> Looks Like the Fabric of Reality is Broken Again > by Dashie04 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Looks Like the Fabric of Reality is Broken Again > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I have a special delivery… it’s meant to go to a… ‘Berry Pouch’ is it?” Berry Punch looked at the devoted mailmare, who was currently squinting at a piece of crumpled paper. “Well, to start off, my name is Berry Punch, not Berry Pouch. Derpy, how many times have we talked to each other?” Derpy shook her head violently, disturbing her matted hair. “Sorry, I get lost sometimes. Is it the second, third, sixth?” “Derpy, you usually deliver my mail. I’ve let you in on multiple occasions.” Berry coerced her in, letting Derpy take the package in. “Why do you let me in anyways?” Derpy mentioned. “Because you need a rest sometimes. How long do you do your shifts?” “All day, usually?” “See, that’s why I let you in.” Derpy collapsed to the ground. “Let me make some not-vegetable punch,” Berry signified. “What? Don’t you just call it—“ “Shh,” Berry shhed. Derpy blinked her eyes one at a time. “I can’t say—“ “Stop. They’re watching us, judging us.” “Berry, have you had too many drinks again?” “Perhaps, but also. I think this one holds water, everything’s just felt a bit… off, recently.” Berry conspired. “What? It seems normal to me?” “Never mind that. It would.” Berry put in not-vegetables of all kinds, such as apples, pears, and lemons, before mixing it all together.  “Add some alcohol, because no punch is good without alcohol.” The pink mare making fruit punch said. “Is the… not-vegetable punch done yet?” the cross-eyed mare asked in earnest. The punch-making mare shook her head and blinked rapidly. “What, it’s just a fruit punch now. Hold on, I think I’m getting a call.” The bubbly grey mare tilted her head to the side. “What?” The pink mare walked into the living room holding a telephone. “Hold on, yes Mom, I’m doing just fine in my studies. Yes, I’m working on culinary studies! Nothing’s good without alcohol. I was just making some fruit punch for my cute houseguest. No! I’m not straight, I don’t want a stallion.” The cute houseguest watched with a mild fear as her punch-serving pink friend got more heated. “Um— B—“ The pink mare threw the phone on the floor. “I hate her. Why’d she have to call me now? I’ll telling you… bubbly mare. Something’s off.” “But my name…” “Is for all intents and purposes, gone. I swear, if that annoying draconequus is behind this—. The animal lady lets him out for a few minutes and he destroys the fabric of reality.” “Animal lady?” the bubbly grey mare asked. “You know, her. She runs the sanctuary outside Ponyville.” “Oh!” the bubbly mare responded with a sudden smile on her face. “Fl—“ “No! Come on, houseguest. We need to get to the bottom of this.” The bubbly mare smiled once again. “Sounds like fun, let’s have an adventure. My boss just needs to give me the day off.” “By the laws of whatever’s going on, you have the day off.” The grey mare suddenly looked downcast. “But how will all the ponies get their mail?” “Come on!” The pink host shouted. The two left the culinary major’s house and started a mad dash down to the animal sanctuary. It wasn’t very far, all things considered, but by the end of it, Derpy was buzzing with joy, and Berry was showing visible signs of exhaustion. “Here we are! The animal sanctuary!” Derpy gleamed. “I love this place! Do you think they’ll have elephants?” “I’m sure they will Derpy.” “Hey, you remembered my name!” Berry sighed, and walked up to the check-in desk, which was housed in a big glass building where you could clearly see all the animals. “I’d like to see Fluttershy,” Berry Punch huffed. “Last I checked, she was with Discord. “Of course!” Berry screeched. “Calm down, I’m sure I’ll be able to phone her.” The receptionist started dialing on a rotary phone that sat on the desk. “Oh, it’s for you, Berry!” “Hell if it is, just call Fluttershy. Something’s not right.” The receptionist immediately redialed the phone. Meanwhile, Derpy was enamored with all the animals. “Oh, I love them so much. Can we come back here someday, Berry? See all the animals?” Berry Punch smiled. “Sure, Derpy, as soon as this blows over.” “Yay!” Derpy cheered. In the meantime, the receptionist was calling Fluttershy. “Yeah, they want to see you.” As if it was planned, Fluttershy phased into existence right next to Derpy and Berry. “Hello, Derpy, Berry Punch. What did you want to see me for?” “Something’s off, and I think Discord is behind it.” Berry Punch scolded. “Oh? Well, he should feel ashamed. He said he was going to show me a cool trick, I asked him not to interfere with the Equestria dimension. Let me get this sorted.” Fluttershy disappeared like the eldritch horror she spends a concerning amount of time with; and Derpy and Berry punch stood still dumbfounded. “Can we see the animals now?” Derpy chittered.  “I’m sure the solution isn’t very far away Fluttershy should be getting Discord under control now.” “Is it just me or are you talking a little fast?” Derpy inquired. Berry Punch growled. “I just want a normal day in Ponyville.” “Oh.” Derpy sighed. “Ponyville’s really weird sometimes. When you're living like this; the way out is to accept it.” “I know. No drink fixes it; though.” “Don’t drink. Embrace the crazy!” “That might be the most sensible thing you’ve said all day.” Derpy laughed. “So; are you ready to call it a day?” “Let’s head back to my place.” Just then; Fluttershy phased into existence once again. Derpy jumped. Berry rolled her eyes. “We made a deal. He’s going to stop messing with the fabric of reality soon. After the tea party’s over.” “How long will that take?” Berry muttered. “It’s going to take a bit. I think. Sorry if I get it wrong.” Fluttershy once again phased back into the chaos dimension. “Wanna head back to my house and ride this out?” Derpy nodded fervently. “You said you were making… not-vegetable punch?” “Fruit punch. You can call it fruit punch. I think.” “You still have your mother on the other side, Miss.” The grey mare and the pink mare looked at each other. The receptionist gave the phone to the pink one. “It’s for you.” “I told you, Mom. I don’t want to settle down and have a family!” The bubbly pegasus backed away. Meanwhile in the chaos dimension. “What does a draconequus have to do to have fun around here?” a hybrid creature said. “You could not tear the fabric of reality apart and let ponies live normally?” a yellow pegasus added. “Was making Berry Punch paranoid not funny Fluttershy?”  “That is not how we make friends, Discord.” The yellow pegasus added; sipping her tea. “She couldn’t say Derpy’s name, use commas, or anything of the sort. It’s gleeful chaos! Besides, it had a happy ending, right?” “Discord.” the yellow pegasus scolded. “You need to loosen up sometime, Flutters.” “We don’t give ponies emotional stress for fun.” “Fine, whatever. But hey. She may have been stressed.” Discord looked beyond the dimension into a world, where a girl was typing this on an iPad. “The readers enjoyed it? Right?” The yellow pegasus looked where Discord was looking and saw nothing. “That’s all folks,” the draconequus concluded.