> Secrets and Realizations > by PinkV5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Inauguration Day. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Girls, really it's fine. You don't have to worry. I'm OK. I can handle this, maybe," Spike said with dread to the main 6 before taking a sip of his drink. All of them gather at the friendship castle to talk about the latest news that's been flying around town. One week from now spike and his friends will be teaching at the National All-race friendship academy. And, Spike was nominated to give the grand opening speech throughout Equestria. (Sigh) "Can I be honest with you guys," Spike said. "Course you can sugar-cube. We wouldn't want it any other way." Applejack responded sincerely. "Great...HOW IN ALL OF EQUESTRIA DID I GET NOMINATED?" He said throwing his arms up to his head and ruffling his spines. "I can't give out a-a speech to all of those people. It should be one of you guys." He protested. "I'm n-not smart like Twi, or as open with people as Pinkie, or a bad ass like Rainbow. I'm not like any of you, I-I mean...How did this happen to me?" He finished in a Frantic swing of emotions while studdering on his words. "O darling, you don't need to be like us. You're your person. That's what matters." Rarity said. She reached for spikes hand, the drake lightly jumping to her soft touch. "She's right", said Fluttershy. "And, who said you weren't a bad-ass. You're a freaking Dragon for crying out loud". Rainbow replied. "..." "Uhhhhhh Pinkie, your turn to say something". Twilight said. "What, oh ya, Ur right. We all know that you're going to do a Great job spike. Super, dubber, uber job." Pinkie pie said. "What gives pinkie? Why'd ya paused? U always have something to say to cheer somepony up." Aj asked. "Sorry, I was just thinking. Why was it that spike was chosen to give the speech?" she said. ​"I'm afraid that I don't follow you, Dearie." Rarity was the first to question her. "Look, I'm not saying that I'm not happy for spike, I'm just wondering...how was it that Twilight wasn't the one chosen to give the speech. Wouldn't it make more sense for the Princess of Friendship to give a(n) inauguration speech at a school called "Friendship Academy"? They all couldn't help but agree. "I hate to say it, But I think you're on to something here. Why was Spike picked over you Star butt," Rainbow said? "Stop calling me that. And, to be honest, I don't know. I'm just as lost as you all are." Twilight respond. "I've got a pretty good idea". Spike said as he gulped down the last of his drink and walked towards the doors of the Crystal Castle. Spike took a deep breath and opened the door. Not a second after he let out a giant breath of green fire. The fire gather on the ground and formed a circle. The girls look onward in confusion. "Hey, hot breath. Mind filling us in on what that is and what your thinking." Rainbow exclaimed. "Girls were going to go pay my mother a little surprise visit," Spike said. > Surprise visit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Girls looked down at the fire and stared at it. All but Twilight and Rainbow. While rainbow's face lit up in excitement, Twilight's remained neutral. She knew what Spike did and just, casually walked inside the circle. "Spike darling, what is the meaning of this...this-uhhhh...uh hmmm... "Circle Of Hellfire," Rainbow said excitedly, Scaring Fluttershy. "One. It's not Hellfire, and Two, It's a long-range teleportation spell Twilight and I developed a couple of weeks ago. If twilight ever ran out of magic, I thought I could help her out somehow. So, I asked if it was possible to change the messenger spell." Spike replied. "Why can we just have Twilight teleport us there? Or maybe take the train?" Fluttershy said griping to rarity as she stared at the fire. "What she said." Rarity replied while patting her head like a puppy to calm her down. Teleporting all of us to Canterlot would be taxing on me and this is faster. And, will provide some experience for spike with teleporting other people to different places. Not just myself." She finished. "So you tested this already?" Aj asked. "We sure did. And, after a Bunch of research, note-taking, and experiments, we found out that Spike can use his natural draconian essence to cast magic. He's the first dragon in history to use magic like this. I already sent my findings to the Princess. It's not just his fire either, It can be his saliva, bathwater, or his" Spike shot Twilight a heavy glare as the girls' focus was on Twilight, almost screaming (Don't u DARE). AJ, noticing Twilight's gaze, looked over to spike who almost immediately turned to the right. Avoiding eye contact with the element of honesty, sporting a heavy blush. "You know what let's forget that last one." She said fast after seeing spikes glare and heavy blush. "Why?" Pinkie said "Because it's...a little bit gross." She said nervously. Rarity gagged, looking like she was going to vomit. "I don't wanna hear anymore. Let's just go already." Rarity said as she jumped inside. Applejack did the same, holding Fluttershy bridal style. Pinkie was playing with the fire and suddenly grabbed a bag of marshmallows out of her hair. Rainbow flew inside and stood next to twilight. "And you were planning on telling us you could use magic when?" AJ asked. He said. "Eventually,...I was gonna surprise you guys the next time all of us were leaving ponyville together." "Heeeyyy, How come it's not burning?" Pinkie questioned with disappointment in her voice, staring at her marshmallow. "Well, when spike cast a spell using his fire, we found out it doesn't make heat. When it does, the fire will turn orange." Twilight said. "Alright, Enough nerd talk, let's get going already." Rainbow now wants to get on with her day after having to listen to everyone else blab on and on. "OK, rude. Spike start her up." Twilight asked. As the fire started up and spike eyes began to slightly glow, rarity looked at him and grabbed his arm, firmly holding it between her impressive cleavage. Spike began to blush heavily again in order to distract rarity from his face. "What, I'm not wearing my Saturday Be- (FLASH) Princess Celestia what currently sitting at a table surrounded by Nobles and businessmen/women of Canterlot. Being the ruler of all means a lot of responsibility to bear. One was attending boring meetings. Having a poker face came in handy for situations like this one. (Why in my own name must I have to attend these things Nearly every single day. I swear the only time I ever get to have to myself is, Ironically when I'm Sleeping or when my son was here.) Her mind suddenly shifted to all of the fun times [not to mention free time] she had while Spike was still living at the castle. She thought of all the times when they would play hide-and-seek, go out to fun private events and eat dinner together, talking about anything that came to mind. And, the best memories were at night when she would read spike a story and watch him fall asleep before leaving the room. Of course, there were other good memories, like the pranks that she would secretly pull with him on the royal staff, using her magic to tie the shoelaces together on the butlers, Switching the mineral water out with scentless vinegar, and of course the classic banana peel slip. Celestia lightly chuckled at the memory. "Princess, are you alright." One mare asked with concern. "I'm fine why do you ask?" Celestia only now shacking back to reality. "Well, when the duke said that his mother came down with Lymphoma last month, you started laughing. She's been in the hospital." The mare said with all of the room staring at her. The Duke frowned greatly. Now realizing that time didn't stop during her flashback, she quickly thought of an excuse. "Well, I was just, uh, happy to hear that she's getting treatment. If you would like, I can have one of my personal Physicians look after her for you when she's released." Celestia stated. The room turned over to the Duke now smiling almost as big a pinkie does when she sees cupcakes. "Why, that's so very kind of you, Princess. It would mean the world to me." "Then consider it..." Suddenly, Celestia felt a familiar presence floating around her Castle. "Done...Consider it done." She said trying to finish her earlier statement. "Um, if you all would excuse me for just a moment, I believe I have something else that needs attending to." She quickly stood up and walked towards the door telling everyone to continue without her. As soon as she reached to door, however, her entire demeanor changed. U see, Celestia really loves her son. So much so, that it's almost Scary. While she does "technically" consider all inhabitants of equestrian to be her children, it's plainly obvious that she cares about her adopted son heavily. With her eyes filled with joy and her wings tingling in delight, she raced down the hallways and corridors, not caring who was looking. Completely forgetting that she could teleport. Within seconds, she found herself in the royal garden, looking for the presence she picked up. She turned to the pond and saw light appearing above the water. With a quick flash, Spike and the rest of the main 6 were floating over the pond...just before dropping into the said pond. With a small yelp from them all, they found themselves covered in muck. "Is everybody OK," AJ asked. "NO. My hair is completely RUINED." Rarity said while sobbing. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH, U GUYS SHOULD SEE URSELF'S RIGHT NOW."(snort) Rainbow said as she just casually flew above them. "Never before have I ever been so happy to have wings, Cause this view is Priceless." (rainbow laugh track) Suddenly, Rainbow felt her wings buckle and collapsed into the pond. Everyone watch and laughed at what had happened. "Ur right, the view is priceless." Pinkie said while chucking. "Not cool using magic on my wings Rares." "It wasn't me although it should have been." she bit back Rainbow turned her attention to twilight who was picking algae from her hair. "What? I wouldn't do that. Well, not just now anyway." "Well, one of you did." "That would be my fault. I thought it would be funny." All eyes diverted to Celestia who stood next to the pond. As if by instinct, everyone stood up and bowed before Celestia. Celestia cast a spell removing them from the water and dried them off. Her eyes transitioned to spike. "My son," she said getting teary. She ran over to Spike and hugged him, slightly pushing the girls out of the way. "It's so good to see you again. How have u been? Are you eating well? Did u sleep enough? Are you making more friends? Are u hoarding again? Are having any "urges" as we talked about? Are you starting a harem with the girls? (GASP) AM I A Grandmother? Are you... "Ma Pls Stop." Spike's face is now flushed with red from those questions. The girls giggled and chuckled at him. Everyone but Fluttershy, who heard the harem part, blushed even harder than spike. "Mother, we need to talk." spike said. "Of course we do. It's been ages since you visited me." She replied. "It's only been a month. Anyways, I came here to talk to you about the upcoming speech that I have to give," he stated, slightly annoying Celestia, as she thought he came here to catch up and not to ask a question. "Well, you're spending the night since you're here, as will the rest of you. I'll arrange some rooms to fit your needs." Before anybody could protest the idea of staying, Celestia teleported the girls into the royal dining room. Leaving her and spike in the garden. They walked to a bench and took a seat as spike told Celestia about his dilemma. "Well, the reason for that is because...well, your you." She said to spike with a smile. "Can you not speak in riddles." He replied with annoyance. "Oh, but I'm not. You see, apart from my sister and me, you are the only other being in existence to have such a close connection to the Elements of harmony. Although not with the actual elements themselves like us, but with the Current bearers. You have befriended them and have formed a deep bond with them. You learned from them and in doing so, learned the true meaning of their elements and the meaning of friendship. In a way, you possess all of them. Knowing this, I thought it be best that you give the speech." She finished. Spike let out a sigh of relief saying thanks. "You know, for a second I thought I was picked because I was your son." "Oh, it was also that too," she said. Spike's face changed as she said those words. Slightly enraged and disappointed he said "Mother, we talked about this. You can't play with power in order to spoil me." Celestia crossed her arms. "I can promise you that I didn't just do that because you're my son, the image of your face is well known throughout equestrian. From the Dragon lands to the Crystal Empire. Along with the new changeling empire, plus you are THE Friendship Ambassador. If the rest of Equestria was to see you, the son of an Alicorn & #1 assistant to the Princess of Friendship giving the speech, It would surely spread a positive notion throughout all of Equestria." She finished. He backed off her case and humbly apologized for assuming the worst. "Do you...think I can stay here with you then? At least until I have to give the speech? I'm still a little nervous about the whole thing." he asked. She grew a large grin and stared at spike, making him gulp at nothing With Sass in her voice, she said "Oh ho ho, you were going to stay even if you didn't ask. You can't just pop in here, ask a question and then leave right afterward. Plus, with you here, I have a genuine reason to ignore, I'm mean to postpone my current meeting and I get to spend time with you." This was going to be a long week. > The Garden talk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As nighttime descended in Canterlot, a small party was being held inside the royal Dinning hall. Pinkie thought it was a good idea to throw one as always. All inside the castle were welcome to attend. After the party, however, is when the real fun began. "Thank you so much for the dinner Princess Celestia". Rarity said wiping her mouth with a napkin. "I can honestly say that was The best dinner I've ever had. And I should know, I use to see a cook." Rarity quoted making spike roll his eyes in annoyance. "Use to, what happened?" Fluttershy asked. "He only ever wanted to meet up at his place. Whenever "I" wanted to go somewhere, he would try to talk me into heading to his house. At first, I found it cute that he was so eager to be with me. But, you'd think they'd get the hint the first time around. I'm a Lady, not some "thing" he can just sweet talk into bed." "Sounds like you made the right sugar. He sounds like a rotten apple. And those never taste good." AJ said finishing the rest of her dessert. "A-men to that" Rainbow said aloud. Now a little drunk from the SS Grade Heidsieck Celestia had ordered out. THat'S WHy Women ARe tHe BEtter ChoiCe." She said now spilling her drink. "Rainbow your drunk." "And YOUR SEXY." Applejack stood up and took away her glass. Hey, Give IT BACk. (Hic) "OK, I'm gonna take her to bed. I am so sorry Princess." "No need to apologize. She's, by far the tamest Drunkie I've seen at any party. "I told her to watch how much she drinks," Fluttershy said placing her cup down. "Yeah, honestly you think-Wait, How much did you drink Fluttershy?" Twilight asked. "Around 7-8 Glasses. This stuff 'no offense' Is kind of weak. It takes something a lot stronger to get me there; She said pointing to Rainbow getting carried over AJ's shoulder. Celestia's mouth was agape at what she just heard. "Well, at least when you drink you get confident and speak up more. Whenever I do, I find myself repulsive and disturbing to look at." Rarity said pushing her glass away. She continued her surprisingly small rant while the remaining girls and Celestia chucked at her over-dramatic talking, while Spike sat there in annoyance that Rarity was talking about herself in such a dishonoring way. He siped at his Apple cider. "I don't think I'll ever find my "Prince Charming." Rarity looked at her now nearly empty glass. "I'm...I'm just a dumb mare who lives in a fantasy world. I guess even Cadance can't help me in the love department. I'm-I'm hopeless." She whimpered. "NO YOUR NOT!" Spike Shouted finally having enough of her be-little herself All eyes focused on spike who grew a small blush, with Celestia chuckling at the sudden outburst. Quickly gathering himself, he faced rarity. "Rarity... you're an amazing person, and I'm not saying that just because you're the Element of Generosity, I truly do mean that." Spike now standing up walked towards rarity. With a sudden boost of confidence, he locked eyes with her. "And, if it's any help Rarity, I find you to be one of the most beautiful mares in Equestria. You are smart, passionate, creative, and lovable. I'm not the only one who thinks so. Any pony or griffin or anything with a pulse for that matter should realize that as soon as they see you. In short, anyone who doesn't value you like the lady you are is a damn fool." All eyes focused on rarity after hearing what can only be recognized as a heartfelt confession. "Oh, Spikey thank you for saying such nice things. I think I needed to hear that. You truly are a good friend." Those words echoed into his head and stabbed themselves into spike many times. You think that after hearing them so much, he would go numb, but they still hurt. He wore a fake smile at her. "Yeah, a good friend,-one who needs some sleep. See you guys in the morning," he said, walking off. Celestia seeing right through his poker face felt saddened for her son. Then an idea came into mind, but she waited until spike was out of the room to do so. "Well, I think we should all turn in for the night. But, Rarity could I have a small word with you first pls. And Twilight, We need to speak later as well. I would love to hear how your lessons are going. "O'course Princess Celestia." They said in joyous unison. As they proceeded into their rooms, Rarity and Celestia walked to the garden. "Um, not that I'm questioning your judgment princess Celestia but, why are we here again? I thought you would have wanted to talk about a dress order or something?" They approached the pond that she landed in earlier and Celestia crouched near it. "I want you to take a look at this pond. What do you see?" Feeling a little awkward standing over someone who's basically a god, she leaned down next to her and stared at the pond. "Is there something specific I'm looking for? Wait, we didn't break anything when we landed right? " She asked. "You didn't break anything. I just want you to look at the pond and tell me what you see. No riddle or deep meaning. After all, the pond is shallow." She stated. "I see...the water, algae, some beautiful flowers floating on the surface and...the mud that ruined my hair." "And that's all you see," Celestia asked. "I'm afraid so Princess." She responded. "I see a mare, who has worked hard for her entire life. Who take pride in their appearance and are willing to help anybody in need, solely because they believe it's the right thing to do. That's what I see." Rarity looked at the water and saw her reflection. Now realizing the meaning of Celestia's words, Rarity began to tear up as she looked at the water. She wiped her eyes and looked at Celestia. "Thank you, Princess. That was very kind of you." She said. "I'm Not the one who said it. Well, at least not at first." Celestia replied. "I-I don't follow." She said in confusion. Celestia looked at rarity dumbfounded. She was thinking that the mare was either blind or forgetful cause of the wine to spikes earlier confession. fixing her expression she leaned towards rarity and hugged her catching the mare off guard. She spoke in a soft/gentle yet humbling voice. "For far too long have you searched for the one who you can call your "Prince Charming". But......have you ever considered that they were also searching for you. That---maybe they were simply standing next to you. Have you ever considered that they-" Rarity suddenly felt hot and pushed Celestia off of her, her face is as bright as the very sun She lifts. "Look Princess Celestia, I'm truly flatter by what you said, but I'm not really into-" Celestia realizing her mistake, stopped rarity from speaking with her magic. "My bad! That was somewhat my fault. (sigh) Look rarity, what I'm getting at is...Maybe the person you're after isn't someone you have to search for, but someone you have to stop searching for and simply take notice of. Who knows, Maybe they aren't even Pony. They could be a Yak, uh-a griffon, or even a dragon." she said. Rarity's eyes briefly widened at that last statement. "You need to take notice of the current people in your life in order to truly see, how much they mean to you." Celestia undid the binding around Rarity's lips. "I-I see. Thank you, Princess." Rarity said as she stood up and bowed to Celestia. As she walked back to her room rarity thought to herself. (Maybe she's right. I've always ever thought about 3 things in my entire life. My career, the people close to me, and finding my Prince. It's time I stop searching for some nappy, pappy, "Prince Charming" and open my eyes to someone who actually notices me and doesn't care only for my looks and title. Who loves me-not the facade of the high-shelf lady I try to be but.) Rarity thought back to what Celestia said. (Maybe I should have noticed some dragon who loves me. He cares about me even for my faults." Suddenly, she felt her heart racing and her blood rushing to her cheeks and ears. The mere thought of a certain dragon bearing a goofy smile being the one she yearned after made her feel dizzy. She mentally slapped herself. "What's wrong with me!?! I Can't just suddenly fantasize about Spike like that." "You can't what now?" A strange voice said in the dark. Rarity spoke now a little scared "Who's there." "Behind you." Rarity jump at the notion and turned around to find Twilight holding a stack of papers in her hands. "How could you hear what I was thinking?" Rarity questioned. "Well, you were thinking out loud. That's a start" Rarity backed off realizing that she basically shouted earlier. "And, How much did you hear exactly?" She said sounding worried. "Enough." She bluntly said. "Enough as in?" She asked again nervously. "Enough to know that you just fantasized about someone who I can basically call my little brother," Twilight said in a dead tone. Rarity wanted to avoid talking for once and looked for a way out of this conversation. "Look, why don't we talk about this in the morning. I KNOW that I can't just pretend that THIS, (she said making an air circle with her hand) didn't happen, but I also know that YOU can't keep Celestia waiting right now," saying that last statement with a little bit of sass. Twilight entered panic mode realizing that Rarity is sadly right. She quickly agreed to talk tomorrow as she ran off to find Celestia and Rarity walked back to her room. ......Meanwhile, Back in Spike's room...... Spike stared at a picture of him and Rarity on his phone, weeping to himself. While he stared into space looking at the picture, Celestia made her way to spikes room. (Knocking sounds) "Who?" he asked. "May I come in my son? " Celestia replied. "Come in." He said clapping his hands, cutting on the lights in his room. Celestia opened the door and walked over to spikes bed. "Shouldn't you be speaking to Twilight and Rarity?" He asked. "I already did, I tried to rush a little with Twilight a bit, so I could speak with you though." She said. "How are you? You didn't seem to be good at dinner." She asked. "I'm fine. Just my pride and hope were injured." He said sarcastically. "Why do you hurt yourself?" He looked up at her confused. "I can't bear the thought of my own son hurting himself." She stated. "What are you on about? I'm not hurting myself." He said. "Yes, you are! You continue to keep your feelings bottled up and compressed in your heart. Your real feeling. Those words at dinner only scratched the surface and I can tell. I know it's not my business to poke at your personal life but...the way you looked when she called you a-" "Pls, mom. Stop talking." He said cutting her off. A moment of silence passed between them. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just...don't want you to relive the past." "I won't mother. I had you to talk to back then," he said. "You didn't speak with twilight before me?" She said. "No. None of the girls even know we were together. Not even Twilight. They can't find out. Especially Rarity." Spike said now trying his best not to cry. Celestia placed a hand on her son staring at him. "Your heart still calls out to her. Huh, my child." He nodded, slightly blushing. "Well, while I may not be Cadance, I can clearly see that you're following what your heart is telling you. She'll come around soon enough." She said letting go of his arm. "How do you know?" He asked. "As much as I would love to play the I'm a god and I know everything card, I'm really just like everyone else. I know loss and love. Laughter and sadness. Peace and war. But for you, my dear sweet child, Call it "mother's intuition". But, if and when Rarity finds out about the feelings you harbor, that is for you to determine how to show and express them." Looking back at her, spike wiped his eyes and shared a tender hug for a few moments in silence, before Celestia spoke again. "Are you planning to retire now?" Spike broke the hug and nodded no. "Good. That means that you're ready to get your ass handed to you in "Ponygirls". Spiked grin and got up from his bed. "It's good to see that Auntie Luna's been giving you hopeful dreams mother." He said looking back at her. He tossed a controller to her and they sat down and played the game, enjoying the night they have. > Shopping time > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Spikey, would you be a deary and grab that Black-Jackal Yaktalian Leather. I need it to make this coat for tomorrow." Rarity asked. "Sure, just one sec. What, why are you making a coat?" He questioned. "Well, tomorrow I'm going back to the Crystal Empire, to promote my new line of Winter Wear. And, hopefully, I'll meet some "potential investors" if you know what I mean." She air quoted. "..." Spike said nothing, turning himself away from Rarity. "Uh, Spikey, the Leather." "Really? That nonsense again," he said, making the mare pause. "Excuse me." She said. "You heard my rarity. I don't get why you're doing that again." he finished. "Doing what?" "Selling yourself out like that." (gasp) "How dare you insinuate that I SELL myself. I am a lady-" "Who deserves better than some idiot who can't see your worth." He said cutting her off. The mare was slightly taken back by his words. "Look spike, just-just hand me the leather. We can talk about-" "NO" "Oh Celestia, what now. What has gotten into you? You're not acting like yourself." She finished. She's never seen spike act out like he was currently. "I'm done for now. Get the leather yourself. Or, better yet. Have your future "potential investor" get it for you." He ended, facing away from rarity. "Spikey, I was just making a joke." "A joke that wasn't funny," he commented. Rarity, now annoyed by Spike's newfound attitude walked into his line of sight. "What has gotten into you? I make one small, harmless little joke and you start acting like a foul who didn't get his way. If I said something to offend you, I'm sorry." Rarity said crossing her arms. Spike shrugged off her apology and tossed his head away from her. "You can keep it," he said coldly. Rarity's annoyance faded hearing those words. The tension in the room only grew as the silence continued. She feared that spike would start resenting her if this continued. Growing concerned about him, she offered to make them some tea so they could calm down and talk. After a moment that felt like hours, he nodded. Much to her relief, they walked to her kitchen with spike grabbing two cups. Rarity turned to her Refrigerator and grabbed the door handle. "You know Spike. I really meant what I said just now. You know that I would never-" Suddenly rarity felt a hand on her own. She looked up to see spike's face looking down at her. "You what?" He asked sarcastically. Startled, she slid away from Spike and leaned over to her dining table. "You would never mean to hurt me. Well if you did you would've stopped looking for some random guy and looked at the person who's had your back since the day he met you," he said. "Spike, are you...mad at me?" she asked. "I'm not mad. I just gotta get something off my chest. What am I to you? I mean, I'm the guy who acted as a pin cushion for you. Who studied the art of fashion and color patterns just to lighten your load every day when he came by. Who helped you spread your brand all over Equestria with earnestly and not status power. Rarity, I'm the guy who fell in love with you." Rarity's eyes and mouth widen at that last remark. "you what?" she whimpered. As spike spoke he walked over slowly to rarity. Making the mare slide back on her table with her face slowly growing full of red. "The moment I laid eyes on you, I felt like every single pleasure I had since I was a kid, was nothing (he waved his free hand) compared to just looking at you. I can never stop thinking about you. No gem in Equestria can hold a sparkle compared to your eyes. No silk as soft as your touch. No flower as fragrant as your scent." he continued. She slowly wrapped her arms around spikes neck. "Do you really mean that?" She asked. "I honestly thought you would have read me by now. I thought you were just trying to be nice and spare my feelings." he gave a small chuckle and smile. Warming the mare's heart. "I think I always knew too. I didn't give it too much thought thou. I didn't want to ruin what we had. Maybe, I should have acted sooner. I'm sorry I kept you waiting. My Spikey-wikey." She rubbed his cheek. Spike said nothing else and pressed his lips onto Rarity's, the ladder instantly falling under the dragon's spell. She ran her soft hands gently down spikes head, feeling his every spine and scale. In response, he stretched his tongue down her throat making her quiver. He slowly wrapped his arms around her torso and used his hands to massage her lower back and grope at her luscious ass. She moaned out in delight by spike foreplay, breaking the kiss. Spike locked eyes with a now panting rarity. His eye spoke to her, almost as if asking for approval to continue. She nodded and soon found herself lightly forced over her dining table while spikes maw ravages her neck, leaving small bite marks. He striped Rarity of all her clothing, using only his teeth. Seeing spike-like this excited the mare. Now starring at her womanhood, he tasted his long-awaited prize making her moan out in ecstasy. He stretched his 10-inch tongue all the way inside her, eagerly searching for her weak spot. She has never had any of her former partners reach her so far with just their tongue alone. "S-S-Spikey. Please...Don't stop...Don't Ever Stop." Rarity was getting close from his mastery of skill. She reached down to spikes head and started to slightly down on him. Rarity would never get to that Bliss, however. Back in Reality. Morning has arrived for the people of Canterlot and all the main 6 are currently waiting on rarity to head out into town to do some site seeing and shopping. "Now what in tarnation is taking that girl so long? We all agreed at 11 o'clock so we could head out together." Twilight said messing with her hair while holding a clipboard, popping her pen in the other hand. "Why are so eager to go shopping? And, since when did you start speaken like me?" AJ asked. "Cause, I had our whole day planned out. According to my list, we were going to be able to hit every single new place they added since the last time we came to Canterlot together. As for the accent, spur of the moment. It felt right." Twilight said checking her list. "She probably just wanted to sleep in, I mean we did have a pretty big party last night. Then a smaller one right after." Fluttershy stated. "We did? I don't remember that." Rainbow said holding a breakfast burrito. "I can see and smell why little miss wasted," AJ remarked "I'll go wake her-" AJ stopped rainbow in her track before she could runoff. "No, you need to go brush your teeth. Spike, here can go wake up little miss "I'm a Lady." "I don't think spike should," Fluttershy said to AJ. "What, why?" Before Flutter could give her an answer, a loud scream came from rarity's room accompanied by the sound of a(n) equally loud air horn. They all knew what had just happened. After about 10 minutes of waiting, a hopping Pinkie and Grumpy Rarity made their way to the group. "Well, it's about time. We were waiting on you so we could all go out together."Twilight said. "Well, I'm up now, so let's get going already." Rarity said before rubbing her eyes. "Weren't you the most excited to go out today," Rainbow asked. "I was excited, but now I feel like you and just wanna sleep all day." (Group Gasp) "Are you OK, Did you not sleep well, or maybe you had a nightmare and you're trying to get back some sleep," Fluttershy asked. "Well, actually I was having the most amazing dream of my entire life...before pinkie woke me up. It was magical." Rarity said clasping her hand together. "Really. That good huh, Who's the lucky guy." Rainbow said making the girls laugh while annoying Spike in the process. She glared at Rainbow and noticed some white on her lips. "Really Rainbow, I should be asking you that question." Rarity said pointing at her own lips to signal rainbows. The girls notice and glanced at Rainbow before laughing. Quickly whipping her mouth, she looked at spike and then back a Rarity. "Now I know you were dreaming about some hot stud. You never make dirty jokes. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a "certain assistant" that popped up in your head last night." Rainbow grinned, making the dragon turn his head. "ABSOLUTELY NOT." She shouted. Not wanting to potentially reveal her newly found yet, confusing feelings about spike She shouted. This made them all go silent with their eyes on her now, spike giving off a scared/depressing look. Her brain rushed for words. "Let's...just get going OK. I don't want to have this conversation any longer." she managed. They nodded and followed Rarity outside, all but spike. "Spike, aren't you coming?" said Fluttershy. "Actually, I just remembered that I-uh n-need to clean out my room. I'll hang out with you guys later. Promise." spike said. As soon as he was out of eyeshot his walk turned into a sprint. He ran as fast as he could to his room, pushing servants out of the way, all while fighting back tears. As soon as he walked in he broke down and jumped on his bed. He thought to himself. (maybe she was right. I shouldn't have dumped her. I-I need to call Gabby.) ......Back with the girls...... "Hey y'all, I didn't wanna say anything inside the castle but, I think spike lied to us just now," Aj said. "What? Why? He..he even promised us." Pinkie said, her hair starting to go from fluffy to straight. "Settle down Sugarpie, I think he lied about cleaning his room, not hanging out later. But, I don't think he's gonna come hang with us today. I'm sure he's gotta reason. We can talk to him when we get back." She said back to pinkie. "AJ's right, let's just try and enjoy our day. Let's go get lunch. It's on Rainbow" Twilight said. "Yeah, it-wait WHAT. Why am I paying." She said now flying over her head. "Cause you embarrassed us yesterday while you were drunk," Twilight said, snapping back at her. "I---ya ok, that far, but I get to pick the place." "Deal," Twilight said as they shook on it. Meanwhile back at the Castle Spike after calming down and washing his face picked up his phone and Called Gabby. Hey, Spike what's up. Hey Gabby, you got a min. Oh boy, I recognize that tone, lay it on me. U sure. It's a little bit of a story I got an hour-long lunch. Fire away. And so spike told the story of how he was nominated to give the speech at the academy. How he teleport- ---ed to his mother's Castle and how he was basically Friend-zoned again. In front of his mother this time and finally, how rarity lashed out at the thought of her being with him just now. Wow. Now that's a lot to deal with. What, you can use magic...Never mind, How are you holding up? I feel like shit. It must be serious if you're using curses. I'm sorry, I really am. (sigh) Maybe I should just...forget about Rarity. Hey, don't go saying that crap. I'm serious, It's been years now. And she's still bent on finding the perfect man. "Her Prince." Aren't you technically a prince? I know right! Like, I try to not let it go to my head. That's literally the reason why my mother made me go with Twilight to ponyville. So I don't end up like BlueBlood. That and she needed an assistant. She made the right call if you ask me. Well, I don't have to work for another 20 min, anything else. No, I just needed someone to talk to. Anytime spike. I'm here for you. END CALL (Sigh) She's right. I shouldn't through in the towel. Come on spike, get yourself together. Deep breaths. (inhales) And exha- (Stomach grumbles) Oh No. (Burbs up scroll) "A letter", he said aloud, opening the scroll. As he scrolled through the message, his mind transitioned from calming down to anxiety. His eyes could only tear up as he read the sender of the letter. The person being 'The only other living being he felt romantic love for. His EX. Meanwhile back in with the Main 6 I think I've enough cake to last a lifetime. Pinkie, how do you do it." Twilight said with a sigh of fulfillment. "Easy, I'm Pinkie," she said hugging her 6th milkshake. "I'm not even going to argue with you," Twilight said finishing the rest of her ice coffee. "Now, back to spike. Why do you think he lied? "Maybe he had something important to do now that he's back in Canterlot." Rarity said "Like what, stay with "mama Celestia" all day. Rainbow said. "Maybe he's seeing somebody else? Like a Pen-pal or (Big Gasp) WHAT IF HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND HE'S HIDING FROM US BECAUSE HE'S ASHAMED OF US. Pinkie said shouting, making Rarity spit out her tea. "Pinkie, I can promise you that that's not the- "HE BETTER NOT BE." Rarity said standing up and shouting. (awkward silence) "ashamed of Us-I mean. He's shouldn't be scared to introduce us if he does have a girlfriend. Yes, that's what I meant nothing more." "As I was saying...I don't think that spike's seeing someone. I think he's just down in the dumps and wants to be left alone for now." Twilight finally managed to say. "And how do you know that he's not. I'm not agreeing with pinkie here, But it's still possible that he's seeing someone." AJ said. "I just know, I can Pinkie promise that," she said. "But, the best thing to do is just let spike be for a little bit. If he's in a bad mood, we don't want to potentially worsen it by staying around him too much and questioning him." Twilight replied. "Poor Spikey..." Rarity said staring up at the sky while thinking about Spike. She thought back to what she and Celestia talked about. About how the person she was looking for was also wanting to be noticed by her, and that they were someone she most likely knew. "Girls, I have an idea. Why don't we all go shopping and get something for Spikey? Let's face it, Spike would only lie to us if something was really troubling him. Let's go out a(n) get him some gifts. We can make it a game if you want. The winner is decided by who makes spike the happiest. It'll be fun." "That's...actually a Great Idea. We should split up into teams then. Twilight suggested. "Now, wait just a darn minute, Why do we have to split up." AJ protested. "No offense AJ, but if I go shopping with you and all you look at is things involving apples and farming again, I'm going to be sick." Rarity remarked. "Well, u ain't perfect either. If it isn't some fancy-schmancy bag or something covered in gemstones, you never stay too long." AJ's remark-making rarity scoff in anger. "Well, I'm not shopping for myself this time, Now am I. " She said slightly raising her voice. "Girls, Girls, Remember why we're doing this", Flutter said reminding everyone that spike is the one hurting so they shouldn't hurt themselves in the process. They settled down and the groups went their separate ways. While the girls shopped for gifts, Twilight took the chance to question rarity last night. Rarity told twilight what she talked about with Celestia and twilight apologized for thinking so wrongly of her. As they shopped, Rarity spoke to Twilight again asking her what she was planning to get spike. "Please don't tell me you were getting him a book?" Rarity pleaded. "Relax, I wasn't getting him a book...I was gonna get him a comic book. Big difference." Twilight replied. "What about you? We know spike the most out of our friends, (me more than you, but that doesn't matter.) What do you think we should get him?" she asked. "Got it." Rarity said as her phone dinged. "U got it, got what exactly?" Twilight questioned. "This", she said showing twilight her phone, showing a picture of fire a Sapphire covered with emeralds in the form of an S. "Awww, Rarity, it's beautiful." She said. "Really, I didn't notice." said sarcastically. "We better hurry before the shops close. I'll check for the gem and you go look for the comic book." She quickly looked around and noticed a nice cafe shop with Luna's Cutie mark as the logo and pointed her phone at it. She texted the picture and address to the girls, telling them to meet up here when there. Time passed and countless shops visited, all of them gathered at the cafe. "Ok, so how did it go for everybody? I trust we all got something that spike will love. Me the most of course." Rarity said muttering that last part under her breath. "Don't out us just yet Rares. We got Spike, them best darn gift, he's ever gonna get. And, before you ask, no, it doesn't involve apples." AJ remarked with a grin. "Me and flutter got something Really good too. This contest is in the bag." Rainbow said. "Well, it doesn't matter who wins, as long as spike feels better." Fluttershy inquired. Suddenly, a scroll appeared in front of them. Curious, twilight opened the letter. "Who's it from," Pinkie asked. "It's from Celestia, She wants us to return to the castle." "What's going on?" Rarity asked. "I don't know, it just says that she wants us back at the castle. I'll teleport us there. Grab your gifts." Twilight said as the girls rushed to grab their things. A purple flash appeared and they were gone. Now, back inside the castle, the party started looking for spike while Twilight went to go speak to Celestia. What they didn't realize while they were gone, however, would shock all of them. > Trailing a dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As twilight made her way to find Celestia, the girls decide to surprise spike with a small party inside his room. They had to make sure he wasn't there, however. So they asked the servants to notify them if they see Spike while they get ready. When they open his door, however, they were mesmerized by what they were looking at. His room measured around to be an 18 by 20 ft that's up to 16 by 21 ft range. That's even bigger than a normal king-size room. The colors of the wall were marked with deep, tasteful shades of dark purple and an almost luminescent like green. The ceiling had an assortment of jewels/gems lined up to shape a universal-like swirl with a Diamond at the center, while the floors were made of polished obsidian. Embedded within it were tiny shards of emeralds, just visible enough to see. Everything about Spike's room screamed paradise for a dragon. If they didn't know that this was spikes room, they would have mistaken it for a Gem-lined cave, that was renovated into a funhouse. What with the king-sized bed, TV, bookshelves, pony console,, and workout equipment inside. Not to mention a Fucking pool table. (50 minutes later...) "I have to say pinkie, I'm so glad that you're our friend. I wouldn't have been able to set up a party as fast as you if I tried." Rarity said as she finished wrapping her gift. "Don't sweat it Rares. I love being able to help my friends out." Pinkie remarked as she finished hanging up the last party line. "This party is going to be amazing," she added. (Door burst open) "Cancel the party girls," Twilight said with seriousness. "What?!" Pinkie said jumping in the air and floating for a second. "Why do we have to cancel the party? Rainbow said "Look, I'm upset that we have to cancel too, but it's for a good reason." "Explain," Applejack demanded. Flashback to what happened at the castle". (Knocking) "Spike, are you in there. It's me. Can I come in?" Celestia asked waiting for a reply. She heard nothing. (maybe he's in the shower.) She thought. "Spike, if you are in...there I'm coming in." She said opening the door. To her surprise she found her son, Lying down in his bed asleep. (Oh, he was just sleeping.) she thought, "Spike dear, wake up. It's already past noon and I was thinking that since you're still here we could maybe go out today. Like we use to. You know, dressed up in disguise and all. Plus, if I'm spending the day with you I won't have to attend any meetings today. A bonus." she finished. She received no response. "Ok. Time to wake up," she said slightly louder than normal. She yanked off the blanket and was perplexed to find a stacking of pillows instead of Spike. "He...he duped me!" She came to realize." Back to the present "So, he's gone. That's it! no clue or anything." Rainbow said. Yeah, that's basically it. Celestia said she had the whole castle swept to find him." Twilight said. "Well, what are we standing here for. Let's get moving!" Rarity stated. "Hold on. Maybe...we shouldn't." AJ said, leaving them all confused. "What is Luna's name is wrong with you. We have to go find him." Rarity insisted. "I don't think we should. Com'mon y'all, Spike's a mature young adult now, not some baby dragon. I feel like we're always forgotten that. Like, just earlier we were all competing to shop for a gift to "cheer him up". And, the day before we were consulting him about his speech problem like we were his parents and he was in 6th grade. He doesn't need 24/hr security. He should be allowed to leave if he wants." She finished. (A moment of realization and silence) (sigh) Your right applejack. We do toddle him sometimes. Even though he's sometimes more mature than all of us. But, we should still look for him." Twilight said. "Twilight we shouldn't-" AJ, please. Just listen. He may be mature enough to be considered an adult, but not only is he 19, but he's family. My family. He's not just some assistant. Would you let apple bloom go off on her own without her friends? Let alone, without you knowing?" Twilight asked. Aj said nothing and looked down, tilting her hat to match. This may well be some, final act of childish rebellion, but I can't live knowing something might have happened to him. I know...the chances of that are low, but the thought still lingers in my head. Please, help me find him." She pleaded. "OK. (sigh) Fine. Let's go find him. On one condition. We only confirm his location and that's it. We don't wanna push up on his business. He deserves privacy and the right to be out on his own." "Deal." She said, they shook on it and all of them ran outside to begin searching for clues. Anything that might lead them to spike. Fluttershy was the first to find something. "What did you find?" they asked. "It's a scrolling ribbon," she said holding it up to them. They all closed in and loomed over it, forming a small circle. "A ribbon? Was he trying to send a letter to someone?" Rainbow said. "Maybe he does have a secret girlfriend." Pinkie said, annoying twilight and angering rarity. "He wasn't trying to send a letter. he was burning one. They're cinders and scuff burns on it." She said catching them all off guard. "Wow, he must Really not want us to find out that he's dating someone." Pinkie said. This brought Rarity over the edge. "That's it. HE DOES NOT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND. We would know if he did. I Would know if he did. Were always talking and exchanging info at MY HOUSE. HE wouldn't have to hide anything from me! AND AS IF ANY HUSSY OUT THERE CAN COMPARE TO ME!!!" She ended. They all backed up as she was seeping from her mouth with rage. As she came down from her high, she composed herself and realized what she said, leaving the atmosphere tense. (Did rarity just admit she like-likes spike) They all thought to themselves in unison. "I-I'm mean, I would be the first to know if he was seeing someone...and that uhh-I w-would be able to tell if they're a-a good influence or not. Yes, that is what I meant," she said, trying to cover what she said. Before the girls could respond, she snatched the ribbon and pulled Fluttershy next to her, the shy pegasus human, yelping due to the sudden action. Please just sniff this and use your talent to find him. I know you can track animals so tracking a dragon shouldn't be different." She said. She sniffed the ribbon to get spikes scent. "I-I think I got something. Follow me." > Secrets revealed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Spike should be around here," Fluttershy said. During their search for Spike, around 4 hours had passed and nighttime has descended into Canterlot. Are you sure this time? You said that about 1/2 an hour ago. Rarity said. "You try tracking a dragon with only the scent left from a burned letter. She's don't the best she can." Twilight said. "Ugh, your right. I'm just tired of searching. I wish he would just appear right in front of us." She exclaimed. Suddenly, they heard a small Shrek. They went to go look for the source thinking the worst and found themself passing a water fountain. There they instead found the dragon of the hour himself. He was standing alone next to the fountain with the You should ask for things more often." Pinkie said, "Welp, there he is. He's well and A-O-K. See, I told you everything was fine with him. He just wanted to be left alone. Like you said at lunch, "the best thing to do is just let him be". " Aj said, wearing a slightly smug grin. "I guess your right." twilight said "Whatch'ya mean by that?" she replied. "Why is he out here is what I mean? Why didn't he send me a scroll that he was going out." Twilight insisted. "He doesn't have to tell you everything twilight. They're called boundaries. We honor those in the apple family. You should too." She said comfortingly, placing a hand on twilight's shoulder. "Now come on, my legs are tired from all that walk-" "I know you're there. Come on out." Spike said shouting. The girls all froze in place from shock and slowly heads turned to see spike looking down at the ground. "Did he know we were here the entire time?" Rarity whispered. As the girls grew nervous over what spike said, Spike, himself was completely oblivious to their presence, to begin with. He was calling out to someone else. Out of nowhere, a figure descended from the sky. Panicked, they all ducked behind a bush and squinted their eyes. "Why did you wanna talk?" Spike scuffled out, wanting to avoid eye contact. "Really shrimp is that any way to greet your former," they said, moving closer to spike "Former?" the girls whispered. "Just tell me why you wanted to talk. I got people waiting on me. My friends. They-" "Can wait!" She interrupted. "I. Need. This. I think you do too. Isn't that a part of friendship? They should really work? I was even able to get Dashy to like me again cause of you guys." She said. "What? I don't know that guy." She whispered. "What's there to fix. Were done. I'm not your boyfriend anymore. Your. My. Ex." He quoted. "EX" They all whispered in unison. All expect a rainbow dash, who was feeling uneasy by the person's voice. "Did I just HEAR that correctly?" Rarity said in a mixture of emotions of sadness and rage by the shocking news. "I think I might be losing ma hearing like Granny, cause they ain't no way I just heard that right," Aj remarked. "Oh my, Spike has...had a girlfriend," Fluttershy said. "I knew it! Pinkie said. "I-I never knew that spike was seeing someone. Why-why didn't he tell me?" Twilight quietly asked herself, in a depressed tone. Suddenly rainbow started to stand up making noise in the process. This action earned a turn of the head from Spike. Pinkie stopped her by pulling her down and holding her there. Spike turns make to face the women again. "What in tarnation's wrong with you, what do you think you're doing?" Aj said ready to strangle her. "Th-that voice...I know that voice. I-I can't believe it. Why was she going out with him?" said Rainbow. Pinkie let go of her and Rainbow settled back into place. "Who is it then?" they said louder, making Spike the women glance over at them. Her face now revealed to them, rainbow said whispering even lower. "Gilda". Gilda turned her head over to spike and stared at him. "Yo, can you at least look at me?" She said. Spike didn't respond. "SPIKE, look at me". She shouted, forcing spike to jolt at the sudden our-burst. He looks up at Gilda revealing his slightly blushed face, along with his watery eyes. To spikes surprise, Gilda was also teary. Even more than him. The hard-core griffon he knew was crying. He couldn't forget if he tried. "Why are you about to cry, I should be the one upset." He said slightly raising his voice. "You. What about me, you actually meant something to me." She replied. Spike and Gilda now both very emotional cast their gazes away from each other. There was a small moment of silence between the two. Gilda stepped off and sat next to the edge of the fountain. Spike did the same and sat across from her. Just a few inches away from touching her. A moment of silence paraded all parties. "I'm sorry for-." They both said together, opening their eyes and looking at each other. They shared a small laugh. The girls only looked onwards, hoping they could discover the origins of how they got acquainted. "So, why are you sorry shrimp. I'm the one who messed up" Gilda asked. "No. I messed up. I was only dating you cause...I wanted to get away from...some things I had going on. I wanted to know what it was like...to be in a relationship, I mean, I'm not saying that what we had wasn't real. What we did together was very real. (nervous laugh) Spike said studdering on his words. "Oh, Care to explain. What do you mean about "what we did?" Gilda asked. "I meant things...Involving sex." Spike managed to say. Leaving Gilda a little surprised, biting her bottom beak from memories rushing into her head. (The girls jaws-dropping) "Sweet Celestia. T-M-I Spike." Twilight whispered, covering her ears. "Spike's not a virgin." Pinkie and Rainbow thought. "Oh, my" Fluttershy said. "I'm going to destroy that griffon." Rarity thought. " Well, I'll be." Aj thought. "Yeah. You think that I wouldn't be embarrassed to talk about it, but I guess not." He said. "Ya. I gotta hand it to you, out of all the people I've been with, you were and still are the Best when it comes to that mouth of yours." Gilda re-marked, making spike even redder and pissing of rarity, after hearing that set of words. Twilight just tried not to vomit while the rest either snickered or hid their faces in embarrassment. "But, apart from our sexual-escaped, you treated me, well. Like I was a Gem. You always wanted to know how I was feeling, and what I was doing, and you never judged me. Meanwhile, I was just using you. I just wanted someone to call mine. To brag and flaunt about like a trophy. But, part of me wanted someone to just love me and whispered sweet nothings to me. You whispered sweet somethings. I just...wished I listened at the time." she ended. "Gilda, I-I truly did love you. I was the one in the wrong. I just wanted to escape my feelings, but in the end, I only ended up hurting yours. I was dating you so could escape my sadness and Anger." "Anger," Gilda said (and the girls whispered) "Yeah, I was mad around the time we first met. Do you remember? "Heart and hooves day and nobody to spend it with. How could I with nearly everyone walking about with someone? I just drank away my sorrows in some crappy bar. Was surprised to find you there." she said. "I wanted to see if I could get drunk. I knew I couldn't but I just felt like I needed to try," he replied. "Why? "Cause, the person I wanted to be with was already taken." "Sheesh, that's gotta sting," pinkie said. "Ouch," Gilda said. "She's not seeing him now, but I could stand to think about it at the moment," Spike replied. "I not judging you. I don't have the right. You just needed a break. I'm just glad you ended up in the same bar as me, otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten to know you. Or how much you could put away." she added. (small laugh) Remember that time Big mac held a drinking contest at the orchard. (laugh) "Yeah. The prize was 1000 bits. I was short on some and signed up. I thought I was gonna win but, I didn't know you would be there. No offense, but you guys in ponyville are lightweights. I wasn't surprised it was just you and I left. I was surprised, however, that most of ponyville was watching us." she finished. "Yeah, We carried on into the night drinking. You lasted longer than I thought. We drained all of the booses that had for the contest. I think that's part of the reason I don't like alcohol anymore. I won the money and Pinkie shot a Big mac-shaped hole in the side of the barn during the celebration party. (both laugh) That's the very same darn reason I'm never letting mac hold one of those again at the farm." Aj said looking at a slightly scared/smiling pinkie. "So, Do you remember what happened after the party?" She asked, blushing lightly. Spike tensed up and also blushed. "If my m-memory serves me right, you were drunk and were about to fly home. But, I didn't want anything happening to you so I offered to carry you instead. I took you home and was too tired to fly back so, I fell asleep on your couch." He ended, rubbing the back of his head. "That sounds about right. I remember when I came to I had a searing headache and felt like crap. I walked into my living room and find your scalie butt sleeping on my couch. Part of me wanted to kick you out as fast as I found you. But, I remembered how you helped me out. So, I made you breakfast to pay you back. I think I was still a little drink from the day before, cause right after we finished eating, I offered you some "desert" and asked if you wanted to stay for a little while longer. "Then you kissed me," Spike said bluntly, shocking the main 6. Rarity was filming at the mouth with anger. She's just only now coming to have her feeling about spike and know she's was intaking this info. In Rarity's head I can't believe this she-devil. She's stolen things that I was hoping to share with him. She stole the title of being spike's 1st Girlfriend, and his 1st kiss. Not to mention his innocence. If I find out she stole anything else, I'll make her a part of my new designer hats collection. "I don't regret it either. I also, still find it funny how you "Spike the Brave and Glorious", moan out for 'Rarity' during our kiss, and panicked afterward. (snicker) You ran outside and bolted so fast you left an afterimage like in cartons." "You didn't have to remind me." (Groan) (Gilda laughing) After hearing this the girls looked at Rarity. "Spike...was thinking about me." Rarity thought. Twilight never felt more scared for Spike. She was in a position where she couldn't stop spike from saying anything to expose his feeling for Rarity that may damage his friendship with her. She hoped it wouldn't turn up on a sour note. "I let go of you and you just left. I was just gonna leave it at that and say it was just the alcohol the next time we meet, but I just couldn't get you out of my head after that kiss. I-I has never been kissed like that before the spike. Much blessed kissed in general." She ended. Spike and the main 6 were confused by what she said. Spike looked at Gilda who was slightly fidgeting her hands. "Most of the guys I hooked up with never bothered to kiss me. What with the whole, beak for lips thing. Whenever we did kiss, however, they were never gentle. It was either just sloppy, rough, or awkward and weird. But, with you. Even in that small moment, I felt it. It was like...shooting fireworks into another firework. It's hard to explain... but, it felt awesome. Even a little drunk,...I could tell that you liked it too. She said cherry. "Really. I-I didn't know that meant so much to you, Gilda." Spike said. "It did. Even a little drunk I will never forget how you made me feel. Did it mean something to you too? You did kiss me back." She remarked. "Well, ya. I did, but, I kissed you back cause-" "Did you think of her?" She said cutting him off. "Are they...referring to me?" Rarity asked herself. "Well, your heart may belong to her, but I got something that she wishes she could have." Gild remarked. "And that would be?" He asked, now curious. "Your V card." She said looking down at spikes groin. Spike's face exploded with red, while Gilda's held a smug and profound grin on it. Rarity was also red in the face, not out of embarrassment or lust of any nature, but out of anger towards the griffin for laying with spike. She knew that spike was an adult and he could sleep with who he pleased, but the new part of rarity that had awakened after hearing spike had a girlfriend, made her hair stand up on all ends. "Why are you so insinuative about saying things like that." he chastised her. "Cause you cute flustered. I like it." She said smiling. They took a small moment to compose themselves. But yeah, after our kiss, I felt like, I need to see you again. I started purposely showing up at the same places as you so we could talk. I liked it. And, after you agreed to start dating me, I was ecstatic. We never went out anywhere that was public though. We'd go together in secret cause you didn't wanna say anything to your friends and I didn't want Rainbow to find out." Gilda remarked. Why? I can keep a secret. Rainbow said. They all just stared at her and she accepted her fate. Another small moment of silence passed. "But when you told me you wanted to stop dating, I was pissed. Like nightmare moon pissed. How wouldn't be after hearing that your boyfriend wanted to break up with you? "Yeah, I get that," he said rubbing his head, "But, I learned to control my anger & I realized that I was wrong too." She said remorsefully. "What we had wasn't healthy. I just started using you for sex at some point and you just wanted to have a real relationship. You wanted to move on with what we had and I didn't. I wanted to keep you all to myself. I-I thought that...I need you in my life, but in reality, I just wanted you. I looked at you as an item. Not a person, much less a dragon. I'm the horrible one here. I'm- I was a horrible girlfriend." She finished getting somewhat teary by her past actions. "No. I wasn't being a good boyfriend. When we were going out, I never stopped any of your advances on me. At first, I like how much you wanted me but, I didn't let you know how I was really feeling until I broke up with you. Hell, I was so secluded about being with you that I wanted to hide my relationship with you from my friends. WHO ARE THE EMBODIMENTS OF FRIENDSHIP! I-I thought that if I was with you, I could get over my crush and be happy. I could live my life happy. But......in the end. (sob, sniff) I couldn't do it. I couldn't...I couldn't get over rarity." Spike said as his tears grew out of control. A long pause from all parties loomed over them as Gilda and spike cried to each other, letting out all of their pent-up emotions. The main 6 were also slightly crying overhearing their tales to one another. Rarity the most. She blamed herself for the pain that spike was feeling. "Pinkie, can you hand me the gift that I have for spike please?" Pinkie handed it over to her without complaint. "Twilight, send me back to the castle." She said. Twilight looked at rarity's face and saw how her makeup ran down the side of her face. Twilight teleported them back to spike room inside the Palace. All the girls went back to their room expecting rarity.[i/] "I guess we're both at fault, huh dork?" Gilda said after calming down. Another moment of silence washed over the two. Spike now calmed down, used his tail to wrap around Gilda's waist, and pulled her close. Gilda was jumpy at first, being close to spike again. But, she quickly relaxed as spike placed his head on her shoulder. She leaned her head onto spikes and they sat in the silence staring at the night sky. > A long awaited confession. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I'm glad you answered my letter. I thought you were gonna be a no-show." Gilda said as she and Spike flew back to the castle. "Well, I thought it was worth showing up for. I'm glad I listened to my gut." He said. As they got nearer, to the castle gates, Gilda suddenly stopped flying and landed on the ground. Spike seeing her land, followed suit. "What's wrong." He asked. "I think this is as far as I should go. Gotta get back to Gryphonstone." She said. "Why, you're more than welcome to stay here. I'll just ask mom to arrange a room for" he stopped, feeling Gilda's hand on his shoulder." "Spike, it's fine. Besides, you know I don't do fancy." She insisted. "You make a good point. Well,...I guess this is goodbye." He said sadly. Gilda walked up to spike and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. Spike froze. "It's goodbye...for now anyway. Let's meet up again sometime. Drinks maybe? "Yeah," he said smiling, cupping his cheek. Gilda turned around and flew into the sky. Spike turned around and walked inside the castle, greeted by a pair of guards at the entrance. He said his hellos and walked into the dining hall where he saw a passed-out Celestia. Slightly smiling, he walked over to her and tried to nudge her awake. It failed. Then genius struck him. "Ma'am, wake up. Auntie's about to throw away all the chocolate cake!" he whispered into her ear. "SHE BETTER NOT." She said shouting herself awake. The sound causes all the ponies in the castle to jump as the sound. She look around in a daze and saw her son standing next to her. "SPIKE! Your back. Oh, I missed you. Where did you go? I had a whole day planned for us. You know what, it doesn't matter, I'm just glad you're here now." She shouted again. She quickly stood up and hugged her son. "What's all the commotion." A voice in the distance said. All of the members of the main 6, except rarity, heard Celestia shouting and rushed to her aid thinking the worse. However, they were treated to the sight of Spike being bear-hugged by Celestia and froze in place. They wanted to run in and hug him too. seeing that he was back at the castle. But, part of them said that they didn't have the right to welcome him back since they spied on his conversation with Gilda. They simply welcomed him back with their words instead. "Good to see you again sugar cube. How are you feeling." Aj asked. "I've honestly never felt better. Like, I just ate a house-sized bowl of emeralds." He said with a big smile on his face. "Now that's good to hear," Fluttershy said. "Wait, where's Rarity?" He asked looking around the room. The girls looked back at each other and then back at Spike. "Well...She's not really feeling all that good right now. She'll get better soon. You can't expect that girl ta' stay down for long." AJ said. "Well, now that you're home, I think we should all get something to eat. I made you an assortment of emeralds to snack on for when you returned. You can eat those while we wait on the chefs to bring out the food." Celestia said. As spike snacked on the emeralds, the girls tried to pull Celestia away from the table. Celestia said it could wait after dinner, but twilight insisted that she hear them out first. A little annoyed, Celestia agreed and stepped out with them. "What is it, girls? I would like to enjoy another dinner with my son again. (One heartfelt/fast explanation later.) "So...you know about Gilda? She questioned. "We know everything. I wish I could erase it from my brain. Wait, how did you know about Gilda?" Twilight said. "Spike told me. Though, it wasn't at the start of their relationship. He needed someone to talk to, and I'm just happy I was there." She said. "But, I'm always there. He could have told me." Twilight said. (sigh) "Well, while I admire your devotion and care for my son, I am very disappointed in you all that you didn't leave after seeing that he was ok. I wanted Spike to be the one to tell you about his relationship with her. Directly, not indirectly I add. You all need to tell Spike what you did and apologize to him. Hopefully, he won't be too mad at you all." Celestia said biting her fingernails. Suddenly, they heard what sounded like glass breaking and wood snapping, they looked over and saw Spike, with his knees to the ground. Celestia rushed over and helped spike up. Spike was scowling, bearing out his fangs, looking down at the broken glass cup. "YOU SPIED ON ME!" He said looking up at the girls. Spike held up his phone and a video of the main 6 sneaking around in bushes near Spike's meet-up place with Gilda. It was currently trending all over Equestria. The girls looked at spike's phone in disbelief. Spike gripped at his phone, cracking it down the whole frame. He shook Celestia's hand off him and backed away. He felt cornered and his trust betrayed, in order to escape this feeling he cast his teleportation spell on himself, blowing fire on his body. His eyes glowed green and then he vanished. The girls looked at the slowly dying flames on the ground. Celestia called for the Palace maids to clean the mess, while she spoke to the girls in private. Back in spike's room Rarity was currently staring at the gift that she bought for Spike. Still slightly crying, she wiped off the droplets of tears that hit the gemstone. Looking up and gazing at the Ceiling of spike's room, she noticed that the Gemstone in the middle look a lot like her cutie mark. "I can't believe that I never even bothered to notice you, my spikey-wikey." She said, still staring. Having seen her own horrendous reflection on the gemstone, she walked over to spikes bathroom. She decided that she should at least clean herself up before spike came back. She cut on the hot water and enjoyed the feeling that it brought her. She stripped herself and walked inside the running water. Noticing all of the expensive shampoo and exotic bars of soap, she helped herself to Spike's collection. "Bawh, I can believe it! After all of these years, I never even bothered to look at him. And once more, that feathery, muscle-headed, hussy got to him first. And, what was her deal with all of those lewd jabs at my dear Spikey? He's an Angel compared to all of those prudes, hornballed, snobs I've been with. And, "shrimp". What kind of nickname is that! He's not some child that she...can... pick on......Oh, dear. Is...have I been treating him like that? Oh by Celestia I have. I've never treated him right, have I?" Rarity realized that she's never really treated spike as anything more than a servant. She's only ever treated him differently when they'd hang out together. And even then, it was only ever as friends. She wondered how she never noticed the signs of his affection for her. She thought to herself again. "Why is it just now hitting me? It's as if over a decade's worth of obvious signs are crashing down on me. Like, How he would make me food and fix my tea during my breaks. Help make clothes for me. And dig in the mud and dirt to gather gems for me. Oh, ESPECIALLY that last one. Come to think of it, he didn't even care if it was roasting hot outside or not. He'd just keep digging in the dirt, for hours on end. Getting sweaty, so sweaty. He'd toss off his shirt, revealing that gorgeous 6 pack underneath. I bet that overgrown chicken Gilda probably drooled when she first saw him topless. To think that avian featherhead was his first. I would have treated him better. So, much better. And, she knows only have of what I know about him. She only scratched the surface of what he's really like. What with his... perfect smile. His wonderful emerald eyes, his toned muscles. And that gropable butt. If and when I get the chance, I'm gonna-" Rarity opened her eyes to the sensation of her hands touching herself as the hot water stimulated her body. Her wetness covered her fingers. She quickly finished up and wrapped a towel around her hair and body as she walked back over to Spike's bed to cut on his TV. As she reached for his remote a sudden spark of green caught her eye. She turned around and saw Spike materialize in front of her. A rather angry-looking spike. Rarity had a flash-back to her dream the other night. At that moment, she screamed making spikes jump from the sound, and turn around to see an almost naked rarity. He screamed in shock. He closed his eyes, screaming "I'm sorry" over and over while he crouched down keeping his eyes closed. Rarity ducked back into the bathroom, now regretting waiting on spike so she could talk to him and give him his present. She slammed the door causing Spike to wince at the sound. He slowly looked around to see his bathroom light on. He shifted over to the door and sat next to it. "Rarity, what are you doing inside my room." He asked, more curious than anything at the moment. "I-I was j-just waking on you t-to come back. I had a p-present for you." Rarity said making her embarrassed that what she said sounded a lot like an innuendo rainbow would say. "I-I MEAN an Actual gift." She said embarrassing herself even more. "I'm just g-gonna step outside and let you get dressed." He said. He walked outside and waited about 15 minutes before walking back in. Rarity, now properly clothed sat in the middle of his bed. He walked over, somewhat enjoying the thought of rarity on his bed. He sat next to her as she handed him his present. Spike looked at the present box and set it to the side. "So, aren't you going to open it?" She said. "Why did you you spy on me?" He asked bluntly, ignoring her question. Rarity jumped back ever so slightly that spike knew. "We were all worried that you left Canterlot or something after this morning." She said "Why would you think I would leave Canterlot? Did you guys think I would just up and leave right after taking us here? I'm not some kid still you know." He said agitatedly. "We know that. Well, at least Applejack did. But, I promise you we didn't spy on you intentionally. We originally just wanted to know why you left without telling us. Why you lied to use." She said. "I don't Have to tell you ANYTHING. You are not my guardian. And, even SHE betrayed me. I'M-I...just leave ME ALONE." He said. Anger filled his voice. Scared, Rarity backed off of Spike and scooted over to the far end of the bed. Seeing her fear, spike inched back, a little panicked by her face. He curled up on his side of the bed and breathed in heavily. They sat there in silence for about 20 minutes. "............................................" "Be honest, If I didn't ask you why you spied on me, would you have even told me?" He asked, looking over at Rarity. She scooted back near him. Not too close to potentially get him mad again, but just enough to reach out and touch him. "I wanted to tell you after you opened your present that I...I spied on you. I'll be honest and say that I'm truly sorry. I'm your- well. I don't even know what I am to you anymore. But, what I do know is that you know I would never-" Rarity stopped herself as spike looked at her. She thought back to her dream not wanting to make the same mistake again. She reached for his hand and placed it on her cheek. Surprised by her actions, he hesitated to stop her. Apart from him wanted to, but the other part said that it was for the best to let this play out and hear what she has to say. He listened to his subconscious while keeping his blank poker face the best he could. "I've been a horrible person to you, Spike." She said, tearing up. "No Spikey-wikey this time. You've never called me by my real name like that." He said breaking his poker face, not wanting Rarity to cry. No matter how hard he wanted to stay mad at her and his friends, he found it hard to if they were crying. Especially Rarity. "That was a nickname meant for a child. You're a man now. You've been a man for a while. A real and sincere man at that. And, I can't believe that I've always failed to notice everything else about you." She added. "What do you mean. You know a lot about me. We've been "friends" for years!" He said bluntly. "But, I've always neglected you. I've neglected all of the actions you've done. You've always been there for me. You helped get Fleur-de-lis to attend my showcase. You stayed Overnight helping me work on my projects and commissioned pieces. You studied fashion and colors for me too. And, so much more that I just talk about for hours. Like your strength. You're strong enough to melt away an enormous ice cloud that could have killed half of everyone in the Crystal Empire. I loved being about to brag about you saying that you assist at my shop every now and then." She exclaimed. Hearing this made Spike perk up and look at Rarity. "Really. You bragged about me?" Spike said, a smile slowly growing on his face. "Of course, I do. I mean- have you ever really looked at yourself. You are what every man should aspire to be. Brave enough to stage a rescue for me, kind enough to help a complete stranger, Humurous enough to make crowds laugh, Your loyalty to your friends and family holds no bounds. You can be honest with your words to the point that they beat poetry & you were generous enough to give me that Fire ruby. And on your own birthday. I'll never forget that for as long as I live. I love those qualities about you." When spike heard the words "love" and "you" in the same sentence being directed at him by rarity, his mind nearly shut down. "Gee, thank you rarity. I don't know what to say. Those words mean a lot to me. I-I'm pretty sure that you might have heard me say this with Gilda, but...I LO-" Rarity suddenly places her hands on Spike's face. Spike stopped talking. She moved her hands down to spikes shoulders and then back to his face. Spike stared at Rarity's eyes. He felt like he could get lost in those eyes and never want to find the exit. She brought her lips to spike ever so closely. "I love everything about you. I Love You." She finally said. She kissed Spike. Spike fell back by her kiss making him literally fall back onto his bed. Rarity not wanting to break their kiss, feel on top of him. Slipping her tongue into spike's maw, she explored every inch her flat tongue could reach. Spike feeling her tongue grace his fangs used his tongue to wrap around hers. As they continued their messy make-out sessions spike found his hands-on rarity's ass. He groped at her ass, enjoying her perfect mounds of flesh cupping his hands. Trying to lean up to get a better feel of her he wrapped his arms around her waist and raised himself upward, but rarity pushed him back down. She broke their kiss staring into spike's eyes, both panting heavily. "huff..."Huh"..." huff"... "Did...did that really just happen? Is-are we-" Spike said. Rarity interjected, placing two fingers in spikes mouth. She continues to stare into his eyes, getting lost in the perfect emerald color. She used her fingers to open up spikes maw, making his tongue hand out and causing his eyes to squint. He pushed a mighty red, as she opened up his mouth further with her other hand. She gazed into the depth of his throat, monitoring his mouth. She felt how his fangs slightly curved into his mouth. How wet his tongue was, how hot and fresh his breath was. Spike was starting to sweat from excitement. "Spike? Are you ok to continue this with me?" She asked, letting go of him. A small bead of saliva connected between her fingers. She stared at her hand. "More than anything." He said, slowly leaning back up. To his surprise, Rarity was playing with the saliva in her hands. Opening and closing her fingers, until she did something Spike could only find...out of character, but hot for a lady-like rarity. She cleaned her fingers off his saliva, with her own mouth, suckling her fingers as he watched. Once she was done, the saliva covering her fingers was only hers now. Spike's nose was slightly gumming with white smoke coming out. "Mmmm. I love the taste of dragon." She said. Not wanting to waste any more time, she quickly stripped herself of all her clothing. Spike stared at her figure in Ahh. As he admired her cleavage, Rarity moved for spike's belt. He removed his shirt and undid his pants, revealing the monster that she dreamed about. Needless to say, Spike was well equipped. A bit too equipped. At 11.4 inches, he quickly outclassed the men rarity had been with. His manhood stood at attention, touching rarity's nose. (Gulp) "We, we don't have to continue now if you don't wanna," Spike said a little nervous. "No, I want to. Now please lay down so I can work my "real magic." She said in a sultry/seductive tone. Spike listened to the mare and laid down on his back. Rarity took in a deep breath of spike’s musk. She instantly became addicted to his scent. Using her hands to fondle his sack, she took in more deep breaths of spikes musk`. When she had enough she started kissing up spikes length, earning some moans and groans from the dragon. He's had sex with Gilda more than he could remember, but it was always more driven by lust and a desire to please her. With rarity, it was a role reversal. She lusted after him and wanted to make him feel good. He felt the same never less. She placed one last kiss on his tip, before swirling her tongue around his head making the dragon's eyes roll back in moans. Her hands stroked him for all he was worth, Slightly starting to bob her head down his length. With her expert tongue combined with her warm mouth, Spike felt himself getting tenser b the moment. "R-Rarity. Hang on f-for a sec." he pleaded with her. Not wanting to finish so soon, he forced himself upwards and pulled her off of him. Using his tail, he played with rarity's clit, making her moan from the sudden touch. She let up off of him, slightly massaging his cock still. "I don't wanna finish just yet. Let me try something." He said, grabbing rarity and rolling her onto her back. Spike looked down, taking in her luscious naked body. Her F-sized breasts, how long they have teased spike. Her nipples looked more inviting than any gem. He made quick work of them, taking one in his mouth and nursing himself. His other hand massaging the other while, his tail to continue his work from before. His spade-like tip rubbed her entrance slightly thrusting inside her. Rarity moaned out loud. She wrapped her hands around Spike's head, stroking his spines and feeling his scales. Spike tugged at her nipples, suckling hard, and with a small pop sound, released it from his maw. He moved up to her chest and placed his cock in-between his tits. Spike now sat lightly on top of her, still playing with her clit with his tail. In one final action, he quickly thrust his tail into her and shook it to mimick a vibrator. "Hahh, Ughh, S-S-S-Spike!," she moaned out. He continued this for a few more moments, reveling in her sounds. He finally released his tail from her confines, bringing the end to his face. "Wh-Why d-did... "Uhh, huff... y-you stop?" Rarity asked. Spike brought his tail to his mouth. His spade-like tip was wet with her juice. He stuck out his tongue and licked most of it clean as Rarity watched. He ran his tongue down some of his spines and back to his tail's tip. "Mmmm, you taste amazing, Rarity. You know, I couldn't really call myself a gentledrake if I don't share a treat like this with you too, right." He said waving his tail in front of her. Nervously, she licked the spade-shaped tip of his tail. To her surprise, she enjoyed the succulent taste herself. As she cleaned his tail herself, Spike grabbed her breast again, using them to massage his cock. Once he had his fun, Spike stopped and pulled his tail back. He moved down the bed, eyeing up his prize. "I'll go slow." He said grabbing her legs and hoisting them over his shoulders. She gave a small nod and proceeded to enter into her moist womanhood. He slowly made his way down to the base. Rarity takes a small gasp of air, as she's never had a partner as big as he before. Spike, feeling the tightness and wetness of her, groaned out in pleasure. His tongue hung out as she tightened around him. He loved how she trembled and quivered all around him. He began thrusting, earning some moans from rarity. She groped at her breast, letting her nipples glide through her fingers as she pleasured herself. "You feel amazing. I-I wanted to do this with you for so long" He said "I'm sorry-ughhh, I-I made you wait so long, darling. Now, please...ruin me" She demanded. Wasting no time, Spike changed positioned and started pile driver Rarity. Letting his instincts take over, he bared his fangs and his eyes turned more primal as he sped up. "Yes, YES, YES, Please don't stop, SPIKE." Rarity pleaded out. "You and your cunt belong to me now. Nobody else is allowed to even touch you". Spike said. His voice grew more earthy and deep. This made rarity go overboard. In her head, she knew of spike's loving and kind nature, But this side of him, She felt like she could get used. If only in the bedroom. "YES SPIKEY. I Promise." She cried out. Her mouth salivated by his assault. The sounds of Spike slamming into Rarity echoed out and passed his bedroom door. The noise of their love-making cared throughout the night. By a miracle, nobody walked passed his room. "HUFF, UHHH, I-I'M GETTING CLOSE." He said, bitting down on his teeth.   As Spike's climax approached, he grabbed her once more, holding her tightly. Taking her lips for his own, he pumped his seed inside her. Spike reveled in the taste of her mouth, loving the lingering taste of her own juices still floating in her mouth. Rarity wrapped her arms around her lover using her tongue to lick the roof of his mouth and play with his own. She felt herself getting close.  " SPIKE, SPIKE, SPIKE, I LOVE YOU". She Shouted. Part of her wanted someone to hear her so they know who she loves and belongs to. With a groan, spike bit down on rarity's neck and sped up at a blinding speed, making rarity cum all over spikes member. Her juices flowed down spikes rod down to his lap. His seed pumping into her. Her stomach was now filled to the brim with his cock being the plug. 10 Minutes later. "Ohh, Spike. That...was...Amazing. I've never felt so good before," Rarity said. "Same. I've wanted to do something like this with you for a while. Thou, I didn't expect it to turn out like this." He said, rolling over to his side. "Neither did I. As happy as I am thou, I'm a little saddened that I wasn't your first." Rarity whispered loud enough to only where he could just barely hear it. "Ahh, right. Kinda forgot about that to be honest." He said, rubbing the side of his head. "Well, if it's anything to you. You were my first love." "I was, wasn't I." (small laughter from them both) Spike, I was wondering, How long did you love me? From what I understand it's been for at least a few years." She asked. Rarity slid over to spike, placing her head atop his chest. "It was when I first saw you," he said bluntly. (Pfff, hahaha) "Don't be silly Spike. You couldn't have-" Spike quickly sat up on the bed, causing Rarity to fall atop the pillows. He turned over to look at Rarity, grabbed her by her arms, and gently sat her upright. He drew her in and held her tightly. "It's true. I wasn't trying to be funny or anything. I loved you the very moment I saw you. I wanted to be with you from that very moment." He said. "You-you really mean it. You loved me for that long." Rarity said, starting to sniffle. "Please don't cry. After all, it's not very "ladylike" of you. Plus, I hate seeing you cry." he said trying to comfort her. Out of nowhere, Rarity leaned in and kissed Spike. Spike closed his eyes and kissed back. This tender moment lasted a few seconds before Rarity pulled back. "You truly are the greatest gentledrake anyone could ask for. I'm so happy that you're in my life. I hope that continues to stay true after tonight. If y-you would h-have me as your of course?" She asked of him. Spike nearly laughed it off and smiled at her. Didn't I tell you earlier, "You and your cunt belong to me now! Nobody else is allowed to even touch you". He told her. Spike cuddled into Rarity's boobs, running his tongue up and down her chest. She moaned out as he did so. He stopped and looked up at her, his eyes filled to the brim with love and passion for her. She wiped her face and planted one final kiss on his lips. As they made out, tiredness took control of them as they passed out on top of spikes bed, still covered in their own fluids. In the morning "OK girls. We practiced all night on how to best apologize to spike." Twilight said. She and the rest of the girls stayed up late last night talking about how they can make it up to spike. Pinkie and Applejack made breakfast for him. Fluttershy and Twilight wrote an apology poem & Rainbow bought tickets to a power pony movie playing in Canterlot. "I wish rarity was here. She probably doesn't even know what happen last night." Fluttershy said.  "You mean the da part where spike gave us THE most intimidating death stare or where Celestia reprimanded us for 2 hours for getting caught on camera for spying on him," AJ said. "I'm still trying to find out how we got caught. We were careful." Rainbow questioned. "Well, we are pretty famous. Maybe it was some crazy fan wanting to record us." Pinkie said. "Girls, Focus. It doesn't matter now. We all came here for the same reason." Said as they arrived at the door. All right girls. Here goes nothing." They said walking to spike's room. In Spikes Room Spike slowly woke up after his and rarity's last night's love confession/making session. As he came to, the sounds of running water filled his ears. He walked over to his bathroom and saw rarity washing, with the door open. She looked over at spike, blushing lightly. "Good morning darling," She said cheerfully. "I hope you slept well, I know I did." She said with satisfaction in her voice. Spike grinned and walked into the bathroom with her. Closing the door, leaving it slightly cracked. "I was planning on cleaning up here and maybe you and I could catch breakfast at a local cafe in the city." She said. "I like the sound of that. Mind if I join you. I kinda wanna-" "Have a squeal to last night." She said cutting him off.  "I was gonna say "get clean too", But I would be opposed to continuing," He said stepping into the shower. Rarity uses her body as a sponge to gather the fizz and bubbles on her body, coating Spike in them from head to toe as best as she could. She used this chance to feel upon spikes body again, touching every muscle she could. She felt along the lines of his wings and squeezed at his biceps. She bent down behind spike and started to wash his ass. She loved how firm yet bouncy his ass was. Then, an idea came to mind. She spread his cheeks apart, revealing spikes untouched virgin ass, startling Spike. "UGH, Rarity. N-Not that I'm worried or anything but, what are you doing." He said looking back at her. "Tell me, Spike, Did Gilda ever do anything with you back here?" She asked while groping at his ass. "No, huh. She was more interested in the front part of me," he said. Rarity smiled. "Well then, looks like I do get to take something from you after all." She said. "WHAT?" he said. Before he could protest, Rarity stuck her tongue in with full force. Spike, falling victim to this new sensation, placed his hand on the shower walls. Rarity let her tongue explore spike, Enjoying the new experience and tastes she gets to enjoy with her lover. "Ehh, ughhh, F-F-F-Fuck, this...feel...good. Like...Really good." He admitted. Embarrassed, he covered his face with his hand and leaned on the shower wall. Growing to like this new feeling, he reached over and placed his hand on rarity's head, forcing her tongue in more. "FUCK Rarity, get your tongue in there. YAH, Ahh, This feels so good." Spike moaned out. Rarity loving the sound that he was making came up with a new idea. She reached around and grabbed spikes cock, making the dragon growl in delight. She intensified her licking and started jerking spikes member.  "I-I'm gonna cum." He shouted, Rarity sped up- With the Girls "All right girls Here goes nothing," she said. "Spike, Can we talk. We want to apologize-" She reached for the door, to her avail. It was unlocked. She opened the door and peeked in to find no one. They walked in and saw the bathroom light on. "Spike. We're so sorry for spying on you. We never-AHO MY DEAR CELESTIA. She shouted. All the girls gasped in shock as the sight of rarity having her mouth pressed against spikes ass with spike's hand force-feeding her glued into her eyes. They all stared at each other with heavy amounts of blush. Fluttershy passed out. Pinkie caught her, her eyes never leaving the sight in front of her.  (Nervous laughter) "UHH, Hi girls". I'm gonna go on a whim here...and guess you all need an explanation. TO BE CONTINUED...