> Ambrosial Excretions > by Crimson Prose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Talk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The transformation to alicorn was a shock, but as she sat in guest quarters at the palace, awaiting the start of her coronation, Twilight had time to sort it through her head. But for once, sorting freaked her out more. Celestia had effectively tricked her friends into murdering her and stuffed her soul into the upgraded body. Some warning would have been nice! Spike had recognized her frazzled state and asked a guard to bring a bucket of their ‘finest ice cream’. Twilight figured she may as well; ice cream binges did wonders for Rarity after all. The ice cream was ‘Royal Chocolate Chunk’, and was easily the best she’d ever tasted. Spike restrained himself by not asking for any, and she was half-done when someone knocked. With Twilight’s head inside the ice cream bucket, Spike opened it. It was Celestia, wearing a saddlebag with a large package inside. Twilight immediately felt self-conscious, slamming down the ice cream on the nearby desk and wiping off the chocolate on her face. All stress relief immediately disappeared at her mentor's arrival. “Princess!” Twilight bowed on instinct. “Was this your ice cream? I’m sorry!” “Calm down, Twi,” Spike huffed, folding his arms next to her. Celestia lifted a hoof to shush her, then gently pulled her up from the bow. “No more bowing,” Celestia assured her, then glanced at the ice cream. She flushed and shifted a hoof uncharacteristically. “Ah… that’s the… it’s fine.” “I-is something wrong?” Twilight flattened her ears. “Not wrong, no,” Celestia forced a smile, patting Twilight. “But I need to tell you something before you have to… um...” “W-what?” Twilight tilted her head. The confusion shorted out her panic. “It is my duty to give you… the talk,” Celestia stood stiffly. “I apologize for not doing so sooner, but it’s rather awkward.” “Our parents already gave us the talk,” assured Spike. “Does that work different for alicorns?” Twilight’s eyes widened. “Not what I meant,” Celestia chuckled, glancing away. “You see, due to our overtly magical biology, our… waste products are magically charged.” “Waste…?” Twilight stood perfectly still. “Our urine, feces, and vaginal secretions,” Celestia specified apologetically. “You can’t use toilets. They will literally explode.” Twilight and Spike went dead silent, staring at Celestia. Twilight tried to speak but didn’t manage anything discernible. “It’s a prized spell component,” Celestia blushed as she explained. “And after distillation can be used in some food products.” “I’ve never heard of...” Twilight blinked, then took a deep breath and relaxed. “Oh thank Celestia, Princess Celestia, you were just pranking!” “Oh right… hilarious,” Spike said, rolling his eyes as his expression blanked. “It’s not well known,” Celestia continued while they were in denial. “The ingredient names aren’t obvious. For instance, ambrosial excretions.” Her eyes shifted to the half-eaten bucket of ice cream. Royal… chocolate… chunk… Twilight’s gaze followed Celestia’s, picking up the pale with telekinesis as if it were a bear trap, and turned it to look at the ingredients. Ambrosial excretions. If her eyes were any wider, they’d have popped out of her head and left on an epic adventure. “I assure you it’s completely sanitary,” Celestia said. “It’s extremely diluted in food, and no harmful bacteria can survive in it anyway.” “A prank… right?” Twilight asked hopefully, closing the lid and pushing it away, not making eye contact. “Hm…” Spike seemed intrigued. He jumped up, re-opening the bucket and running his tongue inside to taste. “This is really good! Good job, Princess.” Spike gave Celestia a thumbs up, her fading blush returning in full force. To be fair it wasn’t the worst he’d eaten. “A prank… right…?” Twilight repeated as she stared into the abyss. “I’m sorry, Twilight,” Celestia sighed. Celestia opened her saddlebag, pulling out a large package labeled ‘ambrosia collection units’. What she pulled out of that box was obviously an extremely fluffy diaper. “These are enchanted,” explained Celestia. “Lined with clouds and weaved with rainbows; quite comfortable.” “T-this is a really elaborate prank,” Twilight chuckled, slowly backing into a corner. “So she’ll need to wear one whenever she... goes?” Spike asked. “You’ll want to always wear one,” said Celestia. “As your power increases your… bowel management suffers.” “No, that’s wrong!” Twilight pointed at Celestia triumphantly. “I’ve never seen any of you in one!” Celestia’s horn glowed as she dropped the illusion spell she had apparently cast upon herself. Wrapped around her hips was her own poofy diaper, identical to the one she held other than being larger to account for the magnificence of the solar booty. Spike patted Twilight's side to comfort the trembling alicorn, who stared at her mentor’s diaper in disbelief. “I can see why you don’t date, no offense,” Spike said to Celestia. “…you said vaginal secretions too, then how does Cadance and Shining…” “Very carefully,” Celestia stared as if Spike had asked for forbidden knowledge. Twilight stepped forward again, quiet as she walked around to Celestia’s other end to confirm. She reluctantly raised a hoof and placed it on Celestia’s behind, feeling the soft surface crinkle… and slosh a bit. Twilight jerked her hoof back, staggering back in front of Celestia.  There was a slight fruity scent back there, which Twilight had smelled around all three alicorns she knew. She slowly sat back down, looking over at Spike as he took another huge mouthful and finished off the ice cream. Celestia allowed the pat, trying to stand regally, but her legs spread far wider than normal by the size of the diaper smushed between them. As the spell recast, the diaper disappeared and her stance looked slightly less wide. “Luckily,” said Celestia. “You have someone that is often with you to change you. Doing it yourself isn’t an option; the waste react negatively to magical touch.” “Right,” Spike grumbled and folded his arm. "As usual." “Sorry, Spike,” Celestia nodded. “But as a dragon, you won’t have to use safety gear, so that’s something.” “Sorry Spike…” Twilight repeated. She never thought she’d feel like this much of a burden. “I don’t mind!” Spike wiped the frown off and fake-smiled. “You changed my diaper when I was little, so it’s only fair!” “I wrote some other brief instructions,” said Celestia, floating a list to Twilight from her saddlebags. “Please read it carefully. Again… I’m sorry, but you’ll get used to it, I swear. I’ll just um… go get other things ready.” Twilight took the list, but for once wasn’t enthused about reading, so floated it to Spike instead. He cleared his throat, getting the idea and taking a deep breath before starting to read, taking the emotional bullet for her for now. Celestia lingered a moment while shifting her hoof about, then turned out of the room, softly closing the door behind her and leaving the package of diapers. Twilight pushed her hind legs together. She already felt a need, having intended to go just before the ceremony to ensure she wouldn't need to go during it. “Go ahead,” Spike said, understanding immediately. “Need help putting it on?” “I wonder if just once I can use the…” Twilight sighed. “No way!” Spike pointed at the list. “Seriously, it says that the exploded toilet fragments are literally toxic. Somepony could get hurt!” “Right,” Twilight took a deep breath. “I’ll put it on.” > The Coronation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight stood behind the large doors as Celestia gave her speech inside the auditorium, waiting for the signal to come inside and present herself. She tried to stand as normally as possible with the huge diaper rubbing against her. She desperately hoped she could hold herself until after the ceremony, but her hopes were not high. She kept as still as possible, because every time she moved, the diaper rubbed over her nether portions, and it was much softer than she had anticipated to say the least. Twilight glanced nervously at the four mares and four stallions behind her, paranoid that they would notice how far apart she was holding her hind legs, but the enchanted royal gown draped over her behind seemed to work. “Ready to go?” nodded a unicorn next to the doors. Twilight nodded and put on her biggest smile as the doors opened and she looked into the auditorium. It was a large crowd, and the path from the entrance to where the princesses and her friends stood had never looked longer. She tightened her smile and stepped forward. Walking was even more awkward, feeling all the eyes on her. Her hind legs splayed, hips aching from the odd posture. She now knew why princesses walked in what was often called ‘the royal prance’, but wished she didn’t. She supposed the high-society ponies would be impressed that she ‘learned’ it so quickly. She could walk carefully before, but now she had to take large steps if she were to move quickly without galloping outright. The material was sliding against her vulva with each step, back and forth, tingling distractingly. She clenched her teeth; as if she didn’t have enough to worry about without also being aroused. The ponies behind her sang as she pranced, but she barely heard them, too busy concentrating on not tripping. Her bladder also ached more the less she wanted to relieve herself, and the pressure kept building. Still, she was confident she could hold it a little bit… Or not. She supposed Celestia wasn’t kidding about alicorns losing control; she'd been hoping that that took a while. At first she continued to attempt to hold it in, keeping on her grin and trying not to tear up at the humiliation. Even if nopony in the audience knew, peeing herself still made her blush deeply, and she hoped it was mistaken for awkwardness. The tiny spray of fluid spread warmly over her thighs and belly, wetting her fur before being absorbed into the magical lining. The warmth aggravated her arousal, and somehow the wet material felt better rubbing against her when damp. Her steps became unsteady for a moment and she stifled a small moan, thankful to the loud music covering the sound. She teared up from her efforts to minimize it, but finally gave in, letting the shame wash over her as the urine washed out. More warmth spread over her thighs and matted her fur before being absorbed in the soft lining. She strained to keep the smile on her face as she walked. She finally stood in front of the princesses. As Spike brought her new crown out on a pillow, Twilight grew frustrated and tried to squeeze out her remaining urine as quickly as she could while she wasn’t walking. Her brain rebelled at every push, but at least the humiliation of pissing herself in front of a clueless crowd of adorers distracted her from other nervousness. As Spike held up the pillow, he glanced at Twilight’s backside. Knowing her well, he’d caught the awkward expression beneath the fake smile and knew what was going on. Finally as Celestia picked up the crown and placed it on her head, Twilight tinkled to a stop, a wave of relief settling over her. She glanced back at her friends with a humiliated expression, paranoid that they noticed. They thankfully mistook the look for nervous affection and waved at her happily. Twilight smelled a whiff of fruity scent around her, and wondered how many of the three princesses had varying levels of deposits in their ‘collection units’. Turning to the crowd, Twilight smiled and spread her wings out as she was supposed to, her diaper sloshing more than she expected. Twilight felt Spike discreetly move a claw up to check how tight the waistband was against her belly, but thankfully the elastic held. His claw felt better against her body than she wanted it to with everything else rubbing her behind. The fact that he could still feel it with it being invisible made her more nervous. She would have to constantly worry about ponies bumping into her and feeling it. Maybe those that realized would pretend not to, but that idea made it worse because she’d assume ponies knew who didn’t! This was becoming both the best and worst day of her life. Next was the equally long walk to the balcony where she’d wave at the crowd, which thankfully put them further away from her. She breathed deep as Celestia knowingly patted her shoulder to comfort her, then motioned for her to go first. The moist fabric clung to her flesh from her standing still, and now peeled off slowly as it began to brush over her most sensitive area again. It forced awareness of parts that she normally ignored during public interactions. Her marehood was exacerbating the situation by drooling more than urine thanks to the stimulation, and even her taunt anus flexed against the moisture. But that wasn’t as bad as when she felt her bowels shift and felt pressure against that exit as well. Oh Celestia no, she had to hold it in! She wasn’t sure she could handle the humiliation of crapping herself in public on her first day on the job regardless of if those around her knew! She made it all the way to the balcony, her hopes rising only to be betrayed again by her lessening control. As soon as she was about to open her mouth to start speaking, she felt herself give out completely. Rather than resist once it started, she hiked her tail up a bit and squeezed her stomach to take care of it quickly, hoping the diaper had sound dampening properties. Maybe she should have read the pamphlet. Though the cheering crowd helped, she still heard gassy sounds as her bowels evacuated and the warm pee was joined by the less comfortable feeling of a solid chunk stretching her out and then smashing against the cushy fabric inside. She felt her stomach heave as the slime pressed down between her rump cheeks. It was still absorbed, but not as quickly as the urine. Not only that, but it smelled, a putrid scent blowing up from behind her, making her gag a little bit more. Why did it smell that bad? Wasn’t it supposed to smell good? She glanced down at Spike in a panic, and he stood on his toes to whisper so only she could hear. “The pamphlet said it’ll smell better when you follow the proper diet,” Spike whispered. At any other time such an absurd sentence from him would have made her chuckle, but now it just burned right down into her soul. Oh Celestia, her friends were right behind her! They could smell her more than anypony else here! “Say something, Princess,” Celestia politely reminded Twilight when the new alicorn spent too much time waving awkwardly at the crowd with her increasingly mask-like smile. Twilight felt her stomach stop heaving quite so much though, as if Celestia cast a spell to settle it. That was good since vomiting would be a lot harder to hide. She kept her tone even during her speech, trying not to move as another squishier chunk exited her tailhole, hind legs twitching as she searched her mind for what to do. Finally she turned a bit and motioned for her friends to come forward to stand next to her so that they wouldn’t smell it quite so much. None of them showed any sign that they’d noticed, and perhaps they had no reason to think it was her, but she knew they’d figure out eventually and that was enough. It seemed her rear end was done, finally, but she felt the diaper sag slightly. She really hoped that was enough to warrant a change. She flushed more when Spike discreetly felt up under her dress again and patted the crinkling bottom, and she realized he was checking it for fullness. She couldn’t imagine what ponies would think if they saw Spike periodically appearing to grope her. He pulled his claw back and gave her a thumbs up as if to say it was fine. It was not fine, but at the very least, she could count on it not feeling quite as good on her marehood as before. Or at least she thought. As she turned to exit the balcony, politely motioning her friends to go in front of her, she felt the gunk in her diaper squish against her nethers. The diaper’s material kept in heat well, so it was warm and toasty, and aside from the smell actually felt wonderful squishing around her pelvic fur. She now wished that Celestia hadn’t settled her stomach so it would at least counter this a bit. This was going to be a longer event than she thought. > The Banquet > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I-I’ll see you at the banquet,” Twilight waved goodbye to her friends as they walked off, and sighed in relief, turning to Spike to whisper. “Come on Spike, let’s find a room to change before the banquet.” “We can’t!” Spike whispered again, shaking his head and pointing at the pamphlet Celestia had given them. “Those things are expensive and difficult to make, they already have ponies working overtime and they don’t even know what they’re making! Sorry Twi… but we gotta wait until it’s fully full.” And so she found herself waddling her way to the banquet table, even if consuming food in an already dirty diaper seemed one of the most counter-productive things one could do. She cringed as she lifted her dress and turned her sagging hindquarters towards her designated seat, already knowing that it wouldn’t be a comfortable feeling. It was worse than she expected. She felt the pressure spread out her load, mixing it with the urine into a slimy mess between her thighs and around her hips, her plot cheeks imprinting into the mess to rest against her seat. Worse, despite being very uncomfortable, it was also more pleasurable than she’d like, more of the goo pressing against her marehood, feeling as hot as she’d imagine a penis might feel against her, not that she knew to compare. She looked down at her plate, then over at some tasty looking broccoli salad. She smiled just slightly, lighting up her horn with the intent to life some over to her. “Hold it!” Spike stood in the chair next to her, thumping her horn and turning off the levitation. “...Spike?” Twilight tensed her face up, not looking directly at him for fear that she’d look too mean in her current mood. “What is the matter?” “It said you have to be careful about your diet,” Spike said. “To maximize the effectiveness of your um… ambrosia.” It was nice of him to phrase it in a non-obvious way in public at least. “I see,” Twilight took another deep breath in and out like Cadance had showed her. “And what should I eat?” “Cake, mostly,” Spke said. “But anything sweet in general… also hay burgers, but I don’t think there are any of those here. Hey, I wouldn’t complain about this part if I were you!” Well that explained a few things about the legendary royal cake-craving. She had always though it was a little odd when she saw Celestia shoving cake down her throat like an addict. Twilight nodded slowly, using her horn again to cut a giant cake that looked far too sweet for her enjoyment, taking a full quarter of it and placing it on her plate. “Taking after Celestia a little there, are you darling?” Rarity smiled from across the table. “Alicornification giving you a sweet tooth?” “There’s nothing wrong with a sweet tooth!” Pinkie giggled happily as she shoved her quarter of the cake into her mouth all at once. “I-I guess,” Twilight smiled at them, letting it be a joke if that would cover up the real reason. She started taking bites of her piece much slower. She talked with the others, but several times she realized she’d started to rotate her hips against the chair, subconsciously wanting to jar the mess around a bit to rub the warmth between her cheeks and against her slit. She stiffened her hips each time to stop. It wasn’t just the squish or the warmth; the magical nature had started to tingle against her, a soft electrical charge buzzing up through her like a vibrator. It reached a point where staying perfectly still wasn’t enough even. Eventually it became too much to bear. Her marehood was burning as if she was in heat, and she doubted the medication that mares normally take to stifle that would work on her now. She allowed the conversation to drift away from her, eating the cake with her magic slowly. Once everypony wasn’t paying as much attention, she took another deep breath and very slowly moved her right hoof off the table and into her lap. Biting her lip slightly, she testingly pushed it against the fabric, feeling slightly less crinkly than before, sliding it up and down and shivering a bit at the resulting feeling bubbling up through her. If she could just discreetly rub one out… the rest of the evening would be a lot easier… But suddenly she felt her hoof tugged back up onto the table and put it where it had been. She blushed more intensely than ever when she realized it was Cadance’s telekinesis and that the princess had spotted her stealth masturbation. Cadance motioned her head politely to Celestia, who turned to look at Twilight. They both smiled gently at her, but Twilight felt like a foal about to get grounded. “I know it tingles, dear,” Celestia whispered to her. “But we still have to maintain royal decorum and keep your hooves over the table. If you feel need, please order a servant or guard to discreetly move beneath the table to sate you.” Twilight’s eyes widened slowly the more Celestia spoke. Then went twice as large when Spike, on her other side, saluted at Celestia after over-hearing with his better dragon ears. “W-we can wait, Spike!” Twilight whispered and shook her head. “Actually, we can’t,” Spike pointed at the pamphlet again. “If you get too pent up, the unit could blow right off you and cause a chemical disaster.” “Celestia’s eldritch mane…” Twilight swore. This was getting as absurd as it was humiliating. “I’m gonna um… go potty,” Spike announced all too loudly, hopping off his seat and walking away from the table. Twilight watched out of the corner of her eye as he looped around stealthily and crawled under the table at the far end. A few minutes later, he heard him quietly apologizing to someone as he passed Luna, as if there was another servant under there he needed to pass. She finally felt his small claw tap her leg. She couldn’t have been stiffer as she slowly parted her hind legs as wide as she could, but she really needed this. If not for herself, then to prevent a potential tragedy. At least thinking about it that way lessened the guilt aspect a little. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. Spike was good at full-body claw massages, even if he’d always politely avoided certain areas before. Given their sibling-like relationship, feeling Spike’s claws crinkle against the front of her diaper felt as shameful as it would if Shining did this. She strained to take another bite of her cake, fork shaking violently in her magic, trying not to hyperventilate as her whole body burned. Spike moved his claws easily to where her marehood was; he was plenty familiar with its location since he was usually eye-level with it at his height. He kept his claws in to keep from tearing the fabric, but pushed his thumbs firmly against her slit as his other fingers rubbed circles around either side. That seemed to barely get through through the thick material, only making her whimper in frustration more. He paused as if thoughtful for a moment, then pressed both hands firmly against her, digging his claw in just enough to catch the material and move it with his claws. He then flexed his legs, pushing himself up and down slowly to rub the inner material against her. She heard a little ‘ugh’ from him at the smell from shifting it around and feeling the squishiness beneath the diaper. While thankful he wasn’t creepily enjoying it, it made her more self-conscious to know what an unpleasant task it was. Twilight found difficulty thinking about that though when the material started to move more. As impossible as it seemed, the spongy interior seemed softer the more disgusting it was, and she couldn’t stop shivering when he began to work it up and down over her marehood. She tried not to bite her lip as she chewed her cake. The pressure moved upwards slightly, pressing against her breasts up on her tummy, moving the pliable mounds up and down as well. She felt her nipples harden enthusiastically against the fabric as she began to undulate her hips slowly against Spike’s dutiful affections. The magically resistant material had kept the heat in perfectly, and the semi-liquid sloshing against her still felt as warm as when it left her body. She put down her fork and concentrated hard on not seeming agitated, but it wasn’t easy. As conservative as she could be, Twilight usually got a bit loud during her private masturbation, so it was difficult not to verbalize the pleasure now swelling up from her thighs and up through her body. Luckily the other princesses seemed to get the idea, and Cadance had started a rather loud debate with Pinkie about whether something could be too pink. Twilight gripped the table, trying not to shift it too much with the motions. She raised her hips slightly off the seat for freer movements, and began humping against Spike’s braced fists in earnest. She hated to admit it, but getting discretely masturbated through a messy diaper in public was turning out to be the most erotic thing she’d ever experienced. When she went over the edge, her nethers shivered and convulsed enough that it sent ripples through her diaper. Another burst of fluid joined the rest and splattered into covering, and she strained not to knock her chair over with her shaky movements. Unfortunately, the surprisingly intense orgasm also made her finally cry out, bellowing out a squeal of a moan as she gripped the table hard. A moment later, Spike had stopped and everypony was looking at her with wide eyes, save for the other princesses that were looking about a bit nervously. Twilight cleared her throat, sitting herself back in her seat and stammering an excuse, “Ah um… bit my tongue. Sorry.” > The Changing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Thank Celestia that is over!” Twilight cried out as she literally staggered into her room at the end of the day. She’d managed to keep what really happened under wraps, at least she thought, but it was such a relief to be out of the public’s sight. “Yeah,” Spike chuckled awkwardly. “Hey, don’t sweat it, it’s nothing the other Princesses didn’t have to do, right? If they got used to it, you will.” Twilight sighed as she tossed off her dress and released the spell hiding her diaper. She looked down beneath her, watching it sag low beneath her. She’d gone several more times over the festivities of the day, and she was pretty sure it was full at this point. “Uh, I’ll take care of it,” Spike said, almost managing to hide the disgust on his face as he ran over to get the diaper bag. “Remember don’t try to help, touching it with your own magic may make it react. Just lay on your back on the floor.” Twilight grumbled a little, lowering herself slowly to the floor, then awkwardly rolling over. She felt the weight shift around her rear portions, twitching one leg at the sensations again before splaying out her hind legs fully upon her back. The rubbing wasn’t as distracting as it’d been before Spike provided her with… relief, but it was still something she didn’t imagine getting used to quickly. Spike looked over at a towel as if thinking about wrapping it around his face, but opted not to as if worried it’d make her more self-conscious. He was too good for her. Instead, he very carefully detached the clamps on either side of the diaper. When he opened it up, the smell was all the more intense, but thankfully not as putrid as she expected, as if the later load had been more sweet smelling. Twilight didn’t look down, but used her magic to grasp herself by her hind hooves, lifting her rump slightly off the floor but careful not to touch her body anywhere that might be contaminated. She couldn't believe she was having to treat herself like a living chemical spill. “Thanks,” Spike said politely, though he sounded like his nose was covered as he tugged the diaper out from beneath her. When it was out, the thing seemed to respond automatically, folding itself up into a tight ball, a magical ‘contaminated’ symbol pattern forming on the surface. She took a deep breath, awkwardly keeping her bottom up as she felt him wiping her down with the clothes that they’d been provided with. The fabric was soft like feathers as he carefully wiped front to back, and she started to relax under the gentle massage. Thankfully the fabric had seemingly pulled most of it off her completely, so there was very little to wipe off. It seemed most of the sliminess she’d felt was just the feel of the material. That was a relief at least. Twilight lowered her rump down as soon as she safely could, just when Spike was reluctantly moving on to her now-bare marehood. She twitched a little at the sensation as he wiped over it, jerking one leg and moaning quietly. He paused a little nervously and then continuing, making sure to get every nook and cranny. The enchanted cloth seemed to pull every last bit out of her fur, leaving it surprisingly soft as if just washed. “Sorry,” Twilight breathed an apology for the moan, then glance over at the empty bucket of ice cream still sitting on the desk nearby. “You know… I wish it had just been alchemy ingredients. The idea of someone eating my… poop, even in a tiny filtered amount, is just too gross.” “Hey, don’t knock it,” Spike offered. “That stuff was good, you know because you had it too!” “You’re not wrong,” Twilight admitted as he cleaned around her pucker. Somehow it felt even better than rubbing at her slit, sensitive as it got used to the chemical exposure. “But all the same… I think I’ll avoid it in the future.” At least she was smelling much better, like even the initial stinky waste had somehow improved as her energy adjusted. “Speaking of which…” Spike paused. “Uh, Twilight. This is going to sound weird but… mind if I lick um… I want to see if it tastes the same.” “Good Celestia, you can be disgusting at times Spike,” Twilight tensed, drawing her legs instinctively together for a moment before relaxing them. “You know what though… go ahead. It might relieve the tingling I’m feeling around my… anus...” She couldn’t believe she agreed and regretted the words as soon as she said them, but didn’t take it back. “Ok!” Spike said. “No homo, right?” He clearly didn’t know what that meant, but she let it go again. She’d expected him to just taste her, but he did quite a lot more. Twilight always forgot how long his tongue was until she saw it in action again. Or felt it in action in this case, since she didn’t have the nerve to look down. She felt the stretchy appendage wash over her, whipping back and forth and slathering her in saliva from her belly button down. Though she’d mostly calmed, she blushed harshly again as he worked his way over her marehood, seeming to intentionally tweak at her labia and clit, then all the way down to her behind. She tensed more when she felt his tongue-tip press slightly into her behind, swirling around a few times before extracting itself. “Wow that’s… not actually that bad,” Spike observed when he finally withdrew his tongue. “Though it’s pretty spicy tasting… burns a bit at my tongue too. I’m pretty sure if a pony tried to do that, it’d probably kill them.” “Well, I’m not planning on a pony doing that,” Twilight shivered slightly. Now that she was clean, Twilight could take the fresh clean diaper in her own magic, lifting her bottom up again and sliding it beneath her before wrapping it around her hips. Hopefully now that the smell had started to turn, the next experience would be somewhat less unpleasant. And hopefully Spike wouldn’t get a taste for what he just did. Though maybe she wouldn’t mind if he did a little.