> Red Hawk - Volume 2 > by NinjaMare > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Events On the Horizon [Edited] > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the country of Equestria the night sky was making way for the morning sun as it climbed its way into the sky, and as the sun was slowly making its ascent higher and higher into the horizon a figure could be seen flying about over the country side around Canterlot Mountain. The figure was an unusual being to not just Equestria, but the world as a whole, as it was from another world entirely, and the being was known as Red Hawk. The winged figure was simply enjoying an early morning flight, his large red wings sheering through the air with steady and powerful wingbeats which occasionally gave off puffs of fire to illuminate the still slightly darken skies. But Red Hawk wasn’t alone in his early morning flight. Being held in the young man’s hands was a small orange pegasus filly named Scootaloo, who had a great big smile on her face as she feels the wind rush past her, ruffling her mane, tail, and her small wings as she flaps them, pretending to fly along with her larger escort. As the duo continued to fly through the sky the sun was getting higher and higher, until the entire land of Equestria was bathed in the golden rays of the sun and the new day finally begins, and with the sun now settled in its place in the sky Red Hawk and Scootaloo started to make their way back to Ponyville, which was several miles from where they were currently, but that just meant that the pair got to enjoy sightseeing the land bellow now basked in the light of the sun. “This is great!” Scootaloo half-shouted through the rushing wind passing by her and Red Hawk. “Getting to have an early morning flight before school feels amazing!” the filly exclaimed with excitement as she continued to pretend that she was also flying through the air. “Well I’m glad you’re enjoying this Scootaloo, just make sure nothing goes flying out of your saddle bags.” Red Hawk said as he kept a tight grasp on the filly, who in turn was checking the saddle bags strapped to her barrel. Soon enough the duo reached the boundaries of Ponyville, where they both could see ponies in the town starting to go about their morning chores and duties, including the pegasi team who were getting a shipment of clouds from delivery ponies. It still amazed Red Hawk in how the ponies of this world practically have the weather completely under their control. Eventually the pair saw the school house come into view, along with the crowds of foals trotting along to get to the school house. Slowly making his descent Red Hawk aimed to land just off to the side of the road, so that he wouldn’t accidently land on top of any of the foals, or knocked them about by the gusts of wind he’ll kick up by flapping his wings. Although it seemed that his mere presence near the school house was enough to have the majority of the foals to gather around, with some almost getting knocked off their hooves by said gusts of winds. “Watch out kids!” Red Hawk warned as he landed in the middle of a circle of foals, all of whom were excitedly clamoring to get the winged human’s attention, or just admiring him as he puts Scootaloo down. “There you go Scoots, try to have a good day at school.” Red Hawk said as he knelt down and gave Scootaloo’s mane a little ruffle, causing the filly to giggle. “I will!” the filly said before joining the crowd of foals. Red Hawk then stood back up and was trying to get some space from the foals so he could take off, but the little group of foals that stuck to him continued to try and get his attention, as they wanted to spend some time with the towns local alien creature. Luckily, Red Hawk was saved when the schools bell began to ring, causing the foals to groan in disappointment before trotting or galloping off towards the building. After Red Hawk bid the foals farewell he flew up back into the air where he started to make his way towards the town, but as he flies over the roads and buildings his mind started to wander. Specifically to the events that happened not too long ago. A few weeks ago Red Hawk had an encounter with not only an armored officer, but a group of Collectors from the Governments World Security Force, or G.W.S.F for short, from his world who came to Ponyville and started to wreck the town just to flush him out, and attempt to capture him. But the Collectors and the officer wasn’t what really caused a dreadful chill to run down Red Hawk’s spine, it was that the most well-known scientist of the G.W.S.F’s science division has found him, and has means of teleporting from his old world to Equestria, and made a promise that she will be back to capture him and bring him into custody. Which Red Hawk really knew meant that he’d become her latest science project, a fate that all Un-Naturals fear more than anything else, as this scientist was well-known to all Un-Naturals about her cruel experiments. “What should I do?” Red Hawk muttered to himself as he continued to soar over the roads that lead from the school house to Ponyville “If Miranda does intend to come back to take me to the Facility, she’ll undoubtedly cause more havoc for the ponies…” Red Hawk started to slow down as he started to mule over the options of what he should do. If he stays in Ponyville he would only drag all of the ponies into facing whatever dangers Miranda will send to capture him, which could lead to many of the towns ponies to get hurt or even killed. But the princesses of the land assured him that they will aide him in case Miranda does send more armed forces, so he won’t have to worry too much. And yet, Red Hawk still worries about dragging innocents into a conflict that’s centered around him. As he continued to worrying about dragging the ponies into danger another thought came to him, or more accurately a memory from his past, a memory of where he had to fly away while his parents died in trying to protect him when he was just a little child. Shaking his head Red Hawk tried to dismiss the unhappy memories of his family and just continued to fly towards the town, which was quickly coming into view and as he started to fly over the buildings Red Hawk’s stomach started to grumble. Stopping in mid-air Red Hawk started to look for some place to eat, as he didn’t each much in the morning so Scootaloo could join him on his morning flight. “Red Hawk!” a familiar voice called out to the winged human and when he looked down below him, the young man found Rarity and Fluttershy waving at him. Making his descent Red Hawk landed before the two mares. “Hello there girls, what are you two up to this early in the morning?” “We were on our way to have some breakfast at a diner.” Fluttershy said sweetly as she looked up to Red Hawk. “What were you doing up there?” “I was actually looking for someplace to grab a bite, I didn’t eat much this morning.” Red Hawk stated as his grumbling stomach further emphasized his statement. “Oh well in that case dear why don’t you join us?” Rarity offered before she started to trot past Red Hawk with Fluttershy following behind her. “Well if your offering I’ll take you up on your offer.” After deciding on joining his two friends in dining for breakfast, Red Hawk then started to follow the two mare’s as they headed towards whatever destination the two mares have in mind. As Red Hawk followed Rarity and Fluttershy the young man’s eyes wandered upward, walking on auto-pilot Red Hawk’s mind started to wander back to his previous train of thought. Should he leave Ponyville to spare the ponies of any further harm from Miranda’s assaults, or stay with those he’s growing close to and finding a place to actually call home, and trust his friends to withstand any hardships that his presence could bring. “Red Hawk?” Rarity’s voice called out causing the winged human to stop in his tracks, and when he looked back down he saw that both Rarity and Fluttershy were looking at him with worried looks. “Are you alright dear? You’ve been so quiet, and you look like something is weighing heavily on your mind.” “Well there is something that has been on my mind for a few days.” Red Hawk admitted to the two ponies as he rubs the top of his head while his wings gave a small flap. “What is it if I may ask?” Fluttershy asked worriedly as she fluttered up to be eye-level with the Un-Natural as he responds to Fluttershy’s question. “It’s concerning Miranda—” “You mean that mad mare, er, woman that sent those horrible giant machines after you!” Rarity all but blurted in clear frustration. “Yeah. Before she left she told me that last invading group wasn’t the last, and that sooner or later she would try to capture me again.” “Oh my!” Fluttershy gawked as she brought up a hoof to cover her moth in shock. “So for the last few days I’ve been wandering if I should stay in Ponyville, or just leave.” “What!” Rarity balked as she gave a shocked look up towards Red Hawk. “Why would you leave Ponyville?” “If I stay here in town, and Miranda sends even more Collectors, or something worst, then the town and all you guys will get caught up in the chaos.” Red Hawk explained to the unicorn and pegasus. “And if that happens who knows how many of you will get hurt, or even killed…all because I was here. But if I leave then none of you would get hurt, or have your town get destroyed.” “Oh Red Hawk that’s so thoughtful of you.” Fluttershy says sweetly as she patted the young man on the shoulder. “Yes indeed, but Red Hawk, you don’t have to do that.” Rarity countered. “But—” “Darling. Even if this woman comes to try and take you away, we’re not just going to stand by and let her try and capture you.” Rarity then stood proudly before the young man as she gives a resolute look. “We’re not as helpless as you might think. Granted we were unprepared to handle those Collectors, but not only us but the princesses are here to help you if you need it.” “Rarity’s right.” Fluttershy piped up as she gave Red Hawk a gentle nuzzle on the cheek, which the young man took as the pegasus’s way to try and ease his mind. “So you don’t have to leave Ponyville if something does happen.” Red Hawk stood there in silence for a moment before giving both ponies a thankful smile. After the two ponies gave their assurance to Red Hawk that they will stand by his side, and help him even if Miranda sends another capture team, the trio continued on with their way towards breakfast. ~~Earth~~ The Facility, this hidden yet massive underground building is one of the few places that can hold and contain Un-Naturals, but it is the only place in the United States where experiments on the Un-Naturals are being performed. The primary purpose of the Facility is to be a prison where Un-Naturals would be held, and restrained so they wouldn’t be able to abuse their mutations and powers. It is also a place in where scientist would also study the strange yet remarkable powers of the Un-Naturals, looking for any weakness to this mutated race of humans in rendering them harmless, or study their powers and see if they can be used for the betterment of mankind. The Facility is also a testing ground for new weaponry, upgrades to the Collectors, and many other secret government projects. Deep within the confines of the Facility reverberating booms, and heavy explosions rang out through the mostly vacant and empty halls of the Facility. In the far east end of the Facility, where the main chambers of where various machines, tools, and other such projects are crafted, several scientist and other staff members stood in a testing ranges viewing room. As the men and women stood in the viewing room they all watched as a new model of the Collectors stood in the testing range, firing one large glob of flaming blue energy at the far wall, which erupted into a fiery burst of blue energy. After the twelfth shot fired from the large firearm that the robotic unit wielded, the Collector then held the weapon outstretched before a rapid fire barrage of narrow bursts of blue energy rocketed across the firing range, and peppering the far wall with holes till the twentieth shot was fired. “Weapons test for the new P.L MK-02 are concluded, and appears to be quite the success.” One of the female scientist said as she fiddles around with a tablet. “All there is left is to finalize both the weapons tests, and the new Models performance.” One of the male engineers said as he presses a few buttons on a consul, where a few bulky looking droids rolled out and started to vacuum up any debris made during the test, as well as patching up the holes in the wall. “Do you guys really think these upgrades and modifications are necessary?” another engineer asked his collected colleagues. “I mean, the Collectors were already the greatest mobile weapons we’ve created, but this all seems a little, superfluous.” “Not to the higher ups. Especially when one of the government officials screwed up and decided to pick a fight with Legion, when the Russian Militia tried to take several Un-Natural’s from him who were under his protection.” Another female scientist said as she was watching the news on her own tablet, which showed armed forces members gear up in Russia. “There’s a reason why Legion was on the Black List of Un-Naturals that should never be messed with.” The first male engineer stated as he stepped away from the consul he was working at, and turned to the rest of his colleagues as he continued. “The fight between the Russian Military and Legions own Armed Force of, well, himself it’s going to be ugly. But adding these new Collectors into the mix…” the man says as he pointed outside the watch room towards the towering robot on the other side of the glass, which was being checked over by a separate team of scientist and engineers. “It’s going to be a bloodbath.” “Stepping away from the conflict in Russia for a moment, have you guys heard of what Professor Miranda and her main team has discovered?” a blonde woman asked as she adjust the glasses that rested on the ridge of her nose. “You mean the discovery of a new, separate, world has very colorful horses?” a much younger man said in a mostly uncertain tone as he leaned back in the chair he was sitting in. “Hard not to. Everyone from team one can’t stop talking, or muttering about it when I pass by any of them.” “I still can’t believe that Professor Miranda’s device actually worked, let alone make a portal to a whole different world entirely.” The blonde woman carried on as she fiddles around with a strand of hair. “Not to mention that she found an A listed Un-Natural there named Red Hawk.” “Never heard of this freak before, who is he?” a tall and fairly muscular man asked as he turned away from his on console as he joins in on the conversation. “Someone that Miranda is pretty much dead set on getting her hands on.” The first woman of the group responded. “Apparently this Red Hawk has a mutation in where, aside of having large wings, can create fire, mutate parts of his body. And even rapidly re-grow any damaged part of his body, no matter the condition it was in!” that last remark about the Un-Natural’s healing ability got virtually all of the people in the room start talking. “Body regeneration and a healing factor, well that’s certainly quite the power. imagine if we can study him and learn how it works, we could save countless lives from crippling injuries.” The first engineer said as he tapped his chin in contemplation as the rest of the crew continued to talk amongst themselves. “So is Professor Miranda going to be sending another expedition to this world?” “As far as anyone knows no.” a tall skinny woman says before taking a sip of her mug of coffee. “From what I heard since the video footage from the previous group of Collectors was corrupted, due to them being damaged, Miranda was only able to give a written report on the matter to the higher ups. But she has urged them to consider in allowing her to make another trip to this world, however the directors board seem to be split in what to do. Which isn’t exactly making the Professor happy.” ~~~~~ Professor Miranda was locked away in her office, sitting at her desk watching recovered video footage from the first Collector that was sent to the strange equine world, and the newest footage she kept hidden on her personal device. The footage she was re-watching over and over were of the colorful equines, watching them on how they move around, and are able to use some kind of energy based attacks. Unfortunately, the Collectors from the capture team didn’t get any footage of the two winged unicorns, but Miranda wasn’t to hung up on that detail. But what the professor was really irritated about was that she has found Red Hawk, an Un-Natural that she’s spent the better course of a few years in trying to capture, who was now within her grasp to finally get her hands on. Yet the board of directors that she answers to are wasting her time on debating on how they should procced in handling this information, and whether or not they should even venture to this new world. If they rule not to make expeditions, or even ventures into this new world, then Red Hawk, her precious Red Hawk will forever be out of her grasp. Beyond her reach! As Miranda continued to watch the recorded footage, which was now primarily of Red Hawk, the professor’s office phone started to ring. “What is it?” Miranda sternly and coldly says after answering the call via speaker. “Professor Miranda this is Venessa.” The voice of the professor’s assistant said from the other end of the line. “What is it Venessa, I’m in the middle of something.” Miranda says as she pauses the footage of Red Hawk as she turns to face the phone. “I just received word from the board of directors, they finally reached a verdict concerning the new world you reported about. They said you are green lit to conduct an expedition into documenting the new world.” a smile starts to form on the woman’s face as lowers her glasses slightly. “Is that right? Well then, we better get started then.” “Um ma’am, can I ask a question?” Venessa asked timidly over the phone. “What?” “Was it right to not mention the conversation you had with the supposed royals of that world? I think leaving out the detail of the equines being intelligent—” “If the board of directors knew about that little fact, then they would order us to shut down the Kaleidoscope project. Besides, this new world could hold valuable resources that could be beneficial to our world.” “I understand Professor, but—” “No BUTS Venessa.” Miranda suddenly half-shouted as she slammed a balled up fist on the desk. “We have an opportunity to study a new biosphere, a new world that can harbor life. We will relay the information about the equines intelligence to the board, when we have researched a good portion of the planet.” “Very well ma’am.” “Good. Now, assemble team one of the Kaleidoscope project, and brief them on our new objective.” Before Venessa could respond, Miranda turned the phone off and went back to looking at her private laptop, where she stroked the screen gently as a loving expression came over her face. “Soon my dear, sweet Red Hawk, you and I will finally be together…together to spend many sleepless nights getting to finally know each other. Inside and out.” The professor then dragged her finger off the screen, causing it to distort a little before settling back down while a chortle fills the room. > Chapter 2: This Is How I Fly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Throughout the country sides that Ponyville stood in Rainbow Dash was flying about, practicing maneuvers, and honing her skills to try and impress her idols the Wonderbolts. An upcoming event called the Young Flyers Competition was right around the corner, and Rainbow Dash was dead set in winning this competition, because if she did then she’d get to not only spend an entire day with the Wonderbolts, but get personal lessons from them as well. With that as the winner’s prize for the competition, Rainbow Dash was determined to be the one to win it all, after all, with her speed and flying skills she was certain to claim victory. “Alright now let’s try running through the routine I made up for my take in the Y.F.C.” Rainbow says to herself as she banks back around to go and get things ready to practice her stunt for the competition. “I should also get Fluttershy in on the action, since she’s the only one that can go to Cloudsdale I should also teach her on how to cheer.” Just as Rainbow Dash was rocketing towards the area where she stored some specially ordered clouds, something caught her attention. A shadow flown over past her, which caused the mare to stop and look for what flown over her. But she didn’t see anything that looked like a pony, or a wild bird. Just as she was about to give up her search something came into view off in the distance, specifically very high up into the sky and even when she narrowed her eyes she couldn’t get a good look at it. So with her curiosity peaked the cyan mare bolted towards the flying object, and as she got closer and closer to it she saw that it was none other than Red Hawk. Once she discovered on what the flying object was the mare was about to fly off, yet something stopped her as she turned to look at Red Hawk, who was currently climbing higher into the air. And once Red Hawk had climbed at least two-hundred feet, Rainbow Dash watched as he then started to just fall out of the sky, plummeting out of the sky like a rock. Then in a quick flourish of fire, Red Hawk spun in mid-plumet and rocketed back into the sky, a trail of fire following behind him for one a moment, but the display was a sight to behold. Yet after such an impressive display of flying skills, Rainbow Dash watched as Red Hawk then started to fly at a leisurely pace. Instead of fly at a faster pace, or even trying to pull off even more stunts. Speaking of stunts Rainbow Dash though that if Red Hawk might be a top contender in the competition, but the thought quickly left her as she was way more curious on why Red Hawk was just casually flying about, so she soared right over to him. “Hey Red Hawk!” the mare cried out to get the winged bipeds attention, and a moment later Red Hawk looked behind him and spotted Rainbow Dash. “Hey there Rainbow Dash, what’s up?” “Nothing but I just watched you pull off that sweet dive into a fiery launch, it was great!” Rainbow Dash said as she flew just a little ahead of the winged young man. “Oh. Well thanks, I thought it was alright to.” Red Hawk retorted as he flew over Rainbow Dash before soaring off a bit further ahead, but the pegasus easily caught back up. “Well actually that’s why I flew over here.” Red Hawk gave the mare a curious glance as the cyan pegasus continued. “It’s clear you got some good flying skills, aside from that stunt you just pulled off, I remember that dive and landing move you did for when acted as Scootaloo’s show and tell.” The pegasus then gave the young man a somewhat disappointed look. “So how come whenever you’re flying around is so, slow and lazily. You should be flying around at your fastest, pushing yourself to the limit and feel the wind rushing past you.” Red Hawk just chuckled at Rainbow Dash’s remark as he does a little barrel roll before going back to flying straight. “Rainbow Dash flying is more than just flying around at high speeds.” Red Hawk then started to climb higher into the air, with Rainbow following behind him as he continued talking. “Flying is about enjoying the weightlessness you achieve when soaring through the air, feeling like you and the sky are one. As if you are becoming the very air itself.” Red Hawk ceased his climbing and hovered in place as he and Rainbow remained suspended in the air. “If you fly through the air at a breakneck speed you may get a thrilling sensation, and the rush of air whipping past you. but you lose the true essence of flying, detaching yourself from the land and melding with the sky itself, and embracing the truest sense of freedom.” Red Hawk then dipped backwards and once again started to freefall towards the ground, and this time Rainbow Dash followed after him but purposely nosediving instead of just letting herself plummet downward. The pair continued to descend, gaining speed as they continued to come closer and closer to the ground, yet Rainbow saw that Red Hawk still held a clam, almost purely tranquil as they continued to come closer to the ground. And just as the duo were about a yard from reaching the ground Rainbow Dash flapped her wings to stop her nose dive, but as she slowed her descent she still made her way towards the ground but at a more slower pace, yet even then Rainbow Dash watched as Red Hawk continued to freefall till he was only a dozen feet from the ground. That’s when Rainbow Dash watched as Red Hawk sprang into action by flying forward in a flurry of fire, and as he continued to fly Rainbow watched as Red Hawk then started to rocket into the sky…while the flames soon engulfed his entire body, and then with a loud eagle screech Rainbow Dash watched as the flames engulfing Red Hawk into a massive phoenix! “Wow~” was all Rainbow could say as she watches Red Hawk fly off higher and higher into the, while the flickering flames trailed behind him. Snapping out of her stupor Rainbow Dash flew off after Red Hawk, and while she was closing the distance easily yet the higher she goes the harder it was for her to breath, and flying properly. Eventually the cyan pegasus had to stop after reaching well past the proper cloud line height, yet Red Hawk was still going higher till he stopped and then started to fly back down. Within a minute Red Hawk was now flying where Rainbow was. “See. Flying is more than just speed.” Red Hawk said with a chortle. “How did you do that?” Rainbow asked Red Hawk with astonishment in her voice. “Do what specifically?” Red Hawk asked. “Well the first is the free fall, it looked like you were about to crash into the ground.” “That took years of practice to get the hang of, but mostly it came down to instinct.” Red Hawk said as he started to fly off in the direction of Ponyville while Rainbow flew beside him. “Honing ones instinct allows you to feel, anticipate things without the need to think on it.” “I’m not really following what you mean by that.” “Understandable. It’s mostly something that you just have to work and train with.” “Alright but how did you also turn into a phoenix?” Rainbow asked as she flew up to the front of Red Hawk. “…I’m not sure how that happens actually.” Red Hawk admits as he looks up to Rainbow who is flying backwards. “Sometimes when I fly at certain speeds when I have my wings are on fire they just, combust and cover my entire body, I didn’t even knew that the fire takes on a bird form, until someone else pointed it and took a picture of me when I was in said fire bird mode.” “Well it was still cool on how you did that.” Rainbow admitted, feeling a little envious that she can’t pull off anything that was like that fire bird mode. “So what are you going to do now?” Rainbow Dash asked the winged human. “Well it’s getting close for Scootaloo’s class to be over, so I’m heading to the school house to pick her up, I also promised her that I’d take her on a flight anywhere she wanted to go.” Red Hawk said to the mare before a small bluff of fire wafted from his wings. Red Hawk flew off further towards Ponyville with one flap of his wings, rocketing well over a yard in just a few seconds as a rush of hot air brushes past the pegasus. As Rainbow Dash watches Red Hawk become a spec on the horizon, the pegasus went back to practicing her own flying skills and special maneuvers. But after talking and watching Red Hawk pull off that move that practically turned him into a phoenix, Rainbow wasn’t quite in the mood anymore. “Hey Red Hawk wait up!” ~~Scootaloo~~ The school bell had finally rung, and school was now officially over with today, and Scootaloo was really happy that it was finally over with. And what a day it was. Aside from a pop math quiz after a typical writing class, Scootaloo and the rest of the class then had to study up on their history for an upcoming test, but those were pretty much cake walks compared to what else happens during the day. Once recess started, and Scootaloo was hanging out with her two friends, the school bullies decided to drop in on them and as per usual start mocking them. but this time Scootaloo didn’t care what Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon said, she was just to happy cause today Red Hawk promised to not only take her on a flight anywhere they all wanted to go. And Scootaloo already has a place in mind. “What are you so happy about?” Diamond Tiara said to Scootaloo, snapping the filly out of her little personal train of thought. “You’ve been strangely happy all day, so what’s the deal?” Silver Spoon asked as she adjusts her glasses. Scootaloo just turned towards her two bullies and gave them a big smile. “Because I’ll be visit Cloudsdale today!” Scootaloo cheerful said as her little wings buzzed with excitement, but both earth ponies just laughed at the pegasus, downgrading the fillies excitement just a little. “And how are you going to get there blank flank?” Diamond Tiara asked as the pink filly and her grey coated friend trot past her and her friends. “Unless I’m mistaken…you still can’t fly.” The pink filly smugly smirked as she looked back towards Scootaloo. “That’s low Diamond!” Apple Bloom said as she came to the defense of her friend. “Yeah.” Sweetie Belle said as she stomped her hoof. “Why do you and Silver always pick on Scootaloo like that?” “Because what good is a pegasus that can’t even fly right?” Diamond Tiara said with more mockery as she snickered a little. “Then again calling you an actual pegasus might be wrong, your more like an earth pony with fake wings on.” Diamond and Silver then started to laugh which of course started to bring down Scootaloo’s mood even more. As to two bullies continued to laugh Scootaloo tried to remain positive, thinking about the special trip to Cloudsdale, but the more, and more that she keeps hearing these bullies mock and laugh at her inability to fly her confidence starts to wane. Even with Red Hawk’s special training Scootaloo couldn’t stay in the air for more than half a minute, or even a full minute if she tried hard enough. But just as Scootaloo was really starting to loose sense of excitement, she felt small gusts of wind waft beside her while also hearing Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stop laughing, and when Scootaloo looked up towards the two of them she saw them both look nervous. Then she heard something land beside her, and felt something soft and warm brush against her, and that’s when she looked up and saw not just Red Hawk but Rainbow Dash as well. And neither of them looked pleased. “It must be great tearing someone down like that, doesn’t it?” Red Hawk said with a surprisingly, angered tone, yet his voice still calm. “Tell me something filly, what do you gain from trying to bring Scootaloo down like that? do you get a sense of joy out it? Excitement? Or something else?” Scootaloo then felt Red Hawk’s wing brush up tighter against her. “Well, what’s your answer?” “Ugh…w-well—” “Is it because its an easy excuse to make you feel better about your problems?” Scootaloo looked confused as to what Red Hawk meant by that, but when she looked over to Diamond, she saw her looked stunned. “How did—” “I know when a person, or pony in your case, is having personal issues that they try deflect onto others, because I meet and know many people like that.” As Red Hawk continued speaking Scootaloo noticed something, his voice lost its angered tone and went back to its normal tone, but there was something else the filly noticed as he continued. “So instead trying to take out your own personal issues out on others, and trying to make them feel like garbage, learn how to work through it better and confront the source.” Scootaloo then felt herself be lifted up and then cradled in Red Hawk’s arms. “Do that, and you’ll feel a whole lot better and be a better person in the end.” Before Diamond Tiara could even say anything, Red Hawk then launched the both of them into the air before soaring off. Scootaloo tilted her head up to look up to Red Hawk, and she saw that her caretaker looked really upset, but not in angry way. Instead he looked like he was, sad. “Red?” Scootaloo heard Rainbow Dash ask as she flies beside the pair. “You okay cause you look a little down?” “Not really.” Red Hawk responded. “I probably could’ve handled that situation a lot better, in fact I should’ve. But after hearing what that filly said about Scootaloo and openly mocking her and looked to take pleasure in doing it, and trying to bring her down just because she can’t fly yet, it just…really got under my skin.” Scootaloo felt a smile start to form on her muzzle as tears started to form in her eyes. No pony has ever stood up for her like the way Red Hawk did, and while her friends did their greatest, Red Hawk defended her in such a way that made the filly feel incredibly happy. It was, comforting, to hear somepony talk about her well-being, and even stand up to the one that was trying to make her feel so low. It really felt like Scootaloo had a family member by her side, and stood by her side and defender when she really needed it. “So Scootaloo.” The filly wiped her tears before looking back up to Red Hawk, who was giving her a small smile. “Where did you want to go today to see before we head home?” “Cloudsdale!” Red Hawk nodded his head before he looked over to Rainbow Dash. “Care to show us where this place is Rainbow?” “Sure, just follow me.” Scootaloo then watched as her idol flew off ahead of the pair, and as the duo flew off after the cyan pony Scootaloo felt Red Hawk pat her head. “No matter what others say Scootaloo I believe sooner or later you will be able to fly, but even if you can’t do it on your own, I’ll look for a way for you to do so.” Scootaloo felt her eyes start to swell up with tears again as she heard Red Hawk spoke, and again she wiped her tears away before she nuzzled into Red Hawk’s chest as she responded to his words. “Thank you, Red.”