DJ P0n3

by BDassassin1994

First published

The life and struggles of being a famous DJ

The life of everypony's favorite DJ, The famous Vinyl Scratch. This is my first fic and very much a work in progress, any constructive criticism is appreciated


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DJ P0n-3


The cavernous space was pitch black. The air felt heavy as she slowly silently breathed it in. Suddenly a deep thud sounded, followed by the sound of something scraping back, calling to mind images of a great siege bow being fired seemingly at the darkness itself. This continued for a moment, then the first sound was joined by another, slightly higher and slightly after the first. As a third set was added to the a soft glow from her horn lit up the unicorns mirrored teal goggles, as more were added until six of the bows fired at once, then quiet again. This time a faint static broke the silence a fraction of a second before the laser lights came on with a fast techno beat. The rave resumed as if there had never been a pause, as if the famous DJ P0n-3 was no different than the local talent that had opened for her. This is what she loved, what she lived for, playing music that she loved and that the people loved. In her mind it didn't matter how famous she was, how much she was getting payed for this, the world outside the pulsing club just faded from existence. Until the bass faded she was an immortal goddess holding her court. After that however....

Vinyl awoke the next day in some-ponies bed, placing her iconic shades back on before the sun could assault her eyes. She could hear them in the shower and decided that this would make an excellent moment to leave. She made her way soundlessly out of the house, just as she had done every morning (or afternoon, it tended to blur together) since she had started this tour 4 months ago. As soon as she was on her private train car heading for her next show in Celestia-knows-where she started counting down the minutes till she was playing again, until she was the goddess of the stage ruling her own kingdom of the club once more.

It continued like this for a few more weeks, nothing breaking the series of concerts, one night stands, and hangovers that were her life through the tours. Finally she came to her last show in a sleepy little town called Ponyville. As the roadies were setting up Vinyl surveyed the town and came to the conclusion that tonight would be a great night. Making her way back to the tent where the rave was being hosted and seeing the ponies lined up for it she felt a chill go from the tip of her horn to the base of her tail. In a few short hours these ponies would become her faithful subjects for the night.

Chapter 1

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DJ P0n-3

Chapter 1

Vinyl entered behind 6 mares that were obviously close friends.

“Its bigger on the inside,” said an orange earth pony.

Vinyl smiled slightly at the look of awe in their faces, then looking closer at the group of friends chuckled softly to herself. Two of each kind of pony, it was like something out of a add that was trying a little too hard to be politically correct. Still, she recognized one of them. Suddenly, she realized where she had seen the blue pegasus pony before. She was the one that saved one of the wonderbolts, and had recently been added to their ranks as their youngest member in history, she had also been part of the group that turned the gala into a real party for a little while. Vinyl made a mental note to herself too look for her once the party got started.


The 3rd DJ of the night started playing, picking up seamlessly where the last had left off. This would be the last one before the famous DJ P0n-3 would take the stage. Vinyl wandered through the crowd. She had danced with the purple unicorn she had come in behind for the first DJ’s set. After that, she had grabbed a drink and danced through the crowd with anypony she could get her hooves on. Finally, after the barrage of dance partners, she set on the side of the tent, sipping this local concoction called “Manticore energy”. It gave her a surprising amount of energy very quickly, and before she knew it she was ready to get out there and start dancing again. It was then that she noticed Rainbow, sitting a few feet from her. Finishing her drink in one big gulp, she walked over to the sky-blue pony and whispered in her ear,

“How ‘bout a dance?” asked Vinyl.

Dash turned and looked into Vinyl’s magenta eyes and slowly nodded as he wings unfurled slightly. She blushed slightly then followed Vinyl onto the dance floor.

All too soon, it was Vinyl’s turn to step onto the stage. She slipped behind the curtain and slipped her trademark amethyst goggles on. The stage went black and DJ P0n-3 stepped up to the turntables as the other DJ stepped back. Almost instantly the stage exploded with light and sound, P0n-3 played a song that infused the entire room with an overabundance of energy, filled with sweeping highs dropping to teeth chattering lows; all the while the laser lights above her exploding in rainbows. Dash stood in awe in the center of the dance floor, the song feeling like it embodied her. Near the end of the piece, Rainbow finally put two and two together and realized that the strange mare she had been dancing with, that she had felt such a connection with, was the infamous DJ P0n-3.


After her set was over P0n-3 gave way back to Vinyl as she searched for Dash. She wasn't sure why but she felt like she wanted to be around her more than anypony else at that moment. After having a couple drinks attempting to find Rainbow she gave up and started flirting with anypony who would buy her a drink.


Another morning (probably), another bed, her hangover was worse than usual. Instantly, she looked around to see any hints as to whose home she might be in, foalishly hoping that it might be Dash’s. But of course this was not the case. It looked to be the home of some unicorn pony that she didn't recognize. Vinyl slipped out and went downtown for lunch in the only restaurant in Ponyville. She was looking up thinking about Dash as she noticed a rainbow appear, even though there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Interested she followed it to where it met the ground to find the pegasus she had been so intently thinking about setting in a small crater, looking a little worse for the wear, but not seriously injured. Obviously still dazed from the fall she just took Dash shook her head.

“Oh hey Rarity I like what you did with your har...... OhMyGosh your not Rarity, please tell me you didn't just see me eat it.” said Rainbow Dash. Then a look of realization spread across her face as she recognized Vinyl’s tell-tale magenta eyes. “OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH. I know you. I danced with you last night, then when you played that song, I realized that you were DJ P0n-3 and that I had danced with you and that I.... Uhhh. Hey what are you doing all the way out here?” She asked obviously changing the subject.

“ I just saw a rainbow come out of nowhere and decided to give it a look. I was hoping to find something silly like a pot of gold but instead I found the Rainbow. Speaking of, are you alright you look like you hit pretty hard?” asked Vinyl

“Ya I’m fine,” said Rainbow, “I just got a little too lost in thought and by the time I realized how low I was I couldn't pull up.” “

Oh? Just what were you thinking about?”

“Just something that happened last night.”

“I was hoping that you enjoyed that set. I added something special just for you.” Vinyl said winking slyly.

“Wait. So you actually did play that for me?”

Vinyl blushed slightly, “well actually its more like I made it for you.”

“You..... you made that for me? Like right there on the spot?”

“Hehe ya, its not as hard as it sounds, the disks I use are made so they can change however you want them too when you use magic on them. One of the benefits of being a unicorn DJ. I was kinda looking for you after the show to see if you liked it.”

“I was looking for you too,” Dash responded, “but I saw you at the bar surrounded by all those ponies buying you drinks and figured you were too busy to talk to me.”

“Ha! Me too busy to talk to you? Your the Rainbow Dash, your like the most famous mare in Equestria, wadda ya say you let me buy you lunch?” Vinyl asked.

“On one condition,” Dash said, “You don’t let anyone know you saw me crash.”
