> The Sun Shall Not Rise > by Supernova08 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Eventful Morning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight couldn’t bring herself to leave this state of blissful sleep, cocooned in her warm fleece blankets and having a wonderful dream about organizing Canterlot library. Mornings where Twilight could sleep in were few and far in between, Equestria always seemed to have some new crisis to deal with. Especially if you lived in Ponyville. By now, the citizens of this problem hotspot of a town knew to expect the unexpected. You couldn’t go one day without a new incident, whether it involves a villain attempting to take over Ponyville (seriously, why would you want to take over the town where the ponies most likely to defeat you live?) or some wild creature rampage. Overall, Twilight didn’t have many days where she could afford to sleep past 8. When she did have these rare mornings however, Twilight chose to savor them as much as she savored a good book. Snuggling further into her wonderfully soft pillows, Twilight knew that nothing could ruin such a delightful morning. The sound of frantic footsteps echoed throughout the crystalline hallways. A familiar baby dragon seemed to be in quite the hurry. Twilight, not wanting to give much thought to it, tried to fall into a deeper sleep. “Twilight! Wake-up, quickly!” A bit of scrambling later and her bedroom doors burst open. Well, there goes her plan to sleep in. Twilight yawned, blearily opening her eyes and managing to lift her weary upper body from her comfortable position. Sparkling dots in the sky could be seen from the window. Oddly enough, none of the usual silver moonlight leaked in. Strange, Twilight was sure there had been a full moon last night. “Spike, what’s the matter? What could possibly be happening now? It’s so early the sun isn’t even up yet!” Twilight exclaimed, slightly irritated that whatever problem needed fixing could not wait until after sunrise. “Uh, Twilight? It’s not exactly early…” Spike replied with a slightly perturbed expression on his face. That was not a good sign. Twilight blinked out any remaining bits of post sleep exhaustion and looked over to the clock resting on her crystal night stand. 9:15 am. It took awhile for Twilight to fully register the situation. Twilight gasped. “Sweet Celestia! It’s morning and the sun isn’t up yet!?” Twilight quickly leaped out of bed. “What do we do, what do we do!?” Twilights voice filled with extreme panic, the pauses between her breaths becoming shorter as she began to pace around the room. “This could be one of the hugest threats Equestria has ever seen! What could be strong enough to pull both the sun and the moon out of the sky? Better yet; who could be strong enough to defeat Celestia and Luna?” “Uh, actually, quite a lot of creatures…” Spike added. Twilight levitated a paper bag to her muzzle and began taking deep sharp breaths. Spike, having been around the panicking mare enough times, was not disturbed in the slightest. In fact, he found this rather routine. “Calm down, Twilight! It’s going to be ok. We’ll figure out what’s going on and eventually fix it like we always do,” Spike said in a reassuring voice, “Now take a deep breath and count to ten.” “But! What if-“ “It’s going to be ok. Now, take a deep breath,” Spike reassured. Twilight took in air like she hadn’t breathed in weeks. One or two inhales and exhales later and she was back to her organized self. “Thanks, Spike. You always know how to calm me down at times like this.” Twilight embraced Spike and gave him a nuzzle. “Ok, to the library! I’m sure we’ll find important information in one of the books!” The purple alicorn and baby dragon trotted out of the bedroom and towards the library, certain that they would find an answer explaining anything about the missing celestial beings. Several minutes later “Ugh, we haven’t found anything yet! Not even information about some ancient magical being that may have escaped!” Twilight got up from her seat and did some more pacing. “Think, think, think! What could it be?” Spike carried another pile of books over. “I don’t know… guess we’ll have to do some more digging.” “Hmm…” Twilight murmured, she stuck her muzzle into another book. BAM! A sound similar to that of thunder zipped around the room as the big heavy library doors were burst open with magic. In the wake of all the chaos was a unicorn with a lilac coat and teal streaks in her mane “Twilight!” Starlight called out, she was breathing heavily and some of her mane was disheveled. “WAAH!” Both Spike and Twilight cried out in unison. There faces twisted with surprise. Piles of literature fell from Spike’s claws and the book currently being read by Twilight, had decided to land on her snout. “Oh, uh, sorry about that…” a sheepish expression creeped onto Starlights face as she helped her mentor up. “You probably know this by now but uh, the sun is missing from the sky,” Starlight said, a hint of pink passing over her cheeks. Spike brushed himself off. “Yeah, we’ve noticed by now and have been researching it.” Twilight having fully recovered from the shock, focused her attention back to her book. “Unfortunately, we haven’t really found anything useful yet.” She shook her head and carefully closed her reading material. Another dead end. Twilight looked up at Starlight. “It would be great if you could help; the sooner we find the answer the better.” She started combing through the stack of books. “Sure, I’ll help,” Starlight replied, “Have you already contacted the princesses to see if they are ok?” Twilight paused. The realization hitting with the force of a freight train. “Twilight?” Starlight asked, her eyes narrowed. “You did think to ask the very beings who raise the sun and moon right?” Now it was Twilight’s turn to get sheepish. “Um, totally! Yeah! I definitely sent a scroll to the princesses!” Her wings twitched and her eyes darted around; avoiding Starlight’s gaze. Starlight replied with a flat voice, her mouth moving into a thin line. “Twilight,” she said. The mare in question shuffled her hooves and pawed at the floor. “Heh, heh…” Twilight let out a few of her trademark nervous giggles. Starlight facehoofed. “Why don’t we-“ “Let’s get the others!” Twilight proclaimed. She plucked Spike from the ground with her magic and rushed out the door. “Or we could do that I guess.” Starlight sighed. Exasperated, she quickened her pace to catch up. The guards, though not showing it, were shaking in their boots. Loud clanks, the sound of metal hitting the marble floors, echoed throughout Canterlot castle. A feeling of perpetuating doom swept over servants and guards alike. One very important, very angry, lunar diarch was making her way towards the solar wing. Her gaze icy cold, glaring daggers at any brave soul trying to calm her down. “It is almost ten and my sister is still in bed. We know that she has always liked to play games but this is ridiculous!” Luna’s voice was stern and her words were laced with venom. Any remaining servants in her path quickly got out of the way. Up ahead, two guards wearing polished gold armor were chatting away. Unaware of the ticking time bomb they were dangerously getting close to, they continued like any normal day. “Heh, seems this night will never end,” One of the guards said. “Yeah, who knows when the sun will rise again,” The other replied. Sensing immediate danger, they both looked forward. Their eyes widened as they noticed one of their diarchs approaching. Guard training kicking in, they quickly stood to attention. “G-good morning your majesty! Is there anything we can do for you?” “Is Celestia still in bed?” “Um, yes, we just came from that direction. Her majesty is still currently in bed, no amount of knocking has been able to wake her.” Luna groaned. “Very well,” She said, “Thank thee for thy cooperation.” She carried on her way. The guards visibly relaxed, their muscles releasing any tension. “Phew, that wa-“ A chill ran up there spines as Luna turned around. The guards reacted, standing once again to attention. Once she left, one of the guards sighed. “I swear, one of these days I will die of a heart attack.” “Ah, this is the life.” Celestia sighed in contentment, relaxing on her own peaceful dream beach. The sun shining on her belly, the relaxing smell of salty sea air, and the heart warming sound of bubbly laughter from nearby ponies. Even if it was all a dream, it was still all the more pleasant. It was a wonderful morning, one that she could truly enjoy. After so many years ruling Equestria, she deserved a break right? To the sleeping alicorn, it really was a win, win situation. She could get some well deserved sleep and her little ponies could relax for just a while longer. Eventually, she told herself, eventually she will get up. Just a few more minutes. Suddenly, Celestia felt a jolt of energy. The dream collapsed before her, forcing her back to reality. Celestia’s heart rate increased ever so slightly and she felt her senses flooding back to her. One of Luna’s rousing sleep spells. Diligently opening her eyes, the sleep addled princess was now aware of a commotion happening outside her chamber door. Luna’s spell must have also woken many of the other castle residents if there was this much noise. BAM! The solar chamber was instantly burst open. “SISTER! WHAT IN TARTARUS ART THOU THINKING?” The guards stationed outside of the chambers were trying to restrain the very irritated alicorn. Their efforts are in vain as Luna brushes them off as easily as someone might brush off an insect. Well, it was fun while it lasted, Celestia thinks to herself, highly amused by her little sister’s reactions. Celestia let out a melodious chuckle. “Dear sister, me sleeping in for just a couple more hours then usual is not going to hurt anypony! Besides you’ll see this way it’s better, for the night will last forever!” Celestia continued giggling. “Hey! That’s not funny! We take great offense to that, dear sister!” Luna’s frown only grew as Celestia’s giggles increased in volume. Twilight and friends were currently making good time. They were almost to Sugarcube Corner so they could pick up Pinkie Pie. “So, any ideas?” Twilight asked. Spikes expression changed to one of deep thought. “I dunno, maybe Tirek is back?” “Hmm… I don’t think so, we would have heard of something by now,” Starlight replied, “You know, Twilight, it would be so much easier if you just wrote a letter to the prince-“ “We’re here!” Twilight exclaimed. A drop of sweat rolled off her brow as she desperately tried to change the topic. Starlight rolled her eyes. They approached the door. Lifting a hoof, Twilight said, “Ok! After we gather Pinkie Pie let’s head to-“ “SURPRISE!” Out of the blue, a very pink, very bouncy, ball of energy launched out of Sugarcube corner. “GAH! PINKIE!” Everypony yelled in astonishment. “Hee, hee! Were you surprised? Me and gummy looked out the window to find the sun missing and when we saw you all approaching we just knew Twilight had a plan!” Pinkie Pie bounced around in a circle around the stunned ponies. “So, what’s the super duper awesome plan you have Twilight? Does it involve a party?” Stumbling, Twilight shook herself out of her stupor. “N-not exactly, Pinkie. We simply plan to gather everypony and then head to Canterlot.” Pinkie bounces began to grow higher. “Well that’s not really much of a plan but whatever you say Twilight! Let’s go!” The springy mare proceeded towards Sweet Apple Acres. “Wha-hey! It is very much a plan, thank you very much!” Twilight yelled. She cantered after Pinkie with Starlight in tow. “Sooo… what do you think? Is the princess gonna wake up anytime soon?” The guard finished polishing her helmet. “Nah, we’ll probably have to go without the sun for a day. Or is it night?” The guard’s partner scratched his chin. “I don’t know anymore. Equestria has just gotten crazier and crazier every year.” “We don’t get paid enough for this.” Though the sun was down, the apple siblings still woke up early to tend to the orchard. Gathering bucket after bucket of apples. About to buck another tree, Applejack noticed the ponies approaching. “Hey ya’ll,” she said, “What’s up with the sky?” “That’s what we came here for,” Twilight said. “Care to come with us?” Starlight followed up. Several moments later and the collection of a skittish pegasus “So, Rarity and then Rainbow,” Twilight announced. She knocked on the door to the Carousel Boutique. “I’ll bet Rarity is just as beautiful in the morning as she is during the daytime,” Spike fantasized. Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. “Oh hush, you. Everypony already knows about your infatuation for Rarity. Look, here she comes now.” The doors to the boutique slowly creaked open. It was dark and hard to see inside of the building. Twilight leaned in for a closer look. She was met with a startling image of a greenish, grumpy monster. Mane frazzled, clumps of green paste sticking to her coat. Simply speaking, it was not an image easy on the eyes. “AAAH!” Everypony - save Pinkie and Spike -recoiled in fear, trying to get away from this oddly familiar creature. “Hee, hee, hee!” Pinkie let out her signature laugh. Spike swooned. “I knew it! Ah, just as beautiful as ever Rarity.” One pony left It had taken nearly half an hour but they had finally located the cloud being used as a bed by the colorful maned flier. “Rainbow! Rainbow wake up!” Twilight hollered. She had been at this for quite awhile; none of her attempts at waking Rainbow Dash up had proven successful. “Twilight.” Applejack placed a hoof on the anxious mare’s shoulder; she held up a rope. “Let me handle this.” “Huh? Hey!” “Sister, for the last time, thou must get up! The sun needs raising!” Luna yelled. “Just spare me five more minutes, Luna. The sun can wait,” Celestia said. She laid back down and covered her head with her sheets. Luna groaned, her annoyance growing in size. “We should have stayed on the moon.” “Ok girls, everypony ready?” Twilight asked. All ponies plus Spike nodded. “Alright! Just let me ready the teleport.” Twilights horn lit up with a magenta glow. The air crackled around the group and in a flash of light, they were gone. POP “Who even cares if the sun rises?” Celestia mumbled, trying once again to find sleep. “What!? Sister! Everypony cares do they not?” Luna shouted. Celestia let out a defeated a sigh. “Oh well, up with the sun then.” She pulled back the covers. “They can’t let a princess sleep in for just one morning it seems.” Luna’s face turned to one of disbelief. “Sleep in? It is nearly ten sister! We think thou has slept in for quite enough time now.” Celestia retorted, “Hey! I think I should get a break every now and then!” Luna facehoofed. “Really sister,” She said in a flat voice, “It is thy calling.” “We’ll, we could always have you raise the sun for awhile, you know, to make up for lost time?” Celestia, now fully out of bed, was wearing quite the mischievous grin. Luna’s eyes widened, her voice filled with a slight panic. “WHAT!? How can thou say such a thing!?” Celestia sighed again, then chuckled. Her grin never leaving for a moment. “Fine, fine, you win. Perhaps it is childish for me to be acting like this. Heh, at least it’s still morning you know!” Luna was not having it today. “Thou art too old for this.” POP A rainbow of colors exploded in the room. The scene was equivalent to a paint store being thrown upside down and the lids of each canister flying off. Mares of every color of the rainbow appeared out of thin air, the only exception being Spike. Unfortunately for him, he had the wonderful luck of landing in Celestia’s mane. “BAH!” Luna cried in surprise. She was buried by a pile of pastel ponies. A hundred moans of displeasure came from around the room as ponies lay on the ground, exhausted and bewildered. “Really, Twilight?” Several unamused voices groaned. “Uh, heh, heh, heh,” Twilight giggled nervously. “Sorry about that.” Starlight lifted her head up from her less than graceful position. “You should’ve just written the letter.”