> Our Adorable Trophy Nerd > by KingdaKa > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Getting Worked Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rhythm of heels clicking against pavement beneath her feet was not a sound she was accustomed to, in any sense. She’d never worn heels for any occasion, if she could help it. Even formal ceremonies would only be celebrated with a pair of nice sandals, far more suited for movement and walking about. But what adorned her form now were a marvelous pair of violet platform heels, the thickened sole beneath her toes doing wonders to help her with the act of balance. As she made her way from her car to the awaiting complex of condominiums ahead, this new surge of confidence allowed her to dare a strut, a swish of her hips with every footstep. Maybe her constant thirst for knowledge had kept her from being more fashionable, but this wasn’t so bad. Why had she worried that she wasn’t capable of being more feminine and just- The thin block beneath her heel swayed to the side and she stumbled, all strut and swagger lost as Twilight Sparkle nearly fell into the bushes along the sidewalk, a mess of human limbs and not an ounce of dignity would have remained. A strong placement of her legs and she became a statue, forcing herself to remain upright and avoid the discomfort of hard cement against her skin. One breath, then another- still she remained steady. A small sigh of relief and she allowed herself the privilege of moving along, albeit her confident stride now left behind. As confident as she had felt, it would not do to forget her inexperience after all, it would seem. As Twilight made her way to the front doors, she could feel her heart beginning to intensify its rhythm, with the sensation of butterflies aflutter in her stomach to match. “Easy, this is no big deal,” she counseled herself, even though her voice was an excited whisper. “It’s just a simple night out, that’s all. A night out… with your girlfriends.” Not a night with the girls as she’d originally intended for her weekend –or at least expected- but with her girlfriends. Truth be told, this is more exciting, anyway, she admitted, punching in the door code before waltzing through into the marble hallway. They’re all so sweet, and they always have something fun planned. And- well, they’ve been so much nicer, haven’t they? The frown came unbidden, memories of her most recent argument returning to life in shaded images behind her eyes. Yes, Sunset and the others meant well, but it wasn’t like she was doing anything wrong! Twilight was a mature, capable adult, and she had every right to choose what made her happy. And despite what they thought, it was most certainly her choice. She understood that they’d had a small spat before she’d come to Canterlot High, but that was a long time ago. Why couldn’t people change? “But you’ve not been yourself since you started going out with them,” Sunset had protested. “You’re not studying as much, you haven’t applied for that research grant like you said you would- doesn’t that bother you?” “You were the one always saying I should try something new,” She’d said in reply. “That I should be more outgoing. Haven’t I been?” “With them! Not with us, your friends! Twilight, they’re not good people, they-” “They are perfectly sweet, lovely people,” Twilight had fired back, perhaps a little hot under the collar when saying so. “Stop being so mean to them. Do you think I’d date them if they were bad girls?” “I think you’re being naïve. If you’d just listen-” The ding of the elevator roused Twilight from her unhappy recollection and returned her to the excitement of the now, a warmly lit hallway before her all that was left for her to take. Unhappy memories were better left in the past, and this most recent addition was no exception. Why shouldn’t she be excited to spend time with her girlfriends? It was date night, wasn’t that supposed to be a happy occasion? Sunset shouldn’t try to ruin that for you, really, a small thought remarked. Even if she is just trying to be a good friend. She knew the route by heart and came to a somewhat tottering halt at the front door, her nerves truly beginning to take hold as she gave a small knock. Goodness, she really had agreed to this evening; just thinking about it all at once was a bit overwhelming. Look at who she was with- and their number! Look at what she had come to partake in, what she was even wearing- The lock clicked and the door swung open, revealing the face of Sonata Dusk, her cheery features positively aglow with delight at the sight of this dearly awaited arrival. “Ohmygosh, hi!” Sonata cried, pulling Twilight across the threshold and inside. “It’s so great to see you, I missed you! Oh, Twilight, you don’t know how much!” Twilight flushed at her words, unable to look the eager woman in the eye. Sonata was always like this when they were together, constantly animated and ecstatic for each and every moment possible. It was a bit much to take in at times, but the enthusiasm she always gave was rather flattering. It felt nice to see someone become this excited to see you. “I’ve been waiting, like, all day to see you again,” Sonata continued, putting her arms about Twilight’s waist and keeping her blushing beauty close. “Every time you’re not here, it’s like I don’t know what to do without you. I just miss having you, and holding you, and, and…” She let the words drop, a move that perfectly piqued Twilight’s curiosity. “And what?” Came the inquiry. Sonata giggled. “And loving you, silly! Just like this!” And without another word she fell upon Twilight’s lips in a swiftly delivered, yet long-lasting kiss. “Mwah! Ooh, now I feel better! Thank you so much, Twilight!” The crimson flush upon the spectacled woman’s cheeks only deepened, unable to escape Sonata’s keen affections in any form. Yet why be embarrassed? It wasn’t as though it was unpleasant, or unwelcome. It felt nice to have such a sweet, pretty-faced woman desire her like this. And with Sonata so close, it was hard to ignore the slender figure she possessed, nor the perky bust that pressed against her own… “Twilight’s here? And you didn’t let us know?” The deeper tone of voice was unmistakable, the enwrapped pair turning to find Aria staring at them, appearing from the bedroom hallway so as to investigate the sound of voices. “Sonata, shame on you! You’re not trying to be greedy, are you?” Sonata seemed genuinely abashed by her error, her grin turning sheepish. “Sorry! I got a bit excited to see Twilight, that’s all. I didn’t mean to forget you, I swear!” Releasing her flush-faced prize from her clutches, Sonata turned towards the hallway and bellowed, “Dagi! Twilight’s here!” “Now, let me get a good look at you,” Aria said, strutting over to Twilight and slowly drinking in her adorned figure, eyes aglow and set to smoldering the longer she looked. “Mmm… absolutely yummy. Did you dress up like that just for us?” “Just a lit- I did, yeah,” Twilight mumbled, biting her lip so as to keep the smile away. What she wore was likely the most scandalous piece of clothing she’d ever slipped on, a skin-tight tube dress that sparkled with rhinestones amidst its darkened fabric, coming to a halt at the top of her thigh and clearly meant to leave little to imagination. The first time she had dared to put it on, she’d even given a small shriek at its nigh see-through design; if her parents hadn’t been in the kitchen when she’d slipped out the door, they would have been furious at the sight. If Sunset had seen it, well… “Do- do you think it looks alright?” she asked, looking down at her somewhat flat figure and beginning to doubt. “I mean, I think it’s meant for someone with a better figure than me, but you all did buy it for me and it looked so nice, so I-” “Oh, it’s perfect for you, Twilight,” Aria assured her, a sly curl on the corner of her mouth. “You always look cute, but now you look sexy.” A small spank of her bottom for emphasis, the bookish girl jumping from the touch. “Mmm… I can’t wait to rip it off you.” She was beginning to struggle under the weight of this surplus of compliments, even if each one of them was more than welcome. But with these two beautiful creatures eyeing her so lavishly, such gestures had to be returned in kind. “You- you look nice, too,” Twilight said lamely, knowing her own words weren’t nearly enough. Aria was adorned in a corset and skirt of black vinyl, a more hardened look that perfectly suited her brash, fiery sexuality. With Twilight she was deeply physical, a flurry of movement and fierce passions; this dark style, complimented by silver buckles and a studded collar, only heightened her aura even further. Her mind began to flow, fantasy given strength by memory of past nights together; so intense, yet so passionate… “What about me? Do you think I look hot, Twi? Huh?” Sonata bobbed up and down on the balls of her feet, eager to hear what judgment befell her appearance. Sweet and sultry did she look indeed, Sonata’s bright appearance perfectly complimented by the bright-pink minidress about her pleasant figure. Hung around her by a cowl neck, the deep plunge in between revealing skin down to her waist, inner cleavage perfectly exposed and intent on catching the eye- a task made easy when the joyful Siren continued to bounce about, further traces of breastflesh exposed so as to tempt. “Of course you do!” Twilight said, at last snapping out of her trance and speaking hurriedly, forcing her eyes upwards. “You always do, Sonata, what else could I think?” “Aw, thank you, Twilight!” Sonata sang, wriggling with delight from the given praise. “Isn’t she always so sweet?” “The sweetest.” The voice that made her soul ache, Twilight felt her spirit glow at the sound of Adagio’s melodious voice. At last able fit for company, the magnificent Siren had come to join them and greet her beloved, all smiles as she beheld Twilight’s awestruck look. “Are those the fishnets I bought for you? Twilight, you really are too perfect.” The fishnets on her legs –and the barely visible lingerie beneath her dress- most certainly were the gifts she had been given, further fuel to the fire that would have burned her alive if Twilight’s parents had caught her. “I just- oh, but look at you!” Adagio’s smile deepened, those lustrous eyes brightened by the welcome praise. Her curvaceous, sensuous figure was lovingly draped in a beautiful dress of luxurious red, the low neck complimenting her splendid breasts while still concealing their fullest magnificence. Those sweet, smooth thighs were left exposed by a pair of dual slits, a thin draping of fabric in between all that stood between unrivaled beauty and impropriety. Standing there, hands on her hips, Adagio was only a being of such raw, sexual perfection that Twilight could hardly believe her eyes. “Well, I had to dress up for my favorite girl, didn’t I?” Adagio purred. “We always want to look the best for you.” Twilight burned beneath Adagio’s silken purr, especially when this perfect angel was dressed so magnificently. How could she even think of comparing to these wonderful girls, much less being above them? It was foolishness to even imagine such a thing, even if they impressed it upon her every single day. “But I always think you look nice,” she blurted out. The laughter that came was not unkind, sweet giggles of delight in response to their prize’s words of affection. “Oh, you know just what to say,” Adagio trilled, clasping her hands upon Twilight’s cheeks and gracing her with a softened kiss, plump lips of painted crimson leaving their mark upon their thinner pair. “I’m so glad you wanted to be with us tonight.” When she considered present company, especially in comparison to past, the likelihood that she would want to be anywhere else was unlikely- even if their plans for the evening were a bit intimidating. “I wouldn’t miss it,” Twilight said, though shakily. Adagio took notice, giving her girlfriend another kiss so as to soothe nerves. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. We’ll have a good time, I promise.” They were all being so sincere, and they had yet to break a promise yet. Even if she was nervous, there was no need to doubt. “OK.” She gave a giggle, saying, “OK, then! I guess- I guess I’m ready, then.” “Wonderful. Shall we?” The three women hanging to her in whatever way they could, Twilight was escorted out the door by her adoring Sirens and down to their awaiting chariot below, ready if not eager to begin their long night’s adventure. The comfortable evening ride was one she had, unintentionally, become accustomed to. Whatever riches her lovely girlfriends had assembled had done well to lend them many a boon, to include a rather opulent limousine that was there for any whim that came their way. Coming from a typical middle-class world, Twilight had found her first ride in such an extravagant vehicle rather overwhelming- even more so when she considered the pleasurable actions that had transpired within. Now she found herself within such luxuries yet again, her usual seat in the Sirens’ midst there awaiting her. A small niggle of guilt formed when she didn’t even bother to give the whole affair a second thought; this wasn’t normal, right? Not for her by any means. But comfortable as it was, the inner abode stocked with refreshments of any kind, she found it hard to voice her mildest discomforts. And when present company was taken into account… Well, what reason was there to complain? Adagio smiled as she let her gaze linger upon her sweet, nerdy beloved, happy to admire her in silence for the time being. Twilight was so perfectly lovely, a pretty-faced gentleness ever-present upon her features. Yet now there was something new to be found, a burgeoning sensuality beginning to bloom. The rhinestone dress and heels bound about her frame were the beginnings of transformation, and already enough to make the change noticeable- with the fishnets beneath adding to this new flavor. Cute and sweet as Twilight was, this new facet to her personality was a perfect fit. But perhaps there was discomfort. Nestled in between Aria and Sonata, Twilight’s current contentment was evidently disrupted by some inner monologue still yet unvoiced. A tension in her form, a dissatisfaction; what it was, however, still remained unnamed. Perhaps that would be something she would have to rectify. Still, Adagio thought to herself, no need to rush things. With Aria’s lips plucking at Twilight’s neck oh so gently, the eldest Siren felt no desire to ruin the moment. And then there was Sonata to consider, who deemed that any moment not kissing Twilight was a moment wasted; why summon unpleasant memories when they could lavish their love upon this sweet princess? Seeing Sonata so happily wound with their bookish goddess, Aria so unlike herself in the tenderness with which she graced her love… to break the spell just yet seemed silly. “Mmm…” Twilight’s small, muffled coos occasionally slipped out from between busied lips and out into the world, more often than not lapped away by Sonata’s plying tongue and sent to forgotten places. Words and sounds weren’t necessary in this happy place, just the feel of Sonata’s happy, tranquil kisses, each one just as pleasant as the next. One kiss could be sweet and gentle, a soft pressure against her mouth; its successor could contain a small lick, that sweet morsel leaving its slickened trail along her lips for added flavor. And when that sapphic sensation intertwined with Aria’s own presses it was all she could do not to cry out in happiness. Life was bliss, if not absolutely perfect. Never in her naïve life could she have imagined that such magnificent beauties would be there to crave her, and be craved by her in return. This was heaven. “Oh…” Twilight pulled slowly away from Sonata’s lips, a hand reaching out for Aria and cupping about her chin, bringing the pig-tailed woman upwards from neckflesh to find her lips happily met in love, the contented kiss a rarity for the boisterous Siren’s more potent passions. “You both feel so nice. Thank you so much.” “Mmm, anything you want, princess,” Sonata murmured, a small rush of kisses on Twilight’s neck as though unable to resist lavishing more physical affection. “We’d never say no to you.” “Not ever,” Aria said, adding a kiss of her own for emphasis. “As if we could ever resist.” Twilight giggled, her cheeks flushed a tinge of pink. “You’re both being silly. You could definitely have better than me!” “Not a chance in the world!” Adagio gasped, seemingly appalled by the mere suggestion. “Why, we could search the whole world and never find someone as wonderful and perfect as you. Isn’t that right, girls?” “Of course!” Came the eager reply. Twilight bit her lip and tried to contain the rising heat of her face. “Well… if you say so. I guess.” “Any more to drink, sweetheart?” Sonata inquired, a hand reaching to the nearby champagne bottle that lay in the depths of melting ice. “I hope you like what we brought this time, I know last week’s wasn’t your favorite.” Twilight regarded her nearby flute, pausing from the conversation so as to take a new sip and ponder its contents. “I like it,” she said slowly, “I- I think. It’s very sweet.” “See? I told you she’d like something gentler,” Aria teased, a smug grin on her face as her sister began to pout. “Demi-sec is just the right kind from now on, so don’t forget.” “Oh, but please don’t feel bad, Sonata!” Twilight protested, noticing her girlfriend’s downcast expression. “The last one wasn’t bad, and- and I know you meant well! It’s alright.” “You promise?” Sonata asked. “I promise.” “Seal it with a kiss?” “Of course,” Twilight said, and the two giggling girls met again in a happy union of lips yet again, a treat for the both of them that had yet to lose its appeal. “You’re so wonderful. I really needed this…” “We’re always here for you when you need us,” Adagio reminded her, adding an extra dose of champagne to her girlfriend’s flute as though on cue. “Is- is it alright if I say something, dearest?” “What? Of course!” Twilight replied. “You can say whatever you want, I know you’re looking out for me.” “Well, you’ve just… the last few times we’ve gone out on a date, darling, you just always arrived looking so stressed,” Adagio remarked, a look on either side of her subject; Sonata and Aria lay themselves against Twilight’s bosom, gentle caresses as fingertips traced along flesh in the hopes of added comfort. “You seem happier by the end of it, of course, but every time you make an appearance… is something on your mind, my sweet? I’d love to help you feel better.” Twilight pondered the thought for a time, eventually breathing out a sigh. “It’s just my… my friends, that’s all,” she said. “You know. Sunset and the others.” “Of course,” Adagio replied, ensuring her tone remained even. “I know they don’t like us very much, but don’t let that bother you. Please? You don’t have to feel bad for our sake’s.” “But it’s a slight against me, isn’t it? Against my judgment?” Twilight said, giving her flute a small whirl and letting its contents swish about. “You’re all so sweet and lovely to me, just- just the perfect girlfriends. But they keep telling me how awful you girls are, and that I shouldn’t be dating you. It just feels kind of like, you know, that they think I’m stupid or something.” “Well, none of that has to matter now,” Adagio said, a hand coming about Twilight’s wrist and giving a slight squeeze. “Tonight we’re going to have fun and enjoy ourselves. You’ll have whatever you want, whenever you want. And we want you to be as happy as possible, so don’t let your friends drag you down. Tonight is for you. OK?” Twilight’s smile was halfway there, hesitancy giving her discomfort more strength than necessary. “You’re sure? I’m sorry they talk about you so horribly and all. I try to tell them to stop.” “Let them talk,” Adagio said, “I’m not going to pay the slightest bit of attention. Not when you love me just as I am.” The other half of Twilight’s smile at last came to life, her spectacled gaze glowing faintly in the dark light of the limousine. “Thanks, Dagi. You always know just what to say.” The movement and sound of their ride began to shift; the steady hum of the engine changed and became soft as their speed lessened, a turn sideways bringing them off the main road and to new paths- or perhaps not, as the vehicle came to a steady halt. Twilight turned from her adoring loves and glanced out the window. “Are we there yet?” “We are!” Sonata cried, casting open the door and leaping outside, reveling in the sight of neon letters and covered doors that beckoned for them to enter. “Yay, this is gonna be so fun! We made sure to buy the best drinks, that they had the best staff working tonight, and we even booked-” “No spoiling the surprise, Sonata,” Aria cut through, putting an end to her sister’s reverie before more could be revealed. “Come on, now.” “Oops. Sorry!” Sonata still bounced about happily, forcing herself to remain steady as she offered a willing arm for her awaited prize. “Twilight, would you please escort me inside? I’d love to have you on my arm.” “Well…” Twilight couldn’t keep away the blush, even though such adoration was commonplace amongst such sweet company. “Only if- only if Adagio takes the other.” The words came out in a spill, perhaps surprising even the girl who spoke them. “Oh, I’m sorry, Aria, I didn’t mean- don’t think I don’t like you or anything-” “I certainly don’t,” Aria said, the kind tone a stark contrast to her darkened appearance. “Just on one condition. Is that OK?” “Of course!” “Can you make it up to me tonight? Any way you want to.” The intent behind such words was unmistakable, and Twilight had more than enough memories to know just what sort of request would entail. At first she’d found the mere thought of such a suggestion shocking, difficult to agree to. But now, having grown comfortable with Aria’s potent lovemaking, it was just a new offer of a different kind of adventure. “I- I can do that.” Aria smiled, basking in this new triumph. “Oh, the wait will be just awful,” she said, traipsing to the door and making ready to open. “Shall we?” With Sonata happily wrapped about her left arm, and Adagio snugly wound about her right, a delighted Twilight Sparkled strode forth into the awaiting strip club where her newest adventure awaited, happy to spend any time anywhere so long as she had such perfect girlfriends there along with her. > 1. A Sweet, Teasing Thing (Sci-Twi x Sonata) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio’s smile continued to reveal itself throughout the evening, no matter how many times she tried to conceal its form from her lips. It wasn’t something that came from malice, at the very least; amusement at the sight of her girlfriend gaping in awe came from a place of affection. After all, tonight was an entirely new experience for her, if not a brand new kind of education. So many ‘firsts’ were happening right before her eyes. And Twilight’s reaction to each one of them was so cute. The small flush of her cheeks when they had first stepped through the door to be greeted by stage lights and pulsing music; the wide-eyed gawk as she caught sight of a dancer ripping off her bra for someone in the audience to catch; those spectacled cheeks turning a deep red when that very dancer spread her legs wide just a moment later. Even as the four of them sat comfortably in a corner, fine drinks in hand, the shock Twilight was experiencing had yet to wear off. But every now and then, Adagio caught a small twitch at the corner of her mouth, a brief flash of a smile before she would look away in embarrassment- only to find herself staring yet again. Adagio’s adoring sisters were perhaps less subtle about their mirth at their innocent girlfriend’s reaction to such new experiences. Aria would occasionally shake from laughter, a small rocking motion accompanied by a strong smile whenever Twilight felt a bout of shame fall upon her. Sonata, still wrapped about Twilight’s arm and stroking her hair, had yet to let her own smile fade. Less tactful were they, but not without reason. To see their adorable nerd struggle with her clear enjoyment was enough to make anyone’s heart flutter, and Twilight’s spell upon the three of them was not something weak. Twilight’s starry-eyed gaze fell on a solitary dancer that had moved from one of the side stages and to the center stage, a fair-skinned girl with platinum blonde hair that seemed to shimmer like water beneath the blue beams of light that rained down upon her succulent form. What little clothing she wore gleamed, a thong and bikini top made of bright-gold ringlets working their magic and adding to the effect. But most importantly was her movements; this young woman’s rhythm was perfect, a natural ebb and flow to each motion that she willed. She commanded the attention of all around her, the delicious figure she paraded for their viewing pleasure marvelous to the eye- and all the more when timed to the beat and set for flaunting. Adagio eyed Twilight out of the corner of her eye, a small smirk at her girlfriend’s obvious infatuation. And to her delight, her shift of focus came upon the beautiful dancer just as she realized that there was a particular member of the audience that was utterly rapt. And when the blonde woman made one last slide around her pole, she locked eyes with Twilight and gave a wink. Twilight blushed a fierce red and turned away, eliciting cries of laughter from her girlfriends about her. “Oh, please don’t laugh at me,” she begged, her thin voice barely audible beneath the weight of the music. “I didn’t mean- I’m sorry, I know that was bad.” “What, watching her dance?” Aria asked, grinning as the blonde’s top disappeared and let bare breasts be enjoyed. “That’s not bad, Twilight. She’s super hot.” “She- she is,” Twilight muttered, obviously ashamed of it. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t like you three! I really do love-” “I don’t mind, Twilight,” Sonata said in a voice sweet as syrup. “Do you want me to strip for you sometime? Oh, just the thought turns me on so much- maybe we can even ask her to join in.” Twilight’s smile was beaming, but she couldn’t bear to look anyone in the eye. Heaven forbid anyone know she felt an attraction to a human being, and instead be known as an emotionless computer, Sonata thought to herself. Why shouldn’t she be adored by another, enjoyed by another? Twilight was so sweet and wonderful, so willingly loving; she deserved every ounce of affection that she could gain from- from, well, anyone. She should appreciate herself more, Adagio mused. She deserves to be worshipped. As the now-naked blonde finished her act, Adagio beckoned for her presence with a solitary finger, enough for the beautiful stripper to get the message. Someone was a bit shy, but desperately needed her attention. And right now, the sumptuous Siren was more than happy to play the middleman. Movement out of the corner of her eye brought Twilight’s focus back towards the stage and the beauteous women now departing it, a small “Ooh!” escaping her lips as she realized just who was making their way over to join them. The nerves settled in quickly, Twilight trying to smooth out what wrinkles that could be found on her dress before realizing there were none, simply trying to seem occupied with anything but the young woman’s encroaching presence. The blonde beauty’s jeweled eyes darted down to between Twilight’s legs and caught sight of the darkened lingerie very clearly exposed from beneath the short dress. She grinned; Twilight quickly realized why and forced her legs tightly together. “I think you’ve got an admirer,” Aria teased. “Oh, stop, why is she- umm,” Twilight had tried to shush away her girlfriend’s words but found them knocked away when their new arrival made herself comfortable, sliding down in their midst as she took up residence upon Twilight’s lap, the spectacled girl now unable to look upon anything but the beautiful face directly before her. The blonde put her arms about Twilight’s neck and gave a glowing smile. “Hi.” “H- hi,” Twilight stammered, a weak smile on her face that struggled to form in the midst of her attraction and nerves. So close to the source of her infatuation, the nerdy woman could only struggle all the more mightily than normal. “I’m Candy,” the young woman said; she gave a small shake of her head, letting her gleaming hair flow beneath blue-and-red light like the swift river it was. “Having a good time?” “Yeah. You were, uh- you… you did a good- job.” Twilight’s words were hurried, flustered; Candy’s confidence and fetching appearance were doing wonder to wreck her poise. “I’m Twilight. I’m sorry, you didn’t need to know that, I just- in case you were wondering.” “Ooh, a pretty name,” Candy remarked. “And an even prettier girl. I just couldn’t resist coming over to say hi when I saw you. Your dress, and your eyes… are you sure you shouldn’t be up on stage with me?” “Oh! I, uh- I just thought you were- you’re a good dancer,” Twilight replied. Her gaze kept flickering between Candy’s gleaming eyes and her bountiful breasts, constantly looking down whenever the skillful stripper gave her body a small wriggle; the effect was intentional, and most definitely torturous. “You look pretty, too.” “Aw, thank you!” Candy said, seemingly delighted by the remark. “Enjoying a girl’s night out, are we? I hope I’ve made it a little better.” A small stroke of the cheek, enough to make hair stand on end… “Girlfriend’s night out,” Adagio remarked, a proud smile as Twilight continued to flounder. “Just look at her, the sweet thing; how could we resist?” “She’s just the best ever,” Sonata joined in. “And she tastes wonderful,” Aria added. Twilight was left at a loss of what to do, but Candy seemed only further intrigued by the uniqueness of the scenario; most girls who she fell upon weren’t so shy- and none of them had ever been so profoundly adored. “Well, aren’t you a popular girl? Just can’t say no to all your admirers?” she asked. “I-” Twilight shrank, biting her lip to keep away the smile. “They’re super great. I didn’t want to say no.” “Mmm, I don’t blame you. I bet they’re super yummy,” Candy replied. “But I bet you taste even sweeter…” “I don’t know if mmph!” Twilight’s words were sealed away when Candy took the chance to steal a kiss, her glittering lips pressing gently against Twilight’s for a short, sweet moment. The beautiful dancer released her- but then plunged for one kiss more, a deeper and more fiery thing so as to soak in and taste the fullness of the adorable nerd’s flavor, tongue delving deep and plucking away at whatever delicious saliva she could find. Before too long, yet nowhere near enough, Candy decided she had explored enough; a slow and slippery exit was best for now, spittle shared between and joining in a thickened band. “Wow, you do taste great,” Candy cried, eyeing Twilight with a smoldering look. “If only I didn’t have to go, I’d love to enjoy you for a little while longer.” “You have to go?” Twilight’s words came in breathy, struggling. “Backstage for now. But in case you’re gone before I see you again…” Candy unhooked her panties and stuffed them down between Twilight’s breasts, one last lustful glance for good measure. “Come and visit me anytime!” Four pairs of eyes watched that bare bottom walk away, a sashaying strut to each footfall that was delicious to the senses. Three Sirens watched and enjoyed the show; a young girl ached and burned beneath the weight of it. “We should invite her over sometime,” Aria said, a light remark as though speaking of yesterday’s weather. “I bet she’d do whatever you wanted her to, Twilight.” “Uhhmmm…” Adagio’s smile deepened. “Now, what ever is the matter, sweetheart? Something on your mind, maybe?” “I- ooh, I can’t,” Twilight said, clearly struggling with the potency of her arousal. “I’m sorry, that was bad, I’m a horrible girlfriend, I just- I feel awful, can you forgive me? I let myself-” “Seeing you make out with another girl was hot, Twi,” Aria said. “You should do it more often.” “But we’re dating! I don’t want to hurt you girls, especially when you’ve been so perfect and everything!” “Mmm… but Aria was right, that was hot,” Adagio assented. “And now I need to do something about it.” Sonata was picking up her sisters’ signals, but her more direct method was less built for subtlety. “You wanna have sex? Like, right now? I want to.” Twilight’s colored face went pale, hands covering her face- to include the smile underneath. “Sonata! We’re- we can’t, not even a place like here! You can’t just say that!” “Yes I can. Let’s go have some fun, Twilight- please? You can’t just leave me like this, I need to make you feel good!” “But we’d get in trouble!” “Well… perhaps not,” Adagio interjected. As Twilight’s confused stare fell upon her, the sultry Siren produced a single key from the depths of her wallet, letting it flash beneath the prisms of light that shone about the floor. “How does a private room sound, dearest? We can go and do whatever we want, for as long as we want. Does that sound like fun?” “You booked a room? But what for?” Twilight asked, aghast yet beginning to tremble with excitement. Her innocent sheen was beginning to melt away in the face of her overwhelming arousal; the nerdiness was not apt to last long when there was relief to be found in far more pleasurable matters. “Just in case,” Adagio answered. “In case we couldn’t hope to resist you. Just sitting there, looking so sexy…” “Oh, but- and you’re sure it’s OK?” “Of course it’s OK. Now… why don’t you hold out your hands?” Twilight cupped her palm and soon found it filled by a trio of beads, each of a different color. “Green goes first, and blue goes second. Red goes last. How does that sound?” Twilight looked this way and that, back up to the stage and off to the hallways where Candy had disappeared. A quick glance down at the young dancer’s panties, and then back at her desirous beloveds. “I like it.” “Yay! Me first!” Sonata wasted no time in plunging her hand into her girlfriend’s cupped palm, extracting a bright-green bead on her first go. “Aha! I get to go first, I get to go! Oh, Twilight, I can hardly wait!” Aria took next and pulled a dark-blue bead the color of water, though her focus was more on the joy of her sister who clutched Twilight as though someone might steal her prize away. “I never get first chance,” she pouted. “Twilight, next time, can I-” “And you can do whatever you want to do, to,” Twilight promised her. A small glance over at Adagio and she added, “Sorry, I-” “I’ll just have to save the best for last,” the eldest Siren said sweetly. “And I can hardly wait.” “And I can’t wait! Come on, Twilight!” Pulling the spectacled woman up to her feet, Sonata and Twilight made their way to the backrooms that awaited their presence and frolic, each clutching at the other more and more tightly with each passing second. Their giggles of delight came freely, their lavish looks upon one another smoldered, and hands would not leave one another alone. Their struggle was strong, and even the demands for privacy could barely hold them back from the desires for immediate satisfaction. “Finally!” Before Twilight could even take in her new surroundings, Sonata had pushed her back against a luxurious couch and leapt atop her, tongue plunging in between her lips in a flash so as to find its mate. Her tonguestrokes were wild, fierce, and just as equally met; Twilight’s own will had shattered, she needing nothing less than to feel Sonata’s pink morsel licking away at her own, and she lathering away all the same in return. All she could desire was Sonata’s sweet, lavish kisses, to find that decadent tongue upon her own and relish its sweetened lather; to feel this loving Siren was to feel the sugary joy of love itself, and Twilight was not one to let such an opportunity go to waste. As their flickering tongues continued to dance, she felt little shame in letting their frolic continue on into the outside world. So what if they became a slippery, salivating mess? Sonata wanted kisses; she would oblige- and relish it! “Oh my god,” Sonata cried, a slow caress across the surface of Twilight’s succulent morsel. “I’ve been waiting for this, like, all day!” The hunger within did not allow her words to last long, a continued return to the plunder she craved whenever she tried to halt for more than a moment. “Why’d you have to make me wait so long?” Twilight felt a thin blanket of guilt fall upon her heart, one easily knocked away by the rush of pleasure that came from Sonata’s affections. She hadn’t been trying to keep herself out of reach, not from someone so loving; but the unintentional abstinence had done wonders, pushing these ravenous kisses to new heights of delight. Perhaps letting the starry-eyed Siren hunger for her so deeply wasn’t a poor idea. “I didn’t mean to,” she replied, struggling to push words past busied lips. “I’m sorry, I just- can I make it up to you?” “You will? Really?” The dangling string between them trembled as Sonata pulled away, face alight with this new prospect. “Of course I will! But- well… what do you want to do?” Twilight had been with the Sirens for a spare few months, gaining experience the longer she remained- but to call her the initiator, or the bedroom’s imagineer, would have been laughable. “I wanna make you scream!” Sonata declared, eyeing her beauteous prize eagerly, ready for her meal. “Can I do that, huh? Please, pretty please?” “But- but how’s that fun for you?” Twilight asked. “Don’t you want to me to- I- I dunno… do something for you?” “Aw, you’re so sweet.” Sonata let herself lay atop her spectacled girlfriend and soak in this offering of affection. “You’re just the best girlfriend ever, always trying to make sure I’m happy, too. But it’s alright! You don’t have to worry about me tonight.” “I don’t?” “No. Because tonight,” Sonata whispered, “what’ll make me happy is making you cry. Now, can you please stick out your tongue for me?” That was all she wanted? The whole thing felt a bit unfair; they’d so kindly taken her out for the evening, treated her like royalty, and still Sonata asked for nothing in return even when it came to love. Twilight’s hunger demanded she comply, but there had to be something she could offer her lovely paramour... The moment Twilight’s tongue met open air, it became ensnared, Sonata’s lips wrapping about it and sucking away in wild abandon. Enough to make her gasp from the mere ferocity, she could only be left awed by how deeply the Siren craved her. Sonata’s efforts were the best she could give, the feeling of those lips about her pink morsel heavenly to behold. Always the most affectionate was she, and this evening was no exception. Those ferocious sucklings upon her tongue were immensely pleasurable, the rush of movement and loving motion crafted so as to steal breath away. But even as she began to regain her composure, Sonata allowed Twilight no reprieve; the sapphic frenzy slowed and transformed into a slower, smoother motion; the wild thing had become gentle, yet a firmer press that pulled more of her out into the open. The bright-eyed Siren plucked away at her lover, a rhythmic rocking that saw salivating muscle well-coated in the love of another, and most certainly well-massaged. “Aah…” Twilight’s soft sigh echoed through the plush room as Sonata worked her magic, sloppy kisses always capable of eliciting ecstasy. In the far recesses of her mind, she had often considered asking Sonata to never stop: every moment together spent in the bonds of love, an endless kiss that saw them dance evermore. Now that she knew the feeling of the soft Siren’s tongue upon her own, the sensation of love so contentedly lathered, the absence was an ache she could not abide. Sonata’s own mewling cry came to meet those softened sounds, tongue meeting tongue in a happy, delicate dance as lips met again; eager to bond and slow to draw back, the two women happily lost themselves in their bliss. Siren atop her perfect partner, hands happily stroked across flesh and wove themselves along. There was more to explore, to feel and enjoy; memory came alive as each recalled the body of the other, the need arising as each felt their desire continue to burn bright. Sonata’s voluptuous breasts called out and Twilight answered by letting her hands flow beneath fabric to where they rested, giving those nipples a robust knead; Sonata’s heart melted at the feel of that petite figure beneath her fingers, skin as soft as silk coming alive at her touch. She loved to hold Twilight like this, lost in the moment as they often became- utterly entranced by love, and eager for nothing but. And right now, love called for a more thorough examination. There were even finer parts of Twilight to appreciate, and Sonata would not leave them unsatisfied tonight. The hand that had happily played with Twilight’s hair slithered its way downwards, tracing across skin until she found lingerie. Part of her wanted to see it torn away- but she wasn’t the only one who needed Twilight to be satisfied tonight, was she? It would be unsporting if she ruined all the fun; a little plundering was all the space she’d need. Twilight’s kiss fell upon her lips and promptly halted. Fingers had found their way between folds and were slowly tracing along; there was playfulness in the movement, an intentional avoidance of more delightful depths. The nerdy woman tried to continue her own acts of love but found each movement was now a difficulty. These initial pluckings were not even the true act itself, but still enough to put her mind in a haze. Sonata caught the look in her eyes and smiled, returning for a kiss that had no intention of ending anytime soon. Plying lips ensnared her beloved’s mouth, tongue seeking out its pair so as to further frolic. But down below, her fingers were beginning to quicken their pace, deepen their delving. No longer did she just trace the outlines of that marvelous flower, but slow brushes across its breadth for added measure. She would see Twilight satisfied in full, and that was an art that would take time. Twilight’s first moan was muffled, and swiftly swatted away by Sonata’s licks. She wanted to simply lean back and enjoy her girlfriend’s fingering, but the guilt she had initially felt was now arising once more. How could she be a good girlfriend if she only allowed herself to be pleasured? That hardly seemed fair at all. She needed to offer something in return, despite her desires to just enjoy the experience. Even if her own skills in lovemaking were not so well-honed, it was the least she could do. Abandoning her massage of Sonata’s mounds, her own hand fell beneath panties and sought out treasure to plunder. Memory was her friend now, recollections of where Sonata like to be touched –and how- rising against the growing wave of orgasm. “Mmmf…” Sonata hadn’t expected the action; her own sense of pleasure from sheer service alone had worked its wonders upon her, sensitivity from arousal pushing her surprisingly close to the edge. More than just the feeling of the action itself, but from whom it came, made each of Twilight’s flickerings all the more delightful. Her own work faltered for a moment, a shudder of pleasure coursing through her- then returning in intensity as she tried to give feeling to her gratitude. This perfect, sweet, adorable nerdy angel couldn’t resist loving her! How was she supposed to hold herself together when she kissed her, much less when she was getting fingered by her? Oh, it was all too perfect. Their movements became more rapid as hips began to rock slightly. Struggle to hold back was becoming legitimate, each kiss becoming more thorough and vicious. Sonata was desperate to regain momentum, to see Twilight satisfied before her. In turn, Twilight was determined to show her affection; she had never seen Sonata enjoy her own work so deeply, as though she had become a legitimately skilled lover. It was a new thought- and an intoxicating one! Deeper did she plunge, more fiery were her strokes. She could feel Sonata beginning to gush, movement becoming all the more slick as viscous fluid continued to flow- -Sonata had to pull away, she simply had to! If she kept kissing Twilight then she would certainly shatter! Desperate to offer up all of her love, she plunged deep into those luscious folds and struck home, a scoring pluck that she knew was the bookworm’s sweet spot- The sound came loud and clear, a crystalline cry as Twilight was overcome at last, orgasm striking hard and swift as pent-up desire was satisfied. She could feel the rush, dopamine flowing as freely as her own juices and setting her mind afire. Instinct took over where intention had been, the work of her hands striking out blindly and without thought. All she knew was delight, and all from dear sweet Sonata..! The sumptuous Siren was only able to enjoy her victory for a moment before she felt Twilight’s fingers pull at her very soul. The physical act of play and her own roiling emotions had put her on the knife’s edge- now set to falling by the sight of her dearest love set to satisfaction. She couldn’t resist, not for one more second even if she had wanted to. It was too much to take in at once, and so she let it flow freely. Twilight had wanted her to feel good, had she? Well, of course she would satisfy. No one else could make her feel like this. The two women tried to catch their breath, faces flush from effort and the aftermath of delight. Rising from her place atop, Sonata pulled back and went to her knees, allowing Twilight room for air and reprieve. Slickened hands retreated, moistened fingers dampened and carrying a sweetened aphrodisiac. “You… you nearly made me come first,” Sonata giggled, pulling Twilight’s hand so as to gain a few licks of her own juices. “You meanie.” “You just… felt so good,” Twilight said sweetly, “I had to say thank you.” “Oh, you really are the perfect girlfriend,” Sonata said, eagerly finding those lips for another kiss. “What would I do without you?” Twilight turned a darker shade of pink, but did allow herself a smile. “You’re welcome. I just- you know…” Sonata cocked her head. “Know what?” It hadn’t been enough time together, but she had to say it aloud. She certainly felt it to be true, if not knew it to be true. “Love you. You know- a lot.” “Love you, too, Twilight. Thanks for having fun with me! I know I couldn’t have waited a moment longer.” Turning herself about, Sonata rose to her feet and tried to wipe away what juices that had dared to dribble out from beneath now-soiled clothing, giving her appealing form a vigorous shake. “Hope you’re ready for more! I know Aria can hardly wait to get her hands on you! All that pent-up longing, oh my…” A teasing wink and a smile as she departed, Sonata’s last words doing their work to rouse Twilight from her ecstasy, returning her to the normal world and all its trappings. Oh, that was right. She’d become so focused on this one moment, this one person, that she’d quite forgotten that she had more than one girlfriend. And Aria would indeed be eager; being the middle sister was not a title the twin-tailed Siren had quietly accepted, especially in their united relationship. She would be ferocious, hungering even. The thought was… Twilight smiled. Poor Aria, always having to wait a little longer than she could handle. She’d just have to make it up to her, wouldn’t she? > 2. Eager For Satisfaction (Sci-Twi x Aria) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She had only resettled herself for a moment before the door slammed open, Aria striding through in a fiery pillar of emotion. Twilight felt the powerful woman’s gaze upon her, and all the voracious hunger within; excitement set her own form to light, knowing that what would come upon her next would be felt in full. It was difficult not to look upon Aria and feel exhilaration; here was a woman of potency, of fire and meaning in everything she did! If Twilight was to be taken by her, then surely it was something pleasurable and passionate. The empowering Siren was not one who had ability to fall back upon a sensuous figure or a tempting pair of breasts; yet rather than mope and moan, Aria had found her place in the mix quite well, and made each moment tempting. “And you thought you could just leave me waiting,” Aria said, eyes locked onto Twilight and making no efforts to hide how swiftly they undressed her. “I don’t like having to be patient, Twilight. You always try to stay away from me… but oh, the fun we have when I find you.” The words brought a twinge of guilt to her spirit. Aria usually was given the more middling role, a personality and sexual passion Twilight had not found herself fully accustomed to as of yet. For one whose sensuality was a far more potent feeling, it was sometimes difficult for someone more naïve to become accustomed to. But it’s not like I don’t like her, Twilight thought to herself. She’s so in control of everything. Even if she’s rough, it’s like I’m SAFE with her. That counts for something, right? It was a true thought; even with Aria’s overall rough demeanor, all their exploration together had been something Twilight enjoyed. Not even once had she shattered a barrier, broken through a line; Aria, despite all her desperate cravings, had been a wondrous lover. She felt herself pulled to her feet by the fabric of her dress and torn from the comfort of her place upon the lounge chair, pushed against cold wall and held there by the Siren’s fixations. Aria had her by the shoulders of her dress and was not content to let go; the usually burnishing flame in her eye held more than a tinge of strong feeling, the middle Siren’s jealousy at last able to show itself and find relief from the pressure.. “Aria…” “I wasn’t going to let you avoid me forever,” Aria breathed. A small nibble on Twilight’s neck came about with a slight jolt of pain; a hint of her fervor, just boiling beneath. “Did you really think I’d let a prize like you just walk away?” The grip Aria had upon her was not weak, Twilight held fast against the wall as the fiery Siren’s affections began their slow rhythm. What roughness that had come on her neck had put her to gooseflesh, a small bout of butterflies in her stomach that paired well with her nerves. While one hand kept her pinned the other was left free to explore the body of the one she desired; hard squeezes, not unwelcome, pinched down on her bottom and made known its presence. They had not even truly begun, and already this strong-willed beauty was dominating her. “Ooh…” Twilight’s unbidden cry was one of such conflicted feeling. The pain was present, but the intoxication of her growing hunger was transforming it into something pleasurable. Just how deeply these girls lusted for her body, craved to feel her and have her! The bookish woman was not one to look upon her own self and behold something desirable, yet found herself loving how her girlfriends so blatantly craved her. It was shocking, improper, and most certainly delicious; her first foray with Sonata had been enough to rev her engines and turn what could have been hesitancy into eagerness; intimidating as Aria could be, she would welcome that passion freely. “Is that excitement I hear?” The fingers that had been exploring the cushy portions of her rump disappeared from beneath the thin fabric of her dress, coming to cup her cheek and hold her gaze to that of Aria’s. The Siren’s expression was boastful, a predator about to sink its teeth into much-desired prey. “Even after fucking my sister silly, you still want more. Aren’t you insatiable…” Twilight tried to smile- soon finding her lips taken prisoner by a forceful, unrelenting kiss as Aria’s tongue dove in deep, overwhelming the young woman without hope of reprieve. That delicious tongue dominated hers in every way, plundering here and there as it will. She was powerless to stop it and loved the sensation. Aria released her prisoner slowly, succulent morsel slithering away slowly so as to enjoy the flavor for a moment longer. Twilight was left breathless, struggling to recover from the forcefulness of the moment that she almost wished had never ended. Even now she could see the hunger in her lover’s eyes, eager for full release- a sentiment likely reflected in her own. “Stick out your tongue,” the Siren commanded, and willingly did she comply. A quick intake of breath and she felt saliva spatter upon it, one last drop of flavor for her to savor. So good… Her body was beginning to tremble, her chest beginning to heave; Twilight was being inflamed by this woman, intoxicated by Aria’s desire and that of her own. To be lusted for, so deeply that the most primal of feelings could not be restrained was such a feeling to cherish that she could only want to be left helpless in its grasp. Aria wanted her body? Twilight wanted her to have it. “I’ll make you feel perfect, my sweet.” Aria breathed, hands coming to rest atop breastflesh and giving a momentary pinch about the nipple. “That’s all I want. I’ll make you feel good here-” Another pinch of her breasts- “-Or here,” she added, a hand darting back down to squeeze at her ass. “Does that sound so bad?” “No…” “You’re not scared, are you?” “No…” Twilight was being pushed to the limit, ready to plead for Aria to finally let loose. “So how about I make you scream?” “Oh my god, yes!” Twilight broke at last, melting in Aria’s grasp as her inflamed passions tore through whatever fear and restraint she still possessed. “Do whatever you want, right now! Please!” Aria grinned in triumph, eyes turning to slits that burned like trails of fire. “Thank you so much, Twilight. Don’t worry, I’ll keep my promise… now let’s get rid of that dress, shall we?” Utterly at her wild girlfriend’s mercy, Twilight was thrown against the couch and soon found herself bound there as Aria leapt atop her, smile wide as she was allowed off her leash. Hands took to fabric and pulled away at the thin veneer of clothing the spectacled bookworm possessed, tugging it downwards swiftly yet with great care; even in the midst of her work, the lovesick Siren would not see a beautiful gift destroyed by clumsy hands. With the smoothness of glass, Twilight was undressed and left only in the bare, extremely revealing lingerie beneath. “Ooh, a bow on my present,” Aria crowed. “I think it’s time for a little unwrapping.” As hips were elevated just a hair’s breadth for her work to be accomplished, Aria slid panties down from their place about that precious prize and allowed that delicate flower to soak in the free air. Memory of Sonata’s recent presence did nothing to diminish the anticipation that rocked her awaiting beloved; Twilight had to bite her lip to hold back the smile, waiting for the moment when Aria dove in and gave her that ecstasy she craved. The forceful Siren leaned down low, mouth agape as she came upon Twilight’s folds in eagerness to consume her meal- and then upon it gave only a single, slow lick, swiftly retreating with a ponderous look upon her face. “Hmm… Now, why would I want sloppy seconds?” Aria mused. The thought seemed to genuinely perplex her, her intense romanticism grinding to a halt in a single heartbeat. Twilight was left scandalized. She’d been more than willing to go along with whatever Aria wanted to do to her; to be tossed about, absolutely loved to pieces and set to screaming from the gloriousness of it, yet this woman she loved had somehow found the gall to stop! The groan that tore at her throat was painful, unwanted. “You- you can’t just do that!” she cried, the desperate need for release leaving her agonized. “Aria, why did you-” “I think I’d rather have something special,” Aria surmised, a grin on her face. “A nice cake, just for me-” A sudden grasping of flesh and Twilight was flipped to her stomach, slammed down against the couch and held there with the force of the potent Siren’s body weight. Hands came upon her buttocks and gripped down hard, spreading her cheeks wide before at last she felt the hungering plunge deep within. “OH!” Twilight’s cry came for more the sheer relief than of anything else, Aria’s torturously slow build-up at last given some form of payoff. To feel that long tongue slithering between her asscheeks was the best reprieve from her pressurized desire that she could have asked for; so often did Aria simply unleash all her ravenous affections upon her and leave her gasping for air from the sheer force of its wake. But this sensation, still unfamiliar and new, was a perfect fit. Every lick seemed to be paired with a new squeeze of flesh, a slight digging of nails so as to bring about a twinge of pain; always some, but never too much. Aria’s skillful delvings were well-practiced, with just enough physical distress so as to heighten the pleasure. And the struggle that came with it! Twilight was helpless in the Siren’s grasp, bullied into submission by the force of strength that held her firm and the waves of delight that she couldn’t ignore. Every new dig into her flesh brought a swift bolt, immediately soothed away by a lathering lick of her asshole. Aria wanted her to feel like this, if not needed it! She tried to reach out and hold herself steady, hands clawing at couch cushions in the hopes of restraining herself. A part of her even wanted it to end. A deep boring within, a lathering so deep that she felt it in her soul. No, I really don’t want this to end. “Mmf..!” Aria surfaced for air, taking pause so as so knead at Twilight’s buttcheeks and enjoy the feel of them in her hands. “Ohmygod, I just can’t get enough of you! Everything about you is just so perfect­!” A slap across buttocks in the form of a spank came for added emphasis. Twilight gave a yelp- but then immediately took note of the intensity of the sensation. That had been a strong motion, particularly across where Aria’s claws had sunk in. But it hadn’t been bad, either. Perhaps it was just a one-time reaction, but she wanted to be sure. “Oh wow.” “What?” “Do that again!” Twilight said. “I, umm- please? Spank me again?” Aria’s controlling façade fell for a moment as she gave a start; the reaction from this seemingly innocent woman that had so often been hesitant to join with her was not what she’d expected. The spank hadn’t even been intentional, mere reflex from her own passions. But it had been well-received, and now an encore was requested. Why shouldn’t she oblige? Careful not to bring too much force, another spank across plushy flesh came in a flash- and this one was echoed by a moan. “Oh my god, why does that feel so good?” Twilight sighed. “It hurts, but it comes from you and I just love it, why is that? Is something wrong with me?” “Not a single thing,” Aria purred, descending back down so as to grace those freshly welted cheeks with a soft kiss; the sensation that came was electric, nerves already afire more keen to feel the pleasure that came from the offered kindness. “You’re perfect, and don’t you ever forget it.” A sudden rush of movement and Twilight found herself flipped over yet again, there to meet the eyes of her beloved and seeing them brimming with the desire she knew to equal her own. “And I really, really need to let you know.” Twilight was still fully invested in the moment, but found herself just a tinge hesitant. “Are you sure?” she asked slowly. “I mean, last time you were down there for a while and-” “Don’t be nervous,” Aria said, sliding herself down to a lying position on her back and getting comfortable. “All you need to do is take a seat. I’ll make it worth your while.” The offer was something she wasn’t all sure of, but the feeling of Aria deep in her ass was not to be ignored, not now when she was so close to this new form of release. Fear be damned, it was time to be brave! Carefully, making sure not to poke or prod and bring about pain to her partner, Twilight soon found herself settled atop Aria where her feasting could continue unabated. Arms wrapped around her thighs and locked her in place; the strength within the Siren’s muscle was just enough comfort to make her relax- and the tongue that came plying away brought back all the wondrous tension she craved. Just the slithering sensations of Aria within her was enough to set one mad! Twilight’s will had already been eroding from the moment they’d begun, and this wasn’t helping in the slightest. Aria had absolutely controlled her throughout, yet was also willing to be her cushioning just for the sake of enjoying the depths of her ass, all with nothing given in return. This wasn’t like Sonata where she could hope to fight back; this Siren was not one so easily pushed over. If Aria wanted to dominate, she dominated. If she wanted to worship, then all Twilight could do is endure the praise only given to gods until she sung out a hymn of ecstasy all her own. A new plucking down below and the poor bookworm could only give a weak moan. Aria was magnificent at this, enjoying her meal with such relish that the meal itself was beginning to quake. Twilight needed to hold back; love demanded that she return this favor in kind- right now! But how could she, when her form was so totally ensnared? Aria would not let her be loving in return, would not allow a moment of reprieve so as to provide reciprocation. All that was allowed would be total and utter ravishment without any chance of an offered reward, Twilight a trophy upon which Aria could offer her affections. Never had she been treated like this, revered like this. All this obsessive, wondrous affection… Oh, how she loved it! With only one source of reward available, Twilight held back no part of her spirit, allowing all of Aria’s pleasures to bring forth sounds and squirmings of delight. She wanted this passionate, potent woman to know just how deeply she was appreciated, how valued her affections were. Every new lick received a sigh and a moan, a further wriggle- all the more until at last she took in that blinding flash of heavenly perfection, a climax the likes of which she had not felt yet. So new, so different, yet so, so good… Twilight was left gasping, exhilarated from the ride. It wasn’t until there was a more forceful prodding beneath her did her delirium allow her to recall that there was indeed still another just beneath her; Aria’s efforts had borne their fruit, and now oxygen demanded its place in her lungs- “Oh jeez!” Twilight practically leapt off the couch and allowed Aria the chance to suck in a fresh breath of free air, she left gasping but the victorious smile on her face spoke to the depths of her own glory. Even if she had received nothing in return, the mere act itself had been the only reward she had ever wanted. And at the sight of that uproarious face did that sense of guilt rejuvenate itself within Twilight’s heart. “Oh no…” The sound of unhappiness made the Siren’s transported expression falter. “Wait, what’s wrong?” “I nearly- but what about you?” Twilight asked. Returning back to the couch beside her beloved, she began to frisk her way across the young woman’s form as though searching for a wound. “Oh, I’m sorry- that was really selfish, I didn’t even- look, I don’t think I’d be very good at it, but you can do the same to me and I’ll-” Aria made a face before she laughed freely, delighted at the suggestion of such an act. “Oh, but I got what I wanted,” she rasped, breaths still coming in heavy from exertion and the lack of oxygen she had joyously endured. “I almost need to do it again. When you just taste so perfect, I can’t even resist.” “But- I can’t just…” Twilight didn’t know how to talk down such a happy face, especially when that happiness had come about by ensuring her own. What was one supposed to do when a person was made content by making you content? “Was- was it really that much fun for you?” “YES.” Aria said it with such firmness that it was as though the suggestion was scandalous. “Ohmygod, I need to do it again. Can I spank you again, please? Or- ooh, you could take turns spanking me- or I could get my-” A sudden pause, the forceful woman remembering just to whom she was speaking. “Maybe that’s for a later time.” Twilight shook her head; this was a futile effort, Aria too pleased with the fruits of her labor to really allow any sense of fair payment; and if this was what made someone she loved happy, the sweethearted nerd found little reason to dissuade her. “Maybe later,” she mumbled. A hesitant move towards her beloved, then a sudden plunge; lips pressed together and found their pair, all prior actions and effort forgotten as deepened affection demanded at least one small, single gift be given in return. Before there could be shock or shame, Twilight retreated and returned to her place upon the sofa bearing a furious blush on her cheeks. “Thanks… you felt amazing.” The unexpected kiss, combined with the glowing review, was all Aria needed to give life to another smile. “Now I’m really looking forward to next time,” she whispered, a small squeeze of the hand before rising to her feet and heading towards the door. “Oh, umm…” A pause at the door, a falter in her smile; Aria’s look became pensive and she wavered in her decision. The hesitancy was easily noticed. “What’s wrong?” A further flash of debate. “Twi, umm… I know it- you know, sounds bad…” “It’s OK-” “Can I have you first next time? For a good, long while?” Aria asked. The softer, smoother features she possessed spoke to her sincerity, deep desire giving life to what was likely a very personal question. “And we can… take our time. And maybe be a little gentle, too.” It was now Twilight’s turn for shock, turning swiftly to laughter as she could hardly believe her ears. Such a thing to ask, and from such a source! But who was she to deny that requested kindness, especially when she would be glad to give it in return? A single moment with Aria was wonderful; time spent in genuine intimacy would only be all the better. “I can hardly wait.” > 3. A Symphony of Utter Magnificence (Sci-Twi x Adagio) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wait was unbearable. Twilight struggled to await for what would stride through that door and find her, the fierce yearning that had settled upon her in all its fierceness starving for this next jewel of satisfaction. More than once had she known the intimate loveliness up close, felt that brilliant romanticism ravish her form until surely the heavens had to weep at its magnificence. That knowledge, resting at the forefront of her mind and making its presence known, availed her not in this torturous anticipation. This was beyond excitement, transported to a new obsession. Her love was brimming, desperate to overflow once more. She must have a reason for taking her time, Twilight counseled herself. She wouldn’t just leave you like this for no good reason. I know it’s a bit difficult right now, but just be patient. It’ll be worth it, I promise. It wasn’t an unreasonable thought. After all, this entire evening had been the brainchild of her wondrous girlfriends right from the very beginning; her outfit, her lingerie, the ride, the destination- and all that had transpired since the four of them had arrived. It was unlikely that this absence was something unintentional; no, she was meant to hunger. But I do, she thought. And sort of all the time, too. Another sensible conclusion. Twilight spent so much of her waking hours daydreaming about her beloveds, eager for the moment when they were by her side. She craved them with all of her heart, perhaps all of her very being. For so long she had been intent on knowledge, the depths of science and discovery. Yet the very moment these elegant Sirens had strode up to her and declared their affections, she had been eager to know them all the more deeply. She was still so often reserved and shy amidst their bold presences, but time had given her more desire to enjoy everything they gave to her. Twilight found herself at her happiest when she was with them, loving them in all sorts of new and exciting ways. It was more than anything she’d ever enjoyed in all her short life, and not a single thing had ever found a way to come close. I mean, what if… what if I just stayed with them for good? The eager bookworm now a bit less bookish took the time to resettle herself in her seat on the couch. She’d taken the time to re-dress, Aria’s plunderings now only a memory if one were to look at her. Twilight had taken the time to tidy herself and be re-wrapped; if she was to be a gift, then she most certainly wanted to look the part. But this gift, however, was going to show some stubbornness; this relationship would not be one-sided any longer, if she could help it. A series of gentle raps on the door, followed by the sound of movement as a small crack appeared to the world outside. “Oh darling,” sang a melodious voice, “Can I come in and- make you happy?” At last! Twilight stood up straight, a dazzling smile alight on her face. “Yes! I mean- I mean, umm, only if you want to,” she said, stumbling over excitement and her growing confidence. Wordplay was not her strongest suit, and the beginnings of foreplay certainly called for such strengths. “Want to?” Her tone was indignant, if not wounded. “Sweet Twilight, don’t you know by now? It’s not just… ‘want’ to.” The door swung open fully and in strode the most beautiful being in all the world, aflame and gleaming in the dim light. “I need to.” Oh, how Twilight shuddered at the sight of this perfect angel! Adagio Dazzle, luxury and perfection so deeply intertwined within the beauteous form that had no equal. With luscious locks that trailed down her neck in elegant curls, the jeweled eyes that gleamed like precious stones, a gorgeous face that was only heightened by the darkened color of lipstick upon her plump lips. Her curvaceous form was only just concealed by a dress of deep red, perfect bosom and plush bottom revealing their shape beneath the fabric as the gown draped down in between her thighs, allowing just the smallest tinge of concealment while all her desirable assets were given their place to be enjoyed. From the top down and everything in between, Adagio could only be considered a masterpiece- and Twilight, quaking in her seat, was absolutely drowning in lust for her. Adagio regarded the smoldering woman before her and met that lust with a desire of her own. Eyes softened at the sight of Twilight in that darkly lit tube dress, petite form given great accentuation by its tightened fabric- and still revealing enough to let what she wore underneath be feasted upon by the eyes! This spectacled goddess was hers to enjoy, and the sight of Twilight waiting for her melted her heart. “You look wonderful,” she whispered. Crimson lips took the form of a sweet smile, lit with a tinge of joy. “Just- just look at you…” “Look at you!” Twilight cried; why did it matter what she looked like when Adagio stood there, hotter than the sun? “You’re just- you- oh, come here and kiss me, please!” The sultry Siren did not hesitate to answer, just as eager for their union to begin. She was met halfway by Twilight as lips found one another and melted into bliss, happy sighs arising from them like steam as they wove together. Arms held body tight, legs became entangled as this desperately needed kiss deepened ever further; there would be no reprieve until their appetites were satisfied, and both Twilight and Adagio were starving. “Mmm…” Adagio purred beneath the loving presence of Twilight, meeting each new press and touch with a caress. She couldn’t resist this open sweetness, just how freely her love was answered. Twilight was becoming just as obsessed with her as she had been from first sight. The thought was joyous and maddening all at once; she needed to be appreciative of that fact, and certain that this sweet bookworm understood exactly how she felt. A small lick across lips as their kiss parted, fingers tracing the edge of Twilight’s chin as she retreated. Twilight came away from the dampened contact dazed, a dulled expression of blissful content allowing her to remain in the daydream. Even as the gift came to a close, she still could she feel the presence of that softened morsel brushing its strokes, the thin fibers binding tongue to lips for only a brief moment before severing. The presence of Adagio was like flame in her soul; to join with her gently was the warmth of candlelight- to unite with her was a burning wildfire in which she was burned to ashes. “How on earth did I ever find someone so wonderful?” Adagio wondered, cradling her beloved like a treasured prize. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” “You three… you mean everything to me,” Twilight replied, bashful as she let the more romantic words stumble forth. “You, and Aria, and Sonata- you three really changed my life. I didn’t know it could be so much- well, fun!” “What could be so much fun?” “Just… you know, loving someone. And to be loved back,” Twilight answered. She struggled to meet that adoring gaze but forced herself to remain steady. Adagio deserved to see the truth in her eyes, not just hear the words ring in her ear. “I always was kinda scared about it. But you three make it really easy to do. It’s natural now, I guess. And I’m really glad it’s with you.” Adagio swelled with delight at the tender words. Poetry it was not, but Twilight had meant every word and that was enough to make her heart burst. “Twilight,” she breathed, “Thank you. Just… I don’t really know what to say. Thank you doesn’t seem good enough.” Twilight grinned, sheepishly so. Eyes flickered away for a moment before returning to their pair. “We could- make love. And not really say anything.” “That sounds delightful,” Adagio purred. “As if I’d ever hope to resist-” “On one condition,” Twilight added. The beauteous vixen hesitated. “And what would that be?” Twilight took a deep breath. “That we don’t leave this room,” she said slowly, “Unless you’re satisfied, too. OK? I- I won’t be happy if you’re not happy. I want to make you feel good cause that’ll make me feel good.” A small tinge of doubt, hesitation creeping in to override her will. “Is that OK? Please, for me?” Adagio was left stupefied, all her intention and thought thrown out the window by this gracious outpouring of affection. She had intended to enter this room and see her beloved darling ravished, so utterly drenched in love that the world would be left reeling by her cries. But now Twilight’s satisfaction demanded that of her own as well, a joining of flesh that would overwhelm them both. The short months they had spent alongside this spectacled beauty had taught her that she was a sweet, unassertive thing- yet here Twilight stood, demanding her will be enforced for their mutual benefit. “I…” She felt a cocktail of emotions shaken about, each trying to surface above the other. Gratitude? Love? Awe? Each seemed just as likely as the other. “Oh, Twilight…” “I won’t ever kiss you again if you say ‘no’ to me!” Twilight giggled, her bluff laughable in the face of reality. “Please, Adagio? I- I need this. It’ll make me happy.” It was not what she had intended at all, but now an offer she could not refuse. Adagio brushed the hair out of Twilight’s eyes as she readied herself to be taken, lost in this sweet woman’s whims and carried to wherever love might bring them. “Of course I will,” she answered. “Anything you want.” Twilight smiled, a small bob on her heels from this small triumph. “OK, I- uh…” It was as though she hadn’t really expected to be taken seriously. A small flicker of doubt in that self-will that had only just begun to find its footing. “I, want to… stick out your tongue, Dagi. Can I- you know, suck on it? Is that OK?” “That,” Adagio said, “Would be wonderful.” One last smile and out stretched her succulent morsel, free to the open air and more delectable than any candy, dripping wet with flavor that was hers alone. And just as quickly Twilight was there to find her, lips capturing that longed-for tongue within her grasp and beginning that sweet, heavenly massage. Never in all her life had she felt a kiss like this, so possessive and greedy! Adagio was the maestro of bedroom affairs, the guiding hand whenever it came to their sexual needs. Never, not even once, had she not been the one in command. Yet now here she was, under the loving control of a young woman, utterly at her disposal for whatever Twilight deemed next. It was a powerlessness without the burning venom, no ache to be found in this entrapment. Instead, she felt a thrill in her heart as Twilight’s soothing efforts continued, slickened sucklings upon her morsel arriving wave after wave. And to think that she had called this infatuation before! Adagio melted in Twilight’s embrace, a primal moan escaping her lips from this new delight. The splendid Siren felt weak from these smooth kisses, a tremble whenever tongue met tongue. But best of all were those special moments when Twilight allowed her stroking motions to delve deep, lips finding one another in brief presses as the fullness of that pink muscle was enveloped. Adagio was being enjoyed in totality, the feeling of her presence delight to this woman’s heart. The heat that poured through her body was unbearably delightful. “Aah!” Her pealing notes echoed through their private quarters whenever the pleasures of Twilight’s affections struck deep; Adagio was being led along in this sapphic dance and enjoying it fully. If she had ever known that being at the mercy of Twilight’s whims was so pleasant, she would have begged for it right from the beginning. Twilight continued to pluck at her tongue, occasional lathers from her own silken morsel leaving a trail of ecstasy. Each new sensation only heightened her joy, overwhelming her all the further. It was too soon- far too soon when Twilight at least relinquished Adagio from her grasp. This new mistress of love broke their union slowly, one last trail of intermingled saliva as tongue slithered away from tongue and saw one become two once more. To her credit, Twilight’s initial reaction was not to laugh at the sight of her perfect Siren still stuck in a daze; eyes misty with a bemused smile on her moistened lips, she had been struck into happy silence by the works of her love. For one who had begun the moment with some trepidation on her own end, it was the highest of compliments Twilight could have received. Only when it lingered for a time longer than expected did she allow a giggle to escape, breaking the spell with a lingering press upon those ravished lips. “Oh, Dagi…” she sang. The light of recognition flickered to life once more and Adagio took in her change of surroundings. No longer was she standing, but now comfortably nestled in Twilight’s arms against the couch. One of the straps of her dress had fallen from the shoulder and now hung limp near the crease of her elbow to let a solitary breast be exposed, but the flush of heat across her body was most assuredly not of embarrassment- nor was the slick dripping of liquid across the inside of her thigh a coincidence. She had felt arousal before, but this was a different kind of infatuation: intoxicating, and wonderfully potent. “Having fun?” Twilight teased. She settled Adagio’s dress back to rights, fingers running smoothly across skin and flicking at waves of orange hair. “That was fun- at least for me, I mean. It was nice to take the lead for once.” “Do it again,” Adagio whispered. Twilight gave a pause. “Really? You liked it?” “Keep going, Twilight. Please,” Adagio cried, begging for the first time in her life. “Spit in my mouth, suck me dry, anything! Please don’t stop!” Never had she been reduced to such desperation, needing the feel of another person so badly. She’d wanted Twilight from first sight, but this was enough to drive her mad! Twilight’s eyes were wide as could be. Embarrassing as her girlfriends’ lavish praise could be, she’d never had reception quite like this before- from Adagio last of all! But her surprise did not last for long, transforming into a glowing pride that gave her strength. She acquiesced to her partner’s wishes, rising up above just a tinge to let her saliva dribble down slowly upon Adagio’s awaiting tongue, the slow stream growing thick as its ends strengthened connection- the liquid tie bound them together, slack shortened as Twilight indeed closed the gap between them yet again, kisses coming swiftly. They grappled happily, Adagio lost in her sweet beloved’s affections, incensed and yet so happy to simply remain. When lips came, so there was she to meet them with her own; outstretched tongue saw the presence of her pink morsel, there to dance and to be dined upon at Twilight’s leisure. “Oh my GOD..!” The cry came from Adagio’s very soul, burned with the ache that afflicted her. “Twilight!” “Would you undress for me, please?” Twilight inquired. “Let me see you again?” As if she even had to ask! Adagio rid herself of clothing so speedily that her motions became a blur, naked form exposed to the air and whatever ocular adoration Twilight wanted to give. And that adoration came in spades, Twilight’s body giving a ripple from anticipation. Those perfect curves, smooth thighs, those succulent breasts-! It was only a little further now… “Wow,” Twilight murmured. “You’re just- it’s like I can’t remember just how amazing you are.” She couldn’t help but marvel for a while longer at Adagio’s flawless figure, so lush and eager to be made satisfied by her efforts. “Wow.” “And it’s all for you,” Adagio purred, plucking at Twilight’s dress gently as she began to undress her partner. “Whenever, however you want me.” Each motion was paired with a kiss, the Siren desperate to feel Twilight’s flesh in any way she could. Gentle nibbles along the neck as the dress was pulled away; breathless strokes upon delighted lips as she unhooked the clasp on her bra, followed by one last lick as panties were soon tossed away. Adagio took the time to soak in her prize, this pure and unblemished body that awaited her touch. She was able to enjoy her, to feel the fullness of her love- how could life be so perfect? “And… right now would be perfect.” Twilight pondered her options, mind whirring as she tried to decide between the many offerings. “Would… would you- get atop me? You know, head down?” So they would dine together! Eager for her meal, Adagio snaked her away atop Twilight’s form and sank down in between those slender legs to where that sweet nectar lie in wait. Yet still did she hesitate, waiting for the signal that would surely come. This was her beloved’s show, not bound to her choices. If she were to begin, it would come only when the time was right- “Ooooh…” Twilight’s first lick was agonizing in its pleasure! The sweet woman’s hunger had turned her into something voracious, tongue driving deep into Adagio’s slit and lapping at her depths. No subtlety, no warning, just a masterstroke that made her quake. So Twilight wanted to unleash? So she would do the same. Fingers came upon the edge of the labia and spread them wide, a small trickle of fluid dribbling out as new sensation came with anticipation. One last breath, and then a plunge as the Siren began to devour her meal. It was no accident that Twilight’s relentless plundering was brought to a pause. Adagio knew her beloved like the back of her hand, where sensitivity rose and tickles became bolts of needed feeling. The hungering Siren lathered deep in those dampened depths, wishing for nothing but Twilight’s total and utter happiness. She needed to taste the juices flow ever faster, hear Twilight’s moans become fierce as body struggled to hold on. Unable to resist, she took one of her inner lips to give a small tug with her teeth, the reaction instantaneous- a cry coupled with a twitch as delight struck hard. But Twilight’s new ravenous spirit was not to be outdone. Whatever transformation that had come over her spurred her on to deliver strokes and latherings just as potent, she tormenting Adagio with the ferocity of her passions and making their loving bout a symphony of ecstasy. Just as the Siren made to pull at folds yet again, she felt a series of tonguestrokes find their mark in subsequent rhythm. One, two, three, then three times over as Twilight brought about revenge in the form of sapphic affection. It was delightfully, wonderfully unfair, and she loved it. The two women raced against the other and the eventuality of their own eroding wills. Holding each other fast, they lapped happily of one another for whatever they could seek out. Even as their folds were drenched by pouring juices, not one drop escaped a thirsty mouth; each quiver was met by a new stroke, every cry forced into muffled silence by action. They needed each other all the more desperately with each passing second, craving the feel and flavor of the other as though it were the nectar of the gods. Adagio was singing out every time she felt Twilight offer a new gift of physical affection, absolutely held in the thrall of this magnificent, nerdy beauty. Oh, if only she could feel like this forever! A small tremor, but unmistakable in form. Adagio’s efforts nearly ceased as a wondrous horror crept into her conscious mind. She would not be able to hold on for much longer, even if she tried against it with the totality of her willpower. Twilight, ferocious and hungering, was going to overcome her in this battle of love. But she needed to see her satisfied, to hear those beautiful sounds ring in her ears. How could she not finish this? Knowing that the moment would come soon, Adagio ate away of Twilight in reckless abandon, all skill and craft turned to foolishness as she tried to play catch-up. New nibbles, new licks, all ferocious as she plundered to the very core of Twilight’s slit- One slow, deep lick in her depths; From the smallest crevice and up to her pearl, Twilight took all of her love and gave it the fullness of might in a single action, tied together with one softened kiss upon the labia- Adagio broke. Bursting forth, she cried out in relief as the pressure gave way unto pleasure; her body rocked and her actions upon Twilight’s own form ceased for a time. Unable to hold to her joyous work, the beauteous Siren simply rode the wave of orgasm for its full length. Lost, adrift in happiness, and needing to be nowhere else until the waters at last brought her back to shore. When the crescendo at last departed, she found her body trembling from the intensity and she struggled to find the strength to finish what she had started. A small nibble, followed by a faceful of folds so as to weakly lick away at what fluids had come to life. It was not much, but it was all she could give for the time being. It was not much- but enough, it would seem, as Twilight gasped aloud as she came to climax. Body tightened and then relaxed, the lovely bookworm an object of envy as the tide crashed over her again and again, ebb and flow within her and letting her form enjoy the moment for oh so long. A normal woman would have found it cause for envy, jealousy at the length of such enjoyment. But for Adagio, all she knew beyond her momentary weariness was a sense of accomplishment. The evening had gone splendidly, and exactly to Twilight’s satisfaction. Twice over, too. It was all so wonderful. The gasping Siren slid from atop Twilight and settled herself against the arm of the couch so as to let her partner regain her footing. When the two women were both upright and a little more sensible, hands reached out for one another and held form against form, the two wound tight and slowly sharing kisses as breath refilled their lungs. “Have fun?” Twilight said, her voice calmer and sounding more like her normal self. “I know I’m not as good as you, but I really did try. I at least…” Real shame crept into her face, discoloration on her cheeks where redness had once been. “At least I made you come, too, this time.” “You were amazing,” Adagio assured her, and a kiss to prove her words true. “I have never –ever- felt anything so good before. Goodness, I can hardly wait for next time.” Twilight beamed, that confident gleam in her eye yet again. The glow was small, yet natural and made for growth. The evening had transformed her splendidly, and all to her benefit. “Thank you,” she replied. “You felt amazing, too, by the way. But I guess that’s just the norm from you, isn’t it?” “Mmm, I’m glad you think so.” “So…” Twilight let her words escape slowly, allowed time on her tongue before put to use. “How about we head back home? I know we’ve been here a while, now…” And so their evening was to come to an end. It had all been wonderful, and a great breadth of time well-spent. But if it was what this sweet woman wished, then so it would be. “I’ll get the limo to come back around,” she said, Adagio’s fervor beginning to dull with disappointment. “We’ll have to go out like this again sometime, maybe longer if you parents are gone-” “Huh? Oh, wait, you think I mean my parents’ place!” Twilight said. “No, I mean home! You know, all four of us? The apartment?” Adagio blinked. Surely Twilight didn’t mean- “Are- you really wanna stay the night?” she asked. “If that’s OK with you,” Twilight added. “I understand if you’re tired, or you want-” “Absolutely not! Of course you can stay the night!” The once-wearied Siren was reenergized once more, brought back to life by this unexpected declaration. “Sonata and Aria will love this, too, we’ve all been hoping you might want to someday.” “I hope you’re not tired yet, though,” Twilight said. Her grin turned mischievous, something alight within her mind. “Isn’t… the night’s still young, right?” “It is.” Adagio felt her heartbeat quicken, if only a tad. “Up for a little nightcap?” Twilight, as she would soon discover, certainly was. > Epilogue: Holding Fast To What I Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night ran long before slumber at last overtook them all. Incensed by their excursion out into the night, the four girlfriends left the strip club in high spirits and more than a little handsy. What they had accomplished in the nightclub’s depth seemed to have accomplished little in the act of relief, despite their best efforts to satisfy and be satisfied. Though clearly ruffled from head to toe and muscles burdened by exertion, there were still more delights to discover together. In the midst of it all was Twilight, as was their custom. But their once-innocent bookworm now chose to break tradition and urge them on all the more, conducting their connections with a newfound fire. Whatever that had been wrought within her was only strengthened the more the night continued; Twilight’s desire for her trio of beauties was insatiable, a burning heat that could not be soothed. Her hands could not keep to themselves from the very moment they had reentered the limousine, beckoning for Sonata so as to delight in the young woman’s breasts as entertainment. What had transpired when they at last reached home once more, however, was a different breed of voracious. At last, Twilight was every bit of the goddess they had always believed her to be, lusting for them just as deeply as they lusted for her. Clothing became optional the moment the door shut behind them, a stripshow given by each eager young woman to add to the fun. There was titillation to be found in even the simplest of actions, new acts of foreplay they could experience together. Why not something as simple as the removal of garments be made part of the game? When the time at last came for the real main event of the night, the bedroom could hardly contain Twilight’s eager machinations. The unexpected maestro for the evening, her eager Sirens happily performed for their spectacled queen in whatever way she wished. A kiss here, a lick there- and oh, so much more in between. Whatever Twilight wished to experience was what they were delighted to accomplish, seeing it done in spades. All her curiosities that had once been kept subdued by introversion were now able to run free. Having one partner to experience them with would have been more than sufficient; having three was unparalleled. But to call the young woman selfish would have been untrue, even if so many of her decisions were to her own delights also. Generous and caring was she a lover, even in the midst of this unexpected strength to command. The needs and desires of her devoted Sirens remained strong in her mind, whatever they so happened to be. Raw passion with Sonata, forceful love with Aria, and that beautiful ballet of indescribable romance that could only be found in Adagio’s arms… all of it had to be known, shared amongst one another. To see Sonata entangled with Aria as the two women fingered one another was heavenly; even in this new experience, Sonata’s luscious kisses graced her sister with all their fervor and slickened delight. The unexpected moans that came from Aria’s heart were the icing on the cake, an unexpected mewling born from powerlessness that made her obey her beloved’s wishes. And music it was to Twilight’s ears, unable to resist gently plying at her own folds as she enjoyed the show; Adagio’s joining in on her own lips was when her works became rapid yet again. On throughout the night did the four women ravish one another, finding willing hearts awaiting their touch over and over until physical exhaustion claimed them at last. Too tired even to rise from the bed and clean herself up, Sonata just collapsed in a heap and let weariness bring her away from the wild world and into more peaceful places; if one so vivacious could no longer continue, then it was as good a sign as any that it was indeed time for rest. When the first rays of the dawn met the window, suspicions were only confirmed. It was late morning when Twilight’s wracked form awoke and took in the fullness of their lovemaking. The four women had made more than just a small mess of the bedsheets, as well as themselves if her senses had anything to suggest. A sniff of her hand confirmed what she knew to be true: her sore, tired body was desperately in need of a shower. Sliding out from within Adagio’s grasp as quietly as she could manage, a wincing Twilight tiptoed away from the ravaged bed and towards the awaiting stall that would bring relief. Warm water on tired muscles was a relief; it would be a long day if she were to guess, but this was a good first step in recovery. And what a thing to recover from, Twilight thought with a grin. Just what got into you last night? It was… it was a lot of- fun! A small little wriggle from the thought and she continued her watery massage. “Mmf… don’t you have the right idea.” The steamed door slid open and Adagio’s beautiful figure staggered in alongside her, sliding in close and soaking her face beneath the streams cascading from above. “I hope you don’t mind me joining you,” she murmured. “Not one bit,” Twilight replied in a voice just as drowsy. Hopefully she would really awaken before too long. When she felt a brief kiss from Adagio’s lips, the jolt was enough to say she was on her way. Clean to the point of gleaming, the two women exited from their hygiene and quietly made their way to the kitchen. After a long night of strenuous exercise, a proper meal was in order. Adagio, adorned in a violet bathrobe, marveled at the sight of Twilight tiptoeing about without an ounce of fabric upon her skin. “I can find you another robe if you need one,” she said, pouring a mug of coffee out for the both of them. “Aren’t you cold?” “I’m fine for now,” Twilight answered. “Besides… I like how you’re staring at me.” Indeed Adagio stared, awed and delighted with what she saw before her eyes. Shocking as it were to see Twilight behave so promiscuously, just to have sight of that pristine figure was a gift she had no desire to decline. If this was how their relationship was to be from now on, Twilight would find no complaints from any of their number. “So…” Adagio coughed, trying to make sensible her thoughts. “I know it’s a bit much to ask, but… would you like to stay here? For now, at least?” Twilight regarded her. “You mean like move in with you?” “If it’s alright with you, of course,” the Siren added. “But I’d love to have you here with us all the time. And we’d definitely make it up to you…” Just the fantasy was enough to reignite her arousal, imagined evenings spent just as wonderfully as last night- and all the more as time went on! Every day, Twilight striding around her naked and beautiful for their delight, they always there to adore her… Twilight pondered the thought for a time, a small smile blooming on her lips. “OK.” It had almost been too swift for Adagio to believe. “Really?” “Sure. I love you girls,” Twilight said. “And if that’s not good enough of an explanation, I- I guess I don’t know what else is.” Adagio could hardly believe just how good life could be. She and her sisters would be with Twilight- each and every day! “We’ll get you anything you think you might need. How does a new wardrobe sound? And we can go pick up anything you need from your parents’ place…” “Hmm…” Twilight considered the offer. “Will the wardrobe be anything like last night’s ensemble?” “Would… would you like it to be?” “I most definitely would.” Beaming even more brightly than her future, Twilight could only look forward to all the memories that were sure to come. With these glorious women as her girlfriends, why should anything not be sunshine and rainbows? She reached out for her phone, left last night atop the island, and made to send out word of this new development- Oh. A flurry of texts, starting last night. Parental demands, even a few from her brother. None of them appeared pleasant, nor something that Twilight wished to deal with so early in the morning. So what that she stayed out late? She was safe, and with someone most definitely trustworthy- and most importantly she was a grown woman. She could make these choices, it was OK! But worst of all was the most recent arrival, a sprawling wall of text from Sunset, who most likely had been the one to let slip the secret of her evening endeavours. Twilight’s frown became a scowl as she dared to open the message to its fullest, eyes poring over the layers of black scribble upon screen: Look, I know what you were up to last night. This has gone far enough, you’re going to get yourself into real trouble that you won’t be able to get out of. Adagio, Aria, and Sonata are NOT trustworthy, and they are NOT good for you. Look at what you’ve started doing since you started dating them! Don’t you realize that you- With a groan, Twilight deleted the message and tossed the cellphone to the side, no longer willing to see any more than she could bear. Again and again, her friends had tried to ruin her first relationship, and all for no good reason! They all seemed so certain that Adagio and her sisters were these awful, terrible people. But what proof did they have? None. Not even the barest scrapings of empirical evidence that they didn’t care about her. Sonata was vibrant and loving, Aria was ferociously devoted, and Adagio was just the perfect darling- how dare they try to take this from her! If anything, Sunset was just jealous; furiously, emphatically jealous that Twilight had grown so quickly without her constant worrying. A hand rested upon her shoulder and roused Twilight from her growing anger. Adagio had crept to her side, taking note of her girlfriend’s discomfort. “Are you OK?” she asked. “Sunset. Again,” Twilight grumbled. “She just… hates you girls. And for no reason! She keeps trying to take me away from you like you’re not the sweetest girlfriends ever. It’s so dumb! It’s like she never even was really my friend and just wanted- wanted a pet! Someone she could control! It’s just- Ugh!” It was too early in her morning for this, emotions too vulnerable for such an attack. What hope she’d possessed for the day had been stolen away, sapped out by the deliberate spread of misery. Adagio continued her soothings, trying to bring Twilight down from the height of her discontent and back to more sensible ground. Sympathetic she remained, hurting for the wounded woman she cherished. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry. I know it must feel terrible, but it’s not your fault. Please tell me you know that.” “I just- she can’t keep treating me like this. Like I just have to do whatever she wants,” Twilight muttered. “You’re my choice. And I want her to understand that you make me happy.” Adagio gave a half-smile before planting a kiss on Twilight’s cheek. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out,” she said. “But… how about I help you in the meantime?”