Taming the Bully

by Hakuno

First published

Sunset is the biggest bully in CHS. But not for long.

Sunset received a note telling her to stop being a bitch or else. Not afraid of petty threats, she ignored it.

She won't be ready for her comeuppance.

Contents: Non-con, Semi public sex, Portals, A happy ending, and too much ego for one fic. Also futas. Duh. It's like you don't know me at all.

No Means Yes

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Stop being a bitch, or else.

Sunset had found the note on her desk that morning, and she had needed to read it a couple of times before the words settled. Someone was threatening her. The thought was so amusing, she barked a laugh that attracted several looks. She ignored them all. This note had been written by an absolute coward. Why, it had even been printed, most likely to prevent Sunset from figuring out the author’s identity by their handwriting.

Honestly, the threat itself felt like it had been written by a five year old. Sunset chuckled as she folded the piece of paper and threw it into a garbage can.

Sunset marched through the halls of Canterlot High with a sway to her hips. Being the absolute ruler of this pathetic school barely compensated for being expelled from Princess Celestia’s tutelage, but it was only temporary. When the portal opened again, she was going to get that Element of Harmony crown, and she was going to become powerful enough to take the alicorn princess down.

Meanwhile, Sunset relished on the respect these human peasants showed her. Respect she had earned after years of manipulation and blackmailing. The only downside of this method was that she had to keep doing it on a regular basis, or people would start thinking she’d get soft.

And that’d bring a whole lot of problems.

So she scanned the hallways in search of her next victim. Fluttershy was absentmindedly putting her books into her locker. Nah. Fluttershy was Sunset’s relief punching bag, reserved only for when Sunset was having a bad day. And, honestly, that note she had found had only amused her. Bullying Fluttershy today would not feel as good as always.

She turned to the other side of the hallway and found Micro Chips. Bingo.

Before the nerd could react, Sunset slammed her hand onto the locker, right next to his face. She almost smiled at his shocked expression.

“Why aren’t you doing my homework?!” She demanded.

Micro Chips squirmed under her gaze. “B-B-But I already g-gave it to you!”

“That was yesterday’s homework, nerd,” she replied. “You should be now working on today’s home—”

She felt something touch her crotch. She looked down, but saw nothing there. Still, she could feel it. She couldn’t tell was it was exactly, but it was moving, gently brushing her lower lips. Her cheeks heated up at the sensation.

“Uh… Sunset?” Micro Chips said, taking Sunset out of her stupor.

With a frown, she looked back at him and slammed her hand on the locker again. “Just do it!” And with that, she walked away.

The feeling disappeared as soon as she got to her next class. Thankfully.


The next day, Sunset had managed to get a random freshman to give her all her money. Not that Sunset needed it, as she had her own savings she had brought from Equestria, but she needed to ascertain her dominance over the fresh meat.

She got to her first class and sat down. A few minutes later, Miss Cherilee entered the classroom, and everyone settled down.

Sunset pretended to listen to the lecture. What she actually did was write new ways she could threaten the student committee into forging the voting for princess of the Fall Formal this year.

She had gotten to the fourth bullet point when she felt it again. The pressure on her crotch, or more accurately, the thing that had somehow gotten there and was now caressing her. Sunset looked down and opened her legs. When she saw nothing, she brought a hand down and touched herself. There was nothing there, and yet, she felt something.

But before she could even begin to formulate a hypothesis, the… thing… slid down her folds and got right on the entrance of her pussy. She shivered at the contact. How long had it been since she had masturbated? Months? She had been so busy plotting and…

The invisible, seemingly intangible thing, started penetrating her. She covered her mouth to suppress the gasp. It was something slender, almost like a finger, and it was slowly, ever so slowly, entering her. She closed her legs and pressed them together, but that only made her clench on the foreign object, and she felt it more accurately.

It did feel like a finger, and it had gotten to its second knuckle inside her. Sunset felt a shiver run through her body. This… thing, this experience. It did not have the right to feel good at all. But, well, Sunset had spent too long without taking care of herself.

No! She thought. She could not be getting so horny that she’d simply let this phenomenon have its way with her!

She began raising a hand. Maybe if she left, just like she had done yesterday, the thing would stop.

Except that a second object entered her right then.

Sunset’s pussy clenched involuntarily around the two phantom fingers. She pressed her hand onto her mouth as the two fingers began moving inside her, exploring her insides. Her panties were already getting wet. What the hell was happening? And why the hell was it happening to her? And right now! This phenomenon could have at least waited for a moment where she wasn’t surrounded by people!

The fingers slid in more, getting to what Sunset assumed would be the third and last knuckle. Well, they weren’t very large fingers, at least. Sunset’s own reached deeper and… Why was she thinking about that?! She needed to do something about it! She was being fingered against her will in the middle of class! She had to at least get away to the bathroom or something.

She attempted to raise her hand again. But the fingers bent, spreading her a little and scratching right in her sweet spot. She barely muffled a moan as her hand fell on the desk again. Oh, but they felt so good. Why had she thought it a good idea to neglect pleasuring herself again? This was really—

No. No! She spent too long plotting, and she had no time left for proper masturbation sessions! If she didn’t have at least two good hours for it, she would not do it. Sunset never half-assed anything!

The fingers increased tempo slightly, and Sunset bit on her hand. She didn’t know who or what was doing this to her, but they certainly knew how to pleasure a girl. The fingers twirled and circled about, bending and straightening up again in simple but unpredictable movements. Sunset’s breathing got heavier as the minutes passed, and she could feel her climax quickly approaching.

She bit on her hand harder, but it did nothing. Those fingers were very dexterous, even more than her own. And it didn’t help that she was so pent up.

Sweat ran down the sides of her face, and she brought her other hand to her mouth. Her climax was imminent, there was no denying it. No matter what, Sunset had lost to this intruder. So she simply closed her eyes and hunched over as the fingers inside her kept pleasuring her.

Her orgasm hit her, and she used every bit of willpower in her not to moan as she came. Her panties got drenched with her squirt, and a puddle quickly formed on her seat. For the first time in her life, she hated being a heavy squirter.

When her climax finally died down after what felt like eternity, Sunset let out the breath she held. Her butt and thighs were covered in her cum, as her panties had proved useless in containing the flood, and she could feel drops running down her legs. A part of her, a very deep part, had to admit that she was feeling a lot better. As if she had been weighted down, and cumming had helped her release that weight off her shoulders.

Another part hated having lost to whatever had decided to show her a good time.

The fingers slowly got out of her, and she breathed out when they finally disappeared. She took a few more seconds to collect herself, and then looked around to see if anyone had seen her.

Fortunately, Cherilee’s lecture was interesting enough to keep most students invested—

A girl was looking at her.

Sunset felt her stomach fall as she saw the knowing grin on the blue skinned girl that sat at the other end of the classroom. And, as if to add salt to the injury, the girl brought her two fingers to her mouth —fingers that glistened under the light— and gave them a lick.

Oh, that girl, whoever she was, was going to regret ever messing with Sunset Shimmer.

By the time class was dismissed, Sunset’s cum had begun drying off, so she, albeit uncomfortably, could sit up and walk away without much trouble. She waited for her opportunity, when she knew no teachers were around, and got close to the girl who had decided to mess with the wrong person.

Sunset slammed her hands on both sides of the still-grinning blue skinned girl. “Now, listen here, bitch,” she said. “I know it was you, and I want to know why and how you did it before I end you.”

The girl’s smile didn’t falter. “Trixie does not know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t play dumb with me!” Sunset said, getting close enough to Trixie’s face that their noses were touching. “Now, speak up!”

But Trixie’s smile only got wider. “You’ll have to tell Trixie what exactly you think she did.”

Sunset grabbed Trixie’s clothes and lifted her. “Speak up or I will—”

“What?” Trixie asked, her grin so wide she showed her white teeth to Sunset. “Are you gonna go tell a teacher that you had an orgasm in class?”

That made Sunset’s heart skip a beat. “So you—”

“I saw the whole thing,” Trixie said. “Did you decide to act on your suppressed exhibitionism fetish?”

Sunset growled. “I do not have a fetish like that. I know it was you who did that to me.”

“Moi?” Trixie asked, still grinning. “How could Trixie possibly have done anything to you, seeing as to how we sit at opposite ends of the classroom?”

With an angry groan, Sunset dropped Trixie and pointed a finger at her. “I’ll figure out how you did it, and I swear I’ll make you pay.” And with that, she turned around and left.

She was not going to be beaten by a mere human girl.


Sunset had stayed up late trying to come up with possible ways that Trixie girl had managed to somehow put her dirty fingers inside her and masturbate her to climax during class. Unfortunately, unless Trixie somehow had access to magic, Sunset could not think of any possible reason. So she had to study the girl.

The next day, she found herself in one of the many hallways of Canterlot High. Looking, waiting, hunting…

Finally, she saw Trixie leaning on a wall at the end of the hallway, hands behind her back. Sunset frowned, but didn’t go to her. Instead, she walked up to an unsuspecting girl that was taking a book from her locker. Sunset didn’t even know her name. When she was close, she slammed her hand on the locker next to the girl’s face.

“Hey,” Sunset said, trying to remain calm. “What’s your name?”

“Uhm, L-Lavender Bloom,” the girl replied.

“Alright, Lavender, you—” Sunset interrupted herself as she felt something enter her pussy again. This wasn’t a finger, that much she knew. It was very small. She looked at Trixie, who was, indeed, looking at her with a smile. Sunset frowned and looked back at Lavender Bloom. “You look like you’ve got money, so maybe you should- Ahh!”

She gave out a yelp of surprise as the object inside her started vibrating. Unfortunately, that had the effect of every kid in the hallway looking at her.

Sunset gritted her teeth and looked around. “Mind your own business!” Fortunately, though, that was enough to make everyone run away, including the girl she had been about to bully. Sunset let out a huff and looked at Trixie, who had the biggest, smugiest smile Sunset had ever seen.

So she walked up to her, feeling the vibrations intensify with every step she took. By the time she got close enough to Trixie, her knees were wobbling, and she was already feeling her own juices running down her legs.

“Stop it,” Sunset said, and was surprised to hear that she was completely out of breath.

Trixie, with her hands hidden behind herself, only cocker her head, mockingly. “Whatever do you mean?”

“Show me your hands, now!” Sunset yelled.

With a shrug, Trixie brought both hands in front of her. There was nothing out of the ordinary with them. Yet, Sunset still had something vibrating inside her pussy. “T-Take it out!”

Trixie brought her hands behind her back again. “Take what out? My phone? Are you gonna steal it from me?”

Sunset panted as the vibrations steadily built up her climax. She slammed her hand on the wall next to Trixie’s face. “Take… Ahh… T-Take it out… I-I can’t…”

“You have to speak clearly,” Trixie said, not missing her grin. “Or else, Trixie cannot understand you.”

Turning her hands into fists, Sunset punched the locker, on the other side of Trixie’s face. Once, twice, making a deep dent on it. “Take it out, now!”

Trixie only stared back at her, and… Sunset couldn’t avoid moaning as she felt a finger again, this time pushing the vibrating object deeper inside her.

Trixie giggled. “What are you doing, Sunset Shimmer? Are you getting off of bullying Trixie?” Her voice was so full of amusement, it made Sunset sick.

Sunset wanted nothing more but break that smug face of hers, but her mind was full of lustful haze, and her orgasm was drawing near with such inevitability it scared her. “I’ll be back,” she huffed, then ran to the nearest bathroom.

She opened the bathroom door so fast, all the girls inside looked at her. “OUT!” She yelled, and the girls scurried away. Sunset got to her knees to look below the stalls. She found no feet, so she entered one of them and pulled down her panties.

The finger had gotten out of her pussy, but the object was still there, vibrating like crazy. Sunset could barely keep standing up as she got two fingers inside her. She moaned at the added pleasure, but managed to keep her sanity as she forced her deeper, trying to reach the object lodged in her pussy.

Her fingers being longer than the one that had pushed the vibrator into her, Sunset managed to, carefully, take it without pushing it even deeper. She grabbed it and started pulling it out. That, however, had the effect of stimulating her vaginal walls even more. Her climax was imminent, and she knew it. So she pivoted on one leg to get in front of the toilet seat, which was thankfully uncovered, and put her free hand on the wall in front of her, using it to hold her weight.

Sunset bit her lower lip as she finally managed to take the vibrator out of her. Just in time for her orgasm to hit her. She moaned as she came, squirting mostly inside the toilet cup. She waited until she finished unloading everything, then let herself fall on her knees, panting heavily.

She lifted her hand to take a look at the offender. It was indeed a pink, bean sized cylinder. It was still vibrating on her hand. She clenched her teeth and threw the damned object into the toilet.

Damn Trixie and her tricks. Sunset had had enough of her. She needed to confront the girl directly and make her see who was the superior one. Oh, she was going to make that smurfette regret ever messing with Sunset Shimmer!


“Alright, that’s enough!” Sunset whined.

For a whole week, Trixie had kept making Sunset cum during class or all around campus. Most of the time it had been with her fingers, except that one time with the vibrator, which Sunset had thrown down the drain. Not once had Sunset managed to see how Trixie did it, and more than once she had been about to be busted by a teacher who had mistaken her blush and sweat for a fever.

So, Sunset realized, it was time to admit defeat. She had asked Trixie to meet her at Sugarcube Corner. Trixie, as always, wore her smug grin.

“Whatever do you—”

“Stop it!” Sunset hissed, not wanting to actually yell and have others know what she was saying. “Please, stop it. I can’t take it anymore.” That made Trixie’s smile vanish only a little. “You’ve been… molesting me all this week. I don’t know how you do it, but it has to stop. I’m going crazy.”

“Molesting you?” Trixie said with a haughty chuckle. “Trixie likes to think she’s only been giving you what you deserve.”

Sunset huffed. “So you finally admit it was you?”

Trixie shrugged. “Not like you can prove anything.”

“Why are you doing this?” Sunset asked. “I’ve never done anything to you!”

That finally erased Trixie’s smile, and replaced it with a frown. “You’ve been ruining it for everyone. Trixie only wanted to have a nice dance at Spring Fling, but you had to ruin that diva’s dress in front of everyone just to win, and it all became just so awkward no one could have fun!”

Sunset choked. “Wha… You… All because of one dance?!”

“All dances,” Trixie replied, crossing her arms. “For years. And whenever you show up, everyone just gets so scared, no one can have fun. It’s horrible! You had it coming!”

“But… But, why…” She looked around and leaned over to whisper. “Why make me cum in public?!”

Trixie snorted. “If Trixie pleased you while you were at home, you wouldn’t be half as annoyed.” Sunset’s left eye twitched. “Besides, you can’t honestly say you didn’t enjoy it.”

Sunset resisted the urge to slam her face on the table. There was no winning with this bitch, was there? Sunset took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. “Alright, fine. You had your fun, you made me suffer. We’re even. Stop doing it.”

Trixie hummed for a moment. “No.”

“No?!” Sunset whined. “What do you mean ‘no’? You can’t just keep having your way with me!”

“Trixie can, and Trixie will.”

“Why?” Sunset asked. “If a teacher finds out I came in class, I’ll be in deep trouble!”

“You didn’t seem to care about making others be in trouble,” Trixie retorted.

Sunset’s eyes widened. “Is that what it is? Revenge on others?”

“It’s your cumupance,” Trixie said, then giggled at her own pun.

Sunset brought her hands to her hair and pulled. “Ok, fine. Revenge. I can get behind that. What will you have me do to stop it?”

That made Trixie lean over. They were so close, Sunset could smell Trixie’s breath.

“Ones for others,” Trixie whispered.


Trixie grinned again. “Trixie won’t make you cum at school again… But she will keep making you cum in public. At the park, at the mall, at the movies… You will truly become Trixie’s plaything, nothing more than a toy for Trixie’s amusement… Until Trixie gets tired of you.”

Sunset felt her stomach burn. “You… T-That’s extortion! That’s sexual assault! That’s—”

“What you deserve, bitch,” Trixie said. “Oh, and Trixie will start using more than just her fingers.”

“B-But…” Sunset stuttered. How could she get out of this? She had grand plans! She couldn’t be worrying about things like this! The Fall Formal was only a few weeks away! She needed a plan, she needed to distract Trixie… But how? Appealing to her ego?

Sunset breathed out. It was the only way. “Alright, you got me,” she said. “You beat me. You won. You are better than me.”

Trixie’s smile widened, and she leaned back on her seat, spreading her arms to the sides. “Yes, Trixie is better than you.”

“I really have no idea how you pulled that off,” Sunset continued. “It’s beyond me.”

“Of course it is,” Trixie said. “Trixie isn’t the best magician in the world for nothing!”

Sunset gulped. Here came the hard part. “If… If I’m letting you have your way with me… At least I want to know how you’re doing it.”

Trixie snorted. “Oh, pretty easy.” She brought a hand in front of her and formed a circle with her thumb and index fingers. “Trixie can make a portal with any circular shape. Fingers make for an area wide enough for almost anything.”

“A… Portal?” Sunset asked.

“Only Trixie can see it, though,” Trixie said. “So you’ll never know when Trixie decides to use it.”

Except that wasn’t true. If Sunset focused on Trixie’s fingers, she could see the ripples in space. “And… You can connect it to anything?”

Trixie nodded. “Anything Trixie wants,” she said. Then, as if to prove her point, she brought her fingers to her mouth and licked right in the center.

Sunset jumped at the very strange feeling of a tongue licking her asshole. She blushed. “D-Don’t do that here!” She said through her teeth.

Trixie chuckled. “Didn’t you hear? Trixie will make you cum anywhere she wants to. And right now, you will cum here.” Without waiting for a response, Trixie stuck out her tongue and started licking the portal.

Sunset suppressed a moan, completely shocked at how good it felt to have her asshole licked. She closed her eyes and tried to control her breathing. But heavens, Trixie was really good with her tongue too. Sunset was already getting wet. Who knew that hole could feel so good?

“Trixie very much likes that expression on your face,” Trixie said, and Sunset opened her eyes to look at her. “Yes, a submissive bitch is way better than a stupid bully.” She lowered her fingers, still making the circle shape, and then brought her other hand, sticking out her middle finger into the portal.

Sunset saw the finger disappear, but she felt it penetrating her ass. She huffed and bit her hand, trying her hardest not to be loud as Trixie moved her finger in circles.

“Oh, you like that, don’t you?” Trixie asked. She took her finger out, but just so she could make her index finger join, and stuck both of them deep into Sunset’s anus. Sunset let out a muffled cry. “No… You love it. You love how Trixie makes you feel so good, don’t you?”

Sunset could not think clearly. She had never been touched there before, and now she had two fingers stuck deep in her ass. She had expected anal sex to hurt, but it was the complete opposite. Her pussy was already dripping as Trixie worked her fingers in her ass.

“Tell Trixie how much you love it.”

But Sunset resisted. She could admit it to herself. That she really liked how Trixie fingered her. But she would never say it aloud. For that would really be admitting defeat, and Sunset would never admit defeat!

“You are tougher than you look, Trixie will give you that,” Trixie said as she took her fingers out of Sunset’s butt. But Sunset did not allow herself to relax. “Trixie will have to force the words out of you, then.”

With that as the last warning, Trixie brought her portal-fingers back to her mouth and started licking. Except that her tongue was now working at Sunset’s pussy. Sunset fell on the table, covering her face with her arms. Trixie’s tongue quickly made it to her entrance and slithered in. Sunset moaned at how good it felt. How was Trixie so good at eating pussy like that?

But she couldn’t keep the question in her mind. She was in a public place, and Trixie had her tongue deep in her pussy through a portal. She needed to maintain her focus. Now that she knew how it worked, she could formulate a plan. Maybe, when Trixie least expected it, Sunset could pull Trixie’s fingers apart. If that destroyed the portal, it could hopefully cut off Trixie’s tongue.

It would be really gruesome, disgusting, and uncomfortable, but it would teach the whore a lesson about not messing with—

Trixie stopped licking her and lowered her fingers. “Ready to admit you love how Trixie pleasures you?”

Sunset panted, glad that she had a moment of respite. She said nothing, instead looking intently at the little portal.

“No? Then Trixie will have to take it to the next level.”

That sent shivers down Sunset’s spine. What was Trixie planning to do? Whatever it was, that grin on her face only scared Sunset.

Trixie looked around for a moment before she lowered the portal to her lap. Sunset blinked, but had no time to question as Trixie, as conspicuously as she could, lifted her skirt and brought the portal closer to her own crotch.

Soon enough, Sunset felt something probing at her entrance. Something big. She felt cold sweat running down her body as she looked at Trixie’s eyes. Those damned eyes full of smugness.

“Ready to admit it, Shimmer?”

Sunset let out a quivery huff. She prepared the words in her mind, ready to swallow her pride just so that whatever Trixie had lined up to her pussy would not go inside her…

Except, the words didn’t leave her mouth. She felt the tip of that strange object circle around her pussy, following the subtle movements Trixie made with the portal. As odd as the thought was, Sunset felt a certain heat coming off the thing that pressed against her vulva. If she was right, if her lust-filled mind was not playing tricks on her… That meant that…

“Times up, bitch,” Trixie whispered.

Sunset’s pussy was penetrated, slowly, by Trixie’s dick. Just the glans was enough to knock the breath out of her. It was so wide! It was spreading her so much more than anything she had ever had before. Her mouth hung agape as she took that monster of a cock, inch after agonizing inch. Somewhere in her mind, Sunset still had the mental lucidity to imagine the thing that was wrecking her pussy.

By the time the tip touched the entrance of her womb, however, Sunset had completely lost all logic. She was so utterly full, she could barely remember to keep breathing. That dick had to be at least eleven inches long!

Trixie’s smug laughter brought her back to reality. “Don’t you love how my dick is shaping your insides? You won’t be able to go back to normal dick after this.”

That much was true… Or as true as Sunset’s logic lacking mind reasoned. She looked around, and found that no one had noticed them yet. Sunset huffed and looked back at Trixie.

“If you admit you love being Trixie’s whore, Trixie will take her dick out of you…” Her smile widened. “Or, she can keep it in, if you want. Your pussy is really tight and hot. Trixie’s dick will remain hard as long as it's in.”

Sunset couldn’t take it anymore. She started sliding on the seat so that she could stand up. Trixie’s dick moved in wide circles inside her through the whole movement. Sunset almost came just from that.

“What are you doing?”

But Sunset wasn’t listening. When she stood up, Trixie’s dick slid out of her with a very loud and wet pop. Before Trixie could put it in again, Sunset grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her. Trixie yelped, but Sunset had no issues dragging the girl to the customers’ bathroom.

Fortunately, it was vacant. More fortunately so, it was a one-person bathroom, so all Sunset needed to do was to flip the sign to occupied and no one would bother them.

“W-What’s the big idea?” Trixie asked.

But Sunset did not hear the words. Instead, she looked down. Trixie’s dick made a very nice tent under her skirt. Sunset licked her lips. She turned around and pulled her skirt and panties in one go, then looked over her shoulder.

“Fuck me,” she pleaded.

Trixie blinked. “Are… Are you—”

“Do it!” Sunset insisted, moving her butt needily. “Fuck me, Trixie. Please! I need it. Come on… Please…”

She didn’t need to beg much more. Trixie recovered from her shock and stepped to her, lining up her behemoth of a dick to Sunset’s folds. This time, Sunset didn’t suppress the whorish moan that escaped her mouth as Trixie filled her up again.

“So big…” Sunset panted. Her face, much like her hands, was against the door. She didn’t care. All her mind could think of was that dick and how much it was ruining her pussy.

“It’s difficult to hide this thing,” Trixie said as she took her dick out of Sunset, leaving only the tip inside. “Good thing Trixie found the perfect cocksleeve!” Without a warning, she thrusted her hips, getting all of her dick into Sunset in one go.

Sunset screamed as pleasure overtook her, and she came. Trixie grunted, but didn’t slow down. She fucked her in earnest, and Sunset could do absolutely nothing but take it, spraying her juices all over the floor, riding her orgasm for longer than she had ever experienced.

And she loved every second of it.

Trixie’s dick moved in and out of her pussy with wet noises. Schlick. Schlick. Over and over again. And every time she bottomed out, Sunset felt and heard Trixie’s thighs slapping her.

“Yeah! Keep going!” Sunset begged. She was so close to another orgasm! Her mind could not think nor care for anything else.

Her second orgasm hit her, and she unashamedly sprayed her juices all over the bathroom’s floor for a second time. She had never been fucked so thoroughly in her entire life.

“T-Trixie’s gonna cum soon,” Trixie said. And sure enough, her thrusts were becoming erratic.

Those words dissolved the haze in Sunset’s mind, and she felt her whole body flare up in high alert. She looked back at Trixie, eyes wide as could be. “O-Out… Ta-Take it out!”

For once, Trixie obeyed, and she stepped back, taking her mammoth dick out of Sunset’s used pussy. It throbbed needily, having missed its chance to let it all out inside a young teenage pussy. Sunset decided it had done a good job, so it needed a reward.

She knelt down, grabbed Trixie’s dick with both hands, and wrapped the rest with her mouth. Trixie moaned as Sunset suckled and licked the tip. It tasted more like her own pussy than a dick, but she didn’t mind. She took as much of it into her mouth and moaned. Why did she moan? She didn’t know, but she did. She moaned as she blowed Trixie’s dick.

Her only warning was a grunt, and Trixie’s dick immediately fired the first load of thick, hot spunk right to Sunset’s throat. She instinctively pulled out, coughing, only to have the rest of Trixie’s cum sprayed all over her face. Some got it her hair, and the last two shots painted her shirt white. The first load was still in her mouth, as she had managed not to swallow nor spit it out.

She stood up, and Trixie only followed her with her eyes. Sunset closed the distance and kissed Trixie, who welcomed her. Then, Sunset did spit her mouthful of cum right into Trixie’s mouth. The smaller girl squirmed, trying to get out of the kiss, but Sunset was stronger, so her attempts were futile.

And, after a whole ten seconds, Trixie gave up and swallowed her own cum. That’s when Sunset broke the kiss.

“You know what?” Sunset said, panting heavily. She reached down and grabbed Trixie’s softening dick with a hand to caress it. “I don’t care anymore. I’ll be your toy, your plaything… I-I’ll be your fucking bitch if you want to…” A knock sounded at the door, but Sunset paid it no mind. “Use your portal thing or just bend me over, I don’t care…”

Trixie gulped. “Uh… Y-yeah. Trixie knew you only needed a good dicking to change your attitude.” The knock at the door was more insistent, and Trixie looked at the door. “Uhm… We should probably—”

“Do you want to open that door,” Sunset whispered into Trixie’s ear, tightening her grip on her dick, “or do you want to fuck me in the ass?”

Trixie didn’t need to think twice. She bent Sunset over the sink and lined up her dick to her puckered hole.

And Sunset knew, from this moment forward, that nothing would ever be the same.

Longing to Be(long)

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Sunset blinked away stars as she stepped through the portal. Her heart pounded furiously in her chest, making her arms and legs shake violently.

She’d done it. She’s gone back to Equestria and successfully stolen an Element of Harmony. Granted she’d been tackled and the ancient artifact had gotten through the portal, but Sunset had pulled off her plan almost perfectly. Now she just needed to retrieve the crown and finally she’d have the power to invade Equestria and reclaim the throne.

She looked around. The crown was nowhere to be seen.

Feeling her stomach drop, Sunset began frantically looking for anything that shined. Had the crown changed shape? Sunset certainly hoped it hadn’t, for it’d only make her search for it all the more—

There! She thought as she spotted the Element of Harmony. Still in crown form, still shining with a gorgeous golden light. And, to Sunset’s delight, it was being held by none other than Doormatshy.

Sunset grinned and began walking towards her prize… And she felt something wet poking her pussy.

“Ahg…” She groaned. “N-Not now…”

Of couse Trixie decided to fuck her right then and there!

As Trixie began licking Sunset’s labia through her mysterious portal magic, Sunset had to make the decision to put the retrieval of her crown on hold and search for a place that would hide her. Trixie sometimes used Sunset’s body for a quickie before class, which meant Sunset had maybe a minute to find a good hiding spot.

Fortunately, the Canterlot High’s front lawn was full of bushes and trees. Not enough to properly hide teenagers getting frisky, but Sunset had to use whatever she had at hand.

And so she quickly hopped to one such bush and sat down on the cool grass, resting her back on the trunk of the one tree. Anyone passing by would be able to see her face, but the bush would hide her legs. For now, that was enough.

Soon enough, Trixie stopped going to town on her, and only a second later, Sunset felt that thick, long dick penetrating her. She bit her lower lip to avoid moaning as she was filled to the brim and Trixie’s cockhead kissed her womb. Sunset brought her knees to her chest, which had the unfortunate side effect of tightening her pussy, and she could feel Trixie’s dick throbbing needily.

Sunset hugged her legs and buried her face on her knees, resisting the urge to moan as Trixie fucked her earnestly. Trixie had probably attached the portal to a fleshlight, if the speed and force at which her dick moved in and out was any indication. Sunset hated feeling like a literal toy to that bitch, but she had to admit she felt amazing.

Some random students looked her way, but a simple glare was enough to drive them away before they even began to suspect what was going on. Which was good, since she had started panting heavily. Her orgasm building up quickly, Sunset made sure no one was looking her way. With the coast clear, she stretched her legs, completely hiding them behind the bush, and pulled her panties down. She didn’t want to drench her panties, after all.

Trixie’s dick fucked her faster, harder. She was going to cum soon, too. Sunset closed her eyes shut, riding the waves of pleasure that traveled her body. She huffed as she, as inconspicuously as she could, spread her legs. Only a little bit more…

Sunset gasped when Trixie fully retrieved her dick.


And was interrupted when the dick reappeared inside her mouth. She cried a muffle complaint, her jaw opening to its limit, and then gagged when that dick hit her throat. Before she could do anything, Trixie started cumming, and Sunset was forced to swallow every single drop.

She covered her mouth with a hand to prevent anyone from seeing anything.

Four, five, six jets of hot, sticky cum forced their way down her gullet and to her stomach. And when it was done, the dick disappeared from her mouth. Sunset coughed when it did.

And just like that, it was over. Like always, Trixie had used Sunset for her own pleasure, uncaring whether Sunset enjoyed herself or not. Most of the time, Sunset reached an orgasm. Today hadn’t been one of those times, and Sunset felt frustrated. Her pussy pulsed needily, and she almost reached out to finger herself. But she couldn’t just masturbate in public. One thing was letting Trixie have her way with her, but this was different. She had standards.

When she started calming down, Sunset grabbed some napkins and cleaned her crotch area before donning her panties again and standing up. She couldn’t allow herself to remain mad. She needed to keep her cool. For as soon as she got her hands on that crown, she was going to make Trixie her sex slave, regardless of whether Trixie enjoyed herself or not.

With a huff, Sunset stepped away from the bush. She stopped when the portal to Equestria flashed. Her heart skipped a beat, and Sunset returned to her hiding spot. To her surprise, it wasn’t Celestia, but a lavender-skinned girl with blue hair, followed closely by a weird looking dog.

Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Sunset blinked. Celestia had sent the rookie to retrieve the Element of Harmony? Sunset almost laughed at how ludicrous it was. She actually chuckled when the pony-turned-human struggled to even walk upright. This almost made up for the rough treatment Sunset had just received!

With her null knowledge of this world, the new princess would have no way to get the crown before Sunset.

This victory was as much as assured.


Of course Fluttershy had taken the crown to Principal Celestia. Why wouldn’t she have? Sunset had tricked Pinkie Pie into making the Fall Formal crown identical to the Element of Harmony so that she could use it to swap the real one. And of course Princess Twilight had registered to run for princess of the Fall Formal.

Sunset had tried scaring and bullying the princess away, but it hadn’t worked. She had also tried telling Principal Celestia that Twilight wasn’t even a student of this school, but the infuriating woman had conveniently decided to start an important meeting with Vice Principal Luna.

So, with her options limited, Sunset had to take it upon herself to avoid anyone voting for Twilight. Despite everything, Sunset really didn’t want to have to hurt the alicorn if she could help it.

Unfortunately, Trixie had decided to make things difficult, as she kept teasing Sunset with her fingers all throughout the day. After school, she had pushed Sunset into the gym’s storage room and fucked her hard and raw. And, as if she had planned it, Trixie came before Sunset could reach an orgasm, covering her face with cum.

Frustrated, angry, and still very horny, Sunset had cleaned herself and began her search for the purple idiot. With how new she was to her human body, the princess was sure to make something Sunset could use to ridicule and humiliate her. She’d know, since she had done pretty ridiculous things herself when she had first arrived in this world.

She found her in the library, trying to carry a big pile of books. Sunset brought up her phone to record her, just in case. She would’ve made someone else do it, but Trixie had told her that she’d fuck her in class if she ever tried forcing someone else into her bidding.

Unsurprisingly, the princess tripped and fell on her rump, having a bunch of books drop on her. Sunset snickered at how stupid she looked. Once she got her due, Sunset could maybe make Twilight be her royal jester. It certainly would be amusing.

Sunset zoomed in to have a better look at the princess, when she noticed something else.

She leaned in, as if that’d help her look better. Twilight had fallen with her legs spread, which had lifted her skirt, and with the zoom maxed out, Sunset could see something she certainly hadn’t been expecting.

Equestria’s newest princess had a dick. The bulge in her panties certainly couldn’t be due to thick labia.

Sunset’s breath quickened and her crotch quivered. Fuck, she was so frustrated… An idea popped in her head, and Sunset grinned at how genius it was.

After recording everything she could, Sunset had ran to her laptop at the science lab, where she had hastened to edit a video which would humiliate Twilight, and no one would vote for her. Once the video was done, Sunset uploaded it to MyStable. She smiled at the likes and comments that even this late into the night were flooding the post.

With her temporary rival beaten before she could even play, Sunset happily made her way to the library, where she found the soon-to-be jester fast asleep on what looked like a bed made of books at the farthest part of the room. Her dog was sleeping right beside her.

Sunset made her way to the sleeping princess as silently as she could and knelt down beside her. She had to admit, from this close, Twilight was beautiful. She had already seen her as a pony, and Sunset had found her quite a looker. Too bad she had picked the wrong unicorn to mess with.

Shaking her head, Sunset turned to look at the reason she had come here.

Twilight was covered by a single thin sheet of fabric. It was very easy for Sunset to remove it without effort. Sunset wasn’t surprised to find that the princess had gone to sleep with all her clothes on, including her boots. It had taken Sunset much effort to learn how to use her fingers.

More carefully than before, Sunset lifted Twilight’s skirt all the way up. There certainly was a bulge there. She touched it, and the princess’ dick twitched. With a dry swallow, Sunset moved the panties aside. Her mouth started watering at the sight of that purple prick. After a quick glance at Twilight’s sleeping face, Sunset leaned in until her nose was right above Twilight’s balls and gave it a sniff.

It was such a potent smell, Sunset could feel her panties getting wet. It was sweaty, but clean, and maybe it was because she was still very horny and frustrated, but before Sunset could think, she found herself licking Twilight’s balls. She used three fingers to pump the dick as she sneaked her tongue below those testicles.

Twilight groaned softly, and he dick quickly hardened and grew, and Sunset’s breath caught in her throat as she saw it grow. It was just as long as Trixie’s, but a bit wider, and it made a curve up. Sunset huffed, grabbing that gorgeous dick with both hands, and started giving it kisses and licks and the occasional suck on the sides. She heard herself moaning.


Sunset froze. Damn it! She had hoped to at least be riding that dick before Twilight woke up! Thinking quickly, Sunset rose her eyes and looked straight at Twilight’s bewildered expression.

“S-Sunset Shimmer?”

Sunset brought a finger to her lips, shushed quietly, and looked towards the dog. Twilight looked at it for a second before she turned back to Sunset. Confusion still on her face.

Sunset rose to her feet and quickly undid the clasp of her skirt, pulling it down along with her panties. Before Twilight could react, Sunset straddled her and started rubbing her pussy on that hot, throbbing cock.

“W-What are you doing?” Twilight asked in a whisper. Her voice trembled with uncertainty.

“Be thankful, princess,” Sunset spat that last word. “I’m going to allow you to lose your v-card with the hottest girl in both worlds.”

Twilight blinked. “My… v-card?”

Sunset leaned over until their noses touched. She could feel Twilight’s hot breath on her face. “Your virginity, Sparkle. I’m going to take it.”

Twilight flushed. “H-H-How did you…”

“So you are a virgin,” Sunset chuckled, causing the princess to frown. “Well, not anymore, after tonight.”

With that, Sunset straightened up, lifted herself, and grabbed Twilight’s massive cock, lining it against her pussy. It was throbbing needily, and she certainly needed it too. She moaned as she slowly lowered herself, getting filled once again. She gasped when Twilight’s dick widened her more than Trixie ever had. And she almost cried out when it scratched her G-Spot.

Finally, she felt Twilight’s balls touching her butt, and her dick kissing her womb. Sunset closed her eyes and relished on the feeling. She admitted she loved that Trixie fucked her so roughly, but she had missed being able to simply let her vagina get adjusted to the shape of such wonderful dick.

“W-Why are you doing this?”

Twilight’s voice snapped her out of her reverie, and Sunset frowned at the princess below her.

“Do I need a reason to do whatever I want?” She replied.

“I thought you hated me,” Twilight’s voice was barely a whisper.

Sunset pressed her hands at Twilight’s sides, grinding her hips and purring at how that dick stirred her insides.

“Oh, I hate you,” she said.

“Then why-”

Sunset lifted her hips and lowered them, forcing a moan out of Twilight’s mouth. The princess covered it as she frantically looked at the still sleeping dog.

“I take what I want,” Sunset said, repeating her movement, although a bit slower. “The moment that crown is in my head, I’ll be a princess of Equestria, as is my right.” She moved again, and soon fell into a delicious rhythm. “And you, nngh, you’re going to be my sexual slave.”

Twilight’s scrunched up face was adorable, Sunset had to admit.

“You’re, ahh… You’re never going to be a p-princess…” Twilight said, struggling to speak instead of moan.

Sunset picked up the pace a little bit.

“You’re not, mph! You’re not gonna win!”

Once again, Sunset leaned over, and this time, she playfully licked the tip of Twilight’s nose.

“But I’ve already won, princess,” she whispered. “I took your crown. I took your virginity. I’m literally and metaphorically above you. You’re lucky you’re cute, as I’ve decided to keep you as my pet.”

With that, Sunset once again straightened up and started riding Twilight’s dick in earnest. She moaned at the feeling of being full and spread, and she gasped every time her G-spot was scratched. She could feel her orgasm quickly building again. She could see herself replacing Trixie for Twilight, or better yet, to make them fuck her at the same time. That would be-

Twilight’s hands shot to her hips and pulled her down. Sunset gasped at being filled so much again. She then groaned when she couldn’t move again.


“I’m not going to allow you to do whatever you want,” Twilight said.

Sunset looked at her with a frown, then down at their joined hips. She tried moving again, but Twilight’s hands kept her firmly in place. How was she so strong? She immediately wanted to facepalm. Twilight was an alicorn. Even as a human, her earth pony strength was showing.

Regardless, she had to laugh.

“And what are you going to do?” Sunset mocked the princess. “I’ve already taken your first time. You can’t take it back!”

That made Twilight growl angrily, but Sunset only found that expression adorable on the princess.

“Just admit you love how my pussy feels,” Sunset purred. “So hot and wet and tight.” She felt Twilight’s grip weakening, and she started grinding her hips again, enjoying the feeling. “The sooner you accept your place as my bitch, the better.”

Twilight’s grip tightened, surprising Sunset.

“You say you want to be a princess,” Twilight said through her teeth. “And the way you show it is by r-raping me?”

“Raping you?” Sunset grinned. “You’re the one holding me in place. With your strength, you could’ve shoved me away already.”

Twilight blinked, as if she hadn’t even considered she could do that. Sunset leaned over her once again.

“Come on Sparkle. It’s not wrong to admit you’re just not cut to be a princess. You may be physically strong, but you lack the real strength a princess needs.” She stuck her tongue and licked Twilight’s pursed lips. “A real princess doesn’t ask for permission. She takes what she wants.”

Twilight groaned and her frown deepened.

“A p-princess takes what she wants?” Twilight asked. “That’s selfish and corrupt. A princess-”

“Takes. What. She. Wants.” Sunset said, punctuating each word with a forceful grind of her hips. Twilight’s grip was still rather strong, and Sunset was getting angry at not being able to orgasm. “Now stop struggling and accept-”

Sunset yelped when Twilight sat up and pushed her away. She fell on her back, and Twilight’s dick slipped out of her pussy so fast she almost came. With anger bubbling up in her chest, she prepared to order Twilight to just do as she was told, but stopped when the princess stood up, eyes narrow, cheeks red, and massive schlong pointing accusingly at Sunset.


But before she could mutter a word, Twilight made her way to her and grabbed her hips like she was grabbing a doll. Sunset found herself being turned around by the princess’ deceptively strong hands. As Twilight’s arms hugged her waist, Sunset realized what the princess was about to do.

Twilight was not going to fuck her doggy style. She was going to simply mount her like she was some street hooker.

“W-Wait,” Sunset said. The point of being on top was so that she could be in total control. Twilight being a virgin meant Sunset had to be the one making sure she didn’t cum inside!

But Twilight didn’t wait. She huffed needily and pulled Sunset back while also thrusting. Sunset lost her voice, being filled with so much dick so fast. And before she could even start getting used to it, Twilight bit her neck.

Sunset came, trembling as waves of pleasure rocketed through her whole body. Twilight, however, either didn’t notice or didn’t care, because she just started fucking her in earnest, forcing Sunset’s juices to spray on the floor in quick bursts that mimicked her thrusts. And as Twilight’s dick kept abusing her pussy, Sunset moaned whorishly.

She just couldn’t care any less.

Twilight’s teeth sank into her neck, and as Sunset felt a second orgasm building, she realized why Trixie hadn’t been able to make her cum today. Despite being even rougher than what Twilight was being right that moment, she had used her portals, which meant only her dick touched Sunset.

She had missed feeling someone else.

Sunset cried as she came again, her voice being broken off with each thrust, the only other sound being the slap of hips against buttcheeks.

Through her second orgasm, Sunset felt Twilight’s movements become erratic. She gasped as her mind cleared, understanding what was about to happen. Sunset tried to move, but Twilight was still biting her neck, and her arms held her firmly in place.

“W-Wait!” She cried out. “S-Stop!”

But Twilight didn’t reply. She just started grunting. Sunset desperately tried to move away. She flailed her arms, trying to hit Twilight. She moved her legs, trying to unbalance them. But nothing worked.

“Cum outside!” She finally pled.

But Twilight didn’t hear her, and with a final moan, she came.

Twilight kept her completely locked, and Sunset could do nothing but take it all, feeling that dick throb and her womb being hit by jet after jet of hot, thick cum. Sunset bit her lip, trying, and failing, not to love the sensation of being filled. And she admitted, if only to herself, that she loved being taken like that. With unbridled lust.

After shooting what felt like a whole liter of cum, Twilight finally released Sunset, falling back on her butt. Sunset, on her part, hit the floor exhausted, feeling the princess’ seed oozing out of her abused hole. Both girls simply panted heavily, trying to recover from what they had just done.

“Oh no…” Twilight’s voice said, and Sunset barely cared enough to look back at her. The princess looked worried. “W-What did I just do?”

“You took what you wanted,” Sunset moaned. “Guess you do have what it takes to be a princess…”

“No, no, no. This isn’t right.” Twilight knelt beside Sunset and placed a hand on her bleeding neck. “I’m so sorry! I hurt you, and… and…”

Sunset rolled over just a bit and placed a finger on Twilight’s mouth.

“Stop being so annoying.”


“Honestly, why did you become a princess, but I couldn’t?” Sunset asked. “You’re such an ignorant buffoon, and yet you’ve achieved more than I could even imagine.”

Twilight blinked. “I don’t know if that’s an insult or not.”

Sunset snickered. “You’re an idiot.”

Twilight frowned.

“I want to go back to Equestria,” Sunset admitted, and she was shocked at how at peace she felt.

“W-What? But I thought-”

With some effort, Sunset pushed herself to a sitting position. Twilight helped her a little bit.

“Twilight Sparkle, you came inside me.”

Twilight gasped in horror, as if she had just realized that.

“I don’t know about Equestria, but there are contraceptive methods in this world. I could take a pill to prevent pregnancy tomorrow morning.”

Twilight breathed out in relief.

“However, nothing’s a hundred percent sure,” Sunset continued, enjoying how Twilight tensed up again. “Even against all odds, anything could happen. And…”

“... And?”

Sunset sighed.

“If the worst comes to worst, I’d rather be home.”


“I’ll still try to become a princess,” Sunset declared. “It is my right and my destiny… But I think I can share the throne with you.”

Twilight blushed. “Uhm…”

Sunset looked down, and smiled at the sight of Twilight’s dick hardening again. “Now, Princess. You have two options.” She reached out and grabbed that dick, eliciting a delicious gasp.

“W-What options?”

“You can let me be on top,” she breathed out, getting worked up at what she was about to say next. “Or you can take me like your broodmare again.”

Unsurprisingly to Sunset, Twilight's choice was to assert her dominance and mount her once again.

As Sunset reached her third -but definitely not her last- orgasm of the night, she found herself thinking of Trixie.

And she wondered if her strange portal magic would be able to reach her in Equestria.