Mostly vegetarian

by zargein

First published

The ponies of ponyville find out what Anon's Human outsides taste like, so Anon gets to find out what pony's insides look like.

Tags will be added as chapters are added.
Kinks include:
Chapter 1: Oral Vore, Unwilling Prey, Mouth Play, Entrapment, Full Tour.
Chapter 2: Oral Vore, Willing to Unwilling Prey, Unbirth, Entrapment.
Chapter 3: Mouth play, Anal Vore, Entrapment.
Chapter 4: Oral Vore, Anal Vore, Regurgitation, Unbirth, Pegging.
Chapter 5: Mouth Play, Oral Vore, Cock Vore.
Chapter 6: Brest Vore, Oral Vore

Pinkie's discovery

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Anon had been in Equestria for around 3 weeks or so he knew his way around more or less. However being the size of a can of one of those fourty ounce beers made getting along in Ponyville slightly (massively) more difficult.
Lucky enough he knew the ponies from the show so getting along with them was easy. They didnt believe him about the show thing but he was cool with that.
To help him get a real start in Ponyville Pinkie got him a job working over at Sugar Cube Corrner helping her, she thought he would be good at baking cuz she saw a movie with a rat who was good at cooking and was tiny like him so she figured he would be great to. To her credit he was a very good helper, doing cleaning, taste testing and so on.

All was going well for about 3 days untill he fell off the mixer after turning it on, and into a bowl of pudding
Pinkie turned around to see him squirming around in the bowl. You ok anon? she asked.

Im fine he replied as he floped out of the bowl onto the counter with what felt like 40lb of chocolate pudding clinging to him. I just need to get this pudding cleaned off.

Let me help.
Yah I could use a hand getting over to the..Before anon could finish that sentance pinkie took a long lick up his back. hmmm, Tasty! She said while smacking her lips. Anon didn't
know what to say which was fine because before he could say anything Pinkie took his entier top half into her mouth and began to "clean" him. Sucking and laping at him with her toung Pinkie worked hard to get all of the pudding off of Anon's top half.

Useing her notoriously nimble toung she then removed Anon's shirt and wrang the pudding from it before instinctively swallowing it.Hmm! MMMHHHH! Hearing Anon's muffled protests brought her out of the trance like state she was in due to enjoying such a delicious treat. She then spat Anon back out onto the countertop where he sat panting trying to catch his breath. Wow Anon you taste really, really! good! Thats great Pinkie, but my legs are still covered in pudding and now I dont have a shirt. Pinkie, wanting more of that flavor in her mouth gave him the answer he did not want to hear. Im gonna clean your other half to silly. Before Anon could respond his legs were already slurped up.

With only his front half outside her maw he began to gently knock on the ponys snout not wanting to hurt the girl that had helped him along so much, but he needed to get her to spit him out so he could actually get clean, not just replace the pudding with pony drool. Pinkie meanwhile was back at work "cleaning" licking and especially tasting Anon's lower half. Quckly Pinkie had Anon's shoes off, unfortunately those went the same way as the shirt, and with the soles of his feet exposed Anon began to laugh uncontrollably as her tastebuds rolled over his feet. Pinkie took mistook his laughter for enjoyment and proceeded to remove Anon's final articles of clothing.

As Anon's pants and underwear were removed and subsequently swallowed down into the abyss that was Pinkies stomach he had no idea what her next move would be. He stared at her intently, concerned about the trance she was in, wondering when she would spit him out. Pinkie can you let me down now? He asked, but the only response he got was a loud, "GULP" Pinkie! DONT! He yelled, now up to his armpits in her maw with the outlines of his feet vaguely visable on her neck. Another gulp rang out and his head passed the threshold of her lips sealing him (and his screaming) in her mouth.

This is where Anon began to struggle, grabbing her teeth trying to pull himself out, kicking at the back of the throat trying to get her to throw him back up. But it was all for naut as Pinkie to, was now working very hard herself to gulp down the delicious treat in her mouth and was not going to be detered by its struggles. She took a deep breath pointed her nose to the ceiling and began a series of hard rolling gulps pulling Anon to the point of no return. Pinkie! PLEASE!!! Was the final thing he said before one last hard swallow from the ditsy pink pony sent him down her throat and into her belly, where he belonged.

Pinkie exhaled a deep breath and rubbed the faint outline Anon made on her belly. You were the best snack ever Anon! Pinkie! Get me out of here! Anon screamed as he struggled and squirmed in her stomach. Pinkie giggled as she saw the faint struggles outlined on her belly. Sorry Anon, you were too delicious. She said while rubbing the bulge anon made. Try to have some fun while your in there. your gonna be inside me for awhile. Fun? How is any of this supposed to be fun? You ate me!

Yup and you were super yummy but I bet you can find some way to have fun while your inside me. Anon was fuming but relented and relaxed knowing there was nothing he could do. Anyway Im gonna go to bed, its been a long day and even I get tired. Wait Pinkie no go get Twilight, Starlight, Zecora, someone please!But Anon's pleas fell on deaf ears because little did he know pinkie was already in bed and half asleep when they were talking. All his struggling had covered up the trip she made to her room. When he realized she wasent responding he found himself strangely alone, being lulled to sleep by the sounds of her body.

The Next Day

Anon found himself awoken by the sensation of warm water running down his body. As his eyes opened, pinkie came into focus and he realized he and her were in the shower. Oh thank Celestia, Im not dead.

Of course not silly why would you be dead? Pinkie Asked. Well you ate me so i thought... nevermind. So why am I in the shower with you?

Well was just taking my morning shower and then I needed to "go" and then I remembered you needed to come out so I just went in here cuz I figured you would need a shower to. She said blushing with a big ol smile.

Wait, let out?...go...? Then the smell hit him. Wait so I?


And then you? Ewww! Anon ran under pinkie over to the soap bar on the floor and used a chunk to begin vigoruosly scrubing himself. Here let me help you.
NOOO! I mean, I can clean myself this time. After the shower Anon had pinkie bring him to see Spike at the castle. Anon figured he wasen't much shorter than Spike so if anyone had advice it would be him. Plus he trusted Twilight would have a job that woulden't involve him in a belly... or so he thought.

To Be Continued... maby

Twilight's INturn

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"So your having trouble working being as small as you are huh?" Spike asked.

"Well work was going fine, I just thought you might have some pointers on how to deal with everypony being so big given your size." Anon said.

Spike shot Anon a ugly look, not liking having his stature brought up, but relaxed remembering Anon was just looking for help, and it wasen't often he was taller than anypony, so he wanted to enjoy being the big guy for a little while.

"Allright"said Spike. "Rule number 1, Always try to be on top of something."He said while flying up on the desk with Anon.
"Nopony ever seems to look down and if you want to be heard you got to be seen, ok."
"Rule number 2, If anypony starts picking on you for your size, or starts calling you cute, remind them you can breath fire and grow four stories tall." He said raising his claws like he was gonna do a hulk smash.

Anon crossed his arms and shot spike a incredulous look."Yah that one may not apply to you" Spike said lowering his claws.

Meanwhile outside the classroom Twilight was eavesdroping on this goofy size counseling session. She was curious (as always) to see how spike would handle helping and teaching on his own, but she had to stifle a giggle after that last rule of his to avoid being detected.

Back inside the classroom spike had skipped rules three through five as they all relied on being a dragon in some way or another. "Oh yah Rule 6 Getting around, Your small so your not fast, and unless you grow wings like me your gonna need some way to get around."

"So what, you got some tiny motorcycle I can ride or something" Anon asked, hoping somewhere deep down Spike would actually say yes.

"Close, just ride the ponies everywhere" Spike said pretending to hold invisible reins.
"Really?" Anon asked wondering if he was serious.

"Shur I rode Twilight all over the place for years before i got my wings and she never seemed to mind.""Heck sometimes the ponies around here even ride eachother... Dont ask me why." Spike then walked over to Anon and hovered his claw above his head. "At your size you could even ride some of the smaller ponies around."

"And your shur they wont mind" Anon asked rubbing the back of his head.

"Of course the're ponies, the're meant to be ridden."

"Oh really!" Shouted Twilight after appearing behind Spike.
"Twilight, hey there, how much of that did you hear?" Spike asked spinning around and backing up.
"Enough to know you were about to tell Anon that he needs to ask permission and cant just jump on sompony's back and go for a ride, right?" She said staring daggers at him.
"Of cooourse,... Anon, always ask first though allright" Spike stated shooting two thumbs up at twilight with a very forced smile on his face.

Twilight snorted and turned her attention to Anon. "Anon, I need to see you in the lab whenever you get a chance ok."

"Allright Twilight, can I get a ride?" Anon asked hoping she would say yes because getting across the catsle would take him forever on his own. She smiled at him and walked over to the desk. "Ok hop on." Off they went to the SCIENCE (magic) lab.

Once they reached the lab she shut and locked the door behind them not wanting to be interrupted.
"Pinkie told me what happened at the bakery and i was curious how that came to pass."

"She told you about that did she." Anon said while fidgiting in place. "Well first I fell into the choclate pudding we were making then she..."

Twilight then interupted "No not that I mean how did you make it through her body unscathed?"she asked. "Oh that, I have no idea, guess I just got lucky."Anon stated wondering where she was going with all this.
"Well let me take a look at you." Twilight's horn then lit up and Anon found himself enveloped in her magic hovering above the workbench.
"No signs of magical protection, and I know rarity didn't enchant your clothes." She then set Anon back down on the workbench.
"Tell you what, Ill give you thirty bits to let me run a couple tests on you and if they help me develop this new ward spell im working on Ill give you another thirty."
"What kind of tests are we talking about?" He asked not liking where this was going.
"Well for the first test I would eat you and then.." "NOPE." Anon stated flatly. "Dont worry I wont keep you in there and if there is any danger I can teleport you out." "NO!" he shouted. "How about for fifty bits?" Twilight asked trying to encourage Anon. "NOPE!, there is no way Im.."

"ONE HUNDRED BITS!" Twilight shouted. "Wait a Hundred?" Anon asked.
Noticing Anon's resolve was faltering Twilight then teleported the bag of one hundred bits onto the workbench next to him.

Looking at Twilights distresed face and then to the bag of shiny gold bits next to him he began to reconsider. turning toward Twilight he asked, "You promise you'll let me out?"
"Yes of course." she replied.
Reluctantly Anon gave in, "Ok Ill do it but just dont tell Pinkie I let you do this or she might want to another taste of me."

"My lips are sealed." Twilight said making the zip motion with her hoof. "Ok lets get to it" She said lowering her head to the workbench and opening her mouth wide letting her toung roll out.

Anon then facepalmed. "Not only am i being eaten again but she expects me to feed myself to her" He thought, then looking over at the bits on the workbench Anon steeled himself and began to crawl forward into the maw of the purple pony and by extention her body. But when he got into the throat Twilight began choking and stood back up very quickly, disorienting Anon and stoping his progress inside.

She then began to press on his still exposed legs in order to literally shove him down her throat, pressing his entire chest into her neck.
After the esophagus got ahold of Anon's upper body it began to pull him down much faster, but Twilight was not as experienced with swallowing things whole as pinkie, so even though anon wasn't struggling swallowing him was still quite the task. As soon as his legs reached the back of her throat she gave two massive, pained swallows and the bulge in her neck that was Anon rolled down and disappeared, reappearing on her belly.

Much like Pinkie, Twilight was transfixed by the movements the bulge made on her abdomen and Anon's squirming around within. Twilight then remembered why he was in there in the first place and began scanning Anon inside her with her magic.
"Well Im not feeling anything wierd, other than you. Maby if we wait a hour or so, something will show up." She said looking at Anon's bulge (LOL)

"No, you said you would let me out, now get me out of here!" Anon shouted to the stomach walls.

"I will let you out, but i need to be thorough with the test or I may miss something." She said rubbing her belly hoping it would calm him down.
"But I dont want to be in here for a hour!" He yelled.
"You want to be in there for two hours, cuz your not coming out till the test is done, and I say when the test is done, understand?"
Hearing this Anon began to violently struggle in the hopes she would throw him up. Little did he know Twilight was actually enjoying the feeling of his struggles very much. In fact she yelled, "Stop that!" proding her stomach trying to get him to struggle harder.

The feeling of having another living creature traped withen her, completely under her power was arousing her very much and his unyielding squirming gave her a better idea for test number two.
Over the next hour twilight had fun toying with Anon, making him squirm by saying things like, "your making me sick." and patting the outline of his body.
before she knew it, it was time to let him out so she went to the bathroom in her bedroom and teleported the still struggling human into the sink. As Anon composed himself and was ready to start tearing her a new one, Twilight simply turned on the water and began scrubbing Anon with the same care one would wash a plastic cup.
Anon decided to simply let her do her thing, and he would give her what for after he was clean.

Once Twilight was happy with how clean He was she brought him into her room and set him down on the bed.
After a full six minutes of non-stoped grivences and slurs were done being yelled by the tiny human. Twilight simply asked, "You OK?"
Being completely drained, Anon just sat down on the bedspread and said, "just give me the bits so I can pay for my room." Twilights horn glew and the bag of bits appeared on the bed next to him.
"You know there is a open room in the castle you can stay in for free." Twilight said staring at anon with a pair of bedroom eyes.

Anon stood up" Really? That would be great! "The inn i stay at here in town is kind of expensive and it would save me alot of money to.." Anon stoped when he saw Twilight crawl onto the bed with him. She layed down and spread her legs around him, giving a full view of her sex, still dripping wet from the feelings Anon was giving her while still inside her body.

Biting her bottom lip Twilight used her magic to spread herself wide open. Anon could see deep down into her depths.
The moist undulating walls of her love tunnel were clear as day. and so were her intentions for him and his "free room."
Anon bolted, running to the edge of the bed and jumping off, but before he even touched the ground he was caught by her magic and brought back up to her face where he began to demand that she put him down.

Twilight looked at Anon struggling against her magic and said, "I hope you squirm as much down there" pointing to her sex, "as you did in here" patting her belly. She then shoved Anon deep into her pussy, dispelled the magic spreading her open, and clenched her lower lips shut sealing him in his new room.
Twilight then went to town, rubbing herself like crazy, rocketing toward an orgasm that she had been waiting for over an hour to have. The feeling of Anon's vain struggles and the power trip of using him as a toy had her at climax almost instantly.

With a great clench and a spray of juices she came harder than she ever had in her life. colapsing onto her bed she began rubbing below her navel feeling Anon still squirming and shouting, letting her know that he was still fine.
Knowing he was ok and secure inside her, Twilight pulled the covers over herself, and closed her eyes. "Goodnight Anon, Ill let you out in the morning for breakfast."

To Be Continued... maby

Bird of Prey

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Breaching the seal that was Twilight's labia, Anon gasped for breath as he made himself free of her sex.
Looking to the clock he saw that that the time was four AM, long before the pervy princess would awaken.
Pulling himself free of the purple pony's pussy, he made a run for it. As he exited the room and then the castle,
he ran off to.. well anywhere but there.

Trekking his way across town was no small feat at his size. Luckily as dawn broke he managed to stow himself away on the Ponyville Express, hoping it would take him far, far away. Not knowing the train's destination he just curled up under one of the seats and waited for the train's morning departure.

As the train set off, the ticket master announced the train's destination of Canterlot, and Anon breathed a sigh of relief recognizing that such a major city would have plenty of opportunity, even for one of his height.

Later that day in the Castle of Friendship...

"This is bad, someone his size shoulden't be running around all alone," Twilight stated as she paced around her throne.
The rest of the main six watched the frazzled princess, wondering what had happened to Anon to make him run away.

"Maby he's hiding i the castle somewhere." Applejack suggested. "A fella his size could be anywhere in a place this big."

"No I had the students turn this place upside down looking for him. He's not here" Twilight said with a depressed tone.

"And I flew all over Ponyville trying to spot him, so he's not in town either." Rainbow said.

"Look sugarcube, I know your worried about 'em, but we've done all we can. Try to relax, Im sure he'll come back eventually." Applejack said, hugging the distressed girl.

"NO! we haven't" Twilight shouted shrugging off Applejack's arms. "I want my.. I mean Anon back now. Fluttershy, you tell all the animals to go on the hunt. Give them his clothes so they have his scent" Twilight said giving Fluttershy Anon's clothes.

"Wait so Anon is naked?" Pinkie asked.

Ignoring her Twilight looked to Rainbow, "Rainbow you have The Wonderbolts search their respective towns. Tell them it's a training exercize, Im sure Spitfire will go for that. And Rarity, get in touch with your people, Anon is gonna need clothes sooner or later, so Im sure he'll turn up at one of your boutiques. Alright let's move everypony!"

As everypony ran off to further the search for the missing tiny human, Anon was, as Twilight expected, trying to find some clothes.

Anon found that moving through the streets of Canterlot was alot more difficult than the streets of Ponyville, but with a little effort he had made his way to the Canterlot Boutique. Once inside Anon had found a three piece suit that fit him perfectly. It was made as a proof of concept piece from "the failed "tiny clothes for tiny creatures" line".
After checking himself out in the full length mirror Anon straightened himself up and headed for the door.

"Going somewhere?" came a voice from behind the counter. Looking up Anon saw that Sassy Saddles had caught him red handed trying to pull this devious lick.

"Umm no?" Anon said, side stepping toward the exit.

Igniting her magic, Sassy brought Anon up onto the counter in front of her, where he began to explain that he just needed some clothes and he was friends with Rarity.

"Is that so?" Sassy said while rotating Anon with her magic. "Well I doubt that particular item was ever going to be sold anyway so i suppose it's fine. But you really should just ask, instead of trying to pull a fast one on the most successful Boutique in all of Canterlot."

"Yes of course, Im very sorry." Anon said while upside down in her magic.

At that point the phone rang, so Sassy left Anon on the counter so she could answer.

"Hello? Ahh yes Rarity, no everything is going swimmingly. The Princess is looking for who? well I believe he's here right now actually." Sassy said looking back to the counter only to see Anon running out the open front door. "Well actually he just left."

Back at the castle Rarity was eager to report what she had found to Twilight, and with Anon's whereabouts secured, Twilight proceeded to contact Rainbow via her magic.

"Rainbow, Anon is in Canterlot, find him as quickly as you can and bring him back to the castle."

"No problem" Rainbow responded to the floating head of Twilight. She then launched herself at mach 1 toward Canterlot.

Back in the city Anon was moving in the direction of Celestia's castle banking that the most powerfull pony in the land would be able to help him with the situation he found himself in. Unfortunately up in the sky, the shadow of a prismatic somepony he was not eager to see loomed.

"There you are" Rainbow thought as she dove down at lightning speed. Before Anon could even get off the street he found himself lifted high into the sky by his suit jacket.

Held aloft by the cyan mare Anon began to thrash and kick, not realizing how high they already were.

"Stop that!" Rainbow said through clenched teeth.

"I won't go back, you cant make me!" Anon yelled.

Flicking Anon out of her teeth and onto her head Rainbow spoke "staunchly. " A, yes I can, and two im not taking you back to Twilight. I saw what she did to you through her bedroom window, so im taking you back to my house in Cloudsdale.
And C quit squirming or you'll fall."

"Oh thank you, thank you Rainbow!" Anon lauded while laying in Rainbow's soft mane.

"No problem." Rainbow responded with a evil grin on her face.

Upon arrival at her house Rainbow placed Anon on the couch and let him know to be carefull, as if he left the house he would fall straight through the clouds.

"Can I get you anything?" Rainbow asked, eyeing her prize.

"No I think I just want to go to bed, it's been a long day." Anon said removing his suit jacket and un-buttoning his shirt.

"Ok, have a good sleep" "I know I will" Rainbow mused as she left for her bedroom.

Later in the night, anon lay sleeping on the couch in his boxers wholly unaware of the plan Rainbow had for him. Rainbow entered the room and made her way over to the tiny sleeping human.

"I wonder if Pinks was telling the truth" Rainbow then took a small lick of Anon's belly. Smacking her lips, "Sweet Celestia he does taste good!" Rainbow then continued to lick messily all over Anon's sleeping form.

Awoken by her actions Anon opened his eyes to the gaping maw of the Rainbow pony who he thought his savior not three hours ago.

"Rainbow what are you doing?"

"Just seeing if Pinkie was telling the truth. also I figured I'd give you a present before you give me mine."Rainbow then elegantly pulled Anon's underwear off with her teeth and pulled his whole upper half into her maw.
Anon started struggling but rainbow could deal with that. She used her toung to press him to the roof of her mouth and held him there untill he wore himself out.
After he stoped fighting she began to lick and lap at his slowly hardening member, rubbing all around with speed that complimented that of a wonderbolt. After a couple minutes of vigorous tounging, Anon was made to cum, spraying his essence all over her tounge. Rainbow then swallowed his "milk", and spat Anon back out on the couch.

"Wow, that was something, I thought you were gonna eat me to for a second" Anon said breathing a sigh of relief.

"Oh im gonna eat you, just not with my mouth"

"Wait what!?"

"Yah, you know how Twi put you in her pus? Well Im gonna put you in the other hole." Rainbow said, grabbing Anon and marching to her room.

"Please, Rainbow, I don't want to be inside anypony anymore!."

"You'll be fine, Twilight proved it." Rainbow said reaching into her nightstand and pulling out a bottle of lube, as well as a rather large horse cock dildo. (Or just regular dildo for ponies)
After climbing on the bed and lubing up the toy she pointed her ass to the mirror at the end of the bed.
"Like what you see" She teased Anon. "your gonna have a real good look in just a sec"
Rainbow began to press the dildo against her quivering puffy ponut and it greedily accepted the head of her toy.
Rainbow had experience with this toy so it only took her a moment to become lose enough to take its entirety.
After a minute or so of rutting herself, she pulled out the toy, covered with anal juices from her slightly gaping ponut.

"There, all ready" Rainbow declared while shimmying closer to the mirror in order to get a better view of what she was about to do. Squirting some lube onto Anon's head she was giddy with anticipation.

"Rainbow, if you do this we wont be friends anymore!" Anon shouted hoping putting friendship on the line would make her reconsider.

"Oh in a second we are gonna be really, really close friends. Friends with benifits you could say." Rainbow responded, placing herself face down ass up, and spreading her cheeks with her wings.
Using her hoof she brought Anon face to face with her still gaping ponut. "Alright in you go"
pressing him in face first, his entire top slid in without much trouble compared to the toy she had just used. Pressing on his legs she slid his lower half in to the point that only his feet remained outside her hungry hole.
With a bit of clenching those disappeared inside aswell.

Anon's thrashing was already driving her crazy, so she quickly grabbed the dildo and pressed it in up to the hilt, shoving Anon further inside and securing his place deep inside her bowels. After removing the toy she then placed a buttplug encrusted with a red apple in its place.

"Sweet Celestia Anon, you feel better in there than I thought you would" Rainbow cooed while shoving the twice used dildo into her untouched snatch. Riding the toy for all it's worth, she began to fuck herself with abandon.
Feeling the rhythmic pounding Anon deduced what was happening and his efforts to escape redoubled. Unfortunately he was going the wrong direction and was headed deeper into his ponut prison.

In only a few moments rainbow was on the edge, no doubt thanks to her passenger's violent struggles. She came hard, clenching around the silicone shaft, her face twisting into one of pure bliss.
Once her orgasm died down she simply layed back, not bothering to remove the toy still deep in her pussy. Looking at the squirming shape of Anon on her paunch she felt a sense of contentment that sent her into a very deep sleep.

The evening of the next day Rainbow made her way to Sweet Apple Acres flying straight through the window into Applejack's bedroom and landing on right her bed. "Aj wake up I got a new toy" Rainbow wispered dancing on her hooves.

"Rainbow, what have I told you bout just showin up here for this sort of thing" Applejack chided rubbing her eyes

"Shhh just watch" Rainbow said as she removed her buttplug then squatted over Applejacks midriff.

"Rainbow, I aint into that." Applejack said quietly but sternly, watching as rainbow grunted and passed out Anon slipped from her anus onto Applejacks belly. "Oh, that is new"

To Be Continued... maby

Threat Level Orange

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"Where did ya find this cute little thing" Applejack asked prodding the still unconscious Anon atop her belly.

"Same place Twilights still looking for him" Rainbow answered turning around and standing above Applejack.
"So... what do you wanna try first?" Rainbow said in a sultry voice.

"Him" the orange mare blurted as she quickly grabbed Anon and shoved him in her mouth. The earth pony's strength allowed her to swallow down Anon's body near instantly and without much hassle. The bulge snaked its way down her throat into her abdomen where it lay still. But only for a moment, splashing into Applejack's stomach had awoken Anon rather abruptly, and It didn't take long for him to realize what he was inside of, and so the kicking and screaming began.

"Get me out of here right now Rainbow!" He Screamed.

"LOL he thinks you ate him" Applejack told Rainbow as they watched the writhing mass on her belly.

"Well I was gonna nom him, but you beat me to it" Rainbow said slightly annoyed.

"Oh im sorry, let me make it up to you sugarcube." Launching herself up Applejack used her strength to pin Rainbow to the bed.

"Aj, shouldent we have a safeword if were gonna play rough?" Rainbow asked playfully fighting against the farm ponys strength.

Applejack smiled, looking down at her beautiful marefriend. without a word she opened her mouth and began to dry heave.

Realizing but, not believing what Aj had planed Rainbow was in shock. Looking down to Applejack's paunch she watched mesmerized as the squirming bulge that was their new plaything, disappeared then reappeared in her neck.

As applejack felt Anon enter her throat she droped down, and locked lips with the helpless pony beneath her, still hurking to eject the "food". Once Anon entered the mouth he began to pull himself forward on his own. That was untill he saw another hungry abyss waiting beneath him. At the sight of this he began to grab for anything to slow his decent, however the deviant orange mare had other plans.

Using her tongue she pressed between Anon's legs, and pushed him partway into Rainbow's mouth. Rainbow, in turn, began using her toung to pull Anon into her own maw and swallowed hard to pull him from Applejack. She then swallowed again, sending anon from one tummy to another. With Anon out of her care Applejack discontinued their feeding session and smilled, enjoying the fact that she had fed the pegasus like a baby bird.

"That was.. interesting." Rainbow remarked, panting. "But what do we do now?"

Applejack turned around and bent over, revealing the fact that the she to, was wearing her buttplug, this one adorned with a rainbow lightning bolt. Reaching back she took hold of the sister plug, and began to pull. With a some effort, the shiny silver plug which was much larger than Anon himself was freed from her now well streched hole.

"Now... you return the favor"

"Oh my Celestia we are going straight to Tartarus for this." Rainbow declared as she maneuvered behind her friend and took hold of Aj's perfect apple ass. Shoving her face into the orange crack she began the process of ejecting Anon from her body. Being part bird, vomiting on command came easy. Even moving something as large as Anon up and out was child's play.

Inside Rainbow's stomach Anon felt the similar contractions and got ready to fight for freedom.

With the bulge rapidly moving up her neck, Rainbow felt a pang of regret, almost feeling bad for using Anon the way they were.
That was untill Anon made it onto her toung, and decided to bite it.
"Ow! he bit my tongue!" Rainbow yelled pulling away from Applejack's hole.

Applejack, wanting her turn with Anon, grabed behind Rainbow's head and pressed her mouth back up against her ponut. "Come on girl you got this. Get 'em in there!" Applejack ordered as she forced Rainbow's snout inside her orifice.

With little other options, Rainbow began to violently shove at anon with her tongue, but anon bit her again.
"mmmm!" Rainbow cried into Applejack's depths.
At this point Rainbow bit back. Not hard, but enough to remind Anon of his current position. His attepts of escape stoped, and she quickly spat him out into her partners rectum.
Applejack then removed her hoof from Rainbow's head. But Rainbow stayed in place, licking and sucking on Aj's perfect pony donut.

"Soooo Hawt" Rainbow thought as she went to town on the apple pony's anus.

Applejack moaned in abject pleasure, her pussy winking and her anus clenching around the warm tongue whenever it entered. This also renewed Anon's desire to struggle which brought her even stronger sensations, and had Anon falling deeper into her body. Rainbow's skill with her tongue was second only to Pinkie, and her desire to give Aj the experience of a orgasm with a living creature trapped inside her body had her working extra hard to bring her friend over the edge.
A couple of skillful flicks at the apple ponys exposed clit was all it took to give her the release she needed,
and send her to cloud nine.

Once finished spraying Rainbow's face with a copious ammount of marecum, Applejack fell forward and rolled over, panting in the afterglow of what must have been her strongest climax in years.

"Thats why i love you sugarcube." Aj claimed.

After a moment she looked up to see Rainbow pulling her strap on dildo out from under the bed.

"Alright, let him out and put this on, it's my turn." Rainbow declared, "I'v got something I want to try"

"A'ight, I'll have him out in a jiffy" Applejack then turned her back to Rainbow, squatted down and gave a push. Feeling the pressure build inside she gave a grunt, and And Anon sliped from her pucker. The tiny just flopped down onto the bed where he lay motionless, covered in every fluid the girls produced. Applebutt then jumped off the bed and began doning the strap-on in preparation for their next sin.

On the other side of the bed Rainbow gave Anon a little poke to make sure he was still alive.

"You ok little guy" Rainbow asked concerned that he wasen't moving.

"I want my mommy." Anon cried as he currled up in the fetal position.

"Oh that's perfect cuz Im gonna be your mommy, kinda.." Rainbow said trying to comfort him. She then climbed onto the bed, layed down and placed a pillow under her rear. Laying back with her hooves behind her head.
"Ok put him in... All the way." Rainbow ordered.

Climbing onto the bed and grabbing Anon, Applejack crawled between Rainbow's legs and began inserting him into her pussy head first. Completely drained, Anon didnt bother fighting back. He coulden't possibly stop the lust of these two deviants.
Once only his legs were sticking out Applejack lined up her prostetic phallus with the glistening slit.

"Don't hold back." Rainbow ordered giving Applejack the green light to do what she's best at, Bucking.
To her suprise Aj started very slow, moving in only a inch every five seconds or so. Waiting, was not something Rainbow liked. So she was a bit annoyed that her marefriend was teasing her like this. As Rainbow was about to say something Applejack instantly rammed the last six inches into her pussy, along with Anon who was now at her deepest part, pressed tight up against her cervix by the toy that brought him in.

Grinding and gyrating to press harder and deeper into the pervy mare beneath her, Aj took pride in the moans of pleasure she elicted from her partner, and after a moment she managed to give the girl what she was looking for.

"It opened" Rainbow gasped between her pleasured breaths.
Given pressure and time, Anon's head and shoulders had managed to dilate the enterance to her womb enough to slide inside.

Hearing this Applejack began small humping motions in a attempt to pound him further in. (and get Rainbow off)
But now, Anon was fighting to get out, knowing if he ended up in there, these girls woulden't be able to get him back out, at least not without help.
Struggle all he might he made no progress, in fact his squirming pulled himself even further inside. He was now up to his hips, and Applejack was thrusting much harder now, trying to please herself as well as Rainbow.

"Faster, Harder!" Rainbow begged.

"Alright, you asked for it." Applejack using her immense strength, lifted Rainbow onto her lap by her hips and proceeded to essentially jerk herself off using Rainbow's body as some sort of living sex toy.
The pounding Rainbow took was now as intense as Applejack wanted it. Which was very. The way Applejack moved you would have thought Rainbow was full of helium. The energetic fucking she was recieving had her eyes rolling to the top of her head and her tongue loling out.
In her state she didn't even notice when Anon's hips passed the threshold, and her womb slurped the rest of him inside. But Applejack noticed and started taking full length thrusts as deep as she could, knowing that Anon was safe behind the sealed cervix.
Applejack's persistent pumping did its job, bringing both of them to their limit.

Applejack lunged forward pressing Rainbow beneath her to give all she had left. All of Aj's energy went into this final strech.
And then...Bliss.

Locking lips, trading spit, clenching and grinding together, they went through the throws of a hard fought release. Breaking away only to stare at eachother trying to figure out what the other was thinking. Applejack decided to break the post coital silence.

"Im shur gald you decided to drop by tonight, most fun I'v had in moons." She remarked before rolling off of her paramour to remove the strap-on.

"Me to" Rainbow agreed rolling to her side to watch AJ saunter around.

"Looks like I put a bun in your oven." Applejack joked, pointing at the lump in her belly that was Anon.

"Oh yah, look at that. How you doing in there lil guy." Rainbow said in a cutesy voice. Anon just gave a weak kick in responce.

"Ok look at that, the babys kicking" Applejack joked as she climbed back into the bed. "Sooo, how you gonna get him out of there?"

Rainbow's eyes shrunk to the size of pinpriks upon at being asked. "Umm... I don't know. Maybe if I just wait a couple days my body will let him out on its own."

Hearing this Anon began pounding on the fleshy walls of his new room. "You go to a hospital and get me out of here right now!" He shouted into the void.

"Shhh...shhh, it's ok mamas here" Rainbow joked, holding back a laugh.

"We can deal with him tomorrow, for now let's just get some sleep." Applejack said pulling the covers over them both.

Goodnight Anon, see you in the morning. Rainbow said rubbing her belly. Resigined to his fate, Anon curled up and went to sleep as well, not knowing what these crazy mares had planned for him next.

To Be Continued... maby

The Ivore E Tower

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"You sure she wont make a big deal out of this?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh... ya got no idea how crazy Rarity can go behind closed doors. She's got no room to judge, and she owes me." Applejack replied as a shiver rode down her spine.

||Refrence to Rarity's Little Appletini by Toothsome, go give that a read if you haven't.||

"Really, she never struck me as the deviant type. What did she do?"

"NOTHING! Don't worry about it, besides, were here" Aj blurted, running over and banging on the door to the Carousel Boutique.

Sweetie Belle answered the door, starring at the two before turrning her neck to holler back inside.
Rarity!, your lezzy friends are here! She might be a minute, we've been working all day.

"Invite them in Sweetie, Im almost finished here." called Rarity from inside the shop.

Sweetie waved them in, and the ponies followed behind untill they reached Rarity's workspace, In which the seamstress was hanging another dress amongst racks and racks of brand new dresses, as well as other assorted clothing items.

"Hello darlings, can I intrest either of you in something fabulous to wear on such a nice day?" Rarity asked holding up two beautiful summer dresses with complimenting sun hats.

"Actually we need yer help with somethin else." Applejack said moving the rack of clothes between them.

"Whats seems to be the problem?"
Applejack walked over and pointed to the bulge on Rainbow's belly. "Oh, well I guess Rainbow was a tad interested in stallions after all.

"She's not preggers Rarity, that's Anon in there." Applejack then walked over and wispered in her ear all that had transpired.
All the while Rarity's face could bee seen changing, going from, about to vomit, to blushing, to giggling, to dumbfounded as Aj went on with the story. Aj pulled away cringing having said the story out loud. "So can you get him out of there."

"Of course darling, however after hearing the tale you just told me, I do feel he should not return with you two, so he will remain here with me."

"No deal, he's mine!" Rainbow shouted

"Who's yours?" Sweetie Belle asked. all three of them spinning around to face her, having forgot the filly was still in the building.

"No one dear, were done for the day so feel free to go play with your friends now." Rarity responded.

"uggg. FINALLY!" Sweetie shouted, forgetting her question and running out the door.

As they all breathed a sigh of relief Rarity continued. "Look Rainbow, either he comes out here and I keep him, or, you have him out at a hospital, where things will not be so hush hush.


"Rainbow she's right, I know you wanna keep the lil guy, but we did have our fun and we don't have any other options here. Besides, we can still go do that thing with the timber wolves I wanted to try." Applejack soothed while rubbing Rainbow's paunch.

"I guess your right" Rainbow admitted.

"Then we have an accord" Rarity declared igniting her magic, teleporting Anon from his "mothers" confines to the sewing desk next to her. However, realizing he was not inside somepony for the first time in days Anon, again made a run for it. But he didn't get far as Rarity quickly grabbed him with her magic while levitating over a glass jar. She then placed him inside and pressed the top into place.

He tried to press the top back out but had no luck.

"Well it's better than a stomach." Anon thought sitting down in the jar.

"Now with that buisness out of the way, is there anything else I can do for you two?" Placing the jar down on the desk.

"Nah thats all, well see you later" Applejack replied.

"Thanks for being so cool about this Rarity, take good care of my little guy, ok." Rainbow added before turning to the door to follow Aj. And with that the two girls left the boutique, leaving Anon in the hooves of the resplendent white mare that was now his owner.

"You've been through alot havent you?" Rarity asked looking into Anon's jar. Anon just slowly nodded his head

"Is there something I can do to help?

"Take me to Fluttershy, if anypony is willing to protect someone my size it's her."

"Very well, however I do feel you owe me quite a bit after rescuing you from those two."

"I guess, what do you want?" Anon asked standing up, looking through the jar to Rarity.

The Ivory mare smiled. You give me one night of the same kind of pleasure Applejack spoke of, and I will see to it that you make it to Fluttershy's unharmed. Plus, Ill even make you a new suit, better than the one you took from my store in Canterlot.

"Do I have a choice?"

"No, not really." Rarity replied grabbing the jar and trotting upstairs to her bedroom. Once inside, she drew the blinds and cast a magical seal on the door to ensure the privacy a mare like her demanded for something like this. hopping up onto her king sized bed, she opened the jar and dumped Anon out onto one of the pillows.
Laying on her belly she placed her head on the pillow in front of Anon and yawned her mouth wide open.

"Please! There must be something else I can do for you?" Anon pleaded while scurring backwards, away from the girls open abyss of a maw.

"Don't be so nervous darling, let me help you relax." Useing her magic she took hold of Anon's feet and began to drag him into her, wraping her lips around his abdomin she started gently sucking on the tiny human like a pacifier. Closing her eyes she continued like that for a full three minutes. Content to just enjoy Anon's flavor... for now.

To Anon's suprise he indeed, did begin to relax, actually enjoying the ministrations of the giant mare. Laying back onto the pillow he closed his eyes and let her do her thing.

"that actually feels pretty nice." He said aloud.

Hearing this Rarity began to toung around Anon's lower body. Between his legs, around his butt, over his belly, and especially around his tiny human cock, dragging her tongue back and forth over the entirety of his package. She even began to moan as she did, the vibrations of which brought Anon even greater pleasure.

All of this was too much for any man to handel and so Anon was rapidly brought to climax. He clenched and shuddered, spewing ropes of cum all over the girls mouth, desperatly humping at the tongue that had brought him to this point.
Noticing this Rarity rolled her toung all over her mouth trying to get all of the human's milk down her throat.

After Anon had finished cumming he remembered what her original intentions were. Looking up at her, Anon saw Rarity staring down at him with lust filled eyes. Without a word she gave a hard suck pulling him up to his armpits inside her.
as his legs dangled down her throat she gave another suck making it so only his hands remained in open air.

Two large gulps sent anon the rest of the way. One into the throat, and the next sent him down into her tummy where he would remain.

Or so he thought.

Inside the stomach Anon felt her roll over, then he heard a flash of magic, then another flash brought him outside onto the mare's chest.

"So your letting me go?" Anon asked looking up at Rarity with hope in his eyes.

"Oh no dear, but it would be a shame to just leave you in my stomach all night. I have a better place in mind."

"Oh Celestia, which hole?"

"That one." Rarity replied pointing behind him.

When Anon turned around he came face to face with a giant dark purple horse cock. It was shiny, veiny, and streched all the way down her belly, to a pair of perfect nuts at the base, each twice the size of himself.

"Do you like it? Because it likes you." Rarity said grabbing the still in shock Anon off her chest.
Sitting up, she then used her magic to hold Anon directly above the meat pillar. "Do be a dear and save your struggling untill your in the sack. I haven't had this kind of fun in awhile, and I would hate to go off prematurely." Rarity instructed while lowering Anon's legs into her cum slit.

After grunting against her magical hold for a minute Anon did as he was told and let her have her way. She put a hoof on his head and pressed him up to his waste in her cock.

"Ohh thats lovely." Rarity cooed feeling Anon go further inside her twitching shaft. The copious ammount of precum she produced made sliding Anon in very easy. Pinning his arms to his side she began pushing his top half in, watching as the bulge he made in her shaft portruded, and move down slowly.

After a few moments of consistant sliding, he was up to his neck inside her. At this point Rarity removed her hooves and dispeled her magic not needing them to hold him anymore. Laying back onto the bed she looked at the face of the tiny human trapped in her cock.

Anon stared down at her with pleading eyes, but she said nothing, as the mare closed her eyes, and clenched. Anon felt the contraction and then the cock swallowed up his head. Looking up Anon could still bee seen in the slit, looking out, but he would not be there for long.

Rarity continued to moan, thrusting into the air as she clenched the human down her shaft. She watched in facination as the bulge of Anon made its way down her shaft to the base where it seemed to get stuck, but only briefly.
One extra hard clench and the bulge dropped down into the sack. Anon began thrashing around inside her balls, not because he thought he could escape, but because he was covered in her cum. But even if he were trying to escape he could not, as rarity had placed a ring around her balls that would prevent Anon from passing back through without her say so.

Rarity began to jerk herself off with the kind of care and attentiveness one would expect from the girl. Moaning into the pillow she ground her member into the soft bedspread, stoping every so often to feel Anon move her balls around on the sheets. "More." she mumbled to herself, reaching into her night stand to pull out her pocket pussy. Rolling over she wraped the toy around herself, and used her magic to slide it all the way up and down her shaft with perfect accuracy. With increasing speed, she oozed precum with a climax well on its way. Feeling this she wraped one of the condoms in the stand around the tip in hopes of saving a meal for Anon.
On all fours she hung her head down and furiously pumped at her shaft to bring herself over the edge.

And over she went.

Her sack clenched upward as tons of delicious horse seed pumped down her shaft and filled the rubber on the end of her cock, Filling it very full but not dangerously so. After a minute or two of panting in the blissful after glow, she removed and tied off the condom filled with Anon's "food". She then gave the condom a squish to ensure Anon had not been ejected with her load. But after feeling nothing inside, and a faint struggle coming from her sack she put the tied condom on her nightstand and removed the ring from her balls.

"Anon, That was marvelous, I wish I had said a thousand nights instead of one" Rarity opined as she turned off the lamp on her night stand and pulled the covers over herself.

"Rarity, can I please come out now" Anon asked.

"No dear, Ill let you tomorrow, when we get to Fluttershy's"

"Ok" he said feeling dazed, but he took comfort knowing his suffering was almost at an end.

To Be Continued Maby...

Locking in to Get Out

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"Oh Anon, you're certain you don't want to spend the rest your days in my plums? I've grow rather enamored with the idea of keeping you." Rarity said, swaying her hips as she walked.

The thought of such a future reignited Anon's struggles. "No, please! Let me out, you promised. It's horrible in here!"

"Honesty is Applejack's thing, and Im sure you'd get used to it... I know I very well would"

"NOOOO!" Anon screamed, kicking and pushing out in fear this may be his new home.

"Relax Dearie, I was only teasing, you'll be out soon enough." Rarity assured. "We're actually here already."
Knocking on the door to Fluttershy's cottage Rarity sported a massive erection, thanks to Anon's fearful thrashing. Although nopony could see thanks to her magic. Rarity could be seen biting her lower lip and fidgeting in place in anticipation of Fluttershy's arrival.
After a moment the door opened and there Fluttershy stood... sopping wet having just gotten out of the shower.

"Oh, hi Rarity. What are you doing here?"

"I have some pony who needs your help but first I need your help aswell." Rarity said walking into the cottage.

"Oh, ok. What can I do for you"

Rather than respond Rarity just sat down on the couch. She then spread her legs and dispelled the magic hiding her equipment.
"This needs... some attention darling." Rarity stated, pulling the tool to her belly and letting it stand back up.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped, quickly closing the front door and walking over to the ivory seductress. Surprised by her forwardness and transfixed on the package Rarity now sported,
Fluttershy failed to notice that her balls were subtlely moving of their own accord. "So what do you want me to do Rarity?"

Using her magic, she lowered the shy pony down, placing her at eye level with the throbbing tool. Fluttershy simply stay there for a moment staring at the monster in front of her.

Rarity cocked her head and gently poked the girl a few times in the snout with her rod to get her attention.

"Say ahhh darling."

Coming out of her daze, Fluttershy opened her mouth and took the head of the beast into her mouth.

"Ahhh" Rarity breathed. "Wonderfull start, but you have quite a ways to go dearie."

"mmmhh mmh"

Fluttershy began to press forward, pulling a few more inches of marecock into her mouth and earning a moan of pleasure from the owner.

"Yes, thats it. Just a bit more dear."However fluttershy could take no more, as the shaft had reached the back of her throat causing the girl to gag.

"Oh sorry dear, let me help." Rarity ignited her magic and grabbing the back of the Fluttershy's head.


Giving a quick pull Rarity forced her tool around the bend and into Fluttershy's throat. "Ahh there you go." Rarity cooed as Fluttershy gaged and sputtered around her cock. "breath through your nose darling, you've just got a little further."

Pushing in, Rarity seathed as the mare's teeth passed over her medial ring. "Careful with the teath dear." Fluttershy gave a small bite in protest which caused Rarity to clench, and cram the rest of her cock down her throat, pressing the girls muzzle to her crotch.


Holding her there, she started grinding herself into Fluttershy's face, content to let her throat's contractions and constant swallowing do the work. Rarity sat gyrating and lightly humping, enjoying her fleshy cock sock... and Fluttershy's warm breath on her belly.

"Oh Fluttershy we really should do this more often" Rarity cooed, rolling the mare's head around in her lap.

"MMHHH!" >:(

After only a few minutes, Rarity felt her orgasm on the horizon. "You ready to come out Anon?" she asked aloud.


"Oh yes, Anon is the other somepony who wanted your help. He's in here right now." Rarity said pointing to her nuts resting under Fluttershy's chin. "But the way your throat feels, he'll be out rather soon."

Learning that she was going to be force fed, not just Rarity's cum, but Anon as well Fluttershy tried to pull the gargantuan member out of her gullet. But found she couldent. The head of Rarity's cock had flared out in her stomach and locked itself inside.


"Just a little more dear, almost there."

Feverishly grinding into the girls face Rarity suddenly stopped.

"Oh oh oh!" Rarity stuttered as she climaxed.

Feeling his chamber squeeze him out Anon smiled at the idea of finally "cuming" out, little did he know...

On the outside, Fluttershy saw rarity going over the edge and tried once again as hard as she could to pull herself off. But Rarity's magic held the girls head right where it was.

Rarity lost in a world of bliss failed to notice Fluttershy's attempts to pull off, the blanco pony simply screwed her eyes shut, and came.

Fluttershy watched helplessly as Rarity's balls clenched and sent a bulge slowly snaking its way up from the base of her shaft. As the cock throbed and pulsed the bulge traveled into her mouth... down her throat... and finally Fluttershy felt "it" drop into her stomach followed by a torrent of cum. Fluttershy didn't taste it, with the end being in her stomach, but she did feel it. It began to bloat out her belly, and she was about to be sick from all the cum filling her. Then Rarity breathed a sigh of relief and the deluge stopped.

"Perfect darling you were absolutely divine, thank you for that." Rarity praised the girl slowly pulling her softening shaft from Fluttershy's maw.

Finally free from the seamstresses crotch Fluttershy layed back and looked at her tummy, which was bulging slightly from all the cum. But it was also... moving? "ANON!" "Rarity you've got to get him out of me!"

"hu? Ah yes of course." lighting her horn Rarity teleported Anon out onto Fluttershy's swollen belly where he proceeded to vomit up all the cum that filled him while inside Fluttershy's body.

Here, he'll need these as well. Rarity said leaving a new suit for Anon on the couch, as well as the condom she filled the night before.
Well, with that taken care of I'll be going back to the shop. If you ever get tired if him darling... I've always got a place for him. Rarity said while shaking her flank, letting her balls sway around. She then recast the magic to hide her equipment and headed outside.After the door shut behind her the two found themselves alone.

Collapsing into the pile of his own vomit(Rarity's cum) Anon finally managed to speak.


"Yes Anon?"

"I need your help."

"With what?"

I need you to keep me safe from Twilight and everypony. "They keep doing "things" to me."

"I can see that."

"Do you have somewhere I can stay?"

"I have a old dog kennel, but your not a dog."

"That's fine I'll live in a kennel, I'll be a dog, I'll do anything, just don't let them get me!"

"Ok just let me finish."


Looking behind Anon saw that Fluttershy had been gently rubbing herself. Looking back to her face he saw her eyes closed and face scrunched up in pleasure. Laying down on her, he could hear her heart rate rise, and her breathing become unsteady.

"Yes my little pet." Fluttershy mumbled to herself, "I'll keep you nice and safe." Recahing over she grabbed Anon with her free hoof and moved him onto her left teat. From down there, Anon could see her flicking at herself before she pressed down on him and began grinding his body around on her boob.

Recognizing the now all to familiar patterns, Anon attempted to push off the boob to get away from the horny pony he thought was going to keep him safe. But when he used his hands to pushed up his right arm slid effortlessly into her nipple, making Fluttershy moan loudly (for her) and press him back down flat against her boob.

Without any leverage coulden't pull his arm free from the oriface holding him in place, in fact the tit appeared to be sucking on him. Plus, Fluttershy's motions were pushing him further in and before he could think to yell at the girl a quick jab from her hoof pressed his head into place. And now that his body had a place to go, her grinding and pressing quickly squeezed Anon in up to his legs.

Not noticing Anon's plight Fluttershy began rubbing herself with more fervor(for her) trying to achieve the release that she couldn't while attached to Rarity's crotch. Quietly moaning to herself in pleasure Fluttershy felt a small nip as Anon's body slipped the rest of the way inside her boob. But she just kept masterbating, ignoring it, in favor of continuing toward her climax.

Meanwhile inside her breast Anon found himself sloshing around in...milk? Taking a sip he found that it was, indeed milk. Having had naught to drink but cum for the last day and a half, Anon started chugging as much of the delicious liquid as he could, though it was difficult given Fluttershy's self love going on outside.

Fluttershy was on edge, and with a quick uptick in pace, as well as a shudder and a sheepish moan, she had achieved the most demure orgasm imaginable, as one would expect of the bashful pony. Once her orgasm had subsided, Fluttershy reached down to grab Anon and apologize for using him in such a lewd, especially after he came to her for safety from lewd ponies. But when she felt nothing her eyes shrunk to the size of pinpricks. Quickly rolling over onto her hooves to look around she saw nothing.

Oh no! He ran away! she thought, until she felt her teat bump over into her inner thigh on its own. Reaching between her legs she grabbed at herself, feeling a lump in her teat. "No way, how?"

"Don't worry Anon I'll get the breast pump!"

After a few minutes Anon was standing in yet another jar, up to his shins in Fluttershy's milk.

"I'm so soo sorry Anon!" Fluttershy apologized for the hundredth time while putting away the pump

"It's ok" Anon assured her from inside the jar.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, for the hundredth time i'm fine, you're good. I understand you didn't mean to. "unlike the others." Just run a bath in the sink for me and we'll call it even."


After Anon got himself cleaned up she placed him in the newly prepared kennel at the window. Fluttershy had placed a small pile of soft fabric as a bed and put in some of her old doll furniture for him to use. She even hung up a small punching bag filled with sand so he could exercize, and the view outside the window was spectacular. All-in-all she did a pretty good job of making it not feel as much like a dog kennel(which it was).

"You sure everything is fine?" Fluttershy asked looking at Anon from outside the cage.

"Yes this will do fine untill I can contact Celestia" Anon replied sitting on the heap of plush fabric in the corner.

"Oh I almost forgot, Rarity said these are yours." said Fluttershy holding up Anon's new suit and a condom full of Rarity's cum.

The Suit I'll take, the cum goes in the trash. Anon said pointing at the drooping condom. Fluttershy blushed, and tossed the condom in the trash. She then slid the suit through the bars of the cage. Grabbing the suit Anon hung it up in the mini wardrobe she gave him.

"I'll send a letter to Celestia telling her about whats going on. She usually replies quick." Fluttershy said while getting out a quill and ink.

"Ok, I'm gonna go to bed, It's been a while since I'v slept somewhere that wasen't inside somepony." Anon yawned, crawling into the fabric like a hampster.

Sure enough the next day Derpie delivered a letter adorned with the royal seal. Opening the letter Fluttershy began to read.
But as she read, her face turned from bright eyed optimism, to confusion and disgust.

"Anon, Celestias letter came... but your not gonna like it." Fluttershy called over to the cage.

Why, whats it say?

Fluttershy held the letter up to the side of the cage and Anon started reading.

My dear Anon, Fluttershy has written to me in great detail of the plights that have befallen you. Hearing of all the lewd things that have been done to thee, I propose a deal. You shall become my toy exclusively! Nopony other than I shall do naughty things with you ever again...well except maybe Luna. I demand you come to the castle at once so that we may participate in many lascivious activites you have yet to experience. I eagerly await your arrival in my royal bedchamber.

Sincerly Princess Celestia XOXO

"Well, guess I'm your new pet Fluttershy."
"Do not let anypony other than you take me out of this cage." Anon said not believing what he had just read.

"Ok, all of the animals will be really happy to have a new friend."

And there he stayed. Under the care of the element of kindness, Anon had managed to upgrade himself from pony food, to pony toy, and finally to pony pet. And pet he would remain, enjoying having his needs and safety provided for. In exchange, he would aid fluttershy with all her needs(non-sexual of course). Not a bad end.