Next Stop - Tinyville

by Deer Poni

First published

iAlone in the bed, in an unfamiliar room; a Tiny Twilight is waking up, a mere foot tall. What will the life of TwiTiny be like, in the home she had just found herself in? Is she alone, or will she be making friends?

A Tiny Twilight is waking up, a mere foot tall. Alone in the bed, in an unfamiliar room.

A moment of exploration follows, establishing where she is.

Is she alone, or is there any one else in town? How will she make it, or will she fail?

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Fair Warning; ..

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Illustrated by: ??
Written by: Deer Poni
Edited by: Deer Poni
Re-edited by: CleanSweep Chapters: 01, 02
Re-edited by: Scout Feather Chapters: 03,

Alone: 1

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The room is dark, as I wake up. Maybe this should have been expected?

I can’t see anything, in the dark; but at least, I am in my bedroom. At first, it does feel as if it had been my bed.

I crack up my eyes, but it is still just as dark as before; I still can’t see anything.

The bed-linen is smooth silk, just as I recall from last night. My bed-linen, a comfortable lavender.

With a yawn, I relax; trying to remain calm, hoping Celestia will be raising her sun soon.

While I have a window in the room, but I can see no light coming into the room from outside; however, the light comes from overhead in but a few minutes.

First now, I can get a glance; slowly, I can make out the contours of the room. At least, at a first glance; it appears to be my bedroom, from all I can see in the state I am in. I had just woken up, after all. My recollection of the night before may be a little bit fuzzy on the edges, for some reason.

I fold up a corner of my quilt towards the wall, slipping a hoof out from under the quilt.

The room is still chilly and cool, soon starting to warm up; just as I can see the room slowly lighting up, permitting me to see more of the details of the room I am just waking up in. My room? For now, I still do hold out a sliver of hope that it is my home; that I am still in my bed, in the room where I had fallen asleep the other night. I am alone. I sigh.

As I look up, I see the LED starscape as if it had been the night sky covered with the stars I could have seen as I go out. It just is not the Equestrian night sky I had grown up with. Curious, Luna is the first constellation I can make out, out of the sea of stars in the sky over my bed.

Luna would have loved this..” I ponder, as I notice the beautifully recreated starscape overhead.

Furthermore, I soon realize; the walls are laid with Oak-wood panels; making me think of home, as I lived in the Golden Oak Library as I moved to Ponyville. This memory brings a tear to my eye, all the memories of home welling up before my eyes as if it had been yesterday.

Curious..” I ponder; ”while I recall living in a living oak tree; I never had wooden panels, like this!” I continue.

With that, I slide my hind hooves out from under the quilt; sliding down onto the floor, finding myself standing on my own four hooves.

”Clip, clop!” is heard, as my hind hooves are hitting the floor.

I have my nightstand to the right side of my bed, (the bed I had presumably slept in all night and where I had just woken up) just as I have the twin sliding doors to the two wardrobes on the hoof-end of the room. Other than that, the room is empty and void. Spartan, of you will.

The night stand, just as the frame of my bed, has been lacquered in order to preserve the oak wood they had been crafted out of -- leaving the surface glossy and smooth to the touch. While the surface of the polished oak wood is polished to a smooth finish and lacquered to a high gloss – it is still exuding a clear and highly recognizable scent of the oak I recall from home in the library.

”Oh..” I snicker.

At first, I had failed to notice where the door out of the room is, just as I had failed to pick up on how to open the door.

Only after I had stepped out of my bed, as my eyes had adjusted to the light; I notice the hexagonal black rubbery surface bordering the door frame. I step up to the plaque, tentatively lifting up my right fore hoof; gently pressing the frog of the hoof onto the plaque, only for me to feel the warmth underhoof as the door slides up before me.

”Oh..” I snicker; “this is new, but it still feels good!” I ponder.

Of course, the plaque had been placed in exactly the right spot; for me to reach it comfortably, so I can open the door to the room behind the door. The living room, of course. Or, would you call it a sitting room? Either way, it is the room I find behind the door.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I trot over the floor.

Once the door slides up, I step over the threshold; only for the door to slide shut behind me, just as I had cleared the threshold. Once the door had slid shut behind me, a fan quietly starts to rev up to ventilate my bedroom; in order to replenish the fresh air while I am not in the room, so I will have oxygen when I go to bed.

While I guess this should not have come as a shock to me; but the floor had been laid with oak wood parquet, polished smooth and lacquered to a high gloss finish I find comforting under my hooves. (Something I picture Rarity appreciating) The same flooring as I have in the rest of my home, except for the Mare’s room, shower and cloaking room of course.

Naturally, I had ended up on a balcony, overlooking the living room itself. Genuine, solid oak wood; polished and lacquered, just as I should have been expecting. It seems to be the pattern, or theme of my home, after all. How could I possibly be complaining, when it is reminding me of my old home in the Golden Oak Library? Even if it is giving me a short and delightful pang of nostalgia I just can not put a hoof upon, right now.

While the building had been destroyed, by the Centaur Tirek; the tree dead, on the account of just how much damage it had taken. I shed a few tears, as I am reminded of the loss.

I had lost so much, so many memories that fateful day; yet, I had managed to save, what is closest to my heart. Both Spike, my Nr. one Assistant and Owlowiscious, the Owl had come out of it unscathed and unharmed. The tree could not be saved, but at least something of it had been salvaged in the end.

I was given a new library, in my new castle; with room for so many more books than I had had before. I have none of these here, with me now. Just as I have none with me here, now. None of my friends.

At least, I had come out unharmed, I have a home and a roof over my head.

I am alive.

Maybe I can meet new Ponies, and make new Friends. Just as I may yet see my friends again? Will I? At least, I have hope.

I had managed to stop, before I ran into the railing of the balcony. It reaches up just an inch over my shoulders.

Had I taken another step, would the railing have stopped me. Preventing me to fall over, so I would have fallen down onto the floor below. I do not want to think of it, my memories are hurting enough; without considering, how I would have fared if I had fallen down onto the floor below.

To the left, I have the Mare’s room and the shower in turn. For now, I ignore both of these facilities on the account of not needing to use either, right now.

To the right, I find the flight of stairs down to the ground floor and my living room.

Before me, I can clearly see room for three now empty flower-boxes. I could plant something in these, any time I so please; once I had decided on what I want to see in them, once I had found something.

From what I can see, I have a total of four bedrooms; two on this side, and two on the other side. Both sides appear to be identical, just that they are mirror versions.

Each door has a black plaque on the right; with which I can control the door, aside from the light in the room.

”Clip, clop; clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I am trotting down the flight of stairs to the ground floor under my bed room.

I have my kitchen directly under my bed room; just as I have another flight of stairs down to the basement.

There is a three-seated cinematic sofa on the side of the living room under my shower and Mare’s room. Opposing the sofa, I can clearly see a black sofa. In horror, I find it looking as if it had been black Leather. Thankfully, I soon realize it is just black Silicone. No poor cow has died in order to cover the sofa I have in my living room. I sigh in relief. Moo-Ella comes to mind, and I see her face as I am looking at the sofa I had been given.

Pinkie Pie and Rarity would not have been pleased, had this indeed been a Leather sofa. Neither would Applejack, I am quite certain. Fluttershy would have been furious, outright Livid.

Neither of them are here, with me right now; but that changes exactly nothing, on this account.

While I may love the peace and quiet, for my reading and studies; but right now, it is still far too quiet for my liking. What I would not have been giving, for just a little bit of noise in the background; so I don’t have to feel alone and lonely. Nothing I can do anything about, right now, however.

Since I had just woken up, I would enjoy something to eat; I still do need my breakfast, even if I am alone.

”Clippity.. clop, clop!” is heard, as I end up on the ground floor, in front of the stairs up to the second floor.

After the sudden stop, before the stairs; I scan the room before me. Aside from the door to the cloaking room and kitchen, I find the cinematic sofa before me. How could I possibly miss it?

”Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I am trotting over to my cinematic sofa; promptly plopping down onto the first seat, enjoying a moment in the comfort it is offering.

While I sit in the sofa, I soon find the hidden space; hiding the fridge, containing Sparkle Cola and Rad Cola in plastic bottles I eagerly extract a bottle of Sparkle Cola, uncapping it as I levitate it out of the fridge; before I lift the bottle to my mouth, taking a swig and sip on the cool, fizzy beverage.

“Aah!” I sigh; “It's not the delightful tea, but at least my throat is no longer dry and I can stave off that early morning headache..” I ponder.

< --- --- --- >

Home: 2

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“Aah!” I exclaim; as I put the bottle down onto the table, before me.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop..” is heard, as I am trotting over to the kitchen door.

As I reach the door, I am lifting up my right fore hoof; extending it to the door and the door slides up as I gently press the frog of my hoof onto the warm surface of the plaque. I feel the squishy quality of the mate black Silicone, as I press my hoof down; actively opening the door; before I retract my hoof and step into my kitchen in order to prepare my breakfast.

Just as the door had slid shut quietly behind me as I stepped out of my bedroom; now it had slid shut behind me, just as I had cleared the threshold as I step into my kitchen.

Curious..” I ponder.

I can’t recall my doors closing behind me before. Why in the name of Celestia would they do that now? I have no idea. Doors never closed themselves behind any pony before. Certainly not, in tiny Ponyville.

Back home in the Ponyville I remember: one never had to bother even locking the door, when going out.

The way the village I know as Ponyville had developed; you just knock on the door, and the Pony opens if she is home. An alternative never had been established. Establishing new ideas, takes initiative; but back when the Apples had established themselves and their orchard, there had never been a need. Why bother now?

Just because new ponies had moved in, making it into a village?

< --- --- --- >


After breakfast; I had felt an urge, to go out in the fresh air. To feel Celestia’s sun warming me up. Like I had always enjoyed it. The way it should be, and how it had been since time immemorial.

Like all other ponies, and every pony before me; I am a creature of the light, a creature of the day.

Unlike most other Ponies, I am more of the indoors creature; the Egghead, the book horse as it were. Not that my head is round or overly fragile compared. Just saying. However, I do love my books. Maybe, just maybe; I never was all that social a Pony to begin with.

I like to be alone, enjoying the company of a good book. Books do not betray you, or tease you.

Like most adult ponies, I am a mare; just as I had been born as a filly. Of course, this never bothered me before, why should it?

Being a pony; I have a coat of fur, short as it may be. It covers my entire body, keeps me warm even in the coldest of weather. Not that this prevents ponies from having clothes; mostly protective clothes for their line of work, or as a fashion statement of course.

I like to be a simple pony, I do not need to wear clothes all the time. Why bother? It’s just such a hassle to keep up with.

If I had wanted to make a fashion statement, I could style my mane or dye it?

However; right now I am alone, so none would even notice it in the first place.

As much as I may love to stay indoors, keeping to myself; I still need a pinch of fresh air outdoors, as well as stretching my legs. Just a little bit of adventure, outdoors.

Apparently, my bookshelves are empty. I will have to go out, in order to stock up on the books I need. Just as I may have to go out, in order to acquire or purchase whatever I like to eat, in the coming days.

While I may still have some food in the kitchen, my kitchen; but I will have to get more, fresh food soon enough.

Since I had had my breakfast, this would be the perfect opportunity to go out to see what is outside.

I trot over to the door, to my cloaking room; lifting up my right fore hoof and extend it towards the plaque by the door, pressing the frog of my hoof gently onto the smooth surface. The door eagerly slides up quietly before me, before I step out of my living room; only for the door to slide shut quietly behind me, just as I had cleared the threshold. I barely notice, as I scan the space of the room I had just entered.

“Oh..” I exclaim.

Naturally the walls had been laid with the same oak-wood panel as the rest of my home. The first difference I notice, is the deep purple crystal the floor had been laid with; not individual tiles, but just an inch of Amethyst.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop..” I hear with each individual hoof-fall.

Just as in my bedroom, the ceiling is coated with mate black Silicone holding the starscape in place. If I look up; I can see the recreation of my night-sky, such as it would have been if not for the sun of Celestia flooding the sky, with light all day. In this manner; the room is warmly lit, with bright light from the instant the door opens for me and until it is closed behind me, as I step out of the room.

To my right; I find the shoe-rack, cloak-rack, hat-rack and even an umbrella-rack. Just as I had been expecting, I have neither a hat nor an umbrella. Why would I need these?

“Whatever could I possibly need the hat-rack or umbrella-rack for?” I groan; “but I guess I could use shoes, from that shoe-rack?” I ponder, somewhat bemused by the excessive decorations in the cloaking room. (Maybe Rarity could have appreciated these, but I only find it pointless and excessive.)

Curiously enough, however; I do have a set of stainless steel outdoors shoes, as well as a pair of crystal-clear Silicone shoes for indoors use. Likewise I have a pair of Glossy black Silicone boots for outdoors use, onto which I can put a set of shoes onto, if and when I so desire.

If it is raining, I could always throw up a shield and stay dry. That would be the end of it.

Since it is not even Nightmare Night, I don’t have that old costume out. However, I do have a wardrobe in which to store all my out of season clothes. This is still empty, for some reason; maybe due to me being new, in Tinyville.

Of course, I had not even realized I am in Tinyville; believing I am in Ponyville, even if my home is a bit off the mark. But alas, why should I let that get to me? For now, I have all I need to survive the day.

I may be a bit lonely and bored, on the account of Spike, Owlowiscious and all my books are unaccounted for. But I will make it. I have food in the kitchen and a roof over my head.

While I am alone, but from what I had gathered; it should be a perfectly fine day, for me to go out. Just as I am used to, in Ponyville; where Rainbow Dash is heading the weather-team, or singlehoofedly clears the sky in ten seconds flat if she is in the mood.

Every Pony knows she is lazy, even when most Ponies are ignoring this; so long as the sky is cleared on time, and the required rain comes in on time for when it is needed. I rarely had a reason to complain, and no Pony else had either.

Since the weather is supposed to be fine, I want to go out for a dash of fresh air; with that, I am raising my right hoof to the plaque by the door. I feel the smooth rubber under the frog of my hoof as I gently apply the pressure to open the door; only for the door to slide up before me and I step out, while the door slides shut behind me just as I had cleared the threshold.

“Clip, clop; clip, clop!” is heard, as I am stepping out and onto the porch outside.

Hexagonal, purple Crystal tiles are laid tightly, covering the ground all the way up to a fence appearing to be Pi foot tall in my current size.

I have a slanted Crystal-clear roof overhead, covering the entire porch; permitting the light of Celestia's sun to shine down on me, where I am standing a step outside the outer door of my home. Even through the transparent roof, the sunshine is warming me. I find it warming my heart and soul, from the moment I step out, enjoying the fine Tinyvillian weather.

Why complain?

The only shadow on my porch, is the shadow of the walls supporting the ceiling.

I can clearly see the path from my porch, leading all the way out to the street before my home.

As I am looking down the path towards the street, I can clearly see a line of deep purple Peonies lining the path on the right and left. Otherwise, the lawn on the front is luscious, deep green grass.

On a side-note; I have a large rose-bush on the right and left of my porch, both sporting large, red blossoms with a pleasant scent. I momentarily stop, sniffing the air to enjoy the experience. Well, why not? I do enjoy the scent of the roses to the right and left of my porch.

“Curious..” I ponder; “but I guess I can enjoy this!” I continue.

While the realization is bothering me, as it hit home; this is not the home I had grown to love in my old hometown of Ponyville. Yet; at least, it seems to be a lovely home I can create pleasant memories at.

Just because this is not the home I knew, does not mean it could not be my home. I can still enjoy my life here; all the while, I ponder how I had gotten to this place.

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