Marrying Chaos

by Animalman57

First published

Fluttershy and Discord's wedding is finally here. And the two of them couldn't be happier.

It is the big day for Fluttershy and Discord: their wedding day.

Their friends are happy for them, Fluttershy's family are elated that their little girl is getting married and ready to welcome Discord into the family with open hooves, Angel Bunny is not too pleased by his owner's choice of partner, but is happy for Fluttershy, and Spike has the honor being Discord's best drake, while Rainbow Dash gets the honor of Fluttershy's mare of honor.

Some ponies may not approve or understand what they see in each other, but the draconequus and pegasus don't care what they think. They're happy together, and to them, that's all that matters.

Cover art is not mine. It belongs to Eveeka.

A Chaotic Proposal

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Sometimes, Discord could be so romantic!

At least, that's what Fluttershy thought. Most ponies probably wouldn't think the draconequus was capable of being romantic, let alone be able to feel love in the first place. He may be reformed, but he's still a trickster at heart and on more than one occasion, he's put Equestria in danger. Most didn't trust him still, but she did, as she always had done since the start of his reformation. Some would call her naive for trusting him, but if they saw the side of him she did, maybe they'd see he really is a good creature at heart.

Ignoring those more negative thoughts, she was astonished by where he took her.

She got a surprise visit from him and he said he had something amazing planned for her, but he needed to take her somewhere special, and she enthusiastically agreed to going with him. He cradled her against his chest and walked through a shimmering blue portal. Once she saw where she was, her breath was taken away.

It was such a gorgeous patch of verdant forest in Colta Rica, completely untouched by pony hooves. As many rainforests in Western Equestria were being cut or burned down, seeing such a beautiful place undisturbed was incredible. They spent the entire afternoon exploring the jungle, having lunch in the trees (not too high up for Flutter's sake, of course) and enjoying the sights.

Unsurprisingly, animals soon started to follow her. Everything from pudgy tapirs and silly spider monkeys to opportunistic coatis and colorful toucans. Even normally dangerous animals, like a sly jaguar and her cub, a spectacled caiman, a mating pair of harpy eagles and even a venomous bushmaster, followed her around. Discord said this part of Colta Rica was really rich in biodiversity, which only increased her enthusiasm.

She was thinking about their trip while swimming in a river next to a rushing waterfall. The water was the brightest blue she has ever seen, and while it was deep enough to completely submerge oneself underwater, it wasn't too deep, something she appreciated, as while she was a competent swimmer, she was always a little nervous about deep water, hence why she preferred the shallow streams around Ponyville when she decides to swim.

She looked over from her swim as she saw her asymmetrical coltfriend setting up a picnic blanket in a small, dry cave behind the falls. The sun was setting, so she imagined he was setting up dinner for them.

She smiled over towards his direction. They'd been dating for about a year and a half at this point, and she was much happier with him than she had ever been before. She's never really been in love before. Sure, she had the occasional crush, but she was always too nervous to act upon her feelings and they usually went away eventually.

Rarity was always trying to set her up with someone and, even before she met or grew feelings for Discord, she either declined the choice Rarity gave her or the date was a one off. Of the dates she accepted at her friend's well-meaning, but misguided attempts of playing cupid, some of them were jerks, while others she just wasn't interested in. While she was content with how her life had been going, she did feel lonely and liked the idea of somecreature special in her life.

When she first realized her feelings for the chaotic draconequus, she was surprised at first, but she soon accepted them. And once the two of them became an item, she's been on cloud nine. No other creature had made her feel this way, and she didn't want it to end. There were the occasional issue between them of course, but they were never enough to break their relationship. After a minute or two of watching him (not in a creepy way, of course), she decided to head over to him.

As Discord set up their dinner, one of his goat ears twitched when he heard her hoof steps on the bank. He turned and saw Fluttershy get out of the water and shake her wet mane before heading towards him. He used his magic to split the waterfall like curtains to let her pass without getting more wet.

He blushed slightly at the sight of his beloved pegasus. The look of adoration in her eyes towards him and her wet mane draping her face made her look precious. She even appeared to be walking in slow motion.

He shook his head, knowing he'd been staring for too long. He snapped up a changing screen with a green towel draping over the screen. She smiled in appreciation and she walked behind the screen and started drying herself off.

"So, do I know a good vacation spot or what?" He said smugly as he continued to set everything up. He could've used his magic to just conjure it all, but he learned long ago that food tastes better if one actually cooks the food. And his darling Fluttershy only deserved the most quality level food. He cooked all of it himself earlier when he planned the trip, and he used a heating spell to keep it warm.

Fluttershy looked past the screen and smiled at him as she finished drying off. She took a moment to put on the bluebell barrette that Discord gave her when they started dating before she walked over to him and kissed his cheek. "You're too sweet, Discord." She said as she beamed.

Discord smirked. "But of course. You deserve only the best, my dear." He patted the seat next to him, which she happily took. She noted the bowls they had were full of soup, and pretty large in general.

"Anyway, I hope you like the food I made. Cheddar broccoli soup, with baked bread and," he took a moment to pull out a bottle he used a spell to keep chilled, "Applejack's famous cider."

Fluttershy licked her chops. "Mmm, that sounds amazing, Cordy." She beamed up towards the, in her opinion, rather handsome draconequus. He scratched the back of his head as his cheeks burned at Fluttershy calling him 'Cordy'. He liked that nickname much better than the usual 'Dissy' he got from Pinkie. There was something about the name 'Cordy' that he liked. Maybe it was just because Fluttershy called him that, but regardless, he didn't mind being called 'Cordy' at all.

After putting a spoon into the bowl, he gave her the bowl of soup, which she took with her hooves. He grabbed the bread and, after a moment of thought, pulled it apart with his paw and talon. A stick of butter floated from the basket and he caused the bread to levitate. He turned his talon into a butter knife and used it to spread butter on both halves of the bread. He gave her one of the halves to Fluttershy, which she took with a smile.

After putting the butter back into the basket and turning his talon back to normal, he grabbed the bottle of cider and turned his tail tuft into a bottle opener. He twisted his tail into the cork and popped it out. Two champagne glasses appeared into existence and he poured the cider into both glasses.

He handed one of the glasses to Fluttershy, and dismissed the bottle into the basket and turned his tail back into its former glory. As he grabbed his food, he looked over towards him.

"How's the food, my dear?" He asked as he saw her eat. She looked over from her eating her soup and smiled his way.

"This is really good, Cordy. You're an amazing cook." She said. His ears flapped as his chest puffed up, his ego clearly getting the better of him.

As the two of them ate their dinner, Discord told Fluttershy all about his travels into a dimension where a rich billionaire cloned living dinosaurs and put them on a theme park on a island off the coast of that world's version of Colta Rica. Fluttershy imagined she would've loved to visit such a park, but was concerned by the parts where the dinosaurs attacked ponies.

All throughout dinner, however, she noticed how much he seemed to shake in nervousness and/or anticipation. Every now and then, he would look towards with the basket. She wondered what exactly he was thinking of, but tried to focus on their wonderful date.

Just as they finished dinner, Discord pulled out something from the basket. "Hope you're not too full for dessert. We can eat it while we watch the stars." He held out what he was holding to show her. It was a blueberry and blackberry pie with a lattice crust. Fluttershy drooled at the sight of it. It was her favorite kind of pie, and not just cause it has her favorite fruit, blueberries, in it. Whenever she ate blueberry and blackberry pie, her mind wandered to her fillyhood, in which her aunt made this for her whenever Flutters was staying at her home. It was also the first dessert she shared with Discord when they became friends.

Discord cut up the pie into several square slices with a floating knife, and he handed her three pieces. No matter how full she would be, she couldn't resist having more than one helping of pie. When it came to blueberry things, she was almost as big of a glutton as he was with most food, though she worked enough to stay fit. Discord pulled out a fork from his ear and handed it to Fluttershy.

He snapped his talon, which caused the picnic blanket to move from behind the falls and onto on the bank. The waterfall closed up behind them via his magic. Fluttershy looked up and her eyes widened as she saw the stars start to populate the sky. With no light or magic pollution in the sky, the sky had more stars than what she normally saw.

She ate her slices of pie as she watched the sky, leaning against her coltfriend as they sat in silence. Interestingly, she noticed he wasn't eating, which was rather bizarre in of itself. He enjoyed eating and his metabolism was such that he never gained weight. But barring his seemly lack of hunger, he still seemed to waiting for something.

After she finished her dessert, she sighed in bliss as she patted her stomach. "That was lovely, Cordy." He smiled in respond, before looking at the sky and snapped the tuft on his tail.

Her ear twitched as he heard the snap. She opened her eyes and gasped loudly as she put her hooves to her mouth. The stars were rearranging to messages. Fluttershy, you've been the best part of my really long life. You changed me into someone better.

She wanted to look towards Discord, but she also didn't want to miss a single message. It rearranged into another message.

Fluttershy, I want to be with you for the rest of my life, so I have one question. It rearranged into one last message that made her gasp, and blush brightly.

Fluttershy, will you marry me?

She held a hoof to her mouth as she stared at the message. She looked over and her heart skipped a beat at the sight of her draconequus partner suddenly wearing a blue tux, with a red bow tie, and a nervous grin plastered on his face. He held out a wooden box that had numerous green vine patterns over it.

With an anxious flick of his talon, he opened the box, revealing an absolutely beautiful ring sitting on red velvet. The ring had tiny carvings of vines and leaves spreading across the gold metal and a small pink butterfly-shaped gem sat dead center on the band.

She opened her mouth a couple of times, before she jumped into him, knocking him over. She hugged him super tight as she looked at him with teary eyes and a wide smile. "Yes! Yes, of course I'll marry you!!" She screamed ecstatically.

Discord sighed in relief and his smile became more peaceful. He snapped his paw and the ring appeared around her neck on a necklace. She looked down at the ring and smiled widely. She was getting married to the love of her life. She could guess that this whole trip was planned so he could propose to her, but she was so overjoyed. She leaned forward and kissed him on his lips. He placed his paw against her head and applied his own pressure.

The two of them spent the next fifteen minutes kissing and cuddling one another. Some may not understand, but she was ecstatic to be engaged to the Lord of Chaos. As he was elated to marry the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria.

A Kind Wedding

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In the following months in planning their wedding, both Fluttershy and Discord were nervous and excited, or 'nervicited' as Pinkie would call it.

When Fluttershy told her friends they were getting married, she found herself in a massive group hug of rather ecstatic friends. Even Rainbow, who still wasn't the biggest fan of the draconequus in question, still was happy for her fillyhood friend and took Fluttershy's offer of being her mare of honor with no hesitation, while Fluttershy let Pinkie and her boyfriend Cheese Sandwich be the wedding planners.

Twilight, meanwhile, was asked to be the officiant, which she gladly accepted and Rarity started making Flutter's wedding dress (as well as the dresses for the bridesmaids, which consisted of herself, Applejack, and Starlight) and Discord's suit. Though Discord could've snapped up his own suit, he was somewhat touched that Rarity planned to make him an outfit.

Spike and Big Macintosh congratulated Discord on his wedding (it was only thanks to their encouragement that Discord grew the confidence to propose in the first place), and Spike enthusiastically accepted Discord's offer of being his best drake.

When Fluttershy told her family of her engagement, her parents were beyond overjoyed that their baby girl was getting married. Whisper Willow and Gentle Heart had enjoyed Discord's company and saw him as a son already, so they were more than willing to accept him as an official member of the family.

Zephyr Breeze also congratulated his big sis, despite the fact that his relationship with Discord was a bit more strained compared to his parents. He didn't hate him, but he was generally pretty wary and tried to avoid the draconequus whenever possible. He did question Fluttershy's choice of partner at first, but tried to be supportive of his big sister. It was her choice, after all.

The family hug that happened after she told them was arguably even better than the hug from her friends.

News of the wedding of the Lord of Chaos and the former Element of Kindness spread all across the kingdom of Equestria. The opinions on the matter were pretty split in general. While some were happy for the couple, others had questioned exactly what she saw in the draconequus (and it was almost always creatures questioning why Fluttershy chose to be with Discord, and not the other way around). Despite the creatures who actively showed their disapproval, none of that mattered to the happy couple.

Fluttershy's thoughts were interrupted by Rarity finishing up her outfit.

"Alright, I'm all done, darling." Rarity said. "Take a look into the mirror."

Fluttershy looked at her reflection in the mirror and gasped at how she looked. Her mane was brushed out and had numerous flowers in them, a bit like her first Gala dress, with her bluebell taking center stage as the largest and most prominent flower in her mane. Her dress was mostly white with an embroidered green ivy pattern, going from the bodice down the entire length of the short sweep train. A veil with the ivy pattern lightly draped over her face, pinned by her barrette.

She had small rounded sleeves with crystal blue corners and her back hooves had silver shoes on them. Her collar was also crystal blue, while a pink rose lined with green ivy sat in the middle of the collar. She had light blue eyeshadow and Rarity placed a small amount of blush to emphasize her cheeks. She was certainly a very beautiful bride.

Her smile grew wide as tears of joy entered her eyes.

"Rarity, I love it." She said as she hugged one of her oldest friends. "Thank you."

Rarity smiled as she levitated a handkerchief to clear the tears off Fluttershy.

"No tears, darling. Don't want to ruin you makeup, now do we?" She said with a slight giggle. Fluttershy giggled in response. They broke their hug as they heard a knock on the door. The door opened, showing Fluttershy's father standing there.

"Can I come in?" He asked. Rarity nodded as he walked over to his daughter. He held her chin with his hoof and looked into her eyes.

"You look so beautiful, honey. Just like your mother when I married her." He had tears in his eyes, but had the proudest smile on his face. Fluttershy's cheeks flushed pink while she beamed heavily. She hugged her dad, which he happily returned. Rarity smiled widely before her eyes widened when she saw the time. She went over and tapped their shoulders.

"I hate to break this up, but it's time to go." Rarity said. Gentle Heart wrapped his wing around his daughter's withers.

"Rarity's right. Let's not keep Discord waiting. Grooms tend to become nervous wrecks after a while. I should know." Gentle Heart joked. All three of them laughed as they left.

Discord stood up on the platform that was constructed for them to stand on beneath a wooden archway that changed what kind of wood it was made of every few seconds, it covered to the brim with exotic flowers that he obtained from several different dimensions. As he waited for his beloved, he took a moment to look around.

It was a bit of a small affair, at Fluttershy's request. Only Applejack and her family at Sweet Apple Acres, Rarity and her family, Rainbow and her family, Twilight and her family, Pinkie and her family, Cheese Sandwich, Starlight Glimmer, Sunburst, Trixie, Thorax, Dr Fauna, Zecora, Tree Hugger, Spike, the princesses, Ocellus, Silverstream, Smolder, Yona, Gallus, Sandbar, Star Swirl and the other pillars, Fluttershy's parents and brother, and her animal friends were present. Fluttershy also wanted to get married in her sanctuary rather than a more standard wedding chapel.

He still couldn't believe that he was about to marry the, in his completely biased opinion, most beautiful mare in Equestria. No, the entire cosmos! He always thought love was ridiculous. After all, it was like all things warm and fuzzy to him. And while he still wasn't the sappiest creature, he wouldn't lie about the fact that Fluttershy was the light of his life. The one creature who ever gave him friendship and gave him trust, even if he didn't deserve it.

When he fully realized his feelings for her, he tried denying them for the longest time. He had hurt her too many times for him to think she'd ever want to be in a relationship with him. Spike and Big Mac were able to finally get him to admit it to himself, though he still procrastinated in telling Fluttershy how he felt until the two of them confessed their feelings and became a couple, and Discord couldn't be happier with how his life turned out.

He felt a nudge against his shoulder and turned to see Spike flying in place with a slightly worried expression on his face.

"You okay, dude? You're not getting cold feet, are you?" He asked.

The draconequus scoffed. "I'm not getting cold feet."

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Dude, your feet are literally frozen right now." Sure enough, when he looked down, his reptilian claw and goat hoof were trapped in blocks of ice. Discord smiled sheepishly at Spike before he snapped his fingers, which turned his tail into a chisel and he started to chip the ice away. Spike shook his head.

"Discord, you're worrying over nothing. You're marrying your best friend. You both love each other, she agreed to do this. Everything is going to be fine." Spike smiled as he placed his claw on the draconequus' eagle arm.

Discord still looked a little nervous, the sweat going down his brow being shaped like bullets, but he did look calmer than before. "I know, I know. I just want this to go well. Fluttershy is the best thing that ever happened to me. This needs to be perfect for her."

He felt a hoof on his other shoulder. He turned and saw Twilight, who was smiling towards him. "It'll be perfect cause she's marrying you." She emphasized, "She wants to be with you. She wouldn't have said yes to your proposal if she didn't love you."

Discord smiled towards Twilight, while Angel below him, who was the ring bearer, placed a finger in his mouth while pretending to gag. Even though he still disliked Discord and questioned Fluttershy's choice in a mate, he did care for Fluttershy (though he'd never openly admit it), so he, somewhat reluctantly, agreed to be the ring bearer when she asked.

They were interrupted by the music kicking in, courtesy of the singing ginsengs humming 'Here Comes the Bride'. The doors opened up and had the CMC acting as the flower girls. They may of been teenagers now, but they practically begged Fluttershy to let them be her flower girls. After laughing at their enthusiasm, she accepted their offer.

And right behind them, there was Fluttershy walking down the isle with her father's wing over her withers. His eyes widened at how gorgeous she looked. His ears flapped ferociously as the ice he hadn't been able to chip melted from the heat caused by his redding body. His heart even beat out of his chest numerous times.

Fluttershy saw this reaction and giggled. Once she made it up to the altar, she turned and hugged her father before kissing him on his cheek. He smiled at her before nodding towards Discord, who nodded back and he headed to his seat next to his wife and son.

Fluttershy looked up towards her beloved draconequus and blushed at his outfit. He wore a white tailcoat tuxedo with gold cufflinks, a dark red vest and black dress shirt underneath, a bowtie that matched her mane in color that was slightly crooked, and black trousers. He also had a black top hat with a red band, his antler and horn poking through the hat. Though others may not see it, she saw him as very handsome, especially in this suit.

Discord lightly grabbed the veil with his talon and lifted it so he could see her gorgeous face better. The amount of love in Fluttershy's eyes for him made Discord's pupils turn into heart shapes. He grabbed her hooves with his paw and talon as she hovered in midair, so she could be closer to his eye level without him needing to bend down.

Twilight took the moment to clear her throat and start the ceremony. "Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Discord and Fluttershy. The two of them are very dear friends of mine, and I'm glad they found happiness in one another. And I'm sure everyone else here feels the same." Twilight looked over the crowd and the looks on their faces showed that they all agreed with Twilight's sentiment.

She turned towards Fluttershy and asked, "Do you, Fluttershy, take this draconequus to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Fluttershy looked up to her tall, dark, and handsome draconequus. "I do." She answered with tears in her eyes.

"And do you, Discord, take this mare to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Twilight asked Discord.

"I do." He said while he caressed her face with his paw. She leaned to the touch, rather enjoying the feeling. Twilight smiled widely at her two friends looking so happy together. She turned towards Angel.

"May I have the rings, please?" She asked the lagomorph. He sighed and rolled his eyes, but handed her the pillow.

Twilight's horn glowed as she lifted up the rings. Fluttershy bowed her neck as her ring went around her neck. She opened her eyes and smiled at the ring, while Discord's went over the third finger of his talon. It was a black band with a large red ruby in its center and several smaller red onyxes surrounding the ruby, with tiny silver swirls and twisters carved into the band.

Twilight spread her wings as she exclaimed, "I now pronounce you mare and draconequus. You may kiss the-" But before she could finish, Fluttershy took the opportunity to leap forward and kiss Discord on the lips. His eyes widened before kissing back, wrapping his paw and talon around his blushing bride as her hooves held onto his shoulders. The draconequus even started to levitate in midair from the sheer passion of their kiss.

"-groom, I guess?" Twilight finished uncertainly before she shrugged. It wouldn't be a wedding involving the Lord of Chaos if something untraditional didn't happen, right?

The happy couple ignored the cheering crowd.

They ignored the tears of joy in Whisper and Gentle's eyes.

They ignored the rabbit looking irritated, but being secretly happy for them.

They ignored that many creatures disapproved of their union.

All that mattered to them was each other, holding their respective partner in their arms.

Once they stopped kissing, they leaned their foreheads against one another and smiled widely as they stared into each other's eyes.

The after party was rather enjoyable for the happy couple, as they slowed danced in each other's arms (his magic also made the cake toppers dance in sync with them, which Fluttershy found amusing) and when they fed each other the lemon and blueberry cake, they even had a bit of a fight, which interestingly enough, was started by Fluttershy. Fortunately, he used his magic to clean themselves up.

Discord smirked at his wife (his heart skipped a beat at the idea of Fluttershy being his wife) as he snapped his paw and made a white teapot-shaped carriage with golden vine patterns around the door appear. It was being drawn by Discord's classic winged pigs that wore red harnesses complete with gold reins while the Smooze, who wore a dark blue bow tie and bowler hat, acted as their coachmen.

He lead her towards the carriage and opened the door for her, which caused a red carpet to flow out of the door and form into stairs.

"Milady?" He said as he gestured towards the door. She giggled at her silly husband (her heart skipped a beat at the idea of Discord being her husband). As she stepped her hoof on the stair, her mouth formed an 'o' as she realized something.

"Oh, I almost forgot." She said. Discord looked curiously at her statement as she pulled out the bouquet, which was fairly gigantic (yet surprisingly light thanks to Discord's magic) and brimming with all of Fluttershy's favorite flowers (roses, tulips, lilies, etc.), and tossed it behind her.

Pinkie ended up catching it, leading to her smirking and pouncing on her boyfriend Cheese Sandwich and pepper his face with kisses, much to his surprise. Twilight, Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity all shook their heads with smiles at the kissing couple.

Fluttershy laughed at Pinkie's actions before heading into the carriage. Once she entered, the door closed behind her and her husband teleported right next to her.

The two of them looked fondly at one other as the Smooze snapped the lead and had the pigs fly into the air and into a blue portal the draconequus opened up, steam hissing out of the spout of the carriage.

Discord had planned an amazing honeymoon, with them traveling across numerous alternate dimensions, all ones he knew she would adore. Multicolored skies, unique landscapes, and bizarre flora and fauna unlike anything most Equestrians would be aware of.

For now, though, the two of them hung out on an beautiful interdimensional beach as red waves crashed onto the yellow sand. As the two suns set across the sky, the sky started going from a light pink color to a deep purple. The hammock they were laying on swung between two palm trees that had dark blue leaves and twisted white trunks.

The draconequus looked down at the beautiful mare resting on his chest, his paw lazily draped over her back. She wasn't asleep, she was just enjoying cuddling against his chest and listening to his erratic heartbeat which he has even when calm.

The two of them were no longer wearing their wedding outfits, having set them back to their home for safe keeping, though they still wore their rings, as he could feel her necklace lay across his chest. He petted her mane with his talon, smiling softly at the ring that sat proudly on his finger, before looking out towards the sunset.

Whatever challenge their married life would throw at them, they were going to face it together.