> Submit to Starlight 2 > by PegPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight was in her house, smiling as she looked out at the town, Rarity and Fluttershy were now truly a part of the community and had accepted equality as their new philosophy for life. Rarity had been her most recent conquest and she was happy to see that she had taken to her new purpose as a waiting cock sleeve quite well, she had joined a group of girls who often followed some guy called Feather Bangs around waiting for whenever he needed to blow off some steam, in fact there was a little in joke between those girls where they cheekily mentioned that the "bangs" in his name didn't necessarily mean the luscious locks of his fringe and was much more appropriate for his favorite pass time of having sex with them. Fluttershy herself was a one man girl, which was fine by Starlight, relationships weren't uncommon and Fluttershy couldn't have picked a better partner than Double Diamond. Starlight began thinking about how she would get the other girls still in the propaganda room to convert, they had to accept the regime quickly because they had already almost corrupted Party Favor and Starlight couldn't afford any more mishaps like that, though she couldn't really begin to formulate any sort of plan until they made a move first. Starlight took in a deep breath and let it out in an effort to relax, she was too tired to be thinking about it right now, instead wrapping her fingers around her semi-erect cock and slowly stroking it. She let herself chuckle slightly, the decision to magically replace her vagina with a dick and set of fat heavy testicles had been an unorthodox method but holy shit did it work in making girls realize their role in an equal world, Starlight reminisced about her time with Fluttershy. > Fluttershy Flashback > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -flashback- Everyone cheered as Fluttershy very confidently said "I'd like to join", Fluttershy had been the first one of the group of girls to actually willingly become a member of their society while their friends had to go back in the room to continue to go through the equalization process, Starlight wasn't at all suspicious considering that she had noticed Fluttershy rather liked the town before she had even been rid of her talent. Unbeknownst to Starlight, Fluttershy was feigning compliance to act as a spy for her friends to see if she could figure out some kind of weakness in the regime and report back to them with her findings so that they could put a stop to the whole thing. All of Fluttershy's friends adopted convincing looks of despair and betrayal as Twilight said in false shock "Fluttershy!? How could you?!" Fluttershy went "If giving up my talent means I get to stay in this lovely village with these lovely people, then I'll do it" As they were all ushered back into the "propaganda room", Starlight proudly proclaimed "We have a new friend everybody! However... there's one more order of business, it seems some in our midst might be dissatisfied with the village life!" Everyone gasped, their happy grins as Fluttershy agreed to be one of them faltering at the prospect of someone not enjoying the community and how equal it was, Starlight continued as she went "Unfortunately it's all too true my friends! Fluttershy, will you kindly tell us the names of these friends who so desperately miss their talent that they would sneak around in the shadows talking to strangers about it? Just so that we can be sure that your intentions, are indeed, pure" Sweat rolled down Fluttershy's forehead as she nervously said "Um... I... don't know who they were... um... I'm sorry, I don't know your names and faces yet..." Starlight wasn't convinced and said "Nonsense! Obviously these people must have asked you directly! Kindly point them out!" Fluttershy was trying to find a way out of answering the question when she was saved by at least one of the culprits when Party Favor shouted out "It was me! It was only me! I only wanted it back for a little while!" Starlight brought him him out of the crowd and looked him in the eye as she asked "You're quite certain it was only you?" Party Favor nodded and said "I just wanted to remember what it was like..." Starlight scolded him as she said "With no thought as to the pain you'd cause your friends? Such selfishness" Everyone glared at him as he too was coerced into entering the "propaganda room" as he said "I'm sorry everybody! I never wanted to leave the village! I love-" his sentence was cut short as the door was slammed shut. As Fluttershy went about the town, having her own cottage built and adopting the appropriated hairstyle, Party Favor went "What was I thinking?! I can't believe I even considered asking for my talent back!" Rainbow Dash just scoffed and went "Don't worry! Fluttershy will have us outta here in no time!" Party Favor knew better as he wildly yelled "Didn't you see what just happened out there!? Your friend has accepted our way! You will all accept our way! It's only a matter of time!" At the time, they didn't realize just how right Party Favor was. Meanwhile back in the town, whilst Fluttershy's new home was being built she socialized and settled into the town, seeing if she could collect any intel from the townspeople. She didn't bother asking the other people who wanted their talent back about it, they were too scared of being thrown back into the propaganda room for that, so she decided to go for a meal with Starlight's right hand man, Double Diamond, he was bound to know something and it didn't hurt that he was rather handsome either. A day or so later, Party Favor had been brought out of the propaganda room, back to his old self, while Fluttershy and Diamond tucked into some rather average muffins courtesy of Sugar Belle. Fluttershy figured that nobody was suspicious of her and casually said "So, Diamond... I was just wondering, I know that people in this town go through the treatment to get them to see the light and join the village, it's just... is that really all it takes?" Diamond went "Well, technically some people have to go through an extra step to solidify the process, it isn't usually needed unless someone is questioning how they can contribute to our society or benefit the community" Fluttershy grinned, this was perfect information already as she went "Really? What is it?" Diamond gulped "Um... it is forbidden to talk about it... why do you ask?" Fluttershy knew that begging or, as a last resort, seduction most likely wouldn't affect him and so she just shrugged and went "Well my talent was talking to animals but now that I can't do that as well as I used to, I don't really see how I could help anyone in future, especially since there aren't really any animals in the village" Diamond went "Are you saying that... you may need to go through the final step?" Fluttershy nodded and said "Yeah, I guess I am... if it helps me find a new purpose that doesn't require my talent, then this "final step" is probably what I need", Diamond nodded and took Fluttershy by the hand and started to lead her to Starlight's house. After knocking on the door, Starlight opened it and said "Hello! Nice to see you both, how can I help?" Diamond went "Fluttershy needs to go through the final step, so..." Starlight waved her hand and went "Say no more, thank you Diamond, you are excused", Diamond left while Starlight brought Fluttershy into her house and shut the door before deciding they should walk and talk as she led Fluttershy to her bedroom. "So Fluttershy, what seems to be the problem? Not having seconds thoughts about the town are we?" Fluttershy, fearful of blowing her cover, shook her head vehemently and said "No no, not at all! I love it here! I just wonder that, you know, what with me lacking a talent for talking to animals I'm not quite sure-" Starlight interrupted, she already knew what Fluttershy was about to say and finished her sentence for her as she went "Not quite sure where you fit in and what your purpose is? I get it. Don't worry Fluttershy, almost every woman in the village has come to me with this issue and let me tell you that after the final step you will know exactly what you will be contributing to our people, I guarantee it. I assume you accept this additional part of the process, yes?" Fluttershy nodded, if the final step was part of the key to how Starlight was achieving her goal of making everyone equal, then she needed to find out so she could let her friends know, then they could brainstorm a plan of action. Starlight smiled and said "Excellent! Now then, strip please" Fluttershy's eyes went wide as she gasped, that was the last thing she was expecting, she said "Strip? As in... like... be nude?" Starlight nodded and replied "Yes, the final step will go much more smoothly if you are naked, I shall be removing my clothes as well, so kindly disrobe". Fluttershy was blushing harder than she had ever blushed before as she allowed the scratchy sack-like clothing to drop to the floor, using her arms to instantly cover her moistening pussy and hefty breasts. Starlight frowned and sternly said "Fluttershy, this isn't going to work if you hide your body, reveal yourself please" Fluttershy closed her eyes and attempted to calm down as she put her arms by her side, letting every part of her be on show, she figured that if she closed her eyes then she'd be able to somewhat ignore the fact that she was basically letting someone look at her in the buff. Seconds passed in silence before Fluttershy's eyes shot open as she yelped upon feeling one hand grasping onto her left buttock while another hand squeezed her right breast, Starlight was wearing a wry smile as she unashamedly felt up the sensual and supple curves of Fluttershy's body. Starlight hummed thoughtfully as she went "You know, you got a real nice ass Fluttershy... and look at these fat heavy tits... Double Diamond is a lucky guy...", Fluttershy whimpered as Starlight's touch sent tingles of pleasure along her skin, her noises only increased when Starlight moved the hand that was previously groping her butt around to to her twitching cunt. Starlight chuckled as her palm glided across Fluttershy's hole, "My my so slick, someone's excited huh?" Starlight stood away from Fluttershy, ceasing her teasing and said "Now... lie on the bed please" before she removed her clothes, revealing her hard and throbbing erection to a very surprised Fluttershy. Fluttershy, understandably stunned at seeing a large cock and pair of sagging nuts where she had expected to see a pussy, simply said "You... you have a..." Starlight nodded with a smile and said "Yes Fluttershy, for as long as this town has existed I have been the very proud owner of this long and thick bitch breaker. This is the final step Fluttershy, soon you will understand, I get the sense that you're too much of a nervous woman to ask for sex even when you need it. Now I know at least one guy must have fucked you in the past, your looks practically guarantee it, though I bet they had to make the first move and be very slow with you. I won't do that, I believe that under your shy demeanor is a lustful woman crying out in desperation to be filled, to be thrown down like she weighs nothing at all and claimed. Lie on the fucking bed, you know what's about to happen..." Fluttershy walked over to the bed, she didn't know why but although part of her was screaming at her to run, flee, report back to her friends while she still had time... a much bigger part of her was compelling her to do as Starlight said, she was about to be sexually dominated by this woman... that idea...... she liked it. As she lied back and opened up her legs to clearly show off her glistening folds, Fluttershy said "Is this... absolutely necessary?" Starlight clambered in between Fluttershy's thighs and said "Yes, you don't get it yet but by the time this is over you will know completely what your place in our town is", before angling her stiff prick at the ready and waiting fleshy fuck hole that was quivering in anticipation to be pounded. Starlight had expected Fluttershy's pussy to be much like other girls she had fucked before, slightly resistant and in need of a stretching, however what she got was the complete opposite. Fluttershy's sloppy yet squeezing baby chamber absolutely engulfed Starlight's cum cannon as soon as she began pushing her way in, they both groaned as without even one thrust, the momentum of Starlight sliding herself in brought them together. Starlight's member was already buried down to the hilt inside Fluttershy and the fucking hadn't even really started. This wasn't at all what was supposed to happen and though it was awful to do so, Starlight pulled back to slip her now wet rod out of Fluttershy's hot embrace. A mixture of pleasure and disappointment rippled through Fluttershy's body, she didn't quite understand why Starlight had decided to remove herself, she got her answer when Starlight said "All fours, I wanna try a different position". As Fluttershy got into position, she didn't realize that the truth was that Starlight knew that if she had gone ahead and started to have sex with her, it would be too easy. Starlight had underestimated just how much Fluttershy liked the town, her eager pussy was a clear sign that she was already halfway to being a real member of the population, she just needed a nudge in the right direction. Once Starlight's vision was mainly taken up by Fluttershy's booty, she summoned up a bottle of lube and squirted a long line of the cold substance along her cock shortly before using her other hand to spread it around to ensure she got a nice even coat on every inch of her member, resisting the urge to just start jerking off. Once Starlight was satisfied that she was adequately lubed, she gripped onto Fluttershy's right ass cheek and pulled it aside to get a good look at her tight pink pucker. Fluttershy wasn't sure why but she was weirdly excited about all these explicitly sexual things that she was simply allowing to happen, complying with everything Starlight wanted, her pussy had never been so soaked in her life. Starlight squirted a generous amount of lube on Fluttershy's ass hole before zapping the bottle away and starting to gently rub on and around her back door, making sure it was decently prepped to take her, though Fluttershy was unaware that anal sex was the plan and assumed this was some kinky foreplay. Fluttershy had never had her butt played with before but the gentle way Starlight treated her rump made for a rather nice feeling, though she had to let out a small moan of unexpected discomfort when Starlight took the opportunity to lubricate her on the inside and slowly inserted her index finger down to the knuckle in her rear entrance. Starlight whispered "Is this OK?" Fluttershy panted a little with sweat rolling down her forehead as she went "It's new and... strange... but i-it's not really unwelcome it's just... I need to get used to it is all..." Starlight said "Just breathe" and began to delicately pump her finger in and out, working to warm her ass up just enough that it could take her raging boner. Fluttershy forced herself to relax and took deep breaths as she mentally and physically accepted the rather unique feeling in her derriere, her muscles stopped tensing and she was able to focus on how what Starlight was doing actually felt rather nice, so much so that she actually let out a clear noise of desire and ecstasy when Starlight added her middle finger, going just a little harder and faster than before. A few seconds of heavy breathing and continuous stimulation, Starlight pulled her fingers out and got onto her knees, ready to insert something much bigger into Fluttershy's bottom and hope that it wouldn't be as accommodating as her pussy was. As Starlight gripped onto Fluttershy's hips and prodded at Fluttershy's ass hole with the head of her cock, lining up and preparing for penetration, Fluttershy mildly panicked and went "Wait! I... I didn't realize you were going to go... go back there and try to cram yourself up my...... I want you in my pussy, take me like the slutty bitch I am and pump your load into my cunt... I'll let you cum inside but... I've never taken it in the ass before!" Fluttershy couldn't believe what she was saying as she practically begged like a whore, Starlight smirked at the spectacle before cruelly remarking "Well if you've never had a cock rammed up your ass to be given a nice good anal pounding, I'd say it's about time you did!" Without waiting for another second, Starlight began applying pressure in an effort to get her dick into Fluttershy's ass and, after plenty of persistence and relentless pushing, the tip of her length popped inside. While Fluttershy tried to get accustomed to something much thicker than two fingers entering her, Starlight let out a sigh of contentment as she felt the walls of Fluttershy's rear already trying to hug and squeeze her member despite not even being one inch inside yet, this was certainly going to be a snug fit and Starlight knew that as she breathily whispered to herself "Yeah...... now that's more like it...." Starlight leaned forward and grabbed onto Fluttershy's shoulder's for more leverage as she began to push her way inside her behind, making agonizingly slow progress as she exerted as much force with her hips as possible to get Fluttershy's ass to accept the entirety of her erection. Both of them were slightly uncomfortable at this point with scrunched up eyes and gritted teeth, Starlight was getting further and further in but even with the lube easing things along it was going much slower than the both of them would have liked, not to mention that Fluttershy was desperately trying to cope with such a large invader in a hole that had never even been played with up until that point. At two thirds of the way in Starlight groaned and said "Fuck... you're so deliciously tight... but holy shit are you hard to get into, just stop fucking resisting me! This will be enjoyable for both of us!" Fluttershy agreed that there was a hint of pleasure hidden behind the awkwardness, she just had to try and embrace it and then things would get a whole lot better, she had entirely forgotten that the point of the sex was to convert her and that the reason she was even going through with it was so she could let her friends know, she just wanted to get fucked in the ass. Fluttershy steadied herself and then threw herself back, actively assisting in Starlight's goal of entombing her cock in her tight yet hungry rump. As Fluttershy pushed back in tandem with Starlight, she gasped out "Come on Starlight, get your rigid fuck pole all the way in and fuck me! I want it so bad! Take my rear! Flood it with spunk! Fucking ram me as hard as you can and make my ass hole gape!" The two of them grunted as, against all odds, Starlight was finally hilted inside Fluttershy's previously unyielding hole. Starlight grinned as she felt her hips connect with Fluttershy's buttocks, unable to go any further with her cock hidden from view in the depths of Fluttershy's bottom, she leaned forward to whisper in Fluttershy's ear "So... how does that feel?" Fluttershy relaxed and fully immersed herself in the feeling of Starlight's dick filing her ass, there was a small pause before she said "I feel...... full", as Fluttershy said it she realized that a more appropriate word would have been "complete". She felt like before Starlight had begun the final step that she was an unfinished jigsaw puzzle with one piece missing, it just so happened that Starlight's cock in her ass was the missing part that made her feel whole again. Having acclimatized to Starlight's thick length being in her butt, she showed her appreciation by deliberately flexing her anal muscles, squeezing Starlight's throbbing hard-on with her soft squishy flesh. Starlight groaned before she leaned back, grabbed onto Fluttershy's hair and started hammering away at Fluttershy's achingly desperate cock-hungry back door as she practically snarled "Bitch!" Fluttershy didn't stand a chance, the sudden rough sex was so unexpected and out of the blue, the immense pleasure caught her completely off guard and she squealed as she came, her pussy gushing fluids and soaking the bed sheets below, not to mention the fat heavy nuts slapping against it. Fluttershy's tongue flopped out of her mouth as she smiled and giggled slightly maniacally from the overload of dopamine her brain was being drenched in, her eyes went crossed and she grabbed onto her own tits, massaging them and stopping them from just bouncing around from the force of Starlight's thrusts. Starlight was breathing rapidly as her own tits bounced, her pace staying at a consistently savage speed and strength as she enjoyed the view of Fluttershy's thick pliable ass cheeks jiggle and wobble every time she spanked them with her hips. A familiar feeling built up in Starlight's groin, though due to a self-imposed but torturous rule that ensured that the sex she had with the women in town was strictly business with pleasure as a bonus, she was left teetering on the edge and unable to fully reach orgasm until Fluttershy said a few magic words. Starlight went "Oh fuck... holy shit, your ass is amazing... you're hugging my cock so fucking tightly... Fluttershy... I can't cum until you accept our way and take your rightful place in this town, so if you want me to flood your insides with my thick hot load, tell me... what is your purpose?" Although Fluttershy had acknowledged and heard Starlight's request, the continuous sex was making her moan and make gibberish noises as ecstasy pulsed through her body, she was only brought back to her senses when Starlight delivered a particularly hard thrust, her eyes lit up as she said "I'm a creature of pure lust! I get it now! As a woman I'm not a person, I'm a tool! I'm a set of three holes designed to please cock and help guys empty their nuts and vent their frustrations! My place in this village is the same as every other mare! I'm a fucking cum dumpster!" Starlight sped up and said "You accept our way yeah? I can't cum until you say it! Fucking say it you whore! Say it if you want me to cum inside you!" Fluttershy came once again she she screamed "Yes! I accept it all! Equality is pure and beautiful! Equality is the perfect and one true way! I embrace my new life here!" Starlight couldn't hold back even if she wanted to as she gave a final thrust as far up Fluttershy's ass as possible and released a veritable tidal wave of spunk, firing rope after rope after rope, several months worth of pent up cum deposited and being given a new home in the deepest recesses of a willing female ass. Starlight shuddered as she began to pull her softening cock out of Fluttershy, her anal walls clinging to her member as if trying to keep it inside. After some gentle tugging, she managed to yank her cock out of her, her full load apparently having being squirted so deep inside that it wasn't leaking out, not yet anyway. Starlight got off the bed and sat on a nearby chair, exhausted, Fluttershy much in the same state as her body collapsed on the bed, both of them hot, sweaty and out of breath. Once they were both adequately rested, Starlight said "Put some clothes on and go back to town, you are one of us now. Oh and for fuck's sake will you just go out with Double Diamond already? He obviously wants you so stop being such a fucking cock tease, go on a date with him and then suck him off or whatever..." Fluttershy nodded as she got up, put her clothes back on and left Starlight's house with a huge grin on her face. -present day- Ah yes, Fluttershy had been a good fuck, Rarity was also a nice bit of pussy. Now Starlight was just waiting for when the others would join, considering that two of their friends had already succumbed it couldn't belong before they faced the inevitable. That day came sooner than Starlight expected, after Fluttershy and Rarity had failed their mission the group decided that the strongest of them, Twilight, would have to be the one to brave living in the town, though if she failed... then all hope was lost and they'd have to face the reality of the situation and either live out the rest of their lives being forced to listen to Starlight's propaganda or just join the town and live without their talents. On the very next time they were brought out to see if they were willing to convert, Fluttershy beamed as she turned to Starlight and said "Starlight! I think we might have one more friend joining us today!" Everyone gasped as Twilight stepped forward, seemingly ready to become part of the community, again everyone played their part perfectly, Twilight was the interested new member while Pinkie, Rainbow and Applejack were the betrayed friends. Starlight was the only one who seemed to be a bit skeptical and overly cautious, she knew Twilight was fiercely intelligent and a strong mind wasn't easy to break, though she had no fear of Twilight's magical ability because her talent for that had been taken away anyway but she had to be sure. Starlight looked Twilight in the eye and said "Is this true?" Twilight went "I... I think so but... I just wanna be sure... if I agree to give up my talent forever, I'll really be happier?" Starlight chuckled and said "Just look around! Equality has given us more happiness than you've ever known!" Twilight came back with "And you wouldn't let me just live in here in the village with my talent intact?" Starlight frowned and sternly replied "Out of the question! A person with a special talent in our midst would destroy our entire philosophy! We are all equal here!" It was that final statement that Twilight seemingly became confident in her decision and said "Alright, I think I'm making the correct choice when I say that I'm willing to join your society", everyone cheered, most notably Fluttershy and Rarity who were overjoyed that another one of their friends had seen the light. As the villagers got to work building a house and Twilight went around to socialize, get some food and adopt the appropriate hairstyle and attire, Starlight contemplated what she was going to do with Twilight, she wasn't at all convinced that Twilight was being truthful with her conversion and knew that the final step would be necessary, the issue came with how exactly she should enact the final step. Rarity was easy, she just needed gentle persuasion, Fluttershy needed to fully realize that she was a closet slut and needed to be outed, Twilight was hard to read however. Starlight was in her house, once again just idly stroking her cock as she observed Twilight's movements and interactions in town, then she hit upon something in her mind, an epiphany. When watching Twilight, Starlight came upon the realization that Twilight was basically just a slightly more naive version of her, intellectual, headstrong, and before she had been equalized, had incredible magical prowess. Though Starlight loathed to admit it, she did also find Twilight to be one of the most attractive mares she had ever seen, whether that was narcissism or genuine attraction was debatable but something about the way her cock throbbed at the thought of sexually conquering Twilight suggested it didn't particularly matter. Truly, Twilight was Starlight's equal, no two ways about it, which meant that Starlight had no doubt about what it was that she needed to use in order to get Twilight to crack, affection. Relationships were permitted in town and it looked like Starlight had finally come across a woman who she deemed worthy enough to be her girlfriend, she didn't consider it to be a lesbian thing because of her unique genital situation, so her "heterosexual dignity" remained untainted. Starlight had never been in a relationship before, she didn't really count her unreciprocated crush on some boy called Sunburst as a relationship, that was back before she discovered how true friendship could be achieved through equality. She figured that as a woman who had poured her attention on magic and knowledge, that Twilight was just as starved of that special kind of affection that only a lover could provide, which meant it was the perfect tool to bring about her downfall, it was win-win. Twilight would join the town, Starlight would gain a more permanent pussy to use, the other girls would likely lose hope and fall in line and maybe Starlight's vision of an equal world would become more achievable. She grinned as she went into town and told Double Diamond to bring Twilight to her house at seven o'clock in the evening for a date, the final step could wait until after some romance and seduction. As Twilight walked up to the door she saw a dress hanging on it with a small sign saying "Wear this", Twilight looked around, everybody was in their house, so she simply shimmied off the sack-like clothing she had been wearing all day and slipped the dress on. The dress was a sleek casual number that was a beautifully soft shade of sky blue, a color that perfectly complimented her skin tone and the way the dress gently layed along the natural curves of her body rather than hugged them made the garment feel like it was a pair of pajamas rather than a dress. Starlight opened the door, she was wearing a similar dress though the color was a deep blood red, Starlight smiled and said "Twilight! It's great to see you! Please come in!" Twilight walked in, completely bewildered as to what exactly was going on, the confusion only intensified when, upon walking into Starlight's bedroom, she saw a sight she never expected to see. A single table and two chairs, beautifully decorated with a single lit candle in the middle, a bucket of ice with a bottle of champagne in it, a bowl of snacks and a perfectly set out and full three course meal. The starter was potato wedges with garlic and herb dip, the main was duck with a simple salad consisting of avocado, fennel, soft cheese and all topped off with a zesty lemon dressing, the dessert was a big slice of chocolate cake with strawberries and cream. There wasn't a single disgusting muffin in sight. Twilight simply said "What... what is all this? Why is all this? How is all this? Who-" Starlight stopped Twilight's rambling by simply pressing a finger to her lips, Starlight calmly said "This is a nice little candle-lit dinner, I managed to get this all together by calling in a few favors, I wanted this to be special after all. I do hope you like the dress I picked out for you, I want you to enjoy tonight as much as possible" Twilight was still slightly shocked and went "But I... this is... I don't understand..." Starlight sat down and said "Twilight, I'll be honest... I hated having to put you through the equalization process, it's just that I knew I wouldn't be able to have a chance with you any other way, that's why I was so happy when you decided to join us..." Twilight blushed, the dinner, the clothing, it suddenly all made sense... Starlight had organized a date for her...... nobody had ever even asked her out on a date, the fact that Starlight had gone to so much trouble made her feel rather flattered, a feeling she'd never really experienced before. This was unexpected indeed, her original plan was to find out what evil deeds Starlight had been doing to make everyone equal but upon seeing this... she wasn't quite sure what to do next, blissfully unaware that practically everything Starlight was saying had been an out-and-out lie. Starlight had simply used magic to put this all together not five minutes before Twilight had arrived, though she couldn't reveal that she still had her magical talent, that would complicate things and she needed this date to go smoothly if Twilight was to convert for real. Twilight broke the silence and said "You... wanna go out with me?" Starlight nodded and said "I'm sorry if this is all a bit presumptuous but I couldn't think of any other way to confess my feelings for you... but before you agree to this, I understand that you may not necessarily be attracted to girls... which is why I think I should mention right now that, if it comes to a point where you see what's underneath this dress... well, the thing you might expect to see in particular is in fact the opposite of what you'd expect to see..." Twilight looked baffled for a second before she gasped and said "Are you saying that... down there you have a... well, y'know... a thingy?" > Romance and Rehabilitation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight giggled and said "Yes, a "thingy", with the other two "thingy's" that go with it. No trace of a girl "thingy" I'm afraid" Twilight processed everything that was going on, analyzing it for possible nefarious undertones...... she came up with nothing, this just seemed like a genuine meal for two people who were thinking of getting romantically involved with each other and becoming partners instead of remaining just friends. Twilight took her seat and said "Well... not to entertain the idea but... since you did sort all of this out just for me, I suppose I could indulge a little and have a proper meal with you", Excellent. Twilight had agreed to the meal, she basically belonged to Starlight already at that point, Twilight was hers for the taking. Starlight grinned as one phrase echoed in her mind, "Twilight is mine" The evening progressed like it would any other date, they talked, ate food, drank and just had fun, eventually nine o'clock rolled around and it seemed everything that they could have possibly done on a first date had been done. The two of them stood up, the expectation being that Starlight would walk Twilight to the front door and they'd briefly part ways, the two of them had barely taken a step when Twilight faced Starlight and said "You know Starlight... at first I wasn't sure about tonight but... I really had a good time, I wish I'd gotten to know this sweet side of you sooner" Starlight smiled and brought herself closer to Twilight as she said "Well, if we go on a couple more dates or maybe get together, then hopefully you'll be able to see more" Twilight returned the smile and said "I'd like that..." The tension in the air was so thick you'd need a chainsaw to cut through it, there were two paths to take here, either leave the house and keep planning some form of infiltration or stay in the house and do something a little more amorous and intimate first...... Twilight threw caution to the wind and, as Starlight expected, leaned forward and applied a gentle kiss to her lips. When Twilight pulled away with a blush on her face, Starlight chuckled and gave Twilight a kiss much like the one she had just received, then pulled back to gauge Twilight's reaction. They stared into each other's eyes, before eagerly embracing each other in a passionate make-out session, hands roamed around curves as they started stumbling towards the bed, falling clumsily onto it as they refused to separate their lips. They stopped briefly to pull their dresses halfway down to free their breasts and like most "nerdy" girls, Twilight had managed to hide what was a nice pair of tits in stark contrast to having a cute little butt, not quite as large as Fluttershy's rack but at least one cup size above Starlight, a woman who already had a slightly above average bust. They smooshed their sensitive mammaries together as they resumed the kiss, moaning into each other's mouths, though Twilight's moans quickly became gasps of ecstasy when Starlight reached a hand underneath her dress and gently inserted her middle and ring finger into her wet needy folds. Twilight ran her fingers through Starlight's hair while using the other to grab onto her left buttock, Starlight was using her hand to caress Twilight's face while the other one busied itself with gradually speeding up the pace of her relentless fingering in Twilight's horny cunt. Starlight's cock was harder than it ever been, so hard that it almost hurt, when Twilight felt the large member poking her thigh through a very obvious tent in Starlight's dress, she pulled back from the kiss and said "You need help taking care of that? If I'm honest, I really would love to suck your cock..." It was a tempting offer, however Starlight wanted to save that for the following morning when she'd be employing her "final step", Starlight simply whispered "Tomorrow... tonight is all about you...", Twilight was almost in tears, she had never felt so cherished, so wanted, so loved, so happy in all her life. Twilight was in such joy that she whimpered and tensed up when her orgasm caught her completely by surprise, clamping down and clenching around Starlight's fingers. As Twilight came down from her high, Starlight removed her fingers from the quivering fuck hole before sucking them clean as they both relaxed, ready to drift off to sleep. Before they fell into a deep slumber, Twilight went "Starlight... how is it that you manage to keep everyone equal in this town? I've heard something about a "final step" to the process...... what is it?" Starlight grinned and once again just said "Tomorrow...", with that they both fell asleep, Twilight having no idea that the "final step" and the activity of sucking off Starlight were more connected than she could have possibly comprehended. Eleven hours later, sunlight spilled into the room to signal that the morning had begun, Starlight blinked herself awake when she felt an odd feeling, she had morning wood, which in and of itself wasn't an uncommon occurence, though for some reason it felt warm and wet somehow. It was only when Starlight recalled the previous evening and noticed Twilight wasn't next to her that she chuckled upon realizing what it was, she removed the covers and when she looked down her suspicions were confirmed, Twilight had removed both of their dresses and was there giving her an early morning blow job. Twilight looked up and noticed Starlight was awake, she pulled herself off of her cock and began stroking it as she said "Good morning!" Starlight laughed and said "I'll say! Enjoying your breakfast?" Twilight rolled her eyes and said "Ha ha, very funny. I just couldn't help myself, though I've been down here for ten minutes sucking on this thing, so as yummy and delicious as it is, I think I'm about done with it" Starlight said "Aww, well that's a shame, I was hoping that before leaving I'd give you a taste of my sultry and lustful side, looks like I'll have to wait!" Twilight gave a wry smile and placed a delicate kiss on Starlight's nut sack as she said "Well, I'm still here aren't I?" Starlight nodded "Indeed you are, now you get your fucking pussy on my face so that I can enjoy my very own special breakfast" Twilight grinned as she immediately clambered on top of Starlight, got on all fours facing away from her, then brought her sopping wet cunny down on Starlight's face before going "Go for it Starlight, get in there and taste it until I cum and make a mess all over your pretty face". Starlight got her tongue to work instantly, she was surprised that Twilight had a good grasp on sexy talk and sex in general, perhaps she had read some steamy romance novels in her time rather than just studying. Part of the problem with that however was that what Twilight had in technique, she lacked in experience, which meant that endurance wasn't exactly her strong point. Starlight had been licking Twilight's pussy lips for about two minutes, her tongue hadn't even entered the moist hole and Twilight was already fighting back the whorish moans she was so desperate to release, Starlight considered her options, this morning was meant to be the final step so she figured there was no harm in hurrying it along a little to get to the good part. Starlight indulged in the tangy taste of Twilight's juices for a couple more seconds before pushing her tongue inside the quivering love tunnel and triggering Twilight's orgasm, Twilight almost screamed and breathed heavily as she gushed her feminine fuck fluids all over Starlight's face, she wasn't kidding about being a massive squirter. Twilight fell to her side, shuddering in the aftershocks of such a thunderous orgasm while Starlight casually cleaned up her face and saying "How was that?" Twilight just gave a dumb smile with love hearts in her eyes and nodded. Starlight went "Good, because we're not done yet", before Twilight could even ponder what Starlight meant, she suddenly found herself being dragged out of the bed and on her knees, backed up against a wall and her vision predominantly taken up by the thick throbbing shaft she'd had her tongue and lips wrapped around mere moments ago, still shining in the light from how coated in her saliva the rigid pulsing member was, like it had been expertly polished. Twilight was expecting Starlight to start fucking her face so she could blow a load down her throat, or maybe get her to suck her fat heavy balls and jerk her off, Starlight had a slightly kinkier plan than that however. Starlight smirked at how hungrily Twilight was staring at her cock then said "Nuh-uh-uh Twilight, you've already had plenty of fun at the front..." Starlight slowly turned around until she was completely turned away from Twilight, leaned forward slightly and said "Now it's time to pay attention to the back!" Twilight's eyes widened a little shortly before Starlight moved backwards and pressed her ass right up against her face, wiggling her rear a little to make sure Twilight's face was as deep in her crack as possible so that her pucker was within licking distance. Twilight was all but trapped in between the two cheeks that made up Starlight's bountiful booty, not that she was complaining, she reached down with one hand and started rubbing at her pussy and then closed her eyes as she started dragging her tongue across Starlight's twitching winking ass hole. Starlight hummed in appreciation and approval before going "That's it Twilight... tongue fuck my ass you whore... french kiss it like the fucking slut you are! Oh fuck... this is so fucking hot... fuck..." Starlight knew that she wouldn't be able to cum but she couldn't resist curling her fingers around her dick to start jerking off like she was trying to milk herself dry, her other hand launched itself towards her left breast, squeezing it and rolling it around, giving the occasional pinch to her nipple. Twilight's pussy was all but dripping its self-made liquid onto the floor like a leaky faucet as she continued to rub it furiously, her fingers gently grazing over her clit, though her main focus was lapping away at Starlight's back door, almost lovingly lavishing the rear entrance with all of her affection and attention, dutifully swirling her tongue around the tight ring. Twilight's other hand had remained unpreoccupied until Twilight had the idea to reach in between Starlight's legs and gently cup her balls as if to encourage them into preparing a hot helping of spunk for when Starlight decided to nut. It was when Twilight eventually pushed her tongue into Starlight's bottom and groaned as she was hit with another orgasm, that Starlight finally released her and moved away to move onto another sexual activity, Twilight hadn't even begun to recover from cumming so hard when Starlight pulled her up onto her feet, turned her around and slipped her cock in between her thighs to start humping away at her. Twilight shuffled around awkwardly as she felt Starlight thrusting in between her thighs, the stiff fuck stick gliding across her pussy lips before poking out from under her crotch, her groin was starting to ache in protest at all this stimulation and she said "Starlight... ah... could you take it easy? There's no need... whew... to be so impatient, it's not like I... nng... it's not like I'm going anywhere! Slow down! Ugghh... besides, don't you... fucking shit... son of a bitch... don't you think you might wanna push that thing inside me?" Starlight breathed rapidly with sweat flowing down her forehead as she said in a raspy and almost hoarse voice "No... no... not fucking yet!" Starlight continued to clap her hips against Twilight's rump without any penetration for a few seconds before she was satisfied, she began pushing Twilight until she was lying flat on her back in the bed, then straddled her stomach and simply snarled one singular word that communicated perfectly how she intended to finish this fuck session, "Tits!" Twilight remained silent as she held onto her breasts and pushed them together, rolling them around the second that Starlight slid her cock into her cleavage and starting thrusting as quick as possible. Starlight hunched over and gripped Twilight's shoulders as she looked into her eyes and said "Tell me you want me... tell me you need me... tell me that you're mine and mine alone, that you belong to me in mind body and soul! Tell me that you surrender to my will! That equality is the one true way! I won't be able to cum unless you do this for me so just fucking say it already! Just say those words and I'll decorate your cute little face with every single drop of spunk I have stored up in my balls! Say it say it say it you fucking little tease just say it! Make me nut you dick sleeve!" Twilight's need to put a stop to Starlight equalizing everyone had suddenly disappeared and had now been replaced with a stronger desire to have Starlight jizz all over her face, with that goal in mind Twilight held nothing back and had no restraint as she called out "Yes! I submit to you entirely! Everything that I am is yours to do with as you wish! Equality is everything that is natural and good in this world and I will do whatever it takes to help you convert everyone so that we may live in a free and equal utopia!" With Twilight's final word, Starlight pretty much roared as the most intense and pleasurable orgasm she had ever experienced in her life tore its way through her body, she quaked as several ropes of fresh hot cum rocketed out from her tip and landed directly on Twilight's face, strand after strand of the off-white substance painted her features until the cum tanks were empty and Starlight fell onto the bed, drained and exhausted. Once Starlight got her breath back she said "Put the appropriate clothes back on and get back into town, oh and don't you fucking dare wash my spunk off of your face, everyone needs to see it so that they know I've marked you as mine... show it off and wear it proudly like the cheap skank you are, if it weren't for the fact that I've claimed you I could easily have sent you back into town to be a fucking hooker... but I digress. Get outta here..." Twilight nodded and with an oddly cutesy girl voice said "OK mommy, I love you, bye bye!" Starlight didn't bother wondering just how she had broken Twilight so much to a point that she reverted to such an immature personality, even going so far as to skip out the door. Three down and just three more to go, she wondered how the final step would play out for the final three girls who had yet to truly give up and admit they had been defeated, one thing was for sure, it might be tiring but it would definitely be very fun to find out. The possibilities and outcomes were immeasurable, Starlight could hardly bear the anticipation of it all. It turns out Starlight didn't have to wait too long to formulate a plan for the other three girls as that afternoon there came a knock at the door and, upon opening it, Starlight smiled to see Twilight, her face still had every shot of cum she had taken clinging to her skin, even on her eyelids. Starlight said "Well hey there sweetie! What brings you here on this fine day?" Twilight, seemingly now stuck in her "little girl" persona said "Hiya mommy! I just came over because I think there's some things you should know about my friends who haven't seen the light yet", now this was interesting, Twilight was about to offer up information which might actually help Starlight bring down the rest of the girls, then again why wouldn't she? She, Fluttershy and Rarity were so happy now and they wanted their friends to be just as happy as they were, such loving girls. Starlight said "Well by all means honey, go on" Twilight went "Well first of all, Rainbow Dash is like, a super huge dyke, mega lesbian, strictly girls only kind of chick. I don't know if the final step would work on her, what with you having such an awesomely massive dick, though I've heard you can fix that!" Starlight nodded and said "I can indeed, anything else?" Twilight nodded and said "Well Applejack has never shown much sexual interest in anyone, however I have seen her checking out Sugar Belle when she thinks nobody is watching, she's totally crushing on her. I don't know if she is gay or bisexual or what but I thought I'd mention it just in case it becomes an issue" Starlight once again nodded and said "Duly noted, what about Pinkie Pie?" Twilight hummed in thought and said "Well, nothing unusual about her, she just doesn't wanna eat the muffins because she thinks they aren't that great" Starlight went "OK, fair enough. Thank you for bringing this to my attention Twilight, I think I know how to deal with them all now and get them to join us" Twilight smiled and said "You're welcome!" Twilight then became slightly shy and bashful as she timidly asked "Do I... do I get a reward mommy?" Starlight grinned, Twilight was so precious, especially when she tried to contain her excitement when Starlight pulled her inside the house and shut the door. Twilight just stood still facing Starlight, awaiting instruction. Starlight said "Turn around, show me that ass", Twilight obeyed and faced away from Starlight before removing the clothing that covered her bottom half, fully displaying her butt. Starlight got on her knees behind her and took Twilight's left ass cheek in her hand and applied a long wet lick across it, making Twilight shudder at the warm touch of Starlight's tongue. Starlight stood up and gave a little slap to the cheek she had just licked then said "On your way". Twilight covered herself back up and said "Thank you mommy" before heading back into town with a grin on her face and a bounce in her step. Starlight chuckled to herself, in a few minutes they'd be going through the same process of seeing if the girls were ready to convert yet, though this time Starlight would be taking Rainbow Dash away from the propaganda room to be given the special treatment she gave to every gay person that had ever come to town. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Applejack were brought out of the room as usual with the townspeople gathered around, Starlight said "So, have any of you changed your minds? Do we have a new friend today?" Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight were silently begging and pleading with their friends to join them and experience the bliss of equality, Rainbow, Applejack and Pinkie simply remained silent and very clearly quite depressed at the turn of events that had transpired. As per usual, everyone was disappointed as it seemed the three of them would have to be locked back up in the propaganda room, though the surprising thing was when Starlight went "Oh Rainbow Dash, though you're still not convinced about our way of life, would you mind if I talked to you for a moment at my house?" Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrow, then looked back at Pinkie and Applejack, who were just as confused as she was. Rainbow didn't see any harm in simply talking to Starlight and at this point they didn't have a whole lot to lose, plus if she managed to stay strong enough to not to succumb to whatever devious techniques Starlight had used on the others, then it would be worth it. Playing it cool, Rainbow shrugged and said "Alright, I guess that's cool", everyone in town gave hushed whispers to each other, they knew what the deal was whenever a non-believer was taken to Starlight's house before they had voiced a desire to accept their new life. Applejack and Pinkie were taken back into the propaganda room while Rainbow got to enjoy her momentary freedom, the idea of simply fleeing to seek help did come to mind, though it seemed rather pointless given that her talent for speed had been robbed from her. Rainbow would have been caught the second she tried to escape in much the same way that Applejack had been unable to break down the door of the propaganda room upon losing her strength. As Rainbow entered Starlight's home, Starlight shut the door and said "You know Rainbow, I've realized something, putting you in the propaganda room was mistake" Rainbow was intrigued, she wasn't expecting Starlight to say that, so she just went "It was?" "Oh absolutely..." said Starlight as she led Rainbow into a room that contained nothing but a chair and a big screen, she continued by saying "I only wish I'd known sooner, of course you were never gonna convert under my traditional method, you need special treatment..." Starlight pushed Rainbow into the chair as she magically arranged her hair into the appropriate style. Rainbow tried to get out of the chair only to find that she couldn't, something was keeping her there and no matter how she struggled she remained sat down, she frowned and said "Hey what gives?! What do you mean special treatment?!" Starlight stared at Rainbow and said "You're a fucking dyke Rainbow Dash, you need to be cured, corrected and re-trained, your choice to have a desire for girls is disgusting, filthy and impure and you need to be cleansed and quite literally "straightened out". You are a woman and if you're going to be a part of this town then you need to fulfill the role every other girl has, which is why this room was built specifically to fix lesbians like you and undo the error of your ways by making you yearn for guys and the things they keep between their legs" Rainbow Dash was horrified at the language being employed here, with Starlight treating her homosexuality like it was a disease or some kind of conscious decision she had made that she needed to change her mind about. Disregarding all questions of how Starlight knew about her sexual preferences, Rainbow Dash just shouted at her "You... you can't do this! It won't happen! Now get me outta this chair!" Starlight chuckled and said "No can do Rainbow, this chair is a nifty magical artifact I had the good fortune of obtaining and that I've slightly tweaked to suit my own purposes, the enchantment on this chair means that it won't release you until I say a specific sentence. Don't bother trying to guess it because I can guarantee that you never will, which brings me onto the other two functions. You see this big screen? Here's how this will go, you will be forced to watch fifty-five minutes of heterosexual porn, every second of which the chair will get your body to experience the purest form of pleasure you could ever know. Then for five minutes, some gay porn will be on display and that pleasure will be replaced with excruciating pain, rinse and repeat, with time you shall be conditioned to be a normal woman" Rainbow Dash was terrified, she was going to be tortured and brainwashed until she changed what gender she was interested in, she could have lied one hour in but considering how elaborate this operation was she knew that Starlight would probably be able to detect if she were lying if after one hour she just said "Yeah, love those dicks!" Rainbow Dash said "Please don't do this, I'll join the town I swear!" Starlight shook her head and said "Well, that's not the issue at the moment, the issue is your desire for women. You need to understand that girl on girl doesn't work, pussies don't go together, it's unnatural. The choice is this, stay here in this room or if you like we can go for the alternative method, having you tied upon a breeding podium in the middle of town and encouraging every available man to repeatedly rape you until you start to enjoy it", neither of those were good options, so Rainbow Dash just hung her head and accepted her fate, Starlight smirked and said "Good girl..." as she summoned a ball gag and attached it to Rainbow's head to keep her silent, then Starlight smirked as she said "Well, you will be a good girl eventually". Starlight turned on the screen and as the heterosexual porn was displayed, Rainbow's eyes widened and she groaned loudly as her body writhed in ecstasy, reaching orgasm almost instantly as her pussy squirted her juices all over her clothes and the seat. Starlight left the room and closed the door, restoring the silence of her house, she figured that while Rainbow enjoyed a good few hours of porn then she might as well get to work on Applejack and see if she needed the same thing. Starlight was clearly blind to her own glaring hypocrisy considering she was trying to purge Rainbow Dash of her lesbianism and yet, all Starlight had ever done since replacing her pussy with a cock was fuck girls into submission until they became a member of the community, she had even dated and gotten into a relationship with Twilight! The sexual thrill of what she was doing to Rainbow Dash had made Starlight achingly hard, though she didn't really want to wait for it to go down or jerk off, getting the girls to join her soceity was priority number one and so she went to her front door, opened it and called out for Double Diamond. Double Diamond immediately responded and quickly made his way over to Starlight and said "Yes, Starlight?" Starlight went "Diamond, get Applejack and escort her here for me please", she tried to ignore the fact that Double Diamond kept sneaking glances at the very obvious tent she was pitching, it was bad enough that occasionally she'd spot people eyeing up her bulge. Diamond nodded but still just stood there, trying to keep his eyes off of Starlight's raging erection, Starlight said "Well what are you waiting for? Quit staring at my boner and go!" Diamond snapped out of his stupor and went "Oh right! Yes! Of course Starlight" then quickly made himself scarce, leaving Starlight to sigh as her sexual frustration died down to make way for proper frustration, her throbbing cock softening as it realized that carnal lust, pleasure and gratification was not quite on the menu yet. No, next item on the agenda was to break Applejack and Pinkie Pie before checking in on Rainbow Dash, quite the exciting schedule, soon every box on her mental checklist would be ticked. As Starlight stood in wait pondering about when she'd actually penetrate Twilight and make use of her all of her holes so she could fill her up to the brim and pack as much spunk into her cunt as possible, she wondered what her plan would be after breaking all the girls, though she didn't get much time to think about it as, seconds later, Diamond arrived with Applejack in tow. Starlight said "Ah Applejack! Great to see you! Please come in" and as per usual, magically styled her hair into the same uniform haircut every other mare had. Applejack walked in with great trepidation, she had no idea why Rainbow had been taken out of the room and now she had been taken out of the room as well, it was all very peculiar and she was worried that perhaps her very life was in danger. As they both walked into Starlight's bedroom, Starlight sat down and said "Please, make yourself comfortable" Applejack visibly gulped and said "Um... OK...", then something struck her, as she looked around... Rainbow was nowhere in sight, that scared her. Applejack said "What have you done with Rainbow?" Starlight smirked as she heard that Applejack was now average enough that the southern twang in her voice was gone, then she smiled sweetly and said "Don't worry, Rainbow is perfectly safe, she just needs to be alone at the moment. Believe me when I say she is in good hands, considering you're a woman who values honesty I wouldn't lie to you and I'm hoping you wouldn't lie to me, so tell me Applejack... are you a lesbian?" Applejack was confused, partly because she didn't understand why Starlight was asking such a personal question but also partly because she didn't think she had done anything that suggested she might be into girls. Applejack went "Well... no, at least I don't think so... I mean, come to think of it I've never really felt any attraction towards anyone..." That particular point intrigued Starlight, she had yet to come across someone who didn't feel one way or the other, people were either gay, straight or bi, though of course the gay and bi people were turned straight eventually, was Applejack asexual? Starlight continued and said "Well that's interesting, because I heard that you have shown at least a little interest in a certain someone in town, Sugar Belle, right?" Applejack blushed and averted her eyes as she said "I... w-well I certainly think she looks... nice, more pretty than most girls I've ever seen but... I'm not really into girls, I don't know why I like her..." This was getting more interesting by the second and Starlight thought she knew what the issue was here, ordinarily she wouldn't continue with her current idea with anyone but Applejack was a special case and there wasn't really any way for it to backfire, in fact it would more likely convince Applejack to join the town rather willingly. Starlight went "Applejack, are you... comfortable? Like, in your own self I mean, with your body, how do you feel?" Applejack slightly bit her lip, she already knew the answer but never before had she ever said it, somewhat even burying it to some extent to try and convince herself that she was imagining things and not admit the truth of the matter. Applejack knew that the longer she let the silence fill the room, the more awkward it would get, she had nothing to lose at the moment so she might as well confess, at least then someone would know and she wouldn't feel the weight of the secret she was carrying and could get it off her chest. "No... I don't, I mean, I'm perfectly happy with most of it but when it comes to my... my... my downstairs, I... I dunno it just... it doesn't look right and it doesn't feel right......" Starlight nodded and went "I see...... take your clothes off" Applejack tensed up as she simply said "What?" Starlight reaffirmed "You heard me, take your clothes off. Let me see your naked body, including the bit you don't like. I want to help you become comfortable with your body and, if you're lucky, you could even get together with Sugar Belle if that's something you want. Strip" This was highly suspicious but Applejack couldn't think of a reason to say no other than embarrassment, plus she had somewhat agreed to trust Starlight at this point and so, she did as she was told and removed the brown sack-like covering on her body and stood there. Bared in all her glory and as naked as the day she was born, even if she thought the body she was born with wasn't right in some way. She had been too embarrassed to tell anyone, even those who might be able to help her, that she wasn't entirely happy with her female genitalia. Starlight, without any warning whatsoever, focused her magic on Applejack's pussy, triggering a transformation that she had used only once before... on herself. Applejack gasped as a tingling warmth permeated through her groin, slowly her reproductive organs began to shrivel away and disappear until the entrance to her pussy simply closed before vanishing. For a second there was nothing until Applejack grunted as two fat heavy testicles plopped out of her body to take their place between her legs, though were soon obscured from view as a long, thick and veiny schlong grew in front of them, large and flaccid. Starlight's spell ended and Applejack looked and felt absolutely flabbergasted as she looked down to see a completely new set of sexual body parts that were already pumping various new and strange hormones into her bloodstream, giving Applejack very strong and powerfully great urges that she was struggling to comprehend and cope with on top of the sheer overwhelming sense of confusion at suddenly possessing a hefty pair of cum-filled balls and a good sized cock to go with them, it was nuts! Starlight chuckled at Applejack's reaction and said "Well? What do you think? How do you feel?" > Anal Applejack > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack shifted around a little, almost squirming as she got a feel for it, getting used to the new bits she had just acquired, new flesh, new nerve endings, new everything. Then, almost amazing herself, she replied "I feel... wonderful... I feel better than I've ever felt in my life... I can't believe I'm saying it but... this feels like the way I'm supposed to be, the look of it, the feeling of it... it just... it fits me, I'm finally... I'm finally the me I want to be..." Starlight, always one to make things sexual, went "Yeah, it's certainly not bad. I'm sure Sugar Belle would love to feel that thing inside her, that is of course... assuming you intend to stay in the town and embrace equality..." Applejack was brought back to her senses and said "Oh... right, well Starlight... I really appreciate what you've done for me and... I admit that maybe I would feel more confident about approaching Sugar Belle and seeing if she'd be interested in dating me but... I'm still not entirely sold on the idea of staying here and being all equal and stuff..." Starlight had expected that answer but it still annoyed her a bit, though she didn't see the need to stoop down to sex yet. Starlight stood up and removed her clothes to reveal that she herself was entirely female apart from the very masculine presence of a dick in between her legs, not to mention the two pent up fuck sacks just behind it. As Applejack widened her eyes at the sight, Starlight simply said "Applejack, as you can see I'm just like you and living in this town has made me happier than I've ever been, equality is not evil, in fact it's the complete opposite, please join us" Applejack was tempted, that much was certain, though not enough as she went "I'm sorry but... I can't, I just can't... I want my talent and I want my freedom, I'm sorry......" Well, looks like Starlight would have to stoop to sex after all, not that she was exactly complaining about that, it's just that sex was so exhausting! Starlight nodded before going "OK, well if that's really what you want I can't exactly stop you, same goes for the others I suppose. I can tell that you and your friends are determined to destroy everything I've built and swap out the "fake" happiness in this town for your narrow minded views and pre-conceptions of true happiness. Before you figure out a way to do that however, can I just say that as a woman who has owned a cock for quite a while, let me tell you that learning to use previously unnecessary muscles and movements for sex is a little clumsy. Not only that, but just like a pussy, there are quite a few intense sensations that come with having a dick which can dramatically affect sexual endurance, more specifically the ability to hold back and restrain an orgasm. Being a quick shot isn't fun for anyone and cumming immediately can be a problem at first, not to mention that if you are a little too quick for your partner then you'll have to get used to maintaining enough stamina for a far more stimulating second round..." Applejack interrupted before Starlight could go any further and went "Woah woah woah, what are you saying here? That using this thing is gonna be tricky without practice? How am I supposed to practice? I don't wanna end up disappointing Sugar Belle if we end up in bed together!" Starlight said "Well, you could jerk off a lot, though a hand and the warm wet insides of a woman don't compare. However that brings me on to my main point, if you're not gonna let me keep what I've worked so hard to create, could you at least let me finish helping you by being your practice girl?" Applejack was again dumbfounded by this turn of events, Starlight went "Yes, I mean what you think I mean. After all, what was the point of giving you a cock without teaching and training you to use it effectively? I may not have a pussy, though ironically I find that often the less traditional things are also the more fun things! Claim Sugar Belle's pussy all you want, just let me give you your first blow job..." Applejack was sweating slightly as she felt her cock twitching and reacting to everything that was being suggested, though the thing that brought her to full mast was when Starlight walked over and turned around, pushing her ass against Applejack's new addition and grinding up and down as she whispered into Applejack's ear "... and then, you can fuck your first ass... my ass. Let me suck it and have a little anal sex before you start pounding pussy" Starlight stepped away and turned back to face Applejack and said "Your cock says yes, what about you Applejack? Please let me be the woman you fuck just so you can do it better for someone you actually care about, before you take everything away from me... please...", Starlight was putting on an act so convincing that she even slightly believed it herself! Applejack said "Just this once, right?" Starlight nodded and said "Just this once, I'll even give you a hand job too, I'll jerk your dick as best as I can! I can also give you a tit job, a butt job, a foot job, a thigh job, a-" Applejack went "Hey easy there! You don't need to do all of that! Save something for Sugar Belle! Though that being said... I probably wouldn't mind the hand job you offered" Starlight nodded before going "OK, so is that a yes? blow job, hand job, anal, yeah?" Applejack sat on the edge of the bed and went "Well, practice does make perfect and I wanna make sure I can physically please Sugar Belle in a way that expresses how much I like her, so if I can at least be better than a first timer... that should be good enough". Excellent, by the end of this not only would Applejack be with Sugar Belle but Starlight would also have made her change her mind about being equal and staying put in the town, the magic of sex! It had been a while since Starlight had had to please a cock that wasn't her own, she couldn't even remember whose cock she had played with last, though those facts didn't stop her from dropping onto her knees in front of Applejack, hungrily staring at her erect cock and licking her lips in anticipation of wrapping her tongue around that shaft and indulging in the taste of a fresh virgin dong. Starlight pressed her face into Applejack's nut sack and inhaled deeply, both of them shuddered at the eroticism of the moment and the sex had barely started. Starlight applied a long lick from the base of Applejack's cock to the tip before casually slipping the head of the sturdy fuck pole into her mouth and gently suckling, swirling her tongue around and gazing up at Applejack innocently like she wasn't currently pleasuring her tool. Applejack gasped, she was surprised at just how good it felt, it seemed she had underestimated just how sensitive she would be as she whispered to herself "Ooohh..... oohh fuck... ah... this is... this is fucking... whoo boy this is something!" Starlight smiled to herself that she was having such an effect on Applejack that she lacked the vocabulary necessary to adequately describe the pleasure coursing through her member. Starlight was enjoying testing her own oral prowess but she remained focus on the real reason she was doing this, to get Applejack around to her way of thinking, with that in mind she decided to speed the process up a bit and performed what she usually considered a finishing move. Starlight took a deep breath, then in one fell swoop, she took every inch of Applejack's newly crafted cock down into her throat, her lips pressed firmly into her crotch, her chin resting against her balls and her neck bulging obscenely with the sheer amount of dick that she had forced down her esophagus, no gagging, no coughing or hacking as she struggled, just the wetness and warmth of her silky mouth caressing the large erection that was resting in her face and blocking her airways. Applejack's knuckles turned white as she grasped at the bed sheets, having her entire cock bathed in the moist warmth of a tight throat was something she wasn't expecting yet and the feeling was so overwhelming that her mouth hung agape, though no sound came out as her screams of ecstasy got caught in her throat. Starlight held herself down for a few moments before pulling back until she was left with only half of Applejack's equipment in her mouth, then plunged all the way back down again. This time, Applejack reacted in a much bigger way as she grabbed on to Starlight's head and started forcing her to bob her head up and down at a much faster pace, she was sweaty and out of breath as she said "Holy shit Starlight... this is fucking amazing! I can feel something building up... it's... it's...", once again Applejack failed to find the correct words for what she was trying to communicate. Starlight wan't entirely pleased that Applejack had just thrown caution to the wind and decided to violate and defile her mouth in whatever way she pleased, however she allowed it to happen because she knew that at the very least it would speed up the process of Applejack's transition. Not even one minute into Applejack's feverish fucking of Starlight's face, Applejack's cock began to throb as she went "Oh fuck.. I think I'm... I'm gonna...", Starlight quickly clasped onto Applejack's hands and removed them from her head so that she could pull back until Applejack's dick exited her mouth, coated in saliva and left to pulse angrily in the cold open air as it was denied orgasm. Applejack groaned through the discomfort of her first blue ball experience as she went "Argh... Starlight what the hell?!?! I was so damn close!" Starlight giggled and said "I know, you were cumming way too soon and the whole point of this is to help you prolong the pleasure, don't worry... as soon as you get into my booty, that's when I'll let you satiate your needs OK? For now though, we're gonna wait until your new delicious little friend there calms down, then I'll give you a nice hand job" Applejack scowled but accepted that the cruelty of not getting to cum was, on some level, for her own benefit as they both silently waited until Applejack's cock had gone down enough that it could handle some stimulation without immediately blowing thick heavy ropes of a hot load all over the floor, her first ejaculation was reserved for Starlight's butt. When Applejack's previously rock hard erection was almost completely flaccid, Starlight nodded and said "OK, ready for me to jerk your fat schlong?" Applejack went "Yeah, thanks to you I'm nowhere near finishing" Starlight rolled her eyes and said "Geez, attitude" as she summoned her handy bottle of lube, she figured she might as well kill two birds with one stone and use the lube to make for a nice hand job that would also simultaneously prepare Applejack to sink herself into a tight ass. Starlight grabbed the bottle and squirted a long line of lube along the length of Applejack's rod, making her breath hitch as the cold substance hit her comparatively warm skin, Starlight then squirted a decent amount onto her palms and rubbed her hands together to make sure that from her wrist to the tips of her fingers, her hands were nice and slippery. After zapping the bottle away, Starlight said "OK, now just relax" as she wrapped both hands around Applejack's cock and started pumping away. Applejack hummed in contentment as she was gradually brought back to full hardness under Starlight's ministrations, the way her delicate fingers glided over her skin, sliding up and down her slicked up dong. Starlight decided to change her technique and switched from moving her hands in tandem to periodically going from holding the base and jerking the tip to doing the opposite by holding the tip and jerking the base. After another minute of jerking Applejack, Starlight was impressed to see that Applejack had remained remarkably calm, even if it was clear she was now actively trying to hold herself back. Starlight decided to move onto what she hoped would be the final phase of her hand job and brought her hands together and gripping a little tighter as if to simulate a pussy and, with a much faster pace, worked every turgid inch of Applejack's bitch breaker. Starlight decided to be extra mean this time as she looked up at Applejack with bed room eyes and a wry smile before putting on a seductive tone of voice and launching into some dirty talk. Applejack grunted as Starlight said "Yeah, you like the way I stroke your big meaty dick like this? If you like this then just imagine how it would feel to push this bad boy into the wet folds of Sugar Belle's pussy, her cunt lips stretching to accommodate your girth as the twitching convulsing walls of her moist caverns milk your cock, silently begging you to cum, desperate to feel the euphoria of having her baby maker filled with your life-giving seed, crying out for you to ram yourself as deep into her fuck chambers as possible just so that she can feel your spunk rocket out from your tip and crash against her cervix. Though right now you don't have that option huh? Guess you'll have to settle for decorating my face with your load, right? Or maybe emptying those churning cum factories all over my tits to make me look like a total fucking slut who wants nothing more than to be surrounded by dicks, ready to be showered with constant streams of jizz like a cheap common street whore, a harlot, a cum dumpster, a female who is only just as useful as a bucket for guys to deposit their hot creamy loads!" Applejack was teetering on the edge of orgasm, her teeth were gritted, her eyes scrunched up, nothing could stop her... that is if she hadn't made the mistake of announcing her impending orgasm. The second Applejack uttered the words "I'm gonna cum", all the pleasure she was enjoying disappeared, Starlight pulled her hands away just as Applejack was as close as possible, so close that even a gust of wind could have finished her off. Alas, not even the wind had access to her dick at that point, so she was once again forced to endure the pain of not achieving release and having no real way of changing it, sure she could have just latched on to her dick and jerked herself to a satisfying and happy ending but what would be the point of that when a fairly attractive and naked woman was in front of her who was seemingly willing to do it for her? Applejack gave a guttural moan and said "Fuck Starlight! I don't know that I can take another disappointment like that! Especially when it's so fucking uncomfortable!" Starlight just went "Relax Applejack, I promise that for our next bit of fun, you'll get to cum... in fact I'm hoping you'll cum twice to make sure that your cum tanks are thoroughly drained, for now however, you're just gonna have to be patient and wait for your boner to go down" as she reached back to lube up her own ass hole with the excess lube on her hands, once she felt that her pucker had a good layer of lube she tested it out by pushing a middle finger in, the way she was able to easily slide her finger inside down to the knuckle suggested that even if the anal sex was tricky upon penetration, it would all go smoothly so long as her rump was able to take Applejack's thick, hard and readily eager cum cannon. Seconds passed and soon enough Applejack's prick had calmed down after yet again being denied the chance to cum, going from a full and thundering strong erection to not even being a quarter of the way hard. Starlight stood up and said "Looks like you're ready for the final round Applejack, how you feeling?" Applejack grimaced and said "Frustrated! I had no idea that keeping myself from finishing too soon would be so difficult" Starlight rolled her eyes and said "Oh quit whining, I can't help it if I'm a bit of a cock tease" Applejack huffed and went "I'm not whining, I'm complaining, there's a difference" Starlight went "Well whatever it is, stop it so that we can get your cock in my booty, OK?" Applejack remained silent and sat still, looking at Starlight expectantly, waiting for her next move. Starlight smiled and turned away to start shaking her ass right in front of Applejack's face, as a result of having to repeatedly thrust her hips after having fucked so many girls into joining the town, her ass was quite muscular, yet that didn't detract from the way she was able to make the decent layer of fat of her glutes wobble in a satisfying and sexy way. After waving her hips from side to side a little, Starlight finished off the show by widening her legs and arching her back as she bent over, her slick ass hole peeking out from between her cheeks with her own male endowment dangling below, showing off that she was just as well hung as Applejack. Applejack was once again hardening rapidly, her respectably sized package halfway ready for some proper fucking within a matter of seconds just from looking at the enticing piece of ass she was going to bury her cock in. Starlight decided to get a little more physical and backed up until she could feel Applejack's hard-on in her crack. Starlight chuckled to hear Applejack grunt as she clenched her cheek muscles, squeezing the long lubricated cock with her glutes before beginning to swivel her hips in a circle, rubbing the desperate dick until it was as powerfully erect as it could possibly get. Starlight lifted herself away and reached back to spread her ass cheeks, giving Applejack an unobstructed view of her twitching pucker as she said "Think you're ready for this? You wanna stick your dick in my behind? Bury yourself balls deep in my bottom? Penetrate this juicy delicious rump? Pump my darling derriere? You really wanna fuck this ass? Hump away like a desperate dog until you fill my rear with your filthy disgusting load?" Despite being rhetorical questions, Applejack nodded dumbly and just went "Uh-huh...", she was achingly and almost painfully hard and the anticipation was driving her mad with lust. Starlight chuckled as she let go of one ass cheek so that she could gently guide Applejack's cock to her back door and began pressing her tight entrance down on the tip in an effort to get Applejack's mammoth member inside her, after a couple of attempts where Applejack's dick kept slipping away from its intended target, things finally got started when the whole head popped into Starlight's ass, both of them letting out a sigh of relief and pleasure. Starlight went "Mmm... Applejack, Sugar Belle is a lucky girl, she'll be nothing but a quivering drooling mess when you finally stretch out her cunt with this monster breeding tool I've given you!" Starlight slowly descended as she continued to engage in some idle dirty talk to ensure Applejack was suitably riled up "Ooh... such a thick shaft, you're gonna be soooooooo fucking deep inside me...", eventually Starlight was sat in Applejack's lap, cock completely hilted. Applejack was sweating profusely, the silky warmth that surrounded and enveloped her new sex organ, massaging and milking it for its orgasm, it was a feeling and sensation unlike anything she had felt before. There no words to describe just how heavenly it felt, so Applejack showed her appreciation with something that spoke even louder than words, action. Starlight let out a slight yelp of surprise, though not of disapproval when she suddenly felt a hand grabbing onto and squeezing her left tit while another cupped and fondled her balls, although her cock wasn't feeling anything the anal sex alone was enough that she could enjoy having a constant boner. As Starlight recovered from the shock of being so suddenly handled she smiled and said "My insides not enough for you huh? Just gotta play with the outside too?" Starlight received no answer and so, began to slowly grind into Applejack's hips, making slow and gentle up and down movements to ride the high of them both finally fucking. After a series of grunts, groans and gasps from the both of them, Starlight concluded that play time was over, it was time to make this girl nut in her butt and so she lifted herself up until she was halfway up Applejack's cock, then pushed all the way back down, plunging the stiff length as far up her ass as it could possibly go. As Applejack's moans increased in pitch and volume, Starlight repeated this pattern as she began to feverishly bounce up and down, she knew that she herself couldn't cum until Applejack verbally agreed to join the town but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy being pounded. After a minute or so of constant bouncing, Starlight decided to rest for a moment, enjoying the full feeling in her ass, that is until Applejack grabbed onto her hips and started thrusting up into her. It seemed Applejack was close and wasn't going to be robbed of her orgasm yet again... as she approached her climax she had the good conscience to speak up and say "I'm about to... oh fuck... it's coming, I can feel it... where should I...?" Starlight gave permission with a nod and said "Inside Applejack, go ahead and let go, fill me up and pump your baby batter into me...", Applejack all but screamed as jets of thick hot dick milk rocketed out from her tip, thrusting up as each rope took its place in the deepest recesses of Starlight's beautiful booty. Applejack's balls almost seemed to shrink with the amount of seed they had been relieved of, what Applejack didn't know as she lay back in exhaustion, was that the sex wasn't anywhere near over. Starlight began lifting herself up off of Applejack's spent member, though was surprised feel a little resistance upon reaching the tip, which was seemingly lodged in her ass. Starlight tried to harder to remove herself but the head refused to be tugged out of her butt, eventually Starlight had to maneuver a leg onto the bed and do her best to pull and get the cock to exit her, a second or so later the tip of Applejack's rod was yanked out of Starlight's slightly gaped hole with a satisfying *pop*. Applejack was still at half mast, which was perfect for Starlight's plan as she clambered on top of her cow girl style and effortlessly slid Applejack's dick back in her ass, planting herself firmly down on Applejack's hips. Applejack groaned as she gazed up at Starlight with a questioning look before Starlight grinned and said "Come on... you've got one more load in you, keep fucking me with your fat dick, ram your dick into me and pound my ass, use me like a cock sleeve to keep your magnificent fuck pole warm, do it you bitch! Do it! Harder!" Starlight wasn't exactly used to that kind of dirty talk because ever since founding the town she hadn't often been the receiver during sex, though she knew that any of the girls Applejack decided to have sex with would most certainly employ that kind of language. Despite Starlight urging Applejack to fuck her, Applejack was too tired to do so, leaving Starlight to continue slamming herself down as she initiated the final phase that would get Applejack to change her mind about joining the town. As Starlight carried on bouncing herself up and down on Applejack's cock, she leaned down to whisper in her ear "You know Applejack... all the guys in this town have a role that you'll need to fulfill, every single girl in this town just looooves cock and they can't get enough of it. You can fuck as many girls as you like or just fuck Sugar Belle, either way they'll beg you to abuse their holes and would never dare ask you to hold back or repress an orgasm, they love spunk just as much as the tool that delivers it and are readily available every single hour of every single day. You wanna give a girl a nice surprising early morning wake-up call? They'll be grateful to have their sleep interrupted by having a cock launched down their throat ready to give them a delicious and hot cum breakfast, whenever you're in the mood you can just take a girl without asking and they'll thank you for it so please join our community, be a part of this town and take your place! You've got a big dick and it feels so good, you can empty your heavy churning balls as much as you like but I can't cum unless you change your mind and decide to accept our way so just fucking say it already! Embrace our philosophy!" With a roar, Applejack thrust upwards and unleashed another tidal wave of spunk into Starlight's ass as she said "Fucking yes! I accept your way! Equality is fucking awesome and my dick is throbbing just at the thought of it! Equality is the true way and I will take my place! My one true duty and purpose as a member of this town is to fuck!" Starlight grunted and splattered Applejack's torso with jizz as she came, success! Applejack had been converted and there were only two left to conquer, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. When Applejack finished, Starlight got off of her, again having to employ her leg technique to forcibly dislodge the cock from her ass. Starlight summoned a small butt plug the same shade of purple as her hair and pushed it into her own bottom, she didn't want Applejack's fuck muck leaking out of her just yet. Starlight sat down in her chair, leaving the sweaty naked body of a very tired Applejack to recover on the bed before she said "Get dressed, get cleaned up and get the fuck out of here, feel free to drain your balls in whoever you like, you can even be in a relationship with Sugar Belle if that's what you really want. I don't care so long as you've truly joined", Applejack eventually got up and nodded with a grin on her face, then after wiping away Starlight's cum from her chest, she got dressed and went out into the town to indulge in her new lease on life. Starlight wondered who she should convert next, Pinkie or Rainbow? Rainbow was still in the therapy chamber, even if Rainbow herself considered it more of a torture chamber, while Pinkie was still in the propaganda room, all alone. Starlight figured it couldn't hurt to leave Rainbow in the room for a few more hours, she needed to learn her new sexuality properly after all, so Starlight decided to get some rest as she set her sights on Pinkie Pie as her next sexual conquest. Hours later, Starlight was relaxed and her balls were full, so it was the perfect time for her to become "not relaxed" and get her balls to go from full to empty by fucking Pinkie Pie. Starlight went into town and once again, the door to the propaganda room was opened and Pinkie Pie was deeply saddened to see that all of her friends had truly joined the population of the town, she didn't know how Starlight had done it but she realized that if the rest had failed to resist then she probably would to, unless she was just too miserable to be converted. Starlight smiled and said "Pinkie! Now that you can clearly see that the rest of your friends have joined us and are living extremely happy lives, do you think you've come to the decision that you would like stay in the town? I know everyone would be very happy if you did! In fact I happen to know that Party Favor does have a little bit of a crush on you!" That surprised Pinkie, not many people had ever had a crush on her apart from adolescent boys who liked her for her plump curvaceous body and not much else. Pinkie said "Really?" Starlight nodded and said "Oh goodness yes, though with a body like yours I can see why!" Starlight herself had to admit that Pinkie was rather gifted in all the right ways in terms of her body, a thick round bottom, a nice fat rack and her body was just curves upon curves, her belly had a strangely cute amount of fat that just made it a little pudgy and it didn't hurt that Pinkie had a pretty face when all was said and done. Pinkie blushed but wasn't entirely sold on the fact that it was her body that made her seem like she was of any kind of value, though she'd soon understand that her body was her best asset once Starlight convinced her to join the town with her special method, Pinkie was perfect to take her place along with every other whore that did nothing with their lives but service every dick they could get. It was quite lucky that after Party Favor had resisted their original backwards thinking that he felt comfortable enough to reveal his feelings, otherwise this ploy to get Pinkie to exit the room might not have worked. Starlight went "Before you make your decision however, would you mind if I talked to you in private for a moment? In my house of course, the propaganda room isn't really a suitable place for a friendly and leisurely chat" Pinkie didn't see much point in saying no and agreed, plus she had heard more than enough of the continuous looping indoctrination speech and was glad she could get away from all the equalization stuff in such a cramped and enclosed space, she had no idea how much she enjoyed wide open spaces and fresh air until she walked out of that room, hopefully leaving it behind for good. She didn't realize that enjoying fresh air would come at a cost, her freedom. As Starlight welcomed Pinkie into her home and ushered her into the bedroom, she sat down and said "So Pinkie, I've heard that there is a slight grievance you have with the town in particular, namely our culinary work" Pinkie shivered at the mere mention of the muffins that they called "food", Pinkie said "Yeah, I gotta admit that even if everyone in this town is happy and equal, the food could use some work, if it wasn't for that I'd probably find this town quite nice", Starlight smiled, if Pinkie's only real issue with the town was the food then converting her would be a breeze. Starlight went "Well Pinkie, what if I offered you an alternative food source?" Pinkie was intrigued but skeptical, she raised an eyebrow and said "What's the catch?" Starlight insisted "No catch, in fact the only downside to this other food is that if you were to switch to eating it instead of the muffins, then it would be an entirely liquid diet. However this liquid is a natural anti-depressant, improves memory and energy, can help induce sleep, contains protein, calcium, lactic acid, potassium and magnesium which ensures healthier hair, with just a little fat and even some vitamins thrown in for your bodily health, it can even improve your complexion with a youthful glow. It's our very own natural super food!" Pinkie was stunned, this food sounded way better than the muffins that were available, slightly excited, she simply asked "What is it?" Starlight smirked as she removed her clothes to reveal her erect cock as she said "It's jizz Pinkie, everything I said and more in just one ejaculation. If you join this town then you'll never have to endure eating a single muffin so long as you're willing to guzzle down cum like it's your life's mission, which I'm sure Party Favor would be eager and willing to provide, what guy doesn't like a girl who loves to use their mouth to milk a dick and swallow every last drop of semen? That longs to drink the contents of a fat healthy and swinging nut sack? To drain full and heavy balls for every meal or even just a snack? You could be that girl Pinkie and I-AaAahh!!!" Starlight was unable to finish her rather eloquent and poetic description of what it was like to be a cum whore as her dick was quickly hidden from view, replaced by a rapid blur of pink as Pinkie had began sucking Starlight off at tremendous speed with expert deep throat skills that rivaled even the hungriest sluts of the town, making the most sexually lewd slurping sounds Starlight had ever heard in her days of receiving blow jobs...... it was fucking hot. Half a minute into the sudden yet welcome blow job, Starlight was already sweating and out of breath as she went "Holy shit Pinkie... how are...nngg... how are you so fucking good at this? Mmmmm fuck, I'm pretty sure I would have cum by now but...ugghh... you need to agree to join the town before I... I... ooohhh before I can fucking bust a nut!" Pinkie pulled back for about three seconds as, with smiling spit covered lips, she said "Alrightthat'snoproblematallStarlightImeanwhatwouldbethepointofmesofeverishlyswallowingdownyourdongifIwasn'twillingtojointhetownanddothesametoPartyFavororprettymuchanyguywhoneedsit?Imeanit'snotlikeanyofthemaregonnasaynobecausetheydefinitelylikeagoodblowjob!SowithoutfurtheradoIamhappyandproudtosaythatIcompletelyandwithoutregretacceptyourperfectequalphilosophyandpromisetostayinthetownforeverwhereverythingisperfectthankyou!" Starlight didn't even register what Pinkie had said, though knew that whatever it was must have been some kind of agreement, because when Pinkie plunged herself back down, Starlight cried out in surprise as her dick throbbed and unleashed a torrent of jizz, flooding Pinkie's mouth with her new favorite food. However, Pinkie didn't swallow and what was more, she didn't stop... the blow job continued. Starlight panted and chuckled as she watched Pinkie allow the sticky white fluid pool in her cheeks as she carried on, keeping Starlight hard as she swirled her tongue around and sucked just that little bit harder. Starlight relaxed and said "Going in for the second orgasm huh? Well I'm not complaining, so keep sucking bitch" > Rainbow's Rear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starlight sat back in her chair and allowed Pinkie to keep going in her valiant effort to satiate her deep new hunger for big thick creamy loads, served fresh and warm from a hefty pair of pendulous balls and straight out of a massive cum hose of a wang. Eventually Starlight reached her peak and groaned as she let out another bout of spunk, smaller than the first but still a fairly substantial amount. Once again the fluids collected in Pinkie's cheeks, which were beginning to bulge with how much cum she was holding in there, though the one thing that Starlight wasn't expecting was what Pinkie did next... nothing, Pinkie didn't change at all in the slightest, despite having just increased the quantity of jizz in her mouth, which gave her plenty to drink, it seemed she wanted yet another helping and dutifully kept the blow job going. As nice as it was to have her dick sucked, Starlight became slightly uncomfortable, the main source of discomfort being that twice was usually enough for her, not for Pinkie it seemed. Starlight gasped and said "Oh come on now Pinkie... you're just being fucking greedy now, trust me when I say that I love that you want it so badly but I'm tapping out here, cum tanks are empty and...", Starlight noticed that her words were falling on deaf ears, Pinkie wasn't listening, Starlight shrugged and said "Alright, fuck it. It will take a while but if you really want a third one then you're gonna have to work for it, so suck away you fucking jizz pig. Look at you, so desperate to be nothing more than a cum containing sperm receptacle... pathetic" After a couple of minutes, the discomfort Starlight felt melted away to make way for pleasure, though she could tell that this would probably be the last time Pinkie could possibly keep her hard enough to deliver a satisfactory blow job, after her first orgasm she had managed to maintain a very respectable semi, now she was only just barely hard enough for one more round. Five minutes of constant blowing later, Starlight grunted as her third and final orgasm hit, her ejaculation so small that it remained on Pinkie's tongue rather than adding to the generous loads in her cheeks. Pinkie kept sucking throughout Starlight's orgasm, which made her slightly concerned that Pinkie was going to try for a fourth one, though she was relieved to see that Pinkie knew her limits and pulled back to let Starlight's soft cock fall out of her mouth, never before had Starlight felt so flaccid nor so emptied of spunk in all her life. Pinkie visibly and audibly gulped down every last centiliter of the spunk she had collected in her mouth before going "Aahh... that was sooooo yummy and sooooo filling..." and leaned forward to embrace Starlight in a kiss. Starlight allowed the kiss, mainly because she felt it was a nice conclusion to what had been an exhausting experience, as they wrestled tongues Starlight could taste herself and to her surprise, she admitted that she quite liked it. Starlight made a mental note that she should try to suck herself off at some point, maybe even rub her tits up against it at the same time while she was at it. When the kiss ended Starlight said "Well... I'm glad you enjoyed your meal so much that you've changed your mind about staying in the town, speaking of which, you should go out and ask Party Favor out on a date, he'll be happy to find out that your bedroom manners are the same as your table manners", Pinkie giggled and skipped out of Starlight's house to go and find Party Favor so that she could wine him, dine him and then suck him dry. Starlight meanwhile was very tired, she got out of her chair and practically fell onto her bed to take a well-deserved nap. Hours later, Starlight woke up feeling refreshed, energized and once again ready for action, her nuts full to the brim with cum. There was a decent amount of daylight left, so Starlight got dressed and decided that she should check in on Rainbow and see if she had been conditioned into being heterosexual yet. When she opened the door, the heterosexual porn was playing, she promptly turned it off as she saw that the chair Rainbow Dash was sitting in was practically shining from the copious amount of female fuck fluids that was coating it while the woman herself had seemingly passed out at some point from either too much sexual stimulation or the brief moments of intense pain. Starlight removed the ball gag from her mouth, chuckling to see just how coated in drool it was, enough that it had spilled over and gotten all over Rainbow Dash's chin as well, her body was just drenched with sweat, her eyes red and puffy and her cheeks were stained with tears. Rainbow had clearly been through a lot in her time stuck in the room, it made Starlight rock hard to think about what Rainbow must have been like. Starlight lightly tapped Rainbow on the face and went "Rainbow Dash, wake up", there was no response, Starlight frowned and tapped a little harder going "Hey bitch, wake the fuck up" but there was no response other than her body just shivering and shuddering while it tried to recover from its hours long ordeal. Starlight rolled her eyes and gave a hard swift slap across Rainbow's face, which was what finally brought her out of her comatose state as she yelped and said "Ah what fuck the fucking fuck what fuck?!?!" Starlight chuckled and said "Welcome back Rainbow, how do you feel?" Rainbow looked around puzzled, until she remembered where she was and what had happened, she was silent before she went "Um... actually, I don't know how I feel, I'm not feeling sexual pleasure or any pain, which is all I was feeling recently so... I feel lost I guess?" Starlight contemplated that answer, she figured that feeling lost was satisfactory considering she'd soon be demonstrating the new purpose that she intended for Rainbow, time for the ultimate question. Starlight said "OK, well how do you feel about girls? More specifically, would you ever say... oh I don't know, have sex with a girl?" Rainbow's eyes went wide before she started to gag, she held a hand over her mouth almost as if she were about to vomit before shouting "Ew gross! What kind of question is that?! That's disgusting! I'm a guys only kind of girl, just the thought or suggestion that I would do... THAT, yuck! It makes my skin crawl, what's wrong with you?!" Perfect, Starlight smiled and recited the sentence that would allow Rainbow to get out of the chair and once again have free movement "What was gay, is now straight today" Rainbow felt that the chair was no longer gripping her and she stood up as she said "Ugh... I hate gay stuff, it's backwards and weird!" Starlight nodded and went "I'm glad you agree, so with that in mind...", Starlight removed her own clothes to reveal her stiff member before going "I don't suppose you'd mind paying a little attention to me, would you?" Starlight had originally intended to get Rainbow Dash to make her look somewhat presentable after the ordeal she had gone through, however she was feeling quite horny at that point and she kinda liked how messed up Rainbow looked. Rainbow's body reacted before she did as her pussy quivered in excitement and want, her mouth salivating as her eyes fixated upon the throbbing cock with nothing but desire. Rainbow said "Whoa.... I mean, obviously for the most part I don't really find you attractive, what with you being a woman and everything but... that thing you got there.... damn, I would love to feel that thing inside me..." Starlight smirked and said "Well that's kind of the idea, I certainly didn't have anything else in mind. So, why don't you strip and then maybe you can feel this thick schlong in your cunt, though of course I could always go round the back as well, you never know! Depends what I'm in the mood for, now show me your body", Rainbow excitedly disrobed and stood there waiting for Starlight's verdict. Starlight looked her up and down, Rainbow's pussy almost looked sore, no doubt a result of the hours of pleasure it had been forced to experience and her athletic build meant she was a bit flat-chested but a nice taut pair of buttocks. Starlight went "Hmmm.... I gotta admit you got a nice ass, I could really go for some anal right now. All fours on the bed slut, stick out that booty and get ready for my cock" Rainbow practically threw herself onto the bed doggy style position and thrust her ass out as she huskily said "Oh fuck... I can't wait to feel that dick fill me up, this is seriously so fucking hot... I don't think I've ever been this horny before... I'm glad that your dick is actual real flesh rather than a strap-on, as much as I like dick I would never ever let a girl do me with a strap-on, that shit is fucking gay and disgusting!" Starlight summoned her trusty lube bottle and started applying coat after thick slippery coat of the substance to her cock, she knew that Rainbow's ass was bound to be tight whether or not she'd taken anything up there before, so she made sure that her cock was as slick and ready for action as possible before moving on to giving the same treatment to Rainbow's pleasantly petite pucker. Rainbow shuddered as the cold wet touch of the lube was repeatedly slathered all over her rear entrance, though she became much more excited upon feeling Starlight's presence behind her, especially once she felt a hand gently grasp onto her left hip. Starlight zapped the lube away and started angling her dick to Rainbow's back door, anxious to ensure the woman's heterosexuality, ensure that she would willingly join the town and also ensure that she herself got to enjoy fucking a hot sexy ass. Starlight pressed the head of her cock to Rainbow's tight twitching shit hole and began pushing insistently against the resistance it was putting up to try and gain entry, though it seemed that particular task was going to be much more difficult than she had anticipated, even with the lube aiding the attempted penetration. Starlight gritted her teeth as she pushed harder and harder, groaning at the amount of effort she was having to exert just to get inside Rainbow's butt. Starlight persevered, only increasing the force behind her pushing, her frustration building as she went "Come on already... just get the fuck in... I gotta be inside so badly, fucking get in there!" Eventually Starlight got her wish when the tip of her cock was finally granted access a few seconds later, enveloped by Rainbow's unnaturally tight bottom. "Holy shit..." said Starlight, breathing heavily as she allowed herself a moment to relax, "You're way way tighter than Fluttershy was, majorly... I've never felt a girl grip me so hard before, fucking you is gonna be a workout that's for sure... damn, I can't get over how this feels, hilting my cock back here is gonna be a chore, I'll be surprised if my body doesn't at least struggle to pump my load out with how hard your ass is hugging me. Bitch, your walls are squeezing me so tightly I swear your gonna fucking crush my dick hole closed, when you join the town you better train this ass as much as possible, you really gotta loosen up... fuck..." Rainbow squirmed, agitated and irritated that Starlight was talking so much as she went "Yeah yeah I'm tight, just stick it in already! The whole thing! I love dick so much and you're depriving me! Don't leave a girl hanging here!" Starlight held onto Rainbow's hips and once again started pushing, as expected, even with the copious amount of lube they had used, Starlight really had to give it her all and go full force to get her dick to slowly slide inside Rainbow's body, it massively tested her endurance and she was certain that had she not gained slightly muscular hips and buttocks from fucking so many girls, then this would have been impossible. It truly mystified Starlight how Rainbow could be so deliciously tight in the rear, she leaned forward and gripped onto Rainbow's shoulders for more leverage, desperate to bottom out so that she could actually start thrusting. When Starlight got halfway in she then moved on to holding Rainbow's hair and violently tugging as she slowly sank her cock deeper and deeper until finally her pelvis pressed up against Rainbow's ass cheeks, her balls resting comfortably against the moist warmth of Rainbow's pussy, she was all the way in. To say that it was a snug and tricky union would have been the greatest understatement of the year, Starlight's cock only just barely fit inside Rainbow's athletically toned rump and the process of making that fit happen already had the both of them panting as sweat rolled down their faces. When Rainbow caught her breath she said "Damn... I feel so fucking full in there, it's so good... fucking perverted dykes have no idea what they're missing out on, how and why they resist guys who have such huge throbbing cocks just baffles me, they never understand that they're just sexually confused. Pussies and dicks go together, that's the way nature intended it... fucking lesbians..." Starlight was proud that her method of turning Rainbow straight had been effective enough that Rainbow actually borderline disliked the gay community she used to be a part of, though now wasn't the time to concentrate on that, her dick was in a good piece of ass and she needed to work on how best to fuck it and begin Rainbow's conversion. Starlight began pulling back, something which proved to be almost as challenging as the journey in, once she was halfway out she buried herself back all the way in Rainbow's hindquarters. While Rainbow's body had accepted the inevitable anal invasion, that didn't make it any easier to engage in some proper fucking and establish a consistent thrust pattern, though once Starlight had given a few test thrusts and practiced a movement that worked, she was able to get into a fairly solid rhythm and pace. The ensuing sex was klunky and uncomfortable, however it was at the very least the pleasurable kind of clumsy discomfort, like having all three holes being fucked at the same time. It was when Starlight had started fucking properly that she remembered that she still had the butt plug in as she felt it shifting around in her bottom, the kink factor alone pushed her closer to orgasm, time to get Rainbow to join the town. Starlight kept roughly pumping away at Rainbow's ass, their bodies giving a satisfying clap each time they collided, Starlight's fat churning cum tanks repeatedly swinging forward and tapping a pussy that was getting wetter by the second, quivering in preparation for what would be a truly outstanding climax. Both of them just grunted and groaned as they each approached their peak, Starlight leaned forward and said "Rainbow... no matter how hard your ass milks my dick, I won't be able to cum until you tell me that you accept our way, that you're ready to fulfill your purpose, take your place, play the role all mares in this town play and embrace equality... tell me Rainbow, tell me so that I can squirt my thick dick cream right into your fucking ass, do it! Our society is pure and wonderful, we are a happy and healthy community where everybody is the same! Become the newest member of our population and you'll be able constantly take every dick our town has to offer, doesn't that sound nice? A life of being pounded by hard horny cocks over and over and over again in every single fuckable hole on your body? An endless dizzying conveyor belt of guys desperate to be the next one in line to wreck your body like a cum-drunk slut? That's what you want right? Say it!" Rainbow's pussy gushed an embarrassing amount of fluid as she screamed in ecstasy and said "Oh fuck this is so hot! Yes! I'll do anything to get the dick I so crave! I believe in your way! Your philosophy was right all along! I can't wait to join everyone and continually service any guy who wants some! I want to live in this town forever!" Starlight let out a guttural cry as she slammed her cock down the base of shaft in Rainbow's ass and, despite the overwhelming tightness threatening to halt her ejaculation, blew her largest and most pleasurable load yet as deep inside Rainbow as possible, flooding her insides as much as she was physically capable of doing until her nuts were completely and utterly drained the same way that all the energy in her body had been drained from such a uniquely powerful round of some of the best anal sex she had had the honor and privilege to be a part of and participate in. Starlight truly felt that, even though it was just some casual ass fucking, it was a legendary sex session that she'd never forget, tales of this sexual conquest would line the pages of history books yet to come, a story that would be passed on for future generations to admire, going down in history as a moment that would echo throughout the ages. The magnitude of just how incredible it felt was unquantifiable, not even Rarity's pussy had emptied her so thoroughly. In summary, once Starlight had wrapped her head around it and all was said and done, one thing was made abundantly clear... Starlight really liked the sex she had just had. Starlight had to remind herself that if she was gonna make good on her promises and keep everyone in line, she'd have to remain in a relationship with Twilight and allow Rainbow to go on her merry way and just offer herself up to every guy like a piece of meat ready to receive any and every phallic invader that needed some relief. Starlight was brought out of her day dream when Rainbow spoke up and said "Damn... that was the best thing ever... such a shame that you can't set up that forced sex corrective rape thing anymore now that I've been corrected, cause that shit sounds fucking awesome...", Starlight smiled and began pulling her cock out of Rainbow's ass, surprised to find that the sheer tightness of it was enough to keep her decently hard, she was able to pull out with relative ease, the only obstacle she came across was when it came to the head of cock, no matter how she tugged and yanked, she wasn't able to wrench her tip out and free it from the vice-like grip of Rainbow's rump. Starlight sighed in exasperation and said "Great, first I get Applejack's thick cock stuck up my tight ass and now I get my own magnificent cock stuck up your exceptionally nice ass" Rainbow looked back over her shoulder with a quizzical look on her face and said "Wait, Applejack has a dick?" Starlight nodded and said "Yeah, long story, you can ask her about it once you help me exit your rear", Rainbow allowed herself to basically faceplant the bed as she reached back with both hands and spread her ass cheeks as wide as possible, making her hole widen a little in the process. Starlight started pulling again, still met with a shocking amount of resistance, like Rainbow's bottom wasn't ready to let go and was desperately trying to keep it inside. Starlight groaned and went "Come on... get the fuck out..." before the head of cock was finally released and fell out of Rainbow's back door with a satisfying *pop*. Starlight relaxed before saying "Aahh... there we go, now stay like that for a second, I wanna do something before I send you packing", Starlight reached back to her own bottom and removed the butt plug she had nestled in her rear entrance, she looked at it momentarily and confidently put it in her mouth, swirling her tongue around as she sucked it. Starlight cringed at the unpleasant synthetic and chemical flavor of the lube that was overpowering and masking the much preferable taste of her ass hole, a part of her body that she had kept incredibly hygienic for sex reasons, she may have been a leader but she still had needs and was willing to let a select few of the guys in town pump her rump, so she was happy to maintain a certain quality to her pucker the same way the girls in town that she liked to fuck did. Starlight pulled the butt plug out of her mouth and without so much as a warning, unceremoniously rammed it into Rainbow's ass, causing her to yelp in surprise. Starlight said "There, having that thing jammed in there should keep you decently stretched open enough to take more dicks without too much trouble, though it still needs improvement. When you go into town you've gotta work on that ass, it's nice and tight but it's a little bit too tight for the kind of cocks you'll be dealing with on a daily basis, so get some dudes to bang you until that derriere is as loose and fuckable as a street whore's cunt, got it?" Rainbow nodded and said "Uh-huh..." as she stood up and got dressed Starlight went "Good, now be on your way, dirty skank", Rainbow left Starlight's home, leaving Starlight to once again fall into her own bed and drift off to sleep, happy that every single girl had joined her perfect town. Which only left one question in her mind... what next? A few days went past with Starlight keeping a close eye on all of her newest town members, they had taken to their new lives quite well and didn't seem to have any second thoughts or even regret giving up their talents to enjoy what equality had to offer, the fact that they were all constantly having sex probably helped to that end. Starlight idly stroked her cock as she saw everyone going about their day, grinning at how well her plan had worked and how the newcomers had made her society look even more beautiful than before, though it was that thought that gave Starlight pause...... a feeling of euphoria washed over her as she hit upon an epiphany. Things now seemed so perfect...... was it finally time? Starlight quickly made her way to the room where she had kept Rainbow to retrieve a secret she had kept hidden for longer than she could remember, she lifted a loose floor board that was under the chair, pulling out a small wooden box before quickly opening it to pull out a very old and flimsy piece of paper that was yellow with age, had small tears and holes in it, covered in dust and had been incredibly difficult to obtain. Starlight carefully unfolded the paper to study its markings, she had figured out long ago what the markings meant, which is why she had held onto it for so long, only now as she read them once again did she fully understand and recognize that she had succeeded. On the paper was what had long rumored to be a series of lists that detailed crucial characteristics, personality traits and a host of other ingredients that, if applied correctly, could allow any society, good or bad, to thrive and even overthrow all others until it became the norm on a global scale. Starlight poured over every intricate detail to make sure she had her facts straight, this paper had been the reasoning for her altered genitalia, the foundation of everything the town stood for and the unorthodox methods through which she converted all non-believers, she reviewed the six crucial elements that offered up a strange myriad of things that would allow Starlight to spread the message of equality and have it work. Lust. Gender. Sexuality. Kink. Harem. Romance. It was an odd concoction but Starlight recognized that she had every single one of those embodied in six particular individuals. Romance was obviously Twilight, the girl who was so desperate for affection she had gotten into a relationship with Starlight. Harem must have been Rarity, who was one of the girls who constantly serviced Feather Bangs. Kink had to be Fluttershy, her pussy was so ready to accept cock and when she took it in the ass she had literally begged Starlight to fuck her. Sexuality only made sense for Rainbow Dash, the lesbian-turned-dick-sleeve of the town. Gender was Applejack, the first girl in town who actually wasn't comfortable being a girl, not completely anyway. Which just left lust for Pinkie Pie, the girl who loved food and was happy to give up the town's famous muffins to guzzle cum all the time. Starlight was ecstatic, so ecstatic in fact that she went and sat on her bed, clutched the paper to her chest and closed her eyes as she furiously masturbated. As she jerked off, Starlight fantasized about the perfect world she could now create, in her mind's eyes she saw countless cities, every house was identical, all the people looked identical, the food, the entertainment, the travel, all of it was exactly the same down to the last detail and best of all, no trace of talent anywhere whatsoever. Starlight held back moans of ecstasy as she sent ropes of thick heavy jizz arcing through the air until landing on her bed room floor. It was so clear now what she had to do, this town had always brought in outsiders and despite all the constant sex, no babies were being born, though assuming the new girls were different and special in some way, they may just be the trigger that would set off a chain reaction that would lead to a naturally growing population of equal and talentless people, people who would be perfect emulations from birth until death. The new bitches were about to become the mothers of a generation that would make Starlight's vision of the future a reality. All Starlight had to do was get every single one of them very heavily pregnant. -the next day- All of them were waiting patiently in Starlight's bed room, anxiously waiting to find out why she had summoned them all to her house on that day, they figured out that them being the newest members of the town must have been something significant but beyond that they had no idea why Starlight had requested their presence all in one room. Starlight was sat in a chair, already naked, as she smiled and said "So, how is everyone? I assume that you're all very happy with your new lives after I made you see the light, correct?" The group all nodded and Starlight smiled to see that they were all content upon taking their place in the town, she had to hold back a chuckle as she saw a few them trying to ogle her cock without her noticing. Starlight decided to get right to the point of setting her ultimate plan in motion and said "Well what if I told you there was a way that I could get everyone to join our little equal collective here? Everyone you know and everyone you don't know, all of them becoming part of our community, making it grow, making it stronger until eventually... well, you'll see" Most of them seemed confused but also hopeful, they hadn't considered that converting others was going to happen so soon but they were optimistic about it, why wouldn't they want everyone to be equal? Equality provided freedom and bliss, everyone should have it! Starlight felt like there had been enough silence and said "Look, I'll cut to the chase. For too long now our population has only grown when outsiders have stumbled upon us before deciding to stay here permanently, abandoning their old life in favor of a newer and better life right here. That system of increasing our numbers is no longer effective, so we need to start our own little baby boom. To put it simply, I'm gonna knock you all up" The girls were immediately surprised by that statement, this woman seemed to have no real moral code, was a hypocrite and a tyrant... she was perfect, they certainly had no qualms about being impregnated by her and they certainly weren't going to refuse! Heck, they probably would have volunteered had they known that it was an option! Though one question did cut through the eagerness as Fluttershy said "Um... what about our partners? You know, our other halves? Surely they'd want to have children with us too, right?" Starlight nodded and said "Of course, right after you give birth to my children you're free to get pretty much anyone to fertilize you, breed you, put a bun in your oven..." the thought of what Starlight was about to do to these girls was making her more erect by the second and distracting her from answering the question, she cleared her throat and said "Though just be aware that both I and your significant other will encourage you to sleep around and have as many children with as many people as possible" Applejack chipped in with "Hang on, how does that work with me considering that I don't have the... y'know, equipment... for having kids?" Starlight said "Well I'm deeply sorry AJ but for the purpose of getting you pregnant, I'm gonna have to remove your alteration and I can't give it back until after you've given birth... I realize that will be uncomfortable but it needs to be done. Afterwards, you can impregnate Sugar Belle and of course you will be encouraged to get other girls pregnant too. Also, before any of you ask, no... I shall not be removing my cock and getting myself pregnant unless it is absolutely necessary, this dick isn't just a tool, it's a symbol of my power and leadership and I won't part ways with it unless, like I said, there are desperate circumstances which makes it a need for me to do so, clear?" The girls all nodded and Starlight said "Good..." then adopted a mischievous grin as she simply stated "Now form a line and get ready to ride me..." as she caressed her throbbing erection. Just before they did as she commanded, Rainbow went "Wait... I thought you could only cum when we say that we wanna join the town?" Starlight rolled her eyes and said "You've already joined the fucking town you dumb bimbo, I can cum whenever I damn well please! Now if all of you could kindly shut your traps and sit on my lap, you're not here to just stand there and watch me fap until your cunts ache, so take off your clothes and let's get this show on the road", the girls all formed a line and removed their clothes, ready for Starlight to make her selection. Starlight looked them all over before fixating her gaze on Applejack's cock, pulsing steadily as it began to harden. Starlight could be cruel for sure but that wasn't to say she was incapable of being kind, which is why she undid what she had done to Applejack, restoring her pussy and uterus so that she could just give a her a quick fuck and send her on her way to try and cope with having the wrong genitals again. Applejack squirmed in discomfort and said "Uuggh... this feels so fucking wrong!" Starlight calmly said "I know, no doubt this sex is probably not going to be enjoyable for you, so let's just get this out of the way, over and done with, then after you give birth in nine months time I'll make you normal again, OK?" Applejack nodded, a cringe plastered on her face as she approached Starlight and stood over her, preparing to lower her pussy down and get herself penetrated. When they were perfectly lined up with Starlight's tip pressed right against Applejack's entrance, Applejack steeled her determination and descended, allowing Starlight's cock to enter her despite how incredibly unnatural it felt. Starlight hummed as more and more of her member was gradually sunk into the moist warm depths of Applejack's pussy until she was completely buried inside her, feeling the weight of Applejack resting on her lap. Starlight felt Applejack shivering and gently wrapped her arms around her, whispering in her ear "Sshh sshh sshh... it's OK, you're doing great... I won't make you move if you don't want to, I'll do all the work and finish as fast as I can... how are you feeling?" Applejack whimpered as she melted into Starlight's embrace, she stuttered and stammered, stumbling over her words before she finally just went "Right n-now... I... with you h-here holding me like... I... I feel...... safe, I feel safe" Starlight patted Applejack on the head and said "Good, that's good. May I start moving?" Applejack just nodded before burying her face in the crook of Starlight neck, Starlight tightened her grip on Applejack's body and slowly began thrusting her hips up into Applejack's squeezing cunt. The only sounds in the room were the creaking of the chair and small gasps that Starlight and Applejack made as Applejack did her best to make it through the entirety of the sex, while Starlight made sure to rush to her orgasm as soon as possible, she may have been a domineering bitch but she was nothing if not considerate when she needed to be and Applejack was a special case. Partway through the sex, Starlight could sense Applejack was on the verge of rejecting this experience altogether and claiming she couldn't do it, which was the opposite of what Starlight wanted. Starlight knew it was a risky gamble to remove Applejack's dick, as it may have caused her to lapse and revert back to how she was before Starlight had converted her. Starlight said "Applejack, if there's anything that will help you endure this then you are free to do it without question, I promise that I'm almost done, alright?" Starlight's orgasm was steadily building, her crotch felt tingly and there was a pleasurable ache in her groin, Applejack pulled her head out from Starlight's shoulder and instead began to passionately kiss her. Starlight accepted the kiss willingly and reciprocated, the delicate sound of smacking lips and dancing tongues graced their ears until Starlight made a series of small grunts as she gave a final thrust and blew her load, painting the walls of Applejack's cunny white with spunk. A thin layer of sweat covered the two, panting heavily, Starlight said "Well done, Applejack... you were very brave to do that and I'm sorry that you have to cope with having your vagina back for the next nine months until you give birth, the second the babies exit your body you'll get your cock back, I swear" > Pregnancy Prophecy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack lifted herself off of Starlight and put her clothes back on before simply leaving the house to go and work through her emotions. After Starlight felt her energy return to her, she went "Alright Twilight, as my girlfriend it only makes sense that you go next, come ride me before I lose my boner", Twilight had a rather different approach to having sex with Starlight than Applejack had. Twilight basically threw herself on top of Starlight, quickly angling herself correctly and slamming herself down on Starlight's lap, enveloping the entirety of her cock into her folds within a matter of seconds. Starlight made a noise that was a mixture of surprise and pleasure before simply adopting a bewildered look as Twilight began riding her like there was no tomorrow and growling at her "Breed me! Breed me! Do it please! I need it! It's all I'm good for! Fucking breed me as hard as you can! Make me pregnant with your babies! I wanna get so fucking pregnant! Fill me with your spunk and BREED ME!!!" Starlight stared into Twilight's wild eyes, the testosterone coursing through her veins kicked in as she snarled at Twilight "BITCH!" Starlight threw herself forward, sending them both tumbling off of the chair and onto to the floor in the missionary position, where Starlight regained control of the situation and began to feverishly jackhammer Twilight's sloppy fuck hole like she was intending to hurt the poor girl rather than please her. It was seconds later that Twilight held back several guttural moans as a very strong orgasm wracked her body, which only triggered her to turn the tables yet again as she used all of her adrenaline-fueled strength to force them both to roll over until Starlight was lying on her back, allowing Twilight to resume the violent bouncing of her hips up and down on Starlight's aggressively and almost angrily strong hard-on, desperately trying to milk the cum from her balls. Starlight was having none of it, if there was going to be a power dynamic in this relationship, then she'd have all the power. Starlight used might she didn't even know she possessed to stand up with Twilight still impaled on her dick before pushing her into the chair, the chair was up against a corner of the room so Twilight had no means of regaining control, which meant Starlight was free to ravage her body even harder than before. Twilight orgasmed once again, the relentless thrusting caused her feminine fuck fluids to gush out from the edges of her pussy uncontrollably, Starlight leaned forward to whisper in her ear "You're my fuck toy... no matter who fucks you, know that you'll always belong to me, you're fucking mine!" Starlight bit down on Twilight's earlobe without restraint, making Twilight squeal as she wrapped her legs around Starlight's waist and clawed at her back, dragging her nails across her skin and leaving red scratch marks. They were both sweaty, panting and feeling a delightful mix of pleasure and pain, the thudding of the chair against the floor was drowned out as Starlight almost seemed to roar upon her climax, forcing her cock as deep into Twilight's nethers as was physically possible. Cum crashed into Twilight's cervix, most of it being directly pumped into her womb, Starlight gave another two strong thrusts as she ejaculated before just holding herself inside Twilight and allowing her orgasm to subside. When Starlight had stopped cumming and she had regained her energy, she tugged her dick out of Twilight and stood up, dragging Twilight to her feet and pulling her into a passionate kiss. Seconds later she broke the kiss and huskily whispered "Get the fuck out, a haze of lust has descended and is clouding my mind, I have all these urges... urges to hurt you, sexually destroy you, to fuck you like I hate you and want to fucking beat you up or even kill you... I wanna do so many messed up things to you..." Twilight just said "Oh yeah? Well... what if I want you to do that to me?" Starlight chuckled and said "Fuck you, you're so hot...", she gave Twilight another kiss and calmed down before going "Get out of here, give birth to my children and then maybe after that I'll show you what I mean and indulge myself... now go...", Twilight obeyed and clothed herself before leaving the house. Starlight turned to see Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy all looking equally shocked at such an interesting display of love-making. Starlight smiled and said "Yes yes, I know, I got carried away. Don't worry, I don't intend to subject you to the same treatment, I may prefer the rough approach when it comes to sex but I can restrain myself" Starlight sat back down and did a quick bit of magic to refill her balls, a process that had a slight twinge of discomfort, then started stroking her cock to keep it hard for the next girl in line despite how difficult it was to maintain a constantly aching erection that had already been thoroughly used that day. Starlight looked at the remaining girls before going "Hmmm... Pinkie Pie, your turn. Get over here and take a ride on my disco stick", Pinkie strutted over and dropped to her knees, which confused Starlight until she saw Pinkie lick her lips and start bringing her mouth closer to her throbbing erection, Starlight pressed her hand against Pinkie's head and calmly stated "Nah-ah-ah, wrong set of lips honey" Pinkie pouted and cried "I'm hungry!" Starlight frowned and went "Well the quicker you let me pack your pussy full of dick cream, the sooner you can go back to town and suck everyone off, so get going!" Pinkie huffed and stood up, then faced away from Starlight before reaching back and spreading open her moist cunt, slowly lowering herself until Starlight's tip was poised perfectly to be pushed inside. With some gentle prodding, Starlight's cock was squeezed inside Pinkie's baby chamber, as more and more of her rod disappeared into Pinkie's insides, Starlight hummed in appreciation and said "Oohh yeah... mmm your pussy feels nice and tight, it's nice to have a good view of that thick round bubble butt of yours too... I can't wait to see you bounce that fat ass, I'm gonna nut so fucking hard when I see all of that titanic ass flesh jiggling right in front of my face... you better believe I'm gonna smack that booty while you ride on my fuck pole" Pinkie finally sat on Starlight's lap, completely filled with her pulsing eager erection, Starlight went "Mmm... perfect, I'd go so far as to say that your insides are comfortable Pinkie, we fit together quite nicely...", Pinkie continued to ignore what Starlight was saying as she began moving up and down whilst also rotating her hips to make sure that her moist warm cunny caressed every sensitive inch of Starlight's cock. Starlight sat back and relaxed, Pinkie was surprisingly skilled when it came to sex, enough that Starlight felt no need to heighten her own arousal by doing all the things to Pinkie's butt that she said she wanted to do, she was content to just let Pinkie do her thing for the moment. The only problem with Pinkie's technique was that it was consistent, she never changed what she was doing in any way which meant that while the sex felt good and was adequately bringing Starlight closer to the edge, it became a bit "same-y" Starlight let out a long breath and said "Pinkie, speed up", this time Pinkie was listening and very quickly picked up the pace, remaining silent even as her pussy convulsed and gushed her orgasmic fluids all over Starlight's thighs, soaking the dick she was riding on. Starlight groaned in pleasure, then after a couple of seconds ogling Pinkie's rump she let out a guttural moan and started firing off thick and hot heavy ropes of jizz into Pinkie's quivering love tunnel. Pinkie ceased her movements and kept Starlight entombed inside her until she felt that she had finished. Pinkie lifted herself off of Starlight and, without any prompting whatsoever, got dressed and left, clearly rushing to go and suck some dick. Starlight motioned for Rarity to approach, deciding that she was next to get her egg fertilized, Rarity walked over and said "How do you want me? Face to face or turned away?" Starlight though for a second before going "Hmm, let's go with turned away, I haven't really had a chance to appreciate that ass and it wouldn't really be fair to only take notice of Pinkie's full round rump, especially considering not every girl is so well-endowed in the back. Most girls either have muscular cheeks that look chiseled from stone, a small cute little booty or are just tragically flat, so get on here and let me get a good look at the junk in your trunk", Rarity blushed as she faced away from Starlight and, with stunning accuracy and ease, got her cock in her pussy and slid herself down on it until she was sat in her lap, slotted together like two pieces of a puzzle. Starlight groaned and said "Oohh fuck yeah... mmmmm Rarity, your pussy feels even better than Pinkie's did... oh and that ass..." Starlight paused to deliver a swift smack to Rarity's right buttock, causing her to yelp, Starlight bit her lip upon seeing the flesh wobble from the impact of her slap and said "Fuck... I could spank that thing for hours, I'd totally bruise and batter that thing just for fun if I had the time...... for now though, I'll just settle for fucking you and turning you into a bangable MILF..." Starlight grabbed onto Rarity's hips and started thrusting up into her moist cunt, grunting every time she hilted herself in Rarity's folds. Rarity felt instantly embarrassed when she moaned whorishly as her pussy quaked in orgasm, juices leaking out from around the prick still pumping away at her, Starlight felt the tensing of muscles clenching on her rod as Rarity's fluids made her already wet pussy even more delightfully slippery. Starlight gasped in ecstasy and said "Oh fuck, did you just cum? Holy shit girl, you gotta work on that endurance, has Feather Bangs been neglecting you? Or do you just love cock so much you can't help but cream as soon as someone starts fucking you?" Rarity couldn't answer as Starlight sped up her pace, slamming her dick up into Rarity's innermost depths, Starlight continued her dirty taunting as she went "Bet you'd cum again if I lasted much longer huh? Damn it you're so fucking hot.. I... I... I fucking shit!" Starlight wrapped her arms around Rarity and pulled her back until she was flat against her torso, roughly grabbing and massaging her enormous breasts as she splattered her insides with a fresh virile helping of baby batter. As her orgasm tapered off Starlight went "Oohh yeah... fuck, these fat tits are gonna be perfect for feeding, kids couldn't have a better food source if they were nursed by a fucking cow, you already have these huge fucking udders you dirty fucking tease... now, get off my cock and fuck off, I need to tend to your other bitch friends...", Starlight released Rarity, allowing her to pull herself off of her pulsating member before getting dressed and leaving. Starlight once again refilled her empty balls and, slightly out of breath, just said "Alright... who's next?" Rainbow Dash said "Hey Starlight, mind if I go before Fluttershy? It just makes sense that since she was the first one in the group you convinced to join the town, it'd be nice if she's the last girl in the group you get pregnant" Starlight, feeling a little fatigued, just said "Yeah sure, hop on" and allowed Rainbow to get into position, Starlight knew that it would be a challenge to impregnate them all consecutively but all of the constant sex was more tiring than she expected. Rainbow took hold of Starlight's dick and maneuvered herself until she was in the perfect position to plunge herself down, yearning to feel the cock in her hand slide all the way up her ass. Starlight noticed where she was aimed and said "Wrong hole you stupid whore, I may like fucking your ass but anal isn't exactly the best way to get a girl pregnant" Rainbow Dash realized her mistake and smiled in embarrassment as she said "Ha ha... yeah, sorry about that! It's kind of a... y'know... force of habit...", Rainbow realigned herself, Starlight's cock now aimed squarely at the entrance to her pussy. Rainbow used two fingers to spread open her folds and began pressing herself down on the tip of Starlight's dick, grunting in frustration as her walls refused to part to make way for such a large phallic invader, not an ideal situation for someone who was to be one of many mothers of a new generation of talentless equal people. After a minute or so of absolutely zero progress, there was just enough give to finally allow the head of Starlight's fat cock to be agonizingly squeezed inside, Rainbow gasped at the penetration while Starlight groaned immensely, the pressure of Rainbow's cunt was so immense and intense that it was almost painful. Starlight looked at Rainbow and said "Holy fucking shit... somehow your pussy is even tighter than your ass was! I will be very surprised if we manage to make it fit all the way in, fuck... having sex with you and also having you give birth will no doubt stretch you out a bit but you've seriously still gotta give your pussy a workout after that! You're body is gripping so tight I swear it could cut off circulation! Enough talk though... if we don't keep going now it'll never happen, so carry on... shit..." Although she hid it very well, Rainbow was actually in a lot of pain, however, that didn't stop her from doing as Starlight commanded as she steeled her determination and, with scrunched eyes and gritted teeth, began to push down. Starlight wore much the same expression that Rainbow Dash did, they could both tell that what was about to transpire wasn't necessarily going to be a particularly pleasurable experience for either of them, although Rainbow was making more and more progress the more time went by, she was only claiming an additional inch every couple of minutes with how slowly her body was physically able to allow further penetration. Several difficult minutes passed until Rainbow came to a stop, Starlight was both relieved but also confused, she looked down to see that the base of her cock was still out in the open, she looked up at Rainbow and said "Why'd you stop? You haven't taken my whole shaft yet..." Rainbow was sweaty and panting as she just went "Well... you've reached my... my cervix, so... that's as far as you can go... right?" Starlight frowned and simply said "Wrong" as she grabbed onto Rainbow's hips and started pulling her down, she wasn't going to let the barrier between Rainbow's pussy and her womb stop her from getting every last centimeter of cock inside this bitch. Rainbow starting squealing "Ah! No! You can't! Ah... p-please stop! It hurts! My cervix isn't designed to be penetrated! It only opens to push out a baby! Ow! Please stop! Oooh this hurts... ouch! I said it's not built to take your stupid dick so quit it!" Starlight ignored Rainbow's crying and pleading, she would've argued that, as a woman, her entire body was crafted to please the male genitalia, however she didn't really want to get into a debate about it just in case it triggered some kind of relapse that would make Rainbow Dash revert back to being a lesbian. A couple of seconds later and the head of Starlight's cock breached Rainbow's cervix, being held in her womb in a vice-like grip that was shockingly tighter than the pussy it was housed in. Starlight groaned and went "There... all the way in, every girl can go all the way down and you're no exception! Holy shit though, your cervix is fucking squeezing my tip so hard, I sure hope I'm still able to cum... guess we'll find out, now all we have to do is figure out how you're gonna move in a way that even gets me to orgasm at all. With both of us basically stuck to each other I don't how that would work... I think maybe I hadn't thought this through properly..." Rainbow looked down at her abdomen, a very clear cock-shaped bulge going from her groin to her navel. Rainbow raised an eyebrow and gave the bulge a pat and saying "Did you feel that? When I patted this bulge, did you feel it on your cock?" Starlight went "Yeah I did actually, it wasn't even like I just felt the vibration of your hand hitting your skin, my dick actually felt it as if you were touching it. Why?" Rainbow chuckled and started rubbing the bulge up and down in a stroking motion as she said "Oh, I just thought you might like it if I jerked you off while you're inside me...", Starlight smiled, she caught on to what Rainbow was saying and doing, she liked the way this girl could think of different methods of getting any penis to enjoy her ministrations. Rainbow kept up a consistent pace while also periodically tensing her vaginal muscles to massage Starlight's member as best she could, Starlight had to admit it was an odd but very welcome feeling, it was like a machine had forced her rod into a moist hot tube and was now milking her for the load in her balls. Rainbow, ever the over-achiever, reached down with her other hand and, after a bit of searching, found Starlight's nuts and began to fondle them gently, silently coaxing the churning cum factories to fire off directly into her baby maker. Starlight found this activity to be quite relaxing despite the fact she was trapped inside the tightest cunt she'd ever seen, just a tiny little bit more kink and she be able to finish off, it seemed she was saved the effort of having to think of something however. Rainbow had recognized Starlight's body language and like a mind reader, figured she needed to up the ante a little, the hand she was using to cup Starlight's balls went a little further so that she could use her middle finger to gently prod at Starlight's pucker. Rainbow traced her finger around Starlight's back door and said "May I?" Starlight smiled and said "Sure, that reminds me though, where's that butt plug I stuffed in your ass?" Rainbow groaned and went "Ugh, some dumb ass didn't see it when he was preparing to fuck me, so he just shoved his cock in without taking it out, now it's so deep up my ass I'm just gonna have to wait until my guts decide to expel it" Starlight giggled and went "Sexy, well let's hope you don't get your finger lost in my backside huh?" Rainbow just rolled her eyes and elegantly slid her finger into Starlight's butt, softly pumping in and out. Starlight hummed, she was almost there, she still needed one last thing to push her over the edge and so she removed one of her hands from Rainbow's hip and started massaging her right breast, squeezing it and every now and again pinching her nipple, so so close. Seconds went by with the climax building, just not fast enough, Starlight breathed heavily and said "Rainbow... suck my left tit...", without question, Rainbow latched onto Starlight's breast and started sucking like a hungry calf feeding on its mothers milk, swirling her tongue around the sensitive nipple, it was exactly what Starlight needed as she almost seemed to roar as she ejaculated directly into Rainbow's womb. Rainbow ceased her sucking and her anal fingering to focus all of her attention on rubbing the bulge as fast as she could to bring Starlight to a satisfying release and, although Rainbow's pussy and cervix clamping down on Starlight's member did slow down the deluge of jizz, it wasn't stopping it and a tidal wave of cum burst forth from her tip to find a new home in Rainbow's fertile baby factory. The two of them relaxed, simply enjoying a little bit of afterglow after what had been a dreadfully difficult yet weirdly erotic round of sex, if it could even be called sex, the line between pleasure and discomfort was so fine that they couldn't even label what kind of kink they had just engaged in. The only obstacle left in their way became very apparent when Rainbow Dash attempted to remove herself from Starlight's lap only to find that she couldn't, no matter how she tried she couldn't pull herself off of Starlight's cock, not even with Starlight doing her best to wrench herself out of Rainbow's body. After trying and failing for a couple of minutes, Rainbow turned to Fluttershy with an embarrassed smile and said "Uh... Fluttershy, little help here? Could you give us a hand?" Fluttershy giggled and strolled over, hooking her arms around Rainbow's thighs and placing a foot against Starlight's chair before pulling with all her might. A few seconds of tugging later and Starlight's dick was finally freed from the clutches of Rainbow's cunt, exiting her body and standing still proudly erect out in the open air, shining in the light, leaving Fluttershy and Rainbow to fall backwards and tumble onto the bed behind them. Starlight said "Uugghh... fuck, my cock is so sensitive right now, I swear a small gust of wind could make me cum again right now..." When Starlight uttered that last word, Fluttershy's ears perked and her eyes went wide, pupils dilating, she hadn't realized just how much she wanted to be pregnant until Starlight had suggested that she was already ready to ejaculate again so soon after already having half-emptied her nuts inside Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy got up from the bed and rushed over to Starlight before simply impaling herself on Starlight's twitching prick without any warning whatsoever, enveloping the thick cum cannon into her hot, wet and very welcoming cunny. Starlight just shouted "Fuck!" Fluttershy soon found herself on her back, Starlight having tackled her to the floor so she could hold herself as deep as possible and cum as she whispered in a husky breathless voice into Fluttershy's ear "Fluttershy, your pussy is the loosest, easiest, most whorish fuck hole I've ever had the pleasure of sinking my cock into...", Starlight pulled out when she finished and then stood up before aggressively saying "Both of you... get the fuck out right now, otherwise I'll have to cave in to my urge to beat you both up and rape you, get the fuck outta here!" Rainbow and Fluttershy hurried themselves into getting dressed and quickly vacated the premises, Starlight grabbed onto her chair and threw it across the room, the innocent furniture breaking into several pieces as Starlight leaned up against a wall and started jerking herself off like her life depended on it, she was panting and sweaty as she said "One more... just one more... I need one more, I gotta cum again, fucking cum you son of a bitch!" Starlight continued to verbally abuse her genitals until she reached her final release, the last few tiny droplets of fluids she had left falling to the floor, followed by an exhausted Starlight who needed sleep so desperately that she hadn't even made it to her bed before collapsing. > Epilogue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Months later, all of them happily reported to Starlight that they had all become pregnant, just confirming to Starlight that her prediction that this small group of friends was the key to her overthrowing the planet and indoctrinating every single person, not to mention perpetuating the whole thing with the very first natural born talentless equal people, was correct. Starlight decided to burn the paper that revealed that particular truth lest anyone come across it and attempt to use it in an effort to thwart her plans, one thing that did surprise Starlight however was that every single girl became unusually large and round which was only explained when all of them gave birth to nonuplets, creating a total of fifty-four new children in town. The population of the town began to grow at an alarming rate, true to their word, the girls all continued to get pregnant with their lovers and other members of the town and every single time, they became pregnant with nonuplets. Well, all the girls except for Applejack, Starlight kept her promise and replaced her vagina with a dick and balls after her first round of nonuplets, from then on it was Applejack who was impregnating everyone else, including her own friends. Starlight eventually figured that if she was going to truly follow through with her plan, then there needed to be as many equally talentless natural births as possible and so she temporarily removed her male genitalia to allow for the return of her vagina so she could allow Applejack to get her pregnant, all in secret of course, she still wasn't sold on the idea of letting everyone know that the one thing that was basically the source of her power could be removed. One thing was for sure, soon the entire globe would be equal, no talent, no pain... perfect. The End