Cat(bird) Got Your Tongue?

by TittySparkles

First published

While on guard duty, Gallus catches the attention of Shining Armor and gets pulled into a bed chamber for sexual antics.

Guard duty can be boring. The shifts are long and the days seem to drag on and on... thankfully the pay outshines the boredom which drew Gallus to becoming a guard at Canterlot in the first place. On top of it all, he's able to enjoy the mountain atmosphere and is even surrounded by friendly ponies on all ends. Of course some ponies are more friendly than others, and he's about to learn that a visiting Shining Armor is going to show the griffon just how friendly he is... by rubbing him in all the right places.

Commission for: Athlon2736
Cover art by: CBT
Kinks: M/M and Interspecies

The Cat's Meow

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Gallus stared forward at the empty hallway, fighting hard to suppress his urge to yawn as he waited for anything of interest to happen. The long shift had taken its toll on the griffon, and while it was something he was trained for, being relatively new to working as a guard for the princess took some getting used to. The work was easy, the pay was great, but thanks to it being mostly patrols and standing around all day, it was down right boring.

“Ugh, this shift is dragging," he whined loudly as if talking to someone nearby.

More silence greeted the air as Gallus looked to his side. Normally a second guard would be positioned with him, but for the time being, his partner was currently in the throne room watching over a guest that was taking longer than usual for some reason. It didn’t really surprise him to be honest, as formal meetings with Princess Twilight always ranged from mere minutes, to nearly hours on special occasions. He didn't dwell on it and instead went back to being silent, whilst trying his hardest to listen to any kind of conversation he could hear through the door. Sadly only incoherent mumbles greeted him, but that was short-lived as the sound of hooves echoing throughout the hallway started to play out.

Snapping himself forward, Gallus saw a white silhouette rounding the nearby corner and was walking towards him. The distant sound of metal hoof plates became notable as a white pony wearing golden armor drew near. At first he thought it was another guard doing a patrol, but as the stallion came closer, Gallus tensed up and realized that it wasn’t a guard approaching. The pony in question was actually Shining Armor, one of the rulers from the Crystal Empire up north. Gallus had seen many pictures and artist depictions of the stallion, and on the rare occasion back when he lived in Ponyville, Shining and his family would visit Twilight. Unlike back in Ponyville, this time around Shining was now by himself with no guards or family escorting him.

As he watched the stallion come closer, Gallus couldn’t help but stare and let his mind focus more on Shining. His white coat shimmered in the hallway and it was only intensified by the golden glow of his armor, yet at the same time it made him look more handsome. For a moment his eyes wandered downward to Shining’s undercarriage, and a stray thought floated into his mind of what the attractive stallion would look like up close and without armor, but he quickly pushed those lewd thoughts to the back of his mind as he instead stared forward. He was quick to take in Shining’s deep blue eyes that radiated with a sense of authority, yet a laid back smile was seen across Shining's face as he locked eyes with the griffon. Once locked, Shining’s smile widened and his eyebrows shifted, quickly turning into a look of bewilderment once he was close enough.

“Greetings, your majesty,” Gallus spoke sternly and in a straightforward tone as he lifted his arm and crossed his chest, before bowing.

“You don’t have to bow before me, I’m just here for a lunch date with my little sis; though I never thought I would see a griffon interested in guarding a pony princess,” Shining spoke, causing Gallus to take note of the stallion's rather casual tone.” You can uhh, relax as well,” Shining added, waving his hoof at Gallus.

Gallus wasn’t sure of what to make of Shining’s mannerisms, as he was used to snotty nobles and uppity business ponies on his day to day activities, so having someone in a regal position talk to him in a very casual tone, put a smile on his face and took a bit of weight off his chest.

"As you wish," Gallus replied as he relaxed and lifted his head. "You'll have to wait here though because the princess is currently in a meeting with someone else right now."

"That's fair, I'm a bit early anyway," Shining said in return as Gallus noticed the stallion's eyes were scanning him as he spoke.

For a few moments there was an awkward silence between the two as Shining continued to look over Gallus, and unsure of how to keep the conversation going, he stayed silent.

"Huh, you're pretty different from the other griffons I'm used to seeing," Shining noted.

"Oh? How so?” Gallus replied.

"Well for starters, I don't think I've ever seen a griffon with a bright blue coat like yours before, plus most of the coats I've come across are dull ones in color and more neutral looking. Not to mention you look like you're a bit on the smaller side and very well groomed, while most griffon's I've seen are much bigger and more gruff looking in appearance."

"You're not the first pony to point that out either," Gallus replied, trying to not blush at the compliment. “M-minus the grooming bit of course,” he added, focusing his efforts to hide his embarrassment by giving Shining a big smile in return. "I don't think I've ever had an attra… a stallion such as yourself compliment me before."

"So do you use some sort..." Shining started to say.

The sound of the throne room door opening caught both of their attention as they looked to it just in time to see three ponies exiting it. Two of them were unicorn nobles that Gallus had no interest in even remembering their names, and the third was the other guard that was stationed with him.

"Looks like we got to sadly cut our conversation short," Shining spoke with a disappointed sigh as he moved for the open door. "Maybe we could continue our conversation in private and uninterrupted next time, Gallus."

"Sure thing, I would love to talk more with…" Gallus started to speak before he realized the stallion spoke his name without ever telling him it. "Wait, how did you know my…"

As Gallus spoke, he looked over his shoulder just in time to see Shining slowly walking by him while his head was down and slightly off to the side. A small smirk was present on the stallion's face and his eyes were staring intently at something at Gallus' rear, before he turned his attention towards the throne.

"What was he staring at?" Gallus mumbled to himself as he looked at his back legs and saw nothing out of place, until a stray thought entered his mind, causing his cheeks to instantly flush.

He wondered if maybe Shining was actually checking him out in a way he didn't think possible, and as if Shining could sense his thoughts, the stallion looked over his shoulder one last time and gave the griffon a quick smirk and a flick of his tail. Gallus wasn't sure what to think as his eyes traveled to the toned backside of the stallion, but his thoughts were cut off as he felt something pushing against his side.

"Equestria to Gallus, pay attention rookie and help me close the door," the other guard spoke in an apathetic tone as he turned for the door.

"Oh, uhh, sorry," Gallus fumbled about, trying to regain his thoughts as he reached up for the handle and began to pull it close.

As he did, he continued to look and stare at the stallion with flustered confusion, and even as the doors shut, Gallus was still unable to process what just happened.


Time ticked by as both guards stood in place and stared forward. For Gallus he stayed quiet and remained stoic in his position, but in his mind, he was eagerly waiting for his relief to arrive so he could head back to his bunk and relax for the rest of the day. His eyes stayed trained on the roundabout at the end of the hallway, and his ears stayed vigilant in hopes he could pick up any sort of sign that the other guard was on his way, however all he could hear were the occasional mumbles from the other side of the door. He did his best to ignore it and patiently wait, however, his ears perked up when he heard the mumbling starting to become more coherent. At first he was able to make out Twilight's voice as she seemed to be getting closer to the door, while Shining’s could also be heard on the side.

“The princess and her brother are coming,” Gallus warned, causing the other stallion to stare in his peripheral vision for a moment, before he followed up with a nod and straightened his posture.

Suddenly, the massive doors were pushed open, and both the royal siblings trotted into the hallway. Both of the guards tensed up as they passed, but quickly relaxed as Shining and Twilight continued their conversation.

“I’ve already prepared the eastern rooms for unscheduled visits, so you’ll be able to sleep in there for the night,” Twilight spoke out, causing Gallus to turn his vision towards her briefly. “Just pick a room, put a warning on the door, and the maids will leave it alone so you won’t be disturbed.”

“Sorry for the inconvenience, Sis,” Shining replied in return as he stopped a few feet in front of Gallus.

“It’s no issue at all, Shining,” Twilight gestured her hoof at him. “If anything, it’s going to be nice that you are staying the night in the castle.”

“You sure? It’s kinda at the last second and I know Cadence is probably gonna send letters asking where I am,” Shining replied, causing Gallus to quietly wonder what was going on. “Just tell her I'm going about my ‘usual business’ and will be back early in the morning when the first train leaves.”

Twilight sighed. “Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to have a married relationship as open as yours.”

"When you find that special partner of your own, you'll understand," Shining answered.

With every word Gallus only got more questions, but before he could think further about it, Shining turned around and looked right at him.

“Speaking of my usual business, can I steal your griffon so he can escort me to my room?” Shining asked suddenly, causing Gallus to tense up.

“Uhhh,” Gallus was at a loss for words for the moment, but the feeling was quickly absolved as Twilight gave him a smile and nodded in approval. “As you wish.”

Shining smiled in return and turned towards the other end of the hallway before he began to walk alone. Not wanting to be left behind, Gallus rushed forward and walked by the stallion's side, quickly matching his brisk pace.

Both walked in silence for a few minutes, with only the echoes of both their steps resounding throughout the hallway. On occasion Gallus was sure he saw Shining looking at him in his side vision, however whenever Gallus looked back, the stallion was always staring ahead. Part of him wondered if his mind was playing tricks on him, but refusing to dwell on it and let it distract him, he focused on leading Shining to the spare rooms. Finally after a few more minutes of walking, they ended up coming to a living area with a bunch of double doors leading to smaller bed chambers, yet despite it being a hub and a common area for maids and guests to lurk, the area was surprisingly barren and quiet.

"Sometimes I miss my days as a guard in this castle, but other days I don’t," Shining spoke suddenly as he came to a stop in front of one bedroom door, before looking back to Gallus.

Gallus blinked for a moment and stood still, unsure of what to make of the random comment, but as he started to step forward, he saw that same smirk that Shining gave him earlier.

"Sometimes it's nice to get away and relax for a bit, you know," Shining continued as he reached up and pushed the door open. "Constantly doing guard duties, while dealing with nobles and business tycoons who view everyone under them as an expendable asset."

Gallus gave Shining an odd look, but couldn't help silently agree with him as he spoke.

"Day in and day out, it's the ponies and creatures with the same attitudes that drain you mentally, yet all we can do is smile and force ourselves to play along," his voice got deeper and his smile and optimistic behavior disappeared for a moment, until he looked at Gallus and grinned. "Thankfully at the end of the day we can blow off some steam and relax, am I right?"

"I understand what you're saying," Gallus said, hoping small answers would be enough to steer the conversation forward.

"How do you relax and blow off steam after a long day?" Shining suddenly asked.

"Uhh." For a moment Gallus blushed as his usual way of relaxing was rubbing a quickie off and flying around Canterlot for a few hours, but he wasn’t planning on telling Shining the former. "I just go flying by myself and read a few books afterwards in all honesty."

"That's all?" Shining's smirk disappeared for a moment and his expression went neutral. "No going out with friends or fellow guards to enjoy an evening out?"

"All my old friends live back in Ponyville, and lots of the guards don't interact with me outside of the castle."

"That's a surprise, considering I've heard maids and guards talking about you earlier today," Shining told him as he tilted his head to the side and gave Gallus a questionable stare.

"Wait, they talk about me?" Gallus' face turned a darker shade of crimson, quickly realizing that’s where Shining must have heard his name from.

"Not in a bad way, mind you," Shining interjected quickly. "They love talking about you in a more flattering sense."

As the words left Shining's mouth, that same smirk found its way back onto his face.

"Maids gush over you and refer to you as 'Gallus the cute catbird' while a few select guards casually joked about running into you while you're showering."

Gallus felt his wings flutter at the implications he was hearing and he felt his lower body tighten up.

"Given your lack of companionship, I assumed it was a griffon thing, but seeing you blush like that says you don't interact much with the castle staff," Shining added as he stepped closer to Gallus.

"I, uhh, prefer to keep to myself," Gallus stammered out as he started to step back.

"Prefer to keep to yourself, or just wait for others to engage with you first?" Shining questioned as a hum of energy played out, causing Gallus to notice Shining's horn was covered in a magical aura.

"Uh-uhmmm…" Gallus muttered, wondering what the stallion was about to do.

“You know, I’ve always wanted to interact more closely with griffons in the past, but I never really got the chance to.” Shining's smirk widened and he quickly brought himself closer to Gallus, causing the griffon to blush harder.

Unable to move away and feeling his body starting to become hot bothered by being so close to the attractive stallion, Gallus attempted to force a smile but stopped as he felt warm, magical energy began touching the base of his tail. He froze up and felt his heart nearly skip a beat, but the feeling was quick to melt away as the nearly electric magical energy rubbed against the firm spot.

“I hear griffon’s like having this area of their body scratched non-stop,” Shining spoke in a low and alluring tone.

Gallus couldn’t reply as the feeling of getting scratched by the magic caused his face to contort into a pleasurable grin, whilst his arms became so wobbly he could barely keep himself up straight. His tail began to flicker wildly until he felt it starting to stiffen up and knew he couldn’t resist his catlike nature as his front talons buckled and his rear lurched in the air.

“S-sir this isn’t… I-I’m sorry, b-but that feels g-gaah,” Gallus mewed out, trying his best to form coherent sentences but ultimately couldn’t.

“Oh wow, you really enjoy that,” Shining spoke as a barely audible chuckle left him as his eyes locked onto Gallus’ raising tail, before he began to circle around the griffon.

The magic scratched harder against the base of his tail, causing it to shoot straight up and give any ponies behind him a full, unexposed look at his rear. His face instantly felt more flushed and his talons pawed and kneaded at the smooth castle flooring as he began to speak up again.

“Sir this really isn’t…” Forcing his will to overcome the intense feeling present, Gallus started to pull his head up, but it came to a stop as something began to touch his chin. The feeling was similar to the warm magic currently at his rear, and looking downward in his vision, he noticed it was another blanket of magical energy. As it began to stroke him slowly, his eyes started to flutter and struggled to stay open.

“I also hear that griffon’s love chin scratches as well.”

The griffon’s mind went blank and his mouth went agape as he felt the magic at his chin expand slightly, allowing more of it to caress his cheeks. His body started to tingle and any sort of tension he had became nonexistent as everything started to feel relaxed and loose. Despite the feeling, he felt frozen and immobilized with pleasure as all he could muster out was soft mews and low purrs.

“So it’s true that griffon’s turn into large kittens when they are stroked like this.” Gallus heard Shining snickering as he spoke. “Didn’t think something like this would also get catbirds like you all hot and bothered.”

Gallus wasn’t sure what Shining meant by the last comment, but as the scratches eased up and he regained some mental clarity, he felt a hard and uncomfortable feeling in his loins. He instantly recognized the feeling and blushed hard as he felt his erection growing quickly and the crisp air around him brushed against the tip of his exposed cock.

“I-I’m so sorry!” Gallus stammered out quickly, ears folding back in shame as he got easily aroused by the mere show of affection from the stallion. “I-I-I just never had someone rub me like that before, a-a-and it feels really g-good!”

“It’s not the first time I rubbed someone the right way and caused him to get like that,” Shining chuckled, before he cleared his throat. “I tend to have that effect on more creatures than I care to admit.”

Gallus didn’t say anything in return, as he started shifting his weight from side to side as if it would ease his discomfort. He wanted to look around, in hopes he could find something to quickly distract himself with the intent of going soft, until Shining stepped forward and stood close enough to Gallus that the griffon could only focus on him.

“Well since I managed to get you into an uncomfortable position thanks to my actions,” Shining began to speak in a low tone. “I think it would only be fair to help you take care of that problem.”

“W-what?” Gallus tensed up further.

Shining leaned towards Gallus’ ear. “I can help you take care of that, if you want,” he said as he turned his eyes stared downward to Gallus’ cock.

Gallus felt his wings starting to ache at his sides, and the overwhelming urge to flare them open became very prominent in his mind. The feeling only intensified as Shining backed up and pushed open the door, revealing the inside of the room. “What do you think? Do you want me to get rid of that growing problem? We just so happen to have a private chamber nearby as well.”

“But, aren’t you m-married?” Gallus questioned in return, very confused as to why a stallion with a wife and child was offering sexual favors to him.

“It’s simple really. My wife and I happen to be a very adventurous couple, and we love to engage with other creatures on occasion. Sometimes we would invite guards and maids into our chambers to see what we like, and we’ve even invited royals from neighboring countries as well,” Shining spoke out as Gallus stared in shock at how forthcoming he was with his information. “Lastly, sometimes we visit Twilight on occasion and steal her guards on top of it all.”

“O-o-oooohhh gosh,” Gallus groaned as the magic at his tail started to move faster and return to its brisk pace of scratching, resulting in the griffon to tense up and raise his lower body once again, thus causing the upper portion of him to bend over as well.

“However I’ve never got to enjoy the company of a griffon guard and it’s not everyday I get to run into a cute, submissive one like you, Gallus,” Shining spoke as he started to circle around the griffon.

Unsure of what to do, Gallus got ready to speak up, but as he focused himself and tried to get up, a new sight greeted his vision. As Shining came to the front of him, Gallus stared with wide open eyes at something large hanging from between the stallion’s back legs. It was a darkish pink color with black spots along the shaft, and instantly recognizing it as a penis, Gallus felt his erection starting to ache more. He couldn’t say nothing, nor could he even bring himself to look away from the large hardening erection before him, even as Shining continued to circle him, until Gallus was no longer able to see him. He tried to turn himself around to see, but the magic scratching near his tail kept his body pinned and unresponsive, and an unorthodox moan escaped his mouth as the magic seemed to spread itself and started scratching more of him. The main part stayed near his tail, but the intense feeling started to focus on other areas at his rear. It started to touch his butt and gently kneaded against his firm cheeks and even traveled dangerously close to touching the rim, causing Gallus to shudder and feel nothing but embarrassment as he realized his hardening erection was in full view of Shining.

“Seems you’re not turned off by what you see,” Shining noted as his magic seemed to knead deeper and faster into Gallus’ butt. “I’m also surprised you aren’t more social with guards or maids, because I can easily imagine a few eager ponies would love to share a bed with you.”

Another moan left Gallus’ mouth as he found his penis fully erect and the magic seemed to focus mostly on creeping closer to his balls. He felt embarrassed that he was being played so openly, yet he couldn’t bring himself to say anything, nor stop Shining what so ever. Though the scratching near his tail and the kneading at his butt was embarrassing, he didn’t want it to stop, and the mere fact that Shining was still going and even acknowledging his erection, told Gallus that he was going to be too aroused to say no to any further advances. He already found the stallion attractive and had stray thoughts earlier about seeing Shining without his armor on, and now he wanted to go further, but knew being out in the open wasn't the ideal place.

“S-sir, we shouldn’t be doing t-this here,” Gallus sputtered out.

“You’re right.” Suddenly the touching on his body disappeared. “We should head into one of the bed rooms before continuing,” Shining spoke as he walked past Gallus.

Still rocked from the experience, Gallus breathed heavily and tried to pull his body up. Unfortunately before he could react, the magical feeling returned and started to scratch his chin again.

"Here kitty, kitty," Shining spoke in a tempting and luring tone as he walked into the room.

"Ooo," Gallus trembled as he felt the magic tugging gently at his chin, threatening to leave him, prompting him to step forward so he could continue to enjoy the feeling.

"Wonder how much it's going to take to make you meow at me," Shining chuckled as he led around Gallus with minimal effort.

Gallus couldn't reply, his mind too engrossed in the feeling. Every outside distraction refused to register properly in his mind, even as Shining closed the bedroom door behind them once they entered.

"Now that we got privacy, lets see if I can make you purr." As Shining spoke, the scratching on Gallus' chin intensified, and the magic at his butt started up again.

"Raowww," Gallus meowed loudly as he came to a sudden halt and bent himself over again.

As the magic continued to rub him down, even more magic came into play as Shining started to multitask and quickly unlatched both his and Gallus' armor at the same time. The griffon made no effort to stop the stallion as the heavy metal was casted helplessly to the side, and now that he was cut off from the outside world, he could be more open with how good everything felt.

"Gosh, that feels soooooo good!" was all Gallus could muster as he started to wiggle his rump in tune with the magic kneading his butt.

"Glad you're enjoying this," Shining told him as he walked by the griffon and headed straight for the bed. "But I can make it better if you lend me a talon."

The sound of a bed creaking, along with the magic easing up, allowed Gallus a moment to refocus on Shining. Finding that his tongue was hanging aimlessly out of his mouth from the constant pleasure made Gallus blush for a moment, but that was quickly forgotten as he stared forward. Shining had gotten on the bed and was laying on his back, hind legs fully spread as his large stallion erection pointed upward. Staring in awe at the massive shaft, Gallus felt his eyes widen and his own erection twitch in anticipation.

The magic at his rear made itself known once again and continued to knead away, but Gallus found it starting to shift entirely to a much more delicate area. Instead of his buttcheeks, the griffon felt the magic start to rub against the rim of his butthole, whilst slowly prodding the entrance. As that happened, even more magic was beginning to wrap around his balls and gently massage them, turning him on even more.

"I've always been curious about how griffons gave blowjobs," Shining spoke out as he pulled himself up to a seated position. "If you give me a good one, I'll give you a thorough rutting."

Gallus didn't hesitate to shake his head in agreement as his body and mind were so worked up, he started to crave any sexual release possible. His erection swayed slightly as he started to move towards the bed and the feeling of cold precum leaking out made him all the more eager to please the stallion. He was quick to take his position at the foot of the bed and place his beak close to the monstrous erection before him. The sheer size of it fascinated him and a thin drizzle of precum was already flowing from the tip, signaling that the stallion was eager to go.

"Think you can handle it?" Shining asked.

"Only one way to find out," Gallus replied as he rubbed the tip of his beak against Shining's ball sack.

Shining let out a low rumble and his smile widened as Gallus brought up his left talons and gently gripped the base of the erection, before he stuck out his tongue and gave the nuts a playful lick. His talons started to move, slowly stroking the bottom half of the meaty erection as his eyes stared up at the stallion's face. A grin of satisfaction was noticeable, even as Gallus nuzzled his beak against Shining's shaft, which caused his erection to throb in return. As it throbbed, Gallus moved his talons upward, placing them on the medial ring, letting him focus his movements on that part as he slowly raised his body upwards so his beak was level with the tip of Shining's cock. He wanted to play and engage in a little more foreplay with the stallion, but feeling the erection constantly tremble and spasm at each little movement, told Gallus otherwise.

Suddenly the magic at Gallus' rear shifted. While a large portion of it continued to massage his balls, another part of it started to poke at his puckered butthole even more. It began to swirl the rim quickly, whilst prodding the entrance as if it was trying to work it's way in. At first it felt weird and he wasn't sure what to make of it, but realizing Shining was preparing him for an eventual mount, Gallus smiled, wiggled his hips, and let out a small purr of affection.

Deciding to pick up his pace, Gallus straightened his body as he brought his other talons up, before he gripped the tip of the erection with it, holding it steady as he brought his tongue up and swirled slowly around the flaring edge. Gallus quickly opened his mouth and got ready to take the tip of the cock inside, and he was ready to fully please the stallion, but knew he would have to be careful with the sharp tip of his beak. He adjusted his head slightly to one side, allowing the tip of the erection to slip inside his mouth, before it enveloped around Shining’s cock. Pressing the tip against his cheek, Gallus closed his mouth just enough that Shining could feel it, but not enough that it was that he would be worried by the sharpness of it. A low rumble came from the stallion as Gallus moved his tongue against the erection, allowing the firm muscle to press firmly against it, whilst he began to slowly bob his head.

“Ooh, that feels different,” Shining spoke quietly as he brought a hoof up and rested it against the top of Gallus’ head.

Gallus said nothing in response, happy to see that Shining wasn’t turned off by his beak at all. Wanting to show his appreciation for the comment, he took more of the tip inside his mouth and let out a loud purr, sending soft vibrations into the shaft and causing it to twitch in return. At the same time Gallus kept his talons on Shining’s cock, stroking it softly yet eagerly, while his tongue moved quick and hard against the tip, vigorously lapping up any precum that greeted him. So much of it greeted Gallus and he couldn’t help but wonder if the stallion was more pent up than usual as cold drizzles seemed to constantly pour out. Blissful sighs came from Shining as Gallus tended to him, and the griffon found the hoof on his head beginning to stroke him and started to guide his movements as the tip of the erection rubbed back and forth against his cheek. Gallus could tell that Shining wanted more of it inside and not wanting to disappoint the stallion, he sped up his movements and let the tip start to push deeper into his mouth. Not wanting to cause any discomfort with his beak, Gallus made sure to loosen his throat and give the stallion as much room as possible, but he nearly clamped down as the magic at his rear made itself more known.

The magic started to go deeper and harder inside of Gallus’ butt, causing the griffon immense pleasure as it rubbed firmly inside of him. He was surprised to feel how smoothly it was rubbing inside of him, and he could only purr into Shining’s cock as the nearly electrical pulse of energy aroused him further. The constant pleasure at his ass made his erection twitch and ache to be touched as bits of precum hung from it, and with every movement of magic, it seemed Shining was going deeper and deeper inside of him. Suddenly the magic inside his rear started to slowly expand and contract, causing Gallus to be surprised by the new feeling. At the same time it continued to move back and forth inside of him, yet with a slowly increasing intensity.

"You're just about ready," Shining suddenly spoke as his hoof moved to Gallus' forehead, quickly stopping his movements. "Gotta admit that your beak and tongue are top notch competitors for the most interesting blowjob, but before I blow my load all over your face, how about I have a go at your ass?"

Gallus' eyes lit up and he could barely hide his smile as he took his mouth off the cock. While he was slightly disappointed he couldn't push Shining to cumming on his face, he was more than happy to let the stallion rut him from behind.

"Y-yes please!" Gallus proclaimed excitedly as his wings twitched with anticipation. "But I got one request."

"Oh?" Shining said as he raised his eyebrows. "What can I do for you?"

Before you finish, can you warn me and instead blow your load onto my face?" Gallus asked, trying his best to hold back his excitement. "Getting marked by a stud in that fashion is something lots of griffons like."

"Heh, didn't know griffons had a kink like that, but if that is the case then how about you keep sucking me off? I’ll have enough in me to give you a thorough rutting right after.”

Gallus smiled, happy to hear that he could continue to please the stallion, whilst looking forward to getting pounded in return. Almost instantly he started to move his tongue towards the tip of the cock, before he placed it against the rim of it and slowly began to swirl it around the edge. A small spasm came from the erection while Shining gave off a small moan of gratitude, and he gave another as Gallus moved one of his talons down and gently rested it on the stallion's massive balls. He moved the balls around in his talons, making sure to play with the massive orbs so the stallion wouldn't be turned off at all, while at the same time he maneuvered his mouth and beak so he could pleasure the stallion with deeper bobs. He was quick to descend and take more of the cock in his mouth, and what he couldn't fit, he made sure to stroke the remaining shaft. Both his talons moved gentle but fast, and his efforts were answered by a constant stream of cool precum slithering across his tongue and throat. The flow of precum excited Gallus, pushing him to try and get more of the massive length inside his mouth, but the sheer size and length of it proved he could only take about half of it in. He was disappointed, but seeing the smile and hearing the periodic moans from the stallion, assured him that he was doing just fine.

The hoof on his head started to push harder, signaling to Gallus that the stallion was starting to grow closer to finishing. He grew more excited, realizing that he would get marked like he wanted, and in return he started to go deeper with his mouth and swirled his tongue as fast as it could go. The faster he went, the louder the stallion grew with his moans, and soon the tip of the stallion's cock started to flare, causing the hard edge to brush firmly against Gallus' tongue and cheek. It didn't slow the griffon down, but rather caused him to purr loudly into the cock, which in turn caused Shining to start applying more pressure with his hoof.

"Awww, that feels so good," Shining moaned loudly as the stallion's hips began to buck in return.

Sensing that the stallion was on the edge, Gallus fondled his massive nuts more swiftly, and stroked Shining’s shaft more thoroughly, causing him to suck air between his teeth and grit his expression as he looked down at the griffon. Gallus in turn looked up at the stallion with longing eyes as he switched up his movements. Opting to pull his mouth off the erection, Gallus instead started to furiously stroke the tip of the erection, pushing for the coming climax. Gallus closed his eyes, kept his mouth open, quietly waiting as the stallion started to groan louder, until Shining let out a grunt and jerked his head upward.

"Ssssssssss... here it comes!" the stallion warned.

Though he couldn't see it, Gallus felt the erection spasm wildly in his talons as the feeling of spunk landing on his beak alerted him that the stallion just came. Purring loudly as the hot and slimy volleys marked his face, Gallus heard the stallion sigh loudly as the following strands pelted his cheeks, forehead, and the rest of his face, while he continued to swiftly stroke Shining’s erection in hopes to coax as much seed out of him as he could. Several more money shots came, but eventually the stallion’s seed started to dribble out and fall to the floor below, while the cock in Gallus’ grip started to go limp. Slowing his talons down, Gallus opened his eyes and noticed that Shining’s limp erection was coated in so much spunk, he could only stare in shock at how much of it.

“Wow, didn’t know ponies had that much in them,” Gallus spoke as he took his talons off of it.

“Bit of a dry spell for the last few days,” Shining sighed quietly. “But you sure helped get rid of that. Not to mention all that spunk looks good on your face."

Gallus smiled but grew distracted as a bit of cum started to roll down onto his field of vision, causing him to wipe it away before it covered his eye. As he did, his attention was focused on Shining’s erection, and noticed that despite just finishing up, the erection wasn’t going fully limp. It was still hard, yet soft enough that told Gallus the stallion was still horny and raring to go.

“Still sorta hard I see?” Gallus asked with growing interest.

“Usually I am after my first nut of the day,” Shining replied with a cheeky grin as his horn flared up. “Just gimme a second to fix that.”

Seeing the horn flare, Gallus instinctively prepared to be peppered by scratches again, but it didn’t happen as instead Shining wrapped his erection around in a pink aura. Unsure of what the stallion was doing, Gallus instead watched and noticed the pink aura grow brighter as the erection started to swell with life once again.

“Brrrr,” Shining neighed as he shook his head violently for a few seconds, causing Gallus to stare up at the stallion with a questionable look. “Rejuvenation spells always get the blood flowing!”

Unsure of what to say, Gallus opted to say nothing but quickly found any coming line of thought discarded as the aura around Shining’s now fully erect cock disappeared, only for it to latch onto Gallus’ body instead. Before he could make sense of Shining's actions, Gallus was lifted in the air by the magic and quickly tossed onto the bed behind the stallion. He made an effort to turn around but stopped as Shining pulled him back until his back legs and rear were hanging over the side of the bed. He didn’t object or fight back at all as Shining got him into position and once the stallion was done moving him, Gallus quietly looked over his shoulder and saw Shining staring intently at his tail hole. Unable to hold back his blush, Gallus opted to swish his tail for the stallion’s amusement, causing Shining to look up at Gallus for a moment, giving him a wider smirk, before he started to move back forward. Shining said nothing as he stood up on his hindlegs and moved close enough that he was able to plant his front hooves on the bed, whilst placing the hard length of his erection against Gallus’ butt. Gallus himself felt the massive penis twitch with anticipation, before Shining loomed forward and rested his underbody against the griffon’s back.

“This isn’t too awkward or uncomfortable for you is it?” Shining asked as he wiggled his back legs, letting his penis rub unceremoniously against Gallus’ rump.

“I’m fine,” Gallus replied as he pushed himself upward and rubbed his back against Shining’s belly in an affectionate manner. “I actually love how close you feel.”

“Not many griffon’s enjoy that, so it’s great to know you ain’t afraid of getting too close,” Shining replied as he jerked his hips back, causing the erection to leave Gallus’ rear for a moment, only for it to reappear a second later with the tip poking at the entrance of his butt.

“Hopefully this doesn’t feel weird for you,” Shining noted as the hum of magic got louder and the magical feeling got more intense at his rear.

“What did you do?” Gallus asked.

“Coated myself in a layer of magic that can act like a lubricant. Less messy overall,” Shining answered.

Gallus said nothing, but grew more curious as to how it was going to feel inside of him. Wanting to tempt the stallion and show him he was eager, Gallus purred in return and steadied his rump so Shining was able to line himself up better. The stallion wasted no time and Gallus felt the erection pull back, before the tip of the cock poked hard against his entrance. He shuddered at the touch and began to buck himself backwards, but Shining was quicker and pushed the tip right in. The second it went in, Gallus moaned softly as a shiver coursed up his spine. His body tingled and his wings fluttered as the massive cock slowly pushed its way in. The magical feeling was barely noticeable at first, as Gallus could only feel the thickness of the cock pressing hard against his insides, but quickly afterwards the fluctuating energy made itself known. It pulsed calmly, almost like a constant wave was moving back and forth in him, putting him at ease as it did. It kept stretching him and prodding deeper, as if trying to ease him up as Shining buried more of his cock inside him, and all he could do was clinch his eyes and squeeze his rump tightly so he could feel more of it.

"That's a tight little ass you got," Shining spoke quietly.

Unable to reply at all, Gallus' mind could only register that massive length inside of him. It was moving in at a fast pace as Shining bucked his hips back and forth, quickly working himself in until about half of it was buried. The only thing that Gallus was able to say was soft mews as his body constantly trembled thanks to the feeling of being absolutely stuffed. Instead he clamped his beak against the sheets, biting into it as a means to suppress his growing volume in moans, while his talons followed suit. He subconsciously made sure to not rip the delicate fabric but that was almost impossible as Shining bucked his hips harder, driving the cock even further in. Gallus felt his body freeze up as the hard tip pressed at something deep within him, and a wave of intense pleasure rippled through his body as the tip of the cock rubbed against a firm spot inside of him. While he wasn't sure at what was causing it, all he could do was moan and pray that whatever was being hit, kept getting pounded.

"That feels really good right there," Gallus said as he squeezed his ass around the dick.

"So that's where a griffon's sweet spot is," Shining replied as he started to provide short and jerky thrusts, causing Gallus to moan intensely.

Neither said anything more as Shining was quick to take charge and Gallus began to enjoy every thrust he received. Every thrust and movement drove him so much closer to a longing release, even with his dick hanging over the bed side and getting rocked senseless, he could feel it throbbing and buzzing as it dripped precum onto the floor. The constant barrage against his sweet spot only added to his pleasure and he could feel the pressure building up inside of his cock to the point that it wanted to burst and spill all its contents onto the bed and ground below. He craved that release more than anything else, but the feeling of Shining pounding his ass was so good that he didn’t want any of it to ever end.

It only got better as Shining pressed Gallus’ body harder into the bed, which caused the stallion’s erection to shift and press harder against that sweet spot inside of Gallus. The griffon moaned loudly into the blanket as much more pleasure was now radiating from his rear and his erection let out a small strand of precum that felt much like a real orgasm would feel. More didn’t come sadly, but the feeling of getting his sweet spot pounded harder was all that Gallus could focus on, that he didn’t care about anything else.

A deep sigh came from Shining as the stallion's hips movements began to increase. The cock inside Gallus’ ass pulled back before it pressed hard forward in a growing motion that showed the stallion was getting more excited and picking up his pace. Gallus’ pleasure spot wasn’t getting focused on as much, but with every thrusting motion, it hit him like a wave and sent a pulse of energy throughout his body. If anything it made his erection swell even more and it caused his talons to grip harder into the sheets so much that he managed to rip the top blanket.

The sheets getting ripped was a mere afterthought as Gallus' body was getting rocked so hard and fast that he couldn't even see straight. His eyes stared forward, unable to focus on anything as Shining kept a constant pace at his rear, and it was like that until Gallus felt his lower body starting to tighten up. He knew that feeling, the forewarning of an explosive climax ready to erupt, yet it felt like it was stalling in a sense, edging him constantly to the point that he was ready to burst at the seams. All he could do was moan and mew into the sheets as the sound of Shining grunting and the bed creaking filled his ears. The intensity of the grunts, along with Shining's pace starting to become more erratic, signaled to Gallus that a second climax was about to come from the stallion. Without any warning whatsoever Shining stopped rutting Gallus and pushed his erection deep inside of him. A massive spasm greeted the griffon in the ass and all he could do was let out a pitiful moan as Shining quickly followed up by pulling his erection out. With the magically coated cock no longer pounding his ass, the griffon felt a sense of emptiness, until he felt something warm shoot across his back. Instantly recognizing it as Shining's second round of spunk, Gallus stayed in place as strands coated trails along his back and even his wings. It would have turned him on more that he was getting marked for a second time by the stud of a stallion, but it was greatly overshadowed by his edging orgasm. With Shining no longer pounding his ass, he felt everything pent up inside of his cock and balls so much that he was so sure that even the slightest touch would cause him to explode.

"Ahhh, the second one was just as intense as the first," Shining spoke with a deep breath. "Now how about we do the same for you."

A magical pop rang out and before Gallus could wonder what Shining meant, he nearly screamed with joy as the familiar feeling of magic wrapped around his cock and began to vigorously stroke it.

"Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh, ooooohhhh!" Was all Gallus could reply with, as every sense he felt prior was now increased one hundred fold.

Gallus felt his orgasm blow hard and fast past the edging point he was stuck at for so long and he could barely contain himself as he pawed and kneaded the shredded sheets beneath him. His body squirmed nonstop with pleasure and his talons dug deeper into the bed as a result. He wanted to thank the stallion for what he was about to give him, but all he could muster was a loud griffon caw as his erection began to spasm uncontrollably and spew all of its contents onto the sheets and floor below. His back legs fidgeted and he panted nonstop as explosive waves of semen erupted from his cock, and while he came, Shining's magic never ceased. It kept stroking and coaxing whatever it could out of the griffon, until the spasms started to slow down.

"Wow, never seen someone that pent up before," Shining spoke as his magic slowed to a crawl.

Gallus didn't say a word in response, his ears ringing while his body continued to buzz as lingering waves of his climax still rocked his body, but after a few long seconds, he started to feel his entire lower body go limp against the bed.

"Oh gosh… I really needed that," Gallus moaned as he felt his body starting to wind down, even as he felt his knees periodically twitch in return.

"So that was what that loud cry was." A new voice filled the air behind Gallus and for a brief moment, he was unaware of who it was, until a lingering sense of familiarity washed over him.

"Oh hey, sis, what brings you here?" Shining asked casually as Gallus quickly recognized the voice.

Without saying a word, Gallus swallowed back the sudden wave of anxiety he was surrounded in and peered over his shoulder just in time to see the princess standing in the open doorway, looking on with an expression he couldn't make out.

"I was coming to check on you as I had a meeting canceled at the last moment," Twilight noted as she stepped through the door. "Little did I realize that you were tending to your 'usual business' with one of my guards."

Gallus couldn't move, his body petrified with fear as he looked to his princess's face, already picturing her to be staring at him with an angry glare, yet much to the griffon's surprise, all he saw was a casual smile as she looked at him, before she turned her attention to Shining.

"Sorry, couldn't help myself," Shining replied with a smug tone in his voice. "I couldn't resist playing with your catbird."

Gallus blushed profusely as both siblings turned their attention to him for a brief moment, quickly noticing Twilight chuckle softly while Shining gave him a cocky grin.

"I'm surprised to see that you caught his eye," Twilight said.

"A little bit of socializing was all he needed," Shining replied as he lit up his horn.

Gallus tensed for a moment, but quickly relaxed as the magic started to gently stroke his chin in an affectionate manner, causing his mind to go blank once again. A soft mew left the griffon's mouth, and in the back of his mind he felt horrible that he was getting shown his submissive side in front of his queen, yet thankfully the quick strokes washed those prior fearful feelings away.

"Hmm, good to know that's all it took," Twilight's voice got low and her smile widened. "Hopefully you don't socialize him to the point that he wants to serve under you instead."

"Now there's a pleasant thought. I can imagine Cadence would have fun with him as well," Shining replied.

"Knowing her? Definitely. However, maybe I could persuade you to not steal my guards for yourself? You know I can be very persuasive," Twilight noted in return.

"Did you have something in mind?” Shining questioned.

Twilight gave him a cheeky grin in return. “How about you imagine me on that bed later tonight? Being a ruler without any consorts does leave me feeling rather lonely at nights.” Her voice got low and sultry as she spoke.

The scratching stopped momentarily and Gallus regained his senses in time to understand the implications of the conversation.

You know I won't say no to that offer," Shining answered, barely able to hold himself back from laughing. "But since that's still half a day away…"

Shining looked towards Gallus. "Gallus, would you like to spend the rest of the day with me?" He asked as he intensified his magic and scratched the griffon's chin more. "If the guard schedule is still the same, your shift was finished around the time I pulled you away from your post."

"Mhmmm," was all Gallus could muster in return.

"Can't even let him properly answer, can you?" Twilight spoke with a chuckle as she turned back for the door. "Well try not to overwork yourselves in that case."

"No promises, sis," Shining noted as Twilight closed the door behind her.

Gallus said nothing for the moment and simply stared forward without focusing on anything whatsoever, quickly becoming a slave to his cat-like nature once again, thanks to Shining still stroking his chin.

"Now where were we?" Shining asked as more magic started to touch Gallus.

Just like before, the magic returned to Gallus' rear and began to stroke the firm spot in his back.

"Ahh yes, we were getting ready for our next round," Shining spoke with a smirk as he advanced on the griffon again.

As Gallus swished his tail and said nothing, he knew his afternoon was going to be a long and pleasurable one that he would never forget.