> In The Space > by Juliaa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > An Unexpected Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This was the day! Rainbow Dash is finally going to be assigned a team and her first mission. But why don't we slow down a bit? Who even is Rainbow Dash? Only the best at Space School designed to train new teams from Earth that will explore space, including different planets and aliens. And Rainbow Dash? Today is her last day of training. She will finally get a team and go do meaningfull stuff she has been preparing herself for. Space School History File 01: Earth has been exploring space at rapid speed and they have encountered many alien species, some friends, some yet unknown. It is advised that whenever you enounter an alien you do not approach. Space School is not responsible if any members ignore this order. Rainbow's POV I have woken up very early since I couldn't sleep. This is the moment I have waited my whole life! Okay, not exactly whole life but these last 8 years I have been working to get on the team. My own team. I got ready and ate breakfast early. Just unpatiently walking around these white walls of a space station of Space School that orbits the Earth. The first year of Space School is on Earth. They teach you how to prepare for space travels and living. Other seven are spent in space around Earth and then you get a team and go on missions beyond. I have been working towards being a team leader and so far I am best in my generation. It must mean I will get a great team and difficult and dangerous missions. As a leader I am also trained in all other possible positions so I can replace anyone in case something happens. Space School Team Rules #1: Each team gets minimum of 4 members, maximum 8 and every member is assigned a different role. When the time finally arrived. I went to the room they will assign us in the team. It took ages to get to mine but when they did I rose up excitedly. Space School Team Rules #2: Roles a team must have are leader, driver, tehnical support and medical suppott. "Team 067: leader Rainbow Dash, driver Sunset Shimmer, tehnical support Twilight Sparkle, medical support Fluttershy, translator Pinkie Pie and designer, who will stay in this station and not go on missions, Rarity. Here is your team's file for the first mission. Good luck and congratulations for being best in what you do!" We took our papers and went to the assigned space ship. Team 067 Mission #1: explore unknown planet #7901223. Take few samples and return to main base. Equipment: Space ship for the crew with smaller space ship for exploring for one person. Basic mission equipment. Sample collector. Additional: do not land on the planet and do not, under any circumstances exit your vehicle. If you encounter alien withdraw and return to station." Well that sounds easy enough, nothing to go wrong, right? It seemed like my team agreed. We had short introduction, even though we already knew each other since we went to same school. All of us were best in what we do. This is going to be amazing. I finally have a team! My own team! Space School History File 02: Earth space missions were able to develop a high technology vehicles that make travelling to different planets inside and outside of Milky Way very fast. We quickly packed and got ready to go. No one wanted to waste any time. Sunset started up the ship and we started to go in the right direction. It was a somewhat far away trip so it will take us hours to reach it. In the mean time I took a look on my team. "Do you think we will see any creatures there?" Fluttershy happily asked. "I hope not! They count as aliens and we would need to retreat!" I reminded her. She sadly replied, "there could be so many fluffy creatures out there." "That could be dangerous!" Twilight added and I was glad someone agreed with me. Space School History File 03: At the beginning there have been many incidents regarding new planets exploration due to the lack of knowledge about living beings and conditions on them. This is the reason Space School put so many rules about safety. We always look to improve even further. After hours we finally reached the planet. It kinda resembled Earth. "So who will go down there?" Pinkie broke the silence. "I wil!" I said confidently. "Shouldn't I go?" Sunset asked. "Because I am the flyer." "Nah, I know how to fly too and have been waiting for this for so long! Besides it could be dangerous and I don't want my team in danger!" "Fine by me!" she quickly returned to her chair as I prepared my suit to go to the planet. I climbed into a small one person ship and went to the planet. It was beautiful! Filled with water, many plants and my readings said air was breathable. That still doesn't prove it is safe. Who knows if there are any viruses or bacteria in it. Space School Rule #3: If you do encounter an alien go to the nearest hiding spot and call help. Suddenly my small space ship got broken. An engine of some sort broke and I was going down fast. The message "Error" showed up on my screen. I was trying hard to land myself safely enough to survive. My communication and navigations has been shut down so my team wouldn't be able to find me. As I was trying to land suddenly another ship trying to desperately land hit me. There aren't any other humans here so it must be an alien species which scared me. Do we know them? We both landed safely and I quickly exited my ship. As I got out I saw door of the alien ship open. Someone in a space suit got outside. "It is safe to breathe here!" they said as they removed a helmet and revealed a girl, not so different from me. She had glowing blonde hair, beautiful emerald green eyes and many many adorable freckles all over her face. I removed my helment too and asked strictly, "who are you?" "I could ask you the same question!" "I asked first!" I said as I pulled out some sort of weapon to defend myself. It won't kill anyone but it sure can help you escape. "Wow there! Slow down, I come in peace!" she said and raised her hands. "How do you know my language?" I asked, still suspicious. "I learn it in education?" she found it weird I even asked. "Please, put that thing down and let's talk. I don't want anyone to get hurt!" "Okay fine!" I removed the weapon and offered her my hand, "Rainbow Dash!" She stared at my hand weirdly and waved, "Applejack." > On the Planet 7901223 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So apparently aliens don't know how to shake hands, but they do know our language. That seems suspicious. "Let me repeat the question," I started, "who are you? What species?" "Species that lives on Planet H," she said calmly. "You are from Earth?" "Planet H?!" I panicked. "The planet we are on the verge of war with?" Space New issue #5678: In the recent events of discovering a new planet and species that live there, it appears we can not come to terms of agreement. Everything is tense and we will be waiting for further updates on discussion. They call their planet Planet H. Space News issue #5685: It appears beings from Planet H have been observing us ever since we started to explore space. They know our language and some of our traditions. "Uh... yeah.." she replied awkwardly. "But I didn't come here to fight, just to collect some samples to further research this planet!" she defended herself. "So did I." There was silence. Neither of us knew what to do. By the rules I am suppossed to hide and wait for team rescue but with no navigation and location singal it would take them many days to find me. Any help will be needed and it seems like Applejack is in the same situation. "So will your team come pick you up?" I asked. "My team? You travel in teams?" she was confused. "And you travel alone?" I was shocked. That is so dangerous! There was more silence before she asked, "how old are you?" "23. You?" "Same." After some time I spoke again, "okay, you know what? It appears we both have the same problem. Why don't we work together to gather food and water and fix our ships so we can go home as soon as possible?" "I like that idea a lot! I just hope there is something edible on this planet." We started to search. Rainbow's Diary entry, 7th August: As we were walking around the planet number 7901223 we discovered there are many fruits that we could eat which made our search shorter so we could focus on the ship. Applejack's ship was damaged beyond repair so we started fixing mine. She seemed cool. And by that I mean 20% cooler than anyone I have ever met. "So Aj, can I call you Aj?" I stopped what I was going to ask. "Sure!" she smiled and it was the most beautiful thing on this planet. "How does everything work on your planet? How did you get to be here?" I was curious. "Oh, that's easy. Similar to yours we learn in regular school about space explorations in history of space classes. We know more than you on Earth. And then whoever wants can go to space and explore. We even go to vacations on nearby planets, unlike you. It's so cool!" "Wow! That sounds awesome!" I was amazed. "What are some things you know that we don't?" "Pft!" she laughed. "There are so many it would take me a year to tell you all!" "Alright, fine," I gave it up. "What else do you know about Earth?" "A lot of stuff. However, we don't know many of your traditions." "I figured," I laughed. "Was it that obvious?" "You didn't even know how to shake my hand!" "Shake your hand?" she was confused. "A greeting when you meet someone, you just put your hand like this and another person shakes it," I took her hand and demonstrated and I could swear she blushed a bit when I touched her hand. "Uhm yeah, you creatures from Earth are very touchy with others. We don't do that much around here," she explained. "Oh! I am so sorry! Should have asked first!" I felt embarrassed. "It's okay. Just next time, unless you are courting someone from my planet, don't hold their hands," she laughed. "And if I was courting?" I joked. "Then that would be a good start," she laughed and we continued to repair the ship. Space Stations facts #7829 - alien species: Approach everyone from Planet H with caution. Many humans got hurt when trying to communicate with them. Many wear secret weapon in their suits. _______ It was the next day. No sight of my team. I wonder what is taking them so long. However, I didn't mind Applejack's company. I actually liked it a lot. Too bad we will have to go our seperate ways soon. She still doesn't have a ship so she will be needing our help. Maybe we can even drop her off to her planet if they won't attack us which is unlikely. I wonder how does her planet look like. Humans weren't allowed much on Planet H. "There is something in the sky over there!" She pointed out in full panic to a ship flying towards us. I took a closer look and realized it was my crew. Good, they found me! Even quicker than I thought, it usually takes at least a few days to find someone who got as lost as I did. I guess I really do have the best crew there is! "That is my team, don't worry!" I reassured her. "Do you think they will be okay with me coming with you all?" She was very nervous and honestly, so was I. But I was better at hiding it than her. "Yeah! Why wouldn't they? We will just help you get back home!" I reassured and tried to sound as convincing as possible. "If you say so..." she didn't seem to buy it. The ship landed and we both approached it. Sunset Shimmer got out and looked relieved. "I already thought we lost our team captain! And on the first day too!" "Told you she is fine!" Twilight was heard from the inside. "Heh, yeah. Let's just get off of this planet already," I said and Applejack and me entered as Sunset watched me weirdly. Twilight automatically started the ship and we flew but Sunset was still staring at Aj. It wasn't long until everyone noticed her. "Who is that?" Fluttershy asked. "Is that alien from Planet H?!" Sunset took her weapon and pointed it right at Aj's head. Great! Just what we needed now.