> Sunny Starscout and Friends And The Quest For Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow At 3 A.M. With A Spoon, A.K.A. Random Thoughts of G5 > by TPC-2k16 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: How Equestria Fell > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I still remember it. The day Equestria truly fell. Not to be confused though by the day Equestria died. No no, that day, when all of Equestria died, was when the three pony tribes finally broke away from their friendship loving days and turn against each other in hate and anger. Why did Equestria fall? Why did it die? How did it die? Well, it all started one day in Canterlot. What was just supposed to be a simple meeting between the heads of the Pegasi, Unicorns, Earth Ponies, and Princess Twilight Sparkle herself, ended up turning into the very reason Equestria is now. What went on during that meeting was this: The head rulers of the Pegasi proposed to Princess Twilight to be given permission to build on solid ground, most noticeably in the mountain ranges. They explained their proposal as saying many Pegasi eventually got tired of living and building with/on clouds, and they all had the sudden passion and desire to want to build their own cities on the ground. A good idea many Pegasi thought. Although the heads of the Unicorns had objected to this proposal, seeing as how with the Pegasi now taking over all the mountain ranges to build upon, there wouldn't be any left for the Unicorns to use to mine gems. They explained the gems were to be needed for when Equestria ever traded with any other country. And the heads of the Earth Ponies didn't really give any insight, they just stayed quiet on the issue. What could've been simply resolved through hours and hours of negotiations ended up being the deciding factor into why Equestria is the way it is. After the meeting had adjoined, the heads of the Pegasi Immediately told all Pegasi of how much of a snobby, ill-considerate mess the Unicorns were. Everypegasus agreed from their on out. And the Unicorns, after hearing of what the Pegasi had called them, return the insult and told of how all Pegasi are nothing but brutes you'd hate to be among. Eventually, it didn't end pretty, as the likes of insult and name-calling had fortunately led to full-on hoof-to-hoof combat. That was the day Equestria died. Princess Twilight tried to reason with everypony, trying to make everything better, the way it was, but without her friends, who had unfortunately passed, it was difficult. The Unicorn and Pegasi would turned from little skirmishes here and there to flat-out war in just about a month. What about the Earth Ponies? During this war, the full vileness of both Unicorn and Pegasi were ever present, causing fear to creep into every Earth Pony's mind. That fear of both pony races ultimately led to shunning of all products made by Unicorn and Pegasus' hooves to flat-out discrimination. Eventually, every single last one of all Earth Pony kind moved more towards the western coastlines of Equestria, hoping that they'll be safe and out of the crossfire of all known Unicorn and Pegasi attacks. Every Earth Pony from then on out became scared of all Unicorn and Pegasi. About the Unicorn-Pegasi war, it really took its toll on everypony, especially all the other nations surrounding Equestria, as each one was forced to pick sides. The Griffins eventually sided with the Pegasi, due to potential, possible air superiority if they won the war. The Dragons were pretty much guilt tripped into siding with the Unicorns, mainly due to gems and how much more they'll have if the Unicorns won the war. Changelings... never picked a side. Eventually, though this is what I know, I heard they all eventually died off. No known survivors of that race from what I'm aware of. Kirens and Diamond Dogs... no known whereabouts. The Diamond Dogs were most likely caught in the crossfire of all known or unknown Pegasi attacks so I'm sure that's what happen to them. How did the war went? Not good for the Unicorns, fabulous for the Pegasi. Guess Pegasi really are the best of fighters of all the three pony tribes. There's considering the utmost destruction of Canterlot, which after it fell, really was a thorn to the side for all Unicorns fighting. After that incident alone, they pretty much all abandoned their orders and fled to the nearest forest they could find, along with all the other evaluating Unicorns. From then on, that's where their new life began. The Unicorns started living in the forests of Equestria, hoping that the tree tops would hide their presence from any and all Pegasi flying from up above. There were hardships, but they eventually got through it. The Pegasi on the other hoof, with no Unicorn in sight, and feeling the ever more prouder of their apparent victory, advanced on with their plans of building on solid ground. Within the next five moons, they had their first on-land city built. The Pegasi soon became a proud tribe of pony, while the Unicorns sufficed to fear of them, and the Earth Ponies led to the path of fear and hate for both pony tribes. All three would soon enough go onto their own way, developing their own nations of only their race. That was the day Equestria fully fell. What about Princess Twilight? I don't know really. One day, while the war was going on, I was called to Canterlot by her. She told me that she'll be going away soon and I'll be the very last remaining Alicorn in Equestria, and the very last Royal from her reign. She told me to keep an eye out on everypony, and if I were to ever see the three pony tribes ever getting along again, and if I were to ever find six ponies that look to share the same attributes as her and her friends, I were to come back here, to Canterlot, more specifically the Throne Room, and read from a spell she'll have tucked away. That was my very last order given to me from my friend. Princess Twilight would very soon go away. Where? Nopony knows still to this day. And me on the other hoof, I'll just be chillaxing away the years gone by. Until I notice everypony getting along again, then I'll do what I was told. As long as I don't get cancelled, that is. But that'll never happen..., right? -Kyle > I wish I knew what I was doing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey Pipp.”      “Hey Zipp.”      “Wanna go for a fly?”      “Sure.”      Instantly, both Zipp Storm and Pipp Petals bounce up into the air and, flapping their wings, take off for flight.      As the two royal pegasus sisters are flying, they both unexpectedly sing: Imma Pony Girl Inna Ponyworld Life with Magic, it’s Fantastic ***      Over on the top of a hill not too far away, all three of young Sunny Starscout, Hitch Trailblazer, and Izzy Moonbow look out towards the direction of the two airborne pegasus sisters, not necessarily hearing their little song, if you want to know.      “Uh… what are they doing?” Sunny asks either one of her friends, sounding a touch concerned.      “Why they’re flying, obviously,” Izzy uncharacteristically said mean spiritedly, “What, are you judging now?! You, judging? Judgy McJudge… judgejudgeface. Real uncharacteristic of you Sunny.” Izzy accuses her friend of judging, the irony though in her not realizing of how uncharacteristic and mean spirited she currently is.      “Uh…” Not knowing what to say or do, Sunny decides to brings Hitch into this.      “Uh, hey Hitch. Might wanna help me out here?”  Sunny looks over and asks Hitch, whose hooves look to be way too busy, figuratively and literally, what’s with one hoof in his mouth, teething on it almost, and his phone in his other hoof. A sly, anxious small grin on his face.      And right now, Hitch is far more busy looking all over Queen Haven’s PonyGram account, most noticeably staring at her hooves in her pictures.      “Hmmph, yes.” Hitch said, not paying any attention to his friends.      “Hitch, are you staring at both Zipp and Pipp’s mom’s hooves again? We’ve talked about this before, it’s weird and awkward.” Izzy says, straightforward in an uncharacteristic mean spirited voice. Also getting all up in Hitch’s face.      “Ah come on Izzy, I don’t see a problem with it. Plus besides, Sprout does it all the time too.” Hitch steps back from Izzy.      “Yeah well, Sprout is a weirdo who looks at pictures of his mom from when she was a teenager. That’s not just weird and awkward, it’s weird and awkward times infinity times infinity plus one!” Izzy once agains says straightforward and mean spiritedly, also once again getting all up into Hitch’s face.      “Uhh…,” quick Sunny, think of something to say to defuse this situation, “uhh…, I have a crush on Sprout!” Sunny straight up just says, her cheeks blushing embarrassingly red. Her two friends looking back at her in confusion.      “Ya know ya didn’t have to do that?” Hitch assures Sunny of why what she just said, she didn’t need to say it. ***      “Again, tell me your secret, or I’ll blast you so hard into bits and pieces so small, my hive would’ve had a field day finding all the pieces!!”      “And again, as I said, the secret to a healthy grapefruit is…”      BLAST      The Grapefruit stall producer pony once again gets interrupted from a blast of magic from Chrysalis’(!) horn.      The cute little white sailor boat hat on top of the pony’s head turning to complete ash from the blast.      “Hey! Do you know how expensive these are?!”      Chrysalis, who’s boiling with even more anger towards the grapefruit stall producer pony, is about to strike the pony once again, her horn charging up to its fullest, before Tirek, the big (but smaller now) red centaur, pulls the former Changeling queen away from the grapefruit stall.      Everypony else in the marketplace of Maritime Bay not even glancing at the two strange creatures’ way, yet alone even acknowledging them.      “What is this? I was just about to have my revenge!!”      “Why? Because the pitiful pony wouldn’t tell you the secret as to how to grow healthy grapefruits?” Tirek brings a hand to his face, deeply sighing in frustration. “We’re here to scope out this new Equestria. Not to destroy it already. We don’t want a high profile on us already, now do we? Or at least alert the local police.”      “These ponies probably don’t even know what a police officer even look like. Considering how happy everyone appears.”       “If it wasn’t for us trying to keep a low profile, I’d already sucked up all the love out of this puny town.”      “Yeah well, these ponies do have a police,” Cozy Glow, the small pink pegasus informs both of her friends(?), “I just saw it back there. And I also would not like to go in there. There was only one pony in there, a red pony just looking constantly at pictures of his mother from when she was a teenager. He was also constantly saying ‘mommy’,” Cozy strugs, “Most likely has mother issues.”      “So, is that all?” Tirek asks the pegasus.      “Well, I did see a picture on the wall of what looks like another sheriff. And by picture, I mean calendar, by the way.”      “So, two sheriffs in a town as small as this?” Chrysalis deviously rubs both her front holey hooves together, “Ha! This will be as easy as if I had my hive!”      “But we still don’t know about the magic situation. If anypony has any-“      Tirek’s question would come to fruition as a random Earth Pony mare walks on by the trio. In the wake of her walking, her leaving a trail of colorful, magical flowers.      “Well, that explains that.” Cozy strugs in response to what they’ve just seen.      “Hahahaha ha!” Chrysalis responds with maniacal laughter, again rubbing both of her front holey hooves together. ***      “And I was all like, yeah but why tho?”      “Dang, that’s crazy. But I don’t remember askin’ tho.” ***      *bzzt* Agent Log #1      Something strange happened… weirdly, first, what felt like a time skip of such sorts, and then the total reset of the whole world.      How? Who is responsible?      I wish I knew. But in lighter, good news, I appear back in my home of Equestria… or at least, a very different version of it. And as far as I know, I’m the only pony left from my time.       Not even…      *sniff*      …enough moping. She’s gone now… forever…?      *sniff*      Okay, enough. My mission is the same as it’s always is.      I have to, no I must, find her. The pony responsible for the reset.      I must find her, and know about every little detail there is about the incident.      If I fail… at least it’s not my Equestria anymore.      Special Agent Sweetie Drops, signing off. *bzzt*