> The String Along Party > by Ponyess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Preparation: 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I had just stepped out of the shower, still dripping and soaking wet. ”That was glorious..” I sigh, while I step out of the shower. While still wet, I am picking up the Pi inch long vaginal tube and carefully insert it. I feel the crystal-clear Silicon slip in between the petals of my orchid, as the slippery surface slides in effortlessly after I had applied the intended lubrication. ”Oh, oh..” I exclaim; as I am finding myself giddy with excitement, hiding just under the surface of my skin. Of course, I had been expecting this sensation; I had planned it this way, all along. I had known how I were to react, all the way back as I had found this tube in my parents’ bedroom. Since I had enjoyed the experience; I had continued to explore it with my brother, in secret. It had been only too natural, for me to buy a set of my own; once I had found it, as I now am old enough to purchase and use these items myself. I had been exploring the avenue with my brother, even after I had bought the set of tubes for myself. Only now, I had bought a few more tubes for more personal exploration. I had inserted the first tube of these into my vagina, just as it had been intended for. In secret; I am wearing one or more of these tubes, under my clothes. I had planned to go out, wearing the tube under my bathing-suit I had just bought the day before. I want to try it out, in public. Once the tube had been inserted into my vagina, I slip my hands into a pair of clear plastic gloves; before I am uncapping a tube of tube-lubricant, meticulously caressing it into the material of the crystal-clear Silicone tube inserted into my vagina. Only slipping the gloves off of my hands after I had saturated the tube and capped the lubricant-tube. ”Oh-oh-oh..” I sigh, as I caress my vagina, as I am coating it with the gel. ”I never quite get used to how it feels, or the effect it is having on me to apply this gel; but it feels so good, as it is stimulating me in the process of application..” I ponder, smiling to myself. I still do enjoy applying the gel to myself just as much today, as I had enjoyed it the first time several years ago; but I can’t deny enjoying the experience, of having my brother performing the intimacy to me either. The application of the lubrication, while wearing the tube always leaves me excited and highly excitable in a manner I can not quite put a finger onto. I had resigned myself; to just enjoying this to the best of my ability, rather than permitting anything as silly as doubt getting in the way, or colour my experience. Why? What’s the point? While I may have had options to choose from, but I have to confess; I had opted for the set of tubes with the scent of Latex, even if they are crafted out of pure medical grade Silicone. Likewise, I had chosen all the other tubes I had bought that day with the same scent. Furthermore; I had chosen to purchase a matching swim-suit for myself while I was at it, naturally. Well, why not? I had tried out the entire set for myself before; with my brother in the room, assisting me as well as safeguarding me just in case. You never know. I had enjoyed the application of inserting each of the tubes, just as I had enjoyed his company and assistance in the trial and consequent time together. I know he had enjoyed it, and me just as much as I had been enjoying it too. With the tube inside and thoroughly lubricated and gelled up; I am wet, soaking wet and I enjoy the feeling. Knowing the tube is securely inside, I slip the bathing-suit on. Stepping into it, right and left; before I pull it up, slipping my arms in and raise my hands towards the ceiling to make the suit comfortably slide into place. The smooth inner surface, eagerly sliding over my still moist skin from the shower I had so recently enjoyed. First now, I pick up a large white towel; drying my skin off, leaving me comfortably dry before I can put any clothes on. Only once I am comfortably dry, can I slip into my casual clothes; before I can go out among people, in order to be seen publicly. Of course, I will have to go out today. I had planned to have my breakfast at the Sugar-cube Corner, after all. I love the atmosphere of the cafe. Who could blame me; considering Diane Pie serving there. My visits at the Sugar-cube Corner is something I have always been looking forwards to. From the very first time my parents had taken me there. I think it was my birthday. Diane Pie had been there. She had made her utmost to make the event a particularly memorable experience. Just as she always does. She had not failed. The metallic bloody red Silicone contracting amorously, covering my skin almost as if it had been painted on. Tight and complimentary; tight around my waist and between my breasts, while still leaving just enough room for my effeminate curves to shine as desired. I step into a pair of black cotton panties, right and left; pulling them all the way up before I afford them a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. With the panties on, I pick up a matching top; slipping it down over my head, only to afford it a few tentative tugs: once, twice and thrice. ”That’s all the lingerie I feel like wearing..” I mumble to myself, giggling. At least, now I have the underwear on. Time to dress up for the day, before I can go out and have my fun. Yes, I had indeed planned for some fun to be had, today. Since I am going out, I pick a brilliant white cotton blouse; slip my arms through the sleeves right and left, before I button it all the way up to the collar. I prefer to look smart, without going out of my way, I am not going to a fancy restaurant or party. ”Dressing for the occasion, is always right for me!” I ponder, smiling to myself. ”What goes with the white blouse?” I ponder; ”Maybe this black Vinyl skirt?” I consider; as I am extracting the garment, from out of the wardrobe. With that, I am stepping into the knee-length tight pencil-skirt; only to afford it a few tentative tugs, in order to acquire that ever so elusive perfect fit: once, twice and thrice. ”This skirt always make me feel like a Lady..” I ponder; giggling at my reflection, in the mirror before me. I give the reflection in the mirror a few critical glances, as I examine my appearance. ”Since I am not going to a party, a pair of white cotton socks should be just fine..” I mumble to myself; as I pick up the matching tubes socks, slipping them on right and left. Once I had slipped the socks on, I take a step back, before I am closing the door to my wardrobe and turn around; walking up to the door and lift up my right hand, extending it up onto the plaque beside the door and press it gently. I am spreading my fingers wide, feeling the smooth black Silicone coating the mechanism controlling the door out of my bed room; the door slides up before me and I am stepping out into my living room, only to close quietly behind me just as I had cleared the threshold. The feel of the black Silicone under the palm of my hand always feels so intimate. Almost as if I had been clasping the hand of a dear friend. I can’t quite put a finger onto exactly how or why I have this feeling; just as I can’t quite point to a time or event, leading me to this experience. Maybe it had just developed, like a friendship. Once the door had closed behind me, I momentarily walk up to the cinematic sofa; only to stop and extract a Sparkle Cola and uncap it, to take a good sip. I continue to walk towards the door to the cloaking room. Only stopping before the door, as I raise my right hand and extend the palm of my hand onto the plaque; spreading my fingers wide to open the door and step into the cloaking room, barely hearing the ”Swoosh” as the door is sliding shut behind me. As I had entered the cloaking room; I take a sip before I place the bottle on the floor, extracting a black leather jacket top and slip my right and left arm through the sleeves, before I sip it up. I pick up the bottle and take another sip; and another, and another. Now I once more place the bottle on the floor, before I am turning my attention to the shoes ion the shoe-rack, critically scrutinizing them before I make my choice. In the need, my eyes fall upon a pair of Pi inch high heels; lacquered black vinyl. These should be just right, for the occasion; since I want to catch a few side-glances, without being the center of attention with every step I take. ”I do enjoy being in the center of attention, but I don’t like to be the girl in the red dress..” I ponder. I lift my right foot, slipping it into the shoe with some effort on my part; before I am lifting up my left foot, slipping it into the other shoe. With my heels on, I am standing on both feet steadily in the floor; only five inches taller than I had been before I slipped the shoes on. While the five inches to my height does not do all that much for me; but the stature is more exciting, just as I know people enjoy this stature much more as well. I just giggle. I bend down, picking up the bottle; taking another sip, finally emptying the bottle before I put the cap on and leave it on the hat-rack. With that, I am done, ready to go. Since I keep the wallet in the inner pocket of my jacket, I have everything I need on my person; with that, I turn towards the door. ”Click, clack; click, clack..” is heard, as I am walking up to the outer door. I lift my right hand up and extend it onto the plaque; gently pressing my palm down onto the rubbery; black surface and spread my fingers wide in order to open the door. I eagerly step out of my home as the door slides up before me, only for the door to slide shut as I had cleared the threshold. ”Click, clack; click, clack; click, clack..” is heard, I I am walking down the path laid with black stone tiles. < --- --- --- > . I had just arrived at the Sugar-cube Corner Cafe. Diane is clearly at the counter, greeting each and every one who steps into the cafe. Had it been anyone other than Diane, she would have been worked to the bones by now. I can see her wide grin, as she waits for the next customer, who just happens to me me. I push the door open and step in, observing the semi-manic grin spread out all over her face; still managing to grow wider, still. ”Greetings, Pinkie..” I exclaim, as I am entering the establishment. ”Hiya, April!” she responds, beaming a wide grin directly at me. Of course, the door had closed behind me, just a moment after the chime had gone off. Not that she needs to the chimes to know I, or any other customer had entered the cafe. This is Pinkie, we’re talking about. Period. ”The usual, I presume!!” she exclaims. ”Uhm, yes..” I respond. ”Coming right up, just place your hand on the counter before you step right in!” she prompts. ”Thank you, Pinkie!” I respond, continuing into the cafe proper. I don’t need to worry, with Pinkie at the counter; my favourite table is awaiting me, just as I know my breakfast is served. Just a moment after she had told me, I lift up my right hand and extend the palm of my hand onto the plaque on the counter; spreading my fingers wide, confirming the payment for my breakfast. I feel the warmth as my hand touch the slipper smooth Silicone, then the tingling sensation of the confirmation; a moment later I am lifting up my hand, before I am stepping into the inner sanctum that is the cafe. ”Click, clack; click, clack..” I hear the squeaks of each footfall as I am walking over the floor towards my preferred table by the window. I plop down, enjoying the view as I wait for my breakfast to be served. Like none other, she is bouncing up towards me where I sit by the table by the window; only to expertly place the plate holding my breakfast onto the table before me, as if she had stood still and focused on the task. The table slips down onto the table before me soundlessly. ”Here you go, April; breakfast is served, bon appetit!” she exclaims, just before she turns around and bounces out of the room on her way back behind the counter. ”Thank you..” I respond, just before she had finished placing the plate before me. The breakfast-special, like it is served nowhere else. A large plate of Muffins. < --- --- --- > > Taking a Plunge: 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . “I really could use a bath, right about now!” I ponder. “Click, clack; click, clack..” is heard, as I walk through the lobby. The room is well lit, as the sunlight is flooding the room from overhead; the lobby is practically an Aquarium, or possibly a Terrarium. Glass permitting the sun to shine down on the reception and the girl standing behind the counter, right along with me as I am stepping in to approach her. “Hi, Miss April!” the girl behind the counter exclaims. “Hi, Rose..” I respond, as I am walking up to the counter. Rose is wearing a Sapphire blue skirt and matching top, as the uniform requires. While she is staying clear of the pool behind the counter; this uniform had been designed by Rarity with the intent of being waterproof, in order to counter the eventuality. “Press the palm of your right hand onto the plaque, before you step in!” she exclaims. “Thank you, Rose..” I respond; as I lift up my right hand and extend the palm of my hand onto the plaque; gently pressing it down, as I am spreading my fingers in order to confirm. The door behind and to the right of Rose slides up before me and I am stepping past her in order to enter. Just as I had cleared the threshold, the door slides shut behind me soundlessly. "Click, clack; click, clack..” is heard, as I walk along the hall; only stopping at the door to the changing room, at the end of the hall. I am lifting my right hand and extend it onto the plaque, gently pressing down and spread my fingers in order to open the door to the girls’ changing room; only to step into the room as the doors eagerly slide up before me, before they close behind me as I had cleared the threshold. “I am in need of a bath, right about now..” I ponder, giggling to myself. I continue up to the last door on my left, pulling the door up and slip into the small room behind the door; permitting the door to close behind me, just before I am sitting down on the wooden seat on the opposite wall. White oak-wood, coated with crystal-clear Silicone; protecting the wood from the water, sure to stain the wood if not protected. The floor had been laid with black marble, polished to a high gloss finish; lending an air of class and comfort, to the changing room in which I had entered. Behind me, the walls had been laid with a pink cherry-wood; coated with the same crystal-clear Silicone, to preserve the fine wood. Since I am sitting down in the privacy of the small room, I slip my heels off of my feet right and left; enjoying the added comfort, the liberation of my feet is offering me. I place the heels to the right, out of the way. I unzip the jacket, before I pull it of; hanging it over my heels. Now I am unbuttoning my blouse carefully, button by button; from the top down, before I slip out of it and hang it beside the jacket. Momentarily, I am standing up, slipping my hands in under my skirt; slipping my hands down in order to slip the skirt off of me, before I step out of it and hang it beside my skirt. While I am still standing, I pull the top up over my head; leaving it on the same hanger as the blouse, for convenience. I do not want to have too many hangers side by side, after all. Why? what’s the point. I continue by pushing my panties down, stepping out of them right and left; only to pull my socks off of my feet, while I am at it. Just that I slip the socks in the respective heel; since they will stay dry and easy to find, when I go home. Finding myself nude, aside from the swim-suit I had been wearing under my casual cloves I had been wearing while I walked in here. Now I am extracting a pair of skin-tight, crystal-clear gloves, slipping them on right and left; before I am extracting a pair of matching ankle-socks, slipping them on in preparation for taking a dip in the pool. With the undressing and changing out of the way, I take a step forwards; pushing the door up, stepping out of what is now my changing-room for the occasion. The door slams shut behind me, as I step out; with merely a soft thud, on the account of the crystal-clear Silicone coating the door and thus muffling the undesired noise. Of course, I had chosen this changing-room; not just because it is closest to the door to the showers, but for a rather different reason on the account on the interior layout. More precisely, the ventilation. “Squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak!” is heard, as I am walking over to the door to the shower. The two crystal-clear twin-doors quietly slide up, as I approach the entrance to the shower and I step in; then the door slide shut behind me, as I had cleared the threshold. “Squeak, squeak; squeak, squeak..” is heard, as I walk over to the first shower. Just as I am stepping in, into the shower; I feel warm water washing down over my body, growing warmer as the flow slowly thickens. Moment by moment, the water is growing hotter until it is just right. I largely just stand still, in the shower; enjoying it, and myself for several minutes. As I finally do step out of the shower, the flow of water subsides. Once I had turned my back on the water, turning towards the door; the shower had stopped entirely. “Squeak, squeak, squeak!” is heard, as I walk up to the door before me. With these socks on, I can’t slip as I am walking over the white, ceramic tile the floor had been laid with. The same smooth white tile covering the floor and walls in the shower I had just left behind me. Surprisingly enough, the water otherwise making the ceramic tiles slippery; now acts as a manner of adhesive, making the soles of my feet stick to the floor, accounting for the great traction aiding my balance. This effect had chocked me, the first time I tried these socks on; the first time, I had been by this pool. Since then, I have grown to like and enjoy this effect; to the point where I find it exciting, leaving me slightly moist just thinking of it. I take the right side, as I am walking over to the adult section and step into the warm pool; enjoy soaking in the water, only reaching me to my waist. While I am soaking comfortably in the water, I find myself growing wetter as I am relaxing. “Aaah..” I ponder. I just sit by the side of the pool, enjoying myself; where I sit, emerged in the warm water. “Time for a dip in the real pool, I need to make a move..” I mumble, as I climb out of the water, emerging onto the side of the pool a moment later. The time in the warm water had been well spent, I had enjoyed myself; all my muscles relaxed, as I had been relaxing. Sitting in this small pool is integral to my visit; leaving me relaxed and excited, in a manner I could never have been without, the dip in the warm water in direct contact of the visit. While I am relaxed, I find myself more excited; though I guess that is aiding the goal, I had set out for myself here. In the excited state, the pheromones are released. Somehow, this alone is exciting. I walk over to the larger swimming pool, stepping in, taking the plunge. < --- Minutes Later --- > . As I had enjoyed the splash, swimming in the pool; I step up, out of the pool and strut along the side of the pool on my way back to the changing room. If I have your attention, I am not letting on; yet, I I am enjoying it to the fullest right now. It’s just the state I am in; enjoying the attention, your eyes glued to me as I am strutting over to the changing room. Should I have been taking a shower, slipping the swimming suit off of me? Why? I slip into the changing room unhindered, stepping past the shower; ”Squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard as I approach the door to my cubicle in which my clothes are stored. As I reach the door, I pull it open; stepping in and close the door behind myself, quietly waiting as I am listening for the noises outside. I sniff the air, examining my surrounding. While I wait, I am extracting a set of oral tubes; once more opening the door, moving towards the next door, only stopping to sniff the air. Quiet. ”Pant, pant, pant” I hear; bending over, slipping the first tube in under the door to the girl behind the door. ”Squeak, squeak, squeak..” is heard; as I am moving over to the next door, repeating the process. One door at a time, considering who is behind; waiting, awaiting the proffered gift, I have in my hand. One girl, two girls, three girls, four girls, five girls and finally six girls. I had selected these individual girls with care; picking the once I find more exciting, both in appearance and reaction. I can not see them directly behind the opaque door, of course. How could I? I just bend over, going down onto my knees; when I find the girl giving me the more exciting reaction, peaking in to see her as I slip the tube in under her door. I know there are boys, in the next changing room over. Slipping in, into the quiet room; sniffing and listening, to see which room to approach. Offering these boys a gift of the proffered tube. Once I had slipped the last of the oral tubes in under the door, I walk back to the girls’ changing room, returning to my room. Once in my room, I am extracting the anal tube; stepping out of my room, closing the door behind me carefully. Not that the door is loud or noisy; I just don’t want to make even this much noise, announcing my arrival. I do not which to be approached or intercepted. Why? Should I hope for you to peak out, in order to see me? Should I? The girl behind the door is quiet, even if I know she is still panting excitedly. Maybe she had not noticed it, or realized how the inserted oral tube is effectively muting her as it slips into her mouth; or she had consciously accepted the effect, accepting and appreciating the gift I had offered her. At least, she is not screaming at the top of her lungs. Just as she is not acting in panic by any other means. I lean forwards, as I go down onto my knees; slipping the anal tube in under her door, offering her the second step. Like this, I continue; extending the second tube to each of the girls and boys, I had selected. Naturally, I am offering the third and final tube; completing the gift, in the hopes she or he will be enjoying what I had so generously offered. ”Had she rejected my offer, I could have picked it up; offering it to the next to catch my fancy..” I ponder. Once I had made the third and final round, I return to my room; picking up a lubricant, formulated to the situation. Of course, I know the girl had heard me walking over the floor, stopping by her door; just as she must have noticed the tube I had slipped in under her door, she had not left it behind the door as I return. < --- Miss Tress --- > . I am still excited, as I finish undressing; preparing to step out to have a shower, as I am noticing something is slipping in under the door to my room. ”Curious..” I ponder, panting hard. ”What is that?” I mumble, as I reach for the crystal-clear tube slipped in under my door. As I am finally picking it up, still panting hard in excitement; I notice it is a Silicone tube, intended for oral insertion. Maybe I should have taken a step back, even if I do accept the proffered item before me; waiting to see what happens, before I am acting upon what I see before me. Yet, I could not quite help myself; but find myself slipping the tube in between my lips, only to find the smooth surface quite slippery as my lips contract around the material. I feel the material press out against the inside of my mouth, caressing my tongue as it is slipping in. Just that it is not pressing my tongue down, as one would have been expecting; merely coating the inside of my mouth, including my tongue with the thin layer of crystal-clear Silicone. Furthermore, it is muting me; as I can no longer hear the sounds, of my panting. Despite myself, I only find this even more exciting. ”She accepted my offer, so I guess she is enjoying it right now!!” I hear her exclaiming, as she stops before my door, kneeling to see if the tube had been accepted; I can see the anal tube slipping in under my door, then she is rising to her feet and I can hear the squeaking of her steps as she continues towards the next door. She is extending her offer to another girl. Not that it is bothering me right now. Maybe I am just too excited by what she had just offered me? I had never seen or heard of these tubes, let alone owned one; never knowing, I were to enjoy the use of one inserted. In myself, or someone else. While I had seen the tube slipping into my field of vision, I had never really seen her hand; I had no idea who she is. Should this have been bothering me? Right now, I am just excited; excited by the secret encounter, like a mistress eagerly expecting the promised excitement. What had she promised me, this far? While she had said nothing, the gift given implies it had been intended for use. At least, it is how I had Reacted. I have precious little time to think and consider, considering the raising excitement stirring within me right now. She had excited me, by default; even without even seeing her, or hearing her voice. She had spread the excitement, while she was swimming; just as my close proximity, to the small changing room that is hers. If I had been interested in girls, or been looking for a girl is irrelevant now; she is the target of my excitement, even if I had been excited in general as well. As excited as she had made me, the excitement only mounts as I slip the tube into my mouth; no point in denying it, I had even been expecting it. Or, so I am assuming now as the tube is coating the inside of my mouth. I had been slow, cautious at first; slipping the tube in between my lips and into my mouth. The smooth Silicone and the ensuing excitement is spurring me on, as I am sitting behind the door in my intimate changing room for one. Parting my lips, slowly licking my lips now as I am awaiting what I had been assuming is bound to come. I am not disappointed; as the next tube is slipping in under the door, my door. A crystal-clear Silicone tube. The anal counterpart of the oral one already in my mouth. Excitement mounting, building up within me. I pick up the crystal-clear tube with trembling fingers, ready to scream; yet, no sound is passing my lips. I find this exciting and exhilarating in a scary kind of way, I could not quite confess to enjoying. Yet, I can not deny how I feel, how it is making me feel right now. I am desired. Someone likes me. As I had been leaning forwards, in order to reach the tube sliding in under the door; I lean backwards and part my legs in anticipation, before I am slipping the anal tube into place as intended. I find the slippery and smooth Silicone sliding in, as I find myself contracting at contact; pushing the tube in slowly, while the tube eagerly enters me from behind. ”Ooh, ooh, ooh..” I exclaim, no sound coming over my lips; “ooh, ooh, ooh..” I continue; “ooh, ooh, ooh!” I repeatedly exclaim, in overt and obvious excitement building up within me. Mute and excited, I now find myself perfectly poseable, where I sit in my room, waiting for the next delivery. The third and final tube I know is coming. She would not leave me here, hanging in midair? Would she? While I can not be certain, but what would be the fun; leaving me hanging, perpetually excited, excitable no end. Helplessly waiting for what is to come? I have no idea, I can not focus on anything but what is before me right now. Naturally, the third tube is sliding in under my door and I lean forwards, now panting; with trembling fingers, I pick up the promised gift I had been waiting for. She steps back, continuing on her round; delivering the gift to each girl she had just visited. Right along with half a dozen boys in the room behind me. Right now, I do not know, I do not care; I merely focus on what is before me: the vaginal tube, she had just given me. She had given it to me, right? She is not coming back; just to pull it out of me, once inserted into me? My legs still spread wide open, I sit with my legs open and inviting; only slipping the tube into my now soaking wet vagina. Feeling myself contract, stiffen up as the crystal-clear Silicone the tube had been crafted out of touch my bare skin. As my fingers still tremble, with the excitement I experience; I struggle to slip the tube inside, into my vagina. Slipping it in between the petals of my orchid, feeling it slip in eagerly under my guidance; inch by inch, as I find myself grow tighter and stiffer the further the tube slides in. As the tube can reach no further, into my vagina; it plops with a distinct, yet exciting pinch and is holding itself securely into place. If I could pull it out and extract it; I could do so, only with great focus if I had truly wanted to pull it out in the first place. Right now, I do not. I do not even try. Why? Why bother? I like it where it is. It is exciting to me. How and why, I do not know; does it matter, when I enjoy it. How would she react, upon finding out I had extracted it? She had offered it to me, so generously; I could not refuse, or even consider not slipping it in right away. Once I had slipped in the third and final tube, into my vagina; I can but sit and wait, in breathless anticipation. Of course, she does come; just a few minutes later, finding me where I sit, with my legs still wide open. Had I forgotten them, or had I merely failed to close them; once I had slipped the tube in, thus leaving me open for her to play with as she sees fit. As the door is pushed up, she steps into the room wearing nothing but her swim-suit; only carrying a tube of lubrication with her, into my room. The door slams shut behind her, quietly; just as she had entered the room, slowly approaching me. I can clearly see her sniffing the air in my room, a smile spreading onto her face; showing her appreciating my position, where she finds me waiting in breathless anticipation. Once the door is closed behind her, she is taking a final step towards me; before she places the can of lubrication on the seat to my right, before she promptly slips out of her suit. ”Oo-oo-ooh..” I mouth, in excitement, soundlessly leaving my mouth agape, in awe of the girl before me. I can clearly seethe signs of the tube inserted into her vagina, securely embedded within her; she is highly excited and soaking wet, as am I. How could I not be? ”In public?” I ponder, as it is hitting home what she intends to do; only I find this even more exciting to me, as it turns out. --- --- --- > In the Changing Room: 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- . ”I think I know what you would like..” April explains, as she is looking at me. ”Yes...” I respond, eagerly looking up at the tube inserted in her vagina, covering the petals of her orchid and glistering with wet lubrication. (Even if I have no way to know it is lubrication, causing the effects of what I see; taking it as a sign of her obvious excitement, which is not quite as far of as one should have been expecting) ”I thought so!” she giggles in excitement, as she can see clearly where my eyes are focusing. ”Thank you...” I exclaim, with pleading eyes looking up at her; straining to lift my gaze, to focus on her eyes. ”The sense of knowing; you can't disturb anyone, with your screams?” she inquires and I nod; “or, excited by the prospect of being at my mercy?” she inquires; I find myself nodding my head emphatically. ”While I can see quite clearly, you have posed yourself in preparation..” she points out, emphatically; nod if you are willing to play with me, or shake your head if you rather wish for something else?” she inquires, I nod my head in confirmation. ”Then, by all means..” she mouths, indicating for me to begin. My eyes, locked onto her glistering vagina; gaze locked, as I am focusing as best I can on what I desire so eagerly. ”I just hope, I am as tasty and juicy as you imagine..” she offers; “I am quite eager to share!” she then continues, bidding me to get right ahead. ”Yesss.. Yesss.. Yesss...” I mouth, as I start to move my mouth towards her delicious treat. I can see her moving forwards, meeting me halfway; before she is pressing me backwards, forcing me to lean back up against the wall behind me. Not harsh, or forcefully; just enough, to secure me pinned up against the wall behind me. With her hands on my shoulders, my lips soon find what I had been so eager to find; my lips already parted in anticipation, as my tongue slip out and approach her. As the tip of my tongue is reaching its target; I find her just as wet as I had been expecting, hoping. Slippery wetness sliding under the tip of my tongue. I taste the excitement she had built up, just for me; or so I had been imagining; but she still is quite excited by me all the same. I find her deliciously wet, exciting me no end; I can not help myself, or pull back at this point. ”She is incredibly delicious..” I realize; “so wet, so delicious..” I continue; “I never would have imagined, in a million years..”I ponder; as I continue to lap at her perpetually wet orchid, my tongue delicately slipping and sliding over each of its petals in turn. I had never consciously looked for a girl before, not that I could recall. Yet; now I am entrapped by one, one who is exciting me more than I had thought I had been able to be. Should I feel shamed, be ashamed of myself? Why? What's the point? I love it. I had just found myself loving this moment and how it feels. How she had made me feel. I am distracted. I don't realize where I am or even what I am doing. If I am oblivious of where I am, what I am doing; I am equally oblivious of what her, not to mention what she is doing. I simply enjoy myself, what I am experiencing and how it feels. How she makes me feel. While I do hear her sighs and moans, she slips her hands down my back; her fingers slowly and carefully exploring my back, on their leisurely way down towards my exposed rump. Without even realizing it, I soon feel the tips of her fingers teasing and caressing the outer rim of my anus; before they continue to slide in, effortlessly. I had no say, even if I could have pronounced the words to protest; which I currently had found myself incapable of, but I am excited and enjoy her advances. As the tips of her fingers slide over the muscle, I find myself slowly growing excited. I can not help myself; I am like soft clay, in her eager hands. My lips forming an oh, as they slowly contract around her orchid as my tongue slowly caresses the petals of her orchid. With each stroke of her fingers, I find myself growing more and more excited as she continuously keeps stimulating me; even if it's not how I had pictured her exciting me, or how I had pictured the one exciting me to be. Apparently, she had distracted me to the degree; I don't even notice if and when one hand or the other slips away. Only to return with a measure of lubrication, aimed at and intended for my anus; as she continues to slide the tips of my fingers over the edge of my anus over and over repeatedly and seemingly perpetually. However; I enjoy the feeling and feelings elicited in the process of her action. Shouldn't I? Why? I enjoy it. She is stimulating me. I enjoy how she is exciting me with the tips of her fingers as I find my anus growing progressively wetter and slipperier in the process. I enjoy the process, as she continuously caresses in the lubrication into the very flesh of my anus; even through the tube she had incited me to insert, while the lubrication slowly saturates my flesh as it affects me. She is feeling how the entrance of my anus slowly grows into the stiff rubbery substance the lubricant had been formulated for. Meanwhile, the flesh of my anus grows progressively elastic in the process. A process I am currently unaware of, even as I am enjoying the effects she is enforcing upon me as she is inciting me to enjoy her. ”Yesss.. Yesss.. Yesss...” I mouth, lips forming a distinct oh; “Oo-ooh, oo-ooh, oo-ooh..” I sigh, soundlessly; muted by the tube I had inserted into my mouth, mere minutes before. . I slide my hands down her back, feeling the smooth skin under the tips of my fingers and the palms of my hands in the process; soon reaching the target, her anus. Once my hands had reached the target, I slip the tips of my fingers in; before I start caressing the muscle with diligent care, teasing and exciting the girl I have before me. ”Oh, oh; oh, oh; oh, oh..” I sigh in delight as her tongue is slipping over the petals of my slippery wet orchid. As I have the flesh of her anus properly saturated, I just tease her for a few minutes as I slip my fingers in an inch or two deeper; taking a firm grip, before I dilate her and pull back just enough to play with the effect. Inch by inch, I feel the resistance mount; up until the point, where I let go only for her to experience the recoil. Her eyes instantly wide open, as she feels the tight rebound. Soundlessly yelping; her tongue slipping into me, pushing in firmly into me, only to feel me contract around her. Just as I find myself contracting around her tongue, just as it shoots into my vagina; I slowly starts gyrate my hips, teasing her as her tongue stretches in order to keep up with my movement. I whistle in delight, as her tongue is forced into sliding and twisting within me. Her eyes remaining wide open, as I start gyrating; teasing her further, only to excite her even further. ”You like?” I inquire; as I am looking down at her face, firmly held in place as her tongue remains firmly stuck deep within my vagina. (far deeper; than she could possibly have dreamt of, too) ”Y- yess..” she mouths, soundlessly; her tongue insistently stuck inside my vagina, and still perfectly mute for as long as the tube is inserted into her mouth. As she continues, maintaining her tongue inside me; I find myself panting in excitement, as she stimulates and excites me with her tongue. ”H- how d- did she do t- that?” she ponders, as it sinks in, what I had just done to her; even if she had no idea as to the consequences on her part, or how I had done it in the first place. Of course, I had enjoyed teasing her; as a matter of fact, I still do enjoy teasing her in this manner for a good long while longer. Well, why shouldn't I? She certainly has not complained, yet. No sign of her being about to complain any time soon. I don't picture her seeing a reason to, considering everything I have been doing for her. While her face remains between my legs, but I still do not have the slightest of signs to the account of her discomfort or displeasure. As far as I can read, she is rather excited. My hands choose to slide back down, towards her rump; only for my fingers to slide in, teasing her wet entrance. ”Let's have some fun, and see how she reacts?” I ponder; “So slippery..” I mouth; “so deliciously wet, I could play with her all day!” I conclude; knowing full well I can't stay with her, for all that long. Nonetheless, I caress the slippery and wet flesh just an inch or two inside her anus. Teasing her with an even cadence, in order to see if she is picking up on it. ”Oo-oh, oo-oh..” she mouths, with each time I rub the muscle just inside her anus; ”Oo-oh, oo-oh; oo-oh, oo-oh; oo-oh, oo-oh..” she continues, as I am maintaining the cadance. I feel her excitement, as I am stimulating her further and further, with each time a finger slide over her wet inside. I enjoy the moment of play, as her excitement is building up to its natural and unavoidable conclusion; sliding the tips of my fingers over the slippery surface in and out, in and out further and further into her. Just as I feel her orgasm hitting home; I grab a firm grip and pull out, dilating her before I pull back firmly in a single fluid motion. As I maintain the grip, maintaining her dilated; I feel her stiff, yet delightfully squishy flesh under the tips of my fingers as I playfully maintain her dilation in my grip. Teasing her, as she stays excited. ”Oh, oh, oh!” she exclaims, soundlessly into my orchid. ”She truly know how to play me..” she realizes, as I hold her dilated and force her to endure the excitement to the point where she is experiencing a second and third orgasm in quick succession. “I will just have to introduce you, to a few aspects of this later; if you don't mind!” I offer her. For a moment, I enjoy playing her; feeling each consecutive orgasm, as she is experiencing them. While I could have continued; I can not stay with her in the booth indefinitely. I will have to let her go. I had known it all along, of course; I guess I had even planned it this way, offering the time to a dozen people I was expecting to enjoy what I had to offer them. I had not made a difference between girls or boys; just picking them from both rooms, based on who I had been expecting to enjoy it the most. If he, or she likes what I have to offer, reacting with acceptance and excitement; who am I co question further, when I can have a moment in good fun? I had made my choice, my selection; the first is about to prove a success. She had accepted the offer, she certainly is excited. Even to this point, as I am playing on top of her. I maintain her rump/anus in a firm grip, as I am dilating her and pulling back. Since she continues to eat me, her tongue lolling deep within me; I consider it a victory, a success. As the time when I have to retreat is growing near; I once more start to dilate her further as I continue to pull back, only to let go and watch her react upon the experience I am submitting her to. Now I am slowly pulling back, retreating from her; just waiting for her tongue to slip out of me. As her tongue finally do slip out of me, she experiences it snapping back into place. ”Could you slip your fingers into your rump, in order to relive this on your own?” I inquire. She nods, so I help her and guide her hands into position; pushing her hands, permitting her fingers to slip in. ”I'll be back, in a moment; you just wait here..” I offer, as I am opening the door to her booth and step out. . As she is guiding my hands; I find my fingers slipping into my anus, the tips of my fingers slowly sliding over the tight entrance. ”Whoa..” I exclaim, without any sound passing over my lips; as I am still mute, for as long as the oral tube is inside. ”There, there..” she pronounces; “Now, if you just caress the muscle as your fingers slide further, before you take a firm grip!” she is suggesting, urgently inciting me, to slide further down her rabbit hole. ”Whoa!” I exclaim; “I am slippery and wet..” I continue; “Delicious and exciting!” I conclude. On her urging, I soon manage to get a secure grip; after I had slipped the tips of my fingers in, caressing myself in the process. I guess I just could not help myself. Once I had managed to acquire a secure grip, I slowly pull my hands outwards and thus dilate myself with what initially is frightening ease; just that I soon experience increasing resistance, slowly pulling my hands back. While I am dilating, pulling my hands back; I am distracted, thus fails to notice her stepping out. I am still distracted, as she returns to me; entering the booth, within which I am still sitting. ”Smile!” she pronounces. Without a thought, I smile, in excitement; and she slowly applies a lip-gloss onto my lips. I feel the crystal-clear gel she is coating my lips with, as she is applying it; now leaving my lips slippery and wet. ”Have a sip..” she offers me, just as she had finished applying the lip-gloss onto my lips; uncapping the bottle and placing it before me, slipping the tip in between my now smooth lips. I feel the liquid slipping into my mouth, slowly filling my mouth; only for me to finally realizing it is not water, on the account of the high viscosity and the obvious lack of fizzy bubbles. Should I have been panicked? She is with me, I can still breathe through my nose. Should I have been expecting the liquid to flow down my throat? Apparently; most of the content of the first sip is just absorbed in my mouth. Leaving my tongue slippery and wet as if coated with lubrication. It is curious. The slippery wetness is exciting me. Excitement building up with the content absorbed. She had excited me, already; by stimulating me, as she was playing with me. As the liquid in my mouth subsides, the building or built up pressure is subsiding. She pours more of the liquid known as lubrication into my mouth, as I had swallowed most of what she had offered me a moment before. In this fashion, I am gulping down her proffered beverage, sip by sip, until the bottle is empty. However I had swallowed nothing. The highly viscous liquid had been absorbed in my mouth, then further and further down my throat. Until the bottle is empty. Of course I had accepted her proffered drink, even if I had assumed it to be water initially. Fizzy, or not; but I had been assuming it to be water. Why shouldn't I? Not that I had been consciously thirsty, but I had accepted the offer; greedily gulping down each and every drop, gulp by gulp. The liquid lubricant is leaving my mouth slippery and wet; I am enjoying this, in my excited state. With this, I will be enjoying it later; even as the excitement subsides, after she walks out the door. Naturally. Since I had been excited, the excitement clearly visible in my facial expression; the lip-gloss coating my lips, had caught this expression of excitement. Had she chosen to tease me, in order to plaster the perpetually excited smile onto my lips; leaving me with the expression? A thin layer of highly elastic Silicone, coating my lips; leaving my lips slippery and perfectly smooth. Should I complain? Yet; since I had enjoyed this, I can not come up with a reason to. While I am still distracted, she is once more slipping her bathing-suit on; before she is leaving the intimacy of the booth I had chosen, for changing into and out of my swim-wear while I am here. The door is closed behind her, as she is stepping out and she is gone. ”Will I ever see her?” I ponder. As I am looking around; I notice a small package, initially looking like plastic; I will later realize is Silicone, with room for each of my three inserted tubes she offered me. ”She had not asked me to extract either of the tubes or extracted them by herself, before she let; I take it as a statement, these tubes are a gift: from her to me..” I realize; “as a thanks for the time I had offered her, as she had been playing with me?” I continue. I certainly had enjoyed it, even if I had not known what she was offering. Ignorant of the consequences of accepting her proffered gifts, in the form of these simple tubes now inserted into each of my orifices. Just as I am still ignorant; as to the effect of accepting the act of the play, as well as the application of the lubrication she was applying to my flesh. Just as I had enjoyed it, I still am; and I feel certain, I will be enjoying it in the future as well. If it is by her hand, or my own; what's the difference, I had been enjoying it. I had enjoyed her company, and she had made me enjoy what she had to offer. Shouldn't I? Why? It had just felt right, and it still does; even after she had left the room, leaving me with time to make up my own mind without her influence. She had been careful and gentle about it, giving me all the time I need; even if I guess I may have said no, if I had been asked up front. < --- --- --- >