing twilight at Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was at the porch of her home, sitting on a rocking chair with a newspaper in her hoof, looking for something to read after a full day of working and picking up Apple Bloom from school. The poor filly was so exhausted that she immediately collapsed on her bed.

"Dagnabit," Applejack muttered as she read the newspaper headline.

Changelings take Tall Tale! Equestria to retreat from Coltfoalnia!

It had only been a week since the changelings crossed the border and they were already pushing deep into Equestria. It looks like Northwestern Equestria is nearly lost. Still the changelings are quite far away from Canterlot. She had just finished packed her produce, mostly grain, milk and eggs to ship to Canterlot to be donated to the military. Apples weren't ready yet, that's due next month. She continued to read the newspaper and sees another headline.

Octavia, sensation classical musician to play in Canterlot Grand Opera next week

Applejack continued to read the news article, curious on what a fellow Ponyvillian was doing to play her part.

"I organised this concert to raise the morale of the ponies of Equestria to keep fighting for harmony and see that we will prevail. I know the situation seems bleak but if we continue to fight for every beautiful thing Equestria has to offer, then I am certain that we will win. Worry not, for all of our profit we made from this will be donated to the Equestrian goverment to assist the war effort," Octavia told Equestria Daily

"War's not goin' that well for us, eh Applejack?" asked a sad voice from beside her.

Applejack turned her head to the voice to see Granny Smith standing next to her with a sad smile and a cup of cider. Granny Smith then gave the cup to Applejack which she took it and thanked the Apple matron. Granny Smith then walked to another rocking chair next to Applejack and sat on it.

"No it ain't, Granny Smith, we're not doing too good," Applejack sighed as she took a sip of cider.

"At least everypony is doin' their part, that's what matters, ain't it?" Granny Smith replied before continuing "Ah haven't heard of a single slacker from our kin at Appleloosa and Baltimare. Even yer Aunt Orange in Manehattan, that city fella, is doin' her part,"

"Ah suppose it's true, it's a slice of beauty when everything around us is collapsing," Applejack answered sadly.

"Good evening, Granny Smith, Applejack!" came a voice.

Both Applejack and Granny Smith looked to the source of the voice to see Derpy Hooves standing behind a fence and waving her hoof at them. Both of them approach the mailmare and greeted her.

"Well, hello there, young'un! What are yah doin' in these here parts?" Granny Smith asked.

"Oh! There's mail for you!" Derpy said before she buried her head in her saddlebag. She then popped up from her saddlebag with a few letters in her mouth. "Here you go!" she spoke in a muffled voice.

"Thank you, Derpy," Applejack took the letters. "Here, have an apple for your troubles," Applejack handed the mailmare an apple which she gratefully accepts.

"Thank you!" Derpy replied before she flew away from the farm. Applejack watched her until she disappeared into Ponyville before returning to her farmhouse alongside Granny Smith to check the letters.

"Well, what's it say?" Granny Smith asked.

"Hmm... there's a letter from the waterworks and the power company, sayin' the pay is due next week," she checked. "Then there's one from Big Mac too, another from Twilight and one for you from Goldie Delicious in Baltimare,"

"What's that last one for?" Granny Smith pointed to the last letter Applejack haven't yet checked.

"Oh this one? Well, it says it's from Canterlot, from the Ministry of Defense, Acquisition Division, let me look it through," Applejack tore open the letter and began reading its content.


We from the Ministry of Defense, Acquisition Division is formally requesting for your support for the war effort to protect Harmony and Equestria from the Changeling Hives. Your establishment would help Equestria greatly with its produce. We will be setting up a quota for your farm to follow. If you are feeling generous to donate more feel free to include it in the ledger when the acquisition team arrives next month. With that settled, the following are what the quota entails for each of your product:

Wheat: 30% of monthly yield
Apples: 30% of monthly yield
Dairy: 40% of monthly yield
Eggs: 50% of monthly yield

Any disagreement can be voiced by sending a letter to any of our departments throughout Equestria, address for each is on the next page, we will try to find a more favourable share that suits your preference.

Equestria thanks you for your service to the Crown and Harmony, may you be blessed by Faust.

Cutting Wave
Head of the Acquisitions Division

Applejack continue reading and finally looked up from the letter to Granny Smith and said, "Well, somepony from Canterlot wants us to help with the war effort. Here," Applejack handed the letter to Granny Smith.

Granny Smith skimmed the letter, "That's a plenty they're asking," she muttered.

"Nothin' we can't handle, for the greater good. Don't want our boys on the front be eatin' grass now, wouldn't we?" Applejack answered.

Granny Smith chuckled. "That we don't Applejack, that we don't. Ah bet Big Mac's been missin' on Apple cuisine there. Might have ta send him some to cheer him up. But before that, Ah need mah rest," Granny Smith took Goldie's letter from the table before she retreated to her room. Leaving Applejack on her own on the dining table.

"Night, night, hun,"

"Good night, Granny Smith," Applejack answered.

Her thoughts lingered to what Silverstream had said to her last week.

Demands in war will always rise and will rarely plummet

She then thought of her idea of mechanisation. Just from thinking of the word made her face scrunched in disgust. Mechanisation was one of her most hated word to mention, if war hadn't come, mechanisation would be the most hated word in her lexicon. The mere thought of metal machines working her farm just irked her in so many ways. She imagined her farm filled with dirty grease and oily spare parts, her canals poisoned from fertilisers made in factories. She shook her head. Oh, it disgusted her. It made her want to throw up.

So she pushed that thought away. She regretted thinking of it in the first place. But it made her determined to not let her farm be under that notion.

She'll prove to everypony that metal won't replace mettle. She wouldn't allow it. Not on her watch.

A Pressing Matter

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Tensions on Stalliongrad Border, Serov Claims Equestria Illegitimate

Applejack can't believe her eyes when she read the headline. Ponies, not changelings, but ponies are taking advantage of Equestria's misery to take their own slice of the cake. It has only been a month since the changelings attacked. Now there's another front Equestria has to watch, it's only a matter of time before Stalliongrad pulls the trigger. Right now, Equestria is still struggling to stop the changeling onslaught. The changelings were already bombarding Whinnyapolis and they are less than a hundred kilometres from Las Pegasus. Can Equestria afford to pull more ponies from the front to support another? Will one front collapse? If it will, which one? The Changelings to the Northwest or the Stalliongradians to the Northeast?

Applejack put a hoof on her temple. She did not want to think anymore. So she got off her rocking chair and went inside the farmhouse, bringing her newspaper inside and put it on the dining table. She sat on the chair, staring at the newspaper laying on the table. It was nearing midnight, the house was only lit by a single lantern in the kitchen, Granny Smith had gone to sleep, so had Apple Bloom. Or so she thought.


Applejack looked up to see Apple Bloom rubbing her eyes. It looked like she had just awoken. So Applejack began, "Can't sleep huh, Bloom?"

"No, Ah don't think ah can," answered Apple Bloom groggily. "Those noises just makes it so hard to sleep,"

Applejack nodded. The noises began a week ago, it was the noise of the blaring air raid siren, from Canterlot. The great city had taken a beating ever since the changeling bombers can reach that far. Applejack got off from her chair a looked to Apple Bloom, "Wanna go sit on the porch with me, Apple Bloom?"

"Sure, sis,"

"Come on," Applejack fetched the lantern on the table and went to the door to the porch. She sat on the porch with Apple Bloom leaning her body on Applejack's right side. The front porch of her home had the perfect view of Canterlot from the distance. From here, she could see the spires of the majestic towers of Canterlot. From here, she could see the Royal Palace, the seat of the ruling princesses. From here, she could see the spotlights and anti-aircraft rounds going to the air to spot and hit any changeling bombers. From here, she also saw explosions rocking the city and billowing black smoke from the city. The sirens sounded faint from here, but at Canterlot, they were blaring deafeningly.

In theory, many in Ponyville could sleep soundly since the blaring sirens were only faint and could be suppressed with a small talk or a shout. However, it was not the noise that made ponies could not sleep in. No, it was the thought that ponies on the other side could not have a good night's rest. Ponyville was spared from aerial bombardment, probably due to it being a small town and could hide itself in the cover of night by going into blackout, a fact that she was grateful of. Canterlot however, was a different question, everypony would spot Mount Canterhorn regardless if it's night or not. If one could spot the Canterhorn, one can guess that Canterlot is resting somewhere on the base of the great mountain.

Applejack looked to Ponyville, a view much closer to her than Canterlot was, a town covered in darkness, but she could still see the silhouette of it. She was able to see the once vacant houses there. Now, those houses were filled with unicorns from the School of Gifted Unicorns in Canterlot. She hired them to help the farm three days ago, so she can grow faster, harvest faster and keep up with the quota. As much as she disliked the idea of unicorn magic meddling in her farm. It was better this way. At least it was magic, even if it was not Earth Ponies' but it was still magic. At least it wasn't machines. That, she can tolerate. She still remembered what had transpired a week ago.

A week ago

"Are you sure this is your yield according to the quota?" the mare eyed the produce filled in the trucks skeptically.

"Sure did! Anything wrong?" Applejack confirmed.

The mare corrected her glasses before saying, "Yes, yes, something's wrong, your produce isn't that much. We still have two trucks to fill. So are you sure this is your yield?" she asked again.

"Sure... Ah ain't hiding anything from yah, if that's what ya're thinkin', yah can check our report on the harvest if you want," Applejack replied defensively.

"Oh, I'm not accusing of you hiding anything from us, Miss Applejack. After all, you are the Element of Honesty, we believe your words as much as we believe Princess Celestia's. No, we were just wondering if you misplaced some of the products or you lost them. But since you're offering that report we would like to check it out," the mare answered politely.

"Alright then, I'll get it for yah," Applejack went inside the house. She went to her room and she searched for this month's harvest report. Once she found it she checked the report to see if there was something wrong. "Nothing seems wrong to me, our harvest has always been like this since Ah was born," she returned outside to the mare and handed the papers.

"Thank you, Miss Applejack. Now let me check this report of yours," the mare went to the trucks and began asking the loaders for the quantity of each of the produce.

After a while, she returned and looked to Applejack, "Well, the report is accurate, everything seems to follow nicely. But I have a question," the mare began.


"Why does your harvest isn't as much as other farms we've collected?"

"Well, us Apples value the quality of our product. We managed this farm the true Earth Pony way. So that we can produce the best of products," Applejack proudly answered.

The mare slowly nodded, "I see... Alright, now I can see the problem,"

"What is it then?" Applejack asked.

"Miss Applejack, your method of farming is... well... a little outdated, so to speak." the mare began.

"Now are yah implying that I need to use machines?" Applejack guessed.

"That is certainly one way to improve your output, Miss Applejack, other farms had done that," the mare nodded.

"Well, Ah ain't like other farms, we make good Apple products so our soldiers on the front can get a little comfortable with their food,"

"Miss Applejack, I understand your concern of maintaining quality for your customers, I truly do. However, this is war everypony needs food, quality is secondary. It would be very nice for everypony to get top-notch apples. But answer me this, what good does it do if everypony can't get it?" she asked.

Applejack didn't answer her question.

A day later she received a letter from Canterlot. She tore open the letter to see a new quota for her farm. She checked the memo and saw that the new one didn't come in percentage yield. No. It came in weight. It was outrageous. Applejack was fuming. She quickly head for the telephone in the living room and dialed Twilight.

After a few minutes of ranting, Twilight finally gave her answer. An answer that she didn't like.

Applejack, I know for you it sounds ridiculous. But, I'm not an expert in this. So I went to the Acquisitions Division to ask and they said almost every other farm could keep up.

"Alright, thanks Twilight. Sorry for taking it out on you," Applejack hung up and collapsed on the floor looking numbly at the new letter, now fallen, on the floor.

Almost every farm could keep up. Almost every farm could keep up.

What did she do wrong? Her farm was one of the most successful in Equestria, how can she not keep up? Was it because Big Mac wasn't there to help? But the difference was so large. She couldn't possibly make her farm produce three times as large in a single month. It was impossible. Then she thought of Twilight, that mare always had the brightest ideas. Applejack still remembered when Twilight tried to do Winter Wrap Up with magic.

Her thoughts came to a stop.

Of course! Why hadn't she thought of it earlier, she could use unicorn magic to grow the plants faster! She quickly dialed Twilight on the telephone again.


"Hey, Twilight! It's me again, Applejack. Can you do me a favour? Can you check the School of Gifted Unicorns for me? See if there's any ponies there with talent for plant magic. Ah've got a job for them in the farm if they're free," said Applejack cheerfully.

Okay, I'll see what I can find, AJ

"Thank you, Twilight, Ah, don't know what Ah'd do without yah," Applejack hung up, this time a smile plastered on her face.
She sighed and went to bed to rest. Tomorrow she had to notify Granny Smith.


Applejack sighed. Recalling that memory wasn't a pleasant one. Granny Smith put up a tantrum for a while until she finally let up. Her reasoning was the same as Applejack's.

At least it ain't machines

Applejack turned to look at Apple Bloom on her right, now sleeping soundly while leaning on her. She smiled. At least not everyone in the family was stressed.

Feeling sleepy herself, Applejack picked up Apple Bloom and headed inside, tomorrow she had to meet these unicorns after all.

She closed the door, leaving the porch empty, now filled with only the faint sounds of sirens and the sight of Canterlot still fighting the air raid.

A White Flag

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A month later...

Applejack was devastated. She was only a tenth off from the quota. A tenth off. The unicorns had tried everything from quick growth spells to mass levitation. Yet they still couldn't keep up. The Acquisitions Division had just arrived and with it came the same mare that she met a month ago.

"Good morning, Miss Applejack. We came from the Acquisitions Division to collect your monthly produce according to the quota, may we come in?" the mare politely asked.

"Morning to you too, miss. Sure you can come in. We had already packed our produce in the barn," Applejack tipped her hat and opened the gate.

As the trucks drove past the gate, the mare approached Applejack and shook her hoof. "I see some new faces on the farm and they're Unicorns. You have been a bit progressive this past month haven't you?"

"That Ah did, that Ah did, all in the name of helping Equestria," Applejack replied.

"Did your farm keep up with our recent change?" the mare addressed the elephant in the room.

"Yah have to find that out yourselves," Applejack vaguely replied.

"How cryptic. Alright then, we'll how this pans out,"

"Right this way, Ah can make something for you while we wait," Applejack escorted her to her home.

"Thank you very much for this delicious meal, Miss Applejack and Mrs. Granny Smith, I very much appreciate your hospitality," the mare thanked them.

A knock on the door interrupted Applejack before she could reply.

"Ah'll get it, Granny," Granny Smith nodded as Applejack opened the door to see one of the loader ponies.

"May I come in?" he gruffly asked.

"Sure, make yerself at home," Applejack stepped aside as the pony went in and she promptly closed the door.

The pony gave the mare a paper, "The list of produce, ma'am,"

"Thank you, you may go back to your group," the pony nodded and left the house.

She watched as the pony disappeared from her view before turning to see the paper, "Let's see how this farm fare, shall we?"

After a few minutes of analysing in silence the mare looked up from the paper, "Miss Applejack, Mrs. Granny Smith? I'm afraid you were a little off with the quota. If you can't keep this up, unfortunately we have to seize your property for the Crown to make better use of it,"

"Yah can't do that! Princess Celestia personally granted us this here farm!" Granny Smith snapped.

Applejack could only watch in silence.

The mare took off her glasses and sighed, "I didn't want to do this, you know? But we have to. Everypony has to play their part. I even had to seize my aunt's cherry farm in Dodge Junction yesterday," she paused for a few seconds. "You can start packing up, the Crown will compensate your losses, you have until the end of the week," the mare stood up and began heading for the door.

Applejack rushed to her and grabbed her hind leg, "Please, don't do this. The farm's all we got. Give us one more chance, we were only a tenth off! We work harder for next month. Ah swear! It's the honest truth! Please Ah'm begging you, give us another chance," Applejack begged.

The mare looked at Applejack in silence, contemplating her words, then sighed "Fine, but this is your last chance, if you can't keep up by next month, this property will be owned by the Crown,"

"Thank you, miss. Yah don't know how much this mean to us," Applejack gratefully thanked her.

"No problem, but your quota for next month will be 50% higher than this month," the mare replied.

"What?! Why?!" Applejack shouted.

"The changelings have already put Las Pegasus under siege, so did the Stalliongradians at Griffish Isles. We need all the food we can get so they can hold out," the mare sadly replied.

"Why can't you ask other farms to do this too? Surely there's plenty more?"

"A lot of the farms are already struggling to keep up, they are at their limits. We can't keep pushing them. Your farm, on the other hoof, is by far one of the largest in Equestria, yet it still haven't reached its full potential, one of the last few to not achieve it, might I add. The Crown intends to make it so," the mare explained.

"Ah... Ah understand," Applejack replied.

"You'll receive your next quota in another letter from the Division by tomorrow, until then, I must excuse myself. Remember, try to keep up, I can only pray for good luck on you. For now, I bid you goodbye," the mare left.

Applejack nodded and watched the trucks left her farm. She went inside her house and she approached Granny Smith, still sitting on the chair by the dining table, staring numbly on the wall of the kitchen.

"Granny, Ah think we have to do this,"

"Yah don't think so, we Apples will stay true to our roots! How dare yah thinkin' of nonsense like that!" Granny Smith shouted.

"Wait, wait, hold up Granny! Just hear me out! If we don't do it they're gonna kick us out and they'll do it anyway with or without us. But if we do it at least we can decide how much we want to use it and put some quality control in the process, that sound good, ain't it?" Applejack reasoned.

Granny Smith was silent for a full minute, thinking on Applejack words before she sighed, "Ah suppose there's some good in that. At least the farm's still in our hooves. Fine, Ah approve Applejack, just do what yer gotta do," Granny Smith sank into her chair.

Applejack nodded, "Thank you for understanding, Granny. Ah'll be right back," Applejack left Granny Smith alone. She went for the living room.

She thought of this whole ordeal, can she stop progress?

She didn't think so. She had tried working hard, she had tried using unicorn magic, yet she still failed. However, she there was one thing she haven't tried. She could try and keep any semblance of tradition if she can, in the unrelenting wave of progress, she can at least make an island where tradition survives.

Applejack arrived at the living room and head for the telephone. Then started flipping open the phonebook next to it looking for the number. Once she found it she dialed the number and waited for the other end to pick up.

She hated it.

But she had to do it.

She hoped it was the right thing to do.

Somepony picked up.

She began, "Hello, is this the Flim and Flam Industries?"

The End