The Ball Pit

by Prettypony

First published

Celestia introduces Twilight to the ball pit she inherited after becoming ruler of Equestria.

Celestia has a ball pit. It's been around for thousands of years, predating the founding of Canterlot. The pit is filled with balls. Celestia shows Twilight just how much fun you can have with balls.

I wrote this because discussion of the idea got majin to ask "what the fuck is wrong with you people"

Kinks include: castrated testicles (no blood), inflation, hyper-inflation, tribbing/scissoring, mentions of bdsm gear, incest by proxy, ahegao, vaginal insertion, Nattō, some mindbreak, kissing, cuddling before marriage.

The secrets that lie within these hallowed balls

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Former Princess Celestia welcomed the newly crowned Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria into her room. Boxes of Celestia’s furniture and items filled the space alongside Twilight’s own boxes of stuff. As Celestia was in the process of moving out, Twilight Sparkle was moving in, taking her former mentor’s room for her own. Larger furniture remained in a state of limbo, some items packed away while other essentials remained, such as the bed which Celestia sat on when she greeted Twilight.

“Twilight, my most faithful student, I cannot adequately express with words how proud I am of you. So allow me to show it through my actions.” She said, sweeping her into a hug with her wings wrapped firmly around Twilight’s barrel.

Twilight returned the hug with equal enthusiasm, nuzzling into her mentor’s neck and losing herself in the comfort it brought. “I’m happy to see you too. I was so scared that moving away from Ponyville would make me lose the friendships I made there, but I learned that true friendship can overcome any obstacle if it’s maintained.”

Celestia chuckled, “Here we are, you’re almost ready to move in and take my place and you’re still updating me on the lessons you learned.” She said, fondly gazing into her eyes as the two separated. “Now, there is a reason I called you here, other than to let you know your room is nearly ready for you to move in, of course.”

Smiling, Twilight responded, “I figured there was more to your message than that. If there’s anything I’ve learned about you, it’s that the simplest messages can carry the most meaning.”

“Indeed,” Celestia said with a nod, “now that you are ready, there is something I must show you. Something that no mortal could bear witness to without being driven mad.”

Twilight’s ears perked up at this, her eyes widening as hundreds of thoughts shot through her brain at the implication of what she meant. Could this be forbidden knowledge? She thought, A new field of magic known only to alicorns? What could it be? What could it be?! She had to fight the urge to bounce in her seat and keep her breathing at a normal pace. It wouldn’t be becoming of a princess to behave like a mare in heat over the tantalizing prospect of learning something new.

“My my Twilight, I haven’t even shown you what it is and you’re already this excited. I’m glad to see your enthusiasm for learning hasn’t changed.” She pulled Twilight into another hug.

“Sorry princess, I’m just surprised. I wasn’t aware there was anything else I could learn that I hadn’t at least read about.”

Celestia giggled at that, “The life of an alicorn is many things Twilight. Even when you get to be my age and you think you’re comfortable, new things will come up that only serve to remind you that you’re an eternal student. But this... this isn’t something you should treat as a lesson”—she waved to Twilight, motioning for her to follow—“no, this is a privilege that only a few can enjoy.” She stood in front of the fireplace, reaching into the chimney and pressing something that made a click noise. The back of the fireplace swung open, revealing a short passage to a dimly glowing circle.

Twilight cocked her head, “A teleportation circle? Where does it lead?”

“You’ll soon find out.” Celestia said before disappearing into the circle.

Twilight cautiously stepped into the passage and onto the circle. In an instant her being was compressed into a single point and flung across the fabric of space to the circle’s exit, where her body unceremoniously regained its form in the way paper does when it unfolds. Normally teleportation wouldn’t make her queasy. Having performed the feat many times over in the past, she became accustomed to the feeling. The magic of this teleportation circle was clearly different however, and Twilight found herself gasping for air in an attempt to make the nausea fade.

With those first breaths in the new room came a smell. It was like the musk of a colt’s room amplified and condensed to the point it was visible with each exhale. The smell was likely caused by whatever it was that made the floor of this new corridor so sticky. Twilight gagged at the sight of tiny mucus-like strands connecting her hoof to the floor when she pulled it away. She considered leaving this place and showering for an hour to cleanse her body of this place, but that would be rude. Celestia was clearly excited about showing her something here and she would never ever want to disappoint her teacher.

There was also the fact that Celestia seemed to have no issue with the local environment. Twilight saw her mentor stride towards her with a genuine smile on her face. Not that her mentor was ever disingenuous with her, but that she almost always wore a smile so ponies wouldn’t be intimidated by her. The smile she had on as she strode towards Twilight was filled with a warmth her usual “princess mask” lacked. If she didn’t take issue with the intense odor or sticky floor, neither would she.

Stopping less than a foot away, Celestia looked giddy. Her tail swished from side to side, her ears perked, and her legs doing the tippy-tap hoof dance one does when they can barely conceal excitement. “Eeeeee! Twilight, I’m so pleased that I can finally, finally share this place with you!”

Twilight smiled, “I’m just happy to see you happy, princess.”

Celestia nuzzled her, something wet slicking her fur as she did. She almost shuddered at the sensation, but she maintained her composure, she wouldn’t want Princess Celestia to think she’s unhappy with her! “Please Twilight, just call me Celestia, at least when we’re in private like this.” She raised Twilight’s chin with a sticky hoof. “After all, I hope that you see me as a friend more than a mentor.”

Twilight blushed, her eyes glancing to the side of the stained stone wall. “Anything for you, Celestia…”

Celestia giggled and gave her a peck on the cheek, intensifying her blush tenfold. “Then I hope you haven’t eaten dinner yet. I have something I know you’ll like.” She said, motioning for Twilight to follow her to a side room, tail swishing and revealing glimpses of her marehood as they walked. Is she moist? Twilight thought, observing glimmering droplets emerging from her marehood.

Celestia turned her head back, as if she knew she was staring. Giggling, she said, “Twilight, if you want a better look, you can just ask.”

Twilight choked on her breath. Sputtering, she replied, “What— no! I mean I wasn’t— I would never— I’m sorry!”

Her stammering was cut short by a hug. She looked up to Celestia and saw she took no offense and was merely teasing, not if her narrowed eyes and mischievous smirk were anything to go by.

She looked away, too embarrassed to meet her mentor's gaze. She noticed the room they were in was a small kitchen with tile floors and a table. On the table were two plates of spaghetti. Freshly made with marinara, parmesan, basil, and topped with two large breaded and fried meatballs. Alongside that was a bottle of wine and two wine glasses.

Her stomach growled at the sight of the food. “That looks delicious!” Twilight said, licking her lips, “It’s been so long since I had meat too.”

Giving her a nuzzle, Celestia took a seat at the table, inviting Twilight to join her. “This is but one of the many privileges you are now able to enjoy as a princess. By the way, I recommend saving one of the balls for last, it’s much better that way.”

Twilight giggled. “Balls? That’s what you call them?” She took a bite into one and moaned softly at the flavor. Slightly spicy breading combined with the tender and juicy meat behind it, hints of lime and pepper, made it a divine return to meat after going without for so long. Ponyville was nice in many ways, one of the few areas it fell short being the lack of meat. Even though I’ll be away from my friends, at least I’ll be able to get meat again. She thought as a trail of juice ran down her mouth and dripped onto the floor below.

Celestia chuckled at the sight, Twilight was adorable no matter what she did. “Yes, these are called ‘Balls’. But I’ve also heard them referred to as ‘Rocky Mountain Oysters’ by griffons.”

Twilight swallowed, a visible lump of meat sliding down her throat in a bulge that disappeared when it reached her stomach. “I can’t believe I’ve never heard of these before, they’re amazing!” She said, starting now on the pasta, saving one ‘ball’ for last as Celestia suggested. She shifted in her seat, almost forgetting about the stickiness and smell of the room. It seemed she was growing used to it as Celestia clearly was.

The two ate in relative silence, the only sounds filling the air being those of cutlery, soft moans, swallowing, and some very unprincess-like burps at the end of their meal. They looked at each other, content and happy. The atmosphere having gone from two friends sharing a meal to one not dissimilar to two friends on a date, much to the satisfaction of both. Twilight noticed throughout the meal the growing slickness between her thighs.

“I— oh Celestia, I’ve never felt this way in my life. I could just stay here forever.”

Celestia chuckled, “I should hope not, there’s so much more that I wish to show you, I promise it only gets better from here.” She left her seat, walking to Twilight’s side of the table. Twilight assumed she was going to help her out of her seat. If it weren’t for the wine, she would’ve noticed the hungry leer in Celestia’s eyes. But she didn’t, and was taken completely unaware when Celestia pulled her into a domineering kiss. Twilight found her mouth invaded by the taste of tongue and wine. Puffs of air washed over her muzzle with every exhale from Celestia’s nose. She winked into the sticky chair, shivering with delight as her clitoris made contact with the seat.

She needed more. Wrapping her hooves around the back of Celestia’s head, she tried to meet her enthusiasm, finding to her delight that Celestia controlled every aspect of their passionate makeout. More fluid leaked out of her, dripping freely from her winking pussy to the floor below, as Twilight left her chair and was now standing on her hindlegs, being wrapped up into Celestia’s wings.

After a blissful eternity, the kiss ended. Her marecum was slicking the feathers that ran against her snatch. “Celestia, I need you more than I’ve needed anything else in my life.” She said, trying to go in for another kiss. Celestia pulled away, smiling, she lifted twilight onto her back and carried her down the corridor.

“It’s time for you to truly learn the magic of this place.” She said as they approached the room at the end of the corridor. While the other rooms were lit, the one at the end was lit the brightest and cast its light far down the hall, as if to draw all who entered towards it. Twilight was only half paying attention. Her eyes were shut tight as she ground her pussy into Celestia’s back. Soaking her fur in her marecum, moaning her mentor’s name all the while. If she died now, the Fields of Elysium would be a downgrade.

They entered the room, bathed in warm white light. The smell was at its strongest here, yet it was no longer bothersome to Twilight. Instead, it was tantalizing, delicious, inviting. The thick musk had a direct route to the pleasure centers of her brain, and it abused them. Twilight cried out as her legs clenched and she spasmed on Celestia’s back. She wasn’t alone in this, Celestia’s back leg trembled and twitched, her clit winking out as if to invite the musk laden air to fuck her directly.

When Twilight came down from her high, she saw what looked to be a bathhouse. Decorative arches and pillars lined the walls, blue and gold tiles arranged to form a mosaic masterpiece of the Equestrian banner. Illusory magic enchantments laid within the tiles animated the mosaic when one’s focus was on it entirely, allowing the viewer to see Celestia and Luna chase each other, bringing day and night with them respectively.

In each arch was a tapestry made from a material Twilight almost recognized, yet never saw before. There were also flowing fountains, food and wine, as well as various sexual implements. Things that would make even the most hardcore sex-fiend blush. But those all paled in comparison to what stood before them.

Twilight gasped in a strange, shameful combination of horror, disgust, and lust. For before them both was a pit. Surrounded by red tile, it emanated a musk so thick that it could be seen in the air, and in it were thousands upon thousands of testicles. All removed from the scrotum, each varying in color from flesh pink to a light white, all reminiscent of peeled grapes. They all secreted a milky white gel, which Twilight recognized, or perhaps guessed, as pure sperm. It held them all together like the moldy slime of Nattō held its soybeans together in a sticky webby mess.

Celestia walked them to one tapestry that depicted the unification of the tribes. Below it was a small pillar holding a bowl of anal beads of varying sizes. She commented not on what the tapestry showed, but the tapestry itself. “These are woven from the excess skin that’s removed when a stallion choses to be gelded.” She said, as if it were completely normal.

Twilight gawked in horror. “Wh— why?!”

“Oh Twilight, when have you ever known me to be wasteful?” Celestia said, looking back to see Twilight’s concern and horror. She grew nervous, seeing her unease, she worried if this was a mistake, if Twilight wasn’t truly ready. “I’m sorry, I thought you would enjoy the history behind these.”

Twilight noticed Celestia’s growing fear and sought to comfort her. She could never let her think she didn’t like her. “No no! I like it,” she said with a smile to mask her distaste. With a growing morbid curiosity, she continued, “I’d love it if you told me more about this p-place.” The stammer at the end came when she happened to glance back at the testicle pit.

Celestia nodded with a relieved smile, “This was constructed thousands of years ago, before Canterlot was ever a tent town settlement, before my sister’s unfortunate banishment, we had this constructed in secret. Every time a stallion is gelded, his testicles are magically teleported to this pit. The enchantments here keep the testicles preserved and functional for as long as they remain.”

“Why? Why would you make such a place?”

Celestia stopped, Twilight taking the chance to climb down from her back did so and sat across from Celestia. “I could answer that, and tell you of the wondrous discovery Luna and I made that led to our creation of this place. But I feel it would be more effective to show you. That is, if you would allow me…” She finished with an uncharacteristic nervousness. Twilight’s heart panged. The pit was a slimy disgusting mess that revolted her to the core of her being, and yet it was strangely alluring. It was so clearly important to Celestia, she couldn’t bear to see the hurt if she shot her down now that she was at her most vulnerable.

“I… Yes. Please show me.”

Celestia’s expression turned around again, joy filled her features as she took a hoof around Twilight’s withers and guided her towards the pit. At the edge, Celestia leapt into the pit, splashing a white slimy wave of testicles and sperm webbing out from all sides. One nut hit Twilight square in the face, sliding down between her eyes and hanging from her muzzle. It swayed, not falling as she gingerly took a step down into the pool.

The moment she had all four hooves in the shallowest area of the pool, an arc of pure pleasure shot through her spine and disrupted all thoughts of disgust and wrongness. She moaned whorishly, a splash of her cum falling onto the balls below. Shaking, she tried to gather her wits. She looked at one of the implements in the arches. “Wh-ah-at are tho-oh!se for?” She asked, pointing a wobbling hoof at an X-bar spreader and wall cuffs.”

Swimming towards her, Celestia followed Twilight's gaze and answered. “Ah, despite our best efforts to hide it, occasionally a servant will stumble across this place. Most non-alicorns break upon entry. Only the exceptionally willed few ever make it to the pit with their minds somewhat intact.

“The magic of this place has been so strongly maintained, that I doubt you will leave here unchanged. I’ve lost more than a few servants here.” She crept closer, rubbing a hoof down to Twilight’s pussy, gently stimulating her clitoris. “Can you feel it? Can you feel the perversity of this place permeating your core?”

Twilight’s eyes shut, cumming into Celestia’s hoof. Oh heavens, I can feel it. She could feel the ambient magic seeping into her, helping her accept it, helping her need it. It would feel so good to accept it. She knew this fact in the back of her mind, if she just let herself enjoy it, she’d experience a pleasure no mortal could withstand.

Celestia whispered into Twilight’s ear, “That’s it, let it happen. You’ll feel better than you ever have before.”

Twilight screamed, her vision went white. She fell limp face first into the balls, their musk and slime soaking into her seizing body. Panting, she slowly returned to her senses. Celestia was to the side of her, laying back on top of the glistering gonads, furiously pumping a particularly large oblong one in and out of her gaping pussy. Twilight gave in completely, diving in and swimming through the slimy writhing mass until she hit a wall. Emerging from the pool, she found herself on the opposite end, nearest the mosaic mural with a few nuts sliding off her maw and landing back in the pool with wet plaps.

Celestia joined her and kissed her once more. The hungering need for dominance earlier gone, now replaced with the gentle tenderness a lover might give. Pulling from their lips to explore the other’s face in smooches, licks, and nibbles, returning to the lips for a delicate dance with tongues that they were all too eager to engage in. Celestia shifted, pulling herself up and out of the pool, sitting on the edge with her back-hooves submerged in the testicle slime. Finally, Celestia broke their kiss once more, leaning back, she exposed her snatch, gently pulling back the lips of her outer labia to reveal the hungering flower within. “huff Twilight,” she panted “use your huff magic to fill my pussy with balls!”

Twilight, the ever dutiful apprentice, obeyed her master to the letter. First using a simple levitation spell, she arranged a line of balls that filled Celestia’s pussy one by one. Nuts bobbing in her magical grasp as Celestia shuddered with each entry, her belly slowly growing lumpy and distended as she surpassed what any mortal could hold. Yet she still hungered for more. Twilight emerged from the pool to join her side, seeing that no matter how many balls her lower lips swallowed, she never showed signs of running out of room, Twilight cast a spell that automated the testes’ flow. Now marching in at a slowly increasing rate (as “come to life” spells are wont to do), Twilight laid her head against Celestia’s growing belly. Some balls came from different species, as shown by their unique coloration and sizes. Some being as large as watermelons, all were hungrily pulled into Celestia’s depths. Her stomach’s size quickly surpassed the two alicorns and swelled higher and higher. Revealing the pool’s absurd depth as meter upon meter were revealed.

Eventually, the flow stopped. Celestia absorbing every last testicle in the pool. Her stomach, lumpy with the many different balls inside her, almost touched the domed ceiling of the bath house.

Despite having a literal mountain of testicles inside her, she showed no sign of pain or injury. Her lips parted in a wide rictus grin, her eyes twitched and pupils dilated, mascara running down the sides of her face in tears of joy, a small bit of mucus running from her nose. She breathed heavily, with the last of her most recent orgasms subsiding, she turned and grinned at Twilight.

“It’s your turn now.” She spread her legs, inviting Twilight to scissor her.

Twilight froze, not because she didn’t want it, but because she was afraid she couldn’t handle it. She saw just how many testicles Celestia had inside her, how many meters of depth had to be revealed before the bottom was reached. The fear she had when Celestia announced her desire for Twilight to replace her, the fear that she couldn’t do it, reared its ugly head once again. Celestia saw this.

“Twilight, my most faithful student, if I thought you couldn’t handle this, I never would have brought you down here. Your ascension has made you capable of so many things, that you may not realize them all until your 500th birthday. Now, come here and scissor me.”

“It won’t hurt me, will it?”

Celestia answered in a softer tone. “Just the opposite. The virile magic of this place is quite invigorating. You’ll feel much like you did when you carried our magic to keep it from Tirek.”

Twilight nodded, if her teacher said it was safe, it was safe. She gasped as her lips met Celestia’s. Their clits winking and rubbing against each other was good enough on its own. That was until the first testicle made its way into her vagina. She eeped! with each testicle that made its way into her womb, the sticky slime of pure sperm helping pull more balls inside her. Each ball that slid past her cervix into her womb brought an orgasm, each one cascading through her whole being, giving her zero recovery time before the next came and wiped all thoughts with mind-numbing pleasure.

Soon enough, the last of the testicles flowed into her. Celestia said it was from the dragon that would’ve been Spike’s father. It certainly felt that way, its mammoth size threw her into her last and most powerful orgasm. Every inch it traveled within her brought several simultaneous orgasms to her convulsing form, her expression mirroring the one Celestia shared earlier. Said mare who was now tending to Twilight, cooing and rubbing her belly the same as Twilight had.

Seeing that Twilight was coming to, she gave her a peck on the lips. “This is yours now.” She said, “This is the right of every alicorn, and if you ever develop a spell that would allow you to share this with mortals, you would be able to bring your friends with you.

“When you’re in heat, and you desire a child, you can come here. Though, I should mention, every royal guard is gelded for as long as they serve. Before your brother had his regrown, his testicles were added to this hoard. Those originals are still here.” She brushed Twilight’s face, flicking an errant strand of mane away from her face.

They lay there together. Minutes blurred to hours, each feeling the divine afterglow and contentment that could only come from having ten thousand testicles stretching your womb beyond its natural capacity.

Eventually, the time came to push those balls back into the pit. Twilight moaned, each testicle that came out feeling like an egg being laid. By the end of it, she was a sweaty mess of cum, sperm, and more cum, and she loved it. As Celestia held her in her hooves, Twilight resolved to find a way to share this with her friends. She couldn’t keep this all to herself. The last testicle slid out of her, the dragon ball that gave Celestia Spike’s egg slid between her legs and rested on top of the other testicles. She fell asleep in Celestia’s loving embrace, only one thought came to her as sleep took her.

She loved the ball pit, and she’d make her friends love it too.