Midnight: The story Of A Lost Princess

by CharlieHazbin77

First published

this is the story of Midnight, the student of Princess Luna and future princess of Equestria

this is the story of Equestria's lost princess, she just doesn't know it yet
Midnight was given to an orphanage as a baby so she never met her birth parents properly.
years later she gets taken in under the wing of princess Luna soon becoming great at magic eventually being able to raise the stars at night which is how she got her cutie mark

Flurry Heart

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Flurry Heart is the only daughter of Shining Armour and Princess Cadence of the Crystal Empire

she is the heir to the throne of the empire when she is older she will take on after Cadence to keep the peace in the empire

Aside from Midnight Flurry Heart is another one of the oldest in the next-gen group.

she is Midnight's best and closest friend since they grew up together, staying friends when Midnight became a princess once she had come of age

Flurry helped Midnight find and reunite her with Eclipse, Midnight's lost older sister and then later helped find her parents Aqua and Meteor.


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The youngest daughter of Princess Aqua and meteor shower, Midnight is the sister of Eclipse and a student of Princess Luna. She grew up in the orphanage until her fourth birthday.

Since Midnight admired Luna so much, she wanted to fly, but she always dropped mid-flight, so she will be the next princess of the night after Luna. Her talent is raising stars, at first using her power to make her float.

Originally a unicorn, Midnight, becomes of age and finally gets her wings (because she was born a princess), Her best friend among the girls is Flurry Heart since, in the beginning, they were basically raised together after the princesses took Midnight in.


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We all know Screwball/Screwy is the eldest child of Discord and Fluttershy.

Screwy may be insane like her father, but she is loved by her friends no matter what.

From the next generation of ponies, she is the fourth eldest behind Cream and the girls.

Every time Screwball gets together with the girls, they are either having a party or having a sleepover.

Screwball, despite her crazy personality, always stops fights in the group, especially when Zap and Cream are fighting when they're out farming or at Sugarcube Corner baking.

Screwball went to school with Cream since they are both from Ponyville.

Screwy's mane is purple with white swirly streaks in it, her coat is a light purple and her eyes have spirals in them to show shes the princess of chaos and daughter of Discord

Cream Souffle Pie

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As the second-born child of Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, Cream Souffle Pie is the second oldest. They have three kids, Lil Cheese, Cream and Cheesecake (my friend's OC).

Cream is the third oldest after Midnight. It seems that she loves baking just like her parents and is almost exactly like her mother (you'll see just how much like her mother she is in later chapters).

This earth pony is as regular as they come but very energetic. Her brown curls are like those of her father, and there are confetti sprinkles in her hair as if she had fought with her mother's confetti canon at some point.

Zap Orchard

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Zap Orchard is the only child of Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

In addition to being part of the next generation, she is one of the youngest members of the group.

She wants to be like her mother Rainbow Dash to someday become a Wonderbolt, but she can't because she is an earth pony.

It is Zap's intention to become the first-ever earth Wonderbolt and the first to prove the haters wrong.

Young earth pony admires the original Wonderbolts (at least the one her mother flew in with).

Even her own family cannot stop Zap from getting ahead, just like her parents.

A zap apple jam jar featuring an image of a thunderbolt represents Zap's cutie mark.

Gemma and Twinkle

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So far, these three fillies are the youngest in the next-generation group.
Twinkle and Gemma!

Rarity and Prince Blueblood are her parents

Almost exactly the same as her mother, Gemma is very much like her.

Among other things, her hair is tied into a mini ponytail, her eyes are crystal blue, and her coat is white.

Gemma's cutie mark consists of a silver crystal with a sewing needle through it.

Even though Gemma doesn't know who her father is, because her mother doesn't want him involved in her life, she sees Fancy Pants as a father-like figure.


Twinkle is the daughter of Tempest Shadow and Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Twinkle's coat is dark magenta in colour. The dark blue mane on Twilight has strong pink-purple stripes.

Twinkle is yet to have her cutie mark (I have no idea what it would be)

Twinkle has an older sister named Constellation, which she calls Constance. Her father is Flash Sentry.

It's no wonder they get along so well because both girls were born on the same day. The girls also continue to sing Sunshine Sunshine Ladybugs Awake together.


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The Royal Pony Sisters arose from a time when there were two royal ponies besides the Royal Pony Sisters, one was an alicorn Princess Aqua Rose and the other was a unicorn Prince Meteor Shower. Both pairs had young fillies, Celestia who had flowy pink hair, Luna who had light blue hair and Eclipse. The youngest pony of the group was Midnight, a newborn unicorn.
On the balcony of Canterlot Castle, Galaxia and Aqua were watching the dark clouds roll in.

"Aqua, this doesn't seem right...it's supposed to be sunny all week."

Staring at the sky in dismay, Aqua addressed the queen.

"Cosmos and Meteor must be found immediately! And make sure the girls are safe!"

The Alicorn queen nodded as she flew off to retrieve the guys and returned moments later

'Aqua! This is no ordinary storm! This is the cause of Sombra!' she exclaimed.

"King Sombrero is back for another round, yaaaay!"

She gave Meteor a stern look as if she was saying, "Don't you dare run over to me when he hears you."

"I'd just like to say...OK, shut up now..."

Although the four rulers were watching outside, the fillies were interested in what they saw
and one said, "Tia, move over! I can't see!"

"It's time to keep quiet or we will get caught, and then we'll be in big trouble"

"I'll get in trouble if both of you don't shut it...plus, if my sister wakes up my mother will come back regardless...speaking of my sister, I was told to keep an eye on her!"
as Eclipse said that, the girls heard thunder from outside

"aah ''
Celestia quickly looked up, her face full of fear as she no longer saw either of their parents
"Eclipse, Luna get to Midnight now!! It's up to us to protect her and each other!"
The eldest filly ran onto the balcony to watch what she thought was just a storm.


As young alicorn watched the storm as the thunder crashed around the palace, a pair of smoky eyes suddenly appeared through the clouds making Celestia run as fast as she could inside to the girls forcing herself to be strong and not tear up attempting to be brave for them all

"Tia! What happened? Where are-"

Luna couldn't finish her sentence as she soon realized their parents won't be returning

"We...we have to look after the girls because I don't think they're coming back, Luna...."

Finally, Celestia let her tears fall while hoping Eclipse didn't hear.
In the castle, Eclipse and Luna stayed together with baby Midnight trying their hardest to keep her calm as she had started to get fussy

"shhh moonbeam it's alright we're here"

she nuzzled Midnight's tiny muzzle gently, smiling sweetly as the young foal laughed quietly reaching her tiny hooves up to the princess of the night

"I'm here too sister"

Eclipse piped up carefully reaching towards her sisters, soon feeling herself boop Midnight's muzzle, Midnight stared at her for a moment, soon joining Eclipse as she started laughing, Luna smiled watching the sisters.

"you have a way with her Eclipse better than myself half the time"
Eclipse giggled quietly

"it's nothing Luna...we just had a connection somehow when my parents brought her home...despite me being blind and all it somehow began straight away"

Eclipse nuzzled her sister "didn't it Midnight"

The young foal laughed as her older sister blew on her tiny stomach causing her to burst out laughing again

"sister we need to go...now this castle isn't safe for any of us anymore"
Eclipse turned her head over to Tia's voice

"Celestia, what's going on where are our parents?" Eclipse asked

"I...I don't know Eclipse, they disappeared into the storm which is why we have to leave now!"
The blind princess nodded

"what about Midnight we have no idea how to look after a 2-month-old baby"

Luna asked, her voice filled with worry as she told Tia this

"i...I think I know what we have to do but neither of you is going to like it and I'd hate to do this too but we have no choice if we're to keep her safe

"Celestia!?" Eclipse gave Tia a stern look as did Luna.

"Sister, we made a promise to our parents! A promise to look after each other and whatever you're thinking of doing, it means we also won't be together anymore-"

"It'll only be temporary Luna I promise..only until this storm of Sombras is over then we will return to the castle in the forest with Midnight and we'll never be separated again"

Tia ran a hoof down her sister's cheek gently before pulling her, Eclipse and baby Midnight close to her

"Whatever happens next..we're in this together and when we're reunited with Midnight we'll know that she would have been safe for the time being Luna"

Luna hid in her sister with tears streaming down her face
"If you're sure this will work sister, I'm willing to do this to keep her safe..."

Eclipse held her baby sister close as she heard this then reluctantly nodded agreeing to the plan Celestia had.

Tia led the girls to an orphanage in Canterlot, so they had more time with Midnight.

"No sister, I'm not doing this...I can't, I don't want her to grow up thinking nopony wants her.."
Luna looked at Tia with saddened eyes forcing herself to not tear up not wanting anyone to see her cry.

"Sister It's only temporary I promise...I hope it is at least"

Luna's eyes narrowed in slight anger "you HOPE!!" she yelled

Eclipse interrupted them both, her own eyes narrowed

"If we must do this let's just hurry and do it, then get outta here"

All three fillies agreed before Celestia knocked on the door nervously.

The orphanage door opened up with a slight creak, Tia and the girls hesitated as a middle-aged pony stepped in the doorway, her voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard as she began to speak.

"What!? Oh..princesses..."

the pony stared at the young alicorns sleepily and gloomily before noticing Midnight in Eclipse's hooves.

"Please....can you look after her...our parents have disappeared into the storm and we don't know what to do....our castle in the Everfree Forest is far too dangerous for a young foal like Midnight...we don't want to send her away but it's to protect her until she's old enough...please you have to help..."

The pony rubbed her eyes
"girls...it's late at night-"

"Did we mention the fight between our parents and Sombra!" Luna reminded the pony sharply stomping her hoof on the ground soon calming down seeing her sister gives her a look then sighs.

"Anyway....my name is Tiddlywinks...I'm the owner of the orphanage...is there something funny young filly!?"

Luna shook her head smiling a little as she held in giggling "no...not at all...please carry on"
"As I was saying my name is Tiddlywinks Candlelight"

At this point Luna was on the floor laughing her head off, she smiled more hearing Midnight's soft tiny giggles join her roaring laughter

"you like that Midnight?"

Tiddlywinks Candlelight rolled her eyes groaning before saying in a very unenthusiastic tone
"give me the filly then...I'll make sure to look after her"

the princesses hesitated before looking at Luna who gave her future student one last hug
"the next time I see you Midnight... I'll take you under my wing I'll promise"

Midnight just booped Luna gently until they both felt themselves being forced away from each other, this made Midnight start whining and whimpering

"Celestia please! she doesn't know what's going on!"

Luna cried tears streaming down her face
"Luna the decision has already been made...I'm sorry sister"

"if our parents were here...they would've NEVER done this!"

Luna sat down, her ears drooping as tears streamed, flinching as the orphanage door slammed

Tia tried comforting her sister but she moved away

"Leave me alone! let's just get back home!"

The young princesses left the orphanage but Luna was determined to keep her promise to Midnight and that's just what she did.

Chapter 1: Midnight

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Since the princesses gave Midnight to the orphanage five years ago, time had passed. She has grown and now at five years old all she wishes for is to be adopted by a pony so that she can have a forever home. Princess Luna raised the moon from the balcony of Canterlot Castle as the young unicorn gazed out at the starry sky.

Midnight thought loudly to herself, watching the princess of the night, "one day I'll be at the castle with the princesses."

"You can't even lift anything with your magic, and you still don't have your cutie mark. How is it that any princess would want to be in your company?" a snobbish foal asked.

"I suppose she could become a maid or something if they employed her," another joined in before both foals walked away laughing hysterically. Midnight turned away from them and sat down in front of the window, ears folding back as she tried to hold back tears.

Midnight stared at the night sky sadly, curling up near the curtains, quietly close to falling asleep. Eventually, her tiny blue eyes shut, and soon passed out under the curtains, stirring as if she was having a dream.

(dream sequence)

"What... where am I? Anyone here?" Midnight called in the strange place, although knowing it was a dream.

Angry, and echoed voice cried out, "Sister! We have to go back to her!"

"no it's too dangerous!... they'll take care of her sister! Just trust me! We have to get to safety!"

"She's my sister. I'm not abandoning her! I might be blind, but I'm not stupid!"

"I'm the oldest out of all of us! I know what I'm doing!"

"do you? You promised we'd look out for each other NOT abandon the group! Especially the actual BABY! SHE NEEDS US!"

"do you think I WANTED to leave her there?"

"well, you didn't exactly give ME a choice! Did you?! First our parents and now my sister! What's next?! One of US!?"

As Midnight heard this argument, she heard a deeper voice, another voice she didn't recognise.

"Equestria... is... MINE!"

"Hello! Who's there?" Midnight called to the voices but had no answer back. She suddenly jumped, hearing deep laughter, then a cry for help in the background with the same voices again.

"Leave her alone!"

"ECLIPSE!" a voice shrieked, crying, "this is all my fault!"

Suddenly there was nothing but darkness, leaving the young unicorn looking around her dream afraid.

"h... hello..."

her voice shook as she spoke nervously "Hello!"

she called again, but all she heard was distant crying and shrieks of fear from what seemed like other ponies.

After more moments of silence, Midnight sat down, her ears flopping back, sighing.

"I wanna go home... not like I'm wanted at the orphanage anyway," she muttered to herself.

Looking up, she noticed a light blue light shining from above her.

"Who are you?"

she asked curiously as the figure showed themselves.

It was Princess Luna.

The midnight blue alicorn smiled at the young filly gently before flying down to her.

"It's been too long since I've seen you, young one," the princess spoke in the space.

Midnight gasped when she realised who it was.

"Princess Luna... what are you doing here?"

"I heard your cries for help, little filly... I'm the princess of the night, thus it's my duty to visit your dreams... what's troubling you?"

"I... I heard voices. It sounded like somepony needed help and arguing... but I... I don't know who it was... then there was laughter..."

Luna hesitated to hear the voice replaying over and over in the dream.

"I hope you're happy sister! Eclipse is missing and the promise we made to each other is BROKE! Because of YOU, she's missing! If anything happens to her OR us! Equestria helps us!"

Luna froze, hearing the argument between herself and her sister, Princess Celestia. She turned to Midnight.

"try to get some proper sleep little one...I watch over the dream realm every night so I'll be watching over you... I promise"

"wait, Luna don't go!"

Dream ends

"Luna!" Midnight finally woke up from her dream, looking around and finding she was still in the orphanage near the window

"It was just a dream," she said to herself with a breath of relief,

"But why does that name Eclipse sound familiar?" she asked herself quietly.

"Midnight, what are you still doing up?" a voice asked.

The voice belongs to the Orphanage owner, Tiddlywinks Candlelight. Candlelight had bags under her eyes and looked very annoyed.

"The staff for your dorm have been looking all over for you.... did you hear us calling?"

she asked the young foal tiredly, groaning as Midnight shook her head.

"I was talking to the princess in my dream... I sorta had a nightmare ha"

"you were talking to Princess Luna?"

She asked, unamused, watching Midnight nod. Candlelight sighed as if she didn't believe the young filly.

"go to your room, we'll talk more about making up stories in the morning," she said with a sigh

"But I'm not making up stories. It's true, I was talking to Princess Luna! She was in my dream!"

Midnight argued, quietening down, seeing the angry look the tired older pony gave her.

"Okay, I'm going!".

Candlelight sighed.

Staring out of the window as Midnight left, speaking to herself, "it's time you came for her princesses...it's been five years, she needs to be ready"

Candlelight soon closed the curtains and finally headed to bed.

The next day!

The next morning, everyone in the orphanage was in a hurry, getting things ready for a parade that happened that afternoon.

"Come on, every pony! The princesses will be here soon!" Candlelight ordered the staff and foals to decorate the rooms and outside the orphanage.

"Ah Midnight, you've joined us... did you get enough sleep?" Candlelight asked whilst still shouting at everyone.

"I guess so... if you call a nightmare a good sleep-"

"don't listen to her! She's a freak! She doesn't have her cutie mark, which means the princesses will never choose her to become one of their students! Or even talk to her! Nobody wants you Midnight... that's why you were left here!" one foal spoke up angrily.

"it's not fair! You always treat her differently, as if she was some sort of princess!"

"that's enough! Fungus Fuzz!" Candlelight snapped at the foal, handing them another box of decor.

Midnight's ears flopped back as she held back tears, not wanting to cry in front of the bullies.

"go help the others get ready! the princesses will be here soon!...that goes for you too Midnight..."

Midnight nodded as she lifted a box onto her back. Since she is unable to do magic yet, she looked around cautiously hearing the two foals from last night talk about her.

"look at her, she can't even do magic and yet she's attempting to help! just stop embarrassing yourself Midnight and give up!" Fungus Fuzz spoke up once Candlelight had left to help the others.

"will you just shut up! Not my fault I can't do magic! I don't need my mark to prove anything to you!" Midnight finally snapped, having had enough of arguing with the bullies.

"oooh listen to her trying to be tough! like she's some sort of princess!" the second foal Fly Moss joined in mockingly, soon walking away laughing, then said in unison "blank flank!" laughing more.

"I...will do magic! I don't need some mark to prove that! "I'll show those jerks!" Midnight spoke to herself whilst hanging banners in the window. Looking outside she saw ponies gathering for the parade of the two sisters.

She gasped then called to everyone in the orphanage "Guys, it's time for the princesses to arrive!"

"Alright, everyone! Outside! The princesses are arriving."

All the foals rushed outside of the orphanage, watching in awe as Princess Luna and Princess Celestia sat in the carriage before them.

Chapter 2: Royal Sisters Parade

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As everyone gathered outside to watch the princesses arrive, Luna stayed silent in the carriage, thinking about the promise she and Tia had made to Midnight as a baby.

"This will be exciting don't you think so sister...Luna? What's wrong?" Tia asked her sister in a concerned voice.

"Celestia what if she isn't there? I...made a promise to her... to make her my student and take her under my wing as you did with Twilight..."

Tia looked at Luna sadly "trust me sister... she will be there... I know it" Tia said calmly through a sigh looking up regally as they arrived at the orphanage.

"Hey, I can't see!" young Midnight whined as she tried pushing through the crowd. "ngh"

"Hey watch it!"

"quit pushing!"

The foals glared at each other, all scrambling to get a good spot to see the two sisters.

Midnight stumbled and squeezed through the crowd to get in front, giggling slightly watching the parade. "ngh I can't see!" she whined then looked up to see the sisters coming over to the orphans "whoaa"

"pray to tell dear sister. you were right when you said the parade would gain some attention" Luna smiled through chuckles looking around at all the fillies and colts.

"I expected a lot but not this many" Tia smiled looking at all the foals, before soon spotting Midnight, "sister...it couldn't be..." she looked at Luna then back at Midnight "could it?"

Trying to get closer Midnight got shoved by Fungus Fuzz "NGH HEEEY!"

"please the princesses would never pick a filly who can't even do magic yet...you should've got your mark at your age so you should stay at the back of the crowd! Blank Flank!" Fuzz teased laughing as Midnight bent her ears back, looking down trying not to cry.

"it...couldn't be...but it can't be a coincidence either..." looking over Luna's ears, she perked up at hearing the teasing, narrowed her eyes at what was being said then stood from her seat in the chariot.

"I can do magic!"

"then show us! Blank Flank!" Fly Moss added, standing next to Fuzz.

Midnight sighs and tries to make her magic glow only managing a tiny spark "ngh!" she gasps and sighs sadly, letting the other foals shove her away from the crowd "ugh" holding tears back, starting to walk away then thinks "I can do magic!"

Luna flaps her wings slightly and narrows her eyes at the comments she was hearing but remains calm and steps off the chariot as it slows to a halt and watches Midnight carefully.

"aha, what did you say?" Fuzz asked in an annoyed tone

"I CAN do magic and I'll show you!" Midnight narrows her eyes then makes her magic glow the best she could "please work"

Tia steps next to Luna watching Midnight create a spell showing the mane six's cutie marks.

Midnight gasps in surprise "whoa! Ha I did it!" she squeaked as the spell suddenly turns to water after her magic unexpectedly stops "ugh dumb horn! Work with me!"

Luna gasps a little watching this and then looks at Tia and smiles a little "my my..."

"HA! ...you call THAT magic! More like a magic disaster!" Mossy said with a grin on their face.

Midnight groans at this "I'm getting better! Next time I'll make sure to do the spell OVER you!" her horn sparks slightly then hesitates to hear Candlelights voice.

"Girls!" the eyes of the unicorn narrow tiredly and annoyed.

Moss growls at this darkly but hesitates a little hearing these ears drooping a little. Luna's ears perk up a slight bit and look over.

"I've just got the new foals asleep!" Candlelight groaned as she rubs her head slightly and sighs "
if you two wake them up from your arguing for the third time this week! And today of all the days!" Midnight hesitated her ears bent back starting to protest "she started it!"

"not MY fault she sucks at magic" Mossy muttered under her breath then narrowed their eyes but is nudged and growls

Luna suddenly speaks from behind them "well I thought it was rather beautiful" her ears perk up gently

"not MY fault that my horn hates me half the time!" Midnight continued and gasps quietly completely forgetting the princesses were there and looking up at Luna "you did? But it splashed everypony after..."

Luna chuckles "indeed it did... but sometimes a little surprise can make a spell just that extra special" she smiles and whispers to Midnight "trust me I've done all sorts...and so has my sister"

"you have?" Midnight asked looking at them both curious

"oh, we have. Especially when I was your age" Luna giggles and whispers "fair to say my sister wasn't happy when I levitated her entire room and tipped her straight out of bed when I went to raise the moon one time" she told Midnight then struggles to hold back laughter

Tia joins the laughter quietly "don't act like I almost accidentally raised you instead of the sun" she giggles at the thought "trust me that stopped fast" smiling she looked over at Midnight and asked the young filly "could you show us that spell again... It seems you made an audience" she said as she looked over at a few ponies.

"wait I thought they were here to see you... Not some filly nopony wants" Midnight asked sadly looking down.

"I nearly ended up through the roof" Luna spoke through chuckles as she glanced around at the audience of fillies and colts, then smiles looking at Midnight "perhaps it's a bit of both, I for one would love an encore of that spell."

Midnight nodded then turned around to face the orphanage in case she splashed anyone again, whispering to herself quietly "please work, please work, please work." luckily she managed to make her horn spark a little bit of magic.

Tia watched softly then smiled widely in awe looking up, seeing the cutie marks of herself, Luna and Cadence.

Midnight eventually looked up at her spell, surprised it worked "whoa!"

Luna also watched in awe "absolutely beautiful!" she looks at Tia and smiles happily.

Midnight giggled happily managing to keep her concentration on the spell.

"time to announce our surprise sister"

"surprise?... oh right the surprise" Luna smiles and nods at Midnight, standing to her hooves "fillies and colts... may we have your attention" the princess of the night began to announce happily yet calmly.

Midnight stopped to look at the princess.

"We have an announcement to make... we came here not just to see your little ones, and some of you may or may not know that we came here to choose one of you for something special."

"As of today, two special ponies will be chosen to be our students.

Midnight smiled hearing this, looking up at Tia

"if we only choose one today don't worry, whichever of doesn't choose a student, we shall be back with Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence in the next few days... so more of you will get a chance."

As her ears flickered, Midnight smiled excitedly.

"don't get too excited! disaster!" Fuzzy whispered to Midnight, who shook her head quickly.

Although Luna narrowed her eyes, she continued to speak calmly and softly "that's right and I believe... we agree we may have made our first decision"

"a special young filly who has shown great talent"

"And a very bright young pony... with so much potential" Luna glanced at her sister before looking at Midnight, "who will no doubt make an amazing student"

"wait... Me?" Midnight asked after noticing Luna was talking about her.

"her! But she's a blank flank! And no pony wants a foal without their mark! She should know! She keeps getting sent back!" Mossy began

"Don't make me splash you! And the ponies who sent me back were jerks! Maybe they should adopt you instead!" her ears flopped back once more and she looked up at Celestia and Luna.

"no. I have made up my mind!" Luna looked firmly at Fly Moss "a blank flank does NOT mean a pony is not worthy. it means a pony is full of all the potential in the world" stepping forward Luna finished "and I just know that this is the right decision"

Midnight smiled hearing this as she stood next to Luna after thinking "it means I have more time to figure out what my talent is! And I have a feeling it possibly won't be magic! My horn hates me haha!"

"and if you're willing to learn you will find your true self and exceed before you know it" Luna spoke lifting Midnight's chin gently.

Tia watched her sister softly then felt something tug on her flowy mane, looking down she saw a tiny foal not much younger than Midnight.

"Blossom? what are you doing out here?" Midnight asked the tiny yellow filly as she picked her up off Tia's mane "you're supposed to be asleep... owww ha that's my hair" she smiled a little looking up as a staff pony lifted the foal from Midnight with their magic watching as they fell straight to sleep. Tia giggled slightly watching this.

Luna smiled softly watching this, chuckling leaning down to the filly, then she spots a small pair of glowing eyes hidden in the dark.

"Blossom w-where did-..." another foal the same age as Blossom began speaking but hesitated to see the princesses with Midnight.

"you two need to go back to sleep before- uh oh" Midnight hesitated to see the shadow of Candlelight over them.

Candlelight sighed looking at the two foals then at Midnight sternly.

"this time it was my fault" Midnight protested, her ears flopping back again.

"We just wanted to see what was going on..." the foal's ears dropped and backed away a little.

Luna stepped forward speaking up "it seems the little ponies were just curious" Luna smiled and looked at Candlelight "you must be the pony in charge"

"yes... I am my name is Tiddlywinks Candlelight"

Midnight had to hold in laughter at this point but smiled as if nothing happened.

Luna's eyes widened slightly at this, blinking a few times as if to process what she had just heard and has to fight to let her mouth break into a smile and coughs "ah... well it... it is a pleasure!... Miss T... Candlelight..."

Midnight giggled quietly watching but stops not wanting to get into trouble and smiles faintly.

Candlelight gave Midnight a warning look, watching a staff pony take Blossom inside and sighs "come on you two need to get back to sleep" she told the other foal then she turned to Midnight "come on Midnight."

Midnight hesitated then looked at Tia and Luna then back at Candlelight "I can't"

The foal nervously hid behind Candlelight slightly

"Midnight won't be staying at this orphanage any longer," Luna spoke softly

"really?" Candlelight asked as she looked at Midnight then back at the princesses.

"Tell her, tell her, tell her!" Midnight giggled excitedly jumping up and down a little.

Luna chuckled at this before speaking again "I will be taking Midnight on as my protege, from this moment forth she will be staying with us"

Midnight squealed laughing until she heard Blossom's voice.

"you're leaving?..."

"don't worry Blossom, I'll visit you two I promise"

The second foal's ears droop slightly staying hidden looking at Midnight "you...promise...?"

"I promise" she smiles and pulls them both into a hug

Blossom cuddled into her gently "I'm gonna miss you Midnight" the tiny filly looked at her friend sadly close to tearing up then looked up to Tia and Luna "can we come to visit one day?"

"please" Midnight pleaded

The three foals looked at the princess hopeful

Luna looks at her sister and then smiles and looks at them gently of course. She lifts their chin gently "nothing would make me happier than having two promising young ponies come visit."

Both Blossom and Coal nuzzled Midnight in a group hug happily

Luna chuckled as Celestia spoke softly "go and get your things ready and then we head to the castle alright?" Midnight nodded then looked at her friends.

"do you two wanna help pack? I don't wanna do it alone" Midnight admitted shyly with a small smile

the two younger foals nodded, not missing the chance to spend the last day with their friend. Along the way to Midnights room Coal stumbled but he was picked up by Luna "careful little one"

the young colt giggles timidly and in embarrassment "Thank you ha. coming!" he quickly scurries after midnight and Blossom, Luna watches and smiles softly.

the three foals arrived in Midnight's room, Coal and Blossom bumping into each other "oof sorry... what are you packing first?" Coal asks looking around the room then looking up at Midnight

"I don't know ha"

"whats about clothes?"

"and toys"

Blossom and Coal asked as they each went under the bed and reached for the wardrobe with the help from Midnight.


Coal giggles slightly "th-thanks" he smiles and opens up the wardrobe and grabs some clothes but they drape over him and cover him completely because they were bigger than him

"hehe whoops. got em!"

Midnight laughed slightly then uses her magic to pack them in a case

"you okay over there Blossom?"

Coal giggles faintly then jump off Midnights back watching her use her magic then goes over to where Blossom was

Blossom suddenly gasps quietly pulling something from under Midnights bed

"Midnight remember this?" Blossom asked as she places a paper crown on her friends head

"Blossom, seriously I know I'll never be a princess, my magic sucks remember" Midnight reminded Blossom through laughter

"you don't know that, you might be one day, like how I'll be a wonderbolt one day" the yellow foal assured the young unicorn as she climbs onto the bed, spreading her tiny wings

Coal smiled and nods agreeing with Blossom, flapping his little bat wings gently "anything is possible now... you're going to live with the princesses! but..... " his eyes sadden a little "you won't forget about us....will you....??" he asked looking up at Midnight sadly

"I will never forget about you two" she cuddles them close gently

"even if I have to ask the princesses to come back for you, then we'll be together again....you're the only family I've had that's wanted me"

Coal smiles gently at this, cuddling into the blue filly even more as he was joined by Blossom

"promise...even if you do become a princess?" Blossom asked in a saddened but hopeful voice

"I promise, even if that happens," Midnight cuddles them again then hears Candlelight call them and she sighs

Coal smiles softly at this then hesitate, his ears drooping slightly hearing her voice

"come on... Time to go Midnight" Candlelight announced in a soft voice as she came to fetch Equestrias future princess

Midnight sighs with her ears bending back slightly then nods at Candlelight

Coal stayed back as Midnight grabbed her bag, his ears drooping as he watched "guess this is goodbye?" he squeaked in a small voice

"only until next time remember I promised even if it takes a while" she nuzzles them both one last time forming a group hug

Blossom cuddles into her then feel her pull away

"be good... okay" Midnight finally said while choking back tears and smiling faintly then lets Candlelight lead her back to Luna and Tia.

"we will..." Coal smiles sadly his wings meekly flap watching her go outside to the princesses waiting for her.

Luna smiles gently watching her come back out "all ready??" she asks

As Midnight goes over to her she nods and then looks back seeing Coal and Blossom in the window waving over to them. After thinking for a moment she looks back at Luna and Tia

The two rulers watched Coal wave back at Midnight, then Luna spoke softly with a smile "you will see them very soon I am sure of it"

Midnight smiles then eventually follow Tia and Luna to go back to Canterlot castle to begin her new life as Luna's student and future princess of the stars.

Chapter 3: Welcome To Canterlot

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Midnight and the princesses reached the palace. As the filly stared up at the white towering walls of the castle's grand hallway, the young filly's eyes grew bigger and larger.

Fillies considered it to be the biggest thing they have ever encountered.

The halls echoed with her voice "Whoa!". As she ran ahead of the princesses, she ran past the stained-glass windows depicting key events in Equestria such as Nightmare Moon's defeat and the crowning of Twilight as Princess of Friendship.

Suddenly, Midnight squealed in excitement again as she looked around the throne room, jumping in circles while laughing.

Her gaze shifted in the direction of Princess Luna, who trotted beside her, "thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Midnight turned to the princess, facing Luna as she gently laughed. "Midnight, I have some duties to attend to with my sister this afternoon, but before then I'd like you to meet someone you might get along with." Luna smiled gently.

"Where are they?"

When she turned around, she saw a light pink alicorn enter the throne room. Dark pink, purple, and yellow tones defined her hair. Her name is Cadence.

The ruler of the Crystal Empire is pictured with a filly of Midnight's age and a coat of magentaish grey.

The filly's mane is a gradient of light cerise to greyish violet with light arctic blue highlights, and her eyes are light opal.

As Princess Cadence and Flurry Heart sat in the lobby, Luna smiled softly at them, "You girls can keep yourselves company while Cadence joins my sister and me for our duties this afternoon." She patted Flurry Heart on the head before she and Princess Cadence left the room.

"I'm Flurry. Hi!"


In a shy voice, Flurry said, "I know where your room is."

Following Flurry out of the throne room and into the hallway, Midnight grinned happily as she got to her room

"During our walk past the other stained glass windows, Mama showed me where it was. It's a great place, Midnight, I know you will love it here." Flurry explained.

"Is this... a sign that we're gonna be friends now?" Midnight asked in a shy, hopeful tone.

"of course... but don't you have friends from the orphanage you could ask Luna to bring for a visit?" Flurry asked with a small smile which faded seeing Midnight's ears flop

"Coal and Blossom are slightly younger than me, ha, but they made the stay worth it.

"I'm glad you're here, you're no longer there" Flurry assured the filly who simply smiled softly.

"Oh, we're here, this is your new room, Midnight" singing Flurry opened the door to Midnight's room using her magic.

Midnight looked around the huge room she now owned at the space she admired.

Featuring ocean blue walls and a princess bed in galaxy colours, the bedroom was decorated with crystals, representing stars.

Upon jumping into bed, the filly inflated into a pillow twice her size. She exclaimed, "it's so soft!"

"PILLOW FIGHT!" yelled Flurry, suddenly hitting Midnight with one.

Suddenly, the girls were hurling pillows at each other from the bed and around the room, covering the entire room with white fluffy feathers, which made two fillies look like chickens.

"Is everything okay in here?" a man asked as a stallion with blue streaks through his mane poked his head through the doorway.

"Oh my... Flurry, what's going on in here? This is supposed to be Princess Luna's new pupil's room.".

"It's okay, Dad. We just had fun right Midnight?" Flurry asked the blue filly

The stallion was a bit surprised to see Midnight. She introduced herself to the stallion as the new student of Luna

"Midnight, I'm Shining Armor. Flurry's father and a captain of Canterlot's royal guard, so if you'd like me to assist, let me know" he said happily.

"As a matter of fact... could you possibly help us with something?" Midnight asked hopefully

"You may have a better idea of what you're going to say considering the condition of the room"

A light grey stallion walked away to get some cleaning supplies with both foals watching nervously.

Midnight said calmly, "that was fun! pity we have cleanup to do."

"It's not like we're staying in your room to play all the time, I mean besides cleaning the mess, but you know what I mean... This is Canterlot's Castle, Ponyville. There's so much to explore and discover! Didn't you play explorers at the orphanage?"

"Uh-uh, I'm a blank flank, and according to Fly Moss and Fungus Fuzz, blank flanks can't be explorers," she said, rolling her eyes in memory of the bullies' words.

"It's not true! We black flanks can climb in the Himalayas! OR visit the yaks of Yakyakastan! Ooh or- or- AHCHOO!! " Flurry hit the ground under a pile of feathers after a feather landed on her nose while demonstrating what blank flanks could do.

Midnight giggled as her new friend looked whiter than her coat covered in pillow feathers

"we would have never been able to do this at the orphanage... at least not while the younger ponies were asleep anyway, Candlelight always caught us and... well we got in trouble ha"

"but for the younger ones that's kinda understandable, I guess"

"yea, Blossom is super cranky when she's woken up from her nap, haha trust me I've heard her screaming her head off in the middle of the night"

"It's adventure time now! So where are we going? To a snowy wasteland in the Crystal Empire! King Sombra's old castle... they took over that...it might not work"

"We can go into the deepest dungeon anyone has ever found in an abandoned castle! or we can build our palace!" Midnight became more and more excited as she jumped onto her bed.

"Then the bullies would be sent to the MOON! I know you're a princess already, but what if we were BOTH princesses?

"For a project like that to succeed, we need the elements of harmony, but I don't think my auntie Twilight would let us do such a thing, as much as those bullies deserve it."

"Maybe not the real elements, but." Midnight grinned mischievously, sparks flying from her horn.

"It is my duty as princess Midnight to banish you to the moon!"

"Nooooo, hold on, but for how long?"

"So... until dinner?"

"that works! you can send me back afterwards"

Both girls ended up laughing, Midnight almost falling off the bed and Flurry covered in even more feathers after rolling on the floor

"Alright girls, I have the cleaning supplies..." Shining Armor announced as he came to the door again smiling hearing the kids' laughter "you two having fun?" he asked as he started sweeping the feathers off the floor and his daughter.

"Midnight sent me to the moon!" Flurry suddenly hid under the bed, her voice muffled by the sheets.

"so I'm not here until dinner! Okay, dad!"

"I'm Princess Midnight and I beat you! Hahaha! You cannot run to me, foul villain!"

"Is everything alright in here?" Princess Celestia asked walking beside Shining, chuckling a faint bit hearing the fillies

"You're on the moon, aren't you? well, you definitely won't be craving pancakes then, right?" Celestia asked as the two fillies stared at each other then jumped on top of each other.

"Hey Midnight, I'm still on the moon!" Flurry reminded her friend, grinning

"I, Princess Midnight, have unbanned you from the moon! Let's get food." she said.

As the two new friends hurried to the dining hall, they still played together

While Midnight ran past Flurry stopping once they reached the dining hall, Flurry said, "we're racers in the Equestria Games!".

Their eyes were glued to the food. There were apple fritters, pancakes, and cupcakes. There were so many delicious things to eat!

"After dinner, we will qualify for the games!"

The girls grinned as they trotted over to Cadence and Luna's table, happily announcing their agreement.

A princess of friendship who had saved Equestria countless times sat across from the girls, Princess Twilight Sparkle. One other filly, a little older than Flurry and Midnight, was next to her.

They were accompanied by an orange pegasus stallion with a blue mane sitting beside Twilight.

Midnight knew that the princess was experiencing tension with the pegasus whose name was Flash Sentry.

Greeting her cousin, Constance waved back, however, their reunion was short-lived after Twilight and Flash appeared to have begun an argument, leading Flash to leave.

Flash watched as Constance wiped away the tears as she followed her mother down the halls saying, "Not again, Constance."

"Do you want to sit over here with us?" Midnight asked Flurry as he looked at Constance. Constance immediately nodded in agreement.



"guessing Aunt Twilight and Uncle Flash is still having trouble..." Flurry asked in a sad quiet voice.

"yea... it's been like this for a while now Flurry so... I'm kinda used to them fighting whenever we come over here to visit...... anyway how are you, girls? We heard you laughing from down the hall ha something about Equestria Games..."

"oh right, we're qualifying after we've eaten haha not literally but you know what I mean" Midnight explained through laughter while using her magic to grab a pancake and a few other treats

"but before that, I got sent to the moon! for like a few minutes"

The girls laughed at the thought of the pillow fight they also had earlier that day.

"it's only my first day out of the orphanage and I'm already loving it!"

"you were in Canterlot orphanage?" Constance asked a little surprised


In a soft voice, Luna explained, "but not anymore Constance, young Midnight is my new student"

"The dance always cheers you up, Constance! We should show it to Midnight!"

In a flash, both fillies happily joined together, performing a dance their mothers taught them

"Sunshine Sunshine Ladybugs Awake Clap your Hooves and do a little shake!"

The two fillies rolled around on the floor laughing after the dance

"Never gets old!"

Curious, Midnight asked, "what was that?"

Cadence explained, "I made it up with Twilight when we used to foalsit" when they returned to the dining room minus Flash.

As she realized what she feared, Constance looked sadly at her mother and Cadence, her ears bending back very slowly as she shook her head.

"W... where is dad? she asked, watching Twilight hesitate

"Where is Uncle Flash, Auntie Twilight?"

"He's gone back to the Crystal Empire!" Twilight said to keep the girls from staring at her.

Twilight choked back tears as she approached her daughter. "I'm sorry Constance... I tried to stop him, but he said he had work at the empire... so I've decided to return home..."

"I don't want to go anywhere without dad!" Constance stomped her hoof on the cold floor in protest

"Constance, we just have no choice! He is too busy to notice us, let alone spend time with us! I know you don't understand right now but one day you will... I will explain everything better then... I promise" Twilight promised the young filly.

Twilight pleaded painfully through tears, her voice cracking through sadness, "I'm sorry!" she apologized as the two embraced into a teary tight hug.

Both Flurry and Midnight watched sadly, unsure of what to do as they tried to figure out what had happened

Grabbing whatever food was left on the table, Cadence advised the girls to return to Midnight's room for a bit, so Twilight could speak to Constellation.

Flurry nodded, and soon both girls were carrying trays of snacks and pancakes in the hallway

"I hope she'll be okay after that."

"I am worried about Auntie Twilight moving back to Canterlot since I don't see her as much as I do now... She only stayed in the Crystal Empire because of Uncle Flash, but now she might leave for good"

"but she'll still be able to visit you right? and maybe I might be able to tag along with Twilight next time, I've never been or ever seen the Crystal Empire so that would be so much fun!"

"do you think Luna would let you visit?"

"why not, it's worth a shot! oooh and then we could do more exploring"

"yea! Don't tell anyone that I said this but there's an abandoned sector of the Crystal Castle back home! I don't wanna go in it alone cause we aren't technically supposed to, but you never know what we could find down there!"

"So what's the plan if we do go down there? tell somepony?"

"no, because my parents would kill us if they knew what we were up to... we'll figure it out but until then let's have fun here and not in some spooky abandoned part of the castle, deal"


The girls hoofbumped before giggling and trotting back into Midnight's room with the treats they had collected.