> A Rainbow Household > by Applefai > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dreams Of Tiny Feet > --------------------------------------------------------------------------      Months has passed since Rainbow Dash and Soarin got married, since then Soarin had decided to take Rainbow’s last name, their honeymoon took place in a beach resort where before they enjoyed the resort, they enjoyed themselves first. After the first night was filled with passionate love making, they spent the rest of their honeymoon enjoying the resort. They shared breakfast together, enjoying the best food the resort had to offer, their breakfast consisted of veggie bacon and eggs with hashbrowns and two slices of toast, instead of coffee they decided to wash down their breakfast with mai tais.            Rainbow Dash stands outside her house, remembering their first and so far only honeymoon as she smiles. The sound of the Ponyville school bell dismissing the students snaps her back to the present as she watches the school children run up to their parents and give them hugs brings a smile to her face and a longing in her heart.       Going back inside Rainbow sees that Soarin is in the kitchen and has just finished making dinner for the two of them. As Soarin bends down to take the pan out of the oven, Rainbow couldn’t help but to blush as she sees his toned ass pushed tightly against his blue jeans.      “Ah, enjoying the show?” Soarin teased as he stood back up, teasing Rainbow a bit.      “Yeah, though shouldn’t the ham be in the oven?” Rainbow teased back, causing Soarin to chuckle.      “I hope you like what I made tonight, it’s a vegetarian meatloaf.” Soarin said as he cut off a slice for her and served her.      As Soarin sat down across from Rainbow, they both began to eat. Rainbow’s eyes lit up at the flavor that danced on her tongue. “Hmmm, you really know how to cook, Soarin.”      “I’m glad you like it, though I mainly learned how to cook from my mom.” Soarin sheepishly admitted.      Rainbow smiled as she took another bite before speaking again. “It’s sweet that you helped your mom and brother out when your dad had to work overtime, it’s admirable.” Rainbow said, causing Soarin to blush bright red.       Rainbow giggled at his blush. “Don’t be embarrassed, it’s nice.” Rainbow said as she finished her plate.      After they ate Rainbow helped Soarin with the dishes and after they had finished drying them and putting them in the cupboard, they retired to the couch where they turned on the TV and started to watch a game show they favored.      While sitting on the couch and watching the contestants answer questions, they couldn’t help but to play along as they started to answer them as well.      Rainbow snuggles up to Soarin as they get comfy on the couch. As the game show ends Rainbow looks up at Soarin. “Soarin?” Rainbow asked, causing him to mute the TV and acknowledge her.      “Yes? What is it?” Soarin asked softly as he brushed her hair with his hand.      “Do you ever want to have kids?” Rainbow asked.      Soarin went silent for a few seconds as he thought. He eventually spoke up and the answer brought a smile to Rainbow’s face. “Yes, I would. I’d think you’d be a wonderful mother, Rainbow.” Soarin replied as he caressed her chin, making her blush.      “And I think you’ll be a great father.” Rainbow replied as she blushed. “So would you like to try and conceive one?’ Rainbow asked only to get an approving nod from Soarin.      Rainbow smiled with delight as she hugged Soarin. “I’ll let you know when I’m ovulating so we have the best chance for getting pregnant, but to help the chances, let’s abstain from sex until then.” Rainbow said as she hugged Soarin.      “Ok, but it is a shame, I was gonna serve you some sausage later tonight, but I understand.” Soarin teased as he kissed her on her lips. They then laid down on the couch, wrapped in each other's embrace as they watched TV before succumbing to the lure of sleep.      The next few days came and went, and Rainbow would constantly check her cervical mucus for signs of fertility. She had been given a book from her mother about what to look for and checks daily.      One day when Rainbow checked, a smile spread across her face as the results were promising.       As soon as Soarin got home, Rainbow greeted him at the door. "Hey hon, I hope you didn't overwork yourself at the gym." Rainbow cooed as she hugged him, his sweat rubbing on her exposed skin.      "Why's that, sweetie?" He asked as he closed the door and set down his gym bag by the couch.      "Because I'm ovulating, we can now try to have a child.      Soarin blushed and grinned with excitement. "Really?" He asked with Rainbow nodding and biting her lip.      Soarin and Rainbow then proceed to head upstairs and remove each other's clothes, tossing them aside as they begin to kiss each other deeply as they lay their nude bodies on the bed.      Soarin lays on top of Rainbow as her and him start having coitus, Rainbow moans in pleasure as she moves her hips with him, matching his movements as his cock gently but firmly slides in and out of her pussy.      Soarin picks up the speed, thrusting hard and deep into his wife, they both teeter on the edge of climax as they moan and pant. Soarin gives one final thrust and releases a torrent of semen rocketing into Rainbow Dash as she herself orgasms, coating Soarin's cock in her vaginal juices.      Soarin pulls out of Rainbow Dash, his cock dripping wet from her orgasm and leftover seed. He then proceeds to lie on his back next to her, sweating and panting as he tries to catch his breath.      Rainbow looks at him and smiles. "You're wonderful as always." She says as she looks at him lovingly. "I really hope I get pregnant." She says as she cuddles next to him.      "I hope so too, it'll be nice to be parents." Soarin replied as he stroked her hair. "What will we do about working though, who'll stay home?" Soarin asked only for Rainbow to shudh him by placing a finger on his lips.      "Shhhh, we'll worry about that later, stud. Right now, let's just see what happens." Rainbow said as she laid her head down on his chest, sighing happily as she and Soarin fell asleep.        > A Stork Cometh > --------------------------------------------------------------------------      Days pass as Rainbow and Soarin wait in high hopes that he impregnated her. Rainbow goes about her business as well as Soarin, going to training when needed, getting their weekly groceries and toiletries, and even occasionally going bowling with their friends.      One day when Rainbow and Soarin go to the bowling alley to play a few rounds with Rainbow's friends, Pinkie Pie ran up and greeted them as they went to get their shoes.      "Heya Rainbow, Soarin. You ready for a fun game?" Pinkie asked as Rainbow and Soarin went to the lane where the others were at.      "Always ready Pinkie." Rainbow replied as she slowly got on her shoes.       "Can I get you a cider Dashie?" Pinkie asked.      "No, thanks. I'm good." Rainbow politely declined as she put up her hand and shook her head. "Maybe just get me a bottle of pasteurized orange juice."      Rainbow's friends look at her in shock, they've never seen Rainbow turn down a cider before.      Coming up to shoot the breeze with Rainbow, Applejack chuckled. "I better get back to the farm, because with you declinin' a cider, either my pigs or flyin' or you're sick." Applejack said, causing Rainbow to laugh.      "I'm not sick and your pigs are still grounded, but there is a reason why I'm declining.      "Ohhhhhh, what is it? Tell me tell me tell me tell me." Pinkie Pie said, bouncing up and down eager to know.      "Welllllll." Rainbow said as she looked down at her belly.      A collective gasp came from her friends as the answer hit them.      "Congratulations, Darling you must be so excited." Rarity said as she came up and hugged Rainbow.      Rainbow embraced the hug as she smiled. "I am, but I'm also nervous." Rainbow replied.      "You're nervercited." Pinkie said as she in turn hugged Rainbow.      Rainbow embraced the hug as Twilight spoke up. "I have many parenting books in the castle, if you want, come on over and get a couple." Twilight offered which prompted a nod from Rainbow.      The rest of the day was spent bowling and chatting with friends. Pinkie Pie took it upon herself to plan on a baby shower and set the date for when Rainbow enters her third trimester.      It was dusk before Soarin and Rainbow arrived home, after they got settled down they started to plan for the stork's arrival.      A few days had passed and Soarin and Rainbow had been searching for the perfect crib, they knew for sure they didn't want a drop-side crib. Once they found one, they immediately purchased it and started constructing it in the nursery they had added on a few months prior.      As Rainbow and Soarin worked, Rainbow suddenly felt incredibly queasy. She hastily got up, almost tripping over crib pieces as she rushed to the bathroom.       Throwing up the toilet seat she threw her head into the toilet as she started vomiting, the sound of it hitting the water echoing over to Soarin.      Taking a break from building, Soarin went up and knelt by his wife's side. He gingerly grabs her hair and holds it back for her.      "Thanks, Soarin. I'm really lucky to have you-" Rainbow was interrupted by having to retch again. She stuck her head halfway in the toilet as she coughed and gagged it up.      After what seemed to be hours of puking, Rainbow stood up. "Thanks, Soarin. Let's get back to building the crib." Rainbow said as she started getting up.      "Are you sure you'll be ok? I can finish it if you'd rather rest." Soarin replied      "I'm good. But thanks Soarin." Rainbow answered as they continued to assemble the crib.      Once they finish the crib, they put it next to a wall. "I think it looks perfect, now we need to paint this room, maybe baby blue?" Rainbow suggested.       "Or maybe pitch black, with some glow in the dark star, moon, and constellation stickers." Soarin replied.      "Hmm, that does sound nice. I think our child will love that." Rainbow cooed as she leaned her head on Soarin's chest.      "Hey, why don't we go visit our folks, tell them the news?" Soarin suggested.      Rainbow picked up her head. "I think we should, why don't we go to yours first?" She replied while Soarin gave a nod.      That afternoon, Soarin and Rainbow flew to Soarin's parents' house. His little brother greeted him at the door.      Gray Squall ran up and hugged his brother tightly.       Embracing the hug, Soarin ruffled his hair. "Hey there little zipper. How've you been?" Soarin asked.            "I've been good. So what brings you here?" Gray asked curiously.       "We just come bearing news for you all, but it's for everyone." Soarin replied as he walked into the house.       His parents sat on the couch, watching TV as he came in.      "Soarin, how you doing son?" His father asked as he muted the tv.       Taking a seat on the open couch, Soarin responded as he helped Rainbow sit. "I'm fine."      "That's good, dear. So what brings you and our beautiful daughter-in-law here?" Misty asked.      "Well, I think I'll give that honor to Dash." Soarin said as he nudged his wife's shoulder.      Rainbow leaned up as she looked at her in-laws. "Misty, Feather. I'm pregnant." Rainbow said, a look of surprise spreading on their faces.      "That's wonderful news dear." Misty said.      "Is there anything we can do to help?" Feather asked.        "Nah, we should be good." Rainbow replied.      Gray sat next to his brother, Soarin saw him and pulled him closer. "What do you think bud, you're gonna be an uncle?" Soarin asked.      "I-I don't know, it feels nice, but scary too." Gray replied.       "Don't worry, you'll do great." Soarin said as he gave his brother a playful noogie.      "Well, we hate to come and run, but we still got to tell the news to Rainbow's folks." Soarin said as he got up.      "Ok dear, stay safe. And if you need any help don't be afraid to ask." His mother said as she hugged him.      "We will." Soarin replied as he embraced the hug.      About an hour later they arrived at Rainbow's parents' house. Rainbow knocked on the door which swung open excitedly. "Rainbow, what brings you here unexpectedly?" Her mother asks as she invites them in.       "Just thought I'd drop by." Rainbow replied as she and Soarin came in.      As she came in, Rainbow stopped in shock to see who was in the kitchen.      "Hey, Rainbow." Scootaloo said as she got up from her chair.       "Hey, Scoots. What're you doing here?" Rainbow asked as she hugged her symbolic sister.      "Oh, I just wanted to visit and get some more stories." Scootaloo replied, causing Rainbow to blush a bit.      "Well, it's a good thing you're here. I have news for you all." Rainbow replied.      "Ok." Scootaloo replied.      "Though I think we should all go into the living room." Rainbow said as she led Scootaloo into there.       Sitting down on the furniture, Rainbow took a breath. "Mom, dad, Scootaloo. I'm pregnant." Rainbow said, not pulling any punches.      A wave of silence washed over the room as the weight of what Rainbow said set in.      Tears soon swelled up in Windy's and Bow's eyes as they hugged their daughter.       "Oh Rainbow, this is the best news ever. We're gonna be grandparents." Windy said as she kissed her daughter's forehead.       Rainbow then looked at Scootaloo. "What do you think, kid. You're gonna be a symbolic aunt?" Rainbow asked.      Scootaloo was grinning from ear to ear. "I think it's great, your awesome legacy is going to keep growing." Scootaloo said as she hugged her sister.      An hour of talking later, Rainbow Dash and Soarin parted for home, hugging Bow and Windy before they left.       Scootaloo left with them, Rainbow hanging on to her as they flew her home. After finally arriving at their home, Rainbow kicked off her shoes and removed her socks, her dogs barking at the relief.      Soarin smiled as he joined her on the couch. "Tomorrow we should go to HQ to inform Spitfire of the situation." He said as he put an arm around her.     "Yeah, we should. I can't wait to hear the little pitter-patter of feet in the house." Rainbow replied as she kissed Soarin.      Soarin turned on the TV to a late-night game show and snuggled with Rainbow on the couch as they awaited the date of delivery. > A.W.M.L(Absent With Maternity Leave) > --------------------------------------------------------------------------      The next morning, Soarin and Rainbow Dash head to Wonderbolt headquarters. When they arrive they immediately go to Spitfire's office.      "Captain Spitfire, Rainbow Dash and I would like to request a moment of your time." Soarin said as he and Rainbow awaited permission to enter.      "Come in Clipper and Crash." Spitfire said as she put down a file.       Walking into the office made Rainbow feel nervous, usually it was to get a lecture, but now it's different.      "How might I help you cadets?" Spitfire asked as her guest took a seat.       "Rainbow and I would like to have a leave of absence for a short while." Soarin said as Spitfire leaned in her chair.      "I see, might I ask for how long and the reason as to why?" The bolt commander asked.      "We'd like at least nine, maybe twelve months." Rainbow said as she rubbed her belly, her bulge not yet starting.      "I see, now why that long?" Spitfire asked.      "Well, Soarin and I are expecting." Rainbow said with a smile.      Spitfire stared at her and smiled back. "Congratulations you two, you have your leave, take as long as you like." Spitfire said as she went to a file cabinet.       "Are you sure you'll be alright without us for a while?" Soarin asked.       "We'll be fine, family comes first right, you're always welcome back." Spitfire said. "Now Dash, who do you suggest we get to replace you two until you two are ready to return?" Spitfire asked.      "Well ma'am, I think Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger has the most promise." Rainbow said as she saluted her captain.      "I see, those are the two that you and Princess Twilight helped mold. Am I right?" Spitfire replied as she opened her file cabinet.      "Yes, ma'am. I believe they are deserving of this distinction." Rainbow replied unfalteringly.      "I couldn't agree more, Crash." Spitfire said as she pulled out Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger's files.      Setting the files down, Spitfire got prepared to recruit them. "You two enjoy your leave, I wish you two the best." Spitfire said as she escorted them out of her office.      Leaving headquarters, Rainbow flew next to Soarin as they flew home.       "You know, you'll have to stop flying as soon as that bulge pops up."      "YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT!" Rainbow snapped at Soarin who backed up a bit.      Rainbow snickered a bit. "Just yanking your chain." Rainbow said as she flew beside him.      "I know, and don't worry, I'll try and control my mood swings when they come." Rainbow said.      "But I'll still stick by you if you can't, because I love you." Soarin said as they flew back home.      Once they arrived home they sat on the couch to watch some TV, as they watched, Rainbow's stomach growled.       Hearing this, Soarin chuckled. "Is someone hungry?'' he asked as he gently rubbed Rainbow's belly.      Rainbow blushed at the slight teasing. "Yes, could you please make me something?" Rainbow asked with Soarin already getting up.      "Sure thing, what would you like?" Sharon asked.      Rainbow pondered the question until finally deciding. "Maybe a peanut butter and pickle sandwich please." Rainbow said.      Soarin was taken back, but understood that she would have strange cravings. "Coming right up, dill or bread and butter pickles?" Soaring asked.      "Dill please." Rainbow said as she leaned on the couch.      “Coming right up, dear.” Soarin said as he went into the kitchen and prepared a peanut butter and dill pickle sandwich. After he was done he brought it to his wife who happily thanked him. Watching her eat the weird combo if it actually tasted good, but he was too afraid to try for himself. They continued to watch TV until it was time to turn in, Rainbow passed out on the couch so Soarin gently picked her up and brought her to bed with him.      A few more days passed and Rainbow was having a wave of mood swings, but instead of anger being the frontman it was sadness. As Soarin and Rainbow sat at the kitchen table Rainbow let out a loud sigh. “Soarin, have I peaked?” Rainbow asked as she sat and drank her juice.      “What? No, I don’t think so. What makes you ask something like that?” Soarin asked a little concerned,      “I’m expecting, I got to live my dream as a Wonderbolt and now that I’m going to be a mother, I’ll have to quit the Bolts.” Rainbow said as she started to tear up.      "Rainbow, no one is saying you have to quit." Soarin said, trying to comfort her.      "But I'll be a mother, we can't just hire a babysitter, pegasus children need special care." Rainbow said as she hugged Soarin, openly sobbing.      Soarin patted her on the back, trying to calm her down as he hugged her tight. "It'll be ok Rainbow, we can decide on what to do after our kid is born." Soarin cooed as he hugged his wife.                *************************************      A few weeks later, Rainbow Dash moves to her second trimester and starts to show. Her baby bump protruding out brings some unwanted stares, but Rainbow is always eager to explain, if she wants to. At this time she has been ordered not to fly by her doctor, so Soarin uses what money he's saved up for a sky chariot so he can fly Rainbow around himself.       Early one morning, Soarin wakes up to see he's losing some muscle definition. He hasn't been going to the gym as much because of him taking care of Rainbow. As he's in the bathroom, he hears Rainbow snore, looking back at her he smiles as he sees the baby bump. 'I can always get back into exercising, but now I couldn't be happier, I'll gladly give up everything for this family me and her are making.' Soarin thinks to himself as he climbs back into bed and throws his arm around Rainbow, cuddling her and their unborn child.       Rainbow moaned in her sleep as she lets Soarin cuddle her, her belly poking Soarin's as she slept on her left side.         > Preparing For Mr. Stork > --------------------------------------------------------------------------      A few more weeks have passed and Rainbow's midsection has now grown to full size. She and Soarin go to a doctor for their appointed ultrasound to find out the sex and health of the child.      As they wait in the waiting room, Soarin helps Rainbow sit and sits by her side holding her hand. "Don't worry dear, I'm sure the baby is fine." Soarin said as he sat next to her.      "I know, but you never know,I can't help but to worry." Rainbow replied as she rubbed her belly, feeling the baby kick.      Rainbow giggled as she grabbed Soarin's hand and guided it on to her belly. "Our kid is kicking again." She said as Soarin felt the small kick. Smiling brightly.      "Seems like they're gonna be an athlete like us." Soarin said as the doctor came in.      "Mr. and Mrs. Dash, we're ready to see you now." He said as Rainbow and Soarin got up to follow him.       As Rainbow lays on the bed, Soarin stands beside her holding her hand as the doctor applies the gel. Rainbow jumps at the cold feeling but then smiles as she sees her child.      "It looks like everything is a-ok, would you like to know the gender?" The doctor asks as Rainbow is in tears.      Rainbow nods as Soarin gives a verbal yes.      "Your son is perfectly healthy, I suspect he'll be here in a few more weeks." The doctor said as he wrote down on his clipboard and made a copy of the ultrasound.      After the visit, Rainbow and Soarin return home and sit on the couch, Rainbow has her feet propped up on the table and Soarin, without saying a word he got down on his knees and started massaging her feet.      Rainbow sighed contently as Soarin’s fingers gingerly applied pressure to her soles, his fingers working out any tension that had been in her feet. Soarin then popped her toes as he finished the massage and got up off the ground.      “Thanks, Soarin. That felt wonderful.’’ Rainbow said as she leaned back into the couch   “You’re welcome, is there anything else I can do for you?” Soarin asked         Rainbow sat and thought for a few minutes before finally answering. “Nah, I’m good, but we do need to decide on a name.” She said as she rubbed her belly.      Soarin nodded as he got out a baby name book that Twilight had given them and sat by Rainbow to look through it. After what had seemed like hours of looking through countless pages of names, Soarin and Rainbow finally stopped at one that they liked.      "What do you think of the name Cumulo?" Soarin asked.       Rainbow smiled. "I love it." The pregnant mare said as she rubbed her belly. "I'll see you soon, my little Cumulo." Rainbow said to her belly as another kick made itself visible.       Hours pass as Rainbow and Soarin watch TV together, Soarin then gets up and heads into the kitchen, he starts to prepare a salad for them both until Rainbow calls in.      "Soarin, what are we going to do about work?" Rainbow yelled as Soarin came back into the living room.       Holding a large bowl of salad he uses a wooden spoon to toss it as he sits down by Rainbow.      He sets the bowl down and holds Rainbow's hand. "I've been thinking of it, and I've decided that I'll stay home and you can go on back to the Bolts." Soarin said, causing Rainbow to gasp.      "Are you sure, but you've been there longer than me." Rainbow said as Soarin puts a finger on her lips.      "I'm sure, but if you decide you want to stay home, let me know. But it'll have to be your choice alone." Soarin said as Rainbow smiled and hugged him.      "Thank you, Soarin. I don't know what I want at this point, but I'm sure I'll know here in a few more weeks." Rainbow said as Soarin hugged her back.      "Oh, by the way don't forget, we have to go to Sugarcube Corner tomorrow." Soarin said, reminding Rainbow of the date.      "Yeah I know." Rainbow said as she sighed. "Pinkie just had to insist that she be the one to plan the baby shower." Rainbow said, a little annoyance in her voice.      "Like you weren't going to ask her?" Soarin asked teasingly, eliciting a smile from Rainbow.      "Yeah you're right, Pinkie does throw the best parties, besides, there's no one else I'd rather have to plan it." Rainbow admitted as she smiles warmly.      Soarin then goes into the kitchen and brings two salad forks so he and Rainbow can eat on the couch.      After dinner, Rainbow and Soarin went upstairs to their bedroom, the weather was a bit humid that night so they decided to sleep in the nude to not sweat so much.      As they lay on the mattress, they enjoyed each other's company, looking up at the ceiling, they both drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the day that they'll be parents.                     > A Shower, Catching up, and Delivery > --------------------------------------------------------------------------      The next day, Rainbow and Soarin arrive at Sugarcube Corner. Guests have already arrived which included the Bolts, Rainbow's friends, and the crusaders. Pinkie welcomes them and escorts them in.       "I hope you're ready Dash, I planned a whole day of fun for you." Pinkie said as she couldn't help but rub Rainbow's belly. "Auntie Pinkie Pie will see you soon." She said to Rainbow's belly bump, causing her to laugh as she started shooting the breeze with the other guest.      Starlight approaches Rainbow as Rainbow gets some punch. "Rainbow, congratulations. So have you and Soarin decided on a name?" Starlight asked as Rainbow took a drink.      "Yes we have, we picked the name Cumulo." Rainbow said while rubbing her belly.      "That's a cute name for a pegasus, it fits." Spotlight said as she got some punch.      "Thank you." Rainbow said as she made her way to her husband.      "I'm surprised you wanted to be here, I thought it'd be too girly for you." Rainbow said, teasing Soarin a bit.      Soarin just chuckled. "I thought that'd be a you thing, considering that it's mushy stuff, but of course I'd be here, I'll always support you and be by your side." Soarin replied as she hugged Rainbow.      As the shower proceeded, Rainbow and the rest of the attendees played games, one of which was a diaper changing contest where surprisingly Soarin had the fastest time.       Rainbow looked at Soarin with awe and bewilderment. "Wow, Soarin, you sure know how to do that." She complimented, causing Soarin to blush.      Blushing heavily, Soarin rubbed the back of his head and smiled sheepishly. "Whenever my dad did have time off work, he and mom would take that night for a date night and leave me to guard the fort, so whenever I did that, I had to change Gray a few times." He admitted.      "That's sweet, Soarin, it seems like it'll translate to fatherhood." Rainbow said as she patted his shoulder.      Hours flew by as the parents-to-be and the guests chatted and mingled, Rainbow got lots of useful items for the baby, such as diapers, a binky, a training toilet, a baby monitor, and some baby clothes. Rainbow thanked and hugged the gift-givers with tears in her eyes as she and Soarin put them in his chariot. When the party ended the guests left one by one, leaving Rainbow and Soarin to leave last. Rainbow hugged her friends goodbye, promising to stay in touch and got in the sky chariot that Soarin uses to help her get around.       Once they got home, Rainbow sat on the sofa contemplating her thoughts.      Soarin saw this and sat with her. "Penny for your thoughts?" He asked, wondering what Rainbow was thinking.      With a sigh she leaned up against Soarin. "I was just thinking if something did happen to us, who would take care of our kid? So I'm thinking of making Fluttershy our child's godmother."       Soarin just kissed Rainbow's forehead and chuckled. "Look at you planning ahead." Soarin said jokingly only to be nudged in his chubby belly.      "Soarin, I'm serious, there's no promise of safety in any job, so I just want to make sure our child is cared for." Rainbow said as Soarin rubbed his belly.       "I know, and I think it's sweet you want a friend to take up the task, and I trust Fluttershy, so I support this decision." Soarin said as he brought Rainbow close.      Rainbow and Soarin turned on the TV and fell asleep in each other's embrace on the couch.      A few weeks later, Rainbow was making breakfast for her and Soarin when suddenly, Rainbow felt a wet feeling in her vagina. She let out a moan as she stopped what she was doing. "Soarin, it's time." She called out into the living room, only for Soarin to rush into the kitchen and help Rainbow turn off everything.       Soarin quickly gathered Rainbow's overnight bag and put it in the chariot, he then helped Rainbow in the chariot and flew directly to Ponyville General Hospital. Once there, Soarin signs her in and she is immediately taken to a room.      Once in the room, the doctor asks if Rainbow wants drugs, to which Rainbow yells yes.      Soarin stands by Rainbow's side as she pushes and yells, squeezing his hand tight as she gives birth.      After about two hours, Rainbow gives one final push and the doctor cuts the cord, after swaddling the baby in a towel the newborn starts to cry.      "Congratulations Miss Dash, you're a mother." The doctor said as he handed Dash her son.      The doctor hands Rainbow Dash her son wrapped up in a white linen towel. Her son's head remained exposed, showing off his light blue skin.     Rainbow accepts her child and looks at him with tears in her eyes. "Oh Soarin, he's beautiful." She says as she looks at him, holding him as he starts to calm down.      "That he is." Soarin agreed as he kissed Dash's forehead.      The doctor keeps Rainbow and Soarin there for a few hours to make sure Dash was ready to be released.       Once the doctor got everything in order, he dismissed Dash and Soarin.      Soarin and Rainbow packed up their chariot, Dash holding on to Cumulo as Soarin gently flew them home. > Growing Family > --------------------------------------------------------------------------      That night, sleep eluded Rainbow as she held on tight to Cumulo, she watched him sleep in her arms, subtly breathing as she watched the television, the warm glow lighting up the room as an old sitcom played.      Soarin came downstairs, looking groggy."Rainbow, you ok? Can't sleep?" Soarin asked as Rainbow nodded.      "Yeah, I just still can't believe it, he's so tiny." Rainbow answered as she looked at Cumulo.      "He is cute." Soarin agreed as he sat down. "Why don't you try to get some sleep, I'll take care of him." Soarin said as Rainbow nodded.      "Yeah, ok. Thank you, Soarin." Rainbow replies as she hands Cumulo off to Soarin.       Rainbow then heads upstairs and crashes on the bed, falling asleep uncovered.      The next morning Rainbow wakes up and notices that Cumulo is in his crib sleeping soundly. The baby monitor blinks red as she heads downstairs and sees Soarin in the kitchen.      "Oh, good morning sweetie, sleep well?" Sharon asked as he slid some cooked eggs out of the pan and onto a plate.      Rainbow chuckled as she nodded.      "You were out like a light, I came to bed after I fed Cumulo and you didn't budge." Soarin said as he served Rainbow her plate.      "Sorry about that." Rainbow said as she dug into her eggs.      "No need to be sorry, dear. It's ok." Soarin said as he sat down with his plate and began to eat.      After they had finished eating, Rainbow helped Soarin with the dishes. As they wash the plates, Rainbow strikes up a conversation. “Soarin, I think I would rather stay home with Cumulo.” Rainbow Dash said, causing Soarin to look at her with a little shock in his eyes.      “Are you sure? I mean, you have dreamed of being a Wonderbolt since you were a filly, right?” Soarin asked as he put up the last dish.      “Yeah, but looking at Cumulo sleeping last night, he just looks so innocent, so precious, that I don’t want to miss a moment with him.” Rainbow opened up, showing her more vulnerable side.       Soarin hugged Rainbow from behind and gave her a kiss. “Are you sure this is what you want?” Soarin asked as Rainbow nodded.       “Yes, this is what I want, if you want to go back to the Bolts you can, I won’t hold it against you.” Rainbow affirmed as she kissed him back.      With that, Soarin went to Wonderbolts HQ to talk with Spitfire, leaving Rainbow at home with the baby. She spent the day feeding him and changing him. She got a good look at his eyes and saw they were a beautiful magenta like hers.       Soarin didn't get home until late that night, his uniform absent, but he usually leaves it at HQ anyway. He comes in and hugs Rainbow from behind who was preparing dinner.      "Hey, honey, how was your day?" Soarin asked as he held her tight.      "It was pretty stressful, Cumulo cried for almost an hour, then I had to change him where he peed on me, and then I finally got him down." Rainbow said as she threw down a hayburger TV dinner.      Soarin looked at the warm food and smiled. He then gave Rainbow a hug and a kiss, knowing that this was all she could do for the time being.      "I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you, it must be scary for the first time." Soarin said as he sat down.      "It's ok, so how did Spitfire take my resignation?" Rainbow asked as she joined him at the table.      "She took it well, but….." Soarin trailed off as he looked at Rainbow, her body still glowing after childbirth.       "Yes, Dear?" Rainbow asked as she ate.      "I decided to look for a local job around here, maybe a grocery bagger or a coach at your school." Soarin finished as he began to eat.       Rainbow's eyes lit up as he said that, touched that he feels the same way.       "I think that's a great idea, Twilight might be more than happy to hire you." Rainbow said as she scooted closer to Soarin.      "I'd like that." Soarin replied as he kissed Rainbow on her forehead.      The next day, Soarin went to apply for the coaching job, Twilight conducted the interview herself and found promise in Soarin, she gave him the job and said he could start as soon as tomorrow.      After Soarin's interview, he returned home to see Rainbow dressing up Cumulo.       "Hey, honey. Are you ready for dinner?" Rainbow asked as she picked up Cumulo.       Remembering the day, Soarin replied with a nod as he went to get ready.      After putting on decent clothes, Rainbow and Soarin left home and flew toward Cloudsdale.      Arriving at her parents' house, Rainbow knocked on the door which was immediately opened by her father.      "Rainbow, Soarin. It's nice to see you, and how's my grandson?" Bow greeted them in a loud, but friendly voice.      Rainbow smiled as she hugged her dad. "It's nice to see you too and he's doing fine. Would you like to hold him?" Rainbow offered as she gently handed Cumulo over.      Bow gingerly took Cumulo and held him, smiling at the sweet little tyke.       Rainbow and Soarin entered the house and made their way into the kitchen. Windy was just finishing up on the salad paired with veggie hamburgers.       Noticing her daughter and son-in-law, she laid the salad bowl on the table and hugged them both. "It's good to see you two again, please have a seat, dinner is ready." She said as she sat down, Rainbow and Soarin followed suit as Bow came in holding Cumulo.      As they ate, they talked about current events and how things were, laughing and joyfully crying.       Looking up at Rainbow, her mother stared into her eyes. "Why don't you all stay the night, we'd love to have you." Windy offered.      Rainbow nodded. "I think we will." She accepted as she finished her burger.      After dinner, Rainbow went out on the front porch and looked at the night sky, doing so she saw a shooting star and smiled before heading back in.