> Glimmering Saviour > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Desert Saviour > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today, you decided to go for a nice walk on the beach. You enjoyed the relative solitude of this place. There were indeed people around, but they were few and far between. They were busy doing their own thing. Luckily, it was early in the morning, so large crowds had yet to gather to enjoy the sunshine. You wore a short sleeve white t-shirt, light blue shorts, and white sneakers. You sighed in bliss as the cool sea breeze blew against the exposed skin of your legs and arms. You could hear the soothing clash of waves hitting the seaside. However, it was somewhat spoiled by hearing the occasional seagull screaming in the distance.  You closed your eyes and sighed happily. But then, you felt the cool sea air seemingly fade away to be replaced with a much warmer wind. Not to mention, it became deathly quiet. When you opened your eyes again, you saw an endless sea of sand stretching out before you.  It seems you have travelled all the way to something like the Sahara Desert somehow. The blazing heat of the sun now bore down on you. The temperature drastically increased here. You found yourself already beginning to sweat. Your clothes were insignificant to protect yourself from the elements. What's worse, you only intended to go for a short walk. So you figured you didn't need sun cream. But now, you clearly did need some. You don’t know how you got here. All you know is if you don’t find civilization, you're going to die out here. Aimlessly, you wandered the desolate landscape. You found nothing of note. Just coarse, orange sand, that’s all there was. Some hills of sand were larger than others, but that was just about it. The landscape overall was featureless. Just sand everywhere. You walked… walked… walked… and walked endlessly. But like before, all you found was sand. There was literally nothing here but sand, and more sand. You hated sand. It's coarse and rough and gets everywhere. You were wincing in pain as you felt your skin scorched by the sun. You were developing sunburn, which will gradually get worse if you don't find shelter in this land of sand.  You are not sure if you will survive the night. For you knew deserts were freezing cold at night. Just then, you found something looming over the horizon. It appeared to be some sort of tower in the distance. This gave you a small morsel of hope. At the very least, you could take shelter from the sun and potentially find some supplies to help you survive the situation you found yourself in. You made your way to the tower. But when you did, you wished you never went this way. You found the skeletal remains of a human outside. It appeared he died here. This filled you with dread. The sand stone tower was a false hope; at least that is what it seemed at first glance. There happened to be a beacon at the top of the tower. While it doesn’t currently have any fuel, the possibility of this beacon could alert somebody to your aid invigorates you. You take a minute to carefully analyse your surroundings, looking for anything that can be used as fuel.  You found some rather strange multi-coloured crystals inside the tower, laying at the bottom of a staircase. They were rather jagged and glowed with a faint light. No bigger than a tennis ball each. You decided to ignore them and make your way up the stairs. You are not sure what those crystals could be useful for your situation. The staircase was in relatively good condition. Only small cracks here and there. You weren’t too afraid of it suddenly collapsing. The next thought to come across your mind is whether there was a source of water. Humans can survive for three days without water, but no longer than that! A ghostly voice entered your mind. “Don’t go up there. It’s a trap. I am the one you saw outside.” “What?” you asked, the voice. “Is a trap made by some sort of bandit group. I heard the ringing of a bell. And then these strange horses showed up and murdered me. Even though I had no valuables on me.” “How are you speaking to me beyond the grave?” “I don’t know. There appears to be magic in this land. I cannot pass on. My soul is trapped in this tower. I know since one of the horse people ‌who murdered me was angry that I had no magical trinkets on me.” Hearing the voice of a ghoul brought terror to your already tired and stressed mind. You wanted no more of this and focused now on trying to calm yourself down. “You better leave quickly. They like to patrol this region. They will surely kill you if you are seen! I succumbed to mortality, but you have a chance! GO!”   Reluctantly, you left the tower. It was false hope. Not only did you have the elements to worry about, you also had violent thugs out here.  Hours passed, you travelled aimlessly through the desert. You could hardly walk, your vision became blurry, and you felt the pangs of hunger and thirst. Your legs had become shaky, and you soon collapsed on the coarse sand in a heap. You groaned in pain as sharp sand dug into your flesh. You felt the light trickling of blood onto the sand, and you became lightheaded. This was it. The end. What’s worse, you heard clopping hooves approaching. It seemed you were about to be murdered by some bandit. Moments before your mortal body became no more, you noticed that the horses didn’t have any humans mounted atop them, and they were colourful. That seems odd, doesn’t it? “Don’t just stand there, help him,” spoke a woman’s… errr… mare’s voice. “But what if he’s—” came a young male’s squeaky voice, before being cut off. You heard a female voice groan in annoyance. “He’s so small! He can’t be dangerous.” You then saw a pair of huge Persian blue eyes looking down at you. “Hey there, little guy. Do you need help?” she asked softly.  You attempted to speak, your voice was far too raspy. The mare brought a dull grey flask to your lips, which was wrapped in a mysterious light blue glow. The mare tilted the flask a little so it could go down into your mouth. Steadily, a gentle stream of water cascaded out of the flask. It was almost as if the laws of physics work differently here. Your face should be splashed with water. The mare turned to the two other equines accompanying her, and poses a question: “The code hasn’t permitted this in aeons, but we must act! Council vote! Do we adopt ‘riding’ protocol to save a life?” The lilac pony said to her compatriots. Virtually all of them hummed in agreement. “Yes,” came a deep male voice among the group. “We can’t leave this poor fellow to die. I’m not sure if he can even walk.” You felt a tingling sensation across the entirety of your body. You saw your body was glowing with a light blue glow. You were promptly lifted into the air, and gently placed down upon the back of your would be saviour.  You shuddered at the softness of her fur against your bare skin. You found yourself panicking a little, as you could not suppress petting her with glee. She felt like the softest pillow in your room as a child, and even softer, still! Without a word, the group made to move on, carrying you through the desert to what you assumed would be safety. You could not really focus on the pleasure that much while being on top of this nice mare. Since, you were badly sunburnt. You were wincing in pain. “Are you okay?” came her voice, low and soft. The mare looked back at you. Her head nearly turned 360 degrees. These horses seem to be far more flexible than other ones back home. You were glad that these horses appeared to be friendly. “No, not really. My skin hurts. The sun really hit me hard.” “I know of a few spells that may help. Want me to cast them on you?” Spells? The thought fascinated you, but you were too faint and exhausted to reply further. The lilac mare assumed you would have consented to the treatment, and proceeds. You felt a tingling, and light cooling sensation course across your entire body. You saw your skin glowing a light blue colour. The source of this apparent magic appeared to be coming from the horn on top of her head. “What were you doing all by yourself out here? It's dangerous to go alone. Bandits ‌prey on lone travellers. Luckily, these are cowards when ponies are in a group.” “I wish I… I could talk more. Just too tired. I want to sleep, okay?” you said in a low voice. “Okay. I understand. Have a good sleep.” You, Starlight Glimmer, felt odd with this strange creature laying on your back. It seemed so weak and helpless. You thanked your lucky stars that you found this poor thing… no… person. You will not refer to it as a thing. You looked over his sleeping form. You could tell he was a ‘him’. At least, you thought he was. Still, you don’t know him that much. For all you knew, he could identify as a different gender. You looked to check the wellbeing of your companions. You soon found yourself frowning at the ponies who were giving him funny looks. You made a mental note to lecture them at some point. But for now, you will let it slide. You need to keep high alert for bandits out here. You didn't want to start an argument while out here. Instead of a travelling caravan merchant to gain as a new potential member for your town. You gained a new civilization minded species. Perhaps he belonged to some small tribe that lives in this place? You're not sure you want to keep him permanently. As much as you want to spread equality. You don't want anyone forced to become part of your group. You don’t want to come across as an aggressive expansionist. His species could be a victim of colonialism? Maybe his people fled into the Badlands to scratch a living off sand in the desert after they were driven from their land. Maybe even the Tyrant Celestia committed ponicide on his people? The number one thing that you wanted to do right now was protect him. The question remains: how does one protect a creature like this? While you have never born foals before, there is an innate instinct to act maternally towards him. Still, you might have been a bit harsh on Celestia. You recalled many times Celestia shouting at her little ponies for needlessly murdering non-ponies. It must come upon deaf ears. Thankfully, Celestia ‌put her hoof down to save the Griffons. Even if she had to set an entire army of ‘her little ponies’ (as she calls them) on fire to do so. It was a bit harsh, but considering that the Griffins were down to their last city. She found it understandable. After that, the ponies became far less violent. It showed Princess Celestia was no pushover. The recent conflict with the buffalo, for example, resulted in zero deaths. And the two groups reached a peaceful solution. And even during the ‘fighting’ the ponies used pies as non-lethal weapons. It was more like a domestic dispute, if anything. As you reminisced about Equestrian geopolitics, your mind refocused on the interesting creature riding on you. What could you do to help the poor youngster? He looked no older than his early twenties. You dared believe a foal could beat him up.  You saw the sight of Our Town beginning to rise on the horizon. A funny name, Our Town. But it sticks. You may need to take him into one of your spare bedrooms for the night. It might break Equality protocol, but saving a life often bypasses custom. You soon reached the town, and your companions left you without so much saying a word. It seemed they were disappointed by the newest edition of the town. Maybe Equality is only between ponies? They have much to learn! This only reinforced your belief that this person needed some additional care. He is hardly equal if nopony cares about him. Except you, of course. Your eyes widened in surprise when you felt something poke your back. You strongly suspected he had become excited during his sleep. It seemed he was of far less significant size when compared to that of a stallion. But you didn't care about that. Wait, why are you already thinking about his stallionhood? You just met the guy. Though he is cute.  You carried your new friend into your home. And with a light flick of your magic, you gently levitated him down on a soft, pink, love heart shaped mattress. You turned to walk away. But something compelled you to look at him. Was it empathy? Apathy? Lust, perhaps? The poor thing is dehydrated and malnourished! You quickly remember that in ancient times, even when ponies were fully grown, they used to feed on the teats of their mares in times of destitution, when food was scarce. There is a fertility spell that could be cast, enabling you to activate your mammaries without a foal! Before any of that, you must ask this person if they wish to partake in your nectar. It is an emergency! You gently tap the creature with your front right hoof, and he awakens. He looks at you with confusion, and he realises that the mare that saved him was, in fact, a real creature! “Hello there. Can you please tell me what your name is?” You asked the human. “Errrr…. My… uhhh, name is Anon.” You chuckled. “That's a funny name. But no less beautiful. Look, I need to get to the point. You are dying, and I need to give you food. I am running low on supplies, but I have one key nutrient I can give you plentifully!” “I… guess… I could partake in your milk. You have my full consent to do… anything, really. Just don’t hurt me.” The creature is a clever one! You didn’t even say you were going to feed him your milk, and he caught on! Intelligence is a turn on for you, but you try to keep your lust to yourself, for now. The focus is on nourishing the poor thing back to fighting shape! “I need you to move in between my legs, Anon. That’s where my…uh…my teats are.” The mare lay herself down next to you. You were given a perfect view of her substantially large backside. It took your breath away. It was bubbly and shapely. There appeared to be strange tattoos engraved on her cheeks. Hanging down between her thick hind legs lay a pair of very large teats. They were almost watermelon-like in some ways. “These are usually concealed in my body, but I cast a fertility spell so I can make milk. So, they are quite heavy! Suck. My. Teat.” She playfully orders, seemingly getting some sexual gratification out of saving you. “Do I have permission to touch you?” “Yes. you have my full permission.” You reached your right hand forward, and placed it upon the strange tattoo on her buttcheek. Your hand sank like soft memory foam into the thick bubbly softness of her ass. The warmth and softness of fur combined with the marshmallow softness was absolutely magnificent. Her cheeks were perfectly round and smooth, with not even a hint of sag. “Hehe. That’s my ass, not my teats, human. You clearly need more energy before any copulation can occur…drink first, fuck later.” Without further ado, you positioned yourself between her legs. The mare gently squeezed her legs together, taking you into a gentle prison. “Do the right one, first, Anon. It’s heavier.” She says, using magic to move your head towards the right teat. She opens your mouth and puts a perfect seal between your lips and her dark purple nipple and areola. “Suction’s working. Good. Give me a tap on the barrel and I’ll cast the milk spell. Ready?” You tapped the unicorn’s barrel, per her request. Her horn lights up, and a dribble of thick and creamy milk came leaking out of the nipple. It tasted absolutely delicious. Fruity, yet milky at the same time. Once the flow became constant, you began to suckle. You heard the mare moan in pleasure as you suckled from her mammary. You have had many meals before in your life, but for some reason, suckling like a baby feels better and more comforting than even the most comforting comfort food. On a side note, you had no qualms about crossing the species barrier if they were sapient minded. Besides, the big horsey had lovely tits. You didn’t think any other person you knew had the sacred honour of drinking from an intelligent unicorn’s own bosom. You already began to feel her nutrients replenish you, and you caressed the teat you were suckling from with gratitude. You would have said thank you had you not been suckling. Starlight got the memo, and she smiled at you. Your hero Commander Shepard would be proud. You found tears beginning to form in your eyes. Tears of joy. Your tears came dripping down her swollen teat below. The mare chuckles. “Somecreature likes my body very much. Don’t worry, human. You can rut me to your heart's content after your meal. I am in estrus, after all. You’d be doing me a favor! I’ll make sure to cast a weight protection spell, so there’s no chance you can be harmed.” You could not help but imagine that huge ass of hers bouncing on your lap since she mentioned ‘weight protection’. You nod, as you decide to reward the mare who is literally nursing you back to health. You gently clasp your teeth on her nipple, giving the mare a jolt of erogenous pleasure. You are very gentle with her, and don’t actually puncture the skin. The feeling was tantalising; as the pressure of the milk fluctuated as you lapped your tongue along her areola. She moans again, moving the teat further into your mouth with magic, stuffing your mouth with her godlike nectar. It literally drips out of your mouth! “I’m not force-feeding you, silly. I know exactly how many calories you need. We’re almost ready for the second teat.” It seems that Starlight’s comment of being in estrus was true, as you can feel her teat warming up. You tilt your head back and see that her female organ is “in heat”. Her soaking wet marehood glistened with a dense coating of thick and creamy white marecum. Her thick and meaty pussylips winked at you in greeting. “Starlight, you don’t care that I’m…. lacking downstairs? Do you?” You say, with a mouthful of mare’s milk.  She chuckled. “Oh, come on, it can’t be that bad. Besides, before I am letting you put anything in there, you are going to fucking worship the mare who’s feeding you. I expect “payment” While I am more than glad to nurse you back to health, you must certainly know that there is nothing free in life, right?” She coos, pulling her right teat out of your mouth. You take a minute to catch your breath, since you aren’t literally glued to a unicorn’s teat. You feel better, but you are still hungry. “Good boy, Anon. You drank your fill, but I think you’re still hungry. Don’t upset me, or I’ll give you an even bigger pair of teats to suck.” Starlight says, quickly moving your mouth to her left mammary. She repeats the process, sealing your lips, caked in mare’s milk, onto her dark purple nipple. You hear her moan, and she casts the lactation spell once again. Hearing the mare praise you made your member twitch! She was also turned on by the idea she could make herself bigger. You almost wanted to make her angry now just to see the mare get bigger. “I could give you a little treat while you’re eating. You do deserve some love, after all. You’re a good boy.” Starlight says, using her free hoof to remove your pants. Is she going to give you a “hoofjob”? How is that possible? She doesn’t have opposable thumbs or fingers! Nevertheless, with your member at full mast, and the mare feeding you was quite relaxed, her horn lights up, and she begins stroking your member as you suckle away at the unicorn. “Told you it wasn’t that bad. You’re just a wee bit smaller than most stallions. Still formidable. You suck, I’ll stroke.” She ordered, thrusting her teat further into your mouth, pouring pint after pint of godlike nectar down your blessed gullet. You gasped at the feeling. It felt as if you were receiving a handjob and blowjob at the same time. Every nerve in your sexual organ was stimulated. You could not help but thrust your cock forward. Starlight, with a flick of her magic, sandwiched your member between her soft, heavy teats. You craned your neck and uttered a soft moan. “You might not know this, Anon, but a mare’s mammaries have many nerve endings in them. You are getting a full treatment here! Hell, I enjoy giving you nourishment. I feel like I am taking care of something for the first ti-.” She moaned as the suckling divulged into gentle pulses, both for food and for eroticism. You take your hands and squeeze the teat you are sucking, sending another jolt of pleasure through the mare. “Mmmm! I…I can’t wait for you to worship my ass if you treat my tits like this! I may magically make it bigger for you,” she moaned, letting you suckle away in glee. The matronly unicorn continues to stroke your member, and you feel like you are about to reach a climax. Starlight notices this, and stops stroking. “Not so fast! If I didn’t climax yet, you aren’t either. Finish your drink, and then you are going to Eat. My. Marehood. Like your life depends on it!” Sadly, like all good things. Drinking from the teat of a unicorn must come to an end as well. You feel the beautiful flow of milk begin to dry up, and you lap at the mare’s nipple for the last drops. You let go of her life giving organ, and sighed, laying underneath the mare, catching your breath. “There you go! Back to fighting shape. I gave you life! Now…you’ll give me a good rutting in return! Exercise helps to digest, after all!” The mare made to stand to her full, mighty height. She promptly turned around and presented you with her massive backside. Your mouth formed an ‘O’ shape at the sight of it. “Do you want me to punish you a little? I mean, you still need to digest my lovely nectar!” “As long as you're gentle.” “Of course. I would never hurt you. Now, I am going to sit on your face with my massive fat ass, and you are going to worship me. Got it? But first, I feel a bit too thin.” Her horn became enveloped in a magical glow. Your jaw dropped as the mare subsequently began to inch upward into the air. Her goddess-like rump increased in size, as well. She accidentally flicked your face with her tail! Her cheeks jiggled about wildly as a rich influx of new mass pumped into her ass. You could hear her buttcheeks clapping against one another with loud meaty slapping sounds of flesh, slapping against flesh. “Like my mammaries, the buttocks also can be an erogenous zone, especially the hole. Lots of nerve endings there. Don’t worry. I just took a bath! Ponies are very clean! I wouldn’t want my good boy to get sick taking care of me!” Further and further she grew until her head quite literally bumped against the ceiling. By the time she stopped growing she more-or-less became a full-blown elephant. Her asscheeks were now like that of enormous beach balls. They were perfectly round and smooth, with not even a hint of sag. Her ass was quite simply perfect, even though it was enormous. It was perfectly proportional to her body; defying the laws of physics with its magnificence. Starlight turned her head back towards you and winked. “Stick a finger up to start. I like my mates to take things slow. I’ll do all the fun stuff after. I promise.” Starlight says, her tail stroking your head with admiration. It felt soft and fuzzy. “Starlight… you are… ridiculously sexy. God dammit, your ass is sweet.” Starlight giggled, her horn glowing with magic. You saw the ceiling seemingly extend several feet further into the air as Starlight subsequently jumped up by several feet. The sudden rich influx of fat pumping into her asscheeks caused them to create a loud thunderous, meaty slapping sound as her bubbly cheeks smacked together. She was both an assman’s and a boobman’s dream come true with her growth power. “Why, thank you. You are going to eat it, but get a feel for my asshole before I sit on you. I gave you life, did I not?” You slowly and cautiously approach the mare’s plump, donut-like anus with your left index finger. You place the finger on the lower ring of her flesh around the hole. You soon began to move your finger slowly in a circle around it. You feel the mare’s hold begin to tighten in pleasure, and you feel your finger shake at the body’s reaction with pleasure. You heard her breathing increase, due to this. “Now…stick it-” She moans as you take initiative; inserting your finger into her crevice, making a beckoning motion. “Oh…keep going. I can’t wait to feel your tongue on this- ah!” You caught her off guard when you leaned your head forward, and began to lick her plump, donut-like asshole. She clenched her cheeks together gently, sealing you in for maximum effect. You could still breathe. Your mistress isn’t a cruel mare! It was a little sweaty, but clean. You had no issues. She was perfectly clean, for the most part. “Squeeze my cutie mark while you worship my ass! Those are my most sensitive spots besides my marehood!” Starlight asked, stroking your head with her tail with affection. You attempted to reach her cutie mark, but the sheer width of her buttcheeks made that difficult. Your hand was just out of reach from touching her cutie mark. “Aw…poor guy. I grew too much. Lick deeper into my rectum, and I’ll forgive you.” A small, light blue, oval-shaped portal opened close by. On the other side of this portal, l you could see Starlight’s cutie mark. “Now you can touch my cutie mark. Still…lick deeper! Your matron commands you…sorry, I got a bit power hungry. Can you please lick deeper into my ass? Worship me like I saved your life!” You found the prison your head lay between her buttcheeks just became a little bit deeper. As Starlight promptly grew several more feet into the air. “Sorry, this growth magic stimulates my nerves. It feels so hot, getting bigger and bigger. I don’t feel your tongue lapping up my-” You pushed your tongue several inches into the mare’s anus, lapping up her insides, and stimulating the nerves extremely close to the ultimate prize. “If you're lucky, human. I’ll let you stick your member in both holes…but I’m not done with you yet! Ok…I didn’t cum yet, but I am a merciful mistress. I’ll let go of you for now. Breathe.” As much as you wished to contest, you knew the mare was correct. She relaxed her glutes and let you free from her grasp. You fall back on the bed, and Starlight’s horn flashes. You heard a loud clopping sound approaching from behind you. You looked behind to see another Starlight Glimmer, equally large as the previous one. Wait… scratch that, she just jumped in height by several more inches. You witness the ceiling above extend just a bit further. You saw the very walls of this room had become much further away. “How are you doing that?” “Pocket dimensional magic, dingus. Now…how’s a 138 going to sound?”  A blush lit up her cheeks. “Do you think I should shrink down a little?” “Well…if you are going to fellate me, and I am going to provide you with pleasure, could you and…other you go back to your normal size, just to start? I know you have nerve growth magic, but I need to be able to breathe!” “I can feed you oxygen by a spell. But, yeah. Other me, go to town on this stud!” The other Starlight is feeling a bit more adventurous. She lay down on the bed and spread your legs. Her size vastly reduces with a flash from her own horn; independent of the original Starlight. “I believe in equality, Anon. You licked mine. I’m going to lick yours! Don’t worry. I won’t use a “member” spell or anything. I am not that dominating. I just want to make you happy.” The mare behind you sat up on her haunches, positioning her marehood over your face. You found yourself smiling nervously. The shadow of her massive ass loomed over you, while you felt a tingling sensation around your own anus. The other Starlight is paying you back measure for measure! “Stallions have erogenous zones, too, you know.” She muffles through your anus. “Most stallions are scared to adventure down here, but the ones that do feel much more pleasure than others. I guarantee that I will make you come, and you will come like a king!” An avalanche of heavy, massive pony ass subsequently dropped down upon you, as the other Starlight inserted her equine tongue somewhat deeply into your own crevice. Her tongue is long and thick, and you quiver in joy. With Starlight’s massive ass over your face, and much of your body, your face ended up being soaked with a thick coating of creamy marecum, which came leaking out of her sex like that of a gentle river. You licked your lips, drinking up her lovely marecum on your face. You uttered a muffled moan. Her marecum was sweet and creamy to the taste. “Lick mine, and the other me will lick yours. Go for the mane organ, this time. I need to come really badly!” You hissed in mild pain while the immensely heavy ass of Starlight Glimmer bore down on you. It was borderline painful. It seems to be the perfect contrast between pleasure and pain. You could feel the raw power of the gentle giantess. The unicorn’s sex began to tighten, and seems to be in heat, more than before. “Eat. My. marehood.” She orders, pressing down on you slightly more than before.  She wiggled her massive rump over you, creating a loud meaty slapping sound as her cheeks clapped together. The other Starlight stopped licking your ass, and instead lit up her horn, and put her hoof inside! “Going for the prostate, cute stuff. I owe you a reward for treating me like a goddess!” Other Starlight says, gently inserting her hoof inside your own donut. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt, but you were more concerned about the “original” mare crushing you with her massive ass. Sensing your surroundings with your tongue, you finally find her marehood. Her dripping wet marehood leaked over your face. Weakly, you licked her out. You could hardly move from under the heavy weight of Starlight’s massive ass bearing down on you. With a pained grunt, you felt her huge ass become even heavier, as it grew even bigger.  “I fed you from my teats like my own foal. I am your mommy. Who am I, Anon?” She moans. “Answer, quickly. Or I’ll grow even bigger. And grow… grow.. And grow. Besides, mommies give their foals a treat when they behave. I still didn’t forget my promise. You can exert your carnal urges on me when I come.” You could only describe yourself as being in absolute heaven under Starlight's lovely, massive ass. The taste of her sweet marehood was absolutely divine. You felt the other Starlight finally reach your prostate, and she began to playfully poke at it. You have never felt such pleasure in your life, and probably won’t, ever again. Your body was vibrating with ecstasy like never before, and it was almost like you were in a permanent state of euphoria. Your whole body emanated pleasure. Your body trembled erratically. You found yourself close to release. Starlight knew this and did something to hold back your spunk from leaving. “No way, human. I come first, and I’m not there yet. Also, who’s your mommy, Anon?” Starlight says, pressing her ass further into your face. You could breathe, but barely at that. You knew the mare you are pleasuring saved your life before, so you are not worried about being in real danger. You really wish you could resist, but you simply could not. You uttered a muffled cry as you came, soaking her ass with spurt after spurt of your seed. And as if by divine punishment, her ass swelled larger, promptly pushing the other Starlight away as she had a monstrous surge of growth. Your entire body became subsequently covered by the entirety of her ass.  “I said, Anon. WHO. IS. YOUR. MOMMY?” Starlight says, seemingly rewinding time to bring your ejaculate back into your body. You feel the pressure build up again, more than before, actually! If you came this time, you’d probably feel exponentially more pleasure! The mare punished you for your insolence by rocking her hips over you. Rolling over you like a gentle steam roller, growing all the while she did so. You could hear the meaty clap of her cheeks smacking together. “Do you really think I’d let anypony, human or otherwise, suckle from my teats? No, I wouldn’t. I like you. I want to comfort you, and make you feel loved, and you thank me by coming first?! No way in hell!” She conjured an image into your mind, showing her rump air ballooning behind her as it grew further and further into the air. Bigger and bigger, fatter and fatter, thicker and thicker, heavier and heavier her growing rump became. Tears fell down your cheeks at its sheer beauty. “You know why that human died in the tower, Anon? Daybreaker, Celestia’s evil persona, found the poor bastard and raped him to death. Imagine being pegged by a spiked monster, not a loving mare! He died of colon rupturing! A mare in estrus is a dangerous creature, and I am showing you LOVE, not torture. I gave you my teats for food. You paid me back by worshipping my ass and pussy, but NO WAY IN HELL is my mate coming before me. I won’t kill you if you do it again, but I’ll make it so you wish you were dead!” “I’m sorry, Starlight!” came your muffled voice into her ass. “I don’t know who Starlight is, Anon. What’s my name?” She coos, her marehood warming up close to climax, thanks to your pleasure. Her growth came to a stop, but she might as well be a full blown two story house at this point at the very least. Her asscheeks alone were like small blimps. Her four legs were so thick, they might as well be extra thick Roman columns. As she was approaching climax, she moaned once more: “WHO. AM. I. ANON?.” “Starlight Glimmer!” you shouted, your voice muffled into her massive ass. “Close…you must be holding in your load like a real champion. I’ll give you another try. “Who. Am. I. Anon?” You really wanted to come, but you knew a fate worse than death awaited you if you dared experience pleasure before Starlight. Starlight began bouncing her heavy rump up and down upon you. You hissed in pain from the heavy impacts of her massive backside repeatedly slamming down upon you. Once more, Starlight began to grow. You could magically see it. Her asscheeks air ballooning even further.  “I…am…going…to…come. What…is…my…name!” Starlight says, her hooves banging against the floor, bracing for her completion. “And I’ll just keep getting bigger and bigger.” You saw the Starlight’s behind rise up towards the heavens. The ceiling and walls flying away from her, allowing her to grow with impunity. Her monstrous teats were bigger than ever, spilling out droves of milk.  You had to capitulate. She was your mother. She gave you life, and she could easily end it. She chooses not to out of love and maternal care. And worse, she’s wasting her nectar. You can’t wait for seconds! “I don’t know if you noticed. But somehow, you increased my magic power. I feel stronger each additional time I grow. Not to mention that I am lactating on cue. You are my foal. Now, if you are my foal, WHO AM I? “Mommy!” you screamed between her cheeks, as she finally reached her climax at the mention of the word “mother.” As if the atom was being split, a monsoon of growth rocked her form. Her asscheeks came smashing through the walls of her home and out into the street. The entirety of the town, subsequently being taken under her cheeks. Nopony was harmed, of course. But those in town were not allowed to partake in Starlight's ass; or the gallons of milk that laid bare on the ground. The other ponies found themselves within a pocket dimension. The town seemingly undamaged. “For being cruel to Anon. You don’t get to take part,” boomed her voice across town. What was left of it, anyway.  “You were a good foal, Anon. Mommy is very proud of you.” Starlight says, shrinking down to her normal size. She pecks you on the cheek and quickly teleports the two of you back into her house. It’s perfectly reconstructed. “Guess what, stud. For being a good foal, Mommy is going to give you player’s choice!” You see Starlight lay on her back, revealing everything on her body. Her huge teats were exposed, nipples perked up in joy. Both her marehood and donut-hole were fully visible and tight. “Suckle, fuck, or both! My body is yours for the ravaging. Enjoy!” You positioned yourself behind the mare. The mare giggled. She couldn't resist releasing a small burst of magic, and promptly her ass came smacking against you as a surge of growth rocked it. “Sorry, old habits die hard. As I said. Player’s choice. Drink from the tap, ravage my holes, whatever you want! If I was you, I’d take a second helping of mommy’s milk, but I digress.” You pushed forward, lining your member with her large marehood. Starlight squeezed her asscheeks together, sandwiching your member with the softness of her massive ass. You had to push a good bit further into the gap between her pussy and asscheek canyon, which was almost mattress-like. “I have a feeling poor Anon is dying to come. GIVE ME HALFBREED OFFSPRING, ANON!” Mockingly, the mare grew several more inches into the air with a diabolical laugh. “Bwahaha!” “Legends used to say that humans and ponies mated all the time. When a mare or stallion found the human of their dreams, they became an alicorn. Now, mount me, before I grow too big for you to handle.”  You couldn’t wait anymore. You have the honour and privilege of inserting your member into Starlight’s “Stargate”, and a warmth glows around you. You begin thrusting at a steady pace, and Starlight thrusts her rear backward every few seconds, trying to get your member deeper into her cervix. The sound of the thunderous, meaty clapping sound of her massive buttcheeks smacking together was music to your ears. Her marehood felt absolutely divine. The warmth and softness of her pussy ensnared your cock. You could feel the powerful walls of her vaginal muscles clamping down hard upon your member;  trying to milk you for all you were worth. You found yourself becoming a bit inadequate, as she could not resist but grow a little bigger. You dared not protest. Fortunately, Starlight took the initiative, and your member grew a good few more inches to make up for her increased size.  “Don’t say I don’t take care of you, Anon. You have full permission to impregnate me. Go right ahead. Maybe I’ll get a pair of wings!” With that, Starlight began to grow further, soon pushing you backward against the wall. You could feel the hard wood behind, and the softness of her ass before you. “I feel your cock getting warmer. You’ve waited long enough. Come on in!” Starlight chuckles, tightening her cheeks for your maximum pleasure. You felt your body being pulled between her asscheeks, your entire body became sandwiched between her growing cheeks. You humped like a madman against her marehood; your moans echoing off the walls of her asscheeks. You wished you could last longer… but you simply could not. Thus, with a loud cry of bliss, you unleashed into her marehood with spurt, after spurt of your cum. Starlight moaned aloud, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she practically went supernova in growth. Within a fraction of a second, she subsequently destroyed the entire solar system. It was quite lucky she had pocket dimensional magic to safeguard the planet she lived on. A planet that might as well be a grain of sand when compared to her new size. You noticed that your “mother” now has two notable additions on her back. “Uh, Starlight? You have wings. Is that normal?” “Yes. Thanks to you, I’m an alicorn. An almighty, yet kind alicorn. I shall bring equality to all!” Starlight looked to distant stars across time and space. She intended to consume this universe and perhaps beyond. She wanted to safeguard all its life forms within her. Her stomach growled, eager to eat matter. She pulled the insignificant sun into her mouth. She moaned in bliss as a powerful surge of growth rocked her form from the sun’s matter pouring into her body. “S…Starlight?” You ask your new deity paramour. She nods, wondering what the question is. “Can you bring your old planet back? I love you, and big you, but a universe sized mare is hard to talk to or even, well, drink from. I think you can keep those wings and be a good mare at six feet, no?” Starlight fraught with her new alicorn powers. She wanted to consume all the matter in the universe and beyond. But some small part of her believed she became drunk with power. She became the very thing she hated. Of course, nobody died. Still, doubt began to creep away at her. “You really think I can stay a goddess and be six feet tall? Will you mount me for travels, suckle at my teats for nourishment on occasion, and keep me company?” She asks, concerned that she is not the mare she thinks she is. “Can I at least temporarily grow this big during the height of passion with you? It feels great being so big.” Anon nodded, and Starlight sighed. Slowly but surely, everything began to revert to normal, and a cute, six foot tall pony deity was laying in a bed with Anon. “I believe in comforting those in need. Come here, and I will give you cuddles. No sexy time here, just…love. And I'll try not to grow… too big at least.” “Sounds good. You were really sexy, being a supernova, by the way.” Starlight laughed, as the normal sized alicorn quickly dons a saddle and bridle. “I want to try these wings out. Do you mind being a passenger? You can sleep on me like you did last time!” You quickly nod, and Starlight laughs, teleporting you onto her back. Realising that this is a unique opportunity, since you are atop a goddess, you gently caress the mare who saved you, and she chuckles. “Okay, okay. I get it. You think I am cute. Just don’t die. I’ve never flown before, so I don’t want you to get hurt!” Starlight says, quickly galloping off to gain velocity for takeoff. You flick the bridle, and now the two of you take off into the heavens! What more adventures will you have with your new saviour? Starlight Glimmer had some worries, even if she was smiling. She was drunk with power back there. She hoped she would never go that insane again. But as of right now, she seems to have conquered her inner darkness. You, the human who suckled from her seems to be able to pacify her nerves. It is a privilege to not only befriend an alicorn, but to cohabitate with her and drink from her goddess teat. You are truly blessed. She broadcasted her worries to you through your mind. “You’re a good pony, Starlight. You were able to come back.” “I thank you, Anon. You saved me as well.” With her fears put to rest, you flew in the sky together with a smile on your faces.