> Housewarming > by AuroraDawn > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Crowds and Transitions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Cheers!” The five ponies seated in Izzy’s cottage clinked their mugs together, slopping beer over the wooden table before drinking. There was a brief, quiet moment as they drank, before a collective sigh broke the silence and they all laughed. “I’ve never had mushroom ale before,” Hitch said, taking another sip, his eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise, “but I really like this. ” “Me too,” Sunny said, setting her cup down. “This is better than any of the cider they make back in Maretime Bay.” “Lucky you get to have it whenever you want now, hey?” Zipp said from across the table. “Congratulations, by the way.” “Yeah, congratulations Sunny! And Izzy!” Pipp said, beaming.  “I’m really happy for the two of you,” Hitch said, a smile also on his face. Izzy leaned against Sunny and started softly rubbing her knee. “I’m happy for us too. I’m so glad you asked to move in with me. This big tree was starting to feel a little too empty, you know?” Sunny gave Izzy a quick kiss on her nose before wrapping a foreleg around her neck and pulling her in closer. “Oh, I know. And really I was spending enough time here already. With the lighthouse destroyed, and with how incredibly cute you are, it was a bit of a no brainer.” “Maretime Bay is going to be a little dull without you there causing a disturbance everywhere you go,” Hitch said, winking. “Although maybe I can focus on some other tasks now I’m not constantly arresting you.” “Ooh, our Sunny’s got a bit of a criminal streak?” Zipp asked. “You wouldn’t believe it. Or, well, maybe you would, given that whole stunt with the crown,” Hitch said, taking another deep pull from his mug. “You know, Sunny, if you wanted to be in hoofcuffs that badly, all you had to do was ask.” “She has,” Izzy said brightly, earning wide eyes and a blush from her marefriend. “Do you have any I can borrow?” “I actually—nevermind,” Sunny said, looking away and filling her mouth with ale. “Oh, no, go on,” Pipp said, leaning forward. “There’s no judgement here, Sunny.” She set her phone down and slid it to the center of the table, away from herself. “And no cameras, either. We’re all friends!” “I might have my own pair already,” she muttered into her mug, before bursting out into laughter.  “Let me guess,” Hitch said, “You stole them from us?” “No, not at all!” Sunny said. Hitch stared at her, unconvinced.  “...You’d be amazed at what Sprout will do for a pizza,” she said. “No, no I wouldn’t,” Hitch sighed. “So, what’s next for Sunny?” Zipp asked. “Once I get settled in I’m going to spend some time meeting and getting to know the ponies here in Bridlewood. After that I’ll be back to my usual astronomy business. Watching meteor showers, cataloguing stars, all that fun stuff.” “And Izzy? What are you going to do?” “Spend some time getting to know Sunny better, of course,” she added, her hoof rubbing further up Sunny’s leg now. “I’m gonna keep doing all my crafts, too.” “And Sunny, probably,” Zipp joked, earning a chorus of laughter from the table. “Okay, okay, we get it, they’re in love,” Hitch said, elbowing Zipp. “I’m sure the two of them don’t need us to remind them of it every chance we get.” “I dunno, I’m having fun with it. How about you?” Izzy asked, her hoof sliding up to Sunny’s inner thigh, just next to her sack. “I, uhh,” Sunny stumbled, her focus lost for a moment. She shot Izzy a mean look before laughing. “It doesn’t bother me,” she said at last, shuffling a tiny bit closer to Izzy and spreading her legs as subtly as she could. “Besides, it’s their house,” Pipp said. She had picked up her phone again and was browsing through notifications. “They can be together whenever they want now.” “Yeah!” Izzy said, and she slammed her drink back before hopping onto Sunny’s thighs. “Look, Sunny, we’re together now! Like actually together! Ohh, I’m so happy,” she squeed, dancing in place on Sunny’s lap. Sunny laughed and moved Izzy’s tail out of her face, wrapping her forelegs around her belly and hugging her tight. “You’re a goof. I love you.” “I love you too,” Izzy said, shifting one last time. Settled in, she placed her hindlegs in between Sunny’s and gently pushed them further apart. “What are you doing?” Sunny whispered, blushing again. “Being together!” Izzy announced, and she winked back at Sunny. “So what’s new in Zephyr Heights?” Hitch asked Pipp, very softly pushing her phone down out of her sight.  “Oh, well, things are super crazy ever since we’ve got flight back, of course. Luckily the citizens were so happy about that that they forgot about the whole ‘the Royal Family are frauds’ thing like, almost immediately.” “I’ve been spearheading an initiative to clean up that old hangar and get it operating again,” Zipp added, turning to face Hitch. “Oh yeah? What’s involved in that?” “Well…” As Hitch and Pipp focused on Zipp, Izzy giggled softly, and her horn glowed just as faintly. Sunny tilted her head before resting it on Izzy’s back. “Whatcha doing n—” Sunny froze, her eyes wide as a tingling sensation enveloped her sheath and balls, and the magic started to roll and fondle her privates. “A-ah,” Sunny gasped, burying her face in Izzy’s mane to hide her shock. “Now?!” she hissed, though she made no move to push Izzy away. Izzy said nothing, humming happily instead as she gently bobbed in Sunny’s lap, dancing to one of the many tunes that lived in her head. “And then we need to find what that whole stained glass window looked like, see if we can’t find any records of it so we can recreate it,” Zipp said. “Izzy, this ale is fantastic. Do you have more?” “For sure!” Izzy said, and her horn lit up brightly as she lifted five new mugs out of the kitchen and onto the table. At the same time, the aura around Sunny’s crotch flared, sending light electric shocks into her. “Oh, wow,” Sunny said into Izzy’s back. With a rush of terror she realized she had started to slip out from her sheath, her cock being teased out by the magic, the weight of Izzy, and the smell of the curly blue mane in her muzzle. “Sunny’s right,” Hitch said. “That is a cool trick. How’d you get that into mugs so fast?” “I cheated a little,” Izzy said. “I poured a second cup for all of you and had them set up in the kitchen so I could show you that.” “You’re getting really talented with your magic,” Pipp said. “She sure is,” Sunny said as the electric sensation subsided, looking around Izzy and searching for signs that any of them had noticed what was going on underneath the table. “Could you do that again? Like put them back and then fly them out to us? I wanna get it on video. That’ll get so many likes,” Pipp said, flapping her wings excitedly. “Sure!” Izzy said, and once again her horn flared to life, and with it the sparks and tingles did too. Between the magic and the constant fondling of her sack, Sunny found her impending erection impossible to prevent. She thought to try and warn Izzy discreetly, to get her to stop before her cock was rigidly on display to all her friends, but the immediate sensation of something warm and wet upon her tip told her that Izzy now already knew. “And then…” Izzy said, grinding her butt in Sunny’s lap and sliding her marehood along the head pressed against it. She unleashed her magic once more, earning gasps from every pony at the table as the mugs levitated out from the kitchen yet again. “Ta-dahhhh!” Izzy announced. When the mugs settled onto the slice of tree that formed the table, she bounced once, and Sunny’s dick squeezed past Izzy’s folds and into her pussy. Sunny bit the inside of her cheek to keep from moaning, and the new sensation overrode all other thoughts in her head. In an instant she was fully erect inside her marefriend, who happily danced in her lap, each bounce a small stroke accompanied by a strong squeeze. “Here’s to magic being back,” Zipp said, raising her new mug. Sunny nodded quickly and picked up her drink, cheersing along with her friend. “Here’s to us!” Pipp said, spinning around and taking a selfie of the group, one which Sunny desperately hoped wouldn’t catch what was happening underneath the table. “So, Pipp,” Izzy said, suppressing a shiver, “What have you been up to?” “The usual. I’ve got two new perfumes coming out next month and the advertising campaign for it is going to be amazing. We’re doing this whole kind of thing where like, the commercials are going to be super vague but like, look like part of a story? So ponies are going to be like ‘there’s got to be more to this!’ and look it up and then they’ll talk about that. Free advertising.” “Ah yes, just like mom says,” Zipp chuckled. “Our favourite kind,” Zipp and Pipp said together before breaking out into fits of giggles. At their reaction the whole table laughed, and Sunny tried hard not to cross her eyes as she felt Izzy’s laugh through her shaft, each ‘hah’ a clench that pulled her in deeper, Izzy’s inner folds massaging and teasing her. Izzy started to rock back and forth, her entrance sliding an inch up and down Sunny’s cock. Sunny moaned, quickly bringing her mug to her lips and drinking noisily to try and mask the sound. “You alright there Sunny?” Zipp asked, and Sunny’s organ throbbed, apparently delighted with the idea of being caught. Her mind disagreed though, and she took a larger gulp before replying. “This ale is just absolutely amazing,” she said, taking one more drink. “And so is my marefriend,” she added, kissing Izzy’s neck. “I’m just really happy right now.” “Oh that’s right!” Izzy perked up. “That reminds me! I made you a gift! Here, let me…” She closed her eyes and focused, magic glimmering brightly around the ponies as a small wooden box floated out from the bedroom and onto the table. “I was just so ecstatic when you asked if you could move in with me, Sunny, that I immediately had to go out and make new friendship bracelets for the two of us. Friendship? Relationship? Whatever. Here!” she said, and she passed the box behind her. Sunny opened it curiously and then gasped. “Izzy, this is…” She turned the bracelet over in her hooves, admiring the myriad of carved crystals that had gone into it. They were shades of purple and orange and blue, a mix of her and Izzy’s colours that danced and shimmered in the lamplight. Each gem had been individually shaped, patiently cut from pristine crystals into symbols of her and Izzy’s lives. Their cutie marks, the different race’s crystals, a lighthouse, a tree, wings and horns, dozens of memories all captured delicately in hoofcrafted beauty. “...This is amazing,” Sunny breathed, her eyes misting up and reflecting the jewelry. “You must have worked so hard on this!” “Well, duh, it’s for you! Of course I worked hard on it,” Izzy said, and she resumed her joyful bouncing, quickly reminding Sunny of just how close the two actually were with each other. “Wow, Sunny, you must really love it,” Pipp said, snapping a photo of the two sitting across from her. “That’s such a funny look on your face. Can I see it up close?” “Oh,” Sunny said, blinking back to reality. “Yeah, of course. Here, I—oops!” she said, the bracelet jumping out of shaky hooves and landing on the floor with a clatter. “I’ll get it, don’t worry,” Zipp said, and in a flash she was underneath the table. “That’s not— It’s okay, I’ll—” Sunny stammered, before freezing as Izzy spoke. “Let me move out of your way,” Izzy said, a steely glint in her eyes as she pressed against Sunny’s knees and spread both their legs wide. She settled down, leaning back into Sunny, who wrapped her hooves around Izzy and hid her face again, preparing for the fallout. “Lemme see… Ah, here it is. Got it!” Zipp said, and Sunny breathed in deeply. Fear mixed with horniess and at the same time that she prayed for Zipp to come up none the wiser, she gave in to Izzy’s pressure and spread her own legs wider, showing off the huge sack that was nestled deep against her marefriend’s sex, drenched wet with liquid lust. There was a thump and a rattle of cups, and Sunny groaned, knowing all too well what likely caused it. “Oof! Uh… Wow, Izzy,” Zipp said, sliding back up to her seat and rubbing her head. “This really is outstanding,” she said, distant. “Are you alright Zipp? That was a heavy bump,” Hitch said. “Oh, yeah, fine,” she replied, shaking her head. “More than fine.” She squinted at Izzy and Sunny, and then smiled deviously. “It’s really apparent how much you two love each other,” she said, looking past the bracelet in her hooves. “Oh, gorgeous,” Pipp said, eyeing the charms. “Hoofcrafted is so much better than automation. Don’t ever sell these in Zephyr Heights,” she warned playfully. “It really is amazing,” Hitch agreed.  Zipp picked up her mug and drained it in one go, slamming it hard onto the table before burping. She apologized and then rubbed her stomach. “I could really go for more of this, Izzy. Did you say that was all you had?” she asked, and then half-winked. “N-oh! Yeah, I’m sorry,” Izzy said, frowning. “I only had the half-keg on hoof and didn’t think to get more. I was afraid none of you would like it.” “Well, I love it, and I want some more. Hitch, Pipp, why don’t you come with me and we’ll do a beer run?” “Sounds good to me. You two don’t want to tag along?” Hitch asked Izzy and Sunny. “Oh, let’s let the lovebirds have a moment to themselves,” Zipp said, lightly punching Hitch. “Besides, I want to ask you about all the crimes Sunny’s done without getting interrupted by her defending herself.” “Haha, fair enough.” “Alright, we’ll be back in a little bit. The liquor store is just across from the Crystal Tearoom, right?” “You betcha,” Izzy said, beaming at Zipp. “No rush.” “You either,” Zipp muttered under her breath. “What was that?” Pipp asked as they walked out the door. “Oh, just a dumb joke between Izzy and I…” she replied, closing the door behind them. Sunny and Izzy stared at the heavy oak between them and their friends for a long minute. “So,” Izzy said, “Happy you’re finally moved in?” Sunny launched up from where she was sitting, hurling Izzy forward onto the table while the bench kicked back. She stood tall, forehooves pinning her marefriend down, throbbing cock still deep in pussy, hindlegs spread wide while her chest heaved with heavy breaths. “Izzy,” Sunny said, pulling out until just the head of her dick was spreading Izzy’s passage. “Yeah, Sunny Bunny?” “That was really, really naughty.” “Woopsie,” Izzy said, lifting her butt, trying to push back onto Sunny, her efforts futile under the earth pony’s pinning grasp. “I like naughty,” Sunny said, and she thrust forward, driving her full length into Izzy. Izzy yelped as Sunny’s rod filled her core, and then shuddered, letting a long and quavering moan slide from her lungs as she shivered and clenched around Sunny. “I know you do,” she said, starting to rock back and forth on the table, her tightness causing Sunny to gasp with each wet plap as ass slapped thigh. “I know you do, you… oh, you’re a criminal!” she shouted, driving herself down the pole with increased force. “You’re just a dirty criminal who fucks mares in front of her friends!” Sunny frowned and then smacked Izzy’s cutie mark. She grinned and then started to move her own hips counter to Izzy’s, spanking her with every thrust. “Me? You’re the one who grabbed my balls—” she thrust extra hard on the word, eliciting an gasp from her marefriend— “in front of everypony, jumped onto my cock, and showed me off to them.” She started to pound Izzy harder, her anxiety of the situation distillating into frustration and force. “And you liked it! I felt you throb when Zipp spoke to you. I felt you spread your legs even further.” She narrowed her eyes and took a moment to gather more breath, her oxygen quickly being knocked out of her as Sunny’s pace quickened. With a smile that could make Discord sweat, she craned her neck to face Sunny and whispered. “Because you’re a slut.” Sunny spanked her cutie mark again, the purple heart quickly turning red under the assault. “If I’m a slut,” she paused, smacking Izzy’s ass once more, “then you’re a whore.” She leaned over, putting as much weight as she dared onto Izzy’s withers to keep her restrained against the table, and started to jackhammer at her pussy, the throes of pleasure ripping through her body entirely overpowering the pain of her balls smashing against her mount’s cunt. “Ah! Yes! I needed this!” Izzy said between moans and gasps, bouncing her ass back as Sunny rocked against her, clapping against her hips with every pound. “The whole week you’ve been bringing stuff over I’ve just been desperate for you! I’m sorry, I couldn’t take it, you’re just so sexy, Sunny!” Sunny didn’t reply, her eyes glazing over as she rutted Izzy, her breaths deep and heavy. She dropped low onto Izzy’s back, wrapping her forelegs around Izzy’s chest and hugging her tightly as she switched from short pounds to plunging thrusts, the sounds of Izzy’s wet marehood and her shrieks of joy filling the cottage. “Oh, stars, Sunny, I’m…” Izzy moaned, her eyes rolling and back arching as Sunny’s sack smacked into her clit over and over.  Sunny shifted but kept her pace, burying her muzzle once again into Izzy’s mane, practically drooling as Izzy’s legs started to shake, and she promptly found her marefriend’s ear. After a quick, pained gasp of “I love you,” Sunny bit down on Izzy’s ear, her whole body tingling. “I’m cumming!” Izzy howled, her horn sparking and hindlegs giving out as her inner muscles clamped down.  Her convulsions were all that Sunny needed, and her rapid, hard fucking lost all rhythm. With a grunt, she pulled halfway out before driving her flared head as deep as she could. She felt her thighs tighten, her balls clench, and she hilted inside Izzy, growling a moan around the ear in her mouth as cum erupted from her cock, flooding Izzy’s pussy.  They lay together on the table, Izzy’s legs shaking, Sunny panting deeply as her shaft pulsed over and over, until her seed leaked out from around her meat and ran down Izzy’s legs. “Ohhhh, wow,” Izzy giggled, brushing sweat-slicked mane out of her eyes. “Wow, Sunny. That was amazing. Can I have my ear back?” Sunny laughed and let go before placing kisses along Izzy’s neck. “Sorry. You had me really riled up. I sort of lost control of myself there,” she said, grinding into Izzy a few more times. “That was insane, though! We coulda got caught. We did get caught!” she said. “Oh, we’re fine. Zipp’s cool, she won’t tell. She’s sneakier than me, remember?” “You’re a dork.” “You’re adorable.” They giggled and kissed, Sunny hugging Izzy hard. The two lay there conjoined, sighing contentedly at each other, before Sunny finally pulled her half-erect cock out of Izzy and stepped off the table. She glanced back at Izzy and, with a mild sense of pride, took note of the apparent devastation she had wrecked. Izzy’s tail was lifted high, showing a pussy that was spread wide open, spunk pouring out of it and spread all around her flanks. “Oof, that’s quite a mess,” Sunny said, walking up and grabbing Izzy’s ass, keeping her from standing up. “I’ll clean it up for you,” she said, bringing her muzzle in between Izzy’s cheeks. “They’re gonna be back any—” Izzy said, before she shivered and melted onto the table as Sunny’s tongue got to work. Sunny pulled out from Izzy’s loins, a string of cum trailing from clit to chin. “Did you say something?” Izzy glanced at the door, eyelids heavy. “No,” she said, and with a flash of magic, she pushed Sunny back into her crotch. Sunny shrugged and smiled eagerly as the heat from Izzy’s loins overwhelmed her muzzle. She breathed in deeply, savoring the salty musk of Izzy’s well-fucked hole, and then closed her lips around the winking clit and gently sucked. Izzy whined, and Sunny felt wetness against her nose, intensifying the scent. She let go with a slurp, then slowly licked her folds from the clit up, curving around her outer flaps as if she were lapping up a melting ice cream cone. She laughed at the image, realizing it was not too far off given the beads of marecum and jizz that flowed down Izzy’s thighs. She paused to catch her breath and then pressed back in to those purple legs, kissing Izzy’s lovebutton before continuing to work her tongue around her core.  With a whine and a shiver Izzy shifted down, and Sunny followed her cue and brought her tongue up into Izzy’s vagina. There was an explosion of salty flavor on her tastebuds as a flood of her own cum leaked out, and she greedily french-kissed Izzy’s honeypot, swishing and swallowing her own spunk as Izzy mewled and added to her meal with her own fluids.  “Honestly, Sunny, I can’t believe you,” Zipp said, shaking her head. “Why, what did I do?” Sunny said distantly as she pulled back from Izzy. “Wait, Zipp?!” She froze in horror as Zipp leaned on the table next to Izzy and stared down at her with a raised eyebrow. “How long have you been here?” “A minute or two,” she said, chuckling as Izzy started to giggle. “I—I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me, this is so not cool and—” Sunny stammered, freezing as Zipp reached over and grabbed her mane tightly, pulling the hair on her head. “Ow, ow—” “I wasn’t talking about eating your own cum out of your marefriend’s pussy, right in front of the unlocked door you’re expecting your friends to come through at any moment.” “...Oh?” Sunny said, cringing as far away from Zipp’s cryptic smile as she could, though her cock throbbed under the penetrating gaze, fully objecting to Sunny’s shame.  “I was talking about your technique. Here,” she said, and she grabbed Izzy’s tail and pulled up, eliciting a yelp from the unicorn as her ass was put on presentation. “Let me help. Stick your tongue out.” Sunny complied hesitantly, but her eyes locked eagerly on to the quivering haunches before her, and excitement began to rise between her own thighs.  “Now lick those lines of cum up. There you go,” Zipp said, guiding Sunny down to Izzy’s ankle where the rivulets of jizz had made their way. “Alllll the way up now, take your time, really savor that fur.” “Holy fuck, Zipp,” Izzy said, bouncing back and forth as Sunny slowly traced her way up the back of her legs.  Sunny’s tail twitched and flicked as she tasted and groomed Izzy’s thighs, finding herself falling in love with the soft fur all over again. She could taste her sweat from the rough fucking, taste her natural, floral scent, taste her shampoo, and it drove her crazy. She attacked Izzy’s legs, soaking her coat as she sucked and nibbled every ounce of nut out of the purple fur. She paused for a long moment to nurse on Izzy’s hocks before continuing her path, lapping away at the inner thighs until the fur matted, sighing as she coated her tongue with spent seed. “Now swallow… Good. Alright. Now, up here, it’s still all sticky, see?” Sunny nodded excitedly and then continued up to Izzy’s rump, kissing and nipping at her cutie mark before following the curve of her ass inward. She paused as she returned to Izzy’s clit and looked up at Zipp. Seeing her there above her, one hoof on her head and one on Izzy’s dock, sent a shudder through her body. Sunny shifted awkwardly, completely failing to shield the raging erection from her friend.  “Godsdamn, Sunny,” Zipp gasped, tilting her head to better see the throbbing black club between Sunny’s legs. “That thing is thicker than Pipp.” “Speaking of,” Sunny blushed, trying not to think of her twitching muscle being on full display. ”Where are the other two?” she asked, the blush on her cheeks almost matching the one on Izzy’s folds. “I suggested Pipp should show Hitch her latest dance choreography. I, having seen it already, would bring the beer back here while they did that.” She glanced up at the macaroni art clock and smirked. “We have about ten minutes, and you two owe me.” “We sure do,” Izzy said, sliding her hindlegs further apart and inching back thirstily towards Sunny’s muzzle.  “Alright. Back to work, Sunny. Izzy needs a mouth on her mound. You see that asshole right there?” “Uh, yes?” Zipp grinned and forced Sunny back into Izzy, mashing her muzzle into the puffy ponut. Izzy shrieked and giggled, and she shifted, pressing her ass onto Sunny. “There you go. All around it, that’s right… Now down, suck that clit, mhmm. Alright, back up again. There’s still cum in the folds there, get at that. How’s it taste?” “Mmmoohmygosh,” Sunny moaned around Izzy’s asshole. “Sweaty and salty and tart and earthy and delicious.” She felt her taint pulse as she ran her tongue around Izzy’s ring, and her belly thumped as her shaft surged against it, a rhythmic smacking filling the cottage as she subconsciously pleasured herself.  “How you feeling, Izzy?” Izzy laughed, still splayed out over the table. “I loved what she was doing before. This is even better.” “Awesome. Let me take a look,” Zipp said, tugging on Sunny’s mane again. She examined Izzy’s quivering nethers, the wet and matted fur inside her legs, and the glistening asshole presented to the world. “Not too bad. One last thing, though. Tongue out again, Sunny.” Sunny stuck her tongue out at Zipp, her eagerness for further instructions betrayed by the flaring head that whipped into her stomach.  “And… right… there!” Zipp said, aiming Sunny at Izzy’s ass before pulling on Izzy’s tail, sliding her off the table and onto Sunny’s extended tongue. Sunny’s eyes went wide as Izzy’s ring parted over her tongue, shocked for only a moment before heat and horniess took over and she buried her muzzle in further and started tonguefucking the asshole. “Aww, look at that,” Zipp laughed, looking underneath Sunny as she wedged her friends together. “You’re getting off on munching on your marefriend’s backdoor? That’s so gay—whoah!” she shouted, watching in awe as Sunny’s cock smashed up one last time and erupted, unleashing stream after stream of steaming spunk onto her belly and all over the floor. “Damn, it just keeps… Fuck, Sunny, do you ever stop?” “Holy shit!” Izzy gasped, twitching and writhing on Sunny’s face, fresh juices flowing out of her and onto Sunny’s chin. “Zipp, I, ooooooohhhh…” she sighed, a shiver running up from her hooves to her rump, her tail twitching in Zipp’s grasp. “Just like that Sunny, keep… keep doing that, fuck, I, I think I—” Izzy did not get to finish her sentence, her words cut short by a cry of passion as she squirted onto Sunny’s neck, cumming hard as Sunny bobbed her head back and forth, tasting her insides as deep as she could.  “That’s intense,” Zipp muttered. She nodded, impressed, as Sunny pulled away once Izzy’s convulsions had stopped. “Cumming that hard from getting your salad tossed? Izzy, I think you might be a whore.” “Funny you should say that,” she replied, finally stepping off the table and onto shaky hooves. “We were just discussing it before you showed up.” “Yeah?” “She called me a slut,” Sunny said, wiping her mouth off to no effect, cum coating her muzzle and leg.  Zipp turned to her and squinted, looking her over. “Sunny, your bangs are matted to your head with marecum. Your cock is completely out and still dribbling jizz. A combination of both your, uh, fluids, is dripping off your balls. You fucking reek of sex.” Sunny stood tall, beaming at Zipp. “And she was right, obviously.” “And you have sixty seconds before Hitch and Pipp are back.” “Oh, Harmony, really?! I’m not that much of a slut I want them to see me like this!” “Go clean up. You did a good enough job that Izzy is presentable. Take your time, we’ve got all night to celebrate.” She looked down under the table where long lines of thick cum had landed, and then ducked down, wiping it up with the underside of her wing. “There, you owe me even more now. Speaking of, about paying me back…” “Yeah?” Izzy said, grabbing the new keg of ale Zipp had brought with her magic and setting it onto the table. As Sunny trotted past her to the bathroom she quickly kissed her cheek, and then turned back to Zipp. “What did you have in mind?” “I’m sleeping in your guy’s room tonight, and you’re both going to do as I say.” Izzy grinned. “I like the way you do business.”