> A Freaky Hearth's holiday! > by MLPkillers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Third Day! Decorative Joyful Fillies! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fillies were having fun out in the snow; making snow ponies; launching snowball fights; it was a wonderful time. They all were good; they believed the Santa pony existed and were happy they were going to be on his good list. Some had their doubts but truth be told they were going to be on his good list. One family of four, two sisters were enjoying a cup of hot cocoa, enjoying every sip of it. They were wrapped up in a blanket at a safely secured fireplace; keeping their limbs a good distance from the fire. The crackling sound of the fireplace, the warmth of the blankets, and the flavor of the hot cocoa were enough to cheer even the gloomiest pony up. The two sisters decided to chat about the good and naughty list. “So do you think you’re on the naughty list Charm?” A gray earthpony filly asked with concern; feeling she was on the naughty list for something petite. She had yellow eyes, a normal length tail, and a mane; both in a fashion look; her mane was ponytailed and tail perfectly brushed. The color of the mane and tail was sky blue. She took a sip of her hot chocolate. “I don’t think so Mint... Do you Charm?” An earthpony filly with a similar mane and tail style asked. Mint’s mane and tail color was a little darker blue than Charm’s; the length of both her mane and tail was shorter than Charm’s mane and tail; she wanted to grow it out to the same length as Charm’s mane and tail. Mint’s eyes were a golden yellow, Charm withheld lime green eyes. Mint's coat was sky blue. Mint took a sip of her hot cocoa, taking pleasure in the taste as it went down her throat. Charm genuinely thought she was on the naughty list because of sneaking snacks at night. She thought maybe she confessed it she would be forgiven. “I afraid I think I am...” Mint remorsefully told her sister, who just smiled at her as she proceeded to take a sip of her hot cocoa. Why would mint be on the naughty list Charm thought; she didn’t seem to be the type to cause trouble. What’s she keeping from her? “Mint, you aren’t on the naughty list, there’s no way, you never cause trouble, not to mention helping other fillies at school study. You’re no doubt on the nice list.” Charm had a sporting smile. She hoped to sway Mint’s hopelessness away. She was a good pony and didn’t deserve to believe she’s on the naughty list; she knows she doesn’t do awful things, so why doesn’t Mint think she’s on the list for good fillies? “Yes I am, I sneak snacks a lot for the past few months.” The two fillies heard hoof steps, they were definitely separate by the sound of four hoof steps. It was their parents, they were the only other ponies in the home of course; they were setting decorations up in the living room. The sound of hoofs stopped, giving Mint a sorrowful scare. She felt bad for sneaking snacks in the middle of the night, but she knew she can’t put them back in their spots, she doesn’t remember all the spots each snack individually went but she could inference. She thought of repaying the snacks when she gets older than confessing. The parents didn’t look mad but they did look disappointed. “It looks like we have to have secure places for the cookie jar...” The mother said with a little giggle. Holding a hoof over her mouth to conceal the actual laughter. Mint felt a little comfort, but she knew her father was going to also respond to her; they definitely heard her confession; some part of Mint was scared they did; she was afraid they might yell at her and punish her. Her parents aren’t the type to yell at them, but they will give punishments if they make mistakes, such as stealing, that’s a mistake, shouldn’t have been done; the pony was led the wrong way. “Yeah, we can’t have our angle being on the naughty list now can we?” The father wasn’t angry, he looked the opposite actually. He seemed to have a smile; like he was glad Mint confessed her wrongs and feels bad about it; even if it’s because she doesn’t want to be on the naughty list. There will be no need for punishment. “Sweetie, if you ever want a snack, just ask alright, I know the Santa pony heard your confession and sorrow.” Mint frown slowly turned to a slight smile. Charm had a smile, if that’s what Mint was worried about, then she can rest assured; almost every filly in their life sneaks snacks; they after all are only listening to the manipulation of their stomachs and taste buds. Charm finishes her Hot cocoa, getting and making her way to the kitchen. The parents thought Charm might be in the same get-away boat. “We’re not going to have to put the snacks up from you too right?” The father asked Charm, who already put her cup in the sink since it was the glass; throwing it in would either break it or shatter it, and that’s naughty. Charm heard her father and with pride laughed. “No father, I don’t sneak snacks, I usually ask. May I have one now? I’ll get one for Mint too.” The mother smiled, she gave Charm a sign of yes. Charm walked back into the kitchen and grabbed four cookies, thinking of her parents also. “See Mint, like Charm did, just ask one of us, alright?” The mother told Mint with compassion; she remembered doing the same thing when she was her age, so it would be hypocritical if she shed her daughter for doing it also. “I got the cookies, I also got one for you to mom and dad.” Charm was kind at heart. The parents notice she had four, guessing she was going to split two with herself and her sister, but it looks like they were wrong, the father wasn’t going to accept a cookie, this was because he was obviously going to get some later when they are put out, the parents were hoofed the cookies, the father not accepting, he told Charm to give Mint the cookie to help her feel better, Charm smiled and hoofed Mint two cookies, the two sisters enjoyed the snacks, loving each bite. The mother enjoyed the cookies also, but she enjoyed the kindness more; they did well at raising their fillies so far and plan to keep the path clear for them; pure and successful. “Thanks for the cookie sweetie, me and My father are going to go back to decorating the high places, we’ll let you know when we finished setting up the tree.” The mother looked at her husband with a smile; indicating him to continue the decorations. “Alright, you two have been good so far, so keep up the purity and Santa pony will be happy and proud.” The father encouraged the sisters to be good with a smile, walking back into the living room with the mother following. They started decorating the fireplace in the living room; occasionally tending to the wall and ceiling. “Didn’t I tell you you would still be on the good list?” Charm giggled, she was right all along. Mint’s expression slowly turned to a smile. She grabbed her cup of cocoa and started to finish it, after she finished she placed it on the table, her cup empty of the tasty sugar beverage. She turned to Charm, finally able to hatch a smile. “I guess your right, thanks for believing my purity.” Charm smiled profusely. She always knew she and her sister were good. They were raised by good parents after all. “You’re welcome, now that we know you are on the nice list, what do you want to do next?” Charm thought of helping their parents decorate, she thought of the board games they could play if their parents want to decorate alone; wanting to surprise them. “I guess something fun now, school is out for the meantime, so let’s enjoy it while we can.” Charm thought of decorating first, wanting to aid their parents. It doesn’t hurt to see if they would let them? They both know they have to do later, but why not more? “I guess we could ask mom and dad if we could help them decorate the living room?” Mint thought at first it could be boring, but she second thought decorating could be fun; it could also be a way to make up for the snacks she stole. “I guess, let’s go ask them.” Mint smiled at Charm. They both got up, and headed to the living room, ready to ask if they could help decorate; they not only want to decorate but also help their loving parents. The two stopped at the entrance to the living room, hesitant and a tiny bit shy of asking. The father finished putting up the lights on the fireplace, turning around to get the decorations out of the box. He noticed the sisters. He already knew what they were doing, they want to help him and their mom decorate the living room, he looked at their faces and thought to himself; how could he say no to such faces. He walked towards them, asking what they were doing. The explanation was expected, the father sighed and told them they could put up the Hearth’s statues on the fireplace and table. “Make sure to make it nice and neat, surprise your mother with toy decorative skills.” The father was joyful, smiling at them and heading to the attic. He opened the door and climbed up the ladder. He had to be careful what he’s getting, it’s a little heavy and joyful. The sisters took the decorations out of the box, they started to brainstorm by placing them on the table, getting good ideas where they could go. The Hearth hut was in the middle of the table, as the small lights would go around the hut; the cotton would be placed outside of the house, two on the side and three on top of each other. They will use the buttons for eyes and small carrots as arms; they were going to make a decorative indoor snow pony. “Anything else in the box Mint?” Charm asked before deciding this was the final setup. Mint pulled her head out of the box, turning around with a small hat on her nose, she didn’t notice it. “Nope, that’s all of it.” Charm laughed, is Mint sure? “Are you sure, look on your nose Mint...” Charm giggled, placing two hoofs over her mouth to suppress the amount of laughter ready to burst out. Mint crossed her eyes, spotting the hat, she laughed also, leaning her head to Charm. “Here you go Charm” Charm grabbed the hat with a hoof and gently placed it on the snow pony. The two sisters took a look at the tables, feeling satisfaction. They both searched for Another box, their father also told them to decorate the top of the fireplace too. The sisters spotted a box on the right side of the fireplace, they made their way to it swiftly, taking a look inside of it; they saw more decorations, different ones but more. They again started to brainstorm where to place these decorations, finding the feeling. They placed the hearth statues in the back, the snow globe in the middle, lights on the outside of the top, and the two lighting up hearth huts on the right and left end sides. They stepped back and reviewed their work. They felt a little more satisfied with what they decorated at the table. They accepted the decorations placements both nodding and agreeing. “Do you think mom would let us help her?” Mint asked Charm, believing their mother would agree. Charm smiled; of course, she will as long if it doesn’t involve any risks. “I know mom would let us help, I mean how could she refuse our faces?” Charm giggled. The two fillies made their way to their mother to see if she wanted help, they found she already finished, so they guessed she’s good. The only question now is the tree. “We were going to see if you would let us help you, but seems like you already finished.” Mint smiled. The mother turned around to her daughters, with a joyful smile. “And you did a great job decorating also mother.” Charm closed her eyes and smiled. The mother climbed down from the ladder, stepping onto the floor. She took a look at the finished decorative walls, she then looked back to her fillies. “I do have one more thing you both could decorate, your father went to get it.” The fillies brainstormed what it was, another table? Maybe a gingerbread home? They didn’t care what it was they were going to decorate it perfectly. Charm bounced with excitement. “What is it?” “Yeah what is it?” The fillies asked, really excited to decorate it. The mother smiled, they must’ve forgotten about the one thing that brightens up the living room and where the presents go. “Your father went up to the attic to get it, he should be down shortly...” The mother was a little nervous it would be longer than shortly. She hopes he will take caution and be careful. The fillies heard the sound of bushes as well as bulbs. They had an idea what he may be, but they wanted to see it for themselves; they made a quick run to the other room, spotting the attic was open and their father stepping down the steps slowly, they smiled seeing the decoration their father was carrying; they knew it would be coming soon, but not this soon. “Is that the tree!?” Both fillies asked in unison, excited to decorate what the father was carrying down, the father slowly took his final step to the ground, feeling the floor with his left rear hoof first, almost falling when his right hoof touched the floor; his eyeshot open with fear and disbelief he was going to fall with the tree. He thought of the decoration coming down and hitting the fillies, he regained his balance, his eyes focus on the decoration, as it was a threat; he didn’t forget it was a decoration, he cautiously put the decoration onto the floor, the branches shook, some old ornaments fell off, bouncing in various directions. The fillies managed to stop a few from bouncing; carrying a few to their father, who was catching his breath. “We got some.” The girls told their father with a joyful smile. The father smiled, removing himself from the ladder and closing the attic. “I hope you two enjoy decorating the Hearth Tree.” The fillies kept their smile. They wondered when they could decorate it; they thought they could do it together now. “So are we allowed to decorate the tree now father?” Charm had a confused look, but also an adorable face. “Yeah, can we?” Mint asked also asked, also wanting to decorate the tree. The father smiled and shook his head, giving them a yes. The father grabbed the bottom and some part of the top of the tree; picked it up, carrying it at his side, making his way to the living room, he knew exactly where this was going; he and his wife thought about it, it would go to the right of the chimney, that’s why they had to wake up early so they could clean it properly and remove some items so the tree could be placed there. The fillies followed their father to the location, both wondering where he was going to place the tree. Didn’t he have to ask their mother first, didn’t they both have to agree? The father placed it where he and his wife planned. He was careful, not wanting to damage the tree or the furniture by it. He managed to get it perfect. The fillies at first were worried, but they had faith their father was strong enough to keep the tree from causing damage to them or the furniture. The father took 5 steps back to take a look at the placement; he measured it by putting two hoofs in front of his vision, going from horizontal to vertical. He thought he did great. “I go get the ornaments.” The father walked past the fillies and back to where the attic was, why did he shut it, well it’s an attic and is somewhat dangerous to fillies, so he took caution. Mint and Charm brainstormed together, putting their heads together so they could make the best-looking choice; they didn’t have the decorations yet for the tree, but they still assumed it would include blubs, a star, and garlands. “I handle the bulbs!” Charm told Mint, excited to decorate the tree. “I guess I have garlands then!” Mint informed Charm, thrilled to decorate the tree. They reviewed the tree from all angles, stepping back and looking at it together, both shaking their heads in agreeance. The fillies heard their father coming down from the attic, running to the hallway to wait for him. They Saw a small box in his hoofs as he made his way down the ladder. Charm notice a shine from a golden bulb, pretty she thought. The father successfully climbed down the ladder, closing the attic with caution. He swiftly made his way to the living room, the box was a little heavy, so it’s best not to hold for too long. He placed it next to the duster on the table. The fillies followed him, acting confused at first. “I go let your mother know I got the ornaments. I’ll see what she wants to do for dinner and dessert.” The colt told his fillies. The fillies thought to themselves, are they making cookies, hearth cookies? “Can we make cookies!?” “Hearth cookies!?” The fillies ask with a face that couldn’t be denied, the father knew he would have to ask their mother first, but he so wanted to give them a yes. “I say yes, I go see what your mother says. You two enjoy decorating the tree.” The father smiled at his daughters before heading into the kitchen where mom was, the father bet she heard all that. The fillies had a plan thought out for decorating; Charm will do the garland as Mint will do the bulbs. Mint grabbed the box and moved it closer to the tree, putting it gently on the floor. Charm was a little flustered but understood why she did it. “You know I have to clean the bulbs first right Mint?” Mint sighed, she knew her sister was going to dust the bulbs first, she rolled her eyes a little annoyed. Mint grabbed the box, putting it back on the table. Charm took the first bulb out, it was light blue, she dusted it off fast, hoofing it over to Mint, who then put it on the tree. Mint had a decorative plan; the red bulbs will go on top, as the order down will be: green, blue, and yellow. The two sisters worked with no flaws, the bulbs were dusted off well. Mint decorated well, things are going as planned for the two sisters. Mint finished, expecting to be hoofed over another bulb, but received a giggle instead. “There’s no more, you decorated the tree with all of them.” Charm smiled at her sister. Mint was a little sad and angry but decided to stay calm, she walked over to the position Charm was in, almost bumping into her, she was in a hurry to help Charm with the garlands. “Before you hoof me the garlands, please shake them over the floor, remember what happened last Hearth’s Eve?” Mint recollected her memories, remembering them clearly; she was sleeping on the couch in the living room, awoken from a sound of a thump, she thought somepony might’ve come down the chimney, forgetting it near Hearth Warming. She woke the family up, fearing a burglar was in the house when in reality it was just a metal train that fell from a garland that messed up the tree. Mint’s expression turned to an embarrassed anger expression, she was encouraged to do what Charm asked. Shaking the first garland roughly. “Whoa, don’t shake them too hard Mint, if there is a toy in them, it would fly and possibly break something.” Mint took a deep breath and calmed herself, Charm was right, if there is anything in the garlands, they would just fall after a period of shaking. Charm knew why she did that, afraid of what happened last year, she doesn’t blame her, she literally woke the whole house up because of a metal toy train. “Alright...” Mint started to slow her speed of shaking the garlands. She gave them to Charm who wrapped them around the tree, sometimes dancing on one hoof, spinning, and singing Winter Wrap Up. Mint was annoyed at first but knew it was a traditional thing to do; deep down inside some part of Mint wanted to sing along, but she ignore the urge to do so. The garlands were finished, the two sisters taking a look at the tree, they nodded their heads in agreement, they did a great job. They guessed their parents will decorate the lights and star on top. “Well, I guess mom gets the star?” Mint disagreed, it was dad who put the star on top last year, not Mom. “No, I believe dad is going to put the star on top and mon is going to decorate the tree with lights.” Charm disagreed, every Hearth Warming they switch up roles. Charm decided not to start an argument, she giggled. “Yeah, maybe you’re right?” Charm walked over to the box, emptying it over the floor, lots of dust fell to the ground, she knew dad was going to clean the floors later with the vacuum, so she decided to check the box for any more ornaments by dumping it, she notices a tree ornament on the ground, she picked it up and hoofed it to Mint, she was a little confused what Charm was doing, she thought the box was empty after the garlands. Mint smiled at Charm, putting the decoration in the middle of the blue and red bulb, it fit perfectly. “Well, we did it.” Charm and Mint’s ears perked up when they heard their names called, it was their father, who was calling them into the kitchen. The fillies were excited, thinking it’s time to make cookies, but they forgot about dinner. “Do you think mom agreed!?” “I hoped she did!” The fillies ran into the kitchen, leaving the box on the ground. The fillies stopped at the kitchen entrance, spotting dinner ready on the table. It was a stew, one they had for sure, it smelled delightful. “Tonight we are having my specialty, Hearth Warming Stew!” Their mother declared, indicating that fillies to come in and sit down at a seat. The two were shortly disappointed, but they did love mother’s stew, they smiled. Mint went in and sat in the right seat of the table, by her father. Charm sat in the left seat, by her mother. They both knew this soup will be great and full of delicious flavor. > Thanks Mom! After Dinner! Time To Clean And Decorate The Attic! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Thanks for the soup mother!” “Yeah it was fantastic as it always is!” Mint and Charm said with gratitude. They finished washing their dishes and made their way out into the living room, happy and stuff. “When do you think Santa Pony is coming?” “I dunno but hopefully it’s later today, but I doubt it since it’s not Hearth Warming yet!” The fillies sat down, wondering what to do next, maybe go outside and play with the snow or kick ball? Or tag, lots of things to keep a filly entertained. Their mother and father had an idea what they could do. It’s a chore, they might like cleaning them? “Girls I have something for you to do, it involves a chore though, remember how you helped decorated the living room?” The fillies smiled and replied with a yes. A tiny bit excited after they heard the word chore. “Well the attic can use that too, we would also like a tree to be set up there after of course it’s perfectly dusted, the attic doesn’t have to be perfectly clean, because it’s an attic. Do you want to decorate the attic?” The mother asked the filles with a smile on her face. “And you don’t have to worry about falling because I’m behind you when you both are going up the ladder to make sure you don’t fall and when you’re ready to come back down, just yell for me.” The father made sure the filles wasn’t going to get hurt, well as long as he’s around that is. Mint didn’t want to but after being constantly bugged by Charm to do it, she accepted. “Fine Charm, I go up there with you to help you decorate the attic...” “That’s the spirit girls, no go with your father!” The girls fallowed their Dad into the hallway and then up the attic after he opened it. When they got up in the attic, it was very dark and the fillies was reconsidering their choice until a bright light appeared, shinning the room with boxes and dust, in the boxes was Hearth Warm Eve ornaments and decorations. The girls cough from the dust. The father opened the window to the right. It has a screen and was small, the fillies can’t fall out it. “There you go girls. Make sure to have fun and get along.” The father said climbing back down the ladder and leaving it open as a reminder the fillies are up in the attic and so he can hear them call for him. They turned to the rest of the attic, looking at each other with ideas after they done cleaning. They already spotted the duster on the dusty wooden table, two of them in fact, so this was already planned. “Come on Mint, let’s start dusting so we can get to the fun part!” Charm ran towards the table with the two dusters on it grabbing them and them, turning around with a smile and another one in her hoof for Mint to take. Mint sighed with annoyance, but reluctantly walked towards Charm and grabbed the duster from her. “That’s the spirit! Let’s start with this table!” Charm took her duster, and started to dust the wooden circle shape table, lots of dust was coming off of the table, making Mint cough. How could Charm not cough from that amount of dust? Probably because she didn’t pay attention to it and didn’t inhale it in. Mint smirked. “Oh no you don’t, you’re not leaving me in the dust, literally.” Mint started dusting the table with Charm, both doing it from side to side, eventually meeting each other dusters in the middle, they both giggled and circled the table, dusting it completely off, the fillies then split up around the room dusting off the stands and dressers, then the boxes around the room with Hearth Warming Eve supplies and decorations. The fillies met up again in the middle with smiles as they looked around the attic. “Well, I think we’re done.” “Yes with dusting but not with sweeping, that dust had to go somewhere, I get the broom!” “Then I’ll get the dustpan.” Charm grabbed the dustpan, Mint grabbed the broom and started sweeping, sweeping the attic from one side to the other, making sure not to hit or trip over the ornaments. “Make sure not to miss underneath the bed up here and dresser.” “Don’t worry I didn’t, I just wanted to clean the floor first!” Charm started sweeping from underneath the bed, hitting what felt like a case, she was curious, so she swept it from underneath the bed, Mint was curious when she saw it, she took the dustpan and dumped the dust into the trashcan, then made her way back to the suit case, Charm already picked it up and put it on the bed, blowing it off away from the bed, then viewing the name: “Old Memories.” The fillies opened it and saw many photos of what looks like them when they were babies. “Awe look at you Charm, holding your yellow blanket tightly in your small crib!” “Oh yeah, look at you sleeping in your crib in your diaper!” The fillies adored the suit case photos, leaving it there and sweeping the rest of the room, then after they empty the dust pan, they went back to the suit case and stared at more picture before putting the suit case back under the bed cleaned off and closed tightly so their parents wouldn’t find out they stared at the photos, although that probably wouldn’t matter to them. “Well, I guess we should start to decorate the room and light it up right?” Mint was still remembering the photos, she was day dreaming. Charm bumped a hoof against he chest, waking her from her day dreaming. “Huh?” “Want to help decorate, because you were day dream.” “Yeah, sorry, what should we start on first?” “I think the tree, we should start on the tree over here and add light to it first to see better.” Mint agreed, both fillies walked over to the tree and spotted a box of lights in it. Charm grabbed a bunch of green cord and multi color lights out of the box. Mint used her head and pushed the box to the tree up in the attic. Charm laughed, guess that would be more easy. She walked over to the tree and started putting them up, making sure not to miss a single spot on the branches, Mint started putting the yellow bright lights on from the bottom of the tree, working her way to the top, the fillies used their teeth to put the lights on, making sure not to bite too hard. They met up in the middle where they almost bumped each other in the nose, the stared at each other and laughing, before their attention turned to the window that let them see a strong breeze outside. “Must be cold outside.” “Yeah if the breeze is that strong.” Mint told Charm. The blue earth pony said with fear Charm might want to go outside and play, that would mean she would be bugged to death too and she ain’t going out in that cold weather. The fillies continued to decorate the tree, grabbing the nut crackers out and putting them on it, there was 10 so this was enough to go around the entre tree 1 time, the tree was about 2 and a half hooves tall. Charm ran under the bed and grabbed the red circle rug with white balls at the end of the circumference. “Can you lift the tree a little please mint?” Mint sighed with annoyance and did what Charm asked, pulling the tree towards her, the rug was nearly under but not in the middle of the tree legs. “Can you do it again Mint but front the side across from you?” Mint rolled her eyes to the back of her head, walking over to the side across from her and pulling the tree, the tree was in perfect center with the rug. Charm looked around, thinking what else she could do for the tree. She saw a box in the corner to the left, she saw multi color bulbs. She walked over to it and pushed the box over with her head, Mint smirked. Seems like Charm is learning after all. “How you girls doing up there!?” Their father asked with concern in his voice. The fillies replied fine, they were working on the tree. The father smiled and walked back to the living room. “Let’s put the bulbs onto the tree and then let’s take a break Charm.” Charm smiled. She wasn’t tired but Mint is right, she would like to sit down, preferably on the bed up in the attic. The fillies set up the bulbs, putting green plastic hooks through them. The fillies counted the amount of bulbs. There was 18 green bulbs, 18 blue bulbs, 16 golden bulbs, and 20 red bulbs. They finished decorating the tree. “Alright, Charm I’m sitting down.” Mint was about to sit down onto the wooden plank floor. “Wait, what about the bed, let’s sit down on that.” Mint was annoyed Charm was trying to make her stand a little longer but she’s right. The floor is too dusty even after being sweeped. The fillies walked over to the bed and sat down, their legs dangling before laying down. “Hope you’re not tied Charm.” “Nope!” Charm lied, she was tired and she knew Mint was too. The fillies ended up falling asleep. The father wanted to check up on the fillies after awhile due to not hearing the hoof steps he once heard. He climbed up the latter and turned his head to the left. Seeing the fillies asleep, he ain’t going to wake them up, instead, he made sure the windows was shut and grabbed a blanket from the box that was clean. He put it on the both of them before staring at their faces. They are such good fillies. The father smiled before walking towards the latter and climbing back down it, walking to the living room next to his wife the fillies fell asleep. “So how’s the girl progress?” The mother asked with a smile. “They did a pretty good job a dusting, the floor needs a dusting so I probably do that after they leave the attic, looks like they attempted to dust the floor but must a few spots.” “Well ain’t it about time they left the attic?” “Well... They ended up falling asleep on the bed, so I made sure the windows was shut and they were covered up with a blanket big enough for the two of them.” The mother walked over and gave the husband a smooch on his left face check. “You’re such a good father. Guess we should go to bed to, since the living room is well decorated enough.” The husband let out a fake yawn. “Yeah you’re right.” “That yawn was fake and you know it.” The wife giggled, before they both walked to their room and went to bed. The lights was off, but the night lights and decorative lights was still on just in case the fillies wake up and aren’t scared. > Decorating The Night Away! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mint awoke on the bed in the attic. Mint rubbed her eyes open, getting the crust out of her eyes. She looked at her sleeping sister, watching her sleep and snore with beauty. She'll grow to be a great mare. Mint wasn't the type to express her emotions publicly. She liked to be known a little more as a tom colt, but not completely. She still doesn't mind being a mare. Mint pulled the blankets slowly from Charm, giving her a little shake. "Psst, Charm..." Charm's eyes slowly opened. She looked out of the window, watching snow fall from the sky and off the neighbour's roof. She turned to her sister who was sitting at the bottom of her legs. She wondered what she was thinking. This bed was cozy, she didn't want to leave. Where did this warm, and cuddly blanket come from? "Hey where did the blanket come from?" Charm asked her sister, getting up slowly, and rubbing the crust out of her eyes. The fabric fell off her and onto the lifted part of the bed. Mint looked at the blanket closely, remembering the blanket. The blanket came from the chair to the right of the bed. But they didn't cuddle with it, so did their father or mother put it on them? "Well. I remember it came from that chair over there. Mint pointed to the blue chair near the freezing window. Charm traced the hoof with her eyes. Yeah, she remembers it was on that chair but the question is how did it get on them for them to cuddle with? "I remember it was there too. You think Dad put it on is?" "Or Mom? It could've been her too?" Charm giggled as she placed a forehoof over her mouth with her eyes closed. "Yeah, that's true." Charm's expression returned to normal. Both fillies stared at each other, wondering what to do next. "Well what were we doing before taking the nap?" "You don-! We were dusting, and finished the tables." "Oh yeah, oops, sorry. I forgot.." Mint couldn't stay mad at Charm. If she was asking the question then she would've gotten a respectful response back, so why should she be disrespectful or rude? Is it the holiday that's affecting her emotions and thinking? She means of course if can but, ugh! Charm stood up from the bed on the left side of it, feeling a small breeze blow past her, giving her shivers. Her body was used to the blanket warm environment. It's not even that cold in attic she thought. The heat is on in the entirety of the home, the attic included. Mint bounced her way off the bed, and landed on her forehooves first, then on all fours. "So what's next on the list?" Charm asked her sister, causing her to put a forehoof up to her head, thinking. "I think we should go downstairs now. Mom and Dad probably don't want us to stay up here all night." "Wouldn't that mean that blanket was put on us by a ghost? Since nopony else is in the house. Especially at this hour?" Charm knew Mint was right, she just gave her sister a small pat, letting her know she was right. Charm walked towards her sister who was still standing in front of the bed, facing face to face. "Stop joking around Charm, we both know that was probably Dad. Hehe." Charm walked towards Mint, passing her, walking towards the ladder, turning back to her sister. "You coming?" Mint had a smug expression before walking towards the ladder, and then down the steps. Charm followed her sister. After they both were downstairs, they looked at the living room. The living room had Hearth Warming lights on, and it seems their parents didn't just sleep, they had more lights and decorations up. They were bright as well. Nopony could deny this wasn't a pretty sight. "Ooh, pretty." Charm muttered out. Charm saw the lights, and the other decorations, her sister Charm was right, but she ain't the pony to express her emotions. Charm knew that, rolling her eyes before walking into the living room, sitting down on the couch. Mint saw Charm patting the left side for of the couch cushion for her. "Fine..." Mint made her way to the couch, sitting down on the left side Charm was just patting. Both filles hind hooves dangled. Why did charm want her to sit here for? They were just lying down, so it can't be to rest right? "So... Why did you invite me over here to sit for?" Charm gave off giggles before replying. "Wouldn't you want to tell a story about this holiday?" Mint face went to zero interest. She put on a fake smile for her sister so as to not hurt her feelings. Charm knew Mint wasn't the one for stories. Mint moved her rear back in forth, finding a comfortable spot for her tussie. She turned her head to her sister again. "You know I'm not one to talk about stories right?" Charm giggled at Mint, giving her a beaming smile. She wasn't surprised one bit. "I know. Do you at least want to talk about this Hearth Warming coming up?" Mint keep her expression, looking around as she thought about a response. "Well this year we definitely out did last year." Mint replied. Charm giggled with a forehoof hoof up to her face, nearly covering a side of her mouth. "Charm, what's so great about winter?" Charm took a minute to ponder the question. What did she mean? Does she not like winter? "Well... For starters... There's Santa Pony." "Who we've never seen." "There's also a Grinch pony. Many fillies don't talk much about the Grinch Pony." Charm gave Mint an eyebrow. Mint wasn't a fool. She was implying she was like the Grinch Pony. She has nothing in common with that pony. Mint got off the sofa, facing Charm with a serious expression. "Me and the Grinch Pony are nothing alike! You-!" "Shhh... Calm down Mint, I wasn't saying you were?" Mint glared at Charm. She wasn't convinced one bit. "Oh yeah...? Then what was that eyebrow?" "Oh, something got in my eye. hehe..." "Sure..." Mint sarcastically agreed. She wasn't buying her white lie but oh well, good enough. Both fillies got up. Giggling at each other. "So you think you might get coal this Hearth Warming?" "Mint... We know out of the two of us it would be you who would get it..." Mint felt a little insulted. Was Charm saying she's a naughty pony?" "And what's that's supposed to mean?" "Oh, nothing. Hehehe." "I could tell when you're lying, and I don't like it." "Ha... Ha..." "What do you want to do?" Both fillies thought of some quiet games. They would be able to play board games. They would prefer to run and tag, but they would make too much noise, waking their parents. It's also dangerous just to play tag in the house. As their mother always said. (Don't run in the house.) The fire cracked as the exothermic heat from the flames reached the filly's bodies. The feeling is always good in the winter. "I guess play a silent game." "Hmm..." Charm had to think of a game. There's that Uno game. Then there's Pony Life. "What do you think we should play?" "I guess Pony life." The fillies walked towards the table, Charm walking to the right side, squatting over and pulling a clean drawer open by the hanging metal component. Charm grabbed the covered board game, pulling it swiftly out with her teeth, and not too strong. She didn't want to damage the game. The gane slid perfectly out of the drawer. Charm swiftly swung it up, gently putting it down onto the table. She uncuffed the lid, pulling the board out of the box, then the cards, then the game pieces. After she was finished setting the game up with no help from Mint; which wasn't a surprise once ever. Mint sat down next to Charm, ready to play the game. "What do you say for setting this up Mint?" "Thanks." "No problem." The fillies played Pony Life, both going down separate paths. Mint decided to make money instead of going to college and starting a job. Charm decided to invest, saving money to go to college, eventually getting a well-paying job and a huge responsibility. The higher pay the job is. The more important of its servitude is. The wind blew violently against the window as they finished the board game. In the end, Charm was more successful. It wasn't because of the path she went down, it was because of the decisions she made along the way. The investing, the saving and her sheer attitude on life. "Heh, guess I should've gone to college?" "Well, it's a way to build your intelligence even if you don't use the skills for a job. I studied and realized many ponies who have a degree have a hard time finding a use for it. The positions are not always available." "How do you know this Charm? We're just fillies." Charm and Mint looked at each other, before giggling. Ponies really do underestimate fillies' intelligence for their age and naivety don't they? "Let's just say I heard adults talk before. Hehe." "Make sense. Adults think they can hide the truth from us fillies but they are dead wrong." "Exactly. Want to Play Pony Uno?" "I'm down." Charm and Mint together put the game of Pony Life away, after all pieces was placed back into their respective bags and containers, they slide the game board under bags and pieces, putting the lid of the game box on next with quick precision. Charm grabbed the deck of playing cards by the band that strap them together, putting them down on the table. Charm looked at Mint with a smile. "So the normal way?" The cheerful sister asked, receiving a head nod up and down. After drawing 7 cards, the ponies began to play Pony Uno. The faces of the two fillies couldn't be happier in those moments. Mint won 2 games and so did Charm. Mint could be a little unsportsmanlike, but this time she wasn't. The holiday is probably why. Too close to Hearth Warming to be naughty now right? She's a good sister. Mint yawned as she stretched her forehooves into the air, her eyes caught sight of the sickles through the window hanging from the roof gutter. "I wonder how cold it's outside?" Charm walked past Mint and towards the window. "There's only one way to find out." Mint knew what Charm was going to do? She rushed to the window, sitting on the ledge before Charm did. When both fillies were sitting on the ledge by the window, they both looked at each other, nodding. As soon as their hooves made contact with the window, shivers went down their spine. Mint ran to the burning wood in the fire place that had been lit for a while now. She was wrapped with a purple blanket. You could say she was snugged as a bug. Charm walked towards mint with embarrassment written across her face. "Oh come-on, it's not that cold." Mint turned to her sister who was sitting down to her on the right. After a slight thud was heard, she looked at her sister with circle-lip embarrassed expression. "I-I don't-!" "Still wanting to go out there." "N-no..." "That's what I thought." Charm patted a hoof down mint back. Her eyes narrowed as she grabbed the blanket tightly, flinging it off her sister and onto the couch behind them. Mint grunted with annoyance. Charm giggled with a forehoof over her mouth. "Why-!" "You're body's not cold just from touching the window with a hoof. Seriously Mint..." "Fi-fine! Guess you're right!" Both fillies put their forehooves near the fire, not to close, not too far. Just close enough for them to warm up perfectly. "What's next we should do?" Mint turned to Charm with confusion on her face. Charn thought about activities, then Santa Pony. If they're up too long he'll probably won't come. Their Mom and Dad wouldn't like to hear they were up way past their bed time. "I think it would be best if we went to bed." "Why?" "Well... Not really. We want Santa Pony to come right?" "Yeah?" "He won't if we're"! Mint ran to the couch, laying on it as if she was sleeping. She already knew the rest? Charm fallowed her, ready to join her. "Move over Mint." Both fillies layed on the couch. They would pretend they were asleep when truly they would time to time peak their eyes at the tree to see if Santa Pony arrived yet. They would do this until they would drift into sleep.