> Spike and the Giantess Dragoness > by Typist Gray > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Manliest of Dragon Challenges > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What? There’s no way,” Ember said between chuckles as she and her friend sat on the edge of a lava pit. Her legs were long enough to soak her feet, but her shorter compatriot wasn’t so lucky, and merely had to dangle his feet just above the molten rock. “No, I’m serious,” Spike asserted. “All the way through!” He then became eerily profound as he added. “I still see it in my nightmares sometimes.” Ember roared with laughter (literally) as she fell on her back and clutched her aching middle. “I c-I c-can’t!” she guffawed as she rolled around on the stone. Spike just sat by her side and patiently waited for the larger blue dragon to get it out of her system. As he did, his eyes inevitably started to wander. Though he’d grown up around ponies and learned what made ponies attractive, since he started hanging out with his fellow dragons, he began to understand what made dragons appealing. For one, Ember had a lovely tail. The base had a nice thickness, which complimented her shapely ass, and gradually narrowed to a fine tip along an impressive length. Ember’s breasts were also lovely. Ponies had their teats near their groins, but dragons had nicely rounded chest bumps. While Ember’s weren’t the biggest compared to other dragons, they still had an excellent shape that bounced enticingly as she rolled around. Then she stopped rolling and locked eyes with Spike. “Like what you see?” asked the blue dragon with a cheeky grin. “I, uh…” Spike trailed off as he tried to remember Ember’s lessons on dragon etiquette. Dragons had manners, but they were starkly different from how the ponies raised him. “Uh, yeah, I’d… tap that?” Ember got out one final chuckle, shook her head, and sat up. “No, I keep telling you to be more assertive. You gotta speak like you believe everything you say is right.” “Okay, but what happens if I assert something that upsets somebody bigger than me and they want to fight?” Spike asked. “Then fight,” Ember said as if it were obvious. “Even if you can’t win, take your lumps and walk away with your head held high. Dragons respect boldness. No matter how big and scary the enemy, never back down.” “That sounds like a good way to meet an early death,” Spike commented. “Maybe for ponies, but dragons are made of tougher stuff.” Ember kicked at the lava and splashed some in Spike’s face. “It’s like that story you told me about the phoenix eggs. If you’d stood up on your own and fought them off, even if you failed, that might’ve changed some minds. If you were willing to stand up to a bunch of bigger bad guys to fight for what you believed was right, that’d make them wonder if maybe you are right. Unfortunately, since your pony friends came in to help out, that kinda killed the whole mood, and nobody learned anything.” Spike nodded as he processed this new info. It wasn’t official, but he was something like an ambassador from the ponies to the dragons. Everything he learned about his scaly kin might someday be critical in settling disputes between the races. “Dragons respect bravery. If I believe in something, I just gotta hold my ground and never back down.” Ember nodded. “Okay, you’re getting the words, but what about the attitude?” She stood up and cocked her hips in an alluring pose. “So, I’ll ask again. Like what you see?” Channeling Rainbow Dash, Spike gave a confident smirk as he said, “You’ve got a tail I’d love to bite.” Ember’s confidence evaporated as her blue-scaled cheeks turned red. Spike’s expression fell. “T-too much?” “Only if you didn’t mean it,” Ember answered with uncharacteristic bashfulness. “Ha!” laughed an obnoxiously familiar voice as a group of dragons descended near the lava pit. “Look at that, boys. The Dragon Lord is blushing!” Garble chortled. “Just like a dainty wittle pwincess.” “I-Shut your ass up!” Ember barked back. “Oh, wait. That’s your face. Sorry, but it’s so hard to tell with you sometimes.” Garble’s gang began snickering, much to his annoyance. “I still can’t believe you’re the new Dragon Lord.” “Why? Got a problem taking orders from a girl?” Ember questioned. “Wait, you’re a girl?” Garble feigned surprise. “Sorry, I couldn’t tell. Your tits are almost as small as you are.” Garble began laughing while his gang just stared at him in confusion. “I’m saying she has small tits. Laugh with me.” That finally got them going, though their hearts clearly weren’t in it. Ember’s blush returned as she folded her arms over her chest. “Th-that didn’t even make any sense.” “So? It’s still true,” Garble countered. “Everybody knows that size is all that matters. If you’re not big, you’re small, which makes you weak.” “That is patently false, and you’re an idiot if you actually believe that garbage,” Spike asserted, finally speaking up since the new dragons’ arrival. “Well, what a surprise. The wittlest baby dwagon is gonna lecture me about size.” Garble set his hands on his hips and thrust forward, bouncing his large sheath. “Don’t tell me. Let me guess. It’s not the size, but how you use it, right?” “Yeah, that’s a fact.” Garble dismissively scoffed. “Ha. That’s rich, especially coming from a dragon who’s barely into his wings. Which, I might add, are also pathetically tiny.” “They’re bigger than yours were at his age,” Ember countered. “You needed a microscope just to see those napkins.” Again, Garble’s gang snickered at his expense. It looked like the dragon was about to boil over. And then something surprising happened. Spike turned around to face his blue friend. “Ember, no. Don’t stoop to their level. You’re better than that.” Ember blinked, taken aback. She was prepared to form a united front with Spike against Garble and his gang. But, of all dragons, she never expected him to turn on her. “You can’t beat an idiot by playing his game. He’s got a natural advantage. Instead, show everyp-body”—Spike corrected—“that you’re better by holding yourself to a higher standard. You were just telling me I needed to be tough and stand my ground for what I believe. Well, I believe that you need to be tough without being a dumbass about it,” Spike asserted. “Because, and I must stress this point, the alternative is to out-idiot an idiot, and you’re too smart for that.” “Did he just insult her or us?” asked one of Garble’s gang. “Is that what you’d call a… a backhanded insult? Like, it sounds insulting, but it’s really a compliment?” “Honestly, I lost track halfway through.” “Everybody shut up!” Garble growled and fixed his fiery glower on Spike. “Look at you, the puny dragon from puny pony land. You got big words to cover up your small dick. Well, dragons don’t fight with words.” He punched his fist into his palm. Fighting the urge to flinch in fear, Spike remembered Ember’s lessons and held his head high. “What’s fighting gonna prove? You’ll still be bigger than me, but only because you’re older. That doesn’t mean anything.” “Fine, then how about a challenge,” Garble offered. “We shall enter the arena, just as our ancestors of old, and engage in the most ancient and honorable contests in all of dragon history,” he said with an unusual level of gravitas and reverence. “You don’t mean…” said one of Garble’s trembling cohorts. “Oh, but I do. I, Garble, do hereby challenge you, Spike”—he threw out his arm and pointed in a dramatic declaration at the smaller drake—“to trial by sex!” Spike blinked, taking several seconds to process what had happened as he turned to face Ember. “Does that mean what it sounds like?” “Uh, yeah, pretty much,” Ember confirmed with a shrug before facing Garble. “What are the terms?” “We each grab a broad and bring her to the arena. Whoever makes their bitch scream the loudest wins.” Garble then glanced at Ember. “Also, you can’t use that bitch.” “Excuse me? Ya wanna phrase that differently?” Ember threateningly asked. “Well, he obviously can’t use—” “DOWN!” Ember’s voice boomed across the land as her hands glowed. Even at a distance, she was still connected to the Dragon Staff, giving her full command over her kind. As such, Garble impacted the ground so hard, he left a crater. “I am the Dragon Lord, fool. No one uses me. Understand?” “Y-yes, my Dragon Lord. S-sorry,” Garble squeaked, feeling as though the previous Dragon Lord was sitting on him… again. “That’s better.” Ember’s glow faded as her voice returned to normal. She closed her eyes and took several breaths to compose herself while Garble’s gang cowered at her might. When she opened her eyes again, she saw that Spike’s wings weren’t the only parts that were stiff. Unfortunately, that was kind of the point. Except for his tail, Spike was severely lacking downstairs. Then, as if he’d read her mind, Spike turned to face the others. “You’re right. It wouldn’t be fair for Ember to participate. If I even make her squeak, it might set off an avalanche.” He waited for Garble’s gang to finish snickering. Seriously, these guys were too easy to please. “So, how about a compromise. We each pick the other’s lady. That way, it’s at least fair.” Garble snorted. “So, does that mean you accept?” Spike curtly nodded. “It does. Actually, this is kinda perfect. I’ll show you that size really doesn’t matter, and I’ll do it with skills I learned from ponies.” “Yeah, sure,” Garble laughed. “Alright, we’ve got a deal. Tomorrow at noon. We bring our broads to—” “Ladies,” Spike cut in. “We’re bringing our ladies.” Garble stared in abject confusion. “What’s the difference?” “The fact that you even ask just proves that I’m gonna win,” Spike countered. “Whatever. We meet at the arena on Mt. Rage, which is known for landslides. Whoever can get their ‘lady’ to scream the loudest and trigger the biggest avalanche, wins,” Garble asserted. “That sounds like a terrible way to judge a winner,” Spike observed. “And it’s not even a rule,” Ember interjected. “We get three unbiased judges. Since elder dragons usually don’t give a damn what the rest of us do, they’re usually the best.” “Spoilsport,” Garble huffed. With the deal made, the teenage gang flew off to find Spike a lady. “Are you sure about this?” Ember asked in concern. “I mean, not that I’m doubting you, but…” She trailed off and motioned to his diminutive groin. “You’re, like, half Garble’s height and a quarter his length. Not too many dragons are gonna be impressed with that.” “If it were a contest of fists, I’d be pretty screwed,” Spike confirmed. “However, if it’s a contest of screwing, I think I might just stand a chance.” “What, really? So, that stuff about pony skills wasn’t a bluff?” Ember asked in intrigue. “Is there, like, some secret way to thrust or something?” Spike narrowed his eyes up at his lady friend. He’d suspected this for a while, but he needed to be sure. “Ember, does this mean anything to you?” Spike formed a V with his fingers, pressed it to his lips, and began flicking his tongue through the gap. Ember blinked and tilted her head in confusion. “Uh, no. Is that what ponies do for handshakes since they don’t have hands?” Spike’s eyes widened as he turned to stare off in the direction Garble had disappeared. “Yeah, I think I can win this.” “Well, at least it sounds like you’ve got a plan,” Ember allowed. “Though, I still have no idea what there is to plan about. I mean, sex is just sex, right? Anyway, I think I know just the bitch to give us an edge.” “Ember!” Spike chided. “What? She really is a bitch. In fact, she’s proud of it. Even by dragon standards, she’s hard to get along with.” Then, after a moment’s pause, she added, “Don’t look at me that way. Garble’s off getting some broad he thinks you won’t stand a chance against. So it’s only fair that we do the same.” “I… I guess you’re right,” Spike allowed. But, truthfully, it was silly of him to take offense at a few words, especially if he was the only one who cared. Besides, he had bigger things to worry about. “Of course, I’m right. I’m the Dragon Lord. Now, you go find somewhere to rest until tomorrow. I’ll go and wrangle a living bad attitude.” And Ember flew off, leaving Spike alone to devise a plan. > Chapter 2: Trial by Sex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instead of a clock tower, dragons used a series of geysers that erupted at predictable intervals. One near Mt. Rage released its upward ejaculation, marking the allotted time. Already, dragons of all sorts had gathered. There were the three judges, each the size of a small mountain and sitting disinterestedly way off to the side where they wouldn’t squish anyone. Closer, a surprisingly large crowd of dragons, young and old, had gathered along ledges that surrounded the arena. Standing upon the carved platform and performing his routine stretches to limber up, Spike asked, “Why are there so many?” “Not sure if you knew this, but you’re kind of a big deal, Spike,” Ember explained. “You’ve done quite a lot that’s gotten a lot of attention. Folks are curious how the pony raised by dragons will perform. Also, this crowd isn’t much bigger than usual. Trial by sex is always an audience pleaser.” “Greeeat,” Spike replied. “Fucking pussy.” “Singe!” Ember barked, whirling around and leveling a fierce stare at the taller dragon. “What did I tell you about talking?” Singe rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Save it for the douche bag,” she tiredly repeated. Singe was roughly a head and a half taller than Ember with reddish-brown scales that almost camouflaged into the stone background. Her tits were bigger than Ember’s head, and her ass had roughly the same width as the purple drake’s extended wings. She had an extra curvy figure, an impressively thick tail, and numerous other features that dragons found attractive. Although, her resting bitch-face was a turnoff for most. Worse, every time she got a rise out of someone, she’d show off her jagged teeth in a smirk. “That’s right,” confirmed Ember. “I don’t want to hear that cunt mouth of yours flapping any more than I have to, get me?” Singe grumbled her acknowledgment. “So, where is the douche bag, anyway? If he’s a no-show, you’re still paying.” “Wait, there he is.” Spike pointed at the new forms descending from the smoke-filled sky. One was Garble, looking reprehensibly pleased with himself. The other… was a goddess damned monster! Oh, wait, never mind. It was just a green female dragon who, despite having teenage features, was taller than most adults. Spike estimated that she must be at least twenty feet tall. Each tit was bigger than his whole body, to say nothing of that ginormous booty. Her figure was killer, with claws that could rend steel, stronger and sharper teeth, and most of all, she was pretty easy on the eyes. Once Spike got over his initial shock about her size, he began noticing other details. Something about her body language reminded him of Fluttershy, someone who didn’t like crowds, and quietly resented the one who brought her here. “Puny pussy dragon,” Garble greeted with a sneer. “And also Spike,” he added, not noticing the flicker in Singe’s eyes. “Meet my big sister, Inferno.” “I… whatever,” Inferno disinterestedly replied, staring down at her toes. Or rather, she stared at where she figured her toes would be beyond her immense boobs. Ember clenched her jaw. She figured that Garble would pull some kind of dirty trick, but she never figured he’d stoop this low. Unfortunately, she was powerless to say anything. They’d agreed to the terms beforehand, so any attempt to protest would be taken as a show of weakness. The judges might even declare Spike the loser before anything even happened. She turned to her friend, ready to offer words of encouragement to keep him from being too scared, or maybe even some tips on how to screw larger lovers. However, she didn’t expect to see the young drake utterly stiff as he stared up at the obscenely tall teenager. “Uh, Spike?” Ember waved her hand over the purple drake’s face until he snapped out of his stupor. “Hmm, what?” “You okay?” Ember glanced down at Spike’s erection. “You got this?” Much to everyone’s surprise, Spike started snickering. “He-he-he hahaha-ho. Are you kidding me? Twilight loves shrink play. I’ve basically been training for this for most of my life!” Garble blinked. “Wait, what?” Inferno snorted her amusement. “So much for your big plan, little brother.” “H-he’s bluffing,” Garble insisted. “Look at you. You’re freaking huge. There’s no way you’d even feel him.” Inferno’s expression fell as her shoulders slumped in disappointment. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” “Not even close,” Spike countered as he stepped forward to the center of the arena. He pretended there weren’t hundreds of eyes upon him as he focused on the tall dragon. Then, remembering the last-minute tips Ember had given him, he said, “Bitch, you’re gonna feel me, and I’m gonna make you scream.” Inferno’s green cheeks tinted red, but her expression remained cold. “We’ll see.” Ember then stepped to the arena’s center. “Challengers, to your marks,” she declared, causing the chatter in the stands to quiet. Everyone started paying attention as each male moved to stand opposite his female. Inferno looked cautiously optimistic, Spike was reverent, Garble was posing like he’d already won, and Singe was deeply upset for being ignored for so long. “Ready? Aaand… go!” Unsurprising for the dragons, the females made the first move. Singe took wing and tackled Garble to the far end of the arena, where they began what was either rough sex or attempted murder. Either way was enjoyable for the audience to watch. Inferno, however, was more relaxed as she fell to her mighty rump with a crash that could be felt miles away. Then, with a tired sigh, she reached over Ember, casually ensnared Spike in her claws, and brought him up to her face. “So, you’re the little foreigner that’s causing all the commotion, huh?” “I guess I am,” Spike agreed as he made himself comfortable in Ember’s grip. Inferno frowned. “How come you’re not struggling to escape?” “Well, the point of the contest is to please you, right? Escaping kinda defeats the purpose,” Spike explained. Inferno snorted. “Well, you’ve got more balls than most of the bitches I shove up my cooch.” She blinked as something poked her thumb. “Wait, did you just get harder?” “As I said, my friend likes to shrink me down all the time.” Spike then pushed out his chest and added, “Not to brag, but I’m pretty skilled at pleasing the larger ladies.” “Pleasing?” Inferno questioned. “Like, what’s that mean?” “Pleasing, ya know, making your lover happy.” Inferno rolled her eyes. “Garble said the ponies made you a total pussy. I guess he wasn’t completely full of shit.” “Nah, we’re only talking around 75%. Probably no more than 80%,” Spike replied, making Inferno snicker. “You said you, eh, shoved people up your, um…” “Cooch,” Inferno finished. “Yeah, that. Well, is that it?” “Is what it?” “Is that all you do to please yourself?” Spike elaborated. “Don’t you, ya know, have them rub your body?” “I tried rubbing them on me, but they always fly away after things get too rough,” Inferno explained in disappointment. “No, I mean… What if you didn’t use your lovers as, well, toys? What if, hypothetically, you let me roam free so I can touch your body like you deserve?” Inferno’s brow climbed up her forehead in intrigue. “You… wouldn’t try to get away?” “No way,” Spike chuckled. “I think I’ve got a thing for big girls. Even if there wasn’t a contest, you look like someone who needs a little attention.” Inferno’s expression grew skeptical. “How do I know I can trust you?” “Because you can just sit on me if I do something you don’t like. Although, fair warning, I’d probably like that,” Spike explained. Inferno blinked. “Is that a pony thing, or are you just weird?” Spike grinned. “Yes.” “Fine,” Inferno sighed and set the little drake down. “Whatever. I didn’t have any expectations, anyway.” Ember released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. She had to repress her impulse to scream when Spike utterly defied common sense and started walking toward the giant. “Could you lay on your back for me, please?” Spike requested. “It’ll be easier for me to access your body.” “Whatever,” Inferno dismissively agreed and laid on her back. Her cynical side wondered if she had time to take a nap. However, her analytical side began wondering just what this little guy had planned. He sounded like he had a plan, but she couldn’t imagine what it was. At best, Dragons were generally described as greedy lovers. The strongest took what they wanted, and if the other party got anything out of it, that was just a lucky bonus. Inferno had always been big, but puberty led to a colossal growth spurt. Ever since, whenever the mood struck, she’d grab any dragon not quick enough to fly away and shove them up her twat until she came. It was obvious that she did that. At least, most dragons assumed she did that, which was part of why she rarely hung out with dragons her own age. And now, she was supposed to mate with a young drake roughly the size of her finger. Just what did he expect to do, anyway? The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to know. Spike flapped his wings to get a better view of his target. He surveyed the vastness of her body, licking his lips as he assessed the best place to start. Eventually, he planted his small feet on the big dragon’s giant right boob. Inferno made a sound somewhere between a squeak and a grunt. She snapped her head up to face the perpetrator. “Hey, what are you doing?” “I’m gonna play with your big boobs until you’re happy,” Spike matter-of-factly explained as he cracked his knuckles. “B-but your hands are so puny. How am I gonna even feel—whoa!” Inferno gasped when Spike reached her areola. The tiny creature got on his knees and started massaging her nipple’s base. “Nnngh!” she groaned, letting her head fall back. “Th-that’s niiice.” “Tell me about it,” Spike said as he ran his hands over the wide, rubbery surface. He molded the large nub as though sculpting clay, squeezing and pressing as he liked. “No, seriously, tell me about it. I wanna know what makes you happy.” Inferno chuckled. “Well, uh, can you, like, nibble it?” “You got it.” Spike opened wide and gently chomped down on the pink nub. Inferno’s body shivered as she gasped. “By the Eternal Flames, what was that?” she demanded as volts of electric pleasure shot through her system. “You asked me to bite your nipple,” Spike reminded as he continued playing with the nipple. He squeezed from either side as much as he could, only to let the hard flesh bounce back. “Want me to do it again?” “H-harder,” groaned Inferno. She growled in her throat as Spike complied. His tiny teeth hurt, but in an exciting way. “Yeah, now, y-your claws, too.” At her direction, Spike’s firm caresses switched to digging his claws into her sensitive nub. He bodily threw himself over her nipple, using his hands and feet to dig at her areola as he continued biting. Oddly, she was aware of his tiny erection poking at her nub. “Wh-why aren’t you humping? D-don’t you want to feel good?” More importantly, why did she care? That’s what most spectators asked themselves, including Ember. “This feels good enough,” Spike groaned as he started moving his whole body, bringing his elbows and knees into the mix to touch and stimulate her areola and beyond. “Delayed gratification.” “Wh-what’s that mean?” Inferno asked as waves of pleasurable stimulation washed around her breast. She dug her claws into the surrounding stone and pulled her knees in to keep from thrashing. The big dragoness was hardly even aware that she was forcing herself to submit to the little drake’s caresses. She just wanted these new and exhilarating sensations to continue. “It means I’m holding out for a bigger climax,” Spike explained, only to come to a sudden stop as he got a better idea. “You want to feel even better?” Inferno blinked. “It gets better?” “Yeah, check this out.” Spike jumped in the air and cannonballed into Inferno’s boobs like they were a pool. “Squish me.” “Huh?” “You heard me. Squish me!” Spike repeated. “Well, alright,” Inferno allowed as she complied, bringing her hands to squeeze her tits around the little guy. She’d done this before with smaller dragons. It felt nice enough, but this act made it too easy for them to escape, so she rarely indulged. It seemed like Spike was trying to escape as well, but it felt different than usual. He was flailing his limbs around, but he wasn’t trying to pull himself in any particular direction. His little body made her massive orbs tingle, so she adjusted the pressure to come at him from a different angle. That also felt great as Spike continued to squirm. Inferno bit her bottom lip in muted joy as she toyed with the drake’s tiny body. Maybe the issue was that she needed toys who were too weak to get away? Wait, no. Something was still off. Finally, she opened her canyon of cleavage to behold the purple dragon. “You weren’t half bad.” “N-nothing to i-it,” Spike panted while lying on his back. Then, he threw up a fist and gave a thumbs-up. “J-just give me a sec to get my breath. Woo, those babies were hot!” Inferno chuckled. “Thanks, I guess. Most dragons don’t notice that my scales are so warm.” “Well, most dragons are idiots, cuz they don’t know what they’re missing,” Spike asserted as his chest rose and fell with his labored breaths. Inferno’s ear twitched as she picked up on some of the conversations from the audience. They were talking about her, not about how they could get away if she came for them, but about her qualities. Were her scales really so hot? Many wanted to find out. They were talking about her, and they weren’t afraid. It was refreshing, to say the least. Spike sat up with a start. “Okay, second wind! Let’s do this!” He hopped to his feet and turned to face the giant dragoness. “So, where do you want these bad boys to go next?” he asked while wiggling his fingers at her. Inferno made a peculiar raspy squeak, only to cough and compose herself. “D-do that again.” “The boob squish?” “No, th-the finger thing.” Grinning, Spike committed the most heinous act known to pony or dragon kind. He started to mime. The drake imagined having someone like Ember stand before him as he mimed caressing her supple body. He wiggled his fingers as he described his actions. “If you were my size, I’d start with the sides and trail down your curvy body. I’ve been told that dragons can be pretty ticklish around this spot.” Inferno grunted as she stared mesmerized at Spike’s entrancing digits while her own found their way between her massive thighs. Technically, this was against the rules since she was just a prop in someone else’s challenge. But, actually, no one cared enough to speak up. After all, interrupting a giant horny dragoness wasn’t a mistake one made more than once. Spike’s tongue fell from his lips as he imagined sloppily slobbering over the tits in his face. “I’d go to town on your boobs, but it’d be a shame to leave that perfect ass unattended,” he explained while reaching down and squeezing the imaginary cheeks. “Ember said that dragons just take what they want and go, so I bet you’ve never had someone show that dragon booty the attention it deserves.” “W-well, there’s been a couple,” Inferno weakly argued. “Oh yeah? Did they do to your butt what I just did to your boobs?” Inferno slowly shook her head and licked her lips in anticipation. “Ya want me to do that now?” Inferno nodded so hard her head looked like it might pop off. “Wait, uh, how would that work?” “Easy. Flip over, and I’ll show ya.” Spike ascended into the air as Inferno complied, her body crashing into the stone floor with every movement. She rested on her elbows to better look over her shoulder, which he understood. If she wanted to watch, then he had a duty to give her a show. So, he fluttered down to her ginormous jiggling glutes and perched on the left cheek. Then, on a whim, he bounced. “Whoa, this is like a trampoline!” he exclaimed, laughing like a little kid. Inferno grunted on each jump. “Hey, that’s—ngh—sensitive. You—ngh—really shouldn’t—Oh!—Stop that!” “I can’t help it,” Spike giggled. “Your butt is too much fun.” Something about Spike’s excited and boyish laugh tugged at Inferno’s chest. “F-fine, I guess. But this had better not be all there is.” “Oh, trust me, it’s not.” Using her ass to gain extra height, Spike jumped in the air and dove straight into her ass cleavage. Unlike her breasts, Spike had a specific goal in mind. “Hey, it’s even warmer in here,” he praised as he crawled through the cheeks, ensuring his body covered the maximum amount of surface area possible. “How are you liking it so far?” When she didn’t answer right away, Spike again asked, “Inferno?” Inferno had slammed her face into the stone arena with such force that it left a face-shaped crater. Her screams were muffled by the rock and drowned out by her fist repeatedly pounding the floor. Spike crawling through her crack felt terrific. His every wiggle unleashed another wave of pleasure against her sensitive skin, turning her on more than ever. A fire burned between Inferno’s legs, making the dragoness moan in discomfort. She wanted to skip to the good part and just shove Spike up her snatch, but he was doing too many new and spectacular things to her body. She had to see what came next. She didn’t have to sit on him or use any kind of force. He just touched her rarely-touched rear of his own volition. He cared enough to ask how she felt, implying that he’d change to make her feel even better. Unfortunately, as much as she’d like to say something, she simply couldn’t think straight. She’d had so little experience playing back there that she wouldn’t know what to say, anyway. All that mattered was a tiny dragon was touching her sensitive backdoor and… Oh, no! “Alright, I guess I’ll just do my own thing,” Spike informed as he continued toward his goal. Finally, he arrived at the dark green pucker between her massive mountains. “Hey, I don’t know if you can hear me”—she could—“but experience says that this is gonna get kinda intense. So, ya know, brace yourself.” And with that, Spike reached out to touch the wrinkled flesh. Inferno reflexively clenched her ass cheeks around the drake. She didn’t mean to, but she couldn’t help herself. The dragon lifted her face from its crater and started panting with her tongue hanging out. Squirts of clear liquid shot out from her draconic pussy as she came. Her ass had always been sensitive, but she could never figure out how to get others to touch her the right way. Yet somehow, this drake from puny pony land made her climax with just a single tap. It was embarrassing. Worse, as her body tingled in the afterglow, she felt Spike resume moving. Even as the giant butt cheeks clenched around him, Spike never ceased caressing Inferno’s pucker. He played with it as he’d done her nipple, pressing on the flesh and experimentally pinching random areas to get a reaction. Everything got a moan out of Inferno, which just made him harder. Still, he held out for one of his favorite parts. The drake then formed a spear with his fingers and slipped it into her anus. The gigantic ass shook even more wildly around him, but the clenching cheeks held him steady as he penetrated ever deeper. Spike loved doing this to girls, especially Twilight. He loved how, despite his size letting others seemingly use him, he had all the power. Inferno was still winded from cumming, which only got worse as Spike breached her backdoor. It started with one arm, and then another. Every second, more of him entered her hole, stretching her anal cavity precisely how she liked. Again, she slammed her face into the face-shaped crater and screamed. Her ass felt spectacular, but it was also her weakness. She was too sensitive down there, which was why she’d always had mixed feelings about playing with it. Spike, however, had approximately zero fucks to give. He pushed ever deeper and spread her anal ring ever wider until his head sank inside. Inferno kicked and punched the arena, inflicting such awful abuse as her pleasure climbed to new heights. Inferno’s bowels were hot, just as Spike liked. He’d trained himself to ignore the smell as he wiggled ever deeper. The dragoness’ moans were even louder in here as they reverberated through his bones, making his erection almost painful, but he held on. The slippery muscle undulated around him, trying to pull his little body inside in contrast to its standard function of pushing things out. This was normal in Spike’s experience. An ass’s hunger was criminally neglected, which was why he loved feeding himself to them. The dark tunnel ahead pulsated, sending ripples of pressure over him like a full-body massage. He was tempted to relax and let the rectum take him, but he still had a job to do. So, he dug his claws into the anal walls and pulled himself further into the dark. Inferno’s tail joined the chorus of flailing limbs as she felt Spike penetrate ever more deeply. He wasn’t blindly struggling for freedom. Instead, the drake deliberately moved his limbs, touching as much as possible to get a reaction out of her. She’d never fucked anyone so attentive to her needs, and she loved it. Despite herself, she turned her body to the side to better access between her legs. She jabbed two fingers up her already moist sex, which was still drooling from her earlier orgasm. The dragoness stirred the digits around her vaginal tunnel as Spike continued wiggling in her bum. It was overwhelming. She slapped her hand over her snout to muffle another scream. That’s when she felt it. Spike suddenly stopped moving as his body went stiff. Her impossibly sensitive ass even felt the tiny, wet spurts near where his cock stabbed her. Realizing that Spike had finally cum in her ass pushed Inferno over the edge as her body locked up as well. This time, she stabbed her triangular snout into the stone arena like a nail, screaming so hard that even the judges felt the vibrations. After what felt like hours of blissful afterglow, Inferno recovered enough to regain her senses. Spike’s movements had died down, but it was impossible to ignore his presence in her ass as she sat up. Inferno craned her neck over her shoulder to stare appreciatively at her round cheeks. Every twitch caused him to stir, triggering a brief but palpable burst of delightful stimulation. Even they seemed to glow from finally achieving satisfaction. Although, she also giggled at the drake’s invisible presence. There was absolutely no sign that she had a living, breathing creature shoved up her poop chute. She briefly considered keeping him up her ass for a while, maybe even pushing some gems inside for him to snack on. However, the thought of shoving more things up her ass rekindled the flame in her loins. There was more to do, and she wanted to see more of Spike’s skills. So, after climbing to her feet and squatting for the audience to watch, she pooped the purple drake into her hand, and brought him to her face. “Hey,” she warmly greeted, expecting the little creature to be too exhausted to give much of a response. “Whoa! What a rush!” Spike cheered. “Man, I don’t know what Trixie’s problem is. Asses are fantastic.” Inferno blinked in surprise, as did Ember and everyone else. “Y-you really liked my butt that much?” “Liked it? I had a blast! It was—whoa.” Spike tried to sit up, only to collapse back into the dragoness’ giant palm. Clearly, the spirit was willing, but the body was soft and spongey. Spike chuckled. “I guess you squeezed me pretty tightly. Hehe. I hope that means you liked it, too.” Inferno softly giggled, a sound she hadn’t allowed anyone to hear in years. “You weren’t half bad. Though, there’s another spot I’d hoped you could get to.” She gestured with her eyes at the drying cum around her crotch and thighs. Spike didn’t need to look to know what she was referring to. “I figured, but could you give me a sec? I can’t feel my toes right now,” he said with a shit-eating grin. “I swear sexy asses are gonna be the death of me someday.” Inferno giggled again, if a bit more loudly. “Ya know, I think you just gave me an idea.” “Wait, I take back what I said,” Spike cut in, still grinning. “Sexy girls with ideas are gonna be the death of me.” Inferno gave a mischievous grin. “You’ve shown me that giving pleasure is a lot more fun than it sounds. So, since I’m not willing to just sit back and be patient, how about I do something for you while we wait?” she asked, finishing by licking her lips. “I think I see where you’re going with this,” Spike chuckled with a knowing smirk. “Do I have a choice?” “Sure. You can choose to enjoy letting me have my fun.” “Then go for it.” With consent given—a first for Inferno—the dragoness brought the little drake up to her snout and parted her lips. Spike went wide-eyed as he beheld the vast cavern before him. Saliva dripped from the mouth’s roof and pooled around the winding tongue. Unlike the other mouths Spike had entered, this one had sharp teeth lining the edges, giving the impression of danger. He trusted Inferno not to chew him up, just as he’d done with his pony friends, but his heart still raced. Then, Inferno’s tongue struck like a snake and stole a lick from Spike’s round belly to his face. He tasted pretty good, despite his previous excursion. Luckily, dragon poops were basically rocks, so they didn’t leave any nasty residue to interrupt the dragoness’ fun. As such, Inferno licked Spike again, this time starting at his foot and traveling along his side. Another lick swirled around his chubby belly, making him giggle and filling her chest with a peculiar warmth. Finally, her long and slippery appendage snaked its way down to his groin. He was soft, but his cock had trace amounts of semen, which she elatedly lapped up. Male or female, Inferno loved tasting her toys’ sex juices, though she’d never had someone as young as Spike. His seed was like an explosion of flavor in her mouth, stoking the fire in her groin. Adjusting herself to a sitting position that still allowed access to her sex, she tilted her head back and dumped Spike into her waiting maw. Ember stared in silence at the absurd duo. She was only supposed to speak if she saw any rule violations, but she had no idea if this applied. Nothing these two did was anywhere near normal for trial by sex. Least of all were their reactions. Inferno seemed so tender for being so powerful, and Spike was positively eager despite his apparent helplessness. In fact, it almost looked like Spike was in charge while Inferno was happily receiving his affections. One thing Ember knew for sure was that as soon as this contest was over, she needed to get Spike alone to figure out his tricks. After all that she’d done to teach him, he owed her some lessons in return. Tumbling down the green palm like a ragdoll, Spike limply flopped onto Inferno’s wet tongue. He’d have liked to embrace it and proactively hump into the slippery appendage. However, he’d yet to recover, so he contented himself with a break. Spike let Inferno push him to the roof of her mouth as she ran her tongue all along his back. The next thing he knew, the world flipped, and he had no idea which way was up. He only knew that his back was now pressed against her cheek while her tongue played with his front. The broad middle stroked up and down his form, while the more dexterous and slender tip paid special attention to particular areas. She licked circles around his belly, making him giggle, and then caressed his lips to coax him into a pseudo kiss, which he happily returned. Then, her slippery taster slid down to his groin. Her moans echoed all around him, overriding his own as he cried out. Her tongue prodded his little balls and bounced his little prick, making Spike squirm from the pleasurable attention. Inferno felt Spike’s moans more than she heard them. She was too busy purring from his delicious flavor. His scales were more earthy and less potent than his cum, but he was still a delectable treat. It was almost more fun to toy with him and make him squirm. Now, she had the power to please him, whether he liked it or not. A deep blush took her green cheeks as she tossed him around her mouth, wanting to taste every inch of his small body. She loved tickling his sides and under his pits because his laughter made her feel giddy. Her tongue constricted his tail to bring him back to full erection, which was slowly working, but she didn’t want him to cum too soon. However, even if she wanted to draw things out, Spike was just too fun to play with. He was utterly helpless before her might, yet he seemed to love every minute of it. She couldn’t help herself. Spike gasped in shock when he felt Inferno’s tongue slip between his cheeks. That wasn’t new. Girls loved his little dragon butt. However, it was different when her slender tip probed his anus and actually penetrated his ring. Spike’s mouth opened in a mewling whine as his ass opened up for the intruder. Sure, he and Twilight liked to play with the occasional toy, but he’d never had something alive up his ass. It was so warm and wiggly. He didn’t know what to make of it. However, his resurrected erection suggested that he didn’t hate it. Luckily, Inferno finally opened her mouth, gifting the drake with blessed fresh air. Inferno panted as she held her hand in front of her parted lips and extended her tongue. Spike was still attached to the end, moving like a little puppet as she pressed his front to her palm. She loved tasting dragon ass, and not just the outside. Playing with others by shoving them inside her body was fun, but there was nothing quite like the power that came from going inside others and making them her bitches. Her tongue was longer than most dragons her age, which was just how she liked it. She loved how Spike’s clenching rectum did nothing to halt her advance as she sank into his rear. Spike’s mind was nearly blank as he experienced so many overwhelming sensations. His ass was stretching like never before, and he was feeling places he never realized had feeling. He gripped the dragoness’ middle finger as his ass parted for the ever-widening tongue. The tip snaked its way through his system, winding through his intestines. He was painfully erect by the time she stopped in his stomach. A noticeable bulge protruded from his belly as the absurdly dexterous appendage poked around the chamber. It pressed on different areas within the confining space, making it almost appear that the drake had several small creatures squirming around in his stomach. Spike glanced over his shoulder to see Inferno’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as she groaned. She loved this, and he increasingly didn’t hate it. Eventually, she resumed her intrusion, penetrating ever further into his body. His ass felt wide enough to fit a basketball, yet it still had room to stretch. At long last, Spike felt something move up his chest, prod his uvula, and finally push free from his mouth. Spike stared in awe at the magnificent tongue. Unlike the broad and flat tasters of ponies, this slender serpent was just like his, only bigger. The way it wiggled around outside his mouth, one could easily mistake it for either being his, or that he was guzzling down an extra-large worm. Spike’s mind was too fogged over to know what to think. His body was still in the middle of so many alien sensations as the giant tongue pulsed within his digestive tract. Even the slightest rotation within his passage felt like the whole thing was inserting itself all over again. He was barely conscious when the slippery tip gave his nose a wet and affectionate lick. It would have been cute if it wasn’t for everything else going on. Finally, Inferno had her fun. As her tongue turned Spike into a puppet, she’d fingered herself to near climax, only to stop. As his prick stabbed into her palm, she could tell that he was also on the edge, and she wanted to cum with him. So, as carefully as possible, she began slowly extracting her tongue from the drake’s innards. He moaned around his mouthful as her tongue retreated through his lips and down his gullet. He reflexively swallowed, only to resume his wanton cries of lust. Honestly, he seemed a lot more lucid than most dragons she did this to, which wasn’t too surprising. Spike was an impressive little drake. At long last, after what felt like a small eternity, her tongue wiggled free, leaving Spike to catch his breath and come to terms with what happened. Spike’s body twitched. Despite being relatively close to numerous volcanos and having a dragon’s hot breath pelting him, the air still felt cool as it blew across his gaping anus. It was a near reverse of his prior condition. Now, his body had largely recovered, but his spirit was drained. He could move, but he couldn’t think clearly enough to know what to do. That’s when he noticed a soft pressure push down on the back of his head. Looking up, he saw Inferno’s finger return to repeat the process. She was petting him. It was a small and simple gesture, but one that radiated affection. Then, noticing that the giant, fearsome-looking dragon also rewarded him with such a tender and affectionate smile, Spike felt his spirit rejuvenate. He had more control as he slowly pushed himself up from the giant hand. Unfortunately, sitting felt too weird, so he had to awkwardly lie on his side like he was posing for one of Rarity’s ‘secret’ photos. “You’re really something special,” Inferno said in muted awe. “Dragons twice your age can’t move like that after I’ve spit-roasted them.” “Heh, I guess…” Spike trailed off in a daze. “I forgot what I was gonna say, he-he.” “Well, I know what comes next,” Inferno said as her eyes gestured down, past her mountainous cleavage, over her hilly abdominals, and to her hungrily winking pink slit. “Hey, mind giving me another sec?” Spike requested. Inferno appeared offended. “What? Why?” Spike chuckled at her impatience. “I just wanna make sure I make this as good as I can. You deserve my best, and that’s what I’d like to give you.” Inferno growled in frustration as her cheeks reddened. “Grr, stop saying such confusing things. It just makes me want to play with you more, but it also makes me want to… not? Ugh, what is this?” Spike chuckled. “It’s sweet that you’re thinking about me, but I just need a few seconds to catch my breath. It might not be 100%, but I think you’ll appreciate the difference.” Inferno squirmed in anticipation. She wanted to put Spike in her pussy now. However, the prospect of him giving the same treatment as he’d done her ass and tits was too enticing to ignore. Dragons generally didn’t practice delayed gratification, but Inferno was starting to see its merits. “Fine, you got one minute.” “More than enough,” panted Spike as he lay in her palm. “So, you come around these parts often?” “Uh, my cave is just a few miles south, so I fly by here all the time,” Inferno uncertainly replied. “What are we doing?” “Small talk,” Spike answered. “If this was a bed, it’d be pillow talk. Hehe, how’d you like to wake up to this face first thing in the morning?” he asked while pointing both thumbs at his face. Inferno’s scaly lips cracked in an appreciative grin. “I could definitely do worse. Why? Do you want to be my mate?” “Nah, but thank you. Besides, I’m kinda too young for a mate,” Spike evenly replied. “Not by dragon standards. You’ve got your wings, so that makes you an adult.” Inferno’s grin widened as she saw Spike’s cheeks darken. It was nice to make him feel flustered for a change. And, if this was anything close to how things felt on his end when he did this stuff, she could certainly see the appeal. Spike pursed his lips. “Yeah, sorry. That’s nice of you and all, but I gotta get back to Ponyville pretty soon. I’m just here to make a point that size isn’t everything. A little TLC goes a looong way,” he finished by flicking his tongue at the larger dragoness. Inferno’s scowl deepened. “Stop making me horny. We’re already fucking, so stop trying to make me crazy.” “Sorry, but I’m not gonna make a promise I can’t keep.” Spike bounced his brows as he gestured down south at his little soldier standing at attention. Then, slowly, he managed to push himself up. Standing was still out of the question, but at least he had full feeling back in his limbs. “Okay, I think I’m good.” “Finally!” Inferno screamed, dropping her façade of calm as she fell onto her back with an earthshaking crash. Then, parting her knees for the audience to see everything, she grounded her feet to the arena. The dragoness initially tightened her grip around Spike as if he was any other fuck toy, but quickly loosened her fingers. She knew he wouldn’t try to escape. The look of awe in his eyes as she brought him around to her sex confirmed as much. It excited her to see Spike lick his lips while his cock twitched. His willingness just turned her on even more as she lowered him to her pink slit. “Mmh,” Spike moaned as Inferno touched him to her sex. The pink gash was a little taller than him, but that didn’t matter as he embraced her lips. She lewdly groaned, so he started moving. “Different girls like different things,” he called out as he ran his hands up and down her scaly yet soft folds. “Just tell me what feels good.” “Gah! M-more!” Inferno croaked back as her hips bucked in the air. Somehow, despite him doing the same thing to her anus, Spike’s actions still caught her by surprise. He touched her sensitive lips in ways that only tiny hands could, but none had ever bothered. His little fingers were precise as they teased and experimented with different touches. He tenderly caressed the edges one minute, only to roughly dig his claws in the next. Inferno’s ass repeatedly crashed into the arena as she bucked her hips, loving absolutely everything. It was even hotter for Inferno to stare through her canyon of cleavage. Save for his flicking tail, Spike’s tiny body was barely visible against her mound, yet his touches were undeniable. Inferno’s mind began to go fuzzy when she felt Spike push her vaginal lips together and start humping. The little drake was trying to fuck a slit bigger than himself. She might call it pathetic if she weren’t genuinely impressed. She barely noticed his prick between her folds, yet his motions were more than arousing. It was almost enough to know that he was trying, that he wanted to give her all the pleasure he could. That’s when Inferno’s pussy winked. The lips parted like a hungry maw, revealing the fleshy pink tunnel beyond, only to suddenly close on Spike’s front. He didn’t fight it. He liked warm and wet passages, especially those that reeked of feminine musk. It was awkward, but he wiggled his arms into her sex and formed a wedge, widening the area ahead. This caused more juices to gush out and coat his scales in erotic-smelling stickiness. The lips winked again, and he sank even deeper. Her twat was even hotter than her mouth as the slickened walls gripped his diminutive form. Inferno’s unintelligible cries echoed through her body as Spike wiggled, pulling himself further into her passage. Her engorged lips smacked around his sides, and then his hips as he sank ever deeper. Inferno saw that only Spike’s tail remained outside her sex. The rest of his body was inside hers, voluntarily touching her sensitive walls. Others had tried to break out, but Spike pulled himself further into her passage, driving her mad. She screamed, croaked, and barked the deeper Spike went. A fountain of love juices flowed from her sex as he wiggled, staining the already abused arena. Her left claw dug into the arena while her right reached up to squeeze her breast. Her fingers clenched until it hurt as she roughly rolled her breast around, loving the pain. As Spike took the big plunge, he made sure to touch as much of Inferno’s passage as possible. He moved so that his front ground against her moist walls, creating spectacular friction against his hardened length. It felt so good that he had to hold back from cumming. He probably only had one good spurt left, so he needed to save it for the final climax. Until then, hot and slippery flesh slurped up his tail like a noodle, fully enveloping him. Suddenly, he felt two pointed prongs against his rear, which he instantly recognized as Inferno’s fingers. He smiled at how the girl managed to hold out for so long. Inferno stabbed her digits deeply into her sex, forcing Spike further inside as she continued groping her tit. Each plunge pushed him a little deeper. His wiggling remained steady, but it felt better the further he went. Inferno roared as she thrashed around in what seemed like a tantrum. Ember narrowly managed to escape being flattened. Spike just felt so good that the overgrown teenager couldn’t help herself. Yet somehow, her digits managed to grab Spike’s tail and stir him around a little. He continued clawing, kicking, humping, and licking her insides, so the added friction from her fingers exponentially multiplied her pleasure. He was like her toy, but proactively trying to get her off. Spike grinned as he basked in the power. This was a literal giantess, not just pretend like when he shrank for Twilight and the others. Even so, she was still moaning like a sex-addled slut, all thanks to his expert caresses. Her screams caused the vaginal wall to vibrate around him, making the drake feel even better. The already snug passage constricted around Spike’s body, but he wasn’t deterred. He kept pushing further inside, licking and touching the walls. Each little gesture earned a powerful moan from the dragoness, emboldening him to do more. Then, as the passage started to flood with sex juices, Spike eagerly opened wide and drank his fill as he braced for the inevitable. Finally, Inferno’s vaginal walls clenched as she experienced the greatest orgasm of her life. Pleasure shot through her system like lightning as she screamed. It felt like everything might burn up as her mind went white-hot. As her body tensed, she speared her fingers into her twat to relish the stretching, but also to catch Spike. She felt him continue moving within her depths. His body also tensed in what she presumed to be a shared orgasm, which only heightened her pleasure. They’d cum together, and now, the small drake was caught in a tidal wave of fem-cum. She tried to hold him in place to prolong her orgasm. His every movement still felt incredible. However, the force of her climax eventually proved too much. A geyser of sticky goo shot out from her draconic pussy, launching Spike a few feet in the air like a dolphin breaching the ocean’s surface. However, upon his descent, Inferno managed to catch him in her outstretched claw. She felt oddly accomplished for doing this as she held the drake in place, her love fountain continuing to spray over his prone form. When the moment finally passed, and Spike came down from his orgasmic high, he continued staring up at the smog-covered sky. Cracks of light breached through the volcanic clouds, almost as if the sky were celebrating Spike’s victory, because that’s what happened. The foreign drake that everyone dismissed as a runty weirdo had just conquered a giantess dragoness. Dragon pussy was terrific, and he hoped to experience more in the near future. After a time, the world started to move. Or rather, Spike’s platform moved him closer to his lover’s face. His body was sore and spent, so he could barely move. Finally, however, she brought him up to her face, and they shared a gentle smile. “W-was it good for you?” he asked and weakly laughed. Inferno chuckled as she stared adoringly at the only dragon to get her off who wasn’t bigger than her. Her mind was still fuzzy from her orgasmic hi, but she could still picture everything Spike had done in her mind’s eye. His every action within and against her body was permanently ingrained in her memory. He’d played her like an instrument, used her despite their size difference, and she adored him for it. Dragons coveted treasure, but they also respected power, and Spike’s skills definitely made him a force to be reckoned with. As such, she at least owed him an answer. “I—” “GAAAAAAHHH!!!” The feminine shriek shook through the rocky wasteland, causing everyone to snap to attention and seek out the source. Some looked toward the nearest mountain as a mighty wave of stone, ash, and dirt crashed down the side. However, this avalanche was merely triggered by the initial sound. Inferno and Spike were still recovering from their orgasmic bliss, but they only needed to slightly turn their heads to discover what had happened. Way off at the arena’s edge, where they’d be safe from Inferno’s wild flails and uncontrollable spasms, Garble and Singe had also concluded their challenge. The little drake, giantess dragoness, and even the audience all owlishly blinked as they realized they’d forgotten these two were even here. Though, in all fairness, a giantess with proportionately huge tits was a little bit of an attention grabber. As for Garble… Well, while Spike just spent the last half-hour demonstrating his skills as he put himself inside the dragoness, Garble was on the receiving end. No one really saw what led up to this moment. However, at present, Singe had her arm shoved up past the elbow into the red dragon’s ass. “That’s it! Scream for me, slut!” Singe roared, her fangs bared in a sadistic grin as she sat on Garble’s back, pinning his wings with her legs as she penetrated him. Garble unleashed another booming, yet oddly feminine wail. It was quieter than the last one, but still put any sound Inferno had made to shame. “Y-yeeesss!” he moaned. “F-fuck me, mommy!” “Yeah, you like being mommy’s little bitch, don’tcha,” Singe cruelly sneered as she ground her backside into Garble’s back scales, her pussy drooling over his spines. Then Garble went stiff as his mouth shot open, unleashing a pathetic whimper as he presumably came on the arena, rather than within the dragoness dominating him. It took several seconds for Ember to finally process what she’d seen, and to remember that she was the referee in a contest. Clearing her throat, Ember stepped to the center of the arena, which granted an up-close view of Inferno’s gaping and gushing sex. The air reeked of sex, so she flew high enough to escape the stench and avoid becoming too aroused. “Well, it looks like we have a winner.” Her voice was loud enough to reach the audience, but her tone was confused. She looked to the elder judges and awaited their verdict. After a moment’s deliberation, the three giants each belched a steady stream of flames to indicate their chosen winner. All three were unanimously reddish-brown, the same shade as Singe’s scales. “The winner of this trial by sex is… Singe, for making her partner scream the loudest.” The audience came alive with murmurs. Some denounced the verdict as unfair since Singe was merely a component of the competition and not a competitor. Others argued that the rules never specifically designated the competitors, so all participants were qualified to win. Either way, the result was a major upset that no one saw coming. Ember, however, tuned them all out as she flew down to check on Spike. He somehow smelled worse than Inferno’s snatch, making her own burn with need. It was hard to take her eyes off the drake’s drooping member. However, after what she’d seen, his claws and tongue were equally enticing. Ember had to slap herself, sensible. “Spike, can you hear me? Are you doing alright?” “Hehe, never better,” the drake replied with a tired, goofy grin. “So, I lost?” Ember apologetically shrugged her shoulders. “Well, at least Garble didn’t win… technically.” Spike chuckled again. “Singe was smaller than him, yet she still made him scream.” “Uh, I guess so,” Ember allowed as the truth slowly donned on her. “The whole point of this silly challenge was that Garble thought only size mattered, while I argued skill was more important. So, since Garble got overtaken by a smaller dragon, even if I lost the contest, I still won the argument.” Ember held back for only a second before she utterly lost it. She threw her head back in uproarious laughter. It was a guttural, belching sound, which was soon joined by everyone else in the audience. Now that the sex had died down, everyone was free to hear Spike’s soft yet humble reasoning, and they couldn’t get enough. Even the elder judges gave soft chuckles that still caused small tremors. However, none laughed more heartily than Inferno. Garble had been a little vague as to this contest’s point, but now that she knew the reasoning, she was over the moon that her brother had lost. Spike’s skill more than deserved to win over Garble’s supposed size. *** Later, after things had calmed and the elder judges flew off to do elder dragon things, it was a further ten minutes, and six dragons before Singe’s arm was pulled free of Garble’s anus. He pulled his tail between his to cover the absurdly gaping hole as he lowered his head in shame. Spike, however, was a good sport. He congratulated the red dragon for enjoying himself in something new. After all, sex was more fun when everyone did their part to make each other happy, rather than selfishly seeking their own gratification. Garble still tried to argue, but Inferno put her foot down so hard that it delivered the finishing blow to the arena, finally putting it out of its misery. Skill and technique were superior to size—endof story. Afterward, Spike started making more frequent trips to the Dragon Lands. The locals were finally taking him seriously as an ambassador, and not just because Inferno followed him like a shadow. Sure, she was a little intimidating, but the dragons had begun genuinely respecting what they referred to as Spike’s pony strength. It was different from what they were used to, but if it could conquer someone like Inferno, then they weren’t going to argue with results. Some dragons even accompanied Spike on supervised visits to Ponyville to better understand these so-called skills. To the surprise of none, Twilight was more than happy to educate them, sometimes for hours on end. And as for Inferno, she may or may not have gotten into a few altercations with Ember. It wasn’t over anything silly, like who got to be with Spike. That matter was already settled. They could both have Spike as much as they wanted, and even shared him quite often. They just wanted to establish who’d be the dominant female in their pack. Dragon families consisting of only six members were considered small, and comprised of any random combination of males and females. However, one male and female had to be designated as the alphas that all others had to obey for the family to stay cohesive. As such, while Ember and Inferno settled on who’d be Spike’s top girl, they tasked him with finding additional mates for their pack. Ultimately, Spike’s life was about to get a lot more hectic.