> Forbidden Hand And Hoof Holding > by Bendy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Holding Hand And Hoof > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was late at night. You, the human lay snuggled up to your beloved marefriend Princess Twilight Sparkle in her bed within the Castle of Friendship. Her beautiful large purple eyes glowed in the dark before you like that of a cat. The both of you were sweating profusely and breathing heavily. You just had a wonderful sex session.  Nonetheless, you found yourself fully erect again, but your member merely rested on her lower torso, touching off her two small teacup-sized teats sitting beneath her hind legs. They felt just like a human woman’s breasts against you, but much lower this time. This had the added benefit of you being able to titty fuck her and kiss her at the same time. The warmth and softness of her fur against your bare skin was marvelous. She lay on top of you. She was quite heavy but not insanely so. She got a little bigger ever since she became an alicorn, but nothing too insane. She was just a couple of inches taller than your average four feet tall pony. She was still the small and cute mare you fell in love with. You hoped it would stay that way, you didn't want to deal with a mare with an ass as big as Princess Celestia’s ass.  Your right hand rested on your beloved mare’s cheek on her face, while your left hand rested upon her cutie mark, digging into the plush softness of her plump backside. Her soft, spongy feeling hooves rested on your shoulders. Despite the magical night you have just had with this mare, you found yourself longing for something wholesome, and not remotely sexual.  “Twilight,” you began in a low, nervous voice. “Yes, my love?” came her soft voice. You could see her large purple eyes looking at your own far smaller human eyes with sympathetic concern behind them. If you didn't know any better a pony’s emotions were even easier to read than that of a human. “Well, I was thinking, as long as we do it in secret there should not be any trouble.” “Do what in secret?” she asked, her head tilted to the side, and her ears twitched curiously.  You took a deep breath before summoning up the courage to say the following words. “I want to hold your hoof with my hand.” Twilight gasped in shock, her right hoof coming to her mouth. “Anon! We can't, it's forbidden!” “Think about it, Twilight. You would have never have become an alicorn If you didn't give me a blowjob to make me feel welcome in Equestria. Don't you remember the wings you sprouted when I came inside your mouth?” Twilight rubbed her chin thoughtfully. “Hmm,  I guess so. But this is different!” she finished by laying her right hoof back down again on your shoulder. “How is it different? You're a scientist, aren't you? It's your job to make what's impossible possible.” “It just seems so unethical. Ponies don’t hold other ponies’ hooves. I think it’s pretty much the same with a human.” “That's exactly why we should do it, my love.” “I-I… “ she hesitated for a moment before speaking in an excited voice. “You know what? You’re right! Let’s do it!” Twilight lit up her horn, generating a dim deep pink light to help you see better in the dark. She then tilted her right hoof upward, which rested on your shoulder. Her hoof was now fully exposed to you. Her hoof was quite odd, it almost seemed like a suction plunger in some ways, but nonetheless beautiful.  Her hoof had a shallow bowl-pit in the middle. Her ‘nails’ or hoof wall didn’t really seem to be nails, they seemed to be some sort of fleshy hills surrounding the bowl-pit of her hoof. The lower section of her hoof was a small pit, no bigger than a marble, you could only guess that was meant to be the frog of her hoof. Rather than jumping straight into the action, you decided to tease your mare by rubbing her cheek on her face. Her warm and soft fur brushing against the skin of your bare hand felt wonderful. The mare blushed profusely at your romantic gesture. You then let go of her rump with your left hand and laid it down at your side. You didn't want to do anything inappropriate to your marefriend while holding her hoof with your hand. Slowly at a snail's pace, you lowered your hand downward, rubbing her neck during the process. The mare uttered a low, happy whinny as she unleashed a sprinkle of her warm marecum onto your lap.  Your hand roamed across her shoulder, followed by going down her leg,  and toward her hoof. Just when you were about to make contact with her hoof you stopped your advance. “Are you ready, my love?” you asked softly. “Yes, hold my hoof with your hand, my love,” she said softly. Instead of outright going in for the kill, you decided to place your index finger on the far wall of her hoof, on the opposite side from the frog of her hoof. The mare gasped at the wonderful feeling of your finger touching her hoof. Teasingly, you held your finger in place for quite some time. You could hear your mare panting heavily, and utter sad whines from your apparent inaction. “Please,” she pleaded. That was all you needed to hear before you proceeded to slowly and gently roam your finger on top of the wall of her hoof. She uttered heated gasps, moans, groans, and low happy horse noises from your tender finger rubbing on her hoof. When you nearly reached the opposite side of her hoof, where your finger nearly touched off the frog of her hoof you heard a poof and her wings flared out in excitement. Abruptly, you pulled your finger away, earning yourself a sad whine from her. “Why did you stop?” she complained. You answered her question by taking hold of her hoof with your hand. The mare gasped, her body spasming from the contact, and a deluge of her warm marecum came squirting out of her marehood, soaking your lap. When she came down from her high, she used her surprisingly flexible hoof to cup its way around the palm of your hand, holding it in a most romantic way. “Oh, Anon! I love you!” she cried out in happiness, tears of joy falling down her cheeks. “I love you, Twilight,” you said softly, tears of your own falling down your cheeks. The two of you simply stared at one another with love in your tear-soaked eyes as you held hand and hoof together. A loving union between a pony and a human were joined together. Nothing could ruin this romantic moment. But then, another pony seemingly popped out of the ether. An all too familiar pink earth pony. She stood up on the back of her hind legs at the foot of your bed. She was dressed in full plate Royal Guard armor as she pointed her right hoof at you aggressively. “Stop right there, criminal scum! Nopony breaks the law on my watch!” she shouted. You forgot Pinkie Pie joined the Royal Guard. She's literally a psychic and could pop out of nowhere to give criminal scum a heart attack. “Uh, Pinkie. What if I buy you a cupcake tomorrow?” you asked in a low and nervous voice. Pinkie Pie gasped in shock, a hoof coming to her mouth. “Bribery?! How dare you!” she roared, pulling out a spear. “A really big one!” you shouted in desperation She withdrew her spear and spoke softly. “Okay, Anon. Your terms are acceptable. But don’t you dare hold your marefriend’s hoof again. You were lucky it was just me who spotted you. Some others would not be so lenient.” Twilight spoke up. “But Pinkie, I want him to hold my hoof with his hand.” Pinkie gasped in shock. “But Twilight it’s—” Twilight interrupted. “Try it for yourself.” Pinkie Pie took off her armor and put it away into something… or thin air. Twilight scooted herself off you, and Pinkie Pie subsequently took her place soon after her. Her left hoof rested on your shoulder, while she presented her right hoof to you. You took decisive action by taking hold of her hoof with your right hand. The mare before you uttered a deep, throaty moan, and she could not help herself from cupping her hoof around the palm of your hand to hold your hand back. “Oh, whoa! This feels wonderful! Why would this be against the law?” “It's unhygienic I guess. But it feels so wonderful. In some ways, it's better than sex.” “I agree. The law needs to be changed. This unjust law cannot be allowed to continue.” Pinkie rolled herself to the side and lay down next to you on the right. She was soon joined by Twilight on the left. You were now surrounded by two mares, one on each side of you.  You turned to look at Twilight to see her staring at you with a pleading doggy eye look. You could not resist such adorableness. So with that, you took hold of her hoof with your left hand. Twilight uttered a heated gasp at the feel of your hand. She soon responded by cupping her hoof around your hand to hold your hand back. Effectively you were now having a threesome with two mares by holding their hooves with your hands. For quite some time all three of you remained in place and did nothing. You simply held hand and hoof together in a loving union between a human, and two ponies. Eventually, you decided to twiddle your fingers over their hooves, causing the mares to utter a series of heated moans, groans, and happy horsey sounds like neighs as they orgasmed repeatedly.  When your fingers gently stroked the frog of their hooves, they uttered loud squeals of pure ecstasy. That area seemed to be particularly sensitive to your loving fingers. The bed beneath you was soaked with their thick and creamy marecum, the smell of aroused mare filled the room, it smelled musky and fruity at the same time. Some part of you felt this was wrong. But you didn't want to be right. Even an officer of the law submitted to your hand holding her hoof.