Finding old treasures

by Akataja

First published

1K chalenge I made myself. A young Little Mac and his aunt are going to rumour through grand pears abandoned house

After Grand Pear died, the apple family has to measure the old pear tree fields. Apple Bloom and her nephew Little Mac have the very important task to look through Grand Pears house to see if there is anything of value they should safe before the place is torn down.
Sounds like no problem at all?
It could be a problem when you are a young colt and puberty just hits and the "fun party aunt" is a bit too much around.

containing: foalcon, colt masturbating and peeping after his aunt, some kind of incest?

I decided to try one of these 1 K challenges because it has been a while since I wrote something.

the only chapter

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Sweet Apple Acres was the home of many Generations of apple ponies and thanks to the last will of Grand Pear the farm became even larger. Soon the apple ponies would start to raise pear trees next to apple trees. Pearbutter would have been so proud, seeing how her foals and grand foals started to work on the ground that was the origin of her family.
While the others had to do some field measurements Little Mac was looking through the stuff of Grand Pear. Apple Bloom, his young and always fun aunt, was with him. The old hut had a strange smell, it was wet and rotten and scary. Lil Mac didn’t like it in here, but his aunt seemed to be in a good mood.

“Alright little Mac” she said “we are looking through the rooms to find anything left with some value, it’s a bit like a treasure hunt! Wouldn’t that be cool? To get a treasure hunter cutie mark?”

“Why are you always so obsessed with cutie marks, aunt Applebloom?”

“Because it is the most important moment in your foal life when you get your cutie mark. Also I told you to call me AB, I am the fun and cool aunt, you remember?”

“Alright, aunty AB.”

Apple Bloom sighed and chuckled before she told her nephew “okay, now we will split up, I start in the attic and you start here. If you think you found something good you put it here in the box. And you don’t have to be afraid, the old house maybe seems spooky and scary, but there is no reason to be afraid and if you need help, your cool young aunt is close by.”

“Aunty AB? How old are you?”

“Why do you want to know that?”

“Because Aunty Apple Jack said, you should start acting like your age.”

“Yeah, well that’s just” AB made a small break, she don’t want to think too much about AJ’s words or that she was jumping from relationship to relationship and didn’t have a real job, shouldn’t drink so much cider and beer or other stuff Apple Jack had said before “that’s just because Aunty AJ is not the fun aunt.”


“No, no, enough time wasted, let’s start working.”

Little Mac was looking after his aunt while she walked upstairs. The ten year old colt really liked to look after his aunt. A year ago a flank was just a flank, but things had started to change. One day aunty AB gave him a hug and he noticed a nice scent around her, better than apples or candy, or the fruity shampoo AB was using. From that day he noticed more and more nice things around his fun aunt, how full and round her flank is and the silky feeling of her mane and tail. Sometimes, when no pony is watching, he sniffs her pillow and rubs his hardened peen to the mattress. From the right ankle, he could see under her tail while she walked upstairs and he could see what was hidden. It was just a short moment, but he was able to see her labia. The darker color made it easy to detect next to her yellow fur, it seemed really soft and when it opened a little he felt a nice warm twitch in his loins. As he looked under his belly he saw that his “little buddy” started to grow again. He remembered how this happened when he hugged Apple Bloom and his mom scolded him, so he should better hide it right now.

He started his work and walked around, looking through the rooms. There was not much to find, some broken glasses and plates, old family pictures, something that maybe had been a stuffed animal, but now was mostly slimy mold.

The last door he found had a heart carved in it as well as the name “Pearbutter”.

He knew that name, he was told a lot about his grandmother, but there weren’t many pictures of her.

Her old room was as empty and rotten as the rest of the old house. The remains of the bed and the bookshelf were useless. He already turned around to leave as he stepped on a loose floorboard and heard something crack. The colt turned around and saw that he had opened a secret compartment. There was a small chest inside, it was locked, but the wood was rotten and old so it was easy for the colt to crack it open with his bare hooves.

The chest was filled with love letters and other secret presents from Bright Mac. He looked through it and found several pictures, some taken with an old camera, some drawn by pencil and coal, and a huge colored portrait. It showed a beautiful young mare with an orange mane and tail. She was laying on a green meadow and was looking over her shoulder. She had very beautiful greenish bluish eyes. Little Mac's eyes went lower and he gasped as he noticed that her tail was raised! He had the full view on the puffed-up ponut and her swollen pussy lips, parted by a long line and he felt a very nice tingle in his long hard horse penis as his sight fell on her bloated teats.

Little Mac had never done this before, but it was like his hoof was guided by an invisible force. His fetlock was around his young dick and he started to rub it up and down while staring at this portrait. He licked his lips and thought of that special scent from Aunty AB while jerking his dick to a very seductive of his grandmother.

It happened very fast, Lil’ Mac was surprised by his first orgasm and shot his first thick load ever over his grandmother's plot and face. Her cyan eyes and curly orange mane were now covered by several white robes of Mac sperm.

“Little Mac!?” AB gasped from the open door.