> Anon-A-Miss: The Ultimate Pokémon Adventure. > by PrinceOfDarkness > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Journey Begins. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anon-A-Miss. A name that was known throughout CHS. It'd caused countless friendships and romantic relationships to fall apart simply by uploading someone's secret. The scapegoat? A girl called Sunset Shimmer. Ex-unicorn, former student and daughter of Princess Celestia. She wasn't Anon-A-Miss like everyone believed her to be. After the Fall Formal, she'd changed and become a better person. At the Battle Of The Bands event, she'd saved not only her school, but also the entire world from The Dazzlings. The account had taken it's toll on young Sunset Shimmer. Her friends had denounced and rebuked her, believing her to be the one behind the account. When in truth, it was not. After Anon-A-Miss robbed Sunset of everything she had in this world, Sunset lost her faith in friendship and was about to take her life. She wouldn't be missed. But before she could, the former unicorn was intervened and saved by a being called The Alpha Pokémon, sent to her by her mother, Princess Celestia. Sunset ran as far as she could from CHS. Everything she held dear was gone. The school had turned on her, the teachers were horrible to her and her friends betrayed and denounced her as their friend. She ran until she found a bridge. She planned to jump off and let herself sink. Nobody would miss her. She was hated. After all she'd done to earn the forgiveness of the students. She'd saved the school from sirens and made up for her past misdeeds. And this is the thanks she'd gotten for it? It wasn't fair! She was innocent and hadn't done anything wrong! Barely able to hold it together, she clenched her fists as she sobbed. She wanted everything to return to the way it was before, where she had her friends with her. In the span of mere days, everything good she'd done had come crashing down on her. What had she done to deserve being made into the school's number one enemy? She decided she'd leave a note behind for Princess Twilight. She grabbed her journal and a pen from her bag. She opened the book and started to write. Dear Princess Twilight: I'm sick of this! I tried to convince them and they didn't believe me! After all I've done to make amends! Hell, I've even saved this world from the sirens! Tell Mom Princess Celestia that I'm sorry for failing and hurting her. All I wanted was for her to spend time with me and love me. All I ever really wanted was her love. She was my mom and I loved her. I still do. Thanks for being my friend, my family, like a sister and my mentor. Your failed former student: Sunset Shimmer. With that, she cried, leaving tear stains on the paper. The marks caused the paper to become soggy with her salty tears of sorrow and anguish. "Twilight, Mom", Sunset croaked, "I'm sorry." With that, she climbed the rectangular rail of the bridge and climbed onto it. She took one last look around, double checking to make sure no one would see her about to take her own life. She wouldn't be missed by her friends or by the students and teachers of the school. She was about to jump when she heard a soft, gentle voice flow into her ears and mind. The voice stopped her, causing her to climb down from the gate and stand on the bridge. "Halt, young one!" The voice commanded. Sunset looked to the sky as she saw what looked like a white horse with gold ovals connected to a pair of golden rings placed on his front legs. The being walked down from the sky as it landed in front of her. Sunset could sense the raw power coming from the being. The mere presence overwhelming her magic. Luckily, she managed to hold it back and keep it under control. She didn't want to pony up in public. "Do not take your life! I have seen how you have been framed. I can see this person who was framed you for crimes you didn’t commit and has deceived your friends into abandoning you. I would advise for you to not lose faith in friendship so soon." Sunset felt a calm, loving feeling emanating from the being. It soothed her as she became more relaxed ever so slightly. "Why not?" She cried, "My friends abandoned me, the only ones who have been like family to me in this world!" Sunset yelled, sobbing as she looked down, not wanting pity from the brightly glowing horse. "I was sent here to find and help you, Sunset Shimmer. I'm a friend of your mother, Princess Celestia. I know about your past and I know you truly have changed. You are not evil, dear one. I am Arceus, the alpha Pokémon." Arceus explained, holding his gaze with Sunset. "What's a Pokémon?" Sunset asked. Arceus expected it. Only Celestia and Luna knew of the world He'd created. They knew of Pokémon and what they were. "Pokémon are powerful creatures with many abilities that can be taught to them by their trainers. Pokémon have the ability to evolve. You will learn more about them in due time, child." Arceus spoke softly. His tone soft and loving. He'd been watching over Sunset as she grew up, but never intervened. He knew what would happen being a god. Omniscience was one of His abilities. "What did you mean advising me to 'not lose faith in friendship so soon' Arceus?" Sunset asked, air quoting what he said with confusion. "You will know very soon, child. For now, you need to trust me." Arceus said, leaving no room for discussion. Without a word, the alpha pokémon then transported her to a new world where she would meet the two who would help her remember how truly beautiful friendship is. And in turn, forge a beautiful friendship that would never die. A boy with an electric mouse and a fiery-haired girl. > A Warm Welcome. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset awoke, blinking as she looked around and found herself on a plane. She looked through the oval window on her right as she stared at the ground beneath her. Lush, green forests and grass blanketed the land. People and their pokemon ran and trained together. Both pokemon and people living in harmony with one another. "I'm so excited! We'll be on the ground soon. We're starting a brand new adventure!" A voice cried out on Sunset's left. She looked over and noticed a boy with lightning bolt markings under his eyes, a red cap with a half-white and half-red circle. He wore a blue and white T-Shirt, grey pants and red sneakers. "Pika-Chu!" The small yellow mouse-like creature agreed, smiling and nodding with him. She was mesmerised by the adorable animal. It would've given Fluttershy a run for her money. Her smile soon faded to a frown as she was caught staring at the animal by the boy. "Is something wrong?" He asked, a look of concern plastered on his face. She didn't realise she'd gone into thought whilst staring at the yellow mammal. "Wha-Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. Just...bad memories is all." Sunset said, waving off the concern. She then realized she forgot to ask his name. "I'm Sunset Shimmer by the way. What's your name?" She asked. The boy grinned at her, pikachu leaning on his shoulder to look at her. "I'm Ash, from Pallet Town in the Kanto Region. I'm a pokemon trainer. This is my buddy Pikachu. What region are you from?" Ash asked her, creating friendly conversation. "It's a long story." Sunset replied, leaving it at that. Soon, the plane landed as it came to a halt. Ash walked down the stairs of the folding door in the plane. Sunset followed behind him. "Hello Kalos region! Ash from Pallet Town is finally here!" Ash yelled, gaining looks from people. Sunset couldn't help but internally facepalm. "So, this is the Kalos region." Sunset said, looking around as she breathed in the fresh air. Admittedly, it felt good to be away from her ex-friends. This could be a second chance in another world where no one knew her or of her past. "As soon as I walk down these steps, I'll finally be here." Ash stated, looking around. He was excited to be in the region and couldn't wait to try and catch some of the pokemon in the region. Suddenly, a Spritzee flew past Ash, catching him off guard as he tumbled down the plane's stairs, landing face-down with Pikachu on top of him. Sunset chuckled, and walked down as she walked in front of Ash before turning around to help him up. She extended her hand as he took it, pulling himself up. "Thanks." Ash said, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. With that said, the both of them walked through the airport. Eventually, the two of them were in Lumiose City. They kept walking until they found a gym. They entered the giant building, coming to a halt in front of a screen. The rectangular object activated as a pink background with orange shaded within the pink surrounding a half-white and half-red ball. "Hello, new trainer," The screen spoke, what are your names?" Ash was so excited and wanted to battle the leader of the gym already. I'm Ash Ketchum, and I'm here to battle!" The boy pumped a fist into the air as Pikachu copied his trainer's movements. "I'm Sunset Shimmer." The fiery-haired girl introduced herself as Ash mentally prepared himself for battle. The screen looked to Sunset and Ash, scanning them. "How many badges do you have?" The screen asked with a slight amount of curiosity behind it. The question caught Ash off-guard as his face fell. He'd just arrived to the island and forgot that he'd require four badges from four different gym leaders in order to do a battle. "Erm, none." Ash stated, nervously scratching the back of his head. Sunset was even more confused. Why would a badge be needed for a battle? "Wait, none?" The small screen asked, zooming in on Ash's face as he started to nervously sweat. A trap door opened up underneath him and Sunset as they fell through it. The both of them slid down a tube as they started to fall to the ground at rapid speed. Not far from the both of them was a blond-haired boy with a backpack and glasses who saw the both of them fall from the building. Without thinking, he ran over to them, readying himself to save the two trainers falling. The jumpsuit wearing boy took off his backpack and pushed a gold button on it, turning the backpack into an air-filled bag as both Ash and Sunset landed safely on the airbag. "Don't worry! I've got Pikachu!" A high-pitched voice called behind him. A small blonde-haired girl, wearing a brown dress was running in different directions. She didn't know what side the Pikachu would fall. The girl caught Pikachu in her arms as the electric type mouse looked over at his trainer in concern. Both Ash and Sunset climbed off the air-filled bag. "Are you alright?" The blond-haired boy asked in concern as Ash smiled and shook his hand. "I'm fine." Ash said, not in any pain or discomfort from falling. He looked around for Pikachu as he spotted her in the small girl's arms. "You're so cute!" The girl cooed, unaware that Pikachu had a trick up his sleeve. The electric mouse shocked the small girl, leaving her hair frazzled and clothes ruined. "Bonnie, that wasn't very nice! Apologize to the Pikachu. I know you wanted to hold him, but did you know if that was what Pikachu wanted?" The boy asked as the blonde-haired girl's expression morphed from anger to realization. "Oh, sorry Pikachu." The girl solemnly stated as Pikachu nodded and waved her off, showing he wasn't mad at her. "I'm Clemont, and this is my little sister, Bonnie." Clemont said, introducing himself as he pointed at Bonnie behind him. "I'm Ash from Pallet Town in the Kanto region." Ash introduced, smiling at meeting Clemont and Bonnie. Sunset looked at the both of them and smiled. "I'm Sunset Shimmer, and new to being a pokemon trainer. My story is a long one." Sunset introduced. She felt something vibrate in her bag as she opened it, revealing a Pokedex as she held it. She aimed it at Pikachu as it scanned the electric mouse. "Pikachu, the electric mouse pokemon, and the evolved form of Pichu. It has sacs on it's cheek enabling it to generate large amounts of electricity." The pokedex said, the voice a gentle feminine one. Sunset grinned at how amazing Pikachu was. She walked over to the yellow pokemon to observe it. "Hey Pikachu, is it alright if I scratch behind your ears?" Sunset asked the yellow mouse, recieving a nod from it as she rubbed the mouse pokemon behind the ears. Pikachu cooed with pleasure at the sensation of having it's ear's rubbed. Eventually, Sunset stopped rubbing and pulled her hand away. "Hey Ash, do you mind if Clemont and Bonnie come with us?" Sunset asked, turning to look at the boy as he smiled and nodded. Bonnie shrieked as she hugged Ash and the fiery redhead. Clemont grinned, welcoming the company. The four of them walked through Lumiose city as they conversed with one another, learning things about each other's pasts. Though Sunset had made sure to stay silent on hers. She wanted to wait until the right time. The four of them found themselves at a campsite. They set up their tents and brought out their sleeping bags. Sunset bought herself a red tent with an orange sleeping bag. The bacon-haired girl leaned back on her sleeping back, looking up at the ceiling of her tent. She grabbed her journal from her bag and grabbed a pen, wanting to write to Twilight about her day. She opened the book, flipping the pages until she reached the one she'd previously written on. She looked over to the next page and clicked her pen. Dear Princess Twilight. I'm in a whole new world, literally. Yesterday I was approached by some shiny and powerful stallion called Arceus. Apparently, he's the god of this world and created every creature here. Oh, about that! The creatures of this world are called Pokemon and are really powerful. I met a boy called Ash and his electric mouse called Pikachu. We're travelling together. Also, we made two new friends called Clemont and Bonnie. I guess it's worth a shot giving friendship another chance like Arceus said I should. It's late, and I'm gonna go to sleep. Your student: Sunset Shimmer. With her letter to Twilight written, she closed her journal and fell asleep, dreaming of what the next day would bring. > The Journey Continues. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In another part of the Kalos region, a blonde-haired and blue-eyed woman was riding on a Rhyhorn as it tried to throw her off. The girl shrieked as the rocky rhino tried to get her off of it's body. Eventually, she was thrown off as she landed on her stomach. She groaned, getting up as she dusted herself off. Her name was Serena 'Yvonne' Gabena. An eager young woman who loved performing. Serena pouted, folding her arms as she looked at the Rhyhorn. She wasn't very good at riding them and didn't even like it. Her mother walked behind her. "Serena, you need to try harder. Show the Rhyhorn who's boss." Grace chided, wagging a finger at her daughter. "Mom!" Serena whined, walking into the house. She decided she'd go on a pokemon adventure and become a trainer before becoming a performer. The blonde-haired woman walked up the stairs and into her room as she stuffed a bag full of clothes and supplies to last for the duration of her journey. With everything packed and ready to go, she walked back down the stairs and made it to the door. "Where are you going?" Grace asked, worried and concerned. Serena had never done this before. "I'm going on a pokemon journey!" The girl yelled to her mother, closing the door as she took out her pokedex and found a map to Lumiose city. Ash, Sunset, Bonnie and Clemont awoke to a bright and sunny sky. Ash yawned and stretched his arms above his head as he cracked his neck. Sunset combed through her hair, having been given some supplies by Arceus as a small gift by the god pokemon. Soon, the group of four heard scuffling around them as Clemont spotted a Bunnelby. He knew that if he acted incorrectly, he'd scare off the bunny pokemon and miss his chance to catch it. Sneakily, he grabbed a pokeball in his hand and threw it at the bunny pokemon as it entered the ball. The capture device jolted three times as sparks emerged from it, showing it'd been caught. Clemont cheered, throwing his arms up in the air to celebrate. Ash, Bonnie and Sunset congratulated him on his achievement. Suddenly, another pokemon appeared from behind a tree. Two Fletchlings. Ash and Sunset shared a glance. They would try and be sneaky to try and catch them. The redhead had some spare food from Sugarcube Corner in her bag. She broke the treat down into tiny crumbs as the Fletchlings came over and ate the small crumbs of the treat. "Hey, little bird." Sunset cooed to the Fletchling, startling it. The bird had begun to back away as Pikachu communicated with it, informing the bird that Sunset wouldn't harm it. The grey and red bird gave Sunset a wary look before coming closer to the bacon-haired girl. It pecked at the rest of the treat in her hand as she gently stroked the top of it's small head. The bird pokemon then pulled away from her and looked at the other Fletchling who went over to Ash. He held some food out to the bird pokemon as it ate from his hand. Once it was sated, the red and grey bird nodded at him before nudging a pokeball next to him as it was absorbed into it. The ball moved three times before sparks ejected from it. The Fletchling had willingly let itself be caught. Sunset looked at the other Fletchling in front of her who also nudged the pokeball in her other hand. Sunset felt a lump form in her throat as she looked at the small bird. "Do you wanna travel with me?" She asked it as the bird pokemon nodded, letting itself be absorbed by the ball. The device moved and sparks flew from it in victory. Sunset felt overjoyed. She'd caught her first pokemon. She released it as it flew onto her shoulder and nuzzled her neck, tickling her. Sunset giggled at the action, liking the small bird. She grabbed the pokedex in her pocket as it scanned the bird. "Fletchling, the flying pokemon. It's chirps create a harmonious tune." The female voice of the pokedex stated as Sunset put it away. "You and I are gonna be friends for life." Sunset said, grinning at her newest pokemon who chirped in agreement with her. Ash dropped his pokeball, letting his newest other companion free from the contraption. They packed their stuff up and walked to Lumiose city, looking around for people to battle. Serena had made it to the edge of Lumiose City, breathing in the city air as she passed roads and multiple pokemon. She watched a girl with red and yellow hair hang out with three others. A blonde-haired boy and girl and a black-haired boy with a Pikachu. The soon-to-be trainer walked over to the group. As soon as she laid her eyes on the boy, she felt a lump form in her throat. Is this what having a crush was meant to be like? She felt heat rise in her body as her cheeks blushed. "H-Hi, I'm Serena, and I'm starting out on a pokemon journey!" The honey-haired bombshell explained, much to Ash and Sunset's joy. "I'm Ash, from Pallet Town in the Kanto region. This is my buddy Pikachu and my newest pokemon Fletchling." Ash introduced, pointing to the yellow mouse on his right shoulder and the small red and grey bird on his left. Pikachu smiled at Serena and waved with a paw as she waved back. "I'm Clemont and this is my little sister, Bonnie. We live here in Lumiose city and are travelling with Ash." Clemont introduced himself as he then pointed at his younger sister who waved to Serena. "I'm Sunset Shimmer and a new pokemon trainer myself who is on a pokemon journey. I'm not from around here at all." Sunset said with a smile. She knew that this small clique of friends would be people she could trust. The now group of five went to see Professor Sycamore who was the professor of the region. They went to get their starter pokemon so they could have a fair chance at battling. Ash had chosen Froakie who in turn had chosen him, Clemont chose Chespin, Serena had chosen Fennekin and Sunset had been given a pokemon that nobody other than Ash had more understanding of. Sunset was given a Pikachu who had instantly taken a liking to her. Ash felt memories flash through his mind as he remembered the day he got Pikachu who shocked him. Literally. Over the many travels they'd had, the both of them had been through thick and thin for each other. The black-haired boy looked at his electric mouse companion who nodded at him. The group of five continued on their travels as they set up camp, preparing for later of the day. After all, it was better to be prepared prior than not prepared at all. The five trainers-minus Bonnie-exchanged funny and nostalgic moments with each other, laughing and smiling with one another. Friendship is magic. Sunset thought to herself, looking around at the present company. She had truly found new friends in this world. Soon, she would tell them of her backstory. For now, she embraced the moment, content to hang out her newest companions. A new series of friendships had been forged between human and pokemon. Nothing in this moment was better than that. > Sunset's Truth. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ever since she'd arrived in the Kalos region, she'd become best friends with Ash. He was like Rainbow Dash and Twilight combined. She knew she'd need to tell him and the others of her past at some point. She planned to tell them later on. Sunset hoped they wouldn't judge her and abandon her like how her ex-friends had. Sunset and her new friends sat around a campfire on some logs they'd found from fallen trees in the forest behind them. They'd made hot dogs and their pokemon ate the pokepuffs that Serena had kindly made for them. She thought back to the sleepovers before Anon-A-Miss had happened. She remembered when they were friends and the times they'd hung out after school. A frown formed on her lips as she felt tears form in her eyes. She wiped them away so her friends wouldn't notice. She didn't want pity from them. Sunset knew that thinking that way wouldn't help her, but she still felt the pain and betrayal of her ex friends. She reminded herself that the friends she'd made around her weren't like the others. They cared about her and liked her for who she was. "Are you alright? You look upset about something." Ash said, concern in his voice as he frowned. He wrapped an arm around her shoulder comfortingly. "It's..." Sunset began, "It's about my past and some bad memories I've been dealing with recently." Sunset replied, her tone solemn. She never wanted to see the faces of her ex-friends again. "You can talk about it if you want to. We won't force you." Ash said, squeezing her hand comfortingly. Sunset smiled, squeezing his hand in return. "I..." She began, "I wasn't a very nice person. I come from a world where there are talking equines called Equestrians. There are the three tribes composed of unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies. Pegasi maintain the weather, earth ponies maintain the land and unicorns control and use magic. I was a unicorn back home." Sunset explained, not finished with her story. Bonnie's eyes widened in shock and joy as she hugged the bacon-haired teen tightly. "My mom was a princess and I'd learned how to act as a royal from her. We used to be very close, but after a while, we had an argument and we fell out. She showed me a mirror which showed me my future. Or so I thought. The image on the other side of the mirror was me as a princess. I craved that future so that mom would still love me. After a while, she took in a pegasus called Cadance who became an alicorn, which is a combination of the three tribes." Sunset added, watching the reactions of her new friends. They had solemn and focused looks. Clemont signalled for her to continue. She sighed, steeling herself so she could tell the rest of the story. "Me and mom spent less and less time with each other, even if we were studying. I soon grew jealous and I snuck in to the restricted section of the library in the castle that I used to live in. Mom caught me and we argued. She then expelled me as her student and banished me from the castle and Equestria. I was about to be taken to the dungeons and I escaped the guards. I fled through a mirror and never looked back." Sunset continued, watching how her friends reacted to her story. Ash had a look of disgust, which was soon replaced with anger and then a look of empathy. Bonnie folded her arms and pouted before hugging her. Serena's look was of sympathy for her. Clemont was still solemn. He wouldn't make any judgement, as it didn't seem to be the end of the story. "Anyways, I fled to the mirror world on the other side of the portal and lived there ever since. I became a queen bee and became an awful bully. I was stopped by my mom's newest student who replaced me, Twilight Sparkle. I was angry, sad and heartbroken because I felt replaced by my mom." Sunset admitted, blinking tears out of her eyes as she sniffled. Clemont's look morphed from a look of fury to sympathy. He knew there was more to this story. "Twilight stopped me, well, she tried to. I put her crown on which fed off of my corrupted emotions and feelings, transforming me into a 'She-Demon' and I fought her. Twilight rallied the students of the school to side with her, and in the process, six girls who helped to stop me. Twilight's magic saved me from the corruption of the mirror's magic. After I was freed, I felt guilty and remorseful. I did a lot of community service and helped around the school. The six girls became my friends and tried to show me true friendship." Sunset admitted, sighing as she recalled the painful memories. She hated what she'd became and didn't want that power ever again. She knew that she'd never be a princess and came to terms with it. "Many months later, around christmas, an account on the website MyStable called Anon-A-Miss started spreading secrets about the students and everyone thought it was me. And they used colors that resemble me to make me look even more guilty. My friends, well, former friends believed them and turned on me. IT WASN'T ME! I WASN'T AND AM NOT ANON-A-MISS!" Sunset finished, yelling the last part as tears trickled down her cheeks. She didn't dare look up. She couldn't face her friends. She knew that they possibly didn't want to be her friend anymore. Ash growled, clenching his fist tightly. Pikachu's red spots on his cheeks started to crackle with electricity. "How could those assholes do that to you!?" Ash yelled. Clemont covered Bonnie's ears so she wouldn't hear what Ash said. "Ash! Language! There are children present!" Clemont scolded, motioning to Bonnie who looked at them confusedly. "How could her friends betray her like that! A friend doesn't betray you like that! A friend sticks by your side through and through no matter what!" Ash declared, anger present on his face. "Pika!" Pikachu growled, nodding at his trainer. No one hurts one of his friends. The electric mouse pokemon jumped into Sunset's arms, hugging her as he nuzzled her. Sunset felt a lump form in her throat as a tear dripped down her cheek. Serena walked over and hugged her, Bonnie doing the same. Clemont was in disbelief and anger. A friend doesn't turn on another friend and abandon them just because of speculation and belief on past actions. "Y-You guys don't hate me?" Sunset asked, shocked at how her newest companions and friends believed her and took her side. "No, why would we?" Ash asked, confused at the question she asked him. He couldn't believe that her own mother had kicked her out. Most of all, he couldn't believe that her mom replaced her. He hoped that one day he'd get to meet her mom and tell her just how she hurt Sunset. "A-After all I-I did? You don't hate me?" Sunset asked, tears once again dripping down her cheeks. How could they still be friends with her knowing what she did? "Sure, you've done some bad stuff, but you made up for it and I know that you tried to make it up to everyone for what you did. I'm never going to leave your side, Sunset. We're friends for life, just like I am with Pikachu." Ash said, smiling as the electric mouse pokemon jumped onto his shoulder and nuzzled him. Sunset was overjoyed. She pulled her friends into a tight hug, not wanting to let go. They were her best friends. They'd been much better than her other ex-friends. That was for sure. The group of five eventually grew drowsy and turned in for the night. Sunset's mind wandered as she thought about how lucky she was for her new friends to accept and embrace her. Soon, Sunset fell asleep with a smile on her lips. > This Side Of Paradise. Part 1. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ever since Sunset had arrived in the Kalos region, she'd been extremely grateful for Arceus helping her. She'd made some new friends. She acted like a big sister to Bonnie, becoming protective over her at times. She and ash were best friends and had formed a close friendship. Serena and Sunset became like sisters. Even though they were friends, they felt more deeply about each other. The bacon-haired girl looked to the skies as she mentally thanked Arceus for giving her another chance by bringing her to the world of Pokemon. Back in the human Equestria... The Rainbooms and CHS had found out that Anon-A-Miss wasn't Sunset. It turned out that Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie-Belle were the ones behind the account. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were extremely disappointed in their little sisters. Because of them, Sunset had fled from CHS. They wouldn't deny their own actions. They knew that they'd been responsible for casting Sunset out of their friendship group. The CMC were punished with having In-School Suspension when they returned to school after Christmas. They would also be monitored by a teacher when using one of the school computers. Princess Twilight and Princess Celestia had visited CHS. They informed the school that they would no longer help out and any magical issues would have to be solved by them instead of having undeserved help. "Alright Pikachu, practice Iron Tail!" Sunset yelled. Her electric mouse pokemon obeyed the command, jumping as the tail transitioned to a bright white. Pikachu whacked his tail against a tree, cutting through it. "Now try Electro Ball!" Sunset cried out, watching her companion and friend practice the move. "Pika-Pi!" Pikachu screeched as it's tail summed up a ball of pure electricity. The yellow mouse pokemon spun around and flicked the ball of electrical energy at another tree, shocking it and destroying it. "Fletchling, Quick Attack!" Sunset commanded. The grey and red robin-like pokemon flew towards a tree as a white field of energy wrapped around the fire bird. Fletchling zoomed into the tree as it flew upwards and back to Sunset. The fiery bird landed on her shoulder as it nuzzled her affectionately, earning a gentle stroke down it's back in return. "Fletchling, return!" Sunset said, watching the bird became pure red energy as it returned to it's Pokeball. Her Pikachu ran over to her as it jumped onto her chest. The electric mouse nuzzled her playfully. It made sure not to shock her. It had only done that a few times to wake her up. Both trainer and Pokemon recieved praise from Ash and the others. Both his Pikachu and Sunset's had become best friends. Princess Twilight was going through some documents, reading and checking them. She was in the middle of signing them when Arceus appeared in the room, a portal behind Him. "W-Who are you?" Twilight asked in shock and a slight amount of fear. The God Pokemon chuckled before going silent. "I am Arceus, the God Pokemon. I know your mentor, Princess Celestia. We're old friends." Arceus explained as he closed the portal behind Him. "W-Why are you here? If you don't mind me asking?" Twilight asked the god Pokemon with confusion. "I know the whereabouts of your friend, Sunset Shimmer. She is in My world. I sent her there to make new friends and get a second chance. I have seen what Anon-A-Miss has done to her. She did not deserve any of the treatment she was shown." Arceus explained, His voice echoing around him. Twilight's eyes bulged in their sockets as the purple alicorn ran over to him. Her body shook frantically with excitement, shock and worry. "Where is she?! Please?! I have to help her! I have to know if she's alright!" Twilight yelled, lunging for the god Pokemon as He simply moved out of the way, letting her fall to the ground. The purple alicorn groaned as she got up. Twilight shook her head as she tried to stabilize herself. "She is alive and well. If you wish, I can bring you to My world for a brief time, before returning you home." Arceus offered, noticing Twilight's eyes widen in shock. He knew of her name through Princess Celestia. Without saying a single word, Arceus opened a portal next to Twilight as she ran through it, Arceus folllowing behind. Sunset sat on the grassy ground below her. She thought about Twilight. She knew that the alicorn would be worried sick for her and would try to locate her. The bacon-haired girl was about to get up, when she heard an all-too familiar voice behind her. "SUNSET!" Twilight yelled, her body now a human one as she ran up to Sunset and tackled her to the ground, hugging her gently. "I'm okay, Twilight. Really, I am. How did you find me?" Sunset said, sitting up as she brushed her clothes. "A being called Arceus brought me here. I wanted to find you, Sunset. I missed you. I'm sorry. I didn't help you enough when Anon-A-Miss was going on. The school knows the truth, they found who it was. Apple Bloom, Sweetie-Belle and Scootaloo. They were jealous of you and wanted to drive you out of the school to spend more time with their sisters." The dark pink-skinned girl said. Sunset's eyes widened in shock as a few tears leaked down her cheeks, her Pikachu walking over to her in order to comfort her. Twilight hugged her as the redhead cried into her shoulder. She couldn't believe that the real Anon-A-Miss was the little sisters of her former friends. Soon, Sunset had calmed down. She felt her left leg being nuzzled by her Pikachu who looked at her with concern. "Pi-ka?" the electric mouse asked, worried for his trainer and friend. "I'm fine, buddy. Just something that I've been dealing with. Thanks for being my friend Pikachu." Sunset said to the yellow mouse Pokemon, smiling gratefully at him. "Your mom misses you Sunset, you know that? She wants to see you again." Twilight said, smiling softly. Sunset's eyed widened in shock as she recalled several memories of her mother. Tears started to flow down her cheeks again as she felt guilt fill her entire being. "B-But after all I said to her, all I did...How can she forgive me like that? How can she forgive me so easily?" Sunset whimpered sadly, looking down in shame. Twilight placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, squeezing it comfortingly. Sunset looked up at Twilight who merely smiled. "She forgave you, Sunset. She's your mom. She still loves you." Twilight soothed, gently hugging Sunset as she felt herself nearly start to cry again. Sunset calmed herself down as she locked eyes with Twilight, not looking away. She wiped her eyes as she faced the purple-skinned girl. "T-Thank you, T-Twilight. For being my friend." Sunset whispered, barely able to conjure a word. Princess Twilight had never turned against her. She'd sided with her and believed that she was innocent. "You're welcome Sunset. You seem really happy here. I'm happy for you." Twilight said softly, smiling at Sunset who gave her one in return. "I am. I've made some friends here. Not only humans, but I've also befriended the Pokemon of this world, such as this Pikachu next to me." Sunset replied, tilting her head to the electric mouse on her left. She lowered herself to a knee as her Pikachu jumped onto her shoulder. Mimicking Ash and his Pikachu. "Pika-Pi!" The Pikachu declared happily, Nuzzling Sunset's cheek. "Yeah, love you too, buddy." Sunset said softly, scratching Pikachu's ear gently. Arceus appeared behind Twilight, informing her that it was time for her to go home to Equestria. "Come and visit soon, Sunset." Twilight offered, beginnning to walk to the portal in front of her. "I will." Sunset said, walking over to her friend as she hugged the purple-haired alicorn. The redhead waved goodbye as Twilight walked through the portal back to her castle in Equestria. Arceus disappeared as He went back to His dimension. Soon, it was night and Sunset had fallen asleep, pikachu on top of her chest as he cuddled with her. Both trainer and Pokemon slept peacefully that night. > This side of paradise. Part 2. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was battling Ash, practicing her skills. Her pikachu was fighting against Ash's. Both of the electric mouse pokemon had befriended each other. A rare sight to see. "Alright Pikachu, use Quick Attack!" Sunset exclaimed, giving the command. Pikachu ran at the other, speeding up as he ran. "Pikachu, dodge it and use Agility!" Ash cried. Pikachu jumped out of the way. "Use Electro ball!" Sunset said, grinning at Ash. The electric mouse conjured up a ball of electrical energy and fired it at the other of it's species. "Dodge it and use Iron Tail!" Ash yelled, confident that he would win. Pikachu dodged out of the way as his tail became a stark white. The yellow mouse struck Sunset's Pikachu with it's tail, wounding it. "Use Thunder Bolt!" Sunset said. She'd looked into Electric-Type Pokemon to learn what they were strong and weak against. Sunset's Pikachu summoned sparks of electricity, crackling against the red spots on it's cheeks. "Pika-chuuuuuuuu!" The electric mouse cried out, striking Ash's Pikachu with volts of Electricity, knocking him out. The now defeated Pikachu lay flat on the ground, bruised and with swirls in his eyes. "Pikachu is out. Sunset wins the battle." Clemont declared. The redhead trainer walked over to Ash and shook his hand. The raven-haired boy returned the gesture. The group of five walked to the nearest Pokemon hospital to get Ash's Pikachu taken care of and healed. Princess Celestia sighed as she looked through the array of Photos. Each one held a picture of herself and Sunset within them. She felt awful for how she treated Sunset. If she could, she wanted to make amends with her and see her again. But she couldn't. The alabaster mare was interrupted by a portal opening behind her, Arceus walking through it. The God Pokemon looked at Celestia with concern. He could tell something was wrong. "Are you alright, Celestia? Something is bothering you." Arceus said, His voice echoing around the room. "I am fine, Arceus. It's just...I miss Sunset. We...didn't part on the best of terms. Twilight has filled me out on the situation in the mirror world." Celestia replied sadly, looking away from the god pokemon. Arceus understood how she felt. He'd wronged Giratina by casting him out. All His son wanted was to make Him proud. He'd spent too much time stopping Dialga and Palkia squabbling with each other. "I can take you to her. She is in My world as we speak. She has befriended the prodigal child, Ash Ketchum. He will be good for her. She is improving and healing from her betrayal." The God Pokemon offered, making a portal next to Him. Celestia's eyes widened at what he had said. She smiled when he told her that her little sun was healing from having been betrayed by the counterparts of the Elements Of Harmony. "Please take me to her. I need to see her again. I want to see my little sun." Celestia begged softly, wanting to be with her daughter again. Arceus nodded, wordlessly walking through the portal that He had created, beckoning the alicorn to follow Him. Celestia dashed into the portal after Him, desperate to see her little filly again. Sunset and the rest of her new friends were at the nearby Pokemon Centre in Lumiose City. Ash's Pikachu, as well as her own, had been healed by the staff. The redhead trainer was currently watching both of the electric mouse pokemon play with each other. She smiled at the sight, glad to see her friend had found another. As she was about to summon Fletchinder, she was interrupted by a voice she knew all too well. "My little sun!" Celestia cried out, running towards her daughter. The bacon-haired girl didn't have time to react as her mother, albeit in a human form, hugged her. Not tight enough to hurt, but enough that was comfortable to her. Sunset's eyes widened as she noticed the crown on her mother's head, as well as the outfit she wore. "Hi, mom." Sunset said, leaning into the hug as she melted in the embrace. It had been so long since she'd been held like this by her mother. She'd missed the sensation. How warm and safe she felt being against her mother's body. Eventually, mother and daughter broke out of the embrace. Celestia's cheeks were stained with trails of tears. Her eyes red from crying. "It's been so long, my little sun. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I kept pushing you away and neglecting you, grooming you into what I wanted. I destroyed any possible dreams or goals you had just to make you like me. For that, I'm sorry Sunset," Princess Celestia admitted sadly, kissing her daughter's forehead. "I forgive you, mom. I'm sorry, too. I also pushed you away. I kept focusing on studies and my revenge towards you instead of spending any time with you. I took your sunshine away." Sunset replied, sobbing into her mother, releasing her guilt and pain that had built up over the years. Celestia merely held her as Sunset cried into her. The alabaster mare had missed having Sunset around. She wanted her little sun to come home. She wanted to spend Hearth's Warming with Sunset and be the mother she should have been. Eventually the redhead had calmed down. She wiped her eyes as she sniffled. "You have no idea how much I've missed you, my little sun. I know we both said things we can never take back, but we can turn back the clock and be the family we should've been. I'll spend more time with you, as much as you want." Celestia offered warmly, kissing Sunset's forehead again. "I'd like that, mom. I've missed you, too. I want to spend time with you, sit in front of the fireplace and stay up late like we used to. I want us to do what we used to before everything happened." Sunset sniffled, hugging her mother tightly. Celestia rubbed Sunset's back soothingly, letting her calm down against her body. Once the redhead had calmed down, she let go of her mother and looked towards her Pikachu, who had witnessed his trainer cry against the other female next to her. The electric mouse ran over to Sunset, jumping onto her shoulder as he nuzzled her gently, earning a scratch behind the ear. "Pi-ka?" The yellow and black mouse asked in concern. He was worried that something was upsetting his trainer. "I'm fine, buddy. It's alright. This is my mom, Princess Celestia." Sunset softly answered her pokemon who looked shocked at the fact that her mother was here. The alabaster woman smiled at the sight of her daughter bonding with the mouse pokemon. "He seems friendly." Celestia joked, smiling warmly at Sunset and the Pikachu. "Hey buddy? You okay if my mom gives you a scratch behind the ear?" Sunset asked her starter pokemon, earning a nod and a smile. "Pika-chu!" The electric mouse cooed, accepting the request. Sunset nodded to her mother who gently scratched Pikachu's ear, causing the pokemon to coo in pleasure. Suddenly, Ash and the rest of the group ran over to Sunset. They looked at the woman and back to Sunset. "Guys, this is my mom, Princess Celestia." Sunset introduced happily, watching as Ash lowered to one knee and bowed. Serena. Bonnie and Clemont did the same. "There is no need to bow. You are friends of my daughter. I want to thank you for staying by her side and being there for her. You are invited to come to Equestria with her anytime as special guests." Celestia said softly. She was truly grateful towards them all. "So you're sentient equines like a Ponyta or Rapidash?" Ash asked, having trained a Ponyta at one point in his life. He'd been on many adventures and met many other trainers. Celestia chuckled at the question. "Not exactly, and we're called ponies. Horses are from Saddle Arabia." The alabaster woman explained to them. Arceus appeared a few feet away from Celestia, opening a portal back to Equestria, signalling that it was time for her to return home. Celestia sighed, not wanting to have to leave her daughter again. She mentally promised herself that she would visit Sunset from time to time, or ask Arceus if Sunset could come back to Equestria for a brief period of time. "I'll see you soon, Sunset. I'll try and visit you when I can. I love you, my little filly." Celestia cooed, kissing Sunset's forehead. "I'll see you soon, mom. Love you, too." the red-headed trainer replied, quickly hugging her mother who hugged her back. With a flash of light, both Celestia and Arceus were gone. To Sunset, her mind felt so much lighter and clearer. The group of five spent time walking through Lumiose City, picking up souvenirs and things like food and clothing. Soon, night had fallen and they had all turned in for the night. Sunset's pokemon were asleep next to her, resting comfortably against their trainer. She smiled at them as she fell asleep, a smile on her lips as she slept. > Giratina. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was a new day. Sunset awoke with a yawn as she stretched. "Morning guys,” Sunset greeted as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Are you alright Sunset?” Bonnie asked as she held Dedenne in her arms. The small orange mouse nuzzled his trainer affectionately. Serena was making some pokepuffs as she glanced at her friend. “You were mumbling in your sleep again.” she pointed out. Sunset blushed as they noticed. “Was I?” She asked confusedly. They all nodded in confirmation. “Are you alright Sunset?” Clemont asked as he reached into his bag. “If you’re having trouble sleeping I’m sure I have an invention to help you-” “Nonono! Thank you Clemont but that won’t be necessary.” Sunset assured him, waving her arms. One of Clemont’s inventions that were destined to blow up was the last thing that would help her sleep. “I've just been having some really weird dreams lately." she explained as Bonnie patted the back of her dismayed brother. Much to his chagrin. “What kinda dream?” The blonde-haired girl asked Sunset, looking at her with confusion. “Well, every time I have this dream, I was in a weird place that looked this world. There were floating islands everywhere and they were floating in every direction." Sunset began as the four humans and the two rodent pokemon listened to her. “And I wasn’t alone, there was this giant shadowy pokemon flying around me,” Sunset scratched the top of her head, She still couldn't figure out what the pokemon she saw was. “A pokemon of shadows?” Serena repeated, confused by the description. "What did it look like? Could you tell what type it was?" Ash asked, placing a hand on her shoulder, interested in the story. Sunset rubbed her chin in thought. "Well, as I said, the pokemon was covered in these black tar-like shadows. But it always seemed to disappear and reappear anywhere it wanted. It had a large snake-like body.” She described the pokemon as best she could from her memory. Ash rubbed his chin and pulled out his pokedex. “That sound like a ghost type.” He scrolled through several Ghost-Type Pokemon he was familiar with but none of them fitted Sunset's description. “Hmm, there’s no ghost-type that looks like a snake or gets that big in the pokedex.” Ash murmured as he scanned through the rectangular device. “And no ghost type lives in an area like the one you described.” Clemont added. He'd lived in Lumiose City his entire life and didn't know of a pokemon that matched the description given. Serena sat down next to her friends as she asked Sunset another question. “What else did it look like?” “Well, It also had red eyes, six tentacle-like wings on its back, spikes running across the sides of it's body and these red stripes on it's belly." Sunset further explained. “Oh yeah! And it's mouth opened from the sides." Sunset added, remembering more of her dream. Ash, Serena and Clemont gave her a look of horror and shock, whereas Bonnie looked confused. Sunset's description matched only one pokemon. No...It couldn't be. Why in the world would Sunset dream about that? "Guys, what's wrong?" Sunset asked, visibly confused. Why were they staring at her like that? "S-Sunset?” Serena stuttered before she sighed, pulled out her phone and scrolled through it before she found the image she needed. “Did the Pokemon you see look like this?” She showed the picture to Sunset. It had two pictures. One of the top and one on the bottom. It was of a pokemon in two different forms. The colors were a grey body, black and red stripes, golden ring-like armor and a helmet-like crest on its head. Black wings with red spikes, and a gray face with black streaks, connected to black and red eyes. The form on the bottom looked like a lizard with six legs, a long neck, and giant bat wings. the one on the top matched the pokemon Sunset saw in her dream. “Yes! Yes, that’s it! That’s the pokemon I saw!” Sunset said, excitedly pointing at the top form. But her excitement faded when she saw Ash, Serena, and Clemont looking at each other with dread. Bonnie looked at the pokemon in the picture and raised a brow “What’s wrong with that pokemon?” She asked as she was still confused like Sunset. “What’s wrong?” Clemont exclaimed before turning to Sunset, “Do you have any idea how dangerous and evil he is?!" he yelled at the redhead. "No." She said bluntly, waiting for them to tell her. "That’s Giratina, the 'Renegade Pokemon' and third legendary Pokemon of Sinnoh.” Serena explained. “Centuries ago, he was created by Arceus the Alpha Pokemon along with Dialga the Pokemon of Time and Palkia the Pokemon of Space. He was meant to be the pokemon of Anti-Matter, to balance the powers of his brothers.” “Until one day, according to legend, he tried to punish people everywhere in the world because he believed that they along with Arceus, loved Dialga and Palkia more than him.” Ash continued as Sunset and Bonnie’s eyes widened in shock. "He brought untold destruction across the world and was close to wiping humanity everywhere, he’s pure evil!" Clemont said, his tone full of fear. Ash winced a bit as he never believed in the possibility of an evil Pokemon. “Luckily though, Arceus managed to stop Giratina and banished him to a world opposite to our own for his crimes.” Serena finished the story. “Even now, they say that through every mirror in this world, Giratina’s vengeful spirit searches for a way to escape and finish what he started.” Sunset blinked a bit at the last part, feeling like it was similar to her own past. "So, that’s the story of Giratina, huh?" Sunset asked, trying to understand all of this. To her, Giratina sounded a lot like the story of Lucifer she'd heard back in the human version of Equestria. She'd heard that Lucifer was a fallen angel who hated humanity and refused to bow down to them because he felt that his father, God, loved them more than he loved the angels. "Y-Yes. Exactly like that." Clemont stuttered. “So you understand that having dreams about that evil pokemon is-” The blond-haired boy tried to explain, but was interrupted. "How can you say that?! There can't be an evil pokemon! There's always a reason why one turns evil!” Sunset yelled, interrupting him as she stood up. “From what I saw in my dreams, he wasn’t evil or cruel. He was just angry, alone and in pain. Like I was. I was a horrible person, all because I couldn’t be given something I wanted but I was shown that there was another way to get it. It was one friend that helped me realize just how powerful love is. And now, I'm gonna show that power to help Giratina, whether he likes it or not!" Sunset snarled the last bit. She refused to let Giratina suffer in silence any longer. He deserved a second chance, and to be recognized by humanity, instead of feared by them. "B-But S-Sunset, that's suicide!" Serena stammered fearfully, not wanting her friend to get hurt. Sunset scoffed. "Please, I've taken on worse. I've taken on three sirens from Equestria and defeated them with music. They were stronger than me at first, but in the end, I won. I'm gonna prove that Giratina isn't evil! Just see if I don’t!" She yelled, stomping off to cool down. Her Pikachu ran after her as he climbed onto her shoulder. In the Distortion World, a six-legged, dragon-like pokemon flew around the distorted realm. Giratina snarled into the oblivion that encase the world. His father had betrayed him. All he wanted was to be loved and recognized for his actions. All he ever wanted was his father's love. With enough power that he had saved up over the many centuries, Giratina tore a hole in the wall of the Distortion World and flew through it. Bent on destroying his father's creation. Sunset kept walking as she sighed. How dare they think that Giratina was only evil. He deserved to be redeemed. When she heard the story, she recognized what she saw in herself. She was going to help Giratina and reunite him with his father, Arceus. As she walked, she heard the rustling of a bush. The redhead turned around and ignored it as she kept on walking. Deep in the bushes within the forest, Giratina watched Sunset for a second before he flew towards Lumiose City. The group of five were walking into Lumiose City. They found somewhere to sit and have food, but were interrupted by a loud and ferocious roar. Giratina flew to the top of the building and bellowed angrily, frightening the citizens. Sunset watched with fear and sadness. She steeled her nerves and walked over to the tower. Sunset looked up at Giratina, yelling to him in order to get his attention. However, he ignored her and flew off the tower as he headed for the inner city. Sunset ran after him, planning a way to calm him down. She eventually came to a halt where she found the renegade pokemon destroying parts of the city as the clouds started to turn grey. She looked up at the pokemon. She prepared herself for what she was about to do. Giratina noticed her and roared. Sunset reeled back from the force but stood her ground against the renegade pokemon. "Giratina! Wait! Please!" Sunset cried, trying to get his attention. Giratina roared at her in anger, not interested in listening at all. But Sunset wasn't deterred. "You're angry. I get it. You were betrayed by your father." Sunset yelled out, trying to grab the pokemon's attention. Giratina roared even louder at the mention of Arceus, but Sunset continued. She expected Giratina to still be angry with his father. "But this isn't the way!" Sunset cried, grabbing the legendary's attention. Giratina ceased it's roar and looked down at her in confusion. A whole crowd had formed around them, causing Giratina to become enraged and cause a storm. However, Sunset didn't give up. "I know you feel powerful and hateful right now. Like you can destroy everything around you and it'll make you feel better. That getting revenge will heal you. I've been where you are. I've made the same mistake you're making. I was betrayed by my mother too, when all I wanted was to make her proud. And when I felt like she didn't care, I ran away to another world and just like you, I spent my whole life plotting to get back at her!" Sunset cried, baring her soul and her guilt to the renegade pokemon. The storm that had been caused by Giratina died down as his fury calmed. The pokemon listened to the girl before him with attention. "I thought revenge would help me get everything I wanted. But I was wrong. It was only when I learned to forgive and understand the power of friendship that I could finally make my mother proud. And if you stop this path of destruction I know Arceus, Dialga and Palkia will forgive you too." Sunset added, hoping to win the pokemon over with her words. Giratina looked at the destruction he caused and then turned back to Sunset. He made a low growl, his pride wounded as he nodded. The stormy sky vanished completely. Sunset smiled at Giratina, grateful for believing her words and trusting her. "Thank you." Sunset said softly, a smile on her lips as the crowd dispersed. Giratina then leaned down and gave Sunset an affectionate lick. Though she was grossed out, she laughed and hugged the legendary's head. Pikachu nuzzled Giratina, earning one in return. The redhead brought out a pokeball and tapped it against Giratina as he went into the ball. It only took one spin for the ball to shower small sparks, showing that Giratina had let her catch him. "Thank you, Giratina. I won't let you down." Sunset said lovingly to the ball as she put it in her bag with the rest of them. "SUNSET!" The redhead heard as she saw her friends behind her. They ran over to her, Clemont following, albeit slower. "Are you alright? That was very dangerous of you!" Serena scolded angrily like a parent to their child. She couldn't believe that her friend had the guts to go after Giratina and calm him down. "You managed to befriend Giratina. I'm impressed. I've met a legendary called Ho-Oh." Ash said fondly, recalling the memory. "Thanks Ash." Sunset said, she turned to Serena, the girl whom she was as not only a friend, but like a sister. "Yeah, it was dangerous. But I did it. I'm not gonna give up on him." The redhead said softly. She knew that what she had done would probably gain Arceus' attention. She wanted to yell at him for how he treated Giratina. "Sunset, I'm sorry I said that Giratina was pure evil." Clemont admitted, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. She waved him off, showing she wasn't mad at him. "It's fine. He was angry and in a lot of pain. We can relate to one another. I'm gonna be there for him, no matter what!" Sunset replied, smiling with conviction and determination. The group of five ran to the nearest restaurant and ate. Soon, it was night. Sunset looked over at her pokeballs. So far, she only had three pokemon, and would require another three. She bid them goodnight as she fell asleep, dreaming of battling with Giratina.