> Just Another Day, As Usual > by Burningbloom78 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Don't have to Smile to be Happy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wake up again. It's dark, as usual, the faintest of light desperately trying to pierce through my eroded window. I stretch and yawn silently, veering around the vacant room in a blank stare. How empty and void, but it's adequate. I don't have anything I want; I don't need it. With a long sigh, I turn my body to the right and plop my hooves on the ground as the sound echoes throughout the bedroom. No pep in these hooves again today, but maybe next time... for sure. Within the murky darkness that is my sullen home, I could hear those rampant pitch noises coming from the outside world. So many voices fill the air with their distinctive sounds; somepony is always moving and speaking. "It's early," I said solemnly, hearing my deep, displaced voice again as I trudge around my room aimlessly. "They are moving about so quickly, so calmly with such lucid cries. I am stagnant and logy. My voice holds no standing amongst them. Perhaps for the best that I remain tight-lipped, as usual." I began to think about my friend and all the... good she has done for me. I haven't done anything to truly express my thanks, so perhaps I could... repay that horrid kindness. I might as well speak to her other friends. Just thinking about it makes me want to vomit. My eyes lock on my bedroom door as I gripped the knob with my hoof and twist it, listening to it click and hinge open accompanied by the same old loud monotonous squeak. I've come to forever tolerate its grating tune. As I stepped out of my dull bedroom, everything was as it should be. Everywhere my black-lidded gaze snapped towards was dark: The hall was dark. The kitchen was dark. My living room was dark. Everything was dark. Dark, dark... forever dark, traced in blackness. How banal. This is my home, my area of safety and assurance. It's so empty and devoid of color; so drained, but that's just how it is. I turn my head slowly to my front door where my tattered saddlebags slumped glumly on the cold wooden floor. I approach the ruined item and hitch it over my back with a soft grunt. I veered my attention to the front and placed my hoof on the knob to open it, but I hesitated. "I thought I was over this..." my limp ears twitched wearily as I furrowed my brow and squinted in minor vexation. "I don't like this. It feels... disgusting. I don't want to go out. I yearn to stay inside and rot, as usual, but I can't this morning. The morning... that light, it's blinding. Mock me as much as you desire." I attempted to open the door, but I halted once again. I tried again and again, yet my efforts remained fruitless. Frustrated, I slam the door with my hoof as the attack cracks the dreary frame. "Just let me go outside," I pleaded. "I dislike it, but I need to this time. I can't have her bringing me food when I have the bits. Plus... I need to repay her. Just for today. Come on...!" With the small pep talk, I, at last, opened my door, albeit with wariness. I saw nothing but light assaulting my body as I quickly panicked, shielding my gaze from the powerful sunny rays of the blasted sun beaming brilliantly. With a shaky sigh and a shaky step forward, I entered the bustling streets of Ponyville. I aimed to prevent myself from puking at the colorful revulsion. The laughter, the smiles, the colors, the energy... All of this was revolting, except for one in particular. There was a pony I tolerated above everything else and judging from her never-ending happiness, she should be the embodiment of everything I dislike. Anytime I stepped out, I could feel her presence looming somewhere; she was always close. She's watching me this very second. I don't mind it, it's a good idea knowing me: to keep at a distance, especially in the mornings. However, I can feel her quivering with excitement. Such an advent emotion; I'm surprised she's able to suppress it for this long. "I need food," I uttered to myself. I started the trek towards the marketplace, averting my gaze from the passing ponies, but that didn't stop them from staring, as usual, at my figure. Despite not wanting to be seen, the ponies around here look at me like I'm some new breed of pony; I'm more archaic than anything else, but what they won't know won't kill them, probably. Their ongoing mutterings grate my ears in irritation. Eventually, after finally getting away from those gossiping foals, I arrived at the marketplace, and, unusually, it was a slow morning despite the mass of ponies I had the displeasure of passing. I sigh and pick my head up and scanned the marketplace cautiously. "I need apples." Eight months ago, I never had an apple until she dragged me, against my will, to that apple farm just outside of Ponyville. As usual, I aired my complaints to my foalnapper, but she gave a leering gaze that made me think twice about expressing my grievances. After some time, she comes back with a flood of varied versions of apples and forced them down my throat despite my whimpering protests. My uproar was quickly abated by the delicious zest of the apple-flavored foods, and they shortly became my favored source of sustenance from then on. So, as I locked onto the cart hauling those sweet delights, I came galloping, as usual. Now when I got up to the cart, I was met with the proprietor of the stand. It was that farm mare again. Her glistening emerald eyes always unnerved me in all the wrong places and that trashy stetson, accompanied by that leering, scrutinizing face, always came off as cautious. When she gawps at me, I feel the full brunt of that scowling force. Applejack. I dislike her, mildly. "It's you again," she said, obviously not glad to see me, as usual. I couldn't blame her; I've always made ponies put off just by being in their line of sight. I nodded with a blank stare etched across my muzzle. Although I disliked opening my mouth around most ponies, I didn't have a choice regarding my earlier decision. "I want a bag full of apples if you be so kind." The overwhelming energy radiating from behind a few houses lets me know my pushy friend is beyond ecstatic while spying on me. Perhaps I should push her to further elation... but that might be a bad idea for my health in the long run. She'll never leave me alone then. Choices, choices. The mare in front of me was eying my body, as usual, trying to get a beat on my decision. She huffed and glared her eyes. "That ain't making a lick of sense, 'specially comin' from you, DM," she said, using my name with a hint of venom in her voice. "You hate going out to smell the fresh air, so pardon me if Ah think you have any ulterior motives. Why are ya here?" I growled softly, reaching into my saddlebags and fishing out fifteen bits. "I just want apples. Proceed with the transaction with haste; I rather not linger too long outside than I have to." Applejack happily took the bits and placed a bushel of apples in a bag for me to take home. "Ever since mah friend introduced ya sorry hide to apples, you ain't never had a taste for much of anything else. Git ya flank filled with food. As the saying goes: 'You are what you eat.'" I rolled my eyes at the adage, snatching the bag of apples from her grip, and placed them in the left side of my saddlebags before turning away. I wanted to leave so badly; I could smell the irritation from Applejack. My attempt to palter and evade her question was unmasked; she knew I had lied, and Applejack hates lies. I could feel her eyes glaring me down. "DM," the farm pony spat out. "No need ta shilly-shally or beat around the bush. Just spit it out already." I groaned and shifted my gaze to meet hers. "I don't want your friend bringing me food today, so I'm out here to give her a break. Satisfied?" I could tell on Applejack's face that she wasn't. If anything, she was more curious than before, just my luck. "The real reason I'm out here is to... make her happy by... talking to you and her other friends," I said, gritting my teeth. As usual, the cringe that I feel is maddening, but I have to commit. For her. Applejack raised her brow with a questioning look on her face before shifting to a light-hearted look. "That's mighty sweet of ya to go out and talk with us," she said with a smile on her face. "Now Ah don't want ta torture ya silly flank for forcing ya ta speak." I sigh and rub my face. "Don't fritter your concern, I dislike that very much. Tell me: How's the... Apple Family?" Applejack chuckled, placing her hoof on her chin in fond recollection. "After mah brother hitched up and moved in with Sugar Belle and Applebloom working at ta schoolhouse with her friends, it's just been Dash and Ah maintaining the farm for ta most part. I tell ya, that rainbow gal grinds my gears in a way I never thought possible, and I love her for it... but not much else is going on." I had to resist the urge to retch in front of the farm pony as she prattled on about Rainbow Dash and the farm. Eventually, our conversation came to an end, and I trotted off with a sigh of relief. I could've just gone back to my dull dwelling and called it a day. Surely that rambunctious mare would have been more than satisfied with my "courage" yet a part of me knew it was wrong after I committed. I assuage my gut feelings and subdue my uncouth disposition, turning my gaze toward a... boutique in the near distance. If I wasn't already peeved before, that building made me absolutely miffed. What a detestable piece of wasted space in a rustic village that abounds with dirt. Perhaps it's best suited here than anywhere else in Equestria. Still, whenever I have the umbrage to, unfortunately, glare at such an irate disaster, I couldn't help but shift disdain. As usual, I expertly masked my emotions as I made my cautious trek toward the underwhelming edifice, the ponies in my way were made scarce. After a few seconds of urging my hoof to knock on the door, I heard a polite voice ringing from within. I never liked that mouthpiece of hers, but what am I going to do, stitch her mouth shut? Hmm, that does sound- My wry thoughts were unfortunately interrupted by that alabaster, diamond-blue-eyed seamstress striking a daring pose as if there was a paparazzi anxiously waiting for her to reveal her body. I never liked that either: Misplaced vanity, more along the lines of haughtiness, if not teetering on the border. Rarity. I dislike her, not as much as Applejack because the fashionista wasn't a walking lie detector: I could spindle any lie and she wouldn't be any the wiser to abate my fables. "DM?" she said with a raised brow. "This must be a holiday because you rarely ever exit out of your... quaint abode ever since you got to town. To what do I owe such an unusual visitation?" Perhaps a quality I found adequate was Rarity's willingness to not be as judgmental as her hick of a friend. As usual, I quelled the need to puke before regaining my senses. "The pleasure is all yours. I came here to..." I paused to my dismay, gritting my teeth as I strained to form the words. "I am... visiting to strike up a... a... conversation as a form of gratitude to that rampant ball of energy." I sigh in relief at finally saying those cursed words. She looked at me as if I was crazy. I don't blame her. "You want to talk?" she blinked. "Talk to me? Because of our energetic friend, being nice to you? That is rather unusual." I grumbled something under my lips. "Yes, yes, I know. How have you been?" It wasn't long until Rarity began speaking about Sweetie Belle working with her friends in the schoolhouse in Ponyville, or how her business up in one of the cities was blooming in the sun of the success of her... creations. Rarity had a quite amount of zeal when it came to droning on about her clothing line featuring attire inspired by Saddle Arabia for the famous supermodel Sapphire Shores. During our near one-way conversation, she had the audacity... the kindness to offer me a cup of tea. Although I wanted to express my distaste for such a dainty beverage, I instead refused with the politest voice I could muster. Her ears drooped after I declined. I would say her ears looked better, but I forget that she isn't me. What an unfair life. "Well," she began with her eyes sparkling, "how have you been? You and my gracious friend have been spending quite a lot of time together." I scoffed. Did she insinuate I let that mare around me? It's more like she forces herself to be around me without my blessing. "As usual, I've been... f-fine." Why was this so hard?! "And your friend barges into my life when I don't want her around. It's quite vexing." She tittered at my usual brush-off of her friend. "If that's the case, then why don't you explain why you followed her around during one of Twilight's birthday parties, darling? Sure, my friend dragged you out of your... home, but you didn't seem too bothered by it. You practically stuck by her side for the whole event!" Horseapples. I knew this was a bad idea. I growled softly. "I didn't have any creature else I knew, so I stayed close to her. It's simple." Rarity bobbed her head up and down as she understood. "The way I remember it, and how she remembers it, you were joined at the hip. You looked, dare I say, content. You never caused a ruckus either!" I was slightly whelmed as I lowered my head. "Has... she told you anything else?" Why did I care if that walking candy bar said anything? I don't care. It's not a big deal, not a problem. Rarity shook her head. "Even when I asked her about you out of curiosity, she didn't disclose any information. She values your privacy highly." How respectful. She always knows what to say and when to keep her mouth shut. Always bringing me food or staying over to play board games. She must have thought it was pleasant hanging out with me. I would tell her how long she has to go home and leave me be... but I would extend the time limit. I... didn't mind when she stayed. "DM?" Cut from my musings I groaned. "What is it?" "Nothing... it's just that you were thinking about something quite fondly." I shook my head. It was nothing, that's all. "Nothing fond in this mind of mine. I'll take my leave." Rarity was about to protest, but she decided not to keep me here longer than I wanted. Finally, I couldn't bear to stand and speak with that mare anymore. Now... who's next. Whilst thinking, a wicked blur passed overhead, dragging me out of my musings once again. I looked towards the blue sky and saw the source of my irritation. It was that arrogant disaster. As if on cue, the mare skidded to a halt in the sky and turned her attention downwards where she met my hard gaze with her own. She landed in front of me, scanning over my body as if I had just committed a crime by breathing in the same air as her. And if I am, to be honest, dislike the fact I breathed this air at all. The way she mulled me over was appalling, an affront to decency. I felt offended just having her up in my face. An inconsistent tergiversate judging me was something I could barely tolerate. Rainbow Dash. I dislike her more than the rest of them. Maybe even hate. "I hate you," she spat with such disdain behind her words. "The fact you're around her is something I can hardly deal with." I glared. "The feeling's mutual," I retorted darkly. Without another word, she flew off. I spat on the ground where she once stood before trotting to meet another one of her "friends". Conversation completed. Reaching into my saddlebags and digging out a shiny red apple, I bit into it hungrily before trotting outside of town. I kept walking and crossed a bridge to Fluttershy's cottage. It was a calm scene: the trees swaying in the breeze, the sun shining, the birds chirping, the animals running about, practically cavorting without a care in the world, all around that shack of a home. As usual, it was stunning, wonderful, and so dreadfully ugly. I never liked nature. I never liked animals. It was the one reason I didn't remove myself from civilization and become a full-blown hermit. It was difficult to keep from giving a dark grimace at the whole scene, but I learned quickly to keep such comments away from the shy pony's ears. As sensitive and weak as she is, I made sure I never insulted her; she was too delicate for that. The closer I got, the more the uncomfortable roiling of my stomach churned, begging me to turn back. I could have listened, but I must stay committed for that floofhead. As I bade myself forward, I saw the mare fluttering out of her cottage and tending to the animals gathering around her. When I made my presence known, all the animals scattered like leaves on a windy day. Perhaps the animals could sense an amount of unease or an aura of disturbance and flee quickly into their little homes. Fluttershy, as kind as she is, meekly waved a hoof in my direction, but I could tell just by studying her face she didn't exactly appreciate my presence either. She was feeding the animals and now they won't come out even if Fluttershy bade them to do so. I approached the mare and presented an apple as a gift, although my body pressured me to cease my unusual action, I'm doing this for my friend. I just need to keep that in mind, and all will go well. Also, I felt more relaxed around the mare, as much as I hate to admit it. Fluttershy smiled and gently took the apple. She sank her teeth into the juicy hide, giggling cutely. It took so much willpower to restrain myself from retching in a nearby bush. "DM, I'm glad to see you outside," she said with that wonderful smile. "I was beginning to get worried. Would you like some tea, o-or some flowers for your house, or... maybe a furry friend to take home?" Such an overabundance of kindness she exhumed made me want to cough profusely from how thick it is, yet I stood resolute. I took in a suppressed breath of air, trying to weave around the sickening kindness. "That's quite fine, but I do not desire novelties or skittering curiosities. I am here to strike up a conversation to pay homage to my friend helping me get used to Ponyville." Though Fluttershy's ears drooped, her smile persisted. "You two have become the best of friends. She's so happy when I or any of my friends bring you up. I've never seen her so passionate about one pony before, and I'm so happy to see such a blossoming friendship!" Even when she yelled it didn't do much to amplify her words. Perhaps dislike is wrong. Other than her, Fluttershy is the only pony in this weirdo town I actually ca- tolerate. I've been trying to ignore it, but the overwhelming excitement coming from somewhere behind me means my friend is truly thrilled that I'm talking to Fluttershy so commonly... so lucidly. I must press. "How have you been?" "Oh, I'm fine," she answered. She lightly shoved a lock of hair from her face. "Been busy taking care of the sanctuary that I haven't been able to be with Rarity for our weekly spa get-together." "Seems quite the conundrum." Fluttershy nodded. "I tried to apologize to Rarity, but she kept waving it off like it wasn't a big deal. I wish I could make it up to her..." Stop it. Don't look like that, it's ugly and... unbecoming for a pony like you; frowns do not go well with your visage. Wait... what am I doing? I placed my hoof on her cheek. "Rarity will always forgive you, but if you truly want to give her a gift to say sorry, then give her some flowers." Calm down, stop shaking; steel yourself. She chuckled. "I'll do that, thanks for the suggestion, DM." Fluttershy, to my surprise, leaned into my hoof and nuzzled it softly. I wanted death to claim me and send me down into the furthest chasm in Tartarus. This sign of affection made me upchuck my snack in my mouth, but I forced it down my throat before gasping silently. I gently removed my hoof from Fluttershy and darted off to the Castle of Friendship, the place where Princess Twilight Sparkle resides. I never liked the crystal castle; it unnerves me greatly. The deplorable scent bleeds friendship that soaks this earth with its blood-tinged ichor. Such blatant camaraderie is an aversion to my health; I typically avoid this repugnant edifice, but I was on a mission. If I die from feeling the air pass through me from the castle, at least I'll perish knowing I had one friend. I knocked on the large door whilst awaiting my demise. I waited. And waited some more. Waiting... waiting, but my destruction never came. What a way to abate my ever-growing fearfulness. Then I heard something from the other side open the door slowly. It was Princess Twilight Sparkle herself. She wore that heavenly... ghastly smile that could almost pierce my black core. Almost. Her eyes made me scowl from within and that aura of friendship she exudes was nearly enough for me to call off my mission entirely, but my willpower has been more waxing than waning as of late. If I could careen from her presence I would, however, I couldn't. Not this time. Out of all of her friends, excluding one, Princess Twilight Sparkle seems to admire my existence with notable interest. Verily be my appreciation, yet I know why she's taking a liking to me, and such a graft is only admired because of my "unique type" she hadn't the pleasure of studying. She smiled widely, magically spawning a quill, a pot of ink, and parchment. I didn't like it. "The former resident from the Badlands, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" she asked, but before I could respond, she cut me off, as usual. "Perhaps you've finally taken my offer to study your... unique composition? If that's the case, then I have the replica of the Crystal Heart configured juuuust right this time, so there shouldn't be any adverse effects from the samples you've... provided me. There are so many things to discover about your species akin to earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and alicorns that I have been positively giddy since you took up residence here. "The magic inside you is quite different from the rest; you can sense and feel emotions farther and far better than the rest of your... species ever could. You aren't even a changeling. Why is that? Perhaps long-time exposure to the feelings expressed while wandering for a quiet place to, how you put it into words, rot? If that's not the case, then why would you choose to be around Ponyville, the epicenter of friendship, if you dislike other species so vehemently as to live away from them, including your own? Perhaps you were drawn here. It's been quiet for the most part, no creature even thinks about bothering you, except for one and we know who that is. "That eases into my other question: What does she do that makes you attracted to her? If we're being honest, she encapsulates everything you claim to passionately dislike; the entire facet of friendship itself, yet you cling to her so willingly? I saw it at my party, so I could only ponder this until you showed up unexpectedly, and rather unusually, at my doorstep. Perhaps you could lay my contemplations to rest. Why do you like her, especially being a you-know-what?" This is why I dislike her; she talks too much and asks questions a hundred times a second. It makes me nauseous. I rubbed my hoof on my face in irritation. "I am not going to be a guinea pig anytime soon, and the reason I like her is..." I paused again, the words tangling in my mouth as I attempt to say them correctly. After fighting myself for a minute, the words became loosened. "She generally appreciates me and loves hanging out with me more than any of you. I can't tell you why." Princess Twilight tapped her hoof. "Maybe she's somepony you always wanted, as a friend. The way she cares about you is downright puzzling sometimes, but that's just how she is. It's difficult to determine that mare... I should know. Also, why are you here?" "To pay back the friendship she has given me by talking to her friends." Princess Twilight clopped her hooves together. "That's the first time you've done anything for anypony you truly care about... other than Fluttershy of course. Since you're here on such a mission, why don't you come inside so we can further discuss your heritage as an Umb-" I raised my hoof to cut her off quickly. "That's quite enough," I said solemnly. I had to fight my body from convulsing, and that is arduous, to put it mildly. "I've only come here to strike up a conversation, but it seems you took full control of that front. Keep your lips sealed about my heritage, Princess Twilight. I already have enough eyes staring me down, and I don't want my home to burn down because the ponies of this town knew my roots." "I understand," she said, but there was an indication of melancholy behind that smile. "I'm just so excited that an actual you-know-what is peacefully living in Ponyville with the town's party planner as his friend. Forgive my enthusiasm, Dark Matter." I waved it off with as much power as I could muster. "I appreciate that; I dislike you less now. And... since you haven't spilled the proverbial beans of my origin, I'll give you another sample." I looked around to make sure no creature saw. My eyes turned completely black as the inky darkness seeped from my mouth in front of Princess Twilight, who was both captivated and horrified. My guttural choking spewed out a clump of grease-looking blackness that landed with a resounding splat in front of the princess, forcing her to step back. The squelching clump beat like a heart, pulsating with a dying purple hue. It began to gradually gnaw the ground before us, corroding the very earth. Quickly, Princess Twilight Sparkle encases the black mass in a magic bubble. "Yes," she whispered, mesmerized. "This will do nicely. Thank you, Dark Matter. Are you heading home?" I nodded. "My body is starting to ache from being surrounded by so much positivity. I've been holding back the urge to vomit ever since I left my abode. If there isn't anything else you want, then I'll take my leave." Princess Twilight smiled. "I'll see you again soon." Although short, as usual, be the conversation, I could finally head home after a long morning. Hay, it's even noon. Time flies when you talk to folks you dislike to varying degrees, and as I'm trotting home, something wasn't right. It's been a little while since I felt her presence. Ponies and other creatures veered their gazes on me as usual, but I couldn't even be bothered to scowl. I was... worried. It just stopped abruptly; I can't discern her location anymore. I don't know where she is. I approach my home and open the door tentatively, peering my head inside. The living room was clean, the kitchen is clear from the front door. I gradually ease my way inside and close the door gently, taking the sack of apples out of my saddlebags and setting them on the grimy kitchen counter. "Hey, are you here?" I called out, but it was more of a whisper. "Pinkie, this isn't funny, so come out. I'm getting... worried." As usual, when anything involves that mare that could be viewed as unsettling, I get concerned. I hate that feeling so much, but I can't bring myself to discard it. I heard a soft thud coming from my room and hastily approached my bedroom door, twisting it open to reveal that pink mare scrounging about my room like a famished mutt. Seeing her relaxed all the tension in my body as a sigh of relief escaped my lips. And it wasn't shortly after Pinkie lifted her head and looked at me. I knew that look and it was already too late to run. An explosion of happiness assaulted my very being, blindingly so, as I didn't even register the mare locking me in a tight, affectionate embrace that forced all the tainted air out of my lungs. The crushing hug was followed up by a deafening squeal of delight. "Good to see you too, Pinkie," I said, patting her back in a desperate attempt to quell the ever-increasing mirth. "Please... let me go now!" "Oh, sorry!" she said, releasing her death grip. "I'm so excited you not only went outside, but you talk to all my closest friends! Oh, Darky, you make me SO HAPPY!" Pinkie Pie. Element of Laughter, avid party planner, best friend to the world, whose smiles are more lovely than Princess Luna's night. The one I truly tolerate. I like her. When it comes to Pinkie Pie, I should hate her above all else, but I never could no matter how hard I wanted. I feel... normal like I'm not in a constant state of conflict with myself. I feel relaxed and even... glad to have her in my company. That can't be right, but that's just how it is. "What are you doing in my room, Pinkie?" The pink blur grinned before stepping back and using her hoof to rummage through her cotton candy mane. "I thought we could play a board game!" she squealed, hauling out a menagerie of board games from her mane. I'll never figure out how so many things can fit in that bush of hers. Probably for the best if I don't pry. I huffed. "You got thirty minutes before I kick you out. I've had a long morning." Pinkie giggled at my attempt to sound threatening. "Come on, Darky, you want me around. You know it, I know it, my friends know it. Our relationship has been great so far, right? At least let me stay over!" I rubbed the back of my mane. "Though I care about you, I don't know if that's a good idea." "I'll bring some food and cook for uuuuuus," she wiggled her brows. "Sold." I'm such a sucker for food. Pinkie Pie hugged me softly, and I reciprocated the kind gesture. There was no revulsion, no urge to vomit; generally nothing unpleasant. It was just nice. I like it a lot. I stretched out my limbs before plopping to the ground on my flank. My friend did the same. "Alright, Pinkie," I began, "what shall we play this time?" I saw a small glint in her eyes with a smirk to boot. "Before we start, are you happy?" she asked. "Huh? Where did that come from?" Pinkie played with her hooves sheepishly. "Well, you never smile. I've tried everything to get you to give me a grin, but nothing has worked. Is there something wrong I'm doing?" I mulled over her words before shaking my head. "Just because I don't smile doesn't mean I'm not happy," I said. I could see the relief on her face. "I don't know why this is, but when you're around, I am happy." Pinkie blushed and readied the board. "Today, we'll go along your pace. Wanna play chess?" "I think I would. Thanks for being my friend, Pinkie." Pinkie Pie laughed. "Always happy to help! I've been practicing, this time I'll win!" I chortled darkly. "You are a foolish, delusional foal. I guess I'll have to put you in your place. Have at you, and may our battle be legendary!"