> Sisters forever > by Bestfluttercordfan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few years ago. Mane Allgood" get rid of that baby you know we don't have enough money to take care of it. Mane allgood said. Snap shutter"but I just gave birth to her she's our baby. Snap shutter said as she held her baby close to her. Mane Allgood " so what you know we Hunt for dangerous animals that thing will just hold us back. Mane allgood shouted. Snap shutter " this thing is our daughter and she won't be holding us back. Snap shutter yelled. Mane Allgood " oh yes she will get rid of her or do you want me to feed her to the   lion I just got while you were giving birth. Mane allgood said. Snap shutter " fine I will get rid of her. Snap shutter said with sadness in her voice. At the orphanage. Snap shutter "please take care of my daughter she was born today but I can't take care of her sadly. Snap shutter said as tears ran down her cheeks. Marry "oh don't worry this is the best orphanage in ponyville we will take care of her quick question what's her name. Marry said as she looked at the orange peagusas. Snap shutter "her name is scootaloo  when she gets older tell her that her parents are dead. Snap shutter said as she gave marry scootaloo. Marry "yes ma'am. Marry said. Scootaloo" waaaaaaaaaaaaa waaaaaaaaa. Then scootaloo started to cry as snap shutter flew away. Marry "shhh don't worry I'm here little one. Marry said as she cradled scootaloo. Scootaloo "waaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa waaaaaaa. Scootaloo started crying even louder. Marry "shhhh don't worry Nana marry is right here. Marry said as she feeds scootaloo a bottle and then scootaloo falls asleep. Marry "there there don't worry your save now no need to threat you will be safe here. Marry said. > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few years later. Scootaloo "so applebloom are you sure this will get us our cutie marks. Scootaloo said. Applebloom" yeah I'm sure we will totally get our cutie Marks by  skydiving. Applebloom" said. Sweetie belle "if you say so. Sweetie belle said nervously. 3 minutes later. Applejack "applebloom are you ok I heard a crash. Applejack said in a panic as she ran to her sister. Applebloom "I'm fine. Applebloom" said. Applejack "come on sis you are going home right now that's enough trying to get your cutie mark for one day. Applejack said. Rarity  "sweetie belle are you ok seriously little sis what are you doing in this icky forest come with me we are going to the spa for a sister spa day Rarity said as she ran to her sister. Sweetie belle "sqeals I love sister spa day lets go I love you big sis. Sweetie belle said happily. Scootaloo "sighs I wish I had a sister. Scootaloo said sadly. Rainbow dash "hi scoots what are you doing all alone in the forest. Rainbow dash said as she flew to scootaloo. Scootaloo "oh nothing I was just about to go back home. Scootaloo said sadly. Rainbow dash" oh well ok bye scoots. Rainbow dash said. Scootaloo "I really wish rainbow dash was my sister but she would never want to adopt me I don't have a cutie mark. Scootaloo said as she walked home. At the orphanage. Marry "welcome home scootaloo. Marry said as scootaloo walked in. Scootaloo" this isn't my home marry this is just a place I have to live since my parents just abandoned me when I was a baby. Scootaloo said. Marry "this may not feel like home but soon you will get adopted by a loving family. Marry said. Scootaloo" you say that every day but I never get adopted. Scootaloo said. At rainbows cloud house. Rainbow dash "I always wanted a sister but I don't know  having a little sister is a lot of hard work but it could also be a lot of fun to have a sister I will need to sleep on it. Rainbow dash said. Marry " listen I know no pony has adopted you yet but it will happen soon ok scootaloo don't give up hope I believe in you scootaloo someone will want to adopt you someday. Marry said. Scootaloo "I'm just going to call it a night diamond Tira and silver spoon bullied me today actually they bully me every day. Scootaloo said. Marry" well good night scootaloo see you tomorrow. Marry said. Scootaloo "good night marry. Scootaloo said then  marry tucks scootaloo into a burrito. Marry " good night scootaloo maybe some day you will have a family but until then you always have me. Marry said as she turns out the lights > chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day at school. Diamond Tira "oh look who it is it's the blank flank that's also a orphan laughs no wounder your parents gave you away your useless and worthless  you know now I think about it the reason why  no pony has adopted you is because your  ugly. Diamond Tira said. Scootaloo" you take that back. Scootaloo said with anger in her voice. Diamond Tira "no. Diamond Tira said with a smirk. Then scootaloo  stood up and punched diamond Tira right in the face and a lot of blood came gushing out and diamond Tira even lost some adult teeth. Diamond Tira " owe that hurt Diamond Tira whined as blood kept coming out of her nose. Scootaloo "maybe next time you will keep your mouth shut. Scootaloo shouted at diamond Tira then scootaloo walked away. At wounder bolt practice. Spitfire" crash hello earth to crash. Spitfire said as she was waving her hoof in front of rainbow. Rainbow dash " yes ma'am what is it. Rainbow dash said. Spitfire "I need you to pay attention to what I'm saying ok. Spitfire said. Rainbow dash" Ok I'm sorry ok I was thinking if I should  adopt a sister or not because I always wanted a sister. Rainbow dash said. Spitfire "well you can think about that after practice. Spitfire said. Rainbow dash" yes ma'am. Rainbow dash said. At the orphanage. Marry "so how was your day at school? Marry asked as scootaloo walked in. Scootaloo" it was fine. Scootaloo said with a little anger mixed with a little sadness in her voice. Marry "that's good. Marry said. Scootaloo" I'm going to go take a nice hot bath ok. Scootaloo said as she walked towards the bathroom. Marry "ok scootaloo when you get out dinner will be ready. Marry said. Scootaloo" ok. Scootaloo said as she shut the bathroom door. 5 minutes later. Marry "dinners ready. Marry said. Scootaloo" Ooo yummy this looks delicious. Scootaloo said as she sat down at the dining room table. Marry "well glad you like it. Marry said as Scootaloo takes a big bite out of the piece of lettuce that was on her plate. Scootaloo" this food is delicious. Scootaloo said. Marry "I have a idea want to play battle ship or Uno. Marry said. Scootaloo" battle ship. Scootaloo said. Marry" ok battle ship it is. Marry said as she walks over to the cupboard and pulls out battle ship and then she puts it in front of scootaloo. 7 minutes later. Scootaloo "good night marry. Scootaloo said. Marry" good night scootaloo. Marry said as she tucked scootaloo in. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day Marry "good morning scootaloo today is your lucky day you are getting adopted  go down stairs to meet your new sister. Marry said. Scootaloo" well ok. Scootaloo said. Rainbow dash " hey scoots. Rainbow dash said. Scootaloo "wait why are you here? Scootaloo asked confused. Marry" well she's going to be your sister. Marry said. Scootaloo then starts jumping up and down. Rainbow dash" your really excited aren't you scoots. Rainbow dash said as she was watching the filly jump up and down. Scootaloo "I always dreamed of you being my sister I'm so happy. Scootaloo said as hugged rainbow dash. Marry"I'm glad you are happy I'm happy because you are happy. Marry said. Scootaloo" here you go marry so you will remember me by. Scootaloo said as she gives marry a picture of her and marry. Marry "aww thank you I will never forget you now go have fun with your new sister as long as your happy I'm happy. Marry said. At rainbows house. Rainbow dash" hey scoots want to help me decorate your room. Rainbow dash said. Scootaloo "yes. Scootaloo said. Rainbow dash" ok. Rainbow dash said. 5 minutes later. Scootaloo "wow my room looks amazing I love my room. Scootaloo said as she hugged rainbow dash. Rainbow dash" and my bedroom is right across from your bedroom. Rainbow dash said as she pointed to her bedroom. Scootaloo "that's amazing. Scootaloo said. Rainbow dash" so now what should we do? Rainbow dash asked. Scootaloo "you can tell me what you like. Scootaloo said. Rainbow dash" ok well I like you I like reading daring do and I like being awesome. Rainbow dash said. Scootaloo "you are the best sister I could ask for. Scootaloo said as she hugged rainbow dash. Rainbow dash" I love you sis. Rainbow dash said as she hugged scootaloo. 8 minutes later. Rainbow dash" ok scoots dinner time. Rainbow dash said. Scootaloo "awesome I am hungry. Scootaloo said Scootaloo said as she takes a bite of the crunchy taco. Scootaloo" mmm yummy this taco is good. Scootaloo said. Rainbow dash"glad you liked it. Rainbow dash said. 10 minutes later. Rainbow dash " yawns ok time for bed. Rainbow dash said. Scootaloo "ok. Scootaloo said as Rainbow dash tucked scootaloo into bed. Rainbow dash" good night scoots sweet dreams. Rainbow dash said as she turned off the lights