> Behind Enemy Lines > by Breathtaking Carnality > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Three hot young scaley girls get swarmed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Will it work? I mean, will they fall for it?” Sphene stood at the mouth of the cave, scanning the horizon. The sky bled a brilliant gradient of red and purple, the orange sun making it difficult to see the silhouettes moving around on the plateau. From way up high and so far away, they looked like ants. She refrained from a gulp, lest Dragon Lord Ember took notice. They were certainly not ants. “Sphene!” Ember blurted. The tall yellow dragoness jolted at her commander’s tone. “You’ve asked that five times already! Yes, it will work. We have platoons stationed to attack from six different angles. They will be too busy fighting to see us coming.” She sat on a rock, holding a pumice stone in one talon and a double-edged sword in the other. Runes irradiating a soft shade of crimson ran up and down its length, its silver surface glowing ominously. Her scales were clad in golden plates that glowed in the setting sun. Her eyes were a little sunken, but not to the point where it was worrying. However, Sphene wondered if Dragon Lord Ember was on edge from the long stakeouts.  Sphene rubbed her arm self-consciously. “S-sorry… “Just… just I’ve never been in a battle before. Like, I’ve been in fights, but like a real battle? It’s a little scary.”  Ember held her gaze upon Sphene for a moment, then sighed. Setting the pumice stone and sword in her lap, she lowered her voice. “Listen, Sphene, I selected you for this mission because out of all the volunteers, you have shown the most finesse. The other dragons are either too big or too clumsy. Your slender physique allows you to move quickly, which is exactly what’s needed for this mission. In fact, there’s a good chance you won’t have to do any fighting.” A smile spread across Ember’s muzzle. A tired smile, but warming nonetheless. “Besides, I’ve seen how fast you can swing. Even if you can’t hit that hard, those metallic claws I’ve outfitted you with will come in handy. Anything in your path will be on the floor bleeding before it can register your movement!” Sphene smiled, her cheeks a faint pink. “Thank you, Dragon Lord Ember! I’ll try my best.”  “This is a cute little moment and all, but I wouldn’t be standing so close to the cliff like that. The sun reflecting off your armor might give away our position.”  Ony emerged from the darkness of the cave, her black scales and ebony armor blending her well. She was slightly taller than Ember and just as slender, although her hips had a wider girth, and her tail was almost snake-like. She stood there, poised, both talons on her hips.  Sphene’s blush brightened, and she dove into the cave, landing on her stomach. “I’m sorry, I should have thought of that!” “Eh,” Ember said. “It was my fault for not picking up on that little detail. Still, we can’t allow for any more minor mistakes to slip past.” In her head, she groaned. A lot of mistakes have slipped past her since they began the stakeout, like putting on her brightest set of armor. Part of it was her sleep-deprived mind, which was nearing a whopping thirty hours. Another part of it was nervousness. In truth, she had no idea if this would go well at all. The Dragon Lands have never been in an actual war. At least... not in her lifetime.  It started when the wyverns invaded. No one was killed, mainly because they didn’t attack anyone. No one knew they were there until several eggs went missing from the hatchery. At first, everyone thought that it was a predator in the area. Ember ordered all the eggs to be moved and decoys to be set in their place. She watched over them herself, using the amulet to blend in with the environment. The procedure was difficult because if she broke concentration for one second or even moved a muscle, the magic surrounding her would flicker and she'd be revealed. Somehow, she lasted long enough to witness them, and while fully awake unlike now. It appeared, like a switch was flipped. Wyverns swarmed before her eyes. Her body jittered with nervousness, and she jolted in alarm when one of the wyverns brushed its tail across her chest. None noticed her, and as soon as enough eggs were collected, they blended back within the environment.  Now, here she sat. They were fixing to sneak into the Wyvern Den and take back the eggs if there were any at all. A chill sprawled down her spine. If there weren’t, and all they found were shell fragments, then it would end in a bloodbath. If not, then Ember would send the signal to retreat once they were safely back in the cave.  Ony walked up to Ember, her hips and tail swaying side to side. “Listen, honey, if I have to be completely honest —” Ember cleared her throat and shot her a threatening glare. Ony placed a talon over her muzzle and said with feigned sheepishness, “Oops. I meant Dragon Lord Honey.”  Ember rolled her eyes and twirled a claw for her to continue. “If I have to be completely honest, there’s no way we will be able to sneak in in that…” she gestured up and Ember's body “I would say drab but that armor of yours is far from it, honey.”  “Any suggestions?” “I took note of what you were wearing when we left the Dragon Lands and brought this.” She reached down toward a brown sack tied onto her belt next to a flail and undid the twine, holding it up for both Ember and Sphene to see. “I crushed a few basalt rocks into a fine powder. Spread this all over yourself and it will blend us in with the cliff once we have to do some climbing.” “Climbing?” Sphene blurted.  “Well, yes. We can’t just fly into the den. They will attack anything they see moving.” Ember nodded. “She’s right. We can use our wings to drop down slowly since we’re far enough away that they won’t notice us in the dark, at least in the chaos. But once we get near it’ll be best to get around on foot.” “So, who’s first?” Ony asked, dumping some of the powder into her talon. “This should keep us busy until nightfall.”  Soon the sun lowered beneath the horizon, and Sphene spread the rest of the powder across her face, open palm. They made sure to use every last bit to ensure that they would blend in. Ony, who had naturally dark scales, didn’t need to cover herself; so there was plenty of it to go around. When the sack dangled limply from Ember’s talon, Ony placed a talon on her hip and jutted it out, nodding approvingly. “In my opinion, this looks sexier on you.” Sphene looked over at Ember. She looked dirty. Granted, it was much harder to make out her blue scales. In fact, all Sphene could see of Ember were her brilliant red irises, which seemed to hover in the air before her. She looked back at Ony, whose eyes were emerald green, and saw the same. She was sure that her own lightning yellow iris was all that was visible to them. “I think this will work,” Sphene thought out loud. Ember’s silhouette made a motion for what looked like a nod. “Good thinking. They won’t see us coming.” Ony didn’t respond, but she gave Ember a toothy grin to show her that the compliment was felt. The Dragon Lord walked over to the mouth of the cave, toward the edge of the cliff that overlooked the Wyvern Den. It was easier for both Ony and Sphene to see her in the moonlight. The basalt powder didn’t completely black out the armor, but it dimmed it enough to where they could blend in with the night.  Ember took a knee, peering down at the plateau. Various silhouettes were there, some playing, some fighting, some walking around absentmindedly. She glanced up, toward the hoodoo that overlooked it. A small orange light flickered back at her. Drawing her sword from its sheath, she stood up and held it high into the air. The runes glowed a bright red. Please don’t give us away…  The sword dimmed, then flickered back to life. The sword dimmed, then flickered back to life. The orange light flickered back in quicker succession, then disappeared. Ember slid the sword back into its sheath, a nervous feeling welling up in her stomach. None of the silhouettes on the plateau were acting weird. She relaxed a little. Another orange light appeared, only this time it didn’t flicker. It held there for a second, then shot across the sky like a comet. Another light followed it immediately after, shooting into the plateau and causing an explosion. Battlecries echoed in all directions. Ember felt along her breastplate with a talon, ensuring that the bloodstone was still embedded there. She didn’t want to lose it, especially if everything went wrong. If anything did go wrong, she hoped to not cause enough destruction to damage the eggs. “I hope you two are ready,” she said. “Because we’re leaving now.” Both Sphene and Ony emerged from the mouth of the cave. Sphene’s nostrils twitched with the sting of something sweet. It smelled like… “Dammit…” Ony blurted.  Ember turned around giving her a curious look. Then, it hit her nostrils too. Rain. They leaped off the cliff one by one. Sprawling their wings, they hovered to the ground slowly. It took about two minutes to reach the ground. They ran across the terrain, avoiding the hot geysers scattered everywhere. One exploded, a droplet landing against Sphene’s shoulder. “Eep!” she squeaked, thinking that the rain began. They continued running on, and quickly she realized that they were still in the clear. For now. The plateau screamed with noise of every type, explosions occurring here and there, the guttural roar of death plugging their ears. Ony winced. Out of all of the dragons, she had the thickest scales, which is why Dragon Lord Ember chose her for this mission. But the sound made her physically cringe. Maybe this mission wasn’t such a good idea? Ember, meanwhile, ran on; determined to reach the cliff face. They did and to the first drop of rain. It landed at the tip of her muzzle as she peered up the gargantuan steep. It was quickly followed by another, and another. Sphene’s breath quickened. “I think we should call it off, I think we should call it off! There’s no way we can get up there without the powder washing off!”   “It’s just a light drizzle,” Ony said. “She’s right,” Ember agreed. “It’s not enough to wash away the powder. It’s when it starts to come down much harder that it becomes a problem.” And it did. They were halfway up the cliff face when it really started to pick up. Sphene’s heart quickened as the basalt powder began to wash away.  “Umm, Dragon Lord Ember!” she called. “What!?” “We… we should stop here. A wyvern might notice us!” “Calm down, honey!” Ony shouted back, who was well above the two. “The moon isn’t facing our position, so we’re still hard to see. If a wyvern flies by, all you have to do is be really still!” Sphene grimaced but continued onward. The closer they got to the plateau, the louder the sounds of war became, and the more the three became worried. Finally, they made it.  Dragons and wyverns clashed with each other. Fire filled the night. Many lay dead. The three dragons walked along the wall, staying vigilant. Ony remained stoic while Ember allowed a teensy bit of nervousness to welt up in her chest. Sphene was on the verge of a panic attack. They reached the den’s entrance. With the sound of war weeping behind them, Ember unsheathed her sword and held it out in front of her. The three descended down a long and dark tunnel.  When they were far enough away from the battle, Ember lit the sword. It was enough light for them to see where they were going, but anything that wasn’t within five feet was invisible to them. The three didn’t say anything, worried that if even one sound was uttered, an entire flock would come down on them. Finally, a different light appeared. It was blue like the sword’s, only much, much brighter. They rounded the corner and stood there, flabbergasted. There, sitting in the middle of the room, were the stolen eggs. At least a dozen.  “By the ancients,” Ony broke the silence. “They really are here!”  Sphene walked ahead of them, shocked that they actually made it. What would be more impressive now is if they made it out. That wouldn't be a problem.  Ony produced a folded-up knapsack from beneath her breastplate, and Ember did the same. “How many do you think we can carry?” Sphene pulled her own out. “More than enough,” Ember said. “Let’s make this quick so that we can get back to the cave and flash the signal to retreat.” Sphene reached for an egg but paused. A tight feeling wrapped around her arm. She tried pulling, but it was locked in place. Ony raised a brow. “Is everything okay, honey?” Sphene kept pulling. “My arm… it's stuck.” A strange scent entered her nostrils. It was pungent, like sulfur. Sphene’s eyes widened. Then, before either Ember or Ony could make sense of what was happening, she swiped her metallic claws through the air. A wyvern appeared before them, its tail wrapped around Sphene’s arm. Its head reared back, three identical scratches on its cheek oozing blood. It turned its head back toward the three of them, red eyes glinting maliciously. A strange green smoke funneled from its mouth.  “Sphene, get away from there, that’s —” Catching Sphene between a gasp, the wyvern’s own muzzle clamped down over hers. Saliva dribbled down her chin, onto her breastplate as her body became limp from the wyvern’s toxin.  Reaching for the flail that dangled along her belt, Ony flung into the air, hitting the creature over the head with the spiked ball. It dropped Sphene, a long strand of saliva trailing between the two as they broke apart. The wyvern grunted in pain, then shot into the air, tackling Ony at lightning speed. One talon to the ground and the other pinning her down, Ony placed the flail’s handle into its muzzle as it tried to bite down on her. Its saliva dribbled onto her breastplate which now had a broken strap. A single, long strand came down, entering her open muzzle. She spat, trying to get the disgusting taste out of her mouth.  The flail’s handle snapped in two. The beast came down on her, its long, slender tongue sprawling out. It started at the chest plate, then slithered up toward her neck, leaving a slick trail in its wake. It slid all across her face. Ony did her best to keep her muzzle shut out of fear that it would give her the same treatment that it gave Sphene. Wrapping its tongue around her muzzle, it lowered its face down to hers, more of that green smoke seeping from the crooks of its mouth.  Ember stabbed her sword through its neck. The wyvern made a gurgling sound, and its mouth foamed with blood. Splotches of red ichor splattered against Ony’s face as it gasped for air. Then, its tongue loosened around her muzzle. It fell over on top of her. “Sorry!” Ember shouted. Ony mumbled something incomprehensible. “Hang on.” Ember pushed the wyvern off of Ony. Her face and breastplate were covered in dark red blood. “What was that?” “I said I feel violated,” she breathed.  “Sorry, I hesitated.”  Ember glanced over at Sphene, who laid right by the nest. “Oh no…” she whispered. Ember ran up to Sphene and gave her a light tap on the cheek. “Hey, Sphene, are you okay…” Sphene mumbled and rolled her head slightly. Ember let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “Good. She’s just knocked out.”  She sighed. That was still bad. It meant that one of them had to carry Sphene out while the other picked up as many eggs as they could. It seemed like nothing was going according to plan here.  A roar echoed across the cavern. Ember looked up to see another wyvern barreling toward her.  Crap! She held her sword out in front of her. The wyvern registered it quickly, and its head dived downward beneath her legs. It came back up, flipping her into the air and onto her back. It didn’t hurt Ember so much as wind her. Nonetheless, it provided the wyvern with ample opportunity to bring its tail down against her stomach.  Ember's upper body lifted off the ground as a strange noise mixed with pain and the loss of air escaped her muzzle. Vision blurry, she swung her sword upward, slicing its tail so that red droplets rained down.  Grabbing what was left of the flail by its chain, Ony swung it overhead and smacked the wyvern dead between the eyes. Ember was quick to join in, rolling back onto her knees despite how dizzy she was. Taking the sword into both talons, she thrust it into the beast’s side. It made a whistling sound as the air quickly left its body, then went limp.  Another roar filled the cave, followed by another, followed by another, and another, and another. Back to back, Ony and Ember swiveled around, now facing five, six, seven wyverns. One leaped, and Ony caught it alongside its jaw with her flail. Another, and Ember almost sliced open its underbelly as it flew over the two of them.  Then, one of the wyverns flew in, picking Ony up in both talons. She swung, but the speed of the creature proved to be too great, and she lost her grip on the flail’s chain. Ony barely had time to let out a roar of frustration as the wyvern slammed her down into the cave floor with full force, breaking one of her ribs.  Ony screamed out in pain, and the wyvern quickly placed its muzzle over hers. Her shot open. Beads took form as it inserted its tongue into her mouth and a strange sulfuric smell entered her nostrils. Her eyelids slowly shut, and just like that she was unconscious.  Ember, alone, swung her sword in every direction. It gleamed brightly, shooing the wyverns away from its enchanted look. She began to wonder how long it would take them to realize that its only enhancement was to be a functioning light source. That didn’t matter. She still had the bloodstone. Chest glowing a bright crimson, a beam shot out, hitting one of the wyverns and knocking it back a few feet. One of the wyverns came at her, but she set up a barrier that it ran into facefirst. Another wyvern followed immediately after, catching her side, which wasn’t shielded. Ember wrapped her arms around its neck as it was ramming her and did the best she could to slice at its nape before it could slam her into the wall. She managed to clip its wing, and it flung her off its head. She rolled, quickly getting back into battle mode and shooting another beam at a wyvern's face. White-hot pain seared its way into her shoulder blade.  Ember punched the wyvern that was biting down on her in the eye repeatedly. Even when it let out a screech of pain, it remained keen on ripping her arm off. Finally, she brought her sword up. The creature saw the weapon rising through its one good eye and let go of her, backing away quickly. Blood trailed down the length of her arm, the strap that supported her breastplate dangling. The pain dissipated fast as her adrenaline spiked up. Taking her into both talons, she shouted, “Who else wants some!” One came padding from the left, and its wing was suddenly gone. Another came at her from the right and stumbled as Ember left a huge gash in one of its only two legs. A third came at her from the front. She raised her sword, preparing for an overhead swing when a tail wrapped around both of her wrists and lifted her into the air. Ember barely had time to register the creature’s surprising flexibility before the wyvern in front of her clamped its jaws around her torso. It shook her in the air violently like a dog with a chew toy, its teeth unable to puncture her armor.  Her sword clambered to the ground. Thinking fast, she fired a beam from the bloodstone. It missed, seeming to hit a wall. Ember couldn’t tell as she was being failed around like crazy. She fired another, and another, and finally she fired one long, continuous beam.  The wyvern, rearing its head back, slammed her into the ground as hard as it could and released her from its jaws. She lay on the cave floor in a daze, the creature above her looking like three. Scratch that, four. No, wait — five. Her vision resettled a little, and she saw that she was now surrounded by several of the wyverns. The bloodstone grew a bright red, and Ember quickly — The wyvern that was previously tossing her around clamped its jaw around her breastplate and ripped it off. The bloodstone glowed in its jaw for a moment before going out. Ember stared up at it, wide-eyed and dumbfounded. That was the only opening they needed. One of the wyverns bite down on her arm and yanked it back. It ripped off her bracer, jerking her into the air slightly as it did. She began to feel helpless as they each came down one by one and gnawed at her body, seeming to toy with it. One bit down on her bad shoulder, injuring it further. Another gnawed at her leg armor, not really chewing at it, but more like playing with it. As the wyverns tore her armor off piece-by-piece, they began to rip into her leather undergarments, exposing her scales. Then, she felt it. Something wet dripped down onto her pelvic, and she opened her eyes, not realizing that they were closed throughout the entire ordeal. The wyvern’s mouth opened slowly, strands of saliva snapping in half like pillars made of string. Its tongue lolled outward, setting down against her torso. It trailed down, meeting her hip. It lingered there for several seconds, tickling her side.  It lapped over, licking the inside of her leg. Then it went up further. Eyes widened with fear and cheeks swelled with heat, Ember gasped as the wyvern ran its tongue up against her groin. Thankfully, it didn’t continue in that area. It ran its tongue over her belly, along her chest. It gently tickled the nape of her neck, then ran up her chin. She clamped her mouth shut immediately. Its tongue prodded against her lips, trying its best to press through.  It must have decided that the effort wasn’t worth it, because it gave up quickly and pressed its mouth against hers, covering her nasals. A sulfuric fume entered, and Ember went unconscious. Ember woke up.  She groaned, a little groggy. Purple beams of moonlight streamed down onto her face from a barred window, a subtle draft coming from it. She raised her head, heard a clink, and felt something press up against her back.  Chains. They wrapped around her body, forcing her wings to her sides. Her legs were also chained. Meanwhile, she was lying face down over a strange metal box that was slightly slanted. Some kind of pedestal.  “Ember!” Ember turned her head to see Sphene trapped in a similar position. She was still wearing her armor, and as soon as Ember took note of that her body suddenly felt chilly. She was naked. The wyverns had completely ripped her armor off piece-by-piece. “Are you okay?” she asked. “Yeah,” Sphene said, chains rattling and tail dancing around in the air. “I’m a little tired, but okay.” “What about Ony?” “Bit tied up at the moment, honey,” came Ony’s voice from the other side of the room. Ember turned her head the best she could to look behind her. Unlike her and Sphene, Ony wasn’t tethered to the ground. Instead, she was chained to the wall, both of her arms in shackles. She could also move around a little better than they could. “Chained up is more like it.” “Hey, why do you get to move around more but we can’t?” Ember asked. Ony shrugged and crossed her arms, sitting down against a wooden bench that ran the length of the wall. She too was still wearing her armor, although one of the straps that supported her breastplate was dangling. “Probably because they only had enough of those weird sex pedestals for the two of you.”  “Sex pedestals?” “I don’t know what they’re called. But from here, that position is very revealing.” Sphene’s teeth chattered. Are they going to… No. No, they won’t. Not while the battle is still going on. Hey, any moment now reinforcements will come in and save us. Then another thought crossed her mind. One that worried her even more. Will they save us? Do they even know we’re here? Her stream of consciousness was broken at the violent rustling of chains, and she turned her head back to face Ember. The Dragon Lord shook violently, trying everything to rid herself of the shackles. No such luck. Fed up, Ember let out an angry scream that made both Ony and Sphene flinch. “Get in here and unshackle me this instant!” she shouted. “As Dragon Lord, I command you to let us go!” A snap echoed throughout the room, and Ember veered her head back toward the cell door. A few more snaps followed it, and the door opened. A wyvern poked its head in.  “Oh,” it hissed. “Goody. You’re awake. I’ll go get the others and we can start.”  The others? Ember thought. Before she could say anything else, the door slammed shut. She screamed.  “Let us go you pricks!” “Dragon Lord Ember,” Sphene whimpered. “I don’t like where any of this is going.” Ember groaned and slammed her fist down against the pedestal as hard as she could, which wasn’t very hard. “This is all my fault! I should have thought everything out. I should have figured that they would be guarding the eggs!” “This isn’t your fault,” Ony said. “Don’t blame yourself. They may have one-upped us, but we gave them a hell of a fight. We did the best that we could.” “Well, our best wasn’t good enough, and now we’re here!” Ember sighed, and she lowered her head down, placing her chin down against the pedestal’s cold surface. “Now we’re here…” Another snap echoed throughout the room, and she lifted her head back up. The cell door opened, and in walked a wyvern, followed by another, followed by two more, and another.   Sphene’s lips quivered. “W-what are you going to do with us?” “Ignore her,” Ember demanded. “What we really want to know is when are you going to let us go and give us back the eggs that you stole from the Dragon Lands?” One of the wyverns stalked up to her. The average wyvern, at least those her own age, stood about a foot higher, but this one seemed to tower among them. It had blue scales like hers, although much darker. Horns jutting backward ran along the length of its head and chin. It lowered its face down next to hers, and Ember caught a good whiff of its disgusting breath. “Let you out?” It said in a deep voice that, even when spoken in as quiet as a tone that he spoke in, still had a booming quality to it. “We have no plans to.” “So kill us,” Ember said simply.  Sphene winced. “Kill you?” It brought its head up, and Ember thought she could hear a chuckle. It was hard to tell with these creatures. “No. We have other plans.” “Like what?” It lifted its talon into the air and placed it on Ember’s back, pressing her against the pedestal and forcing her to huff out air. The talon slid down her slender physique slowly, a single claw tracing the middle of her back.  “Allow me to introduce myself,” it said. Ember snarled as his talon stayed on her rear for longer than it needed to.  “Watch the merchandise, buddy!” she snapped. “Oh?” he said. His talon rubbed up and down against her thighs. “A feisty one. Perfect. My name is Carbone. I am the prince of the Wyvern Den, last in all of the Dragon Lands. You probably knew that.” “So I’ve heard,” Ember said stubbornly. “I stopped caring the moment you stole my people’s eggs.” “Oh, that,” Carbone chuckled innocently. “There’s a reason why we stole them. You see, our tribe sees a low population of female wyverns. To the point where my boys here have stopped reproducing altogether. I was hoping you would… lend us a few of your eggs in the hopes that a few would be female, securing our tribe’s future.” “Why didn’t you just talk to us?” Ember bit. “We could have struck a deal and merged the Wyvern Den with the kingdom.” “We could have, yes.” Carbone’s talon slid down her waist and gently began stroking her tail. Ember’s cheeks brightened a little, but she kept her fierce demeanor. “But that’s not how our tribe works. You see, for centuries the wyverns have been separated from the dragons for one reason: our set of beliefs is superior to yours. I didn’t think you would agree with our terms, so I didn’t bother asking. “Well, your choice was dumb,” She jerked side-to-side, rustling the chains. “Now you are in big trouble, buddy.” Carbone chuckled evilly. “It’s you who is in trouble.” He placed his talon over her ass and rose it into the air, forcing her onto her feet. “It is good we’ve captured you. Now we can mate with you.” Ember shook violently, growling at her captors. “Like I would let you stick your dick in me! As Dragon Lord, I will —” “You’ll what?” Carbone said calmly. “Smite us with your mighty scepter? Why don’t you get a better look at me?” Ember turned and looked at the beast in its cold, red eyes. Around his neck hung an ornamental necklace, and in the center of that necklace was the bloodstone. “You motherfucker! That’s mine!” “Not anymore, heh heh.”  Ember’s fist clenched, and she readied herself to let loose a barrage of words when something warm ran up against her clitoris. She shivered and barred her teeth to stave off a moan, the red in her face brightening for a moment. “Don’t you fucking dare…” “Leave her alone!” Ony yelled. Carbone turned to her. “If ya’ll are going to go down on anyone in this room, it should be me. Just leave her alone!” He chuckled darkly. “Oh? Well, this gives me a splendid idea. How about I allow my soldiers to mate with you while your leader is forced to watch? Ooo, that sounds splendid.” “If you lay one talon on her…” Ember bit. “You’ll what? You can’t do anything right now. You’re tied down and completely powerless. If you try anything, I can just use the bloodstone on you. The same goes for your comrades.” A wyvern with crimson scales and a slender physique excitedly scrambled over to the chained female dragoness. It scampered across Ony’s lap, wrapping its tail around her torso and licking her cheek. Ony yanked her head back, squeezing her eye shut to protect it from the sinuous tongue and blushing a little.  “I swear if you —” Ember was silenced as an invisible force banded around her muzzle. She glanced over at the wyvern leader and saw that the bloodstone was glowing.  “There, some peace and quiet. Continue, Pyrites.” Pyrites’ tongue tickled Ony’s cheek. Her chest heaved in and out, heart thumping. The wyvern’s head lowered, slithering its tongue around her neck and unwrapping. It worked its way up to her chin, and finally met her mouth.  Ony’s eyes opened wide in shock as Pyrites placed his muzzle over hers, lapping his tongue against her own. It pulled back, a strand of saliva bridging between both of their lips, then reentered her mouth with a loud smack.  Ony clenched her fists, tempted to strike the creature but unable to since its tail bounded her arms to her torso. Pyrites got closer, pressing his muzzle further against hers. She gave a muffled groan as it wormed its slender tongue to the back of her mouth and slid down her throat.  Pyrites pressed in further, forcing her head against the wall. Something warm prodded at her groin, which was thankfully shielded by her undergarments. Adjusting his body over hers, the wyvern rubbed his penis against her cameltoe, biting along her jawline gently as its tongue traveled up and down her throat.  “Stop it!” Sphene screamed. Ember shot her a stern look to silence immediately, but the dragonness didn’t seem to notice. “Let her go. Let me go. Just let us walk away and we will pretend like none of this ever happened!” Carbone turned to the three wyverns standing by the door. “Chalybe, Granum, shut her up.” Obediently, they two gathered around Sphene. Granum took the front. He was a little plump but had remarkable triceps. His scales were a deep purple that blended with the moonlight.   Chalybe took her from behind. He was also purple, like Granum, but unlike Granum he was much slimer, almost as slim as herself. Her heart sped in her chest as she witnessed the penis of the wyvern in front of her slide out of its sheath. The bridge of Granum’s cock rubbed up and down her face over her right eye. It was uncomfortably warm. Something about it made the dam inside her break and she burst into tears. “Please, stop!” “Lick it,” Granum spoke. “No!” He removed his dick from her face and placed the tip of it into her open mouth. He thrust gently, enough to meet the tip of her tongue and get the feel. Granum let out a pleased moan. Sphene refrained from biting the best she could out of fear that the end results wouldn’t be pretty. Chalybe ran his long, sinuous tongue along the length of her inner thigh. It brushed up against her ass cheek, then her tail hole, and finally her vulva. Sphene moaned. Granum drew the tip of his cock out of her mouth, an upside-down arc of spit trailing it. It slathered back against her face, thrusting up and down, up and down expectantly. Ony made loud gulping noises as Pyrites lapped up the inside of her mouth. His fully erect penis, which was now pulsating with pleasure and dripping precum onto her armor sped up. The bench shook from its weight, every subtle movement straining its support.  Finally, Pyrites pulled his tongue out of her mouth, removing his muzzle from hers. Ony breathed in a gulp of fresh air, the saliva of two breeds dripping down her chin. The wyvern thrust faster and faster. He lifted his penis. It twitched and fired several loads of hot cum onto her breastplate. It brought its dick up and shot the final load onto the bridge of her snout.  The white fluid drizzled down her face, caressing over her lips. Face flustered, her tongue drooped out of the side of her mouth, chest heaving in and out with each passing breath.  “I’ll kill you for that!” Ember screamed, thrashing in her chains. Pyrites, cock still erect, merely glanced down at Ember. His tail, which was still wrapped around Ony's torso, slithered down and wrapped around her ankles. He yanked the dark dragoness off the bench. She sat on the cold concrete, back against the edge of the bench and arms forced backward because of her restraints. She blinked, staring at Pyrites’ penis, which was waiting on her expectantly. She kicked it.  “Fuck off!” Ony screamed. Pyrites screeched and stumbled backward. Ony jolted forward, adjusting her position to where she was sitting on her knees and gnashing her teeth at whoever came near. The others backed away slowly, unsure of what to do about the dragoness's sudden surge in confidence. Except for Carbone. He stepped forward. The bloodstone glowed ominously, and she froze in place. Placing his muzzle over hers, he breathed his toxic breath into her mouth. The bloodstone darkened. Ony suddenly felt heavy all over. Her entire body leaned forward, stopping midair once the chains reached their full length. Eyes half-lidded, she mumbled, “Stop immediately…” Carbone placed a single claw beneath her chin and lifted her face up to his. “If you want to be free so bad, then fine.” The bloodstone glowed again, and her shackles opened. Receding his talon, Ony fell to the floor, landing on her chin. She sat up to her knees and placed a foot on the ground. Using all the strength she could muster, Ony did everything in her power to push up.  She got up enough to place her second foot on the ground and her legs buckled. She raised both her fists into the air, facing Carbone “Do you really think that’s a good idea?” he said. Ony, of course, didn’t listen and took a swipe at him. Her hand merely brushed off his snout. Then, Pyrites bumped his head against her shoulder and she fell sideways.  Bumping its snout against her pelvic so that she was lying on her back, the wyvern shifted his attention to her exposed cameltoe and began to repeatedly lick it.  Ony moaned and slap its snout. “Stop that!”  Although the slap was weak, the response the beast gave was ferocious. He bit down on her undergarments and violently ripped off the piece of leather, exposing her gaping vulva.  It didn’t stop there, moving onto her belt buckle. Others joined in, ripping off the shoulder blades, breastplate, everything else that she was wearing. Less than a minute later, she was completely naked. The only remnants of her armor were the torn leather leggings around her thick thighs.  Ony shifted onto her side, placing both talons over her cooch along with her tail, although she knew that wouldn’t help. She squeezed her eyes shut.  A wyvern nudged her from behind and began to vehemently lick the small of her back. Another joined in, rubbing its tongue over her chest. Another lapped at her neck, and another up and down her legs. One of them bumped its snout against her hip, forcing her onto her back again. Pyrites wrapped his tail around hers and pulled it out of the way. He lowered his head down toward her vagina. Its tongue slipped between her claws and brushed up against the labia gently. She reared her head back and moaned. He took it as an opportunity to press in further. Ony’s hands pressed up against its snout to try and push the thing away, but Pyrites’ strength proved to be greater than hers and he placed his entire muzzle over her pussy and stuck his tongue in. She moaned. Her cheeks turned a rosy red. She did everything in her power to push its face away from her crotch but was too weak. The other wyvern’s licked at her body. Finally, Granum got fed up with rubbing his shaft up and down Sphene’s face and decided to shove the whole thing into her mouth. It slid in and out, in and out, the wyvern sighing in satisfaction at her smooth palette.  Tears trailed down Sphene’s face as Chalybe pressed the tip of his penis into her vulva. It slid up and down, getting a feel for its wetness. He shoved all eight inches in slowly and grunted in pleasure at the warmth of her vagina. Sphene’s eyes widened to plates and she nearly gagged on the dick in her mouth. Ember watched in shock as the two thrust violently into Sphene, the silhouettes of their sins cast against the cell wall from the light of the moon.  Pyrites stopped licking at Ony’s cooch and positioned itself over her, along with the many others that surrounded her. “Stop…” she whispered. It shoved its penis into her vagina, thrusting hard. Her body slid up and down the floor. The other wyverns rubbed their dicks against her body. One forced her face to the side and shoved its cock into her mouth. She placed a foot against Pyrites’ thigh and a hand against the pelvic of the one fucking her throat. Tiny beads welled up in her eyes as Pyrites’ tail wrapped around hers, and he gasped in pleasure.  Chalybe grunted, and Sphene felt something hot shoot up inside of her. Warm jizz dribbled down the inside of her thigh, dripping onto the floor. Granum also came and pull his dick out of her mouth, several white strands mixed with saliva breaking apart. Her head fell to the floor, tears dripping out of her eyes. Pyrites moaned and shot a hot load of cum inside of Ony. The others came all over her body. Her left shoulder, her chest, her belly, and her face were all covered in white goo. It ended with the last one cumming inside of her mouth, forcing her to swallow every bit of semen. It pulled out, trailing with it a slick silver substance. Ony’s body fell limp, and she shut her eyes. She was very… tired. Ember’s eyes filled with pain-stricken terror. Both of her comrades lay defeated, and now, she was about to be ravaged several times. Carbone padded up to her, his large talon thudding against the concrete. His chest glowed a bright crimson, and the last thing that Ember expected to happen was for the chains tethering her body to the pedestal to slide off of her.  There was a brief moment of shock, but then she blinked and leaped up toward Carbone, jaw poised toward the prince’s neck. She froze midair. He chuckled evilly and flung her against the wall to a sickening crack, the pain in her shoulder flaring. Ember huffed as all of the air left her body. Her back was suddenly in a lot of pain. “I only let you out because I wanted to make things funner…” An invisible force closed around her ankles, and she was dragged forward. Ember rolled to her belly, scraping her claws along the concrete and leaving long spalls. She stopped sliding, and Carbone flipped her over. Ember came face-to-face with his fully erect member. Her legs lifted into the air, ankles forced along either side of her head. Carbone smiled down at Ember gleefully as she bared her teeth into a snarl. Rather than shove his dick in right away, he calmly positioned himself over her. He placed the bridge of his penis against her folds, rubbing up and down gently. His cock twitched, and a dapple of precum dripped onto her pelvis.  Ember’s cheeks brightened, and she staved off a moan. Her body filled with warmth as it was sensualized with pleasure. Carbone pulled his dick away to a sticky silver goo and placed the tip against her folds. He thrust. Ember growled, cheeks burning, mouth held into a snarl. Despite his large size, Carbone was slender, which didn’t make it too uncomfortable. Especially since he would stop halfway before pulling out and reinserting. Unlike his subjects, Carbone didn’t rush the process. He slid in and out of her gently, slowly, enjoying every subtle gasp that she tried to mask. His thrusts quickened, her breathing doing the same. Now Carbone went in all the way, filling Ember’s loins with a burning sensation. His hips bobbed back and forth, increasing rapidly as they ravaged her. Finally, he pulled his dick out, firing several strings onto her belly. It twitched and shot another load onto her chest, and a third onto her face.  Ember grimaced at the leader with the one eye she could still open. “I thought you needed to reproduce with me!?” She locked her lips together as hot cum drizzled down over them. Carbone smirked. “Oops, my bad.” The bloodstone stopped glowing, and she was allowed to set her legs back down against the floor. “My subjects shall correct my mistake.” He backed away, a sinister smile on his face. Ember leaped to her feet, intending to rip his throat out. Instead, Pyrite tackled her. She expected this and held her arms out, pushing back against his head. Another one of the wyverns headbutted into her side.  She tried to crawl away, to get to a spot in the room that would give her enough time to stand back up, but then Pyrite hopped over her back. He bit down on the back of her neck and thrust his penis between her legs. It made a loud slicking sound since both of their genitalia were already wet. He brushed the tip of his penis over her gaping vagina and shoved it into her tail hole. Ember let out a painful scream. Both of their bodies were interlocked, its tail intertwined with hers, their hips synchronized. Pyrites nibbled along the back of Ember’s neck and grunted from the tightness of her anus. Chalybe came up to her face and placed his muzzle over hers. Ember’s eyes widened as he lapped over her tongue with his own. Pyrites moaned and something warm shot up inside of her. He pulled his dick out to a loud slicky noise, firing one last complimentary load against her ass cheeks. Placing both talons on Chalybe’s forehead, Ember forced their interlocked jaws apart and broke apart several strings of saliva, falling back against the floor.  Another dick whipped Ember in the face and began to rub along her cheek. Another over her stomach. The room filled with red, and her body lifted into the air. She was forced to sit up as two cocks were held to either side of her head. Without control over them, Ember’s arms rose, and she began to jerk them both off. The others placed their penises against her body, rubbing up against it. Carbone held his member out in front of her face and slid it into her mouth. She let out a muffled moan as he fucked her face. Each thrust inward made her gag a little. Carbone sighed in satisfaction to the smoothness of her mouth. He forced her tongue to wrap around it, heightening the sensation. He thrust harder. Ember clenched her eyes shut. The first ejaculation occurred against her right eye. Carbone grunted in pleasure and fired his load down her throat. As he stepped back, several strings shot across her body, covering her everywhere. Ember flopped against the ground, drenched in semen. The wyvern leader chuckled to himself in gratitude. Not only did he capture the Dragon Lord, but he had been inside of her. Oh, how his father will look at him in admiration from this point forward! His penis throbbed, and he realized that he had enough excitement left in him for more. He enjoyed the feeling of total control over her. It felt like both the Dragon Lands and the Wyvern Den were in the palm of his talons. “Please…” Ember whispered, her eyes closed. “No more…” The bloodstone glowed, and her body lifted off the floor. Forced to her knees, the magic released, and Ember fell onto her arms, head hanging over the cold concrete. “Please stop…” Carbone smiled. Oh, how much he enjoyed this! He placed a single claw beneath her chin and lifted her face to his. “I don’t know. It depends. Will you be my new bride?” “Yes…” “I don’t believe you. Maybe if you kiss me, it’ll be all the proof I need. Don’t make it cheap, either. Really lay into it.” Ember’s eyes opened halfway. Shakily raising her head, their muzzles interlocked. The tip of his tongue brushed against hers. She pressed in further, and the tongues wrapped together. Her eyes shot open. Raising both talons to his necklace, she ripped the bloodstone from his neck.  Carbone yelped. Through that brief moment of distraction, Ember held the bloodstone in front of her, firing one long continuous beam across the room. The entire top-off half of Pyrites incinerated, and she moved on to Chalybe.  They ran around the room, the laser leaving black marks on the wall as it chased them around. Soon all of the enemies in the room were dead. All except for one. The wyvern leader shivered in the corner. When the commotion died, he looked up and regretted it instantly. A semen-drenched Ember stood in front of him, a grim expression on her face. Wrapping her tail around the bloodstone, it shimmered a crimson glow, and his legs were swiped out from under him, dragging him across the floor. New strength entered her muscles from the bloodstone, and Ember brought a fist down against Carbone’s face. Sitting on his chest, she brought another fist down, blood spurting from his mouth and onto the floor. She punched again, and he could no longer see out of his right eye. Again, she knocked out three of his teeth. She didn’t even stop when his face became absolutely swollen from the beating. Carbone gurgled and spat blood into Ember's eye, the same eye that he shot his cum against. Screaming in rage, she took the bloodstone into both talons and slammed it against his forehead. She brought it up again and slammed it down again. The first hit was probably what killed him, but she kept going and didn’t stop until Carbone’s face became unrecognizable. Finally, she brought it down one last time, firmly planting the stone into his head. The Dragon Lord sat on the prince's chest, breathing heavily. Tears streamed down her face and dripped onto the corpse.  No, she thought, wiping them away quickly. There are people counting on me right now. I need to be strong. She pulled the bloodstone out of Carbone’s head and turned to her two companions. Ony lay on the concrete, unconscious. The jizz covering her body glowed ominously in the moonlight. Sphene shivered, head hung to the floor, and tail bundled around her nethers. Ember sighed. This was all her fault. She was so keen on getting the eggs back and lost so much sleep in the process. If she had been well-rested and spent more time organizing, then they could have eluded capture and none of this would have ever happened.  Sighing, she kneeled down beside Sphene, who sobbed silently. “Hey…” Ember whispered. Sphene sniffed. “I’m… I’m sorry Ember. I failed you.” “No. I failed. I made several mistakes and because of that we got captured.” She placed the bloodstone against the chains and they disintegrated. Sphene sat up, throwing both arms are Ember’s torso and ignoring the sticky substance that covered her body. Ember patted Sphene on the back of the head as she sobbed violently. Ember cupped her talons together and lowered them into the hot spring. She poured hot water over her head, enjoying its warm feeling as it washed away the dreaded wyvern juice. Blinking, her eyes opened to the orange sun rising over the horizon. Picking up her sword in its sheath, Ember placed the tip against the basalt earth and used it to hoist herself up. Ony burst out from beneath the water’s surface. Sphene held her talons up to try to protect herself from the splash, but Ony swiped her arm across the surface and sent another wave her way. Sphene screamed as her entire face was covered in water, then she giggled. Ony giggled too, and this made Ember giggle. It made her happy to see that the two were doing well despite everything that happened. “Hey,” she said. “We should get these eggs home now. Their parents are probably worried sick.” Laughing, the two emerged from the hot spring and made their way over to the knapsacks where the eggs were safely bundled. Ember hoisted hers to her shoulders, and the two did the same. Together, they walked through what remained of the plateau. Dead bodies lay strewn in every direction. Some were dragons, while most were the wyverns. Possibly, the last of the wyverns. That created an odd feeling in her stomach. She hated Carbone. She took great satisfaction in killing him. But another part of her regretted killing all of them. In the end, was it really worth a few eggs? Ember didn’t know. All she knew was that she did a great thing for her people, and that was enough. Even if it didn’t go as planned. She cast a glance back at Ony and Sphene, who chattered excitedly with each other. Ember was impressed by their strength. Maybe she was a great leader after all? It was hard to tell after everything that transpired, and a nagging part of her brain told her that she would be fighting with this for a long time. But Ony and Sphene didn’t seem to blame her. That was enough to put her mind at ease.  The three walked on, bright smiles on their faces.  > Alternate Ending > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Please…” Ember whispered, her eyes closed. “No more…” The bloodstone glowed, and her body lifted off the floor. Forced to her knees, the magic released, and Ember fell onto her arms, head hanging over the cold concrete. “Please stop…” Carbone smiled. Oh, how much he enjoyed this! He placed a single claw beneath her chin and lifted her face to his. “I don’t know. It depends. Will you be my new bride?” “Yes…” “I don’t believe you. Maybe if you kiss me, it’ll be all the proof I need. Don’t make it cheap, either. Really lay into it.” Ember’s eyes opened halfway. Shakily raising her head, their muzzles interlocked. The tip of his tongue brushed against hers. She pressed in further, and the tongues wrapped together. Her eyes shot open. Raising both talons to his necklace, she -- A bright crimson surrounded Ember, and she suddenly couldn't move. Her eyes widened with fear, expecting Carbone to lash out in some way. Instead, his muzzle remained locked with hers, the tendril of flesh sliding around in her mouth. It lapped over her's. He slurped and pushed against her tongue, toying with it. Just when Ember thought it would never end, he pulled his muzzle an inch away from hers, their saliva intermingled into a bridge. "I knew you would try something," he said. "But I wanted to give you the chance to make things easy." Raising a talon, he placed it against Ember's chest and forced her onto her back. A sharp pain shot through her head as it slammed against the concrete. The wyvern prince suddenly became two, three, four, and back to one as he brought his face near to hers. "I'm glad. I was beginning to really enjoy making a mockery of you. And now I will degrade you in every way imaginable." Carbone kissed her neck vigorously. Ember moaned, her face turning a bright red as his soft, warm lips pressed against her scales. He would pull away subtlety with loud, slobbery smacks and dive back in. He focused the amulet's magic onto her arms so that they would wrap around his neck, and plus he liked how she tried to wriggle out from beneath his claw. Ember dreaded every moment of it. His tongue tickled against her throat, and not in a way that was endearing. Every time he pulled his head back, he left behind a thick trail of saliva. She gagged, and that gag would be staved off by another moan. Eventually, something warm and very wet slapped down against her jugular, and Ember could immediately tell that it was Carbone's tongue. It slid upward, trailing across her chin. It reached the tip and trailed back down, then back up. He removed his foot from her chest and pressed all of his weight into her. Ember let out a loud huff, blubbery huff. Using the amulet's magic, he lifted her hips off the floor and snaked his tail around her body, entwining her torso and removing the magic. "There," he said. He leaned his forehead into hers, their snouts smashed up against each other. "Now we're really together. Ember squirmed, trying her best to wriggle out of Carbone's tail. He merely chuckled and locked his lips with her. She tried to yell, "Get the fuck off my your creep!" or something equally debasing, but it came out as a muffled scream. This delighted Carbone, and he closed his eyes as he enjoyed the soft palette of her mouth, the vibrations of her squeals making him erect again. In Ember's kicking, she kept on bringing her hips up and unintentionally brushing her pelvic against the tip, and a pleasant pulse would run through his rod. Carbone saw no issue in letting her have her tantrum. His tongue snaked to her throat and trailed downward. Ember shot out one last distinguishing huff of air from her snout and clench her eyes shut. She continued to kick, thrusting her hips up against his penis and pulling back a silver sticky strand that elongated and broke apart. Finally, Carbone reeled his tongue in. He lifted his head and stared down at his prisoner. Ember hacked up spit, a thick line traveling down the side of her mouth and onto the floor. "Fu--" she blubbered. "Fu... fu..." Carbone knew what she was going to say. After all, he had gotten to know his queen so well in the last few minutes. He lowered his head back down, plopped his tongue against her cheek, and ran it upside her face. Ember clenched both her muzzle and eyes shut, trying to press her head as far down into the floor as she could. Carbone thought she looked cute like that, so he did it again. Slowly. He could feel Ember's heart beating out of her chest. Laying on top of her felt like being spit-roasted over an open flame, a very comfortable open flame that made you want more, more, more fire. He pressed his hips down into hers, his fully erect penis which now vibrated with temptation brushed up and down between her labia, creating a loud slicking sound. Carbone moaned with delight as his penis slid so naturally through. Then Ember bit down on his neck. It was quick. He had lifted his head up for one second and she shot toward it, clasping her jaw over his throat. She squeezed her them tight together, sinking her teeth in and drawing... nothing. Carbone chuckled, continuing to thrust his penis between her folds. "You're the Dragon Lord? Really? A smart dragon would have studied their enemy before deciding their attack. Our hides are thick, much thicker than your typical dragon's." He focused his magic onto Ember's jaws and pried them apart, forcing her head back against the ground and relinquishing the magic. "Let me really show you how it's done." Ember let out a loud scream as he bit down on her neck. Typical dragon hides are also thick, so his teeth didn't puncture that deep, but they still drew some blood. Carbone's jaw remained clamped down around her neck, although he made no attempt to rip her throat out. He didn't want her to die, after all. He simply wanted to have his way with her. His tongue lapped against her thyroid, dick rubbing against her pussy. Ember continued to scream as feelings of pain and unwilling pleasure coursed through her body. He couldn't quite decide when to dive in, as he was enjoying the feeling of just being on top of her and taking as long as possible to get to the point. But then he remembered what it was like to be inside of her. How warm and moist it was. He wanted to go back in, but this time he wanted to take as long as possible. Stay in it. Finish in it. His penis slid out of her folds like sword from its sheath and his hips rose, rod pointing straight toward her opening. Her labia split apart vagina red and pulsating. Between grunts of pain, Ember growled. "If you fucking--" Carbone rammed right into her, jerking her body violently against the floor, and the dragoness let out another roar of pain. He chuckled internally to himself. Oh sweet dragoness, when will you learn? His thrusts were hard, made easy by the moistness of her tunnel. Her pussy was tight, her walls feeling as if they were squeezing down tighter against his dick the harder he fucked her. Ember groaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure as he clenched his jaw tighter and increased his speed. Ember, meanwhile, wasn't having so much fun. White-hot pain tore through her neck as his teeth sank through. Her vagina burned with a mixture of enthrallment and a legit burning sensation that to some degree really hurt. This, added with the entirety of Carbone's weight boring down on her made it to where the unwanted enthrallment doubled against the pain. A different feeling slowly began to reveal itself. She dug her talons into his back, hoping that would get him to stop. Carbone responded by standing, bringing her hips up with him and continuing to ram his pelvis against hers. Ember wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, moaning loudly while he slid in and out. He removed his jaw, the sweet taste of iron lingering in his mouth. Thin trails of blood from tiny punctures cascaded down her neck, splotching the floor with droplets a rich ruby. He pressed his face into Ember's, staring into her hateful eyes with pure satisfaction. She clenched them shut, and Carbone responded by ramming into her harder, her moans increasing in volume. A feeling began to well up inside of Ember. The outside world became distant. All there was her, and the wyvern prince on top of her, ravaging her, desecrating every ounce of pride she had. All she felt was pleasure, a despicable pleasure that she wanted nothing to do with. She wanted it to stop. She wanted him to cum inside of her so that it would all be over. The feeling inside of Ember grew, her loins a fire of the hottest variety. That fire grew and spread throughout her body, devouring every sensation so that all she felt was pure bliss. Pure, disgusting, bliss. "Stop..." she huffed. "I'm gonna..." Carbone heard her, but he merely responded with a smirk. He continued thrusting into her, pussy juice casting down her tail and dripping onto the floor. By now, sliding in and out of her had become instinct. It was all he knew. Not a single movement required thought, and his dick felt nothing but the smooth, velvety insides of her vulva. He clenched his eyes shut, gritted his teeth, and thrust faster. The fire inside of Ember became unbearable. She couldn't hold it any longer. She let out a loud, piercing scream as her walls contracted around his cock. The feeling of her vagina tightening around him filled Carbone with unspeakable pleasure, and he wanted nothing more than to cum. He continued to pump in and out of her, slowly as her tightness slowed him down. Still, the feeling was euphoric, and the urge to spill became dominant. Carbone lifted his head high into the air and let out a roar as he came inside of her. His cock pulsed one, two, three times as he released an onslaught of sperm inside of her. Some of it leaked out, dripping down her ass cheeks and tail. Ember screamed the entire time from a mixture of pain, pleasure, and disappointment. Disappointment that she had allowed him to degrade her like this. Disappointment that she failed her kingdom. Her body relaxed, arms splayed out against the floor. Carbone remained inside of her until his penis became limp and slid out, pulling a sticky net of two juices with him. He unwrapped his tail from around the dragoness's body and her legs hit the ground. His penis twitched a few more times, the exciting feeling still lingering. Finally, Carbone chuckled. He stared down at his new queen, her chest moving up and down. He just banged the hottest piece of ass around. No just any hottest piece of ass, but the Dragon Lord. It satisfied him. It satisfied him even more that he would have his way with her many times over. It satisfied him that the Dragon Kingdom now belonged to him and that his father would be forced to bow down against his will. He had earned his rightful place as king. He swiveled around toward the door and made his way toward it. Just as he focused the amulet's magic onto the amulet, he turned back to the other wyvern's in the room. "Do what you wish with them, just keep them alive. They're part of our kingdom now." They responded immediately, picking a dragoness and mounting them. Carbone didn't stay to watch. After all, he had a bath waiting for him. Oh, how he would enjoy being king!