> Love Can't Move On > by DogSomeOre > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch. 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The covers encompass the body of the light green unicorn. The sun peers over head, just enough to touch the eyes of the round faced mare. Unfortunately for her, she reacts alert to the surroundings she's become so used to; a teddy bear to hold onto for comfort, sheets that fill her body with warmth and ease as if somepony else were there, wrapping their hooves around her cold body. "What time is it?" She ponders evenly in her mind. Though she knows it really doesn't matter; hours, minutes, time, days, she's lost track of it all. She once again in a robotic haze, pulls her head up from the soft pillows, she looks beside her, an empty space for another pony blankly stares back at her; all this room that was once only very little, is now all hers. *tick, tock, tick, tock* The eerie silence is interrupted by the same mechanical instrument keeping her sanity in check. Five-o'clock P.M, that's what the time reads. The tired mare stumbles forward to the bathroom that belonged to two. She turns on the shower head, the cold, icy water, streams down with each droplet being increasingly hard to count by how fast each one is passing through the next. She waits for a minute for the water to heat up, as she prepares her morning chores. In the back of her mind, a faint voice of a pony rests in her conscience. "Hey, I don't know how many times I have to remind you, don't forget to brush your teeth! Who knows what kinds of things get in there?!" The green mare stares in the mirror as she recounts this beautiful voice, she smirks to herself with a slight giggle escaping her lungs. "Ok, mom." She teasingly says to herself, though only herself can hear it, it's still nice to think that disembodied voice is just right next to her, as if she can feel her presence itching closer, and closer- "Ah!" She lets out a disgruntled cry. "Ugh I hate using these things!" She pouts as she rubs the side of her mouth with a hoof, pained by the toothbrush that hit her aching tooth. "The water's probably warm now." She packs up her toothbrush and toothpaste, placing them nicely back in the cabinet from which they came in. Slowly, she reaches out a hoof, testing the temperature of the running water. She steps in, embracing the pitter patter of the warm translucent liquid as it hits her coat. In her mind she recounts that same, beautiful voice that is in her head. "Lyra!? Lyra! Come on, stop taking so long! More then one pony lives in this house you know!" As if in a dream, she can still hear the frantic banging's of that irritable, yet, charming mare, trying to get in to use the bathroom. Lyra runs her hooves through her mane, making sure to clean every inch of strand that resides on the top of her head. She quickly loses herself to the soft, relaxing warmness, closing her eyes she thinks about better days, better moments; moments that used to be spent with the pony she could tell everything to. She catches herself on the wet floor of the shower, almost tripping as her body was sent into a transient state. "I guess I can't even think about memories without something bad almost happening." She says to herself playfully, even though she knows her words are hidden with bitterness, she at least tries to make herself feel better. The water comes to a stop as Lyra carefully gets out from the soaked floor; wrapping a towel around her thin figure, and atop her head. She dries off, blow drying her mane, brushing the tangled mess that the blow drying created, it's all routine for her; sometimes she even surprises herself with how clean she's become, not unlike when she had a helping hoof that would guide her through the 'looking presentable' part of the day. Again she stops and stares at herself, but what is she looking at? What is she hoping to gain from staring at something that won't talk back, smile back, listen back? Nothing, she isn't staring to look at how delicate her mane is now, or even how clean she is; no, she's looking back to hopefully see something desirable, to hopefully get a glimpse at what could have been... what, should have been. She steps out of the bathroom, grabbing her saddle bag, she looks to make sure everything she needs is in there. Putting the straps on her waist, she begins for the door, of course it's never easy passing through the once decorative halls. Naked shadows of where hung up picture frames of the green mare and her most valuable possession, now torn asunder as she can't bare to look at them. Of course it isn't because she's disgusted, far from it, her body just can't take the heartache of what she can never have back. Lyra opens the door, surprisingly, she finds Carrot Top standing right at the entrance. "W-Woah!" The orange earth mare lets out, being startled by the uncanny timing of the door being opened. Lyra stares at her, a bit surprised herself to see someone standing outside her house. "I was just about to knock!" Carrot announces anxiously, her mind still trying to calm down after the brief scare. "Knock?.... What for?" Lyra asks the mare, perplexed as to why she'd be at her house this late in the day. Carrot calms herself down, taking a deep breath before saying whatever she came here to say. "Okay, so I know we've been talking about Berry Punch's party, and I know you said you didn't know if you were going to go..." "Yeah?" Lyra intermissions as her friend pauses for seemingly no reason. "Weeeell...." "I'm going Carrot." Lyra states with a slight sigh of annoyance. "Oh really!? That's great, Lyra!" Her friend cheers delightfully. "I still don't really understand why you guys have been pushing this so hard, it's just another party. If Berry isn't having one, then Pinkie Pie certainly is. It's like at least two times a month I hear music blaring from there places." Lyra confronts outwardly, she's been being almost peer pressured into going this whole week by her friends. "Because it'll be fun. Besides, you'll have a great time! And I heard there's gonna be a really handsome stallion." Carrot Top ends off with a wink, trying to get Lyra any or at all interested in this party. Lyra rolls her eyes at Carrot's unsubtle beckoning. "Are you going too Carrot?" "Oh me? Heavens no, I can't stand Berry's parties." Carrot inquires with a gasped posture. "Then why- never mind." Lyra stops herself before continuing any further with the rather hypocritical stance her friend has taken. "Well, I don't want to keep you." Carrot smiles welcomingly. Lyra nods to her friend, closing the door with a soft thud, she makes her way past her. "But, Lyra." Carrot speaks up as Lyra has her flank just feet away from her. "Just, try to enjoy yourself, alright?" Carrot says sincerely, as if something is making her feel for her friend. "I can't make a promise that I'm not sure I can keep." Lyra turns around smiling comfortingly towards her friend. "But yeah, I'll try, Carrot." -------*------- The green unicorn makes her way down to Berry's abode, she walks past different shops and restaurants, seeing a very familiar cafe come up as she does so. She stops, admiring the presence of the good times spent there. "No pony's here, of course they aren't this late." She thinks quietly to herself, looking at the desolate, unnerving, yet still welcoming small tower that she used to frequent. She sees an empty table with two chairs outside, she loved spending the days outdoors, especially with- "Her." Memories choke up Lyra once again, thinking about moments she once had. "You always get the same thing ya know." Bon-Bon says with playful annoyance. "What?" Lyra looks up towards her friend, mouth full of food. "Ugh, Lyra! You know I hate when you chew with your mouth open!" Lyra laughs at Bon-Bon's silly outburst. Lyra swallows her food before talking. "Well excuse me, Miss-Prissy-Pants." Lyra teases. "And you know I hate that name." Bon-Bon crosses her hooves in strict fashion. "Cute." Lyra says with a smile. Bon-Bon looks back at Lyra with a bewildered face. "Huh?... Cute? What is that mean?" "You're cute when your angry Bon-Bon." Lyra inquires smugly, teasing her friend further. Bon-Bon's face lights up red at her friends forward statement. "A-Am not!" Bon-Bon says in defense. "Yeah I can see it, it's all over that angry face, the cuteness is strong with you... wait is that how it goes?" Lyra questions herself. "Is that how what goes?" Bon-Bon says to her friend, still a bit hyper over the 'cuteness' comment. "...Eh, it's a human thing, you wouldn't get it." Lyra waves a hoof at her unknowledgeable friend. "Still on the 'chase for human existence' huh?" Bon-Bon continues on, smiling at Lyra's silly fascination with myths and fantasy's. "They're real, Bon-Bon!" Lyra raises her voice in excitement. "Oh yeah? How real?" Bon-Bon asks her friend, not so much in a curious way, but more so in a 'here we go again' way. "Really real! I've been reading-" "That's new." Bon-Bon mutters. "-That the human race is just beyond our reach! They breath the same air as us, talk like us, they even inhabit the same kind of world as us!" "Oh, ok, I get it Lyra." Bon-Bon says sarcastically. "You do?!" Lyra acts surprised, missing the sarcasm of her friend completely. "Yeah, yeah, I totally get it now. Humans are just another name for ponies! It all makes sense!" Bon-Bon smiles, self-satisfied at joking with her friend. Lyra rolls her eyes, she sits back in a more relaxed state. "No one ever believes me." Lyra responds, defeated once again. "Oh, Ly." Bon-Bon wipes away the crumbs off her friends green cheek with a napkin, causing Lyra to look back at Bon-Bon. Bon-Bon smiles still at her unicorn friend, but not from a look of smugness, but of a genuine joy to just be with her best friend. "Come on, 'human girl', lets go get dessert." Lyra looks up at the sky, seeing a storm cloud just over the horizon. "Better get to Berry's house while it's still dry out." She trots off, taking one look back at the comfy cafe. -------*------- Lyra approaches the frisky mare's house. Loud sounds of music, cheering and partying from the ponies inside, and lights flashing colorfully are seen just outside Berry's establishment. "Coming!" A voice is heard inside as Lyra knocks heavily on the door, honestly, it's a surprise to her that anyone could hear the banging's with how destructive the music is. "Hey, Lyra, good to see you!" Berry stands just before the green mare, smiling and looking a bit buzzed. "Hi Berry, it's nice to-" "Lyra?!" Another voice sparks up. "Is it really Lyra?" And another follows that one. Lily and Daisy appear from the side of Berry, coming to greet their friend. "Come on in, Lyra, there's a lotta drinking to go around!" Berry announces, ponies in the background cheer at the party mare's words. Lyra steps in, the lights and music being more intense then ever. "We're so glad you showed up!" Daisy ecstatically says. "Yeah we honestly just thought you were gonna sleep in all day again!" "Lily!" Daisy looks angrily at her raspberry furred friend. "Sorry about her Lyra, she's had a little too much to drink." "No, you!" Lily retorts, stumbling over herself. "It's fine Daisy." Lyra says reassuringly to her friend. "Follow us, me and Lily were just about to bob for apples!" "No thanks Daisy, I think I just want to sit down." Lyra states, not feeling up to playing any games. "Oh, ok. Hey, Lily?" Daisy calls for her friend who's wandered off somewhere in the house. "Lily?! Ugh, that mare. I'll be right back Lyra, have a seat over there; me and Lily were fortunate enough to snag a whole area to ourselves!" Daisy chuckles with a hoof over her mouth, reveling in the thought of conquering a small table, just a bit on the side of the house. Lyra walks over, sitting her flank down on the small chair, she looks over at all the drunken ponies that are laughing and having a good time. "You don't pin the tail on the pony like that doofus." Lyra giggles at Bon-Bon's misfortune. "I'm not a 'doofus.'" Bon-Bon retorts back, shaking her head at her friends non-approval of how to play the game. "Bon-Bon, have you ever played this game before?" Lyra asks, being genuine in her tone. "Lyra, I don't play games, I've told you-" "'I don't have time for them', yeah, yeah..." Lyra rolls her eyes, exhausted with her friends repeated dialogue. "Anyhow, how would you go about pinning the tail? I'm sure you couldn't do any better." Lyra takes another look at Bon-Bon's placement, the tails resides on the front hoof, many inches away from the flank. "Riiight..." Lyra looks back at her friend. "It was good for a first try!" Bon-Bon exclaims. "Okay, here." Lyra holds out the blindfold, wanting her friend to try again. "Lyra, why don't you just do it? I already had my attempt." "Just trust me Bon." Lyra smiles as Bon-Bon once again puts on the blindfold. "You better not pull any tricks." Bon-Bon inquires cautiously. "Me? Never!" Lyra says in defense. "Now, look at me." Bon-Bon turns over to her friend, deciphering where Lyra is from her voice. "Alright, on three, one, two, three." Lyra spins Bon-Bon around, making her once again disoriented. "I feel like I'm gonna throw up." Bon-Bon pathetically says, woozy and confused to her dark surroundings. "That's good... I think." Lyra says anxiously. She grabs hold of the dizzy Bon-Bon. "Ok, forward step, good." Lyra guides Bon-Bon, having a hoof around her waist as if she was drunk. "Lyra, this is embarrassing." Bon-Bon whispers next to her friend, though as intimate as the green mare and her are; it fills Bon-Bon with a sort of warmth to be feeling so close to Lyra. "Almost there." Lyra smiles, encouraging her friend to stick with it. "Annnd, stop!" Bon-Bon stops right in front of the crudely drawn pony. "Ok? Now what?" Bon-Bon says, impatiently awaiting instructions. "Now, I'll help you to absolutely not fail this time." "Well that's reassuring." Bon-Bon says sarcastically. Lyra picks up Bon-Bon's hoof with her own. "L-Lyra, what are you-" "Shhh, Just aim." Bon-Bon's heart races a mile a minute, feeling once again, the intimate touch of her best friend; though she isn't sure quite why she feels this way, it's never a bad feeling. They both lose themselves in the atmosphere, for a brief second, it feels as though Equestria itself has froze in place. The music playing, the ponies chatting, in this moment, nothing else matters but the soothing grace of holding onto one another. The pin goes in, Bon-Bon slowly takes off her blindfold, seeing a relaxed Lyra staring closely at her, and not paying any mind to the game. Lyra catches Bon-Bon's gaze and quickly changes face. "H-Hey look at that, you did it!" Bon-Bon looks at the drawing following her friends excitement, the tail is not even on the pony at all; in fact, it's barely on the edge of the paper. Bon-Bon looks back at her friend, bewildered. "Ok, well maybe a small miscalculation.." Bon-Bon takes in Lyra's poor response, giggling like a rabid hyena. "Lyra, Lyra, Lyra, what am I gonna do with you." Bon-Bon smiles graciously at her pony friend, even if she misses, if she's with Lyra, in her heart, she always wins. "I... why are you so heavy?!" Daisy drags along her friend, looking incredibly frustrated. "Come on Lily, work with me!" Daisy struggles carrying Lily along, she looks so impaired she can hardly walk. "You found her I take it?" Lyra looks at the struggling mare, contemplating if she should help in this awkward situation. "More like she found me... phew!" Daisy rests as she sits Lily down on the chair adjacent to Lyra. "Alright Lily, don't. Move." Daisy talks to her friend as if she's some sort of disobedient pet that needs to be watched at all times. "So, Lyra." Lyra focuses on Daisy, waiting for the inevitable conversation. "How are you liking the party so far? I know Berry's can be a bit more... ahem, chaotic." Daisy looks back to Lily, judging her in a passive, silent manor. "I didn't even do anything!" Lily slurs her speech in defense. "....Anyways, really though, how's life been?" Daisy smiles worryingly to her melancholy friend. "It's uh... I-I don't really know honestly." Lyra averts her eyes down to the table, feeling a sort of shame, or guilt. "Are you ok Lyra? I know your still feeling bad about-" "Stop... please Daisy, don't start this again." Lyra pleads with her friend, she isn't sure if she can take another talking about how 'things weren't her fault' etc. "I'm... I'm sorry Ly I-" "And can you stop with that name? I'm not Ly, I'm Lyra, Ly-ra." Lyra looks triggered as that name comes up, a name too common but reserved for some pony special. "Can you stop being so down in the dumps! Lighten up a little, 'Ly-ra.'" Lily mockingly says back. "We wanted you to come here to have a good time, c'mon girl, don't ruin my buzz!" "Is that all you care about Lily, getting so drunk off your flank that you can't even walk on your four hooves?!" Lyra forces her two front hooves on the table, getting confrontational. "Lyra, calm down, please, she didn't mean it, she's-" "At least I know how to have a good time!" Lily sits up from her slouching position, pointing a hoof a Lyra. "Me, Daisy, Rose, and Carrot have been trying for months to help you get over your problem; so the least you could do is show us a little respect!" "'Respect?!'" Lyra's face turns to one of disgust. "I never asked any of you to help me! You practically barged into my life, thinking to have all the answers, but you don't Lily! Have you ever dealt with loss?! No, you haven't, the only thing you've been dealt is being handed everything on a silver platter!" "I knew it was a bad idea for Daisy to ask Carrot to get you to come today." Lily crosses her hooves in disappointment. "Get Carrot to-" Lyra thinks back to when Carrot showed up to her house. "You guys set Carrot up to push me to come here?!" Lyra's turns to Daisy looking at her with surprise. "Lyra, it isn't what you think we-" "Why?... Out of all ponies, you? After I told you I needed space, after I broke down with everything I had to you... you still..." Daisy looks anxiously at Lyra, feeling bad but trying to justify her reasoning. "Lyra, please! I-I've- we've been so worried about you for months! I couldn't bare seeing you be locked up in your house, being a hermit! You haven't been yourself, your-" "I am myself!" Lyra slams her hooves down on the table and shouts with vigorous anger, she pants heavily as her heart beats so loud she can hear her own thumping. The ponies stop to look around at the scene unfolding. Daisy looks to the crowd, looking worried and displeased at the attention driven on to them. Lyra takes a moment to realize the quietness of the ponies chatter, she takes a look at all the ponies staring. She feels embarrassed. "L-Lyra, wait!" Daisy reaches out a hoof, to no avail; Lyra trots off, the door swings open as the green mare vanishes out of sight. -------*------- The sun sets as Lyra makes her way down the streets of Ponyvile; she's been running in a blind motion for so long that she doesn't even know where she is. "Great, just great." Lyra takes in her surroundings, stopping in her tracks, she seems to be near the woods to Fluttershy's cottage. She catches her breath, sitting down on a soft patch of grass, she stares off into the plains of lush greenery. "The sun looks beautiful." She notes. "Ah, doesn't the sun just look so peaceful, Ly?" Bon-Bon rests her flank down on the soft, striped blanket. Taking her eyes off the magnificent glow of light, to her best friend, in which she's humble to share this moment with. "Yeah, it really does, Bon." Lyra responds with a lightened tone. "It's even better when I can spend it with...." Lyra stops herself. "Hmm? What was that Lyra?" Bon-Bon turns her attention back to her friend after looking off to the scenery that's around them both. "O-Oh, I just said that I'm glad I can spend this day with such good weather!" Lyra chuckles nervously to Bon-Bon. "You said it! This is the best that I've seen Ponyvile all week!" Bon-Bon smiles with her eyes dutifully closed. "Hey, Ly." Bon-Bon calls out to her friend. "Yeah?" Lyra asks. "I've been meaning to give you this for a while." Bon-Bon reaches for her saddle bag, handing Lyra a boxed present, a bow nicely holding it together. "A present?" Lyra takes the gift, Bon-Bon's expression is full of excitement for Lyra to open it. Lyra takes off the wrapping, ripping pieces off bit, by bit. Her hoof picks up the mysterious ornament, examining just exactly what it is. "Surprise!" Bon-Bon shouts. "It's a bonding bracelet! Or, ahem, 'bon'-ding bracelet." Bon-Bon laughs at her corny joke. "It was looong overdue that we had one; I made one too, see?" Bon-Bon puts the craft she made for herself on her hoof, showing off the decorative design. "It's, beautiful Bon." Lyra says with enthusiasm. "Oh psssht." Bon-Bon waves a hoof, a little embarrassed for being humbled. "No, I mean it, it's... perfect." "I'm glad you think so Ly." Bon-Bon smiles gratefully, relieved with herself that all the anxiety she'd been building up, wasn't for nothing. "I made it to withstand any kind of condition, so we can wear it all the time. Even if we're not together, no matter where we are, we'll still have these bracelets, so we'll never forget each other." They both take in one another's company, watching the sun set, they stay silent. "Ah." Bon-Bon lays down on the warmed up blanket, relaxing her back as she does so. "Lay down with me Ly." Bon-Bon joyfully commands. "Lay down?" Lyra questions. "Yeah, lay down. You don't want to where out your back being hunched over like that." Bon-Bon convinces. "I guess not." Lyra agrees with Bon-Bon's reasoning. "There we go. See? Feels better right?" Bon-Bon turns over on her side, facing Lyra's yellow eyes. "Yeah... Yeah it does. There's so many clouds too." Lyra stares at all the passing clouds, letting her mind wander. Bon-Bon chuckles playfully while keeping her gaze on Lyra. "What's up?" Lyra asks her friend curiously. "You, that's what." Bon-Bon inquires happily. "Me?" Lyra says, confused. "Yeah, just you. I've never seen you look so at ease before." Bon-Bon admits. "Really?" Lyra eyes look to Bon-Bon, her body still facing towards the sky. "Uh-huh, you know it's not everyday we get to just have moments like this." Bon-Bon states. "What do you mean? We live in the same house, we have time with each other almost everyday." "No, no, that's not the point." Bon-Bon snuggles over a bit closer to Lyra, just grazing Lyra's side with her body. "I mean, moments that we can enjoy together; we're always busy doing things, work, helping other ponies, but we don't always have the chance to just do fun activities together." "Bon?" Lyra turns over on her side, completely captivated by Bon-Bon's words. "You know for as long as we've known each other, a lot of the things we do, they just become routine, ya know? But savoring the moment, no other ponies around, no dangerous entity trying to take over Equestria, and just the two of us, together." She stops and smiles intrinsically. Moving closer she puts her head softly on Lyra's stomach, wrapping a hoof around her waist, she holds onto Lyra with a delicate touch, they both look up to the serine sky, watching all the beautiful white clouds move slowly with each passing second. "I never want this to end." A loud roar echoes through the wind, the tree's leaves, along with the grass, move faster with the pacing air, the sky quickly darkens. Lyra stands up, not wanting to get the brink of the bad weather, she becomes steadfast in her walk; she isn't too sure where her house is from here, normally Bon-Bon is better at directions, but she carries on, knowing sooner or later, she'll inevitably find it. -------*------- Lyra approaches her house, just barely scrapping out of the rain. She doesn't see any pony standing aside her home anymore. The door opens with a creek, the pitch black darkness ensnares the hallway. She closes the door, locking the handle and turning on a light just feet away. "Better." She returns to the desolate silence she's become accustomed to hearing; normally, another pony would ask 'why are you out so late?' Or 'where have you been all day?' Lyra would give anything to have those nagging words said to her again. She makes her way to her bed, thunder heard once again through the walls of her confides. Her pupils lay heed on the messy blankets and wrinkled sheets that were caused by her incessant need to toss and turn in the middle of the night. First her hooves, then her flank, then her back lay fully on the gripping mattress; getting completely comfortable with the laziness she has repeatedly indulged in. "Lyra, you coming?" Bon-Bon asks, coming out of the two's shared bathroom and into the kitchen where her mare friend resides. "Coming Bon!" Lyra raises her voice casually, cleaning the remaining dishes that were needing to be finished from the pleasant time the two spent eating together. "Oh Lyra." Bon-Bon stands near the kitchen entrance, seeing that green coat she's all to familiar with. "I told you there was no need to worry about cleaning up, I would've done it." Bon-Bon tells her friend, a mix of guiltiness and gratefulness both sounding out from her voice. "It was my time to clean today, besides, I can't just be around doing nothing while you work your tail off making our house look pretty; I wouldn't feel right." Lyra admits. "You really are the best, you know that?" Though Lyra isn't paying any mind to Bon-Bon's gaze, she smiles gratefully at the thought of knowing she has such a great pony in her life, a pony that she would not be complete without. Bon-Bon walks away with glee, going back to the their bedroom to finish making the bed. She takes off the dirty sheets, throwing them aside until she's ready to take them to the laundry room; new sheets get placed on caringly, making sure every side is tucked in neatly and beautifully. "Alright, all done!" Lyra walks in the bedroom, seeing Bon-Bon adding the finishing touches to the new bed sheets. "Just in time too." Bon-Bon says. "Could you take those sheets to the laundry room Ly?" "Yes ma'am!" Lyra jokingly replies. Bon-Bon shakes her head and giggles at Lyra's silly nature. The wildness of the wind, along with the harsh banging of the rain, snap Lyra out of her state of mind and back to reality. She looks up at the ceiling, not wanting to move, nor talk, she just listens to the happenings outside of her room. She rolls over on her side, turning out the lights and picking up her only sense of comfort, a stuffed teddy bear. Lyra closes her eyes, she tries and think what tomorrow will bring, what life will bring; she tries to think of happier revelations that will come her way, for the foreseeable anyway, that seems all but an impossibility to her, but she has to at least and try to think of a happy future, it's the only strings left attached to her saddened psyche. She closes her eyes. "Ah I can't believe you!" Bon-Bon yells angrily in the kitchen, the two have been fighting for what feels like an hour. "Yes Bon-Bon, I know, you never can! How long is it that we've known each other, and still you can't trust me?!" "This isn't about 'trust' Lyra! It's about transparency, what if you had gotten hurt, huh? What then?" "Ugh, your so emotional all the time, just give it a rest Bon!" Lyra is frustrated, wanting this situation to just go under and be forgotten. "Emotional?! Well I'm glad there's one mare in the house that has feelings!" Bon-Bon replies, not wanting Lyra to think this is something worth forgetting. "You know what? I'm done, I'm going to the bedroom; when you want to start acting like a rational pony, then come talk to me!" Lyra stands there, even though her words were finite, she stands gauging Bon-Bon's reaction. "Oh you're done!? Fine! I'm done too Lyra!" "What?" Lyra says with a hostile worriedness. "I need a break, I'm stepping out of the house, don't bother coming to find me!" Bon-Bon's states in finality, trotting fast towards the door. "It's dark out! You can't go!" Lyra states the obvious. "Oh? Just watch me!" Bon-Bon swings the door open. "Bon-Bon wait!" Lyra pleads. "Maybe you'd just be better off if I were gone!" Bon-Bon screeches through teary eyes and a shaky voice. Lyra watches the door close, hearing the voice of the pony that meant more then anything she could possibly have, for the last time. "Bon-Bon, no! Please, no! Don't leave me! Say something, oh please, say something!" Lyra tries to force her body through Celestia's royal guards, clawing, crying, breaking down completely. "Stay back ma'am!" One of the guards shout. Lyra's mane and coat get soaked through the never ending falling rain, in the short distance away, Bon-Bon's lifeless body gets taken away; bruising, lacerations, injuries to her hooves and head, all caused by that one fateful fall, off the cliff she accidentally fell from. Lyra wakes up violently. She's sat up, the bed and her whole body soaked with sweat; she pants heavily, fearfully, anxiously. She gets out of her bed, not even turning on a single light source that could be found in her room, she runs out of the house in a driven panic, the wind makes it way towards her, brushing her mane with rigorous force, the rain peddling on her coat. She runs, in the dark she runs, it doesn't matter if anyone sees her like this, it doesn't matter if anyone tries to stop her, in her broken, disgusted mind, she runs to where it all started, where the pain in her heart never ended to torment her. through tree's, animals, rain, grass, she finds the place of refuge, the place where her dear Bon-Bon ran to get away from her. She trips, falling on her face on the watery mud around her. Her body now being dirtied by the shovels of brown soil. She gets up slowly, walking to the old familiar sight; the sight she was told not to frequent, lest her mind be haunted by what happened to her beautiful Bon-Bon. Forward, step by agonizing step, she reaches the peer. Nothing but what looks like a black hole stares back up at her, she contemplates, she wants the pain to stop, she wants the hurt to end; she wants to be with her so bad. She closes her eyes, only inches from the drop that will end her suffering. Her ears stop the noise around her, focusing in, her mind flashes pictures of Bon-Bon's smiling expression, every moment flashes so quickly, her mind pulsates with her heart. One hoof off, this is it, the moment she'd been longing for. She lets herself go, her whole body falling forward and- "No!" A voice calls out, Lyra aggressively gets pushed back on the soft soil. She opens her eyes, looking dazed and confused, she looks to what surrounds her. Tree's behind her, grass to the left and the right, and the ominous darkness which stares in front. She had failed. But why? And how? She couldn't of lifted her body back onto solid ground if she was already airborne. That voice. Did she think it? There's no pony around so it had to be her head, right? One more time, Lyra, thinks. "Ready for bed girl?" Bon-Bon says playfully, looking at Lyra with unconditional solitude. "You know it!" Lyra plops on the bed right beside Bon-Bon. Lyra and Bon-Bon turn off the lamps on their sides respectively. They both snuggle close to each other, gathering the warmth of their liveliness and desire to be with one another. "Hey Ly?" Bon-Bon asks softly. "Yeah?" Lyra responds. "It's been a little while since I've given you that bracelet." Bon-Bon says. "Oh, I guess it has." Lyra lifts up her hoof in the dark, barely making out the invaluable possession that she's refused to take off from the day it was given to her. "Does it... mean a lot to you?" Bon-Bon asks, unsure. "Of course Bon. You made it, right? Nothing could ever be more special then that." Lyra affirms with confidence. "I'm... glad." Bon-Bon makes out with a soothing, satisfied voice. She moves closer to Lyra, once again wrapping her hoof around her thin waist. "Hey... Ly?" Bon-Bon says again, a little bit more hesitantly. "Yeah, Bon?" Lyra once again responds. "I want you to promise me something." "Anything." Lyra assures her. "I want you to promise... that no matter what bad things happen to me or you, what evil situations may arise, that you'll be strong, not just for me.... but so you can spread the happiness that you've given to me, to any other pony that needs it." Bon-Bon says with complete and utter passion, even though Lyra doesn't know, or perhaps will never feel the same; she loves her green unicorn, and wouldn't trade her in, for anything in Celestia's green world. "I promise you, Bon-Bon." Lyra wraps a hoof back around Bon-Bon, the two snuggle closely as they drift off to the nothings of tomorrow. "Why?! Why!" Lyra shouts, her body at the limit, her head pointing towards the sky. She cries out, an onslaught of tears piercing the sides of her cheeks. "Why did you have to leave me Bon, I can't do this without you, I can't go on without you!" She slams her hoof on the muddled grass, scrapping it slowly with frustration. "There's things I wanted to do, words I can never tell you now because...." She cries loudly, rain and thunder still making way in the stars above. "I love you Bon-Bon.... I love you so, so much." Lyra stays as she is for a while, her mind mending, her thoughts unending; but she won't go, she won't give up on everything, if for nothing else then for the promise she made. Bon-Bon wouldn't want her to stop going, and somewhere all along Lyra knew that. There's ponies that cared about Bon-Bon, ponies who were hurt when she was. Could Lyra be so selfish as to deliberately have everyone that cares about her, be hurt with the same pain she was inflicted by? No, she can't. Lyra stands up slowly, wiping the mud off her coat, the tears away from her eyes; she looks back to the blackened pit, knowing this will be the last time her eyes will ever gaze over it. "I promise you Bon-Bon, I'll be happy, I'll make it right." She smiles with a bittersweet rejoice in her being. She can feel the presence of another pony standing beside her, it fills her with so much joy having that feeling. Lyra walks on, out of the woods, her mind still thinks about Bon-Bon, but not out of a longing; instead, of a joyous comfort knowing that Bon-Bon will always be watching over her, and that Lyra, will never stop thinking about her. > Bonus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The birds chirp calmly to the morning sun, the sounds of the creatures ring throughout Lyra's otherwise vacant estate. The green mare's eyelids feel the sun's mighty light through the window. She opens her eyes tiredly, shaking her head slightly and looking down at her cutely stuffed bear that she'd gripped onto last night, and nights before. She faces directly toward the window, her back still resting on the soft fabric; she admires how beautiful the sun looks today, an aura of wonder passing through her body. She stretches, yawns, and cautiously gets out of bed; rubbing her solemn eyes from the tired state they're in. As routine she presses on to the bathroom, brushing her teeth, taking a needed shower, mundane things that she's never lost the energy to do. She steps out of the small, and now steamy, bathroom. She walks through the narrow hallway, approaching her saddle bag in the process. She looks in the confines of her leather pouch, making sure she hasn't forgotten anything, and starts eagerly to a new day. She opens the door slowly, the outside looking so- "Eek!" Carrot shouts, surprised and a bit scared to see Lyra at such a convenient time. "I-I was just about to knock!" The frantic orange mare says. "You... were?" Lyra tilts her head to the side slightly, surprised to see Carrot Top at her door once again. "Y-Yeah, I... was." Carrot grabs hold of herself, she takes a deep breath, and looks toward Lyra with a small grin. "I was wondering, if you aren't busy anyways, if you maybe wanted to hang out for the day?" Carrot asks her dear friend, unsure of the response she'll get back. Lyra stares at Carrot, even though Lyra will never understand why she herself is so appealing to some ponies, she welcomes it nonetheless. The green mare takes her eyes off of her caring friend, lifting her own hoof to examine whatever is on it; a small bracelet resides on her front hoof, showing greatly in Lyra's eyes, with the help of the morning sun. A bashful smile appears on Lyra's face, a smile she almost thought went extinct a year ago. She sets her hoof down, looking again to her friend, she retains her same happy expression. "Yeah... Yeah, I think I'd like that." The two venture off, to Lyra, the colors of Equestria are starting to glow vividly once more.