Celebrating Megan Williams Day

by TalB

First published

Megan's first adventure is being celebrated

On a day that marks the anniversary of when Megan Williams first came to what was originally Ponyland to help free the captured ponies from Tirac over at Midnight Castle, she decides to come over to Equestria to celebrate that day. However, her own siblings try to prevent her from going there. To make matters feel worse, the ponies tend to lie to her about what they're doing or avoid her altogether whenever she shows up. Has all of Equestria forgotten the very day that made Megan the very saviour that she was made to be? This is a crossover between G1 and G4.

Cover art: PaulySentry

Megan's big surprise

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When Megan Willaims woke up for the day over at her family's ranch, she noticed the day on her calendar as well as a reminder on her cellphone. What she noticed was that it was the day that marked when she came to what was then known as Ponyland for the first time to help free the captured ponies from Tirac over at Midnight Castle. As she noticed that reminder, she felt that she should go over to Equestria to celebrate such an occasion. However, this was met with issues as she was leaving her room.

Both Danny and Molly Williams saw Megan leaving the house and told her, "Megan, there is a list of chores that you have to do today."

Megan replied, "I can always do those chores later or have you do them instead. Besides, today is supposed to be the day celebrating when I first came to what was originally Ponyland to help save the ponies who got captured from Tirac over at Midnight Castle."

Molly then said, "Sorry Megan, but these are the chores that you are known for especially if it involves having to take care of TJ mainly because he usually listens to you."

Danny added, "Just because this happens to be your special day, it doesn't excuse you from doing what you're supposed to be doing, plus we already know that time in Equestria much slower than it does here on Earth, so it's not as if you will miss too much."

As Megan agreed to what they mentioned, she then said, "Alright, I will do those chores, but I will be going to Equestria after I happen to be done with, because I don't want to miss my special day."

Seeing that Megan was being distracted, both Danny and Molly head for the portal into Equestria and meet the Mane 6 as they enter it.

Twilight Sparkle saw both Danny and Molly and asked them. "Does Megan even know that you have come here or happens to be following you?"

Both of them made the claim that neither of which was the case.

After hearing from them, Twilight then mentioned, "Good! We need to set up everything over at Canterlot Castle by tonight to help celebrate her anniversary of coming her for the first time."

Pinkie Pie then asked, "How come Megan doesn't know about this?"

"That's because it's supposed to be a surprise for Megan. In other words, she's supposed to be the last one to know about it. Also, it wouldn't be a surprise if we told her about this." explained Rainbow Dash.

"It's very important that Megan doesn't find out about this until later on." added Twilight.

Molly started to mention, "Unfortunately, the chores that we told Megan to do before we left can only keep her distracted for so long that she will be coming in at one point."

Twilight stated, "Hopefully, we can get much of this done before she shows up."

Danny then asked, "What if she comes to Equestria and some of you are still working on setting up for the party or even worse, she notices what any of you are doing and asks questions about it?"

Twilight answered, "We may have to lie to her so that she won't raise any suspicions about what any of us are doing."

After explaining how to set up for the party, Danny, Molly, and the Mane 6 started to get things ready. The plan was that Pinkie would be responsible for making the cake and any other desserts that were needed, while Applejack and her family would help set up the place while getting food that would be eaten for dinner. When both were done, both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were to take them along with Danny and Molly to Canterlot and help set up the place over there. Meanwhile, Rarity was to be in charge of finding ponies that would help with choreography for the music.

Back over at the ranch, Megan was finally finished completing the list of chores that Danny and Molly had given her and was ready to go over to the portal to enter Equestria. As she came in, she saw nobody there and started walking towards Ponyville. On her way there, she was going by Sweet Apple Acres and noticed Applejack along with Apple Bloom, Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, and many others as if they were getting ready for something.

Megan started to ask the Apple family, "Are any of you getting ready for something special?"

Applejack started to mention. "We just get like this all the time being that we live on a farm, and I'm sure you and your siblings do the same for living on a ranch."

Megan then stated, "There are some differences between farms and ranches."

"Either way, we're not doing anything special if that what you're asking, Megan." replied Applejack.

As Apple Bloom saw Megan leaving, she asked Applejack, "Do you think it was right to lie to her like that?"

"I know that this goes against having the Element of Honesty, but we both know that Megan can't know about what we are really doing because it's supposed to be a surprise." answered Applejack.

The Apple family got relieved and worked on finishing up so that they could leave later on.

Megan then found herself over by Sugar Cube Corner and asked Pinkie, "Are all these cakes and other desserts that you are making for anything special?"

Pinkie claimed, "This is just what I do every day I work her especially since this a bakery."

Megan then noticed and mentioned, "However, this looks like you're making a great deal of desserts and snacks even for a place like this."

Pinkie was almost about to give away what she was really doing, but then stated, "This is nothing more than just keeping up with supply and demand and these days I'm just feeling very swamped not to mention I don't want to be short of anything when the ponies come in and want to place their orders, plus they can get very angry if they want something that I happen to be out of."

She then felt a sign of relief when Megan left the place so she can finish up and get ready to go.

Next up, Megan found herself over at the Carousel Boutique to see Rarity only to notice some ponies going on the runway and asked her, "Are these ponies doing anything special?"

Rarity answered, "They are just trying out some of the clothing that I'm making, so there is nothing special here."

As Megan looked those more up close, she then mentioned, "They look as if they are dancing."

Rarity claimed, "No Darling, this is just how they move when they are on the runway, so there is nothing special here."

As Megan left the store, Rarity felt relieved and had the other ponies continue their dancing to get ready for the party.

As Megan walked through the center of Ponyville, she noticed as if nobody was there, and that the town felt as if it was deserted almost like something out of the Twilight Zone. She was starting to wonder if the ponies really did remember her special day or if they had forgotten it altogether mainly because this was thousands of years ago according to their world. Starting to feel depressed, she sat down on a bench feeling as if she felt as if she was the only who knew about this day.

Shen then started to see Twilight fly in and ask her, "Do you at least know what today is and what it means to me?"

"I know that this marks the anniversary when you first came to what was originally Ponyland to help save the captured ponies from Tirac over at Midnight Castle." answered Twilight.

"At least you seem to know about that, but that's probably because you were the one who first knew about me and even read the book about me. However, for the rest of the ponies, that doesn't seem to be the case. Even Danny and Molly seemed to act strange to me especially on a day such as this one." said Megan.

"Megan, it doesn't matter how many know about this day, because as long as there is at least someone there to celebrate it with that should still be something good for you." replied Twilight.

"Maybe you're right Twilight, because you seem to know more about me than any other pony, I have seen be it Ponyland or Equestria." said Megan.

"Let's not forget that both Princesses Celestia and Luna know about you as well, so I insist that you hop on, and I will take you over to their castle, because I'm sure that they would love to celebrate your special day." said Twilight.

Both Megan and Twilight got to Canterlot Castle only to find everything there to be dark and not even seeing any guards over by the doors.

Out of suspicion Megan asked, "Twilight, are you sure that they are home because it looks like nobody is here?"

As the two just entered the castle by opening up the doors themselves and then closing them, the grand hall lit up with everyone shouting surprise as well as saying, "Happy Anniversary Megan!"

Megan couldn't believe her eyes for what she just saw and even mentioned, "I can't believe that you all remembered this day."

"Why would any of us want to forget this special day?" asked Twilight.

Celestia then made a statement at the top of the staircase by saying, "I declare this day to be Megan Williams Day as we celebrate the anniversary of when she first came to save the ponies of our world by rescuing them at Midnight Castle from the clutches of Tirac by vanquishing him with the Rainbow of Light."

As the party shifted over to the courtyard, there were fireworks going off along with Rainbow Dash doing a sonic rainboom as well as the Wonderbolts ponies skywriting the day of the event for everyone to see. The Mane 6 started to sing songs to celebrate with Shake Your Tail, Shine Like Rainbows, A Friend for Life, and Best Friends Until the End of Time. Some of them even went to sing their own songs. Rainbow Dash started out with Run to Break Free and then raised the tempo with Awesome as I Want to Be. Meanwhile, Rarity along with the ponies she had back at your shop did the song, Life is a Runway with Pinkie finishing up with her laughter and smile songs. After the music portion was over, there were announcements made by the Royal Sisters, the Mane 6, and even by Danny and Molly as each of them told their stories.

Celestia started off by saying, "We very proud to celebrate this big day for Megan. Ever since she saw me and my sister Luna brought over to Paradise Estate and named us, we knew that there was finally something good to come for us. Although we had to wait over thousands of years for her to return, it was better to have her back late than never."

Luna was next and said, "Just like my sister, I too am proud to have Megan back and celebrate this very day. If not for her, I could never get over my dark side of being Nightmare Moon. Also, she helped me have the confidence to apologize for everything I did in that form as well as be forgiven for such. More importantly, because of her, I no longer have the burden of keeping that secret let alone have to fear becoming that as I can now control my emotions much better."

As Twilight came up, she said, "As the descendant of the Twilight that was with her originally, I found the hidden book about her and was able to get her to return to our world once again for generations of both now and later to know about her."

Rainbow Dash was next and said, "As the descendant of Firefly, who got Megan here originally, it was awesome to be with the very awesome to see her come again as if we were made to meet again.

Applejack approached the balcony and said, "Although I'm not like my ancestor, Applejack, who was pretty clumsy when first meeting Megan, I'm still happy to with her.

Rarity started to come up and say, "I know that my ancestor, Glory, didn't spend much time with Megan when she came to our world for the first time, I'm glad that I did and I'm proud about that.

Pinkie started to mention, "Just like my ancestor, Surprise, I too liked all the time I get to spend with Megan.

Fluttershy despite feeling a little nervous stated, "Without Megan, I would have never learned more about my ancestor, Posey, as well as knowing how much she was a caring pony whether it was taking care of the foals that were with her or even maintaining everything in and around Paradise Estate that helped make it the landmark that it is today.

Spike then said, "Just like my ancestor back at Midnight Castle, I was very happy to meet Megan for the first time and even learn more about all the adventures she did with her.

Danny and Molly both came up and mentioned, "We are very happy to have a big sister such as Megan be this world's savior as well as even get to come here ourselves and join in some of her adventures."

Finally, Megan herself spoke and said, "I can't believe that even though I first came her thousands of years according to your time, I would be remembered today. I thank Princess Celestia for declaring this very day for me. Also, I'm very honored to see most of the citizens of Equestria here to celebrate this very day. More importantly, I would like to thank Twilight Sparkle for setting up this very party."

After the announcements ended, everyone sat down and ate as the night ended with Megan blowing out the candles on the cake that was ready to be served after with all the desserts that were made earlier. After the party was over, Megan got on Twilight, Danny got on Rainbow Dash, and Molly got on Fluttershy as they were flown over to the portal so that they can return home. As they got back, Megan went to bed feeling happy about her day and had a good night's sleep from it.