Chaotic Anon the truth weaver

by Anon_the_writer

First published

The bet of the century the challenger Discord and the contender Anon. What's the bet to see if anon can do more chaos then Discord could?

Anon was challenged by Discord to see if he could cause more chaos then Discord. Anon accepts because he's got what it takes to beat discord. Plus, if he doesn't discord keeps the phone and Anon can't talk to Celestia with a lot at steak Anon is going to take this bet so far discord will get what's coming to him and more

Discord I win

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Chaotic Anon

Anon said, “Bullshit you're a better Chaos God than me. I don't even have power’s and I cause chaos everywhere I go.”
Discord salty from the way the conversation is going replied, “It’s more likely you have a field of misfortune around you that affects other Anthros than you are doing chaotic thing’s”
Anon getting annoyed retorted, “Coming from Mr. Villain turned good guy. I bet you I could be a better chaos god than you.”

Discord amusingly asked, “And how pray tell you will take my powers?”
Anon with a devious smile replied, “Who said I need your powers to cause more chaos than you?”
Discord looking confused said, “Ok, Deal.”
Anon retorted, “Hey, how much do you care about your image as a Chaos God?”
Discord said, “I still want people to at least take me seriously when I’m looked at by people.”

Anon walked over to the library shelf in Twilights castle and took a book behind the books in the front on the shelf and held it in front of Discord and smiled deviously.
Discord looking confused asked, “What's with the book?”
Anon replied, “It’s a magic book from Twilight magically imbued with a subspace to contain unlimited information.”
Discord, still confused, said, “Why?”
Anon replied, “Would you believe me if I told you. I collect information/dirt on the Anthros of Equestria and your no exception, "Oh God of Chaos!”

Discord said, “So, what?” Anon's smile grew wider and opened to discord’s page of information and started to read off the girly things he does with Fluttershy out loud in the library. Discord closed Anon’s mouth with both his hands in a scared look on his face.

Discord asked, “How did you find that out?”
Anon looked smug and said, “Well, I occasionally talk with Fluttershy and happen to take lots of walks to different places at night because of my insomnia.”
Discord realizing the situation said, “What else do you have on me?”
Anon giggled, said, “That’s for me to know and you to never find out.”
Anon walking away laughing waved good-bye to Discord, who was at this point scared to even think what things Anon and that book of information could do if in the right hand could crumble kingdoms.

Anon looked around thinking how he got Discord to take the bait, but he needed to get Discord to truly believe him. Rarity and Spike walked past with a cart full of crystals. Anon purposely bumped into the cart to knock over the cart.
Anon, playing into rarity and Spike's innocence said, “I’m so sorry! Rarity and Spike let me help you guys.”
Rarity not realizing Anon’s plan respawned, “OH Anon you're such a gentle stallion!”
While Rarity is talking Anon slipped 3 crystals into his pockets without any of the Anthro’s and Spike noticing.

Anon after helping Rarity and Spike walked away to the castle Twilight lives in. Anon made it to the library in the castle. Looking around the bookshelves for ancient runic dialects. Twilight wasn’t at the castle; she was away on some friendship problem which was in Anon’s favor because of how nosy she could be. Anon after looking for a few hours found a couple of books on ancient dragon runes and other runes.

Anon after a couple of days and nights of study and creation of a new human runic dialect. Anon curved certain runic symbols into all the crystals.
Anon excitedly said, “Perfect, now I just need a little magic for all three of these and I can start the bet.”
Twilight looking over Anon's shoulder asked, “What bet and what's with the weird symbols on those three crystals?”
Anon, scared, said, “W-w-Wah, the symbols are a new runic system I created, and it requires the runes to be engraved on certain items to work.”
Twilight, now interested in the second answer, replied, “Can I look at your notes? It is always fun to learn something new with a friend.”
Anon, not looking to explain the runes to her just yet, took his sleeping powder pouch out of his pocket and blew some powder into Twilights face.

Anon grabbed a bunch of his notes and put them into his notebook which began to absorb the notes and become a page in the notebook as information on these newly created runes. Anon put all of the books back and picked up Twilight and the crystals by accident the magic from Twilight's horn seeped into the three crystals. Anon not willing to watch more of her magic be drained put the crystals in separate pockets so they don't fuse. Anon laying Twilight in her bed gently looked around her room and saw her diary.

Anon with a smug smile said, “I might as well see what she thinks of Ol Anony boy and could be used as blackmail someday. "Anon, opening the diary, looked through it only to find one page about Anon and how she thinks of him as an inferior species to Anthros. Anon looking through it more noticed she loved her brother a little too much and how she missed her secret tickle time with her brother and how he would practice certain moves on her before he did anything on Princess Cadence.

Anon opened his notebook and said in his new runic language, “Copy.”
All the letters in Twilights diary were added to her page. It describes how she has a racist outlook and superiority complex. She has a fetish for her brother in a sexual way. That’s when Anon saw something interesting. Anon looked back in the latest chapter and noticed she had sex with her brother while on the friendship quest.
Anon walking out of the castle and heading to Canterlot to get a bit more crystals to start the preparations.

Anon after boarding the train and finding a good hotel to stay in for a week and collecting a “few” gems. After a week of work Anon in his Canterlot hotel room had the last seven gems all with energy collection runes on them and with information collection on them as well. The gems break off into smaller particles to collect info and magic energy from nature and a small bit of magic from the Anthros in the area of the gem particle. That’s what Anon wrote in the notes and put into the book which updated the page with the explanation on the gems and what they do.

Anon using a rune to connect all the gems to the crystals on the book. This info book which activated when the last seven gems turn to particles to join the rest on the other gem particles. Anon looked into his book on the page on the gems used total 200 gems and on the other page was a map of Equestria with several dots showing where the gems are and what info is going into the book.

Anon looking through the book found the page on the Princesses and some of their secrets. Anon after reading some of the princesses dirty laundry started laughing and took out pen and paper writing letters to certain people in different handwriting showing off his calligraphy skill.(magic because everybody knows Anon can’t write for shit.) After a few days of letter writing and magic stamping seals with certain princess seals and doing a few other things to prep for the show.

Anon giggling, grabbed the Items he created and put them in a bag, after paying the bill for the hotel, Anon left for Ponyville to head for the destroyed castle in the Everfree Forest. Anon entering the train sat down and started reading new information entering the book. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor have been fighting over the letters sent and decided on a divorced.

Anon turning the page looked at the chaos in Canterlot he caused with the letters he sent Princess Luna and Princess Celestia aren’t on speaking terms and now Celestia isn’t letting Twilight explain all the things she's done. Anon read up on the Main 6 and how they're fighting over some petty shit on the letters. Anon closed the book smiling waiting to reach Ponyville.

Anon made it back to his house grabbing a cardboard box and placing a rune symbol under it and then Anon put “BEST ANTHRO ONLY” and took the box to the middle of Ponyville and left for the Everfree Forest to the destroyed castle and find the last piece to his plan. The Anthros in town started fighting over the box which was fueling Anon’s second amulet which he plugged into the inside wall of the castle. The amulet activated and started rebuilding the castle while also putting up an illusion to make it look the same and a barrier shield.

Anon walking around in the castle as it slowly rebuilt itself.
Anon said, “This would be a smart business in my other world if I could use magic.” Anon walking around in the hallways saw Celestia and Lunas rooms. Anon smiled, opened Celestia's bedroom door and walked around her room and saw a diary on her desk. Walking over to the diary and opening it. Started reading through a couple of pages about how Celestia was worried about Luna. Anon put the diary in the magic book and simplified some of the stuff in the diary and how her day-to-day life as a princess and being a ruler was boring. Anon looked around in her room and found a wooden horse dildo and a few other items. Anon saw untouched lingerie in both sisters' rooms and it turned out that one of the nobles was brown-nosing both princesses as they both talked about the same noble and how they were fighting for the love of a noble stallions affections.

Anon used a rune to spy on the meeting of princesses to figure out the problems that started to become major issues so they could fix it and stop a civil war from happening.
Celestia in a serious tone, “I see you all agreed to come to this meeting to hash out our issues.”
Cadence with messy make-up and an angry tone, “Of course, not like any of us deserve to get sent to the moon for their deeds and betrayal.”
Twilight ashamed looked away trying to not make eye contact with Cadence.
Luna with a pissed look in her eye asked, “So which problem should we address first… because we would find it agreeable if we started this...”
Celestia cutting off Luna said, “We need to address the bigger problems first Luna! Our issues are a small misunderstanding.”
Luna said in a loud angrier voice, “MISUNDERSTANDING!!!? This issue is not some misunderstanding. This problem is something that needs to be addressed or you can expect war Sister!!!!”

Anon sitting in the throne room with a bowl of popcorn watching the arguing continued the multi techno colors on the princesses started to go gray slowly as the arguing got stronger. Anon putting up another screen with the Anthros in other places of Equestria was fighting or arguing and slowly turning gray.

Anon using a rune forced teleportation on Discord.
Discord said with an angry tone, “I’m typing here you 3rd rate hack.”
Anon repeated, “3rd rate huh? Well, can a 3rd rate hack do this?”
Discord looking up from his typewriter saw something even he couldn’t do which was causing chaos all over Equestria.

Discord trying to act unimpressed said, “I can do that too and that's nothing I did stuff like this all over the world.”
Anon smiling replied, “Really, then how is this?” Anon pulled up more video feeds of other places outside of Equestria. Places like the Sky kingdom where a revolt and fighting and many other places just like it. (I didn't feel like pointing out other places get off my ass ok.)

Discord in a stunned realization asked, “How? Even at my best I couldn’t do this kind of chaos. What is different from me. A God of Chaos and you are the last human with nothing special or great about you. So, how is this possible?”
Anon looking at Discord, “How? You ask, with skill. You are a God with no understanding of the Anthros in this world. You think chaos is a joke that only you think is funny. But true chaos is a tree you can only see the branches in certain areas of emotion like anger, lying, disloyalty, selfishness and so on. But if you looked under at the roots then you would see it in everything. You can control the chaos and let it out in moderation to have fun or you can let it grow out of control and destroy everything in its path. You wanted to control it, but I let it grow and that's why I could do more with less.”

Discord moved backwards in fear as Anon was monologuing and realized why Anon at the beginning told Discord not to do this and just give him back his phone. Discord was shocked how accurately Anon had Discord pegged as a joke.
Anon wrote a sentence in his runic magic language to stop the fighting all over the world and the rune’s explained what happened and how this was a test to see how every Anthro would react to the lies sent to them and congratulations are in order to all of you. You all reacted the way you were supposed to!

All the Princesses heard the voice and thought it was Discord who they thought was the only person who could forge handwriting and make the princesses fight and everyone else fight. Discord watching the screens saw all the Anthros blaming Discord. Discord looked back at Anon and saw him close his book and write a magic rune releasing all the magic Anon had stored up with only a little to spare.

The book slowly disappeared and Anon said, “This is payback for taking my phone; teleporting me to this world and also trying to take Celestia from me you shitty OC conglomerate of animal pieces.”
Discord smiled and replied,” She liked me more and you know it. I am a chaos god! You are a green masked freak of nature!”
Anon laughed and wrote a rune and teleported them to the Canterlot's library where the forbidden books were and Anon grabbed a book and tossed it at Discord. The Princesses entered the forbidden section and saw Discord and Anon.

Discord had the book opened up to a section where an aura was covering him and Anon. The princesses grabbed the book and put it back. The book took the memories from Discord and Anon, so Discord can’t remember what happened.
Twilight said recognizing the book, “This book takes the memory of those around it and gives the people an item depending on the amount of memory that's taken.”
Cadence replied, “What did Discord and Anon get?”
Celestia looked at Anon’s hands and said, “Anon got two crystals and a ring.”
Luna retorted, “Nothing in Discords hands or anywhere on him.”

Anon before the Princesses turned the corner in the earlier moment took the memory of Discord knowing the plan Anon created and all the memories from Anons life before coming to Equestria to get the crystals of shaping and transforming. The memory that had to be traded to get the ring was the first time Anon fell in love in Equestria.

Celestia asked, “Anon are you alright? You haven’t moved for a few minutes.”
Anon finally having the memories taken replied, “What, oh! Yeah, I’m good. I was just in the old castle with Discord telling him I won the bet that we shook on a few months back to see if I could create more chaos than him.”
Luna, Twilight, and Cadence replied, “WHAT! Why would you do this?”
Anon retorted immediately, “Because truth that’s hidden is a secret and secrets create chaos and breed war only true honesty can make a brighter future and peace.”

Celestia asked, “Anon that book was opened, and these items are high level. What memories did it take?”
Anon looked away out the window and whispered, “My life before this, from the sad to the happy, angry, depressed and pain is what the crystals were for.”
Anon after his memories were taken it’s like he was factory reset back to his original thought process and truthful personality.

Celestia asks, “And the ring?”
Anon turned around and looked into Celestia’s eyes and replied, “The first time I fell in love in Equestria.”
Luna, using her magic, forced Anon to his knees and said, “The only punishment befitting you is sending you to the sun!”
Twilight and Cadence shook their heads in agreement.

Celestia said, “Wait! Why that memory? Why not any other memory?”
Anon gently smiled, “When you see an enemy you vilify them, because imagining them as anything other than a monster would be nothing short of blasphemy.”

Celestia with tears running down her eye’s asked, “Why make the bet with Discord in the first place?”
Anon replied, “The bet had a starting line but right at the finish line. I found myself struggling with blaming Discord. Having him take the credit for all my hard work was a no go for me.”
Twilight in a scornful tone said, “You are a monster! You don’t deserve to come back even after a 1000 years!”
Anon laughed and replied, “I may be a monster but at least I didn’t have a sevensome with my brother and friends on the wedding night of his marriage.”
Cadence with tears running down her face said, “NO! You're lying Anon there is no way in Tartarus that's true?”

Anon said in a runic dialect, “APPEAR!” The book appeared and opened to the page on Shining Armor with the facts that Shining Armor before and even after had sexual relations with almost all the females he’s been around. Cadence reading more and more realized he was never faithful to begin with and dropped the book and ran out crying.

Twilight, pissed more than ever, asked, “You happy? You evil person?”
Anon replied, “Why would I be happy revealing the painful truth to someone who was ignorant to the lies.”
Luna grabbed the opened book and flipped to the page about Celestia and all the info on her pain and suffering missing her little sister. Luna reading all of it realized how much her pain was just missing her. Tears coming out like a stream hugged Celestia and apologized after that she teleported out and back to her room because she didn't want to ugly cry in front of her sister and guards.

Twilight trying to read the book didn’t understand how Anon got all the info on everyone from A to Z. That's when Anon wrote a rune in the air with the little bit of magic, forcing the book to close and never reveal anything else to anyone but Anon.

Twilight said, “Why do you have all this knowledge and not use it.”
Anon replied, “I did and all it did was cause everyone to fight plus most knowledge from my world is blood knowledge.”
Celestia retorted, “But how were you able to get every Anthro to fight, did you use that weird magic?”
Anon said, “No, I sent letters to everyone who had a secret that the Anthro they cared about didn’t know about that could compromise their friendship and the people they love.”
Celestia with a tear rolling down her cheek, replied, “What is it that you won with the bet?”
Anon pulled out his phone and said, “Discord took it and wanted to feel superior so he made a bet with me thinking I couldn’t beat him, to be honest this is on him really.”

Twilight said, “WHAT! That's bull, this is clearly an excuse.”
Discord replied, “He is telling the truth. That’s what happened.”

Celestia, confused, asked, “Why would you do this Discord?”
Discord replied, “Because, Anon told me he was in love with you and I wanted to win this love triangle rivalry.”

Twilight, still pissed, used a teleportation on herself and Anon to her castle and put a spell on the castle to keep anyone out unless approved by her. Twilight locking up Anon in a room in the castle, left to grab her friends.
Anon thought to himself, “I can work with this.” Anon grabbing a blanket and broke a piece of the crystal bed. Then broke the castle window and made a rope from the blanket sheets. Anon still 30 ft in the air breathed in and then out and then let go and dropped to the ground and ran to the Everfree Forest. Anon got to the Forest before he heard the darkest bloodcurdling war cry of five of the angriest Elements of Harmony.

Anon thought, “Full speed sprint might win if I can get to the castle. FUCK IT! I can do this.” Anon ran in as fast as he could, dodging branches and weaving off the path so the main 6 couldn’t find him. Anon noticed the animals watching him more and more.

The main 6 using magic and the animals followed Anon's footsteps to the castle The magic barrier shield and illusion were still up to make the castle look like the destroyed ruins of the old castle. Anon making it past the barrier stopped and waited for Twilight and her band of bitches to show up.

Anon wrote a few rune spells in the barrier where the magic use activated and followed his command. All the particles from the 200 gems formed three smaller invisible barriers around Anon. Twilight and her friends ran out of the forest and to the opening and see Anon standing in front of the bridge to the castle smiling with overflowing confidence.

Twilight asked, “What's so funny? You're trapped and with nowhere to go Anon, so take this friendship beam and accept divine punishment.”
Anon smiling replied, “You couldn’t shoot me, even if you wanted to, just like your dads should have done in the back of your mother’s throats.”

Applejack huffed and looked at Rainbow Dash and nodded. AJ running across the bridge went for a dick kick and Rainbow went for an ax kick from high above. Anon not moving an inch watch both of them hit the castle barrier and bounce back almost like two people running at each other with exercise balls. The other girls saw in awe. The illusion comes down and the castle is fully built and with a few add-ons like runic rock golems and runes on every brick.

Anon, still smiling, asked, “So is the plan, to run at me with all your might and try to attack?”
Twilight replied, “Not yet! Come on girls.” Twilight activating the elements shot two rainbow beams, the first beam broke through the first barrier and as the beam hit the first invisible gem barrier the gems swirled around the beam and absorbed the magic and as Anon stood there watching put the shaping and transformation crystals in the magic book. The magic in the book and the crystals turned off and the second rainbow beam which was charging after the first beam hit Anon and started sending Anon to the sun.

Celestia teleported to the scene with Discord. Where the ring with a note on it was on the ground in front of the barrier to the new castle. Celestia picking up the note and the ring. The note in Anons handwriting said, “I know this is sudden but this ring was a present for your birthday it was a share ring with all my runic knowledge so you can enter the barrier castle and it also had most of my memories so you could see what you mean to me in my eyes.”

Celestia put on the ring and said the password in the runic language, waited and then walked through the barrier. Twilight ran up to Celestia only to hit the barrier and bounced back.
Twilight said in confusion, “Uh Princess Celestia, can you take down the barrier so we can figure out what to do next?”
Celestia, pissed, replied, “No, why would you do this to Anon even though a majority of the chaos caused was from Anon but nothing he sent was a lie or a magic spell to control.”
Twilight, scared, said, “What do you mean all the crap Anon did was slander and he was lying.”
Discord interjected, “That's not true Anon wouldn’t cause chaos. If you didn’t deserve it, Twilight. Plus, all the info from the book doesn’t just have fact to it but the memory that proves the fact. That’s what the 200 gems were for. It was a memory invading magic that was to gather information not to enslave anyone.”
Celestia in an angry tone said, “Discord is telling the truth, Twilight you sent someone who was only showing the truth to those hiding it to his death.”

Anon on the sun using his runic magic and shaping and transforming crystals to slowly absorb the heat into his body to transform himself into an immortal being.

Thousand Years Later

Anon after coming back to Equestria to a better place while Celestia and Luna ruling separate parts of Equestria in a peaceful harmony. Anon sent out the 200 gems to gather the information of the new modern day Equestria. Anon explores everything in Ponyville for a couple of hours to see what changed. Cadence later the very same year a thousand years ago became a confident single princess mother. Watching over her daughter grow and who was now the new ruler of the Crystal Empire. Anon went to The Everfree Forest which was more like blocked off land with a gate and everything. The castle now renamed to truth castle. The castle has overgrown vines and roots all over the castle. That's when Anon used these new runic symbols to burn the overgrowth plants and roots, and the castle restructured itself to transform into a better castle.

Anon walking inside of the new restructured castle and went into the throne room and sat on the chair. Anon stood up abruptly and wrote a rune to edit the chair to be a better-looking chair and more comfortable. That's when all 200 particle gems sent back all the info the gems gathered entered the book and transformed all the pages. Anon bored started reading and after a week of reading got up and teleported using a rune to Canterlot. Anon putting on a cloak to hide his appearance walked to the throne room to see Celestia again. That’s when Anon waited in the line of complaining nobles, until it got to him.

Celestia asked, “What problem do you have that I can give insight on?”
Anon with the cloak over his face replied, “I gave a ring to this beautiful woman before leaving and I may have taken a little longer than anticipated, but I got back, and it turns out she is still wearing the ring and single. Should I still take the jump and ask her out?”
Celestia thought out loud, “I think Cadence the Princess of Love would have more wisdom on this subject sir…...sorry what's your name?”

Anon grabbing the hood of his cloak lifted it off his head and said, “It's me…. Anon.”
Celestia gasped and screamed, jumping on Anon and kissing his cheeks and tearing up. Celestia replied, “When'd you get back?”
Anon said, “I got back a little over a week ago. I was using my rune magic to see what changed all over Equestria. What happened to Twilight and her friends?”
Celestia replied, “After they sent you to the sun, Luna, Cadence, and I realized that most of the problems originated from Twilight and Shining Armor, so we banished both of them and Twilight's friends and we used alicorn magic to disconnect the elements from them.”

Anon looking confused said, “You can’t disconnect the elements from them. I studied friendship magic that came from those elements while in the sun.” Anon handed Celestia the book and turned to the page on the elements and how they work. “The elements choose the worst Anthros that can change for the better. If you robbed them of the ability to change their destiny, then the elements could change from harmony to chaos. The elements have a mind of their own so if you don’t trust the elements to choose then chaos will ensue.”

Celestia asked, “But we took the alicorn magic from Twilight before banishing her. How could the elements create chaos if they are regular Anthros that live the normal length?”
Anon was about to reply only for a portal to open and another Anon walked through with a staff on his back and a cloak on. This Anon looked at Celestia and Anon and said, “Hello, Tyson! I’m Mason from dimension T-01 and I need your help.”
Anon looking confused said, “How do you know my name and what is the help you need?”