> Spike - The Kirin Goddess of Fertility > by Silver Butcher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I don't think the name really works anymore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike sat silently, patting his feet back and forth as he looked out the window at the multitude of trees passing him by, He was currently on the Friendship express on his way to answer a summoning he had received as a bizarre set of circumstances, as he watched the trees disappear from his line of sight just as fast at they entered he remembered the casual event that had made his week a confusing mess. Spike was making his way down the walkway that marked the entrance to the school of friendship, he was carrying a barrel of apple cider that had been freshly squeezed on the campus as a friendship exercise and was now destined for Sweetapple acres, he was taking it to the drop point where Big mac would haul it the rest of the way. While walking Spike nearly dropped the barrel when he almost ran into a distracted Smolder. "Oh Sorry bud," she said as she helped him steady himself. "No, my bad, shouldn't be carrying this stupid thing so high up, can't see in front of me," He decided, he lowered the barrel and found the entire walkway was crowded near the part that connected to the land, "So what's got the walkway all congested?" "Couple of Kirins have been walking around and doing something...bizarre I guess, dunno what else to call it, so many students wanted to try it that the Kirins have now set up shop on the other side of the bridge so all students can give it a try." "Attention achieved," Spike decided as he set the Barrel down and leaned on it like a small table "Do tell," "Alright so they hand you this pink cube and tell you to chew on it and they'll give you twenty bits if you can break it, and if you can't you move on," "Wait," Spike frowned as he thought about the terms of the game "So you either win something or lose nothing? I'm not seeing the scam here, or even an attempt at a gamble," "But here's the thing, no one can put a dent in the thing, It feels like a stone in your hand but it feels like jello in your mouth, I tried it and felt it contort around my teeth, but the dam thing was fine when I spat it out, Yona and Gallus both tried and failed, Ocellus even turned into a Bugbear and nothing happened!" "I have to try this," Spike decides "This is super weird and frankly I'll hate myself later if I miss out on it," Spike waved Smolder a good day and used his Barrel to part the crowd and get to the front, once upfront he saw two Kirin girls facing away from him, one was cleaning the cube off and the other was thanking a Griffin for participating. The Two instantly turned their heads and both stared directly at him. "Oh a dragon," one of them said. "I love dragons," The other agreed. "Come, young lad, bite the cube, win the ultimate prize," "Calling Twenty bits the ultimate prize seems like an upsell," Spike chuckled as he set the barrel back down and held his hand out for the cube. "Oh there's a secret prize," One of the Kirin girls said with a smile. "Only for the ears of the one that breaks the cube to hear," The other agreed as she handed Spike the Cube. "I've never seen you two here before," Spike noted before popping the cube into his mouth. "Indeed, we are visiting Ponyville, I am Ash," the Grey Kirin with a black mane declared, she was wearing a white tank top and cargo shorts "Only Visiting, I am Smoke," the white Kirin with a Black mane smiled as she introduced herself, she was wearing a Black Tank top with Cargo shorts. "We're Twins," They said in happy unison, Spike smiled at how ecstatic they seemed in their little break-the-cube game. "I'm Spike," Spike said as he bit into the cube, both he, the twins, and every creature in earshot froze when the sound of a crunch hit their ears. "Oh no," Spike said as he felt two distinct objects in his mouth, he spat into his hand and looked in confusion at two perfect pink hearts. "I broke it," he complained as he handed it back to the twins, whose smiles has turned crazy as they looked at the two hearts. "It's you," Ash whispered. "you win," Smoke added hurriedly "The Dragon named Spike has won the Twenty bits and a special prize that will be given to him once the area is clear, please disperse," "I have some Cider to deliver," Spike noted as he patted the barrel "you two can wait here and I'll go move it, the crowd should be gone by the time I get..." Spike was cut off as the two twins lifted the barrel with their magic. "Oh no trouble at all Ma'am," Ash said. "Sir," Smoke said hurriedly "or Ma'am, or they, your choice," "Oh, ok...I was taking them to the Big red guy at the apple cart in the market district," "We'll deliver it with haste, My lady," Ash said. "Or my Lord," Smoke added quickly before the two walked away with synchronized steps. "Is there something on my face?" Spike demanded of the crowd as he checked to see if some creature had prettified his face "or was it just that one twin being bad at differentiating Dragon genders," "I've been called a guy many a time," Smolder called out in defense "and you do have a pretty lean face, I'm betting on the second one," Spike yawned as his two traveling companions returned, Ash and Smoke were smiling at him in delight, upon returning from delivering the barrel Spike had been informed that he was to come with them to the Kiren Grove by order of the Kirin Leader Rainshine, after telling Twilight and getting the go-ahead he had met with the twins the following day and ended up on the train. "You sure you can't just tell me why Rainshine wants to talk to me?" Spike asked. "No Ma'am," Ash said shaking her head. "Could you maybe tell me why you keep referring to me with female pronouns?" Spike countered. "Does it bother you?" Smoke inquired. "Not really, more confuses me," "I thought you were a lady when I first saw you, and I am having trouble unseeing you like one," Ash decided "Sorry Ma'am," "Naw it's fine," Spike said, caring far too little about his own personal Pronouns to go about having them corrected. "So how have you been Sir," Smoke asked sweetly "well-fed, well treated, any wives?" "I eat fine, generally, and are you asking if I have more than one wife?" "Yes," Smoke confirmed "And what do you mean generally, has someone been going against your will? would you like me to deal with it for you?" "You seem...oddly fond of me, seeing as I've known you for only like a day and a half," Spike looked between the twins. any time they thought he wasn't looking their eyes would both explore his body intensely, Spike was unsure what the cube had been, but from the looks of things it had earned him twenty bits and two slightly scary friends who he felt were going to turn into stalkers as soon as the option became available to them. "I notice the trees are really close to the train," Spike said in an attempt to make small talk "This track is pretty new isn't it?" "Oh yes," Ash agreed. "It use to only reach just outside the forest surrounding our grove," Smoke added happily. "Now we have a station that's a casual hop, skip, and jump to the grove," Ash smiled. "But not directly to it, we Kirin's have a history with Ponies," Smoke frowned as she looked around the empty train, and eyed the door that led to the steam engine, probably trying to eye the pony running the engine. "The wounds are mostly healed," Ash assured Spike before frowning, "but they're still there," Ash started smiling again and leaned closer to Spike, "but then we found you, if the ceremony goes to plan we can place the final bandage over the wound and it can begin to fully heal," "The ponies who returned our voices were the first step to healing," Smoke jumped in. "Oh yeah, Fluttershy and Applejack," "You know them?" Ash asked, "Did you send them?" "I did not," Spike said, leaning away from Ash as she closed the distance and was nearly touching his nose with hers "I had no part in them going to your village that day, that was all thanks to Autumn Blaze I hear," "And she'll be rewarded," Ash shivered a little and Spike felt the situation escaping his grasp more and more by the second, "She gets to be the first, but we get to go second, we talked it out, we'll both go at the same time," "Sister," Smoke suddenly pulled her sister away "He doesn't need to know about that part of the ceremony, only Kirin may participate in it," "Well it sounds really neat," Spike said in as polite of a tone as he could muster while also trying to make it look like he wasn't scooting away. Smoke pulled Ash out of her seat and Spike watched them huddle together across the train. "Oh man, this is some crazy cult shit I've wandered into," He muttered as he held his clawed hand to his face and shook his head "Stupid cube, turning into two tiny hearts while in my mouth, of all the mouths it had to be mine" Spike walked off the train into the train station, he had expected the place to be barren, instead, he found it overflowing with Kirins of all shapes and sizes. "Is that her?" He heard from the crowd. "he's not as scary as I thought," Another voice murmured, as multiple voices murmured out Ash and Smoke walked up to Spike and offered him another Pink cube, getting the idea Spike popped it in his mouth and crunched down on it, the crunch was enough to make the crowd go silent as Spike spat out the two hearts in either hand and held them up. "Some creature explain why this is such a big deal," He demanded. Instead of an answer he got a loud cheer and was rushed. "Oh no," He attempted to back away and instead felt the twins put their hands on his back "it's the Crystal Empire all over again," he managed to cry out before being lifted up and carried away by a very happy crowd. Spike was taken to the edge of the train station, where a very expensive-looking Palanquin sat in wait, Spike was set inside the velvet-lined interior and had a blanket thrown over him before the crowd backed away and respectfully allowed Ash and Smoke to take their positions, Ash in the back, Smoke upfront. The two twins crossed their arms, Smoke put her's behind her back and Ash crossed them under her chest, pushing up her breasts in the process, They lit their horns and Spike was lifted up and the large group began lining up behind them as Spike was carried away in style. "What the hell is happening?" Spike asked with a chuckle, "If their planning to sacrifice me or something, they're doing a dam fine job of making me comfy before I'm sent to the great beyond," Spike chuckled for a moment before sighing "Oh man I'm so gonna die here," figuring there was no way in tartarous for him to escape a mob of Kirins who could just pluck him off the ground with magic, Spike snuggled into the comfy Palanquin and silently hoped he wasn't about to die. Spike didn't open his eyes until he felt the Palanquin being set down, Spike looked out and found he was in the middle of the Kirin Grotto, Ash and Smoke happily helped him out and carefully tucked the blanket back in. "Ah, you've arrived," Spike turned and found a very tall Kirin wearing clothes that looked comfortable and left almost nothing to the imagination. "I'm going out on a limb and saying your Rainshine," Spike decided "The Tallest lady is always the one in charge," "And you must be Spike," Rainshine replied "I am so honored to meet you, I imagine you have no idea what is happening right now?" "Not even slightly," Spike confirmed, Rainshine nodded before turning to Ash and Smoke. "You two have done your jobs well, please go to my Tree, my maids will help you prepare for your time in the spotlight," The Two squealed and both hugged Spike. "Happy I could help," He struggled to say as he was crushed with their joy, "I'm sure you worked hard to earn your time in the spotlight," The Two made to pull away before leaning forward and kissing Spike on the cheek, Spike turned red as the two giggled and ran away, the crowd parting for them as they rushed off to wherever it was Rainshine lived. "Come now Spike," Rainshine said as she used her size to pull Spike in and snuggly placed him against her belly before leading him away from the crowd that was now following Ash and Smoke "I have a story to tell you," Spike walked with Rainshine, doing his damn best to not stare, Rainshine was wearing a skirt and a Bikini top, the skirt was loose enough that Spike was confident he could steal a peak with ease, he did his best to avoid this, and instead looked at her top, which was revealing all of its secrets all on its own. "Here we are," She said as she led him to one of many waterfalls, the two walked through it and Spike did all he could to not look down as he felt the skirt wash away over his tail. Now only wearing a Bikini Spike avoided looking at her body with all his might. "Once, when the Kirin race was young, there was a Kirin who ruled above even me, they were strong, wise, and beautiful, they went by many names, the All-Mother, The Kirin of the eternal garden, The Lover, but they were fond of being called the Goddess of Fertility. She could do many things, bring dying gardens back to life with a single tear, grow plants from nothing by singing one of her songs, and help Kirins who couldn't 'perform' have children." Rainshine sighed as she lead Spike deeper into the cave. "But one day the Ponies came, and with them came their Princesses, Equestria was young, and the land had little fertility, so they begged her to help them, we asked her to stay, but she was kind, she left to help them, and they got greedy, they stole her powers and used every drop of magic she had all at once, they filled their world with growth, but they cursed it, by stealing what she had tried to give the plants turned rotten, and thus your Everfree Forest was born, our Goddess, stripped of magic, turned into a dormant shell, and the Princesses took her away, hiding her from us for thousands of years," Rainshine smiled as they came to a pool at the end of the cave filled with Pink water "Here is her pool, she used it to unwind and recharge, to help her magic flow back to her, and from this water we crafted the cube, a cube of magic that only she can touch," "Oh no," Spike said as the meaning of the story slowly dawned on him "You think I'm..." "Oh I do not think, only you can break the cube," Rainshine put her hand in the water, and Spike watched as the water immediately compressed in her palm as she pulled it out of its source and turned into a compact cube. She dropped it and it turned into a liquid as soon as it hit the water's surface, "And I am so happy you have returned, even if they have warped your body and mind beyond recognition," Spike tried to think of a reason why he wasn't some ancient Goddess but instead found an argument against himself trying to leave once again. "If I try to leave you're gonna declare war on Equestria ain't ya," Spike realized. "of course, we may be weak, but you leaving this cave as you are is a sign that what they have done is irreversible, and the wound they inflicted on us will become a scar," "What do I have to do?" Spike asked without much hesitation. "Enter the pool, go beneath the water and when you emerge you shall be returned to your former glory, physically at least, the mentality of your old life may never return but we will love you no matter how damaged you may be," "Gee thanks," Spike muttered as he walked to the pool, stopping at its edge "What's gonna happen to me exactly?" "You shall emerge as your true self, the slender body of a Kirin female, and the impressive mount of a Kirin Male," Spike looked at her for a moment. "If I walk into that pool, I'm walking back out as a Futa Kirn girl?" Spike frowned "Not entirely sold on that," "Oh, don't worry, we have quite a spread of girls waiting to help you get a hold of your old body, including myself" Spike looked over to Rainshine slacked jawed as she put her hands behind her back and unclipped her top, Spike stared at her chest in all of its glory, now having seen it he knew the Bikini top had in fact been doing a fabulous job of hiding her goods as the real deal was infinitely more appeal to look at. "Sold," Spike decided as he jumped into the pool, there was no splash as he broke the surface and he sunk down into it instantly, Spike hit the bottom and felt his entire body go numb, He blinked a few times and after a moment the pink water became crystal clear and he instantly became aware of the fact that he no longer felt like he was holding his breath, Spike broke the surface of the water and instantly noticed a difference. Spike looked at his hands and saw the hands of a Pink Kirin, strands of a Pink mane clouded his vision and he spotted that the scaly parts of his new Kirin Body were also Pink, his body exploration was halted when he saw his chest, and he simply stood there staring at the two mountains that were now taking up residence. "I'm naked," A commanding female voice declared as Spike covered her chest and crossed her still-submerged legs, she felt her shaft with a hand and could feel it was much longer than it had been before, she pulled away from it uncomfortably at its unfamiliar feeling. "Oh you're so cute," Rainshine decided as she helped Spike out of the water, Spike turned to her with a question locked and loaded, and was instantly pulled into a kiss, Rainshines exposed breasts rubbed up against her's and she felt her new sensitive nipples rub up against Rainshines as her mouth was explored, Spike did a quick test and found that even as a Kirin she still had a fairly long tongue, she put it to the test in her first real kiss and felt Rainshine hold her closer. The Kiss lasted longer than Spike thought it would and only ended when she failed to keep her shaft from rubbing between Rainshines legs. "Oh I'm so sorry," Rainshine said as she pulled away "It's just been so long without you, but we have other girls who have never experienced your body and have worked hard to earn their time with you, I can wait a little while longer, come my darling," Spike did her best to hide her shame, and in response, Rainshine stooped down. "I assure you, none of the women waiting for you will be wearing anything more than you and I," Rainshine smiled. "So I hate to spoil this weird moment for you," Spike cut in "But I think we need to discuss my name because I don't think Spike really works for me anymore, seeing as I was named after my head Spikes," "Oh a name, how fun, you never use to have one, I'm sure I can find a name that every kirin can enjoy crying out passionately," "I keep wanting to hate this," Spike Muttered before eyeing Rainshines body, who went out of her way to show it off when she noticed she was being gawked at "But I keep failing to find any good reasons," > The Goddess gives out her Blessings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Spike and Rainshine walked out of the cave Spike was busy trying to hide her shame while also using the water to check out her new body, looking at her reflection told her every part of her body was pink, even the whites of her eyes were a light shade of pink with her pupils being a very dark pink. Spike was distracted from checking herself out when Rainshine began lightly rolling her finger around Spike's belly button. "Oh, I can't wait to see you in action again," She sighed as her hands began rubbing all along her body, actively avoiding the good parts while getting as close as she could without touching them. "So, I'm sure you're burning with questions," "Yeah, how does one bless some creature with fertility?" "Oh today you will only be blessing them with your love, blessing one with fertility is almost the same, but you need to bite the one they desire to mate with so you can copy their genetics before injecting them with it using your love," "New question," Spike smiled "Does that mean I can bless any lovely lady with my love without worrying about impregnating them on accident?" "Of course, you only impregnate the woman who picks a partner and asks you to do so," Spike nodded as her shaft began hardening at Rainshines' constant stimulation around her body. "Oh I want it so bad," Rainshine muttered as she leaned in and licked at Spike's lips "I can't wait for my turn with you," "Yeah, I've noticed" Spike unfurled her hands from her chest, realizing that with her shaft standing at attention letting her new breast show to the world was the less of her worries, hands free she instead gripped onto the closest of Rainshines breaths and rubbed on her sensitive nipple. Rainshine made no attempt to stop her and instead only got closer, using her hands to rub just above Spike's shaft, Spike opened her mouth and licked her nipple, Rainshine put one of her hands behind Spike's head and lightly scratched at her as she suckled. Spike hear noises but was enjoying herself too much to care as she closed her eyes and simply let Rainshine lead. Suddenly a second set of hands reached out and placed themselves directly on Spike's shaft, Spike's eyes shot open and with a pop, he let Rainshin's breasts be and found a set of two new Kirin girls standing before her. One was brown with a Green mane, while the other was a tan white with a red mane. "Hello," The White one said, using her hands to slowly pump Spike's shaft "I'm Autumn Blaze, this is my friend Summer Willow, I just want to say that when I accidentally pushed into motion the chain of events that lead us to trust ponies enough to leave the Grotto and find you it was mostly on accident, but I'm so excited that I get to be with you on this most wonderful of days," "I'll be here to make sure you are as satisfied with your return as you can be," Summer added as she held out her hands and began fondling Spike's brests. Rainshine backed away and Autumn pushed the shaft down and placed it just beneath her entrance before sliding it between her legs and placing her hands on Spike's hips as she used hers to begin pumping in a slow motion. Spike felt Summer's soft nipples press past her fur and rub against her back as she moved behind Spike and continued fondling her while light nibbling her ears. Autumn pressed her chest against Spike and pressed their nipples together while leaning in and nibbling on Spike's other ear. Her only sexual experience having come from her encounter with Rainshine Spike put her hands on Autumn's hips and began adding her own motion as she was filled with pleasure. Spikelet the two worked on her for a while as she licked at Autumn's lips with her long tongue before Autumn pulled away looking nervous as she walked to the end of Spike's shaft and positioned it towards her waiting entrance. "First time?" Spike asked as Summer continued fondling her, Spike moved forward, taking care to position her shaft so it slid past her entrance and up against her belly, Autumn laughed nervously at the large girth she had been promised. "Is it going to hurt," She asked with a tinge of fear, Spike felt something pull on him and he spike with unknown confidence. "When you offer your first time to me, you are rewarded with pleasure, pain will not interrupt your big day," Spike repositioned and placed her tip at Autumn's entrance, Autumn took a deep breath and pushed slightly forward as she let the tip slide inside of her welcoming entrance. Spike was overflowed with pleasure and Autumn nearly fell over, a chair was pulled forward with magic and she used it to keep herself standing as Spike put her hands on her hips and pumped into her, each pump slowly going deeper than the one before. With a moan from Autumn Spike filled her with all he had to offer and the two stood in silence as she let her get accustomed to the feeling of being filled. Spike turned her attention to Summer, she put her hands on Autumn and lead them to her hip before letting her go, Autumn took control and began doing the pumps at her own pace, slowly going faster and making each one longer until she was pulling it almost fully out and slamming it back all the way in with a smile that showed she was overflowing with pleasure, Spike used her magic for the first time and Summer was suddenly pulled to the side, she let go of Spikes breasts as Spike put her hands beneath Summer's shoulder and pulled her in, he latched onto her breasts and she put her hands on Spike's shoulder and she suckled on her for a while. Spike licked and sucked while pushing the breasts around, to finish she pushed them together and sucked on them both at once before pulling away with a pop and moving her hands to Summer's hips and picking her up. Summer looked confused for a moment until her legs were placed on Spike's shoulders, Spike began kidding Summer's entrance and the Kirin mare let out a yip before curling up a little and holding onto Spike's head as her kiss began getting sloppy before he opened her mouth hand stuck her tongue inside as far as it could go before pulling Summer closer and continued her kisses while pulling her tongue in and out. Spike suddenly felt something odd and new Autumn was about to reach her end, without hesitation she suddenly reached out, and pulled Autumn closer, who let out her own shocked noise as Spike pumped into her one final time as she suddenly climaxed, doing so overfilled Autumn who also has her own explosive finish, Autumn slid off and fell to the chair, breathing heavily with a smile. Spike forced Summer into a sitting up string before laying on her back and turning Summer so she was looking at Spike still full mast, Summer instantly leaned forward and began licking it clean, Autumn pulled herself forward and began licking Spikes large balls, and the lower part of her shaft while Summer focused on sucking and licking the tip, Spike felt nothing but pleasure without the need to climax and continued eating away at Summer until she felt she was almost done, Spike pulled her closer and sensing the twitching in Spikes shaft that meant she was about to explode Autumn and Summer pulled back before locking lips over her tip and licking it between their kiss as she exploded in their mouths just as Summer exploded. the two swallowed all they could before licking away at Spikes softening mast. Spike pulled out of Autumn and she repositioned herself so she could lick Spike clean better. "Oh, what a marvelous show," Rainshine cheered as she picked Spike up once her two partners stopped licking and instead began going at each other to try and lick the other clean of Spike's residue. "Now, it is time for a banquet before we take you to your room and leave you with Ash and Smoke, their reward for finding and returning you to us is an entire night alone with you my darling," Rainshine licked Spike's face for a minute, cleaning her of what little of Summer's juices Spike hadn't licked off herself. "Do come with us girls," Spike turned to Autumn and Summer, who both broke apart, got to their hooves, and walked up to her before leaning down and latching onto Spike's brests, having never felt it before it was an odd new pleasure, Spike put both hands between their legs and began playing with them as they suckled on her, Rainshine got behind her and lead the trio before her as they walked slowly towards the banquet hall. After a while, Spike pulled her hands back and let the two girls walk easier, still determined to lap at her chest for as long as they could, the two pulled back with a pop that sent a shiver down Spike's back as they both kissed her on either cheek before walking away, holding each other closely. Rainshine lead Spike towards a set of large doors and upon opening Spike almost fainted when he was in a large dining hall filled with Female Kirins wearing nothing, all gathered around the table, at the end of the table was a large chair, where Smoke and Ash stood waiting, both freed of their clothing they look at Spike with excitement in their eyes. "She's even more beautiful than I thought she would be," Ash said giddily. "Hush now sister," Smoke said as Spike and Raishine walked to the chair, Rainshine sat down and Spike was guided to her lap, She could feel Rainshines entrance with her tail as Rainshine put her hands on Smoke and Ash before pulling them in, the two sisters rushed to Spikes side and nuzzled her happily, not wanting to meet their cuddles with a crude act Spike put her hands on their waists and pulled them in closer as she let them nuzzle against her. Spike smiled as she drank from the buffet before her, Ash and Smoke seemed content to just enjoy being with her as Spike ate delicious meats, sweet fruits, and bitter liquids. Spike noticed a little too late that everyone else in the hall was enjoying their partners more so than the food, Spike spotted two Kirins kissing, a group of three going at it on a fourth Kirin, and saw one Kirin that was just sitting as she was licked by 4 other Kirins. "I notice there are no men," Spike said to Rainshine "Not that I mind that in the slightest, but I do feel I should at least ask about it," "Men do not get to enjoy your blessing," Smoke said happily before kissing Spike's neck. "Unless you chose to bless them with Womanhood," Ash added "But none of the men wanted the honor of becoming a maiden to receive your blessing, so they are out tending to their duties along with all the women who did not wish to receive your blessing," "Alright," Spike looked around the hall "So I have to bless all these women?" "You do not have to," Rainshine assured Spike "You can decline to bless whomever you chose once your welcoming ceremony concludes tomorrow at noon, I do hope you'll choose me first though," "I promise you'll be the first one to receive my blessing once the ceremony concludes," Spike took a bite before adding "Could I...like pick a lady or two to serve beneath me," "Oh, serve how?" Rainshine asked with interest. "Just...to be around should I feel the need to bless someone in the middle of the night," "I would volunteer for this," Ash demanded at once. "Well good," Spike replied "Cause I was gonna ask for you two specifically, seeing as I feel you'd just stand around heartbroken if I just left you after tonight," "Oh yes," Smoke demanded "I will let you bless me anytime, anywhere, with any number of creatures watching, so long as it is with you I will happily dedicate my life to receiving your blessings," Spike could feel both Smoke and Ash getting hot under the collar at the prospect of serving beneath her, even if she was basically just asking to use them to relieve her stress whenever she was feeling horny in the future," "Now, what exactly do I do when my friends come looking for me?" Spike asked "I'm willing to bet the Princess will want to have a word," "Oh, you will be staying with us for a while, as wounds are still healing I do not yet trust the Princesses who took you from us in the first place to not try and repeat what they did all those years ago," Rainshine frowned at the thought before smiling at Spike. "But today is not for tomorrow's trouble, today is for the pleasure of your return," Rainshine leaned forward with a smile, "And it is getting late, how about I show you three to your room for the night?" "Yes," Smoke pleaded. "Please," Ash agreed. "I'm in the mood for a blessing," Spike smiled "But tomorrow we're talking about a new name for me," Spike got up and both Ash and Smoke got up, their eyes exploring every part of Spike's body as Rainshine wave for them to follow her and they left the hall that was rapidly devolving into a massive orgy. Rainshine leads them to a simple room with a lavish bed. "As you two are now our mistresses' servants, this is where you will be serving her every night, I'm sure she will happily bless you with internal energy and other gifts so you need not waste time sleeping when you could be pleasing her instead," "I can just do that?" Spike asked before frowning "I may have accidentally made Summer and Autumn a couple, I was thinking they would look good together, and when they left they were really close with one another," "I'm sure they're more than happy to receive the gift of love from you," Rainshine consoled her before closing the door. "Do make her feel loved," Smoke and Ash lost all ability to hold back and Spike was pulled in by Smoke for a kiss while Ash dropped to her Knees and shoved Spike's soft shaft into her mouth, it's rapidly expanding girth deterred her in no way as she nearly choked herself as she tried to deep throat it. Spike had to slowly lead the two to the bed and lay back as they kiss and licked her. Ash still going strong against her own throat when Spike had a sudden idea and made them both stop. "Ash, come here," Spike said as she did her best at doing a sultry tone "I want to see if I can bless you with the ability to deep throat me with ease," Ash was more than happy to comply as she called to Spike and inserted her mast into her entrance and Spike lay on the bed as she went to down, waving Smoke over having her sit on her face she could use her mouth to give Smoke the same blessing. "I'm going to enjoy this," Spike decided as she lapped away at Smoke while Ash rode her with glee. > A night of Ash and Smoke > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike sat on the side of the bed, Smoke by her side kissing her neck while Ash tested to see if she had been blessed, Spike clenched onto the bed's comforter as Ash took her all in in one go, Ash pulled out slowly, making sure to drag her tongue behind a little so as to lick Spikes mast all along the bottom, Ash slowed at the tip and sucked on it before pulling away with a quiet pop. "Was that to your liking ma'am," Ash asked as she placed her hand on Spike's mast and began stroking it softly as she planted another kiss on the end. "Greatly," Spike said with a shiver as Ash began kissing and licking the end before putting it all in, She went all the way to the base and simply left it there as she bobbed her head a little to keep the motion going, now being deep throated until Ash was done with it Spike turned to Smoke, who stopped kissing as soon as Spike turned to her. "I want to try something different with you," Spike said as she motioned for Smoke to move closer, Smoke moved in and Spike waited until their breasts were pressed together to put a hand on Smoke's chin, "Let's see how far down I can go," Spike softly put her lips against Smokes and used her tongue to explore, Smoke was confused as to what Spike was doing past just a kiss, but Spike's tongue continued exploring further into her mouth after a certain point Smoke should have been chocking on it, but instead just felt an odd tingling pleasure as Spike's tongue traveled further inside her, Smoke began drooling and Spike pushed their muzzled together into a full kiss. Spike put one hand on the back of Smokes' hand as she held on to her for the deep kiss, and the other on the back of Ash, who was still sucking on the base of Spike's mast, After a moment it became clear that while they were both enjoying the attention neither were gaining enough sexual pleasure for a release, and Spike was beginning to suspect she could only climax if her partner was going to. Spike pulled her young back in and pulled away from Smoke with a pop. "I'm curious," Spike mussed, as she gave smoke a once over "You seem to adore me, how far would you go to please me," "Just tell me what you want," Smoke begged, "I'll do anything for you," "Ash?" Spike asked, Ash, pulled Spike's erect mast from the depths of her mouth and nodded. "Anything," Ash confirmed, almost begging to be tested on the statement. "I want you two to stand before me," Spike said, Ash stood up and Smoke stood next to her sister. "Kiss," Spike tried, the two turned to each other and failed to disappoint as they pushed their bodies together and kissed, there were light moans and poping as their tongs broke through the other's lips. Spike lightly rubbed herself as she watched. "I want you to give me a tit job while kissing my tip," Spike demanded, the two sisters broker apart and worked together to make sure her mast was firmly in place between their breasts, the two looked at her before kicking the tip and closing the distance, Spike simple watched as they put their hands on their breasts and began pumping him as they suckled on his tip. Spike watched them go as though she was hypnotized. "Break lip contact and lick it, long strokes," She commanded, the duo did what was asked of them, and Spike watched, enjoying the sensation immensely as she plotted what she wanted to do next. Ash, I want you to lay stomach-down on the bed, and Smoke I want you to sit in front of her on your legs, The two broke away with Spike and did as they were asked while Spike watched them get into position, Spike got on to the bed and with a light smacking sound dropped her rod onto Ash as she began rubbing against her back entrance. Spike could see both sisters biting their lips, Ash in anticipation and Smoke in what Spike assumed was jealousy. Spike slid inside and Ash made several noises as she clutched the bed, Spike put her hands over Ashes shoulder and began pumping into her, slowly picking up the pace. Smoke simply watched as she had been asked to, feeling both her sister and Spikes' breath on her body as the bed began rocking. "Smoke," Spike suddenly said, "Lean down," Smoke did as she was asked and Spike suddenly reached up and pulled her into a kiss as she climaxed into Ash, Ash following soon after, Spike continued pumping for a moment before pulling out. "Switch places," Spike demanded "Smoke, lay in the mess me and your sister made, Ash sit and watch us," Ash did as she was asked and Smoke lay down, only to be turned on her back as Spike rubbed against her entrance. "You must be so jealous," Spike laughed "I've explored you, sister, every way, but don't worry," Spike leaned in and smiled "you'll be the first one I give all my attention to," Spike slowly slid inside Smokes before picking her up and using every part of her body to thrust into Smoke before standing up, pulling Smoke's legs up to her head as she was pounded into. "Ash, make her feel good," Ash jumped up and pushed Smoke's breasts together before taking one of her nipples in her teeth and chewing it softly as she suckled it, using her free hand to massage the other one. Smoke made several noises as Spike pushed into her deepest core, Spike exploded and Smoke did soon after, but even after the climax, Spike kept pumping. "I waited to play with you last," Spike laughed "But I'll play with you the longest," Smoke failed to respond as she drooled in blind pleasure as she felt more pleasure every second Spike was inside her. Spike continued pumping until they both exploded once more, she slowly pulled out before repositioning Smoke and pushing her entire girth into the back entrance all at once, Smoke cried out and Spike responded to her. "Clean her Ash," Ash let go of the breast with a pop and put her hands on Smoke's thighs as she began eating her out to get at all the juices slowly dripping free. Spike continued until she reached yet another climax and slowed to a stop pulling out and leaving her mast to rub against Smoke as Ash licked both of them clean. Once Ash had licked everything away Spike let go of Smoke's legs and rested her on her hard shaft. Spike put her hands on Smoke's legs and began slowly pumping between them, rubbing against Smoke's soaking entrance as she did so. Spike walked to the bed and lay Smoke down before grabbing her legs again and throwing them over her shoulders and once again entering her with glee before pounding away once again, shaking the bed as she did so. Spike hear small noise and could tell Ash was now getting antsy at being left out. Spike left her be until she climaxed once again and pulled out of Smoke. "Ash, clean your sister," Ash did as she was asked and once again went to the town of Smoke as Spike got into the bed, once Ash was done Spike called out to them. "Lay on either side of me," Spike called out, The two sisters picked aside and lay next to her diligently. "I wanna talk for a moment, ask you guys some questions, and in return, I can answer any questions you might have," "Do you like us?" Ash asked immediately as she casually massaged one of Spike's breasts, Smoke doing the same thing as she rubbed one of her legs over Spike. "Or are we more objects of desire?" "Well I've only known you two for a little over a day," Spike responded casually as she put her hands beneath them, then moved slightly to let her slide them under and place them on their hips before pulling them in closer. "But it's pretty hard not like someone who basically worships you like a god," "You are our god," Smoke said as she snuggled into Spike. "Our Goddess," Ash agreed "When we were under the influence of the stream of silence, we were so lonely even when we were together,' "We always felt alone," Smoke agreed "but then we found a couple of our people gathering around old illustrations of you that survived the fire that resulted in us all using the stream, and it was so amazing," "It felt like we could talk with someone," Ash agreed "And when Autumn Breeze and her pony friends helped us get our voices back, we wanted so much to speak with you," "To hear your stories," Smoke smiled. "To feel your love for us," Ash finished. Spike lay in silence at their responses. "I don't remember being me," Spike decided "I just remember being a dragon, if it wasn't for you two, I'd just be cleaning a Library, unaware of what I was missing in life," Spike retrieved her arms and placed a hand beneath Ash's muzzle before giving her a kiss. "I love you," She said simply, she could feel Ash shiver at the words as she turned to Smoke. "And I love you too," She added before kissing her, the two Kirin girls pulled in closer, crying slightly as they held on to Spike, neither saying anything as Spike made them get up and undid the bed before instructing them to get back in, after a moment they where all beneath the covers with the two girls still holding and stroking at her body. "I know Rainshine wanted me to bless you with eternal energy, but for now, I'd like you two to just rest in my arms, nothing would bring me more pleasure than being used as your body Pillow for the night," Spike lay still as the two hugged him and each other, after a moment they got comfy, Ash snuggled into her neck, and Smoke snuggled into her buzz and Spike began stroking their manes as she waited for them to drift into sleep. Spike failed to find anything remotely close to exhaustion but did find she was weird enjoying being used as a Pillow, taking great care to make sure the sleeping sister stay snuggled up to her until the rays of the sun woke them up. Smoke woke first and stretched as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "Morning," Spike greeted, starting smugly at the ceiling as Ash nuzzled her neck and made it nearly impossible for her to look down at Smoke. "My Lady," Smoke said with a sleepy voice, "Any morning I can spend waking up next to you is the most beautiful of mornings," Smoke smiled and Spike could tell what she wanted without even needing to see her. "Go ahead," Spike said, waving her free hand "I certainly don't mind," Smoke immediately slunk beneath the covers and a wet smacking sound could be heard as she immediately began sucking on Spike's mast, Spike chose to lay in pleasureful peace until the sound of Smoke's movements roused Ash. "Hmmm," Ash sleepily complained as she held onto Spike and snuggled fiercely in an attempt to stay asleep, upon realizing who she was snuggling she shot up. "I'm sorry," She said sleepily only for Spike to raise her hands and toss them around Ash's neck. "Say," Spike said with a smile "Since your sister is busy testing out her first blessing to its fullest how about we test to see just how much of a kiss you can take?" Ash said nothing and instead practically dove in as she began kissing Spike, who began exploring how far Ash could take her long tongue. Ash Pulled away and Spike watched as Ash put her hand on her young and began bobbing her head back and forth while getting as handsy as she could before rubbing as much of Spike's saliva against her body as she could. Spike relaxed in the bed as the two sisters did their best to please her and themselves at the same time, Spike snapped and the two moved away. "Alright Ash," Spike said with a shin in his eye "Stand up, I think it's time you and I have a little fun, and don't worry Smoke, you'll get to clean her up while you wait for your turn to play," > The Letter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was almost noon when Spike left the room, Ash and Smoke diligently clung to her side, they had both put their shorts and tank tops back on, while Spike was wearing a pink fluffy bathrobe. "Almost can't tell where I start and the robe ends," Spike chuckled as she played with her mane, having never had one before she found it interesting to look at, it was a light shade of pink. Spike moved her tail and checked it out, having mostly been enthralled at the idea of sex Spike had failed to really check out her new body much. "Can I still breathe fire?" Spike asked curiously. "If you wanted to I'm sure you can find a way," Ash assured her "But if you need fire I'm sure I can make myself mad and you could use mine," Spike slowed to a halt and put her hand on her forehead. "I forgot Niriks were even a thing," She realized "Can I do that too?" "Of course," Smoke confirmed "but don't worry we'll always be here to smother the flames of your rage with love," Spike continued walking as she thought over all the things that hadn't crossed her mind when it had been clouded with the treat of a Kirin Pony war and free sex. "Oh Twilight's gonna kill me," Spike realized. "What?" Ash demanded, neither she nor Smoke looking particularly pleased with the turn of phrase. "Not literally," Spike amended "Figuratively, like with angry words," Ash and Smoke looked less than happy at the idea of someone yelling at Spike but she kept them moving along the hall into Rainshines large Dining room, who was sitting at the head of the table with a plate of Sausage, bacon, and Pancakes. "So good to see you up," Rainshine smiled "I had hoped you wouldn't need to sleep but..." "Oh No I didn't sleep at all," Spike assured her "But being used as a snuggly body Pillow was even more fun than I thought it was gonna be," "I also liked it," Ash assured Spike. "I loved it," Smoke countered. "Alright," Spike chuckled "I love you both equally, don't go fighting, I'd hate to see that," The Two said nothing and instead pulled closer to Spike, who put her arms around their waists as they rubbed her stomach. "Now now, you two will just have to wait," Rainshine said as she got up "Our Goddess and I have some business that requires us to be alone, you two eat your fill and enjoy your day, just make sure to be back at your room before nightfall, I'm sure none of us want to imagine our dear lady waiting for you to tend to her needs for even a moment," "We'll miss you," Ash and Smoke said in unison before kissing Spike on the cheek and waving goodbye as they took a seat and were served their breakfast by Rainshines staff. "Is this actual business or are you just trying to get me alone?" Spike asked as she and Rainshine headed to a different hall in the large tree that made up her home. "Both," Rainshine assured her "With your return, we have many joys ahead of us, but first we must look to the present and look to the ones who might be less than joyfully at your return," "You mean Celestia and Luna?" Spike asked, "The ones who apparently turned me into Spike?" "I sense you don't fully believe my statement," Rainshine noted. "I'm not saying I don't believe you, I'm just saying I've only heard the story from your perspective, and all I was told is that they got greedy and drained my magic dry, creating the Everfree forest, so I have to ask if your confident that's the full story?" "What else could have happened?" Rainshine asked as she put her hand on Spike's shoulder. "Maybe someone else tried to steal it?" Spike offered "and the Princesses saved me by putting me in that egg?" "Are you saying that because you believe it, or because you have lived a life raised to see the Princesses as only being capable of good?" "Alright I might have a bias," Spike agreed "But I'm not gonna go holding them accountable for past actions without knowing the whole truth, and that truth is buried in the Everfree forest, probably, maybe, worth a shot to at least try," Rainshine looked less than thrilled at the prospect but sighed, "I do understand, but first I want to make sure you're safe to travel there, I do not want to risk the Princesses trying to drain you again," "Alright, I'll send a letter to Twilight," Spike said confidently "And...how do I even explain this to her?" Spike frowned "I'll send a letter to Celestia if I'm still able to breathe fire that is, do you have somewhere that isn't a tree, I don't wanna burn anything down," "Oh don't worry, these trees are enchanted, our home won't burn to the ground a second time I assure you," "Alright," Spike began stretching, much to the visible enjoyment of Rainshine who simply stood behind her and watched with a keen eye. Spike took a deep breath and blew out a torrent of Green flames. "Oh I can still do it," She said excitedly, oh that might help win them over I'm who I say I am, ok letter, need to write a letter," "Come then," Rainshine said "I'll take you to my personal quarters and we can write it there," "This feels like a ploy to get me into your bed," Spike noted, Rainshine just smiled at her, "Alright just making sure we both knew what was going on, Letter first tough," "I promise I won't force you to do anything," Rainshine assured Spike, who was confident she had left herself a loophole in the promise, Spike followed Rainshine and was led to her private room, a green Kirin with a Red mane and a light yellow Kirrin with a blue mane dressed as Maids stood at the door and curtsied Rainshine before blowing a kiss to Spike. "Oh, make sure to send those two to me later," Spike chuckled as the two maids smiled, "Love me a good looking Maid," "We would be honored," Red said immediately. "Anything you need from us," Her blue companion agreed. "Of course," Spike smiled nervously, having momentarily forgotten she was lusted after by nearly every Kirin in the Grove, "Maybe just follow us inside actually, I'm sure Rainshine won't mind if I play with you two after her," "Of course," Rainshine said "You two prepare yourself, you have been just been blessed with our Sweets Goddesses lust," "I've never been so happy to have agreed to cover someone else's shift," The Red one cried out as she and her Blue friend followed them in and closed the door behind them, the two maids waited by the door in excitement as Spike made her way to a desk and found a stack of scrolls, a few quills, and a bottle of ink. Spike took a quill, dipped it, and got to writing her letter, she had barely started when she heard the Maids swoon and realized Rainshine had most definitely stripped behind her. Not having fully decided on what to write, and now having three ladies eagerly awaiting her attention Spike repositioned the chair so she was facing the maids, Rainshine was laying on the bed with a smile. "By all means," Rainshine smiled "I can wait a little while longer, but if you need some time to think I'm sure my maids would be more than happy to soothe your soul to help you think," "Of course we could," The Blue one agreed at once "Just name your request My lady, and..." "Alright, you two come over here and disrobe me," Spike countered, The two looked at her for a moment before taking a few deeps breath to regain their composure before walking over to her, Spike was mildly impressed at how calmly they walked up to her, the Red one got behind her and began rubbing her shouldered while the Blue one began untying her robe. Spike paid them no mind as she thought about what she was to say to Celestia, The Blue one opened her robe and stared red-faced at Spike half sailing mast, she licked her lips before shaking her head and continuing with her task, Spike noticed Rainshine chuckle and got the feeling she had a thing for watching other's go at her. the robe now opens the Red Maid began pulling the robe down slowly, trying to take it off without making Spike get up, The Blue maid had to lean over to pull the fabric out from Spike's sitting form. Spike smiled as leaned to one side slightly, causing her mast to shift slightly and lightly rub against the Blue maid's shoulder. The Blue maid bit her lip and Spike could feel a slight amount of Droop drip onto her lap as the Blue maid attempted to hold back, Spike smiled as he realized the two maids, unlike Ash and Smoke, had not been devoted to her until recently and were having trouble forcing themselves to follow her desires. Once the bottom of the rob had been delicately pulled up enough that it could be pulled away The Blue maid made to pull away so she could reposition herself and go for the other side, only for Spike's hand to pat against her back and make her freeze. "Oh don't mind me, can just slide across my lap," Spike said with an evil smile "I am in a bit of a hurry after all," The Blue maid turned red as Spike put her hand on her face, "Go ahead, I won't bite, unless you want me to," The Blue maid almost looked scared as she began moving sidewise, Spikes erect mast right next to her face, she made to pull back to avoid it but Spike ticked. "No going back," she said evilly, "you'll have to go over it," The Blue maid looked up at Spike nervously as she put her and on her lap and picked herself up, Spike smiled at the look on the Maid face when she realized that she couldn't pick herself up enough to avoid it all, she was going to have to brush the tip no matter what she did. The Red maid and Rainshine watched as Blue slowly moved to it, her lips brushing past it, suddenly she stopped and closed her eyes before losing her will to fight it and proceeded to open her mouth and go down on Spike. Spike smiled as Red covered her mouth, The Blue maid slurped it down and almost made it halfway before gagging and pulling up, only for Spike's hand to once again be placed on her head. "Now now," Spike smiled "seems you invited me in without asking me," Spike kept her hand in place as she stood up, her robe dropping down as she put both hands on the maid's head as she began slowly pulling out of the maid's mouth, the stopped just as the tip slid against her tongue, the Maid attempted to apologize even while Spike was still in her mouth but Spike simply pulled her head close and shoved her girth back in. The maid reached out as Spike began pulling her away and back in, after a moment he stopped and watched as the Maid continued doing the pattern all on her own, her eyes rolling around in her head, Spike suddenly felt something and had to keep in a laugh when she exploded, the Maid stopped and simply let Spike's juices flow inside of her as her skirt became noticeably wet. "Alright then, I forgive you," Spike decided as she rolled up her robe and sat back down, the Maid sat on the floor, her tongue hanging out as saliva and Spike love juice dripping out of her mouth and onto her uniform. Spike saw the Red maid looking nervous and smiled. "Oh now I'm simply too full of energy to write, and I simply need to get this letter done before I spend my time with Rainshine, Oh well, I guess I'll just have to play with little red to calm myself down," The Red Maid stood at attention as Spike got up and leaned down, putting her hands below her skirt and reaching up to the heam of her panties before pulling them down to her legs. "Kick those off and come sit with me," Spike instructed as she sat back down, The Red maid kicked her undergarment away and rushed to Spike, unsure how to go about this Spike spread her legs and showed off her mast, "Come come, I can't ride myself," The Red maid got into position and slowly slid Spike inside her, Spike set her legs next to hers and pulled the maid all the way down so that her face within the red maid's breasts. Spike grabbed her Uniform and easily tore the chest open, leaving a blue frilly braw exposed to the world, Spike reach to the maid's back and unclipped it before tossing it aside and squeezing the maid's breasts as she began pumping in and out, the Red maid eyes rolled around in her eyes and she just stared blankly at Rainshine, who was furiously pleasuring herself to the site of her goddess pounding her maids. Just like her Blue co-worker the Red maid was out of the game fairly quickly, she made several squeaking sounds as Spike filled her up, but upon attempting to get up Spike pulled her down and licked her breasts once more before moving to sit sideways in the chair, Spike grabbed the quill and scroll and began writing in them while still pounding the maid, who held on to Spikes side as Spike held nothing back. "Dear Princess Celestia," Spike wrote down "I have recently become the Kirin Goddess of Fertility," The red maid cried out as she was filled up and Spike pulled out, covering them both in their love juices "Red Maid, and Blue on two, do lick me clean for Rainshine won't you?" "of course," The Blue maid said as she pulled herself up, The Red Maid said nothing as she fell over and began feebly licking Spike's chest, Spike patted her before going back to her letter. "I would like for you to come to the Kirin Grotto to talk, I do not think they like you very much, I know you're currently retired but could you at the very least tell Twilight about this, I have no idea how to tell her," Spike looked ver the very short note and took a deep breath before sending it away. Spike tossed the Quill to the desk and had the maids stop for a moment so she could stand up and stand in perfect view of Rainshine. "Continue cleaning," Spike instructed, the two maids licked away at her more sensitive areas and smirked at the look on Rainshines face, "I feel like your loving this more than I am," she chuckled, Spike and Rainshine waited until ever lost part of Spikes front lower body had been licked, Spike waited an extra moment as the two maids sucked on his dangling balls before patting their heads. "Alright that's enough, you two strip down and watch me and Rainshine, once she and I are done I'll have some fun with the both of you, or maybe Rainshine will let you join us after she's had some time alone with me," "I'm feeling the latter," Rainshine said with a smile "after I've had my time with you of course," Spike got into the bed and Rainshine lay back as Spike pressed her body against hers and slowly slid up to the point where her mast was rubbing against Rainshines entrance, Spike pushed Rainshins breasts together and lay her head on them like a Pillow as Rainshine looked down at her. Rainshine lowered her hands and placed them on Spike's rear as she lifted up her body and used one of her hands to direct her girth to Rainshines awaiting opening. "Are you ready," Spike whispered, her breath blowing softly against Rainshines chest. "I've been waiting for centuries," Rainshine replied before biting her lip as Spike slowly pushed forward, Rainshine hips bucked forward a little as Spike pushed inside of her, Rainshine pushed down on Spike and pushed her all the way inside, Spike rested inside her for a moment, putting her hands against Rainshines breasts and kissing each of her nipples before slowly running her hands down Rainshines body. Spike pulled back and thrust back in, slowly picking up a pace as Rainshine simply lay back and held onto Spike as she thrust into her in repetition, The Bed began rocking as Spike stared happily as Rainshines bouncing breasts rubbed against her face, due to their position Spike was unable to go very fast, so instead chose to go deep, pulling almost all the way out before shoving it all in at once. Spike and Rainshine went at it for a fairly long while before it became clear to Spike that She wasn't going to be causing enough pleasure to put Rainshine out of the game for a long while yet. Spike trusts all the way in one more time before pulling herself up and pulling up one of Rainshine's legs and throwing it over her shoulder. Now in a better position, Spike was able to go a little faster, to try and add a little Spike stuck her tongue out and began licking at Rainshines leg. The new position mixed with a few choice licks managed to break Rainshine after a few minutes and Spike climaxed, with Rainshine following just after. Spike pulled out and Rainshine stayed laying down as Spike loved so he was sitting above her, her mast waving just over Rainshines nose "You think you can finish me just by using my mouth?" Rainshine asked with a smile as the tip of Spikes' mast touched her lips "Oh heavens no, that's why I'm cheating," Spike smiled evilly before looking to the waiting maids, "Could you two clean dear Rainshine up, don't stop until I tell to," Rainshine's eyes widened but before she could say anything Spike pushed past her lips and put her hands on her throat to help push her self in deep, having blessed Rainshine with the same blessing she had given Ash and Smoke, Spike pushed all the way to the end of his mast and began humping as she moved her hands and held onto Ranshines brests for support. The Two maids had jumped at Spike's request and had both made Rainshine spread her legs apart before digging in, both punching their tongues inside her awaiting entrance as they licked away at her, Blue moved away and began liking her Inner thigh, and once she began moving back in Red moved away to let Blue in and began licking Rainshines other legs. Being tag-teamed proved too much for Rainshine as Spike exploded inside her, Instead of Stopping Spike continued pumping away as Rainshing's tongue hung out, her eyes spinning as Spike and the Maids continued going, Spike climaxed again and smiled. "Maids suckle," She requested, the maids claimed up and wrapped their legs each around one of Rainshines before latching on, both humping against her legs as they sucked on Rainshines sensitive nipples. Spike Climaxed once again and pulled herself out of Rainshine, whose mouth flooded with love juice, Spike moved back and put her hands on Rainshins belly before plunging back in and going for another round, Rainshine simply lay there and let it happen as love juice poured out of her mouth and dripped onto her bed. Once Spike climaxed once more she pulled out of Rainshine and stood up. "Red I want you to have played with Rainshine how you see fit, Blue come to me," The two maids pulled away with a pop, and the Red maid moved to Rainshins mouth and pushed her entrance to it, Rainshing picked her hands up and pushed the maid closer, the Maid squeed as Rainshine explored her. Upon walking up to her Spike turned the maid around and had her put her hands on the bed, the Blue maid bit her lip as Spike pushed inside her back door before grabbing her shoulders and going to town. After a moment Spike pushed the Miad forward more and she ended up at Rainshins entrance, The Blue maid pressed her face into it and began exploring Rainshins again as Spike pounded away. Spike continued exploring different positions with the two maids and Rainshin for what felt like hours before she felt something in the back of her throat, she sat down on the edge of the bed and had the two maids lick her mast as she spat out the scroll and looked at its contents. "Spike, I have no idea what's happening but Celestia told me you've been turned into a Pink Kirin of some kind," Spike chuckled as he patted one of the maid's heads as they began sucking on his balls while the other suckled on her tip. "I never mentioned I was pink in the letter, so Celestia does know something about this," Spike looked back to the letter and continued reading. "I'll try to get there as soon as I can, I'm bringing the girls to help, I'm sure there's a way to fix this, try to stay calm, Be there before the end of the day, Twilight," "Welp the Princess of Friendship is coming," Spike said as he tossed the scroll away. "Alright girls finish me off I have to go make myself look dazzling. Spike leaned back as the Maids went to work and noticed Rainshine looking over the scroll with a frown. "Seems they are unaware that this is you fixed," Rainshine noted "No problem, there is nothing they can do to you that you can't fix," "It'll be a little weird," Spike noted as she felt a climax coming, she quickly repositioned the maids into kissing her tip together and filled their mouths once more before starting up. "Alright I best go get ready, and I don't remember who said they were covering a shift, but I'd love a personal Maid or even two," Spike blew them a kiss as she walked over to her Pink robe "If you catch my meaning," "I'll have these two lovely girls assigned to you starting at once," Rainshine smiled "would you mind exporting them to your room," The two nude maids rushed to Spike's side, who happily put his arms around them. "Do you two have names?" Spike asked awkwardly. "I liked being called Blue," Blue said happily. "And Red will do for me," Red assured Spike. "Alright then, Red Blue I'll be introducing you two to Smoke and Ash, do try to be nice," Spike was about to leave but sighed. "Oh, what the hell," Spike undid her robe and dropped it to the ground "I can't just let my new lovely maids walk around naked and not walk with them, come along, I'm sure we can find you some new clothes later since i tore up one of your tops," Red snuggled close and fondled one of Spikes brests while Blue stroked her shaft. "I love it here," Spike said happily as she made her way down the hall and back to her room, Spike entered and found Smoke and Ash waiting on the bed. "My Lady," Ash said at once "I see you have company," Smoke noted "This is Red and Blue," Spike said simply "My personal Maids," "I see you have disrobed them," Ash noted. "Would you like us to help them please you," Smoke asked as she pulled on her tank top strap. Spike looked at Ash and Smoke for a moment before nodding slowly. "I would very much like that, Smoke you ride me, Red and Blue your suckling, Ash I'll be enjoying you with my tongue," The four Kirin girls all began pulling Spike to the bed as she continued talking "You'll all trade placed clockwise four times, then I have to get ready for visiting guests, oh and I better give Red and Blue that deep breath blessing before I forget" Spike was pulled to the bed and both Red and Blue latched on as Ash and Smoke stripped. "Maybe eight times just make sure were have fun," Spike decided as Smoke pushed Spikes mast deep into herself and Ash hide her line of a sign by mounting her face, Spike began licking and thrusting away "Let's settle on twelve just to make it fair," She managed to decide between each wet pop. > Making things weird > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike did her best not to smile as she was taken to where she would be waiting for Twilight, She was once again wearing her Pink robe, along with a pair of Golden Boxers, and a Golden Bikini top. Rainshine had wanted to dress her in a Bikini bottom but Spike had declined, not wanting her family to see what she was rocking below the waist. Spike was led by Rainshine to her room again, this time being taken to a curtain that, when pulled back, revealed a balcony. waiting for them were her four favorite Kirins standing around a fainting couch with Pink cushions and a Golden base, several Pillows were stacked up and Spike took her place on the couch, laying on her side and probing her head up with one of her arms. Red and Blue walked up to her, back in their Maids uniforms, and took their place on either side before slowly fanning her. Ash and Smoke stood behind the couch, Ash was holding a tray of grapes and Smoke offered one to Spike, who simply opened her mouth and licked Smoke's fingers before letting her place the grape on her tongue. "This is one heck of a spectacle," Spike noted "If you're trying to make me feel special you've yet to fail that task for as long as I've been in the grove," "Happy to hear," Rainshine said. "The Princess and her friends should already be here, we are simply waiting for their escorts to bring them to us, until then, please enjoy yourself," "If you desire I would be more than happy to please you, My Lady," Smoke offered, The other three looked to Spike for her answer. "Later," Spike responded. "As you wish ma'am," Smoke said as she picked up a grape and waited for Spike to lick her hand to let her know she wanted it. "Can't believe this is happening," Twilight groaned, as she looked out the window, the rest of the Main 6 sitting around her. "I'm sure it's not as bad as Celestia is making it out to be," Applejack said trying to calm her friend "Spike being tricked into playing the role of a God of some kind, I'm sure he's just playing along for some free food," "As he rightly should," Rarity chimed in "If I could be worshiped I'd take it in a heartbeat," "I wouldn't be too worried but Celestia specifically mentioned he let them turn him into a Kirin," "I recall I once let you turn me into a Breezie," Rainbow countered "Fairly sure you could do the same for Spike could you not?" "That Spell only lasts a day at best, and we still retain Ponylike qualities" Twilight shot back, "Celestia said he's become a full Kirin," "But he can still breath fire," Fluttershy countered "I don't think Kirin's can do that," "I don't know what's happening," Twilight cried out in exasperation "And nothing we do or say will change that until we find him and talk to him," "I was a God once," Pinkie chimed in "I was the God of Chaos for like 10 seconds, it was amazing," The sound of the breaks told them the Train was arriving at its destination, Twilight showed no hesitation as she jumped to her hooves and rushed to the train Door, her friends gathering up behind her. Once the train stopped Twilight was the first one-off, The Trainstation was mostly empty, save for two Kirins waiting for them. "Hi," Autumn Cheered when she saw them. "Applejack, Fluttershy, It's me, Autumn Blaze, We've met before!" "Hi Autumn," Applejack waved. "This is my friend Summer," Autumn added as she motioned to her companion "She's gonna be the lead actress in my next play, not because we're dating thought, it's because she curvy, and curves sell tickets," "I like her," Rainbow decided with a chuckle. "Hello," Twilight Greeted politely "I need to Speak with Rainshine, she has a friend of mine with her," "That is why we are here," Summer replied "Rainshine has asked us to take you to her and the Kirin of the Garden" "Ah that's the most boring of the names," Autumn complained before smiling "But I guess it's the one we're going with, Come on ladies, It's a hell of a walk to the Grove from here," "What you couldn't build the station closer?" Rarity complained. "I had to fight like crazy to get the station moved this close," Autumn replied casually "Not a lot of Kirin care much for ponies, but don't worry, They all love Fluttershy and Applejack thanks to the whole, returning their voices thing, so no one will give you any lip, maybe a few stares but no lip," "Just Follow us," Summer said as she and Autumn began walking towards a simple stone path that lead towards the Grove. "Kirin of the Garden?" Applejack noted "Guessing that's Spike," "Gardens are nice," Fluttershy smiled "I bet Spike is having a lovely time," The group began following their two Kirin guides, who were talking to each other happily. "So, you think she might let us visit her again?" Autumn asked Summer nervously "I mean, I was only there as a reward, and you were there as my guest, I'm just worried it was just one and done you know," "Autumn," Summer said, lightly paying her new partner on the back "I know it meant a lot to you, but we were just there so she could thank you for helping her return, you can hope, but It's not healthy to obsess over it honey," Summer gave Autumn a kiss on the cheek as they walked. "Get a room," Rainbow called out in jest. "Trust me we plan to," Summer shot back. "Oh, I like Kirins," Rainbow decided. "They got some fight in 'em," "Rainbow focus," Twilight cut in "We have to figure out what they've said to Spike, just how far he's fallen into believing he's some kind of fallen god," "Well You've seen how he gets in the Crystal Empire," Applejack mused "Probably signing posters of himself or something," "I bet he's had some yummy food since becoming a god," Pinkie added "Oh I bet he has a Chocolate Fountain, or maybe even a White Chocolate Fountain!" Twilight groaned as her friends discussed different ideas as to how Spike was being pampered as a god. Upon arriving at the Grove Rainbow, Rarity, and Pinkie had a bet going on about it. "Alright, 100 bits he's going full out on being pampered, sexy ladies, being smothered in affection, maybe even an orgy or two, the works," Rainbow laughed "Oh yeah, I can see him doing that clear as day," "And I bet 100 bits he'll be far more civilized, fabulous robes, clothes weaved from gold, and Maids serving his every need" Rainbow and Rarity both nodded confidently as they walked down the road before Pinkie gave an evil laugh. "200 bits says he's doing both," She declared confidently. "I dunno, lush clothing doesn't seem like Spikes thing, and Maids count as sexy ladies," "Please, as if Spike would ever sleep with some random girls when his mind is overflowing with fantasies about yours truly," "Double down then suckers," Pinkie shot back "400 bits each, the winner gets eight hundred in total," "You're on" Rainbow shot back. "Quite so," Rarity agreed. "I know who's gonna win the bet," Autumn chuckled. "Hush," Summer said as she lightly scratched the back of Autumn's neck"No need to spoil the surprise," "Oh Great," Twilight said irritably "Spikes either gone snobby, slutty, or both," Twilight pulled on her main in exasperation "This day just keeps getting worse," "Not for one of us it isn't," Pinkie smiled "And by one of us, I mean Me because I'm gonna win," Pinkies cry out loudly in pride, her voice carrying far enough for Spike's ears to perk. "Oh I can hear Pinkie," Spike realized before licking another grape from Smokes' fingers. "It's my turn," Ash complained "I wanna feed her," "Oh Smoke, do be nice to your sister," Spike begged "I'd hate to have to discipline you and leave you on the sidelines tonight for being mean," Smoke stopped and took the tray from Ash at once. "I'm sorry," She said with a bow "I'll be nicer to my Sister My lady," "Wonderful," Spike said before licking Ash's fingers and letting her place a grape on her tongue. Rainshine looked over the balcony and then took a few steps back as Twilight flew up to it and landed before her. "Yeah no, thanks, Guess we'll just walk," Pinkie called up, "No Rainbow, stay with the group, can't trust you not to cheat on the bet," Spike looked to Twilight, who was looking at Rainshine accusingly. "Where is he?" She demanded, Rainshine simply smiled. "Oh, I think you mean, she," Rainshine motioned to Spike, and Twilight turned slack-jawed as Spike took another grape before waving happily to her, her voice just as merry as she spoke. "Hi Twilight," She greeted "How's it going," "Oh, you've got to be kidding me," Twilight groaned as she looked at her younger brother. "So...things got a little weird," Spike chuckled nervously "I'm apparently a Goddess of some kind, It's a long story, but also a short one, I could probably make a little picture book for you to help explain," Twilight simply stared at him slowly shaking her head. "How did...why did you..." Twilight turned away from Spike and instead look to Rainshine "Turn him back," She demanded. "Oh I couldn't even if I wanted to," Rainshine replied happily "And even so, I have never wanted to do anything less than that," Twilight rubbed her temple as she walked over to Spike. Who took another grape before being forced to her hooves by Twilight. "Ow," Spike complained at being sharply yanked to her feet "That hurts you know," Before Twilight could do or say anything all four of Spike's attendance burst into flames, and the four Female Niriks all looked at Twilight with rage. "Wait," Spike called out "Relax, let us all be calm, no need to try and set the head Princess of Equestria on fire," The four Niriks stood their ground but Spike noted that they were still very much Nirik's and found he was unable to help himself. "So, is it weird that this is kind of hot?" He joked, before leaning closer to Twilight "Let me go and take a step back, Niriks can be very dangerous I'm told," Twilight reluctantly let go of Spike who walked up to her attendance, all four of them put their flames out and rushed to her side to check on her arm. "Are you ok?" Ash asked with worry as she gently patted Spike's shoulder. "Nothing broken or dislocated?" Smoke added as she checked her elbow. "Any Bruises?" Red questioned as she look at her hand, "Would you like me to yank her arm, My Lady?" Blue asked as she stood between Twilight and Spike. "I'm fine," Spike said, using his free arm to hold onto Blue so she didn't try to punch Twilight "All good over here, no need to assault the Princess, the top Banana Princess Might I add," "I don't care how many Bananas she has," Ash said angrily, "She hurt you," Spike frowned upon realizing Ash was actively arguing against her, and Spike turned to Twilight. "Twilight Apologise for pulling my arm," She said with a tinge of fear in her voice. "What?" Twilight asked with a chuckle. "Twilight you're causing a sense, just apologize before they realize I'm unwilling to get physical with them to stop them from hurting you," "I'm sorry," Twilight said irritably. "Aw," Ash said with a swoon "You'd let us hit her?" "I'd be upset about it," Spike countered "and she'd probably hit you back, so please don't" "Your so sweet," Smoke cooed as she snuggled up to Spike. "Would you like us to get you more Grapes, Ma'am?" Red and Blue asked in synchronization. "No, I don't need any more Grapes thank you," Spike said. "Spike," Twilight said taking a deep breath "Can I talk with you in private?" "Are you gonna pull my arm again?" Spike asked suspiciously. "No I will not pull on you this time," Twilight said holding her hands up "I'm sorry, this is a lot and your chill attitude towards this is not helping," "Ok then," Spike said, "Girls stay here I'll be right back," Spike's four attendances stood back, looking less than happy about it as Spike walked to the edge of the balcony and waved Twilight over. "Spike this isn't exactly private," Twilight said as Rainshine waved at them from a few feet away. "Best your gonna get at the moment," Spike replied with a shrug "Now, what exactly did Celestia say to you," Twilight frowned, having been told to be careful what she said, her pause however was all Spike needed "She told you not to tell me," Spike noted "Not looking good for her at the moment," "Spike I don't know the whole story, but we need to get you out of here," Spike simply shook her head. "That right there, the not knowing the whole story part but still choosing a side, that bothers me," Spike pointed at herself "Yeah, I kind of jumped headfirst into this, almost literally except I did more of a Cannonball...whatever, the point is I don't know the full story, and I'm not leaving this until I do, also I kind of have a Harem starting up, and I'm kind of loving these big girls," Spike squeezed her breasts with a smile "Regardless even if I do pick a side, I don't think I wanna go back to being a dragon," "Spike what would mom and dad say about this?" Twilight demanded "Or Shining," "I notice you left out Cadance," Spike noted "probably because she would love all of this," Before Twilight could retort the door to the Balcony opened, and Autumn Blaze called out proudly. "I brought the rest of the guests, I mean we did, because I'm not the only one leading this group, I actually almost lead us the wrong way," Spike looked at the group and his eyes shined. "Autumn, Summer," Spike called out "If you're not doing anything please don't leave, I have a proposition for you two," "I think it worked," Autumn almost squealed as she hugged Summer, who smiled. "I think it did," She agreed "Thanks for not listening to my pessimism Hun," "Anytime," Autumn cheered. "So where's Spike?" Rainbow demanded "Only Pink Kirin I see is some busty lady," "This is Spike," Twilight called back, Spike blew a torrent of Green flames to prove she was and The Main 6 went silent for a moment. "I'd smash that," Rainbow decided after a moment. "Eh 7 out of 10," Pinkie shrugged. "Seven?" Spike demanded indignantly. "Now it's a six, wanna keep going?" Pinkie countered before chuckling "I'm just messing, I'm not into ladies so I can't really judge, Nice shade of Pink thought," "Thank you Pinkie," Spike chuckled back. "I'm not seeing a Haram," Rarity challenged. "Hey Spike," Rainbow called out "I just lost a bet but I'd rather pay Pinkie than Rarity, you got a Haram?" "Girls are you comfortable with being called that?" Spike asked about his attendance. "I'd love nothing more," Ash Squealed in glee. "I'm more than comfortable with it My lady," Smoke agreed. "I thought this already was a Harem," Blue said with a nervous laugh. "It was, she just wanted to see if we were comfortable in admitting it," Red assured her. "Wow," Applejack whistled "I don't think he's coming back with us," Applejack shook her head when Fluttershy spoke up. "Um, I think Spikes going by She now," "Hey Spike," Pinkie called out as Rarity just held her hand to her face in silence, "Is that still your name? Also He, She, or They!?" "At the moment," Spike confirmed "Contemplating a new one, but at the moment I'm mostly just being called My Lady and Ma'am, even got called Misstress once by some creature I think, Kind of digging that, to be honest. And I don't really care but I guess She is feeling kind of right, but I doubt I'll bother to correct you," "Can we focus," Twilight cried out "For just one moment, Spike how could you not want to be fixed," "I feel like I already answered that," Spike mused as she clapped her hands "Twilight It's been great to see you, but I have a mystery to uncover, please take your complaints to Rainshine, I'm sure she'll be better at talking to you than I am," Spike walked away from Twilight and went up to Pinkie, who gave her a once over. "So how's the sex?" She asked coyly "Liking it more or less with Lady parts?" "Actually I still have guy parts where it counts," Spike smiled. "What?" Rainbow chuckled as she gave Spike another once over, "Eh I'd still let that smash me," Rainbow corrected with a chuckle "If you interested," "I feel like you a little too competitive to get down the way I do it," Spike countered "Also I don't think you'd agree to join my harem and that would just make me feel wistful afterward," "Got me there," Rainbow shrugged "What about you Rarity? This doing it for you?" "I can't...I don't know how to react to any of this right now," Rarity said as she continued covering her eyes. "Yeah I don't think any of us are really into the whole, group sex thing," Applejack shook her head "I do have to agree with Rainbow though, ever feel like having a one-night stand you give me a call," "I...um...heard something about you and gardens," Fluttershy said from the back. "Oh yeah, I can heal plants by crying on them, and make plants grow by singing, haven't really tried it out yet, and don't want to while I'm several stories up and in a tree," "Oh...ok then," Fluttershy returned to her silence and Spike looked to the sides. "It's really nice to see your girls, but I have something important to take care of," Spike walked away from her friends and up to Autumn and Summer, Summer was noticeably trying to stand up straighter, and Autumn was sweating so much Spike could see the pattern on her bra through her white shirt. "So, how have you two been?" Spike asked. "Oh we've started dating," Autumn said nervously "Thanks to your blessing, of course, I always wanted to ask Summer out but after going mute and then being banished I kind of forgot to get around to it by the time I got back," "I missed her when she was gone," Summer said simply as she tried to sound casual, an odd twinge in her voice as she spoke. "So tell me something," Spike leaned in closer to Autumn, who began shaking slightly "Did you miss me?" "Yes," Autumn said without hesitation as her voice cracked a little. "We tried to use a toy last night and pretend it was you, but it just made us miss you more," Summer said bluntly. "Oh well that's good to hear because I've missed you two a lot," Spike put his hand on Autumn and began rubbing her cheek, causing her legs to shake. "If you ever need us we'd be happy to come at your call," Autumn said as she tried to stop shaking. "Oh I don't want to invite you to play occasionally," Spike whispered "I want to invite you to stay," Autumn managed to look Spike in the eye and Spike licked her lips "You two are the only other Kirin woman allowed to join my Harem," Spike said simply as he turned to Summer. Summer had done her best to stand her ground and look the part of the clam party, but the second Spike touched her she promptly jumped onto her and buried her face in her chest. "Please let us stay with you," Summer Begged "Even if it was short, our time together was the best moment I've ever had, and last night was so lonely without you, I don't wanna sleep in another bed without you in it again," Spike simply patted Summer on the head before leaning down and breathing softly on Autumn. "Autumn?" Spike asked as the usually loud and boisterous Kirin shook silently "You seem a little over-exerted hun, how about you come with me," Spike offered her hand and Autumn took it, Summer refused to stop Hugging Spike, who simply used her free hand and a little magic to carry her. "Girls we're leaving," Spike called out, her friends staring at her silently as she walked past, the rest of her Haram rushing after her. "I say we let them go solo, then we all jump in," Ash said as she rushed after Spike "Does that sound fair?" "We'll talk when we get to the bedroom Ash," Spike called back"I think Poor Autumns is about to faint from all the excitement," Rainshine watched them leave before calling out to them in a huff. "And why don't I get to be in the Harem?" She demanded "You didn't even ask me," "You know why," Spike called back from inside "and I'm not sure if you have my best interests at heart," "Oh, but you can still sleep with me?" "Dam straight," Spike chuckled back as she opened the door to Rainshines Room "A Harem is one thing, but casual sex is something else entirely so long as my girls can come along with me," "Spike Please leave," Twilight called out to him "You're making this so much worse for me," Spike gave no reply and after a moment she heard a door shut. "Alright," Twilight turned to Rainshine as her friends gathered around her "Tell us this story Spike said was long but also short," "Oh, she's lucky I love her, or I'd be pissed at not being trusted," Rainshine muttered before Twilight managed to get her attention "I'm sorry what did you want from me again?" Spike walked into her room, Autumn still having a slight meltdown and actually being accepted and Summer still clinging to Spike like she was afraid she was gonna disappear if she let go. Spike waited for the rest of her girls to file in before picking the activity for the night. "I'm sure everyone wants to have some fun time, but for the time being I think Autumn and Summer could use a simple cuddle pile," "Wha...what's that," Autumn said shakily, Spike could almost taste her performance anxiety. "We all just lay on the bed and cuddle," Spike said as she patted Autumn's head "You can choose between doing with clothes on or off," "off," Autumn said nervously. "off," Summer agreed from Spike's chest. "Ok, Summer honey I'm gonna have to put you down, but you can come right back up once we've stripped," Spike slowly set Summer down and had to remove her robe so she could stand back up, Spike clipped off her bra and slid her boxers down before sitting down and tossing them away, Spike waited until Autumn and Summer were nude before holding out her arms, Summer rushed to be embraced again and Spike rubbed her back as she snuggled to her chest. Spike could feel Summer being too suckle but let her be as she look at Autumn. "You two baby girl," Spike said holding out a hand Autumn join the hug and began suckling as well, Spike scooted herself to the center of the bed and waited as Red crawled up and snuggled her head into Spike's Belly fur, Blue did the same and the two kissed for a moment before going back to brushing their faces on Spike's belly. Spike watched without surprise as Ash and Smoke curled up around her leg and stuck their faces into her groin and began slowly licking the bottom of her shaft as they fondled her balls. Spike let go of Autumn and Summer and reach beneath them, after some light readjusting Blue and Red lay back and licked her belly as Spike fondled one of their breasts in each hand. "And now we just lay like this," Spike said happily as the sound of licking filled her ears "Until Summer and Autumn are ready to mingle," > I Love you > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike lay happily on the bed, Summer and Autumn had stopped suckling but were now silently snugging up against her neck and chest, The rest of the girls had gathered around in a circle and were having a quiet conversation as they all rubbed their hands against different parts of Spikes body. "So I'm thinking we take shifts," Red said as she softly brushed the fur along Spike's right leg with her hands, "two of us cuddle up to her head and chest, and the rest all cuddle around her waist like we are now," "Oh but I like it when she whispered soft nothing to me in my sleep," Ash complained. "And I want to experience it like nothing else before" Blue added, both she and Ash were rubbing their faces against Spikes fast while rubbing their hands around the sensitive area that surrounded its base. "Listen there are six of us," Smoke added calmly, having gone further up Spike's body than the rest she was snuggling up to Spike's belly as she spoke "Only two of us can fit in her arms, maybe four if we all squeeze together, but at least two of us are going to be tasked with snuggling up down here, we might not get to feel her breath on us as she sleeps, but we'll have other parts of her to soothe us," "But I wanna hear her voice in my dreams," Ash muttered before giving Spike a lick. Spike lay back and listened to her girls talk for a while before speaking up. "If this is such a problem I could bless you all so you wouldn't need to sleep," Spike offered "That way you could trade off snuggling up here every hour and the rest can play around down there when it's snuggle time," "That sounds nice," Summer said, earing Spike's attention as she gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah," Autumn said as she used her hands to begin playing with Spike's chest, "I don't mind sharing, especially if I still get to play with you regardless of where I am," "I'd love to receive any blessing from you Ma'am," Ash agreed as she pulled away from Spike's stiff mast, The girls all gathered crowded in, and looked at Spike eagerly. "Who will you be blessing first My lady?" Blue asked with a smile. "I'll go first," Red added quickly. "I can do two of you at a time," Spike pointed out, earing a sympathy of head shakes. "No," Smoke insisted "I know how this works, and as much as I love your mouth I think I speak for all of us when I say I'd love to have a few moments alone, just you and I," Upon finding that the want for alone time was unanimous Spike smiled. "Alright then, I suppose since she was my first, and one of the two who have gone the longest without me, It's only fair Autumn goes first," "I suspected as much," Blue said, no resentment could be found among Spikes girls. "She is the reason you are here with us today," Smoke agreed "Well, her and us since we did find you," "Nice try," Spike chuckled at Smokes' attempt to go second "But using the same logic, Summer would be next since she's also gone just as long without me as Autumn. Now Smoke, Ash, Blue, and Red I want you to all decided your own order, I'll wait as long as I have to, but take too long and I might just let Autumn and Summer go again to give you more time, oh and keep in mind I'll be doing something special to make sure the one who goes last in rewarded for going last," "Take all the time you need," Autumn said instantly "Maybe have a long debate about it even." Before any of the girls could say anything Spike had everyone clear off the bed before laying on her side. "Alright Autumn, come receiver your blessing sweetie," Autumn grinned ear to ear as she got onto the bed and Spike gave her a kiss before leaning into her ear, "Dealers choice, Back or Front, Top or Bottom?" "Front and Bottom," Autumn decided as Spike put her arms around her, Spike positioned Autumn so she was laying on the bed before pulling both of Autumn arms up, Autumn got the idea and hung around Spike's neck, once in place Spike used her hands to guide herself in and rested her tip against Autumn, Before pushing in Spike used on hand to reach behind Autumn and push her up slightly into a Kiss, once Autumn began kissing back Spike slowly slid inside her. Knowing she now had six mares to please Spike made sure to take things slow with Autumn to set a standard for them that their alone time with her wouldn't be rushed through. With each pump, Spike took care to make sure Autumn and she never broke lip contact, After a minute Autumn broke away slightly. "Litter faster," She pleaded before going back to the kiss, Spike obliged and picked up the pace, After a few more thrusts Spike unleashed her Blessing and held Autumn in place as she was filled with it, Once she felt Autumn's walls tighten and felt her climax Spike slowly Pulled out and pulled away from their Kiss. "I love you, Autumn," Spike whispered before giving her one more Kiss. Autumn was swearing again as Spike helped her back into a standing position. Autumn shook slightly as she walked to the wall and leaned against it to keep herself standing. The Other girls watched in silence as Spike used magic to clean the bed, in turn making a wet mess of the floor on the opposite side of the bed, once the bed was clean and fresh Spike lay back down on it and looked directly at Simmer. "Oh Summer Baby," Spike said with a lick of her lips, doing her best to sound sultry "Time to receive your blessing," Summer crawled into the Bed and Spike greeted her with open arms and Kiss before whispering in her ear, "Dealers choice, Top or Bottom, Front or Back," "I..." Summer swallowed her wetting mouth before speaking up "I want to try Top and Back," "Oh, I haven't had that one yet," Spike lay on the bed and spread her legs apart, thrusting her Mast upwards as she did so, "Whenever your ready sweetie," Spike waited as Summer nervously approached and turned her back to Spike, Spike used her hands to position herself and Summer slowly lowered herself down as Spike began filling her back entrance. Summer gripped the bed as she pulled herself up once she got halfway and thrust back down, as she was in charge Spike simply let Simer go at whatever pace she pleased and instead leaned forward and held onto Summer's hips as she pulled up and thrust back down. After a Few more thrusts Spike got into a full sitting position and reached around so she could fondle Summer's chest, Summer made several noises, but since none of them were for Spike to Stop she continued fondling until she felt the burning desire to fill Summer with her blessing. Without Warning Spike grabbed Summer's hips and thrust up into her, Summer cried out as Spike went past the halfway mark and pushed herself all the way into Summer before filling her love. Spike didn't pull out and instead leaned forward, whipping drool from Summer as her eyes rolled around in her head. "I love you, Summer," Spike said as she pulled out a little only to trust all the way back in one more time "Give me a kiss before you leave hun," Spike spun Summer around slowly without pulling out, earning babbling from Summer that was only cut off when their Lips met, After a moment Spike pulled out and Summer clutched onto her before pulling away from the kiss. Summer crawled out of the bed and slumped down into a sitting position in front of Autumn, who had begun playing with herself, Spike watched as Summer put her hand on Autumn's hips and dug in, earning a squeak from Autumn, Spike just smiled before turning to her for remaining girls. "So, who's next," Three Disappointed faces and one gleefully one was all Spike needed for an answer. "Come join me my Darling Blue," Spike said waving her in "Let me fill you with my blessing," Blue jumped onto the bed and before Spike could even ask gave Spike a different question. "Could we try that sixty-nine sex move?" Blue pleaded "I've always been interested in it and..." Spike pulled Blue into a kiss, who happily kissed back, after a moment Spike pulled away. "This is your moment baby girl," Spike replied "We can do whatever you want," Spile lay on her side and thrust out her hips, Blue got on her side and Spike grabbed her before flopping onto her back, leaning Blue's face to face with her mast, Spike wasted no time and began lapping at blue, taking great care to cause as much outer stimulation as she could before plunging in. Blue took a moment as she had to lean up before sucking on Spike's tip, once in she began slowly sliding down it. Spike was worried for a moment but remembered she had given Blue the required blessing to go as deep as she wanted without choking herself. Spike focused on slithering her tongue in as deep as it would go, after a moment Blue suddenly bucked into Spike's face. Spike reached around and pulled Blue in as she opened her mouth and began sucking while slurping. Without Warning Spike hung her feet over the edge of the bed and stood up, holding onto Blue with both her hands and her magic Spike dug in whole slowly rocking Blue up and down, after a few moments Spike's blessing flowed down Blues Throat and she pulled herself closer as she attempted to drink up as much of it as she could, after a moment Spike lay back down and licked her face lean as she waited for Blue to pull herself off. Blue continued sucking for about a minute before slowly pulling herself off, she took several deep breaths as Spike got up and cleaned the residue of love from Blues face with magic, once she was clean Spike leaned in and whispered in her ear. "I love you Blue," Before giving her a kiss, Blue shivered as Spike pulled away and got to her hooves, walking over to Autumn, who was now holding onto Summer's head as she was eaten out. "Oh hi," Autumn said after a moment "How was your time with..." Autumn was cut off when Blue gave her a kiss and moved down to begin suckling on her "Oh...I think I like being in a Haram," Autumn decided as she moved one of her hands and pated Blues back. "So who's next," Spike asked, looking to the remaining three. "I am," Ash squealed in glee as she jumped in place. "Come along them my cute little Ash," Spike said with a smile "Let me fill you with my love," Ash slid into the bed and kissed Spike before she could ask what she wanted. "I want you to hold me in the air and ravage me," Ash said between kisses. "Could you do that for me, my darling mistress?" "Of course my sweet Ash," Spike confirmed as she broke their kiss, Spike used her magic to hold Ash up and she wrapped her legs around Spike's waist. Spike put her arms around Ash as she held onto Spike's neck and Spike got to work pumping into her as she returned to their kiss. Unlike the others so far Ash seemed determined to stay in the air as Spike thrust into her, taking great care not to break the Kiss Ash was soon filled with Spikes Blessing with little fanfare, Spike felt somewhat bad at the lack of Spike she had given Ash, but could tell Ash was loving every moment of it, Spike sat down and continued kissing Ash for a moment just to give her a little extra time before breaking away. "I love you, Ash," Spike said as she pulled out of her, Ash got to her feet and leaned against the wall next to Autumn. Instead of joining Summer pulled away from Autumn and instead grabbed Ash, who made no attempt to stop her, and Summer began exploring her. With her front now Free Blue got down and took Summer's place on Autumn, Autumn and Ash looked at each other for a moment before Ash leaned in with Autumn following her lead for a kiss as they used their hands to pet the heads of the girls eating them out. "So who's next," Spike asked, worried about who was going last she quickly spotted the less than merry look on Smokes' face as Red waved to her with glee. "Alright my sparkling Red gem, come receive your blessing hon," Red claimed into the bed and received her a welcoming kiss before laying on her belly and stretching out. "I want Bottom and Back," Red declared "And I want the bed to shake," Spike got into position and put her hands above Reds shoulders before sliding in slowly, she pulled out and then proceeded to thrust with all her might, Red squeaked as she clutched the sheets as Spike Pulled her up slightly with one hand and pounded away into her, Spike held back nothing as she used all her might to make sure the bed was rocking with her, Red began drilling as she felt Spike penetrating her as far down as she could. When Spike felt the burning sensation of Climax as used both hands and slammed into Red with her hips and shoving her back with her, after three more thrusts Red was filled with her blessing, Spike, pulled out and flipped Red over as she lay on the bed with her eyes rolling. "I love you Red," Spike said as she gave her a kiss, After receiving no answer Spike helped Red up and placed her next to Autumn, Autumn and Ash broke their kiss to look at her, then without warning Autumn was swarmed as both Ash and Red latched onto one of her breasts, Autumns began drooling at all the attention as Summer left Ash and instead joined Blue back with Autumn. With Everyone else teaming up on Autumn Spike turned back to Smoke, who was standing to the side diligently as she waited for her turn. "Do you remember what I said before this started?" Spike whispered to Smoke, who blinked. "Um..." Smoke frowned "No?" "I said whoever goes last would receive a special reward for letting everyone go first," Spike leaned into Smoke and licked her lips "Tonight after all has been said and done you and I will be joining Rainshine in her personal Bathhouse. "You...you mean I..." "Yes my sweet Smokey Desire," Spike confirmed "You'll be joining me in some three on three-time with Rainshine, now tell me, honey, what do you desire?" "Top and Front," Smokey said after a moment of weighing her options, Spike simply lay down and spread her legs. "Come get your reward darling," Spike whispered as she used a finger to motion her over. Smoke got into the bed and carefully put her hands above Spike's shoulders, she placed herself so Spike's erect mast was rubbing against her and she pulled her hands towards her, slowly rubbing them against Spike's body and taking care to massage her breasts for a moment before placing her hands on Spike's waist. Once she was holding Spike firmly she raised herself up and pushed Spike inside of her, slowly going down until she was on the base, once Spike was inside she let it sit for a moment, unlike with the other girls Spike simply lay back and took it without adding her own spin to it. "This is your time to shine," Spike informed her "You're in charge of everything honey, just tell me what you want me to do you when you want me to help rock the boat," Smoke looked at Spike for a moment, replaying what she had done so far with all the other girls before smiling and began gently rocking herself from side to side instead of pulling and trusting. Smoke then moved her hand and began rubbing the scaly part of Spike's back, who immediately shivered at the familiar sensation of Fur on scales, The sensation was strangely different since Kirin's had thinner scales than dragons Spike could feel the rubbing sensation deep into her muscles, it was a strange feeling, and Spike felt that if she had the ability to climax with her own pleasure she may have done so as Smoke rubbed her scales. "Oh, I forgot I had those," Spike chuckled nervously as Smoke light ran her hands along with them, Smoke ran her hands up to Spike's Stomach and moved them to her breasts, lightly massaging them as she lean in and rested the tip of her muzzle against Spikes. "I see your scales are sensitive," Smoke whispered, "Tell me, did you remember you had these here?" Smoke stick out her tongue and licked the tip of Spike's muzzle, Spike's hips trusted forward as Smoke ran her tongue along with the thin layer of scale that ran between Spikes eyes, "I feel I should have," Spike wheezed out as she tried to keep her hips in check. "Let's make this great for both of us," Smoke smiled before placing her hands on Spike's scaly back and licking her face scales while she began pulling and thrusting. Spike found she was unable to move as her mind was wrapped in pleasure, unlike every other time Spikes Climax hit without warning and she had to hold onto Smoke as she filled her with her blessing, Spike thrust into Smoke a few times as the pleasure began dulling down. "I love you Mistress," Smoke whispered. "You...cheated," Spike said in between heavy breaths, Smoke just chuckled as Spike leaned into her and kissed her, "And I love you to Smoke, now how about we go join everyone else in their orgy with Autumn?" Smoke helped Spike to her hooved and they walked over to Autumn, who was drooling all along her front as the four other girls all suckled and licked on her. "Oh you're done," Autumns said before biting her lip "I guess we'll have to stop," "Heavens no," Spike chuckled, "Smoke you can take her lips, I'll do some minor rearrangements so everyone can play," Smoke walked forward and locked lips with Autumn, Around Autumns' waist Summer and Blue were still going to town, they were both using their hands to help pleasure Red and Ash, upon Smokes arrival Summer split away from Autumn and helped herself to Smoke. Red and Ash broke away from Autumn at Smoke's arrival and seemed less than pleased at being squeezed out, only for Spike to slide in and lift both Ash and Red with her magic. Spike slowly pushed the group away from the wall before pulling them down, Autumn laying on her back, Blue now lay down going to town on Autumn while Smoke moved to Kiss Autumn from above while caressing her breasts, causing Summer to Slide under her to eat away at her. Spike sat down behind Summer and Slid into her from behind, Summer made a Noise but began rocking as Spike began giving a slow thrust, to complete the Train Spike Set Ash and Red down next to her, Ash chose to go to the opposite end and Slid between Blues legs, going to town on her as she went down on Autumn. Red looked sad as she found no opening for her, only for Spike to Pick her up again. "Well then, looks like you get to be my tasty treat," Spike lifted up Red and put her legs over her shoulder before slurping away at her, Red held onto Spike's horn and pressed her head against the wall as Spike put one of her hands on her and the other on Summer. Spike lost count of how many times she ended up climaxing as they began slowly changing partners and splitting apart at random, after what may have been hours a knock sounded at the door. "Yes?" Spike called as she stopped trusting into Blue and pulled her tongue out of Autumn. "Spike," Twilight called "I want to speak with you, in private, actual private this time," Spike stared at the door, before looking around the mess of a room. "Give me like 5 minutes," Spike called back "I...I need to find my clothes," "Aw," Autumn muttered "It's no fun if you're not watching us," a low murmur of agreement sounded across the room as Spike searched for her golden undergarments and Pink robe. "My darling babies," Spike said in a stern voice as she found her Bikini top bra and put it on "If you don't wanna rut, then talk, learn about each other's interests, become more than just girls who are in the same Haram, try to become friends," "I hate to be that Kirin," Autumn cut in "But I'm pretty sure the only things Smoke and Ash do are worship you," "Girls I have to go talk to an angry Alicorn," Spike said as she began putting on her golden Boxer shorts, "I may be gone a while, you don't have to stay in the room, you can go out and live your lives, just try to be home before it gets dark, I'll be up all night worrying if you're gone too long," Summer found Spikes Robe as all the girls began slowly hunting around for their clothing. "Alright," Spike put the robe on and magically moved any wet stains to the floor to deal with later "now line up for goodbye Kisses" Twilight was tapping her hoof impatiently when Spike walked out of the room, tying her robe shut to try and look civil. "How long was I in there?" Spike asked as he looked out to see the Sun was still very much in the sky. "About two hours," Twilight guessed as they began walking away from the room and down the hall. "Dam, I'm way more efficient than I thought I would be," Spike chuckled nervously "Or maybe I'm just bad in bed, so did Rainshine fill you in on the..." "Spike please tell me you didn't just jump into some magical pond because you were promised free sex," Twilight begged of her, Spike looked at her for a very long moment before looking away. "There was talk of war declarations if I refused," Spike said nervously, Twilight just frowned at her and she quickly changed her rebuttle "Maybe I was tempted by sex, but it was mostly the war thing...kinda...mostly...like 30 percent of it was the war thing...maybe 20," "I...can't believe you sometimes," Twilight groaned "Spike if this was about cheap sex you could have just gotten some in the Crystal Empire," "Cheap se...Cheap Sex!?" Spike looked offended "Twilight I am in a relationship, with girls who love me for me," "No they love you for your body, I bet they don't know anything about who you are as a person," Spike stared at Twilight for a moment before she added "Do they even know your name? anything about you personally? Or do they just care about your fetish full of a new body?" "Ow," Spike said in a hurt voice, "Although I also know very little about them, Don't even know Red or Blues real names, But still ow," "Spike we need to leave," Twilight said in a hushed voice "When it gets dark we'll sneak you out, I doubt the Kirins will actually declare war on Equestria, there are fewer Kirins in the Kirin Grove than there are Ponies in Ponyville," "I don't wanna leave," Spike shot back with a huff "I'm only just getting to know my girls, and they're just starting to get to know me, also I can use magic now and it is an absolute delight, now way am I turning back into a Dragon," "Spike I have talked with the Princesses..." "Who may or may not be the bad guys in this scenario," Spike pointed out. "Spike the Kirin are a small race, even if what Rainshine says is true, Ponies would have needed that fertilization magic more than they would," "So you're saying Celestia, and maybe Luna if she was around during that time and not stuck on the moon, was in the right to drain me, or at least the Kirin everyone thinks was me, of all her magic for her own purpose, even though she was there to help them in the first place," "Spike I am sure Celestia has a reasonable explanation," Twilight said simply. "Yeah, like that time she used the elements to banish Luna, then you used the same elements to cure her instead?" Spike asked "That's an epic example of her problem-solving skills under pressure, maybe it was an accident but I can dam well see Celestia draining someone of all their magic and then just not doing anything to try and fix it herself," "Spike," Twilight hissed angrily "She does her best for us," "I'm not saying she doesn't try, I'm saying she doesn't have a good track record of doing well under pressure, So I'm standing firmly in my tracks, I'm not choosing a side until I find out what the hell happened to me that ended up creating the Everfree forest," "Spike you can't honestly believe in all this," Twilight pleaded "Do you actually think you're some fallen Kirin Goddess?" "I believe that Rainshine believes that," Spike replied simply "I doubt she would have let me sleep with her if this was some kind of evil ploy to get me to destroy Equestria, and if it is I am not proud to admit who I might side with," Spike waited for a reply before noticing Twilight was no longer next to her, "Twi?" Spike asked as she turned to look for her sister when the door next to her flung open and she was blasted by a wall of Confetti and Ribbons, the Ribbons were thick as a rope and wrapped around her body almost fully, Spike lost her balance and fell less than presently onto her chin. "Oh Pinkie you didn't," Spike said in a disappointed tone as she lay on the floor, neatly tied up with a bow. "I'm sorry," Pinkie cried out as she rolled her "She used the 'I'm your Princess and you have to do as I say' Card, She cheated, oh Spike I'm so sorry," "Oh, Twilight you didn't," Spike amended, still sounding Disappointed. "Spike you'll thank me when I've found a way to turn you back into you," Before Spike could say anything a black horn cap was placed on the tip of her horn, and her mouth was tied shut. "Alright Magic sealed and voice silenced," Twilight and Pinkie dragged Spike into the room and shut the door, the rest of the main 6 was waiting for them in silence. "Twilight," Applejack said calmly "I'm confident they won't let us leave with her," "This is what Celestia said needed to be done," Twilight replied "We just need to get him far away, and then we can work on turning him back," "I would just like to say for the record," Rainbow chimed in "No one wants to do this to you, Spike, but Twilight pointed out she could technically fire me from the Wonderbolts for refusing to obey a direct order from the Princess, and I'm sure she made similar points to everyone else, Sorry buddy," Spike made several noises as she attempted to talk but the Ribbon kept her mouth firmly shut. "Alright, the Horn cap crafted from pieces of Chrysalises throne will keep Spike from using magic or turning into a Nirik to escape, but also prevents me from teleporting him, we have to get him to the train without being spotted," as Twilight began making Plans Spike was held up by Pinkie and looked around the room before groaning at the situation Twilight had pulled her into. "This is not helping me stay neutral," Spike thought angrily as she waited for her friends to drag her away. > All Tied up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was propped up against a wall and stared at her friends irritably as they tried to figure out how to get away with her. "Why can't you carry her?" Rainbow demanded "I can't go very fast with a tied up passenger, and if they spot me I'll get hunted down by an army of royalty pissed off Niriks. "Alright if Rainbow can't do it then flying is out," Twilight muttered "The Endcap prevents us from carrying her with Magic, Pinkie you'll have to disguise her. "Oh first you soil the sanctity of my Party Cannon by turning it into a weapon of Kirin-Kidnappery, now you want to do the same with my Spy skills?" "Pinkie we are helping Spike escape," Twilight groaned "He'll thank us all when we fix him," "Darling," Rarity said nervously "Are you sure you're really helping her do anything?" Rarity motioned towards Spike as she spoke "She Frankly looks exceptionally peeved off at all of this, and let's be honest, while not to my personal tastes I can see why a flock of Kirins would be drawn towards her now that she has the goods," Rarity shook her head "Wish mine where that big," She muttered, earning a visibly smug look from Spike beneath the Ribbon. "Rarity, Celestia warned me that Spike might get drunk with power, and look at him, harems, walking around in underwear and a robe, saying Celestia might be the bad guy, He's clearly gone nuts," Spike stared blankly at Twilight, his feelings on Celestria returning to something more Neutral now that he knew Twilight was not following a direct Kidnap command from Celestia and was instead twisting a warning to her fit her own goal. "Ok, but did Celestia tell you to tie her up, kidnap her, then try to 'cure' her?" Applejack countered "Because I can't imagine she'd look at this and call it a well thought out plan, or even a plan because it feels like you don't have one and your more trying to convince yourself, Spike, is somehow being controlled" "Oh Please, like Spike has the charisma to manage a six-girl Haram," Twilight chuckled, Spike gave an offended muffling sound and Fluttershy walked up to her and removed the Ribbon from her mouth. "Oh...thank you," Spike said as Fluttershy smiled. "Fluttershy," Twilight said irritably. "What?" She asked "Spike clearly wanted to say something," "I take offense to that," Spike declared "that was what I was trying to say through the ribbon, that wasn't directed towards you Fluttershy, could you please untie me," "Oh um..." For a second Spike thought she was actually going to be untied, but Fluttershy was delicately picked up and taken away from Spike by Twilight. "Fluttershy please just don't get involved at the moment," Twilight begged of her. "I just wanna say I'm no longer mad at Celestia, but I'm fairly Pissed at you Twi-" A Ribbon was once again secured around Spike's muzzle by magic and Spike just stared at Twilight irritable. "Now, we need a plan, come on I'm not sure how long we have until they realize he's gone," Rainshine sat in her room alone, looking over multiple documents about problems and complaints that needed tending to. "Progress on expanding the Grove seems to be going well," She muttered "It'll be tripled in size this time next year if we keep up this pace, maybe our darling Goddess could lend a hand, I'll have to ask if she'd be interested in leading a hand sometime...maybe after she's had another week or two of bonding with her new lovers," Rainshine signed a few papers so the Lumberjacks would know which trees needed to go and which ones would be left for the construction workers to make into new homes. "I can't wait to see the day where my people all have their own homes, instead of bucking together in group living spaces, the effects of the fire are still felt even to this day," Rainshine was about to move on to an invoice from the Hunter and Gather Kirins asking for better quality tools when the door to her room burst open. Rainshine was ready for a lot of Kirins to burst open, but the one who burst in was enough to fill her with dread, the Kirin before her was dark red with a golden mane, and she wore a long pink dress and a pink Circlet that had a V-shaped dip in the center of it to help maneuver it around her horn, a pink heart-shaped stone dangled from the bottom of the v. "Rainshine," She said with a look of terror in her eyes "Terrible news, horrible news, the worst of news," "Moonstone," Rainshine asked with worry as she made her way to the Priestess who was in charge of running the church that Worshiped the Goddess of Fertility, "What's wrong?" She demanded, knowing that Moonstone was only capable of thinking of her Goddess Rainshine had taken great care to make sure she stayed away from the Goddess, mostly fearing Moonstone's intensity would freak her out. "The Pond," Moonstone cried out "Her sacred magic restoring Pond its-," Moonstone fell to the floor, breathing deeply, "Oh boy, oh man I had to run so far, oh boy I think I might be sick," "Moonstone," Rainshine said, snapping her fingers to get her attention "What about the pond," "It...oh boy, oh It's bad, one second," Moonshine took a few more breathes before managing to declare the problem "It just turned Pink, scriptures say it should slowly turn Pink over the course of a few years, but for it turn so fast so soon after it had been used by the All-Mother something has-oh no the room is spinning," Moonshine had attempted to get up but fell back down "Sorry, I'm so sorry, Something has happened to the All-Mother, someone has sealed her Magic away, her magic no longer being in the air is what turns the water pink we have to-Oh no I need to lay down," Rainshine looked to Moonstone for a moment before turning away and running to her Balcony, her home overseeing all of Kirin Grove, She walked out and lit her horn, making her voice heard all across the Grove. "I have just received word someone has sealed the Goddesses Magic away," Rainshine cried out "I want all Kirin of the Grove Guardians, on duty or off, to search for her, search everywhere, every home every room," Rainshine cut off her magic and rushed to Moonstone, who was still trying to get to her feet. "Oh I need to walk more," She said as she forced herself to stand up with the aid of magic. "Come along Moonstone," Rainshine said as she walked out of the room "You're coming with me to the Goddess's personal Haram to see if they might know who she was last with, and to make sure this isn't some weird sex thing," "A Haram? Suppose it makes sense, The All-Mother is fabled to be fond of recreational sex," Rainshine rushed down to the room being used by Spike and his Harem and found five of them in the halls holding back one who was having a full blow Nirik break down. "I'm gonna kick her ass so hard It'll leave a dent," Nirik Autumn cried out. "Who," Rainshine demanded, "What happened, who took the Goddess," "That Purple Alicorn asked to talk with her in Private, and our dear darling asked us to let her go alone to talk," Ash said, her arms currently in Nirik mode to hold Autumn back without hurting herself. "Oh dear," Moonstone mumbled, shaking her head at the news as Rainshine silently clenched her fist. "Moonstone," Smokey greeted Polity "It's so good to see you again, sorry we haven't visited," "Oh no, I'd have forgotten all about the church if the All-Mother asked me to join her in a Haram," All Kirins Present suddenly felt an extreme heat building up and looked to Rainshine with fear in their eyes, resulting in them letting Autumn free, who immediately began running away from the group to search for Spike. "Oh that Princess Bitch," Rainshine said through gritted teeth as she began sparking. "Wow," Pinkie whistled as Rainshines message that Spike was missing ended "How long was that?" She asked as she looked around at her friends "I feel like it was less than ten minutes, good on you Spike, even the Crystal Ponies would have just gone about their day if they couldn't find you," Spike said nothing as she watched Rarity try to work with the supplies in the room they were hiding in, from what Spike had seen it seemed to be where Rainshines Maids stored their cleaning supply and other tools. Rarity frowned as she held up what she had been asked to do, several torn-up Maid's uniforms were scattered around her as she held up a poorly stitched Cloak with a hood. "Oh I hate it," Rarity said in disgust as she looked at it "But seeing how I used a broken bobby pin as a needle and thread pulled from other clothes It's holding together fairly well," Twilight took the cloak and wrapped it around Spike, throwing the hood over her head and using a poorly attacked button to keep it shut, mostly hiding Spike and her Ribbon based binding in it. "Alright everyone gathers around her and do your best not to draw attention as we head to the train," Spike looked around with great concern, the hood all but making her blind as Twilight and the others gathered around her. Unable to walk Applejack put her arms around Spike and Picked her up, carrying her as the rest of the group walked around trying to make it look like AJ and Spike were walking in the middle instead of one carrying the other. The group walked out of the room and Twilight looked around, having flown in she had no idea where the exit was. "I think the way out is that way," Fluttershy said, pointing down the hall. "Nice try," Twilight replied "But that's the direction I brought Spike from, this way everypony," "Sorry," Fluttershy whispered to Spike as they began moving. Spike continued mumbling in irritation as Twilight lead the group down the hall and ended up at an odd-looking door that upon being opened revealed a Library that was filled with half-filled bookshelves along with books scattered around the room sitting in tall piles. Before Twilight could shut the door and continue walking a somewhat terrifying voice screamed out in rage. "Twilight Sparkle!" All of the Main 6 along with Spike felt a shiver of fear at the demonic-sounding voice. Spike mumbled something and Applejack took the ribbon off her mouth. "Thirty Bits Rainshine just went full-blown Nirik," Spike said simply. "I'm not taking that bet," Rainbow decided as they all felt an odd heat being to fill the halls. "Maybe some of my girls too," Spike added after a moment before Twilight attempted to tie her mouth shut again, Spike flopped all of her weight into Applejack to tip her back slightly and the Ribbon was knotted in the air where her head had been a moment prior. "Good luck tying me down with that," Spike noted before crying out "If you can hear me, most of my Kidnapers are basically being blackmailed into being a part of this, Not Twilight though, she's just being crazy," "I am not Crazy," Twilight snapped back before the sound of Hooves running against the floor hit their ears, Autumn ran at the group alight with rage and swung at the closest Pony, Rainbow being that pony jumped out of reach of the flaming fist. "You," Autumn spat out, her voice burning with rage when she saw Applejack, "How could you be a part of this, I thought we were friends!" Autumn ran at Applejack and swung, just as she was closing in Applejack tried to step back before realizing it was either her or Spike getting punched. Without Hesitation Applejack lobbed Spike over her head and was decked in the stomach by a flaming fist. "Ow," Spike cried out as she hit the floor, Autumn turned at the sound and, after a moment, realized she had almost punched Spike at full strength. "For...the record," Applejack said as Autumn's fire blew out and she pulled away covering her mouth "I didn't wanna be a part of this..." Applejack fell to her hands and retched "Oh...oh that hurt a lot," "I'm so sorry," Autumn managed to say before being hit by a spell and sent back down the hall, Autumn tried to get back up but lay on the ground unmoving. "I...can't...move," She realized as the rest of Spikes Girls came running up to her. "Autumn?" Summer asked fearfully when she saw her lying still on the floor. "Paralysis...Spell," Autumn managed to say. "Spike..." "I'm over here," Spike said as Twilight picked her up "And everyone who is not Twilight is not willing a part in this, kind of a blackmail thing, I dunno I wasn't there for most of it," Twilight turned to her friends, who had all rushed to Applejacks aid. "Nope," Applejack said instantly as Rainbow tried to help her up "Nope, Nope, Nope," Rainbow let her be and instead simply stood in front of her. "Just uh...stay away from AJ and we stay away from you," Rainbow said with raised hands. Twilight said nothing in disagreement with her friend's declaration that they would no longer be helping to steal Spike. Twilight attempted to pull Spike further down the hall only for Ash to light her horn and nothing to happen. "Horncap prevents magic," Spike called to her "Can't use it and can't be used on me," Summer lit her horn at that, and Spike's poorly made cloak was enveloped in magic "Oh," Spike noted before she was quickly dragged towards them, Twilight made to counter this by using her magic to grab Spikes Ribbons and Spike braced herself, knowing full well what was about to happen. Twilight underestimated the strength of the cloak and with a single hard pull ripped right through it and sent Spike hurtling past her into the Library, Spike hit a stack of books and came to a halt when she slammed into a Bookshelf Spike landed on her hooves for a brief second before being hit in the face by one of the books from the pile she had hit and landed on the floor belly first with a slight bruise just above her right eye where the book had nailed her. Spike fooled herself into thinking it was over for a moment before hearing a creak and looking up as the entire Bookshelf began leaning forward. "Oh you have got to be joking," She managed to say before being pummeled by a storm of books, followed by the shelf slamming down on top of her, leaving her buried. Blue, Ash, and Smoke all ran towards the Libary while Red and Summer attempted to help Autumn get back up. Twilight raised a Barrier and blasted another Paralaise spell, Blue lit her horn and deflected it as she, Ash, and Smoke came to a halt. "How can you still be fighting us?" Smoke demanded "Our dear Darling is trapped in there," "oh please," Twilight said in irritation "You don't care for him, I bet you don't even know his name?" "Of course we do," Ash replied, looking offended. "Her name is Spike" Blue said simply "But that doesn't matter, She gave me a new name, and I'm sure she's thinking of giving herself a new name," "Yeah, she mentioned she felt it doesn't suit her any-why the hell are we discussing names, Sweetie can you hear me? are you ok!?" "I am....defiantly bleeding right now," Spike managed to cry out "Twilight please stop being crazy and help me," "I'm not being crazy Spike," Twilight snapped back "I'm trying to help you," "Oh, yeah no I feel so helped right now," Spike replied in muffled sarcasm "That must be why I'm in so much pain, from all the fucking help you're giving me," Twilight ignored Spike as she searched for a way past the Kirins when the intense heat began growing hotter, now accompanied by a light, Suddenly Twilight felt a shiver of fear run through her, at the same time Autumn snapped back up. "Oh no," She said as she looked behind her, Summer and Red helped her up and they rushed to the nearest wall and pushed themselves against it, the other three doing the same. "Yeah that can't be good," Rarity decided as she picked up Applejack and pulled her towards the wall, everyone shielding her from whatever was coming. "I've never seen her so mad," Blue said with a shiver of fear in her voice "She didn't go Nirik even during the great fire," Both groups watched as Rainshine slowly walked down the hall, her flames burning so high they were licking the ceiling and crawling towards the wall, Rarity added a dome around her friends as Rainshine passed them. Everyone was sweating from the heat she was emitting as she walked toward Twilight. Twilight held steady and began adding extra layers to her Barrier, Rainshine came to a stop in front of it and Twilight did her best to stare her down. "I'm not letting you keep him," She said angrily, Rainshine simply raised her hand and made a fist before punching through every layer of Twilights Barrier at once and shattering it, Rainshine began walking as the shock made Twilight fall to her knees, Twilight attempted to raise another one but Rainshine simply walked trough it as she entered the Library and tossed the Bookshelve aside with ease before killing her flames, Rainshine reached into the books and slowly pulled Spike out. "Oh hey," Spike said, the bruise above her right eye was now bleeding and she was forced to keep her right eye shut, Rainshine picked her all the way up and carried her back out, easily tearing apart the Ribbons and pulling the horn cap off before crushing it in the palm of her hand and tossing it towards Twilight "You didn't hurt any of my friends did you," Spike asked as she looked at them "I'm so sorry," Autumn cried out in response to Spike's question as she rushed to him and pulled him into a hug "I punched Applejack in the gut," "I'll live," Applejack called back "Was either me or Spike," "Oh, Spike?" Moonstone asked as she arrived just in time to hear the name, "What an odd name, Is the All-Mother trying something new? Cause I think she should go with Felicity, cause it kind of sounds like Fertility and you know what It can wait till later, more important things going on at the moment, sorry," "Who's that?" Spike asked in confusion. "That's Moonstone," Smoke replied "She runs your church," "Oh, neat," Spike muttered "I need to sit down my head is spinning," "Red, Blue," Rainshine said at once "please take our Lady to my room and treat her wounds, same for her friends over there, I need to have words with Princess Twilight," The Main 6 helped Applejack move while Spikes Haram and Moonstone helped her walk before realizing she was limping slightly and switched to carrying her like she was surfing the crowd at a concert. "You can't even begin to perceive how lucky you are," Rainshine said simply "Last time I fell to my rage I ended up killing the one who enraged me so before I could cool myself off," "How," Twilight demanded 'How did you punch through a nine layered Shield, even my strongest Spell would take a few seconds of continuous fire to break through that," "A Nirik's flames are filled by magic, not air, so never forget that the longer you attack a Nirik with magic and fail to take it down you'll only make them angrier and stronger," Rainshine watched Spike be carried away before adding "Don't think for a moment that being a Princess is what made me spare you, you're lucky you hold a special place in my Goddesses heart, even after harming her I could still feel her wanting to talk you down instead of beat you down, so be thankful that your Spike, even after becoming a deity, still cares for you greatly, because the only thing preventing me from starting a war over this is her desire for peace," Rainshine began walking away calming after them "We'll be in my room when you're ready to apologize for, as I think my darling Goddess put it, being crazy" Spike and Applejack both lay on Rainshines bed, Moonstone was cleaning Spike's head wound while his Harem watched in silence, Applejack had a large bandage over the fist-shaped burn mark on her stomach. "Yeah sorry," Rainbow said sadly "But Doc Moonstone says you ain't getting a sexy scar," "Shut up and let me sleep," Applejack replied simply as Fluttershy helped put a Pillow under her head "My everything hurts," "So..." Pinkie said sliding closer to the Haram "How does a 7 Kirin Harm work exactly, do you have like a sign-up sheet of who sleeps with who on what days or just wing it, or do you just all smother Spike?" "I understand our dear darling has forgiven you," Ash said calmly. "But we're still fairly pissed with all of you Save Applejack and Fluttershy since their history with us makes it easier to forgive" Smoke finished. "Right, questions later," Pinkie noted as she slowly slid away from the Haram. "So, Felicity sounds good right?" Moonstone asked in a quiet tone. "I'll think it over," Spike replied simply "Once I can open my eye without getting blood in it," "Right, right, time and place," Moonstone replied as she pulled out a Pink cube and placed it in Spike's mouth. "Just suck on that and the damage should be fixed before you swallow it all," "Thank you," Spike said as she pulled herself out of the bed. "You really should lay down," Moonstone recommended "If you want to, of course, I can't demand anything of you All-Mother," "Frankly I feel like I haven't eaten in days, probably because I've only eaten once since coming here," "Oh, that can't be healthy," Moonstone muttered before being surpassed by Spikes Haram. "What do you mean you've only eaten once?" Ash demanded, "Have you not eaten anything since last night?" "Have not," Spike confirmed. "Was a little distracted, sure you can guess what exactly was holding my attention," Spike stood silently for a moment before being surrounded. "Come along my Sweet sugar pie," Smoke decided. "Time to get some food in you," Ash agreed. "You'll need your strength to hold the weight of the love we plan to shower you with," Summer confirmed. "Oh, I can cook up a mean Meatloaf" Autumn offered. "I'll make some mashed Potatoes," Red added. "I'll make some veggies to go on the side," Blue finished as Spike was taken out of the room with haste. "I'm not gonna just sit around and be served," Spike said with a determined tone of defiance "I'm helping in some way," The Main 6 watched the group leave and Pinkie chuckled. "They seem nice," Pinkie decided "Think if we throw them a 'Sorry we stole your Goddess Party' they'll forgive us?" "I wouldn't," Moonstone replied as she waited for the Haram to make distance before leaving to not spoil their time together, "Any way have fun, I have a lot of things to do, and less time than usual to do them thanks to you lot and your kidnapping attempt," Moonstone hurried out of the room and left the Main 6 alone for only a few minutes before Rainshine arrived. "I see my darling has already flown the coop to be with her dear lovers," Rainshine noted "And since we're all alone, care to explain yourselves?" "She threatened to fire me," Rainbow replied simply "Took years of work to get to where I am in the Wonderbolts and she just threatens to fire me, it was probably an empty threat but I couldn't risk that, Also let's be serious Twilight didn't have a plan and we didn't exactly help her much," "She was gonna cut funding to my Animal sanctuary," Fluttershy added. "She just used the, I'm the Princess and you must obey card on me," Pinkie muttered "She is so getting a Suprise party at the worst possible time, maybe a Bad mane day party or something," "Seeing how my dear Spike harbors no ill will towards any of you I will not seek to have justice done," Rainshine replied simply "I'll just take what happened to poor Applejack as your punishment," "No Regrets," Applejack replied immediately "Was me or Spike, and I doubted Autumn was gonna calm down if I let her punch the one who she was trying to get back," "You lot all stay here with me," Rainshine said simply "We will wait for your Princess while I get back to work, we can only hope she isn't stupid enough to press her luck in this matter and comes here quickly," Rainshine walked out to her balcony to call off Spike's search before returning to her work. > The Name Solution > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite wanting to be involved in the kitchen Spike had been talked out of it when Ash, Smoke, and Summer had dragged her back into their room. Spike now lay back on the bed with all three of them in a cuddle pile. Ash lay on her Right, Smoke was on her left, and Summer had pressed up against her body, her chest was pressed into Spike and she was using her thighs to slowly pump away at Spike, Ash and Summer had claimed Spike's neck and face, Smoke was snuggling away at Spike's neck while Ash was experimenting with Spikes newly found weak spot between her eyes. "Oh look at that face," Summer chuckled as Spike went slithy crossed eyes at Ash's tongue movements. "Someone loves all the attention she's getting," Ash stopped licking for a moment and moved slightly so Summer could give Spike a kiss Before laying Spike the other way and Letting Smoke lick at her weak spot while Ash got her snuggle times in. With Spike torturously distracted, Red, Blue, and Autumn were busy making a large meal for seven with a handful of Maids. "I'm sure our darling Kirin of the Garden could have helped us," Autumn pointed out to Red and Blue "I bet she could have grown us some fresh produce to work with," "our dear Lover has a thing for Maids," Blue responded in a whisper "And I want this to be a romantic dinner for us, not a dinner bombarded by other Maids trying to get in on the action, I'm fairly sure out bed is already going to be a crowded mess tonight and adding more will just make things harder on us all," "So you're going by Red and Blue now?" One of the Maids asked Red as she chopped up some Potatoes with her magic before setting them to boil in a pot "Doesn't seem like a very imaginative nickname if you ask me," "I kind of like it," Red replied curtly "Besides I seem to recall some rather hurtful nicknames being tossed at Blue in her younger years for her name," "Oh come now," One of the Maids chuckled back "You know her name is kind of funny," "Maybe so, but now she's Blue and I'm Red," Red snapped back "Now I appreciate your help but me and Blue are making this meal for the Goddess of Fertility, and only me, her, and Autumn Blaze are permitted to serve to food so I'll have to ask you all to leave the premises before we serve, She's very hungry and We'd prefer she be left in peace instead of having to deal with all of you trying to get into her pants, metaphorically I mean, I've only ever seen her wear Boxer shorts" "Worries she might replace you with another maid" one of the Maids asked. "No, I'm worried we'll run out of room on our bed," Red replied calmly as she began sliding the sliced Potato bits off of her cutting board and into the steadily warming pot of water. "Well....jealous or not I do have something important to tell you Red," The green Maid leaned in closer "you recently broke up with Thunderdust of the Grove Guardians didn't you?" "What does that bastard have to do with anything?" Red demanded. "Oh Nothing, but rumors going around he has a plan to get you back, he's been telling people the Goddess stole you from him," "Get me..." Every creature in the Kirin flitched at the loud Metal Tang of Red Slamming her knife onto the edge of the counter, denting it in the process "If you see that cheating son of a bitch you tell him I've been with my darling Goddess for less than a day and she's already treated me with more tender care than he ever did in the three years we were together," Red began sparking as she left her station to try to get a new knife. "And remind his stupid ass I broke up with him two weeks before the Goddess even arrived," "Why you gotta go pissing her off?" one of the other Maids asked of the green one. "Just making sure she knows to keep an eye out for him, knowing that guy he's gonna make a big fuss out of this when Rainshines temporary ban on males is lifted and the Grove Guards begin patrolling the halls again tomorrow" Red muttered angrily as she walked past Blue and Autumn. "So..." Autumn said awkwardly "This Ex of your..." "Oh like you were a virgin when you slept with the Goddess," Red Spat back angrily as the tips of her ears ignited. "No, no I was not," Autumn quickly assured her "I've had a few Exes, Girls and boys across the board, No judgment coming from over here was just gonna say he sounds like a jerk, you know because of the whole 'Cheating son of a bitch' part of your angry rant," "I...I don't wanna talk or think about him," Red muttered as she made her way over to the potato station, Autumn looked over to Blue, who was making a large pot of Green beans and Corn mixed together with what looked to be Pasta noodles, Autumn was torn between asking Blue if she knew anything about Red's ex or asking what exactly she was making. "Thunderdust slept with Red's old Roommate," Blue notified her "Multiple times from what I heard, And I accidentally dumped the wrong thing into my pot So I'm just trying to make it work," "Ah, some meat sauce and parmesan will make it right as rain," Autumn assured her as she put her meatloaf into the oven "I'll help, let me just wash my hands," Spike yawned as he waited for his three missing girls to return. Ash and Smoke lay on the bed covered in sweat and panting, with Summer crying out for her to go faster as she tried to hold onto the bed, Spike had her arms crossed and was thrusting in and out of Summer's back exit rhythmical, Summer was pulling away and pushing back in syn to allow for a more involved experience, Spike Smiled as she filled Summer with her love for the third time since Smoke and Ash had fallen out. "Your impressive," Spike chuckled "The energy blessing has definitely blossomed within you, seems to be taking Smoke and Ash some time for it to come out though," "We're fine," Ash assured her. "Confident it'll take effect before the end of the day," Smoke agreed "Then we can all spend the night together without sleep, oh sweet mother," Smoke suddenly shot up with a sparkle in her eye "twelve straight uninterrupted hours, Smoke lost all traced of exhaustion and jumped to Spike, Summer greeting her by placing her hands around Smoke's hips and digging into her waiting entrance while Smoke locked her Hips with Spikes and placed her hands on Spikes rear and began squeezing, Spike and Summer both still keeping up their rhythmic motions even with Summer gaining her permanent second wind," "Oh come on," Ash muttered as she tried to force herself up, having let Spike have a go at every part of her body several times as they waited for dinner "Come on she's waiting for you, come on you got this," Spike pulled out of Summer and broke her kiss with Smoke, Summer tuned over and pulled Smoke down, digging her face into her opening, Smoke wasted no time accepting the Invitation and the two rolled over to their sides to enjoy each other's openings. Spike got off the bed and walked into Ash's vision. "Hi Ash," Spike said sweetly "Having a problem getting your blessing to blossom?" "oh, no don't worry, I'll be ready by tonight," Ash said confident, Spike nodded and watched Summer and Smoke in silence, Ash waited for Spike to go back to them but instead just watched Spike being to pleasure herself with her own hands. "On no," Ash said at once "You never have to stoop so low as pleasuring yourself," The Idea of sex happening without her Goddess being involved seemed to be the spark Ash needed as she got a spark all her own and, Ash took a deep breath and before licking her lips to make her mouth wet. "Oh My lady," Ash called to get Spike's attention, "You seem to still have some of Summer's love all over you, come let me clean you," Spike smiled at the noticeable lack of exhaustion in Ash's voice and walked over to her, Ash began licking away at Spikes mast as soon as it was within touching distance and guided it down so it slid snuggly into her bosom before she pressed her breasts together and began doing her best to pleasure Spike as she licked away at the underside of her mast. Spike put her hands out and used her hands to explore Ash while Ash played with her mast. After a moment Ash pushed herself away until her mouth greeted Spike's tip and she began licking it before speaking to Spike. "I want you to ravage my mouth," Ash decided "pound my throat and fill it with love," Spike found no reason not to and waited until Ash had slid her mast in before she gingerly trapped her throat and began thrusting into it, picking up the speed after a moment, Spike realized after a moment that Ash was lasting longer than she usually did and decided to increase the pleasure with a little magic, a light aura surrounded Ash's brests and Spike chuckled. "Let's try something new," She decided as she began pressing and pulling on Ash as though she was being milked. Ash made several noises as Spike trust as far down as she could before dropping down and shoving her tongue inside of Ash, lapping away before going back to thrusting, there was less force but that proved not to matter when Spike gave one final shove and filled Ash with her love, Ash gripped Spike and pulled her in as she was slowly filled with love, doing her best to slurp it down before it began dripping out of her mouth. Spike stopped slurping and began lightly kissing Ash as she waited for Ash to pull away, after a moment Ash pulled out and Spike stood up, Ash was suddenly dropped away as Summer and Smoke broke apart and Summer called dibs on Ash as Smoke jumped Spike in a very literal sense as Smoke knocked Spike down to the bed and began kissing her before pushing her entrance over Spikes mast and trusting away as she rubbed at Spikes sensitive back. Spike lay back and took it as Summer began rubbing her entrance against Ash's. Spike was unsure how long Smoke plowed away at her before Spike finally filled her with love, Smoke slowed to a stop when a couch claimed the group's attention. Autumn stood by the door with a slight red tinge to her face. "Hey, Dinners read," She said with a chuckle "Summer, you Smoke and Ash are all on clean up duty afterward so the rest of us get some time with our dear darling, make sure to take your time ok, give us at least an hour before coming back ok?" "Seems fair," Summer said as she and Ash broke apart. "Yeah," Ash sighed "I guess our Lover has to make sure your blessings all blossom forth so we can spend a long sleepless night together after all," "Give us a moment," Summer said with a shiver as liquids began trailing onto the bed between her and Spike "I'm still..being filled with...love...wow this is a lot more than usual," "Your fault for touching my scales," Spike breathed back as she tried to stop herself from drooling "Speaking of which your hands are still rubbing them," Spike let out a low moan as she suddenly thrust into Smoke, who squeaked "don't think I can stop until-oh sweetness" Spike bit her lip as she began panting "Smokey darling you have to stop rubbing," "Oh," Autumn smiled wickedly, "Somecreature write that down," Spike sat at the head of the dining table in the chair she had used previously, without Rainshines lap to sit on Spike felt small, even knowing the chair was made for a Kirin almost twice her size the feeling lasted as The meal was served by Red and Blue, who took their time to cut up the Meatloaf into seven-piece, separate a bowl of Veggie meat Spagatei into seven portions, and spread out the Mash potatoes in the same manner. The Plates were passed around and to finish things off cups of cold water were passed out before Red and Blue took their places, the Table was long but Everyone had crammed along one edge since no one wanted to be left too far away from the others for casual conversation. "So," Spike noted after taking a bite of her Meatloaf, "Moonstone said I should think about going by Felicity, any thoughts on that?" "Oh honey," Smoke said, being on Spikes direct right "You can pick whatever name you want for yourself, but I'm still going to call you my darling Goddess Because truly that is the only word that can truly describe your splendor," "I'm kind of liking Lover actually," "Oh I can use it," Autumn decided "Felicity, the Garden Queen," Autumn muttered for a moment "Garden Queen actual sounds way better than the Kirin of the Garden, and the Garden part is just a partial labeling description, but Queen sounds kind of odd without much content," as Autumn began falling down a spiral of trying to pick out a nickname for her to call Spike by Summer cut in. "I'm rather fond of changing things up," Summer decided "My Lady, honey, darling, just gurgling out in pleasure in your general direction as I swallow your love, I'm fine with all of these choices," "Oh, I kind of Like Summer's idea," Blue agreed, there was a moment of awkward silence and everyone turned to Red, who was looking at her food with a less than merry expression as she poked at it. The only sound in the room was Autumn still going on her tangent trying to pick a nickname for Spike. "...and Sugar seems a little too southern now that I say I out loud, maybe if I add something more to it like Sugar-tits...no that sounds like something a drunk guy at a bar would call out to the waitress or something, oh maybe I could make something out of Waitress..." Autumn continued her spiral as Spike got up and used magic to take the closet seat and place it next to Red before sitting in it. "Red," Spike said, Red looked up and visibly jumped a little at finding Spike was now directly next to her "What's wrong darling?" "Oh, Mistress..." Red jumped again when Autumn cried out. "Mistress, That's it, perfect, wait what happened why is she over by Red did...?" Summer gently used to fingers to shut Autumn's mouth and shushed her. "go on dear," Spike said with a smile "Tell me what's wrong," "It's nothing really..." "I could taste the dishonesty in that statement," Spike said immediately "If you don't want to talk about it I understand but you don't have to lie and pretend everything ok, you can honestly tell me something wrong, but then tell me it's none of my business if your not ready for me to be there...you know emotionally," "What, no," Red immediately lost interest in her plate "You are not just sex to me," "Ok but that is how you and Blue joined me, I said you looked sexy in your maids uniform and you jumped aboard the love train...or something, wow that was a stupid analogy, anyway Red if you're not ready it's..." "When you arrived Rainshine placed a temporary ban on all males and any females who had no interest in being blessed by you," Red said without hesitation "That Ban ends tomorrow, and among the male staff my Ex-boyfriend is going to be coming back tomorrow," "Ah," Spike nodded "I can see how that might be a tad awkward," "Oh no it gets worse," Red assured her "He's been spreading rumors that we broke up because you stole me from him," "I did!?" Spike asked in shock "Oh my stars am I a homewrecker?" "No," Red cut in "We broke up weeks ago, he's planning to make me out to be in the wrong, probably because I broke up with him, and making it out to sound like I cheated first will make him sound more sympathetic so he can pick up some poor girl at a bar in case his plan backfires," "Alright," Spike said calmly as she took in everything Red told her "And this plan is?" "Apparently he has some big shot plan to 'win me back' the worthless bastard," There was an odd Sound, and Spikes ear's perked as Red began sparking. "On my poor darling," Spike pulled Red into a hug "Please don't grind your teeth I'd hate for you to chip one and have to see you in pain," Spike softly patted the top of Red's head as she hugged her, Red hugging her back silently after a moment. Spike held Red in her embrace until she was sure Red was no longer sparking before pulling away and putting her hands under Red's muzzle to make her look into her eyes. "Honey, what did he do to you?" Spike asked in a calm voice. "He was supposed to meet me at my home so we could go out for dinner," Red looked away from Spike as she spoke and Spike let her go as Red leaned against the table "but I had to stay late to help clean up after an Incident with the local schoolhouse yearly visit, when I got home I found him rutting my roommate, and when they saw me...they didn't even stop, he just...just yelled at me to get out, when I saw him next he tried to convince me it was my fault for not being more concerned with his needs..." Red jumped as a new light source changed the lighting of the room, she turned to Spike and was mildly frightened at what she saw, Spike was staring at Red blankly, her right eye twitching slightly, and most concerning of all both of her ears were currently flickering with flames that were slowly growing in power. "He cheated on you and-" Spike gave a chuckle that mildly frightened Red " -and he just blamed you for it? And now he thinks he can just walk up to you, one of my darling girls, and...and just harass you?" Spike's laugh became slightly unhinged as Red stared at her ears in silence before tears began filling her eyes. "You...you really care?" Red realized, she hadn't fully realized but deep in her heart, she had been afraid Spike was only pawning after her because of her being a maid, doomed to eventually be replaced by the next Maid that caught her eye. Red launched forward and gripped Spike tightly as she cried into Spike's robe. Spike lightly patted Red looking confused at the reaction and responding with a nervous chuckle. "Of course I do," Spike said "I know our first time together was just blind lust, but I care for you, I care for each and every one of you, and If someone wants to fuck around with one of my girl's their gonna regret it real fucking quickly," Spike caressed Red gingerly as she sobbed into Spikes robe, content to do nothing but just be loved. "Alright," Spike said, turning to the group without letting go of Red "So the matter of my name?" "I think we should go with Summers Idea," Smoke said in an oddly calm voice "I...I like being able to use all your names...and I'd miss being able to call you Spike...I think we should use all of the names we've been using for you," "Ok, I like the sound of that," Spike smiled "But try to keep anything sexual in nature just between us, don't wanna make any creature jealous...or uncomfortable," "Are you still hungry?" Autumn asked in a not-so-quiet attempt at a whisper "Want we should feed you so you don't have to let go of Red," "Sounds like a solid solution," Spike agreed "I don't wanna leave my poor babies side at the moment either," Spike walked back into her room with Red snuggle hugging her, Blue was happily taking the other side but Autumn was hanging back as she locked the door and turned to Spike with a devious smile. "Spike," Autumn said with a smile "You know that trick you and Smoke figured out just before dinner," "OH, a trick?" Blue asked, "Is it something good?" "Oh nothing much, just a nice way to sit back and enjoy being filled with our darling's love for as long as you want to, I'm sure Red would love you to show it to her," "What say you Red," Spike asked with a smile "Want to experience my ultimate finish," Red looked at Spike for a long moment before smiling "Yes, I'd love to," She decided, Spike quickly stripped down and lay Red on the bed before pushing into her. "Blue, Autumn," Spike said without looking behind her "Just rub my back scales and don't stop until Red asks you to," Blue and Autumn did as they asked and Spike bit her lip before thrusting into Autumn, who wrapped her legs around Spike as she was penetrated, After a minute Spike felt the burning pleasure of her Climax and held nothing back as she began filling red with her love, Red lay back before making sound and kicking as Spike continued thrusting, unable to stop her climax. "Oh, yes," Red pulled herself out and held up Spike's mast, licking away at her flowing love, making a mess of her face as she pressed her tongue against Spike's tip and let it flow into her mouth before pulling away to swallow, she repeated the motion twice before grabbing the mast and sliding back beneath it, as the cream of life began flowing onto her belly Red wrapped her legs around Spike again and rubbed them up and down in a slow-motion against Spikes back scales. "Girls come and join us," Red decided, "I'll keep it flowing, just tell me when to stop," Blue and Autumn gave no arguments and hurriedly climbed into bed. Blue pressed her lower body against Spike's mast and began suckling while Autumn stuck the end in her mouth and let it fill before pulling away and going towards the base to have some fun of her own, with no one else after it Blue pressed her body against it and let it flow over her as she suckled. Spike stood in place, her mind failing to keep track of who was doing what as pleasure began overwhelming her senses. > A Smokey bath with Rainshine > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took Spike several minutes to realize she was laying on her bed, she blinked a few times before fully taking in that there was something cold on her head. "Oh, oh I think she's responding," Autumn cried out as she moved into Spike's vision, "Honey, can you hear me?" "Wha?" Spike asked, feeling as though she had just finished a hard night of drinking, Spike attempted to get up and was smacked with a hard case of vertigo. "Nope," She declared as she flopped back down "Everything all spinny,"' "Oh I'm so sorry," Red said as she repositioned the ice pack resting on Spike's head "Are you thirsty dear it...well it took us a moment to notice you'd gone loopy and we did use up a lot of your fluids in that time," "Oh no dear," Spike said after licking her lips for a moment "I'm fairly sure those liquids are mostly magic-based," Spike felt a breeze and looked to the side of the bed, finding Blue attempting to use her tail like a fan to blow some air onto Spike. "I'll be alright," Spike assured them "But, let's maybe save that particular kind of fun for holidays and birthdays," "I can live with that," Autumn smiled "Although maybe you could do it one more time, so everyone not currently present can have some fun," "Later," Spike promised "I have a thing with Rainshine and I feel the time for it is too fast approaching for me to blackout again," Spike slowly picked herself up, and with a little help got wobbly to her hooves, "Oh, kind of missing having feet at this particular moment," Spike muttered as she stumbled a little trying to keep upright, "Alright I'll go tell the others I have an appointment to keep so they can come back whenever they feel the need to," Spike slowly made her way towards the door as she attempted to shake her dizziness away. Spike barely made it to the door before being surrounded by her girls. "Since we stole the pep from your step-" Blue started. "-allow us to help you stand up straight," Red continued "Yeah, if you fell and hurt yourself I'd be mostly to blame since I started it," Autumn finished as she opened the door and lead the way while Red and Blue supported Spike to make sure she didn't hurt herself. "So," Spike looked to Red, trying to shake the fuzz from his head "Totaly not gonna do anything dramatic with it but...could you tell me your Ex's name?" "His name is Thunderdust," Red said simply "And don't you worry, nothing he says or does can't hurt me, he's all but dead to me, I'd rather focus on you than the years I waisted on that bastard," "Oh, wait," Blue cut in "Have you told her the story of the day after?" "Well no I.." Red attempted only for Blue to smile. "Oh your gonna love this part, So the day after he gets caught cheating Thunderdust has the gall to come up to us while we're waiting outside Rainshines room since Red has been covering Lotus Breezes' shift for the past few weeks while she's away on maternity," Blue shook her head at the mild tangent. "Sorry, anyway so Thunerdust walks up to us, which is very much against the rules mind you, a young kirin who worked for the Grove Guard was once caught trying to catch a peek in the room to see Rainshine changing, and now only a hand full of Maids are permitted to go anywhere near Rainshines door," Blue chuckled. "I did it again, sorry, alright so Thunderdust strolls up to us and begins chastizing Red, saying things like how she always kept him waiting late, and how her roommate was there for him, you know the basic whinny bitch shit cheaters cry out when they get caught, so He's standing there trying with all his might to convince Red that it was all her fault, so I walk away, go to the supply closet and get the mop, when I come back I hear him tell her he'll give her a second chance," "He didn't," Autumn gasped as she and Spike held onto every word of the story, Spike Holding onto Red as she muttered at the story. "So I roll up with the mop, dip it into the water, and this water is rancid, they had just finished the weekly kitchen mopping, so I get the mop nice and wet, Whistle to get his attention, a shove it into his face and told him to get the hell away from Rainshines room," "And then he punched you," Red finished, causing Spike and Autumn to both suddenly stop. "He did fucking what?" Spike demanded as the tips of her ears ignited again. "I shoved a week's worth of floor gunk into his face, some of it definitely got into his mouth," Blue said as Red attempted to use her hands to fan out the fire "I knew he would do it, and once he realized he had given one of Rainshine's personal maids a black eye the coward fucking ran, hasn't bothered our poor Red since," "So...this guy cheated on my Darling Red, yelled at her, and then when he was sacked with a mope for both breaking his workplace rules and harassment, he proceeded to punch my Sweet Baby Blue?" With every word more flames began flickering to life around Spike, her Ears, Tail, and hooves were now burning brightly as the fire began slowly consuming her. "Oh my stars," Summer Cried out suddenly as she burst out of the kitchen and Spike looked around in confusion upon realizing they had arrived at their destination, "Oh, no it's alright," Summer said as she pulled Spike into a hug and lightly rubbed her hands on her cheek as she began humming "It's ok," Smoke and Ash rushed out fairly quickly upon realizing Spike was close to going full Nirik. Spike was blissfully unaware she was slowly going up in flames as her girls all crowded around her and began snuggling up against her, Smoke lit her hand and took Spike's tail, slowly brushing her fur while also trying to smother the flames of her rage. "What is happening?" Spike asked with a nervous chuckle as her confusion at the sudden group snuggle hug caused her flames to flicker out. "We...we're just happy to see you," Ash said nervously "Nothing else, just happy you're here," "Ok?" Spike replied with a baffled expression as her girls pulled away from her. "So, you miss us already?" Smoke asked with a smile. "Actually I came to tell you I have urgent business with Rainshine so you'll all have to spend some time without me," Spike heard a small sound and turned to look at Smoke, who stared back expectantly. "Oh yeah, remember when I gave all of you a moment to be alone with me?" "Oh I loved every second of it," Red muttered with a smile. "Well, I promised I'd do something special for whoever went last, since they had to watch everyone else go before them, So Smoke will be coming with me on my meeting with Rainshine," "What kind of meeting has Smoke wanting to come along too?" Ash demanded suspiciously. "The kind that happens in a bath house," Spike replied flatly. "Oh, Dammit," Blue kicked out at the air, "I thought it was just gonna be going first next time, not a private date, I never should have cheated in rock paper scissors," "I knew it," Smoke laughed triumphantly, "I told you she cheated," "That's how you picked who went when?" Spike asked with a chuckle "I love it, alright come along Smoke, I might need a hand to get there, I'm a little lightheaded," "Are you ok?" Smoke asked with a tinge of concern as she and Spike split away from the group. "Well," Autumn sighed "I guess we'll just all have to have a go at Blue," "Wait...what?" Blue took a step back "I'm not really prime focus material Autumn," "Should have thought about that before you admitted to cheating," Red shot back, "I had to go next to last because of you, and I'm gonna make you apologize with a screen of pleasure," Blue slowly backed away nervously as her 4 remaining partners all smiled as they all began guiding her back to their room. "No, wait, what about Autumn, I'm sure she'd love to have all four of us on her, come on guys let's talk this out I'm not really sure I'm ready to be the center piece of an orgy," "...so we're gonna be saving it for holidays, birthdays, maybe a surprise if one of you is looking down in the dumps," "I certainly don't wanna see you out of it," Smoke agreed "What if someone tried to take advantage of you while you were unable to move," Smoke shivered at the thought as the arrived to their destination, Spike managed to find it's exact location thanks to Rainshine patiently waiting outside the door for them. "Sorry," Spike said upon getting within ear shot "Haven't really left the upper floor since I arrived, and finding the stairs took us a while," "Oh, you only brought one of your girls?" Rainshine asked with a disappointed look. "Eh, Blue cheated at a game so she could have solo sex with Spike before some of us," Smoke said casually "Everyone else is having some fun using her as the centerpiece of an Orgy," "I can't be the main attraction all the time, especially when I'm off on business, Blue might not be ready but I'm sure she'll have fun once she gets the hang of it...at least I hope so," "Well then," Rainshine opened the door to her private bath house and Spike lead Smoke inside with Rainshine entering after and locking up to prevent any maids from trying to get in on the action. "So...you call this a bath house?" Spike asked as she looked at the large body of water before her "Because it looks more like an Indoor Olympian sized Swimming pool," "I'm a tall woman," Rainshine countered as she began stripping "And being the Kirin leader it's not like I can just go to the groves swimming hole, Last time I went there I had to have a couple of teens arrested when they almost clipped off the tip of my ear trying to get a few strands of my mane," "Yeah, I understand" Spike muttered as she began stripping "Last time I went to the Crystal Empire a mob of admirers ended up ripping some of my scales out, I don't really wanna go back there now that I have some fur and mane for 'em to rip out," "Oh don't worry," Smoke said as she and Spike got into the water "If they do try such a thing they'll have a heard of angry Niriks to talk to," Spike looked around at the bath, the edge already belly deep for her, she attempted to find a place for her and Smoke to sit. "Over here," Rainshine said as she walked to the side and sat on the edge "This should be about shoulder length for you two," Spike and Smoke waded through the neck-deep bath and sat in the shallow area upon arriving, Rainshin slid in and was barely belly deep next to Spike as she handed Spike a Lofa and some of her cleaning products "So how do I use this?" Spike demanded as she inspected a bottle of Shampoo "Mane or full body?" "Have...have you never washed your mane before?" Smoke asked before smacking herself in the face "What am I saying? of course you haven't you were a Dragon three days ago, come over here love, I'll take care of it for you," Spike passed the bottle and turned her back to Smoke before looking up at Rainshime, who was lathering up her body as she waited for Spikes attention. "So," Spike said calmly "How is Twilight doing?" "Less than willing to listen," Rainshine replied "Applejack should be right as rain in the morning, although they've all but stolen my room from me, something there fairly adept at it would seem, I have asked that they cut their party in half and send half their numbers home, so as to reduce the likely hood they attempt another kidnaping," "Oh no worries," Spike said, casually passing over the idea of being tied up and carried away by her oldest friends again "You can just bunk with us for the night," Rainshine looked at Spike for a moment. "you could all just bunk with me every night and Intern give them the room you currently use," Rainshine offered. "Nice try, mystery-solving first, then you can join the Harem," "Oh your no fun," Rainshine whined. "You have a country to run, and I'd get lonely and sad if I went alone, and I can't go leaving any members of my Haram behind, so your out until I'm confident I can just live here forever," Spike jumped a little as Smoke began lightly running her hands across Spikes scalp. "Don't mind me hun," She said as she rubbed her hands gingerly around Spikes ears "Just helping get the smell of sex off of you," "Why do my ears smell like sex?" Spike asked in confusion "What did they do to me when I was unconscious?" Spike noted a less than appealing look on Rainshines face and quickly added "The Harem, not some strangers, my girls, I was asking what they did while I was unconscious," "Oh," Rainshine lost interest in the topic and went back to being jealous about her lack of an invitation while Smoke continued her work on her head. "So, I know you don't like them, Presumably because they tied me up and attempted to kidnap me, but I swear there usually very trustworthy, so long as Twilight doesn't go full Twilight Tyrant Sparkle," "Interesting middle name," Rainshine muttered, "Regardless are you asking for my blessing to leave?" Rainshine smiled at the idea, "Your a Goddess, your my suppior," "Yeah, but you'd be upset if I just left," Spike countered. "Alright now you just have to dunk your head into the water, but keep your eyes closed, and don't submerge your face," Smoke informed Spike, Spike turned to face Smoke and smiled. "Thank you, hun," Spike leaned back and proceeded to lay her head just above Rainshins lap, Rainshing looked at Spike before pulling her legs in and lay ontop of them to increase her sitting height so Spike could lay her head onto her lap, Rainshine began slowly rubbing against Spikes head to finish scrubbing her mane while Smoke began using loofa and scrubbing away at Spikes body. "Just give me a week, maybe two, Three tops," Rainshine pleaded "I don't want you just roaming around the Everfree forest so I've had all literary records on your 'death' taken to your church, both Moonstone and I are attempting to pin point where exactly they drained you of your magic," Spike softly cleared her throat and Rainshine groaned "where they "allegedly' drained you of your magic," She amended. "Alright," Spike agreed "But I have friends and family who should really be informed that this is the new me, so while I will agree to wait a maximum of three weeks before exploring the Everfree, I'm only staying here a few more days, two at best, before I head out, I need to visit the Crystal Empire, Canterlot, the Dragon Lands, the Changling Kingdom, and Ponyville," "I assume once you get to Ponyville you won't be returning until you've explored the Everfree?" Rainshine asked with a sigh, Spike nodded and Rainshine simply sighed "I can't leave the grove for very long, so I suppose I'll send Moonstone to meet you there with everything we have exactly three weeks after you leave," "Alright," Spike smiled as Smoke gave her the all-clear, "That was easy," "Yeah," Smoke turned to Rainshine "Ma'am could you grab her and turn her back to me?" Rainshine complied. "Is this a sex thing?" Rainshine asked with interest as Spike squirmed. "Smoke," Spike asked as she looked behind her "What are you doing," "Well we've done your mane, and your fur, and your tale, so now we have to do your scales," Smoke pulled a bottle of scale polish from Rainshins selection and Spike began squirming more. "Smoke, wait no, I can do it myself, you know how I get with scale rubbing," "Oh, do you not like having your scales rubbed?" Rainshine asked with a sympathetic smile. "Nope," Smoke informed her "If you rub them when she releases her love she's unable to stop until you do," Rainshine looked at Smoke before looking down at Spike with a wicked Smile. "It's also what left me unconscious," Spike countered "come on don't do this to me in the bath, I just got cleaned," "Oh don't worry, we'll clean you off when we're done," Rainshine cooed "I've only been with you once, and if you're going to leave me I want to drink down all you have to give to me for as long as you can muster it," "Smoke," Spike repeated, only for Smoke to chuckle. "Well ma'am, you did give all of us some time alone, I suppose it's only fair we let Rainshine have her moment alone, with me watching, just over here, just let me apply the polish and Rainshine and scrub it in for you," Spike bit her lip as pleasure began flowing through her, she had a few seconds to brace herself as Smoke moved back and Rainshine picked Spike up, Smoke watched with a smile as Rainshing filled herself with Spike and slowly thrust her back and forth while rubbing her scales. Spike's was was almost glowing red as she Rainshine stood up and began pulling Spike out before passing her back in, it took a while due to Rainshines endurance but Spike soon felt her love begin to flow out, Rainshine immediately pulled Spike out and ended up covering herself in the love juice before shoving Spikes mast into her mast. Still keeping her hands rubbing Rainshine sat down and motioned to Smoke, who happily dived in and began licking Rainshine clean as more and more of Spike's love slowly poured out of Rainshines mouth. Twilight was pacing quietly across Rainshines room as her friends were all spread out, Rainbow Dash and Applejack had both passed out in the bed, Pinkie was using discarded letters to make origami, Rarity was inspecting Rainshines wardrobe, while Fluttershy watched Twilight pace. "Twilight," Fluttershy said in a soft tone "Maybe you should just apologize to Spike," "I'm not apologizing for trying to save him," Twilight replied calmly "I just need a plan, Spike isn't going to let us help him, he's too deeply under their influence," "But Rainshine told us the only reason she didn't charge us with any crimes was because Spike cares about us," "That and arresting us would eventually spiral into a war," Twilight said simply "She's just trying to use that to scare us into thinking she has the upper hand," "Twilight," Fluttershy said calmly "I know your care for Spike, but I don't think she..." 'He," Twilight snapped back, before taking a deep breath "Sorry, didn't mean to snap," Twilight continued pacing irritably "Spike is my oldest friend, to see him twisted into a walking fetish being used for Rainshine's personal pleasure is...I can't just leave him here, to be used as a sex toy," "Spike was fairly clear she..." Twilight looked back at Fluttershy, who raised her hands and took a step back "...that he's trying to stay neutral, and I'm sure if he does decide to stay he will still come to visit," "Fluttershy you don't understand," Twilight sighed. "Maybe you don't understand," Fluttershy countered, whispering her rebuttal to Twilight as quietly as she could. "What? You say something?" Twilight asked, having only heard a slight noise in Fluttershy's direction. "No," Fluttershy said sheepishly before being given a paper hat from behind. "Twilight," Pinkie said cheerfully "Don't take this the wrong way but the only reason Applejack isn't leaving with a painful fist-shaped burn scar is thanks to the Kirins, so if you make them mad and they punch one of us again, I don't think they'll be so willing to help, and by the time we get back to equestrian the scars will settle, I like you Twilight, your one of my best friends, but I'm not willingly going to spend the rest of my life with third-degree burn scars in the shapes of fists for something that only you believe in, and even you don't fully believe in it, you're just in denial," Pinkie shook her head and pulled out clipboards as she continued talking, "I mean using the 'I'm the Princess of Equestria Obey or lose everything' card, super poorly thought out, and very not good for lasting Friendships, maybe ask Cadance to move to Canterlot and have her and Shinning help you...not start wars with super rage powered Fire magicians," "Pinkie just...just go back to folding paper," "Will do," Pinkie shimmied off into the back of the room. "So none of you are gonna help," Twilight demanded of her friends. "I'm sorry darling," Rarity called back "But I can't risk permanent damage to my face, it kinds of help sell my brand," Twilight turned to Dash and AJ, who were both still fast asleep, "Fine, guess it's up to me then," Fluttershy left Twilight's side to investigate Pinkie, who was now building a life-size model of the new Spike out of paper as a piece offering to Rainshine. "That's very well done," Fluttershy said as Pinkie finished the left ear "I didn't know you had enough materials to make paper mache art," "Nope," Pinkie agreed "Still origami," with Fluttershy distracted Twilight took a scroll and began hurriedly writing a letter requesting aid on it, thinking of only one creature that might be able to aid her in extracting Spike. Spike did her best to keep herself standing as she was escorted out of the bathhouse. "Oh maybe I should make up a holiday, just so I can have an excuse to do that again," Rainshine said with a somewhat goofy smile on her face. "I'm so sorry," Smoke said as she rubbed Spike back, the robe actively preventing the overflowing pleasure sensation from reaching Spike again, "I know how much you wanted that bath," "Well no one's bathing in that water," Spike mumbled "And the shower was fine I guess, just miss my old seven-hour bubble baths," "I'll make sure the bath is emptied and scrubbed clean, I'll get you your seven-hour bubble bath, as an apology gift for running this one," "I'll live," Spike said as she did her best to keep on her hooves "Alright, Smoke I want you to take Rainshine to the room," "Wait..." Both Rainshine and Smoke came to a stop at Spike's request "What about you Ma'am?" Smoke questioned "I'll happily accompany you where ever you need me," "Oh, Smoke sweetie I appreciate that...but I'm just gonna go grab a soda from the kitchen, and if I show up I might end the orgy, and I'm sure you wanna take a swing at that before I join in" Spike patted her softly "I'll be back to the room within 10 minutes if I'm not then you can all come to get me," Spike gave Smoke a kiss, only for Rainshine to pat her. "Smoke may return to the room, But I will be staying with you, I have yet to have my dinner, and I promise I won't try to drag you into dining room sex or anything else, just me grabbing a light Dinner and you a soda," "Alright," Spike muttered after staring at Rainshine suspiciously. "Very well," Smoke sighed "I'll tell everyone your meeting with Rainshine ran long and you are now talking with her over a short but very private Dinner," Smoke gave Spike a kiss and hurriedly made her way back in the direction of her Haram room. Spike and Rainshine made their way toward the dining room and Spike once again sat on Rainshins lap as she lit her horn and retreated the leftovers from Spike's haram Dinner along with a can of soda, Rainshine ate while Spike slowly sipped away. "Even cold this is amazing," Rainshine decided "Oh I can't wait to join the harem," Spike and Rainshine sat in silence. Upon finishing They returned to the room and found the bed rocking as Blue was being pounded into the bed, With Smoke and Ash eating away at her, Autumn and Summer using her hands to pleasure themselves, and Red was the one rocking the bed and she rocked back and forth over Blue's face. Spike waited a few minutes for the Orgy to slowly fall apart. "Oh, wow," Blue lay on the bed breathing heavily. "Oh, Blue did you like being the centerpiece?" Spike asked with a smile as she crawled into bed and lay her body on top of Blue, pressing her nose against hers, Spike slowly licked some of the liquids from Blue's face before smiling at the goofy smile Blue gave as a response, "Just ask any time and the spotlight is all yours baby girl," Spike stayed over top of Blue and lightly rubbed their breasts against each other as she spoke "So since Rainshine will be joining us for the night we'll have to split into groups, Bed group, and standing group, we'll trade off and switch partners whenever any of you want to, but to make it fair we'll split into groups of 4, Well have to treat it like a game so Rainshine will be ground control and I'll be Bed leader," There was mummer among the group as to who should go where when Spike spoke up "Oh don't worry, you get to be with me all the time, go have your fun with Rainshine, I know some of you are dying to have a go at her," Spike made sure any of her girls who were feeling for her would pick her quickly by sliding into Blue and picking her up. "Seems your a little tired, you can stay with me in the bed until your able to stand again," Summer and Autumn both immediately got into the bed and the remaining three turned to Rainshine upon realizing the bed was now full. "Oh don't be scared, I'll be joining you as a permanent member once out darling Spike has gone on a little adventure, so don't worry about missing me, because next time I sleep with you it'll be for keeps," > Uninvited Guest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After receiving a kiss goodbye from all the girls in the room Spike joined Rainshine at the door, "It was so much fun spending the night with you all," Rainshine declared "and Spike try not to let more than two more girls into the Haram, any bigger and my bed won't hold us all when you all move in with me," "Oh," Autumn smiled "We're all going on a little trip around Equestria, maybe we can find some exotic girls to bring home with us," "I'm curious as to your definition of Exotic," Spike mused. "Not a Kirin," Autumn offered. "I mean if they're into it and we all like 'em I see no feasible reason why I would ever say no to that," Spike said with a simple shrug "Anyone here has any problems with sleeping with a non-Kirin girl?" Upon receiving nothing to contradict the question Spike nodded. "I think I can manage that if we should find anyone, not that I'm all too interested in looking but who knows what'll happen, life is a confusing mess, besides the point of this to make sure all my friends know this is who I am now, and maybe ask some of the older ones their opinion on what they think Celestia may have done," "Come along now my dear," Rainshine said patting Spike on the shoulder "We have a few tasks to get done before you depart, and I'm sure the rest of your girls have a few things to put into order before your departure. "We best check in with Moonstone," Smokey agreed as she took her sister's hand to get her attention, "Make sure she's not overwhelmed at the temple," "I suppose so," Ash agreed. "Red, Blue your back on duty outside my room," Rainshine informed them "And should any guardians attempt to get too close, Simply knock on the door and inform me that rules are being broken," "Will do Ma'am," The two maids said at once, attempting to do a curtsy before realizing they hadn't yet gotten dressed for the day. Spike was pulled away by Rainshine and pouted at not being able to hear what Autumn and Summer were planning to do with their day. "I'm sure they'll all tell you about their days once you return to them," Rainshine told Spike confidently, "Now do come along, your powers should be past ready for use, we'll begin with the traditional garden song," Spike slowly nodded her head for a moment "So...this garden song, should I know what it is?" "Oh no, there is no one song, the Traditional garden song is a time when you sing a song and... chose a creature to 'bless' with the task of overseeing the garden," Spike frowned at both Rainshines pause and use of finger quotes at the word bless. "And what does it mean to be 'blessed' with the garden," Spike inquired. "Well, it's more of a punishment, as the one KIrin must devote their life to tending to the crop until your spell has cast its bounty across the land, allowing the area you bless to become fertile, it had been known to take several years with none stop attention, as such to be blessed with the Garden requires one to swear oaths of chastity, silence, and requires that one not leave the garden until it can survive on its own," "Well...sure to me and you that may sound like the absolute worst thing ever, but I'm sure some creatures are into that kind of thing," "Oh my dear darling," Rainshine chuckled "To a Kirin having a healthy Libido by any other creature's standards is considered below average, a vow of chastity is the harshest punishment a Kirin can receive. What's more, Kirin's are very social by nature, you would be hard-pressed to find a Kirin who dislikes having constant companionship around them," "Ok, so say I pick the worst Kirin I can find and 'bless' them, what exactly would keep them at their post?" "To abandon the Garden is an unthinkable sin," Rainshine replied, seeming shocked that Spike had even considered the idea viable "No creature would be stupid enough to leave or break their vow, as they would be instantly banished from the Grove for the rest of their natural life, never to return under penalty of death," "Brutal," Spike whistled, Spike was immediately stopped in place when something wrapped around her leg and held her in place, Spike looked down in confusion and found a luscious carnation was wrapped around her leg, Spike stared at it for a moment in confusion until clarification was brought to her once Rainshine noticed she was no longer following. "Oh, your first flower, how cute," Rainshine unraveled the Carnation from Spike's leg and Spike looked at the large pink flower with a frown. "So...is that gonna happen anytime I whistle?" Spike questioned with mild concern "Because I can think of any number of scenarios where a magic plant sprouting up because I forgot I could make it happen would end badly," "No worries," Rainshine assured her "no matter what transpired any kirin would be delighted beyond belief to be in the presence of your magic." "I was thinking more along the lines of when I'm out of the grove, whistling on the train and causing a tree to burst to life through the floor and derail the train or something," "If such a thing happens we will simply call out what the Princess did and say we are now almost even," Rainshine smiled and patted Spike "Now do come along love, we have much work to do," "Oh yeah, almost forgot to ask. How are Twilight and the others doing?" "Most of your friends have departed," Rainshine said, "I told them they were welcome to stay, but not all of them, your Friend Twilight failed to take the hint and is still held up in my room with the only two I personally feel I can trust, Applejack and Fluttershy," "Yeah, Twilight's a bit too focused on herself sometimes, you didn't hear this from me but one time she tried to steal that magic pearl the Hippogriffs use to change forms," "That does not surprise me," Rainshine replied without hesitation "Now, first we must find a location for the garden, then we begin the hunt for the Kirin you feel deserves to be 'blessed' as its guardian," "Sounds more like a curse, to be honest," Spike said flatly. "You may call it as you wish," Rainshine informed her "Now, are you feeling a hillside garden, or maybe one with a nice spot by the stream," "I haven't really left this place since I first arrived, I'd like to go out and look at them in person if you don't mind," "Come along then, Moonstone is to arrive within the hour and escort you to the potential garden sites," Red and Blue stood together in the back of the Maid break room, the two were back in their work gear and had attempted to get a cup of coffee, not so much for needing it and more so for wanting it, the two quickly overheard whispering and Blue was gritting her teeth as Red calmly drank her cup of Joe. "Gonna shove the mop down his throat this time," Blue said angrily as several Maids looked past her and at Red with an accusing gaze. "What?" Blue demanded of them "Got something you wanna say to my friend?" The Maids shuffled away at once "That's what I thought," Blue said irritably. "It's ok," Red assured Blue "Their words have no power over me because they're the poorly constructed lies from an attention whore," Red took a sip from her drink as one of their fellow maids walked up to them. "So, we've been talking," She said with an awkward look as she looked back towards her friends who had sent her to talk to Red and Blue "Are you two sure you up for guarding Lady Rainshine's room? there's been talk of you two...abandoning your post," "We didn't abandon our post," Red said calmly "we were directly ordered by both Rainshine and the Goddess of Fertility to relocate, anything past that is no one's business but ours," Red Finished her drink and placed her empty mug in the sink, Blue followed after her, keeping a keen on her fellow maids as they made their way out of the room. "The Grove Guardians should be returning to their rounds within the hour," Red said, her tone still very calm "Let's get to our positions so we don't have to deal with any of them," Red and Blue walked side by side down the hall, ignoring any other maids who they passed on their way. Red and Blue settled into their positions outside of Rainshines' room just in time for the door to swing open. Spike walked out with Fluttershy and Moonstone, the latter of whom was happily talking up a storm. "So then I told my dad it was fine, one in every thirty Kirin is Asexual, and he had three other very active kids so even with me out of the loop he was still gonna get Grandkids," Spike nodded, the looks she and Fluttershy were passing to one other told Red and Blue neither knew how the conversation had taken the turn to where it currently was, Spike's eyes sparkled when she saw Red and Blue and she came to a halt. "Moonstone," Spike said in a calm tone "Mind holding on for a moment?" "Oh of course my dear lady," Moonstone said instantly as she turned on the spot and stood in wait as Spike turned to Red and Blue. "Since our paths have crossed I see no reason not to check in," Spike smiled "Is everything going well? That guy hasn't tried to harass you has he?" "Oh, what happened?" Fluttershy asked with concern. "My Cheating ex is attempting to make himself out to be the victim," Red said simply "And he's already been spreading rumors but if I see his sniveling face come into sight he'll regret it quickly," Both Red and Blue could see Spike going over something in her head before leaning forward. "Well, alright then, how about a quick kiss goodbye, for luck?" Red and Blue happily obliged Spike's request and Fluttershy awkwardly looked away as the passionate kissing lasted longer than she was comfortable with watching. Spike smiled as she broke her second kiss and wished Red and Blue a good day at work before walking to Fluttershy and Moonstone. "That was cute," Moonstone decided "So first things first we'll be previewing a nearby swampy area, barren of most usable plant life and filled with bugs, no worries though a few flames and they'll bug off," Moonstone chuckled at what Spike figured had been her attempt of a joke of some kind. Red stared at the end of the hallway, she had yet to see anything but she could vaguely hear a few words down the hall and knew he was just around the corner. "He's here," Blue noted as she stood at attention, "If he tries anything I'll knock on the door and have Rainshine..." "No," Red decided before speaking louder. "Thunderdust gets your cowardly ass out here now," Red knew from experience that Rainshine's door was enchanted so noise could only be heard inside her room if someone touched the door directly. Red watched as Thunderdust walked out from behind the corner, one of his Guardian friends walking up with him. "Red," Thunderdust said in a mocking tone "Love the new name honey, gotta say I'm left speechless at this heart stabbing betrayal, cheating on me with a Goddess, I'm hurt baby, how could you have don-" "Dip shit," Blue cut in abruptly "I was the one who shoved a mop in your face," "Oh," Thunderdust dropped his sob story and shrugged "Gotta admit though, the newer version is way more interesting, cheated on by a Goddess, bet I'll get major pity points in the bar tonight, In fact, I already have," "What do you want?" Red demanded curtly. "Why, I'm here to tell you I'm willing to forgive and forget, Come back to me and leave that Woman stealing Goddess," Red stared blandly at Thunderdust, who smiled at the look on her face. "Of course, if you don't get back with me, I guess I'll have no need for all those photos I have of you, I'll just have to hand them out to the staff, bet your Goddess won't be too fond of you once she sees a picture of my dick in your mouth," Blue looked at Red and the look on her face mixed with the flames sprouting up around her body indicated Red had not been a willing participant in the photo taking. "You didn't," She said angrily. "what can I say," Thunderdust chuckled "I need attention, and you're a heavy sleeper, and the Photos were just a little bit of insurance if you'd like, I was gonna use them against you a few weeks back but I had to get them developed, and once they came in this Goddess shit happened and when I found out you whored out to her I saw my opportunity and took it," Thunderdust licked his lips with a smile "Just imagine, me forgiving you, and you apologizing by letting that sexy piece of ass you live with joining us in the action, a perfect little three-way, After that then maybe you can go, If I don't think of anything else in the Meanti-Ah, not so fast," Thunderdust bolted to the side as Blue attempted to sneak past him and grab a mop. "Not this time Bitch," "You have no right to stop me," Blue countered, already trying to come up with a plan to have Spike and the others help her destroy the photos "You not allowed in this hallway, get the fuck out," "Oh, now that I'm getting a good look at her," Thrunderdust's eyes Blue for a moment "How about we exchange Roomie for this hot piece of ass unless you want your friend's nudes to be leaked to the entire Staff, come on baby," Thunderdust reached out and forcefully grabbed Blue's Muzzel, Red Lit her horn, only to be forced to the ground by Thunderdusts companion. Blue attempted to force herself away and Thunderdust leaned forward, There was a Loud crack and Thunderdust fell back as Blue slammed one of her flaming legs into Thunderdust's groin, Thunderdust spat on the ground and without hesitation swung at Blue. Blue shut her eyes and braced for the punch, instead of feeling a punch she instead heard the sound of a fist cracking against someone else's face, Blue opened her eyes and found her vision blocked by a pink Mane. Thunderdust and the rest of those present all stared dumbfounded at Spike, who had appeared in front of Blue as soon as Thunderdust had swung his fist. Spike stood her ground as the fist dug into her eye. "What the Fuck?" Thunderdust asked in confusion as he backed away, Spike lit her horn and tossed Thunderdust's companion into the wall face first. He crumpled to the ground and Red was able to move again. She rushed to Spike's side and Blue made Spike look at her. "I didn't know you could Teleport," Red said with a mixture of shock and pride. "I can't," Spike declared "I blessed you with a protection charm, I just thought of it when I was leaving with Rainshine, it's what the kisses were for, Now if anyone tries to hurt you, I'll be teleported in front of you," Spike stood proudly before wincing as Blue lightly touched her black eye. "Pretty Obvious I thought it up on the spot, oww," Spike rubbed her face before turning to Thunderdust, who looked completely bewildered. "You," Spike said in a very calm tone as her ears burst into flames "You tried to punch my Baby Blue," "Hey, whoa I didn't know she was spoken for, honest mistake, tripped and all that," Thunderdust tried to back away and Blue briefly considered telling Spike he had attempted to sexually assault her but remembered the terror of being near Rainshine when she had gone up in Smoke and was afraid Spikes divine flames could eat away at the enchantment keeping the Grove from burning down. "Oh, you tripped?" Spike chuckled "Is that right?" "Yeah," Thunderdust composed himself, taking note that despite being slightly taller than him he had still left her with a shiner and figured he could take her in a fight if it came down to it, "In fact, I'm here to talk with your friends here about cheating on me with that Skank of a Goddess," "A...a what?" Spike asked in confusion before turning to Blue and Red inquisitively "I..I've never heard that word before, should I take it as an insult?" "Look, how about you and I talk this out?" Thunderdust smiled "I'm sure we can come up with a fair penance for breaking my heart, of course, if you'd rather not I'd have to leak Red's nudes, so..." Spike stared blankly at Thunderdust before walking up to him and staring him dead in the eye with a very serious look. "You will destroy all of those Photos," "Or what?" Thunderdust chuckled "You itching to get another Black eye bitch?" Spike took a deep breath"Let's ask Rainshine about that 'or what shall we?" Spike turned to the door, only to be stopped by a loud ripping sound, Spike looked down and found herself topless with Thunderdust holding her golden top. "Opps," Thunderdust reached out to try and grip one of Spike's breasts "I tripped again," Red and Blue Immediately Pulled Spike as far from Thunderdust as they could and hit the door, Thunderdust rushed down the hall and Spike lit her horn, after finding she couldn't grab him for some reason she tied her robe shut and rushed after him at full speed, quickly outpacing him and kicking his hooves out from under him. "Help," He screamed at the top of his lungs "Some psycho whore is trying to rape me," "You ripped my top off," Spike spat back angrily. "Prove it," Thunderdust countered as he threw Spike's golden top aside. "You took it off and threw it at me to frame me, your just siding with that cheating bitch Red, you forcefully dragged me and my friend down that hall, and I have witnessed, so I'm leaving or you'll be the new talk of the town Pinky," "Now I'm just more pissed," Spike spat back as she began flaming up again "Trying to Brining Pinkie Pie into this for no fucking reason," Before Spike could do more a large hand rested on her shoulder. "What is happening here?" Rainshine demanded, anger flaring in her eyes as she looked at the Blackeye on Spike's face. "This crazy bitch dragged me and my friend down the hall," Thunderdust said instantly "There trying to frame me to help my ex get away with cheating on me," "Oh?" Rainshine leaned in "And why pray-tell would the Goddess of Fertility drag you and your friend down my hallway?" Thunderdust visibly deflated and slowly turned to Spike, who had her back to him as she put her top back on. "I will not repeat my question," Rainshine said in a calm rage. "I...well...funny story actually..." "I placed a blessing on Blue and Red," Spike said simply "When he tried to punch Blue in the face again," Rainshine snapped her head to Spike at the word again "I appeared in front of her and he proceeded to deck me in the face instead, then he tore my top off and tried to grope me, and then he threatened Pinkie Pie, last one just kind of came out of nowhere, to be honest," "Now just a moment," Thunderdust took a step back "Let's talk about this amicably," Rainshine lit her horn and, after a moment of nothing gritted her teeth "A Member of the Grove Guardians, one of my Guardians, assaulted my dear Spike," Thunderdust turned on the spot and attempted to run, only for Rainshine to grab him and slammed him into the nearest thing she could see. "Dam," Spike whistled as she watched Thunderdust murmur in unconscious from a Trash can "you slam-dunked his ass," "I'll have him and his cohort taken to the dungeon," Rainshine said angrily "after which a Trial shall be held and..." "Naw," Spike waved her off "I have a way better idea," Rainshine looked down to Spike who smiled sweetly at her "I'll just make them both Gardeners and use both Garden plots," "Oh Sweety," Rainshine instantly changed her posture and tone and patted Spike on the head "That's a marvelous idea," Rainshine and Spike turned as Moonstone and Fluttershy rushed down the hall. "Oh, oh man," Moonstone took several deep breaths "Oh again with this, oh, I didn't know you could teleport, I take it one quick look was all you needed to make your decision then?" "I didn't know you could Teleport," Fluttershy said as she patted Moonstone "Maybe next time you can take us with-oh, my heavens what happened to your eye?" "Oh no that was the results of a poorly thought out defend blessing," Spike said simply. "Hey, who's the shmuch in the bin?" Moonstone questioned as she looked over at Thunderdust. Rainshine walked over to him and pulled off a decorative ring, crushing it to dust in the palm of her hand. "Oh, guess he was a member of the Grove Guardians then," "Wait is that like the Grove Guardians' entire uniform?" Spike demand in confusion "a Ring?" "An Anti-Magic Ring," Rainshine said simply "There is no better way to apprehend a criminal than with forces that can't be touched with magic, nine times out of ten most criminals make their plans with magic in mind, although the anti-magic part if a closely guarded secret that even the Grove Guardians are sworn to keep quiet about on that of severe fines, so keep it on the low down," "What did this mook do?" Moonstone asked as she poked Thunderdust to check if he was alive. "Tried to sexually assault me," Spike said simply. "Oh...oh...oh," Moonstone looked like she wanted to kick him but failed to figure out how to do so to someone stuffed in a trash bin. "Eh, I know most of the judges in the area, I'll just make sure he gets a bad trial," "Oh no, he's going to be one of the Kirin I bless to be the Gardener," "Oh, Brilliant," Moonstone cheered as Blue and Red Dragged the second culprit to Rainshine so she could destroy his ring as well, "Not only a fitting punishment but of course, the best option was to just use both plots of land as a Garden, I would have just made one Gardner tend to both over a period of time," "Oh, I kind of like that option better," Spike chuckled "Second thought take that nameless dude there and have your vengeance on him Rainshine, the other guy will tend to one Garden, and then immediately tend to the other once his duty to the first is done," Spike patted Moonstone on the back. "Well done, I'd offer to express my gratitude but I'm not entirely sure how to do that with you, seeing as your Ace and my Gratitude seems to mostly be sexual nowadays," "Oh, I would love the honor of preparing for the traditional Garden ceremony, I've read every book on the subject, and I'd have it all ready by sunset," "Done deal," Spike decided, Moonstone gave a squeal comparable to that of Schoolgirls and immediately picked Thunderdust up, trashcan and all. "Oh happiest days, I'll get started right away," The group watched her run away with new vigor in her step. "She'll be gasping for air by the time she gets back to her temple," Spike chuckled as she turned to make sure Blue and Red were okay, with the latter two mostly concerned about Spike's shiner. "Oh, my," Fluttershy murmured in a near whisper of a tone "What a hectic experience," "Yes," Rainshine agreed, making Fluttershy jump at having been heard "Shame your Alicorn Friend is too busy plotting to look out and notice, sadly she seems lost in her own personal delusions, poor thing's probably falling to the fear of running a country alone now that I've stolen her 'assistant' from her. I'd almost feel bad had Spike not been stolen from us first, and had her knee-jerk reaction not been one born of a selfish single-minded pursuit of what she alone saw as right, not a good sign for a newly budding ruler," "Twilight has proven time and time again she has the interest of others in her heart," Fluttershy defended, Rainshine looked at her and she shied away from her gaze, "But when she does make a mistake she has problems accepting she may be wrong and tends to barrel down that path regardless of what others say," "It's quite sad," Rainshine said simply "She could be great, but she's been thrust into the mantel too soon and should attempt to barrel down the path of attempting to steal Spike from me, there will be consequences felt for years to come," Rainshine turned away from Fluttershy and picked up the nameless Kirin and dragged him away, taking him to the grove guardians personaly. "Are you sure you'll be ok?" Red asked with concern in her voice. "Oh no worries," Spike waved her off "I'm sure I'll be good as new in no time," "Still," Blue pouted "I want you to promise me you'll think up a better blessing to replace this one, I don't want you getting any more black eyes because of me," "T'wasn't your fault," Spike said confidently with a grin from ear to ear "T'was that twats fault," "Would you like us to keep you company?" Blue questioned, "Kiss it to make it better?" "No," Spike turned down, albeit reluctantly "I can't just hide away every day and have mindless sex, no matter how much I wanna, you to go work your work and then spend your day your way, I'll be back at the room as soon as I can be," Spike gave them both a blessings kiss and turned back to Fluttershy. "Flutters old girl," Spike cheered "What say we go grab a bite to eat and see the town? We can even invite Aj and Twilight if there up for it," "I would like that," Fluttershy decided "So long as Twilight promises not to cause a scene," "She seems better," Spike said confidently as Red and Blue left to go inform the cleaning staff they would be needing a new trashcan as the old one had been seized by the church. "Granted she failed to notice my existence when I was in the room waiting for Moonstone, mostly she was just standing on the balcony staring out across the grove," "I think she's up to something," Fluttershy said nervously. "Don't be silly, of course, she's up to something, she's gone off the deep end, I think she's jealous this body has me tied in first place with you for the biggest set if you catch my meaning," Fluttershy looked over to Spike with mild confusion and she chuckled "Dah, nevermind, Rainbow will get it," The two walked into Rainshines room and Found Applejack sitting on the foot of the bed inspecting where she had been punched, was not even a bruise remained to prove it had happened. "Dam, Kirins have perfected burn cream," She decided upon confirming no marks had been left on her body from the incident. "Applejack," Spike cheered " Fluttershy and I are going out for lunch, care to join us?" Applejack got to her feet and stretched. "Sure, that long nap has me feeling sluggish, a good walk to build up the appetite should help me beat the sleep away," Applejack looked out towards the balcony and both Spike and Fluttershy followed her gaze to Twilight who had her hands behind her back and was staring intently at the grove. "She called someone," Spike decided confidently "Waiting for them to come and help her kidnapped me I suppose," Spike sighed before calling out "Twilight I can only do so much, if you keep harassing the Kirin and myself I can only forgive so much," Spike waved and made her way out of the room, Twilight failing to acknowledge she had heard her. "Come along then, let's go see the town shall we?" Twilight stood her spot as Spike and her remaining friends left, she stood on the balcony silently, waiting for her backup to arrive. > Dinner Theater > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike merrily made her way down the streets, only a few Kirins noticing her for who she was and nervously moving out of her way, for the most part, it seemed her identity had not yet been publicly revealed as she was mostly ignored in favor of Applejack and Fluttershy. Spike waited in front of an outdoor eating area as Fluttershy and Applejack warded off a handful of fans and a few Kirins trying to talk their way into the duo's days with less than subtle hints. "Is this what it's like for you in the Empire?" Fluttershy asked as Applejack managed to shoo off some of their fans to be left alone. "I wish," Spike laughed for a moment before sighing "It's way worse, or at least it was, here's hoping being a lady has them keep their hands to themselves, of course, it could always make them worse but I chose not to think of that possibility," Spike clapped her hands together and pulled to conversation back to what they had gone out to do. "Alright so Kirin's are Omnivores," Fluttershy noted as she looked at multiple Kirin's selling food out of wooden stalls, "so maybe we can find a vegetarian place around here?" While Applejack and Fluttershy tried to pick out a place with a higher vegetable than meat ratio of food Spike noted the medium-sized pavilions with what looked to be a wooden stage with a handful of Kirins hard at work setting up what looked to be a play of some time. "What's with the stage?" Spike wondered aloud. "It's for the play tonight," A Passing Kirin in a hardhat replied, a tray full of sandwiches in both hands "Don't you know, tonight the play write Autumn Blaze is releasing her newest play, The Forgotten Kingdom," The Kirin hurried off towards the stage and Spike stood in silence for a solid moment. "I'm a terrible partner," Spike decided confidently "I didn't even know Autumn liked plays, much less that she wrote them," Spike made his way towards the stage and found Summer talking with a few of the Kirin about what needed to be done. "...and where are the costumes?" Summer demanded of a nervous-looking Kirin "We have a practice show in less than an hour and not a single one of our actors or actresses is in costume," "There's was a slight hiccup, the costumes were enchanted with a faulty flame charm, instead of protecting against fire they burst into flames," Summer threw her clipboard to the ground and Spike felt a shiver down her spine at one of her least favorite sound. "Oh, Summer, don't grind your teeth you could chip them," Summer turned on the spot with relief and shock on her face. "Oh thank the stars," She practically cried out as she pulled Spike into a hug "I was about to have a serious meltdown," Spike simply patted her calmly, silently wishing Rarity had stayed behind to help with the Fashion emergency before her. "Autumn and I were gone for just a few days and everything falling apart, the costumes are burnt, and several actors left us for different projects, Autumn is getting an ear full from our funding party about last-minute script changes," Summer took a deep breath "If this didn't mean so much for Autumn I'd have left this production as soon as I found out over half our talent left," Spike slowly rubbed Summer's back as her workers looked at them in confusion, Spike heard them whispering but chose to ignore them as she did her best to calm Summer down enough to ask how she could help. "Oh, it's far too late to fix this," Summer groaned "The shows in just a few hours, and some of our new actors can't remember half their lines, mixed with them all being out of costume the critiques are going to eat us alive," "Oh come now, let's not give up hope," Spike said, attempting to play her part as the optimistic lover even with her own personal lack of understanding as to what was happening, "Maybe Autumn has an idea, what say we go ask her?" As Spike had Summer lead the way Applejack and Fluttershy watched her leave from a table as they waited on their food. "Seems we've been forgotten," Fluttershy noted. "Eh, seems to be helping out one of her girlfriends with a problem or something, if she's still over there once we finish chowing down we'll go see what's up, but first food, haven't had a bite since Autumn decked me and I'm famished," Twilight stood on the balcony alone, a detection spell told Twilight Rainshine hadn't yet returned home, informing her she had no fear of being interrupted. Her mind was filled with ideas and plans, all revolving around how she was going to get Spike to come home with her, especially since he had made it clear he wasn't going to be doing so willingly. "Quite the Delama I'm sure," A familiar voice noted, Twilight turned to her left and looked over at Discord, who was casually sitting inside of an Umbrella with a lawn chair floating above his head giving him shade. in his hand was a boiling cup of juice. "About time," Twilight groaned "I've been waiting for hours," "That's funny," Discord chuckled "seeing how I'm early and all, so tell your dear uncle Discord what's the matter," "Spike's been indoctrinated into a cult," Twilight said simply. "To my knowledge, there are three Cults resolving around Spike, the obvious one being in the Crystal Empire, and there's that one in Manehattan, ran by Crystal ponies go figure, and that one hiding in Ponyville, Kirin's oddly enough, though I feel that may be less odd seeing how Spike is now in a fourth cult that's centered in this here Grove, so what do they have the poor lad doing? gonna sacrifice him, convince him he's their rightful king and he must destroy the world, are they feeding him their young?" "They turned him into a Futa and they have him sleeping with 6 different girls, and they have him convinced he's the reincarnation of some Goddess of Fertility that they say Celestia killed," "Ah," Discord nodded slowly before chuckling "I go visit The Smooze for one week and this shit happens while I'm away," Discord sighed "Dam I have got some timing," "Alright, step one I need you to talk to Spike," "Oh, I'm gonna talk to Spike," Discord assured her "Quite tragically, for you at least, I don't think I shall be picking a side, as that would be very unchaotic of me, I shall remain Chaotic neutral," "Discord," Twilight said angrily, "So help me I'll..." "You'll what?" Discord countered "Trap me in stone for not being your personal dog and jumping at your side," Discord shook his head as he began walking away, "I told Celestia, she's not ready, she's far too young to be doing this alone, too emotional driven, but did she listen no, said she just needed confidence, so I tried helping with that, then suddenly it was all no, don't teach them bad guys to team up we need blind peace, not confidence," Discord irritably snapped away and Twilight put her hands on her face, taking deep breaths as she tried to think of someone who could help her," "Shining," She realized "He'll side with me on this," Twilight lit her horn and teleported away. Spike nodded her head slowly as Autumn was explaining the plot of her play to her in what seemed to be one breath. "...and then the forgotten king has her thrown into the dungeon, the forgotten, filled with despair, demands she be returned to his side, then his father tells him that 'outsiders must not be allowed to leave, else they tell the world of their hidden paradise," Spike nodded slowly as she struggled to remember as much of Autumn's story as she could, "So the King is the bad guy not because he's inherently evil, but because he's scared the outside world would destroy his home and his people?" "Oh yeah, it's explained near the end, so anyway the scene changes and we return to..." Autumn was cut off when Summer slammed the door to a small wooden cabin about the size of a walk-in closet. "I hate him," Summer hissed angrily as her ears flickered with flames, "Demanding we change the king into a tyrant queen because, that's what sells, everyone loves to hear a story about an evil queen, no one cares for a sympathetic King," "I kind of like both of those though," Spike noted. "So do I," Autumn agreed "But I wrote this story to have a sympathetic king, I'd have to change back stories, rewrite the entire last act, not to mention fire the current king, have a last-second re-cast, and then teach the already struggling with their lines cast what would basically be a whole new play," Autumn sighed "Think it might be time to declare this project a bust," "Oh don't be silly," Spike smiled merrily "I like it, and I bet Discord liked it too, I'm sure the two of us could help out," Autumn and Summer looked at Spike in confusion for a moment before Discord moonwalked into existence. "How long have you known I was here?" He asked curiously. "I saw you sitting next to Twilight and figured you were her 'back up' How'd that go by the way?" "I politely declined although she doesn't seem deterred by that enough to stop," Discord cracked his knuckled and his tail turned into a hand and offered itself to Autumn and Summer. "Hello," Autumn greeted merrily "Are you one of Spike's friends?" "Why yes, I am the God of Chaos Discord, and Spike and I have a game night every few weeks, although I'm betting it's delayed for the moment," Spike smiled at the word game night. "Say Discord," Spike said mischievously "Since Autumn's producer is screwing her over, what say you 'inconvenience' us all and force the show to be delayed?" "Who, me?" Discord looked around dramatically before leaning in with a smile "I say why not?" Discord laughed before popping out of existence. "There we go," Spike said merrily "Discord is gonna get your show tonight canceled and rescheduled, I recommend having it pushed back a few months, that way you have time to get the costumes perfect, work out that actor situation, and make whatever revisions to the scrip you plan to make," Autumn pulled Spike into a hug and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you hon, you're a lifesaver," "Come on Autumn," Summer said before giving Spike a kiss goodbye "We gotta look busy so we don't look suspicious when the show gets delayed," Summer and Autumn hurried back to talk with their actors and Spike's smile turned into a frown as Discord popped back into existence. "Now," Discord said as he cracked his knuckles "What did you actually want me to do?" "Oh, you don't do anything yet," Spike said as she turned to the producers' small cabin "I want to have a word with Mr.Producer about what happens when someone tries to fuck with one of my girls," Spike walked up and did her best to listen through the door while Discord placed a can against it and put his head to it. After a moment Spike caught wind of what the Producer was saying, "...Yeah yeah, she's still under contract but if she fails to meet the new deadlines we can drop her," Spike heard a faint second voice and figured he was speaking through an enchanted mirror or something of similar design for long-distance communication, "Yeah she has ok sales, but rumors are going around she's been sleeping around with members of Rainshines court, they don't have a lot of traction yet, but we're better off dropping her before they really pick up, don't wanna be known as the company that works with a famous harlot do we?" With a loud banging sound Spike kicked in the door, her ears flaming, the Producer jumped in his seat and dropped a small hand mirror that cracked on the ground. "Who the fuck..." The Producer attempted to scream out in anger as he got up, only for Spike to start whistling, plants began bursting through the floorboard and forcefully tied the producer's mouth shut. "Hello there," Spike said calmly as Discord walked in wearing a suit and tie and tsked at the producer. "Poor move," He chuckled "Defamation of a girl who has the love of a god at her side never ends well," The Producer said nothing as his mouth was still tied shut as Spike walked up to him. "I am the Goddess of Fertility, Kirin of the Garden, and so on, and I would be the Kirin in question who Autumn has been, how did he put it again?" Discord pulled out a long sheet of paper and quickly spun it out until he was wrapped up in it "Sleeping around with," Discord informed. "Yes, I'm the Kirin that Autumn has been sleeping around with, well me and the other girls in my Personal Haram," Spike leaned forward "So, what say I, your literal Goddess, set a few ground rules about how your treat my Autumn?" Spike was humming a soft tune and making grass grow as she walked over to Applejack and Fluttershy's table, with Discord walking behind her wielding a Duck-shaped Lawnmower. "Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long," She worried as she took a seat across from them and Discord took residence next to Fluttershy. "Discord," Fluttershy greeted "What are you doing here?" "Oh you know, Twilight be trying to pull me into her crazy, now I'm helping Spike save one of her harem wives from being screwed over by screwy bosses, helping by being the cover story that is since Spike used her plant magic to hold him in place and told him how much of a problem she could become if he continued to be one," Discord snapped a jug into his hand and began drinking from it, the jug emptying from the bottom as he did so. "How about you? Enjoying being amongst your many Kirin admirers?" "Eh'," Applejack responded with a shrug "Not exactly subtle when it comes to what they wanna do to thank us," "Let 'em try to make a move," Discord challenged "There gonna have to go through me to get Fluttershy," Spike smiled as Discord and Fluttershy began chatting about how far he should go if a Kirin tried to go too far with her. "Welp," Applejack decided, her voice not reaching Fluttershy or Discord in their debate. "I'm gonna head back to Rainshine's, some creature should be keeping an eye on Twilight, plus I wanna ask about helping Rainshine with anything around the grove, try to help mend that relationship Twilight wounded," "And I should go check in with Moonstone on that Garden Ritual thing, I'll be a bit early, but frankly speaking, I haven't the slightest idea as to what I'm supposed to be doing," Spike and Applejack wished each other luck on their respective missions and took what was left of their food before departing, leaving Fluttershy and Discord alone to plot against any would-be Kirins trying to take a stab at Fluttershy. > The Garden Ritual > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining was looking out across the Empire, drinking a hot cup of tea with a platter of sandwiches between him and Cadance, who was playing with Flurry hearts food and making the baby laugh as she attempted to steal the spoon of applesauce back from her mother. "I wish every day were like this," Shinning yawned "Good old-fashioned do nothing day," Shinning placed his cup down and leaned back in his chair when he felt the slow build-up of magic forming in his horn, after a moment a letter materialized in his lap and Cadance chuckled while he groaned. "You jinxed it," She called out as her chuckled turned into a laugh while Flurry stole her spoon and claimed her nummy prize. "Of course I did," Shining sighed as he unrolled the scroll and read its message aloud "Dear B.B.B.F, I hope this letter finds you well, unfortunately, I send it with an urgent message. Spike has been brainwashed into believing he is a deity to the Kirin, My attempts to free him have only made things worse, my friends and even Discord will no longer aid me in rescuing him, Please send help, but be careful, the Kirin will attempt to deceive and sway you to their side and are on the brink of threatening war, With love Twilight. P.S Bring Cadance, she may be the only one who can stop Spike's fertility magic," Shining was quiet for a moment before slowly turning to his wife, who looked at him without a hint of surprise on her face "Oh," She said simply "I was wondering when this would happen, Aunt Tia warned me it was a possibility the Kirin would turn him into a God of some kind, but he better be mind-controlled or I'm gonna be having serious words about not hearing about this from him...well maybe, now that I think about it Twilight probably spoiled his surprise out of desperation," "I'm sorry," Shining cut in, utter confusion etched across his face "But could you repeat that with more detail? Maybe start with the part where you were expecting this!?" "I mean I could, but now I'm way too excited to see Spike, turning into an Alicorn is one thing, but being a God reveals one true essence, so I am just dying to see what Spike has become," Cadance got up with Flurry Heart and patted her back "I'll go summon Sunburst and have him babysit while we go visit the new Kirin God," Shining watched his wife walk away and just turned blankly to the letter, failing to find any words to dictate how he felt about the situation. Spike slowly made her way towards her church, having been given directions by Moonstone before being teleported to Red and Blue. The Church itself was a church in name only, as it was in actuality a very large cave system, outside a hand full of Kirins were setting up chairs and arranging rocks in such a way that it created a path to a small area where the grass had been burned away, leaving a heart-shaped scorch mark upon the land. Spike watched as the chairs were set up around the heart and figured it was where she would be turning Thunderdust into the Gardener. Spike walked past the Kirin hard at work and did her best not to get in their way as she looked for Smoke and Ash, instead, she found Moonstone standing by the cave entrance talking with a member of her church, concern was etched into Moonstone's face as she spoke. "...we can't finish the preparations without the Goddess, we may have to wait for tomorrow to begin the ritual," "Well, I mean I'm here now," Spike noted, making Moonstone jump. "Oh thank the stars," Moonstone sighed in relief "Maybe we can do this in time, come, my lady, you must give the first blessing to Thunderdust to they might become your gardener," "I was unaware this was a multistep process," Spike noted as Moonstone lead her into the cave. "Oh, didn't Rainshine tell you?" Moonstone pondered "Or maybe I was supposed to tell you? There is only one blessing you can give to males, so in order to become the Gardner we must first strip Thunderdust of his manhood and turn him into a woman so she might become your Gardener," Spike stared at Moonstone slack-jawed for a moment before scratching her chin. "Well...he did try to sexually assault me, and he tried to punch my Baby Blue, and he did actually punch her once, and that's not even mentioning forcing himself on Red in her sleep and taking pictures to blackmail her with," Spike slowly nodded "I talked myself into it, lets strip that fucker of his manhood," Spike leaned in a little and added in a whisper. "How do I do that?" "OH, just imagine him in a female form and then bite him," Moonstone said simply "He should become a She within seconds," Spike slowly nodded. "And just double-checking since I was unaware of the needing to be a lady part, how do I turn a creature into the Gardner?" "First you strip them of their name, and all their possessions, then you fill them with your blessing and they become your Gardner," Spike frowned again. "Correct me if I'm wrong and forgive my crassness," Spike said slowly "But 'fill them with your blessing' sounds like I have to fuck 'em," "Yes," Moonstone assured her "Twice since you plan to link her to two gardens," "Hu," Spike chuckled "This is some hot revenge phantasy shit, and I'm all kinds of into it, lets go make that dude a chick and then fuck her for molesting my Red in her sleep and punching both Blue and Me," Spike had a pep in her step as she was lead into the chamber holding Thunderdust, who was strapped to a bed and struggling as he insulted the two Kirin's who were standing on either side of the room, two Kirin's she was quite familiar with," "Hello Dear," Ash said happily. "I heard this fellow tried to assault you," Smoke added "Would you like us to castrate him for you?" "Oh no worries," Spike assured them "I'm doing something far more entertaining," "I'll leave you to your work," Moonstone said as she slid out of the room "Oh, and feel free to take a crack at her before the ceremony, make sure she acts properly and such," "Thunderdust," Spike chuckled as she began thinking of different ways to turn him into a woman. "Do tell me do you know how one becomes the Gardner," "Doesn't matter," Thunderdust spat back "My boys will be coming down here soon and once I get out of here I'm gonna strap your ass to this table and make you watch as I fuck these two bitches and the Moonstone lady," "I'm literally a Goddess," Spike noted flatly "Has it not occurred to you your 'boys' as you say, are smart enough to not try and fuck with the literal leader of your nation and the Goddess with the power to, oh I dunno, turn a man into a woman for example," Spike whistled and a large flower bloomed, Spike used the flower as a seat and both Ash and Smoke flanked her as she picked a good form for Thunerdust. "I have rights," Thunderdust spat back. "rights you gave up when you broke several laws and attempted to sexually assault a literal Goddess," Spike simply shook her head as she got up and got closer to Thunderdust. "What are you gonna do?" He demanded "Make we work in your fucking slavery garden, what's that gonna do hu? I'll have bitches lining up for miles to get a piece of me once I spin this around," Spike let out a wheeze. "First," Spike said "I'm going to turn you into a Woman, then I'm going to fuck you, and it will be as one-sided as possible, no other girls, I won't even be taking off my top, just you as a woman taking my dick," Spike smiled as she used her hand to force Thunderdusts mouth shut, "and then once I'm bored with you I will take away your ability to speak and your name, and you'll spend the next decade tending to my Garden, with not even so much as a hat to cover your shame, and once my Garden is done I'll be using you as my personal stress reliever for when my Harem of beautiful woman don't want to or don't feel like having a night of passion, Your Entire life from this moment forward will be spent with you feebly attempting to be forgiven for what you did to my Red and Blue," Spike opened her mouth and bit into Thunderdust's neck as she injected him with several Blessings. After a moment she felt the Body she was biting into twist around her and waited until it stopped to pull away and look at her handy work. "A Pale white Kirin Woman with a Black mane was waiting for her, her entire body was shaped to be visibly pleasing to look at. Her eyes shined with fear as she moved her head, her mouth moving with no words passing her lips. "Ash, Smoke," Spike said calmly "Shut the door and unstrap her," Ash shut the door built into the cave walls and Smoke undid the straps, the Kirin attempted to reach for her horn and Spike spoke up. "Don't touch that anti-magic Ring," She demanded at once, the Kirin attempted to ignore her but her hands seemed to be stopped by nothing as she desperately tried to grab at her horn and failed. "You have no name," Spike said simply "You have no free will, you existed to do what I say and to do it without question," "This is kind of hot," Smoke whispered to Ash, who was staring at Spike with awe. "I kind of wanna be dominated," Ash agreed. "Ash, Smoke," Spike said upon hearing them "I want you to stand by the door and watch, do not undress or show any skin, This fucker will not get even the tiniest smidge of satisfaction out of this," Ash and Smoke did as they where asked and Spike turned back to her nameless Puppet. "Strip," She demanded "You no longer have the right to hide your shame from the world," The Kirin girl immediately began tearing her clothes apart, after a moment she sat on the floor nude, desperately grabbing at her groin as though she hadn't fully believed her change had been real until seeing her own Womanhood with her own eyes. Spike took off her shorts and presented her mast, repositing her robe so her breasts were even more hidden than they usually were. "Well?" Spike demanded as she motioned to her semi-hard shaft "I'm not gonna serve myself," The Kirin girl crawled towards her, visibly fighting her own body as it ignored her attempts to get away from Spike. the Kirin girl grasp Spike's shaft and began pumping it while using her other hand to push up her breasts. "No," Spike said simply "Use your tongue," The Kirin girl stuck her tongue out and with a horrified look began lapping at Spike like a thirst dog, leaving a large amount of drool behind as she licked away, Spike simply stood there and watched as every part of the girl portrayed a Girl who was enjoying her activities, every part but her eyes, where Spike could see the horror and disgust as her body was forced to participate without her content, "Suck it," Spike said with a smile, The Girl moved to the bottom and licked all the way to the tip before bobbing her head back and forth and she began sucking it, Spike let her go unabated for a while as she simply enjoyed the sensation and the sound of sucking before using her hand to push the Girl as far down as she could, the girl put her hands down and Spike began thrusting into her throat with as much force as she could. "Don't worry," Spike laughed as she looked the girl in the eye "Your body is made for this, No need to sleep, eat, drink, or even breath, you only exist to pleasure me," Spike thrust once more and filled the girl's mouth with her blessing. "Don't swallow," Spike added "Let it sit in your mouth and enjoy the taste of my seed on your tongue first," Spike walked away from the Girl as she sat on the floor with her mouth full and turned to Ash and Smoke. "Please go tell Moonstone I'll be finished preparing her Gardner in, oh about an hour, but to knock before entering, and don't worry, if you really want me I can command you in the bedroom tonight," "Oh yay," Smoke cheered. "Can I be commanded in the bathhouse?" Ash asked nervously "I...I wanna feel like I'm alone with you beneath a waterfall first," "Sure," Spike said as she gave them both a kiss on the cheek "I'll see you after I'm done here," Spike waited for them to leave before adding "Now you can swallow," She waited for her orders to be followed before smiling, "Get on the bed, then lay on it with your knees pushing your back up," The Girl did as she was commanded and she Got on top of her before thrust into her with no warning. "How about we make sure you can't disobey?" Spike asked as she grabbed her new toy by the mane "I have a few ideas," Spike thrust as far into her new toy as hard and fast as she could, before flipping her onto her back and pulling out, Spike repositioned herself and pressed her shaft between her new toys large mounds and began using them to pleasure herself while making her instrument of pleasure lick and suck at her tip. Spike smiled at the look in her eyes and leaned in slightly. "Let's see just how far I can push that body of yours," Spike heard the sound of knocking and got up from her flower, on the bed, her new town was rolled up in a ball with her legs behind her hand and eating herself out, Spike opened the door and found Moonstone waiting for her. "Yeah," Spike said without being asked "I've thought of basically everything and so far she's done it all without hesitation or the ability to say no, even if it should physically break her body she does it, and is completely fine," Spike shrugged "I mean it might be painful but I really don't care about that," Spike snapped as with a pop the Girl pulled away and flopped into laying on her back. Spike smiled at the dull look in her eyes, fairly certain she had mentally broken her toy. "Wonderful," Moonstone cheered "The Garden ceremony should be ready to begin in just a few minutes, all you have to do is...what you've been doing for the last hour, only in front of the church, once we've seen her filled with your seed we'll drag her to the Garden and she will be put to work," "Oh," Spike laughed "Don't give her any clothes," Moonstone nodded and Spike shut the door before walking up to her Gardner "Hey," He said simply "once you are in the Garden you'll be free to do as you wish, physically I mean, but if you ever break the rules or attempt to leave, I'll be summoned directly to you and I'll spend the next week pounding some loyalty into you," Spike put her hand on her cheek before adding "And I don't mean with my fists, now, suck me off until there ready for us," Spike sat on the bed and sighed as she was serviced. Unlike her usual time with others, Spike was in full control of her gardener so she could make it long or do it in many short repetitive bursts, as she had nothing but long times she chose short bursts of pleasure. By the time Moonstone returned Spike was actively using all she had to thrust into the Gardner as they lay there and took it. "Ready?" Spike asked, Moonstone simply nodded and Spike forced her Gardner to lick herself clean before walking out of the room, using her hands to push her breasts up. Spike and Moonstone followed after her, and Spike realized for the first time that every member of her church was a female Kirin, thanks in part to the fact that they were all dressed in Bikini Tops and shorts. "Are you simulating my wardrobe?" Spike asked with a chuckle as Moonstone took off her robe and revealed she was also wearing a bikini top with shorts. "Of course," Moonstone replied as she held her hands out, Spike got the idea and removed her bathrobe, handing it to Moonstone before walking to the circle, where her Gardner was on her knees waiting, Spike slid her shorts down and stood there as she nonverbal made the Gardner suck her off one more time, she made it last a while as she could visibly see her followers were getting off on the act. After feeling enough time had passed Spike filled her Gardner with her blessing and pulled away, the girls of her church crowded the Gardner and she was dragged away to take up her position. Spike hide her shame and was instantly crowded as her loyal followers began begging her to let them feel her love. "Hold up now," Spike said nervously "I can't just go starting a massive orgy in the middle of a field, talk with Moonstone and make your case, I'm sure she can weed out who actually needs me and who just wants me, so I can do the needs first and the wants later," Spike backed away when something shiny caught her eye as Ash and Smoke parted the crowed with the Palaquin they had used to carry her from the train station in their magic. "We have come to take you home ma'am," They said in unison. "You've all been great," Spike called out "I love each and every girl in the grove," Spike took her seat and was carried away, finding her pink bathrobe in her seat she put it on and waited for them to be far enough away before adding. "Of course, I can only think of a small number of beautiful women I'd sleep with more than once," Smoke and Ash both smiled but came to a halt when Spike suddenly added "Oh look, a small cave, what say we take a break, I've had so much one side sex and I need to wash it down by pleasuring two special girls," Ashe and Smoke ran for the cave and Spike just smiled as they both piled into her Palaquin and began tossing both their and her clothes outside. > Pony Guards > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike sighed as she let the hot water wash over her body, she sat comfortably in Rainshines Olympic pool of a bath, she floated in the middle of the hot water surrounded by an absurd amount of bubbles. Spike was so deep in the bubbles that she could neither be seen nor see anything but water and bubble. "My Lady," Red called out from the edge, all of Spikes Harem stood sat in the sallow section in a small area free of bubbles "Are you ok?" "I fucking love this," Spike declared with a merry laugh, her voice indicating she was in the deeper part of the bath. "I can tell," Blue noted with a sigh, with all of the girls having finished cleaning themselves almost an hour prior they had hoped for something to become of the bath but had quickly found that Bath sex wasn't something Spike liked, having stated that being neck-deep in water was kind of a turn-off. "I bet she'd go for shower sex," Ash suggested. "Oh but listen to her," Autumn said with a grin as Spike used her magic to warp the bubbles around her and laughed as they all tumbled back onto her, "This is the first time I've ever seen her happy about something other than sex and food," As the girls watched Spike enjoy her bath a slow feeling of unease spread among them as Autumns words filled their minds with something they hadn't really taken the time to think about before that moment. "What does she like?" Summer asked in a worried tone, setting up a small Magic Barrier to keep Spike from overhearing them. "When we first met She was delivering a barrel of Apple cider," Summer noted as she racked her brain in an attempt to think of something, "but past that I've never seen her do anything other than spreading her love to us," "This is bad," Blue groaned, "all we know is what she's bluntly told us, She likes sex, food, and long bubble baths," "Let's just ask her," Autumn decided confidently. "And admit we just now thought about it!?" Smoke demanded "this makes us looks shallow," "Relax," Red said as she got up "I got this" the group watched as Red swam out to Spike and took up a position next to her. "So," Red said calmly, pulling Spike's attention away from the bubbles "Besides seeing your Friends and Family do you have any plans for when we're out on our trip across Equestria?" "Oh you know, might grab an enchanted Comic book or two at Canterlot, See if I missed anything good with Hoof ball, Oh I also gotta grab my stuff from my room in Canterlot," "Oh, you lived in Canterlot?" Red asked curiously as more of the girls began slowly moving in on them, "Smoke mentioned she and Ash met you at the school in Ponyville," "Yeah," Smoke confirmed as she attempted to float on her back "She was bringing a Barrel of Cider to a Big Red Earth Pony," Smoke made a noise of frustration as her lower body sank back beneath the surface. "My old buddy Big Mac," Spike informed before chuckling "Man he is gonna have a stroke when he sees me," Spike stopped floating and waded towards Smoke in an attempt to help her float while the other girls grouped up. "So I got Comic Books, Hoof ball, and she has a home somewhere in Canterlot," Red informed quietly. "Alright, it's a start," Autumn said confidently, "I know a nice little place that sells comics here in the grove, I use to date the guy who runs it, me and Summer can go pick out a couple for her," "I have no idea what hoof ball is," Ash said simply, "But maybe Applejack or Fluttershy might know?" Ash shrugged "Worth a shot, I'll take Smoke with me to ask if they know about any big news on the subject," "Alright, Blue and I will keep our lady company so she doesn't suspect anything is up, the rest of you are tasked with getting comics and figuring out what exactly hoof ball is and if it's something we can bring to her," A loud cheer drew their attention as Smoke floated next to Spike on the surface of the water. "How much longer do you think she'll be doing this?" Blue questioned as Spike began playing with the bubbles again. "I suspect however long it takes for magical bubbles to dissipate," Summer said as she began playing with the bubbles, "I suspect an hour or two longer unless she starts feeling frisky and has us move to the showers, in that scenario we could be here for the rest of the day," Twilight stood at the Train station expectantly as she waited, knowing her brother was fast approaching her position she had sent out a spell to look for him and had come to the station as soon as possible as she felt him and Cadance nearing the grove. Twilight spotted the Crystal Train barreling down the tracks, the train screeched to a halt, and almost instantly Shining burst out. "Where is he?" Shining demanded with a look of concern etched on his face as Cadance followed him calmly. "Relax," She said, speaking to Shining but staring at Twilight "Twilight, you didn't do anything crazy did you?" "I haven't done anything that wasn't necessary," Twilight responded calmly. "Alright, so I'm guessing it's safe to assume you've either angered the Kirin or offended them in some way at the very least?" "All I did was try to take Spike home," Twilight said in defense, "But they stopped me and took him away again, now they're trying to convince him that Celestia is the bad guy in this scenario!" "Alright," Shining turned back to the train and whistled, following his call several dozen Crystal Pony Guards filled out the train "Let's go get my brother back," "Shining," Cadance said testily "We are not bringing an armed escort the size of a small army with us to speak to the Kirins about getting Spike," "It's just a safety precaution," Shining said with a smile "We'll only bring a handful, the rest are on standby, just in case they refuse to see reason or should they become violent, We do have two Princesses here after all," Cadance took a slow deep breath "Shining, you're letting your emotions dictate your actions instead of logic, we should look at both sides of the story, not just assume our side is right because it's the side we started on," "They turned Spike into a walking fetish," Twilight said angrily. "And is Spike into that fetish?" Candace countered. "That's not relevant," Twilight countered "What is relevant is that there showering him with pointless sex to keep him from seeing reason," "Twilight," Cadance walked forward and put her hand on top of Twilight's head, Twilight's Mane was a disorderly mess in her hand, "You look like you haven't slept in several days, And your eyes tell me it might be longer than that," "How can I sleep here?" Twilight demanded, "What if they try to turn me to!?" "Twi," Cadance repeated "Get on the train, follow the guard, and get some sleep," Twilight made to argue but Cadance just patted her head "Sleep," She repeated, the repeated use of the word making Twilight feel the fatigue she had been forcing back with magic. "Maybe...maybe for just a few minutes," Twilight agreed as several Guard members diligently lead Twilight to a place for her to rest her head. "Alright," Candace clapped her hands "Let's go talk with them, and let's be peaceful about it, Celestia knew this would happen to Spike specifically so if this really is a problem she would have done something to prevent it," Shining looked at his wife in silence and she blushed slightly "Alright well maybe she does have a history of not preparing for future problems quite as well as she should, but still, I would like to hear both sides of the story before we march into the Kirin's home with an armed force," "The armed forces are staying back," Shining cut in "You and I will have a very small group escort us while we talk to Rainshine, if us having a fair sized armed force waiting for us at the station should come up then so be it," Shining motioned with one hand an a group of 3 male guards and one female guard broke apart from the group and filed in behind him. Cadance simply shook her head. "Why must you be so stuborn?" Cadance demanded of him as they head out in the direction of the Grove with the aid of a dirt trail and a sign. "You know you love it," Shining chuckled in response. Spike left the Bathhouse stretching, at his side where Blue and Red, the rest of her girls had left a few minutes prior to go and do a few personal things, and Spike had quickly lost interest in the bubble bath without them there to keep her company. "Welp, what do you guys feel like doing?" Spike questioned as she looked at her two remaining partners. "Oh, I'm happy just following you about your day," Red assured Spike. "Quite so," Blue agreed. "Oh," Spike frowned as she scratched her chin, trying desperately to think of something to do other than Sex with her two maids "Wanna play a Board game?" Spike offered "I've always loved me a good old-fashioned game night," "Gladdly," Red agreed, Spike clapped her hands together with a smile. "Great, lets go ask Rainshine if she has any," the journey to Rainshines room was fairly uneventful until the group arrived at the door and found two pony guards standing by the door. Spike only sighed, figuring Twilight was up to something, Spike made to go in and see who had been roped into Twilight's scheme, only for two Spears to block her from touching the door, Red and Blue both immediately sparked at the hostile gesture. "By order of Captian of the Royal Guard Shining Armor this room is off-limits until futter notice, Move along citizen," They said in unison. "By order of..." Spike groaned "You don't have any authority here guys, in fact your kind of breaking Kirin law just being here," "As members of the Royal Guard, Crystal Empire division three, we have the right to break or ignore any rules or laws in Equestria so long as directly ordered to do so by a Princess, Move along Ma'am," "Equestria is about 20 minutes that way," Spike shot back irritably, "This is Kirin Country, you have no jurisdiction in any way, now get the hell out of my way," "We are warning you, ma'am," One of the Guards said as they both pointed their spears at Spike. "We are authorized to use force to keep you at bay," Spike was ready to stand her ground when she suddenly felt the temperature of the room skyrocket as two new sources of light burst forth behind her. Rainshine sat at her desk with her arms crossed and a less than pleased look on her face as Shining stared her down smugly and Cadance just slowly shook her head while covering her face, doing her best not to look at her husband. "Did you just threaten to march an Army across my Grove?" Rainshine demanded irritably. "Yeah," Shining Confirmed "Now give me back my brother, because I think we both know how a fight will end," Rainshine slowly nodded her head before shaking it "No, I don't think both of us do," Rainshine countered as she got to her feet "You are aware that the literal only reason I'm not already at war with you is because Spike fought fiercely on your behalf, and should Spike be taken form me by any means other then her own will I will immediately begin burning your country to the ground personally until I find her," "Her?" Cadance asked suddenly very interested "Oh sweet Celestia I can't wait to see her," Shining turned to say something to his wife only for the door to the room to burst open as both guards were sent hurtling into the wall across the room by magic. "Calm down," Spike demanded, having chucked the guards to keep them from being burned. "I doubt they were really gonna stab me," "I don't care," Red snapped, her voice sending a chill of unease down the spine of all the ponies in the hearing distance "No one shoves a spear in my darling's face and lives to tell about it," "And that's a totally understandable reaction," Spike assured them having put up a Barrier wall behind her that both Red and Blue were effortlessly pushing forward "But murdering two Equestrian guards will not help me end this problem peacefully," "You see," Rainshine added "There's Spike, Still trying to convince us we should be at peace with you even though two of your guards just tried to stab her," "Allegedly," Spike countered in a half-joking, half-serious tone "allegedly tried to stab me," Shining groaned as he looked at the Female Kirin that had been his brother, "You can not be serious," he turned to Rainshine with an angry look, but was unable to properly lay out how he felt when Cadance began laughing. "Spike, your rocking that Bikini top," She called out, adding a cat call at the end. "That's the Great Spike?" the still standing Male guard asked in awe, "I can get used to that," He poked his female co-worker with his shoulder and chuckled "think she'll let me take a swing at that ass?" "Deffiety not," Spike shot back as she fought to push against the Barrier, "Girls please this is starting to hurt my shoulders a little," Instantly both Red and Blue extinguished themselves. "Oh, no I'm so sorry," Blue said at once. "Are you ok?" Red asked with concern in her voice, Spike dropped the barrier, and bother Red and Blue began feverously rubber her shoulders to make up for causing her discomfort. "She's even got two suitors already," Cadance chuckled to Shining "So, can we do my, talk things out and figure out what's going down, plan, or do you still wanna make idle threats?" Shining muttered and Cadance took her time in the spotlight. "Hello," Cadance said to get Rainshines attention "I'm Cadance, the not-crazy Princess who thinks that this happening to Spike is kind of awesome," "Cadance please save this," Spike called out "If you turn on me I will literally have nothing left to say about Equestria," "Oh, high stakes," Rainshine chuckled "You must be the Princess of Love, come now, as my darling Spike just declared if you fail to be reasonable I will not continue to head her wishes of peace," Spike lay on the floor, failing to enjoy playing her card game due to the three stallions constantly ogling her form, making matters worse was that she could hear them whispering about her, as Spike placed down a Red Three her ears twitched. "I know she still has a dick but if she keeps her legs together and I got at her from behind..." "This is starting to piss me off," Spike muttered, not wanting to chastise the guards aloud out of fear of not being able to stop Blue and Red should they go off the rails again, having only been able to stop them in their entirety due to their inability to tell any of the three male guards apart. Rainshine was laughing with Candace on the Balcony, while Shining had returned to the train to call off the march. Spike was just about ready to call it a day when she overheard the guards speaking again, this time her ears shot up and she dropped her cards, Red and Blue looked up as Spike slowly turned her head and stared Directly at the Female guard, who began sweating at Spikes sudden stare, Spike slowly began smiling at her. "I heard that," Spike said with a chuckle, The Mare turned bright red and both Red and Blue looked at her suspiciously. "What did she say," Blue demanded, ready to go into defense mode. "The other guards were talking about how much they wanted to take a crack at me, and then she said she wouldn't mind if I took a crack at her," Blue and Red sighed. "If you take her as a mate we'll only have room for one more in the bed," Red warned. "And we still have a lot of space to cover on your planned trip to visit friends and family," Blue agreed. "Hey," One of the males spoke up "What about us, we could give you a hell of a good time baby," "If your all chill with me magically turning you all into women and using you as a cum dumpster then, by all means, continue to be in this room by the time I count to five," Spike wasn't even able to hit two before the three colts had rushed out, saying something about being needed back at the train. "Oh, they're no fun," Spike muttered "Well then what say you, little miss?" Spike looked back at the Mare guard who had stood her ground "Wanna be taken for a ride, just come sit by me," Spike picked back up her cards and took several out of the deck, she held them out to the mare, who was now sitting next to her with a burning red face. "Does my new 'friend' have a name?" Spike questioned, "Or would you like me to give you a new one?" The Mare shivered at the question and Spike took this time to get a better look at her, the Mare, like most guards, was white with a blue mane, Spike noted with a smile that neatly tucked into her back was a set of wings. "Oh," Spike said with interest "I've never been with a Pegasus before, do tell me your name darling, I can't cry out in passion if I don't have anything to cry out," "I'm Solar Moon," She responded nervously. "Oh, come now Solar, let's get to know each other a little before we take this to my private chambers," "Yes," Red agreed, suddenly very happy Solar had sat down, Next to her Blue used her magic to steal a quill, some ink, and a parchment, "Do tell us everything about yourself, and then our dear Spike will do the same for you," "Um...I was a part of the Canterlot Royal guard before being sent to the Empire as a guard," Solar said, Spike, lost interest in the cards as she took in everything Solar had to say to her. Cadance and Rainshine looked out across the Grove, watching as Shining made his way back towards the Train station. "Your Husband's almost as bad as his sister," Rainshine noted. "They mean well,' Cadance assured Rainshine "There just extremely stubborn," "As is she," Rainshine noted looking back towards Spike "Although while they stubbornly refuse to accept she is a part of this willingly, Spike stubbornly refuses to accept my word alone and says she won't pick my side or yours until she receives the full story," "Literally what I told Shining," Cadance said with a shake of her head "Can't just pick a side because it's the side you started on," "Well then," Rainshine patted Cadance on the back "Because you have been nothing but helpful I shall hold off on starting any wars with Equestria unless it becomes the will of my beloved," "Well, that's great to hear," Cadance smiled as she looked out across the grove she spotted what she figured was a nudist tiling the land not too far away, "I'd like to learn more about your home honestly and being at war would certainly put a damper on that," "Uno," Red suddenly cried out. "I wanna rematch," Spike demanded immediately. > A Pony among the Kirin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was filled with nervous energy, less so at the prospect of sex, but more so at the prospect of making a good first impression, seeing how Solar was going to be the first creature she'd sleep with that didn't see her as a literal god Spike was slightly worried about failing under the pressure of actually being interesting and not just coasting off of blind devotion. Spike sat next to Solar in silence, having not wanted to just drag her to the bed Spike had arranged a small table to be put into her room so she could have a meal with Solar first, Red and Blue stood on either side of the table, having been very excited at the thought of waiting over the meal, thought Spike felt like they were up to something sneaky she failed to see what it could be and decided to just let the day play out. "So," Spike said as she looked over the meal she had ordered for them, consisting only of vegan foods so as to keep Solar from thinking of animal meat being in Spike's mouth, "Is it fun being a Guard in the Empire? or did you prefer it back in Canterlot?" "I mean Canterlot ponies are snobbish, and the Crystal Empire is a tad bit on the strange side for me, their food supply is most just crystal berries and they put it in everything, I'm talking Salads, Muffins, as Pizza toppings, they even use it as a sauce and put it on their fries," Solar groaned "Just gets kind of dull when you're stuck with the same flavor for so long," "Oh," Spike nodded "I suppose I can't fully relate to that, if I like something I'll eat it every day repeatedly and never get sick of it," "Every creature has its own unique tastes," Solar replied simply "Some creatures can eat the same thing every day and some can't eat the say thing twice within the span of a week," Blue and Red waited for the two to keep talking only for the table to go silent as the two ate their meals in awkward silence. "She's dying out there," Red sighed, looking directly at Solar as she spoke, she very quickly found that Spike found the comment directed at her. "Well In my defense I've never really done this before," Spike noted defensively "I just kind of walk in here and got a harem on Looks and reputation alone," "Well to be fair," Solar replied simply "I'm only here because your hot as hell and because of the stories I've heard of your battle with Sombra," "Wait time out," Red cut in "A battle with who?" "It wasn't a fight," Spike shot back "I basically just jumped off the top of a castle with the Crystal Heart and got caught by Cadance before I could hit the ground," Red and Blue looked less than thrilled at the idea of Spike jumping off the top of a building but were prevented from speaking out when Solar chuckled. "You forgot the part where you jumped at Sombra, you can deny it all you want but no creature believes you weren't gonna spill fire all over him once he got close enough," "I wasn't" Spike countered "I never once thought of doing it, I could have, and I should have, but I didn't even think about it until the Crystal Ponies asked if that was my original plan," "Sounds like modesty," Red noted. "Clearly just trying to up-sell Cadance so we'll like her more," Blue agreed. "I am not," Spike whined back in defiance, only earning smiles from the three girls present. "Sure you're not," Blue chuckled "Don't worry darling your secret's safe with us," "Even if it's not a very hard one to figure out," Red assured Spike. "Can we move this conversation in a different direction?" Spike pleaded "Let's talk about anything else," "How about why you're stalling?" Solar questioned, "I get the feeling you didn't do this with your other girls, what makes me so special?" Spike was silent for a moment before laughing nervously. "Well with the rest of my girls I kind of feel like I'm coasting off my status and I didn't wanna just assume I could get away with it again," Spike looked up as Not only Solar but both Red and Blue began laughing. "Oh that's what I love about you," Red sighed "You somehow think I might be too good for you when you're the one too good for me," "It's ok love," Blue assured Spike "You've lived a life without unending worship and are tinged with an endless fear that we may one day grow bored of you, but I'm confident all of us can work together to snuff that fear out," "It is somewhat endearing," Solar agreed "A Sexy beast like you fretting you might fail to gain my attention, I'm not sure I've ever been more flattered by anyone's attempts to wow me more so than you just staring at me with that nervous fear of me walking out," "To be fair," Spike countered "I have spent a lot of my life pining after a single mare only for repeated rejection so I'm kind of hardwired to just sorta expect it," Spike motioned down to herself and shrugged "I'm not exactly used to walking around rocking all of this," "You wanna know what will make me feel really good?" Solar asked as she leaned towards Spike "I'd like you to treat me like the rest of your 'girls' so to speak, I wanna be taken to that bed and I wanna have my world rocked so hard I won't be able to enjoy another creature girth ever again," Spike slowly nodded her head. "Somehow I think I might actually be able to do that for you," Spike got to her feet and looked over to Red and Blue "You know the rules girl, Every creature gets at least one duet with me," Red and Blue simply nodded and walked out of the room to make sure none of the rest of the harem attempted to walk in. Spike once again felt a nervous chill go down her spine at being alone, "No, stop it, your pleasing to the eyes now, work it bitch," Spike took a deep breath and took her robe off, she heard the sound of metal clattering against the wooden floor and turned to find Solar undoing her armor, Spike chose to enjoy the show as the mare stripped the metal from her body," After a moment of undoing straps Spike was greeted with the sight of Solar standing in her orders, a simple blue bra, and panties, her mane, no longer held up by her helmet, ended at her shoulders, she fluttered her wings and stretched, mostly to tease Spike for a moment. "I am so ready for this," Solar decided with an excited tone in her voice, Spike sat on the bed and with a pat summoned Solar to her side. "I've never done it with a pegasus before," Spike said in a whisper, "Should I avoid the wings?" "Quite the opposite," Solar assured her as she slowly leaned in closer to Spike "In fact, I wouldn't mind if you pulled on them a little when given a chance," "I'll keep that in mind," Spike assured her as she helped Solar close the gap and allowed their lips to meet. Spike felt Solar react to Spike's much longer tongue, shock turned to intrigue fairly quickly as Spike used her hands to slowly explore Solar's Body, a task Solar was happy to mimic. while Spike took an interest in feeling through Solar's wings Solar seemed more divided and had one hand fondling Spike's chest and the other rubbing against her golden boxers, feeling her slowly stiffening rod. The two enjoyed the kiss for a moment, slowly growing in passion before Solar broke away. "Let's kick this up a little," She asked, Spike said nothing and instead unclipped Solar's Bra while Solar untied Spike's Bikini Top. Spike skilfully removed her boxers in one quick movement without standing up while Solar got to her feet and made a show of it, With the two both fully exposed Solar made it very clear she wanted first dibs as she reached down and took Spike's shaft in her hand. "What an interesting shape," She noted as she looked Spike over "Is this what Kirin males have? It almost has a mushroom shape to it," Spike simply shrugged. "I certainly am not what a Dragon has," Spike assured her "And seeing how I have never actually tried to get a look at one that wasn't mine I couldn't tell you what a Kirin is supposed to have but all the Kirin Girls I've been with haven't ever brought it up so I assume it's what a-" Spike cut off immediate as Solar gave it a test lick, apparently finding the test acceptable she began licking along the bottom of the shaft, making sure to make her licks slow as she slid her tongue up and down its length. Solar slowly began going fast, after a near full minute she stopped at the top and licked the tip before bringing her lips in and suckling on the end of Spike's shaft, she continued suckling, and with each suck, she slowly moved her head a little lower until she was bobbing her head back and forth, only just managing to make it the base before pulling out with a gagging noise, After a moment she seemingly gave up with a sad sigh. "Seems I can't finish the job," She said disappointedly. "Oh don't take it personally," Spike assured her "I'm designed for pleasure, I literally can't reach my Climax until my partner does, while I do love that feeling it's not gonna work unless we're in an orgy or I'm pleasuring you at the same time. "As much as I wanna experience that," Solar got to her hooves and placed her hands on Spikes holders "I'm yearning to go for a ride with you," Spike put her hands around Solar's waist with a smile. "Only creature stopping you is you," Spike informed her simply, Spike moved up the bed and lay on her back as Solar got into position, pressing Spikes Mast against her entrance, Spike noticed Solar hesitate and made no move to force her to move quicker, simply laying on the bed as a single thought occurred to her. "First time?" Spike asked, earning a guilty chuckle from Solar. "That obvious?" She asked. "Your concern at not being able to finish me off was ripe with disappointment," Spike said simply "Less so disappointed about not getting anything and more so about failing to make me climax," Solar frowned and looked down at Spike's mast before trembling a little. "It's gonna hurt," She whispered "I know it is," "Now with me, it won't," Spike whispered as she leaned in and gave Solar another kiss "The Goddess of Fertility doesn't do pain, only pleasure," Spike gave Solar one more kiss on the cheek and lay back down "Trust me, you'll feel no pain when you play with me," Solar took a few quick breaths before sliding down and slowly taking in Spikes girth, Spike waited as she slid down to the base and simply stared blankly at the wall with pleasure written across her face. Spike held her hips and began slowly pulling out and pushing back in, The Look on Solar's face was enough to tell her that the Mare was lost in bliss. "Sorry," Spike chuckled as she continued her slow thrusting "I may have gone a little too hard on the pleasure charm," "Itshevnly," Solar slurred out, Spike was fairly confident she had said something along the lines of it being heavenly and failed to see any reason to slow down, Spike very quickly felt the coming tide of a climax and did her best to hold out a little for Solar, in less than a minute Spike's Blessing filled Solar as she flopped on top of her. "You having fun?" Spike questioned before noticing the distinct change in breathing, "Ah, did you just fall asleep on me?" Spike felt Solar curl up a little bit and turned a little red, "Oh that's so cute," Spike used her magic to remove herself from Solar and cleaned her up, dumping they're left over fluids onto the floor to be dealt with later Spike lay Solar down and tucked them both in before laying still as Solar murmured in her sleep and help Spike tightly. "She's all tuckered out," Spike said in amusement before laying back with a sigh, taking immense personal pleasure in being used as a Pillow. > The Kirin Comic Company > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Autumn took a deep breath and she and Summer looked at The Kirin Comic Company, a small tree hollowed out and turned into a shop for the few comics that the Kirin's had available to them, as it was the only Comic shop in the grove the place was very well known for being a massive rip off. "I regret volunteering for this," Autumn decided as she stared at the storefront with a less than cheerful look on her face. "Weird," Summer muttered when she spotted the Kirin inside running the register "I don't remember that guy, you sure that's one of your Ex-boyfriends?" "He certainly seems to think that half of one date makes him my ex," "That bad?" Summer asked with interest. 'No, it was that boring," Autumn groaned "Let's get this over with," Autumn and Summer made their way into the store and found it mostly empty save a few young Kirin looking over the limited selection," "Hey," Summer said to get the attention of the Kirin Autumn had once taken out on a date "I'm here to buy some comics," "Then buy some," The Kirin replied in a nasally bored tone. "I'll take one of every Comic you have," Summer said simply. "Great, have fun collecting them," The Kirin said, shooing her away. "You think Spike would like this one?" Autumn asked Summer as she picked up the first issues of a Mystery comic series, The Kirin behind the counter immediately looked back up and smiled. "Well, well, well," he said "Look who's come crawling back," "Nope," Autumn replied "Just here to get as many comics as I can. "Sure you are," He said wiggly his brows before adding "Must be so lonely, having to live without me," "We went on one date," Autumn said with a groan "Not even a full date because I canceled our plans to go see that play and went home alone," "Oh, don't feel bad, I just wasn't feeling the vibe and had to cut things short, but maybe we could try again if you're free tonight," "No," Summer cut in as she stepped in front of Kirin's gaze. "Ma'am I'm trying to talk to..." "...my Girlfriend," Summer cut in, "How about you stop while you're still ahead?" The Kirin looked up at Summer, who preceded to turn back to Autumn and inspect the comic she was talking about. "A little competition eh?" The Kirin pondered "Alright Autumn Blaze, I'll play your little game," The Kirin watched as Autumn and Summer began slowly gathering up as many comics as they could, taking care to grab them in order to make sure none were missed. "And 108," Summer declared as she grabbed the volume of the mystery series that was on the new releases stand "Alright that should just about be enough," Summer placed the comic on top of their stack that was being held up by Autumn with magic. The duo placed the Comics on the check-out counter and the Kirin looked at them for half a second. "that'll be, oh about a thousand bits," He said simply, causing Autumn to stop just as she pulled out a card to pay for the bill "And we only take bits, no card I'm afraid," "No, it isn't," Summer countered instantly "each of your comics cost 6 bits, double what they use to cost before the owner of this place bought out and closed Kleo Comics on the other side of the grove, even with 108 volumes, that equals 648 bits exactly, Also you literally have a sign on your door saying you accept cards you lying bastard," "Well you're wrong," The Counter Kirin countered "In fact for trying to scam me, you're banned, Put the comics back and get the fuck out of my store," The Kirn shook his head and turned to Autumn immediacy "Can you believe this bitch?" "You know what, better idea," Autumn cut off her magic and dropped all of the comics onto the counter, causing them to tumble across the floor "You put 'en back," Autumn and Summer both turned away as the Kirin called out to Autumn that she was banned as well. "Great," Summer groaned "Screwed over by a shitty employee and even shitty prices," Autumn murmured unhearable words at a fast speed, before snapping her fingers. "I have a plan," She said evilly as she lit her horn, in a flash both Summer and Autumn appeared in Rainshine's room, Autumn instantly fell to her knees in a sweat. "Instant regret," She groaned. "Better than I could do," Summer noted as she and Autumn gained the combined attention of Rainshine and Cadance, who were in the middle of what looked to be a nice brunch. "Oh, Autumn and Summer welcome," Rainshine greeted before leaning closer to Cadance and adding "Spikes Firsts," "Ah," Candace nodded and sipped some of her tea. "Rainshine," Summer greeted, getting the gist of Autumn's plan "We were planning to get a surprise for Spike but were screwed over by a shitty employee, long story short we're both banned from the Kirin Comic Company, could you have every copy of Snowflake Silvers Myster Files delivered to Spike?" "easily," Rainshine said instantly as she got to her hooves "Care to take my place? I'm sure Spike's sister here would love to get to know you both," Rainshine lit her horn and flashed away. "So," Cadance said as Summer helped Autumn to her hooves "You were Spike's first ones eh? Must have been a lot of fun," "Oh, it was," Autumn said instantly "Although funny enough we were the fifth and sixth ones to join her haram," The Comic Kirin muttered irritably as he began picking up the comics with his magic, only for them all to swirl into a pile back onto the counter. "Hello there," Rainshine said, making the Kirin stare at her slack-jawed, "You must be the shitty employee who banned Autumn and Summer," Rainshine smiled "I would like to speak with your manager," > Preperations for Departure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was laying on her belly on the bed, smiling as she read volume seventeen of Snowflake Silvers Mystery Files. Around her, the room was filled with the hustle of life as all of her girls enjoyed their day in their own way, Autumn had challenged Blue to a game of Chess and Ashe was watching over them with the intent to play winner. Smoke and Summer were drinking in the corner with Solar as they all got to know each other, and Red was resting with her back to the bed reading a book that had no visible title but had a picture resembling Spike's head from when she had been a Dragon. Spike finished her comic and held it up, the comic was engulfed in green flames and was quickly replaced with volume eighteen, without skipping a beat Spike instantly went back to reading, humming a soft mindless tune as she read. "Oh don't worry," Smoke said with a laugh as Solar finished explaining how she had accidentally drawn Spike's attention, "That's almost exactly how Red and Blue got pulled into this beautiful mess, Only it was actually Spike who cat-called them, they took it as an invitation and Spike was happy to pretend it had been one," "I don't know what you're talking about," Spike cut in "It was an invitation, I just forgot who I was for a moment and didn't think it would work is all," a light tap on the door interrupted Smoke from giving a retort and both Red and Blue hurriedly made sure everyone was decent before answering the door on Spike's behalf. "Hello," Both Red and Blue Greeted formally as the knocker was revealed to be Cadance, "How may we help you today Ma'am?" "I'm just here for a head count," Cadance assured the maids "Gotta make sure there's enough room for all of Spike's new 'friends' on the train," "oh yeah," Spike chuckled "The Empire is one of my stops, suppose it makes sense to go visit with a royal escort, how long utile you and Shining depart?" "No worries," Cadance assured Spike "Take all the time you need to get ready, I don't have anything going on that can't be handed off to Sunburst," "Alright," Spike got up and quickly patted herself down "You heard the lady girls pack your bags, if you need bags to pack I'm sure Rainshine will be happy to help, Solar since you have no belongings to pack you'll be my personal guard until Shining makes you go back to work," "Actually," Cadance cut in "Due to an ongoing attempt at a peace treaty between Ponies and Kirins, effective immediately Solar you have been reassigned as the Goddess of Fertility's personal Guards mare, your to follow her wherever she may go and make sure she is kept safe," Solar gave a salute before turning and bowing to Spike. "What are your orders, my lady?" She asked in a serious tone. "Uh, keep me safe," Spike replied after a moment "Yeah that sounds about right, go on girl and get packing, I'll go give Rainshine the news," Red and Blue bowed in response and, once Cadance moved aside, headed down to the hall to their work lockers to grab their personal belonging before heading home to pack up. Smoke and Ashe headed out in a second group to go retrieve their belongings from their room at the church, Ending the crusade were Autumn and Summer, who showed off happily that they already had their bags packed up and ready. "We figured you'd wanna leave with the train," Summer noted. "You know me better than I do," Spike chuckled, having not thought of using the train to leave for even a moment, "Alright for being so prepared you two are in charge of making sure everyone brings the essentials, toothbrushes, toothpaste, at least a weeks worth of clothes, hygiene products, and everyone has to bring at least 1,000 pages worth of book. one big book, a bunch of small books, just need enough to keep them entertained since this trip is mostly just gonna be me informing my family and friends about the new me. I can't promise I'll have a lot of time for the more 'entertaining' parts of our usual nights," "You can count on us," Summer assured Spike while Autumn began writing down Spike's checklist. Knowing Autumn and Summer would take care of things, Spike and Solar left the room and joined Cadance in walking to Rainshines' room. "So," Cadance leaned in with a smile "What was it like being with a Pegasus for the first time?" "Exotic," Spike replied instantly "Can't wait to preen her wings," Solar stumbled for a moment at Spike's remark and hurriedly corrected herself, attempting to look like she was taking her role as Spike's personal Guard with the utmost seriousness. "Ain't she adorably," Spike added in a teasing tone as she pinched one of Solar's cheeks, look how gruff and tuff she looks, Solar managed to keep her expression unchanged but failed to keep her face from glowing red as she attempted to shift the subject of conversation away from herself. "Ma'am, I've heard many different names used for you, could you explain the Kirin of the Garden to me?" "Oh I can make Plants burst to life, and make barren soil fertile," Spike replied simply "I can also make mares who lack the ability to reproduce Fertil, making the Goddess of Fertility the more accurate out of all the names I can be addressed as," "I'm just gonna call you Spike," Cadance said with a thoughtful look "So you can just make plants appear out of nothing?" "Yeah, Kind of like with Discord, only with plants instead of chaotic anything," Spike explained simply before out her hand and whistling, roots burst forth onto her palm and after a moment her arm was covered in long roots with a small Bonsai Tree resting on her shoulder. "Not what I was trying to do," Spike noted with a tinge of disappointment "Not even in the same genus as what I was trying to make, But hey it's still something," Spike poked at her new shoulder tree with a chuckle and it, in turn, leaned away from her as though it was alive. Solar watched the tree shake around at Spike's touch with interest while Cadance took the lead. Upon arriving at Rainshines room the Tree had unraveled its roots and was now walking next to Spike like some sort of dog. "I'm gonna name it Chauncy," Spike decided proudly as she watched her little tree baby run circles around her, using its roots like dozens of tendrils to move upon. Solar was visibly put off by the sentient shrub and took a step back whenever it got too close to her. Cadance knocked on the door and it immediately swung open, Rainshine ignored Cadance and rushed to Spike, who was scooped into a hug instantly. "You can't leave," She whined immediately, "I'm not ready," "Oh Rainshine," Spike sighed with a shake of her head "you've been spying haven't you?" "Just a tiny bit," Rainshine assured "Making sure no one tries to enter your room forcefully, you know how it goes sometimes, fans who are too into you could end up hurting you in their blind devotion," "Kind of like keeping me locked up in the groove?" Spike shot back, earning a pout from Rainshine "Alright too far, I'm free to go when I please, but still, I can't delay any longer, fun as it's been it's time to hit the road, first stop the Crystal Empire, next stop who knows honestly," Rainshine looked like she wanted to cry but after a moment took a deep breath. "Alright, But I want you to send me letters at least once a week, If I don't get an update I'll mobilize the infantry to find you," "Noted," Spike replied with a chuckle "You need anything else?" "No, that should do for now," Rainshine assured her "Should only be two weeks at most, so long as nothing gets in either of our ways," "Well then," Cadance cut in "Seeing how I'm going to be taking your Goddess into my care for a while, I'm guessing you'll be wanting assurance that her safety is my top priority," "In writing, if you don't mind," Rainshine nodded back "It's not that I don't trust you, but your husband and his sister aren't even on the list of people I would consider trusting," "Seeing how my sister-in-law acted that's fair," Cadance walked into Rainshine's room and Spike followed, with Solar in hot pursuit. Rainshine motioned Cadance to her writing desk to draw up a draft of promises for Spike's care while Spike chose to sit on Rainshines bed. "What a pleasant dull evening," Spike decided with a smile as she watched Chauncy the Bonsai Tree crawl onto the ceiling. "How so ma'am?" Solar asked, failing to see how any part of the day had been dull. "Well after my time with you I've had No Orgys, no drama, no one's tried to kidnap me, I haven't been hurt in any way, I don't have to reshelve and clean an entire library, it's just me and my girls enjoying our days the way we want to," Spike let out a sigh as she lay back on the bed "all-around a pleasant evening, just being able to relax without having to cram a week worth of work into half a day," "First I'm hearing of this," Rainshine noted as she left Cadance to work on her draft and sat next to Spike. "What's all this about a week of work in a day?" "Oh I'm just being dramatic," Spike chuckled "Castle cleaning by myself used to be a nightmare, but in Canterlot there were more staff members so it was way easier," "Makes sense," Solar nodded "The great hero Spike the Dragon would have the tenacity and skill to clean an entire castle in a day, but to have to do it regularly, that can't be healthy, mentally at least," "How should I know I'm not a Doctor," Spike shrugged "I probably should look into becoming a botanist though," Spike looked up and found her new pet Tree had vanished "Ah, my sentient Bonsai has run off to find a place to take root, fare well dear Chauncy, I hardly knew the," "Well don't worry," Rainshine said, giving Spike a shoulder massage as she spoke "I'd have to fire a few maids if a reason ever arose where you needed to clean up anything for any reason my dear," "Oh, that's sweet," Spike chuckled nervously, "I think," "Pony Guard," Rainshine said, turning to Solar "Give her a good rub will you, were ever she might need one," "Alright let's be calm, my sister-in-law is sitting right over there," "By all means go back to your room," Cadance called back "Far be it for me to stand between some good old-fashioned pleasure-filled fun," Spike flopped back on the bed and Solar got behind her lifting her up and leaning her against her chest before humming a calming tune and going to work on her shoulders. "This is pleasing," Spike countered. "There," Rainshind said pulling up a seat next to Cadance "With my dear no longer sitting to the side alone let us get to work on this written promise for her protection while she travels to your lands," > Packing up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike's room was overflowing with chaos as all of her girls attempted to make sure their belongings were all accounted for. Autumn and Summer were doing their best to make a list of who was bringing what and who's suitcase belonged to who. "No," Summer called out, "Blue, your books go in the duffle bag, not your personal belongings, won't do you much good tucked away in Spike's dimensional hiding hole," Spike at the moment was in the corner with Discord, who was wearing the outfit of a little leagues coach. "Now visualize a room," Discord instructed, attempting to help Spike use her godly magic to help spike puncture a hole in a secondary plane of existence, "Imagine a door, grab the knob and pull it, open the door to your new home," Spike attempted to grasp at nothing and make something, on her third attempt there was a creaking sound and both Discord and herself looked to her hand. "Well," Discord nodded slowly "It's a start, I mean the door is tacky, the doorknob is a pentagon, oh and the door itself seems to be about the right size for a doll house so I doubt you'll be putting any suitcases in there," "I agree," Spike knocked on the tiny door and it ceased to exist "It is a start," Spike waved her hands in the air as though she just did not care, attempting to make a larger door appear for her. With Spike's attention taken up by training Autumn and Summer had to deal not only with the baggage but also keep the other girls from trying to steal some time with Spike during the rush. "I just wanted a kiss," Blue whined out as Summer pulled her away from Spike's side. "You can get a kiss when everything is sorted," Summer shot back as she forced Blue to return to her bag "Now come on, clothing in the suitcase, personal hygiene products in the knapsack with your name on it, and again Blue, get those books over to Autumn so she can pack them in the Dufflebag, it's the only luggage coming with us physically so if you wanna read during the train ride from here to the empire I suggest you get moving," Blue muttered something about Spike and Summer groaned "I promise all of you, I will try to find some way to get all of us an hour alone with Spike or at least get us down to groups of two, maybe during the ride maybe after. Now listen we're on a schedule here girls, if we want to depart while there's still a little light we best get moving, you know as well as I do that the energy charm only works during sex, so we'll all likely end up passing out from exhaustion during the first hour or so of our ride if we take to long, and that would leave our dear to endure the long lonely ride with no one but her crazy relatives as a company for who knows how many hours," While Summer did her best to make sure all the girls were doing as instructed and separating their personal belongings into clothing and others while handing the books off to Autumn, Autumn herself was doing her own bit of multitasking along with the books she was attempting to label everyone's belongings, a task made all the harder when some of the girls just dropped their books off and went back to rummaging through their belongings to put anything that wasn't clothing into a separate bag. With Summer trying to get everything sorted out, and Autumn trying to figure out who brought what, Spike found she was struggling to get a handle over her powers with all the ruckus happening behind her. "Alright," Spike sighed out in exasperation "Discord give me some time, I need to take a break before helping to supervise this mess," Discord shrugged. "Just remember the more you try, the harder it is," Discord held out his hand and ripped the fabric of reality away like it was a curtain before walking in and tossing it closed behind him. "Thanks," Spike shouted back, her voice dripping with agitation as she flopped onto the bed "That was very helpful," "Your welcome," Discord's voice called back faintly. Spike barely had a moment to lay down in frustration before she was repositioned with magic, she found her head resting on Smoke's lap, who began softly running her fingers over the scales on Spike's nose. Spike immediately lost all her worries as her brain was flushed with pleasure, Spike instantly began laughing as she tried to pull away. "No stop," She pleaded "I have to focus on magic and junk, your gonna get me all fired up, this is not the time for horny times," "Whatever do you mean?" Ash asked as she lay next to Spike in bed "I'm fairly sure any time spent pleasing you is a perfect time, and you looked so stressed, what say we all come together to help you unwind, I'm confident you'll perform better afterward," Before Spike could try to rebuttal Ashes logic she quickly found herself surrounded by her girls as all of the packings was quickly abandoned at the thought of spending time with Spike in bed. "Oh I think I see a stress line," Blue noted as she began tugging at Spike's clothing. "I'm....I'm ready for this," Solar said nervously, visibly concerned about her upcoming performance in what was quickly turning into her first orgy. "Should I...touch anywhere specific?" "Try rubbing the scales on her back," Red suggested with a grin "If you do it when she climaxes she can't stop herself from spreading her love," She chuckled before adding with a smile "Now, I know we did all agree to save that for special occasions, but I feel like Solars first time with the group is a pretty special occasion," "Yeah," Autumn hooted as she took position on Smoke's right and began rubbing her shoulder "Take that top off girl, if our dear lady sees some of our exposed skin she won't be able to help herself," "Now, hold on," Spike called out, as the ticklish pleasure began turning into a blinding one as Summer took her position on Smoke's left, and both she and Autumn joined her in lightly rubbing bother her forehead scales and her horn, "This hardly-oh wow- this hardly feels like the time for this," Spike bit her lip before giving in "Autumn if your gonna play with my horn then rub it off with your entire hand for goodness sakes, that one finger is just a tease," the girls laughed as Spikes easily gave in to them and they turned to Solar. "Take your time," Ash assured her "She can't finish until the ones she's going at is ready, and since it's your first time it's only right you take the reigns a little before we all begin crowding together. Solar took a deep breath before grabbing at the shirt she had been lent, having only originally brought armor Spike had made her a simple T-Shirt with Wing holes and a pair of jean shorts. Solar got to her hooves as she took the shirt off and tossed it to the floor while the other girls moved back, allowing Spike to move freely, Spike simply waved her hand like she was swatting at a fly and her clothing seemingly disappeared, reappearing neatly folded on the floor. "So how do you want it?" Spike asked with a smile "Top or bottom?" Solar turned red at the question, her face only glowing brighter as the rest of the girls begin calling out suggestions. "Oh, do top, she might end up lifting you into the air and plowing you while standing," Smoke called out. "No do bottom, she can make the entire bedrock," Solar took a deep breath as she withed the two choices. "Top," She said nervously as she dropped her shorts and panties to the ground, she unclipped her bra and got back on the bed, the girls were all lined up on the edge as Spike leaned her head against the headrest and held out her arms, welcoming Solar to come and embrace her choice. Solar crawled across the bed and rested her marehood against Spike's rod. Solar leaned forward and touched Spike's muzzle with hers. "You're still new," Spike whispered to her "So I'll take things slowly at first, but don't expect the other girls to keep things slow when they start joining in," Solar lifted herself up and slowly slid Spike inside of her, Solar simply grasped Spikes and let her settle inside of her for a long moment while the other girls began undressing each other, all doing their best to catch Spike's eye as they did so. Solar began lifting herself up and pushing Spikes back inside of her, slowly going faster. Spike quickly felt Solar beginning to lose her steam and softly whispered. "Just give me a kiss, I'll give you enough energy to keep up with every creature else," Solar leaned forward Spike slid her long tongue into her mouth, after a moment Spike felt the need to climax dissipate as Solar began going faster, a shining spark of energy in her eye. "Come on," She said, her fear whipped away by the overwhelming need to be pleasured more "No need to hold back, what kind of orgy only has two participants," Needing no further invitation the duo was immediately jumped as everyone tried to find a place, Solar let out a low moan as both of her hands were stolen by Red and Blue, who invited themselves to suckle upon her, Ash and Smoke latched onto Spike, who allowed her hands to be lead to their entrances so they could feel some pleasure along with her, Summer and Autumn took a moment to find their place, but in the end, Autumn decided to pick the new option and inspected Solars wings while Summer lay over Spike's face and let herself be filled with Spike's tongue. "Oh, wow," Solar began drooling and Autumn swooped in and pulled her into a kiss while exploring her wings. Red and Blue moved closer as Solar realized what they wanted her to do with her hands and began mimicking Spike's actions with Ash and Smoke. Even with her new blessing being pleasured by three women on top of being pounded by Spike quickly ate away at Solar's endurance and Spike pulled her hands away from Ash and Smoke and just as Solar rose up grabbed her hips and slammed her back down, Solar popped away form Autumn as she was filled with Spikes blessing and might have fainted has there not been three girls busy at work keeping her feeling nice and upright, Solar expected Spike to pull her off and trade her out, upon spying the look of one who thought they were about to lose the Spike light Spike pulled away from Summers loins. "Oh I'm not one and done," Spike laughed, gaining the groups' attention, "we might be sone with that part of the show, but how about we investigate your mouth game?" the girls pulled back as Spike pulled herself out of Solar and lay her on her back, Autumn, Blue, and Red dove in and Solar squeaked as the three girls began licking her clean inside and out, Spike put her back to Solar so that Summer, Ash, and Smoke could do the same for her. Solar wings began fluttering slightly and Spike leaned back and little and kissed her cheek. "Get ready," Spike said with a shine in her eye, "I ain't trading you out until you can put all of me into your mouth at once," Solar's wings fluttered slightly and she jumped slightly s Autumn dove in and began exploring Solar's insides. Spike turned back and watched Smoke begin to deep throat her while Summer licked the bottom of the shaft and Ash sucked on Spike's balls. Spike lay back into Solar and waited a few minutes. when she heard but did not feel a pop that told her Autumn had pulled away, at the same time Smoke gave one last attempt to milk something out of Spike and Spike used her magic to force herself and Smoke to Climax. It was an oddly cheap feeling for her, but Smoke seemed to relish it as she swallowed what she could before pulling away and being jumped by her sister and Summer, who began licking her face to try and claim some of Spike's love for themselves. Spike cleaned herself off and positioned herself so she was sitting on the edge of the bed, Solar got off, and with Smoke having accidentally stolen two of the girl's attentions, Autumn sat behind Spike and began fondling her form behind while Red and Blue placed their heads on her hips and lay back to watch as Solar took her place on the floor, looking on with some worry at Spikes erect staff. "Don't worry," Spike said with a smile "You've already been blessed with the ability to go all the way down, but I prefer to test these things out to their fullest, so we may need to go at it a few times just to be safe. Solar took a deep breath before grabbing the shaft with her hands and licking at the tip, She was slow at first, seemingly testing the taste. Spike assumed it was to her liking when she quickly put it in her mouth and began suckling, slowly moving further down with each movement of her head. Seemingly to avoid being forgotten Autumn began licking Spike's neck while Red and Blue licked at the area just above her shaft. Behind her, Spike heard the fight over Smoke end and found more hands on her as Ash and Smoke lay on top of Red and Blue and joined in the licking while Summer stole one of Spike's breasts before licking at the other side of her neck. Spike waited as Solar began gaining full speed, when she began to feel the need for release she spoke up. "Time to give Solar her special greeting," She whispered, Summer and Autumn both pressed their breasts into Spike's back and began rubbing while Autumn used her free hand to rub the end of Spike's nose and Summer accepted Spike's earlier request and began rubbing her horn with her full hand. Spike felt an extreme burning pleasure and Solar tried to swallow it all before pulling away, quickly being coated in the love juices she reached out a hand and all of the girls lower down took the invitation and joined her in lapping away as Spike's juices flowed like a faucet, after a moment Autumn gave in and leaned over the group from the bed, lapping away at Spike from a new angle. Not wanting to kill the vibe Summer continued rubbing Spike's horn while pulling her into an open-mouth kiss, the half-conscious Spike simply sat there and let them go at it. Soon she felt her consciousness drifting and managed to pull away from Summer just in time to declare. "Don't stop until everyone is satisfied," she declared before blacking out. > A Delay in Departure > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike sat on the bed and looked at the door she had made, she had failed to make a room but had managed to make a closet, just large enough for all the bags to be stored away without much hassle. With everyone's clothing and personal products put away, the door immediately needed to be reopened when it was found that Summer had accidentally left her books in her bag because she was preoccupied making sure everyone else had taken theirs out. Spike waited and after a moment the door was again shut, and with a simple snap of her fingers, it disappeared. Spike looked over to Solar, and was pleased to find that the orgy had allowed her to bond with the other girls quite well, she sat with Red in her lap as they both attempted to beat Summer at chess, with little success on their end. Spike let out a small sigh, knowing full well all her girls had mostly kept to their initial groups of two, she was happy to see Solar wouldn't have to wait for their final harem member to find companionship past Spike and would have plenty of company among the other girls. Spike felt a sudden weight and found Ash lying on top of her, with Smoke rolling into the bed next to her. "Well if it isn't the two who started it all," Spike chuckled as she rolled over, lifting Ash up with magic and laying her back down so they were face to face. "What brings you to the bed this fine day?" "We're just concerned," Smoke replied with a shrug "Everyone is getting to know each other, and you're just sitting over here, all alone with no one loving you," "None sense," Spike shot back "Just being in this room with you all makes me feel loved," "oh your just saying that to make us happy," Ash whined back as she pressed her nose into Spike's "We got you the comics, and hoof ball was a bust, there must be something else you like we can do with you?" "Oh, we could try going on a date," Spike recommended, "Maybe a movie night? we could grab an enchanted comic and all jump into an imaginary world and play at being heroes for a while?" Ash moved in closer and gave Spike a kiss. "Oh, I hadn't even thought of that," Smoke frowned before getting up and whistling to get the room's attention, "Show of hands, have any of us taken Spike on anything resembling a date?" The room went quiet and Smoke shook her head, "That's what I was afraid of," Ash broke her kiss and Spike looked up to see she was already surrounded. "Sex doesn't count as a date," Spike said immediately "In fact, it usually happens at the end of a really good date, typically the third one I hear," Spike motioned her hands around and Ash got the message and got off of Spike so she could sit up, "And no, now is not the time to ask me out, we're scheduled to leave for the Empire in less than an hour," Spike was given a response of aggravated mumbling and instantly knew her girls were already making plans to go behind her back and give her a date night. Spike chose not to call them out on this and instead got up and tightened her pink robe. "I should go check in on Cadance and Rainshine, Solar when everyone's ready could you escort them all to the Train, don't go boarding without me thought, don't want Shining or Twilight to do anything funny," Spike left the room and sighed before turning back to find Red and Blue attempting to sneak after her. "Private conversation girls," Spike said simply "Once we board the train you can wait on me, hand and hoof, but for now I'd like you to help get every creature to the train station in an orderly fashion could you do that for me?" "Yes ma'am," They both said with a sad salute before sulking back into the room, Red flashing her one last pouty face, Spike simply shook her head and Red gave in and left Spike to her business. Spike made her way down the hall and to Rainshines room, a set of Two Maids opened the door for her and announced her arrival. Rainshine and Cadance were at Rainshine's work desk, attempting to finalize the document that would Declair all of the promises Cadance had thus far made to keep Spike would be legally binding, Cadance waved toward her as Rainshine looked over the document, making sure everything was to her liking. "Welp I'm ready for departure," Spike said with a smile, "Just have to wait for my girls to finish up, I'm guessing Twilight's still out cold?" "Not sleeping for several days will do that to a mare," Cadance confirmed "That and a well-placed sleeping spell, so long as no one touches her she won't wake up until noon tomorrow," "That should at least make the train ride bearable," Spike noted with relief, having been concerned about her girl's reactions to being stuck in a compartment with Twilight. "I can tell from the fact that he hasn't come back that Shining isn't too thrilled with my transition into a Goddess, but I'm hoping he'll at least be civil, doubly so since you are making a legally binding document to assure my safety," "Speaking of which," Rainshine cut in "I've finished reading through the document, all seems to be in order, keep in mind this is an enchanted document, not just a blind promise, if a single promise on this scroll is broken I will be informed immediately, and I will not be calm or fair in my reaction, I will most likely be angry and irrational, a hazardous combination of emotions for a Kirin," Rainshine set the scroll down, and passed it to Cadance to sign. Rainshine looked over the Spike and winked at her. "How about one last roll in the hay before you go?" She pleaded, Spike, sighed before shaking her head. "Sorry but I told the girls to meet me at the train, and a roll in the hay with you could take hours, once I've sorted out the mysteries of Everfree and everything goes your way a roll in the hay with you will be the first thing me and the girls do," Spike turned back and snapped her fingers a few time to gain Cdance's attention again, ignoring Rainshine as she murmured about missing her window of opportunity. "I just wanted to tell you so you could spread a warning amount your guards, if I catch any of them flirting with my girls I'll turn them into a mare and make them a mindless Sex doll "Oh, someone's protective of their mates," Cadance smiled "I'll be sure to warn them, and then double down on it by informing them that I'm not joking and that as a visiting deity under a protection contract, one that I sighed personally I should add, It will be out of my hands to save them should they encore your wrath," Spike smiled at Cadance before turning to Rainshine, "Now how about a Kiss Goodbye?" Rainshine took the offer and the two shared a short but passionate Kiss. Spike was about to leave before turning back and quickly calling to Rainshine, "Oh, and keep an eye out for Chancey, will you? I have absolutely no idea where my little Bonsai went but he may also be dangerous since I didn't really make him on purpose, so beware but don't actively hunt him down unless he starts something," "Will do my darling," Rainshine called back "Don't forget to write, and send pictures, also nudes if you find the time," "I will do two of those things," Spike replied as she left the room. "I'll be rooting for you to get some nudes," Cadance assured Rainshine as she handed her the signed Document, Rainshine lit her hand on fire and the contract burst into flames, the flames formed a lock in the air before dissipating. "And the contract is sealed," Rainshine confirmed "I will be notified if any of its conditions are broken while my dear Spike is outside of Kirin Country," "Have no fear," Candace assured Rainshine "I will do everything within my power to make sure She stays safe," Cadance and Rainshine bid each other a good day and good luck, Cadance in keeping her promise, and Rainshine in finding out all she could about the incident that had created Everfree. Cadance teleported to the train station, hoping to have a moment's peace, and was instead met with intense yelling. Wasting no time Cadance took a deep breath and screamed out in her best attempt at the Royal Canterlot voice. "Quiet!!!!" The shouting halted for the most part and Cadancee turned to her husband and grew visibly furious when she saw who was by his side. "Shining you didn't," She said angrily as she spied the mare and colt standing next to Shining. "Oh your darn right he did," Twilight Velvet snapped back before turning back to Spike's less-than-pleased Harem, "and as for you lot, I hope you Sucubi had fun because you're never laying another finger on my son," "Now honey," Night light said with a quivering tone "Let's remain calm, we haven't even talked to Spike yet, for all we know he agreed to it, you know how Shining and Twilight get when they think their right, they tend to act without thinking things through," "I know this is a really bad time for this," Cadance cut in "but Spike sends a warning that if any of you try to make a pass at any of..." Cadance paused for a moment before deciding she was not gonna be the one to inform Twilight Velvet Spike was now a girl "...Spikes girls, you will regret it for the very short time you are able to," Cadance turned to a section of the guard that had been slowly benching out to strip the present Kirins with their eyes "and I do believe gawking at them like that with result in a similar fate," "You see," Shining cut in "Spike would never make a threat like that," "Well," Night light shrugged "If a colt made a pass at your mother I'd certainly lose any and all rationality, so it's not unthinkable," "Honey this is not the time to act like the cool dad, who always has your side," Velvet looked around, as though hoping Spike would just materialize and give up to her, "now is the time to find our son, and help uncurse him," "Shining," Cadance said with an aggravated tone, "What did you tell your mother?" "The truth," Shining declared. "The actual truth, or your personal truth?" Cadance shot back with a raised brow. Before Shining could answer the question Cadance already knew a new voice declared the arrival of Spike, and what had kept her from coming with her girls. "Shining your an evil bastard," Discord howled out with laughter, Fluttershy and Applejack followed Spike to the Train. "Hey," Spike greeted "Was just grabbing Fluttershy and Applejack since they're only here because of me and...now my mom and dad are here, what the hell is going on?" Velvet and Nightlight's jaws dropped as Spike walked up to them, now being taller than them Spike had to lean down a little to look her mother in the eye. "Hi Mom," she Greeted, Twilight Velvets' only response was to faint, with Night light quickly catching her. "You Didn't tell her?" Spike demanded from Shining in shock. "I was getting to that part," Shining countered. "It feels like you should have started with this part," Night Light countered as he fanned his wife. "You just teleported home and told us that Spike had fallen under a curse and was now being used as a sex toy by Kirins," "You didn't know I was a Kirin?" Spike demanded "Shining what the hell man?" "I thought I'd have more time," Shining shot back as he helped his dad get Twilight Velvet to her feet, having gotten over her initial shock Twilight Velvet's arm snapped out and with a heft level of Pain Spike was grabbed by the cheek and pulled towards her mother. "You have a lot of explaining to do young man," She said angrily, ignoring the sudden increase in temperature. "I am an Adult," Spike shot back before noticing that she had gone from being in the shade to having a light source behind her. "Mom let me go you," Spike said immediately "I can't stop them from going berserk if I..." Velvet pulled harder and Spike let out a yelp at the sudden Pain, Before Twilight Velvet could continue holding Spike Cadance smacked her hand to force Spike free and threw up a fire barrier just as a fully Nirik Summer Swung at Velvet. "How dare you lay a finger on my Spike," She screamed out in rage as she began blindly wailing on the barrier. All of the Guards raised their Spears as all of Spike's girls rushed towards Twilight Velvet in a blind rage, Spike's plea to stop falling on deaf ears as they all blindly began pushing at Cadance's shield. "Stand down," Cadance ordered the guards, Even with their flames eating away at her Magic Cadance knew she could easily keep them at bay for days, having endured worse during her encounter with Sombra. "Stand your ground," Shining Demanded as he drew his sword, the guards were split in following a direct order from their Captain and their Princess, most chose the Princess but a hand full pointed their spears at the Niriks. "Don't," Cadance pleased "I can hold them back but if you hurt them and Spike goes off the rails there's no chance for me to stop her," Shining stood his ground, weighing his option before he could decide on how to handle the situation one of the Guards decided to try and play hero and swung his spear through the fire shield, a screech of pain drew the Nriiks attention and Spike turned back, having been dragged away from the flaming pit by Solar and Fluttershy, With Applejack preparing to take another hit if she needed to, Spike watched as one of the Niriks feel to the ground and her fires flickered out. Ash Lay on the ground, her hands clutching at her face as blood flowed to the ground, she screeched in agony and rolled on the ground, barely managing to cry out words. "My eye," She sobbed out. The Nirik's flame quickly quelled and Smoke rushed to her sister's aid. "Let me see," She demanded trying to get her sister to stop flailing in Panic. "No, it's ok, it's ok Smokey's here, no one else will hurt you," Red and Blue helped Smoke hold up Ash while Autumn and Summer stood at the ready to keep any Guards from advancing. Before Cadance could move to help Discord screamed out. "Catch," Cadance looked up and was hit full force by Applejack, Velvet was hit by Solar, and Nightlight was sent tumbling by Fluttershy. Shining turned in confusion at what had just happened when the entire train station erupted in scarlet light. A Demonic Scream stopped everyone in their tracks. Smoke looked up from her sister and found what looked to be a Demon screaming out, it took her a moment to recognize it was Nirik, where most of Nirik's manes turned into pure flame the one before the group still looked to have a billowing mane of Red and Green, its eyes were glowing with a sickly Green, even knowing it could only be one person it still took Smoke a moment to realize who was screaming before her. "Darling?" she asked as Spike held her hands to her head and let out a loud, seemingly endless scream. "How Dare you hurt one of my Baby girls," Spike screamed out, spewing large torrents of flames with each word, Spike looked at the group, cadance's heat shield having been ripped away by Spike's scream alone, unable to identify who the assailant was and blinded by a bloody thirst for vengeance Spike shot towards the nearest guards "I'll tear out your Hearts," > The Goddess of Rage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shining watched in horror as Spike attempted to kill the closest Guard, only to be slapped away by a long tail as Discord spun into existence in front of her. "I do apologize," Discord said to Spike as he stood his ground "but if I let you get any closer your flames could seriously hurt Fluttershy or Applejack, you probably made that guard mare's as flame retardant as a Kirin but safety first and all that, now what say we talk this out like rational Gods?" Spike's let out a scream and proceeded to throw a flaming tree at Discord. "Ah, yes throwing trees, very rational if I do say so myself," Discord rushed forward with blinding Speed and wrapped around Spike like a rope, Spike began blindly slamming herself into anything and everything in an attempt to be free. A second Discord popped into existence next to Shining and chuckled. "You're a dumbass," He noted as he readjusted a large set of glasses set upon his face, "Kirin's flames eat away at magic, and while stabbing them might take them down, stabbing one that is beloved by a Goddess will end in disaster, so honestly you might have to sacrifice one of your guards to quell Spikes rage if I fail to wait her out," Shining fell to his knees, and Cadance got up and rushed to the Kirins. "Is she ok?" Cadance demanded as the Kirins made room for her, Ash was still clutching her face. "Ah," Discord nodded "Yes, I suppose if Ash is healed up there's a chance Spike might...stop trying to steal ponies' hearts in a somewhat ironically literal manner," as Discord pondered how best to keep Fluttershy and to a somewhat lesser extent Applejack safe Spike managed to Free herself and began fiercely beating the Discord that had been keeping her at bay against a rock as thought she was murdering a snake. "This is just childish," The Discord complained as Spike's only response was more rage-filled screaming. With the combined efforts of Smoke, Cadance, and Autumn, Ash was convinced to move her hand and show the wound, the slash mark was dangerously close to her eye, but had just barely missed it. "It's ok," Smoke assured her "It missed, your eye just hurts because blood is dripping into it, we'll get you all patched up in no time, don't worry, I won't let any creature else hurt you," With Ash's wounds being bad but easily treatable Autumn and Summer looked to Spike. "Dam," Summer said as Spike violently beat Discord over a rock "She's dammed sexy when she's mad," "Say the word sir," a Guard said as several of them raised their spears "Should we advance," "If you wanna sacrifice yourselves in the hope it quells her flames by all means go ahead," Shining replied, waving at them to go if they so desired to, The Guards stood their ground and Shining continued to watch Spike swing Discord around in a blind rage. "Dam she is pissed," Discord the second chuckled as he watched himself get rag-dolled by Spike, Discord leaned over to Twilight Velvet and added "I highly recommend you don't do that cheek-grabbing thing again, seeing how someone might die over this," Velvet watched her son but failed to say anything and Nightlight put his hand on her shoulder, shaking his head at her. "Now isn't the time to play the part of the angry mom who is always right," He warned "Now is the time to be the supportive parents who love their child no matter who they decided to be," Spike began slowing down as she gained enough sense to realize that beating the shit out of Discord was accomplishing nothing and turned her attention back to the train. Discord stood at the ready but quickly went back to spectating when Summer and Autumn walked forward, both with their hands up as they cautiously approached Spike. "Hey honey," Autumn said cautiously "It's ok, Ash's injury is bad, but her eye is fine," Spike just breathed heavily at her, her eye twitching slightly as she used every ounce of willpower to stand still and listen to Autumn speak. Summer walked closer and began slowly patting Spike's back, Spike grit her teeth, causing emerald Green flames to flicker out of the sides of her mouth, After a moment Summer slowly put her hands on Spike's chin and softly spoke to her. "Now honey, you know how you feel about us grinding our teeth, you could chip one, and we'd hate to see you in pain," Spike looked down at Summer and, while her breathing slowed, her flames showed no signs of dying. Spike began walking, slowly towards Ash, Summer and Autumn helped keep her steady as she attempted to remain calm while practically vibrating with rage, she sat down and looked at Ash, who looked up at her and, through tears smiled at her. "I'm so embarrassed," She chuckled "I can't believe I was the one that made you go Nirik," Spike said nothing as she raised her hand and placed it on the ground, a variety of plants began bursting to life and Spike instinctively knew what she was doing, she opened her mouth and began swiftly shoving various leaves and berries into her mouth. Ash and the girls watched as Spike filled her mouth, after a moment she cupped her hands and spat a bubbling orange sludge into them. Once the Boiling liquid settled in her hands, Spike breathed in, and even with her flames, the air around them grew cold and the boiling liquid quickly lost its heat. "This. Will. Sting," Spike said once she stopped breathing in, each word bringing forth a mountain of flames, Smoke looked at the orange past and recognized it for old stories, "That is definitely going to sting," Smoke agreed, Ash braced herself and did her best to stay still as the paste was placed into and over her wound. after a moment Spike plucked a large leaf and set it over Ash's face. "Don't remove the leaf," Spike said, her flames slowly dying down as Ash began sitting up, the pain rapidly dissipating, Spike nodded, unsure why she was so confident the paste would work "After an hour the wound. Should be gone," Spike took a deep breath and her flames died down, although instead of flicking out and turning back into a Kirin she simply got to her hooves, took a deep breath, a Declared loudly "I'm still fucking Pissed,", while still burning with rage her girls took note she was no longer spitting literal fire with each word. "Who the fuck stabbed my Ash," Spike eyed the guards, who all took a defensive position, Spike immediately took note they all had their swords drawn now instead of their spears, the spears had all been carefully discarded to the side, one sprouting a noticeable blood patch "Motherfuckers I will kick in all of your teeth if I have to, either one of you isn't leaving, or none of you are," Spike approached the guards and Shining simply sat to the side, no longer having the will to fight Spike upon seeing her as a Nirik. Discord was now eating Popcorn, clearly content to watch the guard get their asses handed to them, in the end, it was Cadance who stood before Spike at the ready. "Spike," She said cautiously "I know you, I know you very well, well enough to know you'll feel bad about attacking these guys once you calm down," "A few days ago a male Kirin attempted to punch Red," Spike said simply "And for that, I turned him into a female and fucked them until they broke, and they kept going until they had no other thoughts other than what I told them to have, true that did more than just try to punch Red, but I literally did all of what I did because they 'tried' to hurt one of my girls," Spike pointed over to Ash "One of them did hurt her, and they will not be leaving this grove, and if their friends wanna stick by them, then they can all stay together," Cadance took a deep breath and looked behind her shoulder. "I know," She said calmly "But it was an accident they were scared and lashed out, I'm begging you," Cadance got down onto her knees, placed her palms upon the ground, and lowered her head as far down as it would go "Just this one, single time, please spare my soldiers, if any of them do anything like this again I'll drag them out and throw them to you personally, but please, just once, spare them," Spike looked down at Cadance, then back to the guards, once again grinding her teeth in rage as she tried to think rationally. "you get one," Spike said simply, still burning with rage but seeing the logic in the fact that a hord of flaming Niriks would inspire overwhelming fear if they were within inches of you, "But if any creature, and I mean any creature, attempts to touch any of my girls I will not hesitate to add them to my garden, as a gardener or as a lawn ornament," Spike turned away and kneeled next to Ash, she was immediately surrounded by all of her girls save for Ash and Solar, the latter of whom had taken up the duty of making sure the leaf stayed fashioned to Ash's face. Solar looked as though she was about to be sick from the heat and Spike spoke up. "Solar, remind me to bless you with heat immunity, can't have you getting hurt because one of us gets mad," "I assure you I will remind the hell out of you," Solar promised immediately, knowing full well that years of training in the hot Canterlot sun was the only thing keeping her from succumbing to heat-related exhaustion. Cadance was breathing heavily, still bowing at Spike even after convincing her not to hurt any of the guards. "Cadance you need to get up," Shining said as he walked up to his wife "a Princess can't be seen bowing to..." "Shut up," Cadance said at once, turning to her husband, her love for him the only thing keeping her from smacking him upside the head "What the actual hell do you think you were doing?" Shining looked confused for a moment before she got up and motioned toward Spike angrily "Stand your ground!?" She demanded "You caused all of this by blatantly ignoring a direct order from me," Shining took a step back from his wife. "I didn't-" Shining attempted to defend himself only for Cadance to cut him off. "What did I say!?" She demanded, motioning towards herself "What did I, the Princess, you're literally boss, wife or not you can not be disobeying a direct order from me," Shining took another step back before Cadance practically screamed at him "What did I say!?" She repeated. "Stand down," Shining said as he quickly backed up to where the guards had been, only to realize that as soon as Spike had turned away they had all turned tail and rushed back to the safety of the train to disappear amount the many other guards on duty. "Stand down," Cadance agreed "And you Immediately challenged my direct command and told them to stand their ground, you almost got our guards, the one under your care, killed for your fucking pride," Cadance motioned around "Wha...what do I do? I love you, but if your gonna try and use that fact to go around my direct command I can't have you be here with my Shining, I had to make promises, serious promises, to get Rainshine to let Spike come this way without a massive armed escort, we're both extremely lucky you didn't pull that shit in the empire, do you know what would have happened if anything had happened to any of Spikes girl by our or any of our guards' hands while outside the grove?" "I know," Shining groaned "a war with the Kirins, I just..." "No," Cadance snapped back "I made a personal promise to Rainshine to take care of her Goddess, and I had to put up a collateral, I had to promise something of extreme worth to Rainshine to let her have Spike leave with us," The Heat died as Spike lost her Nirik form and looked over to Cadance with a frown. "What did you promise?" Spike demanded, concern in her voice as she failed to think of anything in the crystal empire that Rainshine would want to own. "Not a what," Cadance groaned before turning to Shining and grabbing his hands "Shining if you or Twilight do Anything to Spike while I'm under contract, then the Crystal Empire will swear its allegiance to the Kirin and serve beneath them in their war against Equestria," > Aboard the Train > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and her girls were given an entire train car to themselves at the very end of the train, with Solar being the only guard permitted to enter it or the car adjacent to it, Spike and the girls took up residents in a medium-sized compartment clearly made for passengers to spend the night in. Spike quickly tucked Ash into the bed and cuddled up next to her. The other girls begrudgingly kept off the bed to let their injured comrade heal in the loving embrace of their beloved. "Wished I'd gotten stabbed," Summer muttered as Solar left the room to patrol the halls, making sure none of her dim-witted ex-coworkers got away with any attempts to sneak a peak. Seeing how standing around and staring was making them antsy the other girls soon separated and spread out among the two train cars, with Red and Blue both joining Solar in patrolling the Train cars, taking the opportunity to gossip about some of the other girls as they walked. Smoke chose to sit on the bed and baby her sister until the leaf could be removed. Summer and Autumn sat by a window in front-most of the two train cards, Autumn looked out the window with wonder in her eyes, excited for her first trip into the confines of Equestria. "I hear the Crystal Empire is super cold," Autumn said happily "And get this, they have snow," Autumn released a squeaking noise of joy. "I'm sure they'll have some snow somewhere," Summer agreed as she opened one of her books, having asked Spike for it before she cuddled up with Ash. "Have you ever seen snow?" Autumn asked curiously. "You know I haven't," Summer replied curtly "We live in a flush tropical climate, the coldest sensation I've ever felt is a cold bath in an air-conditioned room, I can't imagine this 'snow' is any worse than that," "Prepare to be surprised," Solar cut in as she walked past "Actually, maybe don't go near it, the snow is just outside the Empire, and it's one of the coldest areas in all of Equestria, many foolish and overconfident ponies have lost their lives to its bone-numbing cold, and the winds might even be strong enough to blow out your Nirik forms," "Well, we need not worry," Summer replied calmly as she read her book "There is no force of this earth that our dearest darling couldn't protect us from," Solar nodded before slowly shaking her head. "I hate to be that guy," She said with a sigh "But since most of Spike's powers are plant and fire based, the area outside the Crystal Empire could theoretically cancel out her powers," Red and Blue, who up to that point had been spying in on the train car ahead of them to see if any of the guards we're thinking of making a move, lost all interest in the train car ahead of them and rushed to Solar's side. "What do you mean cancel out her powers!?" Blue demanded with a slight spark in her mane at the thought. "Well, she controls plants, and most of the area outside of the empire is coated in thick layers of ice, so she wouldn't be able to reach the soil to make it fertile or even force them to grow through it, so her only defense would be her Nirik form, but again I'm not sure if any of you could keep your fires glowing in the harsh winds of the north," Summer frowned as Red and Blue began berating Solar for suggesting Spike could be harmed by the wind. "Come to think of it," Summer muttered, getting Autumn's attention back from Red and Blue's quarreling "There are no written records on exactly how The Goddess of Fertility was drained of her magic, all anyone really knows for sure is that she left in Celestia's care and that she was drained of her powers in the area now known as the Everfree Forest, obviously even if she wasn't a part of it Celestia allowed it to happen under her watch and kept the egg so I'm fairly certain it was at least done on her order, could it be possible the area where Everfree is use to be frozen over?" "Well, it was a long time ago," Solar noted "Not a lot of maps still exist, if they did," "Historical notes say Equestria was a barren wasteland," Red chimed in "Although I've never heard what kind of wasteland, I always just assumed it was a massive dessert," The gathered girls all tried to put their heads together, attempting to recollect any time they had heard from a reputable source what Equestria had been like in the old days," "I got it," Solar suddenly declared, confusing the other girls present. "Got what?" Autumn questioned, "If Spike was unaware of the Goddess of fertility before she was rejuvenated how could any other creature know of her story?" "There isn't a story like that," Solar agreed "But there is one story that was said to take place long before Celestia's rule, the Equestrian founders' story, but you say that Spike left to Celestia so she could bring life to Equestria and make it habitable for her people, both stories can't have happened, so it's possible that the Equestrian Founders story might have the missing information as to what happened to Spike," "It's possible," Summer mused. "Do you know the story?" Red questioned. "I know the popular retelling of the story," Solar admitted "But I've never actually read the original tale, no one has in over a hundred years, only three copies of the original story are known to still exist, one is said to have been lost in the castle of the two sisters, one is said to be locked away in Celestia's personal Library, and the third one is said to be hidden among the thousands of books in Crystal Empire's royal Library," "This could be big," Blue nodded slowly "Equestria was founded at the cost of our dear Spike losing thousands of years of her life and all of her memories before becoming Spike, if we could find a copy of that book and send it to Moonstone, she could use it in her research on what exactly happened to Spike, even if it is mostly lies and propaganda it might hold some key bit of information that could point us in the right direction," "Alright," Summer got to her hooves "Game plan time, When Ash had been properly healed we'll go and present this new information to Spike, have a little fun if we have time, and then we'll ask Princess Cadance to take us to the Royal Library," "Sounds like a plan," the others all agreed, there was a long moment of silence as the girls awkwardly stood around each other. "I'm just gonna go back on patrol," Solar decided "Make sure no one tried to sneak a peak or anything," Red and Blue continued trailing her and with Summer going back to her book Autumn continued to look out the train window in awe at every new sight that passed by her gaze. Spike lay on her side, slowly stoking Ash's head as she snuggled into Spike's breasts, Ash had quickly slipped into restful slumber while Smoke made sure the leaf was staying attached. "So," Smoke noted in a soft tone "The Crystal Empire is to side with us should it come down to war?" "Seems that way," Spike confirmed "Slightly annoyed that I wasn't asked to agree to that little bit but I'll ask Cadance if she agreed to it or suggested it, if she agreed then I'll be asking for a detailed reason as to why she felt it necessary just make sure she's not using blind hatred towards Equestria as her motivation, and I'll be making it clear to Rainshine that there will be no sex in the event of a war, as I'll be to busy trying to end the war peacefully, and if it was Cadances suggestion then I'll just ask for an explanation," "It sounds like you're more forgiving of Cadance than Rainshine," Smoke noted "That would break our poor leader's heart to know," "It's not like I could threaten Cadance with no sex," Spike replied "I could threaten to turn Shining into a Mare, but knowing Cadance, she'd probably be into it," "She is the Princess of Love," Smoke noted "Would not surprise me," "Either way, it's fine, a quick chat will help me out whose idea it was," Spike turned her attention back to Ash and continued petting her injured partner, whispering sweet nothing in her ear to bless her with sweet dreams. Cadance sat with her arms crossed, next to her was Shining Armor, who was very calmly staring out the window and sweating in a pitiful attempt to avoid his wife's angry gaze. Across from them, Nightlight was reading a book in silence as his wife glared at him, calmly ignoring her rage he flipped to the next page and got the book smacked out of his hands. "Must we?" He asked with a sigh. "How could you be ok with this?" Velvet demanded. "Our son has become a sex-addicted monster," "Technically she's a sex-addicted Goddess," Nightlight shot back "From what I saw she's only a monster if somepony stabs one of her harem girls," "No son of mine is going to be tricked into some crazy sex cult," Velvet shot back angrily. "Velvet," Cadance cut in clapping to both gain the attention of the room and to help her relieve her frustration a tad bit "I have agreed to protect Spike at all costs, if you so much as pinch his check too hard you could start a war between Kirin and Ponies," "And when said war comes you better believe my son is fighting on the right side," Velvet snapped back "No son of mine is going to betray his country," "Technically," Nightlight cut in "as a reborn Goddess, Spike was originally born in Kirin Cove, and just broke free of her eggy prison, albeit with no memories of life beforehand," "I don't care," Velvet shot back "I raised him and I'm not about to let some horny hussies take him away from us just because he's easy to manipulate," she turned to Shining for support who immediately raised his hands in surrender. "I'm already so far in the dog house I might never see my own bed again," Shining said instantly "I've picked a side and it's the side that won't piss off my super-powered Alicorn wife," "Little late for that," Cadance noted as she got to her hooves "Twilight Velvet, I'm sorry but as Princess of the Crystal Empire, and being legally bound to see to it Spike is treated fair and safely you are forbidden from being within 20 yards of him until such a time that you can be trusted to not cause any pain, however minor, to Spike," "You can't do that," Velvet shot back "I have Rights," "You do," Cadance agreed "But The Crystal Empire is an alley to Equestria not a part of it, and as the Empire's Princess I have made my decree and you will be bound to it or be forced to leave if you refuse to agree to my terms," Velvets answer was made very clear by her facial expression and Cadance made he way towards the back of the train. "Shining you brought them here, please make the arrangements to send them home," "Yes Dear," Shining said. "Yes Ma'am," Cadance corrected before leaving the room. "Oh I'm sleepin' on the couch forever more," Shining groaned as he got up and lit his horn "Alright, A few jumps and I should get you home in an hour's time," "Where's Twilight," Velvet demanded "I wanna talk with my Daughter about this," "I'm sorry Mom but this is the Empire express train, and to ensure the Empire she was dedicated to them Cadance and Celestia made a treaty declaring that Cadance had authority over any Princess of Equestria while they are upon her land, and the train legally counts since it's made of Empire crystals, I'm taking you home now, and I'm doing it before Cadance demotes me," Velvet continued to be defiant up until Shining teleported them all away. > Lunch with Cadance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cadance and Spike sat across from one another at a table in the lunch car, as per Spike's demand all guards were forced to clump up in all of the cards ahead of them leaving every car behind the lunch car empty, and for the final bit of protection, Shining had been stationed at the front entrance between the group and the guards instead of joining them for lunch. Spike immediately noted the absolute lack of meat and inwardly groaned, having always been able to eat meat but being raised by ponies she hadn't had much meat in her life, but her time in the Groove had very quickly changed her dietary desires and all she could think of as she looked at the vegetarian lasagna on her plate was how much better it would be with meat. "This tastes weird," Autumn noted with her mouth full before spitting her chewed-up food back onto her plate, "I think the meat is off or something," "This is a pony train," Spike informed her "There vegetarian, so they don't have any meat, and neither will the Empire or most places in equestrian, I recommended you force yourself to swallow it, it doesn't get much better to be honest," "You poor thing," Ash said as she pulled herself closer to Spike, the slash on her face now being nothing more than a faint mark that was already nearly gone. "Being forced to eat such a pitiful diet, no wonder you where so lanky," "I was more of a pear shape," Spike corrected. "You were a dragon, so little meat in your diet couldn't have been healthy," Smoke countered "I bet that vegetarian diet was wreaking havoc on your body, you'd probably have died if you hadn't been the empty shell of a Goddess and been an actual dragon," "I did tell Twilight she should at least look into implementing fish in your diet," Cadance spoke up "But she never really went for it, said the smell of meat cooking made her very ill," "Sounds about right," Summer retorted. "Now, now," Spike spoke up "Sure, Twilight has been a little...completely psychotic in her reaction to this, but she's usually very calm, and collected, for the most part anyway," Spike shrugged "Point it she's just trying to fix things, once she realizes she's dead wrong she'll come around," "Oh, that makes me like her so much more," Blue noted sarcastically. "It does?" Spike asked in surprise, Blue looked at Spike with a deadpan expression and simply shook her head. "I love you too much to hold that against you," Blue replied calmly "I don't care much for a Mare who will only become reasonable if literally, everything fails to bend to her will," "How did we go from talking about my Diet to dissing Twi?" Spike asked in a vain attempt to regain power over the conversation. "Because your sister is the worst," Summer replied as she took a bite of her Lasagna, "I don't hate it, but I don't like it," She decided as she continued eating. "She's just...difficult," Spike countered "I can think of ponies I've met who are way worse than-" "Name one that wasn't considered evil," Summer challenged, the table was silent as the girls watched Summer, seeming in awe that she was challenging Spike. Spike frowned and looked away in defeat as she failed to name anypony, Spike pouted in defeat and was immediately comforted by her girls. "No," Smoke immediately cut in "It's ok baby," Smoke snuggled up to Spike as Red and Blue glared at Summer. "We're all thinking it," Summer said immediately as she continued eating "I love Spike as much as the rest of you, but I'm also calculating when I need to be, and I calculate a fairly large change that Twilight will eventually try to use Spike's attempts to not start a fight to lure her into a trap of some kind, most likely when she's by herself," "Twilight wouldn't do that," Spike countered before immediately deflating and muttering under her breath "Unless she was confident she could get away with it," "My point exactly," Summer nodded confidently "for Spike's safety Twilight shouldn't be allowed within 20 paces of her," "I can do a lot of things," Cadance said simply "But I can't do that, Twilight can't go against my will in the empire, but I'm not permitted to create laws against other princesses specifically, not to mention Spike final goal is to go to Everfree, and I have no jurisdiction past the empire so, while I can and will do a lot for you all, I can't force Twilight to do anything save for honor my peace treaty," Spike said nothing and continued eating, her girls following her lead and began eating the meal before them, with all of them visibly disliking the lack of any meat in the meal," The Group quickly powered through the meal and Cadence lit her horn, presenting them all with a slice of Apple pie. Spike's girls inspected the food curiously. "I've never seen this dish before," Autumn noted with a tone of excitement "Is it an Equestrian delicacy?" "It Applepie, it's a very popular food dish, this pie was made by a member of the Apple family, we have one on staff as our resident apple treat expert," The Kirin's all looked over the pie with interest, Summer was about to test it when she noticed Spike was trying not to look conspicuous," "Did...did you just eat it all in one bite?" Summer noted as Spike had her hands over her mouth and was trying to chew the slice before anyone looked at her. Spike said nothing and instead hastened her efforts of swallowing the slice. "Your gonna choke yourself," Summer noted as she got up "Open your mouth," "Emagoddiz," Spike managed to choke back as she continued trying to swallow her oversize prize. "Goddess or not that can't be healthy," Ash noted as she and Smoke joined Summer in trying to pry Spike's hands away from her mouth, failing to close her mouth with the pie slice shoved inside Spike began losing pieces as soon as Smoke pulled her hand away from her mouth. Spike snapped her mouth shut and looked away, still trying to chew. "It can't taste that good," Red said as she walked over to Spike's side and grabbed her muzzle "and even if it did you can't eat it all like that, Spit it out," "Nu," Spike replied as she vainly tried to swallow only for Red to use her fingers to open Spike's mouth, resulting in most of the pie tumbling to the floor or onto Spike. "Ah, my Pie," Spike whined only to be immediately offered a fork full of the pie by all of her girls, Spike happily took the bait and Cadance watched with a smile as Spike was tenderly fed nearly an entire pie worth of slices. "So," Cadance said as she chose to push the conversation in a lighter direction "I'm guessing since your a goddess now you can eat basically whatever you want without consequence?" "No clue," Spike replied simply "I haven't really been one long enough for weight gain to take effect if it can, not that I've been eating a balanced diet mind you, I've been having a lot of sex, like a lot a lot,". Spike took another bite as her girls began settling in and taking turns feeding her. "They certainly seem to adore you," Cadance noted as she made to take a bite of her pie only to find one of the Girls has sneakily swiped it and had added it to their pie offerings "I might ever go so far as to say they worship you," "She is a goddess," Blue pointed out "And both Smoke and Ash are both high-ranking members of her church," "It's true," Smoke confirmed "We were to two that sent out to find our dear Goddess, we were raised on stories about her, and to be one of her lovers is a dream come true for both me and my sister," Cadance pondered over the idea that for longer than she had been a princess there had been Kirn's waiting for Spike to return to them. "Could you tell me one?" Cadance asked getting the full attention of the harem before her "the stories you where raised on I mean, I'd like to learn more about what kind of person Spike use to be," Smoke and Ash looked at Cadance sourly and she had a feeling she was about to be told something along the lines that the stories where not for pony ears, but luckily for her Spike was the first to respond. "Oh that's a brilliant idea," She declared, smacking her own fist with a large grin on her face, "I don't remember my life before being me, oh this is exciting, tell me a story about the Kirin I use to be," Both Ash and Smokes faces turned from a sour look to one of pure delight. "oh absolutely my lady," Smoke said at once, Cadance assuming Spike's personal request overwrote any rules or laws dictating the stories not be told to ponies. The entire group became divided as they all tired to pick a story to tell, in the end it was Smoke and Autumn who picked it. "Very well," Smoke said with a smile "We shall tell the ancient tale of the Tree Guardian, a story dating back to over five thousands years before our dear Love was lost to the forest," "Lost to the forest is a pretty cool way to say got turned into an egg," Spike noted "Alright, tell me," "Very well," Smoke took a deep breath, and began the story. > The Tale of the Tree Guardian > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The low rumble of thunder spread across the grove as all Kirin, young and old, prepared themselves for war, after a disastrous diplomatic meeting ended with the Kirin Ambasidor's death the entirety of the Earth Pony United front's greatest warriors were setting up camp, with plans to slaughter the Kirin race and lay claim to the Grove in the name of all Earth Pony kind. Rainshine stood among her subjects in the distance she could see Earth Pony scouts trying to spy a weak spot in their formation. Rainshine and her people ignored them, despite being dressed for war, the Kirins at large were most attempting to perform a proper funeral for their departed Ambassador, whose death Rainshine knew was the cause of the rain. "Guardians, hold the front line, Commanders take charge, This storm could bring destruction to both sides should it be left to brew," Rainshine turned her tail to the Earthpony scouts she had spotted and made her way to her people's home, After a short journey she arrived at the fortified wall they had constructed for protection, Rainshine was let in and hit with a knee high wave of water, after fighting the current the gates where sealed shut again. "She's taking this one poorly," Rainshine noted "Must have been one of her favorites," Rainshine wadded through the slowly rising water to the center of the town, where a steady rhythm of screaming, sobbing, and fists wailing against rock could be heard from a large wooden pillar. Rainshine watched as the Pillar poured out water from the top most open area like multiple waterfalls, even with the water dozens of the Kirins who had been set to defend the back line knelt before the pillar, all were nearly neck deep and ignored Rainshine as they murmured prayers, most from what Rainshine could hear being directed towards helping their Goddess mend her broken heart. Rainshine lit her horn and the path upward revealed itself to her, she made it up a few steps before the stairs two began part of the problem and allowed more water to travel to the town quicker. Rainshine ignored it and forced her way to the top. Rainshine said nothing as she looked at what had days before been a room filled with year's worth of oddities collected from across the world, now the very roof of the structure had been ripped away and The Goddess of Fertility screamed at the sky, slamming her fists against the crumbling ruble that had once been a stone floor. "She was gonna be a mother," The Goddess said, not bothering to turn to Rainshine as she spoke, "She was never destined to bear kin of her own and after twenty years she was finally going to have a child," Tears rolled down her face as she looked up, large blue flowers the size of small trees were above her. "Why the Storm Belles?" Rainshine questioned, as she looked at the magical flowers that had been created by Unicorns decades prior to try and control the weather, only to instead create the massive storm that had led to the destruction of the continent Ponies had originated from. "Her Husband was a botanist, he was always fond of them, talked my ear off for what feels like years while we waited to see if she could bear kin" The Goddes replied, as the Flowers bent down towards her, and she began stroking their petals as though they were dogs in need of attention. "He wanted to name their child after them," The Goddess stared blankly at the flowers before looking back to Rainshine with a pouty face, "I found him in his home this morning, I was going to see if there was anything I could do to help him," The Goddess turned away "I guess he decided to only thing to do was make sure she didn't have to wait for him in the great beyond," "A mother, a father, and a child who never got to be," Rainshine said with a sigh "And yet even after all they've done your only order was to defend our home," "The actions of one foolish creature should not be met with the death of their entire race," The Goddess said simply "Some Pony or another set up a basic fire bomb, she was blamed, and she was struck down out of fear before she could even defend herself, and now they seek to kill us for what they see as a failed assassination," The Goddes took a deep breath "This may be a war, this may be a battle, it all depends on how long it takes me to find out who lit the flames of death beneath her," The Goddes held up her hands and the Storm Belles ripped themselves from the stone ground and began skittering down the side of the tower, "The culprit may be able to hide from the judgment of their own people, but I am the goddess of fertility, and I still have the sample of magic that allowed her to bear kin, the mother and father may be gone, but the child will live," Rainshine simply turned away, and made her way back to the front lines, knowing full well what her Goddess wanted her to do. Rainshine returned to her troops and issued them a single order. "She is coming to deal with this herself," She declared "We are to all fallback, and pray the walls can shield us from her unyielding rage," Rainshine turned and her army immediately ran with all their might to the safety of their home. "They retreat," The Earthpony commander laughed before turning to his second in command and his Daughter, both of whom stood as his highest-ranking soldiers "Before we even lay a blow, chase the cowards down, find their home, and surround it, we'll call in all the regiments and tear them to the ground by the rise of the morning sun," His Daughter smiled at the news. "They shall pay for their cowardly tactics of sending a suicide bomber to try and kill our great leader " His second in command agreed "I shall rally the troops to begin the march and..." The Second was cut off when a howl echoed through the trees, quickly followed by dozens of other creatures howling with the first. "Wolves?" The Second in command chuckled "They ran with their tails tucked from wolves, pathetic," The trio turned away as dozens of eyes all showed in the trees, staring at the trio, but not chasing after them. the eyes all watched patiently as the one leading the charge stayed behind with a hand full of warriors to protect their leader, with the second in command and the Daughter leading the charge to attack the Kirins. "This is working out wonderfully my love," The Second in command said to the Earth pony commander's Daughter, who was to be his betrothed, the two had taken up point and were traveling far ahead of their troops to scoot out the path for traps and enemies laying in wait. "Indeed," she agreed with a wicked smile "When those pitiful Kirins are exterminated this land will serve us well, and once my father and the 'great one' met their untimely ends there will be no one who can stand up to us," The Two smiled before stopping in their tracks as they heard their troops screaming. The Daughter drew her sword and turned when she saw eyes glaring at her from the lush grass surrounding them, she swung, and for a moment thought she had somehow missed and hit a small tree, only for the creature to advance. "Timberwolves," She realized as the wooden wolf easily shook off her attack. "I thought these dam things were extinct," The Second in command said as more began slowly surrounding them, the sounds of death telling them that their army was being ripped apart behind them. "Oh, I don't really do extinction," A new voice informed them, the two looked up and the Second in command fell to his knees as the Goddess of Fertility looked down at them, standing on the head of a massive Timber wolf that looked to be of a different breed than the ones surrounding them. "Do you like him?" She asked sweetly as she patted her mount, unlike the other Timberwolves, who lived up to their names and looked to be made of timber, the one before them looked to be made of thousands of separate plants all interlocked together with thousands of vines, it's most prominent feather was the massive Bonsai Tree resting on the small of it's back. "His name is Chauncy," The Daughter attempted to hold up her sword in a defensive position but a vine shot from the forest floor and forced her to kneel with her lover. "So, you two are the ones who killed her?" The Goddess asked before waving away her own question "Don't bother answering that, my Timberwolves were spying on you, that's why they didn't jump you like the rest of your forces," "You....you can't kill me," The Second in command declared, shaking as he spoke, "My father is the great leader's advisor, if you kill me they..." "What, they'll send a slightly bigger army?" The Goddes questioned "Correct me if I'm wrong but your the best of the best right? who comes after you, the gods of the Earth maybe?" "There are no such things as Gods," The Daughter spat back "Fary tails and rumors to keep the simple-minded in check," "Oh really?" The Goddes asked, bored of the duo already "Well listen, I don't frankly care if you believe in me, I'm sure your great leader will stand down, seeing how he's currently surrounded by the rest of my Timberwolves," The Goddes jumped down and patted herself down, before making a little square with her fingers and looking at the duo. "Let's see, it was the males' idea, but the female did it, oh hard decisions are hard," The Goddes put her hands down and walked up to the male with a smile. "I will make you a woman," She decided, "And you shall be used to give life to the child of my dear friend you killed, after the child is born I'll give you to the husband's currently depressed brother and set you up with him as a none reproductive play toy for him to take his rage out of, I'm sure he won't break you... too fast," The Goddes hoped over to the Daughter and tapped her nose "And since you're the one who killed her you can be my play toy, don't worry about trying to be passionate thought, I assure you that every sexual moment with me will be one born of hate and rage, then once I'm good and bored of you I'll set you up at the brothel, they always are in need of a good orgy girl, and you'll make a great centerpiece," The Goddess hummed a happy tune as the two earth ponies attempted to cry out, but had already been wrapped head to toe in vines. "Come now, my loving people always love to watch me punish those who have brought about my unyielding wrath upon themselves," The Table was Silent as Cadance slowly nodded her head, Shining stood in the back, clearly trying not to bring Spike's wrath anywhere near him. "Oh," Spike slowly nodded her head "You know, when I named that Bonsai tree Chauncy It felt like such a random name but...I guess I was just waking up an old pet, weird, I wonder if he's gonna try to follow us?" "Your Tree Guardian...your Chauncy rather, was well known for standing guard over the grove while you were away, but it was rumored to have ceased to be when you did so as well. "So," Cadance cut in "We're just not gonna talk about how you liked to turn criminals into girls and fuck 'em?" She looked around "Are we just gonna ignore that bit of the story?" "What did you think I was gonna do after turning a guard into a girl?" Spike asked in confusion "Let 'em off with a strongly worded warning or something?" "I dunno," Cadance shrugged back "I hadn't really considered it but If I had, using them as a Hate fuck toy would never have been on the list," "Hey, some creatures are way into that revenge shit, just so happens I am one of those creatures," Spike thought for a moment before adding "I could have sworn I told you about this already" "I thought you were trying to get me to scare Shining," Candace shot back before groaning. "Are we enemies now?" Spike asked with concern. "No," Cadance said immediately "Honestly you've opened me up to a new kind of porn and now I have some weird requests to make of the mare that draws erotic comics for me," "If it's Futa on Female or lesbian I want a copy, if there's a naked guy in it for any amount of time I will pass," Spike said immediately, "Multiple if any of my girls want a copy," "You can just read it to me," Autumn offered, "Maybe Summer and I could help you act it out when we have some time," "I kind wanna watch but not be a part of that," Solar noted "I'm a little too new to this sex thing to jump head first into what's starting to sound like something involving whips," "You could whip me anytime ma'am," Blue offered to Spike "If you want I can even use the cliche, I've been bad and need to be punished," "Great," Spike groaned "I've made you all horny, and now I'm horny," Spike turned away from Cadance and got up, doing her best to keep her stiffening rod from breaking free of her Golden Boxers. "I am returning to our train car, and I highly recommend you inform your guards if any of them try anything I'll be using them as a testing dummy to see what kind of things my girls might want to be done to them and how far they'd want me to go in on it," Spike brushed her self off, and hurriedly made her way out of the room, fearful of accidentally flashing Cadance if she moved slightly wrong. After a moment Spike's voice called back to her girls. "I'm horny and I can no longer masturbate due to my stupid Goddess powers, One or all of you come in here so I get you off to get myself off," Cadnce and Shining were quickly left alone in the room as all of the girls rushed to the door save for Solar, who bowed to Cadance and wished her a good evening before following after and making sure the door was locked before hurridly going to join the party. Cadance got up and sighed as she got to her hooves "Inform the guards they may now come in and clean up and are permitted to return to any but the last two train cars, also inform them that if Spike catches them I will not be risking my own safety to try and save them, and I doubt any pony else will once they realize just what being caught by a mad Spike entails," "I...I don't think they'll all believe her," Shining said in a worried tone "I heard some of them whispering and I'm concerned we're not gonna make it to the empire with all of the guards...in their original forms," "Oh, what's a good cliche way to reply to that?" Cadance asked sarcastically "I'm gonna go with, not my problem, with a little, should have headed my warning now you must pay the price, on the side," Cadance opened the door and waved Shining off "I'm gonna go make sure Twilight stays asleep as long as possible, at current I'm hoping she won't wake up until all of this is over and I return Spike to Rainshine," > Instant Regret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitting silently in the third cart from the end of the train were a group of three Guards, in the midst of an argument that many guards were having all across the train. "Hundred percent," A Brown Unicorn Said nodding his head "Taking her from behind or the mouth I could definitely get a good few loads into her, so long as I can't see the dick I can focus on other features," "Eh, I'd roll with it," A Blue Earth Pony decided "It's a little weird, but I bet she and I could get really have some fun with each other," "I could probably do her from the other side of a glory hole," A Pink Unicorn decided with a simple nod, "I mean, just knowing she's the dragon all the Crystal Ponies love makes it super weird, but given time, and maybe some corrective surgery, I would tap her, not to mention she comes with a free harem of girls, first one to tame the beast gets the ultimate prize," The Pink Unicorn laughed at the thought "Wouldn't ever have to work another day in my life either, being the husband of a Goddess and what not," "Sweet Fucking Celestia," One of the Guards passing by in the Isle said with a disgusted look before turning to one of his friends "We need to get reassigned or something Like half these douchebags are talking about 'taming the beast," The Guy rolled his eyes and his friends just tried to move faster. "Ah See, that's the problem with these here Beta cucks, too scared to chase a challenge," "Oh Dear Luna, kill me please," One of the Isle Guards groaned "I know we were desperate for guards during the fake Grogar crises but why did so many of these fuckers have to hang around afterward," The Guard moved his hands around and spoke in an overdramatized deep voice "Me Alpha, All woman love me, especially ones who say they hate me, they want me most," The Guard rolled his eye and made his way to a booth with his friends, he had gotten up to get drinks for himself and his friends, only to have them swiped by another group of guards, "Just a few more hours and these mooks can be shipped back to Canterlot," The Guard joined his table and told his friends of their misfortune while the trio at the table simple laughed at him. "That guy's missing the bigger picture," The Pink one said shaking his head as he used his magic to yank a cup away from a Guards mare on her way to her table "Thanks Sweet Cheeks, how about you go grab the boys and me another round," The Mare didn't bother to say anything and just walked back to her table. "Hey dick head," Another guard called out "How about you go join the rest of your 'Alpha' boys up front and leave all us poor Beta's the fuck alone," "Make us bitch," The Brown Unicorn called back as the Blue Earth Pony got to his hooves and cracked his knuckles. "Come along then mister big shot," The Earth pony challenged, "One on One, just fists," "Douche," Another guard called out before the rest of the compartment went back to talking amongst their individual groups. "Yeah, that's what I thought you Beta Cuck Bitch," The Earth Pony laughed to the room that had unanimously voted to ignore him and his two companions in the hopes that they might leave if they didn't get attention. "So," The Pink one said as he downed his cup "I guess the real question is, who's gonna have the balls to march in there and make that bitch cry out their name?" "Eh, too much work," The Brown one said with a shrug "The Fire thing kills the mood quite frankly," The Blue Earth Pony agreed "I doubt anyone is actually gonna make a go for it," "And do you know what?" Pink asked with a chuckle, his friends shook their heads "It's because they lack the power and will to fight back and show 'em who's boss, not me, I've already proven I can fight back, stopped all them bitches with one swipe of the spear if you know what I mean," "That was you?" The Blue one asked in awe "Dude she'll roast you alive," "Wrong," Pink corrected "She'll respect me, I took down one of her girls, and I've conquered her so by Kirin right I get to take a swing at her," "Not to rain on your parade," Brown cut in "But I know that line, and it was from a hentai comic, I don't think it's an actual Kirin thing, more of a no one knows too much about Kirins and there Exotic to look at so a few ponies made some shit up to make a good read," "Well give me five minutes and it will be Kirin Law," Pink shot back as he threw his Mug behind him before seeing a Pegasus guards mare walking down the Isle with several trays worth of food. "Hey Baby girl," Pink called out "We'll take the food right here," The Mare looked at him and he laughed as he recognized her. "Well look who's back from paradise, little miss Solar Moon," Upon saying her name aloud the entire compartment went silent all at once. "Welp, he's dead" One of the guards noted blankly before turning back to his card game with his friends. "What's the matter, you get replaced by a newer model already?" Pink laughed as he gave Solar a once over "How about you come sit with me and the boys, we can have some fun of our own," Solar chose the simplest option and proceeded to turn her focus on balancing the two large trays, The Pink one attempted to grab at the tray in her right hand. Said tray had multiple plates of chips, cheese, black olives, and sour cream. As soon as his hands got near it Solar swung her leg back and kicked his hands down. "Piss off," She recommended to him, "Fuck with me and you will regret it I assure you, Mistress Spike has a history of dealing with people who harass her girls with...a fair amount of torcher," Solar turned away and once again felt the Pink one make a grab at the tray, she made to kick him down again only to realize too soon he was planning on it as he grabbed her by the leg and pulled her to the floor, Solar hit the ground and found herself with her back to the floor in a less than savor position as her legs were forcefully pulled apart, nothing was revealed thanks to her armor, but the position alone was enough to make every guard turn on Pink, even his two friends tried to distance themselves. "I am not with this man," Brown and Blue said instantly as they turned away, Solar immediately flapped her wings to try and break away as Pink put up a Barrier and Began Pulling on her Armor as the other guards all pulled their spears on him "I read you loud and clear bitch, you want an audience," The Pink one said in a flimsy attempt to make his attack seem like it was requested of him "Let's put on a good show for the boys then hu?" Solar had half a moment of panic, before coming to the realization that after falling to the floor, her trays of food had seemingly vanished. "I warned you you'd regret it," Solar said simply, Pink was confused for a moment before the door to the compartment slammed open and Spike ran out, her mane a crazy mess and her robe and bikini top slowly falling off her shoulders, having quickly made herself decent before running to see who or what had tripped up Solar. Spike showed no hesitation as her entire fist turned into flames and she punched through the barrier, the shock of having his Barrier Broken caused the Pink Unicorn to fall onto the ground. Solar was dragged across the ground for half a second before being easily swooped up by Spike. "Who the fuck?" Spike demanded as she looked at Pink Colt in a fuzzy rage. Spike looked around as the guards all quickly put their spears away, Spike looked around, and her pissed face somehow managed to grow in hate and power. "Where was this guy sitting?" Spike said in a calm voice that managed to send a chill down even Solar's Spine. "Right here Ma'am," Both Brown and Blue said at once "We are not with him just sitting across from him," Spike looked at the two, then slowly at everyone else before turning to Pink, who was pulling himself to his feet. "You Bitch," He managed to say before spewing onto the floor. "Stand up," Spike demanded of him as she gently set Solar on her Hooves, "Are you ok love? he didn't twist your ankle did he?" "No ma'am," Solar said, glowing flush as Spike cooed at her, Spike smiled sweetly, and then quick as a flash turned to the Pink Colt with a snarl, "Turn around," she demanded. "Why," He demanded as he tried to grasp at a way to turn the situation to his side "Wanna look at my ass that badly, all you have to do is say please, and I'll give you a great view in your private quarters," "Holly shit he's stupid," One of the guards' mares noted, almost making Spike chuckle. "Turn. Around," Spike repeated "Or I will make your already horrible punishment so much worse," Pink turned around, still dazed from Spike's Nirik Punch, Spike stared at his back for a long moment before turning to Solar. "That thing on his back," Spike said, pointing to a slim Black case with several straps and a half spear head end "That's where guards should have spears right," "Yes ma'am," Solar replied, visibly confused as to why that was what Spike was focusing on, the confusion was quickly cleared up when Spike continued talking. "And yet, he has no spear?" Spike noted "Even though every other guard seems to have a spear? I wonder why his is missing? maybe he thought I might get mad when I saw Ash's Blood on the end, you think that might be why he's the only guard here with no spear maybe?" "Oh wow," Solar realized as she looked around and saw every other guard of every size with a spear on their back "They were issued to us all during the ride here," Solar said as she did her best to be professional "If he doesn't have one, he would have lost it during the train ride or be one of the guards who ditched theirs at the Kirin Train station Ma'am," Spike was about to try to pull a plan to get the Colt to admit to it in some way when he trips slightly and got her attention as he steadied himself and laughed with a hiccup. "Seems losing your magic has caused all this booze to hit you like a truck," Spike realized as she picked up his empty mug "Did you stab my Ash you Drunkin Twat?" "Impressive right, I took down one of your bitches, which means I get to take a go at the bitch, how about you bring her out, I'll even let you join us," Spike stared Blankly at him before motioning for him to come closer. "Wanna hear a secret?" Spike whispered the Drunken fool leaned in, and without hesitation, Spike grabbed his muzzle to keep him from running and bit into his neck. The Guard began convulsing in her teeth as his body was forcefully chained to Spike's will. After a Moment The Fool stopped and Spike pulled back and let the fool drop to the floor in a sitting position before the room was a Black and White Mare with lose fitting Guard armor squeezing against her large breasts. "Oh look now she's an earth Pony," Spike chuckled as the Guards all stood in silence "What's the matter?" Spike asked as the Mare stared at her, her eyes alone showing Spike her fear. "Lose your voice?" The Mare said nothing and Spike smiled before declaring for all to hear "Of course you have, you no longer have free will, your body is mine to use as I see fit, Now stand up, walk to the back of the train, and sit in wait for me while my girls and I eat our snack, and while you wait I want you to know, with what little time you have left as a sentient being, that in a few hours, you will be nothing but an empty shell that lives only to follow my voice," The Mare got to her hooves and marched to the back Compartments. "Let this be a warning," Spike cheered to the guards as she picked up Solar "To every creature of every gender, Fuck with that which I hold most dear, and I will literally fuck you senseless," Spike merrily made her way back to her girls and stopped just outside their room. "Solar dear please tell everyone to start without me, I have one thing to do," Solar bowed and entered the room while Spike walked to the end of the compartment and found her new toy staring at the wall, Spike easily tore open her top and let the mare's breasts breath freely, Spike dropped her robe and removed her Boxers. "This is what you wanted right?" Spike whispered as she pressed her twitching rob into the Mares Oversize breasts and mentally made the mare rub them together for Spike's pleasure, "To have some fun with me right?" the mare's mouth dropped open and Spike took one last note of the horror in her eyes before shoving the tip into her mouth and going to town with her new toy. "Well, now you get to be my personal self-relief toy until I get bored and give you to the first lonely creature that will take your used ass," > The Beast has Awoken > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike and her girls were hard at work cleaning up the two train cars they had been traveling in, Spike was in the front most of the two, sitting back with a less than hot cup of coffee as she watched her new toy clean on her behalf. Spike had wanted to help in the clean-up, but her two maids, one guard, two theater buffs, and two loyal worshipers, had all immediately shut the idea of Spike doing manual labor of any kind down. Spike had accepted this without argument and had instead taken a seat in one of the booths and looked out the window with Autumn, who had been too excited about the prospect of seeing snow to do anything other than making more of a mess as she kept her eyes pinned on the nearest window to try and see the exact moment when the fields of endless snow would come into view. After busting her own lip with a broom Summer and Red had tasked Autumn with sitting with Spike to make her feel loved, Spike had decided that looking out the window to try and catch a glips at some snow was the best way to feel loved and Autumn had obliged immediately. Autumn had her face smushed up to the glass as Spike sipped her drink and looked out at the window at the tree line that boarded the Galloping gorge. "We're still at least twenty minutes away from seeing any snowfall," Spike informed Autumn calmly before taking another sip, using the time to practice a bit of god magic, Spike made a face and lightly shook her drink "I just want peppermint," She murmured as she used her powers to change to taste of her drink and willed it to be filled back to the top, Spike shook her head as her drink filled past the brim and she was coated in boiling hot liquids. Spike waved her hands and she was clean of liquid, she was once again disappointed when she found that doing so completely drained her drink away. "Why is being a Goddess so hard," Spike groaned, after a moment she shook her mug and filled it just barely to the halfway mark with a drink so cold Spike could feel the chill through the mug, and after a sip immediately spat the liquid out "Vinegar," She cried out as she threw the cup and fell into a fit of coughing, next to her stood her toy, who was now dripping in the freezing liquid, similar to the Gardener the Toy had been denied any clothing, the nude mare shivered and had a visible bruise from were Spikes cup had hit her arm. "Go to the bathroom and use the sink to wash yourself off," Spike demanded of her "And give me my cup back," The Toy handed Spike her mug and marched to the back carriage to wash herself off. "I'd almost feel bad," Autumn said without looking away from the window "But she stabbed Ash for shits and giggles so my sympathy pool is exceptionally shallow," "I have loads of sympathy, but once I lose my patience with someone they're unlikely to be seen again" Spike noted to Autumn as she went back to trying to use her powers to give herself a tasty cup of coffee. With Spike focused on her coffee and Autumn pressing her nose against the glass again the two drifted into silence as they both focused on their respective projects. In the last train car Red and Blue were cleaning up the room that had originally been used for Ashes recovery and had quickly fallen into use as their temporary orgy den, Spike and her girls had quickly discovered the bed could only hold four at them at max, and even that number was snug as the fourth girl could only fit halfway onto the bed. While the group had been determined to make the bed work a little over an hour after Spike had brought her new toy in for some more kinky experimentation the bed had ended up breaking under what the girls had collectively decided to refer to as Spike's Enthusiasm. "I hope the Crystal Empire has larger beds," Red Murmered irritably as she finished unmaking the broken bed and Handed Blue the folded-up sheet to add to the pile, Both Red and Blue had very quickly decided that since Spike had given them her love atop the bedding they would lay claim to it to avoid letting any other creature touch her love even in the most indirect of ways. "I hope they at least have a bed that can handle our dear Love's unrelenting Enthusiasm," Blue wished aloud as she placed the sheet atop the pile, "Alright comforter, small top blanket, three Pillows, Under Sheets and over Sheets," Blue nodded "Alright let's go ask out beloved to open the storage room and toss these inside it," Red and Blue picked up their bounty and headed off to ask Spike if they could please keep them. Ash and Smoke watched the two go, the small table outside their room had been turned into a waiting room of sorts where the girls could read one of their books while Spikes entertained whoever's turn it was, the waiting room had gotten more use during the hour Spike had attempted to fix the bed only to end up abandoned when Spike had crushed one of her fingers and had immediately been swooned over as though she had been run through with a sword. "Smoke I found your copy of Folklore from the Garden," Ash called out as she put the book into Smoke's section of the shelf, the two had stolen a small shelf from the room and were using it to organize books as best they could. "I found a copy of Peace, War, and Peace again," Smoke noted "I'm betting it's Summer's, what say you?" "I'm not taking that one," Ash decided "Oh, The Lone Travels Guide to the Sea," Ash looked at the back and forward "I dunno who this is but I'm gonna have to ask to borrow it, I love me a good book about the ocean," Having no more books to sort through the two sisters followed Red and Blue's lead and took their stolen shelf to be stored away in Spikes Interdimensional Pocket. Solar stood guard at the entrance to the front of most of the two train cars with Summer, who had been tasked with cleaning up anything sticky left behind by. She had been discharged when Red and Blue had decided to just take the entire Bedspread and was now playing chess with Solar, with a mildly infuriating result. "My Kind takes your pawn," Summer said irritably "and now we both only have kings left...again," Summer groaned at her inability to beat Solar, and Solar seemed visibly agitated at her own inability to do the same with Summer," "Rematch," They both challenged instantly, Solar now simply leaning all her weight against to inward swinging door to keep anypony from opening it, the two heard Spike laugh and looked up momentarily as they saw Spike wheezing as she was presented with the stolen goods. "Why not?" She decided as she opened the door to her storage room "Fuck it, let's take the mattress to, that way I can stuff the Toy into storage and make her look at the bed as she sleeps standing up," The Four little thieves all cheered as their crimes where rewarded. "Oh yeah," Summer nodded "That's gonna cause trouble eventually, maybe not right now, but I'm betting one of them is gonna steal something with the intent to give it to Spike and cause a hell of a problem," "I'm not stupid enough to take that bet," Solar retorted as she moved her pawn first. "I Can See it," Autumn Squealed out with Glee "I can see bountiful mountains of White!" The rhythmic sound of the tracks harshly shifted in tone as they hit the frozen rails that would lead them to the Empire, Cadance ignored it as she reassured the Guard ponies that there was nothing she could do about it if Spike turned them into woman and used them as toys. With the Guards or at least a very small number of them, demanding to be shipped out to Canterlot and or any other part of Equestria Cadance had instructed Shinning to ship those who requested it to wherever he wanted to so as to avoid them starting a panic and or making an attempt to get Spike before she got them. Cadance made her way to her personal Train car and checked in on her sleeping guest, things went from bad to worse as she found the bed empty, and the instrument of her headaches looking out the window at the fields of snow. "I'm assuming Spike has been detained them?" Twilight asked calmly as she looked out at the bleak empty whiteness. "She's on board with her Harem," Cadance said with a groan. "Smart," Twilight turned "Take me to them, I only need a few minutes to get them to tell me how to undo their curse," "Twilight," Cadance said calmly "I'm sorry I have to say this to you, I really am, But you can't go near Spike, Things are dicey and I'm trying to avoid a war," "Cadance don't make me laugh," Twilight chuckled "There powerful I'll give them that, but with me, you, and Celestia and Luna once I call on them, along with Starswirl, the Pillars, and the rest of the elements, I estimate we'll only need to take out maybe a hundred or so Kirins before they surrender, we remove Rainshine from power, and the Kirin Empire and it's a new, better-suited leader, becomes allied with Equestria," "Oh I really wish I didn't have to say what I'm about to say," Candace said before taking a deep breath "Twilight if you start a War with the Kirins, then on my word as Leader of the Crystal Empire, I will not side with you, in fact, I will lead my support to the Kirins," The look on Twilights face told Cadance everything she needs to know and she took a step back. "And as we are on the Sovern grounds of the Empire you are not permitted to be within twenty paces of Spike, nor are you permitted to touch her with magic," "Where's Shining?" Twilight demanded. "In the Dog house," Cadance retorted calmly "Twilight, Spike has been nothing but kind and patient with you, but as of this moment I won't be, if you make an advance to try and do anything to Spike, I will Retaliate, and I will do so heavily," Twilight made a face, a face that brought only concern to Cadance, a Face filled with planning," "Very well then," Twilight decided "Let's see how Thorax and Ember take this then? Oh but don't worry, Equestria won't involve itself in your war," Twilight teleported away and Cadance took a deep breath. "She is going to be the death of me," She cried out as she flopped onto her bed before lighting her horns "Shining your sister is awake and has flown the coup, she's going to tell Spike's Friends what I can only assume will be a warped and messy story that probably won't include any of what actually happened to Spike, Tell all Unicorn Guards on board to teleport ahead and have Spike and her girls moved from the back to my personal train car so I can make sure none of her girls are harmed," Cadance dropped the spell without waiting to hear Shinings response and gently placed a Pillow over her face before screaming her frustrations into it. Spike chuckled as she watched her toy make the bed in her pocket dimension before standing in the corner, Spike gave them a salute and shut the portal. Spike had just made the door disappear when the door to their compartment was opened by Solar and Shining was allowed to walk in, Spike got the gist of what was happening by his face alone. "Oh boy," Spike sighed "The beast has awoken hu? go on then, tell me what Twilight is doing or has already done," "I can't at this moment," Shining said simply "It'll piss you off and you might blow up the train, for now, you're being moved to Cadance's personal Train car with all your girls in order to keep Twilight from getting a jump on us, most of the guards have been sent ahead to the empire with teleportation, I'll be joining them once I get you to the room," "Welp we just finished packing up," Spike declared proudly "Come on girls, time to move out, my sister is awake and she's completely crazy," Spike had her girls line up behind Shining and took up the rear, "Goodbye train car," Spike said as her girls followed shining and left her alone "thanks for the mattress," Spike saluted before shutting the door behind her. > The Dragon Lord's Demands > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike happily looked out the window at the endless expanse of Snow that surrounded the train, the train itself had stopped while the Tracks were moved to line up with a secondary set of tracks that would take them beneath the Empire and directly to the Castle, Spike noted most of her Harem was on high alert, Solar Stood next to Spike diligently, while Red and Blue stood at the ready at both of the train cars doors, Autumn, Summer, Ash, and Smoke all sat on the large bed with Cadance at the foot of it holding up a protective bubble that surrounded the entire train car. "Thorax, I doubt will do anything crazy," Spike said as she pulled on her shirt, having been given a Tanktop and a pair of Shorts from Ash and Smoke so as to be presentable in a public setting. "Ember, I doubt will do anything rational and that there is where the problem lies," Spike shook her head with a sigh "I have absolutely no idea what she's gonna do," "Dragon Lord Ember is a good friend of yours isn't she?" Solar questioned as she tried to pinpoint how worried she should be for Ember's eventual arrival. "She's also very proud," Spike noted "And depending on what Twilight says, and how she says it, this could turn into something major, or twenty-two minutes of us arguing," Spike thought on it for a moment before shrugging "Who can say, I'll just have to wait for Ember to make the first move, might take her a while what with dragons not doing too good in the cold, but I imagine Twilight will be backing her up so I doubt that will slow her down too much," "So the level of danger we're currently in depends on how well Spoken the Princess of Friendship is?" Solar asked with a frown "That sounds less than good for us," "Oh no worries," Spike said merrily as she looked out at the far-reaching fields of snow that went on beyond what she could visibly spy with her own eyes. Spike eye's moved slightly and she suddenly let out a loud whistle, doing her best to control her powers a large vine burst to life out in the fields and whipped around to the side of the train car, the large vine ended up sweeping Blue off her hooves, Blue was quickly grabbed by Spike's magic and set on the bed as she took a seat on the vine "Welp, here she comes, wish me luck," Spike waved as the vine pulled her out into the cold, Solor rushing after her as she told the others to hold their ground, having been tasked with being Spikes personal guard she didn't hesitate to rush out after her into the freezing cold. Taking to the sky to be by Spike's side. "I guess this proves my idea about the cold countering you wrong," Solar noted. "I feel like I'm about to die," Spike replied without hesitation as she began shivering, "Still, can't let Ember cause the train any damage, she's coming in real-oh shit," Spike was hit square in the stomach by a Blue Blur ramming into her at full speed and both it and her where sent flying over the train and into the fields of snow. Spike landed in the snow and instantly felt a freezing pain begin to take her over. "Oh it's so much worse than I thought it would be," She practically screamed out as she jumped to her hooves shivering, across from her a partially frozen Ember got to her feet, the Dragon lord's wings looked to have frozen over, Spike expected some kind of angry threat of some kind as she winced at the bruse that now adorned her belly. "Oh dude sorry about that," Ember noted casually upon seeing the harm she had caused "I was trying to get to the empire as fast as I could, The hell were you doing up in the sky-" Ember looked back and her confusion only grew "-Atop a giant flower?" Ember looked to Spike with increased confusion on her face "Well, I better get you out of here," Ember walked over to Spike and picked her up princess style before shooting back into the air. "Hey," Solar called out, Ember's arrival having brought a cold front in her wake that had sent Solar crashing to the ground, she held her arm to her side in pain but was otherwise fine. Unfortunately for her the call out fell on deaf ears as Ember shot back off towards the somewhat distant Crystal Empire "I had one job," Solar cried out in anger "How did I fail that fast!" instead of returning to the carriage Solar took to the sky and flew as fast as she could after Ember and Spike. She heard the rest of the Harem call out to her but she ignored their cries as she felt they were more directed to Spike than her as she rushed to be by Spike's side. "Does this mean war?" Autumn asked Cadance curiously. "Luckily the contract has an exception clause in the event Spike is injured or harmed by an accident, and nothing about that seemed to be on purpose," Cadance got to her hooves as the Train suddenly started moving "Embers heading to the empire, and I'm guessing she isn't aware she's already has Spike, not that I know why she's here for sure," Cadance looked out at Spikes concerned Haram, unsure what to do until Summer and Smoke spoke up. "Everyone remain call," Summer called out confidently "Once we arrive at the Empire we'll spread out and find both Spike and Solar," Smoke assured them "For now all we can do is wait to arrive at our destination," a less than happy silence fell over the group as they waited for the train to reach their destination," Ice crystals had begun forming around Solar's wings as she made it into the Empires protective Barrier, she easily found Ember's landing spot as the Dragon seemed to have shot directly at the castle. Solar followed suit and landed just behind Ember as the Dragon Lord spoke to Spike without knowing who she really was. "The hell where you even doing out there?" Ember demanded of the Creature she recognized to at the very least not be a conventional pony. "I was waiting for you," Spike noted simply "In hindsight, I was a flawed approach," "Oh, are you one of those Kirin things?" Ember asked, "Don't suppose you could show me where Spike might be?" "That is Spike," Solar informed Ember as she managed to get back to Spike's side "Are you alright," "No," Spike replied merrily "but neither are you it seems, it's not a cut, so I should be able to in theory..." Spike took Solar's chin in her hand and proceeded to kiss her passionately for a moment, the pain in Solar's arm quickly dispelled and upon separating there was no sign she had ever been hurt Spike laughed proudly at the results "God's powers for the win," Ember stared bluntly at Spike who looked back happily "So, what did Twilight tell you," "Oh," Ember hit her own fist and laughed "This is what she meant, I didn't understand in the slightest what she meant by you being turned into the god of the Kirin, just that you were Pink and looked like a lady," Ember laugh became more boisterous with each word "Your rocking those Tig old Bittys," "Ah," Spike was somewhat shocked at Ember's reaction before smacking herself in the face "Jeez I'm stupid, here I was worrying how you'd react to Twilights word's without taking into account the fact you'd probably half listen and just come running over to see what was going on," "Yeah, your Pony Friend tries way too hard in her speeches," Ember agreed "Too long and wordy, figured it would take less time to just come and see what was going on and then figure out what the hell she was talking about," "So we're cool then?" Spike asked hopefully. "Not quite," Ember said, in a serious tone as she eyes Spike up and down "I did catch one part of what Twilight said, and I don't intend to take it laying down, so I've mainly come with a Demand," Spike and Solar looked at Ember, Solar fearing what the Dragon Lord, leader of all dragons, would demand of her beloved Spike. Ember stared at Spike, her facial expression more serious than even that she had been caring upon their first meeting. "Answer my next question honestly," Ember said sternly "And I'll know if you lie Spike," Ember and Spike stared deeply into each other's eyes Before Ember screened out in fury "Why the Fuck wasn't I invited to join your Harem!?" > of Ash Embers and Smoke > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon arriving at the Trainstation the Girls were prepared to split up immediately, only to find Solar waiting for them at the Trainstation hidden in the bowls of the Castle. "Solar," Blue cheered "We were so worried, how's your arm?" "Spike fixed it up," Solar assured her "Although Spike herself is currently fighting a very emotional battle of her own, sadly there's no way for me to assist her at this time when she needs me most," "What happened," Cadance demanded with Smoke and Ash at her side. "Ember demand an answer to a question she had about something Spike did, or more accurately didn't do," Solar let out a sigh as she held her hand to her face and shook her head "She did not like the response she received," "You and I have been friends for years," Ember said angrily, with Shining armor having arrived early he had only just managed to get Ember to agree to speak to Spike in a more private area. Said Priavte area was now mostly ruble as a result of Ember's rage "The hell do you mean, I don't do it for you?" "Ember," Spike said, calmly sitting on the only remaining unbroken chair in the room "We have had this conversation in the past, remember, after you broke up with Thorax, and then the time after you got back together and he later left you, and that other time you both decided it just wasn't working..." "What I've slept with another creature before so I'm not a valid option for you is that it?" "No," Spike replied, still in a calm tone "The problem is that I'm not physically attracted to you, and I know for a fact this body isn't doing it for you," "Who cares," Ember shot back "A relationship shouldn't just be about physical attraction, it's all about what's on the inside or something like that, Thorax is always spewing that crap anyway," "Ember," Spike groaned "People who say that never fucking follow up on that, if you don't find a person attractive in at least some way a long-standing relationship will never last, doubly so if neither side find attraction in the other," "So what? you saying I'm ugly?" Ember shot back. "You're just..." Spike looked to the side with a guilty look as she grabbed at her own large chest "...not my preference," "Oh here we go again with your stupid fetish," Ember snapped back as she angrily patted her chest, "Dragons don't have nipples you freak and you being so fond of them is just screwy," "Oh don't give me that," Spike snapped back "We both know the only reason you ever have interest in me is because you know it would piss off Thorax, and it's not a fetish if I prefer my romantic partners to have nipples, it's a type preference at worst," "I take offense to that accusation," Ember shot back "Pissing him off is just a cherry on top," "Uh hu," Spike noted casually "Ember aren't you two engaged?" "We broke it off last week," Ember shot back irritably. "Then why do I already know you're gonna be ravaging him this time tomorrow?" Spike pleaded with her "Ember I get it, you and Thorax have a toxic relationship, but just like I won't be his scapegoat, I won't be yours, you want this to stop then you two need to actually end this, without throwing yourselves at me in the process," Ember shot smoke out her nostrils before looking back at Spike. "Your tits look fake," Ember noted just as the door to their room was kicked open. "The hell they do," Smoke said angrily, behind her was Ash who rushed to Spike's side as Smoke approached Ember. "Sorry we took so long," Ash said as she hugged Spike "Everyone else wanted to come but we felt an army of women might have made this more problematic," "So you two must be his new side pieces?" "Main pieces," Smoke shot back "You're looking at the Kirin who holds first member status, My sister Ash over there was the second," "Let her have it," Ash whispered to Spike, who was about to point out she had technically started with both of them so they were equal parts first and second "makes her feel special," "If your alright with it," Spike noted with a shrug. "So?" Ember turned away from Spike "I've known Spike for years, what have you got, a week maybe?" "Time is irrelevant," Smoke shot back "I shall remain by my dear Spike's side till the day I die," Spike chuckled at the notion "Like I'd let one of my girls age," "What was that?" Ash asked, spike having spoken under her breath. "Nothing don't worry about it," Spike told her as Smoke and Ember squared up. "Oh, devotion, how sweet, your words are nothing but used air without time behind you to prove your statement, maybe come back in twenty or so years and say that again and it might have weight," "This coming from Ember, the lord of fickle relationships?" Smoke shot back, earning an enraged look from the Dragonlord. "Me and Ash were standing outside the door for quite a while," Smoke informed her "We heard all about your on-again, off-again relationships, that alone is enough to justify my dear Spike denying you, you're fickle and have a history of leaving your lover, something that would destroy my dear lady, also as she has noted she prefers certain physical aspects that Dragons lack, now sure some people might cry out that her denying someone because she has no physical desire form them as a form of harassment or discrimination. But the fact of the matter is no good relationship comes from creatures who have no attraction to their partner," "I'm a Dragon," Ember shot back "We don't choose a mate for attraction we chose them for power, and in that market, me and Spike are perfectly compatible as the Dragonlord and a Kirin God," "I disagree," Ash spoke up as she left Spike's side "You're compatibility is basically nothing, because Spike doesn't believe in that philosophy, honestly you should be ashamed to have even considered it as a topic to use in argument, as an old friend to our dear Spike it just shows you to be desperate to say such a thing in earnest," Ember let out a huff and proceeded to turn away and walk to the door without another word, the trio watched her leave, kicking the door off the hinges as one last show of anger before leaving. "Did we win?" Smoke asked as Spike got to her hooves. "She'll be getting it on with Thorax by nightfall," Spike noted with a sigh "I wish I could help them but they just won't listen to me, they're not healthy for one another," Spike shrugged before turning to Ash and Smoke "but that's not your problem to ruminate on, come on girls, my tummy hurts and I need to lay down," Ash rushed to Spikes side and Smoke looked to the doorway. "Are you sure she won't be a problem?" Smoke asked with concern. "This isn't even close to the first time I've turned Ember down," Spike said flatly "Frankly next time we see her she'll probably just demand to join my harem again," "Maybe you could use some of your magic to help her be more desirable to you?" Smoke offered. "Nope," Spike said firmly "Unless I plan to make them into a doll and torment them I will never alter someone without them having the express desire for it, and even then only if they agree to it, and I know for a fact that Ember loves the way she looks, she'd hate having, as she's so fond of referring to them as, Tig old Bitties," "So what do you plan to do about it?" Ash asked, "Would you like us to keep her away from you?" "Of course not," Spike replied merrily "Ember's a good friend of mine, I'll always happily welcome her into my life as a friend, and I'll happily lend my ear to her in the hops that one day she'll return the favor and break things off with Throax, same goes for him by the by, There both my dear friends, they just aren't very well suited for each other is all," Spike held out her free hand and Smoke happily accepted it "Now, let's find the others, I'm sure they're all eagerly awaiting the chance to cuddle me," > Crystal Preparations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike diligently did as she was told by her harem, she had pulled their poached mattress from the train out of their storage, moment she sat in the storage room while her girls set the room up, while she waited she used her toy to pleasure herself, the mindless mare that had once been the stallion who'd had the Gaul to attack Ash had her hands upper body pressed against the wall as Spike helped herself to the back door, taking great pleasure at the mindless drone licked at the wall, unable to comprehend anything that wasn't pleasuring Spike. Spike pulled one of her hands back and started smacking the mare's rear end none too delicately, using the doll to perfect just how hard she should be doing the act as Blue had requested that she would like to try out the act of erotic spanking. "Too hard," Spike noted as she filled the doll with a quick healing blessing, one she would have loved to give to her girls but so far in her experiment the blessing had proven to only work once upon being given and dissipating after use, and couldn't heal anything more advance then a bruise. She's since decided it would be best to just kiss the minor injury away. Spike raised her hand again and ht again, once again leaving a painful-looking red mark "Dam my muscular," Spike said as she once again filled the doll with a blessing, the wall of Spike's magic closet was quickly becoming wet with slobber as the doll proved it could no longer hold back it's own droll. "It's a good thing I made you with magic," Spike noted as she continued trying to protect the art of hitting hard enough for it to be considered erotic "I imagine you don't have enough sense of self to breathe on your own much less stop yourself from drowning in your own. after several more attempts, Spike grew annoyed by the sound of the doll frantically licking the wall and reached around, pulling on its breasts and positioning her engorged nipples to her mouth, after a mental order the doll did as she was told and bit down on them and started suckling on herself, a sound Spike found far more enjoyable than a tongue scrapping against the wallpaper. "This is fun," Spike decided once he managed to hit the doll in such a way that it didn't leave a giant mark "I should look for more douch bags to turn into dolls for experimentation, don't wanna hurt any of my girls if I end up angry and horny, in fact, this is basically just me jacking it," Spike nodded and after some tried she produced a dog collar with the name Doll-1 on it, Spike placed it around the doll's neck and mentally gave it a command, the doll stopped sucking, turning to face Spike and waited as Spike lay on the floor and grabbed one of his comics, with her master in position the doll set its cleavage around Spkes mast and began pumping while frantically licking the tip. "Ah, a good way to pass the time when my girls are busy," Spike decided "I should try to make this place a spa instead of a closet, that way this doll can properly service me," Spike made sure she was fully decent before opening the closet door, upon exiting she found her girls all waiting for her, Spike looked back and watched for a second as the Doll followed its last command and was left sucking her own breasts, Spike shut the door and pulled out the doorknob, the closet turned into just a normal door and Spike in turn gave it to Red, who placed it in a small sack and tied it up. "Cleave making a magic door knob," Red praised Spike "Now we call all use the closet wherever we need to, I'm excited to torture that doll a little in my free time," "Just don't do anything bloody," Spike replied casually "Stick to hitting it with a belt or slapping it, hit too hard and you risk break-breaking it," "We promise to hurt it gently," Blue replied in a half-joking manner, "Now we have a meeting with Princess Cadance and then frantic lovemaking until noon tomorrow," "Sounds great," Spike noted "As my Maids, you two will be accompanying me, the same goes for Solar as she is my personal guard, as for Smoke, Ash, Summer, and Autumn, please stay within the confines of the castle, and feel free to pull the doll out of the closet and beat on it if you want," "Oh, I'll fucking beat on it," Smoke assured Spike as Red handed her the Bag "That I can promise," "Give it a smack for me," Red requested of Smoke before she and Blue flanked Spike, with Solar taking point behind Spike. Spike had to stiffen a chuckle as the trio all did everything within their powers to give off an air of seriousness, Spike had to fight her urge to tell them they could relax, knowing full well that being her maids and guard where the threes actually job, and as Spike was about to be introduced as a foreign dignitary they where doing their best to play their part. Blue opened the door for her companions and gave the rest of the Harem a final wave before closing the door as silently as she could before joining back up with the group, upon reaching the next door Red was the one who took point. "Nice of them to take turns," Spike noted "My Dumbass would have had one of them open it and the other close it, trading off at every door is far more effective," as they walked Spike felt herself growing more and more subconscious at the fact that all she had to wear was a set of borrowed clothes and her items. "I dress like I'm homeless," Spike realized. "That isn't your fault," Red said at once. "Your a very unique creature ma'am," Blue agreed with a nod. "I doubt anyone wants to deal with you having a meltdown because some fabric rubbed you the wrong way and you set yourself off on a horny frenzy," Solar added with a smile "You have very sensitive scales so I doubt there are too many things you could comfortably wear, even that tank-top looks like it's driving you mad," "I'll learn to deal with it," Spike replied without hesitation "I can't walk around the streets in a Bikini-top and Boxer shorts covered by a Bathrobe, I'd look like I just escaped a mental institution or someone's basement," "I understand your concern," Red noted at once "Before leaving the empire we'll be sure to look into getting you clothing that is both presentable and can actually be worn by you without the threat of an incident," "I recommend asking Cadance to call up Rarity" Spike replied after a moment of thought "She's very good at this kind of thing...just make sure to keep an eye on her, she tends to go too hard sometimes," "Should she accept the request we'll keep a strict eye on her," Blue Promised before opening the final door to the large room that connected to the balcony. Spike was expecting Cadance, he wasn't expecting to find both Cadance and Twilight waiting for him. "Welp this is about to go to hell," Spike sighed as she entered the room, Solar was now fully on the defensive as Twilight looked over at Spike, who noted how angry she looked. "How could you do this!?" Twilight demanded angrily "We're sisters Cadance," "The same could now be said about Spike," Cadancee shot back, looking annoyed "Look you wanna do something stupid, I won't stop you, but I will be siding with the Kirins should you drive them to war," Twilight looked like she wanted to say something but Cadance didn't give her the chance "War Twilight! Ponies can and will Die over this crap if you don't drop it, your pride isn't worth any one pony's life, much less a war's worth of casualties, now how about you act like the way a ruler of a nation should and put the safety of your citizens before you own personal grudges!" "Ah," Spike realized "Things already went to hell," Twilight turned away from Cadance, who chose not to just let her walk away. "I've picked my side Twilight," Cadance warned "Don't think for a second I won't stick through to it till the end," Twilight didn't say anything to her and instead walked up to Spike before offering her a hand. "Please, just let me fix you," Twilight begged of Spike. "I'm not broken," Spike replied calmly "Sorry Twi, but seems your gonna have to find a new assistant," Twilight said nothing and instead simply looked at Spike sadly before teleporting away. "She is going to do something psychotic," Spike noted without hesitation "I dunno what or when, but now I do know I need to come up with a few on-the-spot escape plans," Spike scratched her chin and sighed "Why can't she just live without me? a bird's gotta fly from the nest and it's well past time I do so," "That was a little unsettling," Solar noted "But it kind of seems she ran out of ideas, guess that was the rushing forward till she runs out of ideas things you were talking about?" "If we're lucky," Spike noted with a groan "Either that or that was her going down the drastic route she saves as an absolute last resort," "Well then," Cadance said trying to clean the awkwardness of the situation "Now that Twilight's gone how about we get down to business, we have to formally re-introduce Spike the Brave and Glorious to the empire, the announcement of your change of race has already been made public, and as expected the Empire is split in their response, ranging from accusations of this being a cover story for your death, to ponies lining the streets and praying to you," "Neither of those surprise me," Spike informed Cadance with a shrug "So, how likely is it that some of them are gonna try and pull out some of my mane or fur?" "Let them try," Blue challenges with a spark, the first pony to try will win my full support as being used to show off your turning of the unworthy into a doll," "Let's not jump straight to that," Spike said as he tried to wave Blue off "They all love me, there's just a little crazy with their love," "It's true," Solar agreed, her words seemingly to actually sway Red and Blue "Spike is basically a God to the Crystal Ponies, and that was when he was still a dragon, now they might make more than one statue of him...or her," Red and Blue nodded at that but before they could speak up on liking the idea Spike instead spoke in irritation. "Oh I say it and it's crazy, Solar says it and suddenly it's the wisest words ever spoken," Spike let out a huff as she unconsciously let one of her ears spark a flame. "You're just always so ready to see the good in others," Red said hurriedly as Blue attempted to fan out the flames "It's not that we don't trust you, it's just you tend to give some creatures far more chances than they rightfully deserve to be given," "Like your blinding determination to let the acts of Twilight be forgiven," Solar noted as she tired and failed not to panic over the small ear flame, Spike noted she was shuffling side to side in a poorly concealed panic and mistook the source of her panic. "I'm not mad at you guys," Spike said with another huff "Just another conditioning of my old life, got ignored a lot, more so in a physical gag style than my words being skipped over but still-" "Physical gag style?" Solar demanded, Both Red and Blue turned to Solar who just shook her head at them "Don't look at me that's not a pony-isum, I have no idea what that means," "It's-" Spike was about to explain what she meant by it when she noticed Cadance desperately trying to get her attention and, upon receiving it, motioning to drop the subject with all due haste "-not important," Spike decided, realizing she had almost stocked the flames for more Discord between her harem and Twilight, Behind Spike reality shifted and Discord popped his head out. "Someone call for me," "I was using your name for its intended definition not calling you," Spike said instantly before blinking "But while you're here stay the hell out of my head, I know I didn't say that out loud," Discord gave her a look that indicated he had no intentions to honor that request and ceased to exist "I'm telling Fluttershy," Spike called back irritably "If I remember this when I get to Ponyville anyway," Spike turned away and found Cadance holding out a dress. "Too fluffy?" She inquired from the look on Spike's face. "It's probably less fluff and more the problem she has with clothing," Blue noted calmly. "Our Beloved's scales are sensitive when touched and rubbed, and in the case of clothing, the sensitivity seems to be unpleasant," Red went to inspect the provided articles of clothing and, upon finishing her statement Blue joined her in seeing if any of the selection could be worn by Spike. "Maybe we could try some armor?" Solar questioned in a tone Spike suspected she wasn't supposed to hear. "That sounds like a kink," Spike informed her thusly, earning a change of color in Solar's face as the mare turned slightly pink, "Oh, Maybe I do need some clothes, Come to think of it I bet Red and Blue would love to be on the other side of the made outfit," Red and Blue both froze at the notion. "We must contact Ms.Rarity at once," Red declared as she left the clothing rack behind her "Her skills are needed and they are needed immediately!" Spike sat in silence, now back in her favorite top and shorts, Cadance busy delaying the Parade set to Honor Spike's new role in the world due to, as she had referred to it, an unforeseen Wardrobe problem. The Rest of Spike Haram had joined her in the room and were now deep in a debate on what they needed from Rarity once she arrived. Upon hearing the most popular pick among her girls Spike simply had to know why. "I'm Sorry," Spike called out cutting off the Debate just as Summer and Autumn fought over If Spike should Dress up as a Jester or a Mime, "Why is the only consensus so far that I need to wear a Monokini? And what even is a Monokini!?" "I have needs," Ash declared proudly "and I need to see you in a full one-piece Bathing suit, and a Monokini is simply the best option we have available to us at the moment!" Spike put her hands together and after receiving nothing further from Ash instead pointed to Smoke. "It's like a full-body thong," Smoke said with a shrug "That is the best way to describe it," "Oh, that sounds kind of hot," Spike nodded for a moment "Alright, I wear one...but all of you have to wear one too!" Spike had a bright sparkle in her eye at the thought alone. "Well then now that that's decided..." Smoke turned to the group before raising a hand and pointing up to the sky "We should dress her up as a Cowgirl!" "Oh come on," Solar spoke up with an exasperated groan "Langaraie anyone? Honestly, it's Sad the Herd of Horny Kirin girls failed to think of it and I'm not quite sure what to say to you all," "Silk Ribbons!" Ash Demanded, visibly drooling at her own notion "So we can cover her up like a Christmas present, oh that's one present where helping to wrap it would be just as fun as opening it up," "Mime," Summer said stubbornly "Jester," Autumn shot back, Spike failed to see how either of those options could bring about excitement and chose just to let them be as Red and Blue simply nodded in unison, neither budging from the notion of Spike in a Maids outfit. "Look," Spike spoke up "You all agreed on the bathing suites but that'll have to wait until we can have Rarity make all of us one, as it stands I need something to wear in Public, and Rarity offered to throw in two extra outfits free of charge as an apology for being involved, however, unwillingly, in my kidnapping, so you're all going to have to narrow it down to at least two. "Well, unlike all the other suggestions, Maid's outfit has two votes to all the other votes one, so it should win on the numbers alone," "Is anyone willing to give up their idea to stop that or will Maid's outfit be going on the list?" Spike got one look at her girls and sighed "I'll take your looks as a No, so Maid's outfit is now a guarantee," As Red and Blue Celebrated their victory through teamwork. With over half of the suggestions seemingly a very specific desire Spike decided to intervene in the vote "And with that said, Mime, Jester, and Cowgirl, are far too specific and frankly a hell of a lot of work to go through so the remaining votes may either be for Lagerair or a Silk Ribbon," "a Silk Ribbon?" Summer asked, making it clear to Spike no one had been listening to anyone but themselves. "So we can wrap and unwrap her," Ash said, her eyes practically headlights as the fantasy flashed in her eyes," Soloar sighed at the looks on the other Kirins and held up her hands. "I'll give in, Silk Ribbon sounds kind of weird, but I kind of have to see it now," "Alright, Outfit suitable for going outside, a Maids outfit, and a Long Silk Ribbon, along with that I'll ask Rarity about the Monokini and see if it's something we could commission from her," Spike smiled as her girls began discussing which outfit Spike should wear first and decided to enjoy the moment, confident Twilight was going to be making a nuisance of herself. before things were all said and done. > A few quick mesurments > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike sat on the bed her harem and she had all come together to steal from the train, Solar and Red watching in awe as Spike made a simple movement and proceeded to make history. "Check make," Spike informed Summer calmly, Summer looked down at the chessboard in disbelief as Red and Solar cheered for Spike. "I can't believe she did it first try," Solar cried out in glee as she and Red pulled Spike into a hug. "Summer is a renowned Chess player, she has no recorded losses in the thirteen championships she's participated in, she was so good she's tournament banned and half of the grand prize is now getting a chance to face off against her in a match. "Making Nachos and Playing Chess," Spike said simply as she rubbed her chest before quickly stopping, the old habit from when she had been a dragon still playing her at random as she hurriedly readjusted her top. "No one can best me in either," Summer stared at the board before calmly grabbing it, flipping it onto the floor, and tackling Spike. "Take me now!" Summer demanded, an odd sense of glee in her voice. "Oh, this is a weird one," Spike laughed as Summer began kissing at her neck "Is this a losing fetish!?" "Take me," Summer demanded again as she pulled Spike in tightly. Before Spike could comply with Summer's demands the door to Spike's dimensional closet opened and Autumn came out with Blue, Autumn looked around and frowned. "Wait, where are Ash and Smoke?" She asked, already knowing where Solar was at current. "They decided to accept Solar's invitation to get lunch since she was already going out to settle up on her apartment and have her personal effects shipped to Rainshine for safe keeping," Spike noted as she tired to get up off the bed, "And Summer as much as I would love to just take you, Rartiy could arrive at any moment, that was the whole reason we started the chess game, to begin with," "She's already an hour late" Summer assured Spike "I'm confident we can be done and ready for her before-" Summer bit her lip in frustration as the door to their room was knocked on. "Oh Spikey-Wikey, I've come for your fitting," "The hell did she call you?" Autumn demanded before turning to Spike "Why haven't I been given this nickname to use!?" "Oh please don't," Spike begged of Autumn, "It's more a pet name than a romanticly inclined one," having failed to sell it the girls present al just stared at Spike with a somewhat miffed air about them "Oh come on," She begged as she managed to get to her hooves, simultaneously failing to break free of Summers, having exchanged her body hug for one that claimed Spikes left arm. "I think it best if I accompany you," Summer decided with a huff "After all, you and I never get any alone time," "To be fair we've always kind of done things in at least groups of three past the one time I gave you all some personal time, but your point does stand, I could do with spending personal time outside of sex with you all," Summer smiled at that and Spike looked at the knowing look in her eye "Probably not the best example of this, as this seems to be a ploy to get some physical one on one time but you'll have to earn some fun times via emotional bonding," "Done," Summer decided "It only makes sense I go first, I may not be your first Harmen member, but I was one of the Kirin who had you first," "That means I get second place by default," Autumn laughed "Alright you two have fun on your dress-up date, Make sure to come back before that Parade thingy," Autumn turned her attention from Spike and set out all the clothing suitcases "Alright ladies line up and get your luggage, let's hope you all shared my brains and brought something fancy," Spike and Summer made their way to the door and found Rarity standing on the other side of the hall, she let out a sigh of relief as they did so. "Hope I wasn't interrupting," She said with a nervous undertone in her voice "So Spikey, you gonna introduce me to your escort for the night?" "Her name is Summer," Spike said politely before frowning "Wait what's an escort," "A Thinly veiled insult," Summer noted with a less than merry look aimed at Rarity "But I'm happy to inform you my services aren't paid for," "Of course," Rarity replied politely "Forgive the insinuation," Summer and Rarity smiled politely at one another before Rarity led the way to the room she had set up as her temporary work studio. Summer kept a firm grip on Spike's arm as they walked. "You don't like her," Spike noted. "What's that dear?" Rarity asked, as Spike shook her head in response "The sentiment was meant for both sides but it's nothing to worry about, not something I need to be getting in the middle of at least," Rarity led them to her makeshift studio without any further words spoken. Spike got into position and hoped beyond hope that Summer and Rarity wouldn't bite each other's head off as she removed her robe. "I could take the measurements," Summer said as soon as Rarity picked up her measuring tool. "Darling I'm going to use magic," Rarity chuckled, "I won't lay a finger on her I swear," "Dam right you won't," Summer noted as she took Spike's robe and sat in one of many armchairs that seemed to litter the room for no real reason. "I'm assuming this is a storage room you took over?" Spike asked in bewilderment. "Shining lent me his hoofball room," Rarity informed Spike as she began measuring "Apparently he invited the guards to watch it regularly, they kindly relocated the viewing basion but I told them the chairs could stay since they weren't in my way," "Can't believe he never invited me," Spike said in a huff "He won't be tasting any of my nachos for a good long while," Summer took note that, although she didn't particularly like him, she could ask Shining what exactly hoof ball was. Rarity looked over the list of clothing Spike had asked for and visibly sputtered. "I'm sorry," Rarity chuckled nervously "A Maids outfit and one long piece of Ribbon?" "I'd like the ribbon to be silk if possible," Spike noted as she raised her arms and watched with mild interest as her bust size was measured "Don't want it to cause any chaffing or itchiness, also my scales are really sensitive now so please try to make any clothing that touched them something soft, it might get weird otherwise," "Of course," Rarity smiled sweetly, although she was still visibly taken aback by the request. "I can have these ready for you by the end of the week, I'll...come by tomorrow with a few designs and you can pick the one that suits you best dear, but for now let's focus on getting you dressed up for the parade," "Nothing too over the top," Spike requested "Just some normal clothes I can wear without feeling the need to scratch them to threads, I'd like sweatpants and a matching Tank top," "Am I correct in assuming I should make it Pink and Gold?" "That seemed to be the color scheme designated to me," Spike agreed as she looked down at her Pink Bathrobe "I'd hate to buck the trend so the speak," "Shouldn't take but an hour or two," Rarity smiled "If you and Summer would like to wait here you may, otherwise your free to leave, I'll have a guard notify you when your good to return," Spike stepped down from the little pedestal and Summer proceeded to redress Spike, noticeably staring Daggers at Rarity as she did so. "Alright, we'll be back soon," Spike waved goodbye to Rarity as she and Summer left, Summer made to turn back the direction they had come only for Spike to sweep her off her hooves and begin carrying her the opposite direction. "Is somepony jealous?" Spike asked with a smile. "Hmm," Summer huffed back in reply "That was the mare you had a crush one wasn't it?" "Indeed," Spike confirmed "Good eye, what gave it away," "Spikey-wikey is more of a pet name, please don't call me that," Summer noted calmly "not a fully accurate quote but the meaning is the same," "Ah yes," Spike nodded "Suppose my reaction to Autumn requesting to call me that was a dead giveaway," Spike stopped at a seemingly random door and pushed it open. "What is this?" Summer asked as she looked at the bedroom. "This is the room Cadance set aside in the event one of my girls and I needed to get away for a little while for some, one-on-one time," Summer's ears immediately perked as Spike sighed "Of course if the moments passed...I can always kick your ass in chess aga-" Spike was cut off as Summer bolted upright and pulled her into a kiss. Spike rolled onto the bed and was more than happy to provide Summer with the intimate time she desired. > A Soothing Summer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Since It was just the two of them Spike let Summer pick the itinerary for their alone time, After the kissing was done and Spike showed off his mastery of magic by making their clothes disappear and reappear on a nearby chair she did as she was asked and began slowly scratching Summer a-top her head, while Summer in turn took hold of Spikes tail and braided the long pink fluff-ball that was the end of her tail. Spike ran her fingers through the green strands of Summer's mane, taking care not to snag any of her Knotts, as Summer had not been taking care of her mane as of late a new concern grew in Spike's heart. "Do I really need to start brushing all of your manes? Spike questioned "I'll do it happily mind you, but come on Summer I'd expect more of you," "Oh?" Summer replied with a smirk "Am I catching a hint of favoritism?" "No, you're catching a hint of me recognizing your mane was better kempt the first time we met," "It's true," Summer gave in with a shrug "I haven't really thought about my mane care in a while, frankly after the parade It might be best that you take Autumn with you on a solo date, while your out I can bring up the fact that we all need a good solid wash and get some mane care done at the same time, you can even end your time with Autumn in a shower, she's pegged shower sex as something she's excited to experience," "Noted," Spike and Summer remained cuddle up for what felt like ages before Spike made the first move and gave Summer a kiss on the cheek. "Someone's ready to push past the cuddly stuff and start having some real fun hu?" Summer chuckled as she looked Spike in the eyes "Good," Summer pulled Spike into a kiss and pressed her body against hers, the two took time to enjoy the taste of one another before Summer went in for the show stopped, and filled herself with Spike's length. Spike took her place on the bottom and spread herself out so Summer had plenty of room to maneuver as she began pumping up and down on Spike's length. Summer leaned forward and took Spike's breast into her hands to help steady herself, The sex it self wasn't the most extravagant display Spike had partaken in, but Summer seemed to be enjoying the act none the less, Spike placed each hand on Summer's rear and held on for the extra leverage. Spike and Summer went at it for only about three minutes before Summer hit her stride and Spike in turn met hers. as Summer was filled with a few quick pumps of love She lay on Spike, pressing her girls into Spike, and gave Spike another kiss before going back to conversing. "You good at any other games besides chess?" "I got Chess, Nachos, books, and Cleaning the floor of a castle by wielding sponges like ice skates, past that I've just got what came with being a Goddess," "Well then tell me, are you just really good at chess, or is it just that Kirins don't rank that high in the game so me being the top player only equivalents being passably good?" "I bet you'd place in the top ten of an all races included chess tournament," Spike noted with a small flick of her ear, Summer just stared at her and Spike groaned "You'd be in the top hundred but you'd be in the high nineties," "And your proof of this is?" "I once participated in a chess tournament in Canterlot, I placed Eighty-ninth," Summer sighed at the knowledge that in the wider world her number one ranking wasn't all that impressive," "But," Spike cut in "You are the best Kirin, as such you wouldn't actually participate in the tournament, You'd be asked to play those wishing to enter to see who they should be faced up against, kind of like an entrance exam," Summer chuckled at that as Spike continued "Canterlot don't mess around when it comes to any kind of tournament, you should have seen how hard they went on the Junior Swin League, or the Cup Stacking championships, Twilight took care to make sure every sport for every race was treated with up most seriousness and respect," "Something she's clearly failed to do for you and the Kirin," Summer noted. "You saw our mother," Spike shot back "If I was anyone other than Spike, Twilight would have been static to help with the Kirin Pony relationship problems, just give her some time I'm confident she'll chill out, one more crazy freeout at most I swear," Summer didn't look too amused at Spikes defense "She's my sister and I have a personal bias," Spike informed Summer curtly. "Her being your sister only makes this situation more upsetting," Summer countered without hesitation "but this isn't about to be the hill I die on, so fine, you say she gets one last chance to be crazy, fine, she gets one more pass from me, she doesn't anything after that and I am slapping her across the face, princess or not, I doubt she'll be able to do anything to me that you can't instantly stop," "I have a pretty good idea as to what she's gonna do next," Spike said in casual reply "It's definitely the right time of year for it," Summer waited for more details on the matter but was cut off by a knock on the door. "Rarity can be really fast when she wants to be," Spike noted as she and Summer unraveled from each other and Spike, with a quick wave of her hand, had them both cleaned up. Summer and Spike quickly got re-dressed before meeting the guard in the hall, The guard informed them Rarity was ready for them and, in no time flat They had returned to Rarity's temporary studio. "That was like ten minutes at best," Spike declared as she and Summer entered the room "What happened to one or two hours?" "Oh your request was far simpler than I first imagined is all," Rarity replied as she held out the Pink Sweat pants, They had a Gold rim, one gold line on either leg, and the area around the leg holes where topped off with Gold as well, the Tank top itself was Pink with a Golden heart on it's chest. "I would have liked to make them more extravagant, but you did say you wanted to keep it simple, I can just go all out on that... maid outfit," Rarity handed over the outfit and Spike gave her robe to Summer before going to the somewhat pointless divider to put the clothes on. "So," Rarity said to break the silence as Spike made her way away from them "How long do you think you'll be staying with Spikey-" "I will be staying with Spike until the day I expire," Summer replied without hesitation. "Yes, a wonderful sentiment, but lets be honest here does...that really do it for you?" "The hell does that mean?" Summer demanded. "I'll admit Spike is a sweat heart, but he's never been much of a looker, and while i suppose she is one now, the whole Girl with Boy parts is just a little odd don't you think?" "Your implications being?" "Oh nothing darling, I just want to make sure you're not...stringing her along if you're just with her for her title fine, I won't judge you, but in the event you ever leave her, I just thought I should warn you I'd have to hunt you down and flay you," Summer looked at Rarity with a noticeable look of shock at how hard of a turn the conversation had just taken. "Are you... threatening me with violence if I break Spike's heart?" Summer questioned, the notion being oddly sweet to her. "Spike always had a thing for me and...well let's just say I've never been the kind of mare that deserved his admiration, but now that she's found a life partner, or should I say life partners, I find the thought that one of you might be using her just for her title or even just for her body infuriates me beyond explanation," Summer looked at Rarity, who in turn hadn't taken her eyes off of Spike since she had entered the room. "How the hell are you a better sister than his actual sister?" Summer demanded in confusion. "Oh don't worry, I may be the one saying this but I assure you, if any of the other girls get time alone with you they'll make the same threat, and none of us will hesitate for a moment to act on it, so just a fair warning to you and all the others, do tell them if they do not hear to stay then they better pack up and hurry to that grove before I or any of the others catch them," "Hu," Summer mused at the notion, While she felt like most with take the threat personally, after all, her experience with Twilight and Shining, she found the notion that Spike's other friends were willing to go on the defense is anyone broke Spikes heart to be the sweetest thing she'd seen from the entirety of Pony kind thus far. "Welp," Summer spoke up in reply "Spike will be pleased to know I no longer hate you, but never call me a dam escort again," "A slip of the tongue I assure you," Rarity replied sweetly as Spike proudly displayed her new outfit with gusto "Alright Darling, let me just do a quick once over to make sure it's not lost or falling apart anywhere and you should be good to head out to that parade of yours," > Crystal Pony Parade > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike did her best not to tug on the hem of her shirt, She was standing on a large parade float set to travel down the streets of the Empire, at the head of it Cadance was announcing what had happened recently and was even revealing a new Crystal Stature of Spike that featured both the Dragon and the Kirin. Both with one arm on their hips and the other arm holding up a large heart set between the duo. Spike could hear a mixture of cheers and cries of defiance and simply nodded her head, "Yup, some of them don't believe I'm Me, and some are all on board for me being a hot chick now," Spike was surrounded by her Harem on all sides, Red and Blue stood on either side of her, with Autumn and Summer standing behind the maids. Ash and Smoke had been positioned in front of Spike and were sitting to avoid hiding her from view. Standing directly behind Spike was Solar, who was armed with a sword and shield and ready to beat the hell out of any pony stupid enough to try and get close to Spike. "And now, with great gratitude for her presence here in our Empire, and in honor of all she has done, Please join me in welcoming Spike, the Kirin Goddess of Fertility," Spike waved to the crowd, most Crystal Ponies where all about it but she could see a few shouting their misgivings about her being a fake. "They scare me so much," Spike chuckled "They love me but they are crazy about it," Spike did her best to not look scared of the ponies as they cheered her float on, the float itself wasn't all that grand in size so she could hear most of their words, most of them where just calling out they loved her regardless of what she was, some were messed up sexual requests, and a couple where just flat racist remarks about Kirins. "Well this is going better than I thought it would," Spike chuckled before being pegged in the face by a drink. "Never mind, expectations met," A Magic barrier surrounded Spike as a few members of the crowd began throwing things at her, seemingly just for the shits and giggles of it. "This happened the last time I was asked to be in a Crystal Pony Parade," Spike noted as most of her harem began sparking with anger, Red and Blue did their best to clean up Spike with the wet spots on her shirt proved too much to get out. "Crystal Ponies love me for the most part, but every group has that one guy who makes an ass of himself just to stand out." Spike sighed before looking out at the crowd, "oh look," Spike spied one of the ponies throwing stuff getting swarmed by nearby crowd members, and getting his shit kicked in "Isn't that sweet," "There's always at least one," Solar agreed as she remembered the fool on the train, Red in turn remembering her ex who was now just a doll tending a field, and nodded in agreement with the sentiment that every group had a few duds. "I still love you all," Spike called out with a wave "Even the random soda-throwing jerks," the Crystal Ponies cried out in glee and the mob stopped betting down on the ones they had caught and let them join the cheer. "Completly nuts," Spike reiterated as she continued waving to the crowd, the occasional item still being tossed at the barrier. As Spike float made it to the end of Main Street they got to the backmost area of the crowd, who all cried out for Spike to give them a piece of her. "I need some mane for my shrine," A Mare called out. "Give us some fur," Another pleaded. "I set ponies on fire last time," Spike warned "Don't come up here if you value your- and they're climbing up," Spike sighed as several crowd members managed to force their way past the guards and began betting on the shield, most still calling out to Spike, some now directing hateful comments to her Harem. "Nice outfits sluts," A Colt called "Was Riding his dick worth it?" "I'm Spikes Maid," Red shot back "Go away," "Hey baby," A Mare called out "How about you let me get a taste of what The Great Hero Spike left in you," Ash visibly shivered at the comment as Solar took point, pulled out a wooden sword, and proceeded to start swinging it through the barrier at the ponies. "We have a breach," Solar called out to the guards on the back reserve, The Crystal Ponies were quickly dealt with and the float continued on its way back to the castle. "That went great," Spike decided with a smile "At least no one managed to pull out any of my scales this time," "They'd be dead before they could get half a meter with it," Summer replied calmly as Autumn decided to own up to the comments she was hearing and was now waving at the Crystal Ponies and pointing to Spike and then herself to get across to them that she was absolutely hitting that. "On the bright side, my part in the festival is about over," Spike sighed "The food stall should be all set up and I can focus on taking Autumn on a private date," "We get to go next," Ash and Smoke called out in unison. "If you wanna go together that's cool with me," Spike replied with a shrug "Certainly helps to save some time, that said we should probably wait until we're out of the Empire past Autumn, We're scheduled to leave in just a few days, we're meeting with Thorax in Manhattan since he's already having a conference there," "Are you sure it's wise to meet up with him?" Autumn inquired "I haven't met the guy personally mind you, but if Twilight got to him first..." "He said he was excited to see the new me," Spike replied casually "Thorax is a changeling so someone looking different is on the spectrum of me getting a new coat to him," Spike waved to the crowd one more time and declared that he loved them all before being escorted back to the castle. "I really thought something was gonna go wrong," Spike chuckled. "Yeah," Cadance chuckled "Anyway the room you requested for you and Autumn has been all set up, if you two want to head out you should be good to do so," Spike offered Autumn an Arm and she happily took it. "So," Spike smiled "Word has it you've written a fair number of plays, care to tell me about a few of 'em?" "Would I ever!" Autumn cheered back "One of my most popular ones is about this Kirin who hid below an opera stage-" As Autumn began telling Spike all about her play Cadence waved to get the Harem's attention. "So," She said awkwardly "Something is about to go wrong," Cadance motioned them closer before speaking up "A few guards caught a couple of Ponies trying to break in, they've been interrogated, and apparently they were just half of the group, as of this moment three or four ponies are planning a break in, and you can guess the prize their after," Cadance pointed to Spike as she walked off with Autumn "I hate to be a bother but would you be willing to help me catch them without alerting Spike...she's a little to nice and would ask they be let go with a slap on the wrist," "What are you gonna do?" Summer questioned only for Solar to answer first. "Minimum sentence for breaking into the castle is ten years of dungeon time, maximum sentence is twenty-five years in the Canterlot mines, that said just in case Spike hears about it off hand they'll probably only get a year's worth of community service," "I have a daughter," Cadance added "I am not letting anyone think for even a second they can break into my home and get away with it without cleaning out every dumpster and ewe pen in the kingdom with a toothbrush," "We can help," Smoke decided before turning to Red and Blue. "You two are on 'don't let Spike find out' Duty, follow her and Autumn and tell them you'll be guarding the door to make sure no one accidentally walks in on them," "Easy enough," The Two maids decided with a bow before going after Spike and Autumn. "Solar you're the resident guard," Summer decided after a moment "This game is yours to lead," "Good," Solar smiled "Don't kill them, you can burn them, maybe even break an arm or two if absolutely necessary but no killing, They're just fanatics, they might pose a danger to Spike but their crimes aren't bad enough for a death sentence since they're primary goal is attention, so go easy on them, but do not be on them soft if that makes sense," "Makes enough sense to me," Smoke decided with a smile "Tell them to surrender or they're getting beaten into submission," "It's a good thing you're not a guard," Solar noted as Cadance began telling them all where the most likely locations to sneak in were. "The Front and Back Exits are the most obvious, but what I need help with is the secret railway, despite it's name its...really not a secret since it runs through the back part of the empire, as well as the Wine cellar, we're not entirely sure where in the cellar but it's how Chrysalis and her Changelings broke in and kidnapped me, Shining, and Flurry a while back, it worked out but we do know there is a way in somewhere down there, not that we can find it mind you," "Alright, I'll take the Wine cellar," Solar decided, "Smoke can you back me up?" "You got it," Smoke replied before giving her sister a kiss on the cheek "Good luck guarding the not-so-secret tunnel," Ash wished her luck too and Cadnce looked at Ash for a moment. "So you and your sister," Cadance noted "You're not like...I mean obviously, you are with Spike, but before you met her where you two..." "No," Ash noted "Smoke and I are overly attached to one another I will admit, Our Parents threw me out when I was three and Smoke refused to go home without me so we both ended up being ditched in the woods. Moonstone found us and took us in a few weeks later, most of the members of the Goddesses church come from broken homes, and we grew up on stories about her and grew more and more attached when Moonstone tasked us with traveling across Equestria in an attempt to find the Goddesses reborn form. We had hoped beyond hope she'd let us stay with her after the welcoming ceremony," Ash sighed as she thought back on when Spike had bitten into the little pink cube. "Since you and Smoke value your relationship so much...I imagine your hate for Twilight is exceptional." "Imensely," Ash agreed "That Mare might give in, but I won't let Spike anywhere near her until she proves to me and Smoke that she's gone through a real change, giving up is not in itself an apology," "I can agree with that," Summer chimed in "I won't let Spike Forgive Twilight until she actually apologizes, and by Spike's own words that crazy Alicorn gets one last crazy scheme, afterward I get to punch her if she tries anything," "I wanna punch her," Ash grumbled. "Ash sweety we can punch her together," Summer assured her friend and shared mate as they began walking towards the Train-way "You can go left and I'll go right," "Wait, wait I changed my mind, I wanna kick her," as Ash and Summer discussed exactly how they'd beat on Twilight if given the chance Cadence simply shook her head. "She better hope for her own sake she gives this up," Cadance headed back to the castle to help set up the guards to make sure the trespassers were caught swiftly and without Spike being any the wiser" Twilight was in her Library, hard at work as she did her best to get her contraption to start, with a flicker of light she watched her old gateway flicker to life. "Here we go," She smiled "If this doesn't change him back nothing will,"